Download pdf - Diy easter basket facts


You will find many kinds of Easter baskets in market. But they are of generic type. They are filled with “not so substantial” stuff

Build your own Easter basket. It is really fun and one gets to choose items as per his or her preference

If you are buying a pre packed Easter basket, you will have to spend a large amount of money. If you purchase items separately and make a basket with them you will save a significant amount of money

One has the option to choose items when preparing a basket. So you can pick items that your child will like. In a generic package there may be many articles that your kid will not like and the worse thing is that you will have to pay for them

Packing can be done in different manners. One can do it a theme that will be liked by his/her kid.

If your kid is a big fan of spider man, superman or any other character you can decorate items based on such theme. If the child loves any particular sport decorate it in a sports theme

You can look up on the Pinterest for furthur ideas for decorating Easter basket
