Page 1: DO NOW: Why was the Nile so important to Egypt?


Why was the Nile so important to Egypt?

Compare and contrast the Nile River to the Fertile Crescent.

The Nile River from Space

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700,000 BC Earliest evidence for hominids in Egypt.  500,000 BCEvidence for lower Paleolithic culture in Egypt.  250,000 - 90,000 BCEarliest evidence found of buildings in Egypt -(Homo Erectus). 100,000 - 30,000 BCHunter and gatherer society (Homo-neathanderthalensis).  60,000 BCThe Nile defines present course. 13,000 - 9,000 BC  Evidence of ritual burial in Egypt.  Some evidence for agriculture in Egypt. 10,000 - c. 5,500 BC Evidence for more consistent settlement along the banks of the Nile. 

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Life on the Nile

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The Nile Today

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Cairo Today

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"Hail to thee O Nile that issues from the earth and comes to keep Egypt alive, and He that waters the meadows which Ra created."

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8000 BC+ Wheat and barley were cultivated in the Near East. This is the most important development in ancient civilization. 7000 BC+ Flax is cultivated is Syria and Turkey for fibers and seed.5110 BC  Domesticated animal in Nubia. 4000 - 3000 BC Predynastic Period 3500 BC Possible Sumerians use the cuneiform alphabet on clay tablets. People begin living in cities. 3200 BC Approximate date for earliest hieroglyphics.  3000 BC Late Predynastic Period evidence individual rulers of Egypt. Evidence for Egyptian trade (especially myrrh for incense) with other lands.2929 - 2770 BC Early Dynastic Period - Archaic Period - Egypt is definitely united.  Dynasty I, Dynasty II

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Crowns of Lower and Upper Egypt

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Menes unites the “Kingdom of the Two Lands” in 2930 BC and founds the first Egyptian Dynasty.

THINK PAIR SHARE: Where have you heard the word dynasty before? What is a dynasty? Give examples.

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2575 - 2134 BC Old Kingdom - theocracy develops - Pharaohs were gods on earth.  

Dynasties III – VIII

Dynasty III  King Djoser's step pyramid (designed by Imhotep) built at Saqqara. It is the first monumental building of stone. 

Dynasty IV  Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Mankaure built at Giza.

The sphinx  is sculpted from rock.

Astronomers create a solar calendar based on 365 Days    

Dynasties V and VI -Powerful and wealthy individuals have tombs. 

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Step Pyramid

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Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

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“Opening of the Mouth”

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2400 BC Date of earliest papyrus scroll with writing.

QUESTION: If writing originated in the Fertile Crescent, why did the Egyptians develop paper first?

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Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: 3300 B.C. – 394 A.D.Evolution of hieroglyphic writing1. Originally: Based on pictograms pictures = words2. Eventually: combination of pictograms and phonics = sounds 3. Evolving into phonics based system: pictures = sounds

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The French discovered the Rosetta Stone in 1799. It took 23 years for them to realize the symbols were not pictograms.

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Your name in hieroglyphics:

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2134 - 2040 BC  1st Intermediate Period – Hyksos invasionDynasties IX - X Egypt splits into provinces that war with each other. Famine results.2000 BC Bronze age in the Middle East.

THINK PAIR SHARE: Why was the Bronze Age a time of turmoil in the Middle East?