Page 1: Directory. Sewing Machines On Easy Payments...SQUTH_ JERSEY Directory. •:. MITHIOIPAL. CUSRK . J.L.O'Donnoll. f^ The .only newspaper "printed in Hammonton ^1.35"a year> post-paid,

-^ —


Directory.•: . MITHIOIPAL.

CUSRK. J.L.O'Donnoll.

f^ The .only newspaper "printed in Hammonton1̂.35"a year> post-paid, '

; §1.00 in the county-

Well equipped for

in all branches-Pamphlets,


Posters-—— Dodgers -——

Bill-HeadsStatements •


____£_ Envelopes

JUSTICES. 'Cha» Woodnutl, Joa H GartooE I. Oaufman

OoNBtADUSB. G»o Bernihonao.O 0 Oombon^OyinBKRO HionWAYfl . Ellaa A .'onlyn,OvunBiBnoTTnB Poon. Goo.Bern»honsoHfionr POCIOB. Kobt McO Miller <ATIOMIET. ;JSTTOnandlor. "Fine CniBVB. S ̂ altber, H M Phillip.yotOBTBEB 'PiBB .Co. Di S.Cnnnlnglia

presldont; W m O Hoy t, secretary. Moots onSrd Monday orenlng of each month.

IndopondcntVlro Co. Meets first Wcdnoaday ovenlDR in-each montb.

;r"TpwifOonHOit.. 'Michael -RrBoyorrOhnuE W Batoholor, J E Watkis, W D Delay,Andrus E Holman, John Rothfna.. Meats lastSaturday eve ea«h month.' • . -

BOARD or EDDCITIOIT. 0. F, Osgood.preaident; D. 8. Canniugbam,clerk; Edwin Adams,J L O'Donnell, Mra J H Ransom, Mrs KirkSpear, Mrs E AlM&lyo, Thomos 0 Elvlns,Dr J A Waal. Meets first Tuesday eveningenoh month.

BOAED OF HBALTB. M. L; Jaoison, Presi-dent ; Dr. Charles Cunningham, Inspector;John T. Srenoh, J. C. Anderson, Win. Cun-ningham, Geo/BornshouBo, Joe. JI.Gartoa.

,OEDEB ar MOTUAI 'PnoTBonoji.

A P Simpson, M A.; A B Divls, Seo'yMeet> firat Tuesday evening in eaeh month inMechanics' Hall. \

WJHBLOW LODOB, NA40, I.O.O.F. ManlejAustin, N. G.; A. V/ <W., Setley, SecretaryMeets Wednesday evea. in Odd Follows Hal

SnAWiujMEiN TBIBB. Imp 0 B II. StovWoolbott, Sachem ; C h a s W Austin, Chief oKecorda . Moot every Tuesday 'asleep In BeHens' Hall.

M. B." TATLOK LODGE, P. & A. M. J) C-Herberg-Vr^MBBteT-rAlorttor B7TJavis7Beo'y3ndand4 tb Frtd

Better jjivea bind "No" than a snorl-irju.r'yiJB.". . - " • ; :

An oath is a prayer to the devil. .A lio noyer stops to put on its bat.A bad reputation Is a very hard thing

t o lose. • » • • , • - ;8urubbiii(5 a\ pig will never- tunko it

wllllDg'to jjivo up mod. • ' . .

A Deep Mystery.Itja-a toystory why women endure

baclcaohe, hoadaoho, rjorvonsnoss, slooploBsnoBa.molanoholy, fainting1 and dizzyhpells when thousnnds have proye'd: thatElootrlo Bitters will quickly core saohtroubles. "I saffored for years withkidney .trouble," writes Mrs. FhobeCherldy, of Peterson, la., "and a lamebnctrpained me so I ooald not dross my-solf, but Electric-Bitters wholly oaredmo, and, although 73 years old. I nowam able to do all my house work." .ItovorcomoscoDBtlpation/Improves'appe-tite, gives porfnot health. Only 50o. at

8. Rogers' drug store.

Sewing Machines"" ! ~ ....... ."' ..... ""•;•"' BOtD ........... "• "T-7~.-ii~~~

On Easy PaymentsLiberal JDiscount'for (^slr

Old machines taken. in exchange. • ' . . ' •A. fall lino of supplies on hand, ? ..

-._ ~— -^'NevfB llodm.


Reasonableprices charged, always.We will not do cheap . "

can't afford

--- ,-Coan.;— A^T.J>obloy, SecretaryMeetaevery Friday eve in Meohaf lot' Ball.

OEN. D. A.EnssktL POST, G. A. E. OttoflreijpPost^Commanderj — Ch»a— A— Leona-rdAdjutant; H. F. Kdsall,Q. M. Meoto IslandSrriSatarday nightairrMeobaaicallall.

WOUAK'S RELIEF CORPS. „.:..'.'- _________ ^GEN. B.'A. RaasctL CAMP Sens op Verm.

A«S, No. 14. Capt, Charlet 0 Combe; FirstSergt., Harry C Leonard. Meets 2nd and 4thMonday oves, ; Mechanics' Hall. --- - - 1 —

Little Ha Ha Council, No. 27, D. of PMrs Ida Bowles, Poeahontas; Mrs Carrie IKin-/, S.,o! E. Meets Monday evening in BedMen's Hall.

DoBKT LSWIBWorthy Master, Thoo Skinner ; B. S., JosHOarton. Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nightstheir bill. '

BELIGIOUS'BAPTIST. "BevH F Loomis, pastor; Snn-

daynerviDeB :P.reaohing 10:30 Sunday-school11.30. Junior 0. E..8.00 p.m.. Obrlatiai) En-deo.vor6.16. Preaching 7. 16.' Weokdayprayormeeting Thursday evening,7.80._ Rirnfta Hninn rrt.Htlnir- fnr ynan nnly. ?n

post-office bnilding, Sunday eve. 8.45 .

anto do good workfor nothing

nessa specialty. If wecannot do your workwhen you want it'done•we'll tell you so,and finish it"when we promise to1

The TribuneNew Yorlc, tho weeklyedition, and tho^Republican, for $1.25A pile of good readingfor a little money

PressPhiladolphiu, wc'okly, andthe Itepiiblicati, a yearfor.ftl.25

;P, P M,,Beotpf 8and»Jf WaB«e« at 8.30 and10.30; — Aflur ilia liitt Muflu, Beucdletron~rittrthe Moat lilteaed Sacrament. Boiary &n4Litany, at 4 p m On caob weekday, Maiiei at6.30 and Sam.

EPISCOPAL, ST.MABK'B. Rev. Edwin 0Aloorn,r«otor. Celebration of-Holy Enoharlitlit and Srd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Other San-day a, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany ,»ndSermon, 2nd and 4th Sunday! at 10.30a.m.ErenBon£7:08 p.m. Sunday School 9:30a.m.Friday Eveneong, 7.80.. Sain te Day Celebra-t!on,7:30a.m. Bpeoialaorvlocn In Advont&ndLent.

H, call or phone HH—

HOYT & SOH,JTOO-O Bolloruo Avo., namiuonton.

H«TnoDi9T EpuoopiL. Bevf Ii Jew«ttpastor. , Sunday aervlcei: elasi 9,30 a.mpreaohlng 10. KC, ganday-tohool U.OOnoonGpworlb League 6.30 p. m., preaching Taeiday and Wednesday evening"?. 30PjnycimcotlngThur«day 7.30 p. m.

PBBBBTTBRIAR. nev.WKMoKlnnty, pnntor.Sunday uorrloea: preaching, 10. 80 a m., Sun-day aobool 12.00 noon, preaching 7.15 p m.0, K. prayer meeting Sunday, 8 S O p . n l .Ohurob prayer meeting Thnraday 7.30 p. m. •

Million* at Folaom and DaGtrittr.'Italian Evangelical, llrv A Mluulllli,

Paitor. Bunday Holiool at 0:30 a m. Preach-ing at 10.80 a in. O K Bocloly at 0'30 p inPrcnithlng it 7:15. \

UitivinBil.nT. No paator.Prooohinjt at 10,30 a.m.; Sunday School,12:00 uoo. i Y 1' 0 U. at 7iDO v. m. Soolnbloaaltornxo Thuridnj cvonlngB.

Wouin'i Cniuarun TnMrnn*ncB Union.Mra. Uh»rle i> Smith, president, Mra M Dunno»r »ee'j, RH"n W.K (lonilyi reo «eo| lira P HTil ' on, IroiiBuror.


I!»ley Oruun 0<>, 1'hlUdaIt .) bmke .nonl i iK muoiilneiJanies linker, in on I marketKo.y«or ISmlhrri , pu ln lu rnJ, il. t iarlon, juii lco.Jus. T. Tnylur, |)uluicr.11, O, lllaok, Tolerlniiry Burgeon.Olian. W'loduull, juai lne.Hood A Him, undertakers .H N llilnler, KroaerloiiI, Ileverago, notary puhlloA I'. I'alteii, bloyoloi.

fi.°f\, Oordery, blayelea.uyt A Hon, publ l>h«r<, printer!.

ICIt 11. Olianiller, attorney.John 1'rnoli, Jr., iimlortaker.Wm.Dakfr , tlnimlth.Robert Mteol,) ovrolor.Jaoknon A Hon. moat ami productI,, W. Oddity, hnrneio. tW. II. lleriinluiuBe, notary, ooin. (UoilaDr.J. A. VV«.«,(lonilatJohn MurdooU, ahooi, 'Oeorge Hiring, dry Koodi^rooerloa/Bl*.Jaoob llokburdt, ineitnml proilnoe. 'Gh»i.Guimlni{liam,phxaloUni>ndinirgoon.J . I I .Hual l . baker and aonfootlonerH. Ii, Molntyro, meat and prodiioe .Wm,r.. Dlaok.dry good., grocer lol, oto.

Eaninonn Orfianhixtlonn,Hammonion Loan and l lu l ld lnx Annolatlon

W.H.TIIIon leorelary. < M o e t i every litThurxUyln inremon'. 11.11.

WnrklnKmon'* I.nan ani| Iliilldlno; Aiiaotatlan,W . l l , llarnihonio, (oarolnry. Mteti avorrlnlMouday In Klronuii'. Hall .

1'nnult'i llank, W. It. Tllton oaahter.

Eemarkable Cure of Croup.I have a few words to say regarding

3harrjberlaln'a-Q»jBgb Remedy. It savedtoy little' boy's life and I feel that I oao-noD praiBO, it enough. I bought "a bott'eof it ftotn-A E. Bteere^of (?o<>dwio, B.D.ind when TljofTiome mthTf the pooria,by could hardly breathe. I gave the

medicine as directed every ten minutesnntil lie "threw up1' and then I thoughtsnre he'was poing to choke to death.Wo; bad to pall the phlegm oat of bismouth la great long strings. I am posi-tive that if I had not got that bottle ofcough medicine, rnyboy would not bo onearth today.—Joel Detnontj ID wood,Iowa. For sale by J. 8. Rogora.

_TLANTIC_COUNTY-OBP BANS'ConH. December Term, 1901.

_jCTn• Application forJtule to —

--E11 H. Chandler, ftjnflnistratorol1 Wil-liam D. Arliiz,' deceased, ̂ having exhib-ited to this Court, under oath, a juct and

' ~ "debts of Raid deceased, whereby it ap-pears that the personal estate of the saidWilliam D. Arlitz is insufficient to payhis debts, and requested , the aid of theCourt in the premises ;_ It is ordered that all persons interest-ed 'in the lands, " tenements, and realestate of the said decedent, appear beforethe Court, at the .Court Honae in May'sLanding, on the eleventh day of M archnext,-toflhow cause why up mu'oh'of the'said lands, tenement;, hereditaments,and real estate 'of 'said decedent -shouldnot be sold as will, be sufficient to payhis debts or tbo residue thereof as thecase may require. '

A true copy from the minutes.J. S. HI8&EY, Surrogate.

Date^December.lOth1_1901,_ _j ___ __

Anrdna eondlna • vkotcb end dracrlDqulcklr aioortaln our opinion tnt iInvention la probablr tmtonuble. C_™mu.v.,UonitUtctljroonOdontlaL Handbook on menusent freo. Oldest apenoy for ««cn«nir - •^!a"M

, Batanu taken tEroogh Mnnn *"tftciat neUct, without ebargo. In tho

-Torat, MB -

a Good Stock! Order je-Specialty, and fulj

eatisfa&Wn is guaranteed.

ring done.E;J. DRAKE, Agent.


We have just received

_;— -:a, Jarge r~r~- — ----- -----• ' - ' • ' . consignment of — —

Gbld Medal^These time-tables are correctr

R(Schedule in effect Oct. 7,1001

BOWK-IRAKIS.— ___Subject to change.

——- Pf TAcc.p.m.


is not the direction you giveyour printer, but

"Make a good job of if

The Paper may be right,The Ink may be right,But the Job won't look right,Unless it is Done right,And at the right place.

HOYT & SOM,Printers.

4304S844S45.5S 055105->25 SI






101710 SO





a 1155 105 17

5285416010 10A 3d8 42



Ace.». m.

10451052110311 1011 2011 32H S8I I

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4 M K7 31 4 M7 21 4 Jft~«HIT

*•«»-- • • Slope only on notice to«<iSnduot.or or iigcnt, or t^i plernl.ExpnuleavingFbiladii. «t8.18 p.m. letsofinamtnonton-iitofi BCI»at65ii.

POWK TBMKB.TBunoay. .jueo. a, IBUT-.'•'•.-'-'.-.::'-.'BulJtct to duuigg"..' '

p. m.

6 126 10527J540614B S Dfl 02iooaiII IS!I) 100 250 31!0300 47n mTill!



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....Wlllla Juno.,....Ctdir Brook

Blno Anclior... Wlnilow Jnnr. (I'm)...

Hdijimonton +.....„ ,...EI«ood.

....Xfjj Ilaibor... ...0 <H, Drlimliili • Jnnr1110 .7,-rlraiantllllrlOllil AllantlrCIt)

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21) H!\i.'7 AlU ISIII A 61.74443010 . —'• — '

0 038 55S40S .1(1B 2H621B 1(1 ..(I 10(1

' 3 I

Ilammonton, N. J.

AN ORDINANCE to regulate tliorate of upend of hornolHnw vohlolcn,

Kinimonly called nutomobllca, ID thoatrooUi of Ilammonton.

Introiluceil November 30th, 1U01. >Pntiod I)o.-«uilior Sfllli, 1901.Do It orilalnoil by tho Town Council of tie

Town of Iluinuionton,—Rootlon 1. Tliut tt ahul l bo unlawful for

ny horaulofltf vohlolo, comionaly knonn oflulnn ibtlot, propollad bj gleam, nloolrloltj,

Ka<, or other inollvo |i(iwor, to be drlvonlirough, on, or over any of tho «troot« orondi In the Town of II immontnr i ut n greaterate of Bpoe<l than ten mllea |>or hour.

Heo i lonZ . Tl iut nnjr pornon who iholl lieonvloluil of a vlolitll'iii ill tieotloii 1 of lh l>rr l lnnr ioo ilmll be iloemoil giulcy of nn nlTcnoo

anil limit bo nulijont to u duo of Ton Dullnrn>r ImjirUoiimcnl fur (on (lu/tf fur eaoli K r idivvry v lo lu l l on ihoro'if.

Houll.m )l. That tliU Or.llimnoo ihnll t iko(foot linmaillatoly alter llo pumufio.

M Kill A It I, K. I IOVKll ,Ohnlriuuii of Town Omu.oll.

. 1,. O'DuMMMi.i . , Tumi Olnrk .

A. H. Phillips Co.

Fire Insurance.—MONEY—

. r.lTOH

Mortgage Loans.Gorroapomloncu Holloltad.

OIK Atlantic Avonuo,

Atlantic City, N. J

ej Pbll«Joli)lil> n.m., DtapiilDK «t llimmionton it 0.47.Accommadttlon UIVM Fkllxlit, M 8.00 | reafliliig Ilmumonton ul O.I 1.Dp accomnio<lHtlon Iravcn Ilmninotiton at A.HA^ffrQi., rcdrlilng I'lillii(U. at fl.fAl)p nccotnmodatlon {nan Atl int lc at 11.26,, Jlurniiionlon 7.0H, riilla<l»l|'hl« H.'il,Buoilay nlgliteipro» up l«*m Atlantic 7.SO. Kga llattwr 7A"i, l lanimuntun H.ll,rractilnWeokitay aT«nlng oxproat tlown It-aTfH I'hllmla. at 7.1A, Irl t lnR; cfl HnDimi>ii t t ' l i iidttcn

W. O. IlKSLKIt, Oon.flupt. '' • KllfON J. WKKKH.r i rn . I'niirngor

, n.OO.

l . ' ..

Philadelphia Weekly Press

South Jersey Republican(two papers each week), for $1 60 a yt'.nr

'to any nddresa in| thln.county, or ^1.5' ontnido.

Mew York Tribune Fai mer



For nlirJ'.y yourn tho Nt<o Yoik WeMu Tribune \\w\IICIHI n nnllounl wonkly ncwn|.ii|inr, roiiil u l innNi uiitlrelyby funncrw, ami linn onj'iyoil t l i ' C 'Hi ' l i ln i iu>i und nuppoitof tlio Aiiinrlonii |ioo|ilu to it (lii^rou imvor ritiitliiod byliny Blmllnr piibllnatlon, I lin

Now York Tribuuo FarmnrTlioIH inndo ntmuhuoly (or fui-iiiiini uiul t l iulr fuiiilllcid.

Hin t nuniliof ,Wmi lnniin(( MOV. 7lh, 10111,Kviiry ilopnrtmont of i i K i l o i i l i i i r u l imlnntiy Is oovnrod

by pjn'iilnl contrlbiitoro who nui luiulurn In tlictir ronpoo-t lvo Ilium, und thu Tritium Ji'urt/ttr will 1>» In nvvry ronoou lilulM'limUr Mli-to-ilato, llvo, viilinpi'lnluir ii|[iloiiltiirftlpaper, profutuly.UhinlriitiKl wi th piatinosol llvonlbok,inniliil I'nrin Uiilldlngn uiul luinino, iniuililuory, u lo , •

FuinmrH1 wlvon, NOIIP uiul <lniig|ir»rn will Uiul njicclftl|>ui(na for tliotr uiltortttlnniuiit . /

Hoerulur iirloo, $1' por your, but you imn buyyoui-fftv(i|-ll<i li >ma woolcly iiovrn[a|)ur, tli

(tcnn','>W>i\\ <mo y«nr tin t,l.n(>.Hoia your nnbearl|itlnu uiut nionoy to Moyt & Bon,

Uiitnnioiiton, N. J.Rond your natnii uiul nililroun to tbu JV^ui fork

Mariner, Novf York Oily, mill a fmo anliiplo ot)j;ybo inallud W you.

• I

We are gcing to selli them, for the present,1 at unheard-of prices.

This is a good-time to lay-in aj "• •'. ' ' ' . .

j stock of these goods.-Meets Sunday eveninp, at'6:30. .

Topic, "Christian Eadeavpr. Day."(Twenty-first birthday.) Matt. 25:

__31=46._ Leader, Rev. W. K. Me-Kioney. Union service at 4.00.

Y. P. S. C. E.,— Boplisl Church :— Meets Sundfty-ovenioc.-ftUUla -- __

Topic, -"Cbrietion-^EDdeayor -Day. "-' (T_wenty-Qr8t birt'bday^) Matt. 25;

31-46. LcaderT^i N. "lyftan.

Jr. :Or.E.y8pndaY. afternoon at 3:00:

Wx4, A. HOOD & SON


Funeral DirectorsAll ibuainesB in their linepromptly and carefullj

\[• . r- - - ' ~

Embalming a SpecialtyOffice and Residence,

208 Peach Street,Phono i-o Hiijnmonton,


House, &ign,Cari iagePAIHTER

Dealer in Paintn, Oila,and V

J Imvo it lurpo ntook of

/John T. 1'ronch'HPure Oil PuintH,

T»Wfll> I Kiirtrantou to bo.' tlio bout pulut over Hold.

Boootul nnii I'lnannnt Htroot.n,IIAMMONTON,

Ohaa, CunninghaBfi,M,D.Physician and Surgeon

W> Hiiflond Ht,, Ilivniinoutoii.IlnurM, 7:110 to lOiOO A.M. '1:00 to It iOO innl 7 :<IO to 0:00 i-.M.

Pay for tho S. J. It, to-day.

W.C. T.U.Tbo ladles have tnhon this space by theyear, and tiro responsible for all that tt

"may ^ —-1—

A western city is in the midst of aone-sided, temperance crusadb that isgood as far aa it goe?,, and ' that is {hotearing.down of partitions in* saloonsand-roBtaurunts,--de8troying w.hat arecommonly known as "wine rooms,",but' which every one knows, whoknows anything about, it, have beenused for moat Immoral practices. It5s by the mayor's! order that these par-titions are being removed, and papersreport the order us being "generallyobeyed.^'-' ,

"•Wine room" is the quasi.respecta-ble.term applied to/a private apart-ment in the "higher toned" saloons,into which 'young women have beendecoyed and ruined in such numbers,that even loyal supporters of saloonsiiUV6~been~Bb:ockedr~attd—the— mayor-has beW compelled to demand thatthe proprietor, whose city liccnae says

The Safest Safety Wheel, xLife, my boy; IB o bicycle path, .-~tj" , ."~-~—And "Work" Is tlnrwhoel^ou shall rlUe .—If you would mount to tho orest of tho hill

And coast dpnrn tho other Bide.'Just oil the machine with cheerfulness

And see that the parts aro ̂ trlrrji •• " oThen nraildle tho naddle and pedal on

With ready, steady vim. -Don't start with a rush up trie hill of life,

Just pedal ft medium-gait; 'Hemuniber tliat those who "Bcorch" at first

Are.llKelytonnlsh late.Grasp the handle bars of tho wheel of Work: With n firm hold, not too tight, ^_

Then straighten up like a man. and push-Push for the road that's right 1 .

You may wobble a bit,and punctures, too.May cause you to dismount;

But plug up the boles' with smiles and pluck;They ore the'plugs Hint-count/ "

There are other makes of ranchl nes thanWorkThere's the"Idle," the "Lazy." tho •'Rest,""

And hosts of others of templing style,But the one called "Work" Is host.

It'sn-low-gcaE-whieJLoLhoinely frame.

put these dens of .vice, "which are thelegitimate accompaniment of the li-quor business. -


Young People's Societies.This upane is devoted to the Interests ottlie Young Peoples Societies of the variousChurches. Special Items of Interest, andannouncements are solicited.

. .3. 0. E.,—Preabytemri-Gbutuh-;

Union servjco at the M. E. ChurchEpworth League,—M. E. Church :

Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30.Topic, "luttKtuuch." Matt. 25 : 31-

4i>. Lender, Mlsa Laura-Davison,Unlou sorvlco In this Church at 4.

Junior Loaguo on Sunday afternoon,at 8 o'clock.

Y. P. O. U.,—Unlvoraulist Church:Meets Sunday evening, ut 0:30.

A cordial Invitation la extended to allto attend thcBQ

Church Notices.Topics In tlio viulotis ChnrolioB to

morrow will bo on followH :M.E. Church,—Rov. F. L. Jowott,

Pnator. .10..'!() A . M . , punching by Hov.Q. L Dobbins, Presiding(Klrlor.>V.M., "Tlio rich mun nnd Lnzarua."Kvnn^cllntlo rnootlngs onntlnuotl ororyevening, uxocptlnft Hutui'(l.*y.

Baptist Cluirqli,—Itov. H V. Loomis,Pa»tor. . 10.!t() A. M,, "Tho graatOH''Order,' wll l i tho KrcllUmt bouolltB.'Communion after Hdrnioii. DuolHlnii ilityin ilm Humlny Holmol. 7 .1f) r .M, , Hov.B. Pnul ..Ii-flii«ou will pri'iioh. Kxtruinoialn^B »V(ii-> nielli d i i r l ' iK tho woolt,oxcnpt. Hulurdiiy, with »l»'oli»l iimiilo utonoli tuH'.viui).' -

rroflbytorlnn Church,—lt«v. \V. 1C.MoKlniicy, PiiVttir. l O i M D "Anhnni««l ofCliilHt." 7,1ft I'.M , "Nniiniiin H«> l« ' l><>olonnBiid." DnioTolont ofl'nl-liiK f"r

DoiiKlol AulfctaColtoff1"1111'!' Anndornlos.

Thouimnda Sent into Exilo.Kvory jour u lui'KO iiuinlini ' of pii t ir »uf

forui'M wliimo liui|{B nro B I I I I I ivml ritoliiMlw l t l i <»>ii|{liB nro nruiiil to K<> t» nnotliorallmnlo. Hut tills IB oOHlly unit nut nl-wik}h Mini. Don't bn un nxllu wluui Dr.KIIIK'B Now Dlduiiyofy lor Contiiiniptliiuwill iiino you ul luiinii. H'B tlin mottl In-fill l lblnimidlal im fdroouglic, (it.hrout t t i id I U H K tlliwiiBort on < M V I I I I , TlioIliBt (i(n.(i | II!DKB uillnl. A n K i i i n i l l n uoiiroB rduiilt 1'iiiin purBiHiiuil I IHI- , '1'ilu!bottlnn froo nt >l. H. Honui-n'. 1'ilmi TiOo.un<l $1.00. ICvnry bottlo

But ll'B safe, and euro, ;jnU strong.And the man who rides It pcrslatlngly

never In Ilfigoi-wrong.—___—_So straddle fbo saddlepf ••W6rlJ?rmy boy.

And push It along with pride,Till you.get to the top of tliehlllof life, •

Then you'll coast down the other side.

£S5™ Hammontqn team won at n well-played same of basket-ball last Satur-day nigtu, between the Shield of Honorand EMS Harbors, by a score, 16 to 1C'Wolneid'er, Egg Harbor's attack, wasdisqualified for assaulting Wm. Small.The S. ot H. apparently had thingstheir own way, and it is expected they_will run a bit; score to-night. 'The hall.not being ready,. the teams will line upto-nicbt at Union Hall for the robber,each having won one same. Admis-sion,-15 and 20 .cents. Junior teamswill pluy lifsl. Music by the S. of U.T5rcheBtra~which~wlll he-appreciated^yall. """

The~ manjtvbojaltcs care of the loco-

(iacb one out as noadcdyia:called thehostltir. Tbo other day hostler Staggbrought out a locomotive on the main

track jusmnime to ruu into~tho onglnrof an express traiu wbicb was ton min-utes, late. Bulb engines wuro badlywrecked, and one: of llib onuinuers waftecriously injured. Tlio houtlur said hothought thu es|)rtB8 had goou-by. 'ontime. But the- Sup'uriDlcndunt replied :"It is not your bueiucss to think, but tokuow." Thoro are a jjreat many peoplelike that hostler. What they think is80,1 hoy hello v« must be BO. A conceit-ed critic thinks that it big flab did uotswallow Jonah, and that euttles tliomutter wltb him. Now we all oughtto think, and to think more than wo do.Jiul wo must baau our thinking ou whatwe know. If that hustler had foundout, a B ho easily could, that the expresshad not puBHitd yot, hu would certainlyhave thought that hu ought to wait forit. l'(»or follow I hu uot only wreckedtwo uuglneB, but bis own prospects for||lu, by thinking.that lit) know', when hodidn't.

It QirdK-8 tho Globo.Tlio fitmu ul' linoklon'B Aiuloa Halvo,

HH I IKI ln-ni In t i l l- world, nxlondB roundtho unrth. II.'H tlio onn vni'fuot liuitlor oloutx, oonin, buri iN, biulii('i), B>>ruB, nonldi),hollH, ulnorB, fuUii in , nohoH, jmlnB, i indullvltlu uruptloiiB. Only Infalllblo iillouuro,afio. » box ill. T. H.

"Homo 1 1 mo :>KO my ilikiightornoviifo cold, him uoinplnlnO'l of p;ilim Inlior oliout and lui'l u liuil ooiiK1'-t!h[>nili(M'li»lii'«('oii|;li Hnmody,to illriioijoim, und In two dayn nlioWoll mill iililn to «<> to Buhool. "I liuvonnoil th in rommly in my l iv in l ly for tho

IHint Hcivnu yiiiuii mill hitvo mivor knownt, to f.ill," HU.VB Jf t iuoB I 'rnuilorKUHt, iiuir-

dl innt . Aiinnto Hay, J.unulnii, Went. IndInliiniln. I'liliiii in tin) ohoHl liidliiiitodun uiipninnliliiif ultiiolc of pnoiimoiilit,wliltili 'lii lliln liiiiliviioii \VIIB iiudonlilodlywurdod oil' by Ulmfnborlnli^n CntighItiimoify, rtiiniiiitoruntBiiiiy to'ndnuoy ofit nolil toward pnoiimoiila. Hold by .1 . ri,



iulv«rt.iH«m«ntH,"I HUW it, in tho Sotmi


How to be

Call for FREE Booklet uW. *V, Hooil;8, aoH Poach 3t

Kogers Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoarhottndor White Pine will cure a fresh cough ; and if the.cough is old arrd deep-seited, King's New Discovery

,. will relieve and cure all stubborn, hacking^coughB.Sample bottle free. ,

Cascara Bromide Quinine Tablets, cure in 21 hours..If ttsed according to directions, money returned if

not cured. 35-tablets in each box, for 25 'jents. . "Sample free. . -——?;.

Peruna, for Catarrh. 85 cents.Electric Bitters, for Biliousness, 45 cents.

Successor to Crowell's Pharmacy.

THE REPUBLICAN OFFICEIs well equipped for any kind of . . .


Wagon Building


New: and .Second-hand1 WagonsA good second-hand

Buggy on hand.


Herbert G.- HeflsonALL THE '


PERIODICALS.Stationery & Confectionery.

217 Bollovuo Avonuo,

Hammontdh,^. J.

FRESH FISHEvery Friday!

Orders taken ' . .before 10 a. tn.,

Monday and Thursday

At Baker's Market.Kli H.

Attorney&CounselorAt Law

ArllU I tn l ld l t iKi Iliiinniniiton,HoomH i!B-U7 lioiil lint. «t I-»w U'ld'R,

AtUntlo C'Hy. ,Ofllolal Town Attnrnoy.

la llainiiionton « V«T.V FridayI'motloo in nil UourtB of tho Htato.

Moiioy for firwt mortynjjo lounc

A lullaeiiortmoutof hnndiiiid maohlninudo, — for work or driving.

Trunks, Valises. Whips,Hiding SnddloH, Note, oto.

Hammonton, N.J.

Lyford Beverage"

for Now Jersay,; tenders his services. • > •__

Pension voucher8_execnfe3.~^rHammonton.W. J.—

ConfectioneryOnly the choic'-st.

Bread & CakesAlways the bes(

J. B, ; SMALL,;Cor. Second and Bellevue, -


,you aro looking for

Wagons, Surreys,Buggies,

Spring Wagons,i and Road Oarta,

now or s<i(!ond-hnnd, call at .

F. <A. Lehman's Shop

Oil Stoves;

Repaired-fcy ;

WILLIAM BAKER.'No. 25 Tl.ird Street,


Page 2: Directory. Sewing Machines On Easy Payments...SQUTH_ JERSEY Directory. •:. MITHIOIPAL. CUSRK . J.L.O'Donnoll. f^ The .only newspaper "printed in Hammonton ^1.35"a year> post-paid,


"Your mother died to-night"—tiuit'i) allIt said; . : • • '

But, sonidliow, in that simple 11 mi I iveilTlie 'last sad-words of love mill syinpu-

' • thy.Tho Inst heart-blessing that she guvy to

me, ;----' — —: -;• «-Tlic ndmonitioaa that :>H \vcnt amiss,And what God ne'er can giv<i—her fiire-

- well Ulan; .The fadeless picture as she knelt to pruyThat she might meet mu u;i ubove—suuio

day. f >

"Tour mothertald,

"Wake <ip here, Bob," sn'lil .Vi'hlpsiuv"minthlii'H goln". wrong," "

"What Is It?" asked' tho rider, rubbllifj his eyes.

"I can't make out^clcnr," .unld ..\Vbli>.saw, "but Bunthlri's wrong. This Iclrt ' icockfn' his cant, nn' -when I toll him tiiny down he snakes his bead."

Whlpsaw. lit a match nml looked a;his wateh.

"Long time," said the boy, shaklnihla hewd." '• ° . .

\VlilpsUW lit ii. ni.-iti-li U/oUei i i:bis wnteli. • ' '-.

died to-night" is all it i

. As on the throbbing \viru the tidings npi'JFrom that old, bappy huini', from which

j hi* head. "Long tlme-rnO kyuse."they kntiw what tho childit woa 1 o'clock; the pony ex-

—To-strivo-anew-for-)ionor_!iu<l-for-faiiK>,—To toil with will to win a golden storeTo 'A? in solemn supplinacv at her door;But shattered are the hopes, unnvrvud

the might., -By tha't sad message, "Mother died to-

night." '

O Btarra that~gllde through,heaven's un-fathomed sea.

• May I not meet her In Alcyone?Oh, let me k n o w > - B S ' O f t in childhood's

harms,That peace _found: only^nestling_j.a_heji

. .. nrms* • "arms!Gone the gray hair, the eyes that wept in


For another hour the -two men satand waited for a sign, from the boy.•yho lists'iied for the sound . of tlie

feet. . Presentlyhorse'scrawled out, put his ear to. the ground,came Duck and shook his master.

"Kyuse?' asked Whlpsaw."Heap kyuse," was the boy's reply,

odt It waa-not-the-•lonc vldur, but a bond of Sioux beiitupon- mischief.

vain,"Gone the sad

again,-smile I ne'er shall Bee

Gone the tnie heart, the soft, love-ladenbreast,

Gone the one mother to her last long rest,—Success.

Kyuse planted himself In one of theseholes. Without a word the two IUIMItook places, one to the right, the otherto the left of the boy, and \valtii|.When the robbers had reached a Iltlio

^-sag-ln-the-desert—sthe station, they dismounted, and no\\

> HEN -there were no railroadswest _of JIlssouri--ar-east._otCalifornia they used to carrjj

mail and light freight on horseback between St. Joe and Sacrauieuto, saysNew York Sun writer. This service waknown as the pony express. Horsesswift and strong, and riders brave andenduring, were employed and relay sta-tions, were'set fifty miles apart, acrossthe Great American Desert. Offcoursethe West was wild at that time, manyriders were murdered, and the lettersand other valuable articles taken and

• destroyed. Indians would steal uponthese little stations, kill the keepers,and carry the horses away with them,so that when the,weary rider arrivedthere was no one to take his place, aid,

"after gazing"orTThe black ruins for~amoment he would push his tired Uorstfj

_on~tow-ard the noxt station^ At first It,:was hard to, find men who weiKL willing.—tl\ fi%^A~fT.^p^"Vl^^»Vlfnl~TTYJHnTin fr.f rlw>

-pay offered by the company, and e<iualrdllnoult to get Ineli to dwell alone'

in those solitary stations to protect andcare for the horses.

Away out In Wyoming there lived atrapper known only by the an me ofWhlpsaw—u name give" him by a gam-bler lu Deitdwood. A Sioux, who hud nhideous scar ou his face, had come tothis trapper's cump one 'winter's tinywith a Pawnee baby, naked and nearly

'frozen. The Sioux wanted to sell theboy nud the trapper jjavc him a knife"and kept the child. The young riiwneewas not more tban three years" oldwhen tho trapper took him from thesavage, wiirmed him, fed him, and putinocca«lnn on hlti little brown feet.'

Two years later Whlptuiw went tokeep the station called White HOHH forthe pony express, taking the Piiwnecwith him. The little fellow grow tolove bis white father, and seemed toconceive a bitter haired for all Imllnnu.Like nil IndlaiiH, he wan ever alert.The scratch of n prowling Ix'ar on thecabin door or tho cry of u lono wolf ona far-off hill would bring him from n

""MmutrSl«ei>'. He would hear tlio hoofsof the Incoming homes boating tlioplains miles a way, anil long before l i lnwhite master could bear the fa in tes tsound,. "KyiiHo, Kyuse," ho would wlilHpi-r.In tho deail of night, lie WIIH an u l i i r i nclock for the station, nnd at bis \vni-iiIng the nlder who wan renting thenwould KeC\up, Ihrow a Hiiddlo IKTOHH theback of hlH broiii'lio and be rrnily i iimntch the pouch from tbe i i iun win,vvan then galloping down the trail.

Tin- Ht l l c i'awnee WIIH never loo i-olilor too sleepy to go out nnd welromthe weary rliler nnd pal tint IIOHC of Ih«pent ntfi'il, Hliylng H»/lly HID while,"Kyuiie, KyllHe," II W I I H the boy'n grealf o i n l i M ' H H fur hci rm'H Unit railHrd WhipHIIW to I ' l i l l h im " l . l t l l i < K y i f N i > , "

When they bail licpl (lie iilallon nyear I - l l t l u K y i i H n \va» luiown, hy repuunion at Icam, to every rider on l luentire roi i tu from hi. , lo i> to Narrai i ie l i lo , ' Oiu-e hi' Innl \viu ni ' i l l lio nn-iwllo were ii leepliig In the cabin, M I H !Ihey hni l |(niie out J I I N I In ' l imi t lo imviHie hi i i 'M'H t h a i wi'l'e n b i M i l to hi- i i lolrnII.T l ih l inn . - i . Tin. iiiory of llio boy'n doIii[ ;n |'i','|i'||i'il l iea i l i | i inr l i ' i 'H, , nnd t in 1

prcHl i l c i i t n f l l m I 'niiy Kxpremi • ( ' i i i u -PIIM.V "i 'ii( ii h h n r l , I l K h l r l l l i ' I . / Muyoini|,' wa l i ' h inan , nml hefor i t he wi innl.\ yi'iim olil l ie hail Idl l i ' l l a wol f I b a lcame to llu: n l n l l i i n v v l i l h > he W I I H alum.

(Hie nli . ' l i l Whlpi t i iw wolie up a iu ;fni in i l Hie boy H l l t b i K ii|i In l i l i i b l a n k e t )l l H l c i i l i i j t .

" K y i i f i ' V " ni i l ie i l Wl i l pmiw."No .K.viiiii'," i.aid t i n - hoy, M h n l i l m ; l ib

h e a d w i n d looking H I - I ' | O I I H ."Hlet-p," K i i l i t Ibe i i i an , bin | h > > l i u l l n i

iihooli hlu lii'iid. ,. '

l.lttJe Kyuse seized Ills rillc, slippedout, and the two men followed hl.'ii. Toguard against surprise of • this «ortWhlpsaw had dug squall trenches.-deepenough to hide a muu, all about thecabjn, and now, to his surprise. Little

The BirthdayThe Boy was on his-way tortile groc-

ery, and'he wag thinking so hard thathe came near going by the shop. Herecollected In time, but while the niauwas griding the coffee that .the Mother wanted he -went ou thinking.

was a 'snake's eye. - Whcu begoes Into the • wilds .of Pennsylvaniannd other States" hunting snakes, ho IBInvariably iic/ompinlcd by Carlo andUruno, who/from long practice, havebecome dexterous In the giime'." Tb~cdogs are? very fond of each other^ nn<jtlTe'cat

"Now, Julia," said the teacher to aHtiinll kindergarten pupil, "suppose Illvlde tins apple ' into lour equal pnrtn.

AY lint would otie of the pnrts lie

I "A piece of iipple," vvas'the i>ron)pt"How disappointed the Twins would

be -when their birthday, came and therewas no bookcase and n& doll-house for-| O;them! The Father bod said "only thismorning that he had no spare money tospend for presents, and the Boy him-self imd less than a dollar. Yet heknew that the Brother was expectinga bookcase, and the Sister had con-fided to him 'her hope that her dollswould soon have a borne of their own;

A customer Inquired for little bis-cuits, and a clerk started to open' afresh box; As be did so ae pusnedaside the empty box, and, it stoppedjiearjvEhfira-the_Boy_was standing. Hisoyes fell on It with: Indifference—then

.•eply.-Would Keturn the Favor.


Catc Chief Roao Kurly and Worked.Until tnte.

The eight-hour law \vhich applies to>many,1 (lovennnont employes docs" nothelp the President of the United States.


dny IH a, "busy day." Mr.was an early riser, and his work ex-tended well Into the night. Albert Hal-Uwid, writing In- the Independent, gives,some Interesting details of the dallyroutine which 'the lute President pur-sued. . , . '

Me breakfasted at 8 and read the pa- .pcrs until shortly before 10,. when he

f went to the Cabinet roam, which ho

peated her regular prayer, sai-prlsonher mother by adding: "l.'m ever HOmuch obliged to you. Lord, for all youhave done for me. and I'll do as muchtor you some time.".- . * "

CIuaH HuU an Idcu.'"What Is the feminine of tailor?"isked the teacher of tlie juvenile gram,mar class. .

the 'class In chorus.*promptly . aus~wered

Klricl."'Snu'ill .Mabel -was dining with

came creeping upon the lonely cabin;One came-crouhlng so close to Whip-saw that he could almost have'reachedhim with his rltie barrel. The trapper

TVTIS sore"1ifnfta~thlVt"flie"Uo^might fire, for how \vns the'chlld toknow that he was waiting for the bandto assemble near'the cabin before at-tacking them.- But Little Kyiiso wasas wise In this bis first light as a whiteman would be at 21. The clouds werebreaking, and In the starlight theycould see the Sioux, six of them, nearthe cabin door. They listened—one ofthem pushed tlie~door open-. Now anIndian went In, c-uuie out a momentlater, and they nil fired In at the verymoment 'that Whlpsaw was about toopen fire. Instantly he changed hisplan. They would charge on the cabindoor, and fight the gang, which cut-numbered _th em, even-counting the boy;two to one. Without a word Whipsawgot to his feet, "and Instantly his com-panlons_were:at:hls sideTirrr:: ~~~

Bob held hls.rifle, the trapperJafd his

^^Fah<l^'m^w^IIng~t6^glVe-a"•qua^ter-for:}-*t'*et•••=:;•n-vU»e-- southeast- of ..London..half a dozen." ------------------ there is a chluiuey Rhapcd after the

"All right. Don't believe we have so '••i'uuess of a InigL- cutlin. it is mademany -just now, but we empty 'em -' "!' of dark-colored bricks and presentspretty fast, and I'll save 'em for you." i »»" appearance which |s jrloomy to the

The Boy thanked, him, and hurried nolllt of depression. This iiualnt ercc-home with his coffee, his head full of "9n' curiously enough. Is well-nigh uii-hls new scheme. D i Uotlt:c<J >J.V tlje Inhabitants of the dls-

For the next three weeks hla'rooTn— trlct- -ninny-of whom are quite un-was shut to the Twins, greatly to their aware of Its presence In thcjr_jn1d5t._.wonderland sorrow.~-SncTi a thing had ' A small music mill In a southern i'lty

volvcr In each band.-It was to_bel_closeand rapid fighting; he would empty hissix-shooters and after that use theknife.' Little Kyuse grasped his rlOtwith fourteen shots In the magazine,and he knew how to work It, too. Therewas no word of command, but as Whip-saw leaned forward they all starteddpuble quick for the cabin. Ten paco.ifrom the door they stopped, the boy ntlllsandwiched between the men. Tin*Sioux must have hoard them, for nowthey came pouring out. Before they limigained the open nlr the Il i t le pa: I;opened lire. Two of the Indians f e l l ,nnd the others returned tho lire, Inuwi th bad aim. Another round from lluwhite men and two more Sioux lilt tluidust. Hob wns pumping his rllll- whena ball from the cabin door shattered hhright shoulder. Dropping ,liis gun. h.jpulled hlH Hlx-sliooter and continued t r jlight. Having emptied both of !I|H re-,volviM'H, Whl[iHaw Hlainnied one u.tthorn Iniu the face of a Slonx, w h , jcame for'him with Ii k n l f o i The i w i jmen eoninienced lighting hand In l i i i nnnow. while Mtt io KyiiK(i'k(!pt pnini i lnx»hot In to the othor remaining Sloii.x.Seeing Whlpunw^hnnl prosHed, the boybegun lo watch for n chiui'-c lo \i*c Mnl l t t l i " rllle. Hob NUcccoiled at lat,t InHtoiiplng |I!K man, nnd then foil wenl;f rom IOHH of blood. WhlpHi iw had beenHhot and bndly cut, when l i ln i in lag6ulHt pauxeil In get advi in tnKo, l i i H l a n t -ly l . l t l l e Kyi iHo Hbiiyeil l i ln rlllo iiH nearHie Sloii.x'H le f t Nldn an he could got I tI I IK! pulled the trigger, nnd the big. bailI n d i a n Haul: In n heap, TlniH did Li t t l eKyimc rewnrd Hie while trnp|>er for h l»leiidi'r ran*.

In the tmif not far a \vny I l i ey foi indHie IIOI-HON I b a l the rohberN hail ridden,nnd t i n ) oxpretw pony, w i t h Hie pouchH l l l l on Hie luulille, H l a n i i l n g In a l i i ineb,Ibelr brldli 'H lied lo);ellini'. Abou t amile up the t r a i l they found the bodynf t h < - r l i lcr , H l l l T and cold, w i t h n bul lethole In h l n head, ani l curr ied him budand burled h im, nnd there woii ldu ' ,have been n HOII! to Hie f u n e r a l only forl . l l l lo K.VIIHC.

Htudjr In Ilitiiliiiir."That mini IH oxceodlnxly l i a t lKhly ,"

roiiinrked tho plain elll/.en, who \VHilli'anuni.'Hnif H O I I K - l i i i » l n i - f i H , "I i;ne«n boIn t l in pi-opr)oto|- of l l io r M t i i b l l i < l i m e n t . "

Nn," Hi ih l ( l i e I 'rleml; "lir'ii mil Hi l lpi-lelox-, l ie never hn i l lo in l i e

ebailceii on K r l l l i i i ; e i i H l i i m i ' i ' M midavoid l i m l i l l l i ; e l l i - m l r H , Vim e i l l l ' I I Iwnyii i l e j i en i l oil It when you JMT ahani ; l i ly man In nn ul l leo I b a l be I HKi l f e of lib) moory, Ii may mi l bevery much, but be In | { « ' l i l i i i c II i e ;< i rlai'ly," \ \ ' n n b l n i ( l o i i Hhir,

'un many labor n r f t i u i r / i i H o t i H iti 'e »fHin moui l i - i i i 'L ' a i i v n r l e l v . i

suddenly his face lighted. The Mother'1110tlicr 'iit „ no)gllbol..B OW! dav. amlsaid he was always having insplra-1 llot ,--„; aocU8tomc(1 to-Sl'ivcr knivestlons,;and one came to him now. He jaml fol.k she quer|Cd:--Mamma, whythought a- moment-longer and then dou,t - , j kulvos?". 'walked straight across t o t h e clerk. a . • - . - • •"How much do you get for your!. . Hoy Wauled Information,

empty cracker-boxes?" | ".Mninuia," said a little boy of 4. tip-• "Ten-cents apiece when the covens proacbliig his mother with unmlsliikii-

nre good." j ble symptoms of st(m^a^i_tjwil)le._^tKx_JIlJ;s:Jmt-jvlthout-coverft?:i- r—^^JbeyTnalannunTpuddln' In beiTveii?"

"Split-.'em up I'orMiliidliiig-w&od or ' .-_. .-give 'em away. You want one to carry ' SOME CUBIOUS CHIMNEYS.home? ___ ______ ____ _____ . ___ . ., _____________________ ___ ._~ "I'd like about six of those, but I'd Onc *" London IJullt Like a Coffin-rather pay for them: They are worth ! Anot»"?r J» »«> Fo"» »f Skeleton.

to -you for .kindling-wood. In the neighborhood of Stamford

never occurred before, and they could- of *'rance Is decorated ft'ith a chimneynot understand It. There were also shaped to resemble a man. The tlgurequeer, painty smells In the air, and the 's attired In frock coat and silk bat.Boy was lockedHnto-nts-roonr-after~ while a huge metal- tube, p:ilntodschool and before school, and for hours brown and" representing a cigar, ri-al a time on Saturdays. It was very I)OBCS In tlle "I)H "f lllc «l«wr appara-

. J u s . From thls^t'lgnr^tbe-Binoki'-is-BIICS In great black clouds, and so iviil-

ntystorlous.-But the secret was out when the

birthday morning came, for there were Istlc Is the whole contrivance when____aFcbiivenient a bookcase and as dainty garded froui the street below that ata dollboUse as tuo-Brother and the Sis- - first sight tho Kjwctator _ls

ilcsk lie alwaysfound arneii't," type-writ-ten paper, headed: MTlie President'sHiiffascments," and dated. Upon thiswas tho name of ca«h caller who had a •spi'c'Ulo ctigugcment; and 'a line-statingthu pill-pose of the visit.

Mr. McKlnlcy received his. caller atthe head of the Cabinet table, oftenhowever, stepping forward to meethim- A cordial hand-grasp was given.nnd he waited for .the visitor to statehis business. He usually remainedHtamllnff-durlng; the interview,—but~lf~lie Nat.dowii It was time to retire whenhi arose. . . ' • . - . .

On Tuesdays nnd Fridays. Ca'binetni'jetlii.'^M ..dnys. the President receivedno visitors except .Senators'and Repre/.ientytlvos, and those only from 10 tol i . On other week-days-he was ac-.eeiislble iroin 10 to'1:80. Promptly atthe "hitter hour the doorkeeper entered

|-;iiKl-ti)l<l-Hie-Prif!itlptitrtbe"tIUie; TUat ;U-I.K tbe .signal for luncheon. Except lulong-protracted Cabinet meetings he•never tailed to start promptly.for thedlnlng-room,-an-lnvarlnble~rule~tovent irregularity and-Injury to hlahealth. . ,

Iha-Ercaldent-oftcn-saw-callers-ln——the afternoon-also,- from 3-to4r—After——iluncheon he went to the "red bedroom."There he worked, either alone or withhis secretary, transacting public busi-ness, deciding upon appointments andconsidering other questions. When, howas thus engaged the President wasnot interrupted, even by_Gabmet oflKeers, . unless, they were summoned;Whim in-health-Mrsr~McKlnley Waswont to be there with him, busy withsromo fancy work. . ' T ' . _ . • _

At 4 Sir. McKlulcy went out driving .with Mrs. McKlnley, or took a walk.Sometimes -In the morning, when the 'weather was favorable, lie went walk-ing with some friend or his secretary.JiTTcturTfliiK from his afternoon outinglie slept for half an hour, having thefaculty of laylilg aside cares and going |io sleep easily. Thfit'.hop was more

three boxes had been placed'-on Iholr Iuan is enjoying a weed on the theatersides, one above the other, and everybit of printing bad been washed orsandpapered off. Tho bookcase wasstained nnd polished, making It lookalmost like oak, and as for the doll-bouse—oh, how the Boy had worked tomake that dolibbusc! The outnlde wnspnlnfod white, .with green blinds, nndthe three rooms Inside were fl'nlHlu>dnnd furnished Just as rooms shouldbe. The walls wore papered, the Iloornwere Htaluod and polished. There werepretty nigs and muslin curtains—thosewore the Mother's g i f t ; there werechairs and tables and a bedstead, amiso many other beautiful things Hint theSister could only say, "Oh, how dar-ling!" and "Isn't that lovely?" and givelittle nlglm of delight and giggles ofrapture for a whole hour.

Tlie Brother began almost at once to,place his books In tho new CIINC, andfi took no long to nrrnngo thoni to binButlsfactlon that bo was still at l l i ohappy task when tho Hoy started forschool.

Tho Boy looked -buck;.«.n he .closed Ibudoor. Tlio Hlster'n, dolls were out Inghrcukfi iHt In the new dining-room, andthe .Brother WIIM\ li-j-ln,^ In dccli'uwhether "Tho Jungle Hook-" would lool;best on tlio <lrst or second shelf.

"They couldn't bo bolter pleased,"he mild to himself, "If Iboso things badt:ost l l f ty dollars distend of fifty ccutul"- Youlb'H Companion.

Cnrlci and liriino.Curio and I trnno, one a Ht. Hernard,

(bo oilier « Neu'foi imllani l , arif clalmeilby the^r owner, Mr. Peter Orilber ofItoeliOHler. lo bo the two lurirost dogMIn t in t HlnUi of New J'ork. Hut Ibeyare ol iHtl l>d to eoi iHlderal lon In o i l i e rrespects. They are famous snake K i l l -cm. Mr. dniber'ls l inovvn | | IKIIII ; | I l l i oICnsI , ami, In fact, In l l io Sou th ami\VoHt , n lHO. l l l O U K l l I l l l l 10 l l i o I ' M I I I C

I'xlont, as "I tat l lcsnal io Pete." It \ V I I Mho. who, Heven or elwli l ycam IIK". »|i-peareil on the Hour of Hie Now Yolk

roof. Curious chimneys abound la allquarters of the globe. In severalAmerican cities It Is no uncommon oc-currence to encounter chimney stacksconstructed on the linear of-wine Haslcs,thu base of the erections being swathedIn straw-colored woodwork to resem-ble the buskets wherein such Masksusually recline.

Perhaps, however, one of the inosipeculiar chimneys of the world, miysHie London Tit Kits, Is that which Is lobe Hern In a Roumanian township, mulwhich IH known by tlio name "l)ea:liFunnel." It represents a skeleton Homefifty feet ' lu height, and IH b n l l ithroughout of K"n metal. The sliiil 'iIs conveyed upward through the spineof the figure and the snioke IKMUCSfrom the apex of the skull. Ver l lnb ly .i ghastly chimney, and one would haveImagined that the eccentric mil l ionairewho Hum adorncii his roof-top inl^h1 .have.- hit upon home loss Kruesoini>niciiiiM. of enlianolng bis reputation I'oiextravagunt whimsicality.

lueiiiit -reiieweti Htrcnjjtb and .peace..i f t e r n IroHUlcBonia diiy,-a-lniblt'Iba


Htf ick J i ixr lmi iK" iirrnyeil from bend lofoot lu ckithr/i mnilo from minkeHklnii. Thii t in ho hud rmmd lilii nockWIIN n nniilio nkln , nml even llio ornn-,iiii-nt that uenei-ally fantomi 11 Ho In women.

A FiiBtl .iiicin Uoff."VeH." snld the iminager of tbo do-

i ' l l i i i ' t I ' l ic le Tom's I ' i i b l n cnini i .u iy , "ItW I I H our dog t h a i broke up tho show."

'•The dog. oh'/ U'lnil was the miillerw l t l i l i lmV"

"Too fi iHlldlons. Vou neu-r saw H:IO|Ia bound In your l i fe . Vou know theplay, of course, \Vo Ho n piece of mo itIn tho folds of ICIIr-.a's f rock, and t h a t ' swhat draws the dog a f t e r her whenslut nniH acrosH Ibo blocks of Ice. Well,what do you tblnli tlio dog doinninlcil V"

"Can't Imagine.""Porterhouse beefsteak, sir, and w i t h

llio tenderloin l o f t In! Yes, sir. How'sI b n l V And you couliln'l fool him. MeWouldn ' t chase ICIIy.ii a* fool iniles<i ( l i enioiit was n choice cu t . .No, sir. And,by K'l 'u , sir. our company hn i l lo l i veon liver and bacons no H i n t blamed ilu>;conlil have bis slciilc. Yes, sir."

"The demand was loo much for yon.was II V"

"No, II wasn't. Thai Is l l W M H I I ' I nnHI be bewail to In i ln l ii | ion n i i i i i h r o i i i i i xw i t h his n i l - a l l . Then W e j i i H l Hn'c\v upour l i i i in l s nnd i | i i l | ," C l e v e l n i i i l I ' l a l nlleiiler.

Alk liopi-o^Hloii,"I nm very much i i l r a h l , " mild Mlii"

Cnyenno, "Ihal I nm |OH|III; my ri 'lmlal ion nn n keen o l n > e r v e i ' ami a r a l . r l n l '

" \Vhal imiKei i yon H i l n l i no'/""Hcveral |ieople ye i i l en lny m i l d ||n-y

were lilail to nee nio, an If/ 1 hoy reallymeant I t ," W i i M h l i i K l n n Hlar ,

A p l iy ide l i in H I I . V H H in t H K h l lne ln l t Ih" bciuult lo l l n < hmna i i race, I n m m i i i c l i»H H MU" "ir I'1" fmilbih ulrls nndle«v« 'M l i n t Wbm oneii lo ( r rnw l n l < i

was bis physical salvation.Promptly at 7 the President had din-

ner, after which ho relaxed. The'en-trance, to tho conservatory was hla fa-vorite plnce to smoke 'with guests orcallers, Intimate, personal or political'rlends. This was particularly a period,if qnlet and relief from care, when he1'iijoyed tho society of those he likedhost or, with Mrs, McKlulcy, listenedlo music.

About M quarter of 10' the' Presidentivout np-Htiilrs to look over Importantletters with bis secretary, sign commis-sions, dictate letters, write a state pa-per or dispose of other public business.mill 11, when ho usually retired. Dur-IIIK the Spanish war anil tho criticallays of the Philippine Insurrection heiviw frequently busy with Ills militaryidvlscrx u n t i l early morning.


Uiwnof llnrviiril 1'rcm-rlho llio ClotU-l i iK Htii i lcnl. Hlnill Wear.

Thu.liubllUiiuuln-of-Mtudento- at the-in-ill iinlvei'Hlllcii Is not dictated by.'iiprlee, I IH n inny HiippoHe, but IH pre-scribed by t in- laws of |hn I n H t l t l l l l u l i M .AH laic IIH 1M"H Ibe drcHH of tbe l iari an I Nt i ld i -n l , IIH llu- |II\VH of the col-lege mull ' , coiiMlHlcd of a black nil.xi'il.Mill, HlnKle-bri ' i iHled, w i th a rol l ing:ii|io Hi|iiaro HI the end, ami w i t h pock-.H HIIPH; tlii> walHt reachliiK to the i*il-iiriil wulut, wi th lupelri of. I lie namelength, , The Henlor W I I H allowed lomaintain bin d l n n l l y w l l b three'crown' fetit" of black hlllc cord on thelower part of !I|H coat Hleev'e. TwoM'nwa' feet were permi t ted the Jui j lor ,j l l i i lo ( l ie Koj ihi iniore and nonn In the-'reHlimaii. The walhlcoai WIIH of:>larl(, or, \vlien of col ion or l inen, ofi v l i l l e ; i i lMKlc -h rc i iHlcd , w l t l i u H i a m l l a uM i l l a r , of l i u t l o m i , wbleli wen.- to lie Hatmil covered wi th llm Hiuin> clolh an:he K a r i n c n i lo whli 'b I hey werr a t -inched, (be H l u d e n l M nilgbl nu t him-jioi-e l ln i i i r ight nor ICHH t h a n H l x on the'rout of bin coat, with four behind. I ll«leckclnl l i wan plain black or wh i l e , l i l njat of nn approved form and black,4hocii n iu l bonlH were black,

Hy ITllll'l grimier varlely of dreim hailleen H i i l m t l l n t e d . l . 'nalH Were of him;(ray, hrecchuH nnd walHlcoi i l ol' t l i nlamn color or of Idar l i , n n n l i e c n orjllve. K r c M l i i u e n were ' i i l lnwl-d onlyilaln l i u t l o n h d l r M , h i>p l io | i i n r cM li-(lpci) 10:he dl i tn l l .v of hav ln i ; l i ' i i l l onn nn t h e i r•nlVii, J u n l o r / i inlghl . h i i v n Inexpen i i l vo'riigH !,<> I l i i ' l i ' h i i l lo i i l io lca , e \c i<p l Un i t:ln'.v in l | ( l i l not hnvo I l i en i on t l i e l r cuff•u l lonh i i l cH, ' and t i n t i ienlor enjoyed

,'ronM. I n i l l i i n l i o l c M and I I I I I . I O I I H cum-jilele. ,

tlonno nnd beauty, I IUo t ru th and nov-elty, nru rarely combined.

f7frv\** w *?5rfK?rrT™mrT™^?e^"^-T7^T7 ̂ TW**P&;<F^S.«^S- -a^Kf- ̂ * m^ &«&*&

" I have ̂ sMAyer'8 Hjlr_VIgprTbFtliTrfy years'. If Is elegajit Tfora hair dressing and for keeping thehair from splitting at the ends."—J.A. Gruenenfelder,Grantfork,Ill.

Hair-splitting splitsfriendships. If the hair-splitting is done on yourown head, it loses friendsfor you, jfor evetY_hairQf,-y uui—uvaxi leva A I xw»%«f - : - •

Ayer's Hair Vigor inadvanc^ will prevent thesplitting. If the splittinghas begun, it will stop it.

}l.0a « belli*. All

, U your drawrlit cannotBend us ono doUar and -BO ,„,.,_Ton a bottle. Bo euro and c'vo tho name-•~==^=*=^iTaeaotB£~ ^<"'^-

' Modern Monte Crluto.'"Is that the world?" asked the Mar-

tian ns their exploring airship changedUs courseJn time' to avoid the earth'sattraction. ..' • '

"I think It used to be called that,"said the -steersman, "but now It ismerely the private estate of J, P. Mor-gan."—Chicago Kewa.

.nroj!;lyn.N.Y., Jan.20tb. — For many yoorourileld Ten. Thu Herb Cure, baa been«am-

tt rcputnl!o>> tlmt Is raf e^-lt is universallyidged ! %Tb|»-f«i)i«ily-i>re8ent9-timi§Tiarirt*-

traotlons to those in search of health; It Ismnde of herbs thot ourajn Nataro's way— byremoving the causo of disease ; it is pure; .ftfllonnsestheBj-stem, purffles tho blooa and es-

- ' - ~ ' - -9'eiiuatly good tor young and old.

It is estimated that of the whole popu-lation of the globe about 00,000 .die everyday. ' _ _

. Man; flchnol ChlMren Are Sloklr.Mother Gray's Swoct Powders for Children,.

used l>y Mother Gray, a nurse In Children'sHomo, Now Vork, brea'; up Colds In 24hourri,

ouro Foverlshnefls, — Headache, StcaiaobTroubk-s, Teething Jllsordors and DestroyAVoro-f. At nil ilnif?gliis','S!5c. Sample mailedireu. Adureas AJleu J. Olmsted, Lo Boy, N.V.,.Th'c practice of, punishing pupils by de-

<iuctine credits for scholarship has beenforbidoen in the San Francisco schools.

FITSpermanently oured.No fltfl or ne.rv OIIB-OPKS after first day's us« of Dr. Kline's Great

• jS"*Tv*>Be3toh'r.?2trIalbottlo nnd treatise freeDr. R. H. KLINE, Ltd.. fl31Aroh St. Phllo., To.

Sir Thomia Ijipton says there'are "nofiirls like American girls." . - "

" Jlrii.'XVinsion'aSoot'hIngSyrapforohUdnni.xeduces Inflixmma- |

'No large comrt'h«V-'iippg.irp'rt within nnrenvironment since tlmt of 1882.

riso's Ciirn In tho best medlclf«r all niTfntlons of throat and lungn.—WM.Cl. Ksi'Hi.Rr, Vanburjn, Ind., Full. 10^ 1000.

The liiiip of tlie hippopotntnua in uuuiera:t» H lulljr two inchra thick.


Remit of tbe Inqnlaitl-vcucao oi « Chi*nenc Nobleman. •

"Ono of the Interesting novelties of thotocial llfo of the now century Is tho'oc-:oalonol appearance of our Mongolianneighbors- In-^soclety,i!_sald.4i-matron.-•It goes to show how small tho worldreally Is and how intimate the nationsire becoming.' As yot, taioso vlslUnfa'pblemeoi from the Orient oro few andfar between, but they will undoubted-ly soon be as familiar a sight in ourIrawing-rooms ns the titled Hindoos inEnglarid. Although , he often speaksUngllali remarkably well, a Chinamanbas no Idea of what convontlonallyajjght_gr_ ought not to be jajd,_and_ his

Ball's Cat.L_jLj._C

jmueliig. He also asks questions witha direct simplicity that Is sometimesembarrassing. " ";- "A Ohmese nobleman who was pre-lonted to a young woman at an.eveningfunction not long ago began the con-versation after the manner of his na-tion by propounding a series of ques-tions. 'At first the answers were easy.Do you live In New York?' 'Have.youboth parents livJngT\vH5ve youTjfoHF«rs "and sisters?' 'How old are you?'

"These behig answered 4o his satls-CacUon, he became more particular Inbis Inquiries. • " >

"'Why-are you not married?''" 'Perhaps the right person lias not

asked me,' answered the young -wom-an, laughing." "'Have you any objection to matri-mony?'asked thf Chinaman, gravely.——Not-ln-the^leastj—she-replied,—im-tnenacly amused by his persistence.- "H'o.^.the time being he seemed satis-fied, but later In the evening be cameup-to her with a young American, who

An Important do not bellevo In early

Ton think a man ought tohave made his way '•flrnt, I suppose.

He— To toll the truth, what- welgl'mchiefly with u io lB tlmt the later ynu.marries; tlie less time ono has to out

'tf.— ntror -------------- •"" .....

All goods nro nlllco to PUTNAM FADEI.EHHEXES, as thoy color all libers at ono boiling.Sold by. all druggists.

The average annual amount, of coalmined in England from 1851 to 1000 is 130.-000,000 tons. .

How'n Tlilt?,Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars BowarjJ-for

nny oaso of Cntarrh that cannot be cured byBall's Catarrh Cure.

noy for thblost J5years, anoTbellovo him per-foctly honorable in all business transactionsand financially ablo to carry out any obliga-tion mado by their flrm.WEST 4 TBDAX,Wholesale Drugglsts.Toledo,

Ohio. ' , .WAI.DINO, KiNKAS.-.fcMABViH.'Wholesale Drug-

gists, Toledo, Ohio.Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act-

ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur-faces of the system. Price, 75o. per bottle.Bold by nil Druggists. - Testimonials free.

Hall's Family PlUs ore'the best.The population of the German empire,

use the-j' — "

evidently bod no idea what wns In storefor him. This is Mr. RoblnsonV beganthe old man; 'ho is a graduate of Har-

'boa no objection t-flo yon not marry 1

"And-the odd port of It all was thatbe actually made tbe match, for thepair, who until then were not acquaint-ed, ,were engaged not long afterward."—New York Tribune. '

His Sweetheart's Letter. ,A colonel, on his tour of Inspection,

unexpectedly entered the drlllrootn,when he came across ,a couple of sol-diers,- one of them reading a letteraloud while the other was llstenlng,-and! at the same time, stopping upthe'ears of the reader..~irv7HaT~irre~youndoing" there?" ' thepuzzled officer Inquired of the former.

"You see, colonel, I'm.reading to At-kins, who can't read^ jilmself. a. Jetter^

post from his sweetheart."'"And you, Atkins, what In all the

world are you doing?" •—•••Pleasercolonel,- I"am"stbp"plngr upMuTphTs"eOTs^^lth~^otu^hirfidsr"bi^lcause- I don't mind his reading mysweetheart's letter, but I-don't wonthim to hear a single word of what she

[has written."—tondon Tit-Bits. ' .


I.iirlng Them by Scents and Entrappi OB by a Barrel Contrivance.

Rats are very-susceptible to tbe odorof certain drugs, and any ordinary traset In tlieir haunts Is likely to succeeiIf dressed with these scents, the attrac-tion of-which, rnt catchers affirm, the,cannot resist. An example Is: Powdered asafoctlda, eight grains; oil o:rho*]lutn,jhvo dramsj^oll of aniseedou'eTTIfaniT-'i>ll~"o? lavender, one-haldram.—Shake together'iainit

Sarah Loves' Sweets."They say that Sarah Bernhardt nib-

fales candy most of the time." ;"And she has very bad teeth."."But such a sweet'volce!"—Cleveland

Plain Dealer.

Mount .Galm Street, Detroit, Michigan,Lecturer for the W. G. T. U., recommendsLydia EJ. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

'•DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : — My professional work has for the -pasttwenty years brought me into hundreds of homes of sicknessj andI have had plenty of opportunity to witness the sufferings of wives

s, are slowlybut surely being dragged to death, -principally with female weaknessand irregularities of the sex. I believe you will be pleased to knowthat Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has curedmore women than any otKer agency that has come tindqr my notice,Hundreds of women owe their life and health to you to-day, and, there-fore, I can conscientiously advise sick, women to try it." — MARGUERITE

$5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE.When women are troubled •with irregular or painful menstruation,

-•weakness, leucprrl^jiT.di8plarementTJrulj[;e^•In^dtrwtr^feelihg, inffinnnmtioifb£ the ovaries, backache, flatulence,general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they shouldramember there is one tried and true remedy. I>ydla E. Pinklmrn'o.vegetable-Compound at once Temoves'sucli iijoubles. '—'-—^^^optheji^ejLdneJn_the_w6rldhas'lreceived-such-widespread-and--nnqualffied endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of curesof female troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine. .

Mrs. PHikham invites all sick -women to write her for advice*She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, IJass.

Use n very gmnll quantity to dress thi' "" -" - --

Iilli lliilluclnutlon.

I'ix-.liir.viniiii— Tlu-ri' wn» ono mem-licr of tho Jury \vlio wasn't QuiteIn hln inlnil.

Friend— You don't menu It?Hx-Juryniiin— TLuit'M a fnot. Ht

thought he kiii>\v wlmt tho. expert*were talking nbout.— Judge.

Mlilnlirht Medicine.Sln> i rut l i iT wearily)—It must bo lovo-

Iv to In* n i i i i in .Ilo i i i lnti- Mlnycr l—Why ' /Slu>—A iiniii run Hpi'iiil tho cvciilnk

wi th whom lie pli'iim'H mul not luivo tu« 'Ulf i - | i \ ln iinyhoily Unit COIIIOHNow York Weekly. -

To catch rats, cover a common barrelwith stiff, stout paper, tying the edgiround the barrel.' Place a board sthat tlie ruts may hove easy access tcthe to]). Sprinkle cheese parings 01other food for I lie ruts ou the pupefor several days, until they begin t<t h i n k t lmt they have a right to tlmidally rations from this source. Thenplace In the bottom of the barrel ap.'peo of rock- about six or seven Incheshigh, t i l l ing with water until onlyeiioiiKli of It projects above the waterfor one rat to lodfce upon. Now re-place the paper..llrHteutting a ITOHS lathe middle, and the llrst rat that comesou the barrel top goes through Into thewijter and cllinlm on the rock. 'The pa-per rumen buck to Its original position,and Ibe second rut follows tho IIrut.Then begins n fight for the postictmlorof tbe dry plnce on the stone, tho noise,of which at tracts tbe others, wjio shnrohe m'na fate.—llnlt lmoru American.


l(M Lodlow Street.Phono, 1*42-69 A. PHILA.

Consignments Solicited.

_ - . aim 1»nOT^QIOIIWI \/QCOI1Wflyapsicujs v 3>§eAiB,6

Fnt uprJa~CollapsIble~Tal)es.A OobetltaUforindSaptrior lo MaiUrd or uyr

oUwri>lut<r. ladwul notblWer tlw mot OtUatttlUn. Tb* P»U> tlltyiag >ad caratirt qtuIltJM oftbiiatS-laanwondafal. It will «top th« toothache'CA caoflt and nliavo hetdAcbo »iid KdAtlca.

Wanopmm«ad It u tba bast »nJ nlert externaleemntar-briUot known. «Iso u aa external rvnwdjtor painatn »b« chert and ctoiutrli »n<l »11 rti»im»HaoeunJglo «nd goaty oimpUlnle,

A trial wUlpror* what va claim tor It. and It willb* fooad lo be InTaloabla in tb» booMhold. Manypcoplaaaj "It to tlie belt of all r°v preparation*."

Meet 15 oenta, at all drag8let% or otlur dMlera,or by npilhig thi« amonnt to n> In fOitan »um»

T >o article aiionldb* accepted 07 tbejmbllfi cnlfltn0» «aa,t«rriM oq, Ubri. a« oth«wl»e It B not

VIRGINIA HQ^ESYou! learn_a[l about.lVa._Jands,_soII,

water, climate, feiburces, proJiTcts, fruits,berries, mode of cultivation, prices, reading the VIRGINIA FARMER.Send ice. for 3 months subscription toBox C FARMER Co., Emporla, Va.


.. ?"1 •* BnfflWo Exporftlon.McILHENNY'S TABASCO*

BgMC;O;N;SiU,M:(=/Til O N

IT Cute Btreat, Pow York Oitj.GO.


iMRS. WINSLOW'S—SOOTHING SYRUPbaa been u<ed by millions of mothers for theirchildren while TeeUHncrfor orer Fifty Year*.it 0ootbe« the child, aoztena the gnnu, aUaygall pain, cures wind collo, and la ttu- Mglremedy for diarrhoea.

Twontv.fl»o Cents a Bottle.

Kultl i 'u riillmlol|>l((u liou^iu lino boon Jnniinod In tho dnoi-ii nnil tho njincnn-(iliilti 'n l i uve iMiibriiiiuil dully thuatro pui-tlnn from (hla nml luljolnlnif altloa.

II. I1', Ki i l l l i 'u (Jyolo Whirl In III" mont thrl l l lnir liloyclo u e t ' o v n r prunautnil onllm nliiH' ' . N'tWHiiiiiiei1 oxin-cMiiliiiin fol low: Huiiniitlniial—lliicoril , Ono of tliflwoi'lil'ti wniuliM'n — I'ri'Hii, Mii i 'VKloi in - Iiu|uli-ni\ Allillonco.. wont wlli l—Itnni.< ) i < i n l < - n t runl Unit MiliniK<'|- K i i l l l i lum yot prununtnil-/TolnKriiiili. Iflnorinonniiilillenen itroHii (o Un Tini t nnil nliiiurmt Nor th Anirrlufiii . Not only thri l l ing,lint H i M i i n l n u l y n i i le l i la l Ili(|iilriu-. D n f y b i K Ijin juwn of ici'avliiillon—I'rann!A |nnfi) i inniic" no l inrl loun Unit It f a i r l y t u U u n Ibn broiitb of t in) iimllminn —HullKtlli . )<;iitli-i< iiiiiiniiililiiHu lltorivlly on KM funl . Notblnir lilt" It over hoforon l iown; nollilnir no uxnl l l i iK uliil mxiuniirfiil—Tlnirit . Aiipl'»in« ouch nn ban nol-ilom biion lu'iird In a loi'iil tliiMitl-"-~H<ii ' i ir<1.

<! | i i i | i l t )Vnl l l , HID Worlil'n i t rnutuHt i«nl"i lulm-r, In nlim mi a t t r i tn t lnr i , lll)(]tint ^Joi-l l i Ainei ' lei in i i | i<>iikn l imn of hU niiecenni A luieUirroiinil of nti t iull i piitroiin which wimlil ilo lioiioi' (o I 'M|V»'II "Ciii'mnn." Kroni n box odliialiolnl of v|n\v, HornliariU Innnulf uoiililn't ilo inoro.

The Distinctive Valueof Syrup of Figs is due to its pleasant form and perfect freedom from everyobjectionable quality or substance and to the fact that it nets gently nnd trulyas a laxative, without in any wily disturbing- the natural functions. Therequisite knowledge of what a laxative should be and of the best means for,Itsproduction enable the California Fig Syrup Co. to supply the general demand^for n laxative, simple and wholesome in its nature and truly beneficial in itseffects; a iaxative which nets.pleasantly nnd leaves the—internal—organs-in—a~naturnlly; henltliy CQUdition..and.vvliich-docs not weaken them.

To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is nil important that themedicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and Syrupof Figs possesses this great advantage over all other remedies, that it docs notweaken the organs on which it acts nnd'therefore it promotes a healthful cou-ilition of the bowels and assists one in forming regular ImbitH. Among its manyexcellent qualities maybe mentioned its perfect safety, lu nil cases requiring a

'laxative, even for the babe, or its mother, the maiden, or the wife, the invalid,or tlie robust man.

Syrup of Figs is well known to be a combination of tlie laxative principlesof plant*, which act most beneficially, with pleasant aromatic liquid:) and thejuice of figs, agreeable and refreshing to the tusti: and acceptable to the system,when its gentle cleansing is desired. The quality of Syrup of Figs i.s duo notonly to the excellence of the combination, but also to the original method ofmanufacture, which ensures perfect purity and uniformity of product and it istherefore all important , in buying, in order to get its beneficial effects, to notethe full name, of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.--printed on the frontof every package.

Loulnvlllo. 'Ky.I'OU SAl.ll HY Al.l. I.1UDINO. IJI(ll<)()|!IT:i,

Snrv Frixiiclooo. Cctl.Now York, N. Y.



Page 3: Directory. Sewing Machines On Easy Payments...SQUTH_ JERSEY Directory. •:. MITHIOIPAL. CUSRK . J.L.O'Donnoll. f^ The .only newspaper "printed in Hammonton ^1.35"a year> post-paid,

One a Timein the secret of all progress.^

The first step towards a

successful life is often the

application_for a policy

of Life Insurance in


Insurance Co. of America.

/Homo Office,Newark, N. J.

JOHN F.DRYDEK, President.LESLIE D.-WARD, Vice-Pres't.EDGAR ,B. WARD, 2d V.P. £ CounselFORREST F. DRYDEN, Seb'y.


QEO. 8. <TRlTNCER,'Asst. Supt., Williamstown, N. J.

[ Entered as second olassmatter. 1"

' SATDRDAY, FEB. 1, 1002.

Hammonton, ' ' ~\ ' ' > *

Hammonton}Eah! Eah! Kahf

Liberal Bed-actions-In Gabds left over from :our fioliday stocjs/

You will find bargains among them. . ,

Ink Wells,. Comb and Brush sets, Toilet Bets,

Cloth Brushes, Manicure articles, both in ebony arid

jst'erling eilverj,"Pocket-books,"'Chatelaine Bags, • ' ,

n~the Bilver^Novelty line. ^Ladies'

Votes for a Water Plant

The people didn't all vote, lastWednesday, but enough of them didto siiow that the water question-hard!

,been thoroughly, discussed, and .wasgenerally' understood. Some men



to vote either way. Others wouldnot vote for it, yet expressed theirwillingness to pay their share, of the'expense if -a majority favored it.These are .some of tb.6 reasons whythere was no't a larger vote polled.

-TJifinJtlie-saOMistorna^inay'have-kepIrsome timid ones%t?hdme.

The figures, as stated to us are asTollows: r~ ~

•i ,


' J

JVt bring • Philadelphia and its test Clothing Store to your very doer

TJils Is How:: You pay excursion railroad or trolley fare. Come to our^store; buy your Clothes, your boy's, ̂ your girl's, your wife's..'Same price to everybody. Show your railroad ticket for:iare paid. We pay you exactly its cost if you buy a certain

t. Howmuch? Can'ttell — depends upon your carfare.

Wanamaker & BrownOatfitters to

;Men, Women, Boys and Girls Philadelphia

ICj. ,NOW Mrs. Jones does not speak to Mra. Smith,

simply because she knocked for a long time at Mrs.Smith's door and no one.came to lot her in ; while, intruth, no one heard her knock. But had there been anelectric bell on. the house, the life-long friends would neverhave parted. For all such ills, apply to the

• Electric Light, Heat and Power Company,.and a speedy cure is guaranteed,

S. L. PANCOAST, Ju., Manager.

WE ARE BEADY tc;'-.give your repairing prompt

attention. We fully guarantee all our work. : - ; •

EOBEET SiSEL.Jeweler and Optician,

£=1fL^second precinct, 100; total, 218.

First ^precinct: -For the—water-_works,_80-;_ against, -38; ^majorityfor, 42. ' • ; . ' __". ' . K

Second precinct: for, 65;-against;35 ; majority for, 30.

Total majority "in favor of issuingbonds and putting in a completewater plant, 72.

We are well'pleased with the pro-portions of the vote, particularly be-

cause of unexpected opposition tothe proposition which developed inunexpected quarters. -It was a fairexpression of opinion. No one madea- canvass of the town |7~5b one was


Malls will close at the HammontonPost Office as follows: *. -LEAVE- , .-,

IJOflfN .'. • "OP- '"0:10 A.M. '." 7:10" A.KV5:85 P.M. ' 12:20 p,>t. V

. , .. 3:50/ /""""•"" - ' " -AKUIVE- .

5:50 A.M. 7:25 A.M.

5:48 P.M.'.

Vm'. H. Parkhnrst has returned-Trom-Dayton, Ohio. - - - - - -.-•'-

JBST Frank R. Whittler was up from...Atlantic .over Sunday. _.

jjgy Now, who are to be .the three"VVater Commissioners ? .'nCKGB'lIEATING STO^E for sale ati j ;, No. 8 Central Avanuo.

jgQf.J.Q-A. Greenwood has moved

83f- The JEWw for February Is out.Jgy- Capt. C. D. Lovoland sails for

a cruise pf six weeks in West Indies.8Qf~ L. T. Cope, brother of Mrs. B.

Albrici, died"on Thursday, after a shortillness. Burial to-day.

B®- William Peffel, of Philadelphia,is recuperating at tbo Bernshouse home-stead, on Grand Street. ,

BSy-' Mrs, Eugene A. H'oopor is homofrom New York for a'wr.ek's visit withher parents, Capt. and Mrs. Cbas. D.Lovoland. . . --—- SSSf Capt.' Crowley Loveland soiledtost Saturday, from Bermuda for Point

ftBepuWtcon and. New York

'Tribune farmcrlone .yearJor.Sl.50. ._—..'630* Alfred W. Goff was the guest of

hia mother aud brother lor a few days.' "_JB®£ Mlea Matie Swift is bookkeeperin .tho Electric Light Company's office.

JL^'iinproved, No. 6, and. other farm loots,inquire of W. II. F11UNOH.

Cherry St. aud County Road.

orn, on Monday, Jan. 27th. in

Sporting Goods of every description.

LA. 'Qordery.


a son.BSf Womoa's Relief ̂ Corp8_meetipg

this evening, ut tho residence of Mias

?} The Perfect Deodorizer and Disinfectant

F R A G R I N ERefreshes. Perfumes. Invigorates. Endorsed by Physicians,

Most Wetsant of Toilet Requisite!.Most healthful of Household Necessities. Call and try it at

W. A. HOOD'S, 208 Poach St., Hammonton

met, did their own "thinking, andvoted their own decision.

The Town Council will now electthree Water Commissioners, whowill then be an independent branchof the town government (like theSchool Hoard), and takes entirecontrol of tho wntcr business.

Home-made Sausage & Scrappleof Jersey Pork. -,-\

We have two grades of Mince Meat, 10 and 12 c.Chow Chow, Pepper Sauce, Pickles, and HorseRadith. Home-made Sour Kl'OUt.

Orders received and delivered.309 JJellevue Ave.

- ESy^"Chronotbanatoletron" in -the"Unlveraalist Church, Feb.' 11. Admis-.sion, 20 cents. .

HORSE for sale, G years old. Good workingborse. ANTONIO DOM INI CO.

liitb St. and cbow Koad.

JBS?"Nuxt Tuesday will be pensionday. Comrade Beverage will be in tboineurauce office."., BSy°Bey. S. Paul Jefferson is expectedto preach in the. Baptist Church to-morrow evening.

figy Comrade Chaa. Woodnutt willbo in his offlcu all day, Feb. 4th, toexecute pension vouchers.-tTTE HAVE BUYEIW waiting for twenty

_ _TT__ irnnlLtarnia ID this lociillly^ Apply lit-^itico giving oxuot location, lowest nrloo uad<«»lc8t terms. OHI'frt A O'CiilliiKhaii,

a-Pitre, Qaaduloupo, after peceeaaryrepairs to rth'e veieeir' ..... ---•— — ̂ ..... -:---•

BSF G. A. B. Post .meeting (chnlght.,. -B&?° Still en-owing.dB ..we. jjo to .press,Friday afternoon, and- the temperatureindicates continuance. .' . •

O ilGAN WANTED. Mont bo good." andcheap. , : "OrKUD.'Ubls olflco.

£©• Raymond, seven-year-old son ofEdwin Jones, waa. taken to HabnemaaHospital on Saturday last, suffering

Town Council Meeting.

Regular meeting on Saturday eveninglast, Jan. 25tb. All members present."" Highway Coarultteo reported consid-erable work dono on First Road, Uasin,and Union. Also reported that the.County had' adopted Central Avenue,from Bellovue A venue, continuing on toPleasant Mills, and the permanent im-provements would ,be commenced in the'Spring, Tbe road Is to be thirty feetwide, with thirteen feet of this heavilygraveled."1' Thank's 'wera~teb"dered"to~oa'rFreeholders, Messrs. M. L. Jackson and

his relief was performed on Monday.Ho is doing well, -'. , . • ' .

GOODVorklng Horse i 'for1 sale, ohenp.W. B.aCOTT. Mala Bead.

8@r Mli8 Itelon Wincblp is 111-with

A Cure Ar Lumbago.W. C. Williamson, of Auilicrat, Va,

nays: "For more than a year I auflurcdfrom lunibnco. I finally tried Cunmbor-lalii'B Pain Balm and it jo;avo mo entirerollof, v»liioli all other remedies hid fulledto do." BoM by J. S. Hogora.

Bros.;,House, Sign,


Ctaamental Painters. ,'alnliiir,

and I'upor

, Hammonton, N. J;

Ohaa. Woodnutt .JU8TIOE of tho PEACE


vOommlnulonor of DoodnIiiuuranoo & Heal Eatato Aftt.

(Ofllofl nt ludldonoo. 405 llollimio Avo.



Blown to Atoms.Tho old icluu iliat tho body eomotlmea

n t n i d ap i>wur ln l , drnntlo, puruativo pillima.buuuuxplodud-j-for Dr.-Kum'8 NewLllo Pdln, wli i f l l i nro pprfootly hurmloaN,KOiilly n t ln iu la tu l lvor and bowola to ex-pnl polHonoiiH iiiiiM.iir, oli-iiii«o thu Hyntmnmid utiHdlii t i i ly oiirooiiiiatipnilnii and slokbondnolut. (Inly iifio. at J1. H.


A I IVKIITIHUMMNTH In l l i lH« l r . « typn , onnliair omit iii-r wurd for wioli lun<>r l lo i i .

NCI (•li i irun li HH limn |l) mnilH.


Insurance AgentNotary Public, "'Commissioner of Deeds,

Oillcc, 101 Railroad Avo.Ilummonton.

Wo will try to fill overy orderiiatinfuotorily.


Undertakerand Embalmei

TwolUn Ht., hotwoon rallroadn.

Hammonton, N. .J.All arrntiKoninutH for biirmla'uiudi)und carefully oxuniitdd.

JOS. H. GARTON,Justice of the peace,

Ilainiiionton, N. J.Ollloo at HoHldnnno, Mlddlu Iloucl.

Saturday, February 1st.


- typhoid foyer, ID West Philadelphia.Mrs. Winchip ia recovering.

tSy* RorauiDber tho Fasnacht Klatchand ChroDotbanatolotroa, Fob. lltb,ia thu Unlvcrbiilieit Church. .

£gy- HOD, Georfio Blvlns has givenIlia store und tho adjoining buildings athorough covering of paint. They lookwell. • . '

THE* ANNUAT, MKIOTINO of Oulc (IrovoCOintitvry Atium'tut ton. for t l iu olcatloii

<ifofllcorit inia oth«r liut»lnoH«. wi l l lio Imltl InOaUdiilo Hohnol I I < I I I H U , on Monday uvunlni;.1'Xi. aitli, IUW, ul Mf i ' f l l oa l c ,

........ ______ UKO. \V. KI.VINH.Hcn'y.

Mr. William Colwell has receivedfrom the State Entomologist a hydroor-etefTfoFteanBrgTsefoseneTiirr' It any ofour readers wish their oil tested, they8houlff"ta6e""a~pintror it "' to ̂ ^hiEE." Nocharge. -

Jgy Pupils in the Eighth Gre.ue atCeptiql School are epdeovoring to; work"up- an interest in a public library inHamtnooton. It is needed, and wohop8Tiirthoa6~who'"Iovi) rgood' reading

.and. favor- the the enterprise.'

US?- This is a good time of the year toguard against tbe caterpillar plagueagain afflicting us next Summer, as wasthe case last year. Trees are now bare,and the presence of cocoons and nestsare plainly visible and can readily bepicked off and burned. Do it now, andyou will. have more fruit the comingseason. '

.figy Miss Lola Cunningham gave a•party to her young friends on Saturdaylast,— tbe occasion being her fifth birth-day. Among thosu present were—.

Annie Cunningham Huslo GaskcllMildred TllWn Adelaide Hoyle

-~ Heleo Park burst Kobn Mart -----------EdnaTroflbrd Clara CuhjilnRlmm

iportant improvement.

License Committee reported favorablyupon tborapplication pf'ErT. Crowleyand. bief license .was- renewed foc..qneyear, byljijiaanlmous vote. '.

Clerk reported funds on baud asfollows: . . . . ' • . '

Highways $10384• Town Purposes 151 10

-Poor.. .'.. 14273StreetLlt'bts.........;.... 385'52 '

— Tbt following-bills were ordereft paid:Mrs Richards, care of poor !..._.George BerijshoQBe, axpeasoaJ C Johnsoa, gooJfi to poor ......_E.8toekwoll, \"___ _ .JnckBon & SOD, . " • ^_Hood <£ Sop, burying poor ....George Elvlns, goods to poor........—'"Highway Bills

If your Bicycle is

or if it merely requires cleaning, .

810 001 25

12 00120012 00 .11 000 00

E A Josly u. ....... .......... .:.... $11 05

Take it to

Headquarters for Pocket-Knives.

J Glacobe, gravel _ ' 1 20Wrs Warren, gravel......... 1 00ATomasello L.... 150BI Slocbwell, pipe l̂......* 1 44

~lJoyT3TSon, prlWtTng~an^rad"v~7Ti -7.7 12 35'"J Vf Myers, Nlg'bl Marshal _ Ifl 00A H Whitmore, renfof hall 3 W-,Doric Lodge, rent of ball : a 00A B Dnvls, postage, etc 9 34

Dorlallonlort Fanny CuimlUKhum"Mnirjo'rtb Moiiifnrt HonaUo Monfurt —

], A,<)Aui'imi.r. H.Hniii.i.<). A. <Jiuui>l>«ill jit <;<>.,

Real Eatato & Insurance.Money to loan <m lnortu»«n. |>artliui Imvl nu

iKiunwi Lo nuit, «r |iro|>i>rllitn fur nnla or nx.flbaiiKO. wi l l iln wull to nnll, nr wrlt« IK,Onion, IWMAtlmit lo Avo,, Al lui i t loDlty .

We will toll to-day only, nt jn-iccs named below.This coffee is a high-grade article, and blended by

a dealer who- thoroughly understands the art ofblending.

1 pound Star Cofleo, 18 c., regular 201 pound '" " . 23 " 25 «1 pound " " 28 " 150Impound Mocha ami/"Java. 3;J c, regular 35

Not rnoro than 5 pounds to one purchnflorat reduced price.


Sovorul Inches of nnow lull onWednesday nnd Thurmlay. Ovurfloor.loalyn and his tmow plow made wulkiupj;oaulur.

J5QT Thu revival mnotinuB In tho Ilap-tlat Church aru wull altoudud, and Hit)InturuBl In lucruunlu^. They wil l bocontinued next week.

W 1I.I, I C X o l l A N d K IIKiK) «i|ii|(y In it Hm>hrltik l i i i i iMn, h r l u U iKirn, VVUKOII

A Fine He,rd of SteersIlau jnnt been rooi'vud ut Kokhardt's farm.

You con see thorn, drcBscd, nt . v

' - i

Eckfaardt's Market, /240 Italicvuo Avenue,

P, S. Nice joung chiclconii, drcunod, 14 o. pr pound.

fltlnoliwl.nnlot lox-rJlJifci ' l ; ilJcnniry slatoT'>«'f o lu l i t nmniH, I t n i l i . t i i inv t ' i i lonr i 'M, poroti/rokit, fur K 'xnl limn In I h l H lo« 'ul l ly , Mimt. ho<iu ounh h u h l M . i i n i l low In nrldi*.

( l l l . I I IOUT .t O ' ( f A I , I , A ( I I I A N ,IHIII Wniiim M.. iMiilii.

Jjtir Mr. aud Mrn. Lummrd AdiuiiHuru receiving cnii^raLulailoiiH on tliu

, birth »)' a duuithiur, which occurred onv, Jan. 2(kh,Mr. 1). C. 1'otlur Hpunt u f«w

Richard J. .Drake, youngost sonof tho late Colonel and Mra. Draho,died on Tuesday atternoon,.Jan. 28tb,at tho family residence near Hammon-ton Lake, of typbotd fever, ag(!d 21yoara. "Dick" wna one of our popularyoubg men, a hustling salesman for theSinger Sowing Machine Company, anduniversally respected. Funeral servicesat St. Joseph's Church this morning,nt leu o'clock.

C3T List ol, unuallod.for lottorB tn UioHammonton Pi>at Ofllco on Wednesday,Jau. 20th, 1002 :

Uzzlo WolihioM I H NUriml t l iM r n J 1) U luuH

Win (lilllo.1 AMiron

Personfl oalllhK foi liny of tho abovoletters wi l l ploaso utato tlmt It IIBHboon advartluod.

M r L. JAOKHOM, P.M.....

'A H Miller,Janllor .'...J 8 Rogers, B of H eupplleiGoo Bercshouse, Overseer PoorJ B O'Donnell, Bnlary V..;....;;;...,..


10 001021

8165 M-

a Hat ofCollector Davis presentedimcollectable taxes for years 1898 to1901Tamountiog-to~$261,89,-aod-askedthat the same be abated. On motion,request granted.

Mr. DePuy presented a resolutiondirecting tliu Solicitor to . apply to theCourt for permission to remove ballotsfrom the ballot box, and to use said boxat our special election. Carried.

On motion, voted that the Town'sfinancial accounts close Feb. 10th, toenable the ContHJittee to make their

of our DresTTJintngs, arjd:when^joiirhave~bougb:r

from us you will say that we have occasion to be •

-^-pioud. ".•'"•' We^carry-a-large-line:of-alHhe-faest L

kinds and shades. ' ' ' " •

On motion.of Mr. DoPoy, Soiicitorinstructed to draw an ordinance provid-ing that a bottler's license may begranted to ownora of retail liquor liconsofor flfty dollars per annum.


<li\>'H In town. Wliun ho lul l J.utmnnn,iN. II,, lull wutik, llii) muruury Htuod uttwouty-lmir du(;ruuH bulow r.i-,n>, wilbdrop BIIOW,

•V»7'OMAN WANTH WOltIC hy l l io i lnv orV,f hour, IJiinil wi inht i r tun) l r t > i i < i r , bidtiir

ami Ijnumi olciuttif. Vi^ry noitl. uiul ol t uii.Aililrium llox -U,

ilcll(;hlfiil rofrcahlnu tliiodoniiitto imo In your linmun m "FriiKrano."It potilllvoly [iriivtinlii In lo t i t l i i i i mill Idlln«nni)ii, Cull mill t r y l l u t \V. A. lloiul'ii,i!08 1'oixcli 8tr«nt.

Mro. Diihoruh Mllley dloil hintmnriilnu, ut hur lioinu nuar

Athlon, HKdil HH ycurn. A Imlu nudliourly old ludy, a hurd worluir, hurtluulli wun a uurprluu,— comlnn iin nluepto u child, blie wun "Aunt Doliliy" toyouiiK nnd old. Funornl Hotvlccn wore

'Iioldon Wcdiiundny, In Atalon Cluireh.

Dn/vn iiomuw nouciuT-m O I , M . » H Il.lyn nur«p» ill) loll. >DAVIH A. ritllNA, MUli l ln l to iMl

Vittttinily Jc.liu Mll lor 'n liuin

luauro wltli tho A. U. IMil l l lpn (Jo..Cllllft AtUatio A.VO,, AlluutluClly.

All-Day Mooting.

An all-diiy incutlnp;, |n llio M. 13.Cliurch, luia Iwun urraiigod for, to bolutld to morrow.

Love-tuftBt nt 0,00 H. m. PruiichliiKby lluv. (J. L. Dohblua, L'renldinu Kldur,at 10:!IO. Sunday Hehool' at 13:00.

.Junior Up worth htmgim, In C|WI-KU ofthe Huperlntonilont, Mr«. Huldah Ktuol,at a:00 p. in. The .lunlor ClirlHllanKudoitvo'r 'UociolliiN of tlin Dapllnt andI'rodhyturlaii Cliurohtia have hunn In-vited to pay the Junior Loii^"" a I'ratur-iml vlilt ut thla iiiiMitlng.

At four o'clock tluiro will In-nrally of thu Yuiinu IVoplu'n Kiof the Mnthodlhl, l luptlnt and rnrlau CburvliOK, wi th thin proKrain :

Hong H«rvl««, IICiiMin inliiiiii'Nhi'iiiiy w. u.Tliinii

DciYolloiuil Hiirvloii. 1(1 iilliuiKHlioil liy II(Miry /.n||»

ToHtlitionlul Hurvltit', in inlnittrn......I.inl hy Win. O. llnyt

(Jiiiiuooiillloil Hiirvldd, Ui i i i l i iu l i iHl<Mll.y HnliorlHtool

•>I£pworll> L(in«iH) ut (l,!l(), lud by MlnaLaura Davlnou. I'rimuhlnu by thnJ?aatorat7:lfl; Huldool, "Tlio Itloli Munnnd LnxaniD,?1 lollowod by revivalnorvlcca, und ruuupllou ol' murnliorn,

Hnoalnl norvloua wil l hu coniliuuid Inthin ohuroh every evening next woolf

| uxt:o()t Hulurduy.


Tbo oponms of Hotel Loraluo, Atlun-tic City, found Robert 8. Smith In bisaccustomed place, performing tho dutiesof chief cltrk. Ho la expected homosoon on a short vieit. —

It ia said, with every blessing comesa duly, BO with every snowstorm corneaa day's work. Messrs. Bennett undHawyer. Imve boon busy making thopublic bluhwuya passable.

Tbo pastor of tho Presbyterian Ob.Is conducting a eurlvn ol prayer mcotlnttsat the homo of Mrs. liecltinuii, tho pur-poHu bcin^ to prepare tbu inisinbi:ru fortbu approaching communion," und topray for thu outpourlii}' of tho HolySpirit upon tlmwi who have not enlistedunder the Grunt Captain. •

We are sorry lo Imiru that Harryn IIIIH had a m:v»ro attack ofbut the last we lumid from liliu

he bad nearly recovered,A luoturo on tho frnt idinun, and tliolr

prot;ruHH, Int i i l luutual ly and spiritually,was Klveu in tliti M. 1C, C'liurcli by O.C. Ullburt, a foriuur slave Iu Maryland.Mr. (illljiirl has vlaltud here buforu.withbin family. Tluiy am lluu slugorn. u.

Silesia/10rl2ir 15 cents:: -._•—.__- _.Percalines, 10,12J, 15, 25 c.

- "Spun Glass" or''Neva" lining^ 18 c.Something extra fine in a Coat or Eaton Jacket lining,

at 35 cents.If you have not seen the Spun Glass, aek to see lithenext time you visit our store. It is a perfect imitationof taffeta silk, and wears much better. All blacksare fast black. • "

Stovesand Heaters

are our specialties this month.

Lanterns--low aa twenty-five cents. Step in and see them.


—A'AOOHTINO. lly Ui,v.K. MoKlnnoJ , IliunniOiiton, .liuiunry110th, '01!, Ai)K«lo Duhllo and


Watohmakor and-Jowelortlno Ropulrlnn u Bpoolulty

llolloviio Avo,, . llitinmontoii,


1 Haroonod and ilollvornd. Ordornrconlvod by I,. MONVOKT.

Itoal Katuto

How for Business!Our Htoro is now in better nliapo <

than boforo tho (ire. It will be

a plonHuro to us to have you como iu

and HCO how tho building has boeu

fixed, cvon if you do not buy.

Wo-nro ofloring this week, JIH n loader, »' 10 centcan of Pcorleflfl Soup for 5 ccnta.

o L. Jackson ,& Son

Page 4: Directory. Sewing Machines On Easy Payments...SQUTH_ JERSEY Directory. •:. MITHIOIPAL. CUSRK . J.L.O'Donnoll. f^ The .only newspaper "printed in Hammonton ^1.35"a year> post-paid,



on Camera Tour la Forbidden to

but In Given an Interview by tlie .Itnl*or and Hiu Quccu. '' ,,


C PcRrcc'of Publicity l.n Voi'iiia*-• tioii of CorporutloiiH.

..In Austria, (jprnmny au:i Franco ItIs stated that the combinations \vouldprobably have taken Mils form morefrequently hail It not'been for the factthat the corporation laws : require alargo-dt-gree-of-piibljcity-tir-trnrforinH-tlon and organization of companies, aswell as III UK; regular'conduct of thebusiness. MorpDver. ln_(_iornuin^_I>af±tleiilurly, .tln;;c(iurt» have been so fa-vorably I u (.'lined toward ordinary

A Washington high school cadet,who, Without iulltieuce or -Introduction,recently had a talk and -lunch >V|th|"B5ecments on prices and output thatKing Edward In his palace,-, thinks tha

ls ; nlmns t

l ,_ „ i_ „cratlc In his manners as the new occu-pant of the .White House.

Tills lad Is Wilbur Johnson, son ofa Washington' storekeeper. He set oulalone ou a camera tour of England, andIncidentally- came to Marlborouglihouse, King Kd ward's residence.

"I handed^ the guard ra~pIe(re~Of~Bil-rer," remarked tlie cadet, in teliln.^ hisadventures, "und went Inside the gates:Securing a good view, I planted inytripod and got the focus, when 1 wasttartjcd to see an elderly gentleman•tandlng directly In front of me.

""'HelI6,~s6nny. ". What are you goingto do?' he asked.. J

"He told me I could not take a pictureOf Marlboroujrh house, that the cao'Tamusfrfie~st6pped' somewhere, and tiiat

•they drew the line at the King's pal-ace. . .

"I fancied he was a clerk, and, hand-ing him my card, I askt<a for his.; ThenI_neai'ly_dropped,_forjie said:

—J-HHiaveu't aArgyle.'

--had .rccovered,-he

rhat, I assured, him, was Just what Imost-desired. - He -smiled and said he

f might be able to arrange It. I was to- _ preseM-ruyseli-at.-iljirlbbraugh.-house'

' M 3:30 o'clock. At tlmrhour I handedmy card to one of thvtwo guards. HeDisappeared, and n moment later wasback again, bowing and calling my

- v dame, 'Jlr. Johnrson.'

L . "That'room was the most beautiful 1lyersaw. All mosaic and gilded chairs,

'V md beautiful furnishings. At the far-ther end—It seemed a long way off to

—*' _ . me—stood a man in a black Prl-nce_ Albert coat alone. 1 looked at him,

and my first thought was 'a big burlyman.'—Then, - when l.-got-to-thlnklngthat this man was at the head of all tbpBritish empire, I became nervous.

"As I walked toward him I was at.,-" t. loss to know what to do. I had to

iecjde' in a hurry, so I just raised myhand and saluted him as I would salute

' " . .fjny officer of our cadets.

and he smiled a little. He returned mytaJute and extended his hand to me. |We shook bauds.

this fur t l ier stop, -which has Seemednecessary In tho United States, has notbeen takon. •

In all throe of tlie continental coun-tries, also, tnxatloii Is particularly highupon corporations, this being perhapsespecially true In Austria, where theypay more than 10 per cent of their In-cpnie. Not merely do corporations pay

tax;. thnn do orillnnry _nrnig_engaged In the same line of business,but, what Is perhaps of equal conse-quence, owing to the careful govern-ment r supervision, .there Is no possibil-ity of the corporation's evading anypart of the tax. Private individuals',bn the other^haudj-^or—a-flrni-may—In-many cases, through tne various ae- •vJces-known to taxpayers In all civil-ized countries, manage to evade a con-siderable part of the burden that wouldotherwise be Imposed upon them.

In England the combinations seem totetre-forhywX'd-tfatreiataphj of the trnftyed States, nnd quite generally to.havetaken the form of single great corpora-tions. This has been particularly true


Man BtUl I.lvJnn Who Split 7OO linlli.In Olio l>ay in 1845.

• Inane I'erlsho, who holils the uniquet 'otrofd of ha vltig ben tea President" Lin-coin In n rull-siillttiug coiiteat, says UicI'hilndelphia North American, la visit-ing with Ills daughter, Mrs. O. 0.ItowCTTorBSirWnverlGy ayenue. --- "')Mr. Perisho Is now 83 years old,' and

boasts of having, .been a citizen of 1111- 1,. -

liavlnj; moved to that S'tiite from' hishirthrJace in Indiana when he was n 'child qf 7 years. .Ills recollections, ofthe "rail spllttpr" nre most vivid, nndhe refers to the martyred Presidentwith a touch of devoTloiTwlncTT s bornof. personal association and friendshipwith the man, and an Intense admira-tion of the qualities which 'made himthe most loved President. ' . ;

"LlncolDT-when I flrst-hnew-nlm, wara lawyer; who rode from . county tccounty, following the courts ns thejwere moved from^pTaceTlo" place7'~8al(fthe Illinois, pioneer. "He wqs consid'ered as the best, or one of the best, at-torneys at the bar, and was heUJ IDhigher esteem than most of nls~ass»elates because^ of his honesty. I go*aciiualnted<w|tb him whllejigjivas IEColes County attending a session oJcourt In which I had been coiled as aJuror. • From ,that time on, Icng asJie followed the circuits,-I. met Thluievery.time tie came to the court, andour acquaintance developed Into some-.


luring the last two or three years. Atthe present time, especially in the man-ufacturing-districts :about: Manchester.

tors, we find great corporations amonghe calico printers, the dyersrthe fine

cotton spinners and .doiiblers, the

MHF" Ticrone"evenIlig"Tf61d~liInras~he sat at

thread manufacturer:),~tho"\vnH~papev^doing-it;'.This"waii la^'February,manufacturers, the velvet nian'ut'actur-ers, and so on. In nil of these casesi new "corporal ion has bwn formedwhich has bought up the various plantsentering Into the combination.- andivhich owns them In full right. In sev-eral of these cases, says Prof. I. W.fenks in the International Monthly, the.'omblnatlons-teelude a very large pro-portion, 90 per cent or more, of all themanufacturers who would normally en-:er Into competition one with the oth-er.—These -combinations -are—like • . I n -form to those In.the United States, dif-fering only as the corporation laws re-juir'e a difference.

."One thing that Lincoln was proudj>f_wjis_hl£-reputatlon-^as-a-rallsplltterrand he used to tell the farmers and

lie-had-a-record-of WK.Lrails in one day". I knew how to swliif

an ax ft Utfle In "thenTdays myself, and

the hotel nt the close of court sessions•thutrl -could~~ beat bis record. He'lowed that I would have a- good time

und altbough It was bitter cold I offer-ed ' to break the State record the nextday;--

"I went out the next morning, walk-ed three and one-half miles to thewoods, and at nlghtfaJI walked buckto the hotel tvlth a record of 700. Abedidtt't hoast of his record In that coun-t y a n y more." \ . - ; - • - .

Familiarity Aids the Sight.The exceptional powers of vision at-

Itzed nieh who pass their lives In theopen air, supposing thoy uxl«t. are CSH-

" 'I see you are an officer," he^nn theKing, Mn some military company.'

"'No, sir, I am only a private.' I 1111-fcwercd.

" 'Ah, I thought you were an officer.'"Then I explained to him that our

officers wore shoulder straps, lie n'skedme all about the high school cadeis.«aylng that,he'd heard of our couipuu-ICB, nnd I told him.

"The King Hinlli-d now nnd then. He•coined. Interested, and asked manyquestions about the ciidclH.

"I was terribly' tipaet. for I had noIdea what to do when wi th n king. Myface \vaa burning red. and I was nlwnyiiafraid he was going to nnk me Dome-thing I could not answer. He nul/ei!me how. I liked London, and I assuredblin tha t I could not complain.

"There was an In terva l of silence. Iwon very much troubled, nnd wouldhave given a good deal to be well awayfrom Hint place. I wauled to leaveiinml of Hie t a l k i n g to the King, andthings were getting n w k w t i r d ,

"At lust the King leaned forward andtapped n Uttlu silver bell. A non-urnIn gorgeous llvnry appeared and bowed'low before his Majesty. Then he bowedto mo.' Tho King ordered tea, and theman brought It to IIH. It was m-rveiltn the Hinnllpst kind of cupn, and w i t h -out milk or Htignr. I WIIH about to askfor them-, when I thought thai somepeople don't uso (hem and tha t It m i g h tnot l»» JiiHt tho right thing. That tenwan line. .

"JiiHl a f te r we had tea Hie K i n g and1—n t a l l and very l i ea i i tmi l woman e n -««red. I t 1 wan giieen A l e x a n d r a , Innuhe did not look n t n i l |||u. n l l v ,,f |M,r

l i loluroH. Him I N f a r bet ter looking .Now, I hadn ' t expected in nee Hie King, 'and lo -mee t King (mil (jucru li.ilh (viiha t ry ing ordeal. My face became morered t h a n ever, I Hiippimc, for | didUnow J u s t HID 1-lnln t h i n g io ( In ,

I lly1 explained. They are only manifest-' w h i l e , looking) nt famil iar things

which the supposed -possessors ofsight have been long trained to set?.

The shepherd distinguishes sheepwhere the town-dweller" sees -nothing,becatiTO the one Is accustomed to theplucc and objects nnd the other Is not.The herdsman distinguishes cattle andthe huntsman his prey because they arcpracticed and see l i t t le differenceswl|lcli. perhaps, they cannot describe,but which they perceive almost uncon-sciously.

The sailor and the longshoreman do-tect what the visi tor fu l l s to see out onthe horizon, and wi l l tell you of the pe-iMillarltles of rigging which , enablethem to .distinguish onn boat from an-other. Of nurse they nre used to thesethings nnd undoubtedly see more, andalso guess more, than the casual ob-server, for In my experience they nrenot seldom wrong. We have been toldof the excellence of t in t Boer sight com-pared with that of British soldlerH- butliere. ngi i lu , the Moer wim la a countryr.ainll lar to him. Popular Astronomy.

K : , i l tr .Tlm uncle (who bus Just bougnt a

pic ture) - Now, Hil ly , bow about t h inpiistel will II last?

"Well, Uncle.Tom, It wi l l Insl lungert h a n the cheek you gave me I'or It!"—l.lfe.


an an ln ,

(lone l.lliel.Hungry I l lggl im \V|ial do

l l i l n l i V A W I M I I I I I I called' meted Hi-arecrow l lda morn ln ' ,

Weary W n l k l i m I ' v e K n o w o i lnlnei i the curly e l^ l i t l e i i , |,ul |Keen no u i i l m i i l l o n n l n n i l V l l l l

H l r n y H l o r l e n ,

Commuter- You Lmicsoinrcroft|ilo didn't catcb HI I I 7:01 traininoriilnif?

Oilier Commuter No; our mountedpollcomnn, who In nuppOHcil to pncn mi,broko bin blcyclo Jnot nn wo worn ntarlInfl.—Judo; a.


So you voteddid you i|o Hml Tor?

lOnistuH l-'o' n i ' - ' l u l l ,

twice! \\ 'liut

Jnnl licuml.Mr, Klggl l Ar., you n l innu t llirong!:

w r i t i n g ( l i n t l i - t n - r?Ml'n. l''l)(glt Hear me, mil Why I

In ive only itol to Din n o H i H e r l p t . O l i l nH l a l e Journa l

Yi-ant .1 nen il r i i l l i ide lp l i lu comiionf t him wr i t ten a iiiilcluilcp. '

CrliiiHoiibenU Yen, and I Hear theynro l ining It In Chicago I'or a fu l l e r , i lmurcll.— VonUora Hta tenmuu.

Why Remain Poor?1'here are vast fortunesJylng around

fu the forests of Venezuela waiting fOisome 'husky, energetic men from thonorth to come along and gather themIn, according to Dr. Luclen Mori.ssc. olLnguayru. who has been doing botan-ical work for the 'Venezuelan govern-"meat." All the equipment required le

und the ability to pay strict attentionto business for eigiit liourn out of ev-try 2-1. Thus eijulpped and workliiRus an ordinary laborer In the forestsof the Orinoco, Dr. Morlsse soya he bas(lemonstrnted tlie posRlblllty of a maai'iifilming nH much ax $241.25 a day on anexpense account of/$l. At this rate,nnd on a basis of 300 working days Inevery 12 months, n man sl'ioiiUl be nblvto pocket the tidy tyim of $72X»7n nyeiir.

The doctor tried bl« labor experimentIn gathering snp from treoa and he.snytthere arc 7-l,0<K),000 acres of trees. I

If the doctor's view be right, then;'Js no need of nli jniorKetle man remain-ing poor. A l i t t l e pleasant labor In tin' |foreotH of Venexiieln would yield at Ihnndnoniply nn a gold mine.



OcnturjOat uku lt» o»k«. urilo onlprllM u lb« bl(l<it tttlltt .rtrjwbtr.. Tbt ruiS«lier'« o«I> >ra brad to produM Th« u. B.

Unit Ml*), a«Ic«r*« nn ttt fefl. How do ,oa llk> (bat.od tollr. r^naerf Oar n«» lOtli dour? o*t li boiod IB oompUulr

rx-olatloalu oil trovlaf ia a nt tspwl doitnt of Aram 10 wporlIjld.lo l«Mr«nnln» fhnaflOO tfl 000 bulbil. t»r Mr..

dl'l ob»p D«ln tli. Him tut Dor ihli rulitTIMl iprlol U nilyear ntl(M»r> lt» comlnj nil <t» will. Il will >anlT p«7 Joa.

HhTui.Ti«»d wen udJo mrj >un u ib. DDI<,B. w. n*> ur. Un MUbMuit Hun-nut-wiiai, juuui on <or rumt, a tuii«i> pot un.

i*hjLl*gsat irowg* «nJ "if •*'>ffcnf turllttt PtiiItJ CUktCf YtgtUbltf U tOOHMOf. ~ PliOM »rt T

eauiofu eoouin* fuiltl»*)ripU*n of our B«trdl«tt1Q» bnilMlf nnf Tripii looom*

tOO buii,l» p«r Mf*i-««r f ruimlxtorti, produclog 0 toai of tu«oia«»» h»y; oar P«»

Oil- will* 1U 8 too* of hay, «od TeotinM with 60 lootef|r»«a fodder p«r MT*. H»tftr'i~|remteatJUocti«

worth 1100 t* any wld« *.w.k« ttrdtatr or

$10 io r«t a Hart—t* mall«i1 joa. on

\ /


, ana tncy must put an estop.pel on you or you mJKht, .somehow 'standin -the way. They think -you must',be nup-presses. • •? •, -7" •-.*--;

• From ~ thirty to' forty is on especiallyhurtr-tinje-for yourig ^doctors, young law-yers'," "young merchants, • young formers.

youn^, ministers. Tin. .of the" tmi'tiCLjsifor honest 'and

ei of life—and Trlalfi Whloh llelunff to the«it Uecuil«s~Aavlce to the Twentlet-

- The AValtlns ABB—The tmt HnTon.

WASIIINOTON D. C.—From an unusualstandpoint Dr. Ta!ma£e in thia diecoursqlooks ac the duties and trials which be-long to the different decades of humanlife; text, Psalms xc, 10, "The days of ouryears a^e threescore years and "ten."

ilanted us at the end of the journey. _.fio beyond it. Multitudes never reachihe Oldest person of modern times ex-

pired at 1G9 ycara. A Greek of the-name, of Strayaride lived to 132 years. An Eng-

_'. 'liehman of the name of Thomas Parr lived162 years. Before the time of Moses peo»pie lived 150 years, and if you go farenough back they lived COO years. Well,that was necessary, because the story otthe,world must come down by tradition,outfit needed long life safely1 to transmitthe news of the. past. If the generationshad been short Jived the story would sooften have changed lips that it might havegot all astray. But after Moses began towrite it down and parchment told it fromcentury 'td century it was not necessary

helpfuljind .rehiuherritivo recognition., But.few-ohtpeoplc know now .'to treat young

that_peop'e' live uathenticate the events the past. If in.

time people lived only •twenty-fiveyears, that would not affect history, sinceit is put in print and is no longer depend-ent on tradition. Whatever your age, Jwill to-day directly address you, and Ishall apeak to those who are in the twcri-; ~ - — - - - — " " • - " " ...*- .1.—m'̂ ••" i-.i-

. tlie thirties, the forties, the fifties,the sixties, and to those who are in the

_• ..seyeniics-land-beyondr


rlccrtt of Flue Wiokery lit a New YorkAVuiiiuu'n HcMtiiiiriiut*

The trio of lunchem that wrnt Intothn l i t t le home rcHluurant out of ciirloaIty lingered lonp l<> eat und pnilmv"'Such lliivorliiKl" "Such HeiiNoiiliiKl"they MHId tu tbo pniprletrt 'MH. "Wllcroill i l you Ket your recipes?"

'I'lii- H i n i i r t l i t t l e \vonmn Hinlleil In upl i r C C h l t l O I I o f t l l l 'HI ' I l l t l U ( • ( ) l l l | l l l l l l l M l ( H ."Vou nre rli;bt," nbi! Hii l i l . "In n t t r l l mling my HIIIVCMH to tlui reclpi'i. U'l thnut I l ic in I H l i u u l i l have breii u ninl i1'iiliiirc. \ V l t l i t i l l - i n I have I H - I - H n l i l cIn i M | n l i l l h h it i i n i l l l n l i l e I t i m l i i e H H downmi I l i l n rdniiT.

"My ronU l innl i IM Klmple. Tliri 'e I H I I ' Ii ino l l ic r l i k e I t In t lu i ivlmle country. IIIt Hhmild ever be i;l\cn t>) l int pnlillc II\ v n i i l i l b<> in) in l t i i iDi i ie r to mi l I t i l ul l l u e - H l i K i i l (.!«oU Hook, fu r every riVlpiI l ie i 'e l l i IH n i l hel l ' lonin nT K O I I I K o ldAmi ' i ' l i ' i in I 'nmlly.

"1 i i i -v r r knew u n t i l I Went I n t o Iluculci ' l i i i ; l i uHl i i e rm l iuw iinui.v i ' l i i u l l l r io \vn II (ipcrlnl (Hub Unit IM looked n|i i inim t h e i r own properly. Imleeil t in- t>vr i i l i i i l l n l l i i n i l l y t h i l l I I H H mil Mi i r l i n pn,,H i ' K H l u n IH rare, nnd I'l 'lemlii an i l ncl|;hliorh all renpiM'1 t in t t i M i i c l l l y of i ) i l »rerlpe, nnd wouli l I I H H I H I I I r < i l > them otv a l i n i l i l e chn l l i ' lH nil lo pur loin Hut nc.iTrt of tb l i t dlidi, whl i ' l i WI IH , pei'liiipn,Inve l i l e i l by H D I I I I I Ki 'e i l l -Krenl-Kni ln | .mi i ther nni l tmleiiinly l i e i | i i i>a t l i n i l inpDHier l ty u loin," w i l l ) old laeo inn) H i i l l ni l iu ie l i iK tillppi'l 'ii.

"I l l one rcnpcel HICHO rei'lpi-H nm l ikeu n t i l Hlmlmpcaro'H wonii-n Ihcy h n v rnn I n l l i d l o var ie ty whleh ci iHtom r n i i i i n lH ln l e . HI I I IKI (rent of a iipeeliil wny Infry elilclieii , ollirni tell l iuw lo prepnriiri)aMlil anil vi 'Ki ' lnl i l rn, n ix ) i i l l l l n t l i e rnrelii ln to i lcMHrrl i i , l i n t no l i i i i l l e r wl i i i lyon want lo <'ook, I T you rnl|o\v UKmll i l l ln d l r rc l lonn xlven yon can't lirll!but tu rn out n I 'ullnur.v iiuiNlitrplere.

''|t wim tlironicli pure luck Unit I noonri'd thin Invaluable i i i ininm-rlot work

THE SOUTH'® LITERARY WEEKLY-Publisheddt Atl/ainta, Go..

BXS. SUNNY SOUTH Is the Grant Lltvrarr We»ttly oftn«South. I l ls cevotod to Lttoratur*. Romancv, Fnot and Fiction.and jlvestho bei toral l lhat lscurrent lnl lsf l f l ld . Among IH contributors tho mostnnod soutliern wrltan appear- Jooichnndlor Harris, llarrx still woll Edwards andothers oforowlno famo." sorU, storlos tram Anthony Hopo, Maurlca Thompson.Sidney R. Crockett, Mrs. Co iroo- Cordon and Arthur W. Marcnmont have appear-«d. and others are m waiting rrom tne pen of authors of national noto. A shortstory contest b ought out n-nrly n<rt> hundred iplondld •hort•toriaa, all worthy a place In C5»» SUNNY SOUTH'S readable col-umns. Cther contests are contomplatod that will surceislully exploit the ripeningHold of talent thil c nly needs such illustrate the wealth that Is shy toassert.ltseir.

SUNNY SOUTH teems with the life of tho oront south. The gen-ial sunshine warms everythlno into activity, and the season Is never-cold enoughto check tho hand of Industry. The paporcomos fraorant with the breath of thenugnolla and pine, andg.ves out thovory air of theorarae. pa m and Bay. Thebeauty anil pathos, the romance and mystery of the land whim the cornstores up tho golden sunshine an l the cotton whitens In the moonllohl, will beOlvon In " the well-filled columns ofthls,fjiclnatlno weekly.

The subscription price Is Only fitly Coma a yoar, alike to all pe-sons,fluents, newspapers, postmasters end eve. ycne else; Clubs of five, accompaniedby the 'ull 12.30, online the club raiser t > the paper one yo,u oratls.

Sand on m Po«tal Card tho names of six of your neighbors whowould appreciate the opportunity to read a copy of The sunny South, and onesample will bo mailed free. You cm o«t ydur club of five out of these very people.

BXio SUNNY SOUTH enters pver 30,000 American h o m o i n o w j r n ddnrlni 100! Is sure to be welcomed 'n lully as m.w more homes, as the greatweekly feast of good things, tho Southern 1.1 ernry Weekly, whose columns for1902 will be the most readable ofnll tn6~papon th it come to you.

Sldtlrtm Jin Communlaailoni la

Gfia SUNNY SOUTH, Atlanta, Ga.

II Wllhll't. Nlllltll|l|t\.

One of t h e colored porters on Hu-Hniml lml nnd Hi . ,loe who was i | in i rnnlined l i t K a i i H i m C||y I K - I - I I I I N C ,,f ( ) , , ,miml lpox was t e l l i n g h|n experlenci-nto some i i c i i u n l n l i i n c e s : "De.v doni-kept me ciinleeiied for three WCI-IIH amiIt wasn't smal lpox a t a l l . I t was n u f .(Ill but celluloid."

Ho Wouldn't Toll. . -First l l r i i ke r Did you win or lo«e In

( b u t big drop 'In nloclis today?Necond llroker ( lof t i ly) -~T|IH|'H my

bi i i i l i i i -HH, sir. Hay, can yon dlri-cl nieto u l ive cent lunch counter? .NowYork \VoolH.v.

Illg Onluli of CoilllNli.What Is reputed In be t i n - largest

culch of codllsh In I 'aclllc wate rs Incredited to the crew (i f Hie I m r k o n t l n nl.'rciuUit, which arr ived at Han P'riinels-en riM lly w i t h I T T . l M M i of |ho llnlintored away. Most of (he cntch willIn llerlng Hen.


No Ooutit \VluileVor.', Mlstromi Hid you lu l l thoutV

Herviint ( J l r l Y.-n, nin 'ui i i^"Did ulio UL-oiii to Imvo nny doubt

about I t V"No, iiia'iiin i^lui oald nhn know you

wnnii ' l ." (Jlimgow Tliiicn. 4

I.oiiKlln <>f Niiliiuni-.un Onblnn.The aggregate length of Hi,, wo

Ji ibumrl i in cablen In IH7,JI5!I,1TUcat iidlcH.

Wlitui n womnii Inlbi liiir f r lmuin ||IM(

iliu doimn't w a n t n t h i n g for Cl i r ln imaMnnd wil l lie Very Ind ignant If theyKlvo bur anyth ing (hut la Imr way of


l i i h i . i t to I n j u r y .Hhlney rail-lies 1 loll you, Wenry, I

dou'l pa r t i cu la r ly objivl lo h a v i n g adog set on nn>, for It IH one of the r l i iUuof the Imiiliii-mi und I am willing lodike my chances, but when H i n t dog 1.1a wuter spaniel It 's Just n l i t t l e loonincli. i

Not i i .Mlr i ic lu , Klt l ior ,l/urry I ' I I W K N HUM- Iver l i i y t l i l n w lay

more wonderful tbon Hi' rnmcl goingIl iu Hi' nyo nv Hi' tmi l l cV

Denny -Vln. Ol've K i l l K t me INK)-poi indould womiin KO li-o nio vim pook-(it, beditd, (jhleilgo N'ewn,

t'ooliliiK Under \Vninr.A wngor WIIH n in i l i - by a H-nldou! of

London t h a i he could cook n p lum pud-ding Ion fuel beneath I ho ninTuce ofl lu i I t lvnr ' I ' l iulneii , He won (he |H 'I hj,placing the pudillng In a t in rune aiiil

H I i i K Hiu whole In u nacii of ||m,i.Tin- beat of Hie lime, shu-k lng wli i-n Iten inn In i-onlact wllli l lui wutnr, wnnnul l le l i in t tu moli Ibo pudding In (woliuurii.


. First, then, I accost those of you whoare_in_.the-twentic*.—Xou-are-full-of ex-pectation. You are ambitious—that is.

Oh, the thirties! 'Joseph, stood befort-Pharaoh at thirty; Divid was. thirty ycareold^whcn he began to reign; the heighlof: Solojnon's temple was thirty cubits;Christ entered upon 'His "active ministrj

at thirty years of ago; Judas sold Himfor thirty, pieces of sijver.-'-Oh, the thir-

a word ^aggcslive of triumph

._ thVbne tfiaT~wI]r?proDr

ob'y afford the greatest opportunity forvictory, because there is the greatest ne-

jn'& struggle. • Read the world's-his--ii373irio\y what, are the thirties for

^t bad. Alcxnritfer-th'e'i&roat'closed••• " «viSG4&-at tliirty'ttvo;, Frederick;.-theGreat.jni)dc 'Europe tremble with "his... ar-niics-flt^wrly-Five; Cortes cohqtiered Mex-ico n t t h i r t y ; Grant-fought Sliiloh nndTlrtTlnl inn 1,.llAn f t.i.-H.-Air,!,* • T?nr,l\n-,4l Vr3:«/1


when thirty-O'i^ht; Hnpha6l>died'at th-ity-gcvcn; TyuthciJ1 was- the hero of

and you are going to join tbcm-vcry Boon.They are .waiting for you j they arc watch-ing the golden shore to see you land; theyarc watching the shining Rate to see youcome through; they are standing by thethrone to Bee you mount. "'

What a'glad hour when you -drop thotitan* and take the scepter, wlien you quitthe stiffened joints and become-an immor-tal.athletc! But hear, hear: a remark per-t!ttc"ht-to all-peSplc,' w'ifetlier m tKe'lwen-ties, the thirties, the forties, tho fifties,the sixties, the seventies or beyond.

But the most of you will never reachthe eighties or the seventies or the sixtiesor the fifties Or the forties. He who passesInto the'forties has gone far beyond .theaverage of human life. Amid the uncer-tainties-take God" through Jesus Christ asyour present and-eternal'eftfety. The long-est life is only a small fragment of thegreat eternity. We will all of us soon be

-there. : • • .

the -rrformntion at thirty-fiye;. Sir PhilipSidney- gafT through by thirty-two.- :Thc



for fiod nnd "against. Himdone within the ^hirtieg,- and your

haltle» nre noiV and-^between tin1,expres.sinK your age.

by pirVtt'TT^Tintt a figure 2 _and thc_tiineTvlieu you Vvtll~ceal(i r'exprcssing' it~b"yting firsT a figure 3. As it is the greatesttime 'of the struggle. I adjur.p.^you, inGad's name and by God's grace, make itthe greatest achievement. My prayer isfor all those in the tremendous crisis ofthe tbirtiefiT The fact ia that bv^the wayyou decide the present decade of your history yoifdecide all the following decades','

• ~T'Next -T nrvnat fh t> mr f i fR Vourq is the_ . Jra ia tho-liecade of discovery. I do not mean the

the outside.No mi

if you amount to anything—for eomc kind. !'-e "''*SEteS>of 'success,commdrciaT or" mechanical-or i , mntes--nm»>.profeBsional-or-literary^or^BgricuHuralor- T°nr""ri-"-K '̂social or moral. If I hnd some one in thetwenties without any sort of ambition, 1feel like saying, "My friend, you have'goton the wrong planet.This is not thT

man kno;vs himself unfiloverestimates or 'underes-

- ..„„._.... By,"tlmt time ~he~ha5rJeaxne(l^mtr"heleaajio_or_\vhat_h£-canliot-

do. H^e thought he had commercial ceniuaenough to~become a millionaire, but now heis satisfied to make a comfortable living.

•world foi- you. You are going_ta._be_iiL- the way— Have you made yonr~ch'oi.-j ol'poorhouses? You will never be able topay for your crad!e. Who is going to set-tle fof your board? There is a mistakeobout the fact that you .were born at all."

But, supposing. you have ambition, letme say to all the twenties, expect every-thing through divine manipulation, andthen you will pet all you want and some-thing better. Arc you looting for wealth?Wellj remember that God controls thomoney markets, the harvests, the droughts,the caterpillars, the locusts, the sunshine,the storm, the land, the sea, and you will

-get wealth. .Perhaps not, that which isstored up in the banks^ in safe deposit?,in United States securities,, in houses andlands, but your clothing and board andshelter, and that is about nil you can au-

-thut--Ho-thought-hc-Jiad-rhetorical-,would bring him into the_United_St.nt.e8.Senatctjioi£-Jie--i.i-content H- he-can sue-ccssful'y argi'e a common cnse before

Eternity, how near it rolls!Count the vast value of your souls.-Beware and count the awful costWhat they have gained whose souls ar

iost. . . :' .'• - tCopyrliht, IMS, i. Klopscb.1


Gus Is the I'rloclpul One—Auiiiion!und Tut-,

Ii)\ a coal like the Conuellsvlile cokIng coal, cou.aluiuK from JH per ecuto .'J5 per. cent of volatile matter, thenis from S.OUO to.q llttlejver D.OOO cubitfeet of ails'!"-'!' tihc'rt ion., writes \V. (i.Invlu m the liDgiucerlug .MagunlueOn this basis the SJ.OUO.UOO tons of concoked la the Vn'!l-'d States lust yi-ai^\•ollld produce more thuu i'iO.OOO.ilOO.000 cubic feet of gas. Alloxvinj; oiie

tills production ror



Lesson 6. February 2.

_ THE FIRST PER'SECUTION.Acts 4: 1-22.' Memory versca: 8-10.

Rend Acta 4: 1-31.

Golden-Text :-*rhcro-la-nona other-nameunder Heaveft-gtvon among 'men, where-"X we must.-bo saved.—Acts 4:12.



1. A Name Giving Life:In Jesua tho resurrection (2).

^ t h e rcsurrcctlon ana th« llfe' (John

TTlila productiontlou In the oveu, we have


-6ver~120,009,OOp;oOO, or .about one-halt_the_nnnual natural gas production dur-Ing the height of that excitement. To

jconyert this fue[ gas into Illuminatinggag Involves a ch'anj^ fn'the:opl>ratlpiTof the.oven BO-tbatr*£as produced withthe recuperation of air and gas 'maybe burned In the flues Instead of the

coke-oven gas7Acimonla.-tliat-Js

Is the most valuable of the by-prod-petit jury. He thou-rht. he- h-l medica' '"""--/, ><"•«"«-- »' •"«- ".V-IHUU-ulcill that TvouM .make him a"Mbtt <or vJ uets of eoke "'"king, it having u mar-Rrosse or n \Villard Parker oc; a Sitris:row he finds his nphere is thf t t of n fain-i!y physician, prescribing for the ordinaryjiilnicntsJtJijjCiLifljct. race. Ttfvwap ?ait-iiifr on in a. fog and could not take a rf-clc-oninR, but rujsBt clears up enoi'ch 1o allowhim to ftmfTSuT his real mlif.ide and Ions-,itudc., K" lias been clim&inK, but now_hchas got t'o-4h«gtop_pf the hiii, ana he. takes

tion ,to loof backward or forward. He hasmore good sense than he ever find." Heknows htrman— nature, for he' has beencheated often enough' to see tho bad fltde

kct value of about if'JO per ton. Tinyield of this by-product from each tonof .con I about HO pounds. oi--utotal yield of ovei;''3(JO,000 tons I'or the30.000.000 tons of coal colced "In tbeStates last- year, which would makethe value of this by-product "over $»;.-'000,000. The yield of tar is about, . WUlWU. iUK ,-,„„ ot ,.„- ls mlout w

a lone breath. He is half wav. throunlr f . • ,the journev at least, and he 'ia.jn a posi-' pounds Per ton of coal coked. By

propriate anyhow. You cost the Ivord a I of it, and ho has met so many "ftraciousgreat deal. To-feed and clothe niid shelteryou for a lifetime require* a big sum ofmoney, and if you pet nothing more thanthe absolute, necessities you get an enor-mous amount of supply.' Kxpcet ns muchns you will of any kind of success, if yo;

and kindly and splendid souls he alsoknows the good side of' it. Now, calmyourself. -Ihnnk God for tho past and de-liberately ssef^our compass for anothervoyage. •

You • have chased enough thistledown;

pcnd on any other resource, and you mr.yImHIv rliawMMt—ltut—<lef)emt—«

. - and nil will be It is n (jood th ing in.tlie cr!«is of life- to --have n man o£menus back you UD. It in1 a grent th ineto haw .a moneyed ins tTtut ion Rtunil bo-hind you in your nn'i]rrta!;inc. lint it is nmightier tiling to liavi- tlie Ooil of heavenand r.irth ynur ca.i(Jjiitnv, anil you mayhnvn II in. I am so glnil that 1. met youwhile you nre in the tweiiticn.'. You inrInyinR out your p!an«, and all your l i fein this worlil and the next for fiM nii l l inuyeartt of your exiHlence will lie nll'cctcil bythofc plnnn. .It in pliout 8 o'clock in themorning of your l i fe , a:nl you ace justn tar l i t iK out. Whieli wny arc you goiiifto H t n r t ? 01). the twenties!

"TuVuly" in i! i;ri-a'. \vord in thn liililn.Joseph w:id uolil fo:- t w e n t y pirccH ». n i l -ver; Sn 111*011 jiuliicd Inniel twen ty yenr-iiHo!omon (jnvi- I l i r i in i twenty r i t i o n ; tinllyiiiK roll tha t X c o h u i i n l i HIIW was t w e n t ycn l t i t ^ ; wl iou t in* tu i io i 'H of the Hh ip onwhich I'aiil sailed soumli-d the Mrili'rrr.i'nmn Sea. it will twenty !',it!minn. •. \Vhn lmiRl i ty I l i i n C H l inyo lircn i lnnc in thetwenties! I tu ih i i lnn foiindi'd Home whenhe wan t w e n t y ; Keats limslii'il l i fe n ltwenly-l ive. l .afayet t r WIIM a world re.tfowncil doldiei at t iven ty - th rce ; Obert inacTompliiilii'd his ehlef wo,rl( lit twenty . |R V V U I I ; I t o i i i i p u r l o wns v ie tor o,ver I t a ly «'twenty- -* ix ; i ' i t t ^ V f l H priiw* mi ' i idte: 1 olK.i(?!ii'iil at t \ v e u l y - t wn ;. CaU'in h n i l rn 'n.Ii!«-te(l .liid i i n r n o r i n l "Inntlliili-s" by l l iol inu ' - lu : WHK t v v i M i t y . n i x ; Gruli iu \vu» a t -tnriiey ireiirrul i t t twen ty - fnn r . Sinn* ul•-lie ni i | [ l i t ie«t t h i i i R H for (!od nnd e t e i n i l jhnvo I ee'i done ill t he twcitl ie-1 , A M l in ipn« yon cnn put the l l f jnn - 2 l i i-fure t i nntl i iT l i ' ; i ue t lmt belpM ili 'r iei ' i l ie your ii'.;e IInvve Iniili hopen about him. [.noli out fmtliat figui« '.'. Wntcli iln cni i t iuni iuer w i t h«» miicJi cnrncntpCBH li" you ever watchednnyth inn that promiied ymi nnlva l iou ntthreatened you demolition. What n c r l t it«l time.— tho twenties.

Whilo they continuo you decide youroccupation and the principles by whichyou will bo Kiildcil; you mnko your monlnbiiliiiK f i ' ieui inhipa; you arrnngn your liiiinrlife; you llx your habits. I^oril (lod Alnilnlily, for .lesun Cl\ri«t'« imlcc, hnvciiuu'i'V on all the nlcu nud women in Hi''tw'l-ntlrs!

Nv::t I neeo«t t l iosn ' in tin- l l i l r t i es . Yo inr« nt an uj;i' wlien you D n i l wha t n t \onul it l i i i i f r I t in to ^et recoi{ni/eil nnd e s t i i l i -t i ^ l i e i l i i yonr ocenpnt io . i o f in 'o feNnionTin \ C I T H nK" ion t h o i i u l i l n i l l . lnil wi i rni 'ci- i ' i i i y fm1 h i i i ' i - r ^ s ivnii to pill on yonih l u i t t r r t h p nii^n ol' | i h> 'Hi r inn or i l r n t i h l oln l t o v n * y o r l i r n V r p o r J - ' - I M I n i t i l y o n ivon l i lh f iN 'o | i!c ' | i tv of l n i M J i i r , r i , l l o i \ ' n i n n v hour

i i n i l

Rod ,and the world. '

product tar Is superior to tar tha t'conies-from the gasworks. It containsa less amount of pitch, and Its fuelvalue Is about $5 per ton, which \vqnldgive a value of nearly $5,000,000 for.this product from the coal,consumedIn coking last year. In their primaryState, says the Blrtek Diamond, thecombined by-products of cokemuklulave a~value

Inn nf - cnalr{cokp(l::: r- After" VmsHlii-j

—j-raise- up ua also with Jesus (2 Cor.

I. A' Name Insplrjng Faiths'Many....that heard the word believed

Believe In God, believe also In me (John

Who Is he that pvercometh • the world?(1 John 5: .4, B).

3. A Name of Mystery:, In what name have ye done this? (7).

The natural man recelveth not (1 Cor."

Veiled In them that perish (2 Cor. '<: 3,

t. A Name of Mlpht:jnipnt: •• - ,• n,,, ,,- m- of -Jesus....before—you- -U>«-«ov41r

whole (10)..In the name of Jesus:...walk (Acts 3:6).Air authority hath been given unto mo

(Matt.-28r 18).6. A Name of Majesty:

The stone....was made the head (11)The name which Is above .every name

Far above all rule, and authority (Eph.1: 20, 21). • • .



Ram'a Horn Soimds a Warnlnc Noto1 to the Unredeemed.

op. provides.thotree for everyXaceheus:

N o strength •without a Strug-1

gle.G o d has n o

sleeping partners.It Is well 'to

have your fuelbefore you buy 'your kettle.'

Policies'' makegood—tools—w-hen

forged out of principle.Faithful works must rest oa firm

faith. - ;

A cripple Is better than a perfect^statuQ.

Those who love- melancholy .live'lU-misery. ;

Perfect liberty Is manifest In delightIn duty.

They who apprehend the right neverarrest i t . • - ' • • '

Abiding In Christ Is safe hiding from

The more God gives us the more weowe men. '

God's truth dofios letters 'and de- 'marids life.

tf—you-oiode--Simday-too-brltthrJlt-Jssure to be broken.

Our thouglilfTare tlie plgmenOvltbIn none other la there salvation (12). . . .ThrouKh his name.... remission of sins | wblch we color life.~ ~ - ~' ~ '~Who save himself a ransom (1 Tim. 2:.s, 6)... ..... ___________ ... . : • .... . . ._..: . .

7.— The-Only Name: _ L_ ___- - -— - . -

Other foundation can no m"n lay (1 Cor.3: 11): - - -. - v - • '

No one cometh....but by me (John 14; 6).

The occupation of the hands helps to.garrison the the heart.

.__L_ CRITICAL. NOTES. ,->. -Verse 1.— The captain o£ 'the templt

Tbe commander ol the Levltlcal templeguard.

Verse 2.— Sore troubled: Indicating

j through the1.'complex jiroccsses of iuud-:

• arn chotnlsiry these have a much grent-r value. • '

forties ought to eclinse all its predecessorsin worship, iri usefulness and in happiness.

The world was made to work. There re .mninc th a rest for the people of Ofld, hut: : / _-_—l —'••___".. „.:it is in n npHcre beyomt the Veach ot t'lc- ' Senatorial Itook C'olleetor.scopes. Tl«i_mil»tar.v charge that decided' j. Seiiutor Holtlleld, of Idaho, Is a noted

collector of rare odltlon's. Ik- Is thepossessor of more ctirloiiH and Interest

- • ' J c

his »on-ln.|aw, h«l(l the offlceH4itJiorIty^_lLhe"ntl!eri>er«ons^

. -one hi the Kiieafest battles of the nges—tinbuttle of WnTterloo—waa not made unt i lo'clock in Oic evening, but some of youpropose to go into cainp-at 2 o'clock in ' Ing bobks centtirle.H old than any otheithe nfternijtvv *' ' . '

My subject next accostH those in the sev-enticH nnd beyond. My word to them IHcoiiRratulntion. You have got nearly if not'Hii i te throiifdi. You have Hafcly cro?iiedthe sen of^jrj.{ nnd nre nbout to'enter tin-hnrlior. You linve fousht at (Icttvnbnr;.

nd the war r— here iiiul therw i t h the rt ' inaining sin of your

heart mid the sin of the world, but I giicm I are nbout done. There- may be aomn 'work lor you yet on n small or large m-ule.I j iMii i i rck _of (icriiiiiny vigoroiiH in the

ht ieH. The I'j-inie MiuiHt i - r of Kh|<!iiuilntroiig at Ho'vc1iT>--two. Haydn <>onipo<<iuxhiii ornlorio^-U'Uiie1 Creation," at neveuty1'cnrn of age. laocrnteH doing coiuu of I l i iDent work at seventy-four. I'lnto busyth ink ing for n i l Niici-'eediiig ci-iuurics aii-i"hly-o.ic, .N-uiili AVelmter, nf t i i r m n U i i i Khiii ^vorld ri;uoivueil dictionury, liar.I ;uwor\ u n t i l t-inhly-ltvi! yciirn old. " linv.Daniel \Vnldo prnvjiig in 'my pu lp i t a t - I l l i lyearn - of nxM.j^nviuooldt producing ' t i n -i n i n i n r l n l "(,'OSIHOD" nt n u v e i i l v - n i x \ent '» .U'i l l inii i l)lnl;i: lit h ix ly -m-ven le'nriiinij I t n •

• l i n n MI UN t ' i i|,-;ul Dnnte il l tlui n r i g i i i i i l .Lord t .oi 'Kourn ul e iul i ty-Bi-veu w r i t i n g hi tlicnt. t rrat l("c, . I n l i n \\Vnley Ht i r r in i ; KITI I Ii-.uilieneeii at i'ii(nt.v-.'ivi'. \ V l l l i n i n *'. l l r y in i t ,\vi t l ioul Hpee'l nelt-if,-.. n a i l i n g in my I 'UIUMI-"Tliimtnp{iniii"~iTt't>i |; | i t>-.iiiv« yi-iir« of nm\( 'hl ' lbt l i iu I IK-I I nml wo:iu-n In n i l i lc | i : i i t -n icn t i t H e r v i i i f t (loil n l l t r l i iT iuni i iK HI-'|I|II,|.l ieui i i ' i i i i iH and nnnuj j i -na i lain, provn Hin tlln-ri- nm pumibililu'.i of work for Hu-H',:d, hut 1 ( l i ln l , yon M h o nrn pnnxeil Hlnm'v . -a l ien nre ni-nv bi-itm th ronuh .l How do you li-i-| n l i n i i i i l ? Yon oii j j l i t I"he jub l l i i n t , l i i ' i - i iuan l i l i - I H n I r i - in i -ndol i i in t rnmdc , nud if ymi lur.«-.||<iit thriiunii n--m m c t n b l v nml i l n d f u l l y v o n oinjht to |'i-n|li ln- pi-nplc t n w n r i l t in - r lni i- of n i i i i inui r ri l n y 1,1-11 led on tin' rni-l;« w n l r h i i i K the n u n -M-I MI l lnr l l n r l i n r of (!npi- May (l\- J^onli- .nut M n u n l n i i i , I nm uln i l In tiny Ili l i l nin.-tlold rhHnl inun j i r c c h r n r f u l . Di in in l \ \ '<- |>H. ,l i - r v i i i le i l . ln l . , i A i l n n i M n i ihnrl t ime bi-|.,in.- 'hiii i l i - n t l i nml l .mn. l him In vi-rv i n l innhi-iil lh. Mi- NI|I| In Mr. Ailiuni.:' "I am I n ni-n y.i.i. I Imp. - you an- K c l l n i K .i i lo i iK | i r i ' l ly well." •The ivply w n n : "Ah, |u l r , i | inle Hi;- r. .nlni|-y. I l i ln l I

! man ill tho Senate.

• Tobacco Tor State InstilutloiiH.I The Minnesota'Hoard of Control rei cently bought two tons ofcbewliij; to| bucco and half a ton of smoking tobnc

oo for tbe Inmates of the State Ins t l t i i

.freat annoyance, not grlet— Because: The

Greek connects the two clauses that fol-ow as one reason.— Proclaimed: Not one

ot the terms usually "preach."— In Je-us: Literal; In proclaiming Jesus they

proclaimed the resurrection.Verse 3.— In ward: That Is, In custody.

The placfe Is not Indicated; probablywithin the temple enclosure.— The mor-ow: The same term as 'In verse 6.Verse 4.— The number of the men: The

erm Is used of men exclusively.— Cameo be: Literally, "became," pointing tohe total number after this accession;Verse 5.— Their rulers: "Their" may re- the apostles, but more probably tohe Jewish people.— Were gathered to-

gether In Jerusalem: This belongs to thisve^se. , , ---------------

Verse 6.— And Annas the high priestwas there: The best authorities, by the.cose used, disconnect this from the pre-ceding verse. HO thnt "was there" mustbe supplied. Annas is called "high I

the true light is shining.*The saved soul is. Christianity's

unanswerable argument. _ _/You cannot scatter sunshine out of aface like a vinegar cruet.

Take belne and life out of "belief"and you have nothing left.

The Holy Spirit Is both tbe genesisand the genius of the church.

You can measure a man's title toIieaven by his deeds on earth.

Tfie church founded from wrong mo.tlves call never do right work.

The best way to bring others to our .Ideals is to -get there ourselves.

If your religion does not sanctifyyour life, your life will secularize yourreligion.

Environment -will no more save-a—man than a new case will regulate anold watcb.

The nearest way to your neighbor, oo

N t u n i p M nn1

Ihey net stuck on the iI 'Kotlstlcal when


Tn eleiin niul polish- braes nnd copperii - 1 e l l - , r u l i t l i e r n with u , pusto nmdo of( i - . . . . - i i M i - i ) of oxnl lc acid, six OUIICCH ofrott/Mistono, Imlf an ounce of gum u,.a.lili-. ( inn niin-:n of BWi-i- l oil iiiul 11 l i t t lewater, U H l u K louther to pollnti with. IfI M . I in .1 very bail romll i lon , rnblili iK witha llttlo awcut. oil and Ilncly . ' i i .Hton.' n n i l t lu -n iHi l l i i l i lnK wi thIt-ntl ier will prol inl i ly In- i i l l -nutt loleut .

To clean ribbon*, plnee tliein In n quartcan half Cull of KuuoUuu-, HITAW tho nov-el- on ui-rnroly, t t i i - n n t i u U e the eun vlKorounly. Hitpeat t lm opi-rntlon u n t i l tin- rib-I I M M - I lo»U r l i - n p , tben t r n n H f e i * to another(•nil I m l f . f u ) l of Kiiiol'-uc ami rlnno, Kin-leu liy iilnvliiK I he in bclween clotlui ,'in.l1 •• i v b l l r . ' " i i -p or by p n n l l i i K tliom onH mirror to dry In the mint ih lui 1 . I'll- rare-f i l l of lire.

A hnlr wiiNli t l m t l» ri-iKiinmcnili 'il fo>lair t i d l r IM roiniin-'u-il of iv fow e e n t n 'u o r t l i i-iich of H | i i r l i r * of iiminonlii, H i i l r l t F"f roi . innnry, np l r l t n of l i iveiuter nnil V i l t nof t i n tar. In U M l n i t pour nl iout a tuMo--l>oi>nfnl IntA ovt-ry two tiunblorfnln n|ivi i rm wntor. '

r, c j i i l l r t n - i-onl nir\ ' . I l ln i l I nm u | yi ' i i i i u l , ocenpi ni|( u l ionno i i i u i ' h n l i n l l i - r i ' i l . an i l w n l l i - d f u rwi i i l ' - i l in v. ' i 'n, t ' l i 1 ' 1 . - p< I'MUm only ,.....„ . • • ,,( i . i - l , vouv wi 'e i iml vm'r i ." l f , In ' rnnu in-v i ''>.' "J""- ,"' VU"-V" l11"1 "•'•i"l'!''7 " I I I i-vcrvc 'n l ' i f o vnu have in',', I i iu l Hie p ro inn l ln - i I " l n i 1- "h < l ;vl1"'- '" »'ow, H I I - , Hi" Innd lon l .inn! thn l i in -enne In i n l n r v vnu n i i l l c l ' m l c i l , ! " " l"'",1' "" ' ' 'ni l . l l l idtr m i l , ilocn not In lomler t i n - i i ' iu-i- vnu cx|iiv!nl I. cupy in I I I . • '" » l l l l ; i ' ".">' '''' I'"-f i rm I I I I H not In-ru vnni tc i l . Thu p i n i l n i ' i 'm H I H not beru V i i e n t c i l . Thn | i iof t i n * f l inn i v i l h M'bie l i yon exper te i l |.iMippor t . y o n i K i * l f u n . l lho*e i l i ' i i e n i l l u ^ onynn n u i l t o pnv t he i n l e r e i i l on t i n ' l u o r l 'f..i|'.' I I I I H l ieen fur I ' - r . i I h a n yon i i n t l c l p i i l n l , to r ( I I I ) p r i r r r t w r i t ' l l o w n , o r i i p e c i n l e \ <( i r i n ' e H fo r NlrKne.s"! i iu i i l c i l r n l ' t i i on your \ r -H i i i i r i M t h n l y o n roi ihl n o t l inx ' r ' ' X | i i ' i ' l e i l .I l l iu n i l" re -n i r i ' ln I l u - hiinli ' . i l i lecmli- n|l i f e l > i ' I n - I l l l ' l i . - . . l i e n i M H - t h e l e n n l l - i n i ' l( ( i - l in n ' i v n o f .u- l i i l i i i n l I l i i - i i n l l i ' l p i i t l i i n r ,It . in \ f ry ru i it i n i l i ' i - i l t l m t u youmt i n n nl i n en i.n i l i i l t i n - yonii|{ i n n n one ^ini in l i r h l whi -n he i -nn ie (o nn- and m i l i l ,Inu'ii I H T I I KO in i i i ' \ ' e l i i io i ly proi i | iere<) t i lneoI e . i n i M lo t h i n eoi in l ry I h n t I feel an n nu l lIn- of K i a l l l n i l i i Hint I u u i i l i l to i l i ' i l l i - i i UMiv-n-lf |o doil." .

N I l l l l - l e l l l l l H of the poelry of l l f i - hi l lIx-i-u K n o i ' l i c i l onl of yon i i inee yon eniniiInln Mini In the

An .IK>-.| \vnniiui (n In-r iiliviili' I n l i l h im nf HIT n i l m r n l n , nml H i i i i l m i -t n r i n i i i l : " \ \ 'hnt u'ou!il you I I I I M - me t in ,i i i i u l n i i i ? 1 I ' n i i n i i L innli i ! ynn . V I I I I I I H aua in . ' 1

Mini i vp l i i ' i l : " I K I I I I W , 1,1ml. i l n i - t n r , \Vha lI i v i i n i ynn to d i r l i r to |n'l|. in., in i i r . i .v ol i ln l i t I , n lnn; ; i - t ," Tho ,1 mni|i mm l i a v cI l i i - i r I r n u l i l r n l . - l . i i . ' l l i . - i n ; I l u - ,,1.| j i a v nl l n - i l - I r n n l i l i - n . - i - ! l l i n l I l i i ' i n . V n u havn |jnlu l i . n i l n i l m i l n I l i u . ( < n r l l i Hni l Hn-i-n in Ini l . I I . - H l m l l l i u l >'on, mi ni( i- i l nrrvi tr i to f dud, urn K " i i i U - l o l i .V m m l l i c r l i f e nmla i i i l i l l i i ' l l i - r i i . i n .Ml i i . hnn . . . , ,Sln|i I n n l i i n i iliini nml I n n K n l n - i u l , ( ) ,\« in Hin M U C H -I n - - , nml r l u l i l l n i ami 111.- n i m i l l i ' i i , ymirbrut d i iyn m e yi-U—io 'r'nimi, ynnr i t r an i l en ti i M i i i i c l n l l o m i nre yi't. lo t i n fn r in i ' i l , youl'l i i ' i i l | .yi- , i lnli l . lu .ynl In l ip M i n l l i ' i l , yourl i rn l . l i i - i i r i n i i in yul to Im nu. i l v ( .n i ' . l , your(t re i i l i -n l . n|ieni| In yi-l. In In, I r n v n l . ' . l , your

,'|.,.,,| idnildiml nnng In y n L to lni nu i iK. '1'ln; inoiil.( ynnr f r lcndn l invn uimn nvu thn bnnler,

M|HH I'dppn-y Mr. M l i n r p i i H I - I - I I I H toth ink .viin'ri- u n m l n g y u u r n e l r on ln-i'.

Oholly - • I i i i l ee i l l \Vli.v «\v IK- WIIH| my b l t t i - r cHt w l v n l I'or LCI- h i i i i i l ,. MUM I'tippei'y .Ni -v i - r i l i c l i -Hi i , I l i i > u n l| , h l m r n i i y " .Mi l l i l ng W I I M , (no K < M M ! for; In-r." I ' l i l l i i i U - l p l f l a I'rcim.

I l>oilK r > < l ( ' k i ' '^iit-niloi i .i ."\Vluu In yn i i r i i n i n r , you buy v»j;n:! lililld?" rx i - l l l l l i l i ' i l |lli ' l l l - \ V wol l l i l l li v v l m n v Dlli i ly Hun i lhlu- i l (or I l l l l i - l l .I "I'-pui-ilon iin>, innilnini-," In- nlnni1 iiiori-d, edgl i iK n w n y , " l iu l I urn i r n y i - l -! !UK l iH' i iK." Ol i io M n i r . l o i i i ' i i a l .

Verse 7.— By what power, or in whatname: "\Vlint" means "what kind of."—Y«: Emphatic.3'_erse 8.—The address opens with rc-

Vpcct'riil terms.' ' Of Israel" la not wellattested.

Verse 9.—If we: There Is a tinge of IronyIn the use of "If,"—A good deed, done ton n Impotent man: The Indellnlte articleis correct.—lly what means; Or, "Inwhom." ICIther tense Is grammatical.—This man: l ie was present, as verse 14shown.

Verse. 10.—The verse states, in condensedform, what Peter had said In the. temr>l».— In -him: Or, "In thin nume.' Either Isgrammatical, but the context fuvorH "Inhim." • •

Wrsn 11.—He l» tin- Ktone: A citationfrom I'HII I m UK; ss, na In Mat thew -'1: -12nnd paral le l paHHii(,r''s. Here It Is modl-tleil so as to apply direct ly to the «ftnl i«-i r ln ; , "Vou tlie liullilerp."

Verse 12.—The renderlnK of the llev|n.erM IH more, accurate than that of the Version.- Salvation: The articleorrni'H In the <lr i -e l<; tlm needed and ox-peeled Hiilvatlon.-I 'niH-r heaven: Knulv-nlent to "In nil .tin- earth."-(liven: ByCoil. — W h e r e i n : Moru inclusive I h a n"\vhereliy."—Musi • lm|i lyl i ig moral olill-K H t l ' U l .

Verce i;i.--|Tn|i-artieil ami Ignorant men:Tliat l.s, nn t r a l i i ' - i l l aymen, not I m p l y l i i KV n t l r e laeU ,of i - i l i i i -nl lon.—Tooh kuowl-• i lgn : I tecngnUiMl IIH u f l i n t . — T l m t theybad lir-en xvl th Jesus: AH bin i-ompnuloniianil illHelpleii.

Vrrnea H-12 re-iulro mile' expluuatlon.

\Vli<vii'you:hnvo-lcarnod to-be:q;truo-salnt In your home, heaven will takecare of Itself.


l(l |

Tho liuw (. 'ImtKuw ini i i i l i ' lpalphono i i i ' i -v l ru lui" i i i n l r r K i ' i i u i n l wI l l . f i l X I m l U - n I I I I r l i K l b . 1 1 p i ' i i v l i l en

(,. i

( > l l l l - ' l t I ' lujf .

An n i i l U i i n i l l ln i tx K». thn H a n l t i l i oneIn I l io l i ldnil In l l u - Wor ld , I I I I I I H I H T H |nunit nlnco U!IU.

Thi-ro In i K i i n i ' l l i l i i K I'dKoviiry uol - r lc l i (iiiU'U riclieiiie.


TI<1ACII|N(I I'OINTH.In t l i n (lonpola, llui I'liarlm-en opponeil

Hie Lord liecuiiHe ho tixpoHml llu-lr l iy-i-r.d'lslefl. In tho Ac-tn. the Hmlilnoi-es op-pf.neil bucaiiBO tho rcmirrortluu. i ivurtt irn-.-.I tliolr doctrlno or no fiitiim llf<>. TlieanHadducceo, etc., needed u Hcrmoti, andthiiy Hot It by arroutli iK 1'ntor. Tlmy HO

dlneured tbut thoy wurti '-holat withIhelr own iiotnrd." Wn urn grcnlly In-debted to tliim for thin normon.

Men may bn no nplnlomtted tha t t heyam nnre troubleil tllttt nuoh a K l o r l o u ntl i lmc an roourrectlon la tumdit, con-in.IV to thflr tenets (v. 9), Thene m<ui•onfeflHod that they could not deny Ibnnlraole tllllt nttenli ' . l I II" ' jvnui ivcllnn

(V, l f> ) , Mil Ilioy Mil l held to I l i . -h- oplu-Irn. Tiiou^li onn ronn from (he i leml,nome Hutu will not ln< p>- i Miin . l . - . l .

Tin- IniTi ' i l lble fue l Hull 1-eter eonlili |>l ' ( ' i le l l , Know Ibo H i i r l p l u r e , qnotn

|iro| i l i i ' tn n n i l f n r t n i<o I m l i l l y , IH nridoi n i l l l i l n o n l y I nope he NVOH "Illle.! w i t h( I n - Holy d h o K t " 'v. N) .

'I ein'li polnieilh* tha t l -e t t - r WIIH nowl u a v e . who had ) > e i - n f a r from I t before;l l n t l lie i M i i K l u Hie mum- i t o e t r l n e on t r ia llor h l n l i f e i b n l lie i l l i l I " t l m popul.'ioe,

Hi.1 M a i n e .-on.Il l I . ,nn of n a l v a t t n u nrnI , . r ml.'I'll1 n ii .I r u l ed . • nn i l i-n|iiTlally (hotI t i e r e IH r e i l v n t l o n In nono othrr mimoI l l v e l l . I I I . I .T l i e a v i - l l n l l l n n H men lu l l tlllli i a n i i - of . lemiH, 111m Hin t wi l l nu t In -a rU-i i i o n t o Hin t propl ie l H l m l l b o u t t e r l y ile-Bt roy i ' i l .

T l i e i e l» ii id'eni i l l f f r n - i i e i i be iwi imi be-hot inur i ln i ' i - r i i of tho I ' r l i i e - of l . l f e amichariTh of b in i i l o i y . M a n y ui'ir paiuieilf rom one e l l inn In Hie o t l i p r liy tho I n M -n l t e Kl'lli 'o of Hint an i l Hln love of .lenunI ' l u - l H l .

^'be f i a ine |;rnee mill lovo n t l l l nbol l l l i iu n i t M l ' n i ieei led. I I In not n i l - r e ly (be ne tof e ry ln i i out. nor l h . - . n r l u a l ei u n l t l x l o n ,U n i t neeileil forKlyenei ln , lol l l -Vel l moreHie i i t n t e of hen r t t l m t inmlo Hie ay t pim-u l l i l o , When I l i i ' m u l e o f M l n In i - i i r i - i l ,h ) l , M i -enHK. Tlm M.l l l . lay ll . ' lninl Tlnl.'ti,

Him \Volll i l I l l i vr Hint .More.

\ V l f i - Hcef.iH to UK' H i n t . iiliK-o vxvvi-n- iiinrrluil ymi mlKbt nt leant linvi:i1oiibli«l your tm-omci. _\

"\\';nit K<)u<1 would thnt Imvo <1ono7"

Ilrnuiilnc Bon of the Old Farmer Hur-. firlbcil tlie I'rlxc Kltchtcr,

"Things don't ulltm come out us yousort'o' hope for," nald the old farmer,with u sorrowful, shake of bis 'head."I've got a sou Kill who thinks he IsJest the Biimrtest critter In this bullState, and a few weeks ago I tired ofhis brufrgln' and thought I'd put a. stopto It. i come uptown and hunted upone of those prize lighters and told himwhat I wan tod. 1 wanted him to kmioalong by my place about noon sopieHJayand give It l l l some SUMS. Tbrft wouldput MprlngH under HIIPs heels and starta llglit, and tho prUe lighter was toknock him out and let him know that

wl l l i him for .fl.\ and one ilay twoweeks ago be showed up. He lookedlike a tramp as he leaned over the gateand nuked Hill bow he como to bq

who WIIH

In,' HHJ-S the

yelln Hill,


" '(Jo on!' HUJ-H Bill,Ing up for dinner.

" 'And your feet toetramp, ns he giill'uwcd." 'do on, or I'll niiisb ye

an Ids ball1 hcgliiM lo curl." 'And you arc. IcnecMpriing nud liip-

Hhoilldercd, ' says I be t rump, IIH holaughs Ilia- n mule lu'n.vln'.

"Tlmt WIIH eiioiigh for Mi l l . HoHn-oWH nie the towel and JumpH forHin t lnm>|i and ne.\| n i l n l t they wimHi|imrcd <iir. I WIIN Inokln ' to m-e lllll'ii

els lly up In Hbori order, but durum y ' b n l t o i i M If be didn ' t n \v lng for tlmtI'eller'H Juw and Unocl; him clear acnmuHie Kind and l i i i l l ' -wn.v ( l i rougl i |hwfence!

"It look im lll ' leiin i n l i i n l c s to bring-l i l i ' i to," c n i K l i i i i c i l the | 'nrini>i>, nceord.Ing lo the Hetrolt l-'n-e I 'reHM, "anilI ben wo Coiind t h a t he bud a lu-ol.'cui i r in . a K|irulni- i | nni i le am) n fractil iedkneecap. \Ve bud lo tulle h i l l ) I n t o (ImIninse. und I IC 'H the re yet nml wi l l bofor a week lo come, nnd I 've got to p«yIl ls doctor's b i l l nnd mcblin ,f|,-| ,i u-eiikfor |I |M lost l ime. It \vn« only .vi-Hli-rdayHill! Hi l l H i i y x In me;

" 'Dud , I 'm t h e nv \ l i l i e s ! lli ;hlei- In•leveu S l i i l i - H nml th ree John |.. N u l l l -v i l i u i rolled I n g i - l l i e r cou l i ln ' l Unocl; uiumil,' bit' 1 dldn'l HII.V inn hln' In reply,I I n i l e to hear h im lunio ; ln ' nroinid, hu tyou can bet I a i n ' t coin' to puy for anymore H o l t inur l i s to come i i lnn i ; nudin l ine h im up und occupy my parlor forfour or l l v u weeks I I M n euiiseill leui ' i t!"

Many it iiinn who In linnoriti) will i n col-li-im ilcuriio \yuii l i l Hud It m-cfmnry to ilo•iiuui i - i i y l i - n r i i i K brforii he cnuld |in>ni u1'ivil u i - rv i iH- i - K n i i i i n n t l u i i .

* **w t̂fW*^*"Ww»«f«^- **M^pf^^ww^«"^™*MA«*wnw^«V,W**iS«w«^»»MVM»^«ws4rt«^f«isf <Mij^TIImrKi^^M.'1^ s-as Z JU J» i.1fc , . w , l l t o ^ A » «U ^Jj^iJ^TfeH.^ll., . +^-,^l «t. ,»

Page 5: Directory. Sewing Machines On Easy Payments...SQUTH_ JERSEY Directory. •:. MITHIOIPAL. CUSRK . J.L.O'Donnoll. f^ The .only newspaper "printed in Hammonton ^1.35"a year> post-paid,


[ Tfia'oaly newspaper^-printed in~Ham monton

$1.25 a year, post-paid 4

• i $1.00 in the-county.

Well equipped for

in all branches—-




Letter-heads .



Reasonableprices charge 1, always.

We will not do cheap—workr and-can't" afford-


J-.Ii. O'Dinnell. - . - ' • • ' ..... -'A. B.Davis.-

JUSTICES. Chae Wooduutt , JOB II GitrtonE.L.Caufman , . ' ' - •

CONSTABLES, (loo BornahouBC.C C Comboi,O v B n f l K K n H i o n w A Y s . ElinB A 'oolyn.OvEnSBEi ioFTDE POOB. Q*o .BornehoutoNi£dTjPaucE. Robl ̂ Mod

"! IT'Chnndlcr:Fins Crimps. J Wulthor, H M PhillipsVonmTEEit FIRE Co.- D. S. Cunningham,

president ; Wm 0 Hoyl, secretary. Meets )>nDrd Monday evening of each month.

Independent Fire Co. Meets first Wodnesday oveninR in each month.

uoycr, Ohm.TOWN COUKOIT; -juiotmel li.E W Batcbolur, J E Wntkis. W D DePuy,AndriiB K Holman. John HothfuB. Moots lastSaturday eve each month. .

ROARP OF Enuoiiios. 0. P, Oep;ood,Prosi-dent; D. S. Cur.niDRhuLU, clerk; Edwin Adunip,J L O'Donnoll, Mrs J• li Rnnsotn, Mrs KirkSpeir, Mrs E A Joslyn, Thomas C Elvins,Or. J.A Waaa. . . Moots fl-rat Tuosday ovoningeach month.

BOAHD or HBALTO. M. L. JacVaon, Prosl-dont; Dr. Charles Cunninghaui, Inspector;lohn T. French, J. C. Anrteraon, Wra. Cun-ingbam, Qeo. Bornshouso, Jos. H.Oarton.


A P Simpson, M A ; A B Davis, Soo'y.Meets first Tuosday evening in each month in!JeoKanioi'"H7Jir: : ' ~ •-- -

^ViBSLOW- LonoB, No 40, I.O.O.F. SlanleyAuftin.N.'Q.; A V. W. Petley, SeoretnrjVet'-s Weilno«day eves, in Odd Follows Hall

A Deop Mystery.It IB a mystery wiiy women ondur

backitohe, liondachn,' nurvousnosa, sleeplossncaa, rnolauolioly, fainting and (lizzhpi-llrt wluin thoumn je have proved thuElootrio 13itt»rs -will quickly euro saotroublea. '^1 Buffered for years ^Itkidtiey truublo," -.-wriUJa .-.- Mrs. PhebCUerlny, of Poterflon, Ioi( ''and a- lainb-iok p^inc/I mo so I oould not dress my-self, brtcElcotrio. Bitters wholly cureme, and, although 73 years old, I nowam able to do %11 my housework." Iovercomes constipation! improves appeMte,j:ly_e8_BurfooLhoalth ____ Only~50o-J. S Rogers' drug store. ;.

Remarkable Cure of Croup.I have a few words to say regardlni

Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It savetmy h'ttle boy's life and I feel that I can

of it ftom \ E. Steere of Good win, 8. Dand when I (jot home, with it the :p'oo;baby could hardly breathe. I gave tbimedicine as directed every ton minutesuntil ho "throw up" and then I though!sure ho was poiug to choke to deathWo bad to pull the phlegm nut of hismonth in cr"iitviong KtriiiKfl, I am posi-tive that if I had noi. got that bottle olcough medicine, my, boy would n^t bo onlarth today __ fool Dumout, .luwood,!owi. For sale by J. S. Rogers.

f l T A W M O N K J N illlBB. Imp U K Al. tjtOTOVoolbert, Sachem ; Chns \V^Au£tin, ^

HecbT3s . Meer&vory •J.'uosday'FsTeep IB Tie dliens' Hall.

_ , _ _ _ _ . _Herbert, W Master ; Alonzo B^ Davis, Soc.'

^ignTrTn- AlasonirJ B . O B D E R ^

~'~ .— •- — ,~CmTS7y"A~'I' Loblej, BeeretaryTJeJti^every Friday eve in Mechanics' Hall. _

GEN. D. A.RUSSH.LL POST, G .A . R. OttoGreU^_P-OaLCQmlnander-; _ Chas_A_Loonur'd,Adjutant; JI. F. t 'dsall.Q.Mj Meet." Island

rrt Saturday nights i i n Mechanics Hall.iV.CMAii's UEM_EF_QO.BPS_.. _____ ____ _____

ior notmng

Promptnessa specialty. If wecannot do your workwhen youywarit it donewe'll tell you so,and finish itwhen we promise to

The TribuneNew York, the weeklyedit.on, and_theKepublicnn, for $1.25 'A- pile ol' good rendingfor a little money

The Presst

Philmlolphiu, weekly, andtlie Kcpuliliwui, d'yeurfor j j j l . l i f t

*, will or phone UH--

OES. D. A. KUSSBLL CAIIP Soss OF VETER-lus. No. 14: dipt, Charles C Combo.; First

jrjjt., Harry C Li-onard.' Meets 2nd 'und 4thapday eves, Mechanioe' Hall.Li'Ue Ha.Ha Council, No. 27, D. of P.

Irs H» Bowles, PocahontaSj Mrs Carrie ACin , K.fll K. Aleuts Monday evening iu Bed

Men's Hell. ' ~'~ ; •Dome tojjtfE, y<>. 12, SHIELD of Hoson.

Worthy JI»*(«;. Thos Skinner j R. S., Jos Hirton M.CCU 2ad and 4th Thursday nights

heir hall.

EELKJIOUSBAPTIST. Bev- H F Looinis, pastor; Sun-

a.v services Yl'roachmg 10:20 Sunday-school1.30, Junior C. E. 3.00 p.m., Christian En-oavor 6.15,-Preaching 7.14. Wceliday prayer

meeting Thursday evening,7.30. ^~Bararo Ucion mceiing, for mon only, ID did

oet-cffico buildinp, SufiJay evo. 8.45fir. Josgrn's, B C. Rev^ P Bphleilor,

P~i5"MrKector tjun715yrJrasST~aTT.'3'0 anil"A f Inr thft I n f i l M f l M R RpTIOfl lr t lon ffilh


Court. December Term, 1901.On Application for Role to

Show Caiue,

Ham D. Arlilz, deceased, having osbib-ited to this Court, under oal.b, a jiint andtrue account,of tho porsonM ostato anddcbtB of Siliij deftniiHPil, CTh>ri>hy it_ _ _ _

pears that tbe persopal est;»te of tbesiid

bia debts, and requested the'aid.of theCourt in the premises;

It is ordemd tbatall-pprgons^interest^ed-ip— tbe-irtoda,— tenemoutb. aud,esrato of the said dec. (lent, appear before

Landing, on the eleventh dav of Marchnext, to ebow.cauBo why t>o much of tbesaid landB, tenomeDtg, hereditaments,"SifcTreal. estaierbrsaid decedent shouldnot be sold as will bo^snfflolent to pnybia debis_or__the_residne thorepf _as thecase" may require. - - - - - -

A true copy from the minutes.J. 8. RI8LEY, Surrogate.

Dated December 10th, 1901. :

Make '$m black'and white

is not the direction you giveyour printer, but . , .

the. JUoet-JUeseed SBoroment.' '

Jlollovui) Avo., Iltinunonton.

6.30 and 8 a m .EPISCOPAL, S T . M A R K ' S . Rev. Edwin C

Alcorn, rector. Colobration of Holy Euoharlst{s tandard Sunday» at 10:30 a.m . Other tinn.days,7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer, Litany ,»ndSermon,2nd and 4th Sundays at 10.30a.m.Evensong 7:60 p .m. Bunduy School i). 30 a.m.Friday Evensong, 7.RO. Saints Day Celebra-tion ,7:30 a.m. Bpooial services In Advun tandLent.

MBTUODIBT E P I S C O P A L . Rev F L Jowcttpas to r , Sunday services; elans 9.30 a. mpreaching 10. Mi, snnday-euhoo) 12.00noonR p w u r l h League 6 30 p. m., preaching 7.IS.Class Tuesday and \Vednonduyevonlngt7.30Prnye i moet lnpThursday 7.30 p. m.

P n t s H u Y T E R i A N . Hov.WKMoKinney , pastor.Snudiiy sorvlcoj: pre^oliln£, 10.30 a m., Sun<lay •ohnul 12.00 noon, preaching 7.1& pin.0. E. prayer Inoeting Sunday, 0.30 p .m .Church prayer mooting Thursday 7.30 p .m.

Mian lon" ut Folsom nnd DnCualn.llalinn Emntjflical. Brv A Mlnul l l la t 1

I'lmtor. H u n d u y Hohool at 0:30 a m. I'roach-Ing nl 10 .10 » m. C.K Hoolu ty at fi-SO j> mI'r'-a'ililng at 7^15.

•. No pastor.I "10,.10 a.m.) Sunday School,

12:UU nii.m , Y »•'() U. at 7:30 p. m. Soolaulcuu l l c rnu tu TLur»('uy U V ( I I I | ' I K < I <

W O H A N ' K O I I I U B T I A W Ti : i i rKnAnoic ttmoif.iilrn. < : i i u i l u i > in i l i l i , n ro i l iUnt , Mm M Duilnour noo'y, M l , n W K ( lowdy, r<.-o_«u-| Mm P HTU'ui ; Iroiintlror." ~ " "

LOCAL BUSINESS HOUSES.. A . lv r , r l l » lnn In ill" U r i ' l i i i i . i i i A N ,

K f l l n y Orrim ^'"i I ' t i i l i iduU .1 U r n k n , ™ « l i i i ; ini i t l i u - H l l n l ^ n r , n i f l . i i n i . i r k c t

J. II. ( l u r i i M i , j i i . i lcu.. . .Jnn. I. Tiiyli'i, iniiiiior,I I . I I , Il|;irli, rnh-r l i i .Ty nttr |;iM>iuOlmn. W' l i id l iu l l , j un i l i u i .I l i i n i l A. K I H I , U ' l i l r r l n l i o r ^ .II N lUlulur, Kr i ino r lua

A |j, 1'atlon, lilo.ynl«;;A. 0«rd<«fi liliiyo/inn.l loy l A H T>nMMi<ir i i , p r l n l n r u .I t l l I I . C' l iunil lnr , u i t o r n o y .John I 'ranoli, ,lr., un i ln r t i i l io r .Win, IUU«r, l l n n i u l l h .Hol ior t ,Hi«ol , ) owolor.Jun)(,!tnn A. Hun, inoiit und ^ir i iduoel> \'\V. 0(iKl°y» luirncan,W. 11. llnrimliiiuno, Inilury, aaili. lUodnDr. J. A. \Vnun , ( l on l l n lJohn Mt t rd ' io l i , n l i i ioB .( I n o r K < < U l v l n n , d ry K f m ^ . K r n n o r l n n ^ t o .J ixoul i I C o K l i n r i l t , nia:it uml p r i i ' l nnn . ;Ol tn i , Onnn l i iK l t i t n i ,p ) iya ln l i tn andiiiir/cooii.J , II. Hmnll , hul tor anil d o i i f u n t l o n o r11. 1*. M a l u t y r a , niont and proiliioo .Win. h. Illaoll, dry |;(iud<, |jr(M]orlm, oto. '

Hunimirw Ort'miljatlnun,lUminoninii Jioun nnd Hii l ld lnir Ani i ' n ln l l»n

W . U . T I I t o n «ooi<il i i ry. MceiH ovory I n tTliiiridKy lii ' l i ' lroninn'ii Hull ,

WiirkUi^uicn'ii I.onn and l lu i l i l l t i f r Aninnl i i t lo i\V. II. | lernalni<ii tn, aroro(ary > MoolaI r l Monday In l'lroni«n'« H u l l .

' • l lotiU, W. K. 'I'llton n««hl«r.

The Paper may be right,The Ink may be right,But the Job won't look right,Unless it is Done right,And at the right place.

HOYT & SON,Printers,

Ilummontou, . . . N. J.

AN OUDlNXfrOK to'roKiiliiro thorlilo of nliood of liorHnlonn v«lilolnH,

commonly _iil|ud niitoiiiiibltoH, lu tliontrt-ota of Ilnminonton,

Inln)ilurinl Nnviiuilinr llfl lh, 11)01.1'annml l)..-o»il>«r - M i d , I U O I ,Ilii It nri lnli oil \iy I tin Town Ontinoll of It u

Town of I lainnionti in,-—Mention 1. 'Unit U e l in l l Iin u n l a w f u l for

nny horn i l cH< V n l i l n l t i , i inmii ionly k n o w n IIMid iu il i l luit , [>ropollf t ' i liy nuiiiiii, n l u o l r l o l t y ,

Kim, or n t l in r i n n i l v o jiowor, tn Iin d r ivenl l i r n i i K h i °"i °r ovor nny <if III" n t r n a l n ITr i i u i l d In Hi" Town of H u n i n u n l o i i ut Ik / ( ruatornilo of ii|ibnil Ihan ton in l l oH pur lii'iir,

Hooi lon 2. Tlnit nny i iurnon who f i l i u l l . Iin« a n v l o t . i l u f _ u vliilallnu ul_doclluu l.of I l iUu r i l l i J u i M i n r l iu l l bo iloiunii'l K i i i l i y o l 'nn o l l n n n nnnil uli.ill In* nu l ' Jun t to » film of Ton Dollnrnor lu ip r l ion incn l for I n n i l n v n fur inioh unitovnry v l i ' l n i l o n l l in ronf .

H n n l l o n H. 'Unit t l i l n Onllniuiii 'i n l i u l l tu l iooIliHii l i i i i u i M l l n l r l y M l t u r l id [ lUui t i iKo,

M I C H A hi, K. 1 I O V 1 C U ,I ' l i i i l rnmn of Town (Join n i l .

.1,1,. O'DnHNi ' . i i,, Town (Hark.

A. H. Pbillips Co.

Fire Insurance.- MONEY- —

Mbrtgago Loans.(lorroaponilnnrii^olloltcd.

1015 M.liMitlo A.vnnuf>.

A't lnnt ic City, N. J

Sewing Machines, . . _ ' . SOLD ' ,-

On Easy PaymentsLiberal Discount for Cash

Old maoliinos taken In cxcbango.__^£u'!Jf??J?^ snppliea oa band, _

At-lI«M»i(>n'8 Is'cus iiooin.

R. j. DRAKE, Agf?nt.



COPYRIGHTS &c. •-Anrono tending a slretrh nod deferIptlon may

qmciflr ascertain our opinion free wnothor imInvention, Is probhbly pntontnbla. Commnnlcn-tlona«trlctly confidential. Handbook on Patent*Bent fr co. Oldcat npency toe securing patontB.. Fatcnta tukon through Munn 4 di.-receivetptetal notion without charge, In tbo —

Always a Good Stock1 "•

Shoes made to Orderirmy_ Specialty, and ful l

satisfaction ie guaranteed.

Repairing done.

Bollovno Avenue,

Sold by All Newsdealers

, fc-

A handsomely lllnstrated nceklj. *mK^ ̂ ...dilation of uny nclonUOo journal. Terms. $3 aycm ;.foTmnonthsT.!. Soid~cy&ii n^WBdcaleniJ

MUNN 8 Co.36lBMa^. New IforftBranch Offlce. KS F St^ WoahlnBton. D. C. •

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F«rnl«he» monthly to all loves of Sonsand Moslo a vast volmne of Ke£! Choicel ( i *

NO. 6

>_— -


We have just received

a large

consignment of

(Schedule in effect Oct. 7( 1901-J) OWN-TE AINS.— —

Suhjcdt to cbangc.—-—t; .-T'H-ATW sr


5 -S!


8 in8 IS82)8S88 li900905


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IhllnddpMn* ..Canii'rDCnl]in>.SHood


.; Berlin ;Atro............

..V'lrmkv Jc. (I'vn)...


Y.ff Hinl-ur..-..,.AUrriui.-._

Allnnllc Ctly

* Stop** only on fiotlre to conductor nr itu'rii iExprew leaving rij i lndh. nl 5.16 p.ra. lua off I laiuniuii luu

J B HUTCHINSON. Gcn'l Mnnnccr.

Aer. Acc.JKjj | i .o.lit_, ni

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J It WOOD. Ocn'l I'nss'r ARt .


-—SundayrBoc.-8rMuljtct to

We are going to sell

them, for the present,

at unheard-of prices.

Thie is a gdo^time to_lay in a

stock of these goods.


W.O.T.U.Tbo ladles have taken this spaco by tbe

- - - - - - -may contain.

An ex-soldier says: "There are va-rious opinions in.regard to the armycanteen, or selling intoxicants in thepost exchange. • From my own per-sonal knowledge/ the canteen hasbeen an injury to the U. 8..;soldier.

"With the exception qf ft.feyvoldsoldiers who have been drunkards alltheir, livesi .there has beenJess_drink-ing at Fort Bade, Florida, since the4m fl canteen law went into .effect.There have beetl 'fewer men in theguard house, more money^deposited,.and the men are better contented thanwhen the canteen was selling intoxi-cating drinks. The mess has beeniust as goTJd^asTvhen beer was sold.—^The-canteen-is-nothing-but-arfac-"tory that manufactures drunkards.—Young_men are _cpnstantly cominginto the army who never drank ; tut

Peddle Sunshine if You Can.

Dismal blalne, and such tlilncs,Wliun you bare a Bale to manaee.

Do it. as tho fobln slngn.Put eonio'ohoer-up In your business.

Boa chipper sort oJ man,'And, with other lines of notions, "'

Peddle sunshine If yon can.There's an awful deal of meanness

In this busy world of ours;But, mfi'd ID with weeds»berankest,

Oftimes grpw the finest flowers.Wear a posy on your lapel,— . |' It won't hurt tho trado you plan, | -And, along with other pamples.

Peddle suasblneir you can.

—Rooaeveldt's Career. •- Boyhood.— Weakling,-wore glasses,ambitiuas to become strong. Batherretiring. Doctor advised plenty of out-

they are soon persuadetTto go to thecanteen7"aifd~wlieir~tBey dxFtEejFIalln with the old aoldlers, and In a few

weeks they are almost as bad as theirleaders '̂ •


l:,Min,l, Ac ,- - t—-t-'lll.l|Llu".t|IJll.<ti.tUt|l

II (ill! 8 <iO11; K 108 1'

to us

H w n Ml5N Vt8 4H

7 I'.' 5677 lf l '0 017 !>«;<i li

u aio\> w

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.H not 3 ui

n O'J« 10 ....II 111 7 Ilfi'd 2J-nixnia-.u's;,

ni a* 7 6B.ii:ii'-i iiu a .1u -1:1ii inII ,VI7 (IH

.RTAT10HK. ,:._

oo; rbiiiHtitiiin. |i10: Cantdtfn'».....'..... i17i Wot Colllngiwonil Ii Oil ;1U III;

H 2M Jlndilnn IMpIiti. h SI HI I IH W I.BIircl Hprlngn. li lift; II W]H -I.T Cltment.n.S ft!-....\Vllllnniitoivn June...H Hi'„ Cfdor UrooVil oaj Illuc Anclinr

Jniir. (Ii lu| Hnmmonton ......|lj CO # <-i' ' M f.o;iii ,viii:

II-.'! ElurudII III >»(.; UtrU-

'II II" l i r l fon l l in Jnn-

...^..JMH ft1 IDiV.'O l(i|ii iii ' ..i.lV*)l«Mlr(lli»«.. '""Kxpri-fls IravCH I'lil1ai]nl|>hla at ..(, utilising nt Hi i i i in iun tn i i nt 11.47.Acnintimxlullon Icivvm I'lillnilii, at 8.IK) p.m., r rndi lnK l l i in ininnlon at ucroimiioilntlnn I rnvi i t t . I l i tn i i i iontu i i nt .ri,?..'»n,ni,, r ru rb lUK I ' l i l lmU. nt iU|i lU-.unuAoililloli li 'nvin A l l n n l l r nt (l.'.'.l, l lni i imii i i t iMi ".OS, rUl.i.|,-l|il,U R'i'i,fliin.lnjr n lul i t ox|in-.) u|i Iran-. A l l n n l l o l.'.Vl. KK« IlnrUir 7-Vi, I I i u i i l i i i . u l o i r S . i l , rradili 'K I ' l i l ln. II.(K).Wwkiluy i i V f n l l l K .X|.MT1 i l i i l K l i l i -uvi . rmllMtu. lit 7.1'', l l ' l l l l i l ! I H Hul l mi I l l f l l |-II.M-|||;I-I« I" I.

W. (I. lifcSI.KIt, ( l i ' l l .^l l l ' l . KI 'MI .N .1. \V l : i 'Kr .< l " l l . l 1 «W" ' | l |M ' l AR<-|I|

Philadelphia Weekly PressS ' .

; iind the "

Sounh Jersey Republican( two paporH oaoli \\ook), for {{51 oO » }'r>iir

to any mldroHH iti t h i n county , or {5! 1.0'

Embalmin«Mi Specialty


„Oani(1.nv......'.....ju- li ,« 41 III 2SI1I Ml' (J 1(1 II 4l'l) H O 14

Wm. A. HOOD & SON•I Ml 7 Wlif iOl4 S H T f i l 465

I I I , , ,'A\7 44 1 !!«^ 111! ,7 .'kVll J7

.4 ;l fiU -7HV4 15Ift II Wil.'i Ml 7 15:4 (W

Funeral DirectorsAll business in their linepromptly and carefully

attended to.

New York Tribune Fai mer

Office and Residence,208 Peach Street,

Phono i-r> Hummonton.

I'm1 "Ixl.y yoiii'i MID _Vi!in Yntft Wtcltlt/ Trtl-I,, x ni i i lnii i i l wrrlcly in-»H|.iv|«ir , i (m<l nlmumliy rmini ' i i i , iunl linn i n ' j < > y < ' ( l i l l" i: l i l i inou mid < .i i . l . l i i i Aui i i i - loi i i |iuii|il» in u ilnu;«'<> iu 'vnr lamiiiiul byliny H l i n l l u r imlilloiitlou. 'H«i>

Now York Tribuno Farm orTholit iniuln i i lmnln' i i ly (or I'liniini'ii »ml Mmli ' f .nu l l lc" .

llrnl. i i i i i i ibnr \ViiH IBIIUUI! N"U. Till,' (li)|iuitiii«nt of n u r l d i i l t u m l i n i l u n i i . v IH imvornd

liy H i i i ' O l u l t ioiitl ' lbuhirh who IIKI l i) i i i l"i-« in I l in r i«»)>uo-hvo i h i i i i ' . mid tlio Trillium li'arinrr w i l l Im In r v n y MIIIIIO

II I I |M- | - , |iri)filin'ly I l l u n l i i i l m l w l l l i | I | ( | | I I IHH ol l ivn HKioli,in i i i l i i l ' l ik i - in l)iill(llii|ii mil l liiiiiii-ii, i i i i i i i l i l i i in V , old

K I U I I I I I I X ' wlviin, hiiii i uml i l i i i l | [ l i l iun w i l l Und iipoolivlpiinnn Tur tlmlr iHil i ir lul iuniint .

KiiRiilnr |irl««, flil |>«T ywir, but. yon nun l i ny If withyi ini f iwurl lK li mil' wnoUly ni)wn|n|iin, tli« Hinl/i Jcrilll'!/''n.i«fc/'(i"ii, lioili (mo yimr fdr 1II.WI. '

Hunt your Hii l )noi ' l |>Mi) i i nml iiioimy to lloyl, & Him,IliiiniiKiiiton, N. .1.

Hnni l you r niimo nni l - iu l i l rn i in t« Hin JVow York Tribune-JCiinmir, N<iw Yoilt Oily, uml u fr<io immiilo uiijiy willho inulliiU to you.

House, Sign.CarriagePAINTER,

Dealer iu PaintH, Oiln,nnd VarniahcH.

I linvo n lurgo atoaU of

John T. French'sI*nro (0il PuintH,

rrliloh I gunruntoo to botlio licit pnlnt flvor told,

fiooond und 1'lonflant Htronln,HAMMONTON.

Ohaa. Ounnlngliaiii.M.D.Physician and Surgeon.

W, Hnooml tit., Hltnilltoiitoli.Oflloo Itoum, 7i!10 to 10:00 A.M,

1:()() to f) :<)(> and 7:00 to I) :00 r.u.

Pay for tho S. J. K. to-day.

Young People's Societies.Thlfi space Is devoted to tbe Interests olthe Young Peoples Socletlcsof the variousGbuiohcs. Special Items of Interest, audannouncementa are solicited.

Y. P. S. C. E.,—Tresbyterian'Chuich:Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30.Topic, "The pathway to peace." Jn.

14: 25-31; Isa. 26: 3.'... Leader,Misa Jessie Swift.

Y. P. S. C. E.,—Baptist Churcb :Meets Sunday evening, at 6:15.Topic, "The pathway to pence." Jn.

14: 25-31; Isa. 26: 3. Leader,W. O. Hoyt.

—Jrr-Ct-E. .-Sunday afternoonToDIC._>'Pligrlm'fl 'Prnarfm • thn


door exercise. Food of reading storiesof great Americans'lives.

Youth.—Ridiculed orrMontaoa raochrfor^ wearing "specs." Not specially

Rogers Tar, Wild Cherry and Hoarhoundor White Pine will cure a fresh cough; and if thecough is old and deep-seated, King's New Discoverywill relieve and cure all stubborn, hackirig^coughs.Sample lottle free. . . . ' , , . - - * • ' ' . - '

Cascara Broinide Quinine Tablets cure ia 24 houra.^\If^Q6edTaccording to directions, nioneyreturned i£_

not cured. 35 tablets in each box,, for 25 cents.Salmple free. ^-\.

great amount of perseverance." Not afacile thinker, poor apcechmaker.

tntiop. Fond of constant exertion andonNdoor life. • ' Full of Intense energy,tenacity, and patriotism.

Author.—Stirred by slander of stand-ard British anthor on American navy,wrote stinging denunciation of authorin his first work, a history of. the navy,at 24. .Alao: wrolej'Amerlcan Idealsand Other Essays" "The Winning ofthe West," "The Strenuous Life,""Essays on Practical Politics," "TheWilderness Honter," and "HuntingTrips of a Ranchman."

Ranchman.— Plainsman on westernranch several years,' acquiring fondnessfor big game and rugged hardship.Developed gigantic strength. ~^r. .Reformer.—As Police Commissioner

5 cents'.


"Successor toTCro wellVP b arm acy/

JLioadur, l-'ranb Werner.

Epworth I/cnguo,—M. E. Church :Meets tiuhday evening, at 6:30.Topic, "The pathway to poacu." Jn.

14 : 25-31; Isa. 20: 3. Leader,W. B. Tilton.

Junior League on Sunday afternoon,at 3 o'clock.

Y. P. C. U.,—Unlversnllst Church:Meets Sunday evening, at.0:{!0.

A cordial invitation Is extended to allto attend these meetings^

Church In tho various Ohurohes

morrow will bo on follows:M. E. Church,— Rev. F. L. Jowett,

Po»tor. HUO A. M., "Tho day of smallthings." 7.1Cr.M., ''Dere and beyond."Heoopllon of nioDibora at evening eorvloo.Kvan^olUtlo meatlngs oontluuod ororyevening, excepting Baturduy.

Daptiot Ohuroh,—Rov. li. V, J^omis,Pastor. 10.110 A.M., "Life throughdcftlli." V.lfi V.M., "Christ, tho light oftlio world."

Presbyterian Church,—lloy. W. K.MoKliinvy, Puntor. 1U:!|0 A.M., "Ohrlut'Hklngdoni not of tbls woi'ld." 7.16 v.u.,

ConloHAlou of ObrUU" .

Matibew-7-r-7-8.1tnto "• jPatrolled offlcere'hgats-m dls-gulHO, and sought out violations of theexcise law in midpight carriage tours.

Soldier.—Organized tbe regiment of"Rough Riders" at outbreak of Spanishwar, becoming Lieutenant Colonel underCol. Leonard Wood, Mrs. McKinley'sphysician. Led regiment in famouscharge up San Juan Mill.

Statesman.—Resigned from tbepolicricommission to become Assistant Secre-tary of the Navy in 1897. Was electedGovernor of New York after tho war,and Vice-President In 1000, after vigor-ously opposing nomination.

Orator.—Entered vigorously into thoPresidential campaign, making severaltrips throughout tho country, deliveringseveral speeches dally.

Husband and father.—Prefers societyof homo and family to anything clue,lias six children, four boys and two({Iris. Married twice, first wife bolngMiss Alice Loo, of Boston, who died afew years later.

Personality.—Forty-tlireo years old,five font eight Inches tall; weighs 185pounds. Has not boon nick within tonyears.

of all styles, colors, and prices, ,can be jiecared at the office^f _the manufacturers, Messrs. HOYT & SON.

Samples and prices on application.

Wagon BuildingRepairing

and Painting

Lyford Beverage

" for New Jersey,tenders bis services.

Pension vouchers executed.Hninmonton; NT J.

~A good second-handBuggy on Iband.


Herbert Gr, HensonALL THE


PERIODICALS.Stationery & Confectionery.

217 Bollovue Avenue,

Hammonton, N. J.

ThoummdH Bont into Exllo.'Kvorjr>6ar u lnru,nnuml>orof pnnrnnf

forora wlinuo liinun nrn coro utul rackedwltli oonnlin aro uritod to go to uiiothor(illinulo. Hut thin la oontly and not nl-

yn ntiro. Don't bo mi rxllo whon Dr.Klng'a NIIW Dlnoovcry for (Joiiniiniptlonwill oiiro you ut lioinn. It'n tlio moat In.rnlllliloin«d|olii<) fiu-ooiiKlin, nolilt.niidallttirontand IniiK dlBi'itnca on unrlh, Tbollrut Mono tnlngn roller. Aiitoiiiulliiu

rcni ruoult fiom |ii)|-nlut(>nt um,, 'J'lliilllies fr«o nt .1. H. UoKum', IMoo (Ma.

md 11.00. Kvury bottla (fiiivnuitood.

"Homo tlmo :»RO mv danglitor ontight asovoro cold. Him oomplalnoil nf puliiH Inhur aluirit and Imd n bud uiiugh. I frnvoOlminbor]iilii'a(;o\igli Itcmoily, uooor<llii(jto (llrootli)iin, and In two iluyn uho WIIHwell nnd uhln to RO tn ooliool. I havolined thin ruinndy In my liunlly for thopant HUVOII yonrn aixl Inwo novor IcuotriiIt to full," niiyH Jiiiium Proinlornaiit, nior-nlinnt. Mnuito ltny,'Jiunalflik, Went Ind'uInlnndn. Pitlim In tho oliVmt ludloatodnn niiiironuliliiK nttiiok of pnuitinoiiln,whloli lu th in liiutnnoo wad undciilbtodlywurdod ol. by , (Jlmniborlnln'H Ooujrii

It coiiiitoruot.H itny toiiilnnoy ofu oold toward niioiiiiinulii. Hold by J. H.

FEESH FISHEvery Friday!

Ordera takenbefore 10 a. m.,

Monday nnd Thuraduy

At Baker's Market

Ijlown to Atomn.Tho old Idon Unit tho body nnmotlmnaoilfi n |iiiWiirliil, drnntlo, |>iir«utlvo pill

inn linru oxfilodiid ; for Or Rmg'n NowMa I'llln, whlnli am pnrfootly Imrinlnnn,(ontly Htlinnlato llViir nnd bonols to ox*nil polnonouu mnlKir, okmimo tlio uyntomind ubnoliitnly nurnnoimtlpatliui and nlolcinadnolio. Only Uoo. nt J. H.>run utoro.


adverti/iouicntH,BIIW it in tho SOUTH


beCall (or FREE Booklet rxt

W. A. Hood's, son pencil St'J)


At LawArlltr, l lvilldln^, Iluuimonton,

Uoomn i!5-t!7 Houl Knt. & I,nw WA.l,|.uulo ()|ty.

OIUolul Tovrii AtKirnoy.Ill lluiiiiiioiiton ovory1'raotloo In nil Oourtn of llio Htnte,

Money for flrnt mortf<nge' loone

A(ullai)Bortinoutof hand nnd mnctilninivdd, — for work or driving.

Trunks, Valises.Aiding Suddlop, Nota, oto.

Hammoa^m. N.J,

ContectiorierfOnly the

Bread & Cakes.Always the besl

J.B, SMALI,Oor. Second and


you aro looking for -

Wagons, Surreys,Buggies,

Spring Wagons,and Road Carts,;

now or uncond-haiid, cull at

F. A, Lehman's Shop

Oil Stoves


WILLIAM BAKER.No. 25 Third Street,

Jlomtnonton'. ,

