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Discursive essay plan


Topic sentence: General to specific

Thesis statement: In order to determine whether or not XX, arguments from all sides should be considered.

Main body 1 (Agree) / (Disagree)

Topic sentence: Supporters of XX believe that YY (remain neutral)

+ Supporting details.

Main body 2 (Disagree) / (Agree)

Topic sentence: Supporters of XX believe that YY (remain neutral)+ Supporting details.

Conclusion (State your opinion)

Summarise the main points covered in the body paragraphs.

State your opinion - Based on the arguments and evidence mentioned, it is fair to conclude that XX indeed brings more harm than good.

IEN Upper Intermediate Argumentative essay plan

Main body 3 (Disagree) / (Agree)

Topic sentence: Supporters of XX believe that YY (remain neutral)+ Supporting details.
