  • 8/10/2019 Do You Think It is a Dangerous Thing to Judge About a Nation by Existing Stereotypes


    Do you think it is a dangerous thing to judge about a nation by existing stereotypes? Use

    specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    Stereotypes are the things in which we trust, but we dont know if theyre true or not.

    Sometimes it is dangerous to judge somebody by using stereotypes, because we can hurt those

    people. I think its the same thing with a nation. In our world there are many stereotypes such as :russians drink very much, moldovans can only build , or americans eat only fast-food. But people are

    made up of different people. If we see some russians that drink vodka or other alcoholic drinks it

    doesnt mean that all the ussians drink, because there are many russian people who are very smart.

    Of we say this phrase we can russian people and as an answer we will battered , violated physically,

    morrally, or those persons will hurt us as a response. The same think is with the moldovans. Our

    country is poor one, but we have very intelligent people. We go to Moskow, Italy or other places to

    work as builders, baby-sitters or do other not very paid professions , because we are discrimintared.

    I think that to judge a nation using stereotypes is discriminations and as a response other

    people will hurt us later.

    Choose one of the characters you remember well from your favourite book(s). Describe


    One of my favourite books is The Three Musketeers , writtenby Alexander Dumas. It is aninteresting novel that attracted me very much.

    One of its main characters is DArtagnan , a twenty-six years-old man from Gascony. He has

    an important role in this novel, because he is very smart and he knows how to overpass difficultsituations by using his brains. He is a musketeer that makes friends very easy. He knows how to

    handle many types of swords and has many capacities. He is respectable, because he respects hiscolleagues and he has never battered his servant, thing non-characteristic for that times. He never

    betrays his friends , because he has a good education, he is polite and has values that he tries tofollow. He thinks rationally and the truth has a grand role in his life. He is loyal to his work. What isspecific for him is the fact that he is a real gentleman, which helps him to make money very easy,

    especially from women. He knows how to be a good personality for all his friends and acquaintances.He is a model that should be followed by many of us.

    Different countries have reputations for being good at different sports. Think of some


    People like sport and its normally. Basket, cricket , football , soccer, hockey , baseball allthese types of sport are practiced all over the world. A country is made of people and it has a

    reputation for being good at one type of sport. For example: the U.S.A. are well known for National

    Basketball Association (NBA), which plays basketball better than other teams from Europe and Asia.

    Even if the hockey was invented in the U.S.A. , it is played more in Finland, where Snowboard Team

    Finland is the best team and has many medals obtained from different competitions in Europe, U.S.

    and Asia. The most practiced sport is soccer, played in many states as : Mexico, Central America,

    South America , Africa and Asia, but the most important teams are situated in Europe :England

    Liverpool, Chelsea , Italy-AC Milan .

    People practice sport all over the world, but what they practice depends on the conditions ofthe environment.

  • 8/10/2019 Do You Think It is a Dangerous Thing to Judge About a Nation by Existing Stereotypes


    Can you name any place in Great Britain which is internationally known? What is it noted for?

    Loch Ness is one of the places of Great Britain that is internationally known. It is situated in

    Scotland. It is a large, deep, freshwater loch in the Scottish Highlands. Its deepest point is 230m. It

    contains more fresh water than all the lakes in England and Wales combined. Loch Ness is best

    known for the sightings of the crypto zoological Loch Ness Monster, also known as Nessie. It wasbrought to the worlds attention in 1933. Evidence of its existence is anecdotal, with minimal and

    much-disputed photographic material and sonar readings. The most common speculation among

    believers is that the creature represents a line of long-surviving plesiosaurs. The scientific community

    regards the Loch Ness Monster as a modern-day myth.

    Speak about one of the holidays celebrated in Great Britain/Moldova/the USA in greater


    Easter is one of the most celebrated holidays all over the world. In the United States of

    America many churches hold special services on Easter Sunday, which celebrate the Jesus Christ'sresurrection after his crucifixion. Many people decorate eggs. These can be hard boiled eggs that can

    be eaten later, but may also be model eggs made of plastic, chocolate, candy or other materials. It is

    also common to organize Easter egg hunts. Eggs of some form are hidden, supposedly by a rabbit or

    hare. People, especially children, then search for them. In some areas, Easter egg hunts are a popular

    way for local businesses to promote themselves or may even be organized by churches.

    In the UK Easter is one of the major Christian festivals of the year. It is full of customs,

    folklore and traditional food. Easter eggs, Easter Rabbit (Easter Bunny) and sending Easter cards are

    old traditions. The cards are often in green or yellow or show baby animals, because lots of animals

    are born in spring. Nevertheless, feasting, games, fun and egg-hunt does make for an important partof their Easter observance too. Easter customs like egg rolling, performing Pace Egg plays, Morris

    dancing and display of Easter bunny form the major attractions of Easter celebrations in the UK.

    Easter is one of the most important holidays in Moldova. During Easters night people go to

    church to show their respect for Jesus Christ and to celebrate the Jesus Christ's resurrection after his

    crucifixion. People decorate eggs in different colours, especially in red and make special cakes named

    pasca . Some of people send cards, especially painted in green, which means the reinassance of the

    nature. When people brake eggs they say : Hristos a Inviat!/ Adevarat a inviat , which mean Christ

    is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!. It is one of the most important religious holidays.

    How would you describe your country or region and the people who live there?

    Moldova is a country situated in the Eastern Europe , with a population of about 3 milion

    people. It is a small country with a weak economy , but it has a beautiful history and many beautiful

    places. There are many churches and monasteries : Capriana, Japca, Hincu, Tipova. These

    monasteries are visited anually by many people from different countries: Romania, Ukraine or

    Russia. One of the most important historical monuments is Cetatea Sorocii, which is situated border

    of the Nistru river. Moldova is known for its wines, which are sold in the U.S.A. , Europe and Russia.

    Moldova is a country where people practice agriculture. Moldovans are very hospitable, even if they

    dont have a high level of culture. They arehardworking and they know how to overpass many

    problems. Moldova is well-known for its beautiful girls and hospitable housewives.

  • 8/10/2019 Do You Think It is a Dangerous Thing to Judge About a Nation by Existing Stereotypes


    Many people think that Moldova is a poor country. Yes, it is, but the people living here have a

    golden heart and the landscapes of Moldova cannot be seen in other places. Moldova is a unique


    Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries but

    its disadvantages shouldnt be overlooked. Use specific reasons and examples to support y ouranswer.

    Tourism is one of the main sources of revenue in different countries. Tourist preffer to visit

    ruined cities, water falls, sanctuaires, botanical gardens and sandy beaches. Tourism creates a large

    number of employment opportunities. Thousands of our youth work in tourist hotels. The places that

    are visited can sell their products at a high price, which increases the level of economy. Many people

    come and make donations for the maintenance of different cultural monuments, which helps people

    a lot. Many people come and makes possible the exchange between different cultures. But the

    industry of tourism has also negative effects. This industry affects peoples culture, especially the

    culture of young people. It may be a negative part, because the youth is the future of a country, and

    if it is influenced incorrectly, it can be harmful. Some of tourists addict drugs and they are not

    punished. This factor increases the addiction of drugs in the country. Tourists destroy the

    environment and if the government doesnt make rules, and doesnt punish the infractors, the

    habitat of animals and plants will be destroyed. Tourists shouldnt be seen as black sheeps, because

    they develop the economy of the state.