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HRM 533: Employee Relations and Labor Management

Catherine Farrell PH: 607-786-5742

[email protected]

Course Description:

This is the foundation course in the labor relations sector of the Human Resources Management curriculum. It covers the evolution of employee- employer relations, the practices, issues and processes, legal framework, and the role of labor relations and collective bargaining in the United States. This course will give students an excellent base for understanding “real world” topics in labor relations and collective bargaining through discussions of contemporary issues.

Course Objectives:

To understand the role of labor relations in today’s organizations and to develop/apply the understanding of key labor relations issues, functions, principles, and practices.

Course Expectations: The expected outcomes for this course will be measured by the following criteria:

1. Active participation in on-line classroom discussions 2. Written assignments designed to demonstrate your understanding of the

material covered 3. Two exams to demonstrate your understanding of the four sections of the course

Grading: 40% Discussion (may include an assignment to go along with a discussion) 30% Written Assignments 15% Section I Exam 15% Section II Exam 100% Total

Course Materials:

Text: Carrell, Michael & Heavrin, Christina.(2010) Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining, 10th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (This can be hard copy or an e-book.)

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Classroom Participation:

A. Discussion Forum, 40 points – 4pt per week

Your active class participation is required minimally three times per week; an initial post by mid-

week and two responses to other students by the weeks end. (This is the minimal – a score of 3

max.) There is no way to make up for missed discussion participation. Assessment for

participation is based upon the following criteria:

1. Demonstrated use of text materials

2. Participation minimally three times a week.

3. Your analysis and interpretation, comments, opinion on the issues under discussion.

This is an extremely interactive class and my participation is reflected in the weekly class

discussions as well. But, since this is a graduate seminar, the bulk of your learning about

each week's topic should be taking place via the assigned readings and your interactive

discussions with each other.

Keep in mind that a posting that merely states, "I agree with the readings" without stating your

reasons as to why you agree (or disagree) does not count as a posting toward participation.

Your weekly postings as a participant should be analytical, informative, and/or enhance the

discussion during the course of the week. Consider these weekly postings as thoughtful

reactions to the assigned readings and other materials related to the topic as well as to the

comments made by your classmates and/or instructor. The length of your postings will vary, but

generally your comments should be one or two paragraphs long. A reference is required with

your initial posting; even if it is the textbook and the page that you are referencing.

Due Date: End of the week by 6:30 pm

Discussion Participation Grading Rubric





Basic (2pts) Proficient (3pts) Distinguished (4pts)

Applies relevant

course concepts,

theories, or



Does not explain

relevant course


theories, or


Explains relevant

course concepts,

theories, or


Applies relevant

course concepts,

theories, or



Analyzes course

concepts, theories, or

materials correctly,

using examples or

supporting evidence.

Collaborates with

fellow learners,

relating the

discussion to

relevant course


Does not

collaborate with

fellow learners.

Collaborates with

fellow learners

without relating

discussion to the

relevant course


Collaborates with

fellow learners,

relating the

discussion to

relevant course


Collaborates with

fellow learners,

relating the

discussion to

relevant course

concepts and

extending the


Applies relevant


Does not




Applies relevant


Applies relevant


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Discussion Participation Grading Rubric





Basic (2pts) Proficient (3pts) Distinguished (4pts)

personal, or

other real-world



personal, or other



personal, or other


experiences, but

lacks relevance.

personal, or other



personal, or other


experiences to

extend the dialogue.

B. Written Assignments: 30 points Each assignment must be submitted through Blackboard on the due date noted in the assignment section on Blackboard. Each writing assignment must be three to five pages at minimum, submitted through safe assign and be formatted with double space, typed using Times New Roman font size 12 and where appropriate should have sources quoted. Assignment 1: (10 points) chose one of three choices 1. Case Study 4-2 (page 157) or 2. Case Study 5-1 (page 199) or 3. Case Study 6-1 (page 239) Assignment 2: (20 points) chose one of two choices 1. Research and analyze an Arbitration case decision about labor relations * or 2. Research and analyze an NLRB ruling.* Assignment 2 should contain the following: 1. Overview of the circumstances that lead to the dispute 2. Summary of the decision 3. How the case relates to course learning's. 4. Personal position/viewpoint 5. A copy of the case decision must be submitted with assignment * Arbitration cases and NLRB rulings can be found in various locations on the internet. Writing Skills: • You must submit a polished, organized, and articulate assignment. They must be checked for spelling and grammatical errors, this will be reflected in your grade. • You may seek help at the Writing Center on campus by calling 631-632-7405 or at website • You must acknowledge utilizing materials from other sources in APA format. When you use published words, film, data or thoughts you should footnote their usage. Acknowledge the use of classmates, or instructors’ ideas and thoughts as an endnote. DO NOT USE or quote Wikipedia – it is not a reliable reference source and will result in your writing assignment being rejected. Section I and III Exams: Both exams will be cumulative to the last class before the exam and will be given on Blackboard. Section I will cover the first three chapters and the Section III exam will cover chapters seven through nine. The exams will be a mix of multiple choice and true/false questions. Each exam is 15% of your final grade. No makeup exams will be given without a valid reason and proof given to your instructor.

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Final grades: A 94-100 C+ 77-79 A- 90-93 C 74-76 B+ 87-89 C- 70-73 B 84-86 F 0-69 B- 80-83

Videos from Kanopy: • Gunnarsson, S.(Director). (1985). Final Offer [Motion Picture]. • Lescaze, A. (Director). (2004). Where do you stand? Stories from an American Mill [Motion Picture]. • Mayfield, S. (Director). (2014). Wisconsin Rising [Motion Picture].

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Weekly Schedule

Date Reading /Movie Discussion Part I – Labor Relations Overview 1 August 28, 2017-

September 3, 2017 Chapter 1

Introduction to Labor


and Collective


• Survey: Many of us have different

experiences with unions. Conduct a brief

survey and discuss the results: (ask at least

5 people)

1.) Do you belong to a union?

2.) If so, are you glad to be a union

member? If you are not in a union,

would you like to belong to one?

• Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week.

• Familiarize yourself with the chapter

review questions.

2 September 4, 2017-

September 10, 2017 Chapter 2 & Chapter 3 History and Law

• Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week.

• PATCO Article

• Familiarize yourself with the chapter

review questions.

Section I Exam 9/10/2017 Part II – The Collective Bargaining Process 3 September 11, 2017 –

September 17, 2017

Chapter 4 –

Establishing a

Bargaining Unit and

the Organizing


Movie – “Where do you

stand? Stories from an

American Mill”

• Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week. • Watch the assigned movie • Familiarize yourself with the chapter

review questions.

4 September 18, 2017 –

September 24, 2017

Chapter 5 –

Negotiating Models,

Strategies, and tactics

Movie – “Final Offer”

• Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week.

• Watch assigned movie.

• Familiarize yourself with the chapter

review questions.

5 September 25, 2017 –

October 1, 2017

Chapter 6 - Negotiating

a Collective Bargaining


Movie – “Wisconsin


• Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week.

• Watch the assigned movie.

• Familiarize yourself with the chapter

review questions.

Writing Assignment #1 Due 10/2/2017

Part III – Cost of Labor Contracts

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6 October 2, 2017 –

October 8, 2017

Chapter 7 - Wage and

Salary Issues

Chapter 8 - Benefits

• Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week.


• Familiarize yourself with the chapter review


7 October 9, 2017 –

October 15, 2017

Chapter 9: Job

Security and Seniority • Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week.

• Familiarize yourself with the chapter review


Section III Exam 10/15/2017 Part IV – The Labor Relations Process in Action 8 October 16, 2017 –

October 22, 2017 Chapter 10: Unfair Labor Practices and Contract Enforcement

• Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week.

• Familiarize yourself with the chapter review questions.

9 October 23, 2017 – October 29, 2017

Chapter 11 - Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures

• Post by midweek and respond to two other

students by the end of the week. • Familiarize yourself with the chapter

review questions.

10 October 30, 2017 – November 5, 2017

Chapter 12 – The Arbitration Process

• Post by midweek and respond to two other students by the end of the week.

• Familiarize yourself with the chapter review questions.

Writing Assignment #2 Due 11/5/2017

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University Academic Policies: Disability Support Services (DSS) Statement: If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, room 128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Academic Integrity Statement: Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the Stony Brook University Academic Integrity website. Critical Incident Management Statement: Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Course Content: Course material accessed from Blackboard, SB Connect, SB Capture or a Stony Brook Course website is for the exclusive use of students who are currently enrolled in the course. Content from these systems cannot be reused or distributed without written permission of the instructor and/or the copyright holder. Duplication of materials protected by copyright, without permission of the copyright holder is a violation of the Federal copyright law, as well as a violation of Stony Brook's Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Codes. You can find out more at the Stony Brook University Student Conduct Code website.