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Muhammad SiddiquiMuhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali is my hero. He is the perfect example of a man with strength, honor, confidence, and the ability to fight for what he wants. He had incredible strength and agility. Like he said in one of his famous quotes,"float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. This is something that all athletes admire. He was honored greatly for the work he did in and out of the ring. He is someone that you would call a well balanced individual. He was honered when he boxed, and is still honored till this very day for his character, and accomplishments. He showed great confidence. Before matches he would boast about his ability to box, but would almost always back it up in the ring. The best ability he had in my opinion was that he knew what he wanted and he had the ability to do anything that it takes in order to achieve it.

Muhammad Ali lived an honorable life. On top of that, he had many great accomplishments which he still holds till this very day. Ali was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. He was not born with the name "Muhammad Ali", but with the name "Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr". Growing up in the South, Ali experienced racial prejudice and discrimination , which most likely contributed to his early passion for boxing. At the age of 12, Ali discovered his talent for boxing through an odd twist of fate. His bike was stolen, and Ali told a police officer, Joe Martin, that he wanted to beat up the thief. "Well, you better learn how to fight before you start challenging people," Martin reportedly told him at the time. In addition to being a police officer, Martin also trained young boxers at a local gym. This lead to Ali working with Martin to learn how to box, and soon began his boxing career. In his first amateur bout in 1954, he won the fight by split decision. Ali went on to win the 1956 Golden Gloves tournament for novices in the light heavyweight class. Three years later, he won the National Golden Gloves Tournament of Champions, as well as the Amateur Athletic Union's national title for the light-heavyweight division. Ali was doing some spiritual searching and decided to join the black Muslim group, the Nation of Islam, in 1964. At first, he called himself "Cassius X," eventually settling on the name Muhammad Ali. After his retirement, Ali devoted his time to studying philanthropy. He announced that he has Parkinson's disease in 1984, a degenerative neurological condition however, Ali is still living today and has devoted much of his time for his religion.