Page 1: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Do-Now Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed.2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first attempt to unite the colonies under one central ___________.3. In the early 1750’s, colonists in W.PA and VA competed with Native Americans and French for control of the _____ _______ ________.4. Prime Minister _________ _____ foresaw the importance of the F-I War and called for renewed funds/effort.

ObjectiveObjectiveUnderstand the Stamp Act Crisis and further growth of colonial unrest leading to the Revolutionary War

Thursday, October Thursday, October 1616

AgendaAgendaDo Now & HW checkNotes & Discussion: The Stamp Act CrisisWork in packets

HomeworkHomeworkPacket: British Colonial Policy Worksheets Boston Tea Party Cartoons

Page 2: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Quickie ReviewQuickie ReviewCHANGES IN BRITISH POLICY… Pontiac’s Rebellion

Violent demonstrations by Native Americans Destroyed all forts save Pitt and Detroit Killed and captured 2000+ colonists

King establishes the Proclamation of 1763 A reaction to Pontiac’s rebellion Closed off lands west of the Appalachians to

settlement Colonists largely ignored this!

Page 3: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

OppositionOpposition, , however, however, would begin would begin to grow much to grow much stronger with stronger with Grenville’s Grenville’s next steps…next steps…

Page 4: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

The Stamp Act CrisisThe Stamp Act Crisis“Folly of England and ruin of America”“Folly of England and ruin of America”

Page 5: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Why did Parliament Why did Parliament pass the Stamp Act?pass the Stamp Act?

Keeping British troops in the colonies was costlyKeeping British troops in the colonies was costly

The Stamp ActThe Stamp Act The first time British taxed colonists to raise money The molasses or sugar act was for the same purpose,

but was presented as a way to regulate trade

Colonists become enraged

Page 6: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Didn’t Prime Minister Didn’t Prime Minister Grenville see it coming?Grenville see it coming?


Grenville took steps to prevent the colonists from revolting against the stamp act!

English had been paying it for decades! He talked with agents in the colonies to prepare

them for the change Colonists were even allowed to distribute the

stamps themselves

Page 7: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Why Why StampsStamps??It affected newspapers, pamphlets, legal

documents, and many other printed materials

These items would now require an official government stamp to show that a tax had been paid

Page 8: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

"This is the place to "This is the place to affix the stamp"affix the stamp"

During the Stamp During the Stamp Act crisis of 1765 Act crisis of 1765 one American one American newspaper newspaper proposed, with proposed, with biting humor, that biting humor, that the hated British the hated British stamps take the stamps take the form of the skull form of the skull and crossbones. and crossbones.

Page 9: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

How did the colonists react How did the colonists react to the Stamp Act?to the Stamp Act?

A widespread and extreme negative reaction

Nearly all colonists affected not like prior trade measures

Some of the richest and most influential colonists were also affected… printers, merchants, lawyers, etc.

Meeting of the “Stamp Act Congress” October 1765 nine delegates

Page 10: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Stamp Act CongressStamp Act Congress

James Otis (MA) makes a point He’d previously argued that Britain have no

right to issue warrants, or enforce laws on the colonists

This is because they had no representation in parliament Now extends his argument to taxes


Page 11: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

James Otis protests James Otis protests against British against British


… That it is inseparably essential to the freedom of a people, and the undoubted right of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed on them but with their own consent, given personally or by their representatives…

Page 12: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

… … took the took the protests to protests to the next the next level…level…

By the way, By the way, how how could this could this image represent image represent


Page 13: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Sons of LibertySons of Liberty

When protests moved beyond words and into actions, those who acted went by the title:

“Sons [or daughters] of Liberty”

Viewed with disdain by loyalists

Tactics: Boycotts Violence and resistance Some might say “terrorism”!

Page 14: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Sons of Liberty TerrorismSons of Liberty TerrorismOne well-known branch of the S.O.L. was in

Boston One founder: Samuel Adams August 1765, Boston S.O.L. visited a stamp distributor

Informed the man that if he did not resign,

“His house would be immediately destroyed & life

in continual danger” Then made good on their promise and razed the home

of the man’s brother-in-law a few nights later (the family living there narrowly escaped with their lives)

… No big surprise here: soon the crown could not find employees willing to distribute stamps!

Page 15: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

““Success”Success”So what was the result of the Stamp

Act Crisis????? Stamp distributors resigned or fled Insubordinate colonists Even British merchants protested the

loss of profits from boycotts

… And what about this guy???

Page 16: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

Prime Minister Prime Minister George Grenville George Grenville was forced from was forced from power in 1765power in 1765

In 1766, Parliament In 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp repealed the Stamp


Page 17: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first

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British Colonial Policy Worksheets… British Colonial Policy Worksheets…

Page 18: Do-Now 1. According to Mercantilism, a country’s wealth was determined by the amount of _____ they possessed. 2. The Albany Plan of Union was the first
