Page 1: Diet in Sheep's Clothing? · Tells you which foods are allowed, no matter what you're hungry for. Promises weight loss, regardless of your set-point. It Ignores Your Body It Uses

Diet in Sheep's Clothing?

It Tells You What, When, or How Much to Eat

Cuts out fat or carbs.Has rules like: "Don't eat after 6 pm." or "Eat every two hours."Limits your quantify of food.Cuts out whole food groups like grains or dairy.

It Emphasizes ControlCounts calories, points, fat grams, carb grams, etc. Emphasizes portion control, often by weighing or measuring food.Focuses on how to control yourself around "tempting" food.Focuses on controlling your hunger.

Dictates how much you should eat, regardless of your hunger. Tells you which foods are  allowed, no matter what you're hungry for.Promises weight loss, regardless of your set-point.

It Ignores Your Body

It Uses Moral Language

Words like clean, guilt-free, sinful, decadent, indulgent.Food categories like good/bad, allowed/not allowed, red light/green light.By extension, YOU are good or bad depending on what  you eat.

Teaches you to distrust body. Promotes all-or-nothing thinking.Your self-worth depends on how well you follow the plan.Leads to preoccupation with food and body dissatisfaction.Often leads to cycles of overeating or even bingeing.

Negative Effects:

They might not use the word diet(looking at you, clean eating). But eating philosophies that are diets in disguise have negative effects.

For more information & alternatives: Barbara Spanjers | Cake Is Magical Wellness

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