
Male Reproductive System

Study Guide

DO Now: In your notebook….

1. List the two endocrine glands which are located in the brain

2.What controls the pituitary gland?3. What hormones are released from the

pituitary gland?When done go to page 365-375 and work

on Male Reproductive System study guide

DO Now: In your notebook….

1. Make a chart or diagram that explains sperms path of travel from the testes to the urethra.

2. The following should be included1. Urethra2. Vas deferens3. Testes4. Pituitary gland5. Hypothalamus6. Testosterone

3. Finish Study Guide pg 173

Name the changes that occur to a male during puberty

1. Facial/Body Hair2. Deep voice3. Larger muscles4. Longer bones5. Sperm production


Identifying Similarities and Differences that happen during Puberty

Structure and Function2. The ______organs

store, nourish, and transport sperm cells


3. The _____organs produce, store, and release sperm. External

Testes/Testicles 4. Very early in prenatal

life, special sex cells are set aside from other body cells. These organize into a group of cells known as ________ which eventually develop in the male testes


Testes/Testicles5. The testes have two functions. They produce the

male sex hormone___________?


This hormone is responsible for maturing the reproductive organs and for the development of a male’s secondary sexual characteristics

1.Facial hair2.Body hair3.Deep voice, ect

Testes/Testicles6. The testes also produce ________.

Sperm=Male sex cell


7. The testes hang outside the body within a sac called the ___________


Scrotum9. The temperature in the scrotum must be

________ than the body temperature for sperm to form and survive.


Muscles in the scrotum move the testes closer or farther away from the body to maintain this temperature.

Epididymis10. This is located on the ______of each


Top - Back 11. Epididymis ‘ shape = up side down

“J” shape

12. Sperm are stored here for ____to ____ days.

2-413. The Epididymis is a storage area

where sperm mature & gain ability to swim.

Vas Deferens14. They serve as tubes which take sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.

15. They are 18 inches long.16. In the Vas Deferens sperm mixes w/ fluids from 3 glands to form Semen.

Vas Deferens17. Vasectomy: a form of male sterilization where the vas deferens are cut and tied to prevent sperm from meeting the egg.

It is a permanent form of birth control.

Urethra18. The urethra is a tube that carries_______ and

_______ from the body.

Urine and Sperm

19. It is a tube that passes through the penis to the outside of the body.

20. During erection, the bladder is closed so that no urine will be eliminated during ejaculation.

21. A valve inside the urethra prevents the 2 fluids from mixing.

Seminal Vesicle22. This organ creates a fluid that provides

________ for active sperm.

Energy (sugar-fructose) nutrient

It makes up the majority(60%) of semen .

Cowper’s Glands(bulbourethral glands)

23. Two Small pea shaped structures located on either side of the man’s urethra and beneath the prostate gland at the base of the penis.

It makes up 5% of semen.

Cowper’s Gland24. The fluid from this organ________ the

urethra.Lubricates (wets)It is a clear fluid.

It is sometimes called ________fluid.25. Precoital – it does contain sperm & can

fertilize an egg.

It__________ the acid of the urethra. Neutralizes (eliminates)

Prostate Gland26. The Fluid from the prostate gland _______ the

sperm as it travels through the female reproductive tract.


27. It neutralizes the acid of the vagina. It is also a frequent cancer site in the older males. *2nd most common cancer site.

28. Located at the base (bottom) of the Urinary Bladder.

This fluid comprises 35% of the Semen.

Penis29. The penis is the external sex organ

through which sperm are delivered into the female’s body. It contains spongy erectile tissue.

30. The tip of the penis is known as the _______.

Glans = smooth cone –like head of the penis.

It is covered by a ___________.Foreskin

Penis31. ____________= is the removal of the



Three Reasons to have it done?1. Religious(Jewish faith)2. Health3. Cultural

Bladder32. This organ stores urine.

It receives urine from the kidneys through the ureter tube.

Other Terminology….33. _______ = fluid that is released from the

erect penis during ejaculation. Semen

34. It is made up of: Sperm – 1% Prostate Gland Fluid – 35%Seminal Vesicle Fluid - 60%Cowper’s Gland Fluid - 5%

Other Terminology….35. A condition in which the penis becomes larger and firm?


36. This is due to an increased flow of blood into the penis.

37. ________= ejection of semen from the penis??

Ejaculation38. In one Ejaculation about one Teaspoon full of semen is ejected.

39. Flaccid – the penis is in a non-erect state.

40. An ejaculation contains about 200-500 million sperm cells.

41. Once a male reaches puberty, millions of sperm are produced daily.

42. _________= an erection and ejaculation during sleep.

Nocturnal EmissionIt is also called a ______?

Wet dreamCauses; 1. Sexually arousing dream 2. Sperm production causes increased pressure in the reproductive system.

43. It’s a normal occurrence & may happen often.

44. There are two sperm types. They are labeled as ______ and _______.X and YAn egg cell is labeled as ______.X

If an X sperm cell unites with the egg, a ______ baby will be born. Girl

If a Y sperm cell unites with the egg, a BOY baby will be born.

45. The lifespan of a sperm cell once it leaves the penis is__________?

72 hours

46. The union of sperm and egg in order for reproduction to occur?

FertilizationThis is also called Conception.

47. Spermatogenesis – the process by which sperm are produced.

Disorders of Male Repro. System

48. When a person is unable to reproduce.

SterilitySome of the causes are environment, stress, drugs, mumps, ect…

Disorders of Male Repro. Sys.

49. Impotence – unable to have an erection & thus incapable of sexual intercourse.

50.Testicular Cancer – occurs most often in men between the ages of 15 & 35.

Treatment – surgical removal of testicle.

51. Early Detection is the key = Testicular Self-Exam – once a month!
