

January 8, 2014 at 4:18pmI would say that I am a Calvinist, but there are many things I don't agree with. I would say I am a Reformed, but much I don't agree with, I would say that I am a Reformed Baptist, but again there a viewpoint I don't agree with. I would say I am a Fundamental Baptist, but there a lot of things I don't agree with.But I can say I am a Baptist, and will die a Baptist. But don't put what kind of Baptist. But that certainly doesn't mean I don't like the Calvinist, and the Reformed, and the Reformed Baptist, and the Fundamental Baptist. I am not at all ashamed to say that I follow closely with John MacArthur for the last 45 years. That I have read Charles Spurgeon for the last 50 years. And I like George L. Norris teaching on theology. Yes John Calvin and Martin Luther, and John Owens, and Richard Baxter, and Steven Lawson. But if you don't like those men, than you might want to study their preaching. BUT HERE IS WHAT I BELIEVE:I believe that i should do my best to always read the text before me, to understand the text, apply the text when I am preaching to the people and myself. I believe I should do my very best to know what the writer meant when he said it. I believe in the doctrine of grace. Salvation is by God alone, through Jesus Christ alone, by grace alone and by saving faith alone not of any works it is a gift of God, the faith to believe and the Holy Spirit to give us strength to live it. Now come call that the five points of the Doctrine of Grace, and some might say it is TULIP or come might say it is Calvinism, but I believe it is the Word of God.SO WHAT IS YOUR BELIEF IN PRACTICE AND DOCTRINE 1. I believe that Israel is not the new Church.2. I believe that there is yet a future for the elect group of Jews. Romans 11.3. I believe Revelation is literal. There is going to be a Rapture of the church of believers4. I believe there is going to be a 7 year tribulation and the church will be rapture out.5. I believe all believers are in the Body of Christ but that there is the local church where God has called Elders and Pastor/Teachers to head up the church. Ephesians 46. I believe there is going to be a 1000 year Kingdom of God where Jesus Christ will be on the throne.7. I believe in baptism upon been born again.8. I don't believe in church baptist baptism.9. I believe you can know that you are born again by the Spirit of Christ.10. I believe salvation occur when the Spirit of God through the Holy Spirit invades the dead spirit of a man and brings out of his dead spirit Ephesians 2 and brings new live in him.11. I believe that the KJV is a great and wonderful translation but that is what it is a good translation.12. I believe the best kind of preaching and teaching is to teach it book by book, chapter by chapter.13. I believe that worship only occurs where the Spirit of Christ is.14. I don't like the term "Will you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior" to a sinner when he has no idea what that means. I believe that a sinner needs to hear the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ and let the Spirit of Christ draw him unto Himself.15. I don't believe that only Fundamental Baptist can be saved.16. I believe in the authority of the Word of God, and the Word is the very Word of God, given to men by the Spirit of God and allowed to put say it in their tone. Matthew wrote different then Luke but they both wrote and the Holy Spirit gave them the liberty.17. All the Bible is true.
