

It’s name is Brachiosaurus.

It was as big as two 747 passenger jets stacked on each top of one another! Or 10 people!

It lived in what is today known as Africa and Colorado.

It’s name is Tyrannosaurus Rex

He was known as the king of the dinosaurs!

He lived during the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods

T-Rex only walked on two legs. He used his arms for holding his prey when he was eating it.

This fossil is a leg bone from a brachiosaurus.

It weighs over

This is a skull fossil of a T-Rex.

T-Rex had anywhere from 50-60 long sharp teeth.

If I were a dinosaur, I would be a Triceratops because they are big and strong but not real aggressive. They can also defend themselves very well.

I don’t like to eat just vegetables so I would be an omnivore and eat both plants and meat.

Matt the Dinosaur!

There are several differences and similarities between dinosaurs and creatures of today.

One difference is that most dinosaurs were on the top of the food chain during their time and most animals today aren’t on top of the food chain.

One similarity is that some animals today are as aggressive as dinosaurs were if not more so.
