

Assessment 3B: Disney Scoping Report & Presentation

Where in the World is Disney?

Project Team Members:

Foo Pei See 4532431Genevieve Lim Bee Ai 4531879Hoo Chak Hou 4534056Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem 4530474Yong Chen Foong 4534304

Executive Summary (Foo Pei See)The purpose of this scoping report is to describe the four scoping aspects for the most logical and appropriate location for the expansion of a new Disney theme park in Istanbul. This report aim to give solid analysis and evaluation of factors that solved with a well-informed decision for Disneys expansion to a new global country. Furthermore, this report explores the areas of Disney as a successful business, and its culture, as well as an in-depth look at Istanbul, Turkey as the best chosen ideal location. The four scoping aspects include legal systems, financing, marketing the expansion, as well as discussing about the business, Disney and culture. As a result from analysing and understanding the scoping aspects, it can be seen that Disney may not face much difficulties in terms of the overview of the international, national, workforce legal issues like the workplace and consumer law in Istanbul. Istanbul has a more lenient legal system as compared to other countries that Disney had expanded to. A financial analysis for Disney was made in this report. This includes recognizing the sources of finance in terms of financial and non-financial costs plus benefits for Disney. This report provides a few recommendations on whether how and who Disney should could obtain their financial support for the expansion project, for example, getting sponsorship from the government. Based on the analysis, it is apparent that Disney is likely to not face any financial difficulties when expanding their brand to Istanbul. As Disney is a well-known large corporation, many banks would be willing to provide loan and capital for Disneys expansion. A set of promotional strategies for Disney during its expansion in Istanbul was also recommended in this report. Disney will use the marketing mix which is the 4Ps (price, promotion, place, and product) to advertise the business. Strategies like setting new launch pricing for their theme park entrance tickets, advertising through social websites, targeting the right target market will be used to attract customers to Disney in Istanbul. Research had also been done in this report about the culture in Istanbul. Research shows that there are difference in culture, values and norms between Istanbul and other countries that Disney had expanded to. It was also found that the language, attire, practices and others are very much different in Istanbul. Nonetheless, this report found that the prospects of Istanbul are positive and the major areas of strength require further research and remedial action by Disney.

1. Introduction (Foo Pei See 4532431)Disney is arguably one of the most valuable brands in the world, with its quick expansion and improvement of its world-class entertainment products as the key factor to its success, and a persisting attention on its future developments. (Forbes 2015) This future development includes the expansion of Disney to a new global location that involves a highly constructive decision of huge financial and developmental decisions to be made, which will be discussed below. Before proceeding with the expansion, we researched the historical success of Disney, and all the reasons that led Disney to become such a most welcoming brand in the world for over the years, for young and old alike. Out of all the candidates cities, Istanbul in Turkey was chosen as the most suitable location for this expansion project. This report will be explaining about why Istanbul is the ideal city for Disneyland by outlining important aspects that will be taken into consideration before the expansion.Disney, as a large international corporation, must aim to fully understand the cultures of all the countries in which it wishes to enter. Two key factors that help determine cultures are; values and norms. Values provide the context in which a societys norms are established (Hill, 2007 p.91) and norms are the set of rules that govern what is assumed as reasonable behaviour. Istanbul is one of the largest, most famous and most culturally significant cities in Turkey. (Bowden 2007) Looking into the values and norms of this city, Istanbul has a more holistic and agonizing environment, where the people are educated with respect to the specific social, geographical, and culturally defining individuality that make this not only a suitable location for the expansion, but a place to provide a great draw card by tourists from all around the world. Next, Istanbul is ranked as the most popular travel destination because of its vibrant city that incarnates both modern and ancient. (Business Insider 2014) With so many tourists visiting Istanbul every year, it is believed this will help increasing the number of visitors to Disneyland. According to the Istanbul Tourism Statistics, Istanbul saw an increase of 13.4% in the number of international tourist arrivals as of 2014. (Istanbul CVB News 2014) The number of foreign tourists coming to Istanbul between the years of 2000 and 2013 is approximately 10 and half million and this had been increasing throughout the years. Nonetheless, according to MasterCards Target Cities Index, Istanbul has been ranked as the third favourite European destination of choice for foreigners from London and Paris which further proves that Istanbul is indeed a popular tourist destination. (Daily News 2014) Furthermore, Istanbul has high economic potential and growth; hence the expansion in that city will not be a burden to Disney. This city contributes about 23% of Turkeys Gross National Product which shows that its economy is capable on its own. (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality 2008) Their tax contribution made up to 40% of the annual state budget. (Bowden 2007) Its economy is growing constantly with the gain from their exports and imports as this city has central importance in both domestic and international trade. Most headquarters of private banks in Turkey are located in this city, leading Istanbul into an important world financial centre. (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality 2008) Other than that, Istanbuls high population made this city more attractive for the expansion. As of 2014, Istanbul is the fifth most crowded city in the world with 14.16 million populations. (Istanbul 2014) This city is having the most rapid population growth rate of 3.45 % among the 78 largest metropolitans in the world. For Disney, high population is a key criterion in the selection for expansion after seeing the recent successful development in Hong Kong Disneyland, with a population of 7.1 million, as Hong Kong had possessed the population that gives Disney the necessary factors to flourish. (Li 1999) After all the problem analysis, Istanbul in Turkey has emerged as our strongest choice for Disneylands expansion.

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2. Legal Systems (Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem 4530474)In every particular community or country, they have certain rules and regulations which all of the people have to follow, for them not to get penalized they must follow the rules and regulations, law can differ from country to another, the law exist in every country to control the people by introducing justice, equality and fairness. This means punishing those who do illegal activities and providing protection to those who are affected by these illegal activities. If law does not exist in a society, everyone will be able to do whatever he\she wanted to do and make decisions solely, and this will lead to having more crimes and many other social problems (Gates, 2009). The same concept which applied to society is applied to business too, without law in business, nothing can protect the business from others behaviour and the property interests, and the business will be chaotic. Law plays a very important role in business; it provides guidance and way to every part of the business (Ibrahim, 1996). When expanding the business in another country, it is important to know about the relationship between the origin country of that business and the country which the business will be expanded in, as well as legal systems there. For instance, it is important to know about the workplace law of the country of expansion, which is Istanbul. All parts of the relationship between the employer and the employee are covered in the workplace law. Also, it is important to know about consumer law which is designed for consumer rights and providing protection for them against businesses who involved in unfair practices (Burman et al, 2010).Our next expansion for Disney will be in Istanbul, knowing and understanding main workplace law of Istanbul as well as the consumer law there will help the expansion in adapting with the new city which is Istanbul as compared to the main branch which is in California, United States. In Istanbul, under the workplace law, it is stated that children who are below the age of fifteen are banned from working, and for the people who are below the age of eighteen are banned from working in certain places as well as the jobs where working for night shifts is required. So, people in Istanbul can start working in the age of eighteen. Moreover, the minimum wage in Istanbul is $3.49 per hour, and if a worker works more than 45 hours per week, the worker will receive 1.5 times the regular hourly salary because the rest of the hours will be considered as an overtime hours (Belsil, 2008). On the other hand, under the workplace of United States, the minimum age is 14 years old, they can work for limited periods after school hours, while the basic minimum age is 16, youth can be employed in that age but apart from hazardous jobs, but in the age of 18, youth can be employed even in jobs considered hazardous. The minimum wage in US is $7.25 per hour, which is more than the minimum wage in Turkey (Verkerke, 2015). Based on the above, it will not be hard initially for our next Disney expansion to adapt with the legal system and the issues which is in Istanbul, because as compared to the workplace rules and regulations in the United States, it is more lenient in Istanbul like for instance in terms of wages, the minimum wage is lesser in Istanbul than the one in the United States which can help the expansion legally and financially, and there will be no difficulties in terms of working age because it is almost the same with United States with slight differences. And for the consumer law in Turkey, we will not face difficulties because the business is not involved in any unfair practices since the aim of Disney is to make people happy through the entertainment which is provided by Disney. Additionally, it is good to know that the American-Turkish trade and investment relations is good since they have TIFA between them, which is Trade & Investment Framework Agreement, this can lead to have less barriers for businesses to enter the Turkish market and ease the procedures for entering the market (Mullaney, 2011). As a result, in terms of legal system and issues, it will be easy for the expansion to adopt with the new country Istanbul.[730 words]

3. Financing the Expansion (Yong Chen Foong 4534304)Project Finance (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304) Project finance is described as a source of financing towards the development of a large-scale infrastructure project that requires a hefty amount of capital funding. This debt is contracted under the limited recourse basis, which subjects the creditor to limited or no claims on the loan.4.1 Financial Support for Disney(Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)For the expansion of Disney, huge amount of financial support is needed from other sources. There are a few sources of funds can be found which government sponsorship, bank loan, joint venture are, issue shares and so on. First of all, government sponsorship is a huge amount of money sponsored by local government to support private sector and public sector projects. In order to receive the sponsorship from government, the sector has to aid government in boosting countrys economy (Queensland Government 2013). In this case, Disney is able to get the sponsorship from government as Disney can boost Istanbuls economy by increasing employment rate and tourism rate once the Disneyland is expanded in Istanbul. Therefore, government might be willing to sponsor Disney from the financial sector and provide land to expand Disneyland in Istanbul. When the government decided to offer this sponsorship, the government have to take the risk for the expansion in Istanbul. This is because if the expansion of Disneyland fails to complete, the sponsorship given out by the government will not be able to be collect back from Disney and is wasted. For example, Disney in Hong Kong and Paris has an agreement with the government whereby the government will help in expanding Disneyland in their country by providing funds (Legislative Council Secretariat 2009).Next, Disney needs a huge amount of money to finance the expansion of Disneyland in Istanbul and this can be funded by bank loan. Many banks are willing to lend out the loan to Disney because Disney is very well-known in the world and this project will be profitable (Nordenfelt & Villasenor 2008). In this case, Disney will borrow a huge amount of money from bank as expansion of Disneyland is huge projects which need a lot of funds. The higher the loan given by the bank, the higher the rate of interest will be charged (Carney 2013). When bank lends out the loan to Disney for the expansion of Disneyland in Istanbul, bank will be able to earn interest and increase their reputation while Disney is able to have the fund for their expansion project. Therefore, there is a win-win situation between Disney and the bank. On the other hand, in case the expansion of the Disneyland in Istanbul failed to make profit and unable to pay off the loan, the bank can still avoid them from incurring loss by seizing the Disneys property.Furthermore, the fund for the expansion of Disneyland in Istanbul can be obtained through joint venture. Joint venture refers to the joining of two or more business partners who can exchange each other resources, share risk and profit among each other (Stewart & Maughn 2011). Disney can offer joint venture with other business partners in Istanbul to run the expansion of Disneyland so that the expenses are shared and each company is bearing less cost pressure. As Disney is an international company, it has high credibility, as such more business partners will be confident to cooperate with Disney. Meanwhile, the business partners that cooperate with Disney need to face some consequences such as Disneyland that expand in Istanbul fail to make profit so the business partners need to bare the liabilities together. For example, Disney has an agreement with Shanghai Shendi Group in China which using joint venture to expand the Shanghai Disney Resort (The Walt Disney Company 2014).4.2 Loan for Disney (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)Government sponsorship can help Disney to get a huge amount of fund for the expansion of Disneyland but it require Disney to boost the economy of Istanbul and the future of Istanbuls economy is difficult to predict. Disney can get the fund by using bank loan but having a bank loan Disney need to pay a high fixed interest rate to bank. Meanwhile, bank loan is the fund which will be getting in full on time. By using joint venture for the expansion of Disneyland in Istanbul, Disney has to share the profit among the business partners (Finnerty 1986). Meanwhile, Disney can share the risk and liabilities with the business partners.

The best choice to be chose by Disney is the government sponsorship as it is free of charge. On the other hand, the future of Disneyland can be guaranteed as Disney is a well-known international company and a lot of people like Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Elsa and etcetera. Therefore, Disney definitely can boost the economy of Istanbul by boosting tourism and Istanbuls local employment rate.(767 words)

4. Marketing the Expansion (Hoo Chak Hou 4534056)

4.1 Importance of Marketing Consideration to Business Project (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Marketing is known as satisfying needs and wants of consumers, by delivering, communicating and exchanging offering to customers, clients or to the world at large (Kincki, 2002). In terms of Disneys expanding, it is called international business which is selling or providing goods and services towards the people from other country (Williams & Mc Williams, 2014). It is important for marketers to plan before going for expanding the Disney to another country, as we all know planning is a must for every business, by developing a marketing plan would help to aware of the possible issues that may happen in future (Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, 2012). Marketing plan can lead to good marketing strategy as company are clear with their goals and coming out with good strategy to sustain in the market (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele, Waller, 2012). Marketing research should be conducted to get information to identify the opportunities and threats that Disneyland might face in order to succeed in expanding (Hawkins & Mothersbaugh, 2013). The methods that Disney should use are data collection, finding experts to analysing it and coming out with a report, in order fully understand consumer behaviour. For example, how will they react towards the expansion of Disneyland, how likely consumers will spend their time in Disneyland, how often will they go and etc. 4.2 Target Market (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)In order to have a target market, market segmentation is a must go process. Market segmentation means that dividing people into groups that are having similar needs and wants (Kotler, 2003). The market can be divided into 3 main groups which is geographic, demographic and psychographic segmentation (Wild & Wild, 2014). The types of segmentation that should be focused by Disney are demographic segmentation which includes age groups and income. Disney is mainly targeting children for their main customers but as we all know the parents will be the one who is paying, so indirectly Disneys main targeting is a family group (The Walt Disney Company, n.d). On the other hand, Disney is providing a luxurious entertainment; therefore the targeted income group should be middle to high income levels group. According to Margaret Miller in 2014 a country is considered a high income level group with at least $12,476 of GDP per capita. Istanbul actually had a $22,765 of GDP per capita (Brookings & Jpmorgan, 2012), therefore it actually means that Istanbul is actually a potential earning investment for Disney. 4.3 Product Profile (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Products and Services that offers by Disney is actually very broad, in Disneyland, they provide a large theme park for family entertainment and leisure experiences, they also have their own Disney products to be sold in the theme park and also outside the theme park (The Walt Disney Company, n.d). Besides that, Disney actually provide accommodation such as Resorts and even parking lots for the convenience of local and foreign tourist, they take in count in almost every section to ensure the tourists have a good memory in Disney land. For example, they come out with different themes during different seasons so that tourists can have different experience in different seasons (The Walt Disney Company, n.d).4.4 Marketing Strategy (4P) (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Marketing strategy can be defined as the initiative to increase sales and sustain in the market (Kurtz & Boone, 2006). One of the most common and important strategy is called marketing mix, which is the 4Ps, price, place, promotion and product. Disney can start with offering a new launch pricing, which should be cheaper than the actual price charged to attract tourists, annual passes and special event tickets. For example, Mickeys Halloween Party, Frozen theme, Mickeys Christmas Party and others (The Walt Disney Company, n.d). Next, Disney can advertise Disneyland at Istanbul by using radio and television advertising to attract local tourist attention. But in order to attract foreign tourist, Disney will need to use internet advertising as it is more effective and the message could reach to the tourists (Mooij, 2010). Internet advertising is a very effective way as the internet is widely used and almost everyone, the usage of internet to online among teenagers had been growing over the past 10 years (Becker, 2000). On the other hand, Disney can work together with tourism agencies so that brochures can be easily reached to the hand of tourists with the help of the agencies.

(714 words) 5. Business,Disney and Culture (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)5.1 Cultural Profile of Istanbul (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)Culture is defined as the beliefs, values and assumptions shared by a group of people regarding how they should live and work together. (Schneider and Barbera, 2014) Istanbul is both an ancient as well as a modern city and is made out of many different cultures as 20% of Turkeys inhabitants has moved to the city. (Pektas, 2008) Istanbul is made out of diverse cultures including Greeks,Jews, Armenians, Russians and Christians, but the majority of the residents are Muslims. Hence, Istanbul practices mostly the Muslim code of conduct in terms of dressing and behaviour.In the Islamic culture, Muslims need to pray five times a day including working hours. (Desplat and Schulz, 2012) Furthermore, Muslims are not allowed to consume alcohol. In the Islamic culture, one must dress accordingly, where Muslims have to cover up their bodies wearing a head-scarf for women, long sleeved tops and long trousers. Lastly, the language most commonly spoken in Istanbul is Turkish. (Maxwell 2010) However, at popular tourist destinations, English and German are used by locals as well. 5.2 Workforce Cultural Issues (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)Disney has to be wary of the cultural issues that may be faced during this expansion as it would affect the success rate of the new Disneyland. Disneyland originating from America must learn to take into account the Turkish culture norms and values and incorporate it into the expansion to avoid any miscommunication and mishaps.Firstly, communication is key to a functioning company. The main language of Istanbul being Turkey means that the translators would have to be employed to translate Turkey to English and vice versa. Furthermore, foreign workers should be given a lesson to be able to converse and understand Turkish. This will help both the internal management team and the external team to communicate with Disneylands representatives. Islamic citizens of Istanbul normally adhere to a dress code where it covers their whole body parts. Foreign workers are advised to wear proper attire to work and avoid short pants or skirts as it would be offensive. Moreover, shaking hands is a corporate culture for Europeans after doing business. But for Muslim women, they are not allowed to shake hands with the opposite gender according to the teachings of Islam. Certain gestures are also offensive in Turkey such as the OK sign.

Disney must take into account holidays in Istanbul such as Ramadan as it would affect customer and employee availability during this period. Ramadan is a Fasting periodand employees may not be able to work usual long hours as they are tired and hungry. (Davies, 2015) Furthermore, Muslim workers need to pray five times a day which includes during working hours.5.3 Cultural Inclusiveness (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)Disney must definitely include cultural considerations into every step of this expansion project or it would end up being a failure such as how the Disneyland in Paris turned out. Firstly, Disneyland can use dual-language sign boards in both English and Turkey as Disneyland not only aims to have Turkish patrons but also customers from all over Europe as Turkey is in between both Europe and Asia. (Uslu , 2003) Furthermore, Disneys foreign employees should be given lessons on Turkish while Disneys Turkish employees should learn the English language. Taking into consideration that Turkey is dominated by Muslims, Disneyland must take essential steps to make sure they are not offending people and have the full support of the government. Due to popular Western culture of having alcohol to celebrate, Disney must not celebrate any goals in this manner as alcohol is prohibited to be drunk by Muslims. If Disney wishes to sell alcohol in their hotels or restaurants they need to request for a license from the government. Disneyland staff must have a proper dress code whereby they do not wear any short skirts or pants and Disneyland must allow Turkish workers to dress in their headscarves. Prayer rooms have to be made easily accessible and available during the construction of Disneyland as both Muslim customers and employees need to pray up to five times in a day. During prayer time, there may be lack of employees thus Disney should employ a more diverse group of workers to counter this problem. Disney must be wary of holiday dates in Istanbul as employees may take leave and there would be lack of employees. More customers are also expected during holiday season. (701 words)

6. Conclusion (Foo Pei See 4532431)In conclusion, Istanbul would be the best ideal city for Disneys expansion because Istanbul gave a clear set of advantages that far outweighed the small areas that could be further improvised. With so many Disneys successful expansion to other global countries like Hong Kong and France, we believe that this project is highly likely to be potentially successful if research into the scoping aspects as stated above or any other key areas is researched more thoroughly than past endeavours.[79 words]

References (Foo Pei See 4532431)Bowden, R. 2007, Global Cities Istanbul, Evans Brother Limited, Chiltern Street, London. (Foo Pei See, 4532431)Business Insider 2014, Heres why Istanbul is the most popular travel destination in the world, viewed 19 September 2015. (Foo Pei See, 4532431)Daily News 2014, Istanbul named third favourite European travel destination in Mastercards Annual Index, viewed 19 September 2015. (Foo Pei See, 4532431)Forbes 2013, Forbes Top 10 Billionaire Cities- Moscow beats New York again, viewed 18 September 2015. (Foo Pei See, 4532431)Istanbul CVB News 2014, Istanbul Tourism Statistics, viewed 19 September 2015. (Foo Pei See, 4532431)Istanbul 2015, Turkeys Demography: The Colorful Population of Istanbul, viewed 25 September 2015.<> (Foo Pei See, 4532431)Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality 2008, Economy, viewed 26 September 2015. (Foo Pei See, 4532431)Hill, C 2007, International Business, McGraw Hill/Irwin, New York (Foo Pei See, 4532431)Li, C, 1999 Selecting site for Disneyland theme park development in Hong Kong MCDM-SDSS approach, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (Foo Pei See, 4532431)

References (Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem 4530474)

Burman, Lowri, Skene & Henry 2010, Employment Law: protecting the employee consumer Consumer protection in an employment context, Keeping good companies, vol.62, no.1, pp.47-49. (Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem, 4530474)Bryan, G 2009, Introduction to law in North Carolinians, N.C institute of government, vol.42, no.2, pp.3-15. (Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem, 4530474)Cemil, B 2008,International law in turkey, The American journal of international law, vol.38, no.4, pp.546-556. (Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem, 4530474)Daniel, M 2011, United States and Turkey work to strengthen ties, Expand trade and investment relationship at TIFA meeting, States News Service, vol.39, no.1, pp.31-32. (Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem, 4530474)Ibrahim, S 2010, The role of law in business development, Fordham international law journal, vol.20, no.5, pp.1577-1587. (Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem, 4530474)Verkerke, J.H 2015, Employment regulation and youth employment: A critical perspective, Harvard journal of law & public policy, vol.38, no.3, pp.803-816. (Jasim Ali Hasan Mansoor Nayem, 4530474)

References (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Angelo Kinicki, 2002.Management: A Practical Introduction. Edition. Richard D Irwin. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Becker, HJ 2000 Whos wired and whos not: Childrens access to and use of computer technology. Future of Children and Computer Technology, 10, 4475. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)

Brookings, Jpmorgan, C, 2012, The 10 Traits of Globally Fluent Metro Areas, viewed on 26th September 2015, (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)

Elliott, G, Rundle-Thiele, S, & Waller, D 2012, Marketing, Milton, Qld. : John Wiley and Sons Australia, 2012 (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Hawkins, DI, & Mothersbaugh, DL 2013, Consumer behavior: building marketing strategy, Boston, MA : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, c2013. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Kotler, P 2003, Principles of marketing, Frenchs Forest, NSW: Prentice Hall. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Kurtz, DL, & Boone, LE 2006, Principles of marketing, Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Lamb, CW, Hair, JF, & McDaniel, CD 2012, Essentials of marketing, Mason, OH : South-Western/Cengage Learning. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Margaret Miller 2014, Global Financial Development Report : Financial Inclusion, viewed 25 September 2015, .(Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)McWilliams, A, Williams, C 2014, In:MGMT, 2nd ed, Cengage Learning, Australia. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Mooij, Md 2010, Global marketing and advertising: understanding cultural paradoxes, Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications, c2010. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)The Walt Disney Company n.d, Company Overview, viewed on 26th September 2015, . (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Wild, JJ, & Wild, KL 2014, International business: the challenges of globalization, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)

References (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)Carney, J 2013, Basic of Banking: Loans Create a Lot More Than Deposits, Consumer News and Business Channel, viewed 6 September 2015, <>. (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)Finnerty,J.D. 1986, Corporate Financial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Real-World Approaches for Financial Managers, 1st Printing Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company. (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)Legislative Council Secretariat 2009, Fact Sheet: Financial arrangements relating to Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris and Hong Kong Disneyland. (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)Nordenfelt, N & Villasenor, P.L. 2008, Understanding Bank Loans: Opportunities for Diversification and Risk Reduction, Wells Capital Management, San Francisco, California. (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)Queensland Government 2013, Queensland Government Sponsorship Policy, . (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)Stewart, M.R. & Maughn, R.D. 2011, International Joint Ventures, A Practical Approach, Davis Wright Tremaine, viewed 6 September 2015, . (Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)The Walt Disney Company 2015, Shanghai Disney Resort Accelerates Resort Expansion, viewed 6 September 2015, <>(Yong Chen Foong, 4534304)

References (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)Butt, R 2011, Be Muslim for a month in Istanbul: pray five times a day and fast, viewed on 27th September 2015. < > (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)Carkoglu, A & Kalaycioglu, E 2009, The Rising Tide of Conservatism in Turkey, Palgrave McMillan, New York. (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)

Davies, R & The Guide Editorial Team, 2015, Visiting Istanbul during Ramadan - everything you need to know , viewed on 27th September 2015. (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)

Desplat, P & Schulz, D 2012, Prayer in the City: The Making of Muslim Sacred Places and Urban Life, NJ. (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)

Maxwell, V 2010, Istanbul, Lonely Planet. (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)

Pektas, M 2008, OECD Territorial Reviews: Istanbul, Turkey, OECD Publications, Paris. (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)

Schneider, B & Barbera, K 2014 The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture, Oxford University Press, New York. . (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)

Uslu, N 2003, The Turkish-American Relationship Between 1947 and 2003: The History of a Distinctive Alliance, Nova Science Publishers, New York. (Genevieve Lim Bee Ai, 4531879)

List of References (All Members)

Angelo Kinicki, 2002.Management: A Practical Introduction. Edition. Richard D Irwin. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)Becker, HJ 2000 Whos wired and whos not: Childrens access to and use of computer technology. Future of Children and Computer Technology, 10, 4475. (Hoo Chak Hou, 4534056)

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