Page 1: Do You Know Exactly How Optima Cigs Work And How You Can Benefit From Them

Do You Know Exactly How Optima Cigs Work And How You Can Benefit From Them?

If you are a smoker, you may be interested in electronic cigarettes such as Optima cigs. It has been

proven that these kinds of cigarettes are much healthier than the traditional kind, though most people

find it hard to understand why. However, the basis for this is very easy to understand. You only need to

have an idea of how e cigarettes work in order to understand how they can benefit you in terms of your


Electronic cigarettes do not produce hydrocarbons

If you go through the various medical records, you will find that the substances that are responsible for

problems such as cancers and hypertension are in the hydrocarbons that are produced when the

tobacco is burnt. In fact, it has been found that there are more than four thousand chemicals in such

cigarettes, which means that when you smoke them you do have a much greater chance of getting sick.

This is an issue that is avoided when you smoke the electronic versions. The good thing about the

electronic cigarettes is that they contain a vial that has the nicotine, which is the chemical that is known

to produce the feeling that is associated with smoking. However, it does not contain any hydrocarbons.

This means that when you smoke such cigarettes, you will end up benefiting from it as you would with

normal cigarettes, but you would not be exposed to the same problems such as cancer. This makes

them much healthier than the conventional cigarettes.

The issue of flavor and taste

The over four thousand chemicals found in a normal cigarette are not there just because the

manufacturers want them to be there, they serve a particular purpose and this is to make the cigarette

have a particular flavor. Variations in the concentrations of the different chemicals are what determines

how a cigarette will taste, and it is used to differentiate between different cigarettes from different


Based on all this, one can argue that although the electronic cigarettes are much healthier than the rest,

they are not better since they don’t have the same flavor. However, this is an issue that you will

definitely not have a problem with. The reason for this is that today, the manufacturers of such products

have come up with ways of introducing more flavor to the electronic ones, so that you don’t end up

missing out on anything. The way they introduce such flavor does not include the use of harmful

hydrocarbons, which means that the cigarettes still remain very healthy. As opposed to the regular

cigarettes, you will find that with the electronic ones, you will have a greater selection of flavors to

choose from, which means that one other benefit of using them is the fact that you will have greater

variety to choose from.

As one can see, the use of electronic cigarettes, such as the ones produced by Optima, have many

Page 2: Do You Know Exactly How Optima Cigs Work And How You Can Benefit From Them

different benefits. If you are looking for a way to keep smoking without exposing yourself and the

people around you to risk, you should try this product out.