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Discovery Centre

Page 2: Discovery Centre

MCE Developers

Our vision is to create a public space to allow the community to cater for their needs. All of our facilities will be accessible for anyone of any age, race and gender.

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Sustainability is very important into considering for a development as to what has been created, it has to last for a period of time which can be used over and over again without malfunction.

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Sustainable Design Principles

When it comes to designing our Google Sketch Up centres, our group had to incorporate some sustainable design features in the process. We included Solar panels, water tanks and double glazed glass window walls to increase the lighting in the room and the sunlight in winter.


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Photovoltaic Solar Panels

We have used Photovoltaic Solar Panels to decrease our use of fossil fuels and use renewable resources for the better of our environment.

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Water Tanks

We have incorporated several water tanks at the Discovery Centre to allow us to re-use and recycle the rain water which is our natural resources. We will be using the water for garden irrigation and bathroom toilets.

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Double Glazed Windows

The Discovery Centre and all of our centres combined have used Doubled Glazed windows to help save energy. Theses windows allow the heat to stay in and cold to stay out in the winter. This principle also applies in summer which the heat stays out and the cold stays in

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Features Of Design

Here I have used solar panels and you can see the glass windows for the sustainability aspects. I have also used water tanks to conserve water which will be able to be used for watering plants to the bathroom taps.

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Helpful Websites

Here is a YouTube clip to explain sustainability.

Steps to become more sustainable.
