Page 1: DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event. Agenda Analyze Data Review Study Guide/CLOZE Partner Project Test

2-10-15WWII Test Review

DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event.

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Review Study Guide/CLOZEPartner Project


Page 2: DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event. Agenda Analyze Data Review Study Guide/CLOZE Partner Project Test

1. Which major combatant suffered the most military and civilian casualties? How many?

Soviet Union Total = 20,000,000

2. How many more casualties did the Soviet Union have compared to the rest of the Allied Powers?

Soviet Union Total = 20,000,000

3. Why were there no US civilian casualties during the war? No bombs dropped on US main land.

4. World War I is described as a war of attrition. How might you use the chart to describe World War II similarly?

50,000,000 lives lost is a lot of loss of life

Casualties of the WWII

Page 3: DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event. Agenda Analyze Data Review Study Guide/CLOZE Partner Project Test

Throughout the 1930s, the United States struggled to recover from the 1.____GREAT DEPRESSION_________, but many Americans urged President 2.______FDR___________ to remain neutral from a world war that began in 1939. Early in the war, the Axis powers of Germany and 3._______ITALY________________ began to occupy most of Europe. Winston Churchill met with Roosevelt to find an option for the United States to supply 4._________GREAT BRITAIN________ with resources necessary to fight off Axis aggression. Shortly thereafter, 5._______JAPAN______________’s sneak attack on Pearl Harbor would thrust the United States into the world war.

MAP Moment: WWII Cloze

Page 4: DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event. Agenda Analyze Data Review Study Guide/CLOZE Partner Project Test

America’s entry into World War II was popularly supported by American citizens following the attack on Pearl Harbor as 6._______________PATRIOTIC FEELINGS_____________ increased and 7._______________INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT___________________ exploded allowing the production of materials needed to win the war. On the home front, prejudice and fear led to the internment of 8.____________JAPANESE_______________________ to remote areas of our country. With millions enlisted men joining the military, 9.______ WOMEN_______________ served a major role in factories by producing war materials throughout the war years. Nicknamed 10.___ROSIE RIVETER________________________, these workers provided the Allies with a significant advantage in the war. American citizens willingly supported the war by purchasing 11.___WAR BOND_________________ and were subject to government 12._____RATIONING______________ of key products needed by the American troops overseas.

MAP Moment: WWII Cloze

Page 5: DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event. Agenda Analyze Data Review Study Guide/CLOZE Partner Project Test

The United States military utilized the talents of all American citizens. For example, the 13.___________________________________________________________ helped provide a secure lines of communication in the war against the Japanese. In all branches of the military, 14. ______________________________________________ fought in segregated units and helped win critical battles on both fronts against the Axis. Many scientists including 15._____________________ worked on the Manhattan Project which by mid-1945 developed the world’s first ever atomic bomb.

MAP Moment: WWII Cloze

Page 6: DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event. Agenda Analyze Data Review Study Guide/CLOZE Partner Project Test

As the war neared its end, Allied troops led the D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied 16.___________________ along its Normandy coast. Meanwhile, the 17._______________________ closed in on Nazi occupied lands in Eastern Europe. By May 1945, Soviet forces had seized the Nazi capital of Berlin which became known as 18._____________________________ marking the end of the war in Europe. Shortly after the German surrender, the Soviet leader 19._____________________ decided to take control of lands his army had conquered in Eastern and Central Europe as 20._______________________________ was occupied by the four major allies.

MAP Moment: WWII Cloze

Page 7: DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event. Agenda Analyze Data Review Study Guide/CLOZE Partner Project Test

The war in the Pacific intensified as the Allies island hopped closer to Japan. The island nation began to utilize 21.______________________________________________ pilots to kill as many of the advancing Americans as possible. However, by the summer of 1945 the Americans had reached islands close enough for bombing raids of Japan. President 22.________________________________ made the sobering decision to detonate two atomic bombs over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Days after the second attack, Japan would surrender and the day would be remembered as 23._______.

MAP Moment: WWII Cloze

Page 8: DO NOW: Compare and contrast WWII to the Fergison event. Agenda Analyze Data Review Study Guide/CLOZE Partner Project Test

The United States role in world affairs would increase significantly after the conclusion of World War II, organizing the creation of the 24.________________________________________ so nations could talk out their problems before going to war. To combat the ever increasing threat of communism, the led a coalition of anti-communist nations to form a mutual security alliance called 25._____________________.

MAP Moment: WWII Cloze

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