
Distributed Power Conversion Architecture for

Microgrids and Integration of

Renewable Energy Sources


Junjian Zhao

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirement for the degree of

Master of Science

(Electrical and Computer Engineering)

at the



© Copyright by Junjian Zhao 2013

All Rights Reserved

Distributed Power Conversion Architecture for

Microgrids and Integration of

Renewable Energy Sources


Junjian Zhao

Under the supervision of Professor Yehui Han

at the University of Wisconsin – Madison

Approved by: ______________________

Yehui Han

Date: _____________________



This article focuses on distributed power conversion architecture for microgrid

and integration of renewable energy sources from the aspect of power electronics


It covers the following areas: Power Distribution and Control, Alternative Power

and Energy Technology, Energy Storage Technology, Energy Conversion and


The state-of-the-art research of microgrid, control algorithms and power

electronics building blocks are reviewed in this article. We propose a distributed power

conversion architecture for renewable energy sources in microgrids, which has

advantages including functionality, efficiency, reliability, and low manufacturing cost.

Its impact on future grids is investigated. The physical system in University of

Wisconsin-Milwaukee is studied. A family of DAB converter based power electronics

building block is proposed to realize the modular design consideration. The modeling

and control algorithms of the DC and AC power electronics building blocks are

developed and simulation results have verified the theoretical model.


This research also opens up new possibilities for how renewable energy sources

can be integrated and applied.

Keywords: Renewable Energy Power Conversion Microgrid

Power Electronics Building Blocks



First and foremost, I would like to extend my deep appreciation towards my

advisor, Professor Yehui Han, for his generous support and guidance during the project.

His experience in the field of power electronics, and his willingness to share it with his

colleagues and students, remain as a great source of inspiration to me.

Secondly, I feel indebted to all other faculty members of Wisconsin Electric

Machinery and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC). Their lectures furthered

my understanding of machines and power electronics and built the foundation of my


I gratefully acknowledge Wisconsin Energy Research Consortium (WERC) for

the financial support of this project.

I would like to thank Prof. Yu’s group, especially Carl and Qiang from University

of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for their work from power system side and preparing the

final report of this project.

I appreciate the help of Liang Wang from Tsinghua University, he helped to

improve converter control algorithms.


I would like to thank all my WEMPEC colleagues, especially Jiyao, Ye, Bo, Tim,

Kenton, Silong, Joyce, Di, Yingjie, Minjie, and Yukai for making my life in Madison

enjoyable and meaningful.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents and my girlfriend Emily X. Zhang for

their love and support all these years.



ABSTRACT ……….…………………………………………………………..I

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..........................................................................III

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ V

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................. IX

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................. XIII

Chapter 1 Background ..........................................................................1

1.1 The picture of a Microgrid ...................................................................1

1.1.1 Distributed Generators ....................................................................2

1.1.2 Energy Storage Devices ..................................................................6

1.1.3 Distributed Power Conversion Architecture .....................................7

1.1.4 Microgrid Loads .............................................................................9

1.2 Technical Challenges for Power Conversion in Microgrids ...................9

1.3 Outline of the Thesis ......................................................................... 12

Chapter 2 State of the Art Review ...................................................... 15

2.1 System Level - Microgrid State of the Art .......................................... 15

2.1.1 AC Microgrid and Applications ..................................................... 15

2.1.2 DC Microgrid and Applications ..................................................... 21

2.1.3 Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid and Applications ................................... 24

2.2 Control Level - Droop Control in Microgrids State of the Art ............. 29

2.2.1 Droop Control in AC Microgrids ................................................... 31

2.2.2 Droop Control in DC Microgrids ................................................... 34

2.2.3 Droop Control in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids ................................. 36

2.3 Converter Level - Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB) State of the

Art .......................................................................................................... 38

2.3.1 The Concept of PEBB ................................................................... 38

2.3.2 Plug and Play ................................................................................ 41


2.3.3 Modeling and Hierarchical Control of PEBB ................................. 43

Chapter 3 PEBB Based Power Conversion Architecture for DC

Microgrids…….. ... ……………………………………………………………..49

3.1 Proposed Architecture ....................................................................... 49

3.2 Realization in UW-Milwaukee Microgrid ........................................... 53

3.3 DC Bus Voltage Level ....................................................................... 57

3.3.1 DC Bus Voltage Identification ...................................................... 57

3.3.2 The Advantages of 380V DC Bus Voltage ..................................... 59

3.4 PEBB Topology Selection – Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge ........... 62

3.4.1 The overview of PEBB Topology Candidates ................................ 62

3.4.2 Single-Stage Topologies ............................................................... 67

3.4.3 Two-Stage Topologies .................................................................. 73

3.4.4 PEBB Topology Identification ...................................................... 74

3.5 Modular Design Considerations ......................................................... 75

Chapter 4 Modeling of DAB Based PEBBs ......................................... 81

4.1 Modeling of DAB based DC/DC PEBBs ............................................ 82

4.1.1 Lossless Model of Single Phase DC/DC DAB ............................... 82

4.1.2 Average Model of Single Phase DC/DC DAB ................................ 83

4.1.3 Small Signal Model of Single Phase DC/DC DAB ......................... 84

4.1.4 Three Phase DAB based DC/DC PEBBs ........................................ 86

4.2 Modeling of DAB based AC/DC PEBBs ............................................ 86

4.2.1 Solution 1: Combination of Traditional AC/DC topology and DC/DC

DAB ...................................................................................................... 87

4.2.2 Solution 2: Pure Single Phase AC/DC DAB .................................. 89

Chapter 5 Control Algorithms and Simulation of PEBBs ..................... 91

5.1 Control Method for Single Phase DC/DC DAB .................................. 91

5.1.1 Phase Shift Modulation ................................................................. 91

5.1.2 Closed-loop Control ...................................................................... 93

5.2 Control Method for Traditional Three Phase AC/DC Converter .......... 94

5.3 Control Method for Single Phase AC/DC DAB .................................. 98

5.4 Control Method for Three Phase AC/DC DAB ................................. 100


5.5 Simulation Results........................................................................... 102

5.5.1 Simulation of DC/DC Single Phase DAB .................................... 102

5.5.2 Simulation of AC/DC Single Phase DAB .................................... 109

5.5.3 Simulation of Traditional Three Phase AC/DC Converter ............ 113

5.5.4 Simulation of Three Phase AC/DC DAB ..................................... 124

Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work ............................................ 131

References………………. ......................................................................... 133




Figure 1.1 Centralized utility vs. distributed generator-based utility ......3

Figure 1.2 Global greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement cost curve 2030 [3]4

Figure 1.3 Centralized power conversion architecture .......................... 10

Figure 2.1 CERTS Microgrid Architecture ........................................... 16

Figure 2.2 Real power droop curve for power sharing .......................... 19

Figure 2.3 University of Wisconsin-Madison Microgrid Architecture ... 21

Figure 2.4 EPRI 380V-DC data center distribution [14] ....................... 23

Figure 2.5 (a) Typical AC distribution vs. (b) Standard 380V DC

distribution [14] ......................................................................................... 25

Figure 2.6 An example of hybrid AC/DC microgrid ............................. 27

Figure 2.7 Typical hybrid AC/DC microgrid structure ......................... 29

Figure 2.8 Active and reactive power droop characteristic for AC

microgrid……………… .............................................................................. 33

Figure 2.9 Active power droop characteristic for DC microgrid ........... 36

Figure 2.10 Power Electronics Building Block....................................... 39

Figure 2.11 PEBB concept for power electronics ................................... 46

Figure 3.1 Proposed distributed power conversion architecture ............ 50

Figure 3.2 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee microgrid map ............ 53

Figure 3.3 DC bus voltage selection overview ..................................... 57

Figure 3.4 Comparison of energy usage for different system voltages .. 58

Figure 3.5 Comparison of conductor diameters (courtesy of UECorp)

[14]…………… .......................................................................................... 62

Figure 3.6 General structure of an isolated, bidirectional DC/DC

converter………………….. ......................................................................... 64

Figure 3.7 Family tree of single-stage and two-stage bidirectional isolated

DC/DC topologies ...................................................................................... 66

Figure 3.8 Single phase DAB converter ............................................... 68

Figure 3.9 Three phase DAB converter ................................................ 69

Figure 3.10 Voltage sourced full bridge with a current sourced full bridge


converter………….. .................................................................................... 70

Figure 3.11 Voltage sourced full bridge with a current doubler .............. 71

Figure 3.12 Voltage sourced full bridge with a push-pull structure on low

voltage side……. ........................................................................................ 71

Figure 3.13 Bidirectional series-parallel resonant LLC converter ........... 72

Figure 3.14 Bidirectional series-parallel resonant LCC converter ........... 72

Figure 3.15 Two stage converter with buck converter on high voltage

side……………………… ............................................................................ 74

Figure 3.16 DC/DC PEBB modular ....................................................... 76

Figure 3.17 AC/DC PEBB modular ....................................................... 76

Figure 3.18 AC/AC PEBB modular ....................................................... 77

Figure 4.1 Single phase DC/DC DAB .................................................. 82

Figure 4.2 Single phase DC/DC DAB lossless model ........................... 83

Figure 4.3 Traditional three phase AC/DC converter ............................ 87

Figure 4.4 Single phase AC/DC DAB .................................................. 89

Figure 4.5 Single phase AC/DC DAB based three phase AC/DC PEBB 90

Figure 5.1 Control schematic of single phase DC/DC DAB .................. 93

Figure 5.2 Control block diagram of single phase DC/DC DAB ........... 94

Figure 5.3 Block diagram of dq frame decouple control for traditional

three phase AC/DC converter ...................................................................... 96

Figure 5.4 Control block diagram of traditional AC/DC converter ........ 97

Figure 5.5 Control algorithm of single phase AC/DC DAB ................ 100

Figure 5.6 Block diagram of single phase AC/DC DAB with controller100

Figure 5.7 Control method for three phase AC/DC DAB .................... 101

Figure 5.8 Block diagram of three phase AC/DC DAB with controller102

Figure 5.9 Simulink model of single phase DC/DC DAB based PEBB 103

Figure 5.10 Simulink model of phase shift modulation signal generator for

DC/DC DAB…… ..................................................................................... 103

Figure 5.11 Simulink model of single phase DC/DC DAB with controller

and mathematical counterpart ................................................................... 104

Figure 5.12 Simulation result of output voltages of detailed DAB model and


linearized model ....................................................................................... 106

Figure 5.13 Detailed view of output voltages of DC/DC DAB during source

and load disturbance ................................................................................. 107

Figure 5.14 Detailed view of output voltages of DC/DC DAB during start

period……………. .................................................................................... 108

Figure 5.15 Algorithm for obtaining d for AC/DC DAB ....................... 109

Figure 5.16 Simulink model of single phase AC/DC DAB based PEBB and

phase shift modulation signal generator .................................................... 110

Figure 5.17 Simulink model of phase shift modulation signal generator for

DC/DC DAB……… .................................................................................. 111

Figure 5.18 Waveform of LC filter ...................................................... 112

Figure 5.19 Simulink model of traditional three phase AC/DC converter113

Figure 5.20 Mathematical model of traditional three phase AC/DC

converter………. ...................................................................................... 114

Figure 5.21 Mathematical model of the controller traditional three phase

AC/DC converter ...................................................................................... 114

Figure 5.22 Traditional three phase AC/DC converter with controller and

mathematical counterpart (part 1) ............................................................. 116

Figure 5.23 Traditional three phase AC/DC converter with controller and

mathematical counterpart (part 2) ............................................................. 117

Figure 5.24 Simulation result of output voltages of detailed traditional three

phase AC/DC converter model and linearized model ................................. 118

Figure 5.25 Detailed view of output voltages of detailed traditional three

phase AC/DC converter model and linearized model during disturbance .... 119

Figure 5.26 Detailed view of output voltages of detailed traditional three

phase AC/DC converter model and linearized model during start up .......... 120

Figure 5.27 Simulation result of dq current of detailed traditional three

phase AC/DC converter model and linearized model ................................. 121

Figure 5.28 Detailed view of dq current of detailed traditional three phase

AC/DC converter model and linearized model during disturbance ............. 122

Figure 5.29 Detailed view of dq current of detailed traditional three phase

AC/DC converter model and linearized model during start up ................... 123

Figure 5.30 Simulink model of three phase AC/DC DAB with controller125


Figure 5.31 Simulation result of output voltages of detailed three phase

AC/DC DAB model and linearized model ................................................. 126

Figure 5.32 Detailed view of output voltages of detailed three phase AC/DC

DAB model and linearized model during disturbance ................................ 127

Figure 5.33 Detailed view of output voltages of detailed three phase AC/DC

DAB model and linearized model during start up ...................................... 128

Figure 5.34 Voltage and current waveforms after low-pass filter.......... 129



Table 1.1 Emission and Efficiency Comparison w/ and w/o CHP ..........5

Table 1.2 Typical interfaces used with DER .........................................8

Table 3.1 Summary of loading and solar capacity per building ........... 54

Table 3.2 Bus summary of loading and solar capacity ......................... 56

Table 3.3 Detailed specifications of power converters ........................ 63



Chapter 1 Background

Conservation of energy resources, environmental protection and sustainable

development have been viewed as three most important challenges for decades [1].

The growing demand of energy needs urges collective and long-term efforts on energy

development with an emphasis on protecting natural resources and the environment.

Building upon the existing electrical infrastructure, the use of low cost renewable

energy sources for electric power generation seems to be an effective and reasonable

approach to address the challenges we face.

Distributed power conversion architecture and the use of microgrids represent

better alternatives compared to centralized generation especially when renewable

energy sources are located close to end users.

1.1 The picture of a Microgrid

Microgrids are emerging as a critical feature of the future smart-grid based power

systems. A microgrid is constituted of three major components: integrating loads,

distributed generators (DG) and energy storage devices [2].

Renewable energy sources can also be integrated into various types of microgrid.

As an attractive approach for addressing the growing demand of energy, the role of


renewable energy sources is unique and important. Microgrids can operate either in

parallel with the grid, or as an autonomous and independent power island; it could also

be in a transition between grid-connected mode and islanded mode of operation [2].

1.1.1 Distributed Generators

Centralized electricity generation, transmission and distribution in Figure 1.1(a)

has dominated almost all large integrated power systems in the world such as

large-scale hydro, coal, natural gas and nuclear power plants. They have been used for

decades and seem to be the only resources which power generation could rely on.

However, the centralized solution has numerous drawbacks comparing to the merging

distributed DG-based power system which is shown in Figure 1.1(b), including

long-distance between supply (natural resources) and demand (where people live and

factories locate), lossy high-voltage transmission carried the power to the customers

from centralized sources.

Moreover, the distributed power systems which are enabled by DGs, especially

the DG-based microgrids have met a growing demand for clean, reliable and

affordable electricity generation, which have constituted a huge driving force on

changing the current power generation situation which heavily relies on centralized

power generation, transmission and distribution architecture in to a DG-based new



(a) Conventional centralized utility

(b) DG-based utility

Figure 1.1 Centralized utility vs. distributed generator-based utility

Transmission Line (~ 100 miles)



Distribution Transformer

Distribution Line (~ 10 miles)

Power Plant(~ 1000MW)

Transmission Line (~ 100 miles)



Distribution Transformer

Distribution Line (~ 10 miles)

Power Plant(~ 1000MW)


Distributed Utility Provides Local Reliability, Intentional Islanding

and CHP

Robust Generation and Distribution


There are some well-established generation technologies, for instance, induction

generators and synchronous generators; as well as emerging technologies, such as

combined heat and power (CHP, also known as cogeneration), fuel cells, wind turbines,

photovoltaic (PV), micro-turbines can be used as the generation technologies

applicable for a microgrid. Among the distributed generators, the fuel cell,

micro-turbines and internal combustion-engine generator belong to dispachable

sources due to the mature control techniques for these kinds of DGs; whereas wind

turbines and PV belong to intermittent sources, since the wind speed and solar

irradiance are hard to predict. Nevertheless, it is important to note that CHP, wind

power generation and photovoltaic have shown a rapid growth in technological

research and applied industry products in past two decades.

Figure 1.2 Global greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement cost curve 2030 [3]


The economic costs of reducing carbon emissions are illustrated in Figure 1.2. It

indicated that industrial efficiency improvements as CHP had been found to make

noticeable improvements in carbon emissions while at the same time making profits

for users because they were negative costs in the chart.

Table 1.1 showed the emission and efficiency comparison with and without CHP.

Table 1.1 Emission and Efficiency Comparison w/ and w/o CHP

Energy source type


NOx CO2 Efficiency

Micro-turbine 0.0011 (0.0004) 1.19 (0.45) 30% (~80%)

Gas Turbine 0.0022 (0.001) 1.15 (0.50) 35% (~80%)

Fuel cell 0 0.95 (0.45) 38% (~80%)

Gas Adv. Engine 0.005 (0.0024) 0.94 (0.45) 38% (~80%)

(…) indicates use of waste heat: combined heat and power (CHP)

“Air pollution emission impacts associated with economic market potential of DG in

California”, June 2000

Renewable energy sources like wind and PV are also able to reduce a large

amount of carbon emissions; however they require huge costs to implement.

Different microgrid technologies serve as a platform upon which CHP systems, PV and


wind power systems can be integrated, hence, microgrid technologies are particularly

attractive in the near future. Given the advantages of microgrid technologies certain

renewable energy sources and CHP systems can operate in either a grid-tied or a

stand-alone mode, or it could function as part of a microgrid.

1.1.2 Energy Storage Devices

Energy storage devices, a major component of microgrid, are very critical for

successful operation of microgrids. Taking care of balancing the power and energy

demand with generation is the main function of the energy storage devices in a typical

microgrid application [4]. Energy storage devices take this responsibility in three

different approaches:

1. Insure the power balance in a microgrid for the purpose of avoiding load

fluctuations as well as DGs’ improper responses to these disturbances because of their

lower inertia.

2. When there are dynamic variations in intermittent energy sources, energy story

devices provide ride-through capability and allows the DGs to operate as dispatchable


3. Provides the initial energy requirement for a seamless transition between

grid-connected to/from islanded operation of microgrids.

Among the available energy storage technologies [5] [6], batteries, fly-wheels and

super-capacitors seem to be more applicable for microgrid type of setup [7]. In the use


of a flywheel, it can be used as a central storage system for the whole microgrid. In the

use of batteries, either storage can be mounted on the DC bus of each micro-source or

can be used as a central storage system. Batteries provide extra function being able to

reserve energy for future demand. Super capacitors would be an expensive choice

compared to both batteries and flywheels [5]. Another option is to have a large

traditional generation having considerable inertia along with the micro-sources in the

system [4].

1.1.3 Distributed Power Conversion Architecture

There are a variety of distributed power conversion architectures that could be

used for microgrids and renewable energy systems. They can be classified as direct

current (DC), alternating current (AC), and hybrid of DC and AC. The terminology of

distributed power conversion architectures refers to the hierarchy and interface of

distributed energy resources (DER), representing both DG and energy storage


Most of the emerging DER technologies require an inverter interface for the

purpose of converting the energy into grid-compatible AC power. This interfacing

consists of both DC/DC converter and DC/AC inverter. It could also be made up of

only an inverter [4].

The power electronics interface will be accommodated with filters, control blocks

and necessary protection systems. The converter’s capability of voltage and frequency


control allow these DER units to support the microgrid operation. Table 1.2

summarizes the interfacing and power flow control options of common DER.

Table 1.2 Typical interfaces used with DER

Primary energy source type Typical interface

DG CHP Synchronous generator

Internal combustion engine Synchronous or induction generator

Small hydro Synchronous or induction generator

Fixed speed wind turbine Induction generator

Variable speed wind turbine Power electronics converter (AC–DC–AC)

Micro-turbine Power electronics converter (AC–DC–AC)

Photovoltaic (PV) Power electronics converter (DC–DC–AC)

Fuel cell Power electronics converter (DC–DC–AC)

Energy storage Battery Power electronics converter (DC–DC–AC)

Fly-wheel Power electronics converter (AC–DC–AC)

Super capacitor Power electronics converter (DC–DC–AC)

Hence, distributed power conversion architectures based on power electronics are

essential for future grids.


1.1.4 Microgrid Loads

A microgrid could serve various customers, such as residential, commercial and

industrial. Defined as critical/sensitive loads, commercial and industrial users demand

high degree of power quality and reliability, which puts special requests on the

microgrid setup in order to achieve the expected operating strategy:

1. Facilitate load/generation shedding within the microgrid in order to meet the net

import/export power in grid connected mode.

2. Facilitate load/generation shedding in order to stabilize the voltage and

frequency in the autonomous operation.

3. Improve both the power quality and reliability of specified critical and sensitive


4. Balance or reduces the peak load to optimize the ratings of DER.

Part of the non-sensitive loads can be used as controllable loads to achieve the

above operating strategies in a microgrid [8-10].

1.2 Technical Challenges for Power Conversion in Microgrids

Just as mentioned in section 1.1.3, most of DER requires a power electronics

interface in order to be compatible with traditional AC power grid.

Nowadays, like the centralized power utility systems which is shown in Fig. 1.1(a),

huge numbers of different type of renewable energy sources and energy storage


devices have been largely integrated into traditional AC power grids by centralized

power electronics such as DC/AC converters or/and AC/AC converters, as shown in

Fig. 1.3. This kind of structures which are also known as centralized power conversion


Figure 1.3 Centralized power conversion architecture

However, the centralized power conversion architecture has numerous severe

limitations including low efficiency, low reliability, low power density and high cost,

which can be elaborated as below:

3 phase AC System

Loads or Diesel

Battery Banks

Centralized DC/AC


PVWind Power


1. Centralize converters perform all the functions of power conversion,

management and integration. As the number of functions increase, these converters are

overworked; as a result, their performance and reliability degrade.

2. Centralized converters are unable to reduce mismatches within solar modules or

battery cells. The output capacity of renewable sources cannot be fully utilized.

3. Converters cannot be modularized and mass-produced, accordingly, their

manufacturing cost is high.

4. The whole system reliability relies heavily on centralized converters. Any

malfunction of a centralized converter could lead to the shutdown of the entire power

generation from all the renewable sources that are connected to it.

5. Without a common DC buffer for all the renewable sources, power flow in ac

buses (output) would experience a large fluctuation due to the uncertainty power

output from renewable energies.

6. Centralized converters often need a line frequency transformer which is heavy

and expensive: with an extra cost associated with site preparation and installations of

10, 0000 lbs. of equipment.

This architecture seems to be inadequate to satisfy the needs of future grids of

being smarter and affordable, as well as of being able to integrate renewable energy



1.3 Outline of the Thesis

In order to better solve this problem, distributed power conversion architecture is


Chapter 2 provides a detailed review of previous research studies relevant to the

current study. Their strengths and limitations will be examined, which serves as the

basis for the current study. The state-of-the-art of system level research, control level

research and converter level research, i.e. microgrid, droop control and power

electronics building blocks will be examined.

The motivation for using the proposed distributed power conversion architecture

for microgrid and integration of renewable energy sources will also be presented.

Chapter 3 provides a research approach and the detailed structure of proposed

distributed power conversion architecture. The realization of the proposed power

conversion architecture in University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus microgrid is

introduced and the system parameters are also given in this chapter. Proper DC bus

voltage which offers a better efficiency and reliability will be discussed also.

Moreover, the topology selection of power electronics building blocks for

proposed architecture is elaborated also. Possible candidates are listed and examined

one by one.

Some modular design considerations inspired by power electronics building

blocks are given at the end of this chapter.


Chapter 4 documents the modeling of dual active bridge based power electronics

building blocks.

Chapter 5 provides the control algorithms and simulation results for the operation

of dual active bridge based power electronics building blocks in the proposed

distributed power conversion architecture.

Chapter 6 summarizes the key conclusions and thesis contributions as well as

proposes follow-up research.



Chapter 2 State of the Art Review

2.1 System Level - Microgrid State of the Art

Microgrids have received a considerable amount of attention in recent years,

including several applications installed around the world. Most of the work has been

focusing on safe, stable and reliable operation during both grid-tied and stand-alone


As identified by existing literature, there are mainly three different categories of

architectures for microgrids: AC microgrid, DC microgrid and hybrid AC/DC

microgrid. The droop control is the most widely used control method in all types of


2.1.1 AC Microgrid and Applications

Thematically speaking, the AC microgrid concept presented by the Consortium

for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) is being recognized as an

advanced approach for enabling integration of an unlimited quantity of distributed

resources into the electricity power grid in a cost-effective manner. The terminology

CERTS microgrid [11] indicates a collection of sensitive loads and micro-sources

connected to power utility by a static switch which is shown in Figure. 2.1. By using


micro grids, the quality of power seen from the demand side and the reliability of the

supply could be significantly improved.

Figure 2.1 CERTS Microgrid Architecture

Static Switch

Load Bank6And Fault




Fault Load 2


Converter Based Source

Drive by Natural gas


Load Bank 5And Fault


Converter Based Source

Drive by Natural gas


Load Bank 3And Fault


Converter Based Source

Drive by Natural gas


Load Bank 4And Fault



The major features of the CERTS AC microgrid could be summarized as [11]:

1. Peer-to-peer environment

In the CERTS microgrid, there was no central controller, this special characteristic

allowed the power sources to be operated in a peer-to-peer way. The peer-to-peer

function did not allow any components, like a master controller or central storage unit

that was critical or necessary for operation of the microgrid, suggesting that the

microgrid was able to continue operating even with loss of any component or generator.

Under this circumstance, with one additional source (N+1), the complete functionality

of the CERTS AC microgrid could be guaranteed even with the loss of any source.

2. No explicit communication system

Combine loads with sources, most current microgrid implementations permitted

intentional islanding and attempt to use the available waste heat. These solutions were

contingent on complex communication and control. However, CERTS microgrid

needed to provides these features without a complex control. Via providing

generator-based controls that enabled a plug-and-play model without communication

or custom engineering, this approach outweighed CERTS microgrid in terms of

simplicity and efficiency.

3. Plug-and-play

Plug-and-play was referred to as a unit which could be placed at any point on the

electrical system without reengineering the controls. One of the most important


features of the plug-and-play model was that it facilitated placing generators near the

heat loads, therefore allowing more effective use of waste heat without complex heat

distribution systems such as steam and chilled water pipes.

4. Integration with CHP to improve efficiency

By adopting the unit power control configuration, each DG regulates the voltage

would magnitude at the connection point and the power that the source is injecting.

This was the power that flowed from the micro source. Employing this configuration

means that extra powers from the grid would follow if a load increase anywhere in the

microgrid because every unit regulated to constant output power.

This configuration fitted CHP applications because production of power relying

on the heat demand. It was not until the waste heat had been utilized, that electricity

production could be referred as making high efficiencies. The power was balanced

within the island when the system islands the local power vs. frequency droop function

was ensured.

5. Smooth transfer between island and grid-tied operation

The thyristor based static switch was able to autonomously island the MG because

of grid congestion or disturbances such as faults, IEEE 1547 events or power quality

events. When the established re-connect criteria being satisfied, the reconnection of the

MG would be autonomously achieved. Resynchronization was achieved by using the

frequency difference between the islanded microgrid and the utility grid. As shown in


Figure 2.2, each micro source could seamlessly balance using the reactive power

versus voltage droop, therefore providing local stability, and at the meantime

guaranteed that there were no circulating reactive currents between sources.

Figure 2.2 Real power droop curve for power sharing

[12] demonstrated the control of inverter-based micro sources for operation in a

micro grid environment using both real and reactive power droop controllers. It was

necessary for static micro sources such as fuel cells and PV to use the inverter-based

approach because it would convert the DC voltage to AC voltage acceptable by the

electric power grid or local load. For dynamic micro sources such as high-speed

permanent magnet synchronous generators, [12] reported the cascaded inverters with




0.5 1.0

Real Power (p.u.)

Frequency (p.u.)


droop controls. The following section of 2.2 contained more details about the droop


The CERTS microgrid concept was implemented in a proof-of-concept hardware

setup in Wisconsin Electric Machine and Power Electronic Consortium (WEMPEC)

lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This Microgrid included two sources, five

sets of three phase loads and a static switch to allow connection to the grid. Figure 2.3

showed the component layout.

Notice the overall 100 yd. cable between the sources in order to better capture the

voltage drops that normally exist on feeders [13]. A custom made board allowing

interface with a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) replaced the off-the-shelf inverter’s

control card. The control was digitally implemented in the DSP to drive the behavior

of the power inverter. The measurement of the currents flowing on the local feeder was

used in the feeder flow control option.

Notice that during feeder flow control, the measure of the currents injected by the

unit was also needed to calculate the reactive power and the active power to enforce its



Figure 2.3 University of Wisconsin-Madison Microgrid Architecture

2.1.2 DC Microgrid and Applications

Compared to AC microgrids, DC microgrids have not been developing for many

decades. DC technology has changed significantly over the last more than one hundred

and twenty years since T. E. Edison and Westinghouse publicly battled over DC power

grid versus AC power grid in the War of Currents.

Static Switch

Utility System



4 Wire Cable4 Wire

Cable, 75yd

4 Wire Cable, 25yd

Load Load Load480V





Since transformers could solve the problem of obtaining power more than a

kilometer from a centralized power station in a cheap and effective way, AC managed

to be the dominant force in power distribution design in the 19th century even with

ongoing rapid technology development. However, today ac seems not being able to

satisfy the need of market in power distribution of higher efficiency, better reliability,

and more intelligence.

It has long been recognized that at the end of the power chain is marked by DC

loads. Since the 1960s, semiconductors (natively DC) have come to dominate our

electrical devices such that the majority of the load base will be natively DC soon.

Since most carbon-free energy sources and energy storage systems are natively dc.

They are being deployed in a distributed manner. Therefore, assumptions underlying

AC power distribution need to be reexamined.

In order to achieve DC voltage requirements, the current widely accepted practice

of AC power distribution was to add layers of power conversion However, these

conversions brought about inefficiencies, possible series fault points, and maintenance

complexity in getting from the AC drop to the critical load.

Report of Edison Redux [14] looked at low-voltage DC (LVDC) at 380 V, the new

industry specification and the single worldwide standard in data centers (and one

envisioned for all future commercial buildings as well). A 380Vdc building level


power grid enabled high efficiency appliances like lighting and supporting the current

industry interest in 380Vdc data loads.

Starting with the motivations by looking at the development of 380 Vdc, its

current implementation as a ±190-Vdc distribution with midpoint resistive grounding

(shown in Figures 2.4), and the associated benefits. That led to articulating the case for

LVdc as well as debunking several common myths that no longer apply. Some notable

examples of 380-Vdc data centers from around the world.

Figure 2.4 EPRI 380V-DC data center distribution [14]


There had been an increased attention in the field of alternative energy on the

input side of the distribution side along with the development of the load side of a DC

distribution system. The systems aspect of the microgrid allowed for intelligent

interaction with the various national grids for things like grid load shedding and peak

cost avoidance. Compared to AC distribution systems, with smart DC interconnection

of DC loads such as lighting, appliances, IT equipment, and cooling systems along

with PV and wind energy sources, building energy use could be optimized. For

instance, according to the investigation of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

(LBNL) on the efficiency of power distribution in data centers, "a 28% improvement

in efficiency if DC distribution is adopted." Figure 2.5 compared the two approaches,

with ac presented in (a) and DC in (b) [14].

2.1.3 Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid and Applications

Because increasing people were more aware of environment problems caused by

coal or gas fired generators, recently, more renewable power sources were connected

in low voltage distribution systems which operated as distributed generations or as AC

microgrids in order to reduce various environmental problems [15]. Conventionally,

the distributed renewable sources were connected to local AC utility grid to supply

local loads. In this case it was unnecessary to use long distance high voltage

transmission [16].


Figure 2.5 (a) Typical AC distribution vs. (b) Standard 380V DC distribution [14]


In an AC microgrid [17, 18], DC power from PV and fuel cell systems was

converted into AC power using DC/AC inverters and wind turbine generators (WTGs)

were usually connected into the AC power grid using power electronics AC/AC

conversion technique. In such case, DC loads were connected to AC micro grids using

AC/DC converters.

Under this condition, conversion steps were necessary for DC loads in an AC

microgrid with PV sources. The DC micro grids were proposed in [19, 20] in order to

reduce the conversion from DC to AC. However, AC sources in a DC grid needed to be

converted into DC, in the meantime AC loads were connected into DC grid using

DC/AC inverters, as a result, and the efficiency was significantly reduced due to

multistage reverse conversions in an AC or a DC grid.

In order to minimize the energy loss resulted from reverse conversion; the concept

of a hybrid ac/dc micro-grid was generated, as demonstrated in Figure 2.6.

AC and DC networks in a hybrid grid were typically connected together through a

four-quadrant operating three phase converter which could serve as an inverter or

rectifier. AC power sources such as wind turbine generators, conventional AC loads

and diesel generators were connected to the AC grid. DC sources such as photovoltaic

arrayed with boost converters, fuel cell generators and DC loads were tied to the DC



Voltages at the AC and DC grids were controlled, in order to satisfy the

corresponding AC and DC loads requirements. The main converter was designed to

operate at bidirectional power flow operation mode to incorporate complementary

characteristic of wind and solar sources [21].

Figure 2.6 An example of hybrid AC/DC microgrid

Just like traditional AC or DC microgrid, the hybrid AC/DC microgrid can also

operate in two modes. In grid-tied mode, the main converter’s responsibility is to

exchange energy between the AC and DC buses as well as provide some reactive

Static Switch(Open during Islanding Mode)

Utility System

LocalizedAC Loads

AC Sub-Grid


LocalizedDC Loads

DC Sub-Grid

Other Loads

Hybrid Microgird




power when necessary. The converter acts as an inverter and inject power to the AC

side or vice versa when the output power of the DC sources is greater than the DC

loads. The hybrid micro-grid will inject power to the utility grid when the total output

power of DC and AC sources is greater than the total DC and AC load. If the

renewable sources cannot produce adequate power, the hybrid grid will receive energy

from the utility grid. In off-grid mode, the ac voltage reference cannot be provided by

the utility grid. Under this situation, battery becomes quite critical for both energy

balance and voltage stability requirements through appropriate battery banks charging

and discharging control. In order to demonstrate the plug and play feature of the hybrid

grid, other sources and energy storages can also be added to AC and DC buses. In both

operating modes, the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control of PV and

WTG systems under variable weather conditions had also been implemented in order

to harness the maximum power.

Figure 2.7 showed a typical hybrid system configuration which consists of AC

grid on the left panel and DC grid on the right. The AC and DC grids had their

corresponding sources, loads and energy storage elements, and were interconnected by

a three phase converter. The AC bus was connected to the utility grid through a

transformer and circuit breaker.


Figure 2.7 Typical hybrid AC/DC microgrid structure

2.2 Control Level - Droop Control in Microgrids State of the Art

Control algorithm was critical for all types of microgrid. As a significant part of

every power conversion architecture, control method was essential for integrating

renewable energy to the microgrids [22].

Distributed sources and loads were clustered together in microgrids, providing the

benefits of large number of controllable variables. Apart from this advancement in

microgrids, there had been a rapid development of various essential power

conditioning interfaces and their associated control algorithms for integrating multiple

LocalizedDC Loads


Bidirectional AC/DC Main




Wind Power



Diesel Generator

Utility Grid

LocalizedAC Loads

Charging and Discharging Converter


DC/DC Converter with MPPT

DC/AC Converter with Controller

DC/AC Converter with Controller


micro sources to the microgrids, and then integrating the microgrids to the traditional

AC power utility [22]. Given such degree of freedom, microgrid operation became

highly flexible, which allowed it to operate freely in the grid-connected or islanded

mode of operation [23 - 26].

As for the grid-connected mode of operation, only when the power grid is much

larger in capacity, each micro source can be operated like a current source with

maximum power transferred to the grid. In contrast, the islanded mode of operation

with more stringent supply–demand balancing requirements would be triggered and

the control objectives would change if the mains grid was not comparatively larger or

was simply disconnected resulted from the occurrence of a fault. Because there was

not a strong grid and a firm system voltage, each micro source needed regulate its own

terminal voltage within an allowed range based on its internally generated reference

[27 –30].

As a result, the micro source resembled a controlled voltage source, in which the

output shared the load demand with the other sources. In order not to overstress any

individual entity, the sharing should at best be proportional to their power ratings.

Moreover, if the overall system operation failed, the sharing should be achieved with

no or minimal communication link, thereby resulting in the minimum or even no

detrimental effect to the overall system operation.


This was particularly important because most micro sources were widely

dispersed making it impractical to link them by wires. Avoiding the wiring would lead

to the constrain measurements being taken only within the local vicinity of each micro


Up to now, these criteria could only be satisfied by the droop control method (both

for AC and DC microgrids), in which virtual inertia was intentionally added to each

micro source [27 - 31].

2.2.1 Droop Control in AC Microgrids

Since AC distribution dominated traditional grids, most existing droop control

techniques focused mainly on AC microgrids [27 – 37].

Researchers had done a lot of work investigating droop control applied to an AC

sub grid with at least two paralleled sources In principle, each source, employed two

droop control equations for the purpose of determining its reference frequency 𝑓 and

voltage amplitude 𝑉𝑎 from its locally measured active 𝑃𝑎 and reactive 𝑄𝑎 power

values, respectively., the two droop equations assigned to unit 𝑥 can appropriately be

written as the following equation if subscript 𝑥 was used for representing the source

index in the AC sub grid.

* '

,x x x a xf f m P (2.1)


* '

, , ,a x a x x a xV V n Q (2.2)

where 𝑓𝑥 and 𝑉𝑎,𝑥 were the maximum frequency and voltage amplitude at no

load, and 𝑚𝑥 and 𝑛𝑥 were the negative droop coefficients included for

representing the gradual, negatively tilting gradients presented in Figure 2.8.

According to (2.4), the droop coefficients should rightfully be tuned in order to make

the sources share the load demand in proportion to their ratings𝑆𝑎,𝑥 .

, 2 ,2 1 ,1x a x a am S m S m S (2.3)

, 2 ,2 1 ,1x a x a an S n S n S (2.4)

Once the network reached a steady state, it would have only one prevailing

frequency, which was represented by the single dashed horizontal line drawn in Figure

2.8(a). At that frequency, the sum of active powers from all sources would satisfy the

total demand requested by the loads.

Moreover, the fractional contribution of active power produced by each source

would also be in line with its rating normalized by the total capacity of the sub grid.

However, this is not the case for reactive power sharing, where different line

impedances between the sources and point of common coupling (PCC) commonly

cause the source voltage amplitudes to be different.




Figure 2.8 Active and reactive power droop characteristic for AC microgrid




0.5 1.0

Real Power (p.u.)

Frequency (p.u.)

Unit 1Unit 2

Steady-State Points(Single Network Frequency)




0.5 1.0

Reactive Power (p.u.)

Voltagte (p.u.)

Unit 1Unit 2

Steady-State Points(Different Terminal Voltage)


Other system mismatches could also lead to differences, which were demonstrated

in Figure 2.8(b), where two dashed horizontal lines drawn. Because of these

differences, reactive power sharing became parameter dependent, and even deviated

slightly from the intended.

As suggested in [35] and [37], approaches aiming compensating the deviation had

already been explored

2.2.2 Droop Control in DC Microgrids

Though rarely known, it is possible to droop control applied to dc microgrids In

fact, this has been discussed more than a decade back in [38]. The proliferation of

photovoltaic (PV) generation, fuel cells, and energy storages such as batteries and

other capacitive alternatives are unable to prohibit the growing interest in DC


A DC sub grid is simpler because it has no reactive power, frequency, and phase

considerations compared with an AC sub grid. The active power was represented as

𝑃𝑑,𝑦 and voltage magnitude𝑉𝑑,𝑦 , where subscript 𝑦 indicating the source unit

number in the dc sub grid. When related by (2.5), these two quantities formed the

droop equation for the dc sub grid [38]

* '

, , ,d y d y y a yV V v P (2.5)


Where 𝑉𝑑,𝑦 indicated the maximum source output voltage under no load

condition and 𝑣𝑦 represented the droop coefficient. When applied to more sources,

(2.5) would roughly lead to proportional active power sharing if their droop

coefficients were tuned as to that of (2.6), where 𝑆𝑑,𝑦 represented the kVA rating of

source unit 𝑦

, 2 ,2 1 ,1y d y d dv S v S v S (2.6)

Figure 2.9 illustrated an example of how (2.5) operated for the simple case of two

dc sources. Different from an AC sub grid where a single steady-state frequency

dominated, voltage magnitudes of the dc sources were usually different mainly due to

finite line impedances between them and the PCC and parameter mismatches. Similar

to reactive power sharing an AC sub grid, these differences caused power sharing

among the sources to deviate slightly from the intended proportional distribution. Thus,

techniques for improving dc source sharing could be borrowed from those for ac

reactive power sharing, which presumably were more established [35 - 37].


Figure 2.9 Active power droop characteristic for DC microgrid

2.2.3 Droop Control in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids

The control algorithm for hybrid AC/DC microgrid was also a new and heated

topic for researchers. However, since the extension to a hybrid spanned across at least

two subgrades of either ac or dc form, it was generally more complicated Hence, the

droop control in hybrid microgrid was unable to be realized by solely depending on the

droop-controlled sources. Equal attention should be given to the interlinking

converters, whose responsibility was to link the two types of subgrades together in a




0.5 1.0

Real Power (p.u.)

Voltagte (p.u.)

Unit 1Unit 2

Steady-State Points(Different Terminal Voltage)


properly managed manner. Such interlinking control was more challenging because of

the following reasons:

1) The requirement of bidirectional power flow: Different from unidirectional

sources, the interlinking converters needed to take care of bidirectional active power

flow between the two types of sub grids, where positive and negative polarities

referred to forward dc–ac and reverse ac–dc energy flows, respectively.

2) Double job: The interlinking converters had two roles to fulfill at every

moment. On the one hand, they appeared as sources to one sub grid where energy

being injected, on the other hand, they served as loads to the other sub grid where

energy was taken.

3) Coordinated control scheme: Before arriving at the final active power

command being transferred by the interlinking converters for proportional active

power sharing, there were two different sets of droop equations for merging.

Designing a coordinated droop control scheme for the purpose of controlling the

hybrid microgrid so that power would be shared among the sources proportional to

their power ratings instead of physical placements within the hybrid microgrid. Such

sharing could be achieved solely by controlling the interlinking converters to transfer

the right amount of energy between the two types of subgrids, in which the value was

decided by the designed droop control scheme.


As mentioned earlier, ac distribution had been presently dominant, and would be

so for many more decades. Hence the most favorable scenario would be the presence

of both dc and ac subgrids with sources, storages, and loads appropriately distributed

between them. The subgrids could subsequently be tied together through interlinking

converters to form hybrid ac–dc microgrid. Therefore, the control of hybrid microgrid

would gain more attention in the near future.

2.3 Converter Level - Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB)

State of the Art

2.3.1 The Concept of PEBB

As illustrated in Figure 2.10, PEBB -Power Electronics Building Block was a

generic strategic ONR concept incorporating several technology aspects, which were

viewed as essential to reduce cost, losses, size and weight of power electronics. By

adopting building blocks that could be used for multiple applications, volume

production would increase, and engineering effort, design testing, onsite installation

and maintenance work for specific customer applications would reduce. Mature

applications required continued costs reduction, which might be achieved at this stage

through a reasonable standardization on product or system level [39].

There were two key functional components enabling a platform-based approach in

power electronics. One was the Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB); the other


was the control (PEBB Power Electronics controller), which contained the control

hardware and software.

Power electronic systems today asked for a completed and commissioned system

to validate the design cycle. Unfortunately, paper documents were unable to meet the

requirement of the complexity of the next generation power electronic systems. A

critical part of physics based design was validation and incremental prototyping. A

new design of power electronics system that used the same PEBB as a previous design

needed only to validate the new application function and design elements.

Figure 2.10 Power Electronics Building Block

As a broad strategic concept, Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB)

incorporated progressive integration of power devices, gate drives, and other

components into building blocks with defined functionality and interfaces serving


multiple applications resulting in reduced cost, losses, weight, size, and engineering

effort for the application and maintenance of power electronics systems. The corner

stones of the Power Electronics Building Block concept were modular and hierarchical

design principles. Based on functional specifications of power electronics building

blocks that related to the performance requirements of intended applications, the

designing of PEBB addressed the details of the device stresses, stray inductances and

switching speed, losses, thermal management, protection, measurements of required

variables, control interfaces, and potential integration issues at all levels [39].

The idea of open plug-and-play architecture entailed building power systems

similar to that of personal computers. The system was familiar with the PEBB

capabilities, its manufacturer, and its operational requirements. In order to support the

integration of these PEBBs, the overall control architecture was supposed to have the

inherent capability regardless of in which way they were configured together. Each

PEBB maintained its own safe operating limits. In the long run, PEBBs might be

plugged into power electronics systems and operational settings automatically.

Speaking of the next generations of power electronics, key technology aspects

included providing economic and performance rich solutions [40]:

Standard PEBB designs to cover wider market base

advanced devices,

integrated packaging,


progressive integration from device level to PEBB level,

snubber-less design,

advanced converters that provide control of reactive power,

can act as active filters,

minimum filter requirements,

standardized control and protection architecture

defined interfaces that allow "plug and play",

Advanced interactive simulation tools.

The single switch cell had a power switch section, a gate or base control, heat

removal, and a capacitive, inductive, resistive interconnection between its neighboring

cells. Hence, a building block process was fundamental to power electronic systems.

2.3.2 Plug and Play

Open plug and play architecture referred to building power electronics systems in

much the same way as personal computers. Power modules would be plugged into

their applications and operational settings made automatically. The application was

aware of what to plug into it, who made it, and how to operate with it. Each power

module maintained its own safe operating limits. Realization of this vision required a

community to develop standard interfaces and protocols.

One purpose for plug and play architecture was to reduce cost and increase

application. However, the resources to supply the demand for new power electronics


products were lacking and capable people who were proficient at it were harder to find.

As a consequence, the next generation engineer wanted to replace a power electronic

engineer with a computer or software engineer. Their desire was to design systems on

their computers, and similar to how their PC components came together, they also

hoped that power parts could come together.

With the application expertise built into the equipment, open architecture asked

for more designer efforts, in the meantime made his expertise available for many more

applications. Moreover, the partitioning needed to implement plug and play, which

allowed concentrated efforts within the partitions and the development of high volume

processes for partitioned technologies. Therefore, the availability of power electronic

engineers and resources were further leveraged to meet a broader range of market

opportunities. Both the increased utilization of resources and high volume processes

resulted in a reduction of cost.

One advantage of plug and play is allowing each section of the power equipment

to function independently from others. For instance, the topology controller permitted

complex topologies to be transparent to the user, like soft switching, the application

controller generated pulse width modulation, PWM, and drove the topology controller

with the resultant signals. Soft or hard switching topologies were selected based upon

performance trades. The user would drive soft switching topologies in the same


fashion as he/she did hard switching. The extra complexity and control needed for soft

switching was designed into the topology controller.

Similarly, power-switching blocks could be applied regardless of which type of

switching device was used. The type of switching device could be selected on the basis

of the best type for the job. Though taking into account the device, the power switch

controller would adjust appropriately. There was no need for topology controller to be

concerned with the type of the device. The topology controller managed the switch

block in the same manner even if a different type of device of used. The user reaped

the benefits of the best device for the job without worrying about any eccentricities

specific to a particular device. [39]

2.3.3 Modeling and Hierarchical Control of PEBB

Integration and snapping elements together required intelligence and hierarchical

control. Control partitions were supposed to compliment the spatial partitions or blocks.

Enough intelligence and control embedded into a switch cell or two-terminal PEBB

were needed to enable them to be snapped together to form higher order PEBBs.

Beginning with a switch cell, in order to allow two cells to be snapped together to form

a voltage source or current source phase leg, the embedded intelligence was needed. A

next layer of intelligence would allow two voltage-source phase legs to form an

H-bridge or three voltage source phase legs to form a three-phase bridge.


Moreover, control architecture was temporal as well as spatial. The six main

sections of power converters included the power switches, gate drive, power circuit or

topology manager, application or load manager, system controller and filters. Each

section operated predominately in a time as well as spatial domain.

The gate drive or power switch controller governed the domain no longer than

10psec. A circuit or topology controller is defined at a slower period, greater than

10psec and less than 1m sec. An application or load controller is defined from 1 ms to

seconds, finally, the system controller addressed the final power electronic domain.

The power switch and the gate drive sections could be taken as one through

applying the requirement of Plug and Play. Knowledge on both sides of the interface

was required for Plug and play. Moreover, an exchange of knowledge across the

interface allowed the sections to be put together and their interrelated functions

enabled automatically. In a personal computer, software drivers and BIOS programs

(Basic Input Output System) were employed to effect plug and play. Microprocessors

and programmable logic devices enabled controllers to exist in any number of

hardware and software manifestations. The application controller could be a software

program in a microprocessor and had no hardware manifestation at all.

The task was to define the functions and interface requirements for each of these

partitions. Not only did Protocols for information transmitted across each interface

need to be defined; but BIOS and operating systems that apply to power equipment


also need to be developed. At the beginning existing computer operating systems could

be used. However, power electronic necessity and sufficiency must be established.

Furthermore, I/O and operating systems for power electronics need to be highly

reliable and capable of real time performance.

At this point, a generalized control hierarchy boiled down to the following four

controllers, in which all of them were programmable and multifunctional [39]:

Power switch controller

Topology or circuit controller

Application controller

System controller

The functionality of a PEBB [41, 42] as a basic building block was defined on

Figure 2.11 as power conversion (single phase or multiple phases) including:

power supply for gate drives & sensors

stack or module assembly including gate drives

voltage, current and temperature sensors including A/D conversion of

sensor signals

switching control incl. pulse generation for gate drive

communication with control and

Primary protection.


Figure 2.11 PEBB concept for power electronics

System Control

Application Control

αβ to dq TransformationsId/Iq Current Control


Converter Switching Logic


Gate Drives& Protections




Second Level


Application Control-overriding control and


1ms ~1s

Converter Control-dq Transformation

-id, iq current control10μs ~1ms

PEBB Control-Modulator

-Converter Switching Logic-Second Level Protection

1μs ~10μs

PEBBs-Stack or Module Assembly

-Snubbers for Safe Commutation

-Gate Drive and Feedbacks-First Level Device Protection

-A/D and D/A conversion-Gate Drive Power Supply

-Thermal Management-AC/DC Power Terminals

0.1μs ~1μs


The interfaces of a PEBB were defined as following [40]:

Auxiliary power interface

Control interface

Cooling interface

Power interface



Chapter 3 PEBB Based Power Conversion Architecture for

DC Microgrids

3.1 Proposed Architecture

To solve this problem, a distributed power conversion architecture, which has

been adopted for power supplies in communications and computing industry for years

is proposed [43 -46]. In those applications, distributed power conversion architectures

can reduce system cost and increase efficiencies by moving from a centralized

single-stage power conversion to a distributed multistage power conversion [44 - 46].

These concepts have not been applied or investigated in current power systems with

renewable sources yet and they will have a great potential for microgrids or other

electrical energy systems. Shown in Fig. 1.4, the proposed architecture is applied in a

microgrid and different renewable energy source and loads can be integrated into it as

many as possible [47 - 49].


Figure 3.1 Proposed distributed power conversion architecture


Battery banks can be deployed locally near to wind generators, solar farms and

micro turbines. Functions of centralized converters have been assigned and distributed

to different stages. A stage is a collection of similar sub functions and connected to

other stages by DC buses of different voltage levels. Power electronics converters in

the same stage perform similar functions but much less and simpler compared to

centralize converters. For instance, converters in the first stage reduce mismatches

among solar modules and battery cells, draw maximum power from these sources and

deliver it to the next stage. Voltage transformation and instantaneous energy storage are

realized in the second stage. Power converters in the third stage provide real and

reactive ac power to the grids, enhance power quality and reliability, support grid

voltages, correct voltage sags, and provide uninterruptible power supply functions to

the loads when the grids are faulty [47]. Communications among these converters are

unnecessary for basic operations. But there will be a centralized controller called

Energy Manager to coordinate the whole operation [47].

Compared to the conventional centralized design, this architecture has the

following advantages:

1. Power electronics converters in the same stage only need to perform a few

simple tasks. Their performance can be optimized independently and won’t degrade as

tasks increases in the future.


2. Mismatches among solar modules or battery cells can be significantly reduced.

The output capacity of renewable sources will be increased.

3. The total power extracted from renewable energy sources can be boosted with

individual maximum power point tracking (MPPT).

4. Reliability is improved because functions of each converter have been

simplified. Meanwhile, because converter modules are in parallel, failures of a few of

them will not shut down the whole system.

5. Converters can be modularized. Manufacturing cost will be reduced by massive


6. DC buses acts as a buffer among individual renewable sources, batteries and

micro-grid, so ac buses (output) will experience a smoother power flow.

7. The proposed distributed architecture can enhance the reliability of power

delivery and also increase the penetration of renewable energy into the grid. As the

complexity of each dc-dc converters has been reduced, high efficiency resonant

converters can be adopted in this architecture, and the total efficiency could be higher

than AC micro grids [44].

8. This architecture can replace heavy and costly line frequency transformers with

lightweight and less expensive high frequency transformers. Extra cost with the

installation and site preparation can be saved.


Among various options for the distributed power conversion architecture, the

DAB uniform design represents an inexpensive means for converting energy from

renewable sources into electrical energy for interface to the grid. The primary

drawback of the DAB uniform design is high initial cost.

3.2 Realization in UW-Milwaukee Microgrid

Using the techniques and methodologies from the previous chapters, a 12 bus

system model is created for the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee campus. Figure

3.2 shows the physical layout of the system.

Each number represents a bus. Bus 1 represents the collection point for multiple

offshore wind turbines located in Lake Michigan. It provides around 3 MW.

Figure 3.2 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee microgrid map


In order to complete the model, system parameters calculated from the physical

dimensions are needed. The areas for the buildings are estimated from satellite images;

the solar capacity and load estimate are created based on the square footage and

techniques described in previous sections, which is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Summary of loading and solar capacity per building

Name Area (ft2) Stories Total Area (ft

2) Load (kW) Solar(kW) Bus #

Physics Building 1 12500 4 50000 245 90 11

Physics Building 2 7500 1 7500 36.75 54 11

EMS 5000 11 55000 269.5 36 12

EMS small 7500 3 22500 110.25 54 12

Knuckle Center 28125 3 84375 413.4375 202.5 11

UWM Union 75000 3 225000 1102.5 540 10

Vogel and Curtin 10000 9 90000 441 72 9

Mitchell Hall 22500 3 67500 330.75 162 9

Mel encamp Hall 10000 2 20000 98 72 9

Art Building 30000 3 90000 441 216 9

Pearse and Garland Hall 15000 4 60000 294 108 8

Johnston and Holton Hall 10000 3 30000 147 72 2

Sabin Hall 10000 4 40000 196 72 6


Klatches 20000 2 40000 196 144 6

Pavilion 30000 2 60000 294 216 6

Library 80000 2 160000 784 576 3

Ender Hall 10000 11 110000 539 72 3

Norris Health Center 2500 2 5000 24.5 18 3

Chapman Hall 625 4 2500 12.25 4.5 4

Architecture Building 7500 4 30000 147 54 5

Engleman and Cuningham


28125 3 84375 413.4375 202.5 5

Lapham Hall 7500 5 37500 183.75 54 7

Lubar Hall 25000 5 125000 612.5 180 7

Chemistry Building 11250 4 45000 220.5 81 12


7552.125 3270

Table 3.2 shows the solar capacity and load per bus. The resistance is calculated

using load in kW and the bus voltage of 380 V.

The capacitance is calculated using the number of converters and an individual

converter capacitance of 1 mF.


Table 3.2 Bus summary of loading and solar capacity

Bus Bus Load (kW) Rload (ohms) Generation (kW) # of Converters C (F)

1 Line Parasitic 1000 3000 15 0.015

2 147 0.982 147 7 0.007

3 1347.5 0.107 650 33 0.033

4 12.25 11.788 0 1 0.001

5 560.44 0.258 250 13 0.013

6 686 0.210 420 21 0.021

7 796.25 0.181 230 12 0.012

8 294 0.491 100 5 0.005

9 1310.75 0.110 510 26 0.026

10 1102.5 0.131 540 27 0.027

11 695.2 0.208 34 2 0.002

12 600.25 0.241 160 8 0.008


3.3 DC Bus Voltage Level

3.3.1 DC Bus Voltage Identification

When the physical layout has been determined, the most important properties of

the system shift to the voltage level. It is difficult to select the appropriate system

voltage because of many competing factors, such as efficiency, safety, and various

standards. Figure 3.3 illustrates various voltage levels, standards, implementations, and

benefits. The main voltage constraint in the US is the NEC’s 600 V, the maximum for

low voltage for residential areas. It is important to note that equipment becomes much

more expensive when the voltage rating goes above 600V.

Figure 3.3 DC bus voltage selection overview


The380 volts are highlighted in Figure 3.3 because it provides good efficiency

though it is below the 600 volt maximum. Additionally, there is an ETSI Standard in

progress for the 380 VDC voltage level (EN 300 132-3-1). Several telecommunication

facilities have also adopted this voltage level.

Figure 3.4 shows the estimated energy usage for various voltages. The 400 VDC

systems use less than 90% of the energy in a traditional AC system. Based upon all of

the benefits mentioned above, the system voltage level is selected as 380 V.

Figure 3.4 Comparison of energy usage for different system voltages


3.3.2 The Advantages of 380V DC Bus Voltage

Subsequent R&D is able to fully articulate the benefits and advantages of 380 Vdc.

They show that 380 Vdc:

28% more efficient than 208 Vac systems

15% less up-front capital cost in production volumes

33% less floor space

36% lower lifetime cost

20-100 times less copper than -48V DC systems

Higher Reliability:

Higher reliability is the most outstanding advantage of 380 Vdc. By eliminating

the unnecessary conversion architectures, such as the PDUs and transformers, the front

end of the PSU , and in particular, the inverter that is on the output side of the UPS in

the ac design, the reliability of the power delivery chain is improved by 1000%. This

should not come as a surprise because telecommunications companies have been using

-48Vdc systems for decades. In fact, in 2010 when Intel surveyed its manufacturing

organization, it was found that a plenty of critical failures that year was the failures in

the data centers that supported manufacturing [14].

Additionally, the vast majority of these failures were resulted from errors with

manufacturing organization.

Higher Efficiency:


380 Vdc is 28% more efficient than the current practice of 208 Vac. The Green

Grid did a peer review of the LBNL findings and concluded that the efficiency findings

were real. The report especially emphasized that if certain techniques be adopted by ac

distribution on 380 Vdc, then the efficiency could be improved by 5–7%. In the Intel,

HP/EY P, and Emerson Network Power study, the improvement of efficiency was

about 7% for dual-corded installations and 8% otherwise compared to 415 Vac. Real

implementations at Duke Energy and found 15% and 10% efficiency

improvements, respectively. So an existing legacy data center power distribution

system is replaced, the efficiency gain could be as high as 28%. The gain could be

achieved at least 7–8% for a Greenfield data center, depending on whether it uses a

dual-corded design or not [14].

Lower Cost:

Given that the power distribution system and eliminating components have been

vastly simplified, the cost in volume production is expected to be 15% less. ABB and reported that the cost for the 380-Vdc system built in Zurich in 2010 was 10%

less than for the ac system. (The data center has both.)

In fact, lower capital and operating cost are the reasons explaining why 380 Vdc is

the ideal voltage. Another important component in making a cost-effective, efficient

voltage distribution standard is to stay below 420 V so that other parts can share the

volume economics with desktop personal computer PSU s. The final reason of why the


industry selected 380 Vdc is because of a specification that requires operation up to

400 Vdc and successful survival when exposure to up to 410 Vdc) [14].

Less Space and Fewer Materials:

The Intel, HP/EY P, and Emerson Network Power study found that the footprint of

the dc power distribution system was 33% smaller than for ac. The power supply was

also reduced 30% by volume due to the elimination of components.

Although this is unlikely to make PSU s smaller since the servers will desire to

use either ac or dc PSU s during the changeover, it will make the 380-Vdc PSU s more

sustainable. They use less of the earth’s resources, and there is less to recycle at the

end of their lives.

With respect to the wiring plant, 380 Vdc uses less copper than ac, even 415 Vac.

Figure 3.5 shows that at the same power conducted, relative conductor diameter for

380V DC uses less copper than even the high-efficiency 415V AC. Conductors for

380V DC are much smaller than -48V DC with much less weight and less copper cost.

Because of skin effect and the reactive current overhead, ac conductors need to be

sized bigger than dc for the same voltage and power capacity. We can see why

telecommunications companies and the island nation of Japan are looking to replace

–48Vdc with 380 Vdc across the board. In fact, some organizations are thinking about

paying for the conversion simply because of the salvage value of the–48Vdc copper

bus bars and conductors that will be replaced.


Figure 3.5 Comparison of conductor diameters (courtesy of UECorp) [14]

3.4 PEBB Topology Selection – Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge

3.4.1 The overview of PEBB Topology Candidates

In order to respond to the increasing demand for an intermediate storage of

electrical energy in battery systems as well as the request for using renewable energy,

PEBBs have developed to be able to handle bidirectional power flow and in the same

time provide galvanic isolation. Battery charging systems, photovoltaic equipment and


auxiliary power supplies in proposed DC microgrid applications are quintessential

examples that have been created to address these concerns.

Just as mentioned in chapter 2, qualified DC/DC converter candidates of PEBB

should be able to fulfill the requirements of the following general specifications:

Galvanic isolation

Bidirectional power flow ability

High conversion efficiency in the target operating range

Low converter volume

Constant switching frequency

More detailed specifications for the proposed power conversion architecture are

listed in Table 3.3

Table 3.3 Detailed specifications of power converters



Input Voltage Output Voltage Power (kW)

DC-DC PV 48 VDC 380 VDC (±190 VDC) 2kW

DC-DC Battery 48 VDC 380 VDC (±190 VDC) 2kW(Bidirectional)

AC-DC Wind Based on Power 380 VDC (±190 VDC) 2kW

DC-DC Load Step


380 VDC (±190 VDC) 48 VDC 2kW


DC-AC Grid


380 VDC (±190 VDC) 480 VAC 7.5MW(Total)

From what has shown in Table 3.3, it is not difficult to differentiate the family of

isolated bidirectional DC/DC converter from others having the potential to realize

PEBB concept in the proposed power conversion architecture. The different

components of a bidirectional DC/DC converter with galvanic isolation are depicted in

Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 General structure of an isolated, bidirectional DC/DC converter

Different blocks in the diagram represent different components required for an

isolated bidirectional DC/DC converter [50]:

Filter networks provide smooth terminal voltages and current.

DC/AC converter is a switch network which provides AC power to the HF

transformer and the AC/DC converter supplies DC power to the receiving

port; both converters allow for bidirectional power transfer.


















Low Voltage







The reactive HF networks are used to modify the shapes of the switch

current waveforms in order to achieve low switching losses.

The HF transformer is required in order to achieve electric isolation; it

further enables large voltage and current transfer ratios.(small volume at


Bidirectional DC/DC converter topologies with a system configuration based on

Figure 3.6, are called Single-Stage Topologies because they contain a minimum

number of conversion stages. Accordingly, the total number of required components is

comparably low.

However, the operation within wide input and output voltage ranges causes

ineffective transformer and switched utilization. Improved transformer and switch

utilization will be achieved with multi-stage topologies, which contain an additional

power converter in order to adjust voltage and current levels [50].

Here, the single-stage topologies are discussed first, and the issue of multi-stage

topologies will be stressed in the following section.

The family tree of the single-stage and two-stage bidirectional and isolated

DC-DC converter topologies are illustrated in Figure 3.7.


Figure 3.7 Family tree of single-stage and two-stage bidirectional isolated DC/DC topologies

Bidirectional, two port DC/DC converters with galvanic isolation

Single-Stage Topologies

Basic Single-Stage Converters

Isolated and Bidirectional Flyback

Isolated and Bidirectional Forward

Isolated and Bidirectional Ćuk

Dual Bridge Converters without Resonant Network

Two Voltage Sourced Ports

Single Phase Dual Active Bridge

Three Phase Dual Active Bridge

Voltage and Current Sourced Ports

Voltage sourced full bridge with a current sourced full bridge

Voltage sourced full bridge with a current


Voltage sourced full bridge with a push-

pull structure

Dual Bridge Converters without Resonant Network

Bidirectional series-parallel resonant LLC


Bidirectional series-parallel resonant LCC


Two-Stage Topologies


3.4.2 Single-Stage Topologies

A. Basic single-stage converters

In the family tree of the single-stage bidirectional and isolated DC-DC converter

topologies in Figure 3.7, the first group contains isolated and bidirectional fly back,

forward, and Ćuk converter topologies which are typically employed for applications

with an output power well below 2 kW. Hence, for the proposed PEBB based power

conversion architecture where the modular power rating is 2 kW, the first group of

single stage converters with low numbers of switches is less attractive.

B. Dual Bridge converters without resonant network

The second big branch in the family tree of single stage topologies is the dual

bridge converters without resonant network. There are two subgroups that have been

categorized by the type of voltage source converter or current source converter. One

belongs to the two voltage sourced ports and the other belongs to a mixed voltage and

current sourced ports.

The first category contains a single phase dual active bridge (DAB) converter and

three phase dual active bridges.

The single phase DAB converter is shown in Figure 3.8 and it has the following

characteristics [50]:

Due to the symmetric circuit structure, the DAB readily allows for

bidirectional power transfer.


Some other main advantages of the DAB include the low number of

passive components, the evenly shared currents in the switches, and its soft

switching properties. With the DAB converter topology, high power

density is feasible

However, very large low voltage sides RMS capacitor current.

The actual DAB employs full bridge circuits on the HIGH VOLTAGE side

and on the LOW VOLTAGE side. Within the regarded DC/AC converter

topologies (full bridge, half bridge, and push-pull), the full bridge circuits

allow for the best converter utilization.

Figure 3.8 Single phase DAB converter

The three phase DAB converter shown in Figure 3.9 have the following

characteristics [50]:

A low total transformer VA rating, low switch VA ratings and a low

magnetic energy storage capability. In particular, compared to the

single-phase DAB, it has considerably smaller RMS capacitor currents















A disadvantage of the three-phase DAB is the big number of active

components needed: 12 semiconductor switches, and accordingly, 12 gate

drivers (6 high-side gate drivers) are required. Moreover, high conduction

and switching will lose result for certain operating points when the

converter is operated within wide voltage and power ranges due to the

restrictions regarding the employed modulation scheme.(Phase shift


Figure 3.9 Three phase DAB converter

In the second category of the dual bridge converters which does not contain the

resonant network, one port of converter is voltage sourced full bridge or half bridge,

the other port can be a current sourced full bridge structure, current doubler structure

or current sourced push-pull circuit.


1T 3T

2T 4T













8T 10T




For the bidirectional and isolated full bridge converter in Figure 3.10, though

isolated full bridge converter has the merit of achieving a smooth current and therefore

resulting in a considerably lower capacitor RMS current compared to the DAB, it

needs additional required volume for the DC inductor, and a snubber circuit which

makes this topology less appropriate for the proposed architecture.

Figure 3.10 Voltage sourced full bridge with a current sourced full bridge converter

The bidirectional and isolated full bridge converter with a current doubler on the

low voltage side in Figure 3.11 will lead to an increased transformer VA rating.

Moreover, the current doubler requires two (low-side) switches with a rated voltage of

twice the rated voltage of the full bridge switches, making this topology less favorable

for the proposed architecture.
















Figure 3.11 Voltage sourced full bridge with a current doubler

The third category is the bidirectional and isolated full bridge converter with a

push-pull structure on low voltage side, which is shown in figure 3.12. However, the

push-pull structure will result in an increased transformer VA rating.

Moreover, each of these windings conducts current only during half a switching

period and consequently, ineffective transformer utilization and the occurrence of a

higher VA rating. Since two (low side) switches with a rated voltage equal to twice the

rated voltage of the full bridge switches are required, this topology seems not to be

perfect for the proposed architecture [50].

Figure 3.12 Voltage sourced full bridge with a push-pull structure on low voltage side


























C. Dual bridge converters with resonant network

The final big branch on single stage bidirectional and isolated converters is the

family of dual bridge converters with resonant network, which is represented by

series-parallel resonant converters in Figure 3.13 and 3.14. Figure 3.13 demonstrates

the bidirectional series-parallel resonant LLC converter while Figure 3.14 shows the

bidirectional series-parallel resonant LCC converter.

Figure 3.13 Bidirectional series-parallel resonant LLC converter

Figure 3.14 Bidirectional series-parallel resonant LCC converter

It should be noted that the load dependent property of the resonant converters

heavily affects the performance of the dual bridge converters with resonant network,
































therefore making this group less appropriate for applications with large operating

voltage and power ranges or for applications where the converter is most often

operated considerably below its rated power. Moreover, additional hardware is

required to enable bidirectional power flow and frequency control, which is far more

complicated than traditional modulation techniques.

Hence, the family of dual bridge converters with resonant network will not be

considered in the following discussions.

3.4.3 Two-Stage Topologies

The isolated DC/DC converter topologies that have been discussed above are

operated most efficiently if the input to output voltage ratio 𝑉1

𝑉2 is close to the

transformer turns ratio n. Thus, an additional buck or boost converter is employed to

adjust the voltage applied to the isolated DC/DC converter stage, which is also known

as voltage matching [50].

Thus, within the specified input and output voltage ranges, a more evenly

distributed converter efficiency is expected for a two-stage solution which employs an

additional buck and/or boost converter without galvanic isolation to adjust the voltage

applied to the isolated DC/DC converter stage. However, the total number of required

power components is bigger for the two-stage converter. Thus, the additional DC/DC

converter needs to be highly efficient in order to achieve a higher efficiency with the

two-stage converter than with the respective single-stage converter.


There are mainly four different arrangements of a bidirectional buck or boost and

a single stage isolated bidirectional DC/DC converter. They are high voltage side buck

converter, high voltage side boost converter, low voltage side buck converter, and low

voltage side boost converter. The high voltage side buck converter is depicted in

Figure 3.15.

Figure 3.15 Two stage converter with buck converter on high voltage side

3.4.4 PEBB Topology Identification

Based on these findings, the single-phase DAB converter topology is considered

to be the most favorable application with respect to its achievable converter efficiency,

the achievable power density due to the low number of inductors, and the employed

capacitive filters on the HIGH VOLTAGE side and on the LOW VOLTAGE side.

In order to compare the efficiencies achieved with the two-stage topologies to the

efficiencies achieved with the single-stage DAB converter, the two most promising















converter configurations are investigated. However, in average, the additional loss of

the buck-or-boost converter is higher than the loosed reduction achieved so as to the

DAB converter. Hence, the two stage topologies will not be discussed further.

Therefore, the DAB is selected to realize the PEBB concept in proposed power

conversion architecture. Compared to three phase DAB, single phase DAB possess

more merits in modular design, and it will be further discussed in the following


3.5 Modular Design Considerations

The modular design consideration is the most important advantage of PEBB

concept. Modular design could make PEBBs:

Programmable, extendable, and updatable through software.

Reduce maintenance via plug and play modules.

Reduce cost via increased product development efficiency.

Reduce time to market.

Reduce design and development risk.

Standard PEBB designs cover wider market base.

Same topology for all applications is the key idea in proposed power conversion

architecture. The DAB based upon PEBB converter uses only DAB topology to realize

different application requirements in the system. DC/DC, DC/AC (since the DAB


based PEBBs are bidirectional, the DC/AC modal can also be used as AC/DC modular)

and AC/AC are the three types of DAB based on PEBBs, and they are depicted in

Figure 3.16, 3.17 and 3.18 respectively [51].

Figure 3.16 DC/DC PEBB modular

Figure 3.17 AC/DC PEBB modular

















Figure 3.18 AC/AC PEBB modular

The function of DC/DC DAB based upon PEBB modular is to regulate the input

and output of solar panels and battery banks for the purpose of maintaining the proper

connection between storage and renewable energy. The function of AC/DC modular is

to regulate the wind power and micro turbines. Moreover, the connection between the

DC bus in the proposed microgrid and AC utility is also ensured by AC/DC modular

[51]. The AC/AC modular is not used in this project; however, it could be used in other

AC microgrid application in the near future.







The advantages of modular design include:

Desirable redundancy with increasing reliability.

Same design for all applications shortens the development time.

Same hardware enables fast replacement of broken part which lower

maintance cost.

Programmable, extendable for different applications.

The unified structure will result in a desirable system redundancy without

increasing the cost, since the main cost in renewable energy system is related with the

design and maintained. With the help of modular design, the specified design can be

abolished, for instance, the time and cost for production development for new

application will be significantly shortened. The hardware for different applications is

the same, like the DAB based PEBBs. However, the different functions are achieved

by reprogramed of the controller software. If one part of the converter power circuit is

not working properly, it would not be difficult to replace it, since the hardware is

exactly the same because of the modular design. Hence, the cost of maintains will be

significantly reduced.

When it comes to the broad impact, the solutions for achieving more efficient and

more reliable system architectures and modernized converters for renewable

applications will bring about lower overall costs and greater renewable energy

penetration in the market.


The modeling, control and simulations of all types of DAB based PEBBs will be

discussed in detail in the following chapters.



Chapter 4 Modeling of DAB Based PEBBs

In Section 3.4.4, the single phase DAB converter topology is regarded as the most

promising one among all the topologies with respect to its achievable converter

efficiency and the low converter volume. Moreover, with the advantages of modular

design, the single phase DAB has been identified as the most suitable topology to

realize the PEBB concept in the distributed power conversion architecture for DC

microgrid and integration of renewable energy.

DAB bidirectional DC/DC converter is a topology with the merits of a decreased

number of devices, soft-switching commutations, low cost, and high efficiency. The

use of this topology is proposed for distributed power conversion applications where

the power density, cost, weight, and reliability are critical factors.

In this chapter the steady-state analysis of the single phase and three phase DAB

converter have been carried out. Moreover, the small-signal models of the topologies

have also been developed, providing some guidelines for the controller design.

Simulations results will also be presented to verify the theoretical modeling.


4.1 Modeling of DAB based DC/DC PEBBs

4.1.1 Lossless Model of Single Phase DC/DC DAB

Single phase DAB (shown in Figure 4.1) is a bidirectional DC/DC converter

based on two active bridges interfaced through a high-frequency transformer. The

leakage inductance L of the high frequency transformer has a great influence on the

performance of this topology. The symmetrical structure of DAB enables power flow

in both directions in case of the active load.

Figure 4.1 Single phase DC/DC DAB

Under the classical phase shift modulations that will be further discussed in the

following section, each bridge is controlled with constant 0.5 duty cycle to generate a

high-frequency square-wave voltage at its transformer terminals. Considering the

presence of the leakage inductance of the transformer, with a controlled and known

value, the two square waves can be appropriately phase shifted to control the power







flow from one dc-source to the other, thus bidirectional power transfer can be achieved.

Power is delivered from the bridge which generates the leading square wave [52].

For the simplest electric DAB converter model, assuming low voltage side

quantities are referred to the high voltage side [50]:

All losses are neglected,

The transformer magnetizing inductance and parasitic capacitances are


𝑉𝑖𝑛 and 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 are treated as constant supplies.

Hence, the resulting lossless DAB model is depicted in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Single phase DC/DC DAB lossless model

4.1.2 Average Model of Single Phase DC/DC DAB

The average DC/DC DAB model can be written as:



,sectransformer ondarynV



,transformer primaryV




in outd d v vP







d d vi







d d vi



This average model is used for design control algorithm for DAB converter [52].

If the property of bidirectional power flow is considered, the equation (5.1) ~ (5.3)

should be revised. Equation (5.4) ~ (5.6) provide the revised version.



in outd d v vP







d d vi







d d vi



A complete study of the steady-state and the small signal model will be

described in the following sections.

4.1.3 Small Signal Model of Single Phase DC/DC DAB

The small-signal modeling of the DAB converter has been achieved via using the

well-known average techniques described in [9] and [10]. Perturbing equations (8) and


(10) of the average output current and the average input current respectively, their

small signal model can be obtained. This model is represented by the following

equations [53],



1 1 1 11 1

22 2


22 2

1 1 2 1

2 2

2 110


s s s s


D D Dv

vr C Lf C r C Lf Cv v sv v DD D dv



The key point of small signal model is the linearization on the operating point;

this can be done by Taylor series expansion.

The small signal models are mainly used to study the dynamic performance and

dynamic stiffness around the specific static operating point.

It should be noted that there are some small differences between the small signal

model derived here and the average model in the last section. These differences are

resulted from the different types of mathematical model: The previous average model

is current type model of DAB, but the small signal model is voltage type model of

DAB, for instance, the state space variable are either current or voltage. If the currents

of high frequency transformer are used as the state variables, a new small signal model

would be derived. In conclusion, they both illustrate the dynamic performance

characteristics of the DAB converter equally.


[The Dynamic Model and Hybrid Phase-Shift Control of a Dual-Active-Bridge


4.1.4 Three Phase DAB based DC/DC PEBBs

The three phase DC/DC PEBBs is the simple combination of three single phase

DAB. The modeling of three phases DC/DC PEBB is identical to three single phase


The control of three phase DAB will be elaborated in the following chapter.

4.2 Modeling of DAB based AC/DC PEBBs

Here in this article, two possible solutions for AC/DC PEBBs are proposed. One is

based on traditional AC/DC converter and the other one is based on AC/DC DAB.

The former one enjoy the advantages of mature topology and control algorithms,

however, this design a little bit violates the principle of modular design, since the DAB

topologies are no longer the only structure in the system. The latter one 100% realize

the modular design consideration, but AC/DC DAB is a relatively new topology, not so

much work had been done. There are still many uncertainty and unknowns of the

characteristics of this type of converter. Moreover, the control technique for this kind

of converter is not fully fledged. There would be some risk, when huge amount of this

kind of converter exist in proposed distributed power conversion architecture.


4.2.1 Solution 1: Combination of Traditional AC/DC topology and DC/DC


The first option is build the AC/DC PEBB via combination of traditional AC/DC

topology and DC/DC DAB. This solution make more sense when three phase PEBBs

are used. The traditional three phase AC/DC converter are shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 Traditional three phase AC/DC converter

The mathematical model of the traditional three phase AC/DC converter in da frame is

shown by equation (5.5) and (5.6) [54].

1 0 1 01 1

0 1 0 1


qd d

q q d



ei iR L

i iL R uL L









d d q q Load



u i u i iv

Cv C


It is important to note that the reference voltage in the dq frame should be divide

by half of 𝑉𝑑𝑐 in the controller of traditional three phase AC/DC converter. This

method could prevent the turbulence of DC bus voltage which could influence the AC

side, which will be elaborated in the following sections of control algorithm.

The linearization form of equation (5.5) and (5.6) is the small signal model of

traditional three phase AC/DC converter, as shown by equation (5.7) and (5.8).

1 0 1 01 1

0 1 0 1


qd d

q q d



ei iR L

i iL R uL L



d d q q d d q q Load



u i u i u i u i iv

Cv C


It can be seen in the following chapter that the small signal will draw a big

influence on controller design for the traditional three phase AC/DC converter. Since

the control algorithm in dq frame are relatively more complex than the model in

conventional abc frame, special care should be address during the controller design,

this issue will be covered in detail in chapter 5.


4.2.2 Solution 2: Pure Single Phase AC/DC DAB

The second option of building AC/DC PEBB is only use single phase AC/DC

DAB as topology candidate. This solution offers a better match of modular design

consideration since the inherent pure DAB module inside the single phase AC/DC

DAB. The single phase AC/DC DAB converter is shown in Figure 4.4. It is obviously

that only one topology is integrated in the proposed converter.

Figure 4.4 Single phase AC/DC DAB




Just like the three phase DC/DC PEBBs, the three phase AC/DC PEBBs is the

simple combination of three single phase AC/DC DAB. The modeling of three phase

AC/DC PEBB is identical to three single phase AC/DC DAB which is shown clearly in

Figure 4.5.

The control of three phase AC/DC DAB based PEBBs will be elaborated in

chapter 5.

Figure 4.5 Single phase AC/DC DAB based three phase AC/DC PEBB






Chapter 5 Control Algorithms and Simulation of PEBBs

In Section 3.4.4, the single phase DAB converter topology is regarded as the most

favorable topology with respect to the achievable converter efficiency and with respect

to a low converter volume. Moreover, with the advantages of modular design, the

single phase DAB has been identified as the most suitable topology to realize the

PEBB concept in the distributed power conversion architecture for DC microgrid and

integration of renewable energy.

5.1 Control Method for Single Phase DC/DC DAB

5.1.1 Phase Shift Modulation

The phase shift modulation is the most common modulation principle for DAB

converters. The so called phase shift modulation operates the DAB with a maximum

duty cycles, i.e. D1 = D2 = 0.5, under a constant switching frequency.

The only variable in phase shift modulation controller is the phase shift angle φ

between input side bridge and output side bridge. The phase angle is used to control

the power transfer direction and value. The power always flows from the leading side

to the lagging side of the DAB controller.


For the lossless model of the DAB converter, the voltage of both sides of the high

frequency transformer and the leakage inductance current repeat every half-cycle with

reversed signs during the steady state operation.

Since phase shift modulation is a well-developed technique and has been

demonstrated in detail in many publications, it is not elaborated in this article.

The great advantage of the phase shift modulation is its simplicity: only one

control variable in this type of modulation, the phase shift angleφ, is required to adjust

the DAB power level. The simplicity of this modulation method and the possibility of

using half bridge circuits to generate the high frequency transformer voltages are the

main reasons for the wide use of this modulation method.

Disadvantages are a limited operating range with low switching losses, i.e. soft

switching range is limited compared to alternative modulation methods. Moreover,

large RMS currents in the high frequency transformer for most operating points also

causes problem when the DAB is operated in a wide voltage range.

Under phase shift modulation, a special selection of transformer turns ratio and

transformer leakage inductance is the only way to achieve a reduced RMS value of the

transformer current, since it is not possible to modify the shape of the transformer

current, the transformer current waveform solely depends on the DC voltages and on

the phase shiftφ, under the assumption of a constant switching frequency.


5.1.2 Closed-loop Control

Generally, closed-loop control will offer a better system dynamics, for example, it

has fast response to the reference change. There are two loops in the following control,

the inner loop is current loop and the outer one is voltage loop. However, the

performance characteristics of DAB are resulted from phase shift control algorithm

which leads to a big turbulence in the inductor current. If the traditional inner current

loop is adopted in the DAB converter, the converter cannot work properly due to the

reactive current issue which is stress in [55].

Hence, a PI controller based control schematic is proposed for single phase

DC/DC DAB shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 Control schematic of single phase DC/DC DAB

Classical PI controller offers a desirable dynamic property to the converter.

It should be noted that the low pass filter (LPF) in the voltage loop cannot be

omitted. Though the low pass filter is not necessary from the view of average model,








the existence of high frequency ripple in the output voltage will result in the instability

of DAB converter.

Generally speaking, the low pass filter limits the band width of the control system,

which will exert a negative influence to the dynamic of the system. Therefore, the

selection of the bandwidth of the low pass filter deserves more attention. In this project,

the second order butterworth low pass filter is selected. The cutoff frequency is chosen

at 0.1~0.2 times of switching frequency.

Base on the discussions above, the control block diagram of the single phase DAB

converter is illustrated in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2 Control block diagram of single phase DC/DC DAB

5.2 Control Method for Traditional Three Phase AC/DC Converter

For the traditional three phase AC/DC converter, the most popular control

algorithms are dq frame decouple algorithm and space vector control algorithm. Since

the space vector method is adopted primarily in the application where electrical

-+refV i










ind d v




2 22s s


machine plays a dominant role, the dq frame decouple is selected for this power

conversion architecture. The control block diagram is depicted in Figure 5.3.

It should be noted that the phase angle which is used in park transform and inverse

transform is the phase angle ofeabc. It can be obtained from the phase-locked loop.

Since the converter model is built in dq frame, the controller is also built in the

same frame as the converter, which is shown in Figure 5.4.

It should also be noted that there are block +edq and block of multiply dc voltage

in the diagram of controller, at the same time, the block of −edq and block of divide

dc voltage also exist in the diagram of converter. Hence, they are eliminated in Figure


The simulation in the following section shows that this model offers an accurate

estimation of the real system.


Figure 5.3 Block diagram of dq frame decouple control for traditional three phase AC/DC converter






di 0



+- - -









2 dcv










2dcv _





Figure 5.4 Control block diagram of traditional AC/DC converter






di 0qi


+- - -






+- - -





× ×+ +







- -Co







5.3 Control Method for Single Phase AC/DC DAB

For single phase AC/DC DAB, the dc side voltage can be seen as a constant

voltage, however, the ac side voltage is a sinusoidal voltage. The control aim is to

obtain a perfect sinusoidal output current in the ac side and in phase with the output

voltage at the same time. From the average model of DAB in equation (4.1) ~ (4.3),

the DAB converter can be seen as a perfect controlled current source, the output

current can be controlled easily by adjusting the phase shift 𝑑.Equation (4.1) ~ (4.3)

illustrate the average model of DC/DC DAB. Since the switching frequency is

significantly higher than the frequency of output voltage, the ac voltage can be seen as

a constant value in several switching periods. The simulation shows that the controller

based on equation (4.1) ~ (4.3) will produce quite satisfied results for AC/DC DAB.

Since the ac side voltage may have a negative value, the average value of leakage

inductance current of high frequency transformer in DAB will be inversed. The current

value can be obtained from equation (5.1)





d d vi




It is obviously that if the output current on the AC side is to be controlled as a

sinusoidal waveform, the 𝑑(1 − |𝑑|) should be sinusoidual. The sign of 𝑑 is

determined by the voltage on ac side.


(1 ) sin , 0, 0,sin 0d d a t d a t (5.2)

(1 ) sin , 0, 0,sin 0d d a t d a t (5.3)

Since −0.5 < 𝑑 < 0.5, −0.25 < 𝑎 < 0.25. And 𝑎 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃) should in pahse

with input voltge waveform.


1 1 4 sin, sin 0


a td a t


1 1 4 sin, sin 0


a td a t


The control block diagram is depicted in Figure 5.5.


Figure 5.5 Control algorithm of single phase AC/DC DAB

With the help of above control method, the single phase AC/DC DAB model with

controller can be further reduce to Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6 Block diagram of single phase AC/DC DAB with controller

It should be noted that the instantaneous power on the dc side has a twice line

frequency ripple in single phase DAB, the “third port” method can reduce this kind of

ripple, and it will not be further discussed here.

However, this ripple will not exist in three phase AC/DC DAB, which will be

discussed in the following sections due to the symmetrical three phase voltage.

5.4 Control Method for Three Phase AC/DC DAB

Based on the modular design concerns, three single phase AC/DC DAB

converters are combined in parallel to build three phase AC/DC DAB. The control




refV a

Calculation d

sin t





sin t






2 fL


methods for single phase AC/DC DAB can also be used on three phase AC/DC DAB

shown in Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7 Control method for three phase AC/DC DAB

Where 𝜃𝑎 = 𝜃𝑏 + 120° = 𝜃𝑐 + 240° and





fL (5.6)

Where 𝑉𝐴𝐶 is the amplitude of input voltage.

Hence, the block diagram of three phase AC/DC DAB with controller can be

derived and shown in Figure 5.8.











Figure 5.8 Block diagram of three phase AC/DC DAB with controller

5.5 Simulation Results

5.5.1 Simulation of DC/DC Single Phase DAB

The Simulink model of the single phase DC/DC DAB based PEBB is shown in

Figure 5.9. The realization of phase shift modulation of DC/DC DAB is illustrated by

Figure 5.10.

Figure 5.10 shows that the phase shift modulation signals are obtained by

waveform comparison. The phase shift angle φ is calculated by the outside loop and

feedforward into the phase shift modulation signals generator.

The overall system is depicted in the Figure 5.11. The power circuit of the DAB

converter, current source and load are in the upper part of Figure 5.11. It should be

noted that, there are two intended step change for source and load. These two step

changes are used for testing the dynamic response of the converter.













Figure 5.9 Simulink model of single phase DC/DC DAB based PEBB

Figure 5.10 Simulink model of phase shift modulation signal generator for DC/DC DAB


Figure 5.11 Simulink model of single phase DC/DC DAB with controller and mathematical



The controller of DAB is in the middle part of the picture, the phase shift angle φ

is calculated based on the mathematical relationship between phase shift angle φ and

power transferred from the leading side to the lagging side.

In order to compare the performance of detailed real switched based model shown

in Figure 5.9 to the theoretical mathematical linearized DAB and controller model, the

mathematical counterpart of the real switched based model is built at the bottom of

Figure 5.11. The comparison of simulation results are shown in Figure 5.12.

It can be seen easily that the output voltage waveforms of detailed model and the

mathematical linearized model are 100% identical in the Figure 5.12, which verifies

that the controller works properly and the linearized model has achieved a very

accurate estimation of the behavior of real system.

It should be noted that there are step changes at 0.1s for load and source, which is

shown as the small sag in Figure 5.12 and the zoomed view is shown in Figure 5.13.

Moreover, the dynamic responses of the starting period are also shown in detailed in

Figure 5.14.

The identical dynamic responses of both models verify the model and proposed

control theory again. And the switching frequency voltage ripples shown in each upper

waveform of Figure 5.13 and Figure 5.14 are caused by the switch characteristic in the

detailed real switch based model.


Figure 5.12 Simulation result of output voltages of detailed DAB model and linearized model


Figure 5.13 Detailed view of output voltages of DC/DC DAB during source and load disturbance


Figure 5.14 Detailed view of output voltages of DC/DC DAB during start period


5.5.2 Simulation of AC/DC Single Phase DAB

The phase shift modulation signals of AC/DC single phase DAB are obtained by

exactly same way compared to DC/DC phase shift modulation signal generator. The

algorithm for obtaining d is shown in Figure 5.15.

Figure 5.15 Algorithm for obtaining d for AC/DC DAB

The Simulink model of the single phase AC/DC DAB based PEBB and the

realization of phase shift modulation of AC/DC DAB is shown in Figure 5.16.

The overall system is depicted in the Figure 5.17. The power circuit of the AC/DC

DAB converter, AC voltage source and load are in the upper part of Figure 5.17.

The capacitor voltage and inductor current of the LC filter are shown in Figure

5.18. It can be seen that the controller works properly to get a sinusoidal waveform.

The switching frequency ripple will decay continuously when system keeps going to

steady state operation.


Figure 5.16 Simulink model of single phase AC/DC DAB based PEBB and phase shift modulation

signal generator


Figure 5.17 Simulink model of phase shift modulation signal generator for DC/DC DAB


Figure 5.18 Waveform of LC filter


5.5.3 Simulation of Traditional Three Phase AC/DC Converter

The Simulink model of the traditional three phase AC/DC converter is shown in

Figure 5.19.

Figure 5.19 Simulink model of traditional three phase AC/DC converter


The mathematical model of traditional three phase AC/DC converter and

controller is shown in Figure 5.20.

Figure 5.20 Mathematical model of traditional three phase AC/DC converter

The mathematical model of the controller of traditional three phase AC/DC

converter is shown in Figure 5.21

Figure 5.21 Mathematical model of the controller traditional three phase AC/DC converter


The overall system is depicted in the Figure 5.22 and Figure 5.23. The power

circuit of the traditional three phase AC/DC converter and mathematical theoretical

model are in the first part. The controller is depicted in the second part.

It should be noted that, the park transformation in both Figure 5.22 and Figure

5.23 are based on the control algorithm in dq frame which has been illustrated in the

previous section.

The comparison of simulation results of DC voltage of real switch based model

(upper one) and mathematical model (lower one) are shown in Figure 5.24.

It can be seen that the output voltage waveforms of detailed model and the

mathematical linearized model are similar in the Figure 5.24, which verifies that the

controller works properly and the linearized model has achieved a very accurate

estimation of the behavior of real system.

It should be noted that the zoom view of the small sag is shown in Figure 5.25 and

the zoomed view of starting performance is shown in Figure 5.26. The same dynamic

responses of both models verify the model and proposed control theory again.

For the same story, the current of both detailed model and the mathematical

linearized model in dq frame are compared to verify the controller and modeling. The

waveforms are shown in Figure 5.27 and the zoomed version under load turbulence

and startup are shown in figure 5.28 and Figure 5.29. Same results are expected, the

model follow the real system nearly perfect.


Figure 5.22 Traditional three phase AC/DC converter with controller and mathematical counterpart

(part 1)


Figure 5.23 Traditional three phase AC/DC converter with controller and mathematical counterpart

(part 2)


Figure 5.24 Simulation result of output voltages of detailed traditional three phase AC/DC converter

model and linearized model


Figure 5.25 Detailed view of output voltages of detailed traditional three phase AC/DC converter

model and linearized model during disturbance


Figure 5.26 Detailed view of output voltages of detailed traditional three phase AC/DC converter

model and linearized model during start up


Figure 5.27 Simulation result of dq current of detailed traditional three phase AC/DC converter

model and linearized model


Figure 5.28 Detailed view of dq current of detailed traditional three phase AC/DC converter model

and linearized model during disturbance


Figure 5.29 Detailed view of dq current of detailed traditional three phase AC/DC converter model

and linearized model during start up


5.5.4 Simulation of Three Phase AC/DC DAB

The Simulink model of the three phase AC/DC DAB with controller is shown in

Figure 5.30.

The comparison of simulation results of DC voltage of real switch based model

(upper one) and mathematical model (lower one) are shown in Figure 5.31.

It can be seen that the output voltage waveforms of detailed model and the

mathematical linearized model are similar in the Figure 5.31, which verifies that the

controller works properly and the linearized model has achieved a very accurate

estimation of the behavior of real system.

It should be noted that the zoom view of the small sag is shown in Figure 5.32 and

the zoomed view of starting performance is shown in Figure 5.33. The same dynamic

responses of both models verify the model and proposed control theory again.

The voltage and current waveforms after the special designed low pass filter are

also being examed. The simulation results are shown in Figure 5.34. Figure 5.34

illustrates that the low pass filter is well design and desired voltage and current

waveforms are obtained.


Figure 5.30 Simulink model of three phase AC/DC DAB with controller


Figure 5.31 Simulation result of output voltages of detailed three phase AC/DC DAB model and

linearized model


Figure 5.32 Detailed view of output voltages of detailed three phase AC/DC DAB model and

linearized model during disturbance


Figure 5.33 Detailed view of output voltages of detailed three phase AC/DC DAB model and

linearized model during start up


Figure 5.34 Voltage and current waveforms after low-pass filter



Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work

The three main objectives of this project is to propose new distributed power

conversion architecture for microgrid and integration of renewable energy sources; to

identify proper topology for realizing DC/DC and AC/DC PEBB concept, and to

develop suitable converter models and control algorithms for microgrid system


It has been approved that the proposed the distributed power conversion

architecture enjoys far more advantages than traditional power conversion architecture,

such as higher reliability, higher efficiency and lower cost. Moreover, the DAB based

PEBBS would enable the modular design in the proposed distributed architecture,

which offers the ability to be reprogrammable and extendable for different applications.

Modular design can also reduce maintenance cost by plug-and play and standard


Three challenges remain for future research. Firstly, since this research is an

entirely theoretical study of the characteristics of distributed power conversion

architecture for microgrid and integration of renewable energy sources from the view

of power electronics converter, in which many parameters’ non-linearity and other


detailed performance of converter have not been taken into consideration; for the

future work, more detailed model of all types of PEBBs definitely deserves more

attention. In a practical manner, I would suggest taking the first step to build a

prototype of the PEBBs; and then to consider the more complicated characteristics of

the PEBBs, especially the AC/DC PEBB.

Secondly, it is desirable to develop a whole novel system that minimizes the loss

control. The traditional phase shift modulation control algorithm do not offer an

optimized operating point for the PEBB converter, the soft switching range is limited

by phase shift modulation. Due to the modular design consideration, DAB topology is

the only structure in the proposed system. If each modular suffers from the softs

witching problem, the system cannot operating in a big range of operating conditions.

The losses of other parts of the system, for example, thermal losses, have not being

taken into account. Hence, there is a high likelihood to develop a

whole-system-loss-minimize-control algorithm that examines the big picture of overall


Finally, a perfect way to figure out how to combine PEBBs would be to achieve

the goal of optimizing the whole power conversion architecture.



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