Page 1: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie

11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012

Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Page 2: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie



Highlights of the Roadmap

Results of the Consultation

Role of the RCC within the new structure ?

Page 3: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie


Recap - Why the Roadmap ? 1/2

Progress issues identified at last SG

Not enough Focus and coordination

Too many Priorities

Need for more efficient organisation of work

Increase ROE = Higher rate of return on


Page 4: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie


Recap - Why the Roadmap ?

Other observations – general review

Good successes but slow progress

Problems not always tackled by the right

people Initiative competing for resourcesCommunication “gaps”Sufficient high-level commitment available ?

Page 5: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie


Roadmap Principles

Working towards a common “end-game”Higher Return on Effort Improved project management approachTaking into account EU DevelopmentsGenerate sufficient High Level commitmentFocus on practical issuesAvoid duplication of on-going workStepping stone to European internal market

Page 6: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie



Consultants– Geert Joosten and David Halldearn

Many interviews with relevant stakeholders

Focus group to provide high-level guidance


Broad consultation of NW-E stakeholders

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Directie Toezicht Energie



Focus on only two main priorities

– Capacity

– Transparency

Strengthen Regional decision making

– RCC+ (linking into ERGEG and Agency)

– Regional TSO cooperation (linking into GTE+)

Program Board

– improve management of projects

– Help solve difficult issues efficiently

– Generate High-level commitment

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Directie Toezicht Energie


Less Priorities, More Focus: Capacity

Capacity: working towards a goal to

make it readily available,

easily tradable,

at fair prices and

on a non-discriminatory basis

Capacity: both existing and new

Page 9: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie

99 Transparency enables better risk


It facilitates trading

Therefore: continue the work that is

being done…

…and review the achieved results

Less Priorities, More Focus: Transparency

Page 10: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie


Question to the SG

Regional (coordination of) decision

making is absolutely necessary to

improve and ensure market integration,

liquidity and timely investments

– Do you agree?

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Directie Toezicht Energie


Question to the SG

This is possible given current

structures and legislation

– Do you agree?

Page 12: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie


Outcomes Consultation – Very Positive

High level of consensus– “End-game”– Priorities – Work Structure

From all involved organisations (Stakeholders, Regulators, TSOs)

High level support (board-room level)Support from ministries

Page 13: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie


Outcomes Consultation - Some Concerns

Should we have more focus?

Should we take on board more priorities– E.g. Balancing

Who is running the show?Is the Program Board only adding to an

already cluttered organisational structure?(GTE+, Agency, RCC+, regional TSOs, Gas platform)

Page 14: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie


Outcomes Consultation - Some Concerns

Should we have more focus?

– TSOs have agreed to plan Should we take on board more priorities

– Balancing will be addressed H1 2009 Who is running the show?

– This is still the ERGEG initiative but it takes all parties to achieve results

Is the Program Board only adding to an already cluttered organisational structure?

– PB to help solve issues at the right level and guide progress of work

Page 15: Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Roadmap GRI NW 2008-2012 Robert Spencer, NMa/DTe

Directie Toezicht Energie


GRI NW is part of European Developments

Our work is both confined and triggered by European Developments

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Directie Toezicht Energie


New Structure: how is it built up

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Directie Toezicht Energie


New Structure:The Role of Programme Board

Structure adapted to needs identified

Programme Management

Generating High-Level commitment

Monitoring Process

Briding the communication between


Addressing problems at the appropriate level

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Directie Toezicht Energie


With the right people the

Program Board will make a

difference in bringing timely


– Do you agree?

Question to the SG

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Directie Toezicht Energie


New Structure:The Role of the RCC+

A step up from the RCC’s current role

A platform where information is shared, common views are developed and decisions concerning cross-border issues are discussed and where possible aligned

More efficient: allow RCC+ to focus on regional regulatory issues less on facilitating the process as well

As an intermediate solution in anticipation of European Agency overseeing developments and link to ERGEG and process to European internal market

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Directie Toezicht Energie

2020 Has your organisation encountered

actual cross-border issues where

interaction with more than one

regulator would be required to solve or

to obtain approval

– Green = yes, Red = no

Question to the SG

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Directie Toezicht Energie


If so, did you find this process

sufficiently efficient to

facilitate your endeavors

– Green = yes, Red = no

Question to the SG

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Directie Toezicht Energie


Thank you for your attention
