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DNATREK develops traceability solutions to ensure the quality and safety of food, air and water resources

Anthony Zografos, Ph.D

[email protected]

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DNATraxTM: a versatile material


–Original Application

–Developed by LLNL under DoD funding;

–Pilot projects in progress

–“Low hanging fruit”

Food Traceability

–Great fit to technology

–Very small technical risk

–Huge opportunity in a growing market

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1- Food Traceability: a huge opportunity

Cost of foodborne illnesses in the US: >$70 billion/yr

Cost of fraud to food industry: ~$15 billion/yr

Inability to quickly resolve food safety problems

–Frustrates the regulators

–Burdens producers with undue recall costs

–Tarnishes brands

–Undermines the public’s faith in the safety of the food supply

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Traceability = Rapid Containment

Source of 2011 cantaloupe listeria outbreak was identified (per FDA) in RECORD time: 10 days

During that outbreak

–33 deaths

–150 hospitalizations

–Hundreds of millions in recall costs

–Cantaloupe industry has still not fully recovered

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<1 hr

4-6 weeks



? ?

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The DNATrax™ Food Tracer

A safe and edible biological barcode

–Easily applied to produce at the source

Identifies in minutes product origin information down to field, crew, machine and date

Enables detection of

adulteration or fraud

in minutes

Italian Truffle: $1500/lb

Chinese Truffle: $20/lb

100 % λ?

75 % λ?

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2 - Biodetection: Low hanging fruit

The bar to produce biological weapons is very low and getting lower

No safe way to in-situ test biodetection and filtration systems

Biodefense readiness at stake

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The Solution: The DNATraxTM Biosimulant

Synthetic DNA with variable properties

Challenges detection and filtration systems in place

Safe for humans

Can simulate multiple sources and multiple threats in a single test

No clean up or decontamination necessary

Already approved for releases

Planned tests in NYC, SFO and Boston subways

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DNATrax release at the Pentagon

“…As a result we have been able to make marked performance

improvements to the Pentagon’s biological detection system…”

Deputy Director of PFPA

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Anthony Zografos, Ph.D - CEO – COO CPAC (healthcare) - LLNL licensed technology

– Executive positions at four start-ups, Accuray, Applied Materials, KLA-Tencor

– Ph.D Mechanical Engineering, MBA

John Salony – Interim CFO – Consultant, RGP

– VP, Merrill Lynch Investment Banking

George Farquar, Ph.D – Inventor of DNATraxTM

– Currently Senior Scientist at LLNL

– Ph.D Physical Chemistry

Catherine Elizondo

– Business Development Executive at LLNL

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Advisory Board

Jennifer McEntire, Ph.D

–Chief Science Officer, The Acheson Group

–Ran large pilot traceability program for FDA

Prof. Fotis Sotiropoulos

–Director, St. Anthony Falls Lab, Univ. of Minnesota

–Expert in aerodynamics and environmental monitoring

Garrett Patricio

–VP Ops and General Counsel, Westside Produce

–Cantaloupe Grower and Traceability Expert

Producer, 3rd Party Food Safety Director (pending confirmation)

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Food Traceability a $14B Market Global Food Traceability Market: $14B

by 2020

Food marking technologies: $4B by 2017

Key Market Drivers

– Food Safety Modernization Act: requires traceability

–Increasing routine tests by FDA

–Legalization of marijuana

–Consumer sensitivity to food origin

–Major food fraud in China and India

High Risk and Premium: ~$1.4B

Food Traceability:

$14 B

Product Marking: $4 B

High Risk and

Premium: $1.4B

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✗ ✗ ✗

DNATraxTM the fastest food source tracer



GS1 Lot

Barcode RFID

Speed of


Cost of


Applied to

individual items




✔ ✔

$600K $10-15K

1 hour 10-30 days <1 hour

High High


No No Yes


1-7 days


✔ ✗ ≈

✗ ✗


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Biodetection a $5.6B Market

Global biodetection market: $5.6B by 2017

Test and Evaluation: ~$1B

Market Drivers

–Proliferation of “how-to” for bio-agent production

–All US Navy ships equipped with biodetection networks by 2015

–BioWatch Gen-3 cancellation

U.S. “High Risk” segment (DoD, DoS): ~ 75M

Global Biodetection:

$5.6 B

Test & Evaluation: $1 B

U.S. High Risk: $75M

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DNATraxTM the most versatile biosimulant

Tagged BT Gas Tracers

Indoor Use






sources, agents


✗ ✔

✔ ✗

✔ ✗ ≈

Urea Particles

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Multiple Revenue Streams

Biodefense Revenue Stream


–Equipment (release, sampling, analysis)

–Material Sales

Food Traceability Revenue Stream:


–Annual Subscriptions

–Material Sales

–Analytical Services, primers, probes for QA and investigations

–Instruments (long term)

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Food Market Strategy - SafeTracesTM

Secure FDA Support

–Safety (approval as food additive) - done

–Effectiveness (SBIR or other grant) – in progress

–Promote institutional Use (DNATrax in routine tests)

Innovators/Early Adopters

–Premium goods(truffles, olive oil, etc.); prevent adulteration, branding

–Large producers of high risk foods with good safety records: defend reputation, manage recalls

Partnership with Intertek Food Services – IFMS* *Integrated Food Management System

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FDA Support

Inclusion of DNATrax in the routine FDA tests will be a key

adoption driver

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Biodefense Market Strategy - DNATraxTM

Leverage LLNL ties into defense community

–Participate in 2015 subway tests – first material sale

–Pilot programs ( SBIR or other government grant)

Become biosimulant of record for US Navy

On-going advocacy to promote adoption

TECMIPT* Membership

–Recommends T&E standards across all DoD

*Test and Evaluation Capabilities and Methodologies Integrated Process Team

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Financial Projections

Please contact company for detailed financial projections

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Capital Raise

$ 1 million convertible note

Use of Funds

–Complete food additive registration (U.S., E.U.)

–Pilot program for 4-5 classes of produce

–Set up DNATrax pilot production

–Develop strategic partnerships

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Future Raises

$1 million in 2016

–Exit Driver: Navy adoption

$3-$4 million in 2017

–Exit Driver: FDA “endorsement”

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Exit Scenarios

Biodefense (Northrop-Grumman)

AgTech (Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, etc.)

Life Sciences (BioRad, Life Technologies, Cepheid, etc.)

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Contact Information

Anthony Zografos, Ph.D

Founder and CEO

[email protected]

