Page 1: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic


Peace be with you and Allah’s mercy and blessing as well,

The background of the discovery of the DHW™ is the sincere desire to deepen the Islamic healing method using the source energy which derives directly from Allah/God the Almighty. The author has doubts which surfaced when he was learning Reiki or other healing methods. Do all these methods come from the source of Allah/God the Almighty and are they not from another deity than Allah. This very doubt might also confront our Moslem brothers and sisters who are attracted to Reiki. Driven by the experience when learning wisdom sciences, the author performed several direct experiments on curing sickness. Having experienced its benefits, the author endeavoured to teach this Islamic healing method which is named Divine Healing Wisdom™ (DHW™). This method still needs further development, therefore inputs and critics from readers are very much appreciated. The main drive in the development of this method is the strong desire to discover a healing method congruent with Islamic doctrine and based on direct requests to Allah/God the Almighty.

Divine Healing Wisdom™ is a healing method based on the characters and the nature of Arabic hijayah writing. On every hijaiyah letter there is a specific energy which can be used for self defence or healing matters. The release of the energy contained in each letter is based on the knowledge which is written down in the Book Ushulul Hikmah by Imam Abil Abbas Ahmad Bin Alil Bauni Al Mashiri. In this Book angels of the hijaiyah letters who stand guard for each letter are described. The energy deriving from each letter which presumably was created by Allah/God for these angel letters can be used for divine healing and self defence. To be able to benefit from the Divine energy source, an adjustment process is needed so that this energy can be utilised. The utilisation of the symbol does not mean that one is not asking recovery directly to Allah but is rather used as a helping instrument to focus our mind and hope (prayer) so that recovery occurs as desired. The most accurate analogy regarding the utilisation of the symbol is that of a doctor’s prescription where there are formulas of chemical elements or substances, which according to the Moslem’s law of nature have been given a restorative power by Allah the Almighty. Thus, in DHW™, the symbols are illustrated as a prescription which contains formulas of metaphysical elements/substance in a form which according to the Moslem’s law of nature has been given a special property by Allah the Almighty. The adjustment method is performed through a process of implanting the energy pattern into the body and mind of the practitioner. The adaptation is done at the beginning of each study at each level. There are four levels in this DHW™.

1. Awwalun (Basic) level.2. Tsanawiyun (Intermediate) level.

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 2: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic

3. Aliyyun (Advanced) level.4. Mursyid level.

For each level, it is compulsory to receive adjustment or attunement so that the practitioner can fully benefit the energy source of each level. Only when he achieves the Mursyid level, a practitioner will have the right to be an independent teacher and give adjustment to each person who wishes to be a student and learn DHW™. Before achieving the Mursyid level, a practitioner is not allowed/ does not have the right to give an adjustment to somebody else. However, he has the right and is entitled to exercise healing for himself and another person. At the moment a practitioner is given an adjustment at a Mursyid level, he will be taught a master symbol orally which he may not write down and is secret. This master symbol is considered as a certificate that he has the full right to be a Mursyid. Apart from that, after he has received this master symbol, there will be an enormous reinforcement and improvement with regard to the quality and quantity of the energy which flows through the body of the practitioner every time he accesses the DHW™.

At the Awwalun level, every practitioner will be adjusted (attuned) so that he can directly access the Divine energy from Allah by means of a prayer requesting healing directly from Allah. In addition, he is taught the utilisation of the Alif Lam Lam Ha symbol for healing process purposes.

At the following level, Tsnawiyyun, every practitioner can obtain attunement for this level and will be taught the utilisation of the symbols: Kaf, Lam Alif, Nun, Alif Lam Ra. In this level, the quality and quantity of energy used will increase to 70 times that of the Awwalun level. The practitioner will be more accomplished and stable in channelling the DHW™ energy for healing purposes.

At the next level, Aliyyun, a practitioner will obtain attunement so that he can access an even better energy and an increase of 1000 times more quality and quantity in comparison to Awwalun level. The practitioner will be taught and given the right of using the symbols Yaa Syifaa, Kaaf Haa Yaa ‘Aiin Shood dan Haa Miim’ Aiin Siin Qoof. At this level, the practitioner is expected to be able to handle serious and chronic physical and mental disturbance sicknesses as well as mentally light to intermediate and metaphysical illnesses such as : possessed by a spirit, bewitched by somebody, ill because someone had practised black magic on him.

At the Mursyid level, the practitioner will be given attunement and authority to execute “attunement” or adjustment to a requesting practitioner who wishes to learn DHW™, so it can be said that a Mursyid has a capacity to be an instructor/ teacher.

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 3: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic

A. Conditions and Methods of DHW™ utilisation


1. Having received DHW Adjustment/Attunement minimal of an Awawalun level from a Mursyid DHW who has received an authorisation from a Mursyid DHW: Ferizal Syukur.

2. Having carried out self healing for consecutively 21 days at the level of Awwalun, and 7 days successively at the level of Tsnawiyyun, and 9 days consecutively for the level of Aliyyun.

Self Healing is absolutely essential immediately after you have obtained DHW attunement, it is suggested that you count your first day as from the moment you obtain your adaptation/attunement. If broken off intermittently no more than 3 days successively, continue to count the days (you just have to add the lacking days), but if you disrupt for more than 3 days consecutively, you have to restart again (counting as from the first day).


For self healing : Read the affirmation for self healing *.., then Draw the symbol (according to needs) at your heart cakra and on

both hand palms. Every time you finished drawing, mention the name of the symbol 3 X.

Wait for approximately 20 seconds. Then place your hand on:

- The heart cakra (in the middle of the chest) for your right hand palm

- The navel cakra (the center) for your left hand palm- Or the self healing position of the Reiki Usui standard

For healing others : Read the affirmation for healing others *.., then Draw the symbol Alif Lam Lam Haa at your heart cakra and on both

hand palms. Every time you finished drawing, mention the name of the symbol 3 X.

Wait for approximately 20 seconds. Then draw the symbol of Alif Lam Lam Haa with combinations of

other symbols according to needs on the place of the body where the patient feels sick.

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 4: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic

* Healing affirmation: you read this when you wish to channel it to yourself or somebody else.

1. Basmallah (Bismillaahir rohmaannir rohiim : In the name of God the Almighty)

2. Read the healing affirmation:

a) For oneself : “I am now perfectly accessing the energy source of the Divine Healing Wisdom, may DHW’s healing energy flow through all my body until I am completely cured as a gift from God the Almighty, may it be done with the permission and willingness of God the Almighty. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Then place your left hand palm on the navel and your right hand palm on the centre of your chest/thorax (for quick self-healing purposes) or use the usual laying position of the hand in Reiki. You should be relaxed, fully entrusting yourself to Allah, don’t become up tight and too anxious to get better. Do this process for 15 to 20 minutes.

b) For healing others. ….”I am now perfectly accessing the energy source of the Divine Healing Wisdom. May DHW’s healing energy flow through all my body and also through all the body and sickness source of ………… (name of the patient) until the said person is completely cured, as a gift from God the Almighty, may it be done with the permission and willingness of God the Almighty. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Then place your hand palm on the usual laying position of the hand in Reiki. This is done when the patient is of the same sex, if of the opposite sex and not a close relative, proceed the healing process supposing at a distance, don’t touch the body of the patient. For example: “I am taking this table (or whatever object is near you, wall or chair….. etc) for the body of the patient named ……… May the two be connected during the healing process. Let it be”.

The duration of one healing session is approximately 15 to 20 minutes.The laying position of your hand palm may be done directly to the point or sickness source should you know the illness beforehand. But I suggest that you do the general and complete laying hand position as described above.

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 5: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic


The method is by doing this affirmation:“I am completely disconnecting my energy connection with …….. (mention the patient’s name), may I be perfectly clean from all the negative energy and sickness of this person, let it be done with the permission, willingness and power of Allah the Almighty. Thank you.”

B. Things that you should do for the DHW adjustment/attunement, recite:1. Ta’awwudz (Audzubillahiminas syaitonirrojim)2. Basmalllah 3X3. Shahadatain 3X4. Innalillahi wa ina ilaihi rooji’uun 3X5. Laahawlaa wala quwwata illa billaahil ‘aliyyil ‘adhiim 3X6. Salawat Nabi (invocation for the prophet Mohammed) 3X7. A prayer requesting protection and guidance from Allah*8. Affirmation that has to be done by a Mursyid (a person who has received the

permission and authority from the inventor of DHW: Ferizal Syukur)*9. Affirmation which has to be done by the student*

* Explanation

7. Recitation of prayer for request of protection‘’Yaa Allah Yaa Robbi Yaa Rahman Yaa Rohim Yaa ‘Aliyyu Yaa ‘Alimu”, I request your complete protection from the accursed devil/syaitan, the infidel evil spirit/jin and from the cursed satan, and please guide us in the way that are blessed by You during this DHW adjustment process and during its utilisation. May You give your consent, and please complete our intention and this adjustment process. Amin Yaa Robbal Alamin, then recite the Salawat Nabi (invocation for the prophet Mohammed) 1X.

Awwalun /Basic level

8. Recitation of affirmation: Awwalun /Basic level which has to be done by a Mursyid

“Bismilahirohmanirrohim, I am carrying out the adjustment of the Divine Healing Wisdom at the Awwalun level to ……… (mention the name of the student), may the person be eternally connected with the energy source of DHW; may the person’s body

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 6: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic

and soul be physically, emotionally, mentally purified of all sorts of negative energy and sickness. May all the obstacles at all energy belts in the physical body and all energy layers of the body be opened. Let it be, let it be, let it be done with the permission and power of Allah the Almighty, bi idznillaah, bi Laa hawla wala Quwwata Illa bil laahil “aliyyil ‘adhiim, alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaah”.

9. Recitation of affirmation: Awwalun /Basic level which has to be done by the student:

“Bismillahiir rohmaannir rohiim, I am perfectly receiving the adjustment of the Divine Healing Wisdom at Awwalun level from ……… (mention the name of the Mursyid who is giving the adjustment) for self healing and healing others as a gift from Allah the Almighty, let it be, let it be, let it be done with the permission and willingness of Allah the Almighty. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.”

Tsnawiyyun/Intermediate level

8. Recitation of affirmation: Tsnawiyyun/Intermediate level which has to be done by a Mursyid

“Bismilahirohmanirrohim, I am carrying out the adjustment of the Divine Healing Wisdom at the Tsnawiyyun level to ……… (mention the name of the student), may the person be eternally connected with the energy source of DHW; may the person’s body and soul be physically, emotionally, mentally purified of all sorts of negative energy and sickness. May all the obstacles at all belts in the physical body and all energy layers of the body be opened, may all the energy patterns from the symbol at this level be implanted in the memory and energy system of……….. (mention the name of the student). Let it be, let it be, let it be done, with the permission and power of Allah the Almighty, bi idznillaah, bi Laa hawla wala Quwwata Illa bil laahil “aliyyil ‘adhiim, alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaah”.

9. Recitation of affirmation: Tsanawiyyun /Intermediate level which has to be done by the student:

“Bismillahiir rohmaannir rohiim, I am perfectly receiving the adjustment of the Divine Healing Wisdom at Awwalun level from ……… (mention the name of the Mursyid who is giving the adjustment) for self healing and healing others as a gift from Allah the Almighty, let it be, let it be, let it be done with the permission and willingness of Allah the Almighty. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.”

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 7: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic

Aliyyun /advanced level

8. Recitation of affirmation: ‘Aliyyun /Advanced level which has to be done by a Mursyid

“Bismilahirohmanirrohim, I am carrying out the adjustment of the Divine Healing Wisdom at the ‘Aliyyun level to ……… (mention the name of the student), may the person be eternally connected with the energy source of DHW; may the person’s body and soul be physically, emotionally, mentally purified of all sorts of negative energy and sickness. May all the obstacles at all energy belts in the physical body and all energy layers of the body be opened, may all the energy patterns from the symbol at this level be implanted in the memory and energy system……….. (mention the name of the student). Let it be, let it be let it be done, with the permission and power of Allah the Almighty, bi idznillaah, bi Laa hawla wala Quwwata Illa bil laahil “aliyyil ‘adhiim, alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaah, alhamdulillaah”.

9. Recitation of affirmation: ‘Aliyyun /Advanced level which has to be done by the student:

“Bismillahiir rohmaannir rohiim, I am perfectly receiving the adjustment of the Divine Healing Wisdom at ‘Aliyyun level from ……… (mention the name of the Mursyid who is giving the adjustment) for self healing and healing others as a gift from Allah the Almighty, let it be, let it be, let it be done with the permission and willingness of Allah the Almighty. alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.”

For the Mursyid level, the giving of attunement and authority will be extended directly or remotely by Ferizal.

Please contact the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 8: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic


All the symbols should be drawn from right to left, beginning from top to bottom, each of the symbol has to be drawn (repeatedly drawn) three times.

Symbol of the Awwalun/Basic level (Alif-Lam-Lam-Ha):

from top to bottom هلال from right to left

Function: To access the DHW™ energy, and to give the DHW™ to the body so that it is strengthened to endure physical, emotional, mental/psychic and heart sickness. Generally this symbol is useful as an energizer.

Symbols of Tsanawiyyun/Intermediate level ( Kaf, Lam-alif, Nun, Mim, Alif-Lam-Raa, and Yaa Syafii’).

Symbol: Kaf (K) ك

Function: To annihilate all sorts of sickness energy and other negative energy such as: negative emotion, trauma, stress, unity of negative thinking and negative invisible beings.

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 9: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic

Symbol: Lam Alif. (La) ال

Function: To remove all sorts of sickness and other negative energy in the body. Very much recommended to be used after the sickness and negative energy is first destroyed by the symbol Kaf.

Symbol: Nun (N)ن

Function: To suck out all sorts of sickness and other negative energy in the body. The result of this symbol is stronger compared to the Lam Alif symbol. Usually this Nun symbol is used for sickness and negative energy which have lasted for years and could never be cured.The result will be maximal if the Kaf symbol is used for annihilation whereas this Nun symbol is used for suction purposes.

Symbol: Mim (M) م

Function: To bestow God’s affective energy, very suitable to give a calming effect for sufferers of emotional, stress-caused and mentally oriented/physic illness.

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 10: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic

Symbol: Alif Lam Ra (ALR) رلا

Function: To extend energy which will form a shield against all sorts of sicknesses and sickness energy. Usually this is given after all treatments with other symbols are accomplished, so that the sickness and negative energy will not enter again in the body of the patient.

Symbol: Yaa Syafii (YSyF) فش آي

Function: To reinforce all symbols especially if the sickness suffered is difficult to cure and has lasted for years. The utilisation is done by drawing this symbol before you draw the symbol you wish to reinforce.

The ‘Aliyyun/Advanced level symbol: (“Kaaf-Haa-Yaa-‘Aiin-Shood” and “Haa-Miim-‘Aiin-Siin-Qoof”).

Symbol: Kaaf Haa Yaa ‘Aiin Shood (KHY’ASh) صعيهک

Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:


Page 11: Divine Healing Wisdom a hand on healing technic

Function: To lock up so that the sickness and negative energy which mainly come from the supernatural creatures with a higher intelligence capacity are not able to move around/keep moving from place to place. This symbol can also be used to lock up all physical and metaphysical attacks from somebody else so that one will not be its aim/target.

Symbol: Haa Miim ‘Aiin Siin Qoof (HM’ASQ)

حم عسق

Function: To unlock the locked activities done to the invisible beings, using the symbol Kaaf Haa Yaa ‘Aiin Shood.

Oh Allah, may all this science be put into good works and is useful for oneself and mankind in this world and the hereafter, physically and spiritually. Amiin. Oh Allah

Salaam Alaykum

Ferizal Syukur

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Written by Ferizal SyukurAll materials and symbols are only used for restricted teaching sessions.All HPI™ or DWH™ , materials and symbols are copyright of Ferizal SyukurJakarta 4/11/23, INDONESIA. email :[email protected]. Website:

