Download doc - Digipak Analysis

Page 1: Digipak Analysis

This is an album released in 2006 by the band Tenacious D titled The Pick of Destiny.

This is set in clouds, but it is obvious that the two men in it who are also the band, are super imposed on the screen.

Their pose is very similar to what is seen in statues of angels or God’s, this could be shown as the bands attempts to raise their own status.

The idea of ‘Godly’ is also shown by the way they are up in the clouds, this is where

back in ancient times it was though the Greek Gods were, suggesting that the band

see’s themselves as worthy of Gods.The picture to the left is a famous statue showing one of the Greek Gods Andromeda, notice how the pose being struck is very similar supporting the idea that the band are attempting to give the God-like impression.

They both are nearly naked, this could be looked at a deeper level to suggest that the band are in their ‘Natural’ form as they were at birth showing that they

consider themselves to be ‘Naturals’ At producing music. The Font used on the title is very bold and stands out. He words “The Pick of

Destiny” is in flames, this could suggest that the item itself, the pick, is hard to get, this idea is followed through the film to which this CD is the soundtrack.

The bands name is again in bold to suggest that the music is bold, but also it appears to red text, but painted onto gold slabs, this could suggest the high

value the band consider them selves. The picture shows both band members reaching in to grab the green Pick Of

Destiny itself, a third hand is shown to be coming in to grab it as well from underneath, this could be seen as the hand of the devil as it is on fire, and

comes from below as ‘Hell’ Is thought to be underground.

Page 2: Digipak Analysis

The back cover follows the same trend as the front and it ‘Wraps’ around with the picture carrying on from the front to the back. This is a common trait in album covers by Rock and Indie bands. Another example of this is the album ‘Small town theory’

by the band ‘Linchpin’

This is a picture I took of the front and back cover of their digipak. The bands style of music is indie

Track Listing

Band and Album names in same design as on the front


Parental Advisory

Copy write information and record company details

Page 3: Digipak Analysis

This is the front album cover for the debut self titled album by the band ‘Scissor Sisters’ released in 2005.

On this CD cover there is a clear contrast between the Urban Setting and the rural one.

The picture is showing a lady in a white dress walking from what looks like a forest into a city.

The fact that she is dressed in white could convey the idea of innocence and purity as she comes straight from the natural environment and is oblivious to the ways of city life.

The picture also shows a double yellowed line coming from the city into the forest, this could symbolise the intrusion of humans on the environment and at a further level, the destruction of the rainforests.

The colours used are very vibrant and help to reinforce the idea of nature with the vibrant greens being used, Green is usually associated with nature and more recently, recycling and saving the environment.

The phrase could be used in this picture that “The grass is greener on the other side”

The city in the background shows high rise skyscrapers that can be seen through a long shot in the middle of a busy road, the framing centralises the female to show her role is important.

The buildings being high emphasise how daunting the city is going to seem to her as where she is walking from, the mise en scene is all around her height and not so much higher so it will be a shock for her.

The cover has a hole leading into the city, this is shaped like a keyhole with the bands name written above, this could mean the band and their music is the key to a better life, or to another place because the music is so good.

The back cover to the album is very different to the front as it is all grey, this could symbolise the concrete found in the urban setting.

It has the normal track listing centralised on the image but also has the bands logo above it, this logo can be seen on various other places around the album for instance at the top of the archway on the front cover.

The logo is seen in large covering the entire space on the CD cover itself, The logo is a representative of the bands name with it being shaped like a pair of scissors but with women’s legs, hence the sisters.

Page 4: Digipak Analysis

CD Cover itself with the bands logo on it

Track Listing

Copy Write information

Bands Name


Bands logo
