Page 1: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

Elementary Education in India: Progress towards UEE DISE Flash Statistics: 2009-10

NUEPA, New Delhi

DISE1 Flash Statistics: 2009-10, Progress towards UEE will be released by Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Human Resource Development Minister on February 01, 2011 (3 PM) during meeting of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Executive Council at Shastri Bhawan which is based on the data collected during the year 2009-10 with 30th September 2009 as its date of reference. Data for the year 2009-10 is received from 1.3 million recognised schools imparting elementary education from across 635 districts spread over 35 States and Union Territories of the country. The Publication is being brought out by the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi.

NUEPA has created a comprehensive database on elementary education in India known as District Information System for Education (DISE), under one of its most prestigious projects. The project covers both primary and upper primary schools/sections of all the districts of the country. The MIS Units are now operational both at the district and state levels and are equipped with necessary hardware and software. The DISE software is also operational in all the districts of the country and is providing vital information for policy formulation and preparation of district elementary education plans. What is more remarkable about DISE is that it has drastically reduced the time-lag in the availability of educational statistics which is now down from 7-8 years to less than a year at the national level and only a few months at the district and state levels. The National University has successfully developed School Report Cards ( of more than 1.3 million primary and upper primary schools/sections, and is available for 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-0 and 2009-10. In addition to quantitative information, the Report Cards also provide qualitative information and descriptive reports about individual schools. And, all this information can now be accessed on the click of a mouse. The Report Cards provide the users comprehensive information on all the vital parameters, be it student, teacher or school related variables, in concise, accurate and standard format which is easy to understand and allows meaningful comparisons to be made among schools. Users can also download raw data as per their requirement for further empirical studies. During the year 2010, under the DISE Project was awarded e-Governance 2010 & eINDIA 2010 National Awards and Manthan South Asia 2010 Award.

1 DISE: District Information System for Education is the joint initiative of National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi, Ministry of HRD, Government of India and UNICEF.

Page 2: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

To further improve the quality of data, it has now been made mandatory for all the states to check the data on five percent random sample basis through an independent agency each year. States are advised to initiate corrective measures in the light of the findings of sample checking of data. In addition, NUEPA has also launched PES of DISE data initially in three states, namely Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra which is likely to be expanded to remaining states subsequently. All these efforts would not only help in further improving the quality of data but would also help in ensuring complete coverage. DISE 2009-10: School-Based Indicators With the improved coverage, the number of schools/sections imparting elementary education dealt with under DISE increased many-fold. From 8,53,601 schools in 2002-03, their number has increased to 11,96,663 schools in 2006-07 and further to 12,50,775 schools in 2007-08. In 2008-09, as many as 12,85,576 schools imparting elementary education across 633 districts of the country are covered under DISE compared to which 13,03,812 schools from 635 districts were covered during 2009-10. Of the total schools, about 87.13 percent schools are located in the rural areas. During the same period, the number of primary schools increased from 6,01,866 to 8,09,974. Category-wise distribution of schools reveals that majority of the schools (62.12 percent) are independent primary schools. The increase in the number of schools is also reflected in the Ratio of Primary to Upper Primary Schools/Sections which clearly shows the impact of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan under which a large number of schools have been opened in the recent past. This ratio for the year 2008-09 is one upper primary school/section for every set of 2.23 primary schools/sections compared to 2.45 in 2006-07 and 2.41 schools/sections in 2007-08 and 2.27 in 2008-09. Most of the states have the ratio equivalent to almost two, all of which suggests that by and large schooling facilities have been created and are available across the country. Despite significant improvement in the ratio, there are a few states, such as Arunachal Pradesh (3.93) and West Bengal (5.53), where the ratio still needs to be improved significantly. Obtaining data from all the private schools is a challenging task. Concerted efforts made by the National University have resulted in a significant increase in the number of such schools covered under DISE over a period of time. This is important to assess the true picture of universalisation of elementary education in the country. As many as 71,195 and 1,83,033 schools covered in 2009-10 were respectively being managed by the Private Aided and Private Unaided managements. DISE data also suggests that majority of the private schools are un-aided schools (72.00 percent). The percentage of government and government aided schools is as high as 85.84 which show that above eighty out of every hundred schools imparting elementary education in the country are funded by the Government.


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Schools imparting elementary education across the country vary in size. There are about 11.98 percent schools which respectively have enrolment between 1-25 and 35.54 percent schools up to an enrolment of 50 students. In view of there being a large number of small schools, there is a need to have separate programme for these schools. In view of the large number of such schools, the National University has undertaken a research study, based on the DISE data. It is hoped that the outcome of the study will help NUEPA in developing planning methodology for small schools. DISE 2009-10: Facility Indicators Like number of schools, instructional rooms and ratio of primary to upper primary sections/schools, facilities in schools have also improved significantly which is true for physical, ancillary and teaching-learning facilities. Availability of basic facilities in schools not only attracts more children to schools but also help in improving retention rate. The preliminary analysis of a selected few indicators suggests significant improvement in all facility indicators which is true for both state as well as country as a whole. As of 30th September 2009, as many as 2,45,672 schools imparting elementary education have been opened which is about 18.84 percent of the total schools in 2009-10 in the country and about 90 percent of these new schools have school building. Of the total new schools opened, 75 percent alone are Government schools (all) compared to 81 percent such Primary schools. Opening of new schools is also reflected in the ratio of Primary to Upper Primary schools/sections which stood at 2.23 in 2009-10 compared to 2.27 Primary schools/sections per Upper Primary school/section in 2008-09. The average number of instructional rooms in Primary schools has also improved to 3.2 in 2009-10 from 3.1 in the previous year. Not a single state is having less than 2 classrooms in Primary schools. The average number of classrooms in case of Bihar is 2.1 as compared to 12 in Chandigarh and Delhi. The improvement in average number of classrooms is also reflected in the improvement in student-classroom ratio which has improved to 32 students per classroom in 2009-10 from 35 students in the previous year. It is heartening to note that about 92 percent of the 1.3 million schools that impart elementary education in the country now have drinking water facility in school. All the schools in Chandigarh, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Lakshadweep, and Puducherry have been provided with the drinking water facility in the school. It may be observed that 87.77 percent schools had drinking water facility in 2008-09. About 54.31 percent schools in the country now have access to common toilets in 2009-10. About 59 percent of total 1.3 million schools have girl’s toilet compared to 53.60 percent in the previous year i.e. 2008-09. It is interesting to note that about 16.65 percent schools have computer in the schools with percentage of such schools as high as 90 percent in Chandigarh, 82 percent in Delhi,


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87 percent in Kerala and 93 percent in Lakshadweep compared to only 0.94 percent in Bihar. On the other hand, it has been observed that 43.09 percent schools in 2009-10 have ramp in school and 43 percent Government and Aided schools, a kitchen-shed in the school premises.

DISE 2009-10: Teacher-Related Indicators Availability of teachers in schools is an important variable for quality education. The total number of teachers in 2009-10 suggests that about 5.82 million teachers are engaged in teaching in schools imparting elementary education in the country. The data also shows appointment of a large number of teachers across the country consequent to the SSA interventions. The all-India average reveals that, on an average, there were 4.5 teachers in a school in 2009-10 that imparts elementary education compared to an average of 3.1 teachers per primary school. All schools together had 44.83 percent female teachers. Urban areas had higher percentage of female teachers than the rural areas; this is true for all school types. Increase in the number of teachers is also reflected in the pupil-teacher ratio which has shown consistent improvement. PTR, both at primary and upper primary levels, is quite comfortable (primary, 33:1 and upper primary, 31:1). There are about 637 thousand contractual-teachers, constituting 10.97 percent of the total number of teachers. About 54.48 percent contractual -teachers are Graduates and above. DISE data reveals that government is the main employer of both Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes teachers. The share of SC and ST teachers together in government schools is as high as 80 percent. About 350 thousand (6%) of the total teachers are of age 55+ who may retire in the next 2 to 3 years. As many as 2.04 million were imparted training in 2008-09. Only 10 percent of the total teachers were involved in non-teaching assignments for about 14 days during the previous academic year.

DISE 2009-10: Enrolment-Based Indicators

With the increased coverage of schools under DISE, enrolment both at the primary and upper primary level of education has also increased significantly. The enrolment increased from 128.81 million in 2002-03 to 179.36 million in 2006-07 and further to 187.72 million in 2008-09 but slightly declined to 187.87 million in 2009-10. The GER at primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary enrolment. Over a period of time, enrolment in upper primary classes has also shown consistent increase. From a low of 37.72 million in 2004-05, it has increased to 54.47 million in 2009-10 (GER 75.80 percent).


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Gender Parity Index (GPI) and percentage of girls’ enrolment in primary and upper primary classes reveal that there is consistent improvement both in GPI and girls’ share in enrolment. The average of 635 districts in 2009-10 indicates a GPI of 0.94 in primary classes and 0.93 in case of upper primary classes. The improvement in girls’ enrolment is also reflected in girls share to total enrolment. In primary classes, the share of girls’ enrolment in 2009-10 is 48.46 percent compared to 48.38 percent in the previous year. Girls share in total enrolment at upper primary level is 48.12 percent; it was 47.58 percent in 2008-09 and 45.80 percent in 2005-06. The percentage of girls’ enrolment in government managed schools was found to be higher than in private managed schools for both primary and upper primary enrolment. At the primary level, the share of SC and ST enrolment with respect to total enrolment works out to 20.07 and 11.54 percent respectively. Notably, at all levels, government schools are the main providers of educational needs of both SC and ST children. The share of OBC enrolment in the elementary classes is 42.10 percent. One of the essential requirements to achieve UEE is to retain students in the education system. The apparent survival rate (ratio of Grade V to Grade I in 2009-10) improved to 78 percent in 2009-10. This is also reflected in retention rate at primary level which is estimated to be 74 percent. With improvement in the number of schools, facilities in schools and enrolment, the dropout rate for cohort 2008-09 indicates an average rate of 9.11 percent in primary grades. One of the other important indicators that are essential to achieve UEE is high transition from primary level to upper primary level of education. It has improved to 83.53 percent in 2009-10 from 82.68 percent in 2008-09. Learner’s achievement is considered as one of the important indicators of quality of education. Examination results at the terminal grades is a proxy indicator of learner’s achievement. About 56 percent boys and 56 percent girls passed Grade IV/V with a score of 60 percent and above, compared to 49 percent boys and 49 percent girls scoring 60 percent and above marks in Grade VII/VIII; the same has shown improvement over the previous year. DISE 2009-10: MUSLIM Enrolment The analysis of data suggests improvement in participation of Muslim Minority children in elementary education programmes. The data which has been received from 1.3 million recognised schools imparting elementary education from across 635 districts spread over 35 States and Union Territories of the country reveals a total enrolment of 17.98 million Muslim children in Primary classes in 2008-09 which is 13.48 percent of total 133.41 million enrolment (Total) in Primary (I to V) classes. During the pervious year,


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the same was 11.03 percent and in 2006-07, it was 9.39 percent. Of the total Muslim enrolment in Primary classes, the percentage of Muslim girls is 48.96 which is quite similar to the share of girls in overall Primary enrolment (48.38 percent). The highest percentage of Muslim enrolment is observed in Lakshadweep UT which is because of the fact that the percentage of Muslim population to total population in the UT in 2001 was as high as 95.47 percent. Like enrolment in Primary classes, percentage of Muslim enrolment in Upper Primary classes has also improved to 11.89 percent in 2009-10 from 9.13 percent in 2008-09 and 7.52 percent in 2006-07. Of the total 54.47 million enrolment in Upper Primary classes in the country in 2009-10, Muslim enrolment is 6.48 million and the percentage of Muslim girls to total Muslim enrolment in Upper Primary classes is about 50 percent which is above the national average girls enrolment in Upper Primary classes. The data also reveals a share of 13.02 percent (Muslim enrolment) in Elementary classes (I to VIII) of which 49.34 percent are the Muslim girls (to total Muslim enrolment). The enrolment data for the year 2009-10 also reveals that there are certain pockets in the country which has got high percentage of Muslim enrolment. There are about 1,07,945 schools which has got more than 25 percent Muslim enrolment (to total enrolment in elementary classes) which is 8.28 percent of the total schools that impart elementary education in the country. Similarly, 77,456 (5.94 percent) schools have above 50 percent Muslim enrolment as compared to 58,816 schools (4.51 percent) having 75 percent and above and 47,532 schools (3.65 percent) even having a share of 90 and above Muslim enrolment to total enrolment. Because of the high percent share of Muslim population to total population in the state, 11 districts of Jammu and Kashmir have got above 90 percent Muslim enrolment in 2009-10 in Primary classes which is also true for enrolment in Upper Primary classes. On the other hand, 34 districts in the country have more than 50 percent Muslim enrolment in Primary classes in 2009-10 compared to 17 such districts in case of Upper Primary enrolment. Education Development Index (EDI) : 2009-10 For the last four years, NUEPA has been computing Educational Development India (EDI) which is largely based on the data collected through the DISE. The following indicators have been used for computing EDI 2009-10:

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Variables used in Computing Educational Development Index Component Indicator

Percentage of Habitations not Served* (corrected with reference to new schools (Government) opened since 2002-03) Availability of Schools per 1000 Child Population ACCESS Ratio of Primary to Upper Primary Schools/Sections (only at Upper Primary stage) Schools with Student Classroom Ratio > 40 Schools with Drinking Water facility Schools with Common toilet INFRASTRUCTURE

Schools with Girl's toilet Percentage of Schools with Female Teachers (in schools with 2 and more teachers) Schools with Pupil-Teacher Ratio > 40 Percentage of schools with less than 2 teachers (in schools with more than 15 students) (Primary schools only) Percentage of Schools with < 3 teachers (Upper Primary schools/sections)


Teachers without Professional Qualification Gross Enrolment Ratio - Overall Participation of Scheduled Castes Children: Percentage SC Population (2001 Census) - Percentage SC Enrolment Participation of Scheduled Tribes Children : Percentage ST Population (2001 Census) - Percentage ST Enrolment Gender Parity Index in Enrolment Repetition Rate Drop-out Rate* Ratio of Exit Class over Class I Enrolment (only at Primary stage) Transition Rate from Primary to Upper Primary level (only for Upper Primary level)


Percentage of Appeared Children securing 60 per cent and more marks Note:

• Indicators used for constructing EDI were pre-determined by the MHRD, Government of India. Contributions received from the members of the Multi-Disciplinary Expert and Core Group on EDI constituted by the MHRD in 2005-06 is gratefully acknowledged.

• Indicators were normalized before the Principal Component Analysis was applied to decide the factor loadings and weights. • Separate dimensional indices were constructed first before finalizing the EDI; and ∗ Number of access-less habitations has been obtained from the Seventh All India Education Survey and drop-out rate at Upper Primary level from

the Selected Educational Statistics. Wherever necessary projected child population provided by the Office of the Registrar General of India has been used.

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Assumptions used in Computing 2009-10 EDI An effort has been made by the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA) and the Government of India (MHRD, Department of School Education and Literacy) to compute an Educational Development Index (EDI), separately for Primary and Upper Primary levels of education and also a composite index for the entire Elementary education which is exclusively based on the DISE data for the year 2009-10. The first such attempt was made in 2005-06. A set of 21 indicators have been used in computing EDI which are re-grouped into the four sub-groups, namely Access, Infrastructure, Teachers and Outcome indicators. The Indicators used for constructing EDI were pre-determined by a Working Group on EDI constituted by the MHRD during 2005-06 of which NUEPA was also one of the institutional members. In the present year, improved versions of a few variables were used. Percentage of access-less habitation was one such variable which is latest available for the year 2002-03. In view of a large number of schools that have been opened across the country in the recent past, the same was corrected with reference to new schools (Government) opened since 2002-03. Like in the previous year, in place of Gross Enrolment Ratio of SC/ST population, percentage of SC/ST population (to total population, 2001 Census) minus percentage of SC/ST share of enrolment in Primary and Upper Primary classes has been used to assess participation of the SC/ST children. In 2009-10, Schools with Student-Classroom Ratio (SCR) above 40 and schools with Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) above 40 have been used in place of schools having SCR and PTR above 60. Similarly, in place of single-teacher schools, percentage of Primary only schools with less than 2 teachers (in schools with more than 15 students) has been used in computing Teacher’s Index at Primary level. In view of these changes, average SCR and PTR and percentage of passed children to total enrolment have not been used in computing EDI in 2009-10 both in case of Primary and Upper Primary levels of education. After data was cleaned, each indicator was normalised by using the following formula:

{Best Xi- Observed Xij}

NVij = 1-

{Best Xi- Worst Xi}

Upon receiving normalised values, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to decide the factor loading and weights. In case of a few variables, policy options were explored to identify the best values instead of based on the observed values. Some of these variables are: access-less habitations (best value, zero), percentage of schools with pupil-teacher and students-classroom ratio above 40 (best value, zero), percentage of teachers without professional qualification (best value, zero) etc.


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The analysis of EDI clearly reveals that different states are at different levels of educational development in general, and primary and upper primary levels of education in particular. A few states with high EDI values are termed better than the other states but still they may not be well placed with regard to all the four sets of indicators used in computation of EDI. Even if a state is ranked first, still it may need further improvement for which individual EDI values should be critically analyzed. The states are advised to compute district-specific EDIs and analyse results separately in case of access, infrastructure, teachers and outcome indicators.


Page 10: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

Educational Development Index: Primary Level All Schools: All Managements

Access Index & Rank Infrastructure Index & Rank Sl. No. State/UT 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10

1 A & N Islands 0.085 35 0.094 35 0.931 2 0.890 32 Andhra Pradesh 0.627 9 0.625 7 0.549 23 0.666 203 Arunachal Pradesh 1.000 1 1.000 1 0.221 33 0.394 314 Assam 0.696 5 0.524 20 0.164 34 0.365 335 Bihar 0.554 15 0.552 16 0.379 30 0.375 326 Chandigarh 0.500 24 0.500 28 0.715 12 0.865 57 Chhattisgarh 0.663 6 0.659 5 0.429 28 0.463 278 D & N Haveli 0.628 8 0.623 8 0.515 25 0.568 259 Daman & Diu 0.320 33 0.378 33 0.818 7 0.820 910 Delhi 0.515 20 0.515 23 0.741 10 0.817 1011 Goa 0.452 29 0.435 30 0.676 17 0.726 1412 Gujarat 0.570 12 0.569 13 0.700 14 0.684 1813 Haryana 0.551 16 0.520 22 0.872 4 0.847 714 Himachal Pradesh 0.411 31 0.398 31 0.595 22 0.654 2115 Jammu & Kashmir 0.769 3 0.762 2 0.363 31 0.318 3416 Jharkhand 0.632 7 0.628 6 0.291 32 0.422 2917 Karnataka 0.559 14 0.565 14 0.680 16 0.596 2318 Kerala 0.229 34 0.225 34 0.848 5 0.846 819 Lakshadweep 0.536 19 0.542 17 0.784 8 0.854 620 Madhya Pradesh 0.561 13 0.577 11 0.637 19 0.535 2621 Maharashtra 0.542 17 0.562 15 0.674 18 0.732 1322 Manipur 0.404 32 0.397 32 0.408 29 0.421 3023 Meghalaya 0.794 2 0.760 3 0.149 35 0.219 3524 Mizoram 0.743 4 0.746 4 0.602 21 0.679 1925 Nagaland 0.582 11 0.620 9 0.635 20 0.807 1126 Orissa 0.513 21 0.528 19 0.489 26 0.570 2427 Puducherry 0.500 23 0.523 21 0.966 1 0.927 228 Punjab 0.502 22 0.514 24 0.883 3 0.969 129 Rajasthan 0.593 10 0.592 10 0.686 15 0.691 1630 Sikkim 0.464 28 0.509 25 0.741 11 0.882 431 Tamil Nadu 0.494 25 0.473 29 0.747 9 0.801 1232 Tripura 0.416 30 0.505 26 0.482 27 0.436 2833 Uttar Pradesh 0.487 26 0.502 27 0.827 6 0.713 1534 Uttarakhand 0.538 18 0.537 18 0.707 13 0.689 1735 West Bengal 0.473 27 0.574 12 0.516 24 0.609 22


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Educational Development Index: Primary Level All Schools: All Managements

Teachers Index & Rank Outcomes Index & Rank Sl. No.

State/UT 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 1 A & N Islands 0.977 1 0.900 7 0.582 30 0.675 202 Andhra Pradesh 0.711 15 0.686 17 0.834 5 0.806 63 Arunachal Pradesh 0.375 34 0.368 35 0.483 34 0.465 354 Assam 0.408 33 0.454 32 0.645 23 0.688 175 Bihar 0.466 29 0.463 30 0.579 31 0.597 316 Chandigarh 0.969 3 0.949 3 0.451 35 0.593 337 Chhattisgarh 0.486 28 0.503 28 0.745 12 0.746 118 D & N Haveli 0.560 23 0.585 22 0.757 9 0.748 99 Daman & Diu 0.861 9 0.810 11 0.537 33 0.651 2710 Delhi 0.895 6 0.913 5 0.596 27 0.699 1511 Goa 0.873 8 0.852 9 0.596 28 0.668 2412 Gujarat 0.790 10 0.816 10 0.752 10 0.692 1613 Haryana 0.708 17 0.694 16 0.699 17 0.678 1814 Himachal Pradesh 0.708 16 0.730 13 0.829 6 0.788 715 Jammu & Kashmir 0.520 25 0.507 27 0.835 4 0.769 816 Jharkhand 0.363 35 0.373 34 0.604 26 0.606 3017 Karnataka 0.758 12 0.774 12 0.839 3 0.815 418 Kerala 0.975 2 0.981 1 0.665 22 0.812 519 Lakshadweep 0.935 5 0.917 4 0.879 2 0.923 120 Madhya Pradesh 0.438 32 0.462 31 0.699 18 0.670 2321 Maharashtra 0.685 18 0.713 15 0.801 7 0.747 1022 Manipur 0.515 26 0.510 26 0.590 29 0.647 2823 Meghalaya 0.557 24 0.563 23 0.568 32 0.615 2924 Mizoram 0.725 14 0.674 19 0.684 21 0.714 1325 Nagaland 0.618 20 0.593 21 0.751 11 0.677 1926 Orissa 0.565 22 0.525 24 0.737 13 0.704 1427 Puducherry 0.951 4 0.966 2 0.698 20 0.908 228 Punjab 0.786 11 0.873 8 0.616 25 0.564 3429 Rajasthan 0.452 31 0.449 33 0.627 24 0.594 3230 Sikkim 0.728 13 0.725 14 0.698 19 0.672 2131 Tamil Nadu 0.881 7 0.901 6 0.954 1 0.887 332 Tripura 0.455 30 0.467 29 0.777 8 0.716 1233 Uttar Pradesh 0.587 21 0.637 20 0.728 14 0.671 2234 Uttarakhand 0.639 19 0.674 18 0.708 16 0.666 2635 West Bengal 0.500 27 0.511 25 0.708 15 0.667 25


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Educational Development Index: Upper Primary Level All Schools: All Managements

Access Index & Rank Infrastructure Index & Rank Sl. No.

State/UT 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 1 A & N Islands 0.526 31 0.433 33 0.925 2 0.972 12 Andhra Pradesh 0.642 23 0.578 23 0.700 18 0.777 153 Arunachal Pradesh 0.293 34 0.289 34 0.501 31 0.698 194 Assam 0.637 24 0.564 27 0.205 35 0.306 345 Bihar 0.513 32 0.515 31 0.520 30 0.424 326 Chandigarh 0.760 10 0.756 5 0.708 17 0.891 67 Chhattisgarh 0.752 12 0.712 11 0.477 32 0.448 308 D & N Haveli 0.751 13 0.682 16 0.629 23 0.742 179 Daman & Diu 0.779 7 0.775 3 0.818 9 0.787 1410 Delhi 0.760 9 0.694 14 0.683 20 0.819 1111 Goa 0.589 27 0.520 29 0.831 7 0.865 812 Gujarat 0.823 2 0.798 2 0.710 14 0.684 2213 Haryana 0.786 6 0.728 7 0.901 3 0.864 914 Himachal Pradesh 0.802 3 0.732 6 0.653 22 0.685 2115 Jammu & Kashmir 0.729 16 0.713 10 0.523 28 0.422 3316 Jharkhand 0.497 33 0.475 32 0.466 33 0.438 3117 Karnataka 0.789 5 0.727 8 0.709 15 0.658 2418 Kerala 0.682 21 0.620 22 0.860 5 0.866 719 Lakshadweep 0.799 4 0.763 4 0.815 10 0.900 520 Madhya Pradesh 0.722 17 0.664 17 0.698 19 0.577 2621 Maharashtra 0.704 19 0.650 18 0.781 11 0.819 1222 Manipur 0.568 30 0.528 28 0.570 26 0.561 2923 Meghalaya 0.609 26 0.649 19 0.208 34 0.146 3524 Mizoram 0.964 1 0.963 1 0.601 24 0.664 2325 Nagaland 0.587 28 0.517 30 0.653 21 0.824 1026 Orissa 0.722 18 0.576 24 0.534 27 0.569 2727 Puducherry 0.731 15 0.684 15 0.974 1 0.907 428 Punjab 0.750 14 0.717 9 0.873 4 0.946 229 Rajasthan 0.766 8 0.700 12 0.775 12 0.757 1630 Sikkim 0.572 29 0.574 25 0.828 8 0.943 331 Tamil Nadu 0.616 25 0.566 26 0.730 13 0.804 1332 Tripura 0.701 20 0.622 21 0.520 29 0.565 2833 Uttar Pradesh 0.672 22 0.630 20 0.840 6 0.703 1834 Uttarakhand 0.753 11 0.699 13 0.709 16 0.645 2535 West Bengal 0.267 35 0.281 35 0.571 25 0.686 20


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Educational Development Index: Upper Primary Level All Schools: All Managements

Teachers Index & Rank Outcomes Index & Rank Sl. NO.

State/UT 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 1 A & N Islands 0.965 4 0.976 2 0.759 8 0.699 122 Andhra Pradesh 0.871 8 0.864 10 0.744 11 0.717 73 Arunachal Pradesh 0.582 25 0.645 24 0.660 17 0.686 134 Assam 0.625 24 0.582 26 0.620 22 0.590 245 Bihar 0.363 33 0.510 29 0.411 35 0.430 356 Chandigarh 0.976 1 0.952 3 0.563 27 0.579 267 Chhattisgarh 0.549 26 0.477 32 0.651 19 0.700 118 D & N Haveli 0.626 23 0.774 16 0.575 25 0.608 239 Daman & Diu 0.827 11 0.864 11 0.774 5 0.672 1810 Delhi 0.908 6 0.894 8 0.685 15 0.673 1711 Goa 0.905 7 0.951 4 0.431 33 0.621 2212 Gujarat 0.673 21 0.848 14 0.638 20 0.588 2513 Haryana 0.737 15 0.779 15 0.734 12 0.676 1614 Himachal Pradesh 0.783 12 0.773 17 0.753 9 0.768 515 Jammu & Kashmir 0.695 19 0.708 20 0.706 14 0.679 1416 Jharkhand 0.278 34 0.427 34 0.634 21 0.678 1517 Karnataka 0.662 22 0.850 13 0.749 10 0.709 1018 Kerala 0.909 5 0.941 5 0.809 3 0.819 419 Lakshadweep 0.970 3 0.924 6 0.801 4 0.892 120 Madhya Pradesh 0.427 31 0.428 33 0.527 30 0.575 2721 Maharashtra 0.708 17 0.760 18 0.763 7 0.712 922 Manipur 0.707 18 0.703 21 0.657 18 0.659 2023 Meghalaya 0.689 20 0.647 23 0.584 24 0.631 2124 Mizoram 0.764 13 0.721 19 0.669 16 0.716 825 Nagaland 0.716 16 0.692 22 0.725 13 0.671 1926 Orissa 0.425 32 0.483 31 0.505 31 0.495 3327 Puducherry 0.972 2 0.981 1 0.829 2 0.872 328 Punjab 0.865 9 0.894 7 0.542 29 0.571 2829 Rajasthan 0.495 30 0.589 25 0.543 28 0.496 3230 Sikkim 0.844 10 0.857 12 0.459 32 0.483 3431 Tamil Nadu 0.738 14 0.878 9 0.907 1 0.873 232 Tripura 0.521 28 0.563 27 0.590 23 0.542 3033 Uttar Pradesh 0.254 35 0.253 35 0.569 26 0.562 2934 Uttarakhand 0.513 29 0.508 30 0.765 6 0.758 635 West Bengal 0.544 27 0.528 28 0.416 34 0.535 31

Page 14: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary


Composite Educational Development Index All Schools: All Managements

EDI & Rank Primary Level

EDI & Rank Upper Primary Level

EDI & Rank (Composite Primary & Upper Primary)

Sl. No. State/UT

2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 1 A & N Islands 0.664 12 0.663 5 0.809 4 0.829 4 0.736 7 0.746 4 2 Andhra Pradesh 0.657 15 0.561 17 0.746 11 0.762 12 0.702 14 0.662 14 3 Arunachal Pradesh 0.512 29 0.328 35 0.519 31 0.620 25 0.516 30 0.474 31 4 Assam 0.446 35 0.386 31 0.519 32 0.503 32 0.483 33 0.445 32 5 Bihar 0.480 32 0.375 32 0.447 35 0.466 35 0.463 34 0.421 35 6 Chandigarh 0.688 10 0.655 7 0.756 9 0.814 5 0.722 10 0.735 6 7 Chhattisgarh 0.554 26 0.439 26 0.600 25 0.558 27 0.577 26 0.498 27 8 D & N Haveli 0.594 22 0.493 22 0.640 22 0.710 19 0.617 22 0.602 20 9 Daman & Diu 0.654 17 0.612 9 0.801 5 0.782 10 0.728 9 0.697 9 10 Delhi 0.701 6 0.651 8 0.762 7 0.790 8 0.732 8 0.720 8 11 Goa 0.658 14 0.602 11 0.697 17 0.783 9 0.678 17 0.692 10 12 Gujarat 0.698 7 0.584 13 0.706 16 0.730 18 0.702 13 0.657 15 13 Haryana 0.714 4 0.590 12 0.789 6 0.770 11 0.752 4 0.680 11 14 Himachal Pradesh 0.611 21 0.567 16 0.746 12 0.741 16 0.679 16 0.654 17 15 Jammu & Kashmir 0.586 24 0.404 30 0.661 21 0.621 24 0.623 21 0.512 25 16 Jharkhand 0.449 34 0.363 34 0.464 33 0.500 34 0.456 35 0.431 34 17 Karnataka 0.693 8 0.569 15 0.723 15 0.743 15 0.708 12 0.656 16 18 Kerala 0.689 9 0.700 3 0.822 3 0.844 3 0.756 3 0.772 3 19 Lakshadweep 0.773 2 0.704 2 0.851 2 0.887 2 0.812 2 0.795 2 20 Madhya Pradesh 0.571 25 0.433 27 0.585 26 0.540 28 0.578 25 0.486 30 21 Maharashtra 0.660 13 0.576 14 0.740 14 0.750 13 0.700 15 0.663 13 22 Manipur 0.464 33 0.411 29 0.630 24 0.627 23 0.547 27 0.519 24 23 Meghalaya 0.498 31 0.365 33 0.522 30 0.501 33 0.510 31 0.433 33 24 Mizoram 0.686 11 0.544 19 0.741 13 0.738 17 0.714 11 0.641 18 25 Nagaland 0.633 20 0.549 18 0.675 20 0.699 20 0.654 20 0.624 19 26 Orissa 0.553 27 0.468 23 0.537 29 0.524 30 0.545 28 0.496 28 27 Puducherry 0.797 1 0.736 1 0.884 1 0.891 1 0.841 1 0.813 1 28 Punjab 0.714 5 0.656 6 0.760 8 0.803 7 0.737 6 0.730 7 29 Rajasthan 0.587 23 0.458 25 0.636 23 0.629 22 0.612 24 0.544 22 30 Sikkim 0.657 16 0.608 10 0.683 18 0.748 14 0.670 18 0.678 12 31 Tamil Nadu 0.747 3 0.677 4 0.753 10 0.811 6 0.750 5 0.744 5 32 Tripura 0.501 30 0.415 28 0.577 27 0.567 26 0.539 29 0.491 29 33 Uttar Pradesh 0.654 18 0.534 21 0.573 28 0.511 31 0.614 23 0.523 23 34 Uttarakhand 0.643 19 0.538 20 0.679 19 0.636 21 0.661 19 0.587 21 35 West Bengal 0.528 28 0.467 24 0.459 34 0.540 29 0.494 32 0.503 26

Page 15: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

EDI: Distribution of States into three Groups I : North-Eastern States

Indices & Ranking at Primary/Upper Primary Level: North-Eastern States (Excluding Assam) All Managements: All Schools: 2008-09

Access Index Infrastructure Index Teachers Index State

Primary Level

Rank Upper

Primary Level

Rank Primary Level


Primary Level

Rank Primary Level


Primary Level


Arunachal Pradesh 1.000 1 0.289 7 0.394 6 0.698 3 0.368 7 0.645 6

Manipur 0.397 7 0.528 5 0.421 5 0.561 6 0.510 5 0.703 3

Meghalaya 0.760 2 0.649 2 0.219 7 0.146 7 0.563 4 0.647 5

Mizoram 0.746 3 0.963 1 0.679 3 0.664 4 0.674 2 0.721 2

Nagaland 0.620 4 0.517 6 0.807 2 0.824 2 0.593 3 0.692 4

Sikkim 0.509 5 0.574 4 0.882 1 0.943 1 0.725 1 0.857 1

Tripura 0.505 6 0.622 3 0.436 4 0.565 5 0.467 6 0.563 7

Outcome Index Composite EDI State

Primary Level

Rank Upper

Primary Level

Rank Primary Level

Rank Upper

Primary Level

Rank Primary &

Upper Primary Level



Pradesh 0.465 7 0.686 2 0.328 7 0.620 5 0.474 6

Manipur 0.647 5 0.659 4 0.411 5 0.627 4 0.519 4 Meghalaya 0.615 6 0.631 5 0.365 6 0.501 7 0.433 7 Mizoram 0.714 2 0.716 1 0.544 3 0.738 2 0.641 2 Nagaland 0.677 3 0.671 3 0.549 2 0.699 3 0.624 3 Sikkim 0.672 4 0.483 7 0.608 1 0.748 1 0.678 1 Tripura 0.716 1 0.542 6 0.415 4 0.567 6 0.491 5


Page 16: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

Composite Educational Development Index: North-Eastern States (Excluding Assam) Primary and Upper Primary Levels: All Schools & All Managements

EDI & Rank

Primary Level EDI & Rank

Upper Primary Level Composite EDI & Rank

(Primary & Upper Primary) State/UT 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10

Arunachal Pradesh 0.512 4 0.328 7 0.519 7 0.620 5 0.516 6 0.474 6 Manipur 0.464 7 0.411 5 0.630 4 0.627 4 0.547 5 0.519 4 Meghalaya 0.498 6 0.365 6 0.522 6 0.501 7 0.510 7 0.433 7 Mizoram 0.686 1 0.544 3 0.741 1 0.738 2 0.714 1 0.641 2 Nagaland 0.633 3 0.549 2 0.675 3 0.699 3 0.654 3 0.624 3 Sikkim 0.659 2 0.608 1 0.683 2 0.748 1 0.670 2 0.678 1 Tripura 0.501 5 0.415 4 0.577 5 0.567 6 0.614 4 0.491 5


Page 17: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

II: Smaller States

Indices & Ranking at Primary/Upper Primary Level: Smaller States/UTs All Managements: All Schools: 2009-10

Access Index Infrastructure Index Teachers Index

State/UT Primary Level Rank

Upper Primary Level

Rank Primary Level

RankUpper Primary Level

RankPrimary Level


Upper Primary Level


A & N Islands 0.094 7 0.433 7 0.890 2 0.972 1 0.900 4 0.976 2 Chandigarh 0.500 4 0.756 3 0.865 3 0.891 4 0.949 2 0.952 3 D & N Haveli 0.623 1 0.682 5 0.568 7 0.742 7 0.585 7 0.774 7 Daman & Diu 0.378 6 0.775 1 0.820 5 0.787 6 0.810 6 0.864 6 Goa 0.435 5 0.520 6 0.726 6 0.865 5 0.852 5 0.951 4 Lakshadweep 0.542 2 0.763 2 0.854 4 0.900 3 0.917 3 0.924 5 Puducherry 0.523 3 0.684 4 0.927 1 0.907 2 0.966 1 0.981 1

Outcome Index EDI

State/UT Primary Level Rank

Upper Primary Level

Rank Primary Level Rank

Upper Primary Level

Rank Composite (Primary & Upper Primary)


A & N Islands 0.675 4 0.699 7 0.663 3 0.829 2 0.746 3 Chandigarh 0.593 7 0.579 6 0.655 4 0.814 3 0.735 4 D & N Haveli 0.748 3 0.608 5 0.493 7 0.710 6 0.602 7 Daman & Diu 0.651 6 0.672 4 0.612 5 0.782 5 0.697 5 Goa 0.668 5 0.621 3 0.602 6 0.783 4 0.692 6 Lakshadweep 0.923 1 0.892 2 0.704 2 0.887 1 0.795 2 Puducherry 0.908 2 0.872 1 0.736 1 0.891 7 0.813 1

Composite Educational Development Index: Smaller States/UTs

Primary and Upper Primary Levels: All Schools & All Managements

EDI & Rank Primary Level

EDI & Rank Upper Primary Level

Composite EDI & Rank (Primary & Upper

Primary) State/UT

2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 A & N Islands 0.664 4 0.663 3 0.809 3 0.829 2 0.736 3 0.746 3 Chandigarh 0.688 3 0.655 4 0.756 5 0.814 3 0.722 5 0.735 4 D & N Haveli 0.594 7 0.493 7 0.640 7 0.710 6 0.617 7 0.602 7 Daman & Diu 0.654 6 0.612 5 0.801 4 0.782 5 0.728 4 0.697 5 Goa 0.658 5 0.602 6 0.697 6 0.783 4 0.678 6 0.692 6 Lakshadweep 0.773 2 0.704 2 0.851 2 0.887 1 0.812 2 0.795 2 Puducherry 0.797 1 0.736 1 0.884 1 0.891 7 0.841 1 0.813 1


Page 18: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

III: Large States Indices & Ranking at Primary/Upper Primary Level: Major States

All Managements: All Schools: 2009-10

Access Index Infrastructure Index Teachers Index

State Primary Level Rank

Upper Primary Level

Rank PrimaryLevel Rank

Upper PrimaryLevel

Rank Primary Level Rank

Upper PrimaryLevel


Andhra Pradesh 0.625 4 0.578 15 0.666 11 0.777 7 0.686 10 0.864 5

Assam 0.524 14 0.564 18 0.365 20 0.306 21 0.454 19 0.582 13

Bihar 0.552 11 0.515 19 0.375 19 0.424 19 0.463 17 0.510 15

Chhattisgarh 0.659 2 0.712 7 0.463 17 0.448 17 0.503 16 0.477 18

Delhi 0.515 16 0.694 10 0.817 4 0.819 4 0.913 2 0.894 2

Gujarat 0.569 8 0.798 1 0.684 10 0.684 12 0.816 5 0.848 7

Haryana 0.520 15 0.728 3 0.847 2 0.864 3 0.694 9 0.779 8

Himachal Pradesh 0.398 20 0.732 2 0.654 12 0.685 11 0.730 7 0.773 9

Jammu & Kashmir 0.762 1 0.713 6 0.318 21 0.422 20 0.507 15 0.708 11

Jharkhand 0.628 3 0.475 20 0.422 18 0.438 18 0.373 21 0.427 20

Karnataka 0.565 9 0.727 4 0.596 14 0.658 13 0.774 6 0.850 6

Kerala 0.225 21 0.620 14 0.846 3 0.866 2 0.981 1 0.941 1

Madhya Pradesh 0.577 6 0.664 11 0.535 16 0.577 15 0.462 18 0.428 19

Maharashtra 0.562 10 0.650 12 0.732 6 0.819 5 0.713 8 0.760 10

Orissa 0.528 13 0.576 16 0.57 15 0.569 16 0.525 13 0.483 17

Punjab 0.514 17 0.717 5 0.969 1 0.946 1 0.873 4 0.894 3

Rajasthan 0.592 5 0.700 8 0.691 8 0.757 8 0.449 20 0.589 12

Tamil Nadu 0.473 19 0.566 17 0.801 5 0.804 6 0.901 3 0.878 4

Uttar Pradesh 0.502 18 0.630 13 0.713 7 0.703 9 0.637 12 0.253 21

Uttarakhand 0.537 12 0.699 9 0.689 9 0.645 14 0.674 11 0.508 16

West Bengal 0.574 7 0.281 21 0.609 13 0.686 10 0.511 14 0.528 14


Page 19: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

Indices & Ranking at Primary/Upper Primary Level: Major States All Managements: All Schools: 2009-10

Outcome Index EDI


Primary Level Rank

Upper Primary Level

Rank Primary Level Rank

Upper Primary

Level Rank

Composite (Primary &

Upper Primary) Level


Andhra Pradesh 0.806 4 0.717 5 0.561 10 0.762 6 0.662 7

Assam 0.688 12 0.590 13 0.386 19 0.503 19 0.445 19

Bihar 0.597 19 0.430 21 0.375 20 0.466 21 0.421 21

Chhattisgarh 0.746 8 0.700 8 0.439 16 0.558 14 0.498 16

Delhi 0.699 10 0.673 12 0.651 4 0.790 4 0.720 4

Gujarat 0.692 11 0.588 14 0.584 6 0.730 10 0.657 8

Haryana 0.678 13 0.676 11 0.590 5 0.770 5 0.680 5

Himachal Pradesh 0.788 5 0.768 3 0.567 9 0.741 9 0.654 10

Jammu & Kashmir 0.769 6 0.679 9 0.404 18 0.621 13 0.512 14

Jharkhand 0.606 18 0.678 10 0.363 21 0.500 20 0.431 20

Karnataka 0.815 2 0.709 7 0.569 8 0.743 8 0.656 9

Kerala 0.812 3 0.819 2 0.700 1 0.844 1 0.772 1

Madhya Pradesh 0.670 15 0.575 15 0.433 17 0.540 15 0.486 18

Maharashtra 0.747 7 0.712 6 0.576 7 0.750 7 0.663 6

Orissa 0.704 9 0.495 20 0.468 13 0.524 17 0.496 17

Punjab 0.564 21 0.571 16 0.656 3 0.803 3 0.730 3

Rajasthan 0.594 20 0.496 19 0.458 15 0.629 12 0.544 12

Tamil Nadu 0.887 1 0.873 1 0.677 2 0.811 2 0.744 2

Uttar Pradesh 0.671 14 0.562 17 0.534 12 0.511 18 0.523 13

Uttarakhand 0.666 17 0.758 4 0.538 11 0.636 11 0.587 11

West Bengal 0.667 16 0.535 18 0.467 14 0.540 16 0.503 15


Page 20: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

Composite Educational Development Index Primary and Upper Primary Level: Large States

All Schools: All Managements

EDI & Rank Primary Level

EDI & Rank Upper Primary Level

Composite EDI & Rank (Primary & Upper Primary) State/UT

2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 Andhra Pradesh 0.657 9 0.561 10 0.746 7 0.762 6 0.702 8 0.662 7

Assam 0.446 21 0.386 19 0.519 18 0.503 19 0.483 19 0.445 19

Bihar 0.480 19 0.375 20 0.447 21 0.466 21 0.463 20 0.421 21

Chhattisgarh 0.554 16 0.439 16 0.600 14 0.558 14 0.577 16 0.498 16

Delhi 0.701 4 0.651 4 0.762 3 0.790 4 0.732 5 0.720 4

Gujarat 0.698 5 0.584 6 0.706 10 0.730 10 0.702 7 0.657 8

Haryana 0.714 3 0.590 5 0.789 2 0.770 5 0.752 2 0.680 5

Himachal Pradesh 0.611 12 0.567 9 0.746 6 0.741 9 0.679 10 0.654 10

Jammu & Kashmir 0.586 14 0.404 18 0.661 12 0.621 13 0.623 18 0.512 14

Jharkhand 0.449 20 0.363 21 0.464 19 0.500 20 0.456 21 0.431 20

Karnataka 0.693 6 0.569 8 0.723 9 0.743 8 0.708 6 0.656 9

Kerala 0.689 7 0.700 1 0.822 1 0.844 1 0.756 1 0.772 1

Madhya Pradesh 0.571 15 0.433 17 0.585 15 0.540 15 0.578 15 0.486 18

Maharashtra 0.660 8 0.576 7 0.740 8 0.750 7 0.700 9 0.663 6

Orissa 0.553 17 0.468 13 0.537 17 0.524 17 0.545 17 0.496 17

Punjab 0.714 2 0.656 3 0.760 4 0.803 3 0.737 4 0.730 3

Rajasthan 0.587 13 0.458 15 0.636 13 0.629 12 0.612 14 0.544 12

Tamil Nadu 0.747 1 0.677 2 0.753 5 0.811 2 0.750 3 0.744 2

Uttar Pradesh 0.654 10 0.534 12 0.573 16 0.511 18 0.614 13 0.523 13

Uttarakhand 0.643 11 0.538 11 0.679 11 0.636 11 0.661 11 0.587 11

West Bengal 0.536 18 0.467 14 0.459 20 0.540 16 0.494 18 0.503 15


Page 21: primary level, based on the DISE data is estimated to be 115.63 percent, corresponding to 98.28 percent NER. A few states are near achieving the goal of universal primary

For details, please see Flash Statistics: 2009-10 ( For further information, please contact: Dr. Arun C. Mehta Professor & Head, Department of Educational Management Information System (EMIS) NUEPA, New Delhi - 110016 Telephone: 011-26853037/09868184981

