Page 1: Discoveries in Ancient India


Page 2: Discoveries in Ancient India

The ancient Indians secretive of their knowledge sonically encrypted mathematical formulae into their devotional hymns to Lord Shri Krishna and also recorded historical data in the codified lyrics.

Obviously that was the base for the knowledge of encryption of data also.

The oldest available evidence of the use of Kaṭapayādi System is from Grahacāraṇibandhana by Haridatta in 683 CE. 

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The “ka-ta-pa-ya-di” rule used by ancient Indian mathematicians and grammarians is a tool to map names to numbers. Writing the consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet as four groups with “Ka, Ta, Pa, Ya” as the beginning letters of the groups we get

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Now, each letter of the group is numbered from 1 through 9 and 0 for the tenth letter. Thus, ka is 1, sa is 7, ma is 5, na is 0 and so on. So to indicate the number 356 for example one would try and come up with a word involving the third, fifth and sixth letters of the groups like “gaNitam” or “lESaca”.

However, in the Indian tradition, the digits of a number are written left to right in the increasing order of their place value – exactly opposite the way we are used to writing in the western way. Therefore 356 would be indicated using letters in the 6th, 5th, and 3rd positions of the group,e.g. “Trisulam”.

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Now the interesting fact is that when you start numbering the consonants with the respective numbers from go = 3, pi = 1, bha =4 , ya = 1 , ma = 5 , duv = 9  and so on. You will end with the number 31415926535897932384626433832792.

This is the decimal equivalent of the ratio of  the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Which you call it as “pi” in modern calculations. The above number gives the accurate value of pi/10 correct to 31 decimal places.

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Zinc was extracted in India as early as in the 4th to 3rd century BCE. 

Zinc has a boiling point of 907 °C at which it becomes liquid and vaporizes at 1000 °C . The extraction of zinc becomes difficult undera window of 93 °C.

In a normal furnace, the product comes out and is accumulated during the distillation process. In such cases, zinc vaporizes and goes out.

Indians reversed the process of distillation. They put the heat on the top and an ice bath (coal) at the bottom. So zinc, on getting heated at the top will come down, solidify in the coal and thus the zinc was extracted.

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This technology of zinc manufacture is also described in several Indian alchemical works of the mediaeval period including the 13th century Rasa Ratna Samuccaya.

The word used in this document to describe the distillation process involved is ”tirakpatnayantra”, which translated literally, means "distillation by descending".

This discovery was hidden by us for 4000 years, but later a Chinese stole the secret and an English stole it from the Chinese. William Champion made the first zinc distillation in Great Britain in 1543.

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Mizar and Alcor are twin stars in the Ursa Major constellation.

Thousands of years ago the ancient rishis could identify two tiny spots in the sky as a twin star system. They named it Arundhati-Vasistha.

Mizar is known as Vasistha and Alcor is known as Arundhati in traditional Indian astronomy.


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The pair is considered to symbolize marriage. Vasistha and Arundhati were a married couple. Arundhati and Vasistha were considered an ideal couple, symbolizing of marital fulfillment and loyalty.

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In most twin stars system one star is stationary and other rotates around it, while Arundhati and Vasistha both rotate in synchrony, to tell that both husband and wife must do all things in sync.

The greatness of our ancestors / scholars was that they could know that such a twin star system exists and how they rotate even without the telescope.

A point to be noted

Women in India had a higher stature in society. Its Arundhati-Vasistha and not Vasistha-Arundhati. Women had higher respect than men.