
Do Now – Thursday, October 31st

Write a haiku about the Greek philosophers

5 syllables

7 syllables

5 syllables

Inspirational History

• October 31, 1517 – Martin Luther posts 95 Theses

SWBAT understand how Alexander the Great created an empire

Philip II

• Ruled Macedonia from 359-336 B.C. and transformed it into a powerful military machine

• Moved into northern Greece and met little resistance due to residual effects of Peloponnesian War– By 338 he had Greece under

his control


Alexander the Great

• Philip intended to use Greece as a launching pad to invade Persia, but he was assassinated before he could begin his plan

• Instead the invasion of Persia would be left for Philip’s son Alexander who was just 20 when Philip was assassinated– “Alexander inherited from his father the most perfectly

organized, trained, and equipped army of ancient times.”

• J.F.C. Fuller, The Generalship of Alexander the Great

Conquests of Alexander

• Ionia and Anatolia 333• Syria, Palestine, Egypt 332• Mesopotamia 331• Persepolis 331• King of Persia 330• India 327• Returns to Susa 324• Dies (age 33) 323

Warfare in the Age of Alexander

• Phalanx: A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, developed by Philip II and used by Alexander the Great

Warfare in the Age of Alexander

• Hoplite – The main melee

warrior of the Macedonian army.

– Worked mainly in the tight phalanx formation, creating impregnable lines that often left the enemy demoralized.

Hoplites in Action



The End of the Empire

"The Marriage of Alexander the Great

and Roxanna" by Ishmail Parbury

• Alexander– Married Roxanna and had his men

also intermarry– Adopted Eastern dress and habits– Publicly insisted upon his descent

from the gods– Began giving key positions to


• The Macedonians were tired of campaigning and resented the changes in Alexander’s behavior and become mutinous

• Alexander died in June 323, perhaps as a result of poisoning

Hellenistic Culture

• Melding of Greek, Egyptian, Persian and Indian cultures

• Koine – popular language used in Hellenistic cities– Greek for “common”

• Enabled educated people and people of different backgrounds to communicate

How Great WAS Alexander the Great?

• Rowmasters, please pass down the “How Great Was Alexander the Great” packets from the folders

• Get into groups no larger than 3 and work together on the packet!

• This is a project grade due at the end of class! Great opportunity for one last bump to your averages! Don’t miss this opportunity!

Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria

• Egyptian city was center of commerce and Hellenistic civilization

• Ships from Nile River and Mediterranean Sea went there

• Everyone admired its beauty– Streets lined with statues of Greek gods– Royal palaces– 350 foot lighthouse of Pharos– Library of Alexandria – first true research library of the

