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The long nights, the cold nights, the long days, harsh living standards, not healthy surroundings, the Holocaust.

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Zyklon BZyklon B is a green looking crystalline pellot that

releases lethal hydrogen cyasid gas when put in to air. It was mostly used at Auschwitz as a pesticide for the fumigation of building crawling with lice and rats. On September 3, 1941 Karfrish conducted on experiment by cramming Russian prisoners into gas chambers and left them. Before they were put into these chambers they were taken to changing rooms. The prisoners were told that they were going to take a shower. After they went to the changing rooms they got undressed and went straight to the gas chambers, then shortly after died.Lace, William. The Death Camps. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1998. Print.

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These are Zyklon B pellets found at the liberation of the Majdanek camp. Poland, after July 1944

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AuschwitzAuschwitz was a concentration camp where

millions of people died. It was surrounded by barracks with barbered wire, electrified fences, and sentry towers. Some people prisoned were used as slave labor. In 1942 Jews from all over Europe were bring sent there by thousands to be killed by gas chambers. In 1943, more gas chambers were built. In 1944, railways were extended closer to the gas chambers so whoever came was killed much faster. In January 1945, Auschwitz was liberated by the Russian Army.

Lawton, Clive. Auschwitz. London: Franklin Watts, 2002. Print.

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This is the main entrance to Auschwitz the extermination camp.

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Elie WieselElie’s full name is Eliezer Wiesel. He was

born in 1928 to Shlomo and Sarah Wiesel in Transylvania. His parents and him were taken by the Nazis and were placed in Auschwitz. Later in the concentration camp his father was killed but Elie was rescued by the allies from Buchenwald, a concentration camp. In 1945, Elie was taken with the survivors to go to an orphanage in France. He was hired as a Paris correspondent by the Israeli newspaper. Elie wrote three books Night, Dawn, and The Forgotten. In 1986, Elie was awarded the Noble Prize.Schuman, Michael. Elie Wiesel Voice From the Holocaust. Berkeley Heights: Enslow Publishers inc, 1944. Print.

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This is a picture of Elie Wiesel giving a speech

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KristallnachtKristallnacht lasted two days in 1939.

Threats and lies helped gain control for Germany. Germany then took over Austria, Czechoslovakia, and then conquered Poland. Also, the Aryan Germans placed signs in their shops forbidding Jews. On November 9, 1938 a real tragedy happened, all synagogues were destroyed little or big, fancy or trashy all were burned. Before on November 7, 1938 a crazed 17 year old boy shot Ernst vomratn. Ernst was a secretary of the German Embassy in Paris.

Downing, David. The Nazi Camps. Milwaukee: World Almanac Library, 2006. Print.

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This is one of the synagogues that was destroyed on Kristallnacht

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Heinrich Himmler

Heinrich was born in Bavaila. He joined the Nazi party in the 1920’s. Heinrich was one of the ones who ordered the killing sprees od the Einsatgguppen in the Soviet Union. He was captured by the British in the final days in the war. A little time after that being captured, Heinrich committed suicide by swallowing a cyoncide capsule

Downing, David. The Nazi Camps. Milwankee: World Almanac Library, 2006. Print.

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Heinrich Himmler SS chief

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Nuremburg trialsThe Nuremburg Trials were trials that

tried Nazi war crimes. 22 major Nazi war criminals were brought to the trials The defense summations began on July 4, 1946. The trials slipped away but continued for another month while Nazis blamed each other. On August 31 the defendants made up their last decision. In the judges final say he read “Schacht, Papen and Fritzche were found not guilty”. The other 19 Nazi were found guilty of war crimes.Rice, Earle. The Nuremburg Trials. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1997. Print.

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The jury of the Nuremburg Trials
