Page 1: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences
Page 2: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences






M W ,D .C.L .

manor w wi lm , n ew zmmxu .




(1? TI“: V E X E R A BL H

W . L . W IL L IMS ,B. A .

A l“, 0! D flA POX 0 7 W A IA P”.




l 8 7 1

Page 3: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences
Page 4: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences



N am—The failure of the attempt to get this book printedin N ew Z ealand involved the necessity of sending it home,

where it could not have the E ditor’s supervision as the sheets

passed through the press ; hence the deplorable number of

typographical errors which diefigure its pages. I t is

desirable that the following corrections should be made

with the pen before the book is used.

E rrors, the correct reading of which is

included in this list.

Page 5: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Page viii ., lin e 29, for maniena readmanianiaonote, line 6, for kese read kehe,” and dole in the Sandwich Island dialect.l .


col . 2, line 18, for kuiwai read K uiwai.3, 1 , 21 , for A u areka, read A hu areka .

3 , 32, for N e read He.

8, 1 , 14, for ninu read rimu .

8, 2, 9 frombottom, for ta read te .

12, 1 , 1 8 from bottom, for A in ake read A nin aka.

12, 1 , 2 frombottom, for A raki read A uraki.

1 2, 2, 1 0 , for kerewe read K arewa,14, 1 , 1 0 , for giread ki.1 5, 1 , 22, for kaupa read kaingas.1 5, 2, 8, for tiread te .

1 5, 2, 1 6 frombottom, for humariae read humarire.

1 5, 2, 6 frombottom,for on read or.

1 7, 1 , 1 1 , for v. t. read v. i.17, 2, 2, for to read to.

1 8, l , 1 3, for heriread heoi.

1 9, 2, 1 9 frombottom, for the read she.

20 , 2, 1 1 , for trawa read A mwa .

24, 1 , 9, for kooiread heoi.25, 2, 5 , for Kikarohia read Hikarohia .

25, 2, 9 frombottom, for strin e read shine.

25 , 2, 4 frombottom, for kampango read kampango.26, 2

, 8 frombottom, for karewa read K arewa .

27, 1 , 21 , for a read e .

27, 26, formauie readmarie'


27, 2, 1 5, for nai read 11a.

27, 2, 20 frombottom, for to read te .

28, 1 , 6, for re read te.

28, 2, 5 frombottom, for kokai read hokal .

29, 1 , 1 2,for kokehokea read hokeho

kea ,

31 , 1 , 24, for burut read burn t.31 , 2, 16 frombottom, for Hone r


edd Hone .

32, 2, 17frombottom, formaki readmahi,33 : 3 1 1 ,


n 1 6, f 0 r 81110 0 0 11 8 siliceous

33, I , last line, for W huia read whiuzi.

34, 2, lin e 6, for the read to.

35 , l , 3, dele comma after huri.35 , 2

, 28, for stunded read stunted

.36, -1 , a, , 23, dele te .

37, l , 4, for heukiamarange read heu ,kiamaranga .

38, 2, 21 frombottom, for ho read ko.

39, 1, 9

, for W Hina, read W Hiua .

41 , I, 9 frombottom, for K e read K o.

42, 1 , 1 8 frombottom, for price read prize.

43, 1 , 1 6 frombottom, for he read he.

49, 2, 5 ,for K atahan ga, read K au tahan ga.

49, 2, 6, for ponaka. read ponako .

52, 1 , 1 4 frombottom, for W hin e, read whiua .

52, 2, 1 9 frombottom, for L est read L et.

52, 2, 8 frombottom, for tangata. read tangatanga .

a, 54. n 1 , u 7 for K ititon a. read K iritona .

54, 2, 7 fi ombottom, for tens read taua.

55, 1 23 , for koaru read koaro.

55, 1 3 frombottom, for K oehoea read K oekoea .

55, 2 1 3 frombottom, for hoangaW—,read kohangaw~.

58. 2 16, for W hahak. read W hakek,

58, 2, 8 frombottom,for p lace read circumstance,

59, 1 , 1 , insert semicolon after slanting.

60, 2, 20 frombottom, for longata read leavigata .

61, 1 , 17frombottom, for K op ohu ri read K op uhuri.

63s n 1 , n 9 frombottom, read K oroin g oin go .

64, 2, 1 5, for light read bight,66, 2, 20 from bottom, for K ow aka, read K owheka .

67, 1 , 13, for termi read tenui

Page 6: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

71 , 1 , a nombowomJor -mu m a - nn l .

80 , 2, 23, matus wilh u short.

1. n

83, 1 , 1 8, for to read te.

2, l l fi omwuomformske rmd anske.2, 1 9,/cr ot rwd om

S now boflomforxanawa read flm we.zzfim botmmfor whina rcad whiua.

8Mmbottom,jor shee1 read she11.

Shombottemjor vahie rw d kamaka.n lt fm‘ N G eni read N G -eru.

13, for ponnh rcad poumfi ,/or tanga read tangent.

27.for uiaim d mt l.n


5 3





z 3





fi 8






emu! a.

2, 1 0 r pointm d jointS hambottomJorTo rcod Te.

1 : n ’m m ,fof 0m fl ¢dm21,]ormn md ruu.

1 0 0. 2. SLMtom d tn

1 1 1 . 1. 2 0 m bottom, inmthe bcfm raupo,

1 1 1 . 2. fl m wflmJormzter read water.

2, 20 , /W O N 4d 0 .

1 14, 2, 19, ]orm m dma.

l , lom w wm/or Komni resd 2. 21. 1br p-pnmm d papams130 .

120 . n 1 . line 13, for Poporoihewu read Poporokalwhm.

121 , 1 ,

2, lQ fiomboflm jor hit-ad d kt,

2. 12 1mm bottomfar na m d u .

1 . { fia n bottomjor l’arakau req ,

2. H aembouomJor Ke r-md xe .

1 , 21, /a poh kn rmd ponh .

2, ab ombottemJor tiuaiu m d tinnua.

1 34, 2, 24 , 1w ke rcod te.

1 34. 1 , { trombottom -kimad kh .

186, I, ltm wM /or R otao rea lm ,

140 , 1 , 18,/w runwh1no recd ruwahin e.

1 1 1. 1 , 1u t linoJor rire md z-ia .

1 1 1 . z lino l l fim bottomJor te rmd to.

142, L ln t line fi vr keoirn dm142 ,

1 , ” trombottomd brno rmd fi e.

1M, 2, 18,1 0 r h n m dyon .

1 45 . n 9, L IW TninnklmuiTutnaht.

147, 1 , l t for'l‘

akahau reed Takakan.

1 50 2, 18.1w A ua ta md A un e.

1 5 1, 1. 1 2,/cr 0 m d B.

151 , 2, fl fiomboM Iw hus rmd hoa.

1 54. 2, a. fw'

rnpnkitts rmd '


159. 1 , GMmmnom/or fleirwd fleoi.

160 1 , am m .m tm wm eo.


m: l , 12m m MT1M rd 1whakL


















































172. 1 , 18 frombottomJor atread is.1 73. 1 0 n

160 , fi ler ngu road nga.3




2, “Jor ke read he.

181 , 2. fl u rry- b ra d s .

1 32, 1 , 1 ]e d

n 183, n l. n

190 , 2, ilm wtm OHnnn rt-ad tene.

191 , 1 , 19, 1‘

ar bnkimd h kl .

191 , 2, G nombottomjur kuircad xa .

192, 1 , 9, 1‘

w W Hahilutia read W Harildtis .

Page 7: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences
Page 8: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Tm: principal feature in this edition of theMaori D ictionary, whichcalls for special notice , is the arrangement of the words. There

are certain changes in form which are applicable to a very large

proportion of the words in the language, and especially to adjectives

and verbs. These changes are effected by the reduplicatiou of one

or more syllables, by prefixing the causative and by the

addition of a termination which forms a derivative noun . It has

been thought better therefore,in this edition . not to place all words

so changed in alphabetical order, as so many independent words ;

but to group them all under the simple forms, and to give, in an

In troduction , an explanation of their usual effect in modifying the

meaning of a word. If,therefore , a word having one or two syl

lables repeated, or a word beginning with‘wbaka

, or a word With

the termination of a derivative noun , cannot be found in its place,

according to the alphabe tical order of the letters, it may be looked

for un der the simpler form of the word. Thus, pupae, p imp“ ,

wkakap ac, paenga and ce'hakapaenga may all be looked for under

pac , and m/mkama/mra lmra and w/zakama/laratanga may be looked

for under the simple form,ma/zara . If

,in any such case, the

particular development of the word is not to be found under the

simple form, the meaning may be ascertained by a reference to the

In troduction . A little experien ce Will soon show the advan tage of

having these various forms of each Word thus grouped together.fl

Page 9: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


The accents have been omitted,and the quan tity of the vo

wels, as being of much more importan ce, has been indicated by

the usual long and short marks. Rules for accen tuation are appended

to the Introduction .

The first, orMaori and English portion of the work has been

submitted to very careful revision,

and the addition s amoun t to

upwards of 1 20 0 genuine Maori words, without reckoning the re

duplicated forms, the causatives with or the derivative

n ouns. The large number of corrections and additions and the

alteration in the gen eral plan of the work have involved the n e

cessity of re -writing the whole.

It would be a great achievemen t, if it were possible, to obtain

a collection of all known Maori words, with well authen ticated

examples of genuine Maori usage. This book makes n o pretension

to any such completeness. The diffi culty of the task of collecting

words can be fully appreciated by these only who have made trial

of it. To make a collection at all approaching to completeness

would require the co - operation of a number of individuals, each

working in a differen t district, for there are many words, which,

though well known in on e district, may be absolutely unknown in

another. N or is it so easy to procure good illustrative examples

as it may be imagined to be . A large number of examples have

been taken from the “Mythology and Tradition s of the N ew Z ea

lan ders edited by Sir G . Grey, and published in L ondon in the

year 1 854 . The numbers appended to many of the examples now

given refer to the pages of that work from which they have been

taken . The other examples have for the most part either been

copied fromMaori letters or other writings or they have been taken

down on the spot from the lips ofMaori speakers.

The second part, con taining the English andMaori vocabulary

has undergon e very little alteration . The Colloquial sen ten ces re

main as they were before, and the con cise G rammar has been omitted

altogether, as it may be considered to have been superseded by

works which have been subsequen tly published .

TU RA N G A,D E CEMBE R , 1 869 .

Page 10: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences



It has indeed been proposed by some, that the N ew Z ealand

language should be discouraged as much as possible, and that the

Natives should at once be instructed in English. It must be al

lowed that, if such a plan were practicable, the advantages arising

from it would be great ; and civilization cannot advan ce so favour

ably without it. L et this difficulty be once overcome, and the im

mense fund of information to be gathered from books in our own

language is thrown open to this interesting people. But a know

ledge of facts tells us the acquisition of English by the N ew Z ea

landers will only be partial, even in these districts in which our

principal settlements are made , while the larger portion of the N a

tives will hold but little intercourse with our countrymcn , who will

have no inducemen t to settle in these districts which the Natives

generally prefer. That it will be difficult to persuade the Natives,

as a people, to adopt our language to the disuse of their own , maybe inferred from the fact, that the Irish and W elsh, even though

living in the heart of English towns, continue to use their favourite

tongue, and tha t, too , after our connection , as on e people, has con

tinned for many centuries. W hile, therefore , every encouragemen t

should be given to the Natives to learn E nglish, it will not be

the less necessary for those, whose position brings them into fro

quen t communication with this people , to learn their language ;

and, it is interesting to know that many are ready to make use

of every help which may be afforded them. A s these attempts are

persevered in , it is likely that a great accession of valuable ma

terials will ere long be made from various sources. If, in the

meantime, the present Compilation shall be the means of assisting

those who are disposed to prosecute the study,- though it be on ly

as a ground-work for something more extensively usefu l hereafter,

it will have served the purpose for which it was undertaken .

Tm ses, 1 844 .

Page 11: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences



In the first part of this D ictionary, the English words which

are printed in Italics are to be regarded as the meanings, or E ng


s/z equivalents of theMaorI words or sen ten ces to which they are

appended. Mere descrzptz'ons of words which may or may n ot have

English equivalen ts, are prin ted in R oman type .

Page 12: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


There does not appear to be any real necessity for encumber

ing the pages of a dictionary by treating as so many distinct words

what are , in fact, only different regular uses of the same word.

In an English dictionary, for example, no one would expect to find

the plural form of every noun treated as a distin ct word. But we

may go further even than the usual practice in E nglish dictionaries,and say that there is no necessity for setting down all the regu

larly formed participles, and the nouns ending in -ar, as distinct

words : for no one, who is acquainted with the habits of ordinary

E nglish verbs, would fail to see at a glan ce the meaning of such

words as“door


“doing"&c. , as soon as he had ascertained the

meaning of the verb tram which they are regularly derived . N or

again , when on e bears or uses the expression,“a stone house is

it necessary to consider the word “stone” as an adjective


from the noun“stone" , because it happens, in this particular ia

stan ce , to be used as an adjective, any more than we should say

that there is also an adverb,

“stone” , to explain such an expression

as, stone dead”

. But when the attempt is not made to presen t

each word under every variety of form,and in every possible po

sitiou in which it may be found in the language, it becomes the

more importan t that the various modifications of form to which

any word is liable should be pointed out, and that the effect which

such modifica tions usually have upon the meaning of the word should

be explained. This is the inten tion of the presen t introduction .

Page 13: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences



Adjectives and verbs are modified both in form and meaningby the reduplication of on e or both of the syllables of the root i“.

A n adjective, with the first syllable of the root doubled,be

comes plural : thus, He rakau pai, a good tree . He rakau papai,

good trees. It is to be observed however that the simple form

is used both as singular and plural ; the reduplicated form,as plural


The effect of doublin g both syllables of the root is to dimi

nish the intensity of the meaning of the adjective, thus; Mate,sic/t . Matemate

,sic/fly . W era

,hot. W erawera, rather hot ; warm.

In the case of verbs, the effect of the two kinds of redupli

cation is somewhat difi’

erent. The reduplication of the first syl

lable of the root denotes either,1 . a prolongation or con tinuan ce

of the action with in creased in tensity, or,2 . a mutual action ; while

the doubling of both syllables of the root gives the verb a fre

quentative force, den oting tha t the action is frequen tly repeated,the in tensity being diminished. Thus kimo denotes the ordinary

involun tary winking of the eyes ; kikimo den otes that the eyes are

closed and kept fast closed ; kimokimo again , den otes a frequent


—K ei te whaia tonutia te Hauhau e to Kawanatanga : kaore

an o i tae n oa mai he korero o te pipiritanga. The Huahuas are

still pursued by the colonial forces : no tidings have yet reached us

of their having joined battle .—Hopuhopu kau ana ; ka mate nga

atua o Puarata ; He caught Puarata’

s atua one after onother, and

thus they were destroyed .

In words of three syllables, the doubling of both syllables of

the root causes a euphonious lengthening of the first syllable . Mania,

slippery, becomes maniana ; and ti’nei,ex tinguish, becomes tinein ei.

ii. W HA K A .

Nouns,adjectives and verbs may all have a prefix , whaka,

(sometimes con tracted to wha), the effect of which is to make a

Most simpleMaori words seem to be formed from a di - syllab ic root ; some

consisting of the root on ly, and others of the root and a prefixed syllable . Of

the prefixed syllables, md gen erally constitutes the word an adjective . L ong vo

wels and diphthongs are equivalent in th is respect to twb syllables, a consonant

having certainly in some cases, if not in all, been dropped : thus “kc”





is,in the Tonga dialect, “kese

,an d “tai


,is,in the Sandw ich Islan d dia


Page 14: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


causal verb . W Hakatangata signifies make into a man, or treat as a

man ; whakapai, make good, or pronounce good ; whakanoho, cause

to sit ; whakamohio, cause to know . Nouns and some adjectives,having whaka thus prefix ed, are otten used intransitively, when

they have a reflex signification ,it being assumed that, where no

object is expressed, the agen t is himself the object of his own

action . Thus whakatika, straighten , is commonly used, without an

object expressed, to signify straighten oneself, or stand up , whaka

tamariki, act the par t of a chi ;ld whakatane, p lay the man “

iii. PA SSIVE TE RMIN A TION S.The usual passive te rminatinos of verbs are - a

,- ia , - hia ,

-mia , ~ngia , ~ ria, - tia , - whia, na , ina , whine . Thus

Poro becomes poroa ;whatiia ;

Awhi awhitia ;

W Hawhao whaowhia, and whaowhina ;

Tiki tikina ;

Aroha arohaina.

It is questionable whether any rule can be laid down for ap

plying one termination rather than another to any given verb .

U sage varies in difi’

ercnt parts of the coun try so much that it ap

pears to be more matter of custom,some regard being paid to


Intransitive, as well as transitive, verbs have a passive voice,

requiring the addition of a proposition, in English , to make the

sense complete . Thus, haere, go ; haerea, he travelled over ; noho,sit ; h ohola, he sat upon .

Some adverbs, and all adjectives when used adverbially, take

one or o ther of the above terminations whenever the verbs withwhich they are connected are passive Example. Tokowha 0 one

hoa i kainga katoatia e is ; There were flaw of his companions whowere devoured en tirely by him.

Th is reflex use is met with in o ther words besides those compounded withwhaka. Neko, v . t. move , if no object is expressed , is always understoo d to

Page 15: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Nouns will also be met with(

occasionally, carrying the termination of a passive verb . This form expresses a change as having

taken place in to that which the n oun signifies. Thus, Korona sig

nifies old man ; Kua korouatia koe, you have grown into an old

man .

Sometimes a phrase may be treated like a verb when it is im

possible to con sider it as a perman ent compound Word. For in

stan ce , the expression , ma te matapihi, through the window, mightbe welded together in to on e word, and a passive termination added


thus, Ma- te -matapihi- tia mai, L et it be passed through the window .

iv. N ouns or ClR CUMSTA N CE .

These are derived from adjectives, participles or verbs by the

simple addition of on e of the following termination s, - nga,- anga,

- hanga,-manga, - ranga,

- tanga, - inga ; the choice of the termin ationfor any given word being, as in the case of the passives, some

what arbitrary, and dependen t upon usage which is n ot always uni

form. Thus

mahi makes mahjnga,n oho n ohoanga,

titiro tirohanga,ngaro ngaromanga,whakaatu whakaaturanga,

pupuri puritanga,

a ainga .

In some few cases the final vowel is altered,for arahi makes ara

hanga, and nunumi makes numanga. These n ouns denote the cir

cumstance, time or place of the action or condition

,and those which

are derived from verbs may be either active or passive, accordingto the con text . Thus

, patu signifies strike, and patunga, the cir

cumstance, time or p lace of striking or of being struck. Tana pa

tunga i a an,the circumstance of his striking me . Tona patunga

e an,the circumstance of his being struck by me .

v. N UMBRA L PRE FIX E S .These are 1 . e

, prefixed to all but tahi; 2 . ko, prefixed to

tahi on ly ; 3 . toko,used in speaking of persons, when the number

is n ot higher than nine ; 4 . hoko, which expresses multiples of ten,

but sometimes also is merely equivalen t to toko ; and 5 . taki, which

is distributive, as takiwhitu, by sevens. A ll of these ex cept ko are

used with the interrogative numeral hia,and in speaking of per

Page 16: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


sons taki is used along with toko, as tnkitokowha, byfour persons

Taki is also used sometimes with adjectives or participles to

den ote that the word applies to each and all of the things spoken

of. Ra takimanu anake nga wake, (Ice canoes are one an d all

vi. “ TA N G A .

Passive verbs sometimes have a suffix, - tanga, which, if the

verb is qualified by an adverb, is attached to the adverb in place

of the passive termination. The force of this suffix it is not veryeasy to determine. Sometimes, at all events, it seems to have the

same effect as‘ana

would have in the same position . Hike tonu

ia ki nga ngnrehu, apuatanga. He immediately mate/zed up the barn

iag coa l: and crammed Mm in to his moulA .- A pitirin tonutanga

atn he to pa, kn hero, T/cc pa was 11am atta cked in addition , andfell.

m. N G E .

The syllable nge is sometimes prefixed to personal or posses

sive pronouns, as ngee u ; age-one : and sometimes it appears as a

stifl e: to the adverbs pea and Ron, thus, peenge, koange ; but in

n one of these cases does it apparently affoot the meaning of the

word to which it is attached.

viii. D IFFE RE NT moons or Spannmo.

A Maori, in writing a long vowel, will frequen tly double it

to shew that it in long, especially when it may be important to

keep it distinct from an other word which is similarly spelt, but


erently pron oun ced, and thus we may have the same word speltin two different ways. Kainga, dwelfingylacc , is thus often written

kaainga, to distinguish it from keinga, act of eating . The words

tangata , wahin e, mama, tupuna, and a few others, may, in the sameway, have the vowel in the antepenultimate syllable doubled, toshow that that syllable is to be pronounced long, to denote the

plural number.

ix. D isemsan W orms.

W ell- kn own words may sometimes be met with in such a

disguise that it is diffi cult, at first sight, to recognize them at all.

The disguise may he efieoted l . by the tranapoeition of single letters,or syllables ; or 2 . by the substitution, for one letter, of another

Page 17: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


which has, or may be assumed to have some affinity with it ;'


3 . by the substitution,in a compound word, for on e of its elemen ts,

of an other word having the same signification . Changes of the firstclass may perhaps be set down merely as peculiarities of dialect,though some of themhave possibly had an arbitrary origin . Those

of the third class,and probably those of the second

,have originated

in a desire to avoid the possibility of on e’s getting in to trouble

through the accidental resemblance of the n ame of some great chiefto a word in common use. The mere fact of his name

,or a word

similar to it,being used in a mann er which he considered dis

respectful to himself, used to be considered quite sufficien t justification for a chief in picking a quarrel with his n eighbours, when

the quarrel was determin ed on,and n othing but a. plausible pretex t

was wanting. The following may serve as an illustration of this.

Some years ago, the child of a chief of the N G atiporou tribe re

ceived the n ame of Te W airama. In consequen ce of this the wordbonu came into common use for water, and the usual word, waz



was avoided for fear of giving offen ce.

Cases of transposition are n ot uncommon , and sometimes both

forms of a transposed word may be found in use together in the

same district . Thus ngaro, fly, is tran sposed in to range ; and nga

whariki in to whan ariki* .

In terchangeable letters are 1 . a and e , 2 . a and o ; 3 . z and

u ; 4 . m,n and 71g , 5 . It and ilg ; 6 . It and p .

The word,

engari, IS probab ly only a. transposed from of erangi. Some

good authorities consider the two words to b e distinct, both in etymology and

signifi cation , but after much close observ ation of the use of the two words byNatives

,both in writing and speaking, I have b een driven to the conclusion that

they are identical , at least in meaning .

E xamples.

1 . tein a, taina.

2 . taimaha, toimaha .

3 . taimaha,taumaha.

tupuna, tipuna.

4 . momi,ngongi.

memenge, memen e.

5 . karengo, kareko .

kainga, kaika .

6 . karengo, parengo .

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Karanga, call.


l . In ceptive ; past or future.

Ka karanga ia, He called, or began to call ; He will call, or

begin to call.

K a kore ia e karanga, He began , or will begin not to call .

2 . Imperfect ; past, presen t or future .

E karanga ana ia ; He was, is or will be calling .

Kahore ia e karanga ana ; He was not, is not, or will not be

3 . Perfect ; past, presen t or future .

Kua karanga ia, He bad, bas, or will bavc called .

K ahore ia kia karanga ; He bad not, bas not, or will not bave


4 . Indefinite, past.

I karanga ia ; He called .

Kihai ia i karanga ; He did not call .

5 . Indefinite ; future .

E karanga ia, or Tera ia e karanga ; He will call.

E kore ia e karanga, or Tera ia e kore e karanga ; He will

not call.

6 . N arrative form.

Karanga ana ia ; He called.


Karanga ! Call

Kaua e karanga ! D o not call !

iii. OPTA TIVE .

1 . W ith Kia,tbat.

Kia karanga ia ; Tbal be sboald call.

Kia kaua ia e karanga ; Tba l be sboald not call.

2 . W ith K ei; lest.

K ei karanga ia ; L est be sboald call.

K ei kore ia e karanga ; L est bc sbould not call.

Page 20: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


iv. 8 0 3m m .

1 . Imperfect.

Me e karanga ana ia ; {f be were calling .

Me kahore ia e karanga ana ; If be were not

2 . Perfect.Me i karanga ia ; If be bad called .

Me i kahorc is i karanga ; If be bad not

3 . Future (contingen t) .

Ki te karanga ia ; lf be slu m/d call .

R 1 te kore in e karanga, lf be slu m/d no t call .

v. IN r iN iTW B .

Karanga preceded by an article or definitive pronoun ,thus ;

He karanga ; te karanga ; tana karanga &e.

Page 21: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


A rticle .

Noun .

A djective .

Pronoun .

Verb .

A dverb .

Conjunction .

Preposition .

Interjection .

W aikato dialect.Barawa dialect.Tauranga dialect.

E ast Cape dialect.

N gatitoa dialect.Ngapuhi dialect.

Page 22: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

A .

A , u . collar- bone. Usually j oined !with kaki, thus ; To a o toku

mai a te A rawa, a waho i te

moana 2 . until. Takoto

nei, a no noa te re 3 .

and ; and (lien ; connecting suc

cessive actions or even ts. Hoeanamai, a he u kiMokau4 . wellMen , in rejoinders. A ,

tena, keiwhen an tuaahu?(122)

; A , prep. 1 of ; belonging to ; used

in speaking of actions of anykind, food, children , slaves 850 .

but not in speaking of the partsof a whole , names

, qualities,houses, lands, water for drinking , clo thes &c. N G a tame a

Rangitihi. - N G a kupu pot oporoaki a B en To umu a

Iuiwai 2 . at, of future(b) when fellow mg any Of the A when ano ra ka po


prepositions. hei. 1m; a; i Ka (1 67) 3 . afler we manner o/Zkorero atu a Kupe kl 8 Turi He meg mohio a ngakau (3 .

(HO) Kua limata mai ano ii ngata R ooi, ka noho a

mua atu , i a W Hakatanihu, i a ; Pamw ran ma W hitu nci iTawhaki, i a Tuhuruhuru reira

(c) in explanatory clauses.

,A ” A , n. altar.

KW tupu tana ”mal t” a RatalA e, ad. 1 . in answer to an amr

A , v . t. drive , arge ; compel. Kn !

aia te wake e te in. Re t u- i

maki tonu te pan e ki te hoe,i,

te ainga hoki a te webiA , plural of the defi nitive particlela . See ta.

A , a prefi x to proper names and

personal pronouns, and occasio

nally to common nouns.

1 . to names of persons, pro -

iper names of canoes&c. , and per

sonal pron ouns (except all ay) .

(a) when standing as subjectin a sen tence . Kei te ngaki

kumara a Te Kehu

2 . to names of places and

local nouns, when standing as

subject in a sen ten ce . Kc tau

nahatia e N aki a Motiti3 . occasionally to common


mutive question , yes. Ka meaatn te matua kia ia, “A e, e pai

2 . in answer to a

negative question , no.

“Kahorei homai he kaiman ?" “A c.

n ouns in explanatory claumj ae , v. i. consent. A e ana mai ona

Rokohanga atn e takoto ana te

kai nei, a te kukupa.

A , conj . 1 . as far as . Ka rere

W hanaunga kia patua to rewhakaae, v. i. my yes ; consent.Ka W hakaae to raua whaea (4

Page 23: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

2 A eaea - A hu a .

A eaea.

W hakaaeaea , 1 . v . i. pant forbreath. K a kake i te pikitanga,ka whakaaeaea. 2 . v . t. utter

dzlvconneetedly, as thoughin wan tofbreath. K aua ewhakaaeaeatia

to korero, engari honoa tonutia.

A eha, int. den oting contempt.Aha, (fl - a) pron . 1 what? of thingsonly. He aha te korero ? (9 0 )2 of what sort &c. 3 whatever .Te ai he aha heiwhakaohooho

mai There is nothingwhatever to disturb.

aha , v . i. or t . do what , do what

to . E aha ana koe i kona ?

W hat are you doing there ? Iahatia e ratou tan a tamaiti?

W hat did they do to his child ?

ahatanga ,n . doing what. He

abatange ? or K 0 tena te aha

tanga ? W hat of that .


A hakba, conj . 1 . although. A ha

koa kei te whenua tawhiti e

n oho ana,ka taea ano i reira.

2 . nevertheless. 3 . repeated, whether f or . K o te taua haereatu i raro nei, keiMuriwhenuaka mate ; ebekoe taua


tirahaere noa, e kore e oraSometimeswritten as two wordswith he, thus, he aha koa


this is often only an in tensifiedform of he aha . He aha koa u

ana te waiho ai hei hoe arohamo tatou ? (1 2 )

A b aku , pl. of lahaka , a lengthened form of ta/ca . See taku .

A hau , pron . I. often shortenedto an . Te waiikite aian

A fter the prepositions a, a,ma




,ta , to , it is chang

ed to hu, thus ; aha, mahu &c.

A hau does not take the prefixa , but an does.

A héa, (a héa) adv . in terrogative,of future time. when . A hea koe

haere ai? see Hea.

Akei, (a) v. i. 1 . be able . E kore

an e ahei te ki atu . 2 . be p os

sible ; be within one’s power .

K aore e eb ei i a ia te haere .

A heiha , ad. truly . a form ofassen t .

A héré, n . snare for birds.

A hi, 11 . fi re . Teneito ahiahiahi, n . evening . Kia ahiahika.

hokimahikiroto kitona where

A hiki, V. i. make haste . A bikimai.A ho , (a 6) n . 1 . string ; line . K a

mere 3. raua aho 2 . woof;cross threads of a mat.

A ho , (a 6) n . radian t light, as

opposed to diffused light . Com

pare mataaho , tiaho &c

A horoa , (a 6) n . moon .

I . A hu , (a a) n . heap .

ahu , v .

i. tend foster. N a Tuparimaewaewa n ana i ahu mai



kiiahe tangata ahuwhenua,cultivate the soil.

ahu ahu , a . large .

tupu o to hoiho .

ahu ahu , v . i. 1 . heap up . 2 . earthup ; cover with a heap of earth,as potatoes &c. 3 .

.foster ; tend.

A huahungia mai e Rongotaka

W in , ka tupu ko W Hakatau

W hakaahu , i. v . t . heap up ,lay

in a heap . W Hakaahua koe ki

te ahi rarauhe W Hakaahutia he aruhe ~ ki runga ahi.

ii. ,v .

n . 1 . swell up . Ka wha

kaahu taku puku . 2 . he dis~

p leased. W Hakaahu ana an i

te pukapuka a Houere z ko takuwhakaahu ten ei, te haere ia


W Harekahika katimai ai. shew

contemp t. K atahite tangatawhakaahu ki aku kai.

II. A hu , (a ti) v. n . move in a

certain direction . E ahu maian ate waka.

I . A hu a , (a a) or ahu atanga , n .

1 . form,appearance . A e


koe n a an o te ahua 2 .

likeness. K a whakaahuatia hoki

K a ahuahu te

Page 24: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

ahuahua —A i.ahau hi to te manu ahuatauga

3 . character. He tangataahua pai.

hna sun to kan ohi o te tamaitinei ki tona papa.

ahuatia, v . pass . be mutated ; becomp leted . K ahore ano kia ahw

tia te haora mo te kai.

whakaahua, l . v . t. form; fa ‘

shion . 2 . v . i. acquire farm.

E whakaahua ana te tumalti.

If. A lli-18 , v i be pregnan t. Eahua ana te wahin e .

III. A hua (a a) v . i. hasten . Eahua mai koutou.

A hua (a a) ad. truly ; a form ofat.

A . arékfl a. 1 . p leasan t . agreeable ; en tertain ing . 2 pleased .

E kore ahau e ahuarcka hi tena


A hfikihnka , v . i. resemble ,cm


cide nearly . Kihaii ahuknhukamai tau korero i runga i taku.

.A huréwi , (6 - 0 ) n . sacred place

for the performan ce of mysticceremonies ; the same as taaaha .


A hfi rfi , (a) a. warm; comfortable

HHe where ahuru.

wliakaahuru , v. t. warm, nestle ,

chertlclc. E whakaahuru ana te

mean i ana piL L i, (a) ad. not generally to be

translated by any equivalent

E nt word, ,but used in the

following cases.L ain relative clauses, W here

the-t relative in E nglish is go

ven ed .by a verb or preposition . Kei kona nga tangata iJu te aiau fll fi) . Thore au : the1mm whom I saw

. Ka kites he ]tikangn

' mana e mate ai teneii

taniwha (l 1 0 ) [la discovered a ]

play by which this lanz’

wha mightbe killed . Occasionally with pas~

sive verbs when the relative isthe subject of the verb. Ka

kitea te wahi ikimihiammm e

ratou Toe placewasfouadwait/1 was sought for by Mom.

2, In clauses expressing the

reason for which anything is

done,or the oofect in _

View in

doing it. He aha hoe i W ha

kaorangia ai‘?(46) W ay were

you saved alwe ? Koia i tapaaai toku ingoa e to iwi nei ko

Tatau (46) l at is wily this

people gave me tlte name of Tataa .

I tapaa ai tona matenga koMaiknkntea, no tomen ko nga maihuku kan i kitea - Tlm

place of this slaugater was calledMa l'kakatea because there wasaotéiag found but tile fi ngernails . He nuka na Kupe kia

riro mai aia KuramarotinimanaIt was an artifice of

”ape s m order toot he might

obtam hmammarotmt for himselfMo wai to wai, i haere iho ai

hoe i te po? (96) For whom

is your water o ut you comedown to [etc/i it by m


3 . In clausesmarking the timeor place of an action or event.N onawhea koutou nei i n maiai? (1 22 ) [Vireo was it that

you an tra l ? Kei te wai hemano ha patu ai, katahika mate

(6 It is at the pool wlwrc fiedra m at: later that you shouldstrike l u


;m titan be will die .

4 . W ith a verb or adjectivedenoting an action or sta te con

sequent upon some previousaction . Toia ake ki uta taliotoai i to po (76) It was drawnup or: xlzore at aigm,

to In;tlwre

5 . Denoting present conditi

onor habitual action. N oho W

ai nga tangata 0 tom motu ;kaorc e mahi kai The men


ofI t

Page 25: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

4 A i—A ki.

that island live at case ; they do

not cultivate food.

6 . W ith referen ce to something previously men tion ed, as

aforesaid, as already stated . Ia in ai i roto i te where 0 on e.

tuakana W hen he was,

as already stated, in the houseof his elder brothers . Po ihoai

,ka W hiti mai a Hin emoa kiMokoia W hen the n ightcame , as aforesaid , Hinemoacrossed over to Mokoia .

7. In the phrase, K 0 wai i

has. ai? or K 0 wai i tohu ai?

W ho would have thought?II. A i, (5) v. substan tive . Te ai

he aha hei W hakaohooho maiThere was nothing to

disturb them. E ai ki tan a,or

E ai tana ; It is according to

his [saying]i. e . He says. Mee aiana he tokimaku ; If therewere an ar e for me ; for If Ihad an axe.

III. A i, (a) v. t. I . lie with a fe

male. 2 . procreate ; beget. Te

aitanga a Tiki The de

scendan ts' of Tibi, a tribe .

IV . A 1, (5) int. exp ressing sur

prise . Ai ! tankiri e !

A ian éi, ad. now ; to- day ; presen tly .

W aihoki ko ten ei, e aku tua

kan a,ka taea hoki e au ten ei


ka taea hoki e eu tera atu aia

n ei

A in ga , n . derived from verb a .

See a .

A io , (a) a . 1 . calm. Kia aio te

moana ka hoe . 2 . at peace. HeW henua aio .

A itii, (a) n . sickness.

A itufi , (a) a. 1 . of ill omen ; un

lucky . He aitua, ina mahue toW here . 2 . 2tnfortunate ; in trouble.

N a koutou hoki taton i aitua ai.

A ka , n . 1 . long and thin

roots of trees or plan ts. 2 . metrosideros scandens, a climbing

plan t. 3 . stem of any climbingp lant hence occurring in the

n ames ofmany climbers as aka

kiore, parson

sia rosea ; aka-ko

ngohe aka-kfikfi ; aka-kura ; aka

pohue ; aka- tawhiwhi aka- tea ;

aka- totem, &c.

akaaka, n . fi brous root.akaaka, a . having fibrous roots.

A kau , (a- au) n . seashore ; coast.N oho ana i te akau o te moan a

A ke , (a- é) n . dodonea viscosa ; a

tree called also ahe- rautangi.

ake -

piro ; olearia furj‘


shrub .

A ke , (ii- é) ad. 1 . onwards, in time .

mea ake,or mea kau ake ; in a

very little while ; immediately.

N o reira tana mohiotanga, meaake ia W hakamatea hei utu motaua tamaiti Taro ake ;

in a little while. A ke,ake

,ake ;

for ever. 2 . forming a compare tive, W ith n ouns of position .

N o mua ake ; just before ; kirunga ake ; higher up . 3 . downbelow ; in a low situation ;reference to a person or thingin a higher one . E koutou e

haka ake n ei, W hakarongo ake

kou tou katoa 4 . frombelow ,

upwards. Te puna e hu

ake ra i raro i te W henua5 . implying direction to some

placeconn ected W iththe speaker,but n ot W here he is at the timeof speaking. Haere ake koe ki

toku where . 6 . in tensifying person al or possessive pron ouns,set/Z E wawatu puku ana te

tehj, me tetehi, ki a raua. ake

own . Tona ake kakahu .

A kén gbkéngb, ad. to-morrow.

A ki, (51- 1) 1 . v . t. dash. Hohorokau ana te tangata ki te akii

te patu ki nga kauae o te ikara 2 . v . i. dash. K o te

tai anake e aki

Page 27: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

6 A na- A nge .

c it is used in animated n ar A nini'

, (a) a. giddy ; aching (ofration of a '

rapid succession ofactions. A o ana

‘mai,haere an a :

n oho ana ia,

‘ tunu manu ana

mana 3 . Placed after a

noun to denote the point towhich arijthing reaches. K 0 Te

K ahureremoa atu an o i wahon ei

, . a, roto atu ana.

A n a, (5- 5) 1 . ad. there . A n a,kei

Motutapu2 . conj . when

,in future time

only. A na tae koe ki te kainga.

3 . int. calling immediate at

ten tion . A na !me te poko ! (1 3)A n a, (ti-a) 1 . pron . 3rd. person

singular with preposition a , ofhim, of her.

2 . plural of definitive pron .

tona .

3 . for ena , plural of tena .

4 . contracted from ae- na, yes.

A n a koia ; yes certain ly .

A n ahé, (as ) ad. only.

A N ZHERX, n . angel.A niké, ad. 1 . on ly ; none but ;

nothing but. K o te tai anake

e aki ana 2 . without ex

cep tion . He pai anake enei ra

kau .

A n fimitfi, ad. Hereafter .A riana, int. expressing admiration .

A n aoa, ad. certainly ; a form ofassen t.

A n ean e , (a) a. sharp . A ucans

tonu te mate. o te rakau .

A n éhii, a. misty . He rangi an ehu .

A n ei, (a) for enei, pl. of tenei.A n ei, (5) ad. here ; like tenei.

A néné, (a) v . i. breathe gently . Iata anen e te haere mai o te

hau ra ;—anenen ene

,a ka rahi

A néwa, a. weak; listless. Kahorehe iwi i te n gaunga a te ra ;

anewa n oa ai.

and deliberately .

“W Hakaan ewa

n ewa marire” , e ki ana’

a Patete.

the head only) . E anini ana

taku upoko .

A niwaniw a, n . rainbow.

aniwaniw a , a . blue/f, like cloudsin stormy weather, or like deepwater. E whakaaniwaniwa maira te rangi.

A n o , (ti- 6) ad. 1 . up to the timespoken of; still ; yet. E tupumai n eiano K ahore an o ;not ye t. again .

-Maranga atu,

tohe mai an o K orerotia

ano kia rongo ai ahau . 3 . also ;too . K a tahuna te whare ki teahi

,me nga tangata ano i roto4 . quite ; just ; exactly.

A c ; me koe n a an o te ahua

Katabi an o ; now for the firsttime . W ith personal pron oun s,self : with demon stratives, same .

N au an o ikawemaii a koe ? (6 0 )Ka whakatika mai o Taupo tira,ko te ara e haere mai ai


taua huarabi an o 5 . in

deed . E tika an a ano .

- In af

firmations. Kahore he waka

mou ? He waka ano . 6 . den ot

ing admiration,

and sometimesused in terjectionally. A n o


he pukepukewhenua(1 5 K oiaan o ! 7. as ; as though ; as it

were . A n o ko K opu ka putaake i te pae nga karu o te maipia te tangata ra 8 . andwhen

for a n o .

A nfi , (a) n . cold. K a hauhau koe

i te anu o waho

anu anu , a. of ensivo. E pa, n ekeatu ; anuanu tahi tou .

A niihe, (a) n . a large caterpillar,the same as hotete.

A n ga , a- a) n . derivative from a,

see a , v . t .A nga, (51 - 5) v . i.

1 . [ooh or movein a eertizin direction . Katabian o ka anga mai te tangata n ei

ki a an . 2 . begin to do any

Page 28: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


A piti.‘


thing Katabi ks angs ki'

tetui i


s ratou ika.

M n . 1 . aspect.

kai. 2 . cockle shell .

angangs, n . aspect.

m,a sunny aspect

an gaangs, 11 . head. Ks taha te ;patu i tona sugasuga Te papa ;

o te an gaanga, the skull.

whakaanga, v . t. cause to turn :

in a certain direction .

whakaaw v . i. debate with

oneself. Te wahi i whakaan

gaangs rs tatou hei reira 0 ts

tou hoiho .

11 1, v 1 direct/t to

wards ; be right opposite. Kin

angsn ui mai to korero ; speak

directly to me.

A n gan gamate, 11 . backof t/u hand.

Piri ana ima 0 to angangamateo te kapu o te ringa

He snga ora ltenei, e kore e roa ks tupu to

He angsngmao , v. i.

wehea to so 2 . world.

N a Papstuanuku i whakatupuake ans purapura, hei ans uriiteneiso . tu ros

3 . cloud.

become light. A o kau

arm to atai

I to songs ake,or simply, so she on the

following day.

~ [I. A O, v . t. take up by handfuls.

t is nga psru ki to hate . A o

taro . Kei te so taro a Horims.

1 11 . A 0 .

E ao koa hoki ianei to mea irite hi to iks, ta te mea no to

wsi sn o te nei

t anga, n . 1 . a striped varietyof N . Z . flax . 2 . derivative

from so . Sec II. 8 0 .

A ouga, 11 . See under I. so .

A oréré , n . a kind of garment.A ngin té, n . a bivalve mollusk; A pa , (s- a) n . 1 . company o/worhthe same as hohota

A n gen gL n . a fish.

A ngi, (a) u. 1 . light air . 2. fra

whakasngi, v. t. 1 . approa chstealthily . W Hakaangia tonutinmai i muri, us has mau .

men . He spa matoii no Hongi.Used also of persons under theinfluence of a familiar spirit.N o te spa a Paraharaha a Hare .

2 . fold of a garmen t. spa-ma


of twofolds orthicknesses double.

2 . A t E , conj . if the case were that.

fly , as a kite ko tans mahi A pin oa , ad. until. A pan ca, a kia

he whakaaugi massA sst. (i)


whakaaro ans his iti to kai,

his sngiangi ai te poho o tetangata

thin .

E haere koutou 11 1 11 111, hei

man kiTai-ki- tu, lts pahia, he

angin a

A ngitfi a, (a) a. unsuccessful .

A ngba , (a) a. lean , wasted away .

Ks angoa nga kiko , ko te sags

sn ake tenei e tn n ei.

1 . A O , 11 . 1 .day time , as opposed

to night.0

Ks wehen te po, ks

A piti, (a) v . t .

motu ano toku‘

kaki i rungs i

toku pihi.

He papa A phkfiri, n . dirge ; lament.2 . unencumbered . E A phrfin gi, n .

Tuku tonu ma te sparangi, kia

ora to n oho,to matakitakimai

(l 4a) .A phthri, v. t. carry ; bring. N an

hoki i spatarimsi te taonga hitenei wahi.

A PEaInX, n . the mon th of A pril.A p iapi, (a t) a. close together ;

crowded. A piapi tonu te nohoo te tsugsta .

1 . put together ;p lace sit/e be side. A pitis nga

kete kia kotshi te ksuika. 2 .

Page 29: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

apiti -A rau .

supp lement anything deficien t .He apiti nga riwaimo te poaka.

apiti, n . 1 . small bone of the arm;radius. 2 . cleft ; narrow pass.

3 . curse .

ap iti, a,confined.

He W hare apiti; a. steep- roofed

house .

A po , (5 - 0 ) v . t. I . gather together .A pohia nga otaota n ei. 2 . grasp ;

apoapo , v . i. roll together ; e n tangle . He mea apoapo e to

mu nin u,takai atu, takaimai

A po , n . dregs of shorts oil.

A p fi pfi , (a) n . to -morrow.Mo apopotaua riri ai

A réné, (a) n . apple.

A p fi , (a) n . squall. Katshi ka

ton on ko te A pu hau, ko te

A pu matangi

A pi'

l , (a) 1 . v . i. force oue’s way

into the ground ; burrow. K o

te waka, e apu ana,e keri ana.

2 . v . t. cram into the mouth;gorge ; glut. I apua te kai i

hohoro ai to pan .

apu , 11 . company of labourers. Emahi mai ra te apu .

ap u apu , u . 1 . crammed ; stuffed.

K a apuapu te waha i te kai.

2 . palatable . A puapu marirete reka o te wai n ei.

A p fi ré, (a) n . bare patch.

A pi'

l rii, (a) v . t. 1 . crowd one up onanother. Kia takitahi

,kaua e

apurua mai. 2 . shut up ; sup

press. K ei kiia,


i apurutia ki

roto ki tona waha ana korero .

A piita. (a) a. at intervals ; foundonly here and there. E hara i te

he aputa te he n ei,engari, he


A ra, (5 - 5) 11 . 1 . way ; path. I mahea mai koia to koutou n a ara

ihaere mai ai? (1 49)2 . meansofconveyance . K atabi

ia ka hae re ki te tiki ara mona

i tona hungawai, homai ana ko

A otea heiwaka monaA ra , (ti- 5) v . i. rise ; rise up ; wake

up . Kua ara to tamaiti.W hakaara , v . t. rouse . fi kin a a

Tutan ekai, whakaarahia mai

W hakaara , n . hostile party ; marauding band.

A ra. (a- a) ad. namely , in otherwords . E ki ana ahau ki te

rangatira o teneikainga, ara, ki3. M a .

A ra , (5 4) int. expressing surprise .

K a heua ake,ara ! he tangata

A ra , (a) i. e . a ra , and then . A ra

ko taua mokaiA ra, (a a) for era

, plural of tera ,See tera.

A raara , n . a fish.

A raarai. See arai.

A rab i, (as ) v . t . lead ; conduct.He aha te utu mo te arahanga

i a koutou .

A rai, (a- ai) v . t. 1 . screen . 2 . keepof ; ward ofi


. 3 . blockup . A raia.

te kuwaha kei puta te kuri kiwaho .

araarai, frequentative, screen on

every side .

arai, 11 .screen ; veil ; curtain ;


A ranga, (5 - 5 - 5) v . i. 1 . rise to thesurface ; appear. Ka aranga tetaniwha. 2 . become famous. K a

aranga ikona te rakau aMan aia

W hakaaran ga , v . i. appear in a

vision , or in second sight. K a

hara ta tangata, ka W hakaarangamai te atua .

A ran gi, (as ) a. unsettled. K ei

arangi ,

tonu te tinana, arangi.

hoki nga W hakaaro .

A rataki, (a s) v . is. lead ; conduct.

K a aratakina e taua miromiro

A rau , (a v . t. gather ; lay hold

Page 30: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

arau—A roakfipi.

of ; entangle . N a te peka o te iwhakaariki, n . invading army,tu tu 1 area i makere ai taku wai- ariki, hot spring.

potae . A rikiwi, n . a garmen t coveredarau , a. en tangled . Ka hutia ake with feathers of the kiwi or

e Irawara tana aho,akuan eika apteryar.

arau ki taMaui A rita, (a a. 1 . burning with deA rawhita, (are) n . ladder ; bridge . sire ; eager. I titiro atu an


A re, (are) in t. what! A re ! 11 a tohe arita tonu an a ki te haere .

koe hi 8 an? 2 . irascible ; easily ofl



A re, (are) . Katahi arm to tailgate aritarita

aware, a. overhanging ; promi ko koe .

nent. A reare ana tera te ihu o A ro, (ti- 6) v . i. 1 . face ; turn to

te taugata nei! wa rds. W Hai tonu atu imuri2 . emanated ; cavernous. KB ! o te aronga kan tanga atu o



areare te parenga o temi. 1 kuri ra 2 . have a certainarearen ga, n . concavity ; hollow. direction . I aro mai iwaho ta

Katabi 3 11 0 ha kites te tini ta-


te waha o te tangata e karanga

ngata e hnna neikiroto i te are nei. 3 . be inclined ; be disposed .

arenga o nga poho o Rangi raua Ko waii tohn ai,e taemai tona

kc Papa are ki te patu i a an ? 4 . attend

A réré, (a) n . 1 . tongue . Ka nao - l to ; favour. Korero noa atu, e

mia atu te tangata ra, ka tape

» kore ia e aro maiki a an .

hia te arero, ka motu 2 .

1 aro ,n . inclination . Keia Te Ka

upper point of a taiaha, carved ran ge. in te aro 1 man ai.

in imitation of a human tongue . aro aro , 11. face ; fi ont. Tahuri

A ri, (5 - 1) 11. 1 1 111 day of the mai tou aroaro .

moon ’s age .

whakaaro,v . t. think on ; con

W hakaal‘i, VJ. hold up to view,whakaaro , 11 . thought ; intention ;

Tena whakaaria mai, kia kite au .

OPU HOH K8 tupu te whakaaro

A rias (hr!) v . i. be seen t’


nctly ;1 8 rawhirimate a hia tahun ma1

appear . 1 aria ake iaku kanohi m kl w whawhm kn ona mako Hemi e hae re ana, g

ian t!

t e mm mflh 1

aria. n . 1 . likeness ; resemblance .

W ana, V co n

2 a r tedassistance of. E haere mai ana

into to r cscnce ng y p co neeki te whakaaromahana 1 a ta tou.

with anything which one maY 'whakaaro - rangi. v t. think 0 ”

have “3“ t and t hdaily ; en tertain efi ectionjor . Kua

therefore might serve as a mediwhakaaroranginoa ake te ngakau

11111 to convey the effect ofa charm‘ ki a Te Pongato the person for whom it wasA roa, (are) v . i. be comprehended ;

in tended


be laid hold of by the understandin hria, v . 1 . res

emble .

Haarian a ing . Te aroa ake i a an ; I do

to ne! tangata kl a W lt l tl . not understand it,A riki, (a) n . 1 . fi rstborn male or firéaréa, a 1 . lonely . Te aroaroa

female in a family of n o te , hence , i a an i to here tangata . 2 .

chief ; p riest. sorrowful ; longing for absen t2 . leader . Ki to man te ariki friends.

ka man katoa te rere kakara. A roakhpi, (are) n . row ; rank;

Page 31: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 0 A rba'

rbtéa—A te.

fron t ranh.

‘ E kore'

ia e paikia

rere kau '

hi mua o te aroakapa

o te hakaA rbariitéa , n . white - breasted

shag : a bird.

A roarowhaki'

, v. 1.flttp the wings.

E aroarowhaki ana te parera .

2 . move the hand to andfro withthe arms extended ; a sign ofgrief &c.

A rbha, n . 1 . love for an absen trelative or friend. A

,ka ngaro

atu ia ka'

n oho a Tawhaki, ka

ngau kin o te aroha ia is ki tan awahine raua ko tan a kotiro (42 . pity ; compassion . Ka oho

ake te aroha o N G atoro ki tewalla 0 be tangata, 0 te wahin e,o te tamariki, e aue ana e tangiana

aroha, v . i, feel love or pity. Pass.

arohaina,be the object of love & 0 .

A rahi, (a) v . t . 1 . reconnoitre ;ecramine . K ei te arobi i te pakia kitea te wahi ngawari hei

whakaekenga atu . 2 . tools for .

I hea koe e arobikai ana mau ?

arohirohi, v . i. turn round and

round .

A ronui, v . i. be right opposite .

aronui, n . a fin ely woven matW ith a deep orn amen tal border.

A ropiri, v . i. cling ; be attached .

K aiwhea te tau i aropiri ra?

A rotahi, v . i. [ooh in one direction .

E arotahi ana te whakaaro o te

A ru , (ti- fl) v . t. follow ; pursue.

A rumin te tahae . Sometimesusedin tran sitively . E aru ana an i

muri i o raua waewae ko Paraten e .

aru aru , v . t. 1 . chase ..2 . woo .

K ei te aruam wahin e mana. 3 .

in terrup t. Kia ata aruaru i te

korero .

A ri'

lhé, (a) n . ediblefern - rootbein gthe root of p teris aquilina , var.

of p teris aquilina.

A ta , (ata) in t. expressive of disgust, bah ' A ta! te piro !

A ta, (ata) u .

"l . reflected


2 . shadow. E haraa‘

u iteranga


he ata”


no te tangata. 3 . earlymorning.) A tapo ; before dawn . A ta hapara,or ata pongipongi; the time ofdawn . A ta 1311 ; just after sun

rise . A ta marama ; moon light.ataa ta , n . a large kirid

of .peri

W hakaata, n . mirror.

A ta , (ata) a. true ; on ly used as a:

form of assen t. He ata, he ata.

A ta, (ata) ad . 1 . gently . Kia ata

haere . 2 . deliberately . 3 . quite.

Kihaii ata maoa te kai.A taahiia , a. good ; pleasan t ;

beautiful. K a titiro atu te ruruhi

ra ki te ataahuamai o te wahineraka

A taa , (atae) a. how great. A tae

te hoio teneitaurekareka ! (1 6 8)A tamai, (at) a. liberal.A tamai, (as ) v . i. behave contemp tu

ous ly . E hara te mahi a te ta

ngata ra ki te atamaiki a au .

A tamira, (as) n . 1 . stage ; p lat

form. K a pikiraua hi to rauaatamira 2 . a 1OW stageon which a dead person is laidout

,one end being elevated for

the head.

W hakaatamira, v. t . lay out on

an atamira. K a hemo te tupa

paku ka W hakaatamiratia.

A taran gi, (at) n . shadow. Kua

roa ke te atarangi o te t angata.

A tarau, n . moon . Ka titi te ata

rau,marama tonu.

A tariia , a. dimsighted.

A tawhai, v . i. shew hindness ; be

liberal. E atawhai ana 3. Te

Porna ki a au .

A te , (5 - 6) 11 . 1 . liver . 2 . the seatof the affections ; heart. Tau o

Page 32: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

stance—A n a.

te ate ; an expression of endearment, used with referen ce to a

child. Kai when to tan 0 taku A tu apo , n . m'

ggard ; chart.

the pitate ? Te waha o te ate ;

of the stomach.

ateate or ateaten ga, n calf ofthe leg . X c Tumatauenga, 1 tu

tonu ite ateatenga o tonawhase ,o Papatuanuku

A tba, (a a. 1 . clear ; free fromobstruction . E ates

whare , kahore he tangata o roto .

2 . out of the way. Turnkea atu

nga otaota kia ates.

A tété, (a) v . t. 1 . oppose ; resist.Ki te atete i nga hoia hei n ohomo runga i on whenua. 2 . treatroughly. Kaua e utantua nga

ki, e atete tia. 3 . afl’

ront ; in

s ult. Ehara tenei i to state i a

koe .

A ti, n . a word used only in the l

Te lnames of tribes or clans.

ati- awa ; Te ati Hapai &c. ofspring ; de scendants.

aitanga under III. at. N G ati,

probably a contrac tion from nga

ati, as in N gatimaru &c.

A ti, (ti- l).atiati, v. t. drive away .

A fi ti, (a) v . i. wander.A tiutiu, (a) v. i. wonder ; stray.

A to, (5- 6) v. t. thatch. A tohia te

whare mo te manuhiri.A m, (Mi) ad. 1 . in a direction

away from the speaker ; away.

E ta, kawea atu tetehiwaimoku2 . used with adjectives

to form a comparative . Rabi

atu tana i taku.

whakaatu , v . t. poin t out shew.

Ma wai e whakaatu mai to am?

Ame , (54 1 11) 11 . 1 . god , applied

also to any object of superstitiousregard. 2 . The woun d ! 1 5 days

old .

A tua, (fi - l’

ia) ad . fi rst. He aha

koe te atua ai ki te whaereere,

ana to


1 1

muri iho ka patu i nga pu



kore e homai e koe akuanei,

heoi ano he kimaku hi a hoe ,“Amapo !A tuapo 1

hiswhakamaai koe .

A thhakbni, n . a fish.

A tfiréré, n . a fish, highly prized.

He mokopuna na Mahaki, na

to tangata iwhai nei ki te atu

rere .

A tfi tahi, n . the star Canopus, alsocalled au tahi.

A thté, (a) v . t . hustle ; jostle.

A u , (an) n . I . smoke. Ka puia

aku kanohi i te au . 2. gall.3 . cloud ; mist ; fog . 4 . current.

E kore e pnta te waka i te au.

6 ,rapid . Te an 0 kura - te- nu

6 . whirlpool. Ka ka

whakina e to an kume,e te an

mm, o to an hirers, hiroto kite po 7. To au o te

means (2 1) midocean . 8 . string ;cord . Tnia hi runga ki to an

kotahi. 9 . large ma t pin , ge

nerally made of bone or ivory.

auau , n . basket of seed potatoes.

Kia ma auan , ka kapi te mara.

au au , a. frequently repeated . Hekorero auau . A s adverb fre

quently .

auau , v . t. lift. Maku anahe e

auan te hanga taimaha, na ?

whakaauau, v. t. smoke ; roastslightly . Hemeawhakaauau noa

te poaha, kaore imaoka.

A u , pron . contracted from ahau, I.

A n , a. l . firm. Kia an te n oho .

2 . sound (of sleep ). Xc te po

whakaau te moeA n ,

v . i. bar/r. Ka kau te kurira, me to an haere

A ll , a. certainly, a formof assent.A 11 , (21) 1 . pron . 2nd person sing.

combined with the prep. 0 . ofthee . 2 . plural of Ian . See tau .

1. A na, n . a small fish ; herring.

Page 33: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

12 A n a whakaawaru a.

II . A u a or auaake , ad. I knownot.

‘K eihea to koutou teina‘A ua

,kaore matou i kite’

See also au are .

III. A u a, ad. imperative . not.

A na koe e haere.

IV . A u a , ad. for advanced ; foron ; in poin t of distance. Generally with mai or atu . Kua aua

mai koe ; you have come a longway . K ei aua n oa atu nga ta

ngata ; the men are a great distance of

A nahi, n . smoheA uakfi, ad. do not; don


A llard, ad. after a n egative question

,certain ly there is&c.

“K aorehe tangata o te tai hauaurn e

putamaiana te ingoe kikoneiP”

“A uara,e puta mai ana ano ko

MarutuahuA u au . See under au .

A u e, int. alas.

au e , v . i. groan ; make lamen tatz


on ; cry . E aue mai nei te

tamaiti i te mateku .

A uhfi, v . i. leap out of the water .K a auha te ika.

A uhfihi, V . t. seeh alter . Ka au

haha n oa ia ki tetebi kai man e.

on the marrow.

A ukfiha, v . t . lash the ranawa ,or bulwark, to the body of a

can oe . N a ka oti tona waka te

ankaha,ka toia ki te wai

aukaha , n. lashings which fastenthe rauawa to the body of the

can oe.

A ukiiti, v . t. stop one’

s way ; p re

ven t one from passing .

A iki, (a) a. old. See uki.

A umoe , a. at ease . K a kanaenae

nga kan'



kahore i te aumoe .

A up 5r5 , V. t. cut short ; stop . K 0

tahi te tangata n an a n ei matou

hi auporo, ko Iharaira anake .

A7riki, 1 . v . i. turn aside . Tatouka auraki atu ki te kainga n ei.

2 . v. t . do a thing in a hurry.

A ua ra e aurakina.

A mara, v . i. l . clutch ; grasp .

A urara ke ou ringaringa ki kon a ki te aha? 2 . encroach.

A urei, n . the 3rd day of themoon’s


A uréré, v . i. 1 . moan ; groan . Eaur re mai re. a Tairi. 2 . soil.

Ki arewa, aurerenga bipi.

A firifiri, (a) a. free fromtapu. K a

auriuri pea koe .

A uru, v . t. 1 . break of ; p luc up .

A urutia mai nga tarutaru . 2 .

throw away .

A urukowhao , n . 1 . leakage fromthe lashing holes of the rana


of a canoe , hence 2 . any trifl

A u tfi, v . t. encroach upon ; attach.

K a mate a Hongi, a au ta ka

au ta,ko Te W Hareumu .

A u tihi, n . the star Canop us.

A u tiia, (an) a. extraordinary ;strange.

A n taki, a. round- about; circuitous. He kupu an taki. —He are.

an takiA u tiné, n . a woman ’

s brother- ia


A u taua , n . on e W ho announ cesthe approach of a fighting party.

A n te, n . 1 . Broussonetia papyri

[era or paper mulberry. 2 . band

for the hair .A uwahin é, n . sister- ia - law of a

man .

A w a, (awn) n . 1 . river . Kei ta

wahi kc o te awa e tawharauana mai a te A rawa 2 .


aw aaw a , n . valley .

A w akfiri or iw fikér‘

i, n . ditch.

A w amfité, n . ditch outside the

palisading of a pa ; moat.

A w ariia , n . ditch.

W hakaaw aru a, n . ditchinside the

palisading of a pa.

Page 35: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


W hakahokia ki uta 2 .

calling atten tion . E ! ko Te K a

hureremoa 3 . in poetryat

the end ~ of a lin e or stanza,W ithout any particular meaning.

Ka tau te tini o te Hakituri itaua tau e .

E a, vii. 1 . appear above wate r.Kia Emu te tai ka ea ai nga

toka gl runga. 2 . be brought toland. Ka ea te kupenga ki ta

haki. 3 . be p roduced, as a crop .

4 . be paid. K a ea te utu . 5 .


paid for . K aore an o i ea

toku kakahu . 6 . be avenged. K a


te mate o Tuhuruhuru7. be p erformed, as a religiousceremony. Ka ea te parenga

W hakaea , v. t. pay for .

W hakaeaea , v . t . lift or draw out

of the water. Tukutuku a iRa

ngiaowhia ; whakaeaea i teMamaku

E 5 , int. expressing surprise .

kua mate tau mokai

E ahu n, see ahu a.

E ai, see II. ai.

a ia, see III . ao .

E haké, ad. not. E heke ten ei tangata . comp . ehara .

E hara , (e) ad. 1 . not, stating n on

iden tity, and followed by i.

E hara i te tikanga tangataE hara ten eikakahu i a an


garmen t is not mine .

—E hara ite mea ; it is not the case that.

Sometimes with an ellipsis of‘i

te mea’


moni. —E hara i te hanga, p er

haps for‘ehara i te hanga noa


It is no common thing, i. 6 .

it issomething eactraordznaryf

E hara is sometimes used alonein this sen se .

haere o tera toa (60 ) manimatednarrative,withoutt1


oubt;sure enough. Tahi:ano ’

W haka

E a !

as,E hara maku nga W hakaeke , . V

E hara an


0 te W hakaeke n visitor ,

E a—Emi. “

rerenga iho o tana meremere,ehara

,kua mate

E hea , plural of tehea, which.

E hi, int. well ! E hil kua rite omaua hiahia

E hia, or more correctlt ia. See‘


E hinu , pron . definitive plural.

some . K eihea ehinu o nga toki?E hu , (é- fi ) a . turbid. He wai ehu,he wai para -horo .

ehu , V. i. 1 . bale water out of a

canoe . Ka ehua te wai o tonawaka 2 . eafhumc, disinter (comp . hahu) . N o te ehunga‘

i a Te E ke .

E i, int. in poetry at the end of aline or stan za.

E RA,n . acre .

E ke , (é- é) v . i. generally p lace

oneself or be placed upon an otherobject, and so 1 . embark. N ga

waka i eke mai ai o matou tu

puna ki ten eimotu 2 . get

aground ; come to land. Ka eke

ki uta,ka kitsa nuitia e nga

tangata 3 . mount a horse&c. reach the summit of a mountain &c. Haere ana ratou


eke i runga i te puke ,

4 .

be [aid or cast upon , as blame,censure &c. Ka ekengia ahau

e te kupu ; I am the subject ofblame ; - I amfound fault saith.5 . come to be, exercised otter, as

con trol,authority He who.

kaero nana,kei eke mai he ti

kanga ma te matua ki runga kinga taonga iwehea maimona.


load . K a . pau

kaeke ki te '

ngohi (1579) 2 .

uest K 0

Page 36: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

C ay, emit emiemi—4 1 3 6 .

assembled ; be gathered together. l objection hindrance. KahoreKua emiemi nga tangata ki to he epa mo tens.

whare. 2 . be ashamed. whakaepa , v . t. 1 . object to ; hineaniemi, n . a tree . der. Kahore tatou i te tika e

W hakaemi, v . t. gather together. aheiaiia tatou te whakaepaepa.Katabika whaknemia kia kite 1 2 . coneiliate ; influence ; win patunga o W Hakaturia Biro ana taku poaka hei wha

E na, (a) plural of tens. See (CHM: kaepaepa mo tittohunga—MeE 1 1 9 , (é - é) v . t 1 .fla tte r. He ene


ata whakaepa ; let him be madete korero a te tangata nei, ma much of.wai e whakarongo atu ? 2 . eh E ra, (e) plural of tera. See tore .

deavour to obtain by fla ttery , fE rangi, the same as engari. See

coaxing &c. Kei te eneone kai , enguri.

man e. 3 . eneene riri, provohe jE rawé. See under rawe.

a quarrel. lE ro , (é - b ) .E nei, (ii-j plural of tenei. See whakaero , v. i. dwindle ; [all of ;ten ei. diminish. “l

flakaero ana te

E ngbéngi, v. i. over/low. taugata, W hakaero ana hold to

E ngfiri, 1 . it is better . A kuanei moni.pea ka mate he an : engari pea r

E tahi, plural of tetahi. See to

me haere noa atu an 11 1 to kimil tahi.

fi fim kc atu hei orange moku E tc (a s) .

2 . conj . but ; but rather . whakaete, v. t. force one’

s wayKei hOpu ton rings ki to aka &c. bypn

-ssing througha crowd.

taepa, engarikia man ki te aka Kawhakae teahe nohoangamonamatua E ti, (é- l) v. i. shrink; recoil. Ka

I . E pa , (é-a) v . t. pelt ; throw cti taku kiri ikonei.anything at. Boa noa atu mtou etieti. n . disgast1ng .

e epaepa ana i a ia, kihai hokilE tia, a. how great . E tia tonu te n1 pa humariae ! ( 16 4)

II. E p ia, (6- 6) 11 . 1 . boards plac E tbkbhinii, for ehinu, some.

ed on edge under the end rafters E we , (ti- b) .of a ”mori house . 2. posts at whakaewa ,

11 . strings of a mat.the and of a moon house between l e, (e 6) placenta or afterthe paupon and poutaahnhn . 3 . l bi .t 2. land of one s birth.


I. B E . 11. 1 . breath. 2 . taste ; fla ‘


m int. what ! varying in signi

vour. Kahore he ha 0 tona kai. fication acording to the tone inhe , v . i. taste . Kn ha toku walla. which it is uttered.

W hfikaha , v. i. emit breath ; Hu m n . harp .

breathe. E ac h“ i. v . t. slit ; la

II. HE . v. i. hesitate 1 11 speaking ; cerate ; tear. I haea toku e

be at a loss [or words . Ha noa wm?1 1 . v. i. 1 . become detach

te walla o tc tangata ra e ! cd (longitudinally) . N o te taengahfihfi, v. t. warn afl


by shouting. ki Tapuac , ka hahae nga ka»

Ka hahariamai e te katoa waingu o te ata. 2 . loathe ; hate .

Page 37: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

16 hashes—Hake.

He whakatauki na Tuwhenua

kura,‘A hakoa kai tahi

,tera a

roto te hahae ke ra’

. 3 . be en

vions. He aha koe ka hae nei

ki te utu 0 tom tangata ?

haehae , V. t. 1 . cut repeatedly. He

tangi haehae ; a wailing accom

ponied with cutting of the shin ,

as a sign of grief. 2 . cut up .

Tahuri basb asa te ika n ei

has, n . 1 . fear or dislihe inspiredby any object . Te hia ora o ngatangata n oho i roto

,i to has

mai 0 be ngarara n ei. 2 . envy .

W hakahaehae , V. t . scare ; frighten

Haeata, 11 . 1 . dawn . K a rare to

basata. 2 . beamof light, en tering any dark place . Kei puta

mai hoki te basata o te awatea

ki roto i te wharehaeatatanga, 11 . op ening throughwhich a beamof light comes. Ka

titiro atu i te haeatatanga o tewhatitoka

Haehae . See under hae .

Haemata, V . t . cut up in an un

cooked state . Ka'patua nga kuri

e rua,kotahii taona

,kotahi i


Haere , V . i. 1 . come ; go ; depart.Kia kite an i te haerenga 0 Te

N gahue . Haere mai; come towards the speaker. Haere atu ;

go away fromthe speaker. Haeremai is a common expression ofwelcome. 2 . become . Ka haerekamomohangatia temanu ; birdsare becoming scarec. pass. hae

rea, be travelled over .W hakahaere , V. t. 1 . cause to go ;

carry about. K eite whakahaere

a Puru i tana potiki. 2 . explore ;search for ; go about to examine .

A popo matou haere aikite whakahaere kiekie . 3 . conduct anybusin ess ; execute . Ki te koreroite atawhakahaere W Ha

kahaere tikanga ; direct; superin tend ; govern .

haereere , V. i. stroll ; wander .Haere ,

n . a spirit supposed toreside in fragmen tary rainbowson detached clouds.

Haeroa, a . K a keria te rua hae

roa,to rna c te ngana (86) . The

rua hacroa was a hole dug in theground in conn ection with incan tations against on e

sen emies ;called also run tap é .

Haha, V. t . 1 . sec/t ; loch for. Ehaha ana au ki taku toki. 2 .

procure . I haria mai taua here6 raua hei haha kai ma raua

R ahal, see under II. ha.

Hahae , see under hae .

Hfihinfi, see under han a.

Hahari, 11 . a shell fish.

Hahau , see under hau .

Hfmi’,n . church.


l, v . t . 1 . dzsznter the bonesof the deadbefore removing themto their final resting place . Mawai e hahu te tupapaku

? 2 .

search for. E hahu noa ana ia

i tetobi kaima tona puku . 3 .


HXIKA,n . anchor .

HZKX, n . jug ; jar .

Hall i, 11 . A merican groundsel.Hall i, V. i. 1 . dance . K a mea atu

taua hunga,“Bhaka l

”2 .

sing a song to be accompaniedwith a dan ce . K atabika bakaoe ratou

,koia teneita ratou haka.

haka ,n . 1 . dance . 2 . song, ac

companying a dan ce.

Hall i,hakahaka , a. short in stature ;low. He maunga hakahaka.

HZ KXRXMfiTA,n . sacramen t.

Hakari, n . 1 . gift ; p resent. 2 .

en tertainment ; feast. 3 . roe ofa fish.

Hake, a. humped ; croohed. He

Page 38: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Hakéré—Hanén é. 17

hake te tuara o te tamaiti. —E , waha (1 vacant ; er emp t.tammwhakarerea te rakau na

,Keihea o te ao ihome

he bake . ma i teHfikéré, a. stingy . hamama, V . 1. shout. I reira ka

hakere , V . t . grudge ; stin t. hamama te waha o te kuia raka

hakerekere , a. gloomy ; down ki te ki atu ki 11 iaeast. Hakerekere aua te hina


Hfimérfirfi, a. shut in ; confined.

ngaro .

l I ahua kin o te tuuga o to whareHikihiki, n . 1 . itch; shin disease neiiTukope, he hamaruru.

2 . worn out. mat. lhamaruru , 11 . crutch of 11 ha or

Hakiki, Vstf-be overbearing . Ka ’ digging implemen t.

hakiki 11 0 9. to tangata nei. Hfimémé, V . i. mutter . E hamemeHhk


iriri, a. idling ; trifling ; 13, 1 mm te tut oro .

ing . Te waha hakirara ! Hamit‘

i, for bamuti. Sec b amu ti.K iki


ri, i. v . t. hear indish'

nc‘tly . iHfimbkb, 11 . spaces between the

Kahore ihukiritia e an to reo o i bundles of ranpo in the walls ofto tangata. ii. V. i. 1 be heard ; a maori building.

indistinctly or vaguely . I hakiri Hhmii, V. t. ga ther things thatauo ia au taua korero . 2 . mahe are thinly scattered ; glean . Ka

itself felt slightly . Katahi auo -I ougeonge nga kaika hamu ui 1

ka rouge ki te hakiri ika kig nga puka.

tam: aho Himiimii, V . i. 1 . speak. KihaiHhkb, n . spoon . hoki i hamumu atu te wahine

M oakoa, 11. a bird. ra 2 . mutter, malrc an

Hhkbkb, a ben t so as to form indistinct sou nd. Te mea e be

a hollow ; concave . Kn hakoko mumumumu neime to waha tate riuga o te tangata ra i tona agate .

mate . Hfimfix‘é, V. i. be beforehand withm blfi , 11 . old man . others in eating .

Hikfi , V. i. comp lain ; murmur . Te Hhmiiti, 11 . human excremen e tatou to lmku ki tona ma B éni or hhhhnh, V. i. shin e ;

tcngn . glow ; give forth hea t. Ka hu

Pass . hakua, be found fault with. hana to kapura nei.

E kui ma nei, kauuka an e whakahaua, V . t. hold up wou

hakua. poms &c. in defiance . Ka wha

Hfiku ai, u . a bird, the same as' kahuna i nga patu ,

i nga pu,hoh’ioi. me te pukunu.

Hfikul , 11 . old woman . ahanahana , 1 1 . garment smearedHikfikii, V . t. scrape. Hakukua ; with red ochre .

tc korari nei. t é, V. i. be confounded ; be si

Hfikfin é, V. i. be deliberate ; be ten t ed &c. a modem word.

ca reful. Hakuuemaria ai, kaore ‘Hfinéhfiné, n . rotten/less. Ma toe hohoro . huhu

,ma te popo , ma to bane

Hfimfi, V . i. be consumed . Kua han chamst to kai i to poaka. Hausa , 11 . a small black mussel.

HZuK, l . 11 . hammer . 2 . V . t. haneanea, a. unpalatable .

strike with a hammer . Hfin én é,a. blowing gently . I ata

115 1 115 111 5, 11. 1 . open . K 0 ta ta hanenc to haere maio to ban ru.

1ii kuahamamahaeremaito Compare anen e.

Page 39: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 8 Hini—Hap ai.

I . R ani, n . a wooden weapon ;the same as maipi and taiaha .

II. B ani.

hanihan i, V . t . sp eak ill of ; dis

p arage . K ati ra te hanihani

i tou hoa.


ikiirfi, n . a shell- fish.

K AN U B E B,11 . January .

Hfin fimi, V . i. be merged or swallowed up ; be mixed .

W hakahan umi, V . 15. mix ,cause

to be swallowed up .

Han gfi, V . make ; build . Hegi

an o nga tohun ga n ana


i hanganga waka K ei te han gs. i

te taiepa on eonehan ga , 11 . work; fabric ; thing ;

p roperty . E hara i te hanga, it

is no ordinary thing,so also

Kihai i han ga ake tana wahin e

han gahanga, a. 1 . frivolous ,of

no accoun t. Hua n oa he hanga

han ga n oa nga korero a tera,

kaore,he tika tou ia. 2 . spread

ing over the ground. K a hanga

hanga te tupu o te kapan a.

W hakahan gahan ga, V . t . handle

gen tly . He mea W hakahaxfga

hanga n oa ; n ana n oa i mate .

Han gfii, a. l . opp osite ; con/routing . Kia hangaimai


tou kan ohi.2 . across ; a t right angles. Ha

ngai pu nga waewae .-He toki

hangai, an adz e .

Hingan éa , 11 . small basket forcooked food.

Hin giriiu , V. t. jest with ; befool.He aha tau i bangarau i a au ?

(1 8)Hin gfiréka, V . i. or t . jest; de

ceive . He hangareka kau te

mahi a ten ei tangata .

Han géhan gé, a. quite dry. Maroke hangehange te waka i ru

nga i te kowhatu.

hain gehan ge , n . geniostoma li

Han gers, a . half-full. He hangere ten ei kete .

Han gi, n . native ooen .

Hin gb.

han gohan go , 11 . an implemen t fordigging and for setting potatoes &c.

han gohan go , V . t . dig . or plan twith a. hangohango . K ei te ha

ngohango riwai nga tangata oten ei kainga.

Han géré, a . weah.

Han géré , a . slac/c ; loose . Hangoro n oa taku pikau .

Han goru n goru , a. hanging m

Han gfi , a . quiet , not talkative .

He wahine hangu .

Hin giirii, a . cha ttering . K auae

hanguru , jaw chattering W ithcold.

Hao , V. t. I . draw round so as toencompass fish &c. He hokinga

mai n o nga waka o tona iwi ite hao kapenga ika 2 .

catch in a net ; enclose . Me haoki te kupenga. 3 . grasp gree

hao , n . 1 . a basket in W hich cocklesare collected. 2 . a moderatesized eel.

B AON A,n . horn .

I . Hfipfi, V . i. 1 . be passed overin the apportionmen t ofanything.

Tokorua nga tangata i hapa i tekai inaian ei. 2 . gone by . K a

hapa koe kiRuatahuna ka putamai nga pukapuka mou .

II . Hiipa, a . crooked .

HXPZ,n . supper.

Hfip ai, i. V . t . 1 . lift up ; raise .

Hapainga tera pito o te rakau .

2 . carry. E koro,hapainga nga

toki n ei 3 . begin a song,charm &c. K a hapai ake i tan ahikiake mo tan a ika kiamaiangiake Pass. hap ain ga , start.

Huaki kau te ata,ka hapainga

mai; kai rawa mai i te mania

Page 40: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

hapainga—Harau . 1 9

1 1 . V. i. rise . Ka hapai Hapiikii, n . a fish resembling thenga kawainga o te ata. cod.

hapainga, small bushe l for food. I. K ara, V. i. 1 . violate tupu, in


, V. t. catch lice . Hapaki tentionally or otherwise. Heana te taokete i nga kutu o

.hara tawhito imate ai. Hence

Maui 2 . sin .

Hfipiri, i. V . t. slit ; cut. N a Re II. K ira, n . excess above a roundhua ihapara te where

—I hapa number. Kotahiran ; e iwa nga

raia tonutia tona waewae . hare .

ii. V. i. dawn . Ka hapara te whakahara or whakaharahara,ata. a . large .

hap ara, n . spade . [11 . BM.

Hfipiringi, V . i. shout ; bowl. Kn harahara, V. i. be diminished. Kn

haparangi te waho o te tams barahara nga kaii roto i to run.

whakaharahara, V. t. cause to b e

Hfipirfi , V. t. mahe common ; dese~ diminished ; lessen . Kin W halin

cra te . Ka haparua aku men e haraharangia te wai o to poti.koe . Hirikéké , n . phormium tenaa '


1139 1 1 1,11 . sabbath. the N ew Z ealand flax plant .

11 5136, a. 1 . crooked. I mohiotia M I, 3 . p reposterous ; extraki te hape o te waewue ordinary . a modern word.

2 . beside the poin t. Kahore i Hirfikfikfi , V. t. scrape . Harahapc o korero ; kei te tika o kukntia nga harakeke.

k orero . Birimai, V. i. (contraction ofhaereHapi, n . no tice oven or cooking mui) come towards the speaker.

pit ; ha'

ng t . often used as an expression ofHfip


irb , n . violation of tupu by welcome . Pass

ea ting at a sacred place . He f come for . To korero i barn

aha k oe imate ai? He hapiro maitia nei e is ; .I report on

Hfipbki, n . pit for storing pota accoun t of which"

‘came .

M agi, a. 1 . unsettled. 2 . fan/Hfipbkb, n . pit for storing pota ish ; silly . Ka harangi noa iho

toes. Kia mpekc te kai ki te ona mahara.

113 ! ”k Hiringfité , V. t . nibble. E hara~

Hipbn . 11 . section of a tribe ; fin ; ngotc a na mika.

”“lll MMkL 11 . steep slope , as theHapbré , V. t. cut ofli a oroa

side of a rakau ki konci.

Hfipfl , a. 1 . pregnan t. Ka kitcaM ké. n . for harahe/re ; phor

to haputanga o Rangiuru"mm tenam.

2 . conceived in the womb. A kua fHfirfitau , 8 convenient ;neiwhakapaen iii no liotunni i Te mea 11 0 3 3 11 0 kfl haratau "13 °

tahae ; na e hapu aua aMom rire ki te whakaaro a te wahine

tuahu (1 67)hfipfl, n . section of a large tribe ; Harem,

V. t. 1 . feel for with the

secondary tribe . hand ; grape for. E harau ana

Emma, a. hollow like a valley ; te ngoingoi i to kai mane. 2 .

depressed. Hoake tatou ki te reach. Tenei tetahi hi i harauake ki aku taringa.

2 “

Page 41: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

20 Hfiréhfiré—n fi au .

Hfiréhiré, n . cutaneous erup tion ;iteb .

hfiréhfiré , a. of ensivo . K atahi

nga korero harehare nau : W ha

karerea atu.

I. K iri, V. i. 1 . dance . 2 . singa song to dance to . 3 . feel orsbew gladness.

hari, n . 1 . dance . 2 . song . 3 .joy .

harihari,n . song to make peop le

pull toget/zet .

II . Him,V. t . carry. K 9. haere

atu te koroheke ra ka hari inga toki

Hfiria,n . wild cabbage .

Hfirirfiu,11 . wing .

Hfiré,V. t. 1 . scrape clean . He

kai hare muka.- He kaupapa

hero ; a clean sweep . 2 . cbopsmootb wit/1 an adz e . K ei te ha

roa a roto o te waka. 3 . of verylow water at spring tide. Haroana te tai n ei.

hfiron ga, n . mat, made of the

scrapings of flax .

Hfirbré,n . edible fungus growing

on trees,or on the ground ;


Hfirfiri, n . edible fungus .

Hfirbtérfité, n . pond ; pool.Hfirétfi V . i. be reduced to shredsor tatters .

Hfirfirfi ,V . i. rumble . He W hati

tiri tenei e haruru mai n ei.

Hirfirii, a . fetid ; foul smelling .

K c. haruru te rongoa n ei.

Hfi tea,

a . l . faded ; decoloriz ed.

Kua hates. temangu o te kakahu .

2 . whitened, as W ith salin e ef

florescen oe .

Hfitépé, V . t. cut asunder ; cut of :Hatepea nga pou o te W hare .

Hatete , n . fi re .

I . 11 . 1 . wind . Kihai te hau

ra i roa rawa e pa. ana,kua.

mutu (9 3) . 2 . dew ; moisture .Ma.tabakihaere ai

,ito ban 1 a koe

hau ,a . 1 . eager ; bri .s/t Ka piki

a Rupe, ka hau, ka porangiki

a R ehua 2 . famous ; illusirions. He ingoa hau ten eiingoa e karangatia mai n ei ki

te taringahauhau

,a . cool. K a hauhau koe

i te anu o wahohau


,han han ,

v . t. 1 .

strike ; smite ; deal blows to .K ahau kau an a te patu , heman oki te matenga (1 43 ) .A 2 . new ;

e/zop . K a tuaina a tefi awa, ka

hinge. ki raro ; ka haua,a ka


W hakahau or W hakahauhau ,

V . t. 1 . anima te ; inspirit ; urgeon . Haere ra koe ki te W ha

kahau i nga tangata .

—Appli edto a song. K atahi ka koia te

mars,ko tona whakahauhau te

n ei,

‘NG aere te W hakatipua &c’

2 . give order ; give theword . Katabi ka tautapa te

W hakahauhau a te hunga e tuiho ra i te taumata. .

‘E ! kua

ngaro ki roto ; kumea !’

II . Hau .

hfih au,v . t. see/t . Kihai i roa te

hahautanga mai o nga tauhou ,kua mohiotia mai, ko Paoa tera

III . Hall , 11 . odd nalf/atbom. Ewarumaro o taku taurame to ban .

IV . Han,n . angle ; corner. K ei

te hau o te taiepa te ara.

V. Han ,n . 1 . food used in the

ceremonies of tile‘pure’ , or re

mowal of tapu from a n ewlybu ilt house

,can oe &c. In some

cases the banwaseaten ; in othersit was left entirely for the a lua .

Kia tae atu au ki te kawe atu ite hau o ten eitanga ika a kia tae

atu ki te tohunga, kia W hangaia

ki te atua 2 . somethingconn ected with a person on

Whom it is intended to practiseenchantment ; such as a p ortionof his hair

,a drop of his spittle,

anything Which has touched his

Page 43: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

22 Hau tfi w whakahei.

Héu tfi , n . time- bea ter for the row

ers in a can oe .

Héu tfimfi . See under tumu .

Hfiuw firé, n . saliva .

Hfiuw éré, a . hanging down ; pendulous .

Hfiw é, V . i. be chipp ed ; be broken .

K a hawa te karaha n ei i ta ta

haw ahawa ,V. i . be smeared. E

tama,e tama ,

hawahawa ana

te hinu i on kauwae .

haw a or haw ahawa , n . ven tralfi n of a fi sh.

Hfiw éi, n . f ungus on trees.

haw ahawai, n . hilloclfs in whichweeds are buried, and which are

afterwards planted with potatoes.

I . B aware, n . sa liva .

hawarewa re , a . f all of saliva .

E hawareware ana te mangai.II . B aware.

hawarew are , a. lean . He poakahawareware .

Hfiw fité , V . i. mutter . E hawata

an a te tupapaku .


i, n . the same as awha to .


whakahaw ea, V . t. 1 . despise. Etika ana an o te whakahawea

ki a ia,he tutua hoki ia. 2 .

disbelieve. E kore an e W hakahawea ki tan a korero .

Hfiwérfi, 1 1 . p lace where the fernor bush has been destroyed byfi re.

HE W éré, n . fruitful year .

Hfiwiniwini, V. i. shiver withco ld ; shudder.

Hfiwhé, V . i. go or come round.

Kua hawhe katoa nga ika ki

roto .hfiwhe , u . some portion of a drag

n et.


wnii, n . half.

11 5, art. a,an some : b oth sin

gular an d plural.H5 , a. 1 . wrong . He rawa te mahi

n ei. 2 . erring ; mistaken . 3 .

in difliculty or trouble . K a he

tokuman awa. I amout of breath.

or I am out of heart, 4 . dead.

héh é , a . gone as tray .

pass. hen gia , be mistaken for an

o ther . K ei hengia koe .

he , 1 1 . 1 . error ; mistake . 2 . dc]:

W hakahe , V. t. cause to goastray ; mislead . N a te kuia

ra matou i whakahe . 2 . fi nd

fault with ; condemn .

I . B éa , n . interrogative . 1 . wha tp lace . K o hea te tangata ra ?

2 . when repeated it sign ifiesevery p lace . K a tukua nga pu

rahorna kihea,kihea

,kia haere

mai ki te whawhai Nohea is often used as a strongn egative, like ‘ f


; not

at all. K a torn tekau tau iako ai Pihopa ; n o hea ra erongo e ? 3 . wha t tinie . A . hea

koe haere ai!

II . B éa , n . multitude ; majority .

Tena ko te hea o te tangata,e kore e whakaae .

heahea, a . foolish ; silly .

His,n . p loughshare .

Héan ga, n . derivative from he.

See he .

I . Héi, n . ornamen t for the neck.

hei, V . wear round the neck. Heiaki tou kaki .

II . Héi, prep . future . 1 . a t oftime or place . Hei te po tauahoe ai —Hei kon a takotoai. 2 . for ; to , den oting the use

to be made of anything &c. K a

pau nga pata kaanga heikinakimo te koura.

—X c wai ton ta

ngata hei tangi i a koe ,hei

ngahihoki i tou mate ? (4 0 ) 3 .

forming a future with the n e

gative adverb kaua . Kaua heitfitfi : whakatupu tangata

III. Hei,compare heip u .

W hakahei, V . t. go to meet. Ti

Page 44: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

B einei—Hééi. 23

kina whakaheitia a To Whata 5 . be fain t. Ka hemo an i touni hi to am. kai

,I amjoin t for wand of food,

Heihei. n . 1 . noise . Tumann te i. 9 . [ amhungry . 6 . denotingheihei. 2 . barn - door fowl. the completi on of an action . Ka

hemo te pakeha te mnru . The

Héip fi ,a. 1 . coming straight lo white man has been plundered.

wards ; hitting exactly . Haipu whakahemo , i . V . t. consume. i i .tonu atu an ko taua mea e ta v . i . be consume d.koto ana. 2 .jus t , prop er. Keigwhakahemohemo , i . v . t. a ttendon mama to take heipu . at the deathbed of any one. Kei


, n . a greenston e ornament I te whakahemohcmo a To Heworn round the neck .

1 patab i i taua wahine . ii . v. i .Hfiki, a. mouldy . Kua heka nga be a t the poin t of death.

kao n ei. Héni'

imi, v . i . be out of sight ;Héké, v . i. 1 . descend. Ka kake disapp ear . Kua henuminga uwhimatou ; ka heke . 2 . ebb. Kia ki taro ki the whenua.

hekc te tai ka haere ai taton . whakahenumi, v . t. cause to dis3 . drip . Ka heke te wai o to , appear the.

tahn. 4 . migrate . A , whaka-

lfl éngi, n . l . edge of the body of

tika aka a N G ahue, ks heke atn f a can oe,to whi ch the ‘ranawa’

he whenua kc 6. miss a is fastened. for a warhmark . ing party . K e i to tnka ratou

heke , n . 1 . one who migra tes” i to hangu.

par ty of emigrants . 2 . ra/ter . hengahenga ,n. girl.

3 . a kind of col. hengahenga , a. quite dry. Sec

whakaheke ,v . t. 1 . cause to de- l hangehange.

scend &c . let down . 2 . cute/1 1 11611 3 5, n . deri vative fromhe. Seeeels by means of a not attach- i he.

ed to a weir. Kn. riro a To IwigHéngi or héhéngi, v . i . blowma ki te whakahekc tuna . gen tly . A no to matangi 0 he

whakaheke, n. rope . heugi mai nei.

whakahekeheke , a. s triped whakahengi, v . i . move stealthity.

heketanga , n . descen t of a hi ll. E whakahengi mai one to ta

Hékémai, n . a kind of shark . I ngata ki a an.

Hékéran , n . small tubers of he ;Hengia, n . black skin .

mara, str ik ing into the grounds HEngia, v pass. of he . See he.

from the kn ots in the shoots. 11 661 or héoti, ad . 1 . denotingHékétfiri, n . a tree . completeness or sufficiency ofHékétua, n . necessary stool. X c = a statement or enumeration


hangaa hoki c in to bek etan hei generally having ano jo ined withwhakareinga mo nga ta liac it : there is no more ; there are

Hémingfi, n . bushel half/till. n one o ther . Heci an o nga to

Hémihémi, n


. back of the headfi hnnga nana i hanga nga wakaHémb , v . i . . be passed by ; bci These were all the skillgone away . 2 . miss a l118e ed workmen &c. Heoi ra, thatKa hemo te patu a a a. 3 . will do ; it is enough. 2 . implyconsumed . Kna hemo nga kai! ing that what follows is the na

0 to ma 3 . be dead . Nona - 5 tural result of what has justnahi i hemo ai taku tamaiti. i been stated : accordingly ; and

Page 45: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


so ; so then ; whereup on . Heoian o

,ka pouri te ngakau 0 Ta

ngaroamihi mo tana mokai kamate n ei —K atahi ka pa

te karanga,‘E ! he taniwha, he

taniwha e haere mai n ei!’ boo ika W hati te ope ra 3 .

but; ho ever . K a mea ahau kia

haere ; !coi kahore he waka eW hiti ai ahau ki tawahi .V U U

HE PA R A,n . shepherd .

HE PE TEMA , 11 . Sep tember .

I . Here, V. t. tie ; tie up ; fastenwith cards. Ten n

,tatou ks. here

i te ra n ei kia ata haereherehere , n . cap tive ; slave.

II. Here, 11 . spear for killing b irds.

Haere mai an o raua me te herewero manu an o

here , V . t. hill birds with a spear.

I II. Here.

W hakahere , V. t. conciliate witha presen t.

W hakahere , 11 . presen t ; propiliatory of fering . compare W here .

Hérép fi , V . t. l . seiz e ; ca tch and

hold firmly . Hereputia tonutiaatu e eu

,te ! ka man . 2 . tie

up in bundles . Hereputia nga

Witi n a.

Héréngfi tfi , a. without projec tingeaves .

Héréiimi'l, n . caching shed ; hitchen . compare W hareumu .

I . Hérii, n . comb for the hair.

Hei heru tetebi taha o te iwi


heru , V. t. comb ; dress with a comb.

K a tu turi nga turi ki tan a wai


II . Hérii, V. i. begin to flow (ofthe tide only) . K ei te aha te

tai? Katabi an o ka heru mai.Héu , n . eaves. Perea atu ana,

ehara, titi tonu ki nga heu o toW here

puna n ei,ka heua ake

,ara ! he


heuh eu , i. V. i. sca tter ; clearaway. Heuheutia nga otaota i

roto i te Whare . ii. V . i . be dispersed. A kuan eiheuheu ai nga

tangata ki te mahi .HE U , V . t. shave.HE U

,n . raz or .

B en ea , V. i. be separated. Ka

hen ce. to po, ka hen ce. to no

I . Héwa, V . i . be deluded ; be un

der afalse impression . Kia hewaai nga hoa na te taua i kai

II . Héwa, a. bald. He mahungahewa.

I . Hi, int. expressing contempt.W hakahi or W hakahihi, V . i .jeer ; sneer ; speahcon temptuously.

K 0 wai ten ei e W hakahjhimainei?

II . III or h‘

ihi, V . i . l . mahe a

hissing noise. 2 . be afi‘


with diarrhoea .

W hakahih'

i, V. t. cause to hiss.

III . Hi, i . V. t. I . raise ; draw up .

K a biia tera nga nana o te tangata ra

,ka riri . 2 . ca tch with

hoe/c and line ; fish. K a rewate waka 0 on e. tu akana ki te

hi ika ii. V. i . dawn . K a

hi te ata See also hihi.I . Hia , a. interrogative many ? Kia hia he tangata

mo runga i te waka ? W henused With referen ce to person sit gen erally has

‘toho’ prefix ed.

Tokohia ou hoa i—Te hia?W hichin order ? - Kihai i hia nga ra

ha 11 matou ki Pon eke . Therewere not many days &0 .

Hia , b iab ia , V. t. I . desire ;wish. E biabia an a ahau ki te

haere . 2 . be in love with. Otirako Te Ponga, kua b iabia rawahoki ki te wahin e ra

II .

Héu , héhéu , V . t. separa te ; pull III. Hia , ad. with dzfiiculty. Teasunder .

K a rere mai taua tu -

l hia puta mai o korna i te taiki.

Page 46: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


i—hiko. 25

Hiainii, a. Min ty . Kn mate a ki mai koe kia riri taua, kaTe Ponga i te hiainu

Hikfiké,a rcs/1 . Kaua e hike s

11t 1 3 , V . passive . be deszred katia to haere .

[or food. E kore tena kai e Hikfiré , V. t. p leli out. Kikarohiahiakaitia. te rakau neii roto i toku W 86


iaké, n . skin ; bark; rind. wae .—Hikarohia nga. mea ra

Hiimé, V. i. be mailed ; be cle rahi o nga kai n a.

vo ted. Hiamo ana tern te pa R iki, i. V. t. up ; carry ; nurse.

ra ki runga. Comp . huamo . Kei hea te kai hiki o to ta


iamée , a. drowsy ; sleepy . maiti nei?

min gi, a. vicious ; rc/raclory ; ii. V . i. 1 . get up ; start. Ki

dis-lime“ . te hiki tetahi o konei i to are,

hiangatia, V. passive . be imposed knman tanra a Henare heihere.

upon . Kua hiangat’ia ahau e te 2 . jump or [cup involun tarily.

kai hoko . I hiki takn karakia My1113 11 3 61 3 5 , V . i. pine away . K8 olmrm was imperfect- skipped .

koe m,ka kite atu hoki i te K 9. hiki toku poho . My [wart

whakahiangongo 0 to ns ngnkau Imps up , as when one is startledor goes in to cold water.

- ~Kia

mpo, V. i. be ga l/me d together. hiki te tapuac , spoken of earlyHifiti‘i, V. i. be gatficred loge/Aer . dawn when one can just see

W hakahiato , va t. col/cc! logd /mr . Where one is going to tread.

Hiawfierfi or Hiawero ,n mil of hikihiki, V . t. carry about inMe

arms nurse .

111115, n . my of the sun . Comp .ihlki. u Mam /or mismg fish &0 .

1 Know 311 0 i ate mumnoa to

I . m n . a term of address to kamkin W haknongaonga, e who

kahua ans imhjki°f hmm “ L MM v . i. be unsettled. Terae reka te noho o te tan ta e

1 1 . m s, v. t. 1 . rub violently .

hikimngi m m wmfg?2 . kindle fire by rubbing two m 6 v i 1 . move in a rafi dom0 a o 0

pieces of wood together. Hikaxaway. Kin rite to 1 re : kaua

he ahi me. taton.


3 ’ perform temhi e hike ki mun. 2 . stira ceremony With incan tation

,as birds at da 1


hy 1g t. E t o anakindling fire being part Of the

to menu i te ata, kn whakatiknceremony. K3 Inhale. kl maoa ka haere . 8 . strata/z outkl tons. huware kmmote 3 1 m l

(In; band at random Hiko tonhikahika, i. V . L rub ; chafe. Ta~

te mngata m ki nga ngataba,ngo bin ake


3 11 3 10 N a o.

nga apuatangn. 4 . begm to Wkumara he! hikahxkanga 1 139 dawn. K ei Turutnrn kn hikongno o To towa-whanau -moana te ata i a mans.(1 1 2) 11 V 1 K3 1133 1 9 " Pass. hikoia, be sfione upon. Hika hikahika to tamaiti


Hikaikai, V . i. I . move l/le fee!10 and fro . 2 . wm


I/te . Kin tore tiwha ana

i to kai-aka ka hikaikai ta to» 11 11110 , I) . dis/(mt lightning . A ra

agate. 8 . be impalicnl . Ki te te hiko e kowha moi ra.

Page 47: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


hihiko , V . i. move quickly , be stre Hin én garh, n . 1 .

Kia hihiko te haere .71 11 0 1162

Hikoi, V. i. step . Te kaha te hi

koi o te tangata.

Hikbkb, a . was/ed ; starved. K a

bikoko nga tamariki a Taun aha.

E iki'

l , n . 1 . tail of a fish or repOraora kau ana ko te hikutile .

kau (1 6

hihiko - W hakahirahira.

some portionof the in testines. 2 . seat ofthe thoughts and feeling ; heart.E kitee koia nga W hakaaro


te hin engaro?

Hin ii, n . 1 . oil ; fat. 2 . gamesuch as pigeons, rats 85 0 . pre

served in their own fat.

2 . rear of an army Hin gii, V. i. 1 . fall from an erecton march

,or of a company of position . N au koe i hinga ai.

travellers. Taihoa,kia tapeke 2 . loan .

mai te hiku . 3 . tip of a leaf Pass. hin gaia , be fallen up on .


, poin t. K ei hingaia koe e te rakau .

Hikiipéké, V. i. be shortened so

as n ot to hang down low. Pu

korukorua kia hikupeke tou ki


Hikiitfiu, 11 . head of a valley or

river. W Haia an a e maua,a kei

te hikutau o te wai n eika mau .

Himu . n . hip- bone (for humu) .

11 1 1 1511 1, 11 . basket/or catching eels ;eel—pot.

Hinakip fi uri, a. quite darh.

hin akipouri, ka huaki.

Hin fimbe , a. sleepy .

Hin amoki, n . a kind of rat.

133 1 151 15, a. staring angrily ; [ooh

ing fi er ce (spoken of the eyes

or eyebrows) . Hinana an a nga

kan ohi o R ewa.- Hin an a an a

nga kape .

Hinapouri, a. 1 . very dark. 2 .

very sad .

Hinatbré, V. i. twinhle ; glowwith

an unsteady light.

hin atore , n . 1 . any phosphores

cen t substance . 2 . young shoots

of a species of toetoe . N a te

hin atore i wero toku waewae .

Hinau , n . elteocarpus dentatus ; a

tree .

B in é , 11 . girl. G en erally used

on ly in addressing a girl or

youn g woman . E hin e l

Hin ékfi rakb , n . a spirit suppos

ed to reside in lun ar rainbows.

K a

hin gahin ga , V. i. fall in numbers,

as on a battlefield &c.

hin gahinga, n . slaughter of numbers.

hihjn ga, V. i. fall in numbers.

W hakahin ga , V . t . cause to fall.from an erect position .

Hin gon gi, n . a variety of potato .

Hioi, n . 1 . mentha Cunninghami,a plan t. 2 . anthus N ovce Z e


, a bird.

Hipfi, V. i. 1 . start aside . I hipa

koe kitahakiiora ai. 2 . pass on

one side . Hipa ke atu,hipa

ke mai,kahore i kitea. 3 . ea:

ceed in length; surpass. Ka hipa

ke ten ei rakau ; kotia iho .

W hakahip a, V. t. turn aside. So

metimes W ith a reflective signification . W Hahahipa ki tahaki, kei mau koe .

W hakahip a, 11 . head ; hair of thehead.

W hakahipahip a, a. irregular ; ofdgfi

eren t lengths or heights. He

taiepa W hakahipahipa.

H1P1 , Il . 1 . sheep . 2 . ship . Ho

rahia te titiro W hakawaho ki

harewa, aurerenga hipi.

Hip okl , v . t. cover . Hipokin a ki

te kakahu .

hip oki, 11 . covering .

I. K ira, a . numerous.

hira , n . multitude. K atahi au ka

kite i te hira o te tangata.

W hakahirahira, v . t . ex tol ; mag

Page 48: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


nify to depreciation of others. B itin , 11. smallma t for the waist ;Sometimes used reflectively ;ex tol onesel/Z Ehara te wha mtiw étawe, a. very long . Hikabirabira o te tangata ra ; ka tawetawe ana te roa o to ta

tahi matou nei ka rongo i one. ngata.

korero . Hiték'

i, V . i. hop . Hitekiatu kiko .

II . Kiri. Hitbkfi, V. i. hop .



irfi, a. shy ; suspicions. K s K iwfi, a. watchf ul ; umhe/ul. Kia

hihira an kite na ara, keimate eu. hiwa ! kia hiwa !Hirin , v . t. en tangle ; trip up . Hiwii, n . p otato .

He aha i hirsutia nei e koe species of rhi

toku waewae ? a bird.

hirau, n . paddle . Hiwékfi, a. hanging .

Hiriwériwé, a. irhsorne ; pain/uhiwhskahiggka, V. t. hang up . To

Hirawerawe ans te whatinga 0 1 mos dw whakahiwekaa. (R )to ku ringaringa. iHiwi


, n . 1 . ridge of a hill. TenaHires, a. indistinct. Bongo hi 3 Mate te to own 119. i rungs. i

reams eke ahau ki te tanga ta ! nga 111W 1. 2 . beaten track. Ka

e karanga mai nci. haere mat/on i t o ngahere ,a

hirearea, n . indistin ct sound . N a ! puta atu matou ki be hiwi.

to hiresrea waha tangents g‘

mea hiwihiwi, a fish.

nei. K iwi, v . t. jerk a fishing line so

Hiréré, v . i. gash ; spirl . as to hook the fish.


iri. I. Ho , v . used only in the comb ib iri, a. 1 . laborioashb

eny: ptic “ pound forms ,

hoako , homai,assiduous . Hihiri inkula oe ! hoatu .

ki te baramai i roto i to mars- 2 1 1 . H6 , v . i. put out the lips ; pout ;ngai. 2 . labo rious ; requiring , a mark of derision . Ho ana


lion . Katahi te bibiri i a ; nga ngutu. 2 . out. Heoi,ka

an ki te haere ki reimf 11 7ml ! tangi i konei ho a to iti, a

work I shall have &c . to rahihirihiri, v. t . repeat charms arer 116116 , v . i. 1 . drop ; trickle. Hoho

a perso n , with the View of im ana te to to . 2. speak angrily ;

parting energy. Ks hirihiria say‘hbho

l 3 . grin.atu ki te kauhou o Honmai III. Ho

,n . hoe ; spade .

tawhiti I . Hos, n . friend ; mate ; compawhakahirihiri, i. v. t. assist ; re nion . Ko mku hos koia tan 6

time . He kore tangata heiwhaka patai mai na?(147)

hirihiri to riro ai to poke pa- lhoahoa, n . spouse . used also of

mos . 1 1 . V. i. rely ; lean . Ka two women, wives of the samebore i pai 11 1 a an, whakahi husband.

‘Ka owha mai te wa

hiri he ki a To Kani. hine ra ki tans hoahoa

His),n . seal. W hakahoa, V. t . make a compa

Hl sl'wii. 11 . silver. nion of ; associate with.

Hirbki, a. thin ; lean . 1 1. Hos, v . t. 1 . aim a blow at

Hirbri, v. i. stagger . Hirori ana by throwing . Hoaina ki te

nga waewae i te taimaha o te kowhatu . 2 . charm the ground

waha nga. over which one is about to pass .

Him 11 . sieve . Te haha is te whai i taua ten

Page 49: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


ngata, katahi ka karangatia kitan a wahin e hei hoa i ona ta

puwae 3 . utter incan

tatians for the above purpose .

Katahi ka hoaia e Tamure kit ‘re paepae o tona whare

i. V. t . give or bring to

some place connected with the

speaker but in which he is n ot

at the time of speaking. ii. V. i.

go on .

Hofingé, n . a kind of stone used

as a grindstone or whetstone .

Hou r, 11 . sword.

Hhafi fi , n . enemy.

Hofita, n . 1 . long spear . 2 . third

day of the moon’s age . E ! ka

ara te marama,he hoata

Heath, 1. V . t. give away fromthe speaker. pass. hoatu . Ka

tae te tangata ra kitaua taurekareka ka hoatu hei utu mo te

ruahine ra ii. V. i. moveon in a direction away fromthe speaker.

25 55, v . t . 1 . push away with the

hand. Tona pangs atu ki a is

ka hoea mai.—He ringa hoea ;

a suitor whose addresses have not

been accep ted. 2 . paddle ; row .

Ka rewa kite moana, ka utaina,hokowhitu ki runga , katahi ka

hoea 3 . hen ce intransi

tively travel in a boat or canoe ;make a voyage . Hei te po tauahoe ai kei kites taua e te ta

ngata whenua

ho e, n . paddle ; oar .

hoehoe , V . t . l . toss about ; scatter . 2 . paddle about ; mal e re

p eated trips in a boat or can oe .

He b oeboe waka te mahi a nga

tamariki n ei. 3 . convey in a

boat or canoe , making repeated

trips . K ei te hoehoea nga hanga

a te pakeha ki uta .

W hakahoe , V. t . reject ; shew in

dif erence to .

Hfihfi , a . 1 . wearied with expec

tation,importunity, anxiety &0 .

K a hoha an i tau mahi whakatoi. 2 . wearisome . He mahihoha tenei.

Hhhéhhhé, a . wrinkledwith laughter . Hohehohe ana nga papari

nga o N G apuhi kia koe . (Com

pare ngohengohe) .

Hhhhéka, n . panax longissimum;a tree.

Hohhnii, see under honu .

H6h6r6, see under horo .

I . Hhi, n . 1 . lobe of the ear. 2 .

gusset of a garmen t.II . E hi, a . 1 . far of ; distant. Katitiro atu te rangatira o te pa

n ei ki tana kotiro ka hoi n oa

atu 2 . deaf; obstinate .

N Gare n oa,kihaihoki irongo ;

ka hoi a To Kahureremoahoihoi, a . deafening ; noisy. Hoi

hoi tahi koutou ! W hat a noise

you make !HoL Z

,n . 1 . soldier. 2 . sawyer.

Homo,11 . horse .

Hoiki, a . diminishing in siz e upwards ; tapering . Ka hoiki tonute upoko .

11 511 5, a . projecting sharp ly upwards ; pointed. Ka hoka te

kapua, of poin ts of cloud pro

jecting upwards from a bank

in the horizon . He hoka te

whare the house is steep- roofed.

hoka, V . t . take on the poin t ofa fork &c. Ka kai te tangatatapu , he mea hoka ki te rakau

tana kai; e kore e totoro tonaringa .

hoka, 11 . screen made of bran chesstuck in to the ground. Ka riro

ki te hanga hoka manu .

B okai, a . 1 . spread out ; ex tend

ed. Ka b okai nga w

t)ae 0

Burn ki te rere .—Kia kai te

haere ! S tep out ! 2 . far apart.

He bokai te 0 11 0 o te taro .

hokai, n . 1 . large feathers of the

wing. 2 . brace ; stay. 3 . breadth.

Page 51: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

30 a'


i brb .

Hén gi, V. t. 1 . smell ; suiyi 2 . | II . Hbri, V. i. be'

gone by . Kua

salute by touching n oses.

Hfi psra, n . belly .

ki roto ‘

ki te h0 pars nui a Toi


H5p é, n . loins ; waist.

hope te W ai.

HBp ékiW i, n . po tato pit.

Hép étéa , n . s shell- fish.

K ép i,n . soap .

I . Hépi, n . native oven ; hdngi.

E kongange ans te hopi.

II . Hép i or Hop‘

ipi, V . i. be ter

rifi ed ; be fain t/zearted .

Hép b and hepohOpo ,a . fearful ;

apprehensive ; overawed. N a ko

n ei ano toku ngsksu i hopo

ske ai.

W hakshop o , V . t . alarm.

E 5p ii, V. t . 1 . catch ; seize . Nanai hopu te mataika . 2 . snatch.

hbpuhbp u , V . t . catch frequently ;catch one aflcr another .

hopuhop u, n . porpoise .

p fi , V . i. be swo llen , like a


Hfip iia , a. l . depressed, like a

cup or trough. 2 . lying in

pools. Ks hopua te wai i te

msrae .

11 51's, V. t. spread out ; expand.

K o te horahanga kireira 0 Humkiko

,ks matskitskins

hora , s. scattered about. litiro

ki te tsngsta e hora sn s ki ta

To nga

Hérapé, a . disseminated through;overspreading .

I . Héré, ad. (gen erally used W ithraws, emphatically) not.

rswa , not at all. CompareK ahore .

I .

hori atu sus tsngsta in skusra .

K 3 ngaro 3 11 0 III . Hc‘


i or horihori, a . false ;un true .

hori, V. t . I . speak falsely . He

shs tau e horihori? 2 . mistake ;misfudge . K s hori a Tswhski,he wahin e n o tenei so sn o

t ksh ori, V. t . disbelieve . Ekore e t kshoris to korero .

Hfi rirériré, n . gerygone flavivenIris

, a small bird,the same as

riroriro . I W bss koe i te ta

ngihsnga o te horirerire,ks

tsnu sii tetshikawsihue man ?

H6r6, i. V . i. 1 . [all in fragmen ts ; crumble down . K s horo

te pari ki te moan s. 2 . dropof or out (spoken of a numberof sma ll thin gs as grains, tubers

&c.) K o te kumara ks horo

haere tonu i te huarabi

3 . fall or be taken, as a for

tress &c. K s his nga pa horo

a te tsus o Hongi? 4 . difer .

Kihai i horo ; ins, ko te ahua

tonu tens —ii. V . i. causeto crumble down . Horos te on e

one o rungs . Passive horos,befallen upon by anythingorumbling down .

horo , n . lands/1p.

t kshoro , V. t. 1 . cause to

crumble down . 2 . tal e to pieces.

Ks t kshoros i reira te W sks

n ei s Aotea 3 . slack ofor let out a line .

horohoro ,V. t. remove the tapu

from a house &0 .

Hore horon ga , 11 . food eaten by the

tohunga during the above ceremony .

I]. Héré or héhbré, V. t . p eel ; II. H6r6, or most commonly h5

strip of . Horehores te hisko .

hore , n . burial place under tapu .

I . Héri, V . t . cut a piece out of

h5r6, a , quick; speedy . Mshueraws te hohoro o te tsngsta

n ei.

the ear . Horis te taringa 0 te t kahohoro , v. t . hurry ; hasten .

peaks. III . H6r6, V. t. swallow. K s ki

Page 52: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Haroeka—whakahouhou . 3 1

tea tona puku e horo nei i nga III . H5t6, v . i. begin a quarrel.

mi 0 Tiki Kaua e hoto .

11 61455115 , 11 . panax longiesimum; Hotba, a . slow in growing : bacha tree .

K arol, v . t. wash.

ward . He aha te parareka otenei tau i hotoa ai ki te tupu ?

horoi, 0 . material In wash milh ; iHG tBké, a. cold. Ka hotoke tekai.

H5r6kio, n . a shrub .


, v . t.

Ka whakatetere te wahine ta

i tona puke hei horomi i a

Maui Comp. III. Hora :

H5r5miti, v . t. ea ! raven ous/y ;

demur . N ana i horomiti nga

kai i pan wawe ai.

Hbrbpékipéka 11 . blue shark.

Horbpitb , n. a stu nt».Horb tea, a . pale . Taia ah a nga

ngutu, a ka kitea ka horotea ,

ka tamatia

Hbtétété, a. worn out ; prostrat

cd . K 0 Paora te ra ,horotete l

aha i to mare .

K brfl, 11 . red ochre ; 5aw l hoho

Hérii, v . i. I. gran t ; snarl . Itawhiti ano e haere mai one,

he to horn kua tae maiki roto2 . yell in accompani

men t to the war-dance . Kia

rite te takahi, to papaki, mete born a to tailgate 3 .

rank/e . Kei who i a ia o horn

arm to whakatakariri,in a hoki

ka puta kei waho , kei nga kant

b orub oru , 0 . mild lurnip .

fi b rils, v . i. descend. Ka haere ,ka horua ki roto ki Pakihi.

1mm, 11 . a large caterpillar.

HBtIkI, v . t. lie ; fasten with card&c. Hotikina te kuwaha o teteneti.

hotiki, n . lat/0 0 marks on the

forehead of a woman .

I . HM n . 1 . wooden spade. 2 .

spike on the tail of whai.II. Hfi tb, a. cold . Hoto lwto mmto wai ki taku biak o .

lhotoke, n . wia ler .

swa llow ; dcaoar . |H5tfi , v . i.

Hei to ho

toke ahau ka hoki atu ai.

generally with aga

h'aa or manawa for subject) .1 . sob ; pan t ; sigh. Ka hotu

tona manawa, he sighs. 2 . de

sire eagerly ; long . E hotu ah a

toku agakan ki te haere . 3 .

cha/e with animon‘

ly &c. Ka

hota toku ngakau ki a ia,he

hoaririhokiia noku. 4 . heave ,

as the swell of the sea. Ka

hotu noa te moana.

Ho tuhotu , a . accompanied with

robs. Hotuhotu ana te tangia te tangata ra.

II. Hon , a. new ; recent ; fresh.

Hou tonu ana to ketunga a te

poaka .

III . Hon or 11 611 0 11 , v . t. bind ;lash logelher . E hohou ah a ia

i te taiepa—Holl er: rongo, make


houhon , n . Seheflera digila la ; a

tree .

I i. v. t. force downwards.

II he kia hohonu . ii. v. i.

o and : may downwards.

Ka hou to kuri i raro o te ra

kau . 2 . persist in a demand.

Ka hou au ki a koe,ka hou


ka hou .

houhou, v. t. dig up ; obtain bydigging. Kei to houhou roi


V. Hou or houhou , a. 1 . cool.2 . disagreeable ; unpleasan t.

whakahonhou , v . i. feel disgust.Ka W hakahouhou nga hoe, i

mea hoki ratou kia tirohia paitiaia Comp. heuheu and


Page 53: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

32 Houin gi

Houfingfi, n . this time last year .N o houanga n ei an i tae mai ai.

Houiin gé, n . 1 . a little while ago .

2 . a little while hence . Mo a

houange nei ka hoatu .

Houhou . See under hou .

Hbuhéré, n . hoheria populnea ; a.

tree .

E bui, n . hoheria populnea ; a tree .

Hbukéké, a . obstinate . K a nui

te houkeke o te W hanoke ra,

e kore e rongo .

Hbuparii, n . a tree .

Hbu tété, a . stun ted. K oi kan e

ken eke,koi aha ; houtete ton i

taua wahi tahi.Hbuw éré, v . t. tie ; bind. Hou

weretia te takitaki.I . Hfi, n . mud ; swamp . Kua ta

poko ki te hu .

II . Hfi , v . i. bubble up . Te pun a

e hu ake ra i raro i te W he


hu ,n . tenour or drzft of a speech.

Te hu o te korero .

hfihfi , V. i. hiss ; whiz ; buzz . I

rangon a kautia e ia ki te huhu

o te patu e haere iho ana ki

tona angaanga

III. Hfi , a . still ; silen t. E n ohohu ana

,kei whakaea, kei eke

koe ki runga ki te hoiho .

IV . Hfi,n . shoe .


hfihfi , V. t. 1 . strip of an outercovering ; cast of a rope &c.

2 . deprive o/outer covering ; makebare . 3 . freefromtapu , E haeretapu tonu ana mai i te tannmanga i a Tamatekapua ; katahika huhua

,ka n oa

huhu ,n . a beetle foun d in rot

ten timber.I . Hun, n . 1 . fruit. K ei W hea

nga hua o te poroporo n ei?(64)2 . egg of a bird ; roe of a fish.

3 . cause ; occasion . I patua hua

horatia e ia taku tamaitihuahu a, n . 1 . birds &c. cap tured

for food ; game. N ga kai o teramaunga, he kiwi, he weka


kiore,he kfikfi

,he tfi i: he mau

nga huahua tera maunga2 . sma ll p imp le. 3 . a vessel '

in which food was boiled bymean s of heated stones.

hu a, v . i. 1 . bear fruit. E koree kua ten ei rakau . 2 . abound .

3 . (of the moon ) be at the full.hiihu a, a . abundan t.

hiihu atan ga, n . ex cellence , goodness. K ahore he huhuatanga oena kakahu .

II . Him, 11 . 1 . handspi/fe ; lever.2 . section of land. K otahi hua

ka riro i N G aiterangi. 3 . screenfrom W ind.

hu ahu a, n . rail of a fence .

hu a, v . t . 1 . raise with a. lever .

Huaia te rakau n ei. 2 . overturn ; frustrate. K a huaia maie te K oikoi a taua tatai.

III. Hfia, v . t . 1 . name . K a huai

n a te ingoa o tera kainga ko

Kawhia —7

~N o whoa to

huanga o tau matau ? (2 1 ) W hoever heard of your hook —Kahore he huanga tangata o te

huarahi There was not

a soul on the road . 2 . thin/t.

ngaro nei,kei te

pea (1 2) —Hua atu ;

one would thin/s. Hua atu ko

te Rangi to tatou matua3 . be sure ; know. K o wai ka

hua ?

W hakahu a, v . t . 1 . p ronounce .

2 . recite . Ka whakahua i tanakarakia mo tona tatuatanga i

tana maroHfi ai, n .

;a shell- fish.

B haki, i. v. t. open ; uncover.

Huakin a ake te tatau .


kina te rua,tikina atu nga kai

kiwaho. 2 . rush upon ; charge.

N o te huakanga i mate ai. ii.

v . i. dawn . Huaki kau te ata,

ka hapainga mai

Page 54: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

huaki—whakahume. 33

huaki, n . assault ; charge . te tai 2 . frost ; snow. K a

Hufikfimfi. a. very fruitful. kite ia i te huka o TongariroHuamango, n. a variety of po 3 . cold.

tato . hukahuka, n . thrums or shredsB aimb, v. i. be raised in umves, on a mat. X c motu nga huka

as the sea . huka o tona pakeE n emu tu , n. a fish. hukahuka, a. hanging in shreds .

Hufingi, n . relative . Ka tee mai I mahue hukahuka to whare.

ka n oho , ka huangatia tera ta IL Hi’

ika, a. long in time . B

ngata ki a ia kore e huka ka tae .

Hiiiringi, v . t. transp lant. III. Hiika, deficie ncy in measuE nate, n . spittle . romea t. E warn mare te roa,

Hfifitiré, v . i. pant ; gaspfor breath. huka to te iwa.

E huatare kau ana te manawa. Haiti, n . sugar .

Hfifitfiwfiw u . a dark xariety of Hex}, n heal .

the siliceous stone called mahi Hfikapfipi, n . i ;ce f rost.Hfikipi

in ga, n . snow.

Hfié, n. 1 . gourd. 2 . a fish. Hfikiréré, 11 . snow.

Ham; n . l . discomfi ture . Haere Hfikfiwhfitfi , n . hail.

ana koe ki te tinihanga i to Hu m, v . i. gesncnlate . He aha

tipuna ; ana ha kite koe i te to rawa o taua mahi c hukarihuhi 2 . wearin ess . Ka mai m?taea te huhi. hflkiri, 11 . young of birds.

Hahn , see under 11 1 1. Hfiké, v . t. I . dig up ; expose byHuhua , see under hua . removing the earth in which it

t unu, see under 11mm. has been buried. E hukc ana

I. Hui or huihui, v. t. put or to wahine i te hangi. 2 . can

add toge ther . v. i. congregate ; curate . E u hukca te riu 0 to

come together . Ka huihui mai waka.

nga iwi ki te matakitaki i to lHtlkéké, a . staggering.

ratou ito Hfiki.hil l, or hu lhni, n . assembly. buhlb uhl , n . spit on which fishII. Hui, v. t. take as p lunder . Ka are roasted .

huia nga kakahu , ka pa tua. hukihuki, 1 . v . t . roast on a spit.

III. Hui, v. i. be ejected with ’ Hukihukia te ngohi. 2 . con

cramp . Ka hui toku maui. tract sudden ly , as the muscles.

Hula, n . neomorpha G ouldii; a= Ka mate toku ringaringa i to

somewhat rare bird, the tail i hukihuki.

feathers of which are prized as ihuklnga, n . head of a valley or

ornaments . river.Hfi ik


i, a. l . pinched with cold. Humariré, a. comely ; beautiful.E noho liuikimai ra te koroua Te pulii humarire nei

,a Hine

re. 2 . crouching in [earn 3 . moa —Te humariretangaexhausted byfrcquen tcultivation . 0 Te W hatuiapiti

Ka hoiki te whenua. Hiimé, v. t. bring to a point ; taHhirhpi, a. grasping . Katahi per ofli Ka humea to ihu , te

tona huirapa mona snake ! ta

I. Hfikfi, n. 1 . foam; froth. I whakahume, v. i. be drawn be

W hine. atu ki te hukahuka o tween the legs (of the tail of a


Page 55: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


dog) . W Hakahume an a te waeroo te kuri.

Hfiméné, a. gathered up into smallcompass. W Hakahumen emen etiamai ton kia W haiti.

Hiimi'l , n . hip bone .

humuhumu ,a . stripped of p ro

minent p arts. Takoto humuhumu kau ana ko nga tiwai

anahe So of trees having the branches topped of N G a

rakan e hamuhamu mai ra.

I . Hiina, V . t . l . conceal. I hunaatoku e wai? 2 . destroy . He

taniwha te mea e hun a n ei i

te tangata 0 ten eihuarabihun a, a. concealed. Te tini ta

ngata e huna n ei ki roto i tearearenga o nga poho o Rangiraua ko Papa

II.Hindi, n . ten th day of themoon’s

age .

HiinangE -mab é , n .


Hiin aOn ga, n . son - ia - law or daughter- ia - law.




a kind of

father- ia law ; ormother - in - law .

Hfimén é —Hfifi .

Hun gaw ai, n . father- in - law ; ,mother- ia - law.

Hfin gc‘

iin géi, a . trembling.

Hfi pana, V . i. fly up or fly back,as spring. Te hupanatanga

o the tawhiti.Hfi c

iiéi, a. trembling ; tottering .

Hiip é, n . dischargefrom the nose .

Htipéké , v . i. bend the legs orarms. Hupeke ou waewae .

hup eke , a . ben t ; drawn up (of thelegs or arms) .

hu p eke , 11 . old woman .

Hfi p én fi p énii, a. mashed up . K a

hupenupenu n oa iho nga kai i

roto i te kohue .

Hfira, i. v. t. 1 . remove a covering. Hurahia te kakahu . 2 . un

cover ; exp ose . Hurahurahia nga

kai; ka maku i te na. 3 . hun t

out. Kua riro te taua ki te

hura morebu . ii. v. i. begin to

flow (of the tide) . Ka hura temata o to tai.

hura, n . nervous twitching in the

shoulder &c. ; regarded as a sign

that one is the subject of remark.


mé, 11 . down on the seeds of hurahura, n . visitors condolingraupo , or typha angustifolia .

HDN iz'

,11 . June.




lhiin ii, v . t . 1 . char . K a oti

te huhnnu a waho , ka tu ko teiho an ake . 2 . singe. Hunu

hunua ta tatou poaka.

huhunu, n . 1 . double canoe . 2 .

temporary washboards at the bow

of a canoe.

Hfi niikii, 11 . family encumbrances.

Hiin ga, n . company of persons ;people . Tu tonu iho te hunga

ra i te taumata - Sometimes used con temp tuously.

Hfin gihiin ga, n . tow ; refuse offlow leaf ; down or nap which

comes off a garmen t. Comparehukahuka.

withp eop le who have been p lundered.

HU R AB , 11 . July.

Hfi ran gi, n . fly .

hfi rangi, a. timorous. K a hura

ngi haere tatou ki tona matenga .

B i’


, v . t. search. Kua tae ake

nga tangata o runga o te kai

puke ki te hure i to matou pa.

Hfi répfi, n . bittern .

E hri, i. v . t. 1 . turn round. N a

wai i huri te pouaka ? 2 . overturn . 3 . grind in a mill. Mekawe nga W iti n ei kia hurihja .

ii. v . i. 1 . over/low. Hurikatoate waipuke ki te ara. 2 . fallto ; set about. K a huri te Pa

tupaiarehe ki te tango i nga

ngohi ki uta 3 . beta/cc

Page 56: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

hurihuri—I . 35

oneself ; repair . K 1 to ma a. having long f ur .

nuwhiri nei ka

i te waka,ka hoe young trees after lan d

tenei, or simply, Ka huri, is an , has been cleared.

expression which has late ly be Hiirfiroa, n . a shell- fish.

come common to mark the end Hiirfi riia, n . 1 . brushwo od. 2 .

of a subject, or of a speech, land covered with brushwood.

letter &c. Kua hururnatia to are .

hnrihm'i, V t "I”? over m 0m” Hi’

iriitété, a . stunted. E kore e

"P0 ” mataara ake te witi i te whehuri, n . 1 . seed . Ka waiho en ei

l nna kg bara teieparareka heihurimo taku man '

IHfi tété, v i. be tied ap in a cor

2 anything W hmh “3 turnedner of a bug 85 0 . I roto i te

round, 3 5 a n ull or a grmdpntea e hutete ana.

sto ne.

Em a V 1 turn ”gt“ POW .

K ati, 0 1‘ hfihfi tI, V. L I. 11 0 1211

1 .

Hiirikc'mrfi v i turn ms:dc out

2 . pull out of the ground. Hutla

Hnrikoarotia mkalrahu.

“g“ 1m m“


kbtfi a, v . i. turn the back. ghu tihu ti, 11 ” We

Hiin pék'

i, v. t . turn upside down . “1 11W “?

U PM“ ”MM“fromHuripokia te kohue turn over ! “10 64 3 "1 preparation for a crop.

the soil with a spade.

N a Te Kauae tene1 hutinga.

Hfirirfia, v. t. turn inside out. Hi'

l tiwfii, aca'na songuisorba , a


itn a, v . i. turn the back to plant.wards one. Hfltbitbi, a. stunted

, grouu'

ngI. Hfi rfi, 11. l . brushwood . wed/fly. E hntoitoi ana nga

l hurnhuru o te matenga.

huruhuru , 11 . coarse hair ; brist Hfi téké, n . win ter.

let ; not properly used of hair Hfltb tb i, a. weak; stunded . Huof the head. totoi ana te tupu o te kapana.


u -when ua, n . asp lenium Hfi tfikfiwi, 11. metrosideros'


luridam; a plan t. mentoso , a tree .

II. Hfirfi , v. t. contract ; draw in . Hflwlniw'

ini, a. chilled ; havingMe hum mai to taiepa kia ho the shin roughened with cold.

horo ai te oti. lHflwhfi, n . thigh.


I. I, a particle used in formingindefinite past te nses or aorists.

I haere mai home ki te aha ?

(1 86) for what did you come ?

II. I, prep . 1 . simpl) transitive !

serving to connect an active v serb

with its object. Tatou ki tc iankaha i to tatou waka

2 . from. I haere mai maua ite rawhiti, i te putanga 111 111 0

Le ra -Tikina he ahi i

a N ahuika He hokinga

mai no nga waka o tona iwiite hao kupenga ika 8 .

from Ike Sig/it of . He 11 0 11 0 11

nga mokn e ngaro ai ahau i

toku hoa ngongare 4 . a t

a distaacejrom wide beyond.

Ka who te patu i tona angu

anga 5 . in comparison3 ”

Page 57: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

36 I —Ihi.

E kore in e hohoro i taua wahine than . K o te moan a.i nui atu i te whenua

In complex preposition s. Ki

rare i te pihanga o to W here

A lso after ehara. E hare.

i te taua nana i patu : nana

n oa. i mate . 6 . by reason of:Kaore e tae te ope nei i te

webi for want of. Ka

pingongo nga papa. o to hoihoi te kai. 7. by ; after n euterverbs.

Poto katoa nga whenua

i a Rupe te haere —Kuatu i te tee a Hatupatu

with. K 9. mate a Te Ponga. ite hiainu 8 . (of place)at. E n oho n ei an o iR otorua

etebi up on . K 8. tere a

Hinauriite moans(2 a long.

Haere tonn atu i te are nui

make by way o/I K a haeremai i te te tai hauauru

9 . conn ected W ith the last andsometimes to be translated of.

Te motu iMokoia sometimes redundan t . W aiho i a

Marutuahu be ingoa (l 3 6) .—Katikina i a K ae hei tohi i 9. Tu

buruburu 1 0 . (in pasttime) in the act of. I te tikiwahie nga wahin e . in the state

of I te mate a A n aru inan ahi.1 1 . (of time) at , ih ; by . Kua

herua taua tangata i te poin the time of . I a HoumaitaW hiti te whawhaitanga at

the time that ; whilst , during .

I a ratou e okioki

I te mea,when . I te mea e

kai tonu an s. 1 taua kai1 2 . (in past time) with having.

Te tangata i te puahi. with

in p ossession of. I a wai totoki? belonging to .

“I a wai

tera. kaainga?” “I a W aitaha.

1 3 . in comp any with ;led by . Haere atu ana a K ae

i a Hin eiteiwaiwa raua ko Rau

katauri 1 4 . in the Op tll lon

of. Makatikati ana i a an te

korero n ei. 1 5 . causing troubleor annoyance to . Ma tabakihaere ai i te hau i a koe.

III. I v . i. ferment , turn sour .

W hakaii,a. self- conceited.

IV . I , int. W ithout any special

meaning at the end of a stan zaof a song.

I . Ia , pron . 3rd. person singular.

he ; she ; it. A fter the preposition s a , 0



,na , no,

ta. and to , an other pron oun ,na

is substituted for ia , an d the

preposition an dpron oun are written as one W ord. K 0 tanamahi,he tatau i ana taro Obs.

ia is n ot ordinarily used in speak

ing of things inanimate.

II . Ia , pron . demonstrative (n otused in the plural) . 1 . that ;

the said. N ga kan ohi o ia wahine 2 . repeated, to givea distributive sense

,each; every.

K a haere te kai korero ki iawahi, ki ia wahi.

III. Ia, n . 1 . current. E kore e

tere te waka i te ia. 2 . soundmade by rushing water . Me teia wai e tangi ana te umera

IV . Ia , conj . but. I roto an o ia

a Kiki i tona W hareIanii, ad. in tensive . then . Tenaiana; W hakaaturia mai.

Ianei, ad. in tensive . 1 . nay. He

parau ien ei te korero na. 2 . in

in terrogative senten ces. E koreian ei koe e haere ?

Iana, int. hold stay Iaua maku

6 here .

l b s, 11 . a fish ; the same as ta


Ihi , i. v . t . sp lit; divide . Ihia

atu te rakau na.

—Ka ihia te

mara. ii. v . i. 1 . draw a line,

furrow &c. E ihi mai ana te

tira o te mako i runga i te kare

Page 59: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


an taka,in a te ahua. I shall

fall of presen tly ,to judge by

In iihéa—Jriiri.

In aoakéwaké, ad. several daysago .

appearances . 5 . when . Kia ma Inap fi , (1) ad. last night.

hara mai koe ki a an in a tae Inati, (i) a . severe .

koe ki tawahi.

Inahéa, (1) ad. interrogative , of

past time . when ?

In aian éi, ad. just now ; to- day .

properly of time past on ly.

mama, v . i. bash; warm oneself .

Hei konei te'

ahi ineina.

In iiké , ad. not long since ; the

other day . Inake ano i haereaite rongo o ten eiwahin e ; kaore,he uaua

Inaki, (in) v . t. l . crowd one

up on another ; pae/s closely . Iin akitia rawatia te ko o te mara.n ei; te aihe kai apopo, te aha .

2 . thatch ; cover with overlapping layers, or rows. Ka inakitia

a runga ki te toetoe . 3 . cut

short a speaker, by beginningto speak before he has con

cluded. Te tukua taku korerokia tau ki raro ; inaki tonu maikoe .

—He korero W hakainakinakime. te tangata re

,n a reira ikin o

ai. 4 . v. i. fall back upon forccs in the rear or come up as

reinforcements to an advanced

position . K a in akiki runga kinga matua.

Inakuarii, (1) ad. a little while

ago .

In fimfitii, (1) ad. 1 . formerly . 2 .

immedia tely. K a rongo ta ta

ngata ra,imamate kua maranga

ki rungaIn amoki, n . a kind of rat.

In an ahi, (in) ad. yesterday.

In an a, see under in a.

h an ga, n . a small fresh-waterfish.

In ang eto , ad. quickly. Inangeto,kua maoa.

In aoiiké, ad. two days ago .

In aoakén ui, (1) ad. three days


He imati tengaunga o ten ei mea kino .

not long since .

In ei, ad. in terrogative. [s it so ?

In 5h1, (in) 11 . scale of a fish.

In éi, (1) v . t . beg ; p ray. Inoia

he kai ma tatou .

in oi, n . prayer ; en treaty .

In onira, ad. behind.

Inh, (i) V. t. drin/t. K a mutu te

inu,ka wahia te taha

iinu, v . t. drinkfrequen tly.

W hakainu , v . t. give drink to .

In ukorokoro , n . lazyfellow ; on e

W ho likes eating better thanwork.

In géin gb, a. sharp pointed. W arnhia rawatia tona rakau

,a ingo

ingo ana.

in goingo , n . young'


W hakain goin go , a. whimpering ;sobbing . He tamaiti W haka

ingoingo .

Ingoa, 11 . name . K a huaina tokuingoe ho W Hakatau

1 0 10 , a . 1 . hard . He ioio te one

on e o te whenua n ei. 2 . oh

stinate . K atahi te tangata 10 10 .

3 . aching from weariness. K a

ioio oku waewae i te roa o tehaerenga.

Ip 6, (1) a . p ertaining to love .

.W aiata ipo.

Ipii, (1) n . calabash ; bottle ; orany similar vessel.

Ira or iraira, n . freckle , or othernatural mark on the skin .

Iramiitii, n . nephew ; niece .

Iri, (i- i) v . i. hang ,be suspended.

E koe e iri iho n ei; koreroiho ra

W hakairi, v . t. hang up ; suspend.

Me W hakairi te kete ki runga,

ki te taepa.

Iriiri, v . t. 1 . perform a certain


Page 60: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

innings—K ills. 39

ceremony over a newly bornchild. Hence 2 . baptize .

iriiringa, n . bap tism.


, a. having a divine sowzd.

Ten ei nno te irirangi nei nga

kepu z he W hakaero ke ki rare .

Iro, (143 ) n . maggot ; thread worm.

iro , a. submissive in consequenceof punishment. W Hina kia irom.

whakairo, v. t . ca rve ; adornwith carving. N auabu ena te

whakairo o te wake na.

whakniroiro. v. i. dea l crookedIy ; be deca l/id . Ka whnkn

iroiro tern aMetete i tenei takiwe ; aknanei ka he ano.


Ki, a verbal particle, den oting K nee, v . i. wander. Kei to keenthe commencement of a new ki ro ngahere .

action or condition , or e state K eenan, n . sparrow-kawe

of things new to the speaker, kaeeea, v . i. not hire a hawk;

and hence it is of very frequent loo/c rapacious/31. 13 kaeaea ena

occurren ce in narrative . Hekc ki tc kai mane .

nei, heke nei te waka re, a, M , n . a freshwater shellfish.

ka ngaro te ihu ; ka teen 10 Riewi, a. l . (wondering . I to

taingewai o te ihu, tango atu whenua ahau e knows noa ena.

ki te taingawai o waenga, ha 2. loose ; slack. W Hakakeerere tupou te waka re (7 watia te teura kia known. 3 .

W’hen a narrative begins with detached. Kutahi ka whakakae

ka,wires , or a: may as, must wntia te kakaho ki te whanga.

be supplied in E nglish. Kn I. K fihfi, a. strong. Patupatua

noho a Marutnahu i reim, kn iho neiia, itianawne kaha (29).korero mi 3 Hotunuiki te kiuo whakakaha, v . t. strengthen .

0 tone iwi e noho neiin 1 1. m e, n . 1 . rope ; especiallyKi , v . i. lake fi re ; be Jig/tied , one on the edge of e seine.

bum. Kn eke nga ahi o rote , Ks. hereim'

e te knpenga re, ko

tekeu. Pass. kan gia. Kahore be haha 0 ram, he mea pou

on e a rote o te W he re kia ka ki te pen, here rewa te haha

ngia e te ahi. T/lc interim of hi te pou 2 . [timings(be home 1m; never ye l had a

gof the re sume of a canoe. 3 .

fi re burning m 1L ! noose . 4 . boundary line of landM , a. red lwl . A popo , kia | &c. Tuhia nga haha o te mere .

pena nga kiri o o tungane ; l 5 . line of ancestry ; lineage . Kn

hihj ens i nga kowhatu keka hoki mai ki te whakataki i too W aikorora kaha o Houmaitawhiti

Iti, itaita, a. tight , fast. Ho

pukis ans e to ringaringa ; na,itaita ena.

W hakaita, v . t. bold fast , re

strain . E W hakaita nei a Henare ,

e pupuri nei i a ratoukia n oho .

I tau , n. girdle for the waist.Iti, (1- 1) small . Kia itiiti iho .

Ito , (1- 6) 11 . object of revenge.

Pan eke ki roto ki nga puku

to ratou itoIwa, (l- é) a. nine .

Iwi, (N ) n. 1 . bone. 2 . tribe .

Iwikéré, a . wit/um! strengtb

Iwituiréré , n . bade-bone .

Page 61: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

40 K aheka—K ahfikekenb.

K ahaka’

n . calabash. kahore, a. no ; none. Kahore heK ahakaha, n . 1 . a kind of gar tangata i runga n ei?

men t. K o te pueru iwaho, ko W hakakahore , v. t . deny ; re

te kahakaha i roto . 2 . a plan t . fuse . E kore ten a korero e

K ahaki, v . t . remove by force ; taea te W hakakahore .

carry away . Kia man to pen K ahdtea, a. having no coveringi to tatou waka

,kei kahakina on the roof . Kei te tu kahotea

o te waipuke . tonu te W hare .

kahaki, n . strap to fasten a load K ahii, n . circus . G ouldzz ; haw/t .

on on e’s back. Tea aku ka I. K ahii, n . 1 . surface. K a mahaki? (R .) te kahu o te wai, ka pango a

K ahararii, n . rope on the under runga o te rangi—Te kahu oedge of a net. to rangi; the blue shy. 2 . gar

K iiharda, 11 . large seine, or drag men t. K a tango ite kahu W here ,net. i nga kahu kura, me nga puahi

K ahariin gii, n . rope on the upper (9 —K ahu -mamaa ; garmen tedge of a net. sen t to distan t relatives of one

K ahawai, n . a fish. who has been killed, to keep

K ahékahe, v . i. pan t. resen tment alive .

K ahéké, v . i. slip . kakahi'

n n . mat made affineflax .

K ahén c‘

i, a . un tied . Kite rawa atu nga taekama, e

K ahérfi , n . spade or other im horahora mai en a i nga kakahu

plemen t for w orking the soil. (N ot applied to coarserK ahia, n . l . passcflora tetrandra ; fabrics.)

a plan t. 2 . image of a human kakahii, v . t . put on . Kakahuria

figure carved out of the post on .

of a pa fence . W hakakakahu ,v . t . clothe . Ka

K ahika or kahikatéa, n . p odo tahuri ia ki te paihere i aua

carp us dacrydioides, or white pu tarutaru , W hakakakahu atu

pine . ki on a kakahu

K fihlkfitaas 11 ° leptospermum 5 0 0 “

II . K ahii, V . i. sp ring ; grow . Kua

parium; a tree kahu te W iti.

K ahitu a , n . a shell - fish. kahukahu , n , ghost ; spirit of a

K ahiwahiwa, a . in tensely dark. dead man .

K at ahlwa kau 3 11 3,me te

W hakakahukahu , v. i. begin to



waiponn amu n agrow ; acquire size. used W ith

K 5h 1 W 1 , n . ridge Of a hlu' reference to fruits,roots


K fiha, n . batten for the I'

OOf Of & 0 . Katabi3 11 0 ka W hakakahu“

a house & 0 kahu ake nga kai o te maraK eno

,11 . cash. n ei.

K ahéré, a

d. 1 . 720 ; ”Of


W hakakahu , 11 . white of an egg .

mate koe . Kahore,kei to ora

K ane‘

s, 1 1 . form; appearance . Meano an —K ahore 1 ea to

te kukupa te kahua .

mate o Tuhuruhuru 2 . v ,

on the contrary. I mea ahauK t


thm, n herd , floch.

he tan gata Pai koe : kaore, he K ahuu an gi, a . unsettled ; disturb

tangata kin o rawa .

- Kahore an o,ed.T8 fil

o te kai te iwi

n ot yet. Kua mahora te kai 11 9 1 5 kahu1rang1 tonu .

ma te ope? K ahorean o K ahfikékén ii, n . seal- shin mat.

Page 62: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

K ihfifi fi —K '

aikohfire. 41


wi, n . mat covered with K iifiia, n . sparrow hawk; hieracidia N ova’ Z elandiw.

Kfihfikfixi, n . 1 . the atna of the K aihakéré, v . t. stint ; give with

rainbow. 2 . rainbow. K 0 ka a m’

ggardly hand. Kane 0 kai

hnknra e tiwhana mai ra. hakeretia ton taonga.K fiihiu ,

n . 1 . the tohunga whokahupap a, v. t. bridge over . He eats the hon , or portion set

kahnpapangia ki te rakan. apart for the atua. 2 . lazyKihflring


i, a . unsettled ; irreso fellow ; vagabond (lit. one who

late . E kahnrangi haere ena i feeds on wind) .rungs i nga puke . K aihfiukai, 11 . return present of

kahuran gi, n . a light coloured food &c.

,made by one tribe to

variety of the stone called mti another.

ta- waiapn . Kiw i",n . ass.

K fihiiripi. 8 ax le/after! sideways. K aihara, v . t. 1 . cat greedily .

as m the buttrew hke growth at Kano e kaihorotia to kai. 2 . dothe base of some forest m hurriedly . Kei te hurihnrima

K ihfi tfi n‘

ikb, fl ~ W " of f ” fl‘”rire nga whaknaro, kahore i to

with ornamental border kaihorohoro .

Kfihfi tbrbfi, n . mat covemd with K fiihbtfikfi, n . whipping- top .

alba tross’

down .

lK ihfiwierb, n . mat covered with

K a


sazlfdg[ groa n palmtree


skin of.

dogs” ta ils ; the samelxm a. eager ; impatient. E

as mad"? K h

kaika ana ki te haere .


lt. W





0 "83


naK aikihfi, n . edges of the leaves



‘fl mugs (6 l’ 2: of fla r , which are split off and

bite. Katehi ano te use its kmthrown away

kl mun m u M am V. i. commit forn l‘


cation .m a. food: Kihai roe, kn ma~

K iikfiifimfi , n . rhabdothamnushora to km, te tuna, to kumam, Solandri; a sbenh.

te taro 0 9 3) Q -


lgg W h

it?K fiikmwaiu, 11 . one who goes se

‘3 1 11 large quan tities. 3“ma 1oretly to give information of the

a to among-a o te km “9" a teapproach of an enemy .

taniwha , a te pore'

8 .

K ill 5 iiriddle ; puzz le ; toy.

V . 1 °

K iikfiufiu , v . t. cut of} the tipsmu ,v . t. eat frequent!

kiinga ,I]. refuse of a ti

lted ], as

”f anything , 3 8 Of hair ,or

cookie shells &c .

branches of a tree

whakakai, n . ornament for theKafké, V ‘ i' I‘Z” in a


heap . Te

car. K c nga whnkakai, imahue pehanga wahxe, e kalke ma1 ra.

tonn iho.K hik

inb, v. t . murder in cold

K i! a prefix to transitive verbs 51034


to den ote the agent. Katahika K fiikiri, v. 1 . I . cherish hostile

poke maj nga kai-hapai patn feelings. Te kaikiri, he manukanuke ki nga he 0 mna . 2 .

m n. a tree . quarrel. E kaikiriana N G apnhi.

Km v . t. steal. K aikbhfiré, n . a piece of woodkaifi , n. thief . which is rubbed upon another

Page 63: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


to procure fire. Comp . K au


K aikomakb, n . a tree . N a ka

mate te ahi aMahnika i kon ei,

ko te oranga o tana ahi iwhiua

e ia ki te kaikomakoK aikbr

a, n . vagabond lazy

K aimaoi, a . sapless ; dry .

K aimariré, a. libera l ; bountiful.He wahine kaimarire .

K fiimata, a. 1 . green . He rakau

kaimata. 2 . uncooked. E kaimata ana nga kai ma tatou .

8 . fresh; unwrought. I mua ite kaimatatanga o te oneone .

K fiimfitii, v . i. get one’s living by

sponging upon others.

K aingfi, n . 1 . place of abode ;lodging ; quarters ; encampment ;bivouac. Taton ka hae re ki tekainga 2 . unfortifiedplace of residence whether con

sisting of on e or more huts. Ka

hoki an o mana ki te haha i ia

pa, i ia pa, i ia kainga, i ia

kainga 3 . coun try. N ui

atu te knra o tenei kainga i tekura o Hawaiki 4 . witha possessive pron oun ,

home .

Kaingfikiu , v . t. price greatly ;value .

K aihta, a. green ; fresh ; not


kaiota, v . t . eat anything withoutcoo/ting .

K aipakéha, n . a large variety ofsweet p otato .

K aipfikfi h'


, 11 . presen t given bya bridegroom to the relatives ofhis bride .

K aiphnii, v . t . keep to oneself ;withhold. A na ra e kaiponnhia

o pukapuka .

K aip iiké, n . ship .

K airakafi,a . He huka kairakau,

a sharp white frost.

KaikomakB—K akahnknra.

K airfiw firfi , n . spear in an na

finished state .

K iiirépérépé, n . relation by mar


K aitaka,n . 1 . mat made of the

finest flax ,with ornamental

border. 2 . whipping top1 . K ansas, 11 . brave man ; warrior .Ka rongo rapea te tini kaitoan ei

II. K inda, expressing satisfactionor complacen cy at any even t.It is good 85 0 . Kaitoa kia araia

maikoe e te waipnke , kia rokohanga mai ai e au .

whakakaitoa, v. i. express one’


satisfaction at anything.

K aiwae, n . floor, or deal: of a

can oe ; the same as karahé .

K aiwhiria, n . parsonsia albiflora ,a climbing plan t.m e , n . nestor productus ; a


K aka,a . in toxicated with the

juice of the tutu.

kaka,n . a bird ; the same as

matuhu. Ka rere i te po, ka

whakaraoa, he kaka.

links, 11 . 1 . single fibre, or hair.2 . ridge of a hill. 3 . garment.4 . small seine or drag net, which

ismanaged without the help ofa boat or can oe .

W hakakakakaka, a . coveredwith short irregular strip es.

K aka, see under ka .


, n . 1 . a freshwater shellfish ; unio . 2 . a saltwater shellfish

,the same as hohota .

kakahi, v . t . part of the pureceremony. Ka hurihia te huri

hanga takapau ,ruahine rawa,

kakahi rawa, ka n oa (22)K akahb , n. arundo conspicua ;reed grass.

K akahu, see under kahu.

K akahfikiirfi, n . mat covered withred feathers.

Page 64: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Kakai~ kan okanm 43

K ikfimfi, see under kama.

K fikamiréké, v. i. become fan ,

or free from rain . Kn. kaka

maroke to ban nei.

R ikfini'

, see un der kani.

K akan o , see under ken o .

M p b , n . strigops habroptilus ,

K akapu, see un der kapu .

K akara, see under kara.

K ikirafiri, v . i. he dash, in the

evening or morning. Ks. haha

rauri, kn tee matou ki te kai


K ikifi ki, n. 1 . small green porrot. 2 . green lizard. 3 . a shrub

4 . me lon .

Emm pa, bird.

KMQ , n . l . stalh of a plan t.2 . handle of a tool.

Kékfiwi, 11 . w e nt.

K iké, v. t. ascend ; climb upon ,

or over . Kakea eke te tnahn ote where 0 to tupuna o Hinennitepo

whakakake , v . i. assume sayeb


ority ; give oneself airs.

K iki, n . 1 . neck. K 0 nga we

wern, he mea tapeka ki ra ngei te kaki (1 4s) . a. throat. Ke

hore he wai mo te m ake 0 K ini, kanikani , l . v. t. rub

toku kaki. backwards and forwards ; saw.

K émi.kfikfimi, a. quick: nimble . Kia

kakama to haere .- Hc rings

kamakama,a light/ingered per

son .

Kamila , u . rock; stone .

K fimhrtfl, 11 . end of a branch or

leaf ; top of a tree .

K fimé, v. t. cat.

khmé, 11 . food .

K imfi , n . eyelash.

kamo , or kamokamo , v. i. 1

winh. 2 . bubble up . E kamoake ana te wai o to tatou waka .

kamonga, n . eyelash.

K amokamo , n . vegetablemarrow.

K imh, v . t. 1 . eat. 2 . in transitively move the lips in an ticipation of food .

K imfi , 11 . seeds of cowhage.

K imfiri, n. cooking- shed .

K ini, or kfin fikfin fi, v. i. stare

wildly. Kanakana kau ah a nga

kan ohi.kanakan a, 11 . mesh of a n et.

K finfie, n . a fish ; mullet.11 6 1156 1156 , a. bewildered. K3 ka

naenae nga kanohi.Kin ikfi , 11 . fi re .

M p fi, a. l . bright. 2 . con

spicuous from colour. To here

e kanapa maira, e ma mai ra.

kfi napanapa,a. dark like deep

water. Ko te whnkamataku tenei

,he kenapanapa no he wai

(15 8)M pe, ad. not : no. Kanapo e

haere nga tangata.

M p fi, a . bright ; shin ing.

kinfiph, n . lightningKinékén éké , v. i. move from

one s place .

K fin éwhi, a. nnderdone. I kanewha te kai nei; kihai 1 puta

kan i, saw .


tingfi , n . commencementof a steep ascen t.

Kah ihi'

, v . t. patch a garmen t.Kfin


iwhfi, n . 1 . ba rb of a fish

hook&c. 2 . barbed spearK in d.

kfikfino, n . 1 . tex ture of fibresin wood ; grain . 2 . berries whichserve as food for pigeons &c.

kfikéno, 11 . seed ; pip .

kanokan o , a f ull of small lumps.

Page 65: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


kan okan o ,1 1 . relative

among a distant tribe . Ka riro9. Te Paki ki te toro i tonakan okan o .

K an c‘

ihi, n . 1 . eye . 2 . face .

K fin bkan ba'

, v . i. feel ejection

for an absent relative or friend.

Kan okan oa ana an ki taku hoa

ka riro .

K an c‘

in c‘

i, n . a tree ; a species ofcop rosma .

K EnBti, v. t. cover up emberswith ashes or earth.

K an fikfi , n . lep tospermum cri

coides ; a tree.

K angfi, (n . maiz e) . See also underK a.

Kangi, v. t. curse . Kua kangaa

koutou e te tini o Manahuakanga, n . curse ; blasphemy.

K an gatfin gatfi, n . verandah.

K EG , n . dried humara or turnips.

kaokao , n . 1 . ribs. 2 . side ofthe body, of a canoe, of a hill&c.

K ao ,ad. an abbreviated form of

kahore ; no .

K ac‘

iré, ad. a con tracted form ofkahore .

K ap i, n . 1 . rank; row . Te kapa

o ta ratou haha 2 . play ;

kap a , v . i. stand in a row or


kapakapa, v. i. 1 . palpitate . Ekapakapa ana te tan 0 taku ate .

2 . flutter ; flap . He kapakapatera n o te manu mate e werobiean a (1 46)

kap akap a, n. wing.

K apara, n . resinous wood of the

kahikatea tree.

K apatau, conj . zf. Kapatau he

mea pai, ka tango au .

K apatan, v . t . exp ress an ih len

tion of doing ; threaten . K ei te

kapatau tonu ratou mo te haere .

kan okan o—kapu .

living K ape, n . 1 . eyebrow. Ka tu teranga kape o te tangata ra. Spokenof fierce looks. 2 . tattooingunder the eyebrows.

K fip é, v . t. 1 . pass by ; leave out.

He aha ahau ikapea ai. 2 . pic/t


K apeka, 11 . head of a river.

K ipékapé, 11 . north west wind.

K ip éképétfi , v. i. flutter ; writhe .

Kapekapeta ana te ngarara i

roto i te kapura.

K apekfipetau , a. quick. Kia ka

pekapetau ou waewae .

K api'

, v. i. be covered ; be filledup ; be occupied. Spoken of anylimited area. Kua kapi te kai

nga i te tangata.

W hakakap i, v . t . fi ll up a space .

W hakakap i, 11 . one who fills the

place of another substitute ; suc

cessor .

K apia, n . hauri. gum; resin .

K apiti, n . l . cleft ; crevice. 2 .

gorge ; narrow pass. 3 . a bone .

kap iti, a. shut in by hills ; con

fined. He whenua kapitiW Hanganui

K apb , v . t. catch at ; snatch.

K ap ZS, a. blind.

K apewai, n .

wood- coal.W hakakap ow ai, v . t . steep in

boiling water . K ei te tao i te

tangata, kei te kai; kei te W ha

kakapowaiite apoko ; kamaoa,kei te W hakatu ,

‘K ei a an a

R aumati’

K ap ii, n . 1 . hollow of the hand.

2 . steel.

adz e so called from the

curved shape .

kap u , a. curly (of the hair) . kapumaherii, slightly curled ; wavy .

kapu mawhfitfi ,separated in to

distinct curls. kapu p irip iri,

1 . dragonfly. 2 .

kap u , v . i. close the hand. v . t.drink out of the hollow of the


Page 67: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Karawfi , n . 1 . dam;2 . bed in a garden .


kfirfiw firiwfi , n . wea l ; marl: of kakfiri, v . i.

a stripe .

K irawhiu , v. t . whirl ; swinground.

karawhiu , n . flailK are, n . 1 . ripp le. Te kare ote tai. 2 . lash of a whip . K o

te kare o te wepu kia papa i

runga i te mahunga o te Hauhau

,kia mataku ai.

karekare , n . surf.

karekare , v . i. be agitated. Ekarekare an a te hinu i roto i teipu .

W hakakarekare , v . t.shake up (of liquids) .

kare - a - ro to , n . object of p as

sionate afi ection . Te kare - a

roto o tona ngahan

K aréio , n . rhipogonum scandens,

a climbing plan t ; supp le-jack.

K aréaréa , n . hieracidea N omeZ elandite ; sparrow- hawk.

K aréhé, v . i. run . E karehe ra

i mua ra.

K firéhii Im’

hérii, n . spade .

K firékc‘

i, v. i. comp . ka

ren go .

KXniiKo,n . calico .

K firémfi , n . p lug in the bottomof a can oe.

K aréngc‘

i, v . i. slip . K eikarengokoe .

karen go , 11 . an edible seaweed.


Pi, n . grape.

K firérarérfi, n . a water plan t.K arere, n . messenger .K firétE , v. i. be untied.

K arétii, hierochloe redolens ; a

sweet scen ted grass.

K firéwa, n . buoy .

mm, 11 . garden .


slip .

K ari, 11 . isolated wood ; clump oftrees.

K ari, i. v . t. dig for. K eite kari

pohue hei o ki te Taiapu

K arla, n .

K arawa—karukaru.

1 1 . v . i. rush along violently . Ka

kari tera te hau n ei.

1 . be urgent ; be

importunate . K a kakarikia n ohomatou . 2 . wrestle ; quarrel. Ekakarimai ra nga tamariki.

kakiri, v . i. fight. Te whawhai

nui he kakari; to nga tangatatokorua

,he kakari.

kakiritan ga , n . valley . comparekakanitan ga .

karikari, v . t. strip of . Haereki te n ehen ehe ki te karikariaka hohou taiepa.

W hakakarikari, v . t . n otch. Mewhakakarikarikau te rakau n ei.

K arihi, n . 1 . stone of a fruit ;kernel. 2 . weights attached tothe lower edge of a dragnet.Kua oti nga kupenga ra te tatai


piri atu an onga kerihi

K aribi, v . i. loiter ; idle . E tamae ! he aha koe i karioi tonu ai i

te wahi n a ?

K ariri, v . i. sail together in a

fleet. E kariri mai nga waka

ra i te rae.

Kinini,n . cartridge .

KABIBI, v. t. k. paura, mahe car


K arith , n .

raupo .

K aritfién gi, v . t. dig deep . K a

karituangitia ki raro, ki te papao te on eon e .

K irb, n . pittosporumcrassif‘


a tree .

K are, or kakarb, v . t. l . parry ;avoid a blow. Kua karchin tematia a Tawharau . 2 . pic/t out

of a hole . compare tikaro .

karokaro , n . 1 . slave. 2 . maroading party.

K firc‘

iré , n . 1 . sea—gull ; larusan tzpodam. 2 . a kind of shell


typha angustifolia

1 . eye. Karo. mowhiti,spectacles. 2 . head.

karukaru , 11 . rag ; old garment.

Page 68: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

m as —Kama. 47

katete , a. large. Me to kuao a

K irfihirfih‘

i, n . shag ; a bird. te tohora nei te kateteKati, v . t. block up ; close against

Karfipé, n . lintel of a doo r. any one ; stop q fi c upon anyKfirfiré , v. t. twist ; spin . E thoroughfare .

kamre muka ana te wahine nei. ka ti, a. shut , closed . Kua katiKSTI , n . car t. te kuwaha.

Kati; v . i. laugh. He aha tan a kakat'

i, v. t . sting ; cause vo smart.kata na

? Passive katain a, be Kei katia koe e to pnwerewere .

laughed at. Kauaka ahau e ka M 5 , 11 . bundle ; sheaf. Kia

taina e kon tou. toru kakati korari ka oti.

kakati , a. l . laugh1agjr§quen t kfikit‘

i, v. t. tie up in bundles.

Iy. 2 . opening in croons ; katikati, v. i. champ ; move the

chapped. Kakata ans te whenua. jaw as in eating. Kn kairatouKatee , a. how great. Katne to i reira ; pan ans. 3 nga hea


kakara o te what s nei! katikatitonu a Tania


i , conj . 1 . then . Katahi Kati, v . i. leave of ; cease . A !

ka rewa te taua a W Hakatau Kati to turituri

potiki(4 1 ) 2 . namjar the/i nt whakakati, v. i. beg one to de

time. Katabi n ei pea an ha sist.

when 3 . on ly j .ust Ki ka ti. ad. well ; so then ; in troduc

te kata konto n i a an i to men ing s conelusion. Kati, me nohokatahi ca n an ka tomo ki rote an i mate rewa au n . portuguese man ofexpress appreciation of any war .

quality. Katahi ano ta tea ko Kitih'

i, n stack of fern: ootkoe ! W hat a brave man you Katipb , nn . 1 . venomous spider.

are ! 2 . m p .

K fitiriméti, int. expressing sur

Kitiu , 11 . right hand. Tu mai prise .

koe ki katau. K itirehb, n . sore throat ; quinsy.

KW , 11. whitened. Kn pukai, I. K fitb , orM 146 , v. t. pluck.

ln hates ou whene i te pare Katchia etshi puwha maku.

h im i Rangiriri. LI. Kfitb , a. flowing ; flood (of theM , n . podocarpus daerydioi tide only) . E kore tatou e putades, a tree. i te tai kato .

kfi téatéa , a. not close together : Kfit65 , a. all ; the whole . Ka

scattered. Kei to kateatea tonu whakatika katoa nga taugata

nga kete parareka i wasaga hokowhitu hi to kimi rakauKitékfité, 11. small mat to coverthe shu dders. Kat“ , n. teptcspermum scope

Kitete, 1 . v. t. lengthen by add n'

um; a tree .

ing a piece. Ka poto te tao , K fiwitbi, v . i. give a response .

he katetetia atu kia roa ai. 2 . Kahore ano kia katoitoiake, kiav . i. move forwards. Te katetew aha. Kawré, or kfi tbrétéré, a. glim

katete , n . 1 . piece joined to a men'

ng, dimly luminous . Te measpear to lengthen it. 2. large 6 katorctote mai ra, he tutaepig. whetu.

Page 69: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

48 Kfitoté—Kaukau .

K atine, a . notfi n ed , disp laced.

K fi tfia, n . 1 . full grown animalor bird. K a katuatia, ka tupunga buruburu .

—Frequen tly usedof the dam as Opposed to the

young. 2 . stockade , or mainfen ce of a pa, distinguished fromthe ‘


and ‘



were outside, and also from the

parakiri, which was in side .

Kan , ad. 1 . alone ; per se ; wit/toutappendage Ste. Tu kau ana te

tangata, the man was naked. Heipu takoto kau, an emp ty vessel.

2 . only. K 0 nga patu, he patu

poto kau (9O) . —I rangona kautiae ia kite haha o te patu e haereiho ana ki tona angaanga

3 . just. Mutu kau an o ta ratouhaka

,tin o katanga o Kae ikata

ai 4 . wit/tout kindrance .

Kihai i taea te korikori,hahau

kau an a te patu 5 . to

no purpose . A,tangi kau mai

ki an a taonga ,ki tana wahin e

6 . K ahore kau,

not a t

K ill , 1 . v . 1 . swim; wade . K a

kau ia, a he u ki te kainga o teW Hatuiapiti —ii. v . t . 1 .

swim or wade across. Te moanaikauia e Hinemoa. 2 . swimforK auia to tatou waka.

kau anga, 11 . ford crossing .

kau an ga-w ai, the part of the leg

above the ankle .

kaukau , v . i. ba t/te . v . t. anointthe head. E kaukau an a aMarui tona upoko .

kaukaur anga, n . bat/ting p lace

W hakakau , v . t. make to swim.

W hakakau, n . charm to aid in


K ane, ad. (imperative or optative)not. Kaua e kotikotia ta tatouika

K auae , n . 1 . jaw chin . 2 . wing

of an army. 3 . beamin a build

K auaemiia, n . one’s eldest brbtheror sister .

K auaerBa, n . l . a fi sh ; the sameas hap a/cu. 2 . party lying in


K auaetéa , n . a kind of eel : whenfullgrown it is called who/man .

K auahi, n . a piece of wood uponwhich a stick is rubbed to procure fi re .

K auaka, ad. not (with imperatives&c.) —when used absolutely, donot ; don

’t !

Kauamé,n . litter ,

bed arrangedbetween two poles, to carry a

sick person on .

K auan ga, n . the star canopus ;called also A utahi. See alsounder kau .

K auin gaw iii, n . the part of the

leg immediately above the ankle .

K anan a, n . haw/t.

K auawhiwhiwhi, v . i. approxi


K iueré, n . vitex littoralis ; e tree .

kau ere , a . crump led shrivelled.

He kauere te tupu o te mara .


, a. turbid,muddy. He

moana kanchu .

K auhéa, n . litter on which a per

son is carried.

kauhoa, v . t . carry on a litter .

K auhée v . i. swim.

' E kore ran ei

an e whitiki te kauhoe ? (1 32)K auhhu, 11 . line of ancestry. K a

hirihiria ki te kauhou o Houmaitawhiti

K auhéré, v . t. scrape ; rub with

anything rough. I kauhorotia

a Hoani e to rakau .

K auhiia ,or kauhu ahu a ,

n .

stringboard or horiz ontal supportfor the floor of a can oe.

Kan ika, n . heap .

kan ika, 1 . v . i. lie -ia a heap .

2 . v. t. lay in a heap . Kauikatia

o riwaiKaukau, n . sp ear. See also underkau .

Page 70: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Kahlil n . ridge of a hill. kaurukiruki, a. smoky ; dusky .

kahki, v . i. lie in a heap . E kanki I to ata,i te mea e kaurukiruki

mai ra te kaii te rua. tonu one to ponri.K aumfihiki, n . brace ; buttress. K fiu ta, n . cooking shed .

Kaumatfi i, n . 1 . adult. 2 . old Katahin g-a, a. empty. Ka haere

man or woman .

‘He tira kau kantahanga tenei ponaka.

mama, tona te haere na’

e ki K iufi hbe v . t. swim across. N a

an a ko Pararaki: a proverb for koneii kautahoetia ai e ia tauaanything slow and sure. moana

Kaunfiroa, n . body of a canoe K iutingfitfingi, a. moving briskwithout the haumi &c. ly. A hea te kautangatanga ai

Kaunenehfi , a. dusty . Ka kan taua ?

nenehn n ei te ponri, ka tae maimatou.

1 Mats kautete, a weapon consistR inuot


i, n . a piece of woodwhich ing of sharp teeth of flin t lashedis rubbed briskly with another firmly to a piece of wood.

to procure fire . See kaurima Kau tbna,n . wart. He kantona

1 kei te tahi taringa o ta ua poaka.

Kin ngirfia, 11 . side fen ce of a pa . K autfikfi ,n . a bird

, the same as

Kan pie, 11 . step of a ladder. matahu.—tapuae kantnku ,


K fiupipi , n . l . lere l surface ; patte rn or method Of interlaeing

floo r . Ka rite te kaupapa o to the strips of flax in the liningrua ki te kaupapa o to awa . of a house .

He kanpapa hare ,a clean sm p . K 3

2 . fleet Qf canoes. 3 . wise man ; 1Kfiuwh§u ,v . i. or v . t. l . recite

oracle . N a koutou,na nga pn ,

old legends and genealogies. 2 .

na nga tohunga , na nga kan preach.

papa 4 . origina l of a song K iwi , a. 1 . unp leasant to the

as opposod to a parody. 6 . gauge taste ; bitter , w ar . 2. not re

for the meshes of a not. lishing food. N a Hotunui an

i ngaro maiki tetahi ika mans,K auparé , v . t. turn in a different he waha kawa none

direction ; ave rt.K fiupbkl

, v. t. 1 . cover over . cr eelsum, a shrub .- Ta ite kawa.

2 . in sert. 1 . remove the ‘tapu’

from a new

Kim-am n . deriva tive fromkau ; building , part of the ceremonysee kau. consisting in striking parts of

Kiurfipa, a. having broad la teral the building with a bran ch ofhawahawa . 2 . op en a new build

K fiuréréhfi , a. dim; dusky . ing with any ceremony . HenceKaur

i, n. 1 . dammara austra lis ; kawe , v . t. the same as ta i

a forest tree . 2 . resin of the to hawa . Ka huihui N G atipo

kauri tree . 3 . soot fromburnt ; ron hi to kawanga o to ratouresin

, used for tattooing. whare .

K fiuflmir'

imi, n . a poin ted piece mawi, v. i. perspire .

of wo od , rubbed briskly on kakawii, n . sweat.

an other to procure fire . Kiwi, n . heap . Me he kawaKnurfi, 11. head of a tree . kamaka .

K fiurfiki n. smoke .iK fiwbd, n . 1 . shoot or branch of


Page 71: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

50 Kawainga—K ehbkeho.

a gourd or other creeping plan t.2 . pedigree ,

lineage . Takina

on kawai, kia mohiotia ai ou

tupuna. 3 . ten tacuta of cultle

fi sb . 4 . loops or bundles of a

kete or maori basket .K fiwfiin ga, n . stars w/zic/z immediately p recede tlze dawn . Ka

hapai nga kawainga o te ata.

K iw aka, n . libocedrus doniana ;a forest tree .

K awar'

i, n . a shell fish.

K aw iiriki'

, n . a plan t.K aw atiu, v . i. Speak frequently

of one’s inten tions or expecta


K fiw fitfiwiti , a . 1 . yearning. K a

tae te kawatawata aroha i a an

ki taku tamaiti. 2 . increasinggradually fromsmall beginnings.

Kawatawata marire te putangamai o te hau .

K awau , n . graculus varius ; cor

morant ; slzag . E n oho ana te

tangata n ei,me te kawau pu

te ahua

K fiwfiwfi , n . palings of a fen ce.

K fiwe, v. t. I . carry ; convey ;bring . K atabi te tangata ra ka

kawea ki te wai e tona papa,ka tohia 2 . fetch. E ta


kawea atu te tchi wai moku3 . induce ; influence . He

kawonga n a to humarietanga ote W Haturapiti 4 . v. i.

snew determination persevere.

Te whawhaitanga iwhawhai ai;

ka kawe tetehi, ka kawe tetehi

kaw e , n . 1 . bundle . 2 . straps byW hich a bun dle is carried on

the back.

kaw akawa , n . tentacula of a

cuttle fish. E haere mai an a

hoki nga kawekawe o te ta

niwha, e pehi ana i te waka

ki raroK


aw ei, n . for kawai, see kawai

Kawékfi, n . ridge of a hill .

kaw eka , a. 1 . long . Kaweka

an a te tangata n ei; me te kahika ! 2 . idling. K ei nga kai

nga e kaweka haere ana. 3 .

rambling ; digressing . A na e

kawekaweka te korero .

KXW iiN KTX,n . covenant.

K awéngi, n . burden . See kaw e .

K fiw érfi , n . bait for cray fi slz.

kaw eru , v . t . bait or farm'

s/t wit/zbait. K awerutia nga taruke .

K awititan gfi, n . wrist.K iwiu , V. i. be sarault. Katshika kawin te ringaringa.

K fiwhaki, v . t . 1 . remove byforce.

See kahaki. 2 . draw out bystratagem. E hike. ma, kawhekina : mane. tonu e W hai. Com

pare manukawhaki.K fiwhia, n . a fish.

K awhia . n . a basket used in col

leeting paua .

I. R é , a. dif feren t ; strange . HeW here ke to matou ko on matua (97

ke , ad. 1 . in or to a dtfi‘erent

p lace ; in a differen t direction .

K ei Taranaki ke ratou e n ohoan a.—I anga ke te roro ki te

tonga. 2 . at a dgfi'

erent time ;before/land. K o nga taura ano

kua whiria ketia ra hoki,he

rangike atu . 3 . contrariwise ;difi


erently to want one expected.

K o tutamure ke i haere mai,

he mate hoki a To Toare. 4 .

in a dif ferent clzaracter or ap

pearance. puta ke, or rere ke,altered.

kéké , a. . in a dgfi'

erent line. matua keke, uncle or aunt.

II. R 6 , v . i. produce a slzarp abrup t

sound ; craclc; snap .


é , v . i. creak.

kéké , v. i. quack, as a duck.

K éa, n . disc/large from the nose.

K éhfi, n . 1 . turnip . 2 . flea .

K éhé, n . a fish.

K éhokého, a. very clear or trans

Page 72: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Kenna—ketcketo . 5 1

parent. Marama kehokeho te m arep b , a. blind. K ekerepo

moana. ana te kant

K ehfii, n. ghost ; spirit. A mo m erérfi , 11 . black wood- bug .

dern word. m e, a. squin ting. He kan ohiK él, ad. 1 . tbat not ; lest. Kia keko .

ata tangi ta ton ,kei rongo mai whakakeko, v . i. look oblique ly

akn hoa i pata ia an n ei along anything. Titiro wheke2 . not. Kia manawanui; kei keko, loctl' askan ce .

- W haka

kainga ake imuriia an keko pu,talfc aim.

Kei paruparu, kei aha, tbere is K én ékénb , a. stinking ; ofi ensive .

no mud wbatever . 3 . wliilst Kenokeno armto haunga.

still. Kia hohoro te haere, kei K en go , n . 1 . niglit. 2. large wltiteao ana te ra. kumara .

K ei, prep. (in present time) . 1 . kengo , v . i. become nigbt. Ka

at ; on ; in . He tangata kei te kengo to re .

kainga, he kawenga an o tana : x55 , n . peak or painted summit.ko te kawonga, kei runga keixkeokeo , a. pea/red ; poin ted. Meto n whare e takoto ena, in haere ra to puke keokeo .

kei ton nohoanga e n oho ana xwhakakeo , a . rising to a peak.

2 . with: in possession of . Kei te ngaru whakakeo e tereKei a an a Baumatzi —

5 i Taupe .

Ko la kei a koe ,it is a you


keokeonga, n . peak of a bill.

say ;-

you leave it. 3 . in tbe K erekere, a. intensely dart . often

act of . Kei te tnnu kaimana i used adverbially to in tensify4 . with an adjective or other adjectives, as pourihere

neuter verb , to denote present here .

state , enaraeter , quality etc. Kci Kérekérewil, n. numbness.

te ora ano eu 6 . like . K éréngeo , n . lumpK0 one niho, kei te koi mate K érerfi , n . wood pigeon .

6 . (afi er verbs of mofion) §K érétékI, n . outer fence of a pa.

to . Hsoi ka puta te tupua miK érétfl , n. l . clad . 2 . tltwart ofkei waho o tona rua a can oe .

E nd, 11 . stem of a can oe &c . K éréwhénfia , n . yellow clay.

Kali. v. t steal. lK éri, l . v . t. dig . 2 . v. i. rastiKéiwhi, ad . 1 . before . Kia ho -

g a long violently as wind dzo.

horo te whariki i te whare , gK ér6, v . i. blink (be eyes ; win/r.

keiwha puta mai te manuhiri. kero , a. 1 . dead. 2 . maimed . He2 . Mei/st. Kia taria nga kai: rings kero .

nei, keiwha noho nga tangata . ket oketo , v. i. wink frequently .

K éki, l . mentally deranged . 2 .

Kerekot o anau tonu nga ka

beside onese lf with grief.3 0 h) ;

K Bké, a. obstinate ; stubbo rn .

K Gté, n . basket made orstrips Of

flaxwhakakeke, v. I. ref use to speak,

slzew oneself obstinate .

K etékété, v. 1 . express surp rise,or sorrow.m e, n . armpit. Se e also under

R eté , 3 . ex tinguislwd. Kua ketoto ahi.

m m , 11 . overcast sky. ketoketo , n . 1 . sick person . 2 .

M 6, n. sea - lion ; seal. maggot.

Page 73: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

52 R eth—Kia.

K éti'

l ,

1 . v. t. turn up with the

snout. Kua ketua taku marae te poaka . 2 . v . i. begin to

ebb . Ka ketu te mata o te tai.K éu , v . t . move ; and hence pull

the trigger of a gun . K eua te

pu .

K eukeu , v. i. move oneself. Ta

koto tonu te turoro n ei,kahore e

henken .

W hakakeukeu , v . t . shahe

K éwa, a . ex tinguished. Kua kewa

te ahi.

K éwha, a. unsettled ; irresolnte .

E keW ha haere ra i runga mau

I. K i, a

ifnll. Kua ki te ipu .

c .rowded 2 . confi ned ;

W hakakiki, v . t . instigate . Ka

tahi ia ka haere ki te W haka

kiki i tona iwi kia tikina maitaua iwi tutu n ei kia W haka

ngaromiaII. K i, 1 . v. t. say ; think. 2 . v . i.

speak; utter a word . U i n oa

ki te poupou o te W hare, K aorete ki mai te walla.

kiki, v . i. speak. K orero n oa ahau,

kihai ia i kiki.III . K i, ad. very. Mturi ki.

K i, prep . 1 . to . E haere ana koe

ki hea ? E haere ana ahau ki

te W hakataki 1 taku kotiro2 . i .nto K a W hina atu ia ki

te wai 3 . towards. Ehaere koe

,ka titiro ki te puta

nga mai o te ra 4 .

against ; at ; with. K a tango

mahara ia,ka whawhaimai ki

ona tuakana —Te makangaatu o te maipi ki nga ngarara,ki nga mokai katoa, kua mate

—Kat haurangi te wahin en ei

,ka riri ki tana teina

5 . for ; in quest of: N a K otunui an i ngare maiki te ngohimana 6 . concerning ; of ;

K ia, ad. or conj .

resp ecting . K a korero mai a

Hotunui ki te kin o o ton a hoae n oho n eiia He W haka

pasnga ki te rua kumara n a

ona hoa 7. in canse

quence of. He tika tou pouriki taku korero 8 . bymeans of ; with. Tapahia ki te

toki 9 . at ; with ; on ;

in . K a n oho a Tuau ki te kei—He aha ra tatou te moe

tahi ai ki a ia ? (1 1 ) - E hoe


na,e rua ki roto

,e rua

ki waho —K a mutu ki

te wai, kei uta 1 0 . ac

cording to. Ki taua W hakaaro

hoki,he wahin e pai ia

1 1 . in the Opinion of: Ki a

Tangaroa, me tomo te pa : kia Rangitu, me tuki ata

1 2 . in the even t of . Ki te katakoutou i e. au

,ka mate rawa

ahau 1 3 . simply transitive, con necting the verb W ithits object . K a tango tetehi kite maipi, me tetehi; ka tangoan o a Hatupatu ki te maipi

l . to den ote a

W ish or proposition . Kia ata

haere tatou L est us go

slowly .—that. Katahi ia ka

mahara kia tango maminga iai taua kainga 2 . to den ote a purp ose or effect


K atahi ka pein atu ia kia haere

atu .—He aha iwaiho ai te ma

nuhiri kia karanga ana? (1 6 8)W hen followed by aiit den otesan ulterior purpose, in orderthat. Me whakarite nga hoe

kia rite rawa, kia tangata ai

tatou te puta ki waho3 . to mark the relation betweenthe subject and some future timeor even t. Kia rua nga po ki

muri n ei ka ara te ma mmaKia ahiahi ka puta ake ai?

W ill he come up in the even

Page 75: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

54 Kirikopfin'

i—K fifiha.

K irikopum, n . a kind of eel.

K fi 1p§k§, nn fl. i ;n t quartz .

K in tai, 11 . sp ace immediately out

side the fence of a pa .

K iri

itéa, a. whites/tinned. He pa

keha ia ; ina hoki he kiritea.K ititén i , n . wart ; excrescence

on the shin .

K irifi ka, a unflinching . I W haka

rongo kiriuka etahi.


lriwiii, n . inner shin .

K itfi, ad. tightly ; fast. Man kitatauamaiainga taura a tauahunga.

Kite, v . t . 1 . see ; hnow ; perceiveKua kite mai taua wahine i a

ia e haere atu an a 2 .

fi nd out ; discover. Ka rapua

e ratou he tikanga hei mamingatanga ma ratou i a Kae


ka hiteaW hakakite , v . t. reveal ; disclose .

K iwi.

W hakakikiwi, v. i. keep the eyes

firmly closed . Ka W hakakikiwa

ona kan ohi i te mamae .

K iw éi, n . loop or handle of a basket. Hapainga ki te kiwei.

K iwi, n . apteryx'

; a bird. kahu

kiwi, garmen t covered with [film


W hakakiwi, v. i. look aside . K a

W hakakiwi nga kan ohi i rungs.

i te peke .

I . K 5 , a particle used before prepern ames and personal pron oun s,an d also before common n oun sW hen they are preceded by te

or any of its compounds, to,

tohu,ta matou &c .

1 . to give emphasis, andhencefrequen tly to den ote the pre

dicate . K 0 koe tonu te wai i

haere mai ai ahau K 0

taku potikite tangata nei

2 . to direct atten tion to thesubject about which somethingis about to b e said. K 0 Maketu pa, e tu kau ana

K o te haerenga mai o Paoa, i

haere mai i runga i a Kahununu

3 . to specify particularly whathas been already alluded to ina more general way ; and so

also to indicate or enumeratethe individuals signified by a

dual or plural pron oun . Teraan o tetahi pa nui on amata


ko Maungawhau - N G a

ingoa o nga waka n ei na,ko

te A rawa, ko Tainui, ko Matatua

,ko Takitimu

,ko Kura

haupo, ko Tokomaru,ko Ma

tawhaorua —K 0 Rauka

tauri ratou ko Raukatamea,ko

Itiiti, ko Rekareka

II . K 6, prep . 1 . to . K 0 hea koe

e haere na ? 2 . at. K 0 reiraan tu ai

,kia tae ake ano koe.

I. K 6 , n . a W ooden implemen t fordigging or plan ting, sometimesused as a weapon of war. K a

werohia ki te ko .

ko , or k6k6 , v. t. dig or p lan twith 0 ha . Me k6k6 aku ti

naku m —‘Rahirahi,ko :matotoru,

haruru tu .

k6§n g§ , n . sowing time . Take

koanga ; whakapiri ngahuru .

II . K 6 , 11 . girl. used only in ad

dressing. E ko l—E ko ma !III. K 6

,n . 1 . yonder p lace . E

haere ana ahau kiko,i a R ewa

ma. 2 . distan t point of time .

A ko ake n ei,hereafter .

IV . K 6 , v . i. put out the lips in

contempt . K o ana nga ngutuI . K ba, glad ; joyful. K a koa te

iwi ra ki te kai mana

II. K oa, ad. in tensive . 1 . indeed.

Kihai koa i taro , ka puta atu

ki te tana a U enuku raua koToi 2 . in en treaty. Ehoa

,kau maikoa kikon ei

He aha koa ? what matters it ?

K 66 , see kow a.

K oae , see kow ae .

K 6§ha, a . abortive ; shed before

Page 76: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

K oakhr—K bhé. 55

maturity . He koaha te witi ka puta te koeo . 2 . wasting.

nei. He mate koeo .

Km 11 . l . calabash. 2 . coarse K deri, a . l . broken , (of clouds) .mat, made of flax leaves. Ka koera te rangi; meake ka

rangi ataahua. 2 . fearful ;K 5ang§umi n. charmfor depriv ~ frightened.

ing one’

s enemies of strength. K berb, n . sickness.

He ika koangaumn , a fish made K bétéeto , n . dry twigs. Tera heuse of in the ceremony of

pnre koetoeto, hei mea hora ma tawaka

. I taona te ika hoangs ton .

umu, ma nga tangata nana te K éhfi, n . 1 . par ting instructions.

waka e kai. Tenei taku koha hi 9. koe, keiK 6§ngi, a. coo l. E ngari a konei, hopu ton ringa ki te aka taepa,

e koangiangi sun to ban . engari ki te aka matuaHeoi te koha a taua tangata i

K e no , koaoao, see kowao . te matenga, kia pai ta tou to

M E», v . i. be split open . Kua n oho . 2 . respect, regard . Hekoara te rakan nei. koha ki a Te W Herowhero i

whakarerea ai te pakanga. 3 .

presen t ; gift. He k oha tenaKbirii, a. in verted ; turned right naku ki a hoe. 4 . endeavour ;round ; inside out ; upside down . efi


ort. Kia puta te koha. 5,

Huri koaru, turn inside out. defi ciency . E wha to ma o te

See also under K owaro . rakau ; kahore he koha. 6 . spot ;sear .

m “, 11. graculus narias ; shag . kohakoha , a. diminished . Kn ko

klfi nin , n . a kind of musical ia hakoha nga kai o te rua.

strument, played with the n ose . R 6 hib5 , v. t. prepare fish forK EG , pron . thou . Dual, koru a. drying by removing the bones.

kohaha , 11 . fish with the bones

positions 11 , 0,ma


,11 11, no

,removed, ready for drying .

m. to,a .. becomes and K enna, 11 . gm.

the preposition and pronoun are m amas, n . ba ck of a t head.

written as one word, thus, an, K 6hin gfi, n . nest.

ten, &0 K b hingfi-wéki , a. disordered ;K EG , kbekbe, v. 1 . scream as a rugged. Kua hoangawcka nga

raupo i to ban .

v . t. tickle .

K fi



v . t. mash. Koharma ngaKW W a fish‘

kohari, n mess o mashed oedKoeati, 1L fir“ W u“ of fern koharihari, v . i. bein pain! E

after the stalks have been burnt.koharihari ans 3. rote o toku

K6eh6p6r6a. n . cuckoo ; the samepuku.

as hacheen .

K oéké, n . 1 . old man ; adult. 2 .

K Ohmm' see l‘o

K 6hfiu, V t. Speakfrequently of

K behbefi , n . larger cuckoo .W hat 0 11 8 Int-ends 0 1

expeCtS .

K bab ,a. l . oflensivc in smell. K bhé, n . 1 . passiflora tctrandra ;

Kua piran pea te kai nei, ina a climbing plant 2 . dysorylon

Page 77: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


spectabile , a tree, called alsokohekohe .

K oheka, see kowheka.

K ohén g‘

i, or kohen gihen gi, n .

wind. K a tika te kohengihengie ihi mai n ei.

K ohera , see kowhera.

K fihéré, V. t . pound fern root in toa cake . K ei te kohere aruhe

a Tatua ma.

kohere , n . cake of pounded fernroot.

K bhériki, n . 1 . angelica roscefolt'


a plan t . 2 . bidens pilosa .

K fihérii, n . a fish.

K bhi, or kohikohi, V . t . collect ;gather .

kohi, n . wasting sickness.

K fi hia , n . p assiflora tetrandra ,a climbing plan t.

t i- a-kikb, n . wasting sickness.

K éhihi, n . a bird.

K éhikc‘

ihikb, v . t. do irregularly ,a bit here an d a bit there .

Kati te kohikohiko : me whakatepe atu i kon ei.

K fihikii, n . 1 . a kind of mat.

Ka takoto nga taonga mo Paoa,ko te pucru ,

ko te kohiku

2 . sp it to roast birds on . 3 .

reflected light.

K ahin é, 11 . girl.kohine pai

K 6h6h5,

n . solanum avicularc,

a shrub .

K 6h5i, a . thin ; lean .

K fi hbkii, n . spit for roasting birds.

K fi hdp érba, n . cuckoo .

I . K 5hii, n . fog ; mist.

II. t fi, or kbkdhii, a. some

A nana! ta ta kohure , a . conspicuous.

K oheka—K oia.

article contained .ih a hollowvessel.

III . t fi .

kohukohu , V. t. curse . Part ofthe


ceremony for a n ewlymade can oe was called ‘


mama i te kohukohu ruahine’

K ahiia, n . l .maorioven . 2 . boiler .

K fihiie,n . boiler .

kohu ehu e , a. fat.K ohfi hfi , n . a tree .

kohukohu , see under kohu .

I. K fihfimfihfimfi , a. shorn close .

K ohumuhumu kau ana te mahunga 0 Te Puri.

II. K fihiimiihiimii, V. i. l . whisper.2 . murmur .

K éhfin gahfi n ga, n . infan t.K fihfimfi , 11 . land fromwhich the

fern &c. has been burn t ofK fihfira, V . i. appear aboveground,

sprout up . E kohura ake aua

te tupu o te riwai i raro i tewhenua.

K éhfiran gi, n . a parasitical plan t.K fihiiré, V . t. 1 . turn up what isben eath the surface . K a kohurea te oneon e ki te puka. 2 .

take out the bones of birds &0 .

K ohurehurea a tatou kukupa.

Ka ko

hure a Paoa.

koha ra, n . firewood.

I . K fihfirfi ,n . sap/ing .

II . K 6hiirfi , V. t. 1 . murder . Kakohurutia a W ahieroa e Matukutakotako

,ka mate 2 .

ill treat grievously . E aue

haere ana mo te kohurutanga

e an a tamarikiwha t concave ; ben t or warped K fi hfi tfihfitfi, n . fuchsia excorti

so as to become con cave. E ngari onto , a tree .

a. kon ei,e koangiangi ana te I . E di, a. sharp .

hau,ten a ko tua

, he kohu rawa. koin ga , 1 1 . p oin t , edge .

kohukohu , n . 1 . chickweed. 2 .

3 . a kind ofa kind of moss.


kohu , V . t . cook in a hangi any K oia , ad. 1 .

W hakakoi, V. t. sharpen . W Haka

koia taku toki ki to hoanga .

II . K bi, conj . for kei, see kei.

expressing assen t,

Page 78: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

K difiti—koko. 57

it is so . 2 .‘ interrogatively, ex Kbkakd, n . col/teas cinerea, or

pressing surprise ,indeed —is N ew Z ealand crow.

it so ? “E hoa, kc TakakOpiri"

. K bkfiri’

, 11 . new potatoes.

“K oia ?” “A c

,kna kite an : i K fikau , V . t. p lan t in ordinary

tae ake an o ki Hauraki t o”

soil. Ka koia te kumara ki ro

3 . in interrogative sen oneone, kaore he kirikiri, he

tenoes , giving emphasis to a kokau tena.

question . X 0 taku hoa k oia kokau , a. roughly made, unfi nishtan e pataimai na ? (1 47) 4 . ed . Ta matou waka, he ko

for ko ia,it is that. K 0 in kau ; ta koutou ,

he mea ata

tonn ta maua haku ki nga ta tarai.

ngata. Our ground of complaint d é, v . i. more forwards. Kn

against the men is just that. whanatu ka haere, ka koke toRain ahau te haere ai

,That is waewae .

the reason why I did not go . K bké , v . i. crcak.

K bifitfi , v . i. throw up a new K‘

Gkékh, n . mussels taken from

shoot .

the shell.

K fiihi, a. (wrandah.

K okeke, v. i. wind about. X c

kfiihfi hi, a. reduced to sp lin ters.

keke atu kokeke mai“83 piko

Kua koihiihi w mkau.

0 mamK bkéwh, v. i. wander .

koihilhi, h '

v 1 I ” 11 W MfearI. d i, n . 1 . angle ; corner. 2 .

K bikhri, n . fi ’


small canoe . 3 . stomach of a

Ka rma. n . 3 h ad Of shark . 3 0 6 5 shark, used as a bottle for oil.3 15 0 under lKOL Kokinga

-waru, food of indi e

K bingb , a. yearning , fretting . E,ren t qua lity, such as is eaten

koingo ana toku ngakau kitaku i in time of scarcity.

hea ka riro . II. K ohl, v. i. move ahead as a

K o ipuipu, a. 1 . foot sore ; blistrr canoe .

ed . 2 . overcast with clouds. Ka ' K bki, v . i. sing in early mornkoipuipn to raugi. ing . .Ka koki te man n ka haere

I. K bir'

i, v . t. plant pota toes &c.

' maoa.

II. K biri, v. i. bend the body . K bkihi, V . i. shoo t ; begin to grow .

koirfi ri, v. i. writhe . kokihi, n . l . tetragonia expanse ,


n ealandsp tnach. 2 . bottleW hakakoiro , V. t . make crooked made of scann ed .

or tort uous .‘K bkiri, i. v . t . dart ; thro w or

K ditirékh, 11 . N ew Z ealond quail p push any long body end forccoturnia: N ova» Z ea/undue . most. Kokiritia te hoe ki uta.

K biwi, n . l . ske leton . He ana l ii. v. i. dart or rush forwa rd ,

koiwi 2 . strength. 3 . charge. Kokiri! kokiri!intensity. To te mate koiwi! kokiri, u. 1 . spear. 2 . body of4 . person ; fellow (co n temp mcn rushing forwards. Tokoiwa

tuously) . Te koiwi kurapa ! the to kokiri a Bapata, kotobi tekan ta Piki kokiri. 3 . a fish.

kbkfi, n . a coarse mat. K 6k6 , n . shorcl ; spoon . Te kokol . K bkfi , n . mother . o te pokohiwi, the shoulderII. K fika, a. dried up . Kua ko blade .

katia nga kumara. koko , V . t. take up with a shovel

Page 79: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

58 kokonga—konakitan ga.

or spoon . Kokoa nga waro kiroto ki nga kete .

kokon ga, n . corner .W hakakoko , v. i. move sideways.

W Hakakoko ana te haere o tetamaiti kei kitea tan a aporo .

K oko , a . rotten .

K oko, V. i. mahe a rumbling noiseK oko ana toku manawa .

K oko, n . l . prosthemadera N ovte

Z elandite , a bird. 2 . net for

catching hei/12! .K okohu , see under kohu .

K okomako, n . anthornis melaneura , a bird.

K okomo , see under komo .

K okomiika, n . veronica of several species.

K okop a, see under k0 p a.

K okop i, see under kopi.

K okop fi , n . 1 . a small fresh water fi sh. 2 . a kind of eel.

K okoréké , n . coturnia‘ N ova?Z elandite ; a kind of quail. K 0

koreke pu - ohorere .

K okoru , see un der koruK okéta, n . a bivalve shellfish.

K oko ti, see under ko ti.K okouri, n . haziness caused by

smoke &c.

Kokowai, n . earth from which

red ochre isp rocured by burning ;red ochre .

R oma, n . 1 . a kind of ston e . 2 .

ar e head, or other unp lemen tmade of this stone .

K omfi , a. pale , whitish.

K omae , a . shrunk; blighted. Ka

komae n oa te tupu o te kai.komae , n . p otatoes &c. witheredin the sun .

K émama, v . i. run orfall througha small aperture.

K émingfi, 11 . elevated stage for

storing food upon .

K omaoa, a . bare of shin , ulce

rated. He komaoa kei to mangai.

K omarfi, n . 1 . sun . 2 . sail.

K omau , v. t. heep‘

fire alight, byburying it in embers. Me komau ta taua ahi.

K hmé, v. i. 1 . move the jaw as

in eating ; close the mouth '


lips. Te komenga o nga ngu tu2 . take food ; eat.

kbmé, 1 1. food.

K omeke, n . poundedfern - root. Eruke ana i te komeke ki ta


K omémé, a . 1 . burst inwards

stove in . 2 . thin and yielding ,

easily compressed as a calabash

&c. 3 . con tracted by cold. K a

W hahakomemetia te ringa .

Kamiri, v . t. 1 . rub with the fi n

gers. 2 . sort. K omiritia a ta

tou purapura.

K omirbmiro, n . a bird.

K omo, or kokomo, v . t. thrustin ; put in ; insert. Ka komotia te tats

, a Turi, ka ehua te


kokomo , n . contribution by wayof acknowledgmen t on the partof people to W hom a hahari

is given .

K omoré, n . ornamentfor the ankle.

K omuhumuhu , see kohumuhumu .

K omfirfi , v . t. l . rub ofl. Komurua nga tupu , nga weuweu . 2 .

make supple by rubbing.

K omiitfi , v . t . surprise ,intercept.

Kia tupato : meake ra komutuamai tatou .

komu tumu tu , n . a fish.

I . R ona, n . 1 . that p lace, near

or conn ected with the personspoken to . 2 . that time. 3 . that

II. K onii, 11 . lower part of the

abdomenkouakoua, v . t . smell.K on ae , n . turning in a path.

K on aki, v . i. feel afi ection for

on e who is absen t.kon akitan ga, n . corner .

Page 80: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Kbnin i, a. slanting out of the !

perpendicular . Ka ponpon te

aho, ka rere te knpenga : ka

konan a, e kore e rere.

K ouao, n. l . maori oven . 2 .

dtnrrhwa .

K énipfi , a. shining . Ka konapu

mai, W here tona.

K o

natnn atna te huka ki ro to kite pal



K énéi, u. 1 . this p lace . 2 . this

time. 3 . this circumstance.

katakotoria he tango kia ko

meke ai to waka.

konekeneke, n . mat with thrumsmade of strips of the flax leafscraped only at intervals.

K an éné, n . stranger ; wandert r .

person belonging to a tribe whichhas been broken up and scat

K b nénéhfi , a. resembling dust.

He us konenehn .

K imfiwfi, 11 . song hanwtin a dream,

regarded as a bad omen. To

konewa, he waiatn i te po, he

mea mate.

K GnGW hK, v . i. 1 . close the eyes

gradually , the effect of drows

siness. Kn konewhanewha aku

kanohi. 2 . wander.

Kbni, v . i. move ; alter one’s position . Me koni mni ki tenei

M a , n . canoe .

K bnihi, a. 1 . stealthy ; anon/ingobse rva tion . E W hakataka armto era konihi 0 Te Pnhihuia

ratou ko olm hon 2 .

murdering by stea lth. Man tonute konihi, te kohnrn a W ai

Kfin d, 11 . small basket for cook

K bnbhi'

, a. 1 . feeling strong affac tion for an absent relative or


friend. Ks. puta mai to kon ohinohi aroba o te tuahin e ki a

in 2 . longing . He konohin o raua kia awe raua te whaka


K onbh'

i, the same as kanohi. See

kan ohi.

K onbni'

, a. crooked.

K éniii, n . thumb.

K fin fimi v . t. fold ; double .

K onga, 11 . live coat.kbngikongfi, a. crumbled in to

fragments .

kongakon ga, n . crumb , fragmen t.

K ongahu , 11 . stone .

K bngingé, v . i. blaze. E koree kongango to kanaku . (R )

kongange , a . umah.

K angan giN v. i. creak. W Hakarongo iho ki nga papa o to

waka ta, ka kongangi

K bn géhé , a. feeble ; withoutstrength. Kongehe noa iho tonahaere i to kawenga a te wehi.

Kangéngé, a. sin/ring ; exhausted.

He matekongenge, a deathfromdisease as opposed to a violentdeath.

Kfi ngin , v. i. be shrivclled up .

Kua kongio he to kapana .

K bngfi , a. cloudy. He rangi kongu.

kongfi ngfi , 11 . small humw a.

K fi ngfinfi, a. brohcn half through.

K ongu tn- awa , 11 . month of a


K épi , or k6k6pa, a. l . bent.

Kua kokopa noa to taupoki. 2 .

cripp led ; lame . 3 . of tho waningmoon . Kihai i kopa te marama , kua kiten tona hapa

(1 4s).

kbpfi, or kbpinga, n. 1 . angle ;corner. Tenei ka noho i te

oven .

kop akopa , a. wrinkled ; creased .

Page 81: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

60 kop akop a—K op ip i.

He kopakopa nga ran 0 ten eiotaota .

kop akop a, n . a species of p lan

W hakakop akop a , v . t . fold up .

K fi pae , a . 1 . lying sideways, or

broadside on . 2 . having the eh

trance at the side. K 0 tonaW hare

,he W hare kopae

kop as , n . 1 . small basket forcooked food. 2 . house ornamen ted with carved work.

K fi paki, V . t. wrap ; envelop .

kop aki, n . hush; envelope .

kop akip aki, n . maiz e.

K fi paké , 11 . back of the head.

K fipan fi, i. v . t . 1 . push. K opanaana te ringaringa a tera ki a

eu . 2 . incite ; urge . ii. v . i.

feel a desire . Katabi ka ko

pana ake te hin engaro ki tekai.

K op ani, v. t . I . shut to . K o

pania mai te taupoki. 2 . shut

up ; close up . 3 . enclose ; shut

zn .

KopaOp io , n . a kind of eel.

K fi papa, n . 1 . small canoe . 2

K 6 para, n . a bird ; the same as

korimako . Iti te kopara, kaitakirikiri ana i runga i te ka

hikatea .

K oparé, v . t . shade or veil the


kop are , n . shade for the eyes ;veil .

K oparii, a . crushed ; mashed. Kua

koparu nga kapana .

kop atap ata , a . falling in drops.

K 6p §, or kb'

p é'

p é , a. in a softmass ; pulpy . He mea penu

nga kapan a kia kope ai.

kfi p é'

,n . pistol ; revolver.

K fi p éhfip éhfi ,V . t . strike down ;

smash. A kuan eikoe tikina atu

ai,kopehupehua ai.

K opeka, V. t . 1 . deceive. 2 . ob

struct. 3 . render useless ; spoil.whakakop ekap eka, v. t. hinderwith unnecessary trifles.

K ap éké, a. cold.

d ékép é, V. i. shake in the wind.

E kopekope ana nga ra o tepoti.

K fi p énfip énfi ,v. t. cramp/e ; crush.

K fipep é, V. t. p luck. N a wai takuhue i kopepe


K op ép é , see under kope.

K fip éré, n . sling, consisting of astring attached to a stick.

kopere, V . t . 1 . sling . 2 . throwviolen tly . Ka koperea te waka

e te au .

K Opeti.

K a mahi ia i te whanake , keite whakakopetimai, ka taia hemahanga .

K bpi, a. doubled together bymeans of a hinge or j oint ; shut ;closed.



,V. t . double together two

parts of anything by means ofa hinge ; shut. K opia iho te

taupoki o te pouaka.

K op ia , n . kernels of karaka or

corynocarpus longata, preparedfor eating.

K opiha, n . 1 . pit for storing potatoes or taro . 2 . pool of wa

ter .

K opikb, V . i. go alternately in

opposite directions. K Opiko mai,kopiko atu

,kahore maton ikite

i te ara .

k6pik5pik5 , a . going alternatelyin opposite directions. He ara

kopikopiko .

K opic, a. aback; filled with wind

from ahead.

K op ip i, a . 1 . weak; frail. Hekopipi te rakau na : keiwhati.

2 flaccid ,withered. Kahore e

pai te hue na,he kopipi. 3 .

timid. He ngakau kopipi; e

kore e manawanui.

Page 83: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

62 korap arap a—K orimako .

K a rere mai te tangata ki te

wero, korepa noa toku ngakau

korap arap a ,a. crossgrained


K orap fi ,V. i. shine . Te mea e

korapu mai ra ko ona mata

K érara,i. V . i. go in difi


eren t

directions ; disperse I haere to

pun i tonu ,kahore i korara .

ii. V. t. beg .

K fi rfiri, V. t . p lac/r or tear of a

twig &c.

korarirari,V . t . pull to pieces

He aha te rakau i korariraria


korari, 1 . flower stern of phormium tenor or N . Z . flap . 2 .

the plan t itself, phormium tenor .

K oran ,n . 1 . cyathea medullaris,

a large tree fern . 2 . youngshoots of ferns. 3 . turnip or

other similar root.I. K ore, ad. 1 . not. E kore korua

e ngaro ki kona -K orekau n oa ake ihitea tetahi waro

2 . used as a suffix ton oun s, an d thus forming ad

jectives, signifyin g in each casethe absen ce of the quality demoted by the n oun . W Hakaaro

kore thoughtless.—ngoi-kore,

weak &0 .

koren ga , n . non - eminence ; ab

sence ; non - occurrence &e. He

kitenga n o matou i te korengao te kai ki taua wahi i mahue ai.

W hakakore, V. t . 1 . cause not to

be. 2 . deny.

11 . K are, a. broken . Kua koreke nga papa o te W hare .

kBré, n . fracture . comp . pakore .

K fi réa,11 . small canoe .

K oréhé, n . open coun try.

K fi réiréi, n . root of raupo .

K éréké, n . coturnix N oute Z elandice , or N . Z . quail. called also

kokoreke. He mauu chocho tekoreke .

K c‘


n . twenty fi rst and

twenty second days of the moon’s

age .

K fi rékéréka, a. daz z led. Ka ko

rekoreko oku kan ohi i to re .

K fi réngiirénga, a. 1 . overflowing .

K orengarenga tonu mai te wai

ki te taha o te kaainga. 2 . soft

K oréparepa, V. t. split. K ore

parepangia te papa.

K fi répé , n . shallow swamp .

korep orepo ,a . swampy .

K éréré,

n . gutter ; tap ; f unnelor anything to guide the pas

sage of liquids.

K fi réré,V. t. 1 . tell ; say. He

aha ta ten ei tangata e koreronei? 2 . address. K orerotia ta

tou, e nga rangatira e n oho nei;korerotia tatou l—He tangatakorero -whenua, a peace

-maker ,said of a chief of great influence .

3 . V . i. speak; talk. K a W haka

korerotia ano e ia,a kua nanu

te reo

korerorero , V . i. talk much, or

frequen tly.

K é rétfi,V. i. trickle down ; weep .

K arewa, a . drifting about ; adrift.Hi korewa tonu ai au

,kaore e

tukua te punga ki raro .

I. K 5ri, n . 1 . native oven . 2 . smallnet.

II. K ari, or korikori, V. i. 1 .

move ; wriggle . 2 . bestir one

self. Ka tae atu te karere, katahi ka kori te rau -ma - W hitu


korikori,n . a species of ranun


W hakakorikori, V. t. move shake.

K orihi, V . i. sing as birds.

korihirihi, n . tide. (R )K orimako ,

n . anthornis melaneura , a bird.

Page 84: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


i—Korbpéhfi . 63

K orip‘

i, V. t . cut. I koripi ke K éréiti, n . little finger , or toe .

mai te toki ki toku waewae . K firéké , 11 . person ; fellow. ex

korip i, n . diarrheea. pressing familiarity or con tempt.koripi, a . vagabond. He porangi Heci

,n oho on e to koroke me

te tangata ra,ka tahi; he ko taua wahine

ripi, ka i-

na ; he kurapa, ka torn . K éréki,i. V . i. speak; talk. 1 1 .

K oriran gi, n . l . a mat ornament V. t. speak to ; tell. N ana ahau

ed with W hite thrums of un i koroki ki te haere .

scrapedflax . 2 . untwisted thrums K 6r6kio ,n . a species of veronica .

of a mat. K érémihfingi, n . noose . Kia

K orit‘

i, n . fruit of stun ted gr owth. ngaro rawa te upoko ki rotoK fir

iré ,V. i. sprout. E kotiro ki te koromahanga nei

she ana te tupu o te kapana. K érbmahfi ,n . steam. Me to ko

koriroriro ,n . a bird. romabu kapura te ahua.

K brit'

i, a. cautious. Kia koriti, K érbmhki'

, a. suppressed ; stifledkei rokohanga o te koburu . (of feelings).

K bfi tb ,n . heart, or young un whak

akoromaki, V t ; suppress

expanded leaves of a plan t. I 0 11 9 5 feelings.

1 , KM n . 1 . na me . N ga koroK brémfitfm, n . thumb ; great toe

o te rare . 2 . fifth day ofK brémfifinsifinsi. n . burner/e .

moon ’

s age .

K br'

éméké, a. in loops, coils,or


KO l‘OkOTO ' 3 ~ “ad "whakakoromeke , V. t. coil or

here noa nga tau o te kakahu.

korokoro , n . l . throa t. 2 . 1mmK broméngéméngé, a' crump led ;


“3 me“ n am'

koromiko - tErangé, n . veronicaIL K 6P6 , 11 . person ; man . E pehea W l’fflo ’u '

sun to how nei? K 6r6nfle , V. i. I . lie broadside on.

K brbahu ,n . steam. Kua koronso to wake ki uta.

2 . V. t. drink out of the hand.

K brbdmi, n . a small fish. ko

K brbhawinl , n . COM K bréngitfi , V. i. p romise withoutK érbhéké, 11 . old man .

performing ,

“Ko Kaunnuhea,K brbhfl, n . steam. korongata ki te haere .

K brbhfihu, V . i. boil.K brbn géngé, a. 56mM 1, n . frmt of podocarpusMK 6r6pfi , food oflered to the

K bréingbinb, a. paling ; whim atua and eaten by the tohunga

pering . He magikoroingingo.

m the ceremony of‘


nata l-5m a. wamkn


ng .Kbrépana, n. v. t. fi ttip . n . v. i.

K b réirbi, v. i. wonder l‘

dfy . He shoot up . Ka koropana also to

aha tau e koroiroi nei, te haeretupu o te lmpflm6L

ki te mahi? K brbp éhfi , V. t. 1 . repress. Hewhakakorolroi, V . t. hinder. He mate hiakai

, ka taea te k oroaha tau ln whakakoroiroi nei pehu. 2 . break. Akuanei ko

i to mahi?

Page 85: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

64 K Be ekéc tamiitamii.

K c‘

iropéke, a. having the limbs K 6r5whanaké,n . steam.

doubled up . K orowheowheo , a . blowing in

K 5r5péw ii, n . ring ; loop ; bow. whirls or eddies.

K érc‘

ipiké . V. i. bow down ; kneel. K orowhiti,a . bent like a hoop .

korop iko ,n . loop . korowhiti

,i. V. i. 1 . spring up

K 6r6p ti, a . built with wrought sudden ly from a stooping positimber . He W hare koropu . tion . 2 . whistle through a bent

K 5r6p i’

1kfi , a. concealed. He kin o fi nger. ii. V. t. jerk; give a

koropuku . sudden imp ulse to . N a te pou

K érdp fi p fi , v . i. bubble up ; boil. koa i korowhiti i rere ai i te

Te ingoa o te puna, kc Ori hau .

ngi, e koropupu ake ana i te K 6ri’

1,a. folded ; coiled ; looped.

whenua. E koru ana te W hakaheke, kia

K érép fi ta, 1 1 . hole . maro tonu .

korop utap u ta , a . full of holes. koru ,11 . fold ; light; loop . N e

K drbrfi,n . spheniscus minor ; pen kehia mai te koru o te aho .

gain . korukoru ,n . wrinkle ; loose/less

K 6 r6ri,or kororirori, V . t. stir of the skin as in aged persons.

round . k6k6ri’

1,or kokoru tan ga , n . bay ;

korori,a . twisted. He rakau ko inden ta tion of coast.

rori. I. K ariia, pron . 2nd person , dual.

Roman,11 . glory . you two .

K 6r6rip5 , n . whirlpool ; eddy. II. K é rfia,and k


é riiarfi a ,n .


K ororiwha,n . haliotis virginica , hole ; pit. Ka rere iho taua

a small species of sea - ear ; call wahin e neiki roto ki te kornaed also marap eka . rua

K 6r6tfin gi, n . pitfor storing po W hakakorua,V. t. hollow out ;

taloes. excavate. W Hakakoruatia te

K 6r6t§,V. t. squeez e ; crush. A popo takotoranga mo te wai.

ia ka korotetia e te ringa pa K fi rfiki, a . cloudy ; overcast. Hetuki tuatara o te kainga 0 Te rangi koruki.W abineiti. K fi riip é, n . lin tel of a door .

K 5r6tiwha, 11 . sp ot. K b'

riiré, V. i. change ; veer round.

korotiwhatiwha , a . spotted. K a korure te hau .

K 6r6tfi,

a . desirous. E korctu K'

é rfi rii,a . cloudy.

ana ki te haere . K érfirfi ,n . figure p laced on the

K 6r6tfi tfi , V . t . melt down fat &0 . gable of a house.

He wahine nana i korotutu. K arfi rfikfi ,a. cloudy.

K 5r6u,n . 1 . channel. Kia tika K été, n . 1 . cookie- shell. 2 . any

ki te korou . (R ) 2 . energy ; thing to cut or scrape with ;spirit. K oren -kore

,listless. kn ife ; plane & 0 .

korou ,V,t . p urpose ; desire. K 0 kfikéta, n . a shell fish.

te wahi tena i koroutia ai e au K o tae,n . alluvial soil.

kia haere kireira . K é tahé, n . 1 . sling . 2 . part of aK éréu é

,11 . old man . chief’s head- dress. K a mutu te

K Bréw éi, n . mat ornamen ted W ith heru e tia ana,kia herca te ko

black twisted thrums. taha .

K éréwa'

wa, n . a fish. ko tab a . ad. sideways, askance .

ben t ; bowed. K fi tfimfitfimfi , V. i. 1 . open and

Page 86: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

K btaré m koukauka.

close the lips repeatedly . 2 . K fi tiwhfitiwhfi, 3 . spotted .

flashfrequently . He aha to aim K 5t6k6t6 , n . 1 . sheet of a sail.

e kotamutamu nei? 2 . sprit to extend a sail with.

K btirfi, a. loosen ed ; untied. 3 . projection . 4 . small p otatoes.

kfi tfiritérim. l . donee of triumph. Kotokoto kau a tatou kai.

2 . a plant. K 6t6k5 t6 , V . i. 1 . squeak. E kotoK b tiré, n . halcyon raga/ts ; king koto ana te kiore . 2 . cachle .

fi sher . K 6t5pihi, n . window.

K étatfi , a. sp lit. Kahore tonu K otéré , n . 1 . lower end. Tamatena kia ngawha ; ka kotata nga

-kotore, the youngest in a

ano ia . family. 2 . anus. 3 . white clay.

ko te ts , n . a bird. kowrétéré, n . a fish.

K atiwhtiwi, u. a shell fish. Home, 11 . rcspect ; regard. ER otea, a. pale . Kotca term to kaw e aua i ton a kotua ki a Tomoko ; kihaiimangu—He kiri A pcrotanga

kotea ; an albino . K atha, ad. with the bach towardsK b téngiténg

i, n . gentle wind. one . E huri kotua arm to ho

K b térb, n . potatoes steeped in wa mm a tuna tungata.

ter . K b tfihl, n . archformed by cloudsK otété, n . shoot of a pa late . in the horiz on ; the same as

K bfi , or kbkbti'

, V. t. 1 . cut. 2 . haeata .

in tercept. He tamaiti kokotiiK otfi i, V. t. lace ; fasten by lac

tan, a child born prematurely . ing . Kotuia to tatou m.

-Hc tau kokoti pu,a year in K atfikfi . 11 . white crane ; a bird.

which win ter comes on prema | K 6 tfikfi - tfiwhiti, n . a variety ofpotato .

kotikoti, V . t. cut to pieces ; cut K b fi'

lkfitég n . a Variety of pofi


equently. (ata .

K bt'

ihté, n . a lobed weapon of K Otfikfitfikfi. n . fuchsia excorli

hard wood. ro ta, a tree.

K atihé, n . pagarais ciurla ; a bird. K b tfimfi, stamp .

Kot’lngéitingb , a. speckled. K Othtfi , a. a basket used for

K btipb , n. purple po ta to . l catching fish

K btlpfi , V t. cut short. Kahore K athtfi , V. t. melt down fat &0 .

can tau kotipa He had K im, 11 . good . E hero 0 kou ?

no bad seasons, and therefore koukou , n . l . owl ; athcnc N ova;no scarcity of food. See under 1 c andiw. 2 . a mode of wearkoko ti. ~ Ka kotipu te ngarara ing the hair.

heimate moku. Kéfiréa, n . snapper ; a fish ; the

K étir'

i, V . i. go or come o ne at a i same as tamure.

time . Kotirimarire toMore a K G fiafia , n . sprinkling rain .

te hanga ra. Roué, n . posts supporting the

kotiri, n . meteor . pacpac of a privy.

K b fi ré , n . girl. K b ué, V . t. scull ; steer with a

K otiti, V. i. move aside . E ko paddle or oar .

titi ana ki taku. K b ukfi, n. 1 . cordyline australis,

kb titit'

i, V. i. wander about. a tree . 2 . root of raupo .

K otiu, n . N orth wind. koukauka, n . a fish; the sameas kahawai.

Page 87: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


K 6uma, n . breast-

plate .

K ofimiiiimii, V. t.and round.

tatou e to ripo .

K ourfi, n . crayfish.

K GU RK,11 . gold.

K fiurii, 1 1 .

head of a river .K hu tiréké, 11 . N ew Z ealand quail ;

the same as koreke &c.

whirl roundK ei koumuumua K owhéitéu ,

n . a fish, the same

1 . top of a tree . 2 .

K oum§

K owhai- n giitii-kaka, n . clianthus

puniceus, a shrub .

as kahawai.

K fiw hfiki, V. t . pinch of ; tearoji K owhakin a ana tona maikukn hei ahi

kowhakiwhaki, tear of piece bypiece . K owhakiwhakia totabitaro me. te kotiro .

K du tbu , pron . second person plu kowhaki, a . ready to drop of"


ral. ye ; you.

K oiitiiiitii, V. t . dip up . K outuutua he waiki roto ki te peere .

K ow fi, or kow‘

aw fi, a. neap . Hetai kowawa.

K fiw fie ,V. t . l . divide ; part.

A naka e kowaea te mahunga,hei pango tetahi taha, heiurnkehu totabi taha : auaka e ko

W aea hei mahora tetahi taha,hei piki tetahi taha. 2 . pick

out ; set ap art. K a kowaea nga

roi pai mana.

K owfio ,n . p lot of fern land in a


kow ao , a. living in the woods ;wild. He tangata kowao te tangata i pahuatia ai te W hare .

kowaow ao , V . t . overgrow ; choke .

Kua kowaowaotia aku kai e to

otaota .

K fiw firéw firé , n . a fish.

K ow ataw ata.

K ei W hakakowatawata te ra .

K ow era, see koera .

K owiti, n . a fish.

K fiwhfi , i. V. t. 1 . sp lit open . 2 .

take out of the shell.

tia he pipi ma tatou .

1 . burst open ; sp ranawa. 2 . flash like lightning.

ii. v . i.

kowha, n . l . cochles taken out ofthe shells. 2 . summer lightning .

K 6W héw hé, a . split open .

Kua kowhaki nga papa i te

ngaunga a to mate .

K éwhén fi, a. 1 . ben t ; bowed. 2 .

springing up violently . Ka ko

W han a i roto i te wahine ra te

ngahan mate ki a To Pongahei tan e mana

w hén é , V. t . bend. Kaua e

kowhanea ; kia maro tonu mai.K owhén ga, n . nest.

K owhan ga, a . overcastwithclouds.

He ra kowhanga iworawora ai.K owhéo , 13 . hole.

kowhaowhao , n . basket for food.

E rima kowhaowhao uW hi.

K ow harfiwharé, n . asteliaBouksa ,

a plant .K fiw hétfi , n . stone .

K fiw ékh, or kowhékéwhékfi, n .

garmen t. I haere mai ahau kitetahikowhekawheka hei takai.

K éwhéré ,V . i. 1 . open ; gape .

K o te pipi, e kore e kowhera .

—K owhera cu ringaringaloose your hold. 2 . burstforth.

K a kowhera te uira i roto i

nga keke o TawhakiHowbe K éwhétii, V . i. writhe ; flounder.

Ka kowheta te hiku

Ka kowha K éwhété, or kowhétéwhété, V. i.

1 . whisper . 2 . murmur . 3 . scold.


kowhewhe n oa iho te waka, ka

puta te wai ki rotoK owhiii, n . sophora tetrap tera , K

oW hio , V. i. whistle.

a tree .

kowhaiwhai, n .

scroll ornamen t.a pattern of

K owhiri, V. t. 1 . select. 2 . whirl

round. K owhiria to menu kia

Page 88: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


ti K fimé. 67


, i. V . t. I . pull up or K uia, a. old woman .


a Te Rare . 2 . pick out of the

shell, cockles &c.

ii. V. i. 1 . sp ring up or out.

2 . appear , as the moon. Mekore e kowhiti ake tetahi ra

marama 9. ko ake nei.

kbwhitiwhiti, n . 1 . grasshopper .2 . mater - cress.

w hi'


u , V. t. fan ; minnow.

kowhiuwhiu, 11 . fun .

w hiw hi, n . pittosporum termi

folium, a tree .

K fia, a verba l particle, denotingthat the ac tion is completed at

the time indicated. Katahi a

W Hakatau ka nanao ki to pitoo tona taura, kua kuhua ra e

is ki nga pou o to where (62)K uai, n . a fish.

Kflikh, n . a bird.

K fiio , 11 . young of animals.

K uare , soc kuware.

K uata , see kowata.

K flémi, V. i. be assembled .

K fi éné, V . t. urge ; press. I kuonetia i haere mai oi ahau .

I. K iihfi, or kuhakuha, a. ragga t ;

atu te kaka nei.

10 1 118 , 11 . fragmen t ; scrap .

kuha kaainga ; a scrap of a

II. Km V . i. gasp .

K fihfi ,

“V. t. l . thrust in ; insert.Kuhua one to teamki nga pou

c to whore . 2 . conce al. E kuhuana i to toki mo to hokinga

mai.kahu , n . cooking shed.

kuhukuhu, n . peg.

ta ttered . Kua kuha noa ?

Kua kowhitia nga kumara K fi ihi'

, V . i. speak in a low tone.

Tohe n oa an ki te tikanga ote korero, kihai ikuihite waho.

K fi rfl l , n . goose.

K i'


ikfi, V. t. desire . E kuika anate turoro hi to kai mana.

K fi iki,a. cold.

Ho rns, n . p atchwork.

K uka, n . encumbrance ; clog . com

pare kuta Kuka-whare,soot.

K fikhri'

, n . 1 . young bird. 2. new

pota toas.

K fikfi , V. t. l . nip . 2 . draw to

get/ter . Kukua te kete. close.

Ka kukua tona ringaringa .

kuku , n . l . pinchers or tweezers.

Te kuku 0 tone manawuthat which had fastened uponher ejections . 2 . a large muesol.

kfikfikii, n . a mussel.K fikfi , V. i. grate move with vio

len t friction over a rough sur

face . Ka rongo a Kupe i to

kuku o to takere o to wake

(1 l 6) .K fi kfi , n . pigeon ; carpophagaN o ctc c andicv. Ho huahua

kukuK ukumo, see under kume.

He l K fikfimbe tbkh, n . a musse l.K fikfipi, n . pigeon ; carpophagaN ova? Z elaudite .

K ilkhréréwfil , n . a kind of shark.

K uku ta, see under ku ta.

K uku ti, see under ku ti.K fimhnfi , V . t. tend carefully ;foster . Hc poti na U ekahia,ma Rongotakutama e kumanu.

K umhré, n . iporntra butatas ; sweet

Km, 11 . (abbreviation of kuia) old K fimhrfihbu , n . pomaderris el

woman ,- a common mode of liptica , a shrub .

address , sometimes applied to a Kumhti, n . a fish.

girl. E kui, kowoe atu tetehi

wai mo te manuhiriK ill , a. short of food. Kahore

ana tau kui

K iimé, or kfikfimé, V . t. 1 . pull ;

drag . Ka nanao ia ki to pitoo taua taura, katahi ho. hum

2. pull out ; stretch. Ta

Page 89: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

K fimété—K firu toitoi.

kahia ana e Maui te iwi- tua

roa,humea ana te W hiore, ka

haere he kuri 3 . drawaway to a distance . Ka kumeaeMaui te whenua kia roa

K fimété, n . wooden bowl or [rang/c.

K iimi’

,n . 1 . a measure of ten

fat/zoms. 2 . a huge fabulousreptile .

K umikumi, n . beard under thechin .

K fiméré, n . headland ; promontory .

kumukumu,n . gurnard, a fish.

W hakakumu , a. timid ; reluctant.E W hakakumu ana toku nga

kau,e kore ahau e haere ma

te waka .

W hakakumu , n . a creepnigplan t.K ine, or kuku n e , a . plump ,

filled out to roundness.

K fi nikfini, a . dark. Kia kuni

kuni ka puta te marama.

K fi ngén gin géngi, n . a n ame forthe lta/zawai. (R )

K iip fi , v . i. belc/z throw up wind

from the stomacb .

K u p ae , n . a fish.

K i’

l pap ii, v. t. 1 . stoop . I ku

papa mai te tehee,koia hoki

te kitea ai. 2 . go stealtbily .

3 . be neutral in a quarrel.

kfi p fipapapa, n . snip/tar.

K fi p ira, a. comp letely blackened

(of moko covering the skin) .kup ara, n . dogskin mat blackthroughout.

K iip iirfi, n . a fish.

K iipéngfi, n . net.

K fi péré, v. i. flow swiftly .

K iipii, 11 . word sentence ; message .

kup uku pu , v . i. speakfrequen tly .

E kupukupu an a ten ei tangatakia patua te manuhiri.

K ura, n . 1 . red ocbre . N ui atu

te kura o teneikainga i te kura

o Hawaiki 2 . taiaha paint

ed red. Me tango ki te kuramahora

,na katahi ka horahia


n a ka mau te rongokura , a . red. He W hare kura


a house with timbers wroughtand painted.

ku ra,V . t . redden ; dye red. Te

kuranga o Hunakiko

Kurd,11 . school.

K fi rée , n . headland.

K firfip fi, a. idling ; trifling ; having no object. Te koiW i kurapa !

the vagabond !K iiriip ie ,

n . treasure lit upon

acciden tally.

K iirap a'


, a . flat roofed.

K fi rarfi rarfi , a . perplex ed.

K fi rawhérb, 1 1 . red garment.K firéhéréhé, a . wrinkled.

K ure, v . i. cry like a sea-


Kure haere ana i; Karoro tipione .

K fi réhfi , V. i. doz e .

kurehu , a. indistinctly seen . Ku

rehu ake i a an e haere ana i


K iri”

,n . 1 . dog . 2 . any qua

K i’

lrfi, v . t . l . strihe with the fi st ;thump . E kuru ana ia i te

raupo . 2 . pelt ; strike with so

mething thrown . Kurua ki te

kowhatu .

kuru , n . 1 . blow with the fi st.

2 . mallet ; pestle . He kuru

poun amuK iiriihiin géi, n . a fish.

K firfimfitfiré‘

réhfi , n . tattooedman .

K iiriipae , n . beam; joist ; sleeperK iiriipatii, 11 . upp er hem of a


K firfi p éi, n . clad.

K fi rfi pép é, n . rotten ; worm- eaten

(of timber) .I . K iiriitété, V . t . exchange .

II. K iiriitété, a. stunted.

K iirutbitbi, a. stunted.

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Mierii, 11 . channel for water ; Mahéahéa ,

race . tinctly .

Méerii, a. emaciated ; listless ;

wen/t .

MAE R O,11 . mile . un tie .

Miewii, V. i. wander . Mama toiwi e maswa n oa .

Miihfi, a. many .

Mahfi, a. gratified by the attainmen t of a desired object. Ka

maha hoki pea ,ka hitea te

wahi i kimihia mai ai e ratou

Mfihiké, a. small.hake .

Mihfiki, n . cutaneous disease .

Mahiiki, a. 1 . mild ; meek. Hetangata mahaki. 2 . calm; quiet.Ka mahaki te hau .

He kurima

Mfih aki’l , pron . lengthen ed formlof maku ; for me .

Mahan a , a. warm.

Mihan ga, n . snare . Me to wekaka motu i te mahanga

mahan ga, V . t . ensnare . Mahangatia te manu hei kai ma tatou .

Mfihfin gi, n . twins.

u shers, n . 1 . a portion of thein testines. 2 . thought ; memory ;recollection .

mahara,V . t . thiali

member ; recollect.upon re

K a maharatia nga korero a Pahaka


p ouri eu .

maharahara,V. 13. thinkfrequen tly

of ; have much 1 12 one s thoughts.

Mah aro, V . i. wonder compare

miharo .

Mfihéu,n . porch; verandah.

W hakamahau,n . porch ; veran


m an, pron . lengthen ed form

of man, for thee.

ME 11 6 , n . sin/fer for a fishing lin e .

Mahéa ,a. 1 . cleared away .

mahsa mai te na. 2 . free fromobstruction ; clear. K atabi an oka mahea te reo .



a. perceiving indis

E maheahea kau ana,

kahore e rongo .

Mahén b, i. V . i. be un tied. 1 1 . V. t .Mahen oa te kirehe .

mahen o,n . island .

Méhéu ,a . scattered. K ei te ma

heu n oa ake aku mea.

Mahi,V . t . work a t. K ei te mahi

a Turi i taua mara .—Kn mahi

rapea te pepeha n ei as

the proverb p uts it.mahi

,n . 1 . work. Ka kite ra

koutou i te tini 0 aka mahi2 . abundance . Kua tome

te waka i te mahi a te ika.

mamahi,a. hard war/sing .

Mfihia,n . sound. Me te W hai

tonu atu te waka ra i to mahia o te waha o te kuriraMab ib i. 11 . facing boards on the

gable of a house ; the same as

maihi.Mahihéré ,

a . peeled 017: Kua

mahihore te hiako o te kapana.

Mahimahi,n . a waterplant.

Mfihiti, V. i. 1 . sp ring ; leap .

Ka mahitihiti haere to an ; he

papaku . 2 . be spent ; be en:

han sted. Kua mabiti nga harakeke mo to W here .

Mab iti, 11 . white mat covered withthe long hairfrom dogs


the same as hahuwaero .

mabiti, V. t . sort ; separate ao

cording to size, quality 85 0 .

Maho , a . floating . E whakamahokau ana i runga i te wai.

Mahée , n . melicytus ramiflorus,

a tree .

MEhbew fio ,n . a tree .

Mahbra, a. 1 . sp read out ; hence

of food sp read out or sewed upbefore gu est. Kua mahora te

kai ma te ope? (5 9) 2 . ca:

posed to view. Me tango ki tekura mahora of a taiaha

pain ted W ith red ochre,


on occasions of peace -making.

Page 92: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Mihbréw maimai-Mb i. 71

3 . lanh ; drooping . He upoko Mfihfirfi , a. quieted ; set at rest.mahora, a head of tank hair . K a mahuru iho o ratou who.

4 . scattered. Kua mahora ri kaaro .

kiriki tatou . Mfihfi tfi, V . i. jump . Mahuta atu

Mihbré, a. peeled. K3 mahora ki tarawahi.

te rakau . M51, ad. hither ; towards the perMfihfi ,

a. cz'

ca triz ed ; healed . Kua son speaking. K 8. hitea mai emahu to hiako o toku waewac . haere atu ana ;

“E ! be manuwhakamahu , V . t . heat a wound. hiri e haere mai nei

Mfihfia, a. raised up ; lifted. Me ML 11 . podocarpus spicata ; 3

ko kia mahua ai nga pakiaka. tree .

mfihfiahfia, V. i. rise up ; be fore M51, 11. mussels taken out of the

cd up . Kia kikl waenganui,

keimahuahua nga kowhatu. M5 15, a. brave ; ho ld.

Mihfi e, a. 1 . left ; left behind. Méiéngfi a. raised up . KuamaiaKua mahue atu na i a koe a ngi tenei pito o te rakau.

W Hakatan 2 . forsaken. M5150 , u. abscess.

He kainga mahue. 3 . applied Méiioréré, n . a kind of mat ;to anything ex traordinary, per aorere .

hapa as not ordinarily attain able . Miién g'

i, a. I. raised up . 2 . faintMahue rawa te atawhai o ts from hunger.

pakeha ! Mfiihé, n . fence.

W hakamahu e, V. t . 1 . cause to Mfiihéa, n . sinker for a fishingbe q t. 2 . fim


sh. Haere noa line .

to tangata nei; kahore an o kia Milh‘

i, 11 . facings of the frontwbakamahuetia tans mahi

a gable of a house , ofte n or naMEhfikihfik'

i, 11 . part of the ecu i mented with carving. 11 0 W herel

remony of removmg the tapu mmhx, o tu ans kl t o pa .

from kumara grounds. amaihi, v. t. I . finish the gable ofM imi, see mahunga I. l a house . 2 . embellish. He koMfihfinfi , 11 . young shoo ts of p terisi ram 1 mahia e to ngu tu, imai

aqaitina . hitia.

I. Mfihfin gi, n . 1 . hair of the mini, a. una in mind.

head loch of hair. K0 nga 111 3 1 11 1, 11 . a shell- fish.

mahunga 0 P3 0 3 , kino iho ; na ME N , ad. quietly. Me nohoto whiunga o te wha nako i! maika ki te kainga.

whakakino 2 . head. mama s, n . orthoceras SolonMfihfingi, a. mea/y. He kapana drie , a plan t.mahunga. Milki, V . i. remove ; depart. Heoti

whakamahunga, V. t. make trial an o, ka maiki ia i tera wahi

of a new crop .

MEhfirfi, a. uncovered . Ka ma Mfiikfikfi , n . nail of a finger or

hum te. umn. toe ; claw,horf . Kei te mai

Mfihfi tfing‘

i, n . inside of a lcu kuku pango nei te t ahi; a saying for an y thing very small.

M ikehfiré, v. t. cut to pieces. Maikuka - karew arewa , n . a

Hemahurehureuga ra koe naku ; shell - fish.

a,ha tu mai 3 11 0 tou Mfiiméi- iréhfi, n . token of afM fifi , 11 . young tree ; faction .

Page 93: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Mfiimha, 11 . pet ; fondling .

whakamaimoa, V. t . make muchof ; shewgreat attention t o . N a

ta koutou W hakamaimoatanga itaua hunga kohuru .

Mfiic‘ihfi, V. t . greet afi ectiona tely .

Maioba tonu mai, ko Te K ania- takirau auake .

maioha, n . token of regard .

MEioio , a. growing weakly . Tenako tenei, he rakau tipu hou


he rakau rea hon,he maioio .

Mfiiéré , n . 1 . embankmen tfor de

fence ; earth- work. 2 . ditch forfortification ; covered ditch. Teratetahi pa nui onamata

,he mai

oro nunui nga maioromaipi

, n . a w ooden weapon ,the

same as hani,and taiaha .

Mfiiré, n . 1 . song . Ten ei te mairei rongo atu ai an 2 .

santalum Cunninghami, a tree .

Maire- tiiwhaké, n . eugenia mairc,a tree .

Miiréhii, n .

cooked food.

11 . iron .

Haitiiti, 11 . young man ; youth.

Mika, V. t. 1 . throw. E makaana i nga kai ki te moana . 2 .

put ; p la ce .

makamaka ,V. t . throw about.

Makamaka W han a ,dance the

war dance .

Mfiki, a. shy ; wild .

te maka o te parera .

Mfikfihi, n . wedge .

Mikahfi ri, n . large stone .

Makaka, a . ben t ; croo/fed.

makaka ,n . 1 . a shrub . 2 . a

water - plan t.HikarE , n . head.

Mfikfiri, a . small. Makari n oa

ake n ei ano te rahi.Mfikfiri’ri, n . 1 . frost ; cold. 2 .

wmwnMékirii, V . i. 1 . be dimly visible .

I kite atu an e makaro an a i

konei, 2 . she w oneself. K oi

small bashet for

K oia an o

MfiimBa—Makiri.makaro mai nga tangata o tenawahi ki te manuhiri

,koi aha.

makaro , ad. dimly ; indistinctly.

I kite makaro ahau i a ia i Tokomaru .

Makét'ikati, a . galling ; irritat

ing. K o te korero n ei,ko te

pa me tuku ki a ia, makatikatian a i a au .

Mikfirfi, a. out of sight ; lost.Kua makaro taku toki. (R .)Mfikéu , n . sp ouse ; wife or husband . Me hoki ki to makautupu .

Mdkau , a. at lowest ebb.

makau te tai.

Makaw é, n . hair of the head ;

lochs of hair. Topsa nga makawe o te porokaki.Makekéhii, a. light- haired .

Mfikénfi , 11 . track; trace . Kei

on a makena tapuae tonu e haereana .

Mfikén gé, a. wet. (R .)Makere, V. i. 1 . drop ; fall. Imakere toku kakahu i te ara.


2 . die . Kua makere te tupa

paku . 3 . get down ; alight ; go

down . K a makere taua tangataki te wai.

lW hakamakere , n . remnan t. K a

hore he W hakamakere o te iwin ei?

Mikéréw hfitfi , a. falling heavily

(of rain ) . He ua makerewhatu .

I . maki, n . 1 . inva lid ; sielc per

son . 2 . scar .makimaki, n . cutaneous disease .

II . Maki, V. i. have the troubleof a thing. Mari an o kia 11 maite poti, te maki haere ahau ki

te tiki.

Makimi, a. gapped ; jagged.


Makin c‘ikin fi, a. disgusted.

I . Makiri, V. t . take the bonesout of pigeons &c. preparatoryto preserving.

II . Makiri, a. false ; unfounded.

Page 94: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Makitaunu Manaak‘


He korero makiri,whenua nei.

Makitaunu, V. t .chieoously . He aha tau e makitaunu i mea ? 2 . tease.

Mikh, n . 1 . a species of shark .

2 . tooth of the same, worn as

an ear- ornament.makomako , n .

mosa , a tree .

Militia , a. at the lowest ebb.

makoa to tai.

Mfikbhfi, n. soft slaly rock.

Mikéhfi , a. expanded ; untied

Kua makoha te kawe .

whakamakoha , V. t. cause to

erpand &c.

Mfikéi, n . cocA'le -shells .

Mfikhi, V. t. deal deceitfully with.

Kn tikina kn makoitia to ta- zngata.

Mikhkbréri, n . caterpillar .Mfikéni , 11. having the appetite

t bwhi, see makoha.

M il, pron.

with preposition ma .

for me.

the land mill become mine.

moist. Keimnku

See ma .

mfi fikfl, a. somewhat moist.

Mfikfikfi , a. indolent ; inactive .

He tangata makuku ; know 0

keukeu e aha.

MM “ , a. glowing ; red- 5

dish. Ka makurakura to ata

Mfikfirfi , a . l . trickling in fro

quent drops. 2 . shaming much

fruit ; honing thefruit set. Ka

tahi to makuru o to hue !Mikfi tfi , V . t. bewitch.

. Kua ma- ikutnria a Korokai e Tohitapu .

Mfikflwfiré , a . regardless ; lift

apertures ; lcah. K3 mama ake

te wai i to pakarn nei.

I. handle mis l

aristotclia race


lst person singular

Ka maku to whenua ; §

ooze through small whakaman aman a, v.


tipatipa t mhe , a. in pai .n

“whakamamae 1 . V. t. cause to

feel pain . 2 . V . i. begin to be

in pain .

Mimihi, n . steam.

Mimhkii, n . cyathea medal/art'


a tree fern .


mamaku ,V. t. prepare timber in

a p articular way with the adz e.

Ka oti nga pou neito mamaku.

Mimfin g‘

i, n . coprosma Baueriana,a shrub .

Mimic , a. distant ; far away.

Katahi ka hoea 9 Tori, ka mamao ki wahoMimfioh, u . steam.

Mimfirfi ,n . l . s .un 2 . sail.

M53 1 6, 11 . dog with short bristlyhair. E torn nga mama nana

i kai aku bipi.

MEmin gfi ,V. t . impose upon ; play

tricks upon . Kua mohio to W 0 .

hine m,an W Hakatau i ma

mingaMfimhré , a. without accampanimmts or appendages ; hare . He

rakau mamorc ; a tree withoutbrant'hcs.

—He tangata mamore,a childless man .

im i, pron . 3 td person singular

with preposition ma ; for him;for her . See ma .

Mini ,n . l . authority. He ra

ngatira. whai mane. a Hongi.2 . influence . E kore e ora te

tangata i to maoa o taua puhim

fmana , a . (f actual.

awhakaman a,V . t. give qfl


ect to .

Kn whakahau in i tona iwikiahaere hi to whakamaua i to

mma Manaiaman amane, V . t. give power to ;

enable . N a nga pu i manamanangia ai nga tangata ki te


1 . rc/otce ;t'I tl/l .


i, V. t. shew respect to ;

Page 95: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

74 Mén z‘iékfiw Ménfi .

entertain . E kore taua tangatae manaakitia e N G apuhi.

Mén iéké, n . a garmen t.Mén fihiu , or mén émz

in éhfiu ,

a. l . cheerf ul. K c. man ahau te

tu 0 te tangata. 2 . earulting'


elated. Ka. manamanahau to

W Hakatohea ki tana atu a e

haere maim.

Mfi n ékfin éki, a . apprehensive ;anxious. K a manakanaka au

ki aku hoa ka riro ra.

Mén ékc‘i, V . t . 1 . lihe . E korean e manako atu ki tera kainga. 2 . set one’s heart on . He

manako te koura i kore ai;there are no crayfish because

you set your heart on them.

Man aman ahau , see man ahau .

Mén én fi, a . ben t. Man ama kau

an a nga waewae .

man anmn . fi shing- rod. (R )

man an a , V. i. give a signal byraising the eyebrows ; win/f ; nod.

Manama mai an a ia. ki a an .

Mén fip fiu , n . a tree .

Mén fitfin gfi, n . h‘


e .

Mfin éuhéa ,a. l . weah; in ill

hea lth. Ka man auhea a rotoi e. nu . 2 . reluctan t. N o rotote ngakaukore, ka manauhea tob aramai.Mfin éuri, a . sunburn t. K a. ma

n auri tou kiri i te ra.

Mén fiw fi, n . 1 . belly . 2 . heart.3 . breath. K 8. he toku manawa ; I am out of breath ; or I amout of heart.

W hakaman aw a, V. i. have can

Me‘ méflw é, n . avicennia tomen tosa ;mangrove .

Min éw fi-kin ii, a. in ternally na


Mfin éwfi - niu , a . stout- hearted ;patien t.

Mén éw é-

p é , a . 1 . grudging . 2 .

lath; reluctan t. E manawapaana ahau ki te korero

, kahore

hoki he mea hei hoatutanga

maku ki a ia. 3 . apprehensive .

Kihai matou i manawapa ki omatou whenua kei riro .


p éphré, a. 1 . parsimonions ; stingy. 2 . considerate

for others .

Man aW a - rau , a . internally un


Mén fiwarékiai, a . p leased ; satis

fi ed. K atahi ano au ka manawarcka , ka riro mai hoki teutu o toku kakahu .

Mfin én é, a . importuna te ; ashingagain and again . Kaore e tikai a koe nga korero 11 a

,6 ma

n en e n a koe ki a tera .

Mfin én é, n . stranger ; one livingin a strange country .

Mania , n . plain coun try .

Mania, a . l . slippery. 2 . slid

ing readily over an other object.3 . feeling a jarring sensation ;set on edge . K a mania oku

niho . tingling . K a mania nga.

maniania, a. noisy.

Manihi, V. t. mahe steep . Memanihi a kona kei eke mai te


—K atabi ka manihjtia tomatou haere ; then we marchedin even file .

Manihira, 11 . a small fish.

Manin éhéa, a. 1 . disgusted. Ehara. i te hanga te manin oheao roto o toku puku i te mahia te tangata ra. 2 . of ensivo ;

repulsive .

I. M51 16, a. thousand.

II. 1 1 . inner part ; heart.K ei aua n oa atu

, kei te man oo te whenua—He wai man owhenua ; a permanent spring ofwater .Mén éna, n . coprosma grandgfolia

a shrub .

Man fi , V. i. jloat ; be launched.

Ka manu te teretere a Paoa.

Mén fi , n . 1 . bird. 2 . boy’s hite.

Page 96: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

m omma—mama s.

Mfinfimfinfi , n . collar- bone. Hinge- pith, n . 1 . hammer-head

ed sharh. 2 . a pattern of carvwhakamanu , V . t. disbelieze . I ing.

whakamanu an ki nga korero Min gb - tip i, 11 . a pattern of carvmai. ing.

Mfinfihék6, a. fi lthy , nasty. Mingfi , a. black.

Min fihiri, 11 . visitor ; guest. mangumangu , 11 . ink.

Mfin fiki, n . leptospermum scopa Mfin gfi ngfi , a. 1 . closely knitted,riam or ericoides shrubs, or or woven . 2 . bro/fen ofl

. Matrees. 11gungu noa tona waewae i teMinfikin fiki, n . anxiety ; mis- l takanga i rungs i te hoiho .

giving . man gflngfingfi ,a . gritty , grat

Min fikfiwhiki’ , V . t. entice by ing.

stratagem. iMfio ,V . i. leave of raining. Kin

Mangfi, n . 1 . branch of a tree, mao akuanei, ks haere tatou.

or of a river. 2 . brook; wa - l Ho pata whakamao, a clearing

Mingfi , n . banaco ntcr ; a fish. 11 . I . ranked. 2 . ripe .

Mingi , 11 . remains ojfimd after ; 3 . ulcerated.

a mea l. Ki to kai to tangata Mfiomho , n a fish.

i to mange a to ruwahino, ka lMfiomiofi, of a hu

he in i to re 0 to riri, o te i mara o

gronn tl 1 hae re hi to

kauanga wai ranei. 2 kawe ito maomaoa ki11 U enukuK in gfi ki- tfithri, 11 . a kind of t T) .

garment. lME ongi, a the sumo as maoa.

Ming“, 11 . month. I. Maori, a. l . native . 2 . HeHand ingfii, a. slow : moving waimaori; fresh wa ter .heavily . Mangsiugai ana nga whakamno ri, V . i. render in towsewuo ki te haere.

Mfingfirb , a. mea/y . ill . Maori, V . .t observe : talc no

Mingémingé 11 . /ygodinm arti- i 11 0 1: (perhaps used only 1 11 callcntatmn ; 11 Climbing for


11 . E ing attention to a fact.) MaoriMingéngé, a. hennmbrd . koe kahoro ho kai o teneiwahi.“ 11361 13 6113 6, a. gritty. E ma K athi , a. fresh-grown ; green .

ngongenge armto piki. mapiri, n 1 . gum of the hahi

Méngéo , V . i. itch. Tu porangi hatea tree . 2 . wood saturated

noa arm ki ta rakuraku i to with gum. 3 . comb.

“1 8 9 89 0 Mfipéu , or me pou, n . myrsine

Mingéré, a lazy. Mangers ho a shrah or small tree.

"15 , excessively lazy iwhakamapzu,

V 1 . lll l ‘ll bl ’Otttlt,

Mngi, a. matched “ W N W ,”or red. Ka wliakamapau to

tupu o to kai.Mfipfi , V. i. 1 . whiz ; ham. 2 .

sigh. 8 . pant. Tangi 3 11 3 to

mapu i te omanga.mngiomo’n . Chill/“f“ MEp fia, a. bearing abundance ofmango, n . sharlt ; dagfish. fruit.

1 13 11 3 611 6, a. soft. He mangoho Mip fmfip finfi , a. ripp ling.

noa te powhatu nei. Mfi pfingi , 11 . large shag.

the effect of grief, hungerKei to mangi noa an ki takutamaiti ka riro .

Page 97: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Mfipi'lrii, 11 . fi re.

Mari,n . p lot of ground under

cultivation ; farm.

I . Mari,

n . a term of addressto a man . E mara !

II . M51 5,a. prepared by steeping

in fresh water. He koura mara.

—K ahore imara ta taua koura.

Miiriie , n . enclosed space in frontof a house ; yard.

Mfirékérfiké, a . bare ; bald.

M51 5 a . 1 . light ; not dark.

2 . transparen t. Marama kehokeho te moana. 3 . clearsounding ; loud. 4 . easy to un


mfirémfirfimfi, a. somewhat light.Mimi, n . moon ; month.

Mérfimiirfi ,11 . chip ; sp lin ter ;

small piece .

Miirén gii, V. i. rise up . Maranga tatou

,e ta ma

,he. so te


Miringii, n . l . east wind. 2 .

gale of wind,with rain . 3 .

heavy surf.

Miiriip ékfi, n . haliotis virginica ,a small species of sea- ear : call

ed also hororiwha .

Mirarii, a. scattered ; separated.

Kua marara ke nga tan gata kia ratou mahinga.

mfirfiraré, a. rather scattered .

W hakamarara , V . t. scatter .Mfirétéa, n . a fi sh.

Marin, n . fork.

Mire, V. i. cough.

mare , n . cough ; phlegm.

Méréa , a . many ; multitudinous.

mfiréaréa, n . a fish ; the sameas inanga .

Mfiréhéréhé, n . trouble.

MEREN K,V . t . marry .

Mfiréré, n . 1 . humara used in

certain ceremonies, previous to

p lan ting . 2 . the fi rst humara

p lan ted with due ceremonies bythe tohunga .

Miréré, V. i. 1 . drop ; fall (of

solid bodies) . 2 . be given . Ekore e marere atu aku kai

3 . die. Kua marere taku tamaiti i te po n ei. 4 . let oneselfdown ; get down .

Maréwa,a. raised up . N awai i


a ka marawa ki runga

manu ai

Mariao ,n . ulcer .

Marie , a . quiet ; app eased. Kua

marie tona ngahan . See ma

rire .

Marie ,it is good. Marie an o

kia haere mai koeMarin gi, V . i. be spilt.

marin girin gi, V . i. be spilt bylittle and little .

Marine, a . calm. A ua ra e hoe

aianei: kia marin o te moana .

marin o - to or marin o - tokitoki,

very calm.

Maripi, n . knife .

Mariré, a. quiet; gentle ; appeas



ad. 1 . quietly ; gently.

2 . deliberately. He mea tahumarire toku where i were. ai.

3 . thoroughly ; quite . He ui pai

marire takn ui.

Mariri, a. tranquilliz ed ; allayed.

N a ka mariri n ei te ngahan oRangi raua ko TawhjriMiro, a. 1 . stretched out ; stzfi iK a maro a raua aho 2 .

hard ; solid. K a maro te paruo tenei wahi; me kau tn. 3 .

unyielding ; headstrong .

mar ‘

é r'

d , a. 1 . somewhat stifi'

850 .

2 . strong . E kore pea koe e

maroro aian ei.


o,n . fathom, measured W ith

the arms extended.

W hakamaro , V . t. ex tend &c.

Miro, n . girdle ; worn\by fe


Marohi, n . l . commonfern ; p terisaquilina . 2 . fern - root. K a ngihate ahi marohiMarohiréhi

,a. 1 . dispirited ;

Page 99: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Mfitfiiké,first person taken or

hit/ed in fight . K ei a an te

mataika .

Mfi tiitéi,

a . tasting of salt ;braehish. He mataitai te wai

o ten ei kainga .

ma taitai,n . 1 . fish. Kai tonu

is ite mataitai o taua roto2 . salt provisions.

Mfitfikfihi,11 . wedge. Iti te ma

takahi; paoa atu an o ; na, po

tapota n oa

Mitfikin fi,a . 1 . wary ; on the

look out. Me matakana nga

kan ohi i en ei rangi e takoto

n ei. 2 . shy ; distrustf ul. K 0

nga mea matakana, me W heke

rate .

Métékiiw ii,a .




, a. hating ; bearingi/lzfeeling towards one . Me penarewa korua ko to taina.


matakeke rewa ?

Mfitfiki, or mitikitfiki, V. t .[ooh at; inspect ; wa tch. Ka.

mea kia matakitaki ia ki taua.


Mitfikité, 11 . one who foresees an


matakite , V. i. practise divina tion .

Kutahi ia. kn tuhi i tona. atua,

are he matakite ,hei titiro i

tona. aituaM§t§k6kiri, n . meteor .

Mitékémfi, a . swollen .

nga matakoma .

Mitéikfi, V . i. be afraid. Pass.

matakuria , befeared. E koreia e matakuria e ana pononga.

mataku , a. fearful inspiringfear .

Mfitékfip én gfi, 11 . fat which co

vers the in testines .

Matamata , see un der meta .

Mfi tfimfi a, a . 1 . fi rst. Kua oti

n oa ake ra. hoki i a ia. tun a,

mahi matamua te W hakarite e

1 . distasteful. 2 .

He ri

Mé tfiikfi—matarau .

Mitiréu ,having many points ;


poin ted .

mataran ,n . 1 . for/fed sp ear for

catching fish ; grains. 2 . net

ia 2 . elder. A c,

e omaua matamma

,ka tika

Matan iii, a . open ; above - board .

Matin ga, a . understanding ; ex

perienced. N a nga matanga i

hara mai i tapuhi.Matan garc‘i, a . Te kaho mata

ngaro , the batten nex t to the

ridge -

p ole .

Matin gata, a. a univalve mollusk.

Matin gérén gere , 1 . benumbed ;cramped. K a matangerengeretoku ringa. 2 . grieved ; vexed.

3 . ashamed .

Miitan gi, n . wind .

Matin gfihi, n . fi rst p erson hilledor tahen in war . K ei -

a au. te

matangohiMatan gfi rfi n gfirfi ,

a. 1 . numbed.

K a matangurunguru oku ringaringa i te kopeke . 2 . disap

p ointed ; morttfi ed. Haere matangurunguru atu ana .

Matao , a . cold. Kia matao nga

kumara ka kainga ai.

mataotao , a . cool.Mataora, a . living ; alive . Kia

kite mataora matou i a Tupe .

M§t§5ri 11 . wedge .

Matapihi, n . window .

Matap b' , a . blind .

Matap c‘ip c‘iré, a. watchful OV er ;

caref ul of. Kia matapopore kinga kai, kei hohoro to pan .

Matap é uri, a . g loomy ; sad.

matap ou ri, n . a species of duck.

Mata' p fi n fi, n . source of a river.Matarfi, a . 1 . un tied ; un twisted.

Kua matara te taura . 2 . distan t.

Kia matara atu te turanga mote W hare.

Matarahi’ , or matfirarahi, a .

Page 100: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Mfitfiréhé—Mfiténgfiténgfi. 79

fastened to a Map for catching Mattitfi ,a. wahef ul. E kore e

tarahihi. moe ; matatu tonu, kei horo teMatéréhé

,n . a kind of eel. pa.

Mfitfirékfi, a . p leasan t. Matau,V. t . 1 . know ; be ac

ma taraka, V. t. be fond of. anoin ted with. 2 . understand. 3 .

He mea imatarekatia, na reira feel certain of.

i okaka ai. whakamatau ,V. t. 1 . make to

Mitirékéréké, a. benumbed . h'now ; teach. W HakamatauriaMi tfi réré, n . forer unner ; harbin ahau ki te reoMaori. 2 . maltc

ger. Kua riro te matarere, a trial of. Kua whakamatau ahau

te Hunibera. l i tera kai; ehara hoki.Mitiri'ki', n . Pleiades ; the Sign Matfiu , pron . for matou, we .

of the first month. Mama , n . hooh.

Mitirfikfirfikfi , a. 1 . benumbeel . Métfiu , a. right ; ou the right2 . annoyed . K 0 in na toku hand. Kei te taha matau to


tétfi, V 1 1 be split gape ME tE W fii, n . fountain - head.

Kua matata te kakau 0 be a. fi lled with tears .

2 . open . Me k ore e matata l Kua matawaia ona kanohi.

10 ” 13mmki te whakaatu mailmmwérs, n . charm for killing

1 etah1 whakaaro ke c puta she ! a taniwha .

i roto i a ia.

lmité, a. 1 . dead. Ka patua nga

He mea matnta w tangata ex tinguished . K9. mate te ahi2 . ‘Igff fld


ml’fi a Fall.‘

HG met}! 3 . C”, or OthG l’W iSG prfi‘

mammkl to m p0 km W “ k”pared for building &c . Kamate

nga kowheka.

nga rakau mo be whnre o N G amuta te , n . a shrub.

tikahnngunu. 4 . szek; ell. KuaMititfi au , V. 1 . more aside . Ma mate ; kahore imate“ koe kl W k" he poun i 5 . overcome with admiration &0 .

i a matou . Mate n oa ake ki te pm o temantra, n . dam for wat er.walu


ne ra —Kn mate iMatitau; a . maili

ng steadily ,0 1: te whakama 6 . calmed

constan tly. Km matatau ma1koutou ki 11 matou.

Mid téwhfi, a . open . Kua are

to tamaiti, kua matatawha nga

kanohi.MKtE téa .

Matatea ake nei.

Mifi tén gi a. thick. Kia penetmmfil ’ v . t. 1 .



re earnestly .

te matatengi o te kakahu .

2 . shew a ttention to. Kmma

mwm (” a row. Mamm ;tQ D ll l koe kl tuku tema.

tonu to ratou tn lMfi téngi, 0 (“W i

Mfitfiwui, a. dimmed . E u ma Mfi téngfiténgi, a. 1 . bcnumbcd ;tatoua nga kanohi i te tiroha~ cramped. 2 . aching . Ka mange . tengetenge toku mara. 3 . dis

Mitatu, v. i. begin toflow. Ka gusted. Haerematengatenga atutahi ano te tai ka matatu mai. ena. 4 . causing pain . Kin nu

down . Ka mate to moana. 7.

moving slowly slack. Taimate ;slack water .

imam,11 . 1 . death. 2 . sickness.

W hakamate , V. t. 1 . put to dea th.

2 . cause to be sic/r.

Page 101: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


nui te tao,kia matengatenga


Maten gi, a . three (R ) .Mitébha

,a. loving ; fond . He

Maten gi~ Mau .

ko tetahi,tiki tonu ai i roto i

te matoru tangata.

matétbrfi , a . thick. Kia matotoru nga toetoe mo te W hare .

metecha tonu ki a raua ihaere matoru toru , a. ben znnbed .

tahi tonu ai raua.

Matérété , n . miscarriage ; aborlion .

Matéwai, a . thirsty .

Mafia, n . spear.Mitihao , n . finger ; claw.

Matihe, V . i. sneez e

Metika, n . fi sh- hook.

Matika, V . t . carry on a litter .N atika, V. i. rise np . Kua matika mai nga tangata .

Matikara, n . 1 . fi nger . 2 . fi sh


Matiké, V . i. rise from a recumben t position .

Matiko ,V . i. 1 . descend. Matiko


ki raro (R u) 2 . run .

Mit‘ikiikii, n . nail of a fi ngeror toe ; claw ; hoof.

Mitimati, n . toe .

ME tBu, pr. we

, ex cluding the

person addressed.

Math, 11 . fa t.Mani a , ad. fi rst.

n ei e hanga .

mfitfi a, and matiiatiia , a . im

p ortan t ; large ; abundant. Hematua te ika 0 tera kainga .

matu a , n . 1 . main body of an

Matua ano te

army . 2 . plural of matiia ,paren ts.

Matha ,n . 1 . paren t, and more

especially, father. K o te matua o Tawhakiimauria matetiaatu

,ko te wahin e anake ihaere

ora —plural matiia . 2 .

division of an army ; company ;plural matfi a . K 0 nga matuaa nga tuakana, he maha ano ngatangata

matire, an d matirétiré, n . wand matfi akfimara, n . geranium dis

used in the ceremon v of pure .

He ran kei runga, he kawa :

kahore he ran,he matire .

Matiré , V . t. beg for food.

Matiti, n . a dry branch of a tree ,frequentedby birds and resortedto for the purpose of catchingthem.


atitbré, a . sp lit. Kua matitorete rakau .

M5136, 11 . deep swamp ; deep val

ley .

matomato ,a . 1 . cool. He wai

matomato, he hohonu. 2 . green ;growing vigorously .

Matc‘iha, a . 1 . untied ; undone .

2 . lost.

Matc‘iké, a. cold.

Mfitéré, V. t . woo ; pay addressesto

Mfitérii, n . crowd. K 0 tetahi,

hopu noa ai i W aenga parae ;

sectam, a plant .Matfi atfi a, n . a kind of eel.

also un der Matha.

Mfitfikfi, n . bittern , a bird calledalso matuhu- harépo.

matuku -moan a, a bird frequen ting the sea shore .

matuku tuku ,n . 1 .

a bird. 2 . a

species of moss.

Matfirfi tfirfi , V. i. trickle in drops ;distil.

matutu,a . 1 . convalescen t. 2 .

remedied. Ka matu tu te mateo te turoro .

I. Min , n . productions of the

earth. He mau pai nga mau oten ei kainga.

II. M511 , V. t . 1 . carry . E mauana i nga hoe ki te waka . 2 .

tube up ; lay hold of (followed by hi) . Ka man a Tutan ekai ki ona kahu , ki tana patu


Page 103: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


uneasy in mind. K a nui tokumawera .

Maw été, a . untied. Kua mawetete kawe .

Mawhai, n .

a plan t .

Mawhaki, a. brothen .

W haki taku ngira.

Mawharii, n . thirteen th day ofthe moon’

s age ; the moon at

1 2 days old.

Mawhatii, a. hanging in curls ;covered with curly hair. Heupoko mawhatu.

Mawhérii, a . open .

mawhera, 11 . month (R ) .Mawheto ,

a. untied ; loosened.

Mawhiti, V. i. 1 . leap ; ship . 2 .


mawhitiwhiti, n . grasshopper .Mawhiti, 11 . white dogs/tin mat ;the same as mahiti.Me , conj . 1 . if ; gen erally im

plying the reverse of the con

dition expressed. Me he manukua rere noa atu —He tikame i te tohe tonu ki te kara

nga—Often in the form

‘me he mea’

, if the case werethat &c. Me he mea no. te ta

ngata ten eimahinga, e hitea teW hariki o te waka. 2 . as if ;like ; as it were . Me he ka

wau pu te ahua —Ritetahi me tenei.

II .Me , prep . with; den oting con

comitan ce or concurren ce in

time ; often to be rendered byand. Ka puta te hau

, te ua,

te W hatitiri, me te ngaru katoao te moan a -K ei te kai

an o ratou,me tans. tikanga ano

o aua rangi o mua ra ; me te

kai,me te tangi

III. Me , Verbal particle , forminga kind of imperative future .

W hen used with a transitiveverb , the verb frequen tly hasa passive signification . Me

sicyos angula tus

Kua me.

I .

Mamas—Mehameha.hoe rawa ki te an o te moana

L et [our canoe]be p addled away to mid- ocean .

- A e , mehaere ke atu eu Yes , I

had better go away—The fol

lowing usage also is n ot nu

frequen tly met with. Katimehe purupuru inga korero . L eave

of interfering with freedom ofspeech.

Men, 11 . 1 . thing ..K o te mea

ten ei i korero ra ahau ki a

koe. 2 . a substitute for an o

ther n oun ; sometimes to be rendered by


, and sometimesn ot to be tran slated. Tirohiamai totabi kowhatu , hei te meanui—He mea W hakairi ki ru

nga noi ai —Te mea kahao ratou

,ko Pitaka . 3 . such a

one . mea ma,

such and such


I te mea, when . Ki te mea,in case that ; if. Me he meaif the case where that. Me temea

,as if it were ; like . MO

te mea,and N o te mea, be

cause .

mea, V . t . 1 . do. Often as a sub

stitute for a more defin ite word.

Meatia te mea n ei. 2 . cause.

N ana ano imea kia pa ia3 . say. K a mea atu aManaia


‘Kau mai; kahore he wai’

4 . in tend ; wish. I mea hokiratou kia tirohia paitia ia5 . thin/c. Ka mea a Ha


mate ia 6 . to den ote lapseof time

, when it may sometimesbe rendered

, go on . Me te rerehaere te waka ra

,a te A rawa ;


,a,ka taka kei waho

o Maketu —Mea kau ake,

very soon ; immediately .

Méaké, ad. (mea ake) soon .

Meatin gia , a passiV e of mea.

Mehameha, a . lonely ; solitray.

Mehameha kau an a ten ei W he


Page 104: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Mehamea ~ Mingi 83

Mehamea , conj . if . See under lMéta, a. putrid. Ka metoa nga

me .

M5116, a. false He meho ! n . honey.

9. con temptu ous con tradiction . Miéré, v . i. become powerless ; beMfin iis, n . or V. t. measure . erhausted. Ka powharu W ai

Mnr,n . the month ofMay . kato

,ka miere Tauranga.

I. Mihé , n . distant descendant.

Tupu rawa i te miha, katahiMake

,a. true . Only in the ex - l ka ngakia tona mate .

position ,He meka, he meka l aM‘

ihi, v . i. wonder.

True , true ! Mihfirfi , V . t. wonder at ; admire .

Mékimekfi, 11 . chain . Pass. miharotia, be regard ed

Mékfiri, ad. within a little . Me with wonder or admiration .

kari ta tou mate . miharo , 11 . causing wonder. HeMéké, v. t. strike with the fi st. mahi mihet o te mahi a te pa

keha .

Mék5 , V. t. withhold ; refuse to Milli, v. t. l . greet. Milli atu

give . K9. meko to tangata nei an s,mihi ena mai; ka mutu te

i taua waka. 2 . acknowMe ledgc an obligation . 3 . sighfor ;

kore e tahuri te poti. lamen t. N o reirs i mihi ai a

Méméhfi, V . i. be dissolved , pass Tuau ki ena tarnariki me tauaaway. Kua memehs he to hau- l wahine

papa i te wliitin ga o te ra 1

Memen e, see under mane. Mikb, 11 . areca sapida ; N ew Z ea

land pa lm- tree .

I.Mane, V. i. be assembled Kua Minn , v . i. make wa ter .

mene mai nga tangata o te kai 111 1111 1, 11. urine .

nga. Mimlhi, u . l . a blach bituminouswhaksmene , v. t. call together . substance found in the sea. 2 .

II. Man e, menemen e , memen e , wha le .

v . i. shew wrinkles . Kn me Mim'

iri ,V. t. fasten on the ham :

mono one paparinga. he smi or bow -

piece to the body of a

tax. ca noe .

Mange, mémén gé, l . shrivell Mimiré , V. t . draw together thecd, withered . Ka koroheketia sides of a canoe . Koia iki 3 1ksmemenge nga rings nga uaua. an kia mimirotia to tatou waka2 . wrinkled. Titiro ai nu ki te inaianei. See also un dermiro.

paperinga o to tanga ta ki te Miml ti, see under miti.memenge (of the wrink ling of M1 115. or minim

ini, v . t. hauc a

the checks in smiling) . longing for . Minamina ans takuMéré, n . a stone weapon for hand kakiki te kaireka . Minaminato hand fighting. sometimes call sushi

,taste of smoke.

ed meremere . Minaka, v . t. desire . E minaken . miracle . ena taku waha ki te kai nei.

Mnnfino l,n . melon . Min é, V. i. be assembled .

MGrBiti, a small ; inconsiderable . whakamine, v. t. assemble .

He meromeroiti kau te mate . M’

mgi, 11 . cya thodes acerosa ; a

Métiririhi, a. great. tree .

Page 105: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Min ga, a . curled ; curly .

mimin gii, a. shrivelled up .

mingomihgo , a. crisped ; fries/ed.

Mini”,11 . mill.

Mira, n .

mira- tuatini, a saw - like weaponmade of sharks’ teeth fastenedto a piece of wood.

miramira , n . uvula .

miramira , a. at a red heat.

roa te kainga a te ahi,

miramira kau ana te rin o .

miramira , v . t . give prominenceto . N aku imiramira te korerona.

whakamira , 11 . lower portion ofa fishing line , protected by a

thread woun d tightly round it.whakamiramira, v . t . mal e much

of ,treat with deference . He

mea whakamiramira naku takutamaiti; kei a koe ka ton oa.

Mira, v . t . tend carefully ; cherish.

Miri, n . a mat like the korowai,but of a coarser description .

Miri, v . t. 1 . rub. 2 . shell maize ;separate the grain from the cob.

3 . p ass close to ; touch in passing . Kia miri kau to tatouwaka i te taha o te toka .


1r6, n . podocarpus ferruginea ,a tree .

Miro , v . t. spin ; twist.

he aho hi ika ma tatou .

miro , n . 1 . thread. 2 . whirlingcur rent of water.

mimiro , v . i. move swiftly. Haere,

miroia,kia tere te haere .

miromiro , n . petroica toitoi, a

small bird .

Miti, v . t . lich; lich up .

mimiti, a. 1 . dried up . Kua mimiti te wai o te repo . 2 . swal

lowed up ; ex terminated . E ! ka

mimiti toku iwi, akuan ei pea

ka mate hoki ko an .

M5 , prep . 1 . for ; on accoun t of.

K a kawe n ei a Tinirau ki te

K a

n a,


Min gc‘S—momoe .

rapu utu mo tana tamaiti2 . for the benefit of ; for the

use of . N G a aruhe hei 0 mote taua —Ka wahia i te

tu ngaroa he ara whakaputanga

mo tan a tamaiti ki waho3 . for i. e . to hold 85 0 . Meraranga he kete mo nga kai.

4 . against ; in preparation for .

Kia angiangi ai te poho o tetangata mo te taranga i te aroakapa o te hakaM5 21 , n . 1 . dinornis of various

species ; ex tinct birds. 2 . a

kind of ston e . 3 . bed or raised p lat in a garden .

w hakamoa , v . t . lay in a heap .

W Hakamoaina nga powhatu .

Mbana, n . 1 . sea . 2 . roty"of a

humara rua .

Méanariia , v . t . repair a mat byweaving a fresh piece . Kua

tawhito te remu,kua wera ra

n ei tetebi wahi, ka moanaruatia ; ka natia houtia a rungao te wahi i ora

,a taea n oatia

te whiri.

Méari', n . a kind of swing .

minim, v. escape narrowly .

K 0 hea te moariaritanga o tetawhitin eiinanahi. 2 . be alarmed at sudden danger of an other

person .

M5atii, a . early in the morning .

Kia moata ki te W hariki mote kainga n ei

M66 , i. V . .i 1 . sleep . 2 . dream.

ii. v. t. marry . I whakaaro ia

kia moe ia i a Te W Hatuiapiti,hei tane pai mana

whakamoe , v . t. 1 . put to sleep .

2 . close the eyes. K a whaka

moca nga kan ohi, ko te ta

ngata ia e ara ana. 3 . give

in marriage K 0 taku tuahjne

ra kia whakamoea ma taku hoatakatapui ma Tiki

momoe , a. 1 . of a drowsy habit2 . heeping the eyes closed. N ana

Page 107: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

86 mokomoko—W hakam6m6ri.

mokomoko , n . liz ard.

Mokomokorea , a. scarce ; solitary . K n haere ka. mokomokoree. te tangata, me n oho ki tengahi kai.

M6k6p iin6, n . gr andchild ; child

of a son , daughter , nephew,

niece &c.

M6k6r§hi. a. grea t. Me he meai mokorahi ake n ei te hen n ei


kari ana tern i roto i te W here .

mokorahi, n . ex ten t .

M6k6whiti', v . i. jump .

Mfikii, pron . first pe rson singu

lar W ith the preposition 7710, for

me . See mo .

M6mi', V. t. such: suck up .

M6mipfi , a. small. Momipu te

kaitaka i te paraikete .

M6m6, n . 1 . ofi spring . He momon oHinematioro . 2 . race ; breed.

M6m6e , see under moe .

Mfimohfingi, n . remnan t. Kia

ata kai i nga. kai, ka W hanatu

hoki ka momohangatia .

Momohe , see under mohe .

Momoka, see under moka.

Mom6mi , a. fat ; rich ; fertile.

He whenua momona .

M6mon o, see under mon o .

M6mori, see under mori.

M6mote, see under mote .

M6moto, see under mo to .

M6motu , see un der motu.

Mimi, n . knot of a tree .

Man i, pron . 3 td person singular

with preposition mo , for him;for her . See mo .

Mé n fi,n . scar ; trace .

M6n§r6a , a. loitering . E hara i

te hanga, te monaroa. o te ta.

ngata n ei; ka kitee. pea e ia.

to kore, ka. hoki mai.

Mfi n éhfi,11 . young sprout of fern .

mon en ehu , n . a kind of kumara .

mon en ehu , 3 . a lmost out of sight.

K a whakamon enehu te waka .

Mom,1 1 . money.



n, n . set on edge. Kn monin nku niho .

m6 ninnin , n . fear. Kn hemo temoninnin o te pntu .

M6n 1m6n 1 , v i. be consumed .

Monimoni n on ngn kumnrn otnku run i te kiore .

M611 6, v . t . 1 . plug ; caulk. K ei

to mon o i te pnknru o te waka.

2 . disable by means of charms,or incantations. K n mutn te

tekn,kn mnrnngn ko to mono .

momon o , V. t. disable by incan


mon omon o , n. unp leasant to the

M6r6, n . l . tap- root. 2 . 3. fish.

moromoro , v . t . mahe bald or

bare ; strip of branches &o. Kun

moremoren tern tnhn o to ra.

kau .

moremoren gn , 11 . end ; ex tremity.

Te Moremorengn o te ihu .

Te moremorengn o te poho , thelower end of the breast- bone .



rén, n . remnant. I hnere mninu

,tenei herehere, kin kite i

enei moren knwnnn.

morenren, n . 1 . lonely ; dreary.

Knore an e n oho i kon ei i temorenren i a nu . 2 . sorrowful.K 0 tern kun mnte ; ko te morenren kau ki ngn hon n oho .

M6r6hi’1 , n . survivor .

M6r6r6, v . 1 . swing .

M6r6w 6, n afloat. Kin morowaatu to tntou waka ki waho .

Mari.morimori, n. shorn


of branches.

He rakau morimori, e kore e

tnen te piki.—Morimoringn kni,

removal of the‘tapu


W hnknm6m6ri, V . i. commit sui

cide, or any other act of de

speration . K n haere rnwn i ko

nei ki te wknknmomori ki te

monnn,kin kainga e to . taniwha

Page 108: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

mfi kiri'

ki-i 87

Marikiriki , a. 1 . abominable lM6 t6h6, n. l . obstinate . Kntnhi

te iwi motohe ki te hae re . 2 .

M6rir6rir6, v . i. 1 . be almost out irresistible . He motohe te ro

of sight ; be just visible . Mo ngon i homai nei.

riroriro kau eke iroto i to wai. M6 t6i, n . ear- ornament made of2 . become estranged. Kei te green

- stone .

moriroriro tatou .

M6r61ti, a. small. I. M6tii , n. 1 . severed . Kntnhi

M6r6ki, ad. expressing con ti kn tikins rawntin ki te pntnke

nuance, in the phrase , Horoki tnpnhi mni ai, kn motunon nei quite up to the 2 . pa rtia lly severed ; wounded

present time . by a cut . Kei motu koe i te

whakamoroki, v. i. remain un toki na. 3 . set free by sever

moved ; repress one’

s feelings . ance : escaped . Me te wekn knmotu i te mnhnngn

mo tu , n . 1 . anything isolated as

up an island ; clump of trees &0 .

Kua morungn mni te te.—A 2 . cut , wound .

in morungn eke taua where mammotu , a. divided into isolated portions . E ! kn motumotu

M616 , v. t . such. E kore e mo -

t rapea to whenua e haeren nnn

ten to n o te hoka i to nui o ; e To Pongn msto mate . motumo tu , or m6m6ti

1 , 11 . fi re

mote , n . water . Kin maha nga brand .

kai ki te mote . m6m6tfi , v . t. sezwr ; separate.

momote, ed. elandestinely . Kua Motuhia atu etnhiinn N Gntinwn .

pan to rnhui n Pnhe te kaimo 1 1 .M6ti'1 , a. cold. He waimotu .

mote .

mobs ,a. whitczfaeed . M6tfi h6ngi, n . from moment ;

momma, 1 . fea rful ; jainthearb . see under mo tu .

ed . 2 . scrupulous ; hesita ting . Métfihingi, a . meaty ;floury. HoKn motenten an hi to patu i roimotnhangn.

M6 11 , pron . 2md person singularM6t6ngi' , a. placed aloft. Kin with preposition me , for thee .

motengi te kai ki runga kei See mo .

pen ._Mb fia, 11 . back of the neck.

Misti, n. consumed ; scarce . Tuku 3M6um6ur6ng6, u. 1 . betrothal.rewa matou ki a ma tou keikua 2 . connection by marriage.

moti. Mfiun gfi, n . 1 . half burnt stick.

whakamoti, v . t. destroy ; er tir 2 . (for mnnngn) mountain . 3 .

(formnnngn, fromman) circumMb tihéfi hé, n . a bird. stance of being fast &0 .

mo tihetihe , 61. having the hair Mfiwfii, v. i. become moist ; mastanding on end . ter . Kn mowei toku wnhn .

M6fi r6 ,v . t. beg . He tangata Mbwhifi , n . ring ; hoop . Knru

motit o te tangata nei. mowhiti, eyes with rings, i. e .

M6t6 , or m6m6t6 , v . t. strike specta cles.

with the fi st ; box . Mbwhiti, v. i. (for mokowhiti)mo to , n . blow with the fist. jump .

Page 109: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Miia , n . 1 . the front ; tlze forepart. 2 . former time . Kimua ;i mua &c. before ; first. K 0


2 . one wlzo

Ireacliersame as moeone .

spunges on otbers ;


te 11 3 11 3 9 0 ton a tupuna kua Mfi réré, a . clever ; knowing.

riro mai koa i mua atu I MuriKi mua i; i mua i; hei mua i&c. in advance of ; previous to .

He ingoa an o to taua awa i

mua atu i to ratou taenga ki

reira a mua,lzeneefortb .

mu an ga , a . fi rst~ born ; elder. K awhakanuia ake tana tamaitimuringa, ka whakaititia iho ana

muangaMU E BA

,n . mule .

murin ga , a . youngest.

n . 1 . fi le rear ; tlee lzinder part. 2 . subsequen t time .

Kimuri; imuri&c. afterwards.

—Ki muri i,

after ; subsequen t

to .—A muri

,hereafter .

Tan a tamaiti muringa He muringa ,

or muringa iho ; afterwards ; a t lengtb .

II . Mfiri, n . breez e .

m ere, a. unsuccessful in fish Mfirikokai, D back Of tlze lzead.

ing & 0 .

Mu rin ga , see under muri I.

Mfihifi, V . t. p us/z one’s way t/zrong/i

Mfiritfii, n . sea ~ breez e .

bushes &c.

pus/z one'

s way.

Miihiikai, a . absent ; inatten tive.

K a mahi te taringa muhukai,e kore e rongo ki tetahimanakupu .

He ara muhu,a Mfi riwai, n . backwater .

pat/z along wlliclz one bus to Muru , V t. l . wipe ; rub. 2 .

p luclt of leaves got/ter.K a n oho ki raro

,kei te muru

W han ake ,kei te W hiri taura

3 . plunder . Ka muruate kainga o Tipitaha .

Miii, v . t , swarm round ; 5,7w Miiti'l , a. l . brougbt to an end

Mui noa,ohu n oa te taian .

Milka, 11 . p repared fibre of N ew

Mikh , an d mukumuku , v . t.wipe ; rub.

Mfimfihau , n . eddy wind. K a

pu ta te mamahan,ka tahuri te


Mina, v . t. tell or speak of priva tely . Te wa imunaia atu ra

ki ona tangataMfina, n . ringworm.

3 ,

V. i. 1 . blaz e . Ka mura te ahi.

2 . glow ; slzow a brillian t co

lour. Te rata e muma ra atu

ana i uta n ei

Mfi réi, v . t. p lunder . Hoki atu

koutou ka murei.

Mfirémiiré, v . t. return to a thingfrequen tly.

muremure , n . 1 . a grub ; the

abrup tly ; left of ! K a mututa matou mahi. 2 . cropped ;lieving the end cut of ; mutilated . He ringa mutu . 3 . comeor gone witbout excep tion . Mutukatoa mai nga tangata ki te

kawanatanga; kahorehe rerenga .

mu tu , V. t . cut s/zort. Me mutui kon ei

mu tu , n . peroli, being part ofan apparatus for snaring birds.

mu tumu tu , v . t. crop of append

ages as hair,bran ches 850 . K a

tahi ka mutumutua e te tua


whakamu tu , v . t . 1 . leave oji2 . cause to be - left oji

whakamu tun ga, n . youngest son .

N a te haha o te whakamutunga, n ana i tango ake, ana


W hai whenua

Mfi tfiwhénfia , n . the moon at

2 8 days old.

Page 111: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

90 n anen an e—W hakananawé.

nan en an e n . stifle .

2 . goat. rero .

N an ea, a . capioas ; satisfi/iag . He natin ati, or n an ati, a. pine/zed

1 . rotten kumara . l Kaua e natia taku ko

kai nanea . constricted. K a natinati tokuI . K im, 11 . wild cabbage ; wild korokoro .

N ata, v . t. 1 . scratc/z. He ka

II . N ani, a. noisy . K 0 wai te rerebe natunatu . 2 . stir up ;iwi e nani mai ra ? mix . Ka natua te kai ki te

n gan gi. hinu .

N anihi, a. distan t. Kua nanihi N a'

u , preposition n a W ith pro


oa atu te haere a Titoro . n oun of the 2md person singu

lar,by or belonging to thee .

whakan an o , v . t . discredit. Ha ! See n a.

to whakan ano ki taku korero ! N an, v . i. come . N au mai.N inii, a . 1 . mixed

,coaflised. 2 . naun au , v. t. take up . Kihai i

indistinct ; iaarticula tc. Kua tae te naunau .

nanu te reo n aun au, a. angry .

n an u , v . i. murmur ; express dis whakan au , v. t. rcfiise . E koreapp ointment, or dissatisfaction . matou e ebei te whakanau atu .

Ka tahi,ka rua

,ka toru nga lwhakan anau , v . i. be angry.

kiore,ka pan aku kai: ko te N auhéa, n . vagabond .


nanu e waiho i a an .

Moe- nana,tall: in oac

’s sleep .

whakanan u , v. t. mix ; conf use .

N 50 , nanio , v . t. band/e ; feelwill: [be band ; ta/tc bold of .

K atahi a Kupe ka nanao iho

ki tana taha,ka whin e atu ki

te wai

maon ao , n . small mot/z ; midge .

K ei te pokai naonao te ahua .

whakanaon ao , v. i. appear likea spec/r in [be distance .

Nape, 1 . weave . 2 . jerk. K a maute ika, napea, kia kaha te n ape.

3 . sayfaltcriagly ; missay . Pa

wera tonu tona papa ki te na

penga o tana karakia tohinap e , n . fishing line .

N api, nanapi, v . i. cling tig/ztly.

Kia .mau te nanapi ou ringe

ringa, kei taka koe .

N ati, nanati, V . t . 1 . pizzcb orcon tract, as by means of a li

gature &c. N anati i te kaki;{brat/1c ; strangle. 2 . fastenraap o on the walls of a house .

Tokohia nga tangata i n atia ai

to W here n ei. 3 . restrain ;


i,n . a fresh-water fish.

N aumai, welcomen aumai, 11 . guest. W aiho au kiamahi ana i taku mahi; ko aku

naumai kia tae mai ki a an .

N aun au , see un der n au .

N aupata, n . a shrub .

n . a shrub .

N awai, ad. den oting regular pro

cess of time, andalways followedby a . N awai i tata, a ka matara atu ki tawhiti After baving been near for sometime they came at length to be

a long distance oji—N awai, a

ka awatea ; at length, or in due

course day dawned.

N fiw é, nanaw é, v . i. 1 . be set

on fi re . Meake nawe to ka

kahu . 2 . be kindled or excit

ed (as feelings) . N amawe ake

ana te aroha i a an ki taku

potiki. 4 . be anmovcablc. Toton oa nga tangata o era wahi i

a koe ; kaore, kei te namawe

whakananawé, l . v . i. loiter,dawdle. E whakananawe atu

Page 112: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

nawe—N B. 91

ana ki muri; e kore e hohoro lwhakanene ,‘ v . i. 1 . jest ; sport.

to haere . 2 . v . t. fasten . He E whakanene mai ta nga ta

tau mo te patn hei W hakan a~ mariki. 2 . quarrel.nawe ki te ringa mau ai. N éfi , n . a small dart used in

nfiwé, n . scar . play.

N 6, ad. in terrogative , giving em N iao , n . 1 . n wa le of a can oe.

phasis to a question , request, 2 . edge of any Open vesse l.

or proposal. Ka haere an ki N ihi.

te tiki ahi, ne?(23) I will nini


hi, a. sleep .

go to fetch some fi re ; s/mll I ninihi, v 1 move stealtl uly, steal

I. N éhé , n . rafter of a house away.

whakaninihi, v i. move strait/1

fly . Ka whakaninihi i runga

whakamhen ehe, v. i. quarrel. i nga kauaeroa.

times . m a, 11 . tooth. N iho tapehi;rero na ne front toot/1 . N iho kata ; eye

too t/1 . N iho pu , or niho pu

n ehunehn , a. dusky .

whakanehu ,v . t. reduce to pow

der .

N éhfi tii, n . spray fi‘

om the sea.

N ei. ad . deno ting position nea r,

or some kind of connection with rareka nei.I

E kore , harm;the speaker.nga toki nei (60 ) m Oflen used ‘

in relative clauses. Te tohu- lnga e tarai nei i te waka.

N éinéi, v. i. atu -tel: for ward: ih'

rakau ; doable toot/1 . N iho waha,or niho hawa ; broke/1 tooth.

N iho tunga ; decayed loot/1 toolb

ache .

whakanihoniho , v . i. I . grow in

til e shape of lacté . W Hakanihoniho ana te we 0 nga pa

‘2 . quarrel. Kei

te whakanihoniho nga tamariki.N ikfiu , n . arena sapufa or N ew

Z ealand palm.

N lk5 , v. t. tic.

whakaheke .

Me niko mai to

readiness to fly. E neinei ena m s, wild cabbage .

te pane o te parera.

whakaneln ei, v. i. stre tch forwards. Kei te whakaneinei te

kaki ki te parna o te kohanga .

11 0 111 0 1 , 11 . dracopbyllam lah'


N éké, v . t. or v. i. move. N eke

atu koe ki ko .

whakanekeneke , v . t. cause to

move along.

neke, n . roller on which a canoeis dragged.

N ew , 11. make .

N eko , n . a mat.N ekfinékfi, v. i. decline as the

sun . Kn neknneku te ra ; ckore taton e tae .

N én é, int. calling atten tion .

mule , v . i. glow . E ninin ta

taha o te rangi, kc wera to

Tibi- o-ManonoN inihi, see under nihi.

Him, 11 . certain small sticks used

for purposes of divination .

N iwhfi, n . barb of a fishhook.

whakaniwha, v . t. furnish will:

a barb.

N 5 , prep. 1 . from; of ; beleaglaglo . (a) as part to the W hole .

He tikitiki n o tona mahungate harakeke i Otoi? (1 4 1) (b)as inhabitan t to country. N o

hea koe ? N o k onei anoN o tawhiti tenei tira, no Piako

(c) as parent to child.

He matua name a Palm. (d) as

Page 113: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

N ae - c c.


place to inhabitan t .E hara i a koe ten ei kainga :n oku an o (e) as clothesto wearer. N ona nga kakahu

i tahaetia n ei.

2 . of past time. (a) from.

N o reira an o te ahua matemateoku

,a mohoa noa n ei. (b) at ;

in ; on . N o te ahiahj an o ka

haere a W Hakatau —N o

te tatanga ki te hokinga, ka

tahi an o te ika ka kaiki tan amatau (0 ) when . N o

ka oria e te hau

3 . until.

N o te mea ; from the factthat ; because . Kaore an o i

kitee n oatia,

n o te mea i ritehi 8. ratou te kiri te ma

- N o reira ; n o kona ; n o ko

n ei; therefore ; wherefore . N o

kona hoki te whakataukitanga

iho a Toi N o hea,in

terrogatively, is often equiva

lent to a decided n egative. N o

hea e mane,

n o hea e aha ?

(99 ) It was of no avail wha

N fia,a . 1 . free from



any other restriction . K a hu

rihia te hurihanga takapau, ruahjne rawa ,

kakahi rawa ,ka

n oa 2 . within one’s p ower. Kia n oa katoa ai i a is.

ratou 3 . of no moment.He mea n oa an o .

n oa , ad. 1 . without restraint. K a

oti te tuku kia haere n oa . 2 .

of oneself ; spontaneously . N an a

an o i momoe n oa 3 . with

oneself Hua n oa,kaore an o

koe i W hakaaetia atu 4 .

gratuitously . He mea homain oa nana taua moni. 5 . at

random; without object. K a

rere te wahine n ei ki tauahaere n oa atu

,ki Tauranga, a

ana haere n oa atu .—Ka n oho

n oa iho a Manaia 6 .

fruitlessly. To moe, .to n oa ; te

taea 7. in ten sive and tobe rendered by quite, altoge

ther 85 0 . according to the con

text . E takoto mai n ei(

an o

aua kura,a tae n oa maiki tenei

ra —E hara en ei wahine i

konei; n o tawhitin oa atu

8 . already . Kua u n oa mai iai runga i tona waka a Ruaeo

9 . just ; merely. Kia iti

n oa n ei.

NBhinohi, a. small. pl. n on ohi.

N5b 6, v . i. I . sit. Tae atu ra

tou,ka n oho ki raro

2 . stay . Ka ahiahi,ka n oho

tahi ki a Paoa 3 . dwell ;

live . K ei tona pa ano e n ohoan a 4 . cohabit. K 0 ta

Tamatiriwa, ka n oho i a HituriPass. n ohoia , 1 . be tu

habited ; be sat upon &c. Ka

tahi ka n ohoia taua wahi. 2 .

be kep t or celebrated. K a n o

hoia te purenga oManaian ohoan ga, 11 . seat.

N ohokfi , a lengthened form ofn oku ; see n oku .

N6h6u , a lengthen ed form of non ;see n ou .

N dhfin éhfi , a. unpalatable ; nau


N di, v . i. be elevated ; be high

up . A popo ka pou i te kai

n ei,kia rokohanga maikua n oi

ki runga - Te maunga e

n oi mai,rere !

whakan oi, v . t.hang up ; ele

vate . W Hakan oia nga tuna kirunga ki te pataka.

n omoi, a. 1 . urgen t. Kia n on 0 1

te mahi ka takirua ai te ta

ngatau 2 . disfigured. N onoi iimai ana nga paparinga o te

koroke n ei.

N éké, n . earth- worm.

n fi n éké, v . i. struggle together ;wrestle .

n . stern of a canoe.

Page 115: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

94 NG aaRE—ngakin ga.

N G aeke, v . i. crack; tear .N G fieki, v . i. yield to the touch ;

give way . Ka takahia te pu

korukoru,ka ngaeki n oa .

n gaeki, n . swamp .

ngaekieki, v . i. overflow . N G a

ekieki ana te tai nei,huri ana

mai ki waenga parae .

N G aeé , n . a fresh water shell

fish ; unio .N G ieré, V. i. qua/cc ; oscillate as

a bog. Ka ngaere a raro o tewhenua .

N G iierSerB, 11 . young eel.

N G fihfin gfihfi a. frivolous.

W Hakangahangaha n oa nei ki

te korero . Compare han ga

han ga .

N G ihae , v. i. 1 . be torn . Ka

ngahae toku kakahu . 2 . dawn

K a ngahae te ata

ngfihfiehae , a. turn in to strips.

N G fihiu , a. 1 . infected by ex

amp le . 2 . brish.

n gahan , n . 1 . force of examp le .

2 , dance

whakangahau , v . i. lead by ex

N G iihéhé, the same as ngaehe .

NG ahéngihé, a . wasted ; wea/t.

Kua ngahengahe noa iho oku

iwi, kua koroheke .

ngahen gahe , n . forest. Comp.

n ehen ehe .

N G ahéré, n . forest.N G fihir

i, n . 1 . hum of manyvoices. W Hakarongo ki te nga

hiri 2 . abundance ofcrops. Kia kaha te mahi ; hengahiri kitenga kotahi.

N G fihSahBa, n . head- ache.

N G ahc‘


i, v . i. 1 . drop of or

out. Ka ngahoro nga kai o tokete . 2 . be abundant. Kua

ngahoro te hua o te paukena .

n gahoro ,ad. and upwards. E

rua ran ngahoro ; two hundredand upwards.

NG ahiia, v . i. swarm; appear in

great numbers.

NG ahiirii, a . ten .

n gahuru , n . the name of the1 l th and 1 2thmon ths, the 1 1 thbeing ngabara - hai- paenga , and

the 1 2th simply ngabara ; harvest time . Taihoa tatou e haereki reira

,hei te ngahuru ; kia

rupeke te kai ki te hapoko

N G ain gai, n . a shell- fish ; the

same as hohota .

N G aiB, n . myoporum ltetum; a

tree .

whakan gaio , v . i. sp ort ; mohebelieve . E hara i te whakapu

puni pon onga, he whakangaio


N G fiic‘

Sré, n . a fish ; the same as

inanga .

N G fikiiu , n . 1 . bowels ; viscera .

2 . heart ; sea l of the af ections.

E awangawanga ana te nga

kau .

- Oranga ngahan , com/art.Haere koutou

,e hoki ki to

tatou matua, hei oranga nga

kau mona -He W harengahan ; a house built in orderto get up an expedition to avengethe death of some one .

whakangakau , v . i. bear malice ;entertain a malicious desire. Etama, e tama, whakangakau rawakoe ki te patu i a an ?

N G fikaukESré, a . disinclined ; hav

ing no heart for doing a thing.

N G akaunfii, a. hearty ; eager .

N G fiké, 11 . middle of afishing net.

NG aki, V. t . 1 . clearfromweeds ;

cultivate . 2 . avenge . K 0 wai

hei ngahi i tou mate ?«—N G akimate ; tahe vengeance . K a ta

huri mai ki te ngaki mate motona W hakairinga ki runga ki

te W harengakinga ,

n . clearing ; p lot ofcultivated ground.

Page 116: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

N G Eki’

hié—N G hré.

N G Ekihi, n . 1 . patella ; a shell

fish. 2. rock- oyster .N G iké , 11 . fat.whakangako, v. t. make game of.

Kn marama aknan ei te tuhituhi,e kore e whakangakotia.

N G fikéikiSi, n . a fish.

N G fiki’mgikfi, a. reduced to shreds.

kai. See n akun aku .

N G ékiirfi , v . i. 1 . drop of or

out. Compare ngahoro . 2 . be

set (as fruit) . Ka ngakura te

196 5115 , v . i. be eagerly intent.

Kei to ngann a Kupe ki te ta‘

patapahii nga kawekawe

whakangsnangana, v . i. makeado .

ngingfini, a. red . He rakau nga

ngana te totara.

I. N G in gi, v. i. woke a noise .

Kati te nganga

II. N OW 11. 1 . stone . 2 . hail.

3 . dregs ; refuse.

N G fingihfi , a. sharp .

ngmgahn , v. i. 1 . distort the

features . Kahore aku korerohi a ten ; ko oku W hami nga»ngahn, a heoi arm. 2 . dance.

K0 reira ia pai ai to rere ki

mua ngangahu ai

Taro kau iho , kua ngaro n oa


hia nga ngao o te rakau . 3 .

sprout ; shoot. Booi te roa ote ngao .

ngao ngao , n . a shell-fish.

whakangao , v . t. put forth ,

sprout. E W hakangao ana i nga

lN G fiok‘


v . i. creep ; crawl. EN G akungakn noa iho ta matou ! ngaeki mai t a te turoro .

N G ioké , v . i. I . feel a ticklingsensation ; itch. Taukahore te

ngaoko o te taian . 2 . moveslightly ; stir. Te ngaoko te

aha, ko te tumu kau an o kia


whakangaoko , v . t. tickle ; amuse .

Korero i ta. horns whakangaokooko . G o on with your en

N G ioré, n . a fish ; the same as

inanga .

ngaore ,a. succulent ; leader . He

ngaore te tupu o te mara.

N G éotfi , n . a method of working timber with the adze . Hengaotu tenei tarai.

N G fip fi ,v. i. 1 . oscillate or an

dula te , as swampy groun d. Ka

ngapu te repo i to takahanga.

2 . stretch forwards , ready torun . Kn ngapu nga tangataki to cum.

N G irh, ngingirh, v . i. snarl.ngarangara , n . anything small.A matou ngarangara korero .

N G firfi , pron . they ; them. I kiatu ano an ki a ngara.

N G firiihfi , n . l . charcoal. 2 . anyblack pigmen t. 8 . war- dance .

Kei te tutu ngataba te taua.

lln v. i. tohe counsel ; be

thoughtful. He ngataba he i

whakangarahu , v. t. devise ;


iho te ngangi; ko to tai anake N G firhhfi - tiui , n . 1 . war- dance.

e aki ana 2 . a shee l-fish.

N G EO, n . 1 . palate . 2 . prominen t N G firhrfi, n. reptile ; insect.

part , rougham . Mefike warn» I . NM n . family ; number of

Page 117: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


peop le Connected by blood. Mete ngare o te W Hanau a K ai


me te ngare o B otonga, me tengare o Hinetu .

II. N G firé, V. t. 1 . send. N G area

mai he tangata hei tiki i a an .

2 . urge .

ngan gfiré , V. i. quarrel. Kihai

ia i puta mai; pen ei kua nga

ngare ke .

N G aréhé, n . forest (transposedfrom ngahere) .

N G aréhfi , the same as n garahu .

N G arin gari, 11 . song to make

people pull together . K 0 matoukei te hapai i te mea taimaha,ka tika ma matou te ngaringari.

whakan gari, V . t. tease .

N G arin giiria, n . shame . K amatean i te ngaringaria i te pakeha

kore .

I. N G firB, n . fly.

II . N G firB, a. 1 . hidden ; out ofsight ; absent. Kua ngaro to

m 2 . missing ; lost. I

haere tahian o kou tou ,ka ngaro

n ei in i to koutou hokinga main ei 3 . unin telligible; not

p erceived. K ei te ngaro tonu ia an to korero . 4 . passed in toanything. Kua ngaro ki rotoki te mahanga

whakan garo , V . t . p ut out ofsight ; destroy.

N G firii, n . wave of the sea.

ngaru n garu , a . rough withwaves.

N G ariie , V. i. shahe ; move to

and fro.

whakan garue , V . i. shahe .

N G firfi rfi , a . 1 . surfeited. 2 . afjeeled with head ache .

ngaruru , n . a shell fish ; the sameas toitoi.

N G éri’

Jrii, a . abundant.

I . N G Eitfi, n . snail ; slug ; leech.

II. N G atfi, a . l . appeased ; satis

fi ed. Kihai i‘

ngata te puku

riri ‘ o W aikato ki nga tangatao ‘ taua pa

nei 2 . dry.

N G aré

K a ngata ten

wahie n ei i roto i

te kapura.

N G atahi, ad. together .N G atahu re

,a. one. (R )

N G fitfita, a . sp lit ; chap t.

ngatata toku waewae .

N G fi tiitfihi, ad. together .

N G itéri, V . i. vibrate ; shahe .

N G ateri ana te whenua i te ta

ngi o te'

pu .

N G atété, V, i. craehle.

N G au , V. t . 1 . bile ; gnaw. Engau an a te kuri i te W heua.

2 . gall ; hurt. E ngau tonuana te mamee i roto i oku iwi.3 . plunder . I te ngau pea i te

kainga 0 Te Tawa.

whakan gau , V. t. hunt with dogs.

K aman a Ihenga ki nga kuriheiwhakangau kiwi 2 . cause

to be struck W ith a weapon .

K a takiritia mai te taha i roto ite wai t a ; katahi ka whaka

ngana atu ki te pata e haua

mai ra ki a inn giin giiu , V . i. make a disturb

ance .

N G é iiei'

l e , V . i. shahe .

N G aW aki, V . i. bend the knees.

Kua ngawaki atu nga turi kiraro .

N G awari, a. 1 . SQ/i. He oneonengawari. 2 . supp le. 3 . movingeasily ; quich. Kia ngawari te

hoe . 4 . accommodating ; hind.

5 . obedient.whakan gawari, V . i. move quichly . W ahi iti te -

W hakangawari

nga atu ,keiBawaki

N G éW ékI, V. i. creep .

N G aW hfi , n . 1 . boiling spring ; 2 .


N G éW hfi ,V . i. 1 . burst open .

Kua ngawha te apoko . 2 . over


N G fiW haré, V . i. crumble . N G a

W hara n oa te wabie n eiite aki

nga a te wabie .

N G fiW hariki, n . boiling spring.

Page 119: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

98 fi G BetbétES—N G uru. T

te ngoengoetanga, katabi ka

rangon a e nga wahin e n ei

n . a kin d of eel.

N G ohé.

n gbhén gbhé, a . l . supple ; soft.Kawea nga aka n ei ki te wai

kia ngohengohe ai. - Ngohengohe ana nga paparinga ,


the cheeks in laughter. 2 . strong;active.

n gohe , n . strength ; activity .

n g’

é ngbhé, a . withered ; flaccid .

N G Shi, n . 1 . fi sh. 2 . troop or

company of fighting men .

N G ohiw e , n . a kind of eel.

N G c‘

Si, n . l . strength ; energy.

Hore he ngoi, he aha . 2 . topknot.

n goin goi, 11 . old woman .

N G bikéré, a. weak.

N G oirZS, n . l . conger - eel. 2 .

N G 6k‘

i, v . i. creep .

N G Bn gén gbngé, a . cripp led.

N G bn gi, 11 . water .

N G bn'

go, i. v . i. 1 . waste away ;become thin . E ngongo ana oku

waewae i te mate . 2 . sail closeto the wind. N G ongo tonu to

tatou poti. ii. v . t . such througha tube .

n gon go , n . sick person .

N G bn gBhau ,n . jib.

N G on gore , see under n gore .

N G on gori, see un der n gori.

N G bran gBrii, 11 . small humara .

I . N G bré, v . t. entice . He ngore

i te tupua, me ata ngore ma

II. N G bré, a. 1 . soft ; flaccid.

2 . having the edge turned ; wire


n gbré, n . a kind of mat. (R )ngbngoré, a . blun t ; without a

barb (as a fish- hook) .ngoren gore , 1 1 . young eel.

N G iSr‘

i, n gongori, a . weak; list N G uru . v. i. 1 . ut

less. N G ongorikau ; kahore he ter a suppressed groan , sigh

kaha. or grunt. 2 . rumble.

n gorin gori, n . a small black eel.

N G oro .

—n g5n g6r5 , v . i. l . snore .

N G ongoro ana te ihu o te poaka.

2 . utter emclamations of sur

prise or admiration . Ka tangite ngongoro a te iwi ra ki te

ahua o te tangata ra .

N G e n ga, n . a shell fish.

I . N G ote , 11 . small potato .

II . N G ote , v . i. such. Kahore e

ngote te tamaiti n ei.

I . 11 . head.

II. N G 5t5 , v . i. l . strike deep .

Kia ngoto te hoe . 2 . penetrate .

K ai te mata ngira tonu Te ngo

tonga ki .roto ra. A ue te mamae i!

N G otu .~ - n g5ti

’mg6tii, or n go

n gotfi, n . firebrand ; half burntstick.

N G bu il gSu , a . thoroughly ripe ;well coo/fed ; soft. He hanga

ngoungou n oa.

n goun gou ,n . 1 . live coal. 2 . a

fashion of wearing the hair

tied up in a kn ot at the forehead.

NG buru uru , a. few. N G ouruuru

kau ake nga rakau i mahue .

N G fi, n . l . squid. 2 . animalculcein the sea. 3 . tattoo marks on

the upper part of the n ose.

ngfi n gfi , V .


t. gnaw.

whakan gfi n gfi , v . i. refuse to


N G ii.

whakan gfi n gii, v . t . fend ; wardofl. W Hakangungu - rakau


closely woven mat, worn to defend the person from missiles.

N G fiha, v . i. rage ; snort.

N G un guru , see un der n guru .

N G fin ii, n . worm.

N G fi para, n . a small fresh watermussel .

Page 120: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

N G fi tfi'


N G fiti'

l , n . 1 . lip . 2 . rim of a N G fitfi - fiwfi, month of a river .

vessel. N G i’

itfih bré, a. wasteful.whakangn tungutu , v . t. grumble N G i


l ti’

ikéo , n . a fish.

at : scold. He aha tan e whaka N G iitiikiira, n . a pattern of carvngutungutu maina koe ki 11 an ? ing or ornamen tal painting.

I . O ,n . provision for a journey. Our! n . oath.

Kei te hao inanga, kei to rou 0 m , v . i. swear .

kakahi, hei 0 hi to Taiapu Oha and ohaoha, a. l . generous.

He tangata oha. 2 . abundant.

II. 0 , v . i. 1 . fi nd room: be cap Ka rahuitia nga pipi, ka oha.

able of being contained or in oha, n . l . relic ; keepsake ; anyclosed. Ks tomo te kaipuke ; thing which ser

ves to keep a

e kore e o nga ponaka. 2 . departed friend in remembran ce.

get in ; implying difficulty or Haere mai koe, te oha o nga

tangata mama. 2 . dying speech.

II I . 0 , plural of to . See to . W Hakatau - oha, maha a dyingIV . 0 , prep . belonging to : speech.

used in speaking of’

parts of a Oh'

ia, (6) v . t . 1 . long after . K 0

whole ,names


,feel to ngakau c ohia ake ana ki

ings , places occupied ,houses, taua mea. 2 . approve . Kahore

land , inhabitan ts , water for he tangata i ohia mai ki takudrinking &c.

,medicine, clothes, karanga i tainahi, ko te tunga

paren ts, superiors ; also of the l tern. mo nga hoiho . 8 . think

derivative nouns of adjectives ! on the spur of the moment. Heand in transitive verbs, and oi | whakaaro ohia noa ake naku.

those of transitive verbs when Ohit‘

i, (o) a. cautious ; on one’s

they are used passively. Te guard . Kia obiti koutou ki

ngutn o te anus - Te ahua o nga korero a te ra tangata.taua ngarara nei - N (la whakaohiti, v . t. warn .

tangata o te kainga 0 Te W llata 0 11 0 , (6 - 6) v . i. 1 . start from fear,- Te toanga o enei surprise 2 . wake up from- Te inhanga o to Amwa e , sleep . Oho noa ake an i te

Ranmati Compare a. prop . moo,e whakahengi mai ana in.

2 . from (place) . N G a tangata ki a an . 3 . begin speaking .

e haere ana o Ro to rna kiTaupe whakaoho , v. t. startle ; rouse .

(l 49) . O reira mai omens, (c- c n . panax longissi

us e a mohoa ona noi. 3 . at mum, a tree ; the same as ho

ta ching to . Kahore he manuka maha .

nuke o to haere . Ohokii, (o- c) for ekfi . See oku .

V. 0 , int. in answ er to a call, to Ohomfiur


i, (M) v. i. start sud

shew that the call is heard. den/y.

hence Ohongfi, (o- o) n . anything which0 , v . i. answer. Kihai rawa i 0 may serve to connect an incan

tation with the person on whomwhakao ; v . i. answer . it is intended to lake cfi


ect ;


Page 121: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 00 Ohorerem whakaongaonga.

as a look of his hair,anything

which he has tou ched &o.

Choréré, (6 - 6 v . i. start sud

Ohfi , (6) 11 . company of volunteer

workers. Ka mahara tuturia he tangata hei ohuwarn mo ana tao

ohu , v . t . 1 . do by aid of a com

pary of volun teer workers. Meohu to mara.

,kia hohoro ai.

2 . beset in great numbers ; sur

round. Ka ohua koe e matou .

Ohfia, (6) n . the moon at 1 3 days

o ld .

Oi, (a) v . i. I . shudder . Te mea ioi ai taku kiri ko te mahi a

K ereopa. 2 . grow. I nga ra

ngi re. 0 taku oinge .

oioi, v . i. I . shake . E tata koeki uta, e oioi te ika, e rere

ki te taha katau 2 . shew

reluctance to move. K o te ka

rakia a enei tangata, oioi noa


whakaoioi, v . t. shake ; agita te .

I . Oi, (or) v . i. shout. Ka tangite oi.

II . Oi, (oi n . soft mud . Me hoerewa ki ko ; he oi tena wahi.

0 311 6, (e) n . the moon at 1 9 days


Oki, (6) v . t. prick; stab.

oka , n . 1 . knife ; dagger . 2 . rafters for a kumara pit.

okaoka, v . t. strip of Okaoka

ngia he peha mo ta tatou ahi

Okaka, v . i. feel a longing .

Oké, (6) v . i. 1 . struggle ; wriggle ;

writhe . 2 . p ut forth all one’


strength. Okea ururoatia . 3 .

be eager . E oke ana te ta

ngata ra ki te haere .

okeoke , a . restless. Ka okeoketonu te turoro

, ka mate .

oke , n . a kind of shark.

okeoke ,n . 1 . sick person . 2 .

oven .

OKE TOPA , 11 . October .

Oki6i, (o) n . a bird : the sameas kokici, an d hakuai.

Okioki, (6 v . i. rest ; pause .

Hoake tatou ki te taumata oki

oki ai.

whakaokioki, v . t. cause to rest.

Oko , (6 - 6) 11 . wooden bowl, or

other op en vessel.

okooko , v . t . carry in the arms,or in the lap or fold of one


garment. Ma wai e okooko te


Okii, (o) l . preposition o with

personal pron oun , l st person

singular of me . See 0 IV . 2 .

plural of toku . See toku .

Okuoku , (6 - 6 ) a. few. Compareou ou .

Oma, (6 - 6) v . i. run . Pass. omakia

,be run for.


i, (6) v . i. move swiftly ;fly . E omaki ana te kapua o

te rangi.

Om0 5m5 , n . melon .

whakaomoomo , v . t. attend a

sick person .

0 11 3 , (6 - 5) preposition 0 With personal pron oun ,

3rd person sin

gular ; of him; of her. See

0 IV .

On e, (6 - 6) 11 . beach.

on eon e , n . earth ; soil.s

On émiitiia, (6) n . loam.

On ép fi ,n . sand.

On éwa, (6) n . 1 . a kind of dark

grey ston e. 2 . any implemen tmade of the same .

On o , (6 - 6) a. size .

On o , (6- 6) v . t . p lan t. K ei te on o

riwai N G aitaW hiri.

On oi, v . i. move. E kore koe e

onoi mai i te tumu ?

On ga6n ga, n . nettle .

on gaon ga , a. rough ; p rickly. Eongaonga an a te mea. nei, taratara tonu .

whakaongaonga, v . t. good ; ea:

cite . Te karakia whakaonga


Page 123: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 02. whakaoti—p ae .

good. K a oti atu a Hakiri; e

kore e hoki mai.

i. fi nish.

11 . youngest childof

’a family . K 0 Pehi to ma

tou whakaotinga . See heoti.

Oti, (o- i) ad. in question ,then .

E kore oti koe e haere ?

Otiia , (o- i- ia) conj . but ; but on

the other hand.

Otira, (6312 5 ) conj . but ; but ia

deed ; but at the same time.

I . Pa, v. t. (pass. p an gia or

p akia ) . 1 . touch. Kua pa atu

nga ringa ki aua pohu tukawa,ana

,ngahoro n oa iho

Kahore te turoro n ei e pa kai.

2 . hold personal communica tionwith. N onanahi is i pa mai

ai hi 8. au . 3 . af ect. Kai pa

ngia koe e te mamae . 4 . reachone

s cars. K a pa te karanga

a to tanga n ei,

“K o te Kahureremoa

whakap a, V. t. 1 . touch. 2 . tell

p riva tely . Tekaha ko Hemi,

whakapakia an a ki te wahin e .

—mahe secret suggestions. Ewhakapapa haere nakoe ki te

rakau ra kia tukua ki raro .

II . Pa, v . t . (pass. p aia) 1 . block

up ; obstruct. He aha ra te ara

n ei i paia ai? 2 . Ka paia te

huaki; the assault is made .

whakap a, v . t. close up .

whakap akanga, n. youngest in

a family . Te matou‘

W haka

pakanga our youngest bro

p a, n . 1 . stochade ; fortified p lace .

Te ingoa o tona pa ko W Haka

rewa 2 . weir for ca tchingeels &c. 3 . anything wherewith

an open’

p lace is bloc/fed up ;

Nona an o taua kainga ; otiran o matou katoa.

Ou , (o- ii) 1 . preposition o with

personal pron oun ,2nd person

singular ; of thee. See 0 prep .

Oué, n . a variety of phormiumtenax , with leaves of a browncolour.

Ouénfikfi, n . rainbow.

Q umii,n . oven .

Ou ou , (6 - 6) a . few .

OW hiin ga, (o) n . nest.

Owhiti, a . See obiti.

barricade . 4 . fat covering the

inwards of animals.

III . Pa,V. i. 1 . be struck. R oa

n oa atu ratou e epaepa ana i

a ia,kihai hoki i pa 2 .

begin to ebb. Ka pa te tai.

IV . Pa , 11 . a term of address.

Tauti mai,e pa !

Pie , n . 1 . horiz on . K a puta tera i raro i te pae

—Kia ngaro

te tu- a-

pae whenua 2 .

region ; direction . K ei whea

te pae ki toku matna ?

3 . horiz on tal ridges parallel to

one an other. 4 . step in a staircase . 5 . perch ; rest. He paekoan .

- Te pae mo taku pu .

6 . circumferencemeasured by themaro with the ex tended arms.

He rakau nui,e toru te pae.

-Pae tahi hamama te rakau

n ei. 7. ropes by which a sein e

is hauled,the upper and lower

ropes being called respectively,pae

- runga , and pae- raro .

p ae , v . i. I . lie across. He aha

te mea e pae mai n e1 1 te ara ?

2 . lie on one side ; and so 3 .

be collected together ; lie ready

for use. Kua pae nga rakau

mo te whare . 4 . be laid to

the charge of any one . Ka

Page 124: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

pee—Pihikfi. 10 3

pae nei hoki na korua te tupa- lPiewii, n . 1 . a kind of eel. 2 .

paku nei. 5 . be cast on share . 3 ba tten on the inside of the pointB pae ana tera i uta, kua mate between the rauawa and the

Pass. pace. in the same ! body of a canoe. 3 . dri/tuwod.

sense. I paea te kaipuke hi 4 . paewai o te rangi, water

N G ungnru. horiz on . Mehemea ka tino mapae , v . t. surround with a border. rama te paewai o te rangi.

Paea mai nga paras o te umu, Pahikfi, n . calabash.

kia hoki mai ai te mamaoa ki Pfihiké, v . i. bash.

roto . whakap ahake , v. i. bash. Ev 1 m en roa s: e wakapahake na i te ta.

on shore . Ka papae te waka, Pfihiki, n . denoting small rela

aknan ei ka pakuru . tive distan ce . Kei pabaki tata

paan ga, n. 1 . p la ce where any atu e takoto ana, lying a

thing is laid on one side or

across Hen ce 2 . margin of a Pfihfinfihfinfi , v. t. anoint with

cultivation,being the part to red ochre and oil.

which the weeds are thrown . Pihfio , v. t. e nclose in a net ;

3 . p la ce where pits are con shut in .

structed for keeping kumara &c. pahao , n . basket used for catchKei te pae nga ma a te Ra ha

Pfih fiu, n . beard.

whakapae , v. t. I . lay a cross Pihéké, v . i. l . slip . Kei pn

&c. Me whakapae te rakan l heke koe . 2 . have a winningnei hei arawhata. 2 . accuse issue.

falsely. Ko to take i haere pfihékéhéké , a . slippery.

niai ai ia, he whakopacnga ki Pihémb, v. i. 1 . pass by ; puss

te rua kumara me one boa on Kua pahcmo to ope o N Ga

paepae , n . 1 . threshold ; door l tiporou . 2 . pass on one side :

sill ; or anything similar. miss. Kahore i tahitahi ki taknve ssel to hold anything. waewae ; i pahemo.

Pfiekfirfi , 11 . lost property : 80 Pihénb , v . i. 1 . come un tied.

ca lled fromthe red ochre (hum) Kia man to hotiki, kei paheno.

which was dropped into the sea 2. slip away ; escape . W Haiby Tauninihi and afterwards noa, whoinoa, pahono tonu atu .

picked up on the shore byMa Pfihéngfihéngh, n . a tree .

hinu. Xc te paekura kite e Pfi éngihéng'

i, a. blowing gently.

Mahina (7 He hau pahengihengi.

Phemfinfi , n . collar- bone . Pahi, a. gloomy ; disquiet/ed . Ka

Pfiepfierbmn . mat with a broad pahi tona ngahan .

ornamen tal border. P511 1, n company of travellers ;

Paeroa, n . wind which blows along number of persons in a body.

the shore . K 0 hea te pahi e haere nei

Paetara , a. Kaho paetara, batten Pihia, v. t. slap . I pahiatia peafastened to the uprights of a te tamaiti nei, ina ka to keep them in place ; Pfihihi, v . i. flow in driblets. Pa

wall -

pla tc . hihi ana te rere .

Phetfi ri, n . tattoo ing on the thigh. Pikikfi, a. I. passed on . Kua

Pfiewfie , n . thresho ld . pahika atu nga tangata 0 To

Page 125: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 04

komaru .

er length.

rakau i tau .

Pfihik6hik5 , n . bowfence , madeof sticks W ith both ends stuckinto the ground any make- shift

fence .

Pfihiwihiwi, a. uneven . Mamaaana an i te pahiW ihiW i o tokumoenga .

2 . eaztending to grea t

Pahika ake taku

Pfihh, a . soaring.

W hakapaho , v . t. soar.

Pfihaahéa , n . headache ; giddiness ; stupor .

Penaka, an d pehakahaka, n .

screen or shed made of bran

ches With the butts stuck in tothe ground.

Pihbré, a . l . scraped of ; abrud

ed. Kua pahore te hiako . 2 .

having the shin rubbed of He

rongoa mo te pahore o tokuwaewae . 3 . den ted.

Pihii, n . alarum, made of stoneor wood

,formerly used in time

of war.

Pihfi , V. i. burst ; exp lode.

nga pahuhn, popped corn .


la, v . t. p lunder . Kua pahu

atia te kainga o Taka .


lhii, v . i. slip of . E mauana te W hakaheke ; e kore e

pahuhu .

Pfihiinii, v . i. burn . (R )



l ngfi, n . crumb.


l ré, v . i. 1 . pass by . Kua

pahure ke nga waka i te ata.

2 . come in sight , appear . Ta

ngohia te mea e pahure main a. 3 . escape . Me te manumotu i te mahanga ; ehara



whakap ahure , v . t. cause to p assby .—V . i. be nearly gone by.

Pad, a. 1 . good. 2 . pleasant.

p ai, v. i. be p leased be willing ,


assent. Kihai ia i pai mai kita korun korero .

—Pass. p ai

ngia, be liked ,be app roved of .

E kore e paingia ten ei kainga.

W hakap ai, v. t. 1 . make good ,

set in order . 2 . pronounce good ;praise .

whakap ai- ru nki, feel nausea.

whakapaip ai, v . t . adorn .

whakap aip ai, a . ornamen tal.Pfiiékfi, n . 1 . root of a tree . 2 .

weapon madefrom a root

Pfiiéré , n . bundle . E hia nga.

paiere raupo?

paiera, v . t . make up in to bund

les. Paieretia nga rakau .

Piihfiu , n . l . beard. 2 . wing ofa bird.

Paihéré, n . or v . the same as


Pfiihi, a. uneasy in mind. Paibi

ana tera an i taku rongonga i

te korero na.

Pfiihéré, a . going astray ,desal

tory. Ta te tamarikimahi, paihore ke

, paihore ke .

Paiké, v . t . strike . Paike a ki

te hama.

p aikeike , v . t . elevate . Taria maihe on eone hei paikeike mo ten ei wahi.

Péikéa, a . He W here paiken ; ahouse having the en trance at one

end, but no verandah.


Painii, pama v . i. warmone

self. Kia paina atu ahau ki

te taha o te kapura .

Péip éi, n . a cutan eous disease .

Pairi, a. disquieted ; afraid. Ka

pairi toku ngakau ki te pnka

puka. a N G atiporou .

—V W V

Pa1w 1 1w 1 , a. see p ahiwihiwi.

Pfikfi , or p fikfikfi , a. 1 . scorched.

2 . red or brown . K ei te wahi

pakaka to are .

P511 5 , a , dried. Me i paka te

kai n ei,ka reka.

p fikéipaké, a. dry .

Page 127: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 0 6 whakap akihim Pfikiirii.

whakap akihi, V. t . dig super

fi cially. Kaua. e whakapikihi

tia. te keringa .


,n . shoulder .

Pékihéré, a. lazy .

Pfikikéu , n . garmen t. Te wahi

iwaihotia ai ona pakikau


, V . t . question frequentlyor urgen tly . K a pakikitia. te

tans kia. korero ; kore n oa. iho

e korero—He aha ra. kia. pa

kikitia rawatia. e koe ?

Pakini, V. t . 1 . nip ; pinch. 2 .

nich; notch.

p akin L a . notched. Hore he wahii pakini.

Pakip ékitéi, n . a slimy veget

able matter in the sea.

Pfikiri, a. bald.


, V . t . shew the teeth ; grin .

K a pakiri mai nga. niho o te


Pfikfi ikiri,n . a fish.

Pakiréhfia, V. i. make enquzrzes.

K 3. hoki mai ki kon ei pakire

Pfikitérfi, 11 . wall of a house .

Pékiwéhi, n . sides of the mouth.

p akiw ah a , a. boastful. He ta

ngata pakiwaha .

Pako,V. t . g lean after the crop

has been taken up . E pako

kapana ana.


ia, a. 1 . that has become shal

low or dry. 2 . low ; of the

tide . Kia. pakoe te tai ka haereai tatou .

Pakohea , a . dried up . K a. pako

hea ahau i te ra .

PEt fi ,a . ren t , cleft. K a pa

kohu ten ei wahi.p akohu, n . chasm.

Pfikéké, a . not producing young ;barren .



i, a . 1 . shrunk; dried up .

2 . emaciated ; lean . K a. pakoko

nga kanwas o te tawhiti n ei.

3 . old ; of the previous year

(of roots & 0 . used for food) .

whakap akoko , v . t. dry.

whakap akoko ,11 . image:

Pékfmgé, a . concave, hollow . Epakonga. ana ten ei taha.

Pékéré, a. low (of the tide) .Pékére , a. broken (of anythingwhich breaks to pieces, as an

earthen vessel, calabash.)P5k6r5 , n . pota to stools.

a. not producing young ,

barren .

Pékfi, a. 1 . dried. E paku ena

taku korokoro . 2 . small. HeWhare paku .

p aku , n . 1 . scab. Kua pakua.

te toto . 2 . small quan tity ,any

thing small. E rua. rewa. nga

paku korero o ten ei runanga .

p ip fikfi, V. i. set , become hardor dry . Kua. papaku te hinu

i roto i te taha .

p fip éikii, a . shallow. Kia. tuku

te wai ka papaku te kauanga.

p ékfip éfikfi , 1 . somewhat dry ; shallow, 2 . somewhat small. Riripakupaku , spite .

whakap aku , i. v. i. begin to bedry or small. K 3. whakapaku

te tai,ina. nga manu ka n oho

i range. i te tahuna. ii. v . 13.

make dry &c.

Pékfi ,v. i. 1 . make a sudden

sound or repor t. N a wai te pu

i paku n ei? 2 . resound. Tetan gata e haere mai n ei


rongo e palm n ei i nga whenua3 . ex tend. N a. Mau i

potiki i tinihanga. hi 8. Hin enuitepo, i pa. mai ai he mateki nga tangata o te ao

, paku

ki run ga, paku ki raro

p fikfi kfi ,and whakap akuku ,

v . i. Ifnoch repeatedly.

Pakuka, n . screen from the wind.

Pfikfiré, n . wa ter - hen ; porphyrz'


melanotas. Taringa -

pakura, stabborn . He taringa pakura. te tangata n ei. Tapuwae pakura, a

Page 128: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

pfikfirfikfiram p fio'

i. 10 7

kind of ornamental work in a Pin gfirdn girfi, n . a. fish.

Maori building.

pékfi rikfi ri, a. red.

pikfirikfirfi, n . 1 . red garmen t.2 . a fish.

Pfikiirfi, v . i . knock; mahe a hnoehmg .

Pfin g5 , a. black;Ping5r5 , a. fall.te waka.

Pfingéun gfiu ,n . a fish.

Pfin giiniingiinfi , v. t, peel. Pa

ngunnngunua he riwaima. tatou .

of dark clonr .

Pangoro tonu

paku ru, n . two sticks, one of I . P5111 , n . 1 . orphan . 2 . widow.

whi ch 18 held between the te eth II . Pfim,

and struck with the other.p akurukurn , n . figurehead of acanoe

,consisting of a bust only,

Without arms.

Pfikfmrhfi , n . relation by mar

Pfimfimfio, a. dis tant. Pehea to

pamamao 0 ton kainga ?

Pfimfirfi , a. 1 . solid ; hard. 2 .

steady ; without hesitation . Kia

pamaro ai te haerenga mai knwaho o to me

Pfinfi , v . t. 1 . thrust or driveaway ; expel. 2 . cause to come or

goforth in any way. He kamkio pans tnmariki

pfin épini, v. i. throb.

pans ana te toto .


, n . comm/rules septum ore . soldanella .

Pinikb , n . a species of fern .

Pfi nfinfik‘

i, v . i . incline with a

gentle slope ; rise with a gen tleascen t.

Pinfiu, v . i . jump (as a fish) .

paniuniu, n . gen tle ascen t of a

E pana

P50 5, head.

Pinéké, i . v . i. move forwards.

E kore e pnneko te waka. i i .v. t. move . Panekea ake to to


pfin ékénéké, n . sma ll edge tool ;ha tchet.

Pfingfi, see p a I .

Pfingfi, v. t. I . throw. 2 . lay ;

place Ra pangaa nga kai ki

rungs ki te waka.

Pfingfingfi, a. lean .

ngohi nei; panganga ken .

Pin iikii, v . i . 1 .

Here i to péoi, v . t.

v . t. paint ; besmear .E psni sue to kuia re. i tonamatcnga ki te hinu.

III . Pfinim

p fipfini, v . t. bloo/e

up . Kua pan ia tens kuwaha.

Pfinéhé , n . pole for propelling a.

canoe . (R )Pin ékii, and pinbkbréifi, n . a

fish which adheres to rocks.

Pinbni, v. change.Pfin6n6k6, the some as panoho .

more on . Ki

hai i penuku to rongoa ; mnutonu ki to k orok oro . 2 . ex

pressing lapse of time . Kn tau

ko He lm; punukn ton mai koRakupo ; pannkn ton msi koRnngiorn

Pfio , v. t. 1 . strihe w ith a hammer &c. 2 . crark or hreah;and hence applied intransitivelyto the hatching of eggs. Kn

pao nga hna pipipi. 8 . Pass.

p aoa, be scattered. Kn pace.rikiriki nga tangata o reirn.

The men of tha t place are sea t~lered like dust.

paop ao , v . t. 1 . strip of the barkby bruising. 2. refuse any thingwhi ch one really wishes for.Me paopao oti? He mokopunaranei no. Bahiri ?

P50 5, 11 . 1 . smoke .

also under pao .

P50 6, a. solitary .

Pfiohd, a . on the alarm.

kau ki hea ran ei .Pfio


i, n . wooden heater for pounding fernroot.

pound with a pnoi.Kua paoitio. ho aruhe heikind

2 . gall. S ee


Page 129: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

10 8 Paoré—Paparii.

ki -Paoia he roi ma tatou .

Pfiord , v. i. 1 . echo .

‘ resound .

Paoro ana nga maunga i teteb itaha, itetahi taha. 2 . be jarredby harsh sounds. Paorooro ana

nga taringa.

Paowa, see p aoa.

I . Papa, n . l . fa ther, or fa ther’s

or mother’s brother. Mana etakitaki te mate o tona papa.

2 . a lizard.

II . Papa, v. t. ram or compressw ith the hand. He mea papa

te on eon e .


é, n . 1 . anything broad , flatandhard ;fla t roch; slab ; board .

2 . disputed land, or other groundof quarrel. He papa taku ki

a ia ; I have of ended him. Heriro i a en te papa ; I have

gained the vic tory . 3 . breech ;buttoch. Kei nga papa te mamae . 4 . vessel made of totarabarh. E rua nga papa hinu

5 . a proper name forthe earth, short for Papa- tu - a

nuku .

p ap a, v. i . I . lieflat. 2 . be throwndown or overcome. K 0 ana tua~

kana,i papa n oa i te ngaunga

a Tawhiri ratou ko ana tama

whakap ap a ,v . i. go slyly or

stealthily. Ka whakapapa maite tangata ra ; he tahae pea.

V . t. 1 . lay one upon another ;place in layers. 2 . recite in

chronological order gen ealogi es,legends &c. I ha ere maiia kite whakapapa i nga kauwhau

o mua .

whakap aparan ga, n . 1 . layer ;series of layers . 2 . genera tion .

Papa, v . i. 1 . break shortly, orsudden ly. He mea papa n oa.

2 . burs t ; explode. Papa te whatitiri runga n ei. 3 . chatter , as

the teeth with cold.

Pfip fiahiiahiia, n . shoulder- blade.Pap ae , see under p ae .

Pap ahéw fi, a. diseased in the eyes.

Pfipahéra, v . i . 1 . fall or dropout. Ka maroke nga harakeke,ka papahoro nga kai. 2 .flee.

Kua papahoro te ope .

Pfipahfi , v. i . blaz e. Ka papahu

te kapura.

Papaké, n . 1 . crab. 2 . a vari etyof potato .

Pip é-kii- rfi , n . outer surface ofthe side of a canoe.

Papaki, see under p aki.Pap fiki, v. t. sew one thing up on

another, and so‘1 . patch. Me

papaki tou kakahu . 2 . sew ttvo

ketes mouth to mouth to holdmaize &c. Taurakitia, ka maroke

, papaki rawa ka whakatuatu ki roto ki to whata.

Pap aku , see under p aku .

Papakiiré, 11 . an insect.

Pap imaro, a . 1 . hard. 2 . oh

stinate .

Papanga, a. half-full. Ringihia

he wai ki roto, kia papanga.

Pfipan ga, 11 . site . K otahi papa

nga kainga.

Papap é, n . 1 . calabash. 2 . shellof an egg &c. 3 . chafi


or bran .

4 . a kind of moss. 5 . a tree .

Pfip fipi—kfiuri, n . a plant.V V U

Pap ap atiia, n . vessel made of totara bark.

Paparé, v. i . 1 .flow (of the tide) .Ka papara te tai. 2 . den otingany slight extension of space .

I a Te Banginga a raro ; pa

para atu,i a Pi; papara atu


a Rua.

Paparahi, 11 . stage for dryingkumara .

Pap firfihiia, n . a kind of tablefrom which food is eaten (R H)

Pap iiré, see under p are .

Pap aringé, 11 . check.

Paparii, a. flat- roofed .


Page 131: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 1 0 Paramanawa—Paréveh§r6.

Paramanawa, n . refreshmen t. K a Parawéra, n . land where thefernkite mai ki ana paramanawahei oranga, hari ana

Piran iikh, n . a plant.

Paranohi,v. t.

stones in a na tive oven .

I . Paran gia, n . bait for fish.

II . Paran gia, V. pass. be overcome With sleep .

koe e te moe .

Parén gfi n fi , v . t. roast. Parangun na he taiawa ma tatou .

Pfirfiofi, n . 1 . sperm whale . 2 .

weap on made of the b on e of aspermWhale . Paraoa- roa


p on made of a whale’s rib.

PXRZ OX,n . flour ; bread.

Parép iira, n . 1 . sacred p lace. 2 .

fi rst/rails of fish, co oked before the rest. 3 . a tree.

Pirap firahiin gé, n . fragmen ts of

1 . sudden and violen t

gust of wind. 2 . badfern roo t.V V V

Pararahi,a . flat.

PM,11 . food. Ka haere tatou

ki te parare . (R )Pariiré , v . i . speak or my loudly ;bowl. Parare tonu te manga io te wahin e ra.

- Ka parareraua ki te tangi

Pararékii, n . potato .Pararilii, n . rust .

PA BA BU TIK I , a . paraly tic .

Paratfi , a . high up . Kua paratan oa atu te ra.

Partial , n . slave ; slavery . Ka rirotaku tamaiti i te paran .

Pérfiu , a . 1 . false . Parau tahi eta ! 2 . mahi/2g fruitless ewertions ; toiling to no purpose.

K o te iwi ra tera,ka parau

kau atu i uta 3 . mahing vain p retensions ; speakingfalsely . Paraparau kau koe ehoa.

Paraur i, a . darh in colour ; darhshinned.

cover with hot

K ei parangia

&c. has been burn t ofi'


Pérfiwhén fia, n . flood.

I . Pare, 11 . hand for the hair ;ornamen t for the foreheadwrea th. Pare titi; peak of a

cap .

II. Pare, and pap firé, V. t. turnaside ; ward ofli Ka parea tematia

,ka hemo .

FRE E,11 . barley .


a . flattened ; bent iawards. He ihu parehe ; a fla tnose. K a parehe te tuara i tekawenga.

p firéhé, 11 . flat cahe.

aruhe .

I . Piréhh, n . head.

II . v . i . be consumed.

Kua parcho kc nga ika i te

poti .Parékéréké, n . sandal.

Paréké , V. i. be consumed.

Parékiihi, v. t. cut the hair short.Pirékfirfi, 11 . battle ; battlefield ;p lace where p eop le have fallenin battle .

Pérémiitii, n . stern of a vessel.Pérémo, a . 1 . drowned. Kia tu

pato ki to tamaiti kei paremo .

2 . he arero paremo ; a tongueslow in speaking .

n . a. tree .

Paren ga, n . steep bank of a river.

Parén gh, v . i . slip .

p aren gorén gh, a . slippery . Hek owhatu parengorengo, a termappli ed to a churlish fellow .

Pérép firé, n . 1 . breast work in

a fortification . 2 . defensive charm

Parera , n . 1 . due/t. 2 . a fish.

p arerarera, n . p lan tago ; a plant.


Parera,n . n orth-west wind .


Pareramaumii, a. unable to swim.

Paretai, n . banh of a river.

Parétiia, n . pad under a load, to

protect the back .

Paréwhérh, n . slaughter in battle,

He parehe

Page 132: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Piri—whakapatai. 1 1 1

I. Piri'

, 11 . Cliff ; precipice. Peri roof without tying . K otahi te

karangaranga ; echo. papanga nati , kotahi te papaII . Piri, a. flowing (of the tide nga paru .

only). E kore tatou e puta i paru , n . 1 . raupo on the walls

nga kowhatu ; kua pari he to of a house. 2 . thatch on the

roof . Ka piki raua ki rungaI II . Peri, v. i . only in the phrase ki te tuanui, ka tapatapahia

“pari to ihu be overp owered “ nga porn 0 the wher ebe bafi

'led. Kua pari to ihu kigl II. Pith.

te moe whakap ara , a. high ; full (of thePfirih



i, 11 . head. tide) . He taiwhakapara te taiPérikhu , n . a kind of eel. o te ata.

Pfirirfitingi, n . cessa tion ; in ter paruparu , a . deeply laden . Pa

mission . Te ai he pariratanga ruparn noa te waka ki raro kio to ban nei. l te whenua.

Pirirhu n . wing of a b ird. gParfi a, n . brimor edge of a bowl,Pfiriri, v . i . shoot up ; grow. n est &c.

p ariri, n . 1 . shoot of a plan t Piriiiurii, n . one who cultivates2 . clearing in the bush where ; the soi .l

the trees have begun to grow lParurenga, n . prey ; booty.

l I. Pfirfi rfi , a. shaded . Parnru

Pfiritémn . white cliff. A no to term to mahinga a tuahangata.

ki ri , me he paritan ill . Pfirfirfi , v. t. rub together.m , n . l . hollow of the hand. I’amrutzia nga riwai kia nga

2 . sma ll basket for cooked food. horo ai te ngarehu.

Pithphrfi , a. withered ; decayed. Pfitfi, n . 1 . drop of mater &c.

Pirhré, a. causing relaxation or 2 . grain of corn &c. 3 . a kindweakn ess. E whiti, e to ra, of po tato . 4 . a kind of mat.parore ki te ki ri . ipata , and patapata, v . i . drip ;more, n . a fish fall in drops. Kn pata iho to


i, a. awry. Parori he to us .


kanae . piipéti, n . small waves .

Phrbré, a. cloudy ; threa tening. papata , a. covered with spo ts orKa titiro hi to tangi e paroro pimp les .

aha , kn n oho . lp atap ata, 11 . strings of a mat.paro ro , n . threa tening clouds ; whakap ata, n . ancient times. No

scud ; bad wea ther. I to men : tua,no whakapata .

ka puta te paroro , ka waipuke 'Pfi tih’

i, v. i befal all alike Hote whenua. l hora kahore i patab i ki a to

I. Pith, a . dirty. ton .

para, n . dirt ; mud . Pfi thi, v. t. 1 . question ; enquire.w pm , n . 1 . mad. 2 . a pre Waiho , mana e patai mai. 2 .

paration of cock les. He ranga~

p rovoke. Ka whakatnria c koe

ti ra ; e kore pea ia e kai i te he kara,he pata i ri ri tona. 3 .

pamparn induce. He pataitai naku i toII . Pirfi , v. t. 1 . cover with a tangata kia whakatika ki runga.

coating of raup o . Tikina 4 . jeer ; mac/r.raupo hei porn mo waho o te whakapatai, v . t. ash. Ka wha

whare. 2 . log thatch on the kapataia mai o te pakeha.

Page 133: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 12 w a i—Patties.

Patfii, n . a kind of girdle. Piti,V . i . ooz e ; spurt ; sp lash.

Pfi téka, n . 1 . storehouse raised Pati ana te wai o roto ina

up on posts ; eleva ted stage for kainga.

storing food. W Hakan oia ki Patiki'

, n . a fish ; flounder.

runga ki te pataka. 2 . enclosure . Pitikfi, ad. headlong ; in haste.He pataka poaka. (R ) Ka rere patiko koe kiMaunga

Patan ga, n . boundary . K o to warn rawa ngaro noa atu ai.

patanga ten ei ki a Patahuri Patiotio , n . 1 . a shell- fish. 2 .

raua ko Tirawatu . roch covered with mussels.

Pitap fitfiiawh'

afi, n . heavy rain . Patiti, n . 1 . a kind of grass. 2 .

Pfi tfiri, and pfi tfiritiri, V. t. l . ha tchet.amuse ; diver t. Pataritaria te n . eruption on the head ;tamaiti. 2 . allure ; en tice . Ka scald head.

whakaritea nga tangata hei pa P5136 , V. i. crach ; snap ; emit ataritari atu i te ngutu o te ana sharp sudden sound. E pato

3 . provohe ; incite. mai ra te rakau ; kei reira te

whakapataritari, V . t. p rovoke. tangata i oma n ei.

Pfi tfitfi, a. near. p fitfi to, V. i. 1 . bea t ; dash. Ko iPfitité , V. i. crach; breah with a patoto te tai ki te akau


craching sound. aha . 2 . haack repea tedly. 3 .

p atate , n . a tree . bite , as a fish in taking the

Pitiw, V. i . rattle ; jingle. bait.

Pfitfiu i, a. caused by rain . W ai Pfitéhé, n . fallow ; abandoned cul

patana, surface wa ter . tivation .

Pate, n . schefllera digita ta ; a tree . Patéké, V . t. glean potatoes &c.

Patea, n . a vari ety of k'

umara. E patoke kapan a ana.

Patéhétéhé, a. shor t. He raupo Patbti, V. i . cut a notch or f ar

patehetehe nei. row. Patoti noa ai i runga ;

Patén gitén gi, n . storehouse for kaore i hou ki raro .

humara . p ato ti, a. dented ; no tched.

Pfitéré, V . i . flow readily . Patere PE tBtfii, a . chapped. E patoto ian a nga kupu a Tohitapu . ana oku ngutu .

p atere, n . dance. Patti, n . wall screen .

patere , ad. den oting abundan ce . Pith, V . t. 1 . strihe ; bea t ; thrash.

Tini patere ; exceeding many . A ue rawa ake,ka aue

,e patu

Patété,V. i . move along . E k ore ana

,a roa rawa, ka tukua

e patete te waka i te tai timu. 2 . ill- treat in any way. 3 . hill.

p atetea, pass. be leng thened or Ka to ia mai ki waho, ka paextended. Ka pateten te Whare . tua

,ka mate a Kae

P5131, V. t. try to obtain by coax p atu , n . weapon . K o te kauae 0

ing , flattery &c. He pati moni i tona tupuna tana patu

to pakeha i pen a ai tan a korero . p ipatii, V. i . strihe together ; clash.

p atip ati, a. fla ttering ; deceiving ; Ka papato a raua rakau .

not to be depended upon . He p atu , a. Kaho pata ; lowest batrongo patipati te rongo o to ten on the roof of a house.

Kawana ki a an . Pétfi pfiifiréhé, n . demons of evilwhakapati, V. t. fla tter ; cajole ; influence.

coasc . He aha tau e whaka Pati ti ,n . dogs/fin mat ; the same

pati? e kore hoki e hoatu . as puahi.

Page 135: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

l 1 4 Peh'




hiakiiri , n . dicksonia squar

rosa ; a fern tree .

Pei, V . t. drive out ; banish. He

peinga hoki ia n a ona tua


Péip éi, n .

lamp of ear th ,clod.

PE IHA N A,n . basin .

Peka, n 1 . branch of a tree,ri

ver &c. hen ce 2 . fi rewood . 3

peka, V . i. turn aside .

p ekan ga ,n . branch road. Kia

tae koe ki te pekanga o te

ara ka n oho ki raro .

whakap eka, V . t. refuse . Korerowhakapeka, dark saying .

p ekap eka , n . 1 . bat. 2 . windmilltoy . 3 . some kind of ornament

I . Péké ,11 . upper par t of the

arm; fore quar ter. K a ngarokatoa nga peke matamua ki rotoki nga koro

II . Péké, V. t. leap over . Pekente awa n ei.

p épeké, V . i. draw up the legsor arms. Pepeke ou waewae .

péképéké, a . quick. Kia peke

peke te haere .

W hakapeke , V. t. concea l. K a

man ki te hate, ka whakape

kea ki roto ki ona .

III . Péké, V. i. be a ll gone orcome

,withou t ex cep tion . K a

hore an o an taonga kia poke


Péké, n . bag .

Pékéhawani, n . the sta r Whoseappearan cemarksthe 8thmon th.

Pékét B, 11 . fi rs t born child .

Pékérfin gi, V . i. dance.

p ekeran gi, n . outermos t orfourth

fence of a complete stockade .

Pékéréré, 11 . small garmen t for

Pékétfi a, n . 1 . supplemen tary loadcarri ed on the back. 2 . a wee.

pon carri ed in the belt.


i, V. i. chirp ,twitter . Te

manu e p eki ana

P611 5 , a. lihe tha t which is near ,or has some reference to , the

person spohen to .

p en a, V . t. trea t or do in tha tway . Me pena ia te mahi 11a ?

p en a , ad. in that case .

Penapéna, V . t. tohe care of ; tend ;keep .

Penei, a . like any thing near , orconnec ted with the speaker .

p en ei, V. t. do in this manner .

K 0 wai ka hua tera e pen eitia ?

p en ei, ad. in this case , if the

case were thus , o therwise . Mei ora an o a te Ar awa, pen ei ema nga waka hei hoenga ki


Pén fi p én i’

l , a. mashed. Kua penu

penu nga kapana i roto i tekohue .

P60 ,V . t. beg . E peo kai ana

te tamaiti.P551, 11 . solanum avicalare ; a

shrub .


PZ , n . 1 . paper . 2 . pepper .

I . Pep e, n . 1 . a grub found inrotten w ood. 2 . mo th.

p ép épé, n . l . mo th or butterfly .

2 . baske t. 3 . a plant.

II . Pepe. V . t. a ttrac t b irds byimita ting their cry . K a manki te raurekau

,ka pepea .

p epe , n . leaf used for the ab ove

purpose . Ma Matete e whakatangi te pepe .

Pep e , a. close together . A kuanei

kia pepe te haerePep e, see under p e .

Pep eha , see un der p eha .

Pep eke , see under p eke .


,a . February .


ra, like anything which is nuconn ected either With the spea

ker or the person addressed.

Me i pera te ahua, ka pai

Page 136: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


para, V . t. trea t or do in tha tway .

Peraro , n . a shellfi sh.

Pét é, n . arrow or da r t thrownby means of a thong attachedto a stick .

pare , V. t. throw an arrow or

pe repere , V. t. clear ofl weeds&c. Me perepere nga tnrn ote mara


ha ngaki ai.

Péréhia, n . agrostis acmala , pilosa or Billardicri grasses.

Pérépélfi , n . dog .

Pérfi , n . 1 . fatness about the eyesand lips when a person is a n

gry. Ka tuku nga porn a to

ta ngata. 2 . overhanging portionof a roof. E nui ana te peruki waho .

p e tupetu , 1 . throa t feathers ofthe hoko, or prosthemadera.

2. a kind of dan ce .

Pétfipéti, a. worn out.

petapeta , n . rags .

potopata, ad . all at once .

PM, V . i . be consumed.

peto noa atu to rongoa.


PM 13 . any thing bow- shaped 150 1Tu ann nga powa il

’n n i, a . piece , block of land.1 . eyebrow.

o to ta ngata ra ; ha riri . 2

new moo n . 3 . en trance to a

trap for birds &c. 4 . Pewaika, roe of a fi xh.

1 . Pi, n . young of b irds ; chich' .II . Pi, V. i . flaw (of the tide) .Kua pi tc tai.

pipi, V . i . ooz e .

p ipi, V. t. ba the with wate r.

PI, 11 . urine .

Pia, n . 1 . gm of trees, or anysimilar exuda tion . 2 . blind ccl.

Piahfieré, n . a plan t.

Piangé, a . emp ty . Ka piango tepoho .

Piiti, a. bright ; clear ; trans

Pie, V . t. 1 . desire earnestly. 2 .


Pihfi , 11 . small hamara .

Pihfi, and pihipihi, n . gills ofa fish.


ihangi, n . window.


i, V. i. lie in a heap ;be ga thered together . Kia pi

hangaiti nga papa.

whakapihan gaiti, V . t. lay in a

heap .

Pihfio , V . t.

Pihaoa !

Pihiran , 11 . small ccl.

Piuin fixxoi


, n . cricket. Ko te

pihareinga kei te noho mari re ;mo to raumati ka tangi ai.

P111 6, 11 . song sung over the bodies of the slain .

p ihepihe, n . girdle for the waistPihi, V . i . spring up ; begin to

grow. Kua pihi nga koran .

p ihi, n . a species of grass.

p ihi, a . watertight.

surround. Pihaoa

ip ihip ihi, n . a b ird.

Pint, sec rum.

P111 6, n . a variety of potato .

29 111611161, 11 . ground larh; anthns

N oamc andita.

Pihbngfi, a. putrid. He pihongate kai nei.

Pikirfi , discharge from the eyes.

Pikfiu, V. t. carry on the ba ck:pick- a - bach‘ . Kahore be up

ngata hei pikan i te kete kai.p ikan or p ikaunga, n . [and forthe back.

Pikfiwikfiwi, a. flexible ; flaccid.

I . Piki, V . t. l . climb. Pikitia

te rakau noi ki ctahi karakama tatou. 2 . piki taranga,come to the rescue ; assist anyone in fighting. I pikitia o

in toku ta ranga .

pikitanga, n . ascen t of a hill &c.

whakap iki, V. t. cause to ascend.

Katahi a Knpe ka whakapiki itona wakaPik


i, a. fi 'izz led ; closely curled.

1 1.

Page 137: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 16 Piifi—Piri.

III . 11 . fig .

Pikiarérfi, n . 1 . roqf of the month.

2 . clema tis indivisa ; a climbingplant.

Pikitara,n . l . verandah. 2 . a

kind of eel.Pikc

i, V . i. bend s toop . Ka p ikote rakau ; meake whati.

p iko , a . ben t ; cur ved. He tuarapiko .

p iko , n . corner , bend. Hei te

piko o te awa tatou n oho ai.

whakap iko , V. t. bend.

whakap iko , n . murder committedup on persons W ho are in the

act of eating fo od Which has

b een prepared by the murderers.

p ikOp iko ,n . young shoo ts of

ferns. He pikopiko i te nga

here ngakai a te Maori.Pikhké , a . hungry .

Pimirfimirfi , n . a b ird.

Pinakitan ga, n . gen tle slape ofa hill &0 .

Pin fikitéré, n . a plant.

Pin éikii, n . war- canoe ; the sameas pitau.

Pin e, and pipine, a . close together . K 0 matou kua pipin emai ki roto n oho ai.

PI N E,11 . pin .

Pin éhi, and p in bhinhhi, V . t.

p lace hot stones on food in a

n ative oven,to in sure its being

co oked. Pin ohinohia ta tatou


p in ohi, n . sticks used for handling hot stones

,tongs .

Pin 5n 5 , V. t. beg ; obtain in an

manner .


in géo , n . desmoschtcnus spiralis ; a plant.

Pingau ,n . l . a plant ; perhaps

the same as pingao . 2 . stringsof a mat.

Pin gi'mgb, a. shrank. Pingongo

ana nga papa o te hoiho .

Pin gbré, a. flexible ; bending . Pi

ngore n oa te arawhata .

I . Pio , V. i. be ex tinguished ; goout. Kua pio te kora . (R )

II . Pio , a. many. He pio te ta


p iop io , n . a bird.

whakap iOp io , n . metrosiderosscandens, a plant.

P10 6,11 . dry firewood. (R )

Pibi, and p ibibi, V. t. shahebrandish. K a whakatika a Hatapata , ka p ici i an a kirikiriapok o

p ioi, 11 . song sung While brandishing heads or scalps.

p ioioi, n . a bird.

Piakfiaka, V . t. strip of . Pi

okaokangia he peha mo ta tatou ahi.


iké,n . a small shark.

Pibribri, n . song .

Pipi, n . cochle ; a shell fish.

whakap ip i, V . t. p lace one on

ano ther ; stack.

Pip i, a . half grown ; notmatured.

He iwipip i . Compare kop ip i.See also p i.

PIPIPI,n . tar/fey .

Pip iwharaurba , n . chrysococcyx

lacidus ; small cue/too .

Pirahau , a . ro tten . See p irau .

Pirahii, n . firewood. (R )Piraka, an d p irakaraka , 11 . fi rewood. (R )

Piriikii, n . firewood. (R )Pirangi, V ,

t. desire. Ka nuitana

pirangi ki te paraca hei kai


Pirfirii, V . i . be separa ted ; be dicided ; be wide apar t. Piraraana te awa .

—A n o nga moko oTohu ; pirara ana .

Pirata, a . sharp .

Pirau , a. 1 . ro tten . He p iraun o nga kai imahue ai. 2 . goneout ; ex tinguished. Homai hewahie, keiW ha pirau te ahi.

I . Piri, v . i. 1 . stick. Piri kita

Page 139: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 18

Pohatu ,see powhatu .


hiiuhau ,a. confused. Ka he

n oa iho nga whakaaro, ka po

hauhau n oa iho

Péhé, or p 5p 5hé, a . 1 . withered.

Kua pohe nga ran o te rakau .

2 . blind.

whakap ohe , V . t. blind throwdus t in the eyes (metaphori

Péhéhé , a. mistaken ; in error.

Pfihéwa, a . mis taken ; conf used.

Pohiri, see p owhiri.

P5h6, n . 1 . chest. K a mameetaku p oho i te maremare . 2 .

s tomach. Ka piango te poho .

3 . seat of the ejections ; breast.W Hiti ana taku poho i to karanga.

P6h6i, bunch of fea thers wornin the car for ornamen t. K a

haere ki te wai, ka mahue te

poho i ki uta ; ka hoki mai kiu ta

,katabi ka poho i i tana


Pahép fi , a. having scrup les.

Pohéwérfi ,n . charadrius bicinc

tus ; a bird.

Pfi hiie , an d pohu ehu e , n . a name

given to several climb ing ortrailing plan ts, as con volvulus ;clema tis &c.

Pfihfi hfi ,a. 1 .

crowds. Me te ngaro e po

huhu n ei. 2 . cloudy ; overcast .

Pfihfi tfi , V . i. sp lash;

swarming in

make a

p ohu tuhu tu, V . i. be splashed .

Komai he takai mo nga tapu

tapu, kei pohutuhutu .

Péhfi tfikawfi, n . metrosideros tomen tosa ; a tree .

Poi, n. ball.

p liip éi, V. t. toss, swing or waveabou t. Poipoia te tamaiti n ei.

- Of an offering to an‘atua


Katabi ha maoa te kuri ra, ka



Poihéwa, n .

co oked food.


iké, V. t. p lace aloft. I poiketia rawatia nga kaka ki ru

nga ki tona mahunga.

p oike , a . tufted at the top . Herakau -

poike .

Péioio , 1 1 . first shoots of potatoor kumara .

1361136, 11 . for pouto, floa t.Pc


afl, 11 . hole ; pit , well.poka , V. t. 1 . make a hole in orthrough ; bore p ierce. Me pokate rakau n ei. 2 . strike out a

path . He ara p oka hou tena .

3 . do anything unusual.

pokap oka , V . t. 1 . pierce with a

number of holes. He mate pokapoka ; scrofulous sores . 2 .

p lan t in holes. Me pokapokanga kapana ki te papatu .

Pokai, n . 1 . ball of string &c.

2 . swarm of flies ; flock of bird.

K s. rere ki waho nga pokaik oko (3 3 )

p okai, V. t. wind in a ball.

6 p okai te aho .

Pfikfiikahé,a . confused ; at a loss .

K a tae matou ki te wahi ngaru ,ka pokaikaha.

Pokaka, a. 1 . stormy. I kitsae eu te pokaka rawa o te haura. 2 . hot. He p okaka n o teW here i mahue ai.

p okaka ,n . storm; squall.

Pékakfi , a . in doubt ; mistaken ;confused.

Pékan éa, V. t. do without authority ; do at random.

Pékép fi , 1 1 . middle ; centre.

Pfikaré, or p fikarékaré, v . i. be

agitated, as a liqu id. Marin etonu te moana ; hore rawa he

pokaretanga .

whakap okarekare , v . t. disturbthe smfacc of water ; spill.

I . Péké, n . 1 . short ar e . 2 . greensturnip tops &o. E tia te poke ;me te maunu koura l

small basket for


Page 140: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


op b . 1 19

II . Fake, a. soiled : dirty . K ei P6poke on kakehu . p okuruknru , a. full of lamps.

pokep oke, V. t. mix up with wa P5 11 5, 1 . knot . 2 . join t in the

arm or leg. 3 . card . Ka kuhua

III . Péké, V. i . appear (as a spi te p ona a W Hakatau ki te

tit). Ka poke mai te. tupapalm W here,puta noa. ki tetehi ta

ke wehi koe . ha , puta noa ki tetebi tahaPfikéki, n . a kind of mat made 5 . string of fish.

of flax . pon e , V . t. lie in a knot.

ponapone, n . joint in the arm orPakéké, a. small. He mara po leg.

kek e . Pfinahfi , n . anything diminutivein size .

Pfikéré, n . 1 . pitfall. 2 . pulp of Pfinfinfi , a . hurried ;flurried. Hethe tawa berry. t ponana i mahue ai nga pnka

pokere , ad . in the dark. Ka t puke.

hae re pokere atu to tangata i Panian'

ia, n . loam part of the

k onei . nose .

Pfikéréhfi , n . fruit of the Iowa . Pfin'


i, V . i . glow ; difl'

usc a red

pokerehu , ad . without cause . I light. Ponini ena te kakalm 0

pom». pokerehutia noatia iho e l te tangata nei ki roto ki to

an tuku tamaiti. W ei.


, and pbpbki, V. t. 1 . cover : I. P6116 , a. 1 . true . 2 . hospitable ,oeer . Pokia ta tatou umu. bountiful.

wards Me popoki to wake nei. E hsrs i to wakepupuni ponepbpbkl


, 11 . coect age

pokipoki, n. eddy wind.

= whakapon o or whakapononge,Pokihi


,V. i . shoot : begin to ; V. t. believe : admit as true.

grow. 5 W flakapononga one a ManniePbkb , V . i . go out, as fire ; be .

came exting uished . Homa i he 11 . P6116, V . i . 1 light upon ;wahie kei poho te ahi. —Me come upon . Pono rewa mai eto poke (1 3

of a sudden puta one i roto i to hangidisappearance ,

lil o the going } 2 . fall in. one’s way . He meaout of a flame. i pono moi ki toku aroaro .

pépbkfi, a. withered ; shrine/led . p6p6n5 , V . 1. Canal . Oti,ka po



i, n . shoulder . pono koutou ki nga kota o toPékbkbhifm, a. an epithet whi ch Mahia ?

is considered the greatest poso pononga, n . captive ; slave.

sible insult. Compare kohu. Popb , and p6p6p 6p6, a . ro tten ;Pbkbréhfi, n. ashes . worm- ea ten .

Pbkbrfia, n. 1 . pit ; hollow. 2 . POpo , a. poin ted. Ma tawhiti 0an t. ritiroMaungataniwha, popo tonu

pokoma , a. hollow ; sun/ten . He a range .

mete kai te tanga ta rs ; i k ites P6136 , V . t. crowd around throng.

ki nga kanehi ks pokopoko mp6 , V. t. 1 . pat with the hand.

Popotia ts tamaiti na kia mutuPékbwhiwhi, n . shoulder . ai to tangi . 2 . knead , mix up .

Page 141: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

120 P0 p 0 a. -P5r6ki.

Ma wai e popo te paru ? 3 . Pbréké, a . bro/fen ofi'

. Forekeanoin t. Me pop o ki te


hin u pu te rakau i waenganui.

ki te kokowai. Paréna, v . i. float, as oil on wa

Popoa, see un der p oa . ter .

POp ohe , see un der p ohe . Pfi rérii, n . mat to lie on

Pop oia , n . bundle of a basket. P‘

é rétérété, n . a kind of duck.

Pop oki, see un der poki., Pb’

réwaréwa, or poréwharéwha,Pfipbkbrfi a, n . an t. a . 1 . giddy ; stupqfied . 2 . mad.


p bkbtéa , n . a bird. Pbri, n . collops off at. 2 . tribe.POp on o , see un der p on o . K 0 wai te ingoa o to koutouPop ore , see under p ore . pori? Compare hap ori.Popo ro , see under p oro . P6 ria, n . 1 . ring on the leg ofP6 p 6r6ihéwa, n . bedycaria den a captive bird, to prevent themm

, a tree . str ing from cutting it. 2 . a

Para,a. flat- roofed. He pora te kind of ornamen t

W hare .

—Pora matanu i, lzaving p oria , v . t. load wit/z a weight.a roof of modera te pita/z. He mea poria ki te punga hei

po ra , n . snip . Tangata pora, man whakatoimaha

from sbzpboard ; foreigner . Pbrihawa, n . a bird.

Pfi rie , V. t. anoin t. P6rir6, n . bastard.

p o rae ,n . a fish. P5r5 , 1 . butt end ; termina tion .

Pé rahii, an d p orahu rahu ,a . per 2 . block. Kei hea te p oro ra

plea 'ed ; embarrassed ; awkward. kau ?

He haka an o ta te ware, he p oro , v . i . be fi nisned ; come to

porahu n oa iho nga ringa an end. Taihoa, kia poro teFarin gii, v. t. floa t. K a ruku kai ki te whenua .

hia,ka porangatia ki tabaki. p c

irbn ga, 3. end. K o te poronga

Pfi ran gi, a . 1 . hurried. He aha te n ei 0 tan a korero .

tau e porangi n ei? 2 . beside P5P<3P5a 0 1’


O , 11 . 3 0 10 7210 ”

oneself ; out of one’s mind.



sulgre and “ fi r

m” ; plants.

p o ran gi, n . madman . Kei te P0 “ Pbroakl , I . leave tflSlPZtCttOflS at

rangitia koe you are depar ting.

N a Te W aikeri te

losing your wits. poroakl kla hoatu he kapana

mau . 2 . take leave.Fo rob a, see p orowha .

Pfi rbhé, n . 1 . a large mussel. (R )

Pbrara, a . lzaving wide spaces orin terstices . E porara arm. a raro0

tkefie’1 komamz

;al '

2 . young of the fish mobi.P



rauraha, a . confuse p orohe , v. t. gatber up in loops,Pbré, v. i . start in sleep . as a cord &c.

P5P5ré , V t 1 (185 178 ; 10 53” whakap orohe , v . t. [mot togeancoiously for. 2 . slzew favour filer .

to ; trea t kindly . Pbrbhfiri, V. t. upset ; overturn .

porep ore , a . fain t wit/e Izunger . V. i. tumble one over anotber .

E porepore 3 11 3 toku manawa . Pbrbkaki, 11 . back of tbe nee/t .whakaporepore , V t; p ropitia te ; Pbrbkéré, v. i . be broken of slzort.

cour t t/zefavour of, by a gift 830 ° Pbrbki, v. i. give direc tions at


réaréa, a . 1 . tiresome ; impor~ tko time of departure . Ka po

tunate . 2 . afraid of being tire roki iho ia hi a mans. kia haeresome ; modest. atu koe apopo .

Page 143: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


poup ou , a. 1 . steep ; pe/p cndicular . Poupou tonu te pikitanga.

2 . on the meridian . Ka pou

pou te ra,ka whakatika mai

matou .

Pou for pau . See p au .

P6 11 5,11 . old person . Kite rawa

an i a koe,kua pouatia koe .

Péuaké, 11 . box .

Peuakakiwa, n . chief place ofresidence

Pfi uaréheréhé, a . old and wrinkled.


Pou aru , n . widower ; widow .

Pou e , n . a shell fi sh.

PBunahB, a. long and stgfllPéun i


li, n . sou th- wind.

Péuraka, 11 . net a t tached to a

hoop , used for catching crayfish.

P5uréwa, 11 . an elevated platformattached to the stockade of a pa .

Pouri, a . 1 . darh. Kaore an o imarama n oa ; e pouri tonu ana

2 . sorrowful ; sad dis tress~

etl . He pouri n ona ki ton amatua ka mate .

p ouriuri, a. (tar/fish ; gloomy .

Péuriirii, a . a’

arhish ; gloomy.

whakap ouru ru , V. i . look sor

rowf ul or gloomy . He aha koe

ka whakapoururu ai ki te kai

mau .

Péu tangata, a. He toki poutangata, a greenstone adz e, usedas a weapon of war.

I . P6ut5 , n . floa t.II . P6u t6 , V. t. cut of Poutoa

te kauru o te rakau .

Pfiu tfimar‘

é , a . on the meridian .

Péutfi téran gi, n . the star whoseappearan ce marks the ten th

month : perhaps a Aqu ilae .

Péuwhenfi a, n . a weapon likethe taiaha .


W iiiW ii, V . t. 1 . whirl or whishabou t ; move with a fan lihe motion 2 . fan .

Pewhaitéré, n . paroquet .Péwharfi, V. i. sink into a hog

p oupou—Pfi .

&c. Ka powharuwharu nga wae

wae ki te on e .

p owharu ,a. sof t ; boggy .

Pfiwhatfi ,n . stone.


, V. t. 1 . wave ; whisk;

whirl. Powhiriwhiria ta tatourama kia ka ai. 2 . beckon anyon e to come on ; welcome. E

powhiri an a tera te tangata

whenua ,me te haere atu te

manuhiri rap ewhiriwhiri, n . provision for a

journey .

Pewhiwhi, n . a creep ing plant.I . Pu , n . 1 . tribe . K o te pu te

nei o Tipare . 2 . bunch ; bundle ;anything grow ing in a bun ch.

Tana pu wiw i 3 . heap ;stach. Te pa o te kupenga

4 . skilled person ; wiseone . N a koutou ,

na nga pu ,

na nga tohunga, n a nga kau


p u , a . n iho pu , double tooth.

p u , V . t. make in to a bundle, or ball.Pu ia nga raupo mo te whare .

p iip fi , n . 1 . bundle . Tikin a nga

pupu raupo . 2 . a shell fish.

p fi p fi , V. 13. make in to bundles.

whakapu , V . t. and V. i. lay orlie in a heap . Hei hea a ta

tou kete whakapu ai?

whakap u ,1 1 . stock. He whaka

pu kupenga tera e tu mai ra .

II . Pfi , V. i . blow. Te hau 6 pa

mai n ei ki taku kirip fip fi , V. i. 1 . bubble up ; boil.Kahore an o i pupu n oa te wai.

2 . rise , as a fog.

p u , n . wind instrument as pu

torin o, pu

- tatara &c. K 0 E uaco,

e whakatangiana i an a puw hakapu , V. i. howl as a dog.

III. Pfi , a . precise ; very . K o te

kainga pu tenei .p u , ad. ex ceedingly ; emactly . Mete kawau pu te ahua.

IV . P11 a . loa thing ; ha ting . Ka

whakatika ki te kai, ka pu te

Page 144: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Pfi—Pfi hfirfi. 123

ngakau .—Pu ana a roto , ke lPfi atfiwhiwhi, n . a climbingplant.

a na a waho : a proverb for dis Pfi atéa, n . gnaphalium, spec i es.

guised ill feeling. a plant.

V . Pa, 11 . gun . Pain , 11 . ripple ; rapid. Ko te

I . P11 3 , 11 . flower ; seed. whawhaitanga tuatahi, i te puau

pu n, a. foaming ; breaking . He 0 W Hangamarino, i te Kohengaru pua.

II . Pfi a, V . roll or wrap up 0 10 Pfi awai, n . flower .

thes &c. Puaia tou kakahu ka Pfiawanan ga, n . clema tis indi

kauhoe ai ki tawahi . visa , a plant.p uap ua, u. a garment wrapped Pfi fiwhé, V . i . be tahc n abaclr byround the arm as a protection the wind as a sail ; be drivenfrom a b low . forcibly by the wind. Paia ake

Pasha, 11 . month of a river. Kei e ta ! ks puawhe mai te awha

te puaha o Pinko ki roto nei.

puaha, a. leaving a clear passage . Piles, V. i. rise to the surface.Ka puaha te tai nei: hoea ta Ks pnea mai te tobora.

ton ; when a wave has broken Pflehfi , 11 . (last.

leaving an interval of smooth puehu , V . i. be in the form ofwa te i . dust. E puehu ana to n ehu kimahi, 11 . white dogshin mat. 1 runga k i te kai.

Puaka, n . 1 . dry twigs. 2 . flo - lPfi ékil , a. unproductive , as crops.

war . Puerh,or puweru , n . shaggy

Pfiakahfi, a. open ; attentive . Kia mat, made of partially dressedpuuhebu mai on taringa flax .


i, v . i . I . come forth ; shew Pfi étfi étb , n . a bird which fre

itself. Ks puaki te npoko ii quanta swamps.

roto i tona run 2 . be a t Pfihi, gills of a fish. 2 .

tcrcd . I puaki i a wai to kupu song ; chaant. Katahi ano ka

pana moku ? 3 . be exhaled. Ka'

takitakina ona puhs :—ona puha

puaki to kakara o te tawhiri . nei 11a,“Kia rere atu te Ka

whakapu aki, V. t. utter : disclose . warmki tawhiti ."

Phane, n . diz ziness ; the effect Pfi hfi , or p uhap uha , a. f ull ; upof height on the nerves. to the brim. Puhapuha ah a te

Pflan fi , a . cool. Puanu ake ana wai, toka tonu i rungs .

to ban 0 te pari nei. Pilhfiehie , a. envious.

Pfi angfi, n . the star Itrge l. m ake, a. fa ll to oval/lowing.

Pfi an gfihér‘

i, n . the star Procyon . Ka pahnke rewa ; rimtonu kiPfi fingiingi, a . cool : rcfi eushing nga nine to wai.

Pnio , V. i. daam. Hei to puao -

a b ini, V . i . glow. To pahanetanga ta tou ka haere ai. tanga o te uira o te ahi o te

Phare, a. open . Kia puare te Arawawhere . Pflhangfi, n . l . a kind of eel.

Pfiarére, n . decoy bird ; of small 2 . deri vative frompdpflhi. See

b irds only. under p uhi.Pflfiritfiriti a. harried ; in n /tarry. Pfi hfingfiifi , V . i . lie in a heap .

Tenei te wahi i puaritarita ai. See p ihangalti.

Pfi itfifitfi , a. L jull of holes or Pfi hfiri, n . a kind of elevatedspaces. 2 . transparent ; clear . p lat/


arm for warlike purposes.

Page 145: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Pfi ha'

urerba, conchor horn , blownto give signals.

Pfihi, n . l . betro thed woman . 2 .

much cour ted unbetrothed youngWoman . He puhi hoki a Hin emoa 3 . hno t or bunchof hair ; a mode of wearing the

hair tied up like a sheaf. 4 .

a kind of eel of Very largesize . 5 . N G a puhi a Puarata .

puhip uhi ,V. t. ornamen t with

bunches of fea thers or hair, as

the bow or stern of a can o e&c. Puhipuhi rawa te paua

ki te waerop uhip uhi, a . tied up in a bunch ;growing in bunches. K a puhipuhi te tupu o te kapana.



p iip iihi, i . V. t. I . blow. 2 . fi re

a gun . 3 . shoo t with a gun .

ii. V . i. swell.p uhip uhi, V. t. blow frequen tly .

puhipuhi paipa, smoke a pipe.

Pfi hfi i, n . seed po ta toes whichthrow up a wen/s shoo t.

p uhihihihi, a. stifi of the hair.He puhihihihi n o te upoko .

Pfihikbrbkérb, n . lamprey, of alarge kind.

Pfi hbi, a . 1 . slow ; dull. He wakapuhoi. 2 . deaf.

Pfi hbn gfi, a . stinking ; ofi ensive .

Pfi hbré, a. 1 . unsuccessful in fi sh

ing &c. 2 . scarce . Te maratautane

,he mara. ki nga atua

whakapuhore kai.

Pfi hbrb , n . l . ta ttoo mar/rs on the

thigh. 2 . bad wea ther .

Pfihbrfi, a . tha t will not open .

He pipi puhoru .

PuhaurérBa H -

p ukeuri.

Pfi hi’

lki, a. blunt ; dull. Ka pu

huki taku toki .Phia, n . 1 . volcano . 2 . bush.

p uia, a . smarting. Ka pu ia aku

kan ohi i te eu .

Pfiiaki, a . rare ; precious. Hekakan o puipuiaki.

puiaki, n . treasure . Kei ngaroko oku kan ohi , kei waiho kote whenua hei puiaki mo nga

mea i muri i e. eu .

Pfi ihiihi, 11 . strings of a mat.Piika, n . muhlenbechia adpressa ;

a shrub . 2 . cabbage. 3 . sp ade .

pukap uka., n . l . brachyglottisrepanda , a shrub . 2 . lungs. 8 .

paper ; let ter ; boo/s.II . Pfikii, V . i . 1 . be jealous. 2 .

pant . Ka puka taku manawai te omanga.

Pfi kaea, n . a wind in strumentmade of totara and used to soundan alarm in time of war.

Fukaha, n . I . refuse p ortion offlaw leaf. 2 . a garment madeof the same .

Pfikahii, a . abundant.

p ukahu , n . sp ongy ma tter enve


the seeds of pumpkins.

lPfi kai, i . V. i . lie in a heap . K a

rukea nga tupapaku hi waho

pukai ai ii. V . t. layin a. heap . Pukairia nga on e

on e ki waenganui.

Pfi kaka, a . hot.

Pfi kaka, n . long bones of the

arm or leg .

Pfi ka'

ki, n . scrofulous swelling in

the neck.

Pfi kfina, V. i. distor t the eyes ;stare wildly .

whakap uhoru , V. i . leap out of Pfi katakata, a. dry ; crisp .

the wa ter . E whakapuhoru an a

te kan ae .

Pub bu , n . coriaria rusclf olia , a

shrub ; the same as tutu.

Pfi hfi a , V. t. glean potatoes orkumara

,after the crop has been

tahen up .

Pfikatéa , n . atherosperma N ovw

Z elandite , a tree .

Pfi kauri, a. 1 . barren . 2 . burning fiercely . E kore e ngaro ;ka pukeuri tonu te ka, he Wharewere .

p ukeuri, n . a kind of shell fish.

Page 147: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

126 Pfinfi a—p uremfi.

oneself. K 8. whakapupuni maii roto i nga. pureirei.

Pfi n fi a, 11 . young of animals.

Pfi n fii , a . close together . Kia.

punui tahi tatou te haere .

Pfi n fiki, a . blun t.Pfi n gfi, n . 1 . anclzor . 2 , baslset

for catcbing eels. 3 . odd namber. E rua tekau nga tangata,

kotahi punga .

pu n ga, V. t. l . fi a' with an na

clzor. Hei waho punga ai 0

wake 2 . sink; engulplz.

pun gapun ga , n . 1 . pumice s tone.2 . a ki nd of potato . 3 . pollenof tlzeflowers of raupo ; or cakemade of the same . 4 . yellowcolour .

Pfi n gfiréhfi , n . as/ies.

Pfin gétfi, a. dry . Ka pungete te

toetoe o te W here .

Pi‘mgfiw éréw éré, n . spider

Pfi n gén én gén é, a . mnfled up .

whakap un gen en gen e , v . t. co

ver up wit/z clot/zes.

Pfi n gfirfi n gérfl , a. liglzt or looseas earth & 0 .

p un goru n goru , n . sponge.

Pfi p i V. i. eructa te .

Pfi p éhi, n . encampmen t.Pu p u . see under p u .

Pu p uhi, see under p uhi.Pfi p fi rén g

i,n . a shell fish.

Pu puri, see under p uri.Pup uru , see under p uru .

Pfi p fi tfi, n . blister on the skin ,

from chafing.

Pu p utu , see under p u tu .

Pfirfi , 1 1 . any small foreign sub

s tance in tbe eye .

p a ra, a. troubled by tlze intraszon of some foreign ma tter ,blind . K a. pure. oku kan ohi.

p u rap ura ,seed .

Pfi r éhc‘

irfi a, n . messenger .

Pfirfikfiu , n . 1 . o ld man . 2 . an

cien t legend ; _


p urakau, a. n iho purakan , double

Pfi riin ga, n . licup .

p u ran ga , V. t. beap up . E pu

ranga ana is. i nga kowhatu kite marae . V . i . lie in a neap .

m ars, a . liaving in terstices ,

Open .

Pin ata, a . turbid.

Pfi ratoké, n . 1 . glow- worm. 2 .

phospnorescen t animalcnlte in thesea . 3 . anytlzing glistening in

the dark.

Pfi rau , n . fork.

p urau rau ,a . 1 . coveredwit/z slzarp

p oin ts ; bristling . I roto i tekowhatu e n oho puaaurau ana.

2 . bitter ; of ensive (of feelingsor speech) .

I . Pfiré, n . a ceremony for re

moVing the‘tapu

’ fromhouses,

can oes, persons 85 0 .

p ure , V. t. set free from‘tapu


II Pfiré, V. t. arrange in tufts or

patc/zes. K a purea nga huruhuru ki nga taha o te ihupuni.

p urep u re , a . in palcnes or tufts.

Pfi réhé, a . wrinkled.

Pfi réhfi a , n . mo t/i.

p urehu a , V. i . emit gas . Ka pu

rehua te kapura.

Pfi réhfiréhfi,n . mot/i.

Pfi r éi,and p ureirei, n . 1 . iso

la ted tufts of grass ; buslzes orslzmbs in a swamp &c. 2 . sun

lcen rac/c. K ei eke tatou ki

runga ki te purei ra . 3 . small

patch of garden . He pureireinga ngakinga o taua kaainga .

Pfi réké, n . l . flesny side of tlze

flax leaf . 2 . garmen t made fromthe same .

p urekereke , n . paj’

of wind .

Pfi r éki'


, n . tufts of grass ina swamp . He repo pai, he purekireki.

Pfi rékfi n . coo/ting shed.

Pfi rému,n . 1 . lower Item of a

garment. 2 . adultery.

p uremu ,v . i. commit adultery.

Page 148: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

mans- r um 27

Parana, v . i . run over . Purena g worn on the arm as a pro

ana te wai o to kaho . taction agains t a spear Mras t.Pfi rén gi


, n . stay of a mas t . whakap uru , V . t. protec t wit/z a

Pilréré , V . i. projec t ; be promi pad .

nen l . p firfi tanga, for puritanga. Soc

Pfiréwhi, n . a black mussel. under pu ri.Phr


i. II . Pfu ‘fi , a. fus ty ; mouldy .

pfi pfifi , v . t. 1 bold in (be band. I . Purim, v . t. do a second time .

Puritia te rakau nei. 2 . de II . Pflrfi a, ad. by two and two.

lain . Kahore matou i puritia Ha hae re puma nga tangata.

ki te ka inga. Pfi rfihékahékfi , a. moaldy .

puripu ri, V . t. suppress anger &c . Pfirfi hi, 11 . fla t .

Te puripuri to tangata nei te Pfiaimi, n . broom.

aha. PU R UMA ,v . t. sweep .

puritanga, a . bundle . lPflrfi rfi , a. l . shady , t/iick will:

PurIrI, n . riter littora lis, a tree .

“ leaves &0 ~ H0 rakau Plum

Pfi rfirbhfl, a. accompanied will; a. 2 ' d o"? together Pla'

uru tonu

whiz zing or Inbislling noise .


w ratouItch




1 K h bePurorohu ana tc hau nei.

”5" n . 0 0 ° 9 1 0 3

Pfi r6t5 , a. [raving no currenl flputa o to pceke

? 2 °Mlll’ fiffds till. Kahore c kaha te r cre j

"1 ll ‘blcb people bave fallen . l o

0 tc awa ; paroto noa iho ana ;puta tuataln 1 hmga maua,ke i Papara - tu .

PMtfi,a. 1 . clear ; transpar



l 9

. [k h,He wax pumtu . 2 . p leasant ,

pu I l 1 Pa“ rang m

bl l out. K 0 tona am tene i e putaagreea e . Purotu noa tho te

ake ai - Kc puta te kiorckainga. k i roto . 2 . come in siglzt. Knm ua 11 . /ark.

puta te waka i Tuamotu.

p urou , v. t. ca tch on afork. Hepfi tfi .ké ’ be Mangcd .

mea purou “83 tuna a Tim!“p fi pfi tfi, a . blis ter caused by chaf

purourou, n . a b i rd ; the same ing.

35 "i

d ?.pu tapu ta, a. f ull of holes.

1 . Pfirfi , n. plug ; co rk; bung . lwhakapu ta, v . i . boast . Ka kin opu ru , V . t. I. plug up : s tuff up . to mahi whakapllta.

Puma to puta o te waka ki Pfi tfihi, v. i. join ; meet. K 0 to

to kakahu . 2 . confine by means putahitanga tenei o nga ara.

Pfltéké. n . 1 . base , root. 2. rea

p fipfirfi , a. pulpy ; semi- liquid . son ; cause .

Kia pupuru to kohari kao. Pfi tfingitangi, putangitan gi

pupuru , for pupuri . See under mama, or putangitan gifi tba,[N HL 11 . paradise duck.

pu rupuru , V . t. 1 . s top {be chinks Pfi tfip fi tfiwfitfi . n . a tree .

of any thing . Pumpurua te whati Pfi tfiri, or pfi tfi tfirfi, n . a shelltoka me to matapihi 2 . used lik e a horn for signals.

suppress . Kaua e pumpurua a Futfiwa, n . I . a fungus. 2 . a

koutou korero . largo potato .

purupu ru , n . cbisel. Pfi té ,or pntéa ,

n . bag or basketwhakapm'

u, n . pad to prevent for clothes.

chafing. W Hakapuru tat) , pad Putéré, v . i. go in a body.

Page 149: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Putiki, V . t. 1 . tie together ; ltnottogether . 2 . get together, as

an army. Tahi tonu to maua


p u tiki, n . 1 . knot. 2 . a methodof dressing the hair


by chiefs.

Pfi tfia, n . a plant.

Pfi tBitBi, V . t. tie in bunches.

Pfi tékitBkI,a . stun ted ; shrivell

ed. He kin o n o te whenua i

putokitoki ai nga pakawha.

Pfi tfin gémaran gai, 11 . south eastwind.

n . a kin d of flute .

Pfi tbréré , n . jet of gas fromburning wood.

Pfi téti, a. stun ted.

Pfi tété , a. bloody ; raw.

tonu te pokaka n ei.

Pfi tfi ,V. i . lie in a heap ; lie one

upon another . Pon o rawa mai,e putu ana i roto i te hangi


Ra, n . 1 . sun . 2 . day. 8 . sail.

R a, prep . by way of ; by . Ra te

taha o te ngahere tou ara. Ra

runga i; by the top of ; over .

Kai- ra - run ga ; eat food whichhas been passed over anything

3 5, ad . 1 . there ; yonder. ‘Kel

whea a W Hakatau i"


whakaangimai ra i tana manui runga i te taumata ra

2 . simply den otingthat the thingspoken of is n ot n ear

,or is

un conn ected with the speakeror the person spoken to. Te

patu e hana mai ra ki a ia

n . 1 . promon tory headland

pu tera ~ rahinga.

p u tu , n . heap .

p fi p fi tfi ,andp iitiipiitii, a. 1 . close

together . Kia puputa nga pou

aka,kia o ai: 2 . frequen t ; at

shor t in tervals. I te hoki putuputu tonu o te tira o tetahiwhaitua

,o tetahiwhaitua

whakap utu , V. t. lay in a heap.

Pfi waha, n . mouth of a river .

Also written puaha.

Pfi watfiw fita, a . f ull of in tersti

ces or open spaces.

Puwera, a . warm.

Pfi w éréw éré, n . spider .

Pfi w érfi , n . shaggy mat made ofpartially dressed flax .

Pfi w été , n . a bird.

Pfi w ha, n . sowthistle, or any ve

getable used as greens.

Pfiwha, V. t. spit out. Ka pu

whaia nga kai ki waho .

Pfi whiira. n . astelia Banhsn ; a


p fi wharfiwhara, a. deaf{Pfi whénfimn . stay of a mast.

whakarae , V. i. lie exposed ; stickout. W Hakarae ana nga ku

mara ki runga .

whakarae , a 1 . green ; not dry.

He rakau whakarae . 2 . raw ;

not coo/ted. He kai whakarae

i tapaea mai nei ki a matou .

Bib i, a . open ; ex tended.

I . Rabi, n . servan t ; dependan t.II . R ab i, a. 1 . grea t (physicallyor morally) . Te rahi o ten eiWhare . Plural rarahi. 2 . p len

tiful. Kia rahi mai he kai.

3 . sometimes used in a pecu

liar con struction for o ther . Norahi o whenua ona raruraru ;

the troubles of other lands be

long to themselves.

rahin ga , n . 1 . largeness ; abun

dance. 2 . company ; party. K 0

Page 151: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 30

R inii, V. t. mix . He mea ranu

te kai n ei ki te hinu .

whakaranu ,V. t. mix .

R in iiiw itia, n . a plant.

R in gi, n . 1 . company of persons.

2 . shoal of fi sh.

ran ga , V. t. 1 . pull up by the

roo ts . Rangaa mai he taiawa.

2 . raise ; cast up . A,ka tupu ,

ka rangaa te one,ko te A hu

roa 3 . set in motion an

army &c . ; urge forwards . Ka

rangaa tan a taua hei tukituki

i te pa tuna.

ran garan ga, or riringi, V . i.

blow gen tly . Te hau e ata raranga mai n ei.—A ta rangarangaana te ta .

ritingi, V . t. weave. Ka rangaa

he ketewhakaran garan ga, V . t. ex tol.E whakarangaranga ana i a ia

te k oroke n ei.

Rin gihiu ,V. t. carry on a loop

I . R in gii, n . 1 . herd ; jlock.

Taku rangai parera, e torn te

kau . 2 . company . He rangaitangata e haere mai n ei.

II . R ingii, V . i . be raised in a

menacing a ttitude . Ka rangainga peke o te tangata ra, akua

n ei ka wero .

R ingip fi , 11 . company . Katahi

ka kiten atu te rangapu tangata

nei,e taka ana mai i raro i

nga rakauR in gitihi, V. i. be quick; move

quickly . Rangatahi tou waewae .

R ingitiri, n . 1 . chief; male orfemale . Kahore he rangatira oten ei whenua, ko toku matuaauake 2 . master or mistress. K o te ingoa o tokurangatira, ko te K ahureremoa

ran gatira, a. in a sta te of peace.He tohu whenua rangatira te


R in gi'

, n . 1 . sky. 2 . region abovethe clouds ; heaven . K ei hea

to k otiro ? E ! kei te rangi3 . wea ther . N a te rangi kinoi kore ai matou e haere . 4 .

day. Tapato ana nga tuakana,

whanga ana i tetehi rangi5 . division or p ortion of a song .

Rangi rua te haka n ei. 6 . air ;

tune . 7. tenour or drift of aspeech &c.

ran giran gi, V . t. 1 . annoy ; vex .

2 . must ; scorch.

rangiran gi, 11 . song to keep timein pulling.

R ingimirh , a . quiet ; peaceful.R in giéri, n . brachyglo ttis re~

panda ; a shrub .

R ingip irihi, n . person fully tatlooed.

Ringfi iri, n . giddiness. Ka taka

te rangiroro i toku matenga.

R in gitipii, n . scafi'

olding for raising a ridgepole .

R in gititi, n' black lava ; scoria .

R in gi, n . 1 . roller upon whi cha heavy body is dragged. 2 .

land overgrown with fern orscrub. 3 . fly .

R in gin i, passive of rongo . See

ron go .

Rab i, V. i . be choked. He pakute ikai raoa ai a Tamarereti.

R iorio , 11 . level or undulatingcoun try

I . R ip i, n . 1 . stern p ost of a

canoe . 2 . jhl t part of a spade.

3 . rapa maori, familiar spirit.rap a, a. 1 . having the toes unitedby a membrane ; webbed. Hewaewae rapa to te parera. 2 .

en twined. Rapa tonu te taura

ki te rakau .

rap arap a , 11 . flat par t of thefoo t,b etween the instep and the toes.

K ei toku raparapa toku mate,mamac katoa toku tinana. ra

parapa- rum,

a vari ety of potato .

Page 152: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

rarapi—R firfi.

riripi, v . i . flash forth. t arapahe uira.

whakarap a, n . fi sh basket.II . Ripe, for rapu, v . t. seeh;

lookfor .

3 5 pm n . girdle ; apron .

rapaki, v . i. be gir l up . Rapakirawa nga kakahn o Kapenga .

Rfipé, n . l . ta ttooing on the breech.

2 . a vari ety of potato .Bfipéa , ad . intensive. indeed.

Bapi, rarap i, V . t. clutch ; scratch.

E rapihia ana tou tinge e tongarara.

Bfipéi, n . swarm; cluster. N ao

manga iho a Run ki te rapoi

kutu nei

t apoi, v. i . hang together in a

clus ter . Te ngaro e rapoimaira. v . t. ga ther together . Ra

poia mai nga otaota.

Bfi pbpétb , v . i . be assembled .

Bip fi, v . t. 1 . seek; loohjb r . Ron

noa an e rapu ana i taka to

ki ; know i kitea. 2 . apply toany one for advi ce . N a koneimatou i rapu ai ki a koe . 3 .

t apat apa , v. i. be in doubt. Keiraparapa o k outou whakaaro .

Bfi pfi pfikfi , v. i . ba ll put forthbads .M n . twig ; sma ll branch.

Ki ri, n . l . rib. 2 . s tage on whichkumara are dried. 3 . shoal offish.

ram, v. i . I . be spread out on a

stage. Ka rare nga tuna ki

rungs ki te ahi. 2 . go in shoals .Kn ram nga ika ki runga i teknharnnga. 3 . brooch to be

thrown on the broadside. Ka

rare te poti , ka tahuri .Bari, v . i. make a con tinued sound.

Kn rare. nga waewae i te oxna

nga. roar . I rangona ki te

waho. e rota iho ena i te tau

.W harenga kowhatu o Moerangi

1 31

Riri, ad. there . See t a.

R iirfihii, see under rahu .

Rarfin gi, see under range .

Baran g‘

i, n . row ; rank.

Ramps, see under rap a.

R iiriipi, see under rap i.aerate, see under rate.

Bariu ,see under ran .

Rariuhé , n . pteris aqailina ; common fern .

Bariwé, see under raw e.

I . Bit e, a. dull ; stupid. He rarekoe .

II . Bite, v . i . lie. Kei te raretou nga t ongoa. v. t. carry.

Maku e rare tou kakahu.

Bari, n . a fish.

Bari, a. wet.


Bid , v . i . make an uproar .rari tera to tamariki.

Rit a, n . 1 . the bo ttom; the un

der side. L i ke names of pie.ces

,it is preceded by a when

it is the subject in a sentence,or when repea ted by way ofexplanation . W ith a preposition it is often equivalent toan adverb

,and may be render

ed, down ; down below. Ko te

puem i waiho i raro takoto ai

W hen preceded and fol

lowed by a proposition, it formsa complex prepositi on sign ifying, benea th ; under & 0 . Kua

nekehia atu ki raro i nga peketotab i o nga tanra, kua man

- Ka haere nei to tatoumatua

,ka haere hoki taton i

raro i one waewae . i.e . in his

train . 2 . the north. E ahu

ana nga waka ra ki ram. 3 .

for re or rangi; (lay. Mo eranga raro ena korero ; ten ei, motenei rangi .

Bath, and t arut aru , v . i . I . be in

difiiculty ; be perplexed. Heotiano, he ram to Mannie, heoti

g t

Ka rari toku ka


Page 153: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 32

an o ka maiki ia i tera wahilwhakarau , v. t.

2 . be hindered ; be en


whakararu ,n . hindrance ;


R ania, v . i.

R ate. ) 11 . meh'

osideros robusta ; a

tree .

R ita, a. 1 . tame ; quie t. He kararehe rarata amake . 2 . familiar ; friendly . Kaore te ta

maiti na i rate mai ki a an .

ratarata , a . 1 . clear ; not muddy .

Kei te ratarata ran ei te puna ?

2 . red - hot. Ka ratarata‘


powhatu o te nrnu . 3 . sharp ;cut ting . Batarata ana tera temeta o te toki n ei.

R atau , pron . for ra tou, they .

Ratb, v . i. be all served or provided. Ka rato nga tangata i

te utu .

whakarato , v. t. serve all round .

W Hakaratoa nga tamariki kite kai.

R fitbu , pron . they ; them.

I . Ball, 11 . 1 . leaf. 2 . blade .

II . Ran ,a . hundred . Takoto ana

te ran ma whitu i roto i tehangi Sometimes u sed tosignify other . Kua ata whaka

titee e raua irau rangi ra“ K ei ran 0 whenua e haereana.

whakarau , v . t. multiply . Ten eite he

,kei nga tangata ora


nana i whakarau te koreromona .

III . R 511 , v. t. 1 , ca tch in a net.

Kua riro a Koro ki te rau

inanga. 2 . ga ther into a bas

ket. Ran a nga mea na ki te

kete .

riirau , v . t. lay hold of; handle .

Kahore e raran o ringaringaki ro oneon e .

rfiriu , a. in cap tivity . K ei te

n oho rarau raua e noho n ei.

whakararu—Raurarahi' .

1 . tohe captive .

2 . lead away . K a whakaraua

ki te tuaahu

en W Hakarau - ora , tah'e alire ; savea captive alive.

be misled ; be dis whakarau ,n . cap tive .

R ana, pron . they two . U sed re

dundantly in speaking of two

persons together. K a mate a

Hou raua ko W Hakaturia

Also in addressing two personstogether : E Tama raua ko Maka !

Banaka, 11 . bed or [and in a cul

tivation .

R fiuarfihé , n . jronds of pterisaquilina . Para rauaruhe ; brown

growth of kumara leaves.

R auaw ii, 11 . a ttached sides of acan oe . To kau ana ko nga

rauawa auakeBauhan ga, a . deceitful.Rauhi, v . t. p lace together ; col

lect.Raukai, 11 leaves of which bashets are made for coohed food.

Rfiukawa, n . an odoriferousplan tused as a scent.

R ankeké, v. t. pull about rechlessly . Raukeke n oa te tamaitinei; e kore e takoto to mea .

R aukfimara, n . a speci es of senecio a plant.

R fiukfi ra, n . 1 . feather . 2 . a fish.

Réumarie, n . a fish.

R aumati, 11 . summer .

Raun i’

mfii, a. broad. Kia pehea

te raun unui o nga pou?

Rau p a, a. chapped ; erached (ofthe skin ) . Ka mate oku wae

wae i te raupa .

R A U PA N I , n . frying p an .

R éup éti, n . solanum, a plan t.

R aup i, v . t. cover up ; cherishtenderly : tohe care of: K a rau

pitia te roi ki te rau rakau .

Rau p b ,n . typha angustgfolia ;

bulrush, used for building.

Raurakau , n . see rau rekau .

Raurarahi, a . broad.

Page 155: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 34 whakarehu—Réré.

whakarehu ,v . t. 1 . give a relislz

to anything. He nui te kai

maori,ko te mea hei wheke

rehn e iti an s . 2 . cause todecline. E to e te re kiwhekerehue. iho .

R éi, n . 1 . breas t . 2 . [us/c or largetoo t/1 . 3 . anyt/iing made of ivory.

4 . any thing of grea t value ; je

W hakarei, n . l . carved war/s at

the head and stern of a can oe .

2 . canoe wit/z elabora tely carved figure bead, bus t and arms

R 515, see under rere .

Bein ge , n . derivative from rere .

1 . leap . 2 . p lace of dep artedspirits.

R éip fi té, n . boar wit/t tuslss.

R eira,n . tnut p lace , time or cir

cumstance , already men tioned .

K o .N G etoro i haere ki nga

raorao,ki te tekahi waipun a

i reira. N e. reira ; there

fore (past) . -Me. reira ; therefore (future) .

B éké, a. 1 . sweet ; pala table . Mei peka te kai n ei

,ke. reka . 2 .

p leasan t , agreeable. R eke. tonunga korero .

rekareka, a. 1 . p leasan t. 2 . tic/fl

ing ; itching . 3 . delighted .

B éké, n . 1 . a. mode of dressingthe hair in a. kn ot. 2 . ”was!

With a. stick.

rekereke , n . heel.

R ékfi, n . wbite dogs/tin mat.R émi


l , n . 1 . posteriors . 2 . lowerend of anything. K 0 nga remuo nga. riwai hei kaima. matou .

3 . lower nem of a garmen t.Rémfiréa, n . a. plan t.

R énii, v . t. stretc/z out. Renae.

rena ren a, a . full. K a. renarena.

te tai. It is high wa ter .

R én gi, 11 . good fern - roo t. X c

tehi kete renga, kotahi kete


rén garén ga, n . 1 . ar thropodiumcirrhatum, a plant. 2 . tetragonia expansa or N ew Z ealandspinach.

R 60 , 11 . 1 . voice. He reo tangatae wawaro mai n ei. 2 . speech.

Kua n anu te reo . 3 . language ;dialec t.

reoreo , n . l . a bird. 2 . p lain orundula ting coun try (R ) Com

pare raorao .

R ép it, n . 1 . belly of a shark. 2 .

a kind of mat ; the same as

R ép é, n . a kind of potato .rep erep e , n . dowry .

R ép é, n . 1 . swamp . 2 . sting ray ;8. fi sh. 3 . cannon .

rep orepo , n . a slippery weedgrowing on rocks.

R éra.

w hakarera, a. high.

R éré, v . i. 1 . run (as water) . 2 .

fly . R ere tonu ke kukupa, a

tau n oa atu i te matapihi o tewhere 0 Tinirau .

—be carriedaway. Me te buruburu manuka rere i te hau 3 . es

cap e . Kahore he rerenga o tauaope . 4 . sail. R ere n oa atu

ana,rere n oa atu ana

,he waka

i tona rerenga 5 . leap .

K a rere iho taua wahin e n ei

ki roto ki te koruarua

6 . pace to and fro in makinga speech. 7. rise or set, as

the havenl y b odies. He maramae ka rere ake ana i te pae te

ahuatanga—E to e te

ra,e rere ki te rua . 8 . be

born . K a rere ta TauW heoro,ko Hokinga . 9 .


be rejec ted.

Hoatu rawa ta taua korero kia Paoa

,rere ana i a ia .

1 0 .

hang. K o te here ka waihoki rere ana

Pass reia , or reren gia ,be run

upon or over ; be run after.K a reia taua wahin e e nga tan e

Page 156: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

re re 1 35

o reira be sailed over . be high up . Ka rewa te ta ki

Ka roa tenei wahi e reia nei runga.

e te nei waka rew a, n . most of a vessel.rere , n . l . w aterfall. 2 . shoal ; rew arew a, n . hnightia excelsa,

swarm. Ka man katoa te rere a tree .

kakara. whakarewa, v . t. 1 . put afloat.rere, ad. abrup tly ; sudden ly . Motu W Hakarewaia te waka. 2 . set

rere te tam-

a nei. in motion . Ka whakarawaia a

réréré, v . i . r un &c. to and fro . K ahnkura, a Itnpawa, a R ongowhakara e, v. t. 1 . cast away ; maireject. Mo whakarere en ei ra R éwai.

kau ; kua piran . 2 . leave ; for whakamwai, v . i . rain heavily .

sake . Katahi ka whakarcrea e I na nehn i mua ; muri iho karatou tera wahi. 3 . use a wea whakarewai, ka rahi ake te pata .

pon in striking a blow. Tahi Béwhi, n . eyelid. Manama kau

ano te whakarerenga iho o tans ana nga rewha.

meremere rew harewha, n . epidemic sichwhakara e , ad. suddenly. Ka ncss ; influenz a &e.

puta whakarare mai te ban to Bi, V. t shut out with a screen .

Isa riia te hau .

Ret é , int. demanding attention . rifln gi, n . screen . Homai nga

E hoa ! rere ! raupo naka hei rianga.

M 3 111 n . the evening s tar. Rim , v . i . strain ; put forthBéréhfi , n . the star whose appea strength. Riaka ana nga nana

rance marks the 9 th mon th ; ki te pupuri i a an .

perhaps { In/arcs . Riaki, v . t. lift up . No tana

Bereb u, v . i . be hea ted . Ka re~ riakanga i nga riwai nei. v. i .rehn te okeoke .

Bétel, ad. the re . E noimai rerei. Bianga , see ri.

M mii, n . a large kind of shark . Rio. a. two . E tie. (R )Bérep éhi, n . ta ttooing on the rienga, a. two . E rienga i a ma

tou . (R )Bérépari, n . a kind of crab . Bibi

,n . nit.

R érérfi a, a. double ; in two thich whakarihariha, a. 1 . disgusted.

nesses or folds. 2 . disgusting .

Ratio, n . grass or leaves on which Riki, a . l . restless in sleep ; ou

the food is laid in a native easy . I a an e moe ana,ka

oven. rika tera an . 2 . impa tient. Mehaere koutou ki te arahi i tohanga ka rika nei ki te haere .

M , a. deep . He wahi re to tera rikarika, a. 1 . abashed ; overaw

ed. Te rikarika to tangata ta

Bétfi rétfi , n . a water- plant. ki tona rangafira . 2 . havingBéufi, n . a shrub . misgivings. Kihai i rikarika

M V . i. 1 . melt ; become li taua patu, kihai i titiro . 3 .

quid . 2 . floa t . 3 . get under hesita ting . Te rikarika te whaka

way , start. Hobab i te man o o tikanga o te iwi nei.

nga waka, ka rewa ki te moana, whakar'


ikfi, v . i . 1 . be anxiouska hoe 4 . be elevated ; or apprehensive. Me to noho

Page 157: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 36 w hakarikarika R ir'


matou ; me te whakaririka akua Ripi'

,v. t. cut ; gash.

n ei matou ka tahuri . 2 . wait rip irip i, v . t. cut open . He ikaanxiously . W Hakaririka n oa ka ripiripia ; he ika ka hae

an a matou kia tika te hau . 3 . haea

cower ; crouch. rip i, n . stick to bill eels with.

whakarikarika , a. ex citing feel R ip 6 , n . 1 . whirlpool ; eddy ;ings of disgust ; disgusting . curl. 2 . deep pool. Kua tae

R iki, a. small. He ririki anake ki te ripo, kei reira te W Heke

en ei rakau . aMuturangi e n oho an a

rikiriki, a . 1 . in small portions U sed of the deep sea. Te ripe

or sec tions ; in fragmen ts. 2 . tauarai ki Oropi.K a mahora rikiriki tatou,

we rip o ,or rip orip o , a. eddying ;

are a ltogether sca ttered. curling . He hau ripo—KaB it é, v . i. mane . K a riko te puhia mai e te hau

,ka ripo

méraméi. ripoa te mura o te ahi.

rikoriko,a . dusky ; darkish. I R ira , a . strong . Ko ia an o te

te ahiahi rikoriko . rira 0 ten ei tangata ki te mahi.R ima, a . fi ve . whakarira, v . i . butforthstreng th ;Bimu , n . dacrydium cup ressinum, worlc hard. I runga ahau i te

a tree . whakarira, a ruwha n oa iho .

_ V V

rimurimu . n . 1 . seaweed . 2 . mass. e ap a , a . having flat p rojections.

He pukatea ten a rakau ina hokiRTN EN K

,n . linen . te rirapa.


inh, n . 1 . twist of two or three Rire , 11 . deep wa ter .

strands. R in o makawe,loch of R iri, v. i . 1 . be angry. K a rongo

friz z led hair. 2 . iron . ki te patunga o tana kuri, karin orin o , n . twist of two or three tahi ka riri . 2 . quarrel ; fight .s trands. Mo apopo taua riri ai

R in gii, ringarin ga ,11 . hand ; The passive is sometimes used

arm. impersonally. Katabi ka riria ;R in gi, ririn gi, v . t. 1 . pour out. then theyfoaght. v . t. rebuke ;Ringihia mai he wai i roto i forbid. Katabi te tangata n ei

te tahaa. 2 . throw in grea t ka riri kia kati te hakanumbers. Te ringihanga mai o riri, n . 1 . anger . 2 . quarrel.te tao o te manuka R iri taua nui

,war between two

Ripa, n . boundary line na tions . R iri taua whenua ;ripa ,

v. i . malfc a line or furrow . quarrel between tribes, ab outK ei te takahi i te ara

,a ta women ,

right to land & 0 . RiriW hiti n oa atu

,ripa ke atu, ripa tara Whare ; quarrel between dif

ke mai v . t. deprive an feren t sec tions of the same hapa .

atua of p ower . ririri, v . i. quarrel one with ano

rip arip a , v . t. put a border to . ther . K a ritiri nga wahin e n ei

Riparipaia ta tatou hangi .rip arip a , n . ta ttooing on the cheeks . R iriki, see riki.

B ip éka, a . lying across one ano R irio , v . i. be diminished. K a

ther . He ara ripeka, a cross road. ririo te mate o toku rmgan nga.

rip eka , n . cross . R iriu , see un der riu .

rip eka , v . t . I . lay across. 2 . R iriwai, n . stalfes in the bed of amarl: with a cross. 3 . crucify . river, to which n ets are attached.

Page 159: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 38 R ohfitii—ron goa.

I to rohi kumara matou i temara. a Mom.

B ohiitfi , n . myrtus obcordata ; a.

tree .

Roi, n . fern - root .roiroi, a. half- cooked. Ma wai

ten ei kai roiroi.

roiroi, v . t. tie up . Roiroia te


roiroi, n . dwarf.

roroi, v . t . gra te in to a p ulp .

roroi, n . humara grated or mashed.

whakaroiroi, v . i. wonder aboutbe unstable

,be unsettled.

Boimata, n . tears .

3 611 5, 11 . earcrement.rokoroko, n . a variety of potato .R ékohén ga, v. pass. be over takenor come upon ; be reached. R o

kohanga atu e au kua mate ke .

R okohin a , the same as rohoha

nga .

or rorokfi ,v . i . 1 . be

weighed down ; sin/c. He marama ka roku i te pae . 2 .

grow weak; decline . used of a

person dying ; of fire that Willn ot burn &c. W Hakaara 11 0 8.

an i a in,ka roroku tonu atu .

3 . act the coward ,submit to

mely to insult or degradation .

Roma, 11 . curren t ; stream.

R émi, or roromi, v. t. 1 . squeez e.

A ua e romia kei kutere . 2 .

p lunder.

E Bn i, v . t. 1 . bind , confine withcords &c. Kua tukua inaian ei,a inaianei kua ron aia 2 .

confi ne thatch to preven t it frombeing carried away by the Wind.

Kahore an o i ronaa te W hore .

3 . engulph. K a kawhakina o

to an kume,e to an ron a

4 . prepare cockles in the formof a pudding . K ei te ron a pipia Kin o .

B finéki, a . 1 . slop ing ; slan ting .

Te puke ron aki. 2 . gliding

easily . Te ngaru ,te aha


ron aki te haere—He hau tika ;ronaki tonu mai i muri .

Ron gé, v. t. pass. ran gon a . 1 .

bear . Kahore ran ei koe i rongo wawara o raro nei 11 a ? (3 3 )2 . feel. Katabi ka rangon e e

en te mamee . 3 . smell. Bongo

kau to tu pua ra i te hau

nga. ahua. tangata 4 .

taste. Ka kai a. K ae,ka rongo

i te reka 5 . obey . N G are

n oa,kihai hoki i rongo

r6r6n g6, v . t. repeat the commeacemen t of a song &0 . K atahi

ka rongohia. atu e R ongorongo

(1 0 8)ron go , n . l . tidings ,

report ; fame.K a nui n oa atu tona. rongo ;paku ana. ki nga iwi katoa. 2 .

peace after war. K3. mau te

rongo peace is made.Hohou rongo ; make peace.Rongo - a-whare ; peace broughtabou t by Me mediation of a moman . Bongo a marae ; peacebroug/it about by Me media tionof a man .

whakaron go , v . t . 1 . cause tobear ; infozm H ok i tonu te

purahorua ra ki te whakarongoi nga wahi i kap i i nga ta.

ngata 0 range 1 a te Amwa.2 . listen

,a ttend. E W haka

rongo an a mua. ki te putanga.

mai o te hau W Haka

rongo - uka,bear pain withfi rm


whakardngoa , n . noise. Te W hakarongoa 0 be tamaiti n ei!

U sed interjectionally. W Hakarongoa ! Hush !

R bn goa, v . t . 1 . preserve , takecare of. R ongoatia a tatou kaimo apop o . 2 . app ly medicinesto .

ron goa, n . 1 . anytbing p reserved.

Hen ce applied to drugs. 2 .

medicine remedy preservative

Page 160: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

against siennes or deatlz. Hemate. tawhito te karakia 9. Ta

mure hei t ongoa monaRbngiihfia, n . pere/z for b irds.

a gémiiéri, n . steep roof .

a g‘énfi. n . basket for cooked

food , used in some religi onsceremon i es.

Bfing5wfihi, v . t. muz zle . Hoatu,

rongowahatia ta tans. knri.

B fi pfi , n . l . slave ; servan t. Ka

tahi aMarntunhn mua. ko tans

rapa ka haere moi 2 .

single man : ledger in a fami ly.

d op i, n . potato .Rbpi, and rérépi, v . i . 1 . close .

R opia te kuwaha. 2 . cover up .

3 . use as a com ing . Ropiatou kakahu.

B b p'

iné, v. t. cover up . Ropinea

nga mea 11 8 hi wnenganni.

R bpfi , n . 1 . company of persons.

2 . clump of trees. 3 . gus t ofwind ; squall. Ks puta moi teropu hon

, mmmmto puehu ote whenua .

E firfi , a. 1 . pauwrles.r.

titiro , kua mm a Hirin i . 2 .

la zy . K atahito mm o to koutou mahi .

R éré, n . snare ; trap .

t ore , v . t. ensnare . Kn puta te

kiore ki roto , kn rorea.

tore , a. 1 . deceitful. Ho rorenoa te mahi a to tangata m.

2 . weary. 3 . in toxica ted .

rorerore , a. l . en tangled . 2 . en

ereuting , relax ing . Ro rcrore

ena tom te whiti o to m.

whakarorerore , v. t. bind. Heaha te tikanga kn whakarore

roren noatia nei an e koe ?

Bbréa, n . tide- bore .

Bb ri, v . t. l . bind.


t ori, a. en tangled. I reira nga

whakaheke e rori ana .

tori, n . l . basket in initial: coelrles

2 . ga l/tar

K i takn l


are gal/cereal. 2 . animalc ulcn in

tbc sea .

Bfiri, a .

kanae .

Boris, n . jew’

s Izarp .

Bore, n . l . brains , marrow. 2 .

en trance ; door way.

Boron, see under roe.

Bdréii, n . a fish.

Réréhu, v. i . whiz , buz z .

R G rBrES, n . 1 . young moire tree.2 . pieces of wood rubbed {0

get/zer to p rocure fi re. 3 . ant.

Rétfi, n . a fish.

Bb tiri, n . fierce looks. Ka tu

nmi tern nga rotari .roteri, a. fierce.I . 11 . take .

11 . R ota , 11 . treated in construc

tion like the proper name ofa place . 1 . (be inside . K 0 rotoo te where

,i ki katoa i to ta

ngata. K i roto ki; in to ; in .

K i roto i ; i roto i ; hei roto i&c. in . Sometimes used w ithan ellipsis of the prepositionfollowing. He kaima roto puku

See also t o . 2 . {be

midst. Ks tu nga tokotoko kiroto ki te otoo le 3 . placesin land , or up a river.

3 6th, and rorbtii, a. beavy . Ro

rotu ans nga kanohi i to woo.

rfirétfi , v . t. oppress witn sleep .

Kn t otue te where e nga wa

hine re

3 5 11, v . t. 1 . read : or procure bymeans of a po le or stick. Rona

he kieki e mo. tatou. 2 . co llec tcookies or other shell fish. Ke ite rou kakahi

rou ,11 . long slick used to reach

anything wi th.

rourou, 11 . small bas/ret for cooked food.

R ou tu , n . comb.

w héa , a. weary. Kn rowhea

noa iho an i te mahinga.

B i], V. t. s/cabc. Ks ru i ana ma

distorterl. K s rori nga

Page 161: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

140 ru ~ R fin ga.

kawe v . i. sbake . Ru R iiki’

i, v . t. divefor. Kei te rukuana te whenua . paua nga tangata .

ru,11 . eartbquake . rukuruku , 11 . small basket or

rfi rfi , v . t. snake. basket kalf f ull. K o te rukuI . R iia

,a. two. ruku a W Hakaotirangi. a pro

ru aru a, a . of two minds ; in doubt. verb for scarcity of fo od.

K a ruar ua toku ngakau . rukuruku , v . t. ga ther up in torfi riia , ad. bot/z equally . E tika small compass. Rukuruku Hururua an a raua. naa

,horahora Papakanui. a pro

II . R iia , n . 1 . pit ; bole . Me verb expressing the superiorityhaere au ki roto ki te rua n oho of plain serviceable garmentsai 2 . p ota to store. 3 . to those which are merely or

grave . n amental Hunaa being the namewhakaru a, n . nortlz cast seabreeze . of a place where fin e flax was

W Hakarua- kopito ; a kind of grown and Papakanui that oforn amen tal work in the inte a kiekie thi cket.rior of native bu ildings. riiriikii, v . t. I. draw togetker

R u ahin e , see ru awhin e . will: a cord. W Hiria he tauraR iiaki, v . t. vomit. K a ruakina hei ruruku i nga pakitara o tote kai kiwaho . W hakapai ru whare . 2 . bind togetber anyaki; kave a feeling of nausea . thing that is broken or fallen

R fi a -kbauau ,n . kumara s tore . to pieces. Pass. ruku tia.

B i'

l aran gi, a. large (of an imals) . rfi rfikfi,n . band ; girdle . Homai

He kuri marangi. teteb i ruruku kia piri ai.B iia- tfihiihfi , n . pota to store . Riimi, 11 . room, apartment.R fi atfip ii, a. kaving two en tran I . R fimaki, n . basket of seed po

ces. A n o he kiore e mau ana tatoes.

ite tawhiti whakaruatapu (1 6 0 ) . II. R iimaki, v. t. duck in tbc

R fi atari 11 . large liz ard. wa ter . v . i. stoop ; bow. Ka

R u a- tiraw a, 11 . store with an ex rumaki tonu te pan e ki raro kicavated floor . to hoe .

B fi afim6k5 , n . Ike demon of eartk I . R ina, n . l . rumex flexuosus

quakes . Te tini o Ruaumoko . dock. 2 . a water plant.

R iiawahia, n . a star which ap II . R i'

mii, v. t. 1 . tie togetker ;

p ears in the 9th month. draw togetker . K otahi tonu teR fi eké, n . veranda/z. kete i runaia ai. 2 . steer . Ru

R iihi, a. weak; exkausted. naa te ihu o te waka ki waho .rfi rfihi, 11 . old woman . 3 . reduce ; pare down . Runaa

whakaruhi, v. t. enerva te . Ka mai nga taha o te rakau kia

whakamhirnhia te tangata e iti mai.ten ei mate . run an ga, n . assembly ; council.

B fii, v . t. scatter ; sow . ru nan ga , v . t. discuss at a meetR iikiiriika, a . indefinite . I ma ing .

hue rukaruka te korero n ei,R iin ga, 11 . treated in construc

kahore hoki i marama. tion like proper n ames of places.

R i’


, v . t. tkrow. Rukea te ku 1 . tke top ; tke upper par t. He

penga ki te moana. mea puhipuhi a runga ki te

whakaruke , v . t. strike. Me wha puhi kereru Ki runga ;karuke te kuri ki te rakau . upwards ; on big/t. I runga ;

Page 163: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

142 tats—whakataha.

4 . stern of a can oe. 5 . slu'

n ;

(or tats) lower join t of the leg .

6 . wind. He ta tika ten ei mote kaipuke .

v. t. bale water out of a

can oe .

tata, n . vessel used to bale wit/z.

tata, V. t. 1 . daslz down . 2 . breakto pieces by dashing on the

ground. Hen ce cleave ; split up .

Tatakia te rakau na hei wabiema taua. 3 . stri/fe repeatedlywith a stick; bea t. 4 . oppose ;con tradic t. E pa, he kupu tata

to kupu . See tatfi .

tan gi, n . 1 . circums tance , time orp lace of dd s/ling &c. 2 . company

,relay. Haere tonu atu

te tanga o mua - E torn

tanga o toku kaainga ka n ohoatu apopo . 3 . place wlzere a

seine is worked . Kia tae atu

eu ki te kawe i te hau o ten eitanga ika

II . T5 , n . amode of address amongtribes on the E ast coast. Eta !

III. Ta, a parti cle comp ounded of‘te

the, and ‘a’

of. Plural ‘a’


‘Ta Raumati kupenga’

is equivalen t to ‘

te kapenga a Ran



Taaw hé, v. i . 1 . go round a car

ner. A ka taaW he ratou i MariW henua 2 . be travell

ed allO

round. Ka taawhe i a

an te motu nei te haere .

Taawhi. V. t. supp ress feelings &c.

Taawhi n oa iho an a,e totoko

tonu ake an a i roto i te nga

kau te W han owhan oa

taawhitaawhi, v . i. bang baa/f .

K ihai ia i taawhitaawhi , kia

whakaaroaro ran ei,kia aha

ran eiTie . V . i. 1 . arrive. Kua tae man

a Face. kito matou where2 . go . He aha koa ra

,ko koe

kia tae ; keci arm. 3 . react:

t/ze utmost limit. K a tae te

roa o to kai Pass. taea .

1 . be reached. Ka taea te taingawai o te ihu Hen ceoften equivalen t to as for as ;

un til. Kn. n oho kiPiako,taea

n oatia te ngahuru . 2 . be equall

ed. Kahore he tangata e taeaai Te Horo

,te oha. 3 . be ef

fected ; be accomp lisbed. K a taeae au ten ei

,ka taea hoki e au

tera atu aian ei OftenWith an infinitive verb to de

n ote the character of the action .

E kore e ta ea te whai4 . be overcome ; be taken . Hepa taea .

W hakataetae , v . i. try streng tli ;

con tend . K a mea a Tamure kiawhakataetae ia kia Kiki (17

Tie , 11 . 1 . exuda tion from plan ts.

2 . dye . Kua hemo te tae onga kakahu .

Taeaka, n . a variety of potato .

Taeka, for taea. See under tae .

Taeki, v . i . lie . Hei k ona ta

eki ai.

Taematfikii, a . purulen t. Ka

taematukutia a roto o to mate .

T5 6 25, 11 . t/zic/ret of kiekie or kareao . Me te taeo pirita.

Taepa,v . i . bang down . Kei

hopu tou ringa ki te aka tae

pa ; engari kia mau ki te aka

matua Te taepaepatangao te rangi the place urnere

the sky bangs down to the ba

riz on .

taep a , n . fence .

Tahiti, n . 1 . side. K ei te taha ote wai e takoto ana. 2 . leafof flax plant.

taha, v . i . pass on one side ; goby . K a taha te patu i tonaangaanga

tahataha, n . steep ban/f of a river.whakataha , whakatataha , v . i.

go on one side ; steal. W Haka

tataba ana ; ko Antebi ano.

Page 164: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


whakatahataha, v. i . turn from L Tahau , 11 . front part of the

side to side. thigh.

Tana, n . calabash. Katabi ka ‘ II . Tihéu ,pron . for tau


utu te tangata ra i taua taha lTfihfiW fihfiwi, v. t. con tamina te1 with something


. He ahaTib ia, v . t. I . stea l. A kuan ei, i i tahawahawatia ai e koe nga

whakapaea iho, na Hotunui i kai?

tabac 2 . do any thing by T511 5, 11 . l . menses . 2 . abortion.

s tealth. whakatahe , n . abor tion .

tahae, n . 1 . thief. 2 . youngfel whakatane, v . t. clear from ob

low ; person . 3 . fi lth I s truction . Ka whakatahea te

Tfihfiké, 11 . you ng fellow ; person . awa kia rere ai te wai.

Tabiki, n .

1. one side. Haere Tfihé, n . calabosh.

ana to wahine m ki taliaki ta Tahéhi, n . a small mat.ngi ai 2 . the shore , re Tfihéi, v. t. divide by a crease or

garded from the water. Ka narrow stripe . Taheitia te pu

tata ki tahaki, ka tutu a Tua kapuka.

nui tahei, a. divided by a crease orm for take . See taku . stripe . He poaka tahei; a black

Tfihingfi , a. 1 . naked . K 0 tc pig , with a narrow white stripenei tangata e n oho tahanga nei, ! crossing its back.

kahore he wemweru. 2 ' empty . Tfihéké, v . i . descend .

tab anga, ad. modera te ly , a little . taheke , a. quick. Kia taheke teRana e waiho te wai kia ko -

i haere .

ropupu : kia sverawera whanga. mheke, n . umter/

att ; rapid .

Tfihaohio , v . 1 . cease (of rain) tahekeheke, a. striped ; streaked .

Kua tahaohao to ma . wrahéré, v. t. tie ,

ensnarc. Kn.m aps. V

ki. 1 ' W “ by. R i

b: haere ki to tahere huahna matahapa e to kaipnke . 2 ‘ ratou


. v. i . hang oneself.


tqft be md Kua tahopa herI. T611 1, 1 , one . 2 . unique ;muri to kaainga.

tahapa. a. at an acute angle . Z?"0


5:E tahi $6 0 118.


h0Ho awa tahapa ,

a ru er w tt‘

tahi, ad. 1 . together . Haere mmmakes an acute angle with the

“ a at its may“. Ha a“ taana raua kt waho . 2 . through

Tahi mai ano i te ihuhapa, ka pm to beam; tona ka


poupou ki waho, ka k ino .

a te noko atu 3 '

“ 11 51‘t v. i . be diminished.

altogether. Paran taln to korero.

K3 taharaham nga wahia.

II . T611 1. v . L sweep . Tahia to

Tib ia l, n . sea - shore .

W ham.

Tib itikfi, n . coas t line. Kei te “1mm V 1 “MP? .

E ta“

taunuha haere mai 3 Talkt hl tahl 11 0 8. 18 l n W flpl . 2 .

ma i nga whenua katoa o te “m?" lightly. Kahore 1 fabltahati ka tab: kl taka waewae ; 1 pa

mam, n . 1 . upper edge of a homo .

se ine or of a can oe fl ail. tahitahj, ad. within a little ;riz on . N a taku potiki koe i Tabitabi tonn taua kfl rm 1

fiki k; to mm 0 ts rangi mua ake n ei.

Time, 11 . the day af ter tomor

Page 165: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 44 TahiW i- m’raiap ii.

row . A tahira te eke ai ki


Tahiwi, n . hear t of a tree . Herakau tawhito, e mau te taitea

i waho, e tu te tahiwi.

Tahéatii, n . pumice stone.Tahoe

,v . i. stretch out the arms

alternately in swimming.

Tfihfihfi , a. soft ; pulpy . Tab ob on oa nga p ititi nei.

Tahbrii, v . t. ga ther fruit off a

tree . Me tahora he matai kiro rahu .

Tahbram. uncultiva ted open country . K eiwaenga tahora e haerean a.


hbrb, V . t. 1 . cause to crumbledown ; throw down a heap orstructure . Tahoroa nga pukepnke . 2 . pour out. Ka. oti te

tahoro to wai o te karaha .

Tahu, for tahfihn, see tahuhu .

I . Tahfi, n . 1 . husband ; sp ouse.2 . any other near relative . Ta

ngi- a - tahu ; dirge .

II . Tahii, v . t. 1 . set on fi re ;

light. N a nga tangata a Puhii tahu te whare . 2 . lend a

fire . Kia pai te tahu o te ahi,

kei paoa . 3 . cool: Tahun a hekai kia ora ai te haere .

Tahiia , n . heap of fo od.

Tahfihii, n . l . ridgepole of a

house . 2 . line of ancestry .

tahuhu , v. i . ran in a con tinuousline. E tahuhu haere n ei an o

toku ingoa ki toku tupuna ki

a Man aiaTahiin a, n . 1 . shoal ; sandbanh.

2 . seaside,beach. 3 . bed or

land in a cultivation,divided

off by furrows. 4 . battlefield.

Ka mate te hoariri,ka riro te

tahuna i tetahi.Tahi

'mé, n . seed- down of raupoor typha angustzfolia .

Tahiingé, 11 . any downy sub


Tfihiipéra, a fi l lse . K o nga ko

rero tahupera an o te tn 0 nga

korero inaian ei.Tahfi ran gi, n . beings resemblingfairies.

Tahuri, v. i . 1 . turn oneself. 2 .

turn over ; upset. Kua tahuri tewaka . 3 . turn to ; set to worlt.

Tahuri haehaea te ika neitfihfi rihfi ri, 11 . head .

Tahi ti, v. i . run away . K a meate wahin e n ei kia haere atu ia

kia tahuti 2 . Tahutimail a cry of welcome .

I . Tai, n . 1 . sea . W ai tai; sea

wa ter. 2 . tide. Kia pari tetai ka hoe matou . Taitai nu

n ui; spring tides. Taitai ririki,or tai kawa, neap tia



II . Tai, n . a term of address inspeaking to a married woman .

E tai!

III . Tii, n . the other side . Keitai atu ,


IV . Tiii.

taitai, v . t. remove tapu from a

n ewly built can oe : a ceremonyaccompanied with the sacrificeof a slave . Hen ce


‘He ta itainga waka koe n oku’

is equivalent to ‘

you are my slave’.Ka taitaia te waka

Taiaha, n . a flat weapon of hardwo od, about 5ft long, havingon e end carved in the shapeof a tongu e .

Taiamiki, v . i. wander .

Taiap fi, v . t. I . carry in the

arms. 2 . covet. K a taiapotia

te kainga.

Taiapii, v . t. assault ; try to talfeby storm. A whea ta taua pa

te taiaputia aiP—U sed also ofa star when in close conjunction with the moon . Kei tetaiapu te whetu i te marama.

This is considered a sign of war,and indicative of the successof one side or the other according to the position of the star.

Page 167: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

146 Taitamar‘


for an unsuccessful fishing ex

cursion .

Tfiitamariki, 11 . young man :young person of either sex .

Taitamahin é, n . young woman .

Tiiitatfi, a near . Kihai an o i

taitata atu

Taitéa, 11 . white wood ; sap .

taitea , a . fearf ul ; timid . He manawa taitea .

Taitiia, n . 1 . the further side ofany solid body. Kei taitua ote where . 2 . for tai tua,


s tern sea . See tu a.

Taitfiri, n . dew .

Tfiifirfi ,v. i. lean ; decline from

the perpendicular . Kia taiuru

te tn o te taiepa .

Taiw aru , n . a fish.

I . Take, v . i. 1 . fall ofli Takaana ki raro tukoto ai 2 .

fall away ; desist . Ka taka ra

tou ki raro o ta ratou mahi .3 . turn on a pivo t. 4 . undergochange in direc tion . A kuan ei

ka taka tonga te hau . 5 . go

round . Kua taka nga waka ki

tua. 6 . range , roam a t large .

E taka mai ra nga tamariki iwaho . 7. fall to one

’s lot or

turn . Kua taka mai hi a an

te mea nui.

taka, ad. on all sides ; round .

tatakii, v . i. fall frequen tly or innumbers.

whakataka, v . t. I. throw down ;cause to fa ll of}. 2 . master ;assemble . Kua riro a Te Horoki te whakataka taua. 3 . sur

round. K atahi te hokowhitu

ra ka whakataka i taua whare,a,taka noa v . i . tahe a

circuitous course . E whakataka

ana te ara konihi 3. Te Puhihu ia

whakataka- riri, a . 1 . ro uszngindignation ; vexa tious. 2 . vex


whakataka, n . herd. Ks. tak i

rau nga kararehe i te whaka

taka kotahi.

II . T511 5 , v . t. 1 . prepare . Manga pon onga e taka he kai.

2 . taka whakaaro, mahara &c.

en tertain a design ; propose . Ka

taka a W'

Hakatau i te maharakia haere ia ki te takitaki ite mate o ton a tuakana

takataka , v . t. mahe ready .

III . Taka, v . i. lie in a heap .

taka , n . heap . Me hu ihui a ta

tou kumara kia kotahi te taka .

I . Taka, n . ba tten which covers.the outside of the jo int of theranawa of a can oe . He taka towaho

,he paewai to roto .

II . T511 5 , v. t. fas ten a fishhook

to a line. Katab i a Mau i kataka i tana matau

taka,n . thread by which the hook

is fasten ed to the lin e.

Takfiawhé, a. circuitous. He ara


Tfikfihé , v . i . go wrong ; come tonothing . Mehemea ka takaheta korna tukunga ki te pakeha,katahi ano ka taea te pana i

te pakeha .


, v . t. 1 . trample. E ta

kahi an a nga tamariki i nga

kumara. 2 . p lace the foot on

anything to hold it. K o te

wahin e tena n ana i takahi te

kauahi,he wahin e tapu hoki .

3 . p lunder. 4 . disobey. Kua

takahia nga kupu i rongo ra

ratou 5 . intransitively,dance . K atahi ra ka takahia

takahi, n . that part of the trunkof a tree which is nearest tothe ground.

takahan ga ,n . 1 . circumstance

&c. of tramp ling . 2 . sole ofthe foot.

Takahba , n . companion .


iré,n . 1 . widower ; widow .

2 . nahed person .

Page 168: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Tékii- w taketake. 147

Tikfii , v . t. 1 . wrap up ; wrap Takariri, whakatakariri. See

round . He mea apoapo e te under taka.

rimu, takai atu, takai mai Tfikarita, v . i. shew resentment,2 . wind round. Kia ata takarita.

takai, n . wrapper ; covering . takaritarita, a. reared : annoyed .

takatakai, v . t. wind round and l . Tfikaré ,v. i . play ; sport. Pass.

round. takarohia ; be played with.

‘I‘Ekiki, n. 1 . common fern ; takaro , 11 . game ; play.

pteris aquilina . Ka mate okn iII. Takiré , ad. by and bye ; pre

waewae i te ngaunga a te ta sent/y . Takaro tatou e haere .

haha. 2 . fibres in fernroo t. zTfikfirfiré, v. t. men tion repealTikékfiu , n . l . slo th: straw. edly. He aha toku ingoe i

fore- arm. waiho aihei takaruretanga i rum an. a. 1 . free from busi nga i to ngutu o to tangata


ness : at leisure . Taihoa e ha ere v . i . become listless . He taka

kia takakau ; kei haere mahara- i ruretanga mahi, mahue ake .

hara ts ngakau 2 . free iTfikfitfi p fii, n . in tima te companion

from the marriage tie . of the same sex .

Tikimh gémingb , v. i. turn Tikfittl, a . prepared ; ready.



round . Takamingomingo arma takatu nga tangata ki to haere.raro o te whenua. Tfikfiu, a. sloping abrup tly . steep .

M ia , v . i . writhe ; roll. Tékfiwfiengfi ,n . go

- betu 'ecn ;

Tfikfiéngé, v. i . be in want. Ta media tor .

kaouge noa i t o ngahere ; ko i Takawfii, v. t. anoin t . E takakai, k o i aha. wai aua in i tona upoko. (R )M bré, n . ring on the log of Tikiwé , v. t. sting over the

a captive b ird, to prevent the shoulder .

string from cutting it Tfikiwhiki, v . i . roata'

at null.

W riori, v . i . writhe ; ro ll Takawhaki kc noa atu nga ta

oaer and over . marik i : kaorc o n oho ki nga

matua .

kapapna te kete . W W hétfi W hétfi , v . i. writhe ;M pia , n . ma t to sleep on . loss oneself. Kn hinga ka ta

Hurihanga takapau ; coa rlnsion kawhctawhctu nga waewac .

of the ‘parc’ cemmo ny. Ka hue Takfiwiri, a. tuulsted. He rakaurihia te hurihauga takapau ; ka takawiri; e kore e akoako .

11 0 3 m a, v . i . absent oneself: Taketakapau, V . t. setfm from


. koanga : whakapiri ngahuru ;Kn takapauria L as t a t work but fi rs t at the

of a drag n et. Také, n . 1 . roo t ; stump . 2 . postTikipfii, a. going about in «mm for the palisading of a pa . 3 .


Tfikhp iiké. v . t. plant in hit/act's. taketake , n . 1 . lower poin t ofMe takapuke nga purapura. the soil of a canoe . 2 . stick

m aré, a. eager ; strenuous . E fas tened to the end of a sometakare ana ahau ki te haere . to keep it stretched.

Tfikfirékb, a. threa tening rain .

He man ugai , ina e takareko nei. firm,tas ting . He rongo take

1 0 ”

Page 169: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


take . 2 . certain , on good outbority . Katabi matou ka rongotaketake ki nga korero mo te

matenga. o nga tangata 0 Tu

ranga . 3 . own . He mahi ta

ketake nana .

I . Takéké, guardzfi sli .

II . Takéké, a. altogetber acquir

ed. Takeke n oa nga tinikupu

maori i a koutou .

III . Takéké , V. t . make a n et.

R okohanga atu e an e takekeana i te kupenga .

takeken ga, n . mes/z of a net.

Tiikékétfin gii, n . a fish.

Takere, 11 . bed of a can oe &c.

tfikérekéré, n . tlzread to lasb tbc

bait on to a fishhook. K o te

takai o te mounu ,he takers

kere .

W hakatakere , 11 . 1 . bottom ofdeep wa ter , bcd of a river. 2 .

s tragglers from an army orcompany of travellers.

Tfikéréhfiifi , 11 . open ren t in tbe

bo ttom of a can oe ; dangerouslean E hara i te aurukowhao ;

he takerehaia. Often appliedto irretri evable misfortunes.

TEki, V . t. 1 . tal e to one side ;tal e out of


tbe way . K 0 nga

he 0 mua,

i uru ano ahau ki

roto : ko ten ei he, me taki an

i toku tinana ki uta. 2 . falsefood from [be fi re . Ka maoanga kai na : takina .

I . T511 1, V. t. 1 . track; low witha line from tbc share. 2 . be

gin or con tinue a speech. K a

takina e Raharuhi ana koreroki nga korero o era rangi. 3 .

challenge. Takima te taua. 4 .

intransitively, make a space/z.

K ei rnnga ko Hotunui e takiana ; Haere mai e taku tamaiti;haere mai ki Hauraki

takitaki, i. V. t. l . recite a song& 0 . Ka takitakina ona puha .

2 . provoke . K a takitakina kia

Takéké —T5.kitini.

pamaro ai te haerenga mai kiwaho o to r ua 3 . trace

out ; tool. for . 4 . avenge . Ehaere ana ki te takitaki i tomate 0 tona. papa. ii. V . i. 1 .

rise . K a takitaki mai nga ka

wainga o te ata. 2 . down . K a

takitaki mai te ata .


n . fence .

whakataki, V . t. 1 . conduct . Maku

koe e whakataki, kia tika ai

to haere . 2 . begin or con tinuea speecb . 3 . go in searclt. of ;

R a haere taua ki

taku kotirol trace out.

to whakataki i

II . Taki, or tataki, ad. 1 . giv

ing a distributive force to nu

merals. Takirua,by twos ; two

at a time . 2 . den oting that

W hat is said appli es to eachon e individually. Kua takimaumau tbey were everyone of tlzem cauglzt.

Takiekie , n . a kind of eel.

Talkihi, n . kidney .

Takira, n . tbc moon on tbe ni

neteentli day.

Takiri, V . t . 1 . un tie ; loosen .

Hutia te punga, takiritia hokinga ra 2 . disengage thefibre of flax . Kei te takiriW hitau . 3 . free from


He takiritanga kainga. 4 . drawaway sudden ly. Ka takiritia

mai te taha i roto i te wai

V . i. 1 . star t convulsive/y ;fly back as a spring. 3 . ruslz;

cbarge . Kia paia te takiri . 4 .

dawn . K 8. takiri te ata.

Takirikau , n . a Variety of plzormium tenor , the fibre of whichis disengaged Without the use

of a shell. See tihore.

Takitaro , a word den oting a. shortlapse of time . Kia takitaro

taua ka haere . W e will go in

a little wbile. See taro .

Takltmi, ad. in crowds. Kaore

Page 171: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

15 0 rema p -m s.

the women children . He ana,he tamariki hoki u ana .

wab i e takurutu,firewood tha t 2 . plural for tamaiti, children .

will not blaz e. Tamfitéa, n . the stErt/I , seventh,Tfikfi tifi ,

n . sea - coast . eighth and nin th days of the

Time, 11 . son ; eldes t son . Te moon ’s age , called respectivelytama a Rehua

,ko Kaitangata . tama tea- tu- tahi, tamatea - tu- rua ,

tamatama , v . t. trea t withmarks tamatea - tu- toru , and tama tea- tu

of disgus t. Ka tamatamatia te wha .

wahin e whakarawai. Tamau , v . t. fasten . TamautiaW hakatamatama, v. i. be above rawatia to W here ; kei waihodoing a thing ; be too proud. kia tuW hera .

K atahi ano te tangata whaka Tame, and tametame, v. i. 1 .

tamatama ki te taka kai. smack the lips. 2 . eat.

Tamaahfi , v . t. remove the ‘tapn’tame , 11 . food.

from a kumara ground before Taméné, v. i. be assembled. Kua

taking up the crop . Katab i tamen e mai nga tamariki.ka tamaahutia te kai. —Tututu Tami, v . t. 1 . press down Withkai-kore ; tamanha kai nui. a weight. A ua te tamia te

tamaahu ,n . fi rst/

rails of humara . rahurahu,kei pirau te kapura.

Tamaarfia , n . son . 2 . rep ress. I tamia ra hoki 6

M anama, v. t. cool: a second ia taku korero .time ; warm up cooked food . Tambe , V. t. 1 . press flat. E

Tamahin é, n . daughter. plural tamoe ra i te rauaruhe . 2 .

tfimfihine. smother ; rep ress. Tukua kia

Tamfiiti, 11 . child. on ly used in puta te korero ; aua e tamoea.

the singular. plural tamariki. 3 . leave for a long time in the

Tfimfika, 11 . round cord pla tted process of T3 11.

1 0 6 8: ta

with fi ve strands tatou poaka kla maoa al.

Tfimfiki, v. i . star t involun tarily .tamoe , 11 humara used In the

Taminga- kb’

tbré, 1 . younges t v


GeremonYchild in a family. 2 , nex t Tambml , v. 1 . be engulplzed. Kua

younges t brother or sister. tamomi te tangata ki te 11 11 .

Tamaoka, a . cooked. Kia koro Tamfi imfii, V ' L throng ; crowd

huhutia,kia tamaoka iho ka v




kai.Tamumi'l , v . 1 . hum.

Tamfiré, n . snapper ; a fish.

Tana, pron . his ; her ; its. plural

an a. See prep . a .

V V v

TZ N Z,11 . ton

Tamaramara , a. swaggerzng . Tane, a . ”20 13 .

whakatamaramara , V i 1 . strut ; tan e , n . husband. Kahore an o a

swagger W Hakatamaramara Tangotango imohio ko Tawhakiana te haere a te tangata ra . ten ei

,ko tan g, tan e

2 . expos tula te. I a ia i roto i 111511 53 , v . i , be elm/fed,


W fil,ka whakatamaramara Tanekaha, n . phyllocladus tricho

111 3 1,ka mea 11 13 1


‘A tama ra, manoides ; a tree .

waiho nu 1 Hikurangi (1 1 1 ) Tan éwha, V. i. lie . (R )Tamariki, n. 1 . child ; (opposed Tan lkti, n . ornamen tal border ofto adult) . Waiho kia takaro a mat. Kahu taniko

whakatamarahi, v. i . boast oneself ; act p roudly .

Page 172: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Taniwha—Tingo. 15 1

Taniwha. 11 . a fabulous reptile l'l'angaraamfi a , n . Mea ty- third

supposed to reside in deep wa day of the moon’s age.

ter. Tin girfiarbtfi , n . twen ty -fourthTin be , v. i. be sprained. He ta day of the moon '

s age .

noe toku mate . ranged ,11 . man ; human being .

Tin én'

i, v . i . be sprained. Kua ! He tangata an o i reira, ko nga

ten oni toku waewae . tangata whenua ake ano o te

Tfin fi ,v . t. 1 bury . I ta numia nei motu

hi roto ki nga butinge huru ltangata - tawhito , ma ter - hen orhum mauu 2 . p lan t. puke/co .

Tinfikfi , v . i . l . crumble dawn . Tingitikimbri , a. small ; ia

2 . swa llow sa lira . O ta nuku;s ignifican t . Kahore i tangata

ana te korok oro i te wahi . kimori te putanga mai o tauaTin fimi


, v . i . disappea r behind hau .

an object. Kua tanumikim lTfin géo , n . tetrauthera calicaris,

tfinfimi, V . 1. fold doable. a tree .

W V. i . be assembled. Tanga tangao , a . acrid. Tengc o tonukau nga tamarikia Rewa. See te taro noi.

also under ta . Tangeré, 11 . heel of a can oe &c.

lTan gi, v i 1 . cry ; gire fi irth a

titan gi, a. quick. Me whaka -

l sound. E tangi he p1i i nga

rite nga hoe kia rite rewa , kia i po katoa, ko an tonatuta nga aitatou 1c puta kiwaho ' 2 . weep ; utter a p lain tive cry ,

as a token of grief. Hae re“BM a . 1 . loose ; no t tight ana te wahiue m hi tahaki ta

Ka tangatanga nga pou o te ngi ai 3 sing a dirgewhere. 2 . easy ; freejrompain . or lamen t . 4 . cry as a tokenKo to ku tinana kn tangatanga ; l of affecti on . Kia ata tangi takei aku wacwae anake te ma tou kei rongo maiaku hua

5 . sa lute . Kahore ana kupumai, ko te tangi kau mai; heoi



l1 3 111 356 11856 , 11 . umbilical cord.

Tangahan geha, n . 3 am 1 ano

Taught, n . l . burl ; peel 2 . oer - ltangi, sound. To tangi oviral vertebrrr . l nga pu a Tutanekai 2 .

Tinginai, ad (used by R for Iamen tation . Katahika whaka

teua ko tenei) but now ; but as lhuatia iho 6 te “1 1183 11 6 taua

for this .tangi Tangi a- tahu, dirge .

T'Kn gfi ngfi (L l l M.

titing i, V. 1 . jingle ; ra ttle .

tangan gg , 11 . iti-Zégzzm’fgmmp whakatangi, v. t. cause to sound.

followers . Ilokowhitn te ihoK3 whakatangx 3 “ t{ihu ko


sue 111 11 e tanganga a

whakatangitang i, n . a speciesof metrosi .de l os

Tangangao ,v,1 . subside . Kn

Tan g lti, v i lie E tangita maitangangao te ngar ‘L laasr .

zTfin gfi , V . t. 1 . take up ; take inTfingfiré, a. angry . the hand. Kn tango ia i te

whakatangaren gare , v. i. grow tahi hua o taua rakau, ka pa

nga iho 2 . take away ;

Page 173: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 52 titan gb fi Tapanihi.

remove. Tangchia te puru o te TaOpiikii , v. t. COO/t anythingwhatitoka, o te matap ihi wrapped up in leaves &c.

tatin gii, v . t. sna tch one from taopuku , 11 . leaves which food isano ther . E tatango ana nga wrapped in for cooking.

tamariki i te kakahu . Taon ga, n . p roperty ; treasure .

tan gotango , v . t. handle ; have Taorba , 11 . long sp ear.recourse to ; use. Tena

, tango Tabrii, a. soft ; yielding . Taorutangohia etahi o a koutou ka kau ana te puku .

rakia taoruoru , a. boggy .

tangohan ga, n . 1 . circumstance Taotfi , n . wounded man . Toko&c. of tahing . 2 . betrothal ; 0 11 0 i mate rawa ; tokotoru nga

marriage . 3 . feas t given on taotu.

o ccasion of betrothal or mar Tapa, n . margin ; edge .

riage . Tapa, v . t. 1 . call ; name. Ko iatan gbtan gb , n . rail of a fence . 1 tapaa ai toku ingoa e te iwiTan gongfi . a. thoroughly rape or n ei ko Tatau 2 . comcached ; sof t. mand.

Tinghrh, a . 1 . loose. 2 . not dis tap atap a, v . t. call by the nametended ; notf ull. Tangorongoro of any one .

noa te kete n ei. 3 . having the Tape; v. t. pulverise soil. K eite

shin loosened ; blistered. Ka ta tapa te mara o Paraten e.—Me

ngorongoro a roto o toku reke te mara tapa te moana .

reke . Taipei, a. chapped. K a tapatia teTan gbri

'mgérfi, a. thoroughly ripe biak o .or cached ; soft. Tapae , v. t. I. lay one on ano

Tfin gfi un gfiu ,a. thoroughly ripe. ther ; stack. Ma wai e tapae

Tan gfirii, a. deep - toned ; grufi'

. nga W iti ki te whakapu? 2 .

He reo tangnru . place before a person ; presen t.I . Tao , n . spear . Tapaea he kai ma te manuhiri.II . Tao , v . t. cool: in a native oven . l v. i . lie in a slan ting position .

K a patua nga kuri e rua,ko Tapahi, v. t. cut ; chop .

tahi i ta ona v. i. con tap atap ahi, v . t. cut to pieces.

tain food in process of coo/ring . Tapai, 11 . part of a n et which isKa tao te hangi tapu first put in to the water. Kia

W Hakataona ta tatou umu . whiti atu te tapai ki ko.

tatiio , v . i. 1 . remain a long time Tapairii, n . 1 . fi rst- born femalein the process of cooking. Te in a family. 2 . nephew or niece.

tatao o te umu n ei; te hukea. Tapaki, n . mats or leaves on which2 . lie flat and close . To kohu fo od is laid in a native oven .

e tatao an a i runga i te whe Ka kohia ki te tapaki nga kai

nua. 3 . be deep . Kia tataotonu te 0 11 0 o te kopura . 4 . Tapakfiri, n . bus/tel .

droop . K a tatao te tuara ; ka Tapakfi wha, n . 1 . presen t givenmate . 5 . bleed at the n ose . by a bridegroom to the bride’sK a tatao taku ihu .

—E tama,

relations. 2 . woman in troducedhe ihu tatao koe . in to a family by marriage.

Taokété, n . man’

s bro ther - z'

nJaw ; Tapanihi, v. i. go stealthily ; gow oman ’

s sister- ia - law. on one side. Tapanihitia to ta

TXON E,n . town . tou haere kei kitea.

Page 175: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

154 Tapsa fl taratara.

Tfipba, n . abscess.

Tfi pbi, v. i . he travelled round,Kua tapoi i a an te motu n ei.

Tfipckéré, v . t. crowd with workmen . Tapokeretia mai ta tauamara kia awe te oti.

Tiipbkii, v . i . 1 . go in ; en ter .

Ka pari te tai, katab i ka manu ,a he. tapoko ki Hauraki (189 )2 . sin/r in mire .

tfip5k5p6k6, a . sof t ; boggy .

Tfip brfi, v. t. collec t inanga &c.

in to small baskets ,ready for

co oking.

tapora , n . baskets in which inanga are cooked. E rua nga

tapora paruparu a te tangata

nei; pau katoa

Tapbré, v. i . l . bend ; sag . Ka

tapore nga heke o te wharen ei. 2 . becomefain t. Tapore

pore ana taku manawa i te hiakai.

Tfip btb, n . a variety of phormiumtenor , called also tihore and

tahiri- hau .

Tfip btfi , v. i . reach the bo ttom ofa hill &c. ; reach to the ground ;be brought down to the water .

He kakahu tapotu .—‘To ia Tai

nui,tapotu ki te moana’.

Tfipiiu, a . dejec ted ; downcast. Tetitiro koe, he morehu

,kei te

tapou tou nga whetu .

Tépii, a. 1 . under religious orsuperstitious restriction , as chiefs,tohunga, n ewly built - houses,can oes &c. A ny on e violatingthis restricti on contracted a ‘hara’

and was certain to be visitedw ith some great calamity . 2 .

beyond one’s power . Tokowha

ona hoa i kainga katoatia eia : kotahi i tapu, ko Tawhiri

3 . sacred ; holy .

tapu tapu , n . 1 . goods ; p rop er ty .

2 . app liances. E mahi ana te

hunga i n oho i runga i a ra

tou n ei taputapu , i te karakia3 . foo t of a. pig.

Tapu na, see tapuw ae .


lhi, v. t. 1 . nurse ; carry inthe arms. Tapukitia te tamaitinei, kei tangi . 2 . tend in sickness or distress. Kei tawhititaku tapuhitanga i a koe e n ohon ei.

whakatapuhi, v . t. carry in the

arms ; nurse .I . Tapiii, n . 1 . in tima te compa

nion . 2 . familiar spirit. Waihoiho ona tapu i i reira, he patupaiarehe

II. Tfipfii, v. t. lay in a heap .

He mea tapui nga rakau .

Tapiiké, v . t. bury ; cover withearth. v. i . be heaped up . Ka

titiro ki nga pungarehu e tapukepnke ana


lkerakb, n . a bird.

Tép fini, v. t. close up faulty placesin a n et. Tapunia te kupenga .

Tfipfiw fie , n . 1 . footmarh. 2 . foo ts tep ; tread. Ka haruru nga

tapuwae .

Tfirfi, n . 1 . poin t ; spear -

point.K a whati tana tara 2 .

peak of a mountain . Te taraki Tautari. 3 . spines in the

dorsal fin of a fish. 4 . raysof the sun ,

appearing beforesun rise . Puta rawa mai te tarao te ra

,kei runga o Pouarua

e haere an a 5 . papillaeon the skin . 6 . courage ; mettle.

He tangata whai tara. 7. membrum virile . 8 . sterna fronta lis ; tern ; a sea b ird. 9 . side

wall of a house .

tara, v. i . throw out rays, as the

sun just before rising. v. t.

influence by charms. K a taraa

te rangi.tara, a. Korero tara

, fable.taratara , n . 1 . spine ; spike . 2 .

a part of a trap . Te taratarao te tawhiti.

Page 176: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

taratara ~ Tiré. 155

taratara , a. prickly ; rough. lTfirfingfirfirfi, n . a kind of toe

tfi tari ,n . 1 . rough mat made toe.

from the leaves of ki eki e . 2 . mm, a. very small and fi ne,shell used as a wind in stru as threads in a t ; called also pu - tatara . 3 . whakatarapi, a. fizstidioas ; deli

fence. 3 . a shrub . ca te .

whakatara, v . t. I . challenge ; Tfirfipiki, v . i . lie across. E ta

put on one’s mettle . 2 . stimu rapiki ana nga rakau nei.

la te by entrea ty . Ka wheke - lTirapG , n . a large n ight bi rd.

taraa te atua iTirap fingi, n . a b ird.

whakataratara, v . t. maha rough ; (Tarirau , v . i . mahe a loud eon

notch. fused noise. Tamrau ana terate walla o te tangata .

titirfi, u l . loose ; un tied. 2 . Tirfiri, n . whirligig .

dista n t. He mea nei te tanefll‘ariré , n . mass of mashed food.

he mm id tawhiti . 1 He tararo p ipi .Thrihingi, n . 1 . fork of a tree . Tirirfi a, a. 1 . having two points2 . inden tattbn . 3 . trap for i or peaks. 2. cleft .hawks 850 . Th a i, n . pittosporumeugenioides ;

Tfirfihiu, n . a rough mat. a tree .

Tirfihéké, n . a plant. TXRKU , n . lt'


“Darin . v. t. paddle sideamys. Ta

Tirihénb, v . t. pile up ; lay in‘

ran tia atu te waka kia piri hia heap . Tarahonotia nga kai tahaki.

ki te kaainga. Ti tan , 11 . Condimen t ; relish. HoTarahu, v . t. hea t a native oven. mai te koura na hei taran moTarahuas to tapi . a taua pawbe .

mrahu , n . native oven ..Tfirfiuhé , n . heart of a tree .

Tfirfii, v . t. chop with an utter . iTirfiumi, n . chest ; thorax .

Kn Lanai ano nga tangata m id rfiwfi, v. t. hang up on a line

to ratou waka or rail.Ti tii, n . hash ! of fern - root. Ka ’tarawa, 11 . line or rail on whi ch

rua tekau nga tarai ro i . anything is hung.

Tirfiire, n . nesodaphnc taraire ; eTfiriwfih‘

i, a . side or banh of atre e . river, valley &c. Ke i tern ta.

Tiriké , v . t . clear ofl'

; sweep tawahi te kan inga .

away . Tarakea nga otaota.aTfirfiwai, n . u nevenness in the ho

Tirfikihi, n . a fish. rizon line a t sea . W HakaTarild ni, a . held by the poin t . 1 tarawai ana te waka, the canoeTitikbi, n . a kind of grass. is lihe a speck on the horiz on .

Titikfirfi, n . a cutan eous disease . Tarfiw éri, n . a p lant.Tfirfimfira, n . a kind of grass. Tirawéti, a . hostile . Nona hok iTirfiméa , n . spea r-grass ; aci te taraweti ki a an .

Mil l/ll squat-rose &c.

lwhakataraweti, v . t. treat as an

mimengéméngé , a. crisped q enemy. E lvira an i te pakeha,l kia whaknmrawetitia rawatia an

Tfiriméré, a. lean ; shrunk; shril ' c koutou .

n . hoop .


I A,n . talen t. Tét é, v . i. 1 . hang . E tare mai

Page 177: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 56

ra i runga i te taiepa. 2 . gasp

for breath. E tare ana a P0

topoto i te mamee .

- Tare ana

taku poho .

—K a oma, ka taretare te manawa.

whakatatare , or whakataretare ,V. i. stoop or lean forward in

order to look at anything” E 1

whakataretare iho ana i rungai nga pakiaka o te rakau kia

kite i a te Kan awaTfiréhé, n . ochre .

Tfiréhfi , v . t. cover with earth ;bury . Tarehutia atu nga kai

n a ki te on eon e .

Taréhii, ad. at unawares. Mameeana te ngakau hi 0 tatou b oa

e patua tarehutia mai n ei eratou .

Tarei,for tarai.

Tarékii, a eager ;Compare takare .

Taréké, 11 . small edge tool.Tarenga, V . t. cover up . Me tarenga n oa a tatou mea ki te

otaota .

Taréparépa, v. i .flap in the W ind.

Tukua te ra kia tareparepa .



rérfiréra, V. i. be torn . Ta

rerarera ke,he wahi an o


wahi ano .

Tarewa, a . I . raised up . Ha

painga kiatarewa ki runga. 2 .

afloa t. 3 . hanging . 4 . drooping ; trailing . K a tarewa te

tupu o te kapan a. 5 . declining . K a tarewa te ra. 6 . aghast.K a tarewa nga kan ohi . 7. an

settled ; not p aid for . He meamamae te taonga tarewa : kia ea

an o ka ora te tangata .

See tarai.strenuous .

I . Tani, V. t. carry . Taria atu

nga rakau n ei ki ko .

II. Tari.taritari, V . t. provoke a quarrel.whakatari, V. t. 1 . provoke a

quarrel. 2 . incite ; stir up . Ewhakataritari ana i a Te K ahureremoa kia whakatika kiru

tatari, V . i. wait.

whakatatare m Tarba .

nga ki te haka 3 . ex

p ose to chastclsemcn t. N au ano

koe i whakatari i mate ai.

III . Tari.

Ka tatari temanuhiri n ei ki te tangata ote ahi n ei kia hoki maiPass. taria , be waited for. K 0

koe e taria n ei e Kob ere ma.

Taria is also used as an adverb,

by and bye ; after a time . Ta

ria n ei he mate e pa mai kia Tu See also tatari.

IV . Tani,n . 1 . a mode of platt

ing With eight strands. 2 . noosefor catching birds. Ka hangaa

he tari,a ka hoatu ka potaeria

ki tona upoko


a , n . a method ofplatting

Tarin ga, n . 1 . car. 2 . derivativefrom . tari . See I . Tari.

tarin ga, a. deaf ; obs tinate. Ta

ringa noa iho ki te ngare a te

hunga o rabakiTarin ga, n . circumstance o/



ing . See tatari under III. Tari.

TiiriBi, v. i . loitcr . E kiia atu,

ana Haere ; e tarioi tou na.

Tarb, n . 1 . colocasia antz‘

qaorum;a plan t cultivated for food.

“K ei ranga n oa te taro a Kea” ,is a proverb for attempting im

possibiliti es ,

‘te taro a K ea

being a large ston e at Taiporutu n ear Table Cape —Taroho ia ; a large variety of taro .

2 . bread.

Tarb, a word den oting the lapseof a short interval of time . A


ka taro ; and after a little while .

- Taro ake ; in a little while .

Taro kau iho in a very;

short time. —Kihai i taro


tarotaro , V. t. cat one’s hair. Kua

oti koe te tarotaro .

Tarba , n . 1 . a variety of phor

Page 179: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 58 f tatai—Tau .

tatai, 11 . p lan ; purpose. He tataipai aku tatai

Tatairon go, n . a variety of potato .

Tatakan ga, n . derivative fromtats ; circumstance , &o. of dashing down . See under ta .

Tatakiiu ,a. having stems or stallfs

only ; without fi'


Tataki, v . t. arrange snares on

a string , for catching birds.

tataki, a . viscous ; glairy . Ta

taki ana te ware o te mangai .2 . racy . Tataki an a tera te

kaki o to Hire ki te korero .

Tataki, ad. distributive . See under

Tatakino, v . i. hurry on in con

fusion . Mua ata haere ; muritatakino .

Tatakoto, n . sp rit on the loweredge of the sail of a canoe .

Tataku , see under taku .

Tatan ga , see under tan ga .

Tatan gi, see under tan gi.Tatan go , see under tan go .

Tatao , see un der tao .

Tatara ,see under tara .

Tfi térfihiké, a. l . bristling . 2 .

having numerous bare branches .Tatarakihi, n . cicada ; locust.Tataramoa, n . rubus australis ;N ew Z ealand bramble .

Tatari, v. t. s train ; sift .tatari, n . strainer sieve .

Tatari, see under tari.Tatariki, n . a small bird.

Titan , pron . for tatou ; we in

cluding the person addressed.

Titan , see under tau .

Tfitfiwhfiin ga, v . i. vie : compete .

Tfi téméa, conj. because .

Tatéré, a. 1 . moving about ; an

settled. Taters tonu taua, to u

te n oho , te aha . 2 . loose ; na

fi xed. K a tatere te pon 0 to


Tatou, pron . we ; plural, in cluding the person or person s ad

dressed. E kore koe e n ohomarire tatou ? W ill you

not remain quie tly with us ?

Tatii, v . i. strike onefoot againstthe o ther ; stumble . Taku mahititanga ake

,he tatu an ake

toku waewae .

tatu tatu , a . to ttering ; unsteady .

Tatutatu kau nga waewae .

Tata , v . i. I . reach the bottom.

Ka tatu te hoe . 2 . be at case ;

be con ten t. Ka tatu tona nga

kau .

whakatatfi tfi , v . t. sound with a

lin e . Me whakatatutu ki mua,

kei eke te kaipuke.

Tatha , n . girdle.

tatua , v . t, put on as a girdle . Ka

whakahua i tana karakia motona tatuatanga itan amaro (97)


,n . ware in the car .

I . Thu , 11 . 1 . year . Tau tini n oae n oho ana te ope ra

2 . s tring of a garment &c. ;

loop or thong on the handle ofa

‘mere’ : loop forming the handleof a basket. Te tau o te ate ;

a figurative expression for the

darling of one’s hear t . 3 . ridge

of a hill.II . Tau , a . strange . U sed onlyin a few compoundwords, as tau

tangata ; tauiwi; tauwhenua 85 0 .

III . Tau , v . t. sing . Ka tau te

tini o te Hakuturi i tana tau

IV . Tau , v . i. 1 . light ; rest. Tau

n oa atu ia i te matapihi o teWhare o Tinirau - E tau

mai ana tan a titiro ki a an . 2 .

lie a t anchor or moorings. Ka

tae ki te Tihi- o -Man on o,tukua

iho te punga, e tau ana i reira ‘

3 . be suitable ; become .

E kore e tau te kakahu pakehaki a koe . 4 . barh. Katabi katau te kuri n ei v . t.

a ttach. Ka haere te taua a N G a

Page 180: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

titan—Tau fifihfi ti'


tiawe ki te tau i te pa 0 taua,


titan , v. t.

sliding board &c. Tania mai 1

ra to papa o taku whare2 . squee z e ; express . Kua tan

peke a matou pononga ki te l

tatan taweku. 3 . coun t . Ka'

tatau ano te wahine ta ; tatau

rewa iho , e warn ano taroE tauria i

fl‘fiufi” pron .

Ks tanria to !

repea t one by one .

an a e k oe o ratou ingoa

4 . as ;sault s torm

pa o te W flakatohea ; kihai ita ea. 5 . tie . Tania to tatou }ra. v . i. quart et. E tatou ana lnga tangata .

tetan ,door . Tuia ake to la

tan kia tuwhcmtan tau, V. t. tie in bunches

on a string .

kaanga kia maroke ai. v. i .

tau tau , n . 1 . string or clus ter.

ed at the end.

whakaum. V . t. 1 . cause to light81 0 . Titiro whakatau ,

look ia

lea lly. Katab i ano taua tangata .

ka titiro whakatau atu. 2 . at

temp t ; try and : hand at. Ka

tahi ano tona papa ka whakatau epa ake 3 . imita te.K 0 wai tau e whakatau noi. 4 .

feign ; make be lieve . 5 . go to

met, or visit . Ha ki ake ki

ana tamariki kia hoki atu ki

maketu ki te whakatau i anaW hanaunga 6 . sea rch ;examin e. Kn haere m i ki to

in aformal speech make a format proposal to . Hei ano te

pntake o ta matou k orero , hewhakamu i a k oe kia noho .

Tin , pron . thy. Plural 5 11 . Sec

preposition a.

Tin , v. i. turn away ; look in

thread Urine, v . 1.

Me tantau nga l

ltan a , n .

howl. Hae re tautau ana te kuri !

Tfiufipé, v . t.

2 . greenstone ear- ornamen t hook


an o ther direction . E ta ! tau

ke atu koe ? tahuri mai ra'

1 . draw or push a lTfiufi, pron . dual, me two , including the person addressed ; youand 1 . Sometimes used iii ad

dressing on e’

s own tribe or party .

E to taua nei, hei te po taua

hoe ai

Tina, 11 . hostile expedition ; army .

Kn. rewa te taua a W Hakatau


tha t before men tioned . Plura l aua. Ka hui taua

iwi ki te matakitaki So

metimos when followed by nei

it is equivalent to‘a certain ’


Tutak i sun 1 taua wahine nei

c wero manu aua mauaThai, int. give way .

wear mourning gar

taua ana koe ?

sign of mourning forthe dead. He kakahu taua, a

mourning dress.

hag : ca rry in the

arms. Tnuapohia 111 11 1 to ta

maiti na.

Tiufirfii, 11 . screen .

Tauhanga. see tauwhanga.

Tauhfiri, 11 . odd one ; one havinga .

Tanb oun, see tanwhona .

Tfifihi, V. t. sprinhle .

Tfiuhikfi, v . i . be in the rea r.whakatauhiku , v . i. place one

self in the rear . N a to tea is

i whakatauhiku ai.

Tfiuhinfi , n . pomaderris phyliczfolid , 11 shrub .

tauhinu -korokio; a shrub .

tauhinn -ko romiko ; a shrub .

Tfiuhbkii, 11 . stake in a river towhich a net is fastened.

Tfiuhbu , a. strange ; nnacquaint

ed. He tauhou te whenua, he

141 1111 0 11 to tangata

Téuhbufingi, 11 . las t year .

Tiuhfi tihfi ti, v . t. pull one ano

men ts .

Page 181: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 60 Tani—taup oki.thor’s hair . K ei te tauhutihuti

i a raua.

Tan i, v . i. 1 . ebb. Meake taui

te tai. 2 . be sprained. K a taui

toku waewae .

—Also of a stiffn eck. K a taui toku kaki.


l , n . figure/lead of a can oe .

Tauira, n . coun terpart ; an d so 1 .

teacher ; pattern . 2 . p upil ; copy .

Ka manru tona ngakau i te ika

a tona tauira .

Tauiwi, n . s trange tribe ; foreignrace. K 0 Waikato kau tera erere ra ; he tau iwi auake e n ohomai ra .

Tafika, int. stay ; wait a while .

Tankaefi, n . thread used tofastena fi shhooh to the line .

TankahBré, int. expressing sur

prise. Taukahore ! nga mea n ei,

te pin e !Taukaka, n . sp ur of a hill.Tfiukfiuki, n . spur of a hill .

Tankaw é, 11 . too]; to serve as a

handle .

Tauké , v . i. lie separa te . Metauke tena pehanga.

w hakatauki, n . saying ,proverb.


iri, in t. expressing surprise .


i, 11 . a large basket.

Taukérfi , 3 . having the foldsfi lled out. I titiro an ki tou ka

kahu ka taukoru i te riwai.Taukfiri

,for tankiri.

Taumaha, a . heavy . See tai


Taumaihi, n . 1 . facing boardsof the gable of a house . 2

small tower in a pa .

Tauman fi , 11 . thwart of a can oe .

Taumarb" , a. obs tinate“ He taumaro n o Tohi to man ai te ro


Taumaru , a . shaded Teamarato tatou kaamga.

Taumaté, n . brow of a hill.

Taumatiia, n . place where the

pure’ for a kumara plantation

was performed.

Taumau,V. i . be betro thed. No

te itinga ten ei wahin e i taumau ai.

Taunaha, V. t. bespeah. K ei te

taunaha haere mai a Taikeha

me. i nga whenua katoa o te

tahatikaTaunahiia, n . obstacle.

whakataun ahu a , forestall in theoccupation of land .

Taun ii, V. t. jeer .

Taun fiké, n . stat/f of fru it.Tanu ga, V. i. 1 . become familia

rized ; become in timate . Ka hokite teretere n ei

,kua tanuga ki

te kotiro i tukua atu ra e tonamatua 2 . be at homein a place ; become domesticated.

K a taungatia matou ki ten eikainga .

tanu ga , n . bond of connec tionbetween families. K 0 wai te

tanuga i tanuga ai koutou ki

kon a ?

Tau p a, V. t. obstruct ; prevent.Kihai an ihaere ; i taupatia an

e to tangata i te po .

taup a , n . fat covering the in testiness ; omen tum.

Tauparé, V. t. obstruct ; thwart.E ngaro n ei nga tangata, he

riri ki a k oe,he taupare i a

koe .

Taupatfipatfi , V . t. beat one ano


Tau pe, a. 1 . not rigid ; weah;

bending . 2 . variable.

taup e , V. t. bend down . Taupetia mai te rakau na kia taeaatu ai e au nga hua.

Tau piripiri, V . i. wath arm in

arm; or clasping one ano therround the waist.

Tau p e , n . loadstone.

Taup c‘

iki, V. t. cover ; close witha lid. Taupokina te pouaka.

taup oki, n . lid ; cover .

Page 183: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


has to a ttend to ; charge. K 0

ana whakatautaute ,ko tan a

wahin e, ko ana tamarikika ri rora.

Téu tékfi, n . 1 . brace ; prop . 2 .

pole on which a weight is car

ried between two persons. 2 .

piece of wood used to tw ist upthe lashing of anything in orderto tighten it.

tan taka, V . t. 1 . supp or t with a

prop . 2 . carry on a po le . 3 .

tighten by twisting .

Tau tika, a . even ; level.tau tika, n . boundary . K o te tau

tika ten ei o te kainga .

Tau timiii, int. \Velcome !Tin tin éi, V . t. hold up , or sup

port a w eak person .


i, V . t. support an invalid

in walking.

Tfiu titi V . t. stick in to onc’s belt .tau titi, n . belt ; girdle .

Tau tohe , V. i. con tend ; persist .tau tohetohe , V . i.

with ano ther . Eana nga waka ra .


con tend one 1

Tautéka—Taw iro .

te tauwhanga i te tangata i

tarai n ei i to ratou waka

Tauwhare, V. i. overhang . I raroi nga tauwharenga kowhatu

Tauwhiitfi ,n . fishing net.

Tauwhéna, a. of small s ta ture ;

Téuwhéniia ,n . strange land .

Tauwhiwhi, V . i. be en tangled .

TauwhirBW hirB, V . i. K ei te

tauwhirowhiro te marama : said

of the moon at the time of thechange . Compare W hiro .

rewa, n . nesodaphne town ; a tree .

taw ataw a,n . mackerel.

tawataw a ,a . s trip ed like macke

rel. Me te anuhe tawatawa

Taw a, n . ridge .

Tfiwie , V. t. 1 . divide ; separa te .

Tawaewaetia te ahi kia ka ai.

Tawae taro ; separa te youngtubers of taro . 2 . throw downstanding crops. Taku kaanga

pan katoa te tawae .

Tawab a, 11 . bed in a garden .

Tau tfihité , n . adep t ; person of Tawaba, a . having an unp leasan texperience.

Tau téké, V. t. p rop up ; support.Tau tbré

,V . i. s tretch forward :

ex tend oneself.

Tau tfiki’

l , V. i. 1 . stoop ; benddown . 2 . be low. N ekehia ake

tena ki runga ; kei te tautukurawa ki raro .

Tauwaré, V. i . touch without attrac ting n otice . Heoi an o

, tau

ware atu nga ringaringa ki runga i te paue hokomirimiri ai

Tauwaré, n . 1 . thwart of a can oe .

2 . space between two thwarts.

Tauw éhé, V. i. be separa ted . K a

baramai ten ei ka tauwehe .

Tauwhain ga, V. i. con tend ; vie .

E tauwhainga ana te waka ki

te poti.

Tauwhanga, V. t. larh for . Ki

taste. K a tawahatia toku mangai.

Tawahi, n . the opposite side ofa river or valley. E haerean a kia whiti ki tawahi o teawa

Tawai, n . canoe without a ttached sides ; tiwai.

Tawai, V . t. jeer ; taun t.ra e tawaia te tangata na.

Tawai, n . f agus Men ziesii, and

fagus f asca ; trees.

taw aiw ai, n . phyllocladus trichomanoides ; a tree .

Tawaka, a . grooved ; channelled.

Tfiwaké, V. t. repair a hole in a

can oe . Tawaketia to tatou waka.

R an tawake ; piece of wood inscrted to stop a hole ; pa tch.

Tawaro ,n . 1 . a herb used for

food. 2 . a tree .

A na

Page 184: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Tiwap5u ~ Tawhi 163

Tfiwfipéu , n . sapota costa ta ; a Tawhfi , V. i . burst open ; crack.

tawha, n . 1 . crack; chasm. 2 .

Tfiwiré, V. t. dupe ; cajole . He i calabash. Compare tihfi .

tawers taua i o tatou mahora . Tfiwhhi, n . a tree .

Tiwin . a. 1 . a lmost brohen off ; Tfiwhfii, V . i . stretch for th. Kan

hanging by the skin &c. 2 . tawhai , stretch forth the armswean ed , erhan sted . alternately in swimnzi .ng V . t.

hawariwari, a. bending fromside s imita te ; riva l. E kore e taeato side. to tawhui te where 0 N G atitoa.

Tawatawa, see under taw a.

”I‘fiwhén é , a . bent like a bow.

Tawatn , 11 . a rea of each/es Tawhfio , u . copse wood.

Tiwfiu , a. pungen t ; acrid. Me tawhaowhao , u . drift wood &0 .

rami ki te wai his home ai to cast up by the sea. N G a ta

tawau o te pa nahi . whaowhao o te ahau roa

tfiwfiuwfiu ,11 . a fish. Tawhiri, a. wide apart. Kia ta

Tfiwfiuri, a . dark; bla ch'

. whare te he 0 to mara.

Tiwékfi, V. t. carry round the neck, tawhara , u . fruit of freycinetiaas clothes &e to keep them Banksii, or kiekie.out of the way in traVelling.

"I‘fiwhhriri,a. 1 . leaning : slan t

taweka, u . incurnbran ce . hindrance .


ing . 2 . declining (of the sun) .He aha te tawekaweka i rungs Ks, tawharara to ra.

i 11 Te Matehe Tawhirfiu , V . t. shelter with branI . Tiwéb é, V. i . be all gone , or ches stuck into the ground. K 0

come ; be en tirely consumed. K0 tona waka, toia ake kiuta ; ta

te whnkataweketanga ten e i o wharautia ake

nga kaumatua e noho nei. Tfiwhhrfi , V. i . bend down in the

II . Tfiwéké, V . 1. set snares for middle : sag . Ke i tnwharu ihobirds. Tatou ki te tawoke i

,to tahuhu .

a ta tou kaha. Tfiwhfit‘

i, V. i . ebb. Kua towhutitaw eke, a. connected by relati on to tai.

ship, fri endship &c. N a wai tawhati. n . valley .

koe i tawehe ai ki konei? ‘I‘fiwhé, see taawhe.

Tfiwékfi , n . coriaria rusci/b lia lTfiwhé.

a shrub , the same as Nita .


tawhetawhe , 11 . o ld garment; rag .

Tfiwéri, n . 1 . the morning star ; Kua kore o matou tawhetawhc.

the planet”was. 2 . burn t p lace Tfiwhénfia, 11 . [and wind .

in a wood &c. Tfiwhéri, a . open ; gaping. Ta

Tfiwfiréw éré, V. i. hang . whcra katoa to waewae o W ai

Tfiwéfi i, a . garmen t ; rag . ahinau.

Tfiwéw é , V . t. 1 . sound with a t awhera, n . leaf.line . 2 . e xamin e the bottom oil ’I

'fiwhérES, 11 . ll’

einmannia racethe sea or a river by dragging” mom ; or towai; a tree .

to ascerta in its freedom fromf 'l’awhétfi ,

V . i . 1 . dangle. 2 . be

obstructions. Hae re, tawew etia listless. 3 . lie together ; lie in

te taanga me to kupe nga nei. a heap . Ka tawheta nei nga

Tiwiri, 1 . a shell- fish. 2 . a tree ; rakau.

the same as hohuhu . 3 . cel Tfiwh'

i, see taawhi.

net. 4 . cowardice . No reira Tfiwhi, 11 . food. E kore e o atu

ha man nei hei tawiri te tawhi maori

Page 185: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 64 Tawh‘

io—teka .

Tawhio , V . i . 1 . go round about.2 . be in an out of the way si

tuation . He tawhio te kainga

ki roto . 3 . be travelled round .

Ka tawhio i a ia tera motu .

Tawhiri,V . t. bee/ton ; wave to .

TaW hiritia te ope ra kia haeremai. 2 . bid welcome . E haereatu an a te tangata , ka pa te

tawhiri 3 . whirl round ;wring the nee/cbywhirling round.

tawhiri, n . a speci es of pittasporum. K o te tawhiri kua

oti te whakarewa hei whaka

kakara i te WhareTawhiti, n . snare ; trap .

Tawhiti, a. 1 . distan t ; widelysepara ted , in space or time .

Nawai i tata,a ka tawhiti n oa

atu, ka tawhiti n oa inai2 . hospitable ; generous. K a

tahi an o te tangata tawhiti !tawhiti, n . l . a distan t locality ;

a dis tance. Kua riro ki ta

W hiti. Kei tawhiti often sigmifies ma tchless ; unrivalled. Keitawhiti tou man awanui. 2 . man ;fellow ; a familiar term. Te

whakatikanga ake o taua ta

W hiti rakaTawhiti, V. i. for tahuti


away . Kua tawhiti taku ta

maiti.Tawhitb, a. old .


W hiu , V . t. drive together ;hun t up .

tawhiuwhiu, V. t. whirl roundand round .

Tawhiwhi, V. i . be en twined, oren tangled. K a tawhiwhi te puaWan anga ki nga manga o te

rakau .

T5, art. plural n ga. 1 . the . 2 .

w ith verbs (a) it may form an

infinitive ; Kihai i taea te ko

rikori (1 43) —(b) or a gerund ;He i utu mo ta ratou tukunga

i a ia ki te whawhai (7)—(c)or it may be repeated from

tera or ten ei earlier in the sen

tence, when the action is im

perfect. Tera a Hineiteiwaiwate . titiro mai ra i runga i tewhare

Té, apparen tly compounded of toand the verbal particle (3. K 0

koe te mohio ana ; for K 0 koe

te [mea] e mohio ana ; You are

the person who knows.

T6, ad. not. Mahi n oa matou ki

to to ; te panuku ,te aha.

T6 , v . i. crach ; emit a sharp cr

plosive sound .

Té .


, v. i. ex ert oneself . Tete nba

koutou ki te mahi kai,era e

whai kai?

tété , n . 1 . figure - head of a can oe .

2 . canoe with plain figurehead.

w hakat'

é,v . t. squeez e fluid out

of anything. Me whakate te

puku kia hemo ai te pirau ki

waho .

whakatété , v . t. mil/r.Téa , a . white .

tétéa , v. i . gnash the teeth.

Tea, ad. interrogative . where. Teamea ma? (R )

Téhé, n . membrum virile.

Téhéa , pron . interrogative . which.

K 0 tehea to koutou waka ? pl.


Téhéa , ad. in terrogative, where.

Tehea toku kakahu ? (R )Téina, n . 1 . younger brother '


a male . 2 . younger sister ofa female .

Téitéi, a . high ; tall.Teitei, n . summit.I . Téké

,a . false ; lying . He

k orero teka .

whakateka, V. t. disbelieve .

II . Téka,v . t. drive forwards ;

urge on .

teka , n . 1 . small dart thrown foramusement. 2 . projecting partof a ko

,by mean s of which

it is forced into the groun d by

Page 187: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


3 . move swiftly. Ka nui te

tere o to koutou kaipuke . be

quick. Kia tere mai he kai

whakahoki mai i te korero .

tétéré, a. large ; swollen . K a te

tere taku matihao .

teretere , n . company of travellers.

K a 11 mai he teretere n o Aotea

teretere , v . i.

run .

Tetahi, pron . 1 . one ; a ; a cer

tain . K a whakatika tetebi 0

nga rangatira o te ope ra

2 . ano ther . Ka karanga maitotabi tangata, Me an n ei te

ahua? 3 . some. Kaweaatu tetahi wai mo te manuhiri

Plural etab i , some ;some o thers.

Téte,v . i . stand fi xed in the

ground. N G a rakau e tete mai

be liquid flow

n . head of a spear .

whakatete , v . t. 1 . mo lest ; an

noy ; quarrel with. He whakatete kaainga, a quarrel aboutland. 2 . act waywardly or

p erversely . E ta ! whakatete

tonu koe ki te n oho !

T6 136 , see un der te .

Tetea , see under tea.

Tetehi, for tetahi. See tetahi.Tétéka, see undor taka.

Tetere, n . trumpet .Tetere, see under tere .

Téuré, n . ripe fruit of kiekie or

freycinetia Banksii.Tewe, n . l . membrane of the fletus. 2 . fermen ted juice of the

tutu .

tew etew e , for tawatawa ; a fish

like mackerel.Téwhatéwha, n . a weapon madeof wood, broad and flat at on e

end something like the headof an ax e .

T I , 11 . 1 . cordyline of severalspecies. Ti haere (84) ti trees

tétéré -Tiemi.

appearing to change their position ; considered to forebodeev il. Ti-mataku - tai; the spe

ci es called wt. 2 . game . T iringaringa ; played with the

hands. Ti rakau ; played witha ball.

titi, v . i. 1 . squeak. Ka titi maite kiore i roto i te raupo . 2 .

tingle. Titi ana nga taringa.

titi, n . mutton bird. He aha koe

i haere mai ai ki a an heititimo to ahi?

Tia , v . t. stick in ; drive in . Metia nga pou o te ten eti.

tiatia , v. t. 1 . drive in pegs &c.

2 . adorn by sticking in fea thers.

Kua. herua ake taua tangata ra

i te po, kua tiatiaina ki te rau

kuratia or tiatia, n . peg ; stake.

Tia , n . abdomen .

Tia , a . 1 . how grea t . E tia tou

humarie ! 2 . frequen t.He tia hokihoki mai n ou .

Tiahb, v . i. emit rays of light ;

shine. K a tiaho mai te ahi.

Tiaka, n . dam; mo ther .

Tiakakahi, a . on the meridian ,

spoken of the sun .

Tiaki, v . t. 1 . guard ; keep . I a

an e tiaki ana i te whare, kaputa mai a Ponui. 2 . watch

for ; wait for . K ei tatahi ia

e tiaki ana i te waka o Karihi kia u mai.

Tian gfi, n . mat to lie on ; calledalso tienga or takapau .

Tiare, n . scen t. Tau an a te tiarei te raukawa.


, v. t. hang up . Me tiariki waho, ki te rakau .


larha , n . long straight side. Tetiaroa o te pa.

make, u . 1 . a b ird ; creadion ca

runculatus. 2 . a black mat.Tiemi, v . i. 1 . play at see- saw.

2 . be unsettled ; be cast adrift.Tenei te iwika tiemi, ka ticmi.

Page 188: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Tiéngam tikitiki. 67

Tién gfi, n . ma t to lie on . Sec lTihbu , u . an implement used as

a spade .

Tiépé , v . i . hang loosely . M0 TIkfi, u. 1 . s traight : direct. K 0

ti epa noa ake tona kakahu . to am tika tena. 2 . keepingTiéré, n . scen t . Tena rawa mi 0 direc t course. A , tika tonuti ere te haere na, am to ka- l atu ki te korokoro o to Pa

kara o to tawhiri ram 3 . right ; jus t ; fin’

r .

Tilifihfihihii, V . t. sca tter about. Ka rongo ia kei to tika nga

Tihfieré, n . a pole with a suare i kupu - E tika hoki! a formarranged on it , baited with of expressing thanks.

flowers, for catching birds.= tikanga, n . 1 . rule ; plan : me

Tihiu érfi, n . a plant. thod . E u rapua e ratou he

T1116, v . i . sn eeze . tikauga hei mamingatanga maT

ihéi, v. t. carry a burden on ; ratou ia K uc 2 . custom.

the back, holding it in p lace ; Tona ti kanga mai tenei o muawith the hands . Tiheitia nga iho 3 . reason . K 0 to ti

kai nei. hanga o to Rahuti , i pai ui

Mini, n . December . ki a Te W Hatu- i- apiti , he pui

Tihérfi , v . t. bale water out o f u no To W Hatu - i- apiti 4 .

can oe &c . Tiboran to wai o~ meaning ; purport . Tc tikanga

te pan . 0 lane tau ,he koburu. 5 .

tiharu , n . vessel to ba le with. authority : control. Kahore onaTihéwi, v. i . snee ze . i tikanga ki e na mongfl .

15 111, 11 . summit .lwhakatika,

v. t. straighten . v. i.

tihi1 v . i . lie in a heap . Taiwu ' s traighten oneself ; stand up


nga taro c tihi ana i tona nro rise up ; s tart on a journey.

are whakatika , n . may ; pa th.

tihitihi, 0 idling ; ”filing . Tikfikfi , a . 1 . hot. Tihaka ana

M i. v . t. expand the middle of te re . 3 . burn t by the sun .

a mat in the wearing by insert n . barn - door thread in the woo l

whichi‘I‘i-kap u, n . a spec ies of cordy

do not run through to the line .

mares, v . t. pick out of a hole ;Tihdihbi, a. noisy . lle k otiro

scoop out.



ikarohia ake to

tihoihoi. I kanohi e TongamehaTIh6ki, v . 1 . 1 . s tick in ; thrust iTIkétiké, and titiké, a. lofty ;in . Tihokatia atu to maripi ki high. fi tike no ; pupuku po .

[6 raupo . 2 . shelter by stick Tiki'

, v . t. l . fetch. Kn tukuaing small branches in to the ,

atu c in taua tangata ki te ti kig round . atu i totab i ika mana

tihokahoka, n . tempo rary she/tar t 2 . go to for any purpose . Kn

made w ith branches stuck into . tikinn mai a Tune ka whaka

the ground. urahia ki rungaTihbré, v . t. l . strip of . Tiho T111 1, n . 1 . pos t marking a


rea to kil’i 0 to rakau. 2 . pool ; place ,

2 . figure on the gabletake the shin off. of a house . 3 . lower part if

tihoro , n . the best vari ety of ; the back; sacrum.

phormiumlaw , prepared with tikitiki, n . l . gird/a. 2 . knot ofout the use of a shell. hair on the top of the head.

Page 189: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

168 whakatiki Tin géi.

Ka wewete i tona tikitiki,ka Tin eia te kapura. 2 . destroy ;

ru i on e. makawe hilt. He rewharewha ki te

whakatiki, v . t. heap withoutfood. tin ei i etahi tangata ki te mate .

Tikihdp é, n . loins. tin éin éi, v . t. confuse ; put out

Tikikiwi, n . a method of finish of proper order . Korero whakaing off the thatch of a house . tepe i o korero , kaua e tin einei.

Tikitfi,a . en tire ; un touched. He tin éin éi

,a . unsettled ; ready to

ngahere tikitu . move . Noho tin einei; sit on


i, v . i. evacuate the bowels. one’s heels , ready to jump uptitikc

i, n . a shell- fish. in stantly.

Tikéki, a . easily overbalanccd ; T‘


if a . very many. Kia tin i ngaunsteady . He waka tikoki. pou mo te taiepa . Tini whai


lkékékéké, a . high up in the o i o ; innumerable.

heavens. Kua tikokekoke n oa tin i, n . host ; myriad. Ten ei teatu te ra o waho tini o N G atoro kei roto i te


kéko,v . t. tahe up with 0 sho hangi e takoto ana

vet or ladle. Tikokoa te on e Tini, v. t. 1 . annoy. K a tin iaon e ki waho . ahau e to pawerawera . 2 . ter

Ti-kup en ga, n . a tr ee ; a speci es rgfy. Ka tin ia e te mataku oof cordyline. te taua .

Timan ga, 11 . eleva ted stage, on Tinihan ga, v. t. deceive ; cheat.which food is kept. I tinihangatia an e te kai arab i

Timatii, 11 . short spear. i po ai ahau . practise up on .

Timata, v. t. begin . Ka tima Maku e tinihanga ki a N G ato

taia te korero e Kawe . roirangi

timatan ga , 11 . beginning . T‘


i- n gérbn gérb, a. very numeTi

mb , V . t . p eak, as a b ird ; prick, rous .

strike with a poin ted instrumen t. Tini-wh'

aioio , a . innumerable.

Timii, a . ebb ; ebbing . He tai Tin b ,a . exac t ; precise ; very.

timu ; ebb tide ; low wa ter. Ka tae ki te tin o wahapu oTimu, for tumu . See tumu . Manuka —U sed also to

Tina, a. flared ; fast . Tin a ana give vividn ess to narrative . Teratou i te mateku o te taua . tin o rarahutanga ki te hoe, ka

w hakatin a, v . t. 1 . fasten ; fir . rite n oa an o ; tin o p ounga ki

2 . confi ne ; put under restrain t. te wai i p oua ai; anana ! me teKa whakatin aia ahau ki te kai; pere !1 am res trained fromfood. 3 . tin o , n . precise sp ot. K o te tin otrea t as a slave ; oppress with o Taiamai ten ei kamaka.

war/f . Ka‘

whakatin a mai koe, tin o , ad. quite ; very . K a tin otae

ko te mea taumaha ki a au . atu a Hakawan ki te kainga o4 . provohe . He whakatina ra K aiwhare

ki a an kia oho ai ahau . T‘in éhi,v. t. put heated stones

v . i . applied to protracted par upon food laid to cook in a

turition . Kua whakatina hoki,



kaore ihohoro te Whanau n a, a. likely. E tinga an o iTinakii, n . seed p o ta toes . Me tawhiti koe.

koko aku timahu . T‘

mgahiirii, a . ten .

Tman a,n . body ; tranh. Tin géi, a unsettled ; ready to move .

Tin éi, V. t. 1 . put out ; ex tinguish. He n oho tingei n oa to matou

Page 191: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 70

K ei te tiri i nga kai o to

rua .

tiri,n . o/fcring to an Atua. E u titakataka, V . i.

poipoia te tiri ki te atua; ka

mea,To tiri

,n a

,e W Hiro .

Tirip iipa, V . i. exp lode in succession . Ka tiripapa te mahi a

N G apuhi.

Tiriwa, V. t. 1 . plant at wide iatervals. Tiriwatia, kia awe te


by failure of seed, and so ge

n erally, put into a vacan t p lace .

Kahore tetahi e tiriwatia e koe ?

tiriwa, 11 . space ; compartment ;district.


i, titirb, V . i. look. Ka titiro

atu ia i te haeatatanga o te

W hatitoka —Titiro makutn ; 10 0 /f bard , and hen ce , loo/ccovetously . K a titiro makutu

mai ia ki toku kakahu . V . t.

survey ; view. Ka puta atu te

ruahine ra ki waho, titiro atu

ai i te Ope ra

tirotiro ,V . i. loo/t about.

Tirbu ,n . fork; poin ted stiele

used as a fork.

tiremV . t. 1 . take up wit/z a stickor for/t. 2 . move a can oe sideways, by plunging the paddleinto the water and drawing ittowards on e . Tiroua mai te

ihu o te waka.

Titaha, V . i. 1 . be on one side ;lean to one side. Titabe an a

nga tuturu o te W hare .

—dccline , as the sun . Ka titaha

te re. 2 . pass on one side.He aha koe i titaha ai i tokukainga

? 3 . go in an obliquedirection . E rua ona titab e

tanga 4 . varyfrom; [zonea dtfi


eren t tendency. Kaore ititaha i taku whakahaere 0 ko

rero i whakaari ake n ei.

titaha, n . 1 . a re .


2 . p lan t in spaces caused

2 . a kind of Titiip ii, V. i.

tirim Titfip ii.

Titaka, V . i. move about ; turn

round. Titaka n oa taku niho .

turn over and

over ; wallow,

Titari. V . t. scatter about.Titéi, n . spy . Compare tutsi.T'itén gi, a . unsettled. Kati ten oho titengi, kia u ki rare .

Titi, V . i. 1 . stickin as a peg or

pin . Titi tonu te pere ki nga

heu o te W hare 2 . sbine .

Tangohia ana e raua te puru,

na,titi tonu te ra ki roto

3 . go astray . Kua titi ke atu

pea nga poaka ki waho . V. t.

1 . stick in . 2 .fasten wit/1 nailsor pegs. Titia te papa nei.

titi, n . peg ; pin ; nail .

Titi, see under ti.Titiké, see under tike .

Titiko , see under tiko .

Titimakb, n . a bird.

Titiro , see under tiro .

Tiff) , V . t. inven t ; compose. N a

te Horna i tito teneiwaiata .

K e korero tito ; a fabrication .

Titb , a . having [be face coveredwit/z long hair . He kuri tito .

—He pahan tito ; a beard covering nearly [be wlzolc face .

Titfihéa , a . exhausted byfrequentcultivation .

Titbki, n . alectryon excelsum; a

tree .

Tit5k6, n . pole used to stretc/z, or

ex tend anything ; sprit of a

sail &e.

titoko , V. t. 1 . stretch wit/t a p ole .

2 . keep of or away . K a tite

kotokona ratou ki mamao o toratou unga atu n ei


in g‘

i,n . the same as tile/ti;

a tree .

Titéré, V . t. or V . i. split ; divide.N a te panga o taku patu ,


tore ke,titore ke

1 . cbap . K a matean i to titupu o toku waewae .

Page 192: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


n t‘

in—Tiie . 1 71

2 . peel off. Kua titupu mail

son out of his bous‘e and leill

te hiako o te nwhi him; murder in cold blood.

Tin tin , v . i. turn about. E tiu t6 t6 , V . t 1 . drag a number oftin an a nga kan ohi. l objects. K 0 nga waka, he mea

tin tin , n . a bird . 1 toto ki uta 2 . elzip or

Tiwii, n . canoe wit/tout a ttacked knock of ; Map . Toto tonu ni

sides. Takoto humuhumu kau ki te kowhatu . 3 . perform a

nun ko nga tiwai anake ceremony over a child ; the sameTiw ii, a. lasting ; permanent. Ka as hid and iriiri.

tahi ano ka tiwai te n oho o te t5 t6 , V. i. ooze ; trickle .

pakeha. lt6§n gi~waka, place wbcre canoesTiwikfiwfiké, n . a bird. are dragged over , portage .fi wiri, v . t. scrape . Me tiwari V. T6 , 11 compound of te and o ,te roi kia reka ai. thus, To Tart baainga , is equi

Tiwata. valent to To kaainga 0 Tori.

Tiw fi, V . i. scream (of children VI . T6 , prep . up to ; as big/t as.

only) . Nawaim, i raro te wai, a ko.

Tiwfiki, a. vagabond ; roaming to nga turi

after no good . E kore e ngaro Tbs, a. 1 . male, of animals. Heto tohu o te wahine tiweka. ketarobo tea. 2 . brave ; victo

Tiwériwérfi, a. mourn/il l. rious . Ten ei ra ka rongo kiTiwhi, patch ; spot ; ba ld place to tino toanga o enei rangatira

on the head ; mark of a land ~ tokowha

slip toe . V. i. l . tbram up a stalk.

tiwha, a. squin t. He. kan ohi ti Kua ton to witi. 2 . romp ;wha. frolic . Kei to ton nga tama

fi tiwhi, V. i. be in patches or riki.small circumscribed portions . tétba , a. l . Hat/tetanus fierce.A no he ponnamn kei nga knru Totoa tonn te ngahan ; te puri

pango e titiwha an s puri to aha . 2 . urgent. Hooitiwhatiwha, a . 1 . dark. 2 . gloomy an o te wen i totoa maiaimaua


in mind ; sad. Kn nui rewa to ho koo kia n oho .

tiwhatiwhn ki 11 ratou kn ngaro toe , n . brave man ; warrior, Ka

atu nei. pe ratia tonutia nga too 0 taua

Tiwhfinfi, V . i. be carrie d . E ti~ iwi nei

W hana mai re a Kahukura i to ato a, n . l . p/ryllocladns triclzo

runga i te tangi. l monoides ; a tree . 2 . haloragisTiwfiki, V. t. capo/ad ; open . atata ; 11 small plant.

Tiwhirfiwhiri, v. i. be split ; be Tfiangfi, n . derivative from toa .

separa ted. See tou.

I . T6 , 111 . stemof maize, raupo &o. T6angé, n . derivative from to .

II . T6 , 11 . pregnan t. Sec IV . to .

whakato , v. 1. p lant. 1 . T6e , V. i. be left as a remIII. T6

, pron . My . (Plural o) . nant. K otahi i toe , ko to ko

G enerally equivalen t to triu . romatuaSec ti n . toenga, n . remnan t.

IV. T6 , v . t. drag ; bat/l. Kn Il. T50 , and tb tfie , V. t. split ; di

toia nga waka ki waho man n vidc . Me he liacata e toea ana

ai To -whare , drag a per i to taha raugi

Page 193: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

172 toetoe l - whakatoi.

toetoe , V. t. sp lit into strips or

sbreds. Toetoea he korari mote kupcnga.

toetoe , n . 1 . different species of

grass or rus/zes used for thatching. Toetoe kakab o ; arundoconsp icua . 2 . slzingles for co

vering roofs.

T6eke, n . loop . of cord, put loo

scly round the feet to enablethem to grasp a tree in climbing.

TBemi, n . 1 . band - net. 2 . net

the edges of which are madeto draw together like the mouthof a bag.

Tben é, V . i. set. Ka toene te ra

See tow ama.

TBBré, n . band net.

Tbha, V. t. spread out.

tohatoha, V . t. Sp read abroad ;distribute . Katahi ka tahuri

te manuhiri ra ki te tohatoha

i tan a kai

T5h§k§, u . basket. Kohia he

w en e ki te tobako . (R .)Tbhapiirii, V at. gird tigbtly . Kia

tohapuru tia te manawa .

Tbhé, V. i. 1 . persist ; be urgent.Ka tob e tonu te taua ki te whawhai 2 . Infuse ; object.Kihai hoki ai i tche ; whakatika tonu atu ki runga

tbtbhé , V . i. con tend one with

anotber . Heoti ano,ka totohe

ratou i konei; tohe atu ana,

tohe mai ana

tohetohe , V . i. be pertinaciousTe tohetohe ki te whakatuma

tohetohe , n . uvula .

T6 h’


,n . 1 . thief. 2 . niggard .

T6hén §hén é, a. disarranged ; disturbed . He tamariki; he whakatohen ehen e kaha tan a mahi:said of wanton provocation .

Tbhéraoa, n . agrostis temula and

some other grasses.

Tbhérba , n . a kind of a shell- fish.

Tbhétéa , a . cxlzaustcd by cultivation ; barren .

Tbhi, V . t. I . perform a certainceremon y over a n ewb orn in

fant. I haere mai an kia to

hia ta taua kotiro 2 .

perform certain ceremonies before or after a battle .

Tbhi or tbtbhi, V. t. cut. Tobiaa tatou purapura kia ran ea ai.

whakatotohi, V . t. cut.

T6hip a , V. i. turn aside . Tae

rawa atu au kua tchipa ke, he

ara ke .


ir5 , V. t. project ; be overlongT6h6ra, 1 1 . whole .

T6h5r5hfi,n . wlzalc.


1,11 . mark; sign ; proof. He

aha te tohu 0 ton ekonga mai?

tohu,V . t. 1 . preserve ; lay by.

2 . save alive ; spare . E korekoe e tohungia.

t5t5hii, V. i. sin/f . Kua totohatc waka ki raro .

tohu tohu , V . t. 1 . mark. 2 . slzew .

Tbhii, V . i. tata/r. K 0 wai hokikoa ka tohu ?

Tbhiin ga, n . 1 . skilled person .


oti ake i ia tohunga, i iatohunga, a Tainui ma te tarai

2 . wi" ard ; priest Ki

an o i ata mutu n oa te karakia

a nga tohungaTbhfin giirfi a, V . t. dole out. Tohungaruatia etabi kapana matatou .

tohu n garu a , 11 . one who deals.

T5i, n . finger ; toe (of the littlefinger or toe on ly which are

called toiiti or tolti) . K owha

kina mai an a te ahi i te toi

iti o nga matikaraT61 , or tbitbi, V . i. tro t ; movebriskly . Kia toitoi te haere .

toitoi, n . 1 . summit. 2 . a shellfi sh ; the same as ngr



whakatoi, V . t. 1 . answer rudelyor perversely. 2 . annoy ; tease .

Page 195: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

174 whakatotoko—T6 ngan ga.

- roto i te ngakau te whene

whan oa

W hakatotoko ,V . i. begin to swell.

Tbkbhana, n . biccougb .

T6k5hi, n . adultery .

T6k6hia, a . bow many . See toko .

Tékahin fi , a. some . See toko .

Tbkbmaha, a. many . See toko .

Tbkbmanawa, a . Pou tokoman awa ; post supporting tbc middle

portion of a ridgep ole .

Tbkbman ga, a . branc/zed ; for/fed.

Tbkbmauri, u . 1 . poles of ma

pou used in the ceremony of‘


for a kumara ground .

K a whakaturia nga tokomaurio te mara. 2 . biccoug/z.

tokomauri, V. t. ex cite one’s affections ; enamour . Te kai tokomauri o tona puku .

T5k5p i1h5ké, n . biccougb .

Tbkbrba, a . lbin ; lean ; lanky .

He raumati ten ei,koia i toko

roa ai te ika .

T6kii, pron . my . Plural oku .

See prep . 0 .

Tbma, n . cemetery. K o te tomatupapaku tera .

T6m§ir§ngi, n . dew .

I . T6m6, V . i. be filled. E rua

an o hekenga o te aho,kua

tomo te waka i te mahi a te


II . Tomo , V. i. en ter . I te mutunga ai o te karakia ki te tuaahn

,ka tomo ki roto ki to

raua whare ko te ruwahjne

Pass. tomokia, be entered.whakatomo , V . t. cause to enter .

whakatomo , n . a large basket.T6mfiri, a. la te . He witi tomuritenei i koaha ai.

Tbna, n . ewcrescence ; wart ; corn&c.

T6 115 , pron . bis ; ber ; its . Pl.

on a. See prep . 0 .

T6n 5 , V . t. 1 . bid ; command. K a

ton o iho te tini tangata ra kia

puta ake is i tona rua,kia wha

whai ratou 2 . bid to go ;send. Tonca ana to ratou tu

pun a ki te kimi 3 . de

mand . E haere ana ahau ki

te ton o utn mo taku mahi.T6ni


1 , ad . 1 . denoting continuan ce, still ; continua lly. He tiakitonu tana i te kaainga i ia ra


i ia ra 2 . quite . Pototonu ki roto o tana kupenga

just. Pena tonu i ia

ra,i ia ra 3 . simp ly ;

only . Te kai a tera wahin e, heota tonu K 0 ahau tonu ;it is I myself. 4 . immediately .

Kua tae atu ki te taha o tewahin e ra

,kapo tonu atu ki

te kotiro This word of

te n has a suffix - tanga whenused with passive verbs in ani

mated n arrative . A pitiria tonntanga atu ko te pa, ka horo

I . Tén ga, n . soutb wind ; soutb

ern region .

tonga, a. soutber/y. He hau to


II. Ténga, n . blemisb on the skin .

T6n ga, n . derivative from to . Seeto .

T6 uga.

whakaton ga, V. i. 1 . keep one

self quiet ; restrain one’s feelings. 2 . entertainfeelings wbiebone does n ot sbew outwardly .

K ei te whakatonga riri koe ?

Pass. whakatongatia, be murmured at ; be found fault wilksecretly. K ei te whakatongatia

ahau e te iwi n ei.

Ton gako ,V . i. be scabbed ; fester .

K a tongako te biako .

n . soutIi- westwind.

Tbn ga- ma- iirfi ,n . soutb - west


T6n ga'

m1mn n . bladder .

T6n g§n g§, a . 1 . uncooked ; raw .

2 . broken . Tonganga ana te kete .

Page 196: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

T6ng§m§réw§- tora 75

Téngfiréréwi, n . 1 . an ornament He mea toretore marire te harafor the ear. 2 . a word of eu keke .

dearment ; treasure . aTG réa, n . litematopus u nicolor ; a


i, poin t ; sp eck. bird .

tangi, v . t. nibble a t bait. Kai

Téréké. v . t. be left behind . K a

tongi te ika. hore tetahi i toreke ki muri.T6 136 , v . i. cook in a native oven . whakatb rékéréké, v . i. lag be

M e topa nga parareka kia reka ‘ bind. Kei whakatorekereke te

an. haere .

Tépi. Tbrémi, v . i. disappear . Kua to

to patopa , n . l . bird. 2 . small ' remi te waka kima o te rae .

sling ray . Tfi réni, v . i. overflow.

whakatOp a, v. i. soar . Ka rere Tbréngi, v . i. disappear .

whakatopa te men u , kahore e Tfiréré, v . i. bnrry ; go bead/0 11g .

nroarowhaki nga parimu . Ka torere ton u ra hoki te nga

whakatopatopa , v . i. plan t ku kau ki te whai i te whakahia

meta &c. ngongo o tona ngakau

Tfipfi pfirfi , a. deep ly laden . Hmto rere , n . abyss.

waka topaparu to kouto u . 5T6r§téré , n . small sting- ray.

Tfipétépfiti , n . w ry small ku - r Tbréw fii, n . a freshwater musse l.mara . tTéri, n . eat. (R)

W v . t. cat ; out ofli Topee torito ri, v. t. cat ; separate.mai he mataora. 1 T6 r


in6 , n . l . drum of tbe ear .

Tépé, n . fern fresbly grown after 2 . small basket for cooked food .

being burnt. *T6 rin6 , a . flowing smootbly. HeTD pIp i, 11 . small native oven . torino tonu te an ; he hohonu .

topipi, v. t. cook in a small aw a . i'I‘G rIré, a . fine ; smart.

Topipitia tetahi h anga. Tbrir‘

iki, a. small. Ku haere ka


itb , 11 . end ; extremity.toririki te whawhai n i.

p fl, n . pair ; couple . K0 mua i

Tiirlwii, a . moist ; watery . ha

hanga i haere i U fa, kotahimuTbfi

n wmtla oku.


e whimtekau tapu (75 )n . pet sooma taro , a tree .

tapu , a. asSctmblfl f ; in a body .

‘ T6r-

6 ' v . i. l . streleb forlb . K8.

Kei te n oho topu tou ratou kit tore mm


toua n nga ka mr

akahe tore nga kawe: o

to ratou kaain

T6 Ev

1 l


1 lb M to hue . 2 . bur/t ; bla ze. he !p a. 6 0 “ age er . e

tom to where i to k orakora.

haere topam tatou .


2 ' over-

“ tom, v . t. l . t/zrast or impel endeast. He tangi topun i. wise ; stretrbfor/ll . Torona mai

top un i, (1 . black dogslm ma t. tou fi flgfk 2 ’ go to see ; visit.Téri, V ' i burn ; K“ tom A ka aroha ki te wahin e


to alu . haere ia ki te tom 3 .

Tfiré, v. i. barn . Ka tore to survey ; reconnoitre . Kua ekewhere 0 Tutere . rawa mai taua iwi nei ki utn,

tore , n . wl n'

te spot. kotahi i tukua mai ki te toroterete re , u . a large musse l; the eJ


p lore. Tc waka nana

same as kiwi}. i toro te nnku me 4 .

to retore, n. [caving inflamed eyes. consult by divination . K 3 to

terete re,v. t. sp lit in to strips ] rona a Kahukura

,a Itupawn, a

Page 197: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

176 tbtbrb—Tbu .

R ongomai 5 . takefi re out

of an oven preparatory to cooking. Torona te hangi; ka kaka.

t6t5r6, v . i. stretc/z fortb . Totoromai te ringa .

to rotoro , v . i. putforth t/ze bands ;act. K a whakatika nga ranga

tira ki run ga ki te korero i teata torotoro

toroto ro , n . metrosideros scandens ;a climbing plant.

whakatoro , v . t. 1 . pus/z fort/z.

E whakatorotoro kau ana i te

timata i roto i nga ran,kaore

an o i were n oa . 2 . tonoli ; maketrial of .

Toroa , n . albatross. Kahu toroa,garmen t covered wit/z albatross

Toroai, see torowai.

Tfi rbhé, n . maranding party .

toroherohe , v. i. wag . Tereherohe maiana te biora o te kuri.

Térbhéké, n . pimelea arenaria ;a plant.


Tor0 1 , v . 1 . ferment.Téréihi, v . i. l . sprout ; bud. K a

toroihi te kiekie . 2 . be insolen t. K ua mohio ratou ki to

matou ahua ; n o reira ka toroihi tonu ratou .

Tbrbkaké, a. stifi'

and straigbt;

(of hair) . torokaka waero -kiore ;banging straiglzt down . torokaka taratarakina, split at the

points . torokaka motihetihe,sticking straight up .

Tbrékiki, v . i. sp rout afresb.

T6r6mir5 , n . podocarpusferruginea ; a tree .

T5r5m6k5, 11 . button .

TenON Z,n . t/zrone .

Tonbninfi,n . reaping book; sickle.

Tbrbnga, n . derivative from toroSee toro .

Tfi rén gfi, v . t. deal out in small

quantities. K a ata torongatia

mariretia nga kai.

Tbrbpapa, v . i. lieflat. Ka toro

papa te wahie ; e kore e ka.

Térbp fiké, n . mound ; killock.

Térbp fikii , a. secret ; stealt/zy .

K a toropuku te haere o te tahae .

Tbréréré, n . diarrkcea .

T5r6uka, n beadland.

toronka , a. green ; unripe ; na


W hakatorouka, v . i. muse ; barethe tbougbts occupied. E moewhakatorouka ana a Te Pongaki te pewheatanga ra e tata ai

ia ki a Te PnhihuiaTarfiwai, n . 1 . a weapon madeof a whale’s rib . 2 . a woodenweapon .

T5r6whénfia , 11 . a variety of kumara .

Tbrfi, a . ”tree.

toru toru , a . few. He torutorunga tangata o tera kaainga .

Tori a , a . twilled. He kareko


Tfi rfihi, u . a fish.

Tfi ta'

,n . sweat.

Tfi tara, n . 1 . podocarp us totara ;a tree . 2 . leucopogon Fraz er:and some other plants.

Tori,n . salt.

Téti, and totitoti, v . i. limp ;balt. R okohanga atu e au kei

te Kerikeri é totitoti ana .

Tfi tika, a . straigbt ; correct ; right.T5t5 , n . blood . Taua toto


dition to avenge blood ”cat hasbeen sked . K a puta nga pa i

ora ki te taua totototo

, v . i. bleed. K 3. toto taku

ihu .

Tfi tfi réka, n . a shell- fish.

T6 t6r6n gi’

1,n . a freshwater fish.

Tau , prep .t/ty. Plural on . See

prep . 0 .

Tau , n . anus.

Tau , v . t. 1 . kindle ; set on fi re .

Toua te rama. 2 . dip into wa~

ter ; wet. 3 . plant. E warn

Page 199: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


III. Tiie .

tuatu a , n . l . ridge . 2 . a speciesof a shell- fish.

tfitiiatan ga, n . ridge .

IV . Tiia, ordin al prefix to numeral adjectives. Te tuara n o ngahacrenga K a tuahia ko ekiTaranaki? Ka tuara n. Howmany times nave you. been to

Taranalsi? Twice .

V . Tha , v . t. fell ; cut down .

riro ki te tna rakau .

I . T11 93, v . t. 1 . give a name to a

child with accompanging reli


gions ceremonies. Kua tuatia te l2 . men tiomTiiamakfi, 11 . round. cord plattedtamaiti a te Papa .

the name of any one . Ko te

tuatanga tenei 0 ton ingon eN G atiporou . 3 . lay under [be

influence of a spell. He karakia an o mo Tawhirimatea, hetua mo te rangi. See also tutfi fi .

II. Tufi , or more correctly tu - a,

Tfia u Tfi aran gi.

1 . elder brother ofelder sister of a

Tfi akina, n .

a male . 2 .

Tfi akan ga, n . circumstance &c.

of felling . See tua.


l aki, v . t. disembowel fish or



l akiikii, v . t. 1 . scrape . Tua

kukutia o harakeke . 2 . talfe

t/ze rang/mess ofi a piece oftimb er before dragging it out.

Me to puwharawhara? Hua

n oa me tuakuku ka to ai.

Tfi akiira,n . dicksonia sqnarrosa ;

a tree fern .

W ith five strands

Tfi an fi i, n . roof of a house .

Tiian iii, a. barsli ; overbearing .

Tuanui n oa atu to kupu ki tou


w hakatu anu i,v . i. be overbear

Ti an gan , v . t. beat will: a stick.

(See I . tn,3 ) a prefix to ad-

lTfian g‘

i, n . coc/fles .

jectives &c. signifying a moderate degree of the quality ex

pressed. Tu - a - W hero ; reddis/z.

Tfi fiahii, n . sacred p lace, used bytohunga for purposes of divination &c.

Tfi fihfie , a . jea lous .

Tiiahan gata, n . a familiar n amefor the hero of a story &c .




Tfiahau, n . a kind of rang/zmatmade from the leaves of kiekie .

Tfi ahiné, n . sister of a man .

T fi ahii, v . t. tlzrow up in to billoclcs .

Mo tan a mara. i tuahua kautia ;kaore i whakatokia

Tfi ao ,a. transient. He wai tnao

te wai n ei; mao rawa ake te

11a kua mutu te waipuke .

Tu a- o - rangi, n . days gone by.

Tfi apae , n . anytlzing bounding tbe

horiz on . Kia ngaro te .tuapae

whenuaTiiap éka, a . dissimulating .

whakatu apeka, V . i. dissimulate.Tfi fip érfi, n . fi rstfrni/s of a crop .

Tiiap iikii, round cord platted withfour strands.

Thara, n . 1 . baels. 2 . ally ; sup

port.tu ara, v . t. assist.

ratia to teina.

Hoatu tua

Tfi ahiiri, v . t. cover the roof of whakatu ara, ad. backwards. K 0

9. house wita a coating of ranpo

preparatory to thatching W ith

. toetoe .

Tfi fiitfirfi, n .

of a reptile or fish.

spines on the back

korna anake e haere wheke

tuara : ko eu e kore.

N amib ia , n . btematopns longti

rostris, a bird.

I to wehi Tfi firak'

i, n . nortb wind.

an o kinga tnaitara e tutu haere Tfi arang‘

i, a. old ; of ancient date.

ana mai He korero tuarangi.

Page 200: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Tharfingiringafi'l‘uhfinga. 179

Tfiaringiringi, a. unsettled : per so of anything rare and highlypies

-cd. Ka te a a Baku ,ka prized .

tnarangaranga ,ka kowhete a



in é, n . a familiar nameroto o te agakan . for the heroin e of a story :

‘myThe rm a. Iwi tuararo : baelr. lady

bone . Tfi awhén fi a. n . 1 . main land. 2 .

Tflirén gfi, n . a fish ; the same in terior.

ITfiawhiti, a . taieb‘ ; flesby ; f at.Tiisnl. n . steward. Tau mahi e te manawa maTr snx, V . i. dispense ; dea l out. W hiti! (1 6 0 )Tfiaréa, n. bael' part of a house . Tfihfiha , a. domina ting late in

Iwi tnaroa ; back bone. Inc day . Ra tuhalia nga tai;

Tharéngb, 11 . back of a house . he awatea hoki.Thati, a. lka tuata ; fi sn roast Tuhan a , see tuwhan a.

ed and ea ten by [Ice crew of a Tahit i, n . a kind of loctoe.

canoe on its fi rstfi sbing ercnr - lTfihfiua, a. quick. Kia tuhaua

t ion ; this being part of the be haere .

pnre’ ceremony. He ika tnata eTub iuwiri, v . i. sbieer with cold ;

tetahi; i tnnua ma nga kanf anal-

e with fear. He tuhau

moana. wiri te timatanga o toku mate .

Tnatahi, a . first. Tfihéa, a . overgrown wit/i basbas.

meters, 11 . 1 . a large lizard. {m emes a. disband /ed. Ks m2 . spines on the back of a li hsihsi nga hnru 0 ton mahuzard . Ka momohe ra pea one ; nga.

tuatara 3 . clad . Tfihi, v . t. l . delineate ; draw ;Tfi fi téa, 11 . break on the crest of write . 2 . point a t ; indicate by

a wave . Ka pupuhi te hau ka pain ting . 3 . ascertain tbe forwhati te tuatea. lane of . Kat alii ia ka tuhi i

Tfiatéa, a. 1 . yale . He maa tona atua. ara ka ma takite. hei

tuatea ; a fat bird, the skin of f titiro i tona aitna

which shows W hite under the tuhituhi, v . t. write . Tuhituhia

feathers. 2. anxious ; distressed. he pukapuka ki tou whanau

He tastes ki tona hoa e mate nga .

ana . Tahiti, v . t. carpal ; banisb . KO

whakatuatea, v . i. grow anxious . an tena ks meinga kia tuhi

E whaka tuatea ans ahau ki te titia c koe ? F. kore pea an emate o taku tamaiti. haere i to tahiti.


ini, 11 . blue sbark. Tfihae , a. steep . Kn tahoe te

Tfi afiki, a. old ; of long standing. tuanai, e kore o tuturu .

He mate tuankinki. l'l‘flhbnb , v . t. join . Tahonoa te

tahi wahi ki tn ta lmhu.

Tfiafirifiri, a . 1 . very dark. He Tilhiia , n . obsidian , so called

po tuanriuri; a darts abyss . 2 .l from Tnhua orMayor Island ;

very ma ny . He mano taanrinri. called also matri- tnnna .

Tfiafi rfi , a. I. western . Te tai Tflhfin ga, n . perch for birds totuanrn . 2 . rare ; cboice . Ko light on , placed in a convenienttahi ra to menu tuanru e n oho position for killing them. Henei ki rungs. ki a tatou ; pro


4 wero mann tona mahi ki te

pe rly said of a white and] tohunga a to tangata nei.

1 2 “

Page 201: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 80 Tuhura tfikfiroa.

Tuhura .

.Ki te tuhura ki ngu mea kahore ano i iriiria.

Tfi i, n . parson - bird prostbemaderaN ome c andiw.

Thi, v . t. l . pierce . He.


tui, a clzarmfor spearing birds.

2 . t/zrcad on a string . Ka ta

huri mai ano tera,ki te tui i

nga ika 3 . lace ; fastenby passing a cord t/zroag/z lzolcs.

Tuia to tatou waka 4


tu i, 11 . string on W hich anythingis threaded. Ka pan te tui te

whakaeke ki te ngohituitui, v . t. 1 . lace ; sew. 2 . fasten up render inaccessible . K o

nga rangii tuituia e Tan eTfi kfihotéa , a. having no covering

on [be roof. Ko nga W hare okon ei kei te pakaru ; kei te tnkahotea.

Tfikararoa , n . a bird .

Tfi kiiri, v . t. dig and [brow upin to lzilloc/fs. H omaihe kaheruhei tukari i taku mara .

—“K atahi an o ka tukari te mara a

te N oin oi is a saying usedW hen the sea is beginning to

rise .

m anna, n . whirlwind.

Tiiké,n . elbow.

tuketuke , v . t. elbow ; nudge.K atahi ano aManaia ka tuketuke atu i tana tamaitikia rereki te W hiu i te mata ika

Tfikékau ,a . short. Tukekau n ei

te roa o te ara.

Tiikéméita, n . eyebrow.

Tiki, V . t. 1 . strike with anything impelled cna

’wise ; ram.

2 . butt. 3 . attack. Ki a Ta

ngaroa, me tomo te pa ; ki a

Rangitu , me tuki ata.

tiitiiki, v . i. rcacb its fart/zest limit. Ka tutuki te tai; it is

nig/z water . be Jim'

s/ted ; be

completed. Kia tutukito korero .

tfi tfiki, v. i. strike against an ao

jcet ; stumble . K a tutuki tokuwaewae ki terakan .

tukituki,V. t. 1 . demolish ; knock

to pieces. I tukitukia katoatianga whare e te taua . 2 . de

stroy ; ltill. Tukitukia te kuri.

3 . take to pieces ; take down .

Me takitaki te taiepa, ha ha

nga ai kia pai.

Tuki, v . i. give the time to ro

wars in a canoe .

Tfi kino, v . t. ill- trea t , use wit/z

violence.Tfikipoho, a. contrary (of thewind) .

Tfi k'

é réhi'

l,n . p lantago ; a plant.

Tiikii, v . t. let go ; give up ; al

low. Tukua marietia nga pa

keha kia haere .

—Tukua atu,is

often used as equivalent to here

tuku , v . i. 1 . set to . Tana tukunga atu ki te kai 2 . sub~

side . Kia tuku te waika W hiti

ai ki tawahi. 3 . settle down .

Ka tuku katoa te mango. o terangi. Tukunga atu mo ; p lacein to which one may be received.

Tukunga iho ; end ; result.tuku , n . incan tation used in ca

ses of childbirth.

tuku tuku ,n . 1 . web of a spider.

2 . ornamental work in the in

terior of a house .

Tfi kfikii, v . t. p lunder . Tukukua

katoatia ana te kai a Taki.

Tfikfimarii, a . cloudy E tuku

maru ana te rangi.

Tfikfi p fi , a . 1 . coming down on

all sides. He na tukupu . 2 .

overcast ; lowering . Tukupu ana

te rangi. 3 . covering comp letely. He moko tukupu


ia, n . back- stay of the sail

of a can oe .

tfikfiroa, a. ill- supp lied. He tantukuroa ; a season of famine.

Page 203: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences



ki te titiro mai a te ta - lTfi p éré , v . t.

ngata .

Tfi ngiitii, v . t.

the sticks of a fire . Tungutu

ngutua nga mounga. 2 .

on fi re ; burn . K ei te tungutu

a Te W arn i tean a waerenga .

whakatup ereru , V 1

Tfi bhii, v . i. stoop ; bow t/ze bead.

E tuohu tonu ana ahau,koia

ahau te kite ai. 2 . keep one

self out of tke way . E tuohumai n ei i roto i tona whare iton a whare .

Tfi éi, a . t/zin ; lean . He kara

rehe tuoi, e kore e kainga .


Tupe , a.


ié whakatupu .

ejaculate . Kaoreau 0 tupere atu


‘Tena koe’.1 , put togetber

Tup erepere, a . 1 . boisterous. Hemarangai tuperepere . 2 . vigorous ; as the growth of plants.

make a

noise will: [be lips .

Rua tupo , 1 . cave inwkick tbc bones of tlze dead aredeposited , after the flesh has

decayed . 2 . bole over wkick iacan tations were p erformed fortbe purp ose of depriving one’senemies ofpower . Compare ruahaeroa

,under haeroa .

Tfi 6r6. He tuna tuoro ; ka ra Tfi pak‘


, v . t. cover .

ngona te tau o te tuoro .

Tfi p af, n . a shell- fish.

tu p a, a . anfruit/‘


tupa .

Tfi paki, a. fair ; wit/tout rain .

K a nui te roa o te tupakita

nga, 0 te korenga e na .

tup akipaki, a . small. He wharetupakipaki.

Tfi pfikihi, n . coriaria misct'

folia ,a shrub .

Tfi p apakii, n . l . corpse . 2 . sickperson . 3 . one intended to be

Tfi piiré, n . ekaplet. W Hatiia maihe kowhai hei tupare .

Tfi paripari, 11 .

He karaka

low bank of a

Tfi parii, v . t. coat wit/z raup o .

Tuparuparua te whare .

Tfi p fit‘

iu , n . n orth-west W ind .

Tfi patb , a . cautious ; suspicious .

Tfi p é, v . t. deprive of power bymeans of a charm. Katabi katahuriki te tupe i te tupapaku ;n a

,kua ngoikore te tupapaku

Tfi p éhii, a. angry ; blustering.

Haere tupehu ana te tangata.

TEPEKX, n . tobacco .

Tiipéké, v . i. jump ; leap .

tup oki, 11 . covering ; lid.

Tfi p bnb , v . t. ligbt upon d ecidentally ; c/iance to kit. Tupon o

pu te rakau ki te kan ohi o tetamaiti.

Tfi p fip brb, v . i. be overturned.Tfi p firé, V . t.

. bebaue kindly to .

Tupore rangi tahi; whakariri

kei rau rangi.

Tfi pbu , or tup oupou , v. t. 1 . put

t/ze kead downwards ; stoop down .

2 . fall or tkrow oneself bead

tu p oupou , n . porpoise.

Tiip ii, v . i. I . grow ; increase . Etupu tonu mai n ei ano te ku

mara i te pari o taua whenua2 . spring up . Ka tupu

te whawhai a taua pa ki nga

tangata o Awhitu 3 . be

firmlyfixed . Tupu tonu te poun ei.

tupu , n . l . skoot ; bud.

2 . growl/i.

3 . social position . W Hakaheke

tupu ; treat with indignity. He

iwi kin o te iwi n ei; he iwi

whakaheke tupu tangata

tup u , a. genuine ; own . Tanatama tupu

tup u tup u , n . a kind of mat.whakatup u , v . t. 1 . cause to

grow ; c/zerisb ; rear. 2 . assume

Page 204: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Tfipfié m 'l ‘firfi . 1 83

Ilse ckaractar or appearance of; Tfi rfiré , v . i. steal away ; flee .

make oneself like . Katabi ka Kua turere atu te kiore—Tuwkakatupn kuri te tangata ra . rere ana te moe i aku kanohi.

Tfipiifi, n . l . goblin ; demon . 2 . Tfi rétirét‘

i, a. un steady . K ei takaobject for terror ; taniw/za &c. koe ; e turetireti ena te kaho .

T‘firi, n . l . knee. N a wai ra, i

rare to wai, a he to nga turi

tupu a, v . t. stea l. Kia tupuatia 2 . post of a fence .

ai a Rec 9 ratou Tfi ri, a. l . deaf. 2 . obstinate ;whakatupua, n . a fish. stubborn . He turimaori no te

Tfi pfihi, n . gale ; stoma . He tu -

f koroke nei.

puhi tenei; e kore tatou e pnta §tu rituri, a. 1 . obstinate. He tutupnhi, a 1 .Min ,

lean . He tu - l rituri tonu to iwi nei ki te

puhi te kiore . 2 . inactive ; n oho ki tona mahau, ki tonaslaggis/t . Ka ti me he tupuhi; mahau . 2 . n oisy .

Be no longer inactive . turituri, n. noise E kore c mTfipfin fi, n . an cestor ; male or fc ngona i to turituri. —Turituri!male . Plural mp fini. Hush!


,V . 1. put on Ike outer whakatfi tfifl, V . i. be obstinate .

co ve ring of the walls of a house . See also tfltfi ri.Me tupuni ki te raupo . Thrikfikba, n . spinifex birsutas ;

Tfipfi rin gfi, n . derivative from a kind of grass . Kn ngau ki

tupu. See tupu. i te turikakoa te paringa o to

Tfi rihl , v. i. keep away ; keep mi, 0 tika ena te rere o to

clea r. Tun-aha ena te kai i a kuaka.

in» Tfi rinsénséneénsé. carats”;Tfirfiki, v

,t. tkrow down from e u



upright position ; p as/c dowa . lTfirip6p éké, a. leaving tbc kneesI kite an i to tarukenga o te ben t. E turipepoke ana tc haerc.

tamaiti nei ki roto ki te wai. ; Ti1rip6ni, n. knee -form.

tmaturaki, v. t. throw down d'I‘iitipfl . a. weak in tkc knees.

number of things. He waewae turipu .

Mimi , v. t. ligkt milk a torcb ; lTurituri- pourewa, n . a bird .

give Jig/z! to . Tummatia ahou gTfiriwfi taitai, v . i. be benumbed ;e boa ; ka pouri kerekem. skiver.

Tfirfimbe , v. i. be sleepy . Tfi riwétfiutfiu , v. i. be benumbed '

Tfirfipfi, v . i. spring . Tampa tonu . s/iivcr .

atu a Team ki tona moenga' Tfirfir


i, v . i. stagger ; tottcr. Kn

hammai tenei ka tutori ki towhere .

Tutira, v . t. spread out. Tum Turbrb , n. 1 . sick person . Kua

rua ki te ahi, kia maroke . 1 turorotia a M oka. 2 . corpse .

TU BE ,n . law. tu toro , a. sick.

Tflréhfi , v . i. doze. iTfirbtbwfiengfi , n . middle . Noturehu . a . indistin c t/y scan . te turotowaenga 0 to po .

turehu , n . gloostg l'

airy : anytbing Tfirfi , n . Ike moon atfiftecn daysold.

Tamar,n . Tuesday . Thrift, v . i. last a s/mrt time . Turu

Tflrépb , n . a tree . tahanga atu ; in a little while.

Page 205: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 84

Pass. Turua ; be done for a

snort time. Turua kautia ki tetaha. ki te W hatitoka ; tnrua

kautia ki rotoTuru, or turu turu ,

n .

steady oneself by.

turu , V . t. build an eel weir.

K ei te turu pa a Moka.

tuturu, V. i. lea/f ; driptfi tiirii, a . fixed ; permanen t.

stick to

tfi tiirii, V . i. kneel . Tuturu ou

Tuaii, n . stool ; seat.Tfi rfi a, a. beautiful. Anana! katurua ra l

Tfi riiapé , n . midnzglzt.

Tfi riiaw ép fi ,n . midnig/it.

Tfi rfiki, V. i. 1 . grow up in ad

dition ; as the sucker of a tree& 0 . Ka turuki ake nga huru

huru hou o te manu . 2 . comeup witb afterwards ; come as a

supp lemen t. Ka haere atu koutou apopo ; ka turuki atu matoui muri. 3 . travel by s/zort sta

ges. N a te turuki o to ratouhaere i tae mai ai he awhina.

4 befull Turuki tonu te waka

turuki, V. t. 1 . supplemen t wit/t

a second. Turnkitia te rahui.

2 . tbatcb a house .

turuki, n . sue/fer ; anything sup

plementary .

Tfi rfi pfiu , V. t. support on a pole .

Turupoutia iho nga karaha ki

te rakau .

Tfi riirfi . V . i. 1 . cover oneselffromt/ze cold. He aha koe ka tu

ruru ai? 2 . croucb ; be downcast. Ka pai kia haere koe kite iwi e n oho tururu mai ra.

Tfi rfi tfi , n .

a plant.

Tfi té, 11 . back of tbe neck.

Tfi tfie,n . dung .

dianclla in termedia ,

Tfi rii

Tu tas- W hetu , some phosphorescent substan ce .

Tfi tai, n spy ; scout.Tfi tiiki, V. t. 1 . meet. Tutaki

ana i taua wahin e n ei e weromanu ana mana 2 . maketo meet , put to ; close . Tutakina te taupoki o te pouaka.

tutaki, and tu tataki, a. tone/1ing ; meeting .

Tfi tfingii, n . portion ; division .

tu tan gatan ga, V. t. cut into portions. Hei apopo ka tutangatanga i nga rakau n ei.

Ta tara,11 . sma ll tat/t ; gossip .

Tfi tata, a . near .

Tfi taumaha, n . a kind of charmor incan tation

Time, V. t. s/zove will: a pole.Tutee te waka ki waho .

tu tetu te , V. t. jostle ; bustle .

Tfi téi, V. t. spy ; rcconnoitrc.

ta tei,n . spy ,

scout.Tfi tétfiké , V . t. pusb. wit/z tbe


Tfi téuré, n . a shell- fish; a kindof fusus .

Tfi tika, a . upriglzt.

Tutira, n . row ; fi le.

Tfi tohfi , V. t. receive a proposalfavourably ; give consent to . Tu

tohu ahiahi; whakarere hapai.

.4ccep t a t night and reject intbe morning.

Tutu, n . coriaria ruscifolia ; a

shrub .

Tfi tfi , V, t. melt down fat &0 . Ka

tahi ka tutua ki te taha

whakatu tu ,V. t. fasten a n et to

a Izoop for the purpose of catching certain kinds of fish.

Tiitfi ,see under 1311 .

Tfi tfi a'

,a. mean ; low- born .

Tutua , see under tu a.

Tfi tiiira, n . a fish ; a small stingray.

Tfi tfina'

wa l , n . a water plant.

Page 207: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


here any more .

tob e ; do not be so obstinate !U fiki, (11 ) V . t. 1 . launch ; push

endwise . U akin a mai te rakau

na. 2 . push a sliding door, so

as either to open or shut ; hencesimply, open ; shut.

Uan ga, time &c.

- of raining . Seen a.

U aparé, (11 ) V. t. a ttribute to ano

ther W hat is charged to one

self.U ariia, (11 n . cloakwith a capeto it.

U e , (11 ) n . the moon on the fourthday.

U e , (a) V. t. move a canoe witha paddle worhed against the

side ; scull ; steer with a paddle.

U ea to tatou waka ki waho .

u eu e , V. t. incite ; impel. Me heru na ano e ueue aua i a tua

wahin eU eha , n . prop ; support. Homaitetahi rakau hei ueha mo te


U en é, (11 ) V. i. whine .

U ep fi , (he) 11 . company ; party.

Tena ano tetahi n epu whakaeatetebi n epu whakakahore.

U eré, (fi e) n . a shell- fish.

U hi, (fi ) 11 . an in strument usedfor puncturing the skin in tat

tooing. N G a uhi mataran a

U etonga

U hé, (a) n . 1 , heart of a tree .

2 . umbilical cord. Comp . iho .

uho , a . sound. He riri an o ta

te tawa uho,he riri an o ta ta

tawa para

U hu , (nhfi ) V . t. perform certainceremonies over the bon es ofthe dead. Tae rawa atu matou meake mutu te uhu . Com

pare hahu .

U human éa , (aha) a .

clever .

U hun ga, n . derivative from uhu .

See uhu .


U akié—Umere.

Kati na tohe - t unga, (aha) V . t. cry over;lamen t. Haere kia uhungatia

koe .

U i, (ui) V. i. 1 . ask; enquire. Ka

tahi ka ui atu te wahine ra,

he aha tau, ihaere mai ai koeki konei? 2 . relax or loosena n oose . I uia te kaha i te

kaki o te manu .

Uira, (iii) V. i. gleam; flash. Teuira o te ahi o te A rawaHe taua pea tera, ina hoki nga

pu ka uira mai nei.uira, n . lightning . Ka puta te

hau,te na

,te uira

,te whati


U ka, (fl) , V . i. be fixed. E uka

ana a raro o te pou i te one .

nkanka , V . i. 1 . be preserved ; last.Kawea nga kaiki runga W hata,kia nkanka ai mo etahi rangi.

2 . be slow ; be sluggish. Kihaii nkanka to matou whakatika

nga ake .

U ki, (uki) n . ancient times. N ouki

,n o n ehe

,n o whakapata.

ukiuki,a. old.

U ku , (ukn) 11 . white clay.

uku ,V. t. wash, using clay for

soap . Ka haere a Marutuahuki te ukn i tona mahunga ki

te wai

Ukui, (ukui) V . t. wipe ; rub.

uku i, n . white clay .

U kupapa, (film) V. i. be a ll can

sumed ; be all dealt with with

out exception . Compare oro

p ap a .

U ku para, (aka) V. t. smudge .

U mii, (a) n . bosom; chest.U mfirfihfi , (11 ) a. 1 . ex tended ;wide . Kaore e pai to tatou paki kon ei, ke umaraha rawa.

2 . bewildered ; abroad. Katabika umaraha nga whakaaro .

U méré, (a) V . i. I . sing or chaunt,

to keep time in any united ef

fort. 2 . shout in wonder, satis

faction &c. A no . te mangai o

Page 208: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


i—Jl ruhfin ga. 1 87

te tangata me te ia wai; e ta - lU pékhtfingiti, (a) n . a kind ofngi ana te umera toetoe .

U miki'

, (a) V . t. traverse ; go lU ra, (a) V . i. 1 . be red or brown .

round. Nana i umiki te W ho - l Kn ura te kan ohi i te riri.

mm. 2 . glow ; especially of sunrise.U mu , (umu) n . native oven ; ha Kaore ano i roa kau ake te

ngi. Pokia ta tatou umu . uranga o te ra, kua po

whakaumu , 11 . hole dug in the lU rfingi, (a) n . derivative fromground to serve as a landmark, ! u . See 11 , V. i.

or to mark the spot where ant ré, (n) n . membrum virile.

one has fallen in ba ttle . iurenre , n . ripe fruit of kiehie or

U n fihi, (11 ) n . scale of a fish. freycinetia Banhsii.

nnahi, V . t. scale a fish. U na U ri, (n) u . 1 . offspring ; descendhia nga ika nei. Comp . inohi. an ts. To Tamure uri, teneian o

U nen é, (ti) V. i. beg inrportuna te ora nei 2 . race. Itely. B ore i te unene o te : mohiotia ai he uri makutu, no

tangata nei ki taku pouaka. te tikanga iho a ona tupuna

U na , (G nu) V. t. I . pull of Kei' relative ; blood connec~te nnu i ona kakahu . 2 . draw tion . K 0 wai tona uri i haereout. He tangata he nana itiki ai is ki reira ?

mai i unu nga titi 3 . n . 1 . west. Kei to

bring out ; exhibit. Kn uuu augn te kuwaha ki ta nru

hia te tere o te waka. 2 . head ; upper end. E kore eU nubri, (11 1m) n . object of ia taka te urn 0 a taua rakau

tense afl’

ection . Kei tua e Te 3 . part of an apparatusnga, unuora i ahau. for catching birds. Te mu 0

U ngfi , (a) V. t. 1 . send . n aa f te taanga. 4 . single lmir . N Ga

atu totabi tangata ki tawahi,

urn o te upoko . 5 . grove ofki te tiki kai. 2 . cause to be ; trees . Kei te urn manuka a

born . Kahore he karakia 1 ma tu mai ra.

hue nei hei nnga mai i to ta - éU ru , (urn) V . i. join oneself ; bemaiti ki waho assam


atcd . Kia uru mai koeU ngfi, (a ) n . deriVative from u.

~ ki roto hi it matou, kia ora ai

See u, V. i. koe . 2 . participate in an action ;U ngiitfi , (ant!) v . t. p lace things .

become accessory. 3 . reach a

so that the ends touch one ano -

gplace ; arrive. E kore matou e

ther . U ngutungutua nga motu urn kl W Harekahjka.

motu. V. i. meet together .

uru , V o t ”PM" a mat, bl! “W U "

U piné, (a) abreast ; in eren ling in a new piece . U rua tou

r“ I" U pfi fle tonu te haere o ikakahu.

te taua .

ura iu'n, a . angry .

whakauru , V . i. ally oneself. IU péka' (fl) W "; “FF" whakaum otahi 0 N G atihine kiKua man to rings 0 Rate. kl

t k'

U - Nte upoko ; ka patua , ka mate wliglfaui'u


n il

l/7MG onga

(5 5 ) - Kei te “P0 1” to maraU ruahfi , (armn . tabooed place

0 3 113“W here certain ceremonies were

U pokohfi e , iii) 11 . porpozse performed.

U p6k5r6r6, (n) n . a fish. U mhan ga, (urn) n . sudden blast

Page 209: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

188 U ruhifl whakautu .

commen cing a southerly W ind.l a state of nature . He ngahere

K ei mua o te hau te uruha here urutapu .

n ga. U ru tira, (firfi) n . dorsal fi n of aUra b i. fish.

whakau ruhi. U rutoko, (urn) n . poles erectedU ruhiia , (fwd) n . swelling . on a tuaahu

,or sacred place .

U ruhfimii, (firn) n . swelling of K a whakaturia nga urutoko

tbc foot. See uruumu .

U rukéhii, (are ) a . lzg/zt- baired. U rufimfi , (dru) a. swollen . Ka

U rukowhao , (tira) n . 1 . tea/cage uruumutia toku waewae ; i tuin a can oe through the holes tuki ki te kowhatu .

made for the lashings of the U rufirfiwhénfi a , (uru) n . anyrauawa. 2 . any trifling damage . tlzing [brown on a

‘walzi tapu’

He urukowhao, e ki ana ko for good luck. Comp . whakau ,

Hekerau . 5 . under 11 .

U rfimaraki, n . sudden blast of U ta, (ii) 11 . 1 . [be land, as opwind. posed to the water. N a

, ka

Uru ng‘

a, (firfi ) n . 1 . pillow. hoe n ei ratou ,a ka tae ki uta

rudder ; steer oar . 3 . deriva 2 . in land parts, as optive from uru . See u ru . p osed to the coast.

U run gi, (firfi) n . rudder ; steer U ta, (11 ) V . t. 1 . put on board a

can oe &c. Ka utaina nga uta

urun gi, V. t. steer. nga o ia waka, o ia wakaUrupa, (uru) V. i. 1 . eaten in 2 . load. K atahi ka n tsima to

the water . Ka urupa taua hoe. waka o Hineiteiwaiwa2 . draw to an end. Ka urupa u tan ga , n . burden ; frelgbt.

te mahi; the working season U to, (11 ) n . l . revenge. Ka kai

is over. nga te kan ohi o te tupapaku

uru p a, n . 1 . ebonee blow. 2 .fence hei uto mo tona teina . 2 . ob

round a grave ; burying p lace . feet of one’s revenge ; swornU ru p fi , (dru) V . i. be brought to enemy . Ka mate i a ia tonathe poin t of doing anything. I uto . See ito .

te mea ka urupu n ei tatou ki U ton ga, (a) a. uncooked ; unripe.te titiro i te he

,9 kore e ahei He n tonga te kai n ei; kaore e

kia hoki atu tatou ki tena reka .

mahi. I . U tu , (fi tfi ) n . 1 . return ; priceU ru pi



fi, (uru) n . clump of trees. paid ; rezoard ; ransom. K o te

U ruréa, (firfi) n . 1 . a shell- fish .

utu ten ei mo taku mahi. 2 .

2 . a kind of shark. Kia mé satisf action for 1 11311 1 1 8 8 recelv

tenga ururoa te tangata ; a man ed

MN o k


on el.







s/wuld die game .

e an ala aua l W l n ei,

1a a.

Uc V

1bakore ai ratou ki te rapu utu

ru ru a , (uru) a . overgrownma ratou 3 . reply .

ara . 2 . revolting ; luxurzatzng .

U tua taku mahi 2 answerTe kaki ururua ; au mahi Kaua e utuutua nga ki a te

Uruta , (firn a . epidemic . He1m n ei.

mate uruta. whakau tu , n . a term of endearU ru tapfi , (urd) a . untouc/zed ; in ment

,usedin speaking of a child.

Page 211: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 90

W aenganuj, n .

W aen gapu ,n .

W aen garahi, n .

Wherein , n . crab ; crayfish.

Waare, v . t. clear by cutting down

wood &c.

w aerenga, n . clearing for cultivation .

W iieré,n . 1 . tail of an animal.

2 . hair of a dog’

s tail. Puhi

puhi rawa te paua ki te waeroKahu -waero ; mat cover

ed with hair of dogs’tails.

W ieréa, n . masquito .

W ieriirfi , n . a variety of potato .

W iewae , see under w ae .

W iew iieka'

ké , n . gleichenia he

cistophylla , a plant.

wahi, n . 1 . month. Kihai te matau i mau ki te waha o te ika

2 . voice . K a hamamamai te waha


“E tia”

; he waha

tangata 3 . sheet of a

sail. 4 . middle portion of a

sein e . 5 . region . Kua tae maia Te W arn

,0 Mangaarnhe, o

te waha ki uta o te Wairoa.

W ahaw aha, n . a shell- fish.

wahi, v . t. carry on the back.

Wahan an a e ia a Tawhaki ki

to raua wharewhakaw aha, v . t. 1 . lake It]? on

the back. W Hakawaha e koroma ; ka haere tatou . 2 . start ;

set in motion . I whakawahaahe ope .

wahaika, n . a wooden weaponof war.

W fihfikfiwa, a . having a distaste

for ordinary food. N a Hotu

nui an i ngare mai ki tetebiika maua ; he wahakawa n one.

W fihan gi, n . derivative fromwahi; see w ahi.

wahsn ga, n . from waha.

the midst.

W fihfin g’

fi , .a. dumb ; . quiet.


W aen ganui—W ai.

wahap fi ,11 . month of a bay or

river .

W itharéa, n .

tified pa.

Wahi, or waw fihi, v . t. 1 . split ;divide. Wahia ana ; ka paka

ru ; koMatatua tetebi para, koAotea tetebi 2 . breakopen ; lay open ; disclose . W a

wahia nga korero : kati me he

purupuru i nga korero .

w ahi, n . 1 . part ; p ortion . Tetohu o Manaia i kitea ai, ko

tetahi wahi o te ringa, he meawhakairo 2 . place ; 10

cality. Waiho tonu iho hei

ingoa mo tena wahi a Katikatio Tamatekapua

wahi.whakaw ahi, v . t. anoint. Kua

oti nga turi te whakawahi ki

te hinu . Comp . tow ahiw ahi.

W fihie , n . firewood. Ka ki ake

a Tawhaki,‘Tikina he wabie

moku ’

W SHi’

N X,n . virgin .

wahine, n . 1 . woman . E n ohoa tinan a tonu ana te wahin e,te tamariki

,te tana 2 .

wife . K a mata te umu a Kui

wai, wahin e a ManaiaPlural wahine.

whakawahin e , n . strip of woodsupporting the karaho of a ca

n oe ; hau/ma .

W ihc‘

i, n . 1 . the outside . Ka ta

kitakina te taniwha kia pamaroai te haerenga mai ki waho otona rua 2 . the opensea, away from land . K a meaatu nga tuakan a ,

‘Tukua atu

te punga i kon ei’. Ka meaatu ia


‘Kauaka ; engarime hoerawa ki waho n oa atu

I . wai, pron . interrogative . who

K 0 wai ten ei e haere main ei?

Often used when the speakereither cann ot or cares not to

give the names. Muri iho ko

en trance to a for

Page 212: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

W ai~ whakawairua 1 91

Main tea, muri iho ko wai, ko W fi kari'

, n . ditch. Se e waikari.

wai, ko wai, a muri iho ko W iikau ére, V . i. be without enerW Hakatau -

potiki- Ka otiI gy ; be subdued. N a te karakia

o ratou waka, ha hnaina nga matou iwaikauere aiki te riri.ingon, ko W Hiritoa, i; s

ko iW fiikéo , n . a fish.

wai waka atu hoki,ko wai W iikéri


, n . ditch.

waka atu hoki W hikoréhfihfi , V . i. be subdued ;11 . W ii, u . 1 . water or any li- g be listless.

quid. B kui, hawea atu tetahi W Eikiflri, n . rust.

wai me te manuhiri 2 . W iimfirie , a . 1 . quiet ; meek. 2 .

iwssel to hold water ; ea/abash. lucky. X 0 Pi sn ake o rungs

3 . bag of a fishing net. E wha o to matou waka i waimarietianga wai o te kupenga . e te ika.

III. W fii. W éiméhfi, a. insipid ; distaste/il l.whakawai, V . t. entice ; beguile . Rapn noa i nga kao nei, te

A na e whakarongo kitaua mahi whai para ; he waimeha snake .

whakawai. - Korero atu iaua k orero , koW 515 v . i. 1 . be accustomed rero atu ; a, wairnehatia ana.

Tau mahi, e to hnki ka waia W imi, n . vine ; te kai taniwha ! (15 5) 2 . W ainhmfi , 0 . having a dislike tobe strained befilled with tears. certain kinds of f ood.

Ka waia nga kanohi i to tiro - iW fiin géngé, u . a kind of shark .

W iingfih ia, a. easy. Koia ano

W fi firangl, a. red . to waingohin o teneipukapukaW filfiri, n . small kumara . hi 3 an .

Waik iki. n . ho t spring . lW iibrfi , n . spaces between the tat

W fiifitfi , u . song . Kn whakakitea nga mahi a Raukatauri i W itpfl, n . sound of thefiring ofmin ; te waists, te putorino ,te koauau iW fiipfiké, u . flood. N a te wai

waiata, V. t. or V . i. sing . puke ikore aie tae to matou ope .

W hirfikiu. n . manure.

W iifiufi, u. porpoise. W iirfingi. a. l . beside oneself.W iiéhfi , n . a fish. Kua whakawairangi n oa ake te

W hihikihaki, n . itch. or other ngahan ki te kai o in wahinecutaneous disease . 2 . foolish. Nona ano

W ilhingi, V. t. make See W hai tona wairangi ki te tahae , metona whin .

W iihapé , V. i. Inch ship ; go W iltfin fi , n . gravy.

about. W iirariui, n . gravy ; juice.W fi hinfiu, u. a kind of mat. W filrfiu, n . gleanings of po tatoW iiho, V. i. 1 . be left. Pikiatu or humara .

he maunga. waiho iho ona ta W hiréki, a. agreeable ; infavour .

pni i reira , he patupaiarehe Kaiwairekatia ki reira, e kore2 . le t be. Me he mea e hoki.

he kotiro, waiho te ingoa i a W hirbri, V . i. turn round.

Paretuahu W iirfia, n . 1 . spirit. 2 . unsub

W fi haki, ad . likew ise ; in like stautial image ; shadow .

manner . whakawairua , V . i. 1 . be repre

Page 213: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

1 92 Waitah'

in ga—W hakaw are .

sented by an unsubstantial image .

E whakawairua mai ra te wakai roto i te mi. 2 . appear dimand s/zadowy. K ei whea te

waka naiP—E,e whakawairua

kau ana.

W aitfihi'

n gé, n . ditch.

W fiitfiu,v . i. 1 . moulder ; peris/t .

W Hahikitia te rua,kei waitau

ake nga kai. 2 . be worn out ;

be fain t. Kua waitau te nga

kau i te tirohanga.

W 5it6hi, n . a charm repeatedb efore engaging in battle .

waitéhfi,11 . mark.

w aitohu , v . t. marl: an animal.VV

aitohungia a tatou poaka .

w aitfi hi. I reira ka kawea kiawhakawaituhitia te wahin e ra

(7W fi fi

,n . milk. VV

aiu - o - Kahukura ; euplzorbia glauca, a plant.

W fiifi fitfi a ,n . rbabdotlzamnus So

landri; a plant.

waka,n . 1 . canoe . Ka oti nga

waka ra te waihanga, ka toiakiwaho manu ai 2 . anything sbaped like a canoe. 3 .

medium of an atua. W Hakaeke kau ana a Hakawan ki te

pa o te waka o aua atua, ka

kitea mai e haere atu ana te

waka o en ei atua

w akaw aka,11 . parallel ridges.

E rua nga wakawaka o te maran ei ka oti.

W fikawii, a . leaving a distasteforfood. See w ahakaw a.

W fina,v . i. bud ; sboot.

w an a, n . 1 . young slzoot. 2 . stakeor paling of a fen ce . 3 . division of a neap offood as placed at the time of a hakari

K otahi wana i a matou .

wan aw ana ,n . 1 . spines ; brist

les. Tu - te -wanawan a ,bristle

up ; become exasperated. Ta kou

tou, he mea kia ta ta wane

W ana o te iwi nei. 2 . fear ;whakaware , v . t. l .

one’s attention , binder .

distractI wha

tkrill. K a rere mai te wane.W ana i te aranga matua ki teriri.

whakaw an aw an a,V . i. t/zrow

out bristles ; t/zrow out rays.

K a whakawanawana te ra.


,V . t. l . scrape. K ei te

waniwani riwai nga wahin e . 2 .

skimalong ; toucklightly ; graz e.Wani mai ana i runga i nga


~ - Kia wani te waka ki

tera taha. 3 . braslz or combthe hair. K ei te wani a Rehei tona mahunga.

wani, n . sticks for obtaining fi reby friction . See kau ahi.

W 510 , n . forest. Naku koe i tiki

ki te wao nui a Tan e .

wawao ,V. t. 1 . part combatants.

W aon a nga tamariki n ei; aua

e tukua kia whawhai. 2 . dis

tract one’s atten tion . I wareware an ki ten a ; na te mahao nga korero i wawao.

W ickii, n . bask-man .

waokii,n . dense forest. E n oho

ana ki te waoku ,he pukepuke

ki tetahi taha, he pukepuke ki

tetahi taha.

W ire.

W iiw iirii, V. i. make an indistinctsound ; murmur ; rustle. E Re

hua,kaore ran ei koe i rongo

wawara o raro n ei n a ?

W érahée, a. false . He hunga

warahoe koutou .

I . Wire, a. 1 . mean in socialposition . K 0 taua moenga, hemoenga rangatira iho ano ; e

kore nga ware e moe i reira.

2 . ignorant.w arew are, a . 1 . forgetful. Iwareware pea koe ki ta taua

korero . 2 .forgotten . Ka wareW are i a an te ingoa o tenei

Page 215: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

194 w en ew en e —Wiwi.

he wene , he wen e noa atu . W é tal, 1 1 . an insect.

K a mutu nga wen e korero o W'

étan gotan go , a . very dark.

tenei kainga . Pouriwetangotango te ngakau .

w en ew en e , 11 . 1 . gourd. 2 . an W étarfi, 11 . seed potatoes wil ls/1

insect. t/zrow up a very weak s/zoot.

whakaw en e , V. t. make into a W été.

noose. W éwété, V. t. on tei

o ; unravel. W e

W fiisiiniir, 11 . W ednesday . tekia te tan 0 tou kakahu .

W izi

Pii, n . wln’

p . Weti.W éra, a . 1 burnt Ka were. 1 w etiw eti, a . loathsome ; dzis crnstkona a te Arawa i te ahi



/1 0 0 19 11,I'Ot Kua. were. te whakaw eti, V . t. t/trea/cn . He

wai. kupu whakaweti.w era, n . neat. Kua rite tahi ton a W 5 1 1 v t


wa g/1auetanga ki to Maui auetanga W éta V . beNex t/nguzsned Kuai te were. o te ahi (24) weto tan a ahi

w eraw era , a. warm.

W ét6k.


V ii

. IWere , w erew ere , V 1 tang;be He aha te

suspended. E werewere ma1 ra

swim in s/mals.

ika e wetoki main ei?

te kete 1 rungs 1 to rakau . iW é 7)

whakaw erew ere , V . t. suspend.

[31 1 11 . SW !»3 ”I“ fl " f ; POO/


Weri, n . 1 . root ; rootlet. 2 . con - l . V

1 mi,11 . 1 . wee/s. 2 . wee/t.

weri, V. i. take root in one's ears ; W 1 11 1 W 1 n 1;V 1 slzudder . W ln l

be beard. K orerotia ra kia awe ! W ini an a te kiri i te mutaku .

te weri. -Kia weria ki roto ki Wiri, V . i. tremble. He makanga taringa . 1 iri n oku i 11711 1 ahau .

w eriw eri, a . 1 . d1sgustmg ; of W hakaw iri, V. 1. tremble ; feel


ve. He kai weriweri. 2 . unw ons. Ten ei te ngakau te

disgusted ; provoked . whakawiri n oa atu nei ki a

W érfi, V . t. 1 . pierce ; spear . Tu koe e pokia mai na e to rehutaki ans 1 taua wahin e n ei c 0

ice pu .

were manu ana mana 2 . Wiri, V . t. bore .

t/zrow a spear ; dart. N a ka W iri, n . gimlet ; auger .

tatu,ka werohia ki a Rupe whakaw iri, V. t. twist

,wring .

Katahi to tama ka whakatika ;W éw éro, V . t. strike un


t/l a spear . whakawiria iho te tau o te patuE wewero patiki an a . ki te ringa

W érékfi , V. i. be ex tinguzs/zedwhakam rl , a . t'l ’f


Sfed HeKua weroku te ahi. kau whakawlri

Wero - tarmga 11 a kind of rough W ita , n . on e of the fences formmat.

ing the fortification of a pa.

outside the ‘katua’

ormain fen ce .

To waho , he pekerangi ; to rotomai he W its.

W éri'

l , W éw érfi , or w eruw eru , x

n . garmen t. Kua riro nga worngweru i a. Tohitapu

—Kua ti

rohia iho ki nga weweru ,he “fil 11

mea tepeka, ka mohio tonu iho Wiwi, n . rushes ; juneus of va

no tawhiti tenei tira rious species.

Page 216: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


I. W E E , a. four . be hurried. He whawhai nonaII. W 11 5 , v . i. be disclosed ; get kia rokohanga ai nga tangata

abroad. Ka wha i konei te ki te kainga . 2 . v . t. claide.

tahae a Ruatapu . whfiiwhéi, v . t. cfiase ; 11 1ml . Kua

[I]. m riro 11 Te Pnui ki te W haiwhai

whfiwhfi , v . 1 . fee! wit/1 the hand ; poaka. -korcro, see

Mud/e ; lay hold of W Ha-

Iunder whaikorero .

wharia and mm13 Hamuku no W hfiingfi, circumstance &c.

romia oratia an a taua tamaiti! q/‘

pmsumg &c. 2 cmm’

ly ; ImKei hea te tangata hei

W e , 11 . a term at address to : ki mo te whainga? 3 . care

an elderl) woman con tracted many of removing‘lapu

. Ifrom wham l


whae tikina‘ mea ia kia puma he tangata

nga ika hei whainga mo tona whare .

W Hfiefi , n . mo t/ter.'W Hii§ip6. v . i. be in love wi th

W Hfieréeré. n . dam; mollm‘


a pe rson .

animals . jW haiaipo ,1 1 . mot el - heart. Ka

l . W Hii, n. l sling my ; a fish 111 0 12 a Tuwnekai i taua whai

2 a game ; rat’s marl/m nipo i a Hinemoa

[I W fl éi, a. l sall/ed ; cans/an !“ W Hiiépi'

l , W hniapu ; a

Iy rcsidcnl . He tangata whai kind of apron or 110 1110 0 11 1 .ahau. 2 . pan csmfig . He ta W Hfiifiwfi , 11 . luv! of a river.

ngata whai mana . W Héihfingfi. v . t. I . make ; build.

HI. W 3 8 1. t. l . fullmr ; p in - 1 Kn otim nga waka 11 1 Le whai

.mcz. Ka kite koutou i te waka j hanga, ka lo in ki waho manue whaimai 3 113 i muri i 11 mm. ai ‘2 . do ; 61mg oneselftou 2 . look/or ; go in

? mil/1 . Tn 111 ope whaihnnga,search of. I haere atu ki to ? he ngahau ; kaore e mohio , ks.

whai wabie . 3 . aim a t : dc mate ratou 1’

92) .

sign . E whai 1111 11 a Palm kia 'W Hfiiki, v. i. make a formalriro to whenua i 11 in . 4 . ran/f l : fpeecb Ko ia neia maua whaikiman . He whai ta Taku i 11 Te i reim.

Kahu hei wahine maua. 5 . W Hfiikbrérb , v . i. make an ora

proceed to the next in order. him ; speak in a formal way.

E karakia mmto korokoko ra ; W Hakatika ki te whaikorero .

kua oti tetahi karukia, e whai - Ka me ki te marae o te ta

ana ki tetahi 6 . whai ngatira o taua pa, ka noho ko.

i te kawa ; perform Ilia ccre whaiwhaikorcro

manic: for removing Me ‘lapu’

W E EYOIO,11 . (111 111 115 N ova! Z a

from a house . landim, a bird.

whiwhfii, v . i. jig/1 1. Ka tohe whfi'


io , a. very numerous. Hetonu to taua ki te whawhai ki tini whaioio .

nga tangata o roto o taua p11 m m, or W hairoiro , v. i. be

dimly see/1 : be imperfectly na

whfiwhii, v. i. 1 . be in Izasle ; derxlood.

Page 217: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


W Héitaua 11 .

other in time of war.

W Haiti, a. narrow ; compact.whakawhaiti, V . t. put into small

space . Me whakawhaiti

rakau .

W Haitiri, n . lbunder.

W HaitBhfi , v . t . distinguzsb wit/t

a mark.

W Haitokii, n . doorway ; frontp art of a lzouse .

W Haitiia, 11 . side ; region . K ei

tera whaitua o te manga.

-»I te

hoki putuputu tonu o te tirao tetahiwhaitua

,o tetahiwhai


W HaiW haifi , v . i. bewz’

tclz ; in

jure by cbarms. Kua whai

whaiatia toku matua e Maru .

W HfiiW hairEirEia , v . i. persevere ;be urgent. E whaiwhairoroa nei

koutou ki te pana i te iwi n ei.

W Hiika, prep . towards ; in tbc

direction of . Horahia te titiro

whaka waho . In composition ,1 . with


an adjective or an in

transitive verb , forming an in

transitive verb,it denotes an

approach to, or commencemen tof the condition indicated. Kua

whakatata a To Ponga ma kitetauranga iManuka 2 .

with a n oun forming an in

transitive verb , it signifies an as

sumption of the character whichthe n oun expresses. Bagarikia mate whakatane . 3 . when

it forms a transitive verb,it

is always causative . whakaku

kupa make in to a pigeon .

whakaririki small.whakahoki cause to re

turn . Other varieties and modifications of meaning will befound under the word to which‘whaka

is prefixed in each

case .


is sometimescon tracted to ‘




W Haitiiua—whanake.

a party which W Haka, v. t . malte an immediatecomes to the assistance of an return for anything. Heiwhaka

nga parareka n ei mo nga kai

a N G aitahupo . rep ly to . Ka

hore ano kia whakatia mai taku korero—He patu wheke ;a return blow.

W Haki'

, v . t. confess ; reveal.W Hakina mai to tahae.

W HaZki'


whawhaki, whakiwhaki, v. t .

p lac/r of ; tear of ; gat/zer fruit&c . W Hakiia mai he pititimataua .

W HakEiekBe, v . t. tickle.

W HfikBmii, V. t. eat.

W Hakorékoré, (for whakakorekore) v . t . deny . W Hakorekore tonu mai ia ki taua ko

rero . See kore .

W Hfikfirfi , v. t . pelt.

m ans, v . 1 . 1 . recoil ; sp ringback; as a bow . 2 . lilo/i‘ . Kei

mate koe i te whana a te hoiho .

3 . rebel. E whai tonu ana

mai hoki ten ei mea,te kino


i a tatou . E kore e taea te

whakamanawanui; e whana ana

te ngahan

W han a , n . sp ring made of a bentstick, in a trap for rats or birds.

W han a, a . bent ; bowed. He ra

kau whana.

wa nna, 1 1 . company ; party ;p eop le. Ka ara tetahi whana.

Compare hun ga.

W Hanaké, v . i. move onwards,or upwards. See ake. Kua

whanake te tai; [be tide bas

flowed. E whanake ana te ra

kau nei; this tree is growing .

W han ake , n . 1 . steam. Ka huhu

ake te whanake . 2 . cordyltne


s ; a tree . 3 . a rough

garmen t made from the leaves

of the above plan t. K o te wha

nake o Paoa, e kore e mahueki raro

Page 219: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


kete . 2 . fi ll. Ka whaona te

whare e nga tangata, ka manotini ki roto

W E EKS, v . t. grasp greedilyW Hapfikii, n . a fish resembling


I. w ere, u . 1 . mat used as a

carpet. 2 . soil of a war can oe.

Mo to waka taua anake te ra

whara ; i mangungutia. 3 . a

plan t.W harawhara, n . a plant ; asteliaBanksii.

II. W V. i. be hit acciden

tally . I whare toku waewae ite kamaka. W Hara-kai


food. Kahore an o te turoro i


W I, a. broad ; wide .

W HErfiki, n . fester : sore .

W Haran fu'

, n . a variety of phormium tenant, usually scraped

with a shell,called also taroa .

W HErfin g‘

i, n . leaf of a book ;

W HMn gi-


irii, n . olearia Cun ~

ninghamii, a shrub .

W Hérfirfi , v . i. 1 . lean . Me

W HEO—W hE W hErfia.

wharewhare , n . a fish.

W I-Ifirémba, a . bellow. He wharemoa te rakau , ka mahue .

W Harén garara, n . 1 . a parasi

tical plan t . 2 . pimelea pro

strata , a plan t.W Harep fi , n . a kind of shark.


W Harep un i, n . hut to sleep in .

W Haréran gi, n . store - house builtupon posts.

W Hérétan gité, n . connection bymarriage. K awea te kakahu

mo tou wharetangata.

W Hfiréiimii, n . coo/ting shed.

W Hfiriki, v. t . 1 . spread out as

a carpet ; lay on the ground.

2 . cover with a carp et &c. Ka

wharikitia te roro o te whare

ki te takapau, hei n ohoanga mote manuhiri

W hariki, n . anything used as a

carpet. Kia moata ki te whariki mo te kainga n ei

,mo te

wharo hokiW hariki, a . fla t ; spread out. Hekin o te ranawa o te waka n ei


he whariki rawa hoki.W H


arite, v . t. for whakarite. See

rite . W Haritea te roa o te

rakau n ei.

wharara ki te pakitara o te W Haritfi a , v . i. be hidden bywhare .

tona haere .

W HfiririkI, n . 1 . phormium Co ~ W H5r5 ,

lousoi; an inferior kind of N ew2 . mat


used asZ ealand flax .

a carpet .W HErfiu ,

n . shed or booth, madeof bran ches of trees.

W Hérfiurfirfihi, a. large ; ex ten

sive . Kia wharaurarahi nga ko

tinga .

W Haré, n . 1 . house ; hut; shed.

Haere atu koe i roto i ten ei2 . the peop le in

E te whare n ei! ti W Hariia, a. concave ; depressed.

tiro taua ki te tangata n ei

3 . He whare hau ; a banl: of whawharfi a, n .


a house.

clouds betohening wind.

2 . stoop . K a wharara any object ; be out of sight.

K a wharitua ia ahau .

whawharo, wharo

W haro , v. t. scrape. E wharowharo ana ia i te riwai. v . i.

clear the throat,cough ; espec

W HErona, v . i. lie in a heap .

Hei kona wharona ai nga wa


W haron a, n . heap .

W Harfi rfi , v . i. stretch out the

legs. A na . e wharoro ou wae


W haru a, n . valley .

mother ; femaleancestor . Haere mai koe kia

Page 220: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

W —m mfi.

moemoe tahi i roto i tou wha

See wharua. Ka W ha

ruarna iho nga awaawa.

W Hfiofi, n . elevated stage for storing food .

whats, v. t. elevate ; support. Ewhataa ake ana e to aguho otaua ngarara nei v . i.

hang . E whata mai ra te aho

i runga i te rakau .

W HétiamB, n . litter

m mv . i. stretch out the arch.

He aha tan a whatai na , 0

ta ?

W HE tiu,v . t. measure. E u wha

taua atu te ngohi, me te pa

kihiW i te roa.

W Hfitérfi , v. i. put out the tan

gue . \VHatcr0 tou arero .

W Hit'

i, v . i. 1 . be ben t at an

ang le ; be broken short or”: Kawhuti te kakau o te toki nei.

2 . turn and go away . Ka what)

to tangata whenua ki waho

(l 9 4). -jlee . I aua tangata nei

ano ka hinga, whati kau ana ;

katahi ka patua. 3 . be brokenofl


; be in terrupted ; as a charm.

whiwhfiti, v . t. 1 . bend at an

angle ; fo ld . 2 . break ofi’any

thing stifi”

. W Hatiia mai nga

topito . 3 . cause to flee .

W hfiwhfifi , v . i. be chap t. Ka

mate an i te whawhati 0 aka


W Hawhati- tam; happen suddenly.

whe tiwhe ti, v . t . break 017 a

number of things ; break into

fragments . E haere ana mauako Keno hi to W hatiwhati rara.

whitinn gi, n . 1 . angle ; place

at which anything is bent, doubl

ed , or broken off: 2 . in par

ticular, bend of the arm; elbow.

Kei tc whatianga te roa . 3 .

portion doubled over or brokenor

W Hfi tfi pfingb , n .




ki, v. i. for whakatika.

get up ; stand up . See under

tika. I to ata ka whatika te

wahine ki te wero mauuW Hfi tImét

imo, v . t. gather upa line .

W Hit‘

in dtin é , v . i. stretch out

the nech‘ .

W HitItiri, n . thunderW Hitfitbkh, n . doorway. Ka manto rings ki te papa o te whatitoka, ka toia ; tuwhcra kau

ano te whatitoka

W Hfi tbré, v . i. stretch out the


W Hfitfi , n . l . hai ;l hai .I- stones2. pupil of the eye ; eye. Ti

tiro on whatu.

W HEtii, v. t. weave . Ka kite iai te wahine ra e whatu ana i

te kakahu (187)m en, v . t . lace or tie together . E whatui ans 3 Te A ka

i te kupenga.

W Hfitfikfihfi , n . kidney.

W Hitfiminfiwi, u. ltidney.

papil of the

W Hattitfiri, v . i. for whakamturi, be unyielding . E hara i a

koe , ina hoki te whakatuturi

ki au karakia

W i ll , u . entelea arborescens ; a

shrub .

whauwhau ,

a tree.

W Hau.

whiwhfiu , v . t. tic.

under hou .

W Hfiupi . v. t. eat voracious/y .

He kiko poaka ka homai, whanpatia ake .

W Hfiupikfi , n . penal arboreum;a tree .

W HE urfi, a . fi ery ; fierce . Ko

Tu mo to mata whenre , mo nga

ritenga o waho

n . schejfiera digitata ;

Sec hohou

Page 221: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

20 0 W HEurfiu—W ‘


W Hiurfiu , v. t. scold. Ka W hau

ijautia koe e eu .

W HéuW hi. n . hoheria populnea ;a tree.

W HfiW hfikc‘

iu , n . a. tree .

W HfiW hfip fi , n .

K 0 enei kupu, he whawhapu

n a Patupaiarehe

W HfiW hé, v . i. come or go round.

E whawhe mai ana te paoa.

V. is. put round . Homai takumtua kia whawhea

W e, n . 1 . caterpillar. 2 . dwarf.

W héwh'


,n . boil.

W Héa , n . in terrogative . 1 . what

p lace. See hea. 2 . any p lace

whatsoever . N G a kai o whee

whenua, mana anake,te aha


te aha

W I-Iéiin giién gfi, a. turning this

way and that ; undecided .

W Hééu,V. i. be long in time .

E kore re. 6 W heen , ka hina


W Héié .

W héwhéié, n . enemy.

W Héin ii, a . thirsty. Tikina he

wai mo toku wheinu .

W Héingii, n . quarrel. Katahi te

W heinga o te hanga tamarikin ei!

W HéirES, v. i. 1 . be

seen . A robin oa an i taku mea,

te W heiro i a. en te aha . 2 .

be understood. K aore iwheiroi a an tana korero .

W Héké.

W hekawheka , n . garmen t.W Hékiiu, 11 . in ternal organs ofthe body ; en trails.

W Héké, v . i. ereah. I rangoneake ki te waha e rérfi iho an a

ano he W heke rakau

W Héké, n . squid .

W Hékéré, a . very dark.

W Héki, n . dicksonia squarrosa ,a tree fern . W Heki-kohunga ;

dicksonia antarctica .

V. i. 1 . become black.

K a W heko te riwai i te ta .

2 . go out ; be ex tinguished. Meake W heko te rama.

W heko . n . gills of a fish.

W Hékfiri, V . i. be seen ; be un

derstood. K a whekori i a an

i konei,kei a Rahatia nga pa

keha i taua takiwa.

W Hékii , n . distorted figure in

n ative carving.

W Hékfi W hékii, a. wet ; sp lashed

with wa ter . U rawa atu kiuta,W hekuwheku ana nga tangatame nga kakahu .

V. t . steal. Kua W he

n akotia taku toki i te po n ei.

See W han ako .

W Hénii, n . warp of cloth.

W Héniia , n . 1 . land ; coun try.

Katahi ka rere mai ki te kimiwhenua mona Tangatawhen ua, peop le belonging to any

particular p lace ; natives. He

tangata an o i reira,ko nga ta

ngata whenua ake ano o teneimotu —He tangata ko

rero whenua,a pacgfi


cator. 2 .

ground. Ka ngahoro nga ka

raka ki raro ki te whenua. 3 .

p lacen ta ; afterbirth. I a raua

e piki ana, ka taka te whenua

o te tamaiti ki te moana, ka

kainga e to mangowhenu a , ad. en tirely ; altogether .

Tipatipa whenua ; altogetherfalse .

W Héniikii, V. i. slip orfall down ,

as a wall, bank & 0 .

W Hénfimi, V. i. be out of sight ;be consumed.

W Hén gi.

W héwhéngi, V . i. be shrivelled ;be whithered. Ka W heW hengi

nga puka i te W hitinga o to re .

W hen guwhen gu , v . i. snufile.

W Héo , a . uncooked.

V . i. 1 . make a crash

ing or jarring noise . A no mete wheorotanga whatitiri

Page 223: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

20 2 whiti~ W Hiwhir§m

ki tona ngakau .

—W Hiti an a

taku poho i to karanga.

W hiti, n . hoop .

whakawhiti V . t . l . convey across.

2 . cr ehange .

whakawhiti, n . sail for a boator can oe .

W Hitiki, V. t . tie up ; gird . W Hitikiria tou kakahu .

W hitiki, n . 1 . hell ; girdle . Ka

tango ia i tona W hitiki, meton a maro W hero 2 . a

kind of eel.

W HitB, n . dwarf.

W BTltéki, V. t . tie up . V . i. be

tied up . E W hitoki mai ra te


W Hitfi , a . seven .

W Hiu ,V. t . 1 . whip ; chastise .

He aha tau ka W hin n ei i totamaiti? 2 . throw ; fling . Ka

W hiua nga hanga ki uta . 3 .

p ut ; p lace . W Hiua ki runga

hi to kete -

plan t. Keite W hin

riwai a Te W ainohu . 4 . drive ;cause to go . VVHiua taua ki

waho .


W hin , V. i. assemble. E ahiahi

kau iho ana ano,ehara

,e W hiu

ana te tangata whenua

W hiuwhiu ,11 . layers of toetoe

overlapping one an other on the

ridge of a house .

whakawhiu , V . t . oppress ; afi ict.whakawhiu ,

n . a kind of fishing n et.

W HiW hi, V. i. be en tangled .

A na e hoatu te aho ki ta ta

maiti, kei W hiwhi.

W hiwhi, or whiwhiwhi, 11 . fatcovering the en trails.

whakawhiwhi, V. t . wind round

fasten . Kua man he nga taurate whakawhiwhi ki te rakau .

W HiW hi, V. t. possess ; have ac

quired. K a W hiwhi ia ki tonahoa here .

whakawhiwhi, V. t . give ; pre

sen t. K a whakawhiwhia maiki a ia te pata pounamu, n a n.

me ia an o hoki,ka whakawhi

W hi i tana ki te rangatira ote pa ra .

W HiW hirfiu ,n . a fish.

Page 224: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


0 ? THE



A ,0 "1 He . roaha ; mahm'

n ; ngahoro ; ra

A bandon , v. Il'

haharerr . rawa .

A bate ,v. .llahahi; maria ; iti A bout, prep . near to . Tata hi.

haere . engaged in . Iiei, as hei te mahi.See Convalescent and Subside . outside of, (as clothes) . lici

A bbreviate , v. ll'

hakapoto . waho .

A bdomen , s. li'opu ; manawa ; ta - lA breast, adv. Upflm

‘. (.Vg - l

hapa (B. a ) ; riu. lA bridge, v. lh’

hah'apoto .

A bhor, v. Iiino ; whahah‘ino ; ma- lA bscess, s . Puke ; tapoa.

takawa (E . a ) . lA bsence ,s . N garo ; ngaronga.

A bide,v. N oho . A bsent

,to be. i'. Ngm


o .

A bility, s. tiaho ; ngoi ; ngohe ; A bsen t , a . thoughtless. Muhahoiwi (E . (i) ; aria . hoi.

A ble,v. A hei; haha . l A bsorbcd, to be . v. :llimiti.

A bode , s . B'

ainga ; whare . A bstain , (from food.) v. N ohoA bolish

,v. H


hahnh‘ahore ; pehi; puha .

whahahore . A bsurd, a . Ih'

airangi; haare ; rare.

A bominable,a . W haharihariha ; A buse, v. H'

haha/rino ; whahatupu

weriweri(E . whahariha riha . kino .

A bominate , v. Il'

hahah’ino ; kino ; A byss, s . Torere .

matahawa . A ccelerate, v. t a/l'ahohoro ; wha

A bortion , 3 . Matero to ; tohe ; mha Irangmvari.A ccept, v. Tango ; who/face.

A bove, prep . in number. Tera A ccess, to have, v. Tata ; tae.

atu, ma


am,How sha ll 1 have access to that

in rank N tti atuperson ? Me aha ks tata ai ahau H

in lace Ii'

ei rn n a i hi r:a i“? or’ ka me atu a n

p gA ccident, s. casualty. Mate .

A ccompany, v. Ilacre tahi i.A bou

nd,v. Ilua ;


hnhua (E . a ) ; l will accompany you ; Ka haere ahauI ll/l l ; maha ; nm; hm; ronea ; i a hoe .

rawa/m nanea (E . to be , v. Taco .

Page 225: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

204 A ccording—A loof.A ccording to, prep . Hi.

A ccording to my idea let us go ;K i taku whakaaro me haere .

A ccoun t,n arration ,

s. Korero .

A ccurate,a . Ti/ra .

A ccuse,v. W /m/capae .

A ccustomed, to be, v. Taunga ;


a .

A che; s. Mamae .

A cid,a . Hawa .

A ckn owledge, v. W ham"

, w/m~

kaae .

A cquire, v. W he’



A cquired, to be, v. Biro .

He has acquired great W ealth ; Henui nga taonga ka riro i a ia .

A crid, a . Tanggo ; kawa .

A cross. See L ie across.

A ction ,3 . did/21



A ctive, 0 . Hohoro , ka/mma . See


A cute, a . Roi, tz’


o . See Sharp .

A dd,v. A pilz


; leaf/mi,{aparu (E . a ) .

A dept , a . Ma lay , See

Skilful.A dhere

,v. Pc



A dmire,v. Midi.

A dmit,v. Taku.

A dmoni'

sh,v. A ka ,

wizakaako .

A dorn,v. W fia/fopazpai.

A drift, to be, v. Ma/w'; (ere .

A dvance,v. Haere. See Go .

A dvan tage, s. Paz'

; bubualanga .

A dverse,to be

,v. Tz


ka Ire .

A dversity, 5 . Ma le.

A dvice,5 . Korero ; Ire/pa .

A dult, 3 . Kaumatua ; lice/te.

A dulterate, v. W /za/mnazzu. See

Mix .

A dulterer,s. Tangampuremu .

A dultery, s. Pure/7m, lokobz’

(W t)A dze

,s. E apu.

A far,adv. z




A ffect, v. Pa , mamae ; aims.I shall n ot b e affected ; E kore e

pa ki a an . E kore eu e mamas. Ekore a an e abatia .

A ffection,s. A ra/m.

A ffirm,v. W ba/taae . See Speak.

A ffiict, v. W bakawlzz'

u ; wizaka

mamae ; wkakapoure’


A ffray, s. nganga

relonga ; ta lauranga ; w/zaw/zai.A ffright, v. H’lm/rama lalm; wlzakawche



A float,to be

,v. (of a boat or ship).

Morewa ; maaa ; tarewa ; rewa .

A fraid,to be

,v. Mata/w; we/u' ;


ri; pazrz; paoho ;ma/fa ; pawera ,

palzunu ; hara‘


; kopipi (W M)A fter

, prep . Ua ; marz‘


lzo z'


A fterbirth, S . l eaua .

A fternoon,3 . Te fie/fctaflga o te

ra ; le lz'

labatanga o te ra .

A gain , adv. A 120 .

A gainst, p rep . leaning against . Hi[e taka .

fighting against. Hi.A ge, 3 . Tan .

W hat is your age? E hia ou tau?

A gony, s. .Mamae.

A gree, v. Rite . See Like, and

A ssen t.A ground, to be, v. E lie.

A ha ! in t. HaA head

,adv. Imad .

A larm,in a state of

,s . Mata/ta ;



A las! int. A d e ; tauktrz; tau/furi

A lbin o,


. rako .

A like,to be, u. Rite toki.

A live, a. Mataora ; ora .

A ll, a . Ii‘

aloa .

A ltogether, adv. Petapeta .

A llow ,v. Taku.

A llure . See E ntice .

A lluvial soil, 5 . Haide ; onematua.

A lly, s . [ff /takaura .

A lmighty, a . [fa/ca rawa .

A lmost,adv. ”Qt/ti iti.

A loft,adv. rzmga ; [ti runga .

A lon e,adv. A naka ; (maize .

A long, prep . 1 .

A long the road ; I te ara.

A loof,to be

,v. Ta ke .

Page 227: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

A rrive—Back.

A rrive,v. Tae ; u ; pono ; tupono .

A rrow,3 . Pere .

A rt,3 . Mafii tohunga .

A rtery, s . Uaua .

A rtist,3 . To/zunga .

A s,conj. I.

A s I was going ; I a an e haere ana .

A s far as. To ; tae rawa la .

A scend,v. E ire ; Ira/re ; pilei.

A scension ,s. B

akenga .

A scen t, s . E /renga ; Ira/rezzga ; pi

Irilalzga ; panavakitanga ; panamnan .

A shamed ,to be

,v. lV/za/fama ;

lu me (E . C ) ; numimzmi (W ) ; malangerengere ; ngariagaria (W ) .

A shes, s. s gare/mpokorefiu (R ).A shore , adv. U ta .

A side, adv. Ri ta/toki; i'i le wiza

nga (F.

A sk,v. Inoi; vi; pa

A'iki; Ioao ; wbakapatvi: pakiraIma .

A sleep, to be, v. Moe .

A spect, 3 . A nga .

A ss, s Iiai/ze

A ssault, v. Tau ; rere moi.He assaulted me ; Nana i rere mai l

ki a an .

A ssemblage , s . Hui/minga ; "film/famenenga .

A ssemble, v. Hui/211i; w/ia/ramene ;zv/mlzamiae w/aalfaemi;rapopoto .

A ssembled ,to be

,v. E miemi;

lmemi; mezze ; mine ; pofiaka ; ra

peke ; fameae ; tanga ; rap opoto .

W kakaae ; wiza/raleoia .

H'orara ; Iii.

A ssiduous, a . Mama/ii.A ssimilate , v. W /za/rarite .

A ssist, v. A wlziaa (W ) .

A ssen t, v.

A ssert, v.


Back,Lower part of the back.Baby, 8 . Tawaili; poti/ri.

Bachelor, 5 . Bopa .

Back,adv. [ii muri.

Back,s . Tamra .

zv/za/m 9

A ssistan t,s. Hoa ; kai awlzina .

A ssociate,s. 11 0 0 . See Companion .

A ssume . Tango .

A stray, to be, v. Marara . See

W ander .A stringen t, a . W hakalo/ra .

A sunder . Tatahi;

A t, prep . of future time . A ; iaei.

of place . Hei; i; kei.

A thirst, a . .ll atewai; Mai/211 .

A ton e,v. IV/iakautu; w/za/taea ; atu .

A ton emen t, s. U ta ; wka/rautu .

A ttack. See A ssault .by stealth. Huapapa .

A ttainable,to be

,v. Barawe ; Iaea .

A ttempt, v. lV/za/camataa ; to/ze .

A ttend, v. Bongo ; 71’BOBar0 flg0 .

upon a sick person . 11 7/micaomoomo .

upon on e at the point of death.

A tten tion,s. Bongo .

A tten tive, to be , _ v.

nui; puaka/za ; fan .

‘ vr


Bongo ; male

A varice,s. A pe


{ liazponmA udible

,to be

,v. Ba/zgoaa .

A venge, v. Bapv. um; N ikita/ti.A vert


A ught, a . Te/a/zi mea .

A u nt,


. Mata/1 lee/te .

A void,v. W /m/rarere .

A uthor,3 . Take ; paia/re.

He is the author of that evil ; Nanatera kino

A uthority, 3 . Mona ; ta/fe .

A wake, to , v. A ra ; o/zo .

A waken ,v. ”f lirt/foam.

A way, adv. A m. See Distan t.A we, to feel, v. Hope/lope .

A wful, a W adi; mate/m.

A x e,s. Poke ; titaila ; toki.

A ye, adv. A e .

Tiki.of a house .

(E . a ) ,Tuaroa tuarougo

Page 228: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Backbone—Beg. 20 7

Backbone, s. lwi Ivararo ; an . rou (E . a ) ; bavgaaoa ; poti; ItaBackwards, adv. II

’Aa/ramuri. kapa ; kona (W ) ; maireba

Backwater, s . f laboki; marilvam poi/sewn.

Bacon,3 . Pea/ta w/mkairi. iBasket in which fish are caught.

Bad, a . 5 171 0 . Hindki; katahi ; pa/rao ; panga ;weather

,3 . Ori; pa roro ; infirm Ia ruke ; wlzakarapa ; (Make

Bag,5 . Pure ; pulea . w/m/ra lomo .

9 Bastard, s. Parira .

for fish. Harmer ; paraogia .IBat s . Pekapeka .

Bake , v. Tuna .


Bath (hot) , 3 . lVaiari/ci.

Bald,a . l’ukira ; beam(E . a ) : mo Bathe, v. h


remorc ; marakerake . Batte ris, s. b’

abo .

Bale water, to . r . Tiberu ; lam Battle , S . Pal 'cé‘ara ; [Hiram/zero ;

(E a ) . ta tauravga .

Bale, 3 . Ta le ( i'

. like/w .

' Battle - field, s. Parckm'

a .

Bale of goods, 5 . Toringariaga . lBawl, v. Haazama ; karanga .

Ball,3 . Poi.

‘Bay, 3 . Bokorutanga.—oi‘ string,

3 . I’vlmi. (Beach,.s'

.(Me .

Ballast,s. H‘

A akn laimaba . Beacon , s. Taku .

Band, 8 . Buraka . 1

for the hair, 3 . Ju le : p ure ziBeam,3 . Burma ; kurupac.

luparc . c ar, v. Alan ; kawe . See Carry.

Bandage , s. Takai. Bear up under pain, v. ManamaBanish,

v. Pei; pana .

Bank , at . .llm'

oro .


Bear fruit, v. Hun .

of a river, 3 .



vAa ; (aha/aimBeard, s. Paiba u; pa/u m(E . a ) ;(E . a }; laparipari. t kmaikami.

Ban ter, r . Il'

lmkaagako (a. iBearer,s. B


ai amo , kaimay , &c.

Baptism,a. lriirrbga . iBeast, a

,ifuri; kararekc.

Baptize , r . lrirri; lo/n'

; Iolo ; luo . lBeat, s. lid /v ; pa lupam; paoi.Baptize r, x. ii


ai iriiri. down ,as fruit froma tree. Ta .

Barc , a . .Hamore ; marakcrake ; mo as the heart . B'

apakapa ; la

rrmore. See N aked. pore-pore ; paaapana .

Bark.s. Iliako ; kiri; Inngai: palm in. as wind or rain . [law/iv.

Beating the breast, .v. Iieka .

Bark, v. Tau . Beauty, 3 . A lan/ma .

Barn ,s . Il


fiare witi. ~ Because , conj. N o In men ; mo {e

Barnacle ,s . h



amawzgamauvga . . mea ; hoki.Barren ,

a . Potato .l Beckon ,

v. Talvbiri.

Barricade , s . fi rai; Iauarvi. Bed, 3 .

Barter, v. Ilako . in a. garden . h’

arawa ; moa ;Basaltic stone , 5 . Iiara ; koma. mua/m la/maa (W Ia

Bask,v. H


hakapalmkv. (I’ll/N I (E . e ) ; wakawaka (W .)Basket, 3 . lie/e ; ra/m(E . Izao ; Bedchamber, s. Ilf


lzarc moeaga .

Aapaiaga ; Imbaokao ; paepae ; pie- {Beetle (a maul), 3 . Ta .

pepe ; palm; puko roroa ; ram/ii Before , adv. lieiw/m; i mua i.

rari; [ape/nui (It ) ; laa Beg,v. liorara ; peo ; pizza/1 0 (on) ;

Icaro . mime ; ma lai; ma/iro ; mo liro ;for cooke d food. Para ; rou moloi.

Page 229: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

20 8 Begin—Block.

Begin , v. Timata ; 11 0 10 ; wild/ta[cl/ii.

Beginning, v. Timataflga .

Begnile, v. W kakawai; patipale'


wfiakapatipa li; (d rumBehin d

, p rep . 1 murz'


tua 1°

Behold,2721. N a ! nana ! rere !

Behold,v. Titz


ro .

Belch,v. [0 1170 pupa (W M)

Belief,s. W /m/mpono.

Believe, v. lV/m/mpono .

Believer, s. Tangata w/mkapono .

Bell,s. Pabu ; pere.

Belly, s. Kopu ; ma/zawa ; takapu

(E . a ) ; rid .

of a fish. Hawafiawa .

Belonging to . N o .

Below, prep . 1 ram z’

; lfez'

ram 2'

Belt . lV/u'

tiki; lama .

Bend (tomake crooked) , v. W /zaka

waka/fa ; w/ialcanozu'


the body, as in rowing. lt'



as a stick. Pike ; met/taka ; mamwa ; [tow/1mm; nuke ; pare/w

(W ) ; parori; lapore ; larg o ; {awbaru ; whamz; p z



; pz'


as a path, a river, or a rope .

Pi/w; kow/la/ze ; konae ; lmru ,


; kapi.

Ifupikopi/fo ; lioropilzo .

Bend of the arm,5 . H

fza lz’

auga .

Beneath, prep . See Below .

Ben t, to be, (din ted), v. Hope ;[folio/m; kokOpa .

Benumbed ,to be

,v. Hauaz


tu ;

korongenge ; mar/gauge ; matangerengere ; matare/cereke ; malangw


unguru matengate/zga matorutom ; fete/ta luriwalazl


; lurz'

walautau ; keremuz’


Beseech,v. 1 120 5. See A sk.

Besides, prep . Huanga .

Besiege, v. H/bakapae.

Besmear, v. Pam'


Bespeak, v. Tatum/la .

Best,a . PM rawa ; 15l

Betray, v. Tet/fa .

Betrothed, a . Tam/mu ; lama/1a ;

paid; wka/taz'


Better,it is, E ngarz


; erangz'

; nui

am [e pal'


Between , p rep . Hi waenganuz'

o .

Bewfldered, a . Ponnau ; pororaru.

See Con fused.

Bewitch, v. Mal/mm; whaiw/zac‘


(E .

Beyond, prep . Paiza/tz'

; l a'

Ito atu

i; [ii Ina atu i.

Bible, 3 . Paz'

pera .

Bier,s. .4mo ; kauboa .

Big, (1 . N ut’

; ra/u'

; telere.

Bile,s. Pawa ; (m (E C.

Bill,s. N gutu .

Bind, v. Holzou ; here/lore ; koa

were (E C.) wkawfiau

tar/mi; botz'


(E . a ) .Bindweed, s. Pofiue ; panakz


Bird,s. Mann ; Iopatopa


s nest, s.

our/tango (E . a ) ;owhango .



. W kazzautauga .

Bit,3 . W al d; maramara .

Bite,0 . Haka lc


; fig/Ill ; fio/eom’


Bitter,a . Hawa .

Black,0 . Manga ; panga .

pigment, s. N gara/m; ngaro/m

(E . a ) ,Blacken

,v. W /m/ramangu.

Bladder,s. Tongamz


mi.Bladeb on e

,s. Papaakuafiva .


,v. Hz




Blanket,s. Paraz



Blaspheme, v. Korero kino ; Irokakahu .

Blaze,v. Mara ; papa/m; [tonga

izge (R ).Bleed

,v. Toto ; tatao (E . a ) .

Bless,v. W fiakapaz


Blessing, s.

Blind,a . Ma lapo ; [capo (E a ) ;

poke .

Blink,v. Momoe ;

tanewha ; ltz'

mo .

Blister,v. Ii

apata ; tangorongoro ;Iropu.

Block (of wood), 5 . Poro .

Block up ,v. A raz


; pa ; para ;


; rz'

; {airzi

Page 231: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

21 0 Brighten - By.

Brighten ,v. H’lzakakanapa .

Brim,s . N gutu.

Brimston e ,s. W haaarz


; Im

Bring, v. Mao ; ngi/a (It) . See


Bring forth, v. W /zaaau .

Bring to land, v . W halton .

Bring upon , v. W /cakalarz'


Brink,s. Ta/zaIa/za .

Brisk. See Quick.

Brittle, a . Papa noa .

Broad,a . W izaraai; wlzaam


Broil,v . Tuna .

Broken,to be

,v. Pct/ram ,

kore ;pakore ; mew/mid ; lo/tarc

longa/zga (R ) , polap ola ; lzawa ;nmngangzmoa ; porekepu ; p ororere ; p orokere .

Brood, to , v. Tapap a .

Brother of a sister, s. Tangaae .

elder brother of a brother.Tua/cana .

younger brother of a brotherTez


na ; Taz'

zza .

Brother- in - law ,s . Tao/fete ; an

lane .

Brow of a hill,s . Ta t/mara .

Brown ,a . Paka ; ura .

Bruised, to be, v. ir‘op ora ; maru .

Brushwood, s . Hell/ION : [mm/rua .

Bud,s . Parka ; pi/n



Bug, 3 . Ii’

ekereru .

Build,v. Hangar; w/zaibanga .

Build up the walls of a nativehouse

,Taparup aru ; tupum


(E . a ) .Builder

,s . Ii



banga .

Bullet,s. Ma ta .

Bulrush,s . Hop up ungaw/za ; aga

wiza .

Bump, 3 . Palm.

Bun ch, s. Tautau .

Bundle,s. It


d/ca lf ; paz’

ere ; p ai

Izere (E a ) , p upa ; tapi/ti (E . a ) ;tira/la


,v. Pm

: pupa .

Bung, s . Para .

Bung, v . Para .

Buoy, s . it'

are wa .

Burden , s . Pikaunga p ilrau ; wa

lzanga ; kau’enga .

Burial place ,s . U rup a ; toma


v. Ha ; toro ; wera ; pawera ; nawe ; ngi/5a pa/mnn (It ) ,

Burn , (to set on fire), v. Tana .

Burn by the sun ,v . Tiled/ta .

Burn,s . Il

era .

Burnt, (vegetation having been

destroyed by fire,) a . Hawara ;tawera wera ; parawera .

Burst,v. Palm; papa .


Burst open ,Paw/1am (E . a ) .

Bury, v. Tana ; tap u/re (E . a ) .Bury itself, v . A pu (W ) .Bush

,s . Puz


a .

Bushman ,s . b

owao ; zno/zoao ;

wao/to .

Busy, to be , v. Harv .

But, conj. Heoc'

; neoti; kaore ;oti; olua ; otz

ra ; ia .

But n ow . Tena ; Zena Ito tenei;


Butterfly, .s'

. Pep epe .

Button,3 . Pa lene .

Buy, v . Ho/ro .

Buyer, 8 . Ii‘


no/ro .

By, p rep . as by an agent. E ; z‘


ma ; no .

as“by that way Ha ; ma ;

na .

as one by one Ta/fz‘

; ta


By and by, adv . Taz'

lzoa ; Ialtaro

(E a ) ; lcz'

a lolaa (W .)

Page 232: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Cabbagew - Chafi

. 21 1

Cabbage, s . Puke . Carry about , v. Il’haltalzaere ;

Calabash, s . Ipu ; kalzafi‘a ; lra w/zaka lapulu’


rana (E . lalza (E . c ) , kz'

a Carry away by stealth, v. fi a

(L ) ; kimi; koal a ; pana/ca ; Imki.

papap a ; la/re (B) , tawna (W ) : Carry in the arms ,v. (Moo/w,

wai Ng . l n'


Caj ole,

v . llangarau : mamingaJCarry on the back,v. Pikau

See D eeeive . wa lla : (Mel (B. a ) .

Calamity, s . .lla le . Carry on a pole, v. Tame/ta .

Calcu late, v. Ta lo n . Carve,v. llfnakairo ; wlzaowlzao

Calf of the leg, 3 . . 41ea lenga (are ) . (E . a ) .Calk

,v. Mono . tCarved well , v. N ana/m.

Call, to ,v . h


aranga ; pia Carver, s . lc


ai wile/cairn .

Calm,x. I’um

mlanga ; marina : Case , 3 . li’



o . Cask , s . Kano .

Calm, to be . v. Jio : marr’

aoflCast, to ,v. .Uul


a ; zv/mkarercman na/o ; marzaolol '

iloki; Iaroia . wl u'

u : wlzakarei (E . a ) .

Ca n, v. See A ble . Cat, 5 . Po ll} lager“ ; Io ri (IL ) .Candle ,

s . Ifaaara . Cataract, s . Here ; (allele .

Cann on, J. Parepa ; puaal

'iwbcaua . iCutarrh, s . Taiau 'a : Iarulaw'

Cannon ball, 5 . .llala p ure/Jo . (E .


x. ll’

aka ; Il'


: Iau'a t'

eCatcll . l'

. llopu ,

‘ 111115 0 .

(5 ; Cal : “m


" : l‘

ap apa ; korea flCa teh hold of, v. Ta lly/ago .

neke : pilau : in the water, as an ear,

Canoe made of rushes. Mokin Catch one’

s breath, v. [hm/am.

mol 'il u'

( l: a ) . (W ) ; lure-lure ; kiln} .

Cap, 3 . l’o lae . gCatechjze , v . L zm'

; pa lai.

Cape , 3 . ”ac : lama . See Head ‘ iCa teehisni, s . PaIm'

; katiki/zama .

land. Cate rpillar , s . Jim/re ; kawa lo ;Captive , s . Ponunga ; n 'lmkarav ; bo le/e ; makorori: wlc ‘


leave/rere . Cave,

.r. A na .

Careful, a . Tapa lo ; (vulva . See Cause of a quarrel, s . Papa .

Cautious. Cause less, a . llu/zuakm'

e : u'l wlo

Careless about, to be , r . II'

Imka - l polcan oa .

are -Aware . Cautious, to be, v. .‘Ilva ; lupafo ;

Carpenter, s . la’

anmru . wa lca : A‘orili (W ) ; rikan’


Carpet. 3 . lmpolnop o .

Carrier, 5 . lim'

limo ; kai ma”, Cease, to make to ,v. ”710 61 1

&c. &c. mum; wlmkaoh'


Carry, on the shoulders, v.-Imo ; Centipede, s. [Peril

kau/ma ; muta ta ; maul -

a ! Centre ,s. Pol'opn ; waenganm


Carry in the hand ,v. Home ; See Middle .

mau: ngi/a : Cervical vertebrae, s . Tangal .

(It ) ; lari: rare (E . c ) . Chafi’

,s . Papa/m

Page 233: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

212 Chain—Cock.

Chain,s. Mekame/ra .

Challenge, v. tautapa .

Chance,by, adv. N oa .

Change about,to

,v . W il d/ta


liwlziti (E . C.)Change, v . Harare .

Change, as the n ame,v. Panom


Chann el,3 . A lva ; hangers ; Iro

rou (R ) .Chap, to, v . N gatata ; p atotoz



raup a ; tap a titup u ; w/zawlzatz'


Charcoal, s. W are .

Chase,v. A ra ; w/zaz


; raw/mi.Chasm

,s. N ‘

atata ; pakofiu ; ta

w/za .

Chatter,v. Horerorero .

Cheek,v. Pap arz


nga .

Cheerful,to be

,v . Malta/tau .

Chequered, a . Ifotz'


ngo .

Cherish,v. W bakatap u .

Chest,5 . Polio , uma ; ref.

Chicken,3 . Pi.

Chickweed, s . It’


Chief,s . A ri/ii, rangatira .

Chilblain,s . Mange’ongz’o .

Child,5 . Po li/cz


; tamaiti; ko/zunga/wnga ; taka/cc (E .

Childhood,s . Tamarz



langa .

Chin,s . Ha t/ac .

Chip, 3 . .lfaramara .

Chip ,v. [Ia/mu ; Iai'az


; rc/m;rand ,

tolo .

Chipped, a . Hawa ; rz'

w/ta .

Chip W ith a spade, v. Perep ere ;tipi.

Chisel,s. Purup uru .

Choked,to be

,v. Baoa ; taflea .

Choke W ith weeds,v . Hoaoao .

Choose, v .

Chop, v. Tap a/zi.

Chrysalis, s . tungoungou.

Circle,3 . Porowfiz

ta .

Circuitous ,s . See

R ound about.Circular

,a . Po la/fala/ta .

Clandestinely, adv. Momote .

Clap, v . Pap a/ti.

Clatter,v. Tatangz


Claw,s . Ma li/mo .

Clay, 3 . Kotore ; [screw/rennet .

Clay, W hite, S . Uku ; (E C. W


Clean,a . Ma .

Clear,to be, v . A tea ; marama ;

watea w/za/matea ; w/za/faeleamailed , toari purotu (E co ) .

Clear away ,v. Tulit


; (drake ,w/zakata/ze ; lieu/zen .

Clear a. road,v . Para .

Clear off weeds, v. Fri/feta ; p e

Cleave,v. lVawa/u

; More . See


,s . Hz


w/za .

Cliff,s. Pari.

Climb,v . Ii


a/ie ; p z'


Cling, v . Pup urz'


Clinch the hand,v. [fa/cu.

Clip, v. lib/[oti. See Cut.

Clod,s . Herelu .

Close,to be

,v. A p z



; pa late ,

p ep e ; p up utu ; pirc'

; p z’

ne ; pa:

rum ; p unui; p ururu .


,v. W


lm/tarawe ; Ito

p am’

; kapi, w/za/carawa ; tata/ti.

Close the eyes, v. W izakamoe .

Closed, to be, v . Ha lf.Clot

,s . Tep elepe .

Cloth,s . [fa/taka .

Clothe,v . Haifa/m;

Cloud,3 . H


apua ; lie/tw o , ao .

Cloudy, a . It'onga ; [ecru/ti; Ito

ruru ; koruru/w,

‘ lukumaru ; paroro .

Clump, s . Rop u .


,v . Palm/m; mad ; o/zu ;

pop e , rap oz'

(W ) .Cluster, 3 . Tautau .

Coal,s . fl

aro .

Coast,3 . Ta/zatz


lca ; talculaz'


Coat of raupo on the wall of a

house,8 . Para .

Coat,s . li




Cobweb ,s . [V bare p ungawere

were .

Cock,3 . Tz


kao/tao .

Page 235: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

214 Console—Crafty.


v. W ild/commie ; wimkaora .

Conspiracy, s . W izakap ap a ; to

robe ; kokuru .

Constan t,to be

,v . Pumau ; tu

mau ;'

tuturu (E . a ) , w/zac’

; Ia

[retake (EConstricted

,to be

,v. N anatz



Consume,v. If


fia/mp au ; who/fafiemo ; owz



; p anga/rawa .

Consumed,to be

,v. Heme , pan ,

purell o ; meme/1a ; bama (It ) ;monz


noa ; mote’

(W )(E . a ) ; p are/lo ; p elo ; takeke ;

Mov/co (E . a ) .Con temptuous languag e

,s . W fia



Contend,v . Taulo/ze ; w/za/tatae

lac ; Iataw/zaz'

nga (E . a ) : tau


nga .

Con ten tious,

a . W /m/fatefletene ;whaw/zai.

Con tinually, adv. Tozw ; tou (E . a ) .Con tinue

,v. Tiwa z

; mau .

Con tract,v. Hup eke .

Con tradictory, a . Tam.

Contribute,v. Homai; lzoa lu .

Convalescent,to be

,v. Hauora

(W ) ; matutu ; tangatanga (E a ) ;Conversation

,s . Ii


orcro .

Converse,v . Ii

orero .

Convert, v.

Convey ,v. li

awe ; mau . See

Carry .

Convey over, v.

Convolvulus, s. Po/zue ; p anabz’


Convulsion,s . Hu/fz


l wlci.

Cook, v. Tao ,top a ; top z


p z'

; ta

raku .

Cooked,0 . N ova ; mac/fa (E a ) .

Cook- house,s. Haula ; lzereumu ;


; [cu/m.

Cool,(1 . Han/can ; ltoubou ,

‘ Inwa

ngi (E . a ) ; p uangz'


(W ) ,mo tomato ; p ongzpongi; puanu .


,v. IV/zaltabou/zou ; wim

kamataotao .

Copy, 3 . Tam'

ra .

Cord,s . A im. See Line .

Core, s. U/zo ; tarau/zo .

Cork,s. Para .

Corks of a n et,3 . Pouto .

Corn,s . li

aanga .

Corner,3 . Ii

o/ronga ; lam; konaltz


tcmga (R ) ; ngao .

Corn er,inn er

,s. Hop anga ; p oti.

Corpse, s . Tupap a/m; turoro (E . a ) ,Correct

,0 . Tz


ka ; (oti/ta (E . a ) .Correct, to, v .

Corrupt, a . Pz'

rau .

Cost,3 . Um.

Cover, v. Hzpo/a'

; Iaup oki; p oki;raup z

; rop e'

; ropine ; rorop z'


Mimi, Iup o/a’

wil d/tap u

723 8 120 n 728 ;

Cover,or spread over. v . Horapa

(E . a ) .

Cover up embers with ashes,v.

Karloff , lamau .

Cover up on eself, v. Tururu .

Covered,to be, v. Hopi, p um


Covered over with clouds,to be,

Covering ,s. Kop aki; wizarz


l a’


wiza/rapuru .

Covering over food in an oven,

5 . Relao ; rim/fa .

Covet, v. A p e kazpouu ; p opono ;taz


ap o ; buz'

rap a .

Cough, s. Mare ; wharo .

Council,3 . Ruflanga .

Counsel,S,N guruka .

Coun t,v . Tatau .

Coun tenan ce,s . A lma , kanohz


Coun try, 3 . W ar. (E . a ) ; whenua .

Couple, 3 . Baa ; tap u .

Courage, 3 . Tara ; toa .


,v . A ruaru .

Cousin,s . Tungune Ice/re ; Iva/zine

lie/re ; tata/rand lie/re ; tez'

na lie/te .

Coward, 5 . Hana ,wawau .

Crab,s . Papa/ca ; rerep arz



Crack,v . N gatete ; puke ; palo ;

te .

Crack, as the ground, v. [fa/tata ;

p ukatalta la ; tawba ; ngatala .

Crafty ,a . Maminga . See D e


Page 236: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Cram- Cutting . 215

Gram,v. W kakah


.lCrushed, to be, v. Kopara ; pe

Cramp, r . See Benumb . nup enu .

Cranium,s . A ngaanga . Cry, v. Tangt


; korero .

Crave , v. Hiabia . Se e D esire. Cry out, v. Hamama ; lzaparangzCrawl, v. Ngaoki; ngol'i. (E . a ) ; parare .

Crayfish, s . It’

aura ; waerau . Cubit,s . Il’lza lc


anga .

Crazy, to be , u . Haw angz'

; pora Cultivation ,s . Mara : ngakfnga ;

Cream,3 . Pain . Cultivation on timber land

,3 .

W aerenga .

Creep , v. Ngaolri; agoh’

; nga Cumbersome,a . Hz

rawerawc .

wet-i ; totoro . Cure, v. Rongoa .

Creep un der, v . ”on . Curl, as smoke,v. Riporfivo .

Crime , 3 . Hora . as a wave , v. Ifapukapu .

Criminal,s . Tanga la learn . Current, 3 . J" ; in ; roma .

Crimson,a . li

kero . Curse , v. flange ; bo

Cripple , s . Ngongcngonge ; luri Amen/1mngongengongc. Curse, s . It


d/13 a ; apili; kohuCrookback , s. Hake . toku .

Crooked, to be,

v. Kopz'

bopiko ; Curved, as a bow,a . Tim/land .

kapa ; hop e ; kona/ii: makaka ; See Bend.


; nuke . Custom,3 . Ritenga .

Cross, to , v . Ifi'

llili. Cut, a . Mom.

Cross, 3 . Iiipeka . Cut,

v. Ia'

okoli; fine/lac ; koriCross - road, s . Peta ; pekangn . (E a ) : kata


ripi; iti/raka

G l‘OW d, .t . Hitt'

kll l'

nga ; rapu . (o le/Ii; kort’

pi; lo/u'

: leapem;

Crowd together, v . d yura : kc'


: Ira te/Jr : p ou/o : Ia ; tapu/ii; lo


a . rc’


Crowd around, v . .Hm’

. See Clu Cut W ith a Spade , l’ Tl'

Pf ; PCPC'

pare .

Cut, or n otch, v . Tokari.Cut oti

,v . Ilaulro lt

Cut off short, as a canoe,a . He

Crown of the head, 3 . Tumult/ti;lipuaki (E (I ) .

Crucify, v . Hips-ko .

l pure .


(Cut off at. the end, as of hair, 0Crumb 6 , v. Hora . 0 a m; "w"



kmmu : kolmmu/wmu ; parclmngabtmga ; ngaro/mm ; uga In:M.


Cut down wood, v . Pam : lope ;Crumpnng norse , to make, v. Ma hm.

”8 0 W 3”5 ¢ Cut open, v. Paw/mm.

Crumple, v . h‘

oromcngemcngc ; ko Cut the hair, v. Tarotaro ; wAa

pen t/penu ; be rm-rm; kokonga kai/m(E .

mcka . Cutting, a . Tc’


o .

Page 237: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Daily, adv. l tenei ra i tenei ra .

D am,mother

,s . Ii


alua ; wlia

ereere ; tiaka. (E .

D am for water,s . Mo lafara (an ) .

Damp, to be, v . Haala/ra (E .

mafia ; wai/au . (an ) .Dan ce

,3 . Haifa ; Izarz


; kanz’



ko lara lara nga/ma ; ngaraba ;

ngara/mlaua ; p a lere .

Dandle,v. Pozpoz



Danger, s . Oranoa ; ora l'

li; ora

p l’

lo ; p itota/u'


Dangle, v. Tawlzela

Dare,v . .Ma z'a .

Dark,to be

,v. Hinakip oarz

; lia

karauri; kam’


; potango/a

ago .

Dark,in the


Dark skin,s .

Dart,v. Hokz



; wero .

Dash,v . AM.

Dash forward,v.

Daub,v . Pam



Daughter, 3 . Tamaln’

ne .

Daughter- in - law,s . Hanaonga .

Dawn ,8 . A lata ; afap o . See

Break of day.

D ay, 3 . A 0 ; mafia/1a ; ra .

Daybreak, s. A la/u .

Daylight, s. A wa lea .

D ay time,3 . A O .

Dazzle,v . Ii

onewbanewaa ; [torelfore/to ; wil e/

"ika .

Dead,to be

,v .

marere .

Deaf,to be ,

v. Tarz'

; p olari;iwi; p ulzoz

; p aw/zaraw/zara .

Pokere .


a paraurz’


Range .

Mate ; hemo ;

Dear,a . A roba .

Dear,in price, a . ( Na nui.

Death,3 . Mare ; bemonga ; ma

rerelanga ; haerenga .

Debt,3 . Taonga tarewa (an ) ;

taonga Iaurewa (E .

Decayed, a . Pz'

raa ; p arop aro .

Deceitful,a . Hangman ; [tanga

re/fa : fiz’

anga ; mamz'

aga ; lini Desert , 5 .

D aily-u D esert.

banger ; na/mrau (an ) ; mare/ca

(E . rare (E kop e/ta ;

via/toi; a lt/ta ; taware ; whaka

nganangana (E .

Deceive ,v. Hangaran ; kanga

reka ; l u'

anga ; mamz'

nga ; tini

hanga ; nakaraa ; mare/ta ; wizakawa z

; [rap e/fa ; nuka .

Decide,v . [V ila/write .

Declare,v. IVha/cap aaki; korero .

Decline ,v . Tim/1a ; nekane/m;

re/zare/ea ; See D e


Decrease, v . Ilz'

Izaere .

Deep, to be, v . Holma n ; ngoto .

Deep water,

3 . Ii’

op aa ; relo ;rz

re ; wheari.

Defeated, to be , v . Hare .

Defend (by means of a pad), v.

IV /zalrap ara ; mafata .

Defy, v .

Delay, v. W /ia/caroa .

Delighted, to be, v .

p ai; malza (E . (n ) .Delirious

,to be

,v .

p orangz’

; Izawa la .

Deliver, v . H/lzakaora .

Deluge, s .

D en,3 . A na .

Deny, v. W baka/ra/zore ; wlza/ta

[fore/fore .

Departure, 3 . Haerenga tokenga .

Dependan t, s . Rabi.

Deprived of a limb,a . Mata .

Depth, 3 . Habana ; ngotonga .

Deranged, to be,v. Hauraagz



p orangi.Descend, v . lie/re ; tabeka ; tae



lee/re ; a/wa/m; [lo/ab (E .

borua (E . cu) ; male’

ko (R5) .Descen t, s. Hake/angel ; Izokz



nga (E .

Describe,v .


v .

noa .

A 11aareka



Herero .

Haparu ; tuba/ta

Hora/2a .

Page 239: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

218 Dislike—Dreadful.Dislike any particular food

,v .

W az’

namu ; wakawa (E . on ) .Dismiss

,v. T0 710 .

Disobedient, a . Tare

; tata .

Disorder, to be in ,v . Talmlo kc

[cl/£0 10 Ire .

Disparage, v. W iza/carawaz'

; Iza




Disperse, v. flea/tea ; Itorara ; ti

rara ; whakawawa .

Dispirited, a .

Display, .v. whaka


Dispute, v . Taatolcelobe .

Dispu te , s . N gangarelanga ; {0

betolzenga .

Disquieted, to be, v. Paz'


; awa

ngawanga . See A nxious.

Dissolve, v . [Meme/la .

Distance ,0 . Tam/1 17i; aaaata ;

11 0 5.

Distan ce ,3 . Ma lara langa ; ma

mao ; Ila/fa : p amamao .

Distan t,to be

,v . Malara ; ma

mao ; pamamao ; tata/ti; awe

awe ; 11 0 i; nam’


(E . cu ) .

Distan t by relationship, a . [fa/te .

Distorted, to be, v. Rori.Distress


,v. W



Distress, s. Mate .

Distribute,v. Tawlza .

Disturb,v. W iza/rarara ; w/zalta





awa/rari (E . on ) ; awarua (an ) ;waz



Dive, v . Bil/itt .

Divide, v. W elleweize ; wawae ;


; kokotz'


Divided, to be,

v. Tarerarera ;

More .

Divination , s. N z'

a .

Divinity, s . Tz'

p aa ; lap ua .

Division , s . Kote’

nga ; walzanga ;

lzua te’


wa ; we/zewefieaga .

Division ,of people, s . Tanga ;

waenga ; wfiaaa ; matua . See


Division of a song, 3 . Hengl'


Dizzy, v . A nz’


. See Giddy.

Do,v. Mea .

Do thoroughly, v. W izakalepe .

Do without authority, v. Folia

noa .

Dock,a plant, 3 . Hana .

Doctrine, s. A koranga .

Dodge, v . Hike/alto ;D og, s . kar z

; nana ; pe

rop ero .

Doings, s. Meanga ; mealanga .

Dominion,s. Rangatiratanga .

Done,to be, v . on .

Door,3 . Ta taa .

Door- post, s . Tatara .

Door- sill,s . Pe/upe/ci.

Door-way, s . Han/la ; wlzatz‘

loka ;zv/zaz


lolfa .

D ot,3 . Tongz



Double,to b e

,v . Pap arua .

Double up , v. Forn/fa ; takapapa .

Doubt (to be in) , v. Palm/w;

p onezva ; p oka/ta ; ranran .

Down, soft feathers, 3 . Harabara .

off raupo , 3 . Hana ; tel/lane

(E . cu ) ; whanga (E .

from a garmen t, s . Hanganunga .

Down , adv. 111 0 ; mm.

Doze,v. Moe .

Drag, v. Haname ; toto .

Dragonfly, s . Ii’

ap owaz’


Drain,s . A wakerz


See Ditch.

Draw out, v. Ope .

Draw together, 0 . [fa/fa ; kakah’


rana ; roz'


; taroz'

; rara/ta ;tonap ara ;

Draw up (as the clothes) , v. [1 1'

kap eka napeke ; panoralrora ; rop z


Draw aside,v. Hara .

Draw n ear,a . W nakatata ; awni;

wicakae/ce .

Draw up, as the legs, v. Pepe/re .


v . W el d; mam/fa . See


Dreadful, a . Mata/ca ,we/n



Page 240: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Dream—E cho . 219

Dream,s . Aloe ; moemoea ; rc D ry, to be, v. Mare/re ; mimili;

paku ; pakupalraoreore .

D rags of shark’

s oil, 5 . A p e . D ry, as the ground, or as herb

Dress, s . [feta/m. age, a . Polze ; palsalakata ; paDrift, v. Pae ; pap ac ; leh


(R ) ; agata ; raki; h'

po/ta ; till'aka '

(ere . toka. koagz'

o maaka (R ) ngata ;Drift- wood

,s . Paewai (E . a ) . palm; p oke/lea ; tipu .

Drink, v. Ina . D ry, v. ll’

aa/ramare .

Drink through a reed, v. Ngo Duck,

s. Parera : pa langilaagzago . (E . a ) : malap oarz porelerele ;

Drink out of the hand, v . b’

a wiu'

oraa .

p a , koroaae . Duck, to,

v. It'

opiro ; rawa/ti;

Drink, to give, v. W eakafaa . tam'

amaramaki.Drip, v. Tamra ; 11 0 11 0 . See Drop. Dull , in movemen t , v. Pa/zoz



Dripping wet, a . Pe ters-ta r rare . See Blunt.D rive , v. A ; kep t

-re ; pci; pana ; Dumb ,

a . If’

afiaaga : rev kore .

Ian/Ii a lc’

a ti

iD uuce

,s . Ii


aare ; rare .

Driven broadside on ,a . Poem. “Dung, IV aira/cau.

Drizzle, v . h’

onebua e/m. D urable , a . .liaro ; aaaa .

Drop, it . Pa la . lD uring, p rep . 1 .

Drop, v. Hebe, pa la : lo lo ; lu Dusk,

to be,


lam ; kllkartlm't'


Drop 0 6,v. A


ganaro ; mart re . Dust , x. {Vt/m: para : pae/m;Drowsy, s . lt


oparaa . pane/reka .

D ress, Para .

lD warf, s . ”aka/taka : rm


; lan

Drought, 5 . Raki. Irma (E . a ) . ml n'

lo .

Drown ed, to be, r . Panama . Dwell, v . N ona .

Drowsy, v. Iliamoe ; In'

aamoc . Dwelling,s. Ifm


aga ; wbarc.

Drug, Rangau . D welling~

place , s. li‘

niaga .

Drum of the ear, 3 . Tori/10 . Dwindle , v. Iii liaere .

Drunk , a . Haarangi. D ye, s . Tar .

E ach adj. p ron . Tera tern ;


a .

Ten tangata ten tangata ; eachman .

E ager, to be , v . H’fidmkai; Ia

karc : rika .

E agle , 3 . [fa/m.

E ar, lobe of the , s . ”o f : lake (W t) .E arly, to be, r . .Hoala .

E arth,5 . Ont o/w: lit/1 6 1711 11 .

E arthquake , s . Ra .

E ast, J. Hammli.E ast wind, .r. Maraagai.E asy, a . Harawc (E a ) ; (alrolo

noa : ”gaunt” .


Eat, v. h‘

ai; Mme ; Imma ; komc ;lamelamc ; w/m/roma ; wizaraka l



E at before others,

0 . Hamm ;

koramuramu (wt) .Eatravenously, v. Ifm



o ; w/lau

pa ; mparaE at raw,

v. Ola .

E at scraps, v. karanga/c .

E aves, 3 . 110 1 2171 .

E bb,v. Timu ; fir/re pa

(R ) ; tum’

; Iokart'


(E . a ) : tiremz'

(R ) .E cho

,s . Paoro parikarangaranga .

E cho,

v. W izakamaw’u ; paoro ;

wawaro .

Page 241: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

220 E ddy- m E ntrance.

E ddy, s . Julio/ti; repo .

E ddy-wind

,s. Haup urorolzu ; p o

ngzpongi; lzaup ongz'

: fuzz/ripe ,

[mum/u ; mumulzau .

E dge, 3 . Ii’


nga .

E dge, to be set on,v. Mania .

E el,3 . Tuna ; Ileke ; kozro ; kin ?

kap um'

; Itolcop u ; kop aop ao orea ;pu/zanga ; p u/u


lforolcoro ; p u/u'




; p aewafi

p arikou ; p z'

lzarau p z’



malarelze ; matuatua ngo

e loeto ; ngol u’

we (W ) ; ngoiro ;witi/I


E ffi orescence of salt,3 . Hated .

E ffort,3 . It

'o/m; uaua .

E gg, 3 . Hua .

of a louse,s . Iii/m.

E ject, v. Pa l m; p ez’


E ighth, a . Tuawaru .

E ighteen ,(1 . Take n ma warn .

E ighty, a . [V ary te/mu ; ice/co

E ither,ad. Hanei; Mina .

E lbow,s . Take/like .

E lder person ,s . Hartman/a ; mua

E lder brother or sister,s . Tua

kana .

E leven,a . Teke a ma la/n



E lse,adv.

E lsewhere,adv. Ii



Izea ranei.E maciated

,a . [ff/to kore . See

Thin .

Embark,v. E ke .

Embers,s. Mounga ; motumotu ,

ngo lungotu .

Embrace,v. A wful

Emerge, v. Maea .

E metic, s. W izakarua/fz'


Emigran t, s . Hake ; konene .

Emigrate, v. Helm; wiza lz'


E mit gas from fire,v . Purefiua .

Empty, a . Haa labanga (E a ) ;p z


ango .

Emulate, v. Tatawlzaz’

nga (E . a ) ;tauto/zetolze ; tauwhainga wimkatenetene .

E nable, v.

E ncampmen t, 3 . Ford; nolzoaflga ;

p a/u’


E ncircle, v . Pct/fora ; laz’


o .

E nclose, v. Hao ; Irarap oti; Ico

p am’

; p a/zao .

E n closure,3 . Marcus .

E n coun ter, v . W izawlzai.

E ncourage ,v. W izakabaulzau ;

E ncumber,v . W


lza/cawfieru .

E nd (finishing), s. Mutunga ; wimkamulunga ; otz

nga .

E nd of a bran ch or leaf,3 . Ha

mata .

E nd,v . Taup oro ; p oro ; whaka

muta ; wlza/taotz'


E ndeavour, s . Ii’

olza .

E ndavour, v. To/ze ; whokauaaa ;wiza/cakoro (E . a ) .

E ndless,a . Mulunga kore .

E n emy, s . Hoarirz’

; whakaarz‘

ki ;

w/zew/zeia .

E nergy ,3 . N goz


E nfeeble,v . wiza


kore .

E nlarge, v .

E nlighten , v. W ka/camarama .

E nmity, s . W fiaz'

nga ; p okanga .

E nn oble,v. W izaltarangatira ; wiza


E nough, adv. Heoz’

; beotz'

; liatz’


E nquire, v. 0 5; p ata z'

. See A sk.

E nsnare, v . Bore ; malzanga ; torobore .

E ntangled, to be, v . [fa/fa ; ra

p a ; rort'

; tap z'


; witz'


E n ter,v. Puta ; tap e/to ; tomo .

E n tertain , v. A tawhai; taarz'

mamanaaki (E .

E n tertainmen t, 3 . A lawlzaz’

tanga ;



E n tice,

v. Poap oa ; wizalzap ati

pa le’

; w/zakap akep a/te .

E n tire, a . Tz'


tu ; toz'

tu ; aratap u ;

lino .

E n tirely, adv. Ii'

e .

E n trails, s . W ho/tau.

E n tran ce,

s. Kua/la ; pulanga ;

Page 243: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

222 Fable - Foster.

Fable,s . Ifupu who/tariff}.

Face,s. Mata ; Ira/l oaf.


,v. Hangat



Fade,v. Hated .

Fain t,0 . lzau/zavaim; po


Fain t,v. Hemo .

Fair,0 . Pa/u


; mao ; taboo/mo .

Faith,3 . W


Izafiapono .

Faithful,a . Porto .

Faithless, a . Teka .

Fall,v. Iii/ago ; makere ; marere ;


a ; Izoro taka ; rema/m.

Fall,as by lot, v. Taka .

Fall heavily, as rain,v . lilo/tere

w/zam; takap u .

Fall out,v . N ga/zoro ; ria/fz



False,a . Te/ra ; barillari

parau (E . C ) ; wara/we .

Falsehood, s. Talia ; par/m.

Fame,3 . Rouge .

Famine,3 . [Va kai kore

Famish,v. Homo kai.

Fan cy, v. [Vita/maro . See Think.

Far off,a . See Distan t .

Farewell, z'

flt. Hei A'O/zez'

ra : e

lzaere ra .

Farm,3 . illara .

Farther,adv. Ii



Ito ata .

Farthest, adv. [ii ko rawa a ta .

Fast , fix ed, a . Man ; ngz’ta (R ) ; a .

Fast,a . Holzoro . See Quick.

Fasten,v. Tz



; who/tau ; wizalzarawa ; wizakangz


ta lamau

(E . a ) . See Tie .

Fasten the sides of a can oe withcord

,v . Taz




au/falza (E . a ) .Fastening, s . Tia ; w/zalaarawa ;acreage) ; aalrafza .

Fastidious,a . W iza/catarapz


Fasting, a . N o/zopaka ; p alm.

Fat,(1 . Momona .

Fat. s . i

’Vga/co ; ma ta .

Fat about the kidneys, 3 . Pa ;taupa (E . a ) .

Father,s . Pa ; p ap a ; mama tane .

Father- in - law,s. Hangawai; lea

flarere (E . a ) ; bunarei (E . a ) .

Fathom,3 . Marc .

Fatigued, a . Tuzzgarangara

agenge ; lzofia .

Fault, s . Hara ; lee .


3 . Mata/m; welzi; Impoliop o ; ll


oera ; bilzira ; mania/rid ;wanawana .

Fearful, a .



; mataku . See

Feast,s . Ila/tori.

Feather,3 . Hon ; rad/euro .

Feathers,large, of the wing, s.


,a . N goilrore ; iwi/core .

See Listless.

Feed,v. fl


Feel,v. W izawlia .

Fellow,s . Korol '

e ; ta/zalte (E . Q ) .

a companion , Hoa .

Female,a . W al u


lze .

of brutes. l ca .


s . Taiepa ; taepa ; {alri

tal'i (E a ) ; wawa ; lteretelri;

maifie (Wt) ; tuwatawa la (E .

tata (E a ) ; latara (W2) ; telri.Fen ce against a flood. A lmrilfi;l ‘

aungaroa .

Fen ce in a river for eels. Rau

iri; ririwai.Fender, s . .

flrai alti; talmalzi.Fermen t, v . Toroi; i.Fern leaves, 5 . Ballard/m; ra

ralzu ; rauarulze (E . a ) ; raraulze

p elfa ; maro/ii; taka/ta .

Fern root, 3 . Roi; arube ; mobani; molielte ; melte ; p akakolzi;renga parara

Fern land,s . [fora/ia ; ltorelze .

Ferry, s . W lealfawlzih'

nga .

Ferryman ,s. Kai wlmltawlziti.

Fertile,a . Momona .

Fester, s . Tup ua ; wizard/ti; pa

lzup abu ; tongako .

Page 244: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Fetoh Flour. 223

Fe tch,v. Tiki ; toki. Fish, 3 . Ika ; ngofii.

Fever, 5 . h'

iri ko . Fish, v. Hi.Few ,

a . Raaraa ; (oratory : ouoa Fish-hook,

s. Matau ; matika ;aom

(R ) .Fibrous roots , 3 . A kaaka ; balsa Fisherman ,

s . li’

ai hi.

Fibula, s . Tam/ran . Fishing- rod,s . Mann/1a (R ) .

Field, s . .llara . lFive, a . Rima .

Fierce, a . Kiri. Fix ,ll’lzal

au ; wlzal‘amau ;Fifteen ,

a . Talfau ma rime . u'lmkap amau ; poupou .

Fifth,a . Tua rima .

“ Fixed, a . I’m/ma . See Constan t.Fifty, a . [limo lekau : bokorima lFlaccid, a . .Vgoreuoa ; laromanoa .

(W ) . Flag , a plan t, 3 . Haap o .

Fight, v. Ta laa ; whawhai.

rcolours. h

ara .

Fill,v . lFlame , s . .llaramm'

a .

Filled, to be,0 . iii; para .

lFlank, liaokao .

Fillip, v. h'

oropana ; lurapana . (Flap the wing,r . A roarowlialri.


as. Tim.

' Flap in the wind, 0 . Tareparepa .

Find, v . liile . Flash. v . .llura l‘o lamulamu .


(1 . ll'

lml'apaipai: lorire : iFlat, a . l'apa lal u'

; pararalli; para .

. F lat part of a spade or paddle,Fine

,as weather, a . l’aki. Rapa .

Finger, s . Ma li/tau : ma likara ; F lat- nosed, a . l/mparara/u'


koikara ~ Flatter, s . H'

lml‘apa lip ali.Finger, the little , 3 . liurm


li. Flattery, r . l ’alipa li; ram.

Finger nail, s . .llaikal‘

a ; ”mli- iFlavour, s . Ila .

lea/m.iFlax plant , 5 . la


orari; liaraltcl‘

e ;

Finish,r . llf ltakamam; wiralm li/wre ; wlmrariki.




li: whal'

apa u : Flax (dressed) , s. .llul'u ; wlzilau.

Finished, to be , v. (Hi; ll ama : p ore Flay , Ti/zore . See Strip off,“MPG ” : lul l/H. Flea ,

s . lie/m; Iuiaa ; pw’

ulli;Fire , 3 .

—l/ci: ba le/r5 worm-

0 1m(E . a ) .banal‘a (It ) : W W W “ : l'ora (R ) ; Flee r . 0 am. See Run .

maule (is) ; ngilm(W 1) : s . li'

aupapa .





Flesh,3 . h

ikokiko .

we , to set on,v . a 'Flexible , a . Ngorengorc ; agoraFire to v. Papa/vi. noa ; ngolmugo lce (E .

f0 A! 1 c lFirewo od, s . ll al uc . pr 0 (b e ) , ‘

light, S . (la w a .

knitw e ar) ; kora (It ) : pioe (1f ) ; l Spira/m: piraka : piralm: ra ra . El

ng’r ' Manta , “

fir“ Throw.

Firm, to be . u. U ; may ; (Ill ;mt’ 3 ° u tpa 0 .

Float, 0 . Hana ; rewa ; laupau ;1 l k(wil

l; (ii a (E . C. )

wlmkamall o (W2) ; whakap abol g

i (Ngu ) ; wclolriFirmament, s . h'


First,a . Ma lamaa ; malaa li; ma Flock, 8 ‘ fill/N th See Herd.

lail‘a : ma laag obi. F log,0 . W {15th

First, adv. .lia lua ; ataa . |Fl0 0 d, 5 ll

'mpuke ; parawlzea aa

First born ,a . Ma lamaa .

First~ fruits,s . Taap ora : lama/m Floor, .v. Iiaapapa .

Flour, 5 . Paraua .

Page 245: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Flow,v. Tere ; p atere ; kup ere ;

rere .

Flow,as the tide, v. Parz


; [tata

(E . a ) ; Izeru ; aura ; Item; p apara (W ) ; p z

; wbaflake (R ) .

Flower, s . Paawaz'

; p ua ; p uaka .

F lute,s . Pa torino ; re/m; kaanaa .

Flutter,as a bird, v. Hapekapela .

as the heart . See Beat .Fly, s. N garo ; rango (E . a ) ;fiarangz

Fly, v. Rare .

Foam,s . Ha/fa .

Fog, s. [Yo/m; d a ; p aku/1a .

F old, 3 . Hora , wbatz’

anga .

Fold,v. Il’aafi‘akop akopa ; w/za

kamokaFollow ,

v . A ra , waai: tuw/mi

Food,3 . h



; Icame ; ltamu/sama ;kome (W 1) ; 0

, oranga , pararetame ; lawfic

; wene (R ) .Food eaten as a relish. Ifinakz



Foolish,a . Ifaare ; rare , waz



F oot. 3 . ll’aewae .

Foot of a pig, 3 . Tapatapa .

Footstep, s . Tap uwae .

For, p rep . Hei; mo .

Forbid, v. wizaA'

akore ; p e/n'

; rz'



haha .

Haaralzga ; kaualzga .

Thkakau .

Rae .

Pct/reka la z’

awa .

Force, .s'


F ord,3 .

Forearm,s .

Forehead, s .

Foreigner, s .

Foremost, a . Ma lamua .

Forest , s. N ga/zere/zere :

nehe , waolm.


Forget, v. IV are ware .

Forgive, v . [Io/mu 1’

to rongo .

Forgotten ,to be

,v . N garo .


3 . Oka ; (iron ; marau ;p uma (W ) .

Fork of a tree, 3 . Malta ; taralumga .

F orm,3 . A lma .

Former,a . Te mea o mua .

Flow—Full.Formerly, adv. Inama la ; nonamata .

Fornication,s . Parema ; mafi a:

Ilae .

Forsake . v. W iza/farere .

Forsaken,to be

,Ella/me .

Fortification , s . Pa .

Forty, a . IV/za leltau ; Izokow/za

F orward, adv. A la .

Fosterehild, s. W izangai.

Found (a thing) , s. Hurapae ;mea lfl


te .

Fountain,3 . Palm.

Four,(1 . W iza .

Four days ago, adv. Inaoa/temu’


Te/caa ma wiza .

Hei/Lei; ti

Fourteen,a .

Fowl, barn -d oor,

s .

kaokao .

Fracture, 3 . Hope ; pakara ; pa~

A‘ore ; wlzatz'


Fragile , a . Papa/50 a .

Fragment. s . Ii’

orenga ; wizatz'

nga .

Fragran t, a . [fa/farmFraud

,s . Ta/tae ; wfiana/to ; kaia .

See Thief.Freckle , s . lraz


rn (W ) : liolz'


Illa/Ia .

Free, (I . Ralzgatz'

ra .

Free from law of separation , a .

A arz’



Frequen t, a . -

Al aaa ; 10 7m.

Fret,v. Harangi.

Friend,8 . E va .

Fright, s . Mata/m; we/zz' .Frighten ,

v. W /za/ramataka ; w/1a~


From, prep . 1 ; 11 0 .

s . z l roaro .

of a house, 8 . Born .

Frost,s . Haifa ; baapap a ; Izaa

Froth,s . Haifa

Fruit, 3 . Hua .

Full,to be, v. 117; ngi/zangz

lza ;

p angoro ; p alm/re (W ) ; to/fa ;p zzbap a/za ; tomo ; turn/ti.

Full , to be (of the moon) , v.

Hua .

Page 247: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

226 Gold—Hair.

Gold,3 . Hoara .

Gone,to be

,v. liz


ro ; rc’


o ; 1a

p elte ; [awe/re ; toke (It) .Good

,a . Pai; p arotu (E . a ) .

It is good ; Mari ano .

Goodn ess, s. Halmatanga ; p az'


Goods,3 . Hanga ; rawa ; ngm



ngere (E . a ) ; laputap a (E . a ) .Goose, s. Hui/1 1



Gooseberry, s . Hup ere.

Gorge , s. A p z'

ti; kap z'



Gospel. 3 . Bongo p az'


G ourd,s. Hue ; wenewene (E .

Grace,5 . zlroba noa .

Gradually , adv. A la ; as [fa a la

tupu ; it grows gradually .

G raft, v. 11 0 720 .

Grain ,s. Halcano .

Grandchild,s. Mo/ropana .

Grandfather,s . Tapzma ; tipwza

(E .

Grape, s. Harep e.

Grasp (measure by the armsstretched out), s. Pae.

Grasping, a . Haz'

rapa ; z'


Grass,5 . Olaota ; tarutara ; pa

Grasshopper, s. 130


Grave , 8 . Palm; rua ; mama .

G ravel,s.

Gravy, s. W airamt .

Graze, (to touch lightly), v. 11 0



l u'



mm .

Grazed (as the skin), a . Pa/zore

Grease,s. [Ii/1a .

G reat, a . N az’

; ra/z z'

; wfca/calzara ;

telere (E . a ) .G reatness

,s. Hoz’wz


; naz'

nga .

Greedy ,a . Kai/taro ; Ifaz


pomt .

See Stingy , and glutton .

Ha ! int. Ha !

Habit,s . Bz



enga .

Hack, v. Tapalzz'


Hackle,v. W izaro .

ail,v. Ham/ego .

ail,s. N ganga ; w/zatu .

air,8 . Hum/aura ; Ina/rawa ; ma

ltzmga ;

Green,a . Halfarz


l a'

; matamata.

(unripe) . Torovka ; ata .

Greet,v. Tange



Grey, a . He'


G rief,s. Paarl



G rieve, v. a . Paart'


Grin,v. Pakaaa ; pct/art ; {ama

lama ; Ila/w; ngavga/m.

Grind (in a mill), Hari.

(on a ston e) . Ora .

Grindstone,s. Haanga .

G ritty, a . M'angengenge.

Groan,v. A urora ; ngunguru.

G roove, s. A waawa .

G rope, v. PV/zaw/za lcaere .

Grove, 3 . Mata rakau. See W ood.

Ground,3 . lV/zenua ; oneone.

of a quarrel. Papa.

G row ,v. Tupa ; Ira/m; w/zana/te .

Growl, v. N gunguru .

G rub,

s. Tunga ; pepe ; fizz/m;moea/w.

G rumble,v. A maama ; balm/mica

(E . C.) tap z'


; liow/zetew/wle ;


Grun t,v. N gengerz

; ngongara .

Guard,v. Tia/ti.

Guard,3 . Haz


G uest,3 . Manubz’rz’.

Guide,v. A ra/zz


; arata/u'


Guide,3 . [i




Gulp, v. Hora .

G um,


. Pia ; lmurz'

; ware .

Gums,s. Taka.

G un,3 . Pa .

Gunwale, s. N z’


G ust,s. Rapu ; apu. See E ddy

W ind.

G ut,s.

G u tter, s. Harare .

Page 248: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Heia—Heathen . 227

Hair,a single. Hal-ta wea ; Hatched, to be, v. Pao .

uru (E . C1 ) . Hatchet, s . Patih'


Half full,a . Hangara ; lzemaaga ; (Hate, v. Ii


no ; whaka/u’

no .

papanga .

'Hateful, v. H’lzalfarilzari/za ; wiza

Half grown ,a . Pz


pi. lmm’


lra ; werz'

weri (E . a ) .Half cooked, a . Roiroi. Hatred, s. Moan/2am.

Hallow ,v. IV/zakamp a .

'Have. v. gen erally expressed byHalo

,3 . I‘akoro . the possessive pron oun as,

Halt, p , Tu .He pukapuka taua ; He has a book.

Halt sudden ly, v. Tama . Haughty , a . w/zalra

Hammer. 5 . Ta (E .lzama . i peliape/za ;

Hand,3 . Hingariaga. Haul

,v. Toto ; A


akame .

Handful, s . . law/lauga ; ba luagu . Hauled on shore , v . E a .

Handle, 5 . l ’arifaaga ; laa ; taa Hawk, s. Ira/m; Irarearca : Ita

A'uwe : kawe : kiw i; pap ara eaca (E . Ci) ; kuz'

nia ; kaaaaa .

of an axe . h'

akaa . He, pron . 1a .

Handsome, a . A lan/ma .~Head

,s . l ’poko ; matenga ; ma

Handspike , s. Han . l Imago : kara : angaaaga ; A'o

Hang, v . Ta ra/m; la/zere (E a ) . ruaa ”gala ; pane

Hang up, v. a . lri; Iarewa : pare/to ; manta/"parawa ; (are ; noi lakeke ;

back of. Ilemilwmi; ko/mmo ;Hang up, v . a . H


Ica la (E . a ) : A'opako (1a, a ) ; marikolta l'


wbakairi ; a -Aakaaawka of a tree . Ii'

aara ;

m/mkanvi Hi) : wizakatare . of a ship .

Hang down ,a. Il


ern vcre : la Headache ,s . [whara ;

aga/wal wa ngarm'

a ; pa

as the lip. Haatvere . lion/ma .

Hang loosely, v . Il tmgoraagoru ; Headland, 5 llac ; karae ; lama ;tiepa kumorc ma tumala : larva/ta

as the hair. Takez’


Happiness, 5 . Hari; koa . Heal, v. Reagan ; w/zakama/m.

Happy, a . Hard ; koa . Healed, to be, r . Malia ; ora .

Harangne, a. ll'


arcra .‘Health, x. U ranga ; ora

Harbour, s. h’

okoralanga ; Iaaga 'Heap ,s . l’araaga ; w/ialfapa ;


ka ; a/ta ; a/mrewaHard

,a . More : pakeke ; p akam'


palm/lea ; papa ; Iota/m; a longa . iHard work,

.s . li'


ra . taka (E .Ina/m; lv/zaroaa

Hardly, adv . II'

lzakaaaaa .

Hardy, a . Marv . Heaps, to put in ,v. Paranga ;


s . li'

inn . kopa lapata : pa/magain’

: pilla

Harsh, a . Ta la tau/mi ngm'


; zrtlzakap l'

lzaagaili; pakai

Harvest, x. IIaa/ca/icvga ; ko lz'

nga . (E a) ; pata ; lapaz’

; tarafioaa ;


v . Ila/taro ; a/u'

ki (lit ) ; w/mkamoa ; m/zakapapa .

davolci. Hear,v. flange : w/m/mruago .

Hasten ! E alzaa ! indistinctly. Hakz'


; mar/zeaHasty ,

a . Ila/lava : w/zaw/zai; hea ; Mrcarea .

p ara/(gt Hearken ,v. IV/za/raraago.

1 6 “

Page 249: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

228 Heart—Hot.

Heart, 3 . N ga/fau; binangara; mauriof a plan t. Rita .

of a tree . Taraalzo ; trimaramare ; a/zo .

Heat,s. W arawara ; p awera p u

lfa/fa ; p alm/ca (E . a ) ; puma/ia .

—,red. Miramira .

Heated,a .


era ; Ira/fa .

Heated , to be ,as an oven ,


Here/l a (E . a ) ; tore (E .

Heaven ,8 . Bangi.

Heavy, a . Harold ; taimalca ; tauma/za (E . a ) ; toima/za

Heel,s. Relrerelie ; ngaengae (R) .

Height, s . I/seike ; toitoi; tMteti/l‘e .

Hell,3 . Bez

aga .

Helm,s. U rangi; aranga .

Help , v. A w/iina .

Hem,s . Rama .

Hen , s. Hei/lei.Hence, adv. A m.

Hen ceforth, adv. A lia ake ake ;


Her, pron . pers . Ia .

Her, p ron . p ass. Tana ; tona ;

ana ; ona .

Hers, pron . pass. N ana ; nana .

Herb . s. Otaota .

Herd , s . h’

alzui; ra/zai (E . a ) ;ranga (E . a ) ; w/iakata/fa .

Here,adv. [fa/lei; nei.

Hereafter , adv. A mua ; amari;anama la ; Izaaanga

Hereby, adv. Ma koaei.Hesitate, v. Raaraa ; p o/ze/ze ; po

lzewa ; palm/fa .

Hew,v. Ha/a m.

Hiccough ,s. Talia/iana ; toka

mauri; takopaaa/teHide

,v. Hana ; Ira/2a ; wad/ra

ngaro ; koropaka (E . a ) ; w/ia

[rape/re ; wizakapa/fe .

Hide,s. Hia/to ; Itiri



Higby a . I/fei/te ; fi lteti/fe ; lei/oi;

rewa (E . a ) , maiangi; moraaga ;motengi; poapoa (E a ) ; poatamaro (E a ) .

High of the tide . Iii; tata/fi; re

narena (E . a ) .

Hill,3 . Puke ; taropa/re.

Hilly, a . Paleepu/fe .

Hillock,s. Pit/repulse .

Him, pron . Ia .

for him. Mana ; mona .

Hinder,v. W na/mwara ; wiza/ta


Hindermost thing, s. Hi/cu.

Hip bon e, 5 . Hima ; lmma .

His, pron . Tana ; tona ; ana ; ona ;nana ; nana .

Hit,to be, v. Pa ; ta .

Hither,adv. Mai.


adv. Ii’

o konei; taea

n oa tia tenei wa .

Ho ! in t. Ho !Hoard

,v Bongoa ; to/za ; karpana .

Hoarfrost, s. Haifa ; Izaapapa .

Hearse, to be, v . l ango .

Hoe,s. Balsam/ta ; karaane.

Hoist,v. Hulmti.

Hold,v. Papari; papara

in the arms. Olive/co.

up . W /za/faari; w/za/falzana

to the fire . Tarara .

at on e end. Maataralfini.Hold ! int. lava ! Tana !

Hold of a ship, s. Ria .

Hole,s. Palm; pata ; koraa ; Ito

w/zaa ; liaropata.

Hollow,s . Pokoraa ; nap aa ; pa

lconga ; wizaremoa .

Hollow out,

v. W nakap o/taraa ;

Hollow (to shout), v. Haranga.

Holy, a . Tapa .

Home,s. liainga .

Hon our,s. Honore.

Hook,s. Mama .

Hoop , s. Iz’

orowlzitiwniti; mow/ziti;

pirari; taraw/iiti (W . ) w/aiti.

Hop, v. Hite/ci.Hope, v. Tamana/ca.

Horizon ,s . Pae.

Horse, 3 . Haida.

Host,s. Mano . See Multitude .

Hostilities, s. Pa/fanga ; wnaz'

nga .

Hot, a . W era ; pawera ; palmIrina/rind

Page 251: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

230 Ink—Kind.

Ink,s. Mangamanga .

Inland,adv. Hi ata .

Inquire, v. Ui; palai; walla/tapa

tai; palti/ii.

In san e,a . Parangi;



In sect,s. N garara .

In sensible, a . W Iza/raaro- lcare .

Insert , v. [fa/coma ; w/zaltaara ;

whakana/zo .

In side,adv. Rota.

Insipid, a . [faltara.

In stead of, prep . Mo .

In struct, v. A lto ; whakaalfo .

In tercede, v. Inai.

In tercept, v . liakali; flan/{oti

In tercessor, s. Kai inoi.

In tercourse, s. Ii'

orero .

Jabber, v. Haatete ; korerorero.

Jaded,a . N genge .

Jail,3 . ll

’lmre l wre/zere .

Jamb,s. Ta tara .

Jar,v. Mania ; tiara ; wkeoro .

Jaw,s. Ii



Jealous,to be

,v. Tapato ; nae ;

atea ; ow/zili(E a ) ; pukatarubae .

Jeer, v. Tawai; toana ; w/za/calau ;pa tai

Jerk, v. Talciri.

Jest , s. Tini/zanga ; hangaraa ;

Izongare/ca ; mare/ca ; whakanene.

Jog, v. Batu.

Join,v. A pili; kai/tui; ara ; nau

mi; Irarapili; tapara (E . a ) ;tapiri; tabano ; lapani.


Keel, s . Ta/tere ; tangere . Kidney, s. W izataka/m.

K eep, v. P apuri; papara Kill,v. Pata ; wizakamate ; lvlri

K eep close, v. Piri/zongo til/ti.

in the mind. W fia/tap ake . Killed,to be

,v. Mara .

Keepsake, 5 . 0 1m; manatanga . Kind,a . A tamai; ataw/zai.

Kick,v. I/I’Iiana . Kind

,3 . Ta .

Intermix,v. W kakaara . SeeMix .

In terpret, v. W /za/famaari.In terval

,s. Ta/ciwa .

In terview,s . Ii


ilenga .

In testin es, s. W ile/wa .

In to, prep . Hi rota lei; ai ro .

Inven t, v. Tene ; lilo ; poka .

Investigation ,s. W Ila/rawa .

Inward,a . Rota ; whakarata.

Iron,s. Rina ; maitai.

Irregular, a . W haka/apa/apaIsland

,s. Mata ; malzeno .

It, pron . Ia .


barebare ; tarakara .

Itch, v. Rekare/ta ; ngaoko ; mangeo .

Join parts of a net. Tatai; tai;w/zatui.

Join t,s. Pona .

Joist,s. Harapae .

Joke,s. Hangaran ; tini/mnga .

See Jest.Journ ey, s. Haere.

Joy, 3 . Hari; koa .

Judge, v. W /zakarite walla/rawa .

Judge, s. Haiwna/farite who/rawa .

Judgmen t, s. W aakawa/tanga.

Juice,s. W ai; tae .

Jump, v. Poke ; tape/re maw/ziti; mowl u

li; manuta (R .

out of the water. A nna ; pa

naa ;

Jun ction of tribes for hostile purposes, s. Haami.

Just,a . Ti/fa.

Page 252: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Kindle w L eak.23 1

Kindle , v. Tana ; tou. Knife, 3 . Mari/ii; mikura (E .

a fire by rubbing sticks. Hika . fromKindred , s. W nanatznga ; Ilaanga . Kn ob , s . Paka .

King,3 ~ It


Kn ock,v. Patakilaki; paku/ta ;

Kingdom,s. Baaga lzratanga .

pakara : wizakapa/talra .


,v. Mate

,kil n. to pieces. Takilaki.

K itchen , s '

~ haata ; ku/m; bere Kn ot, on a tree, s . Mona .

timnarc.M in a string, Ste. I’ona .

Khedda y’

ézk {H

fl ' Kn ow,

v. Mama ; mo/u'o ; Ana .

v. CPO e , 1 7 I know not ; A na ; snake. (E .

Kn ee - deep, a . To nga Iari.knowledge, 3 . Mataaranga ; moIuolanga .

Kn ee - joint, s. Turipona .

Kneel, v. Horopiko : futuri: tantra .

Knuckle, 8 ' P0 71"


Labour, toil, s. Hana.

l L ash (to fasten) . 110 /1 0 a ; boti/si

Labour pain ,3 . Il ’bakamamae . (E .

See Bind.

Lace , r . Ii’

a lai. Last thing, s. Te men a mari;

Lade , v. Hoke ; Iikoko .Ioenga .

Laden deeply, to be , r . Para Last night. laapo ; nanapa .

para ; {apart/para .Last year. Tau/manage (E .

Ladder, s. d raw/tata .

Latch,3 ”0 1 0 57 "awa .

Ladle , v. Hake ; likako .

Late, to be, v. P0 .

Lady, s. W a/u’

ne rangah’

ra .

Late ,a . TOW ” ; (F a ) ; akw"

L ag, v. ll'liakatorekere/fc. (W )

Lake, 3 . Ha lo . moana .

Lath, 3

Lame , a . Hapa ; agoagengoage ;Lather, 8


flgovgcngonge ; kapiri; {mua

la va, 3 c Rapg

zlalo .

L a




i ,


Iiala ; aging-m; Ito/ze

Ia e W .

at,0 . A ve. Laugh, to cause to , v. Iii/mam

Lamp, 3 . Rama.

L ance ,5 . Malia ; kolriri; la

ka la .o . Launch, v. Ito/cm ; to ; aa/a.See Spear.

Land, 5 . [V ite/van , a ta . Lawful a TikaLand, v . Tae h “I“ ; kawe I“

Lay ,v. H’

lzakalakolo ; wai/w;

“t“: panga .

la nding-

place, 4“0

Taaranga. L ay crosswise, v. W ea/mpac.

Landmark, s. Tw L azy, a . Mangere ; paid/tore ; rara ;L andshp, 3 . HON ) . w/m/ca lamalama inalroro/roro

Landwind, s. Tawlzenaa. (E a ) ,Language,

8 . Lead, s . Mata .

L angmd.0 Lead, v. A ra/ii; whakataki; ara

Lard, s. Him: paaka . {aki (E . G ) .Large , 0 N flf

; MM; (“W e (k U L eader, 3 . Kai ora/ii.

very. L eaf, 5 , Ilaa ; Pg/mw/m(W )Lash, v. H’


n . Leak,v. Tamra ; mama .

Page 253: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

232 Lean—Live .

Lean , v. Hz’

zzga ; tz’

raba ; wlzanau ;


uru ; hanga (W ) .against. wizarara .


a . Hauaz’

tu ; tup ubc’

; p a


’ bauarea ; lzawareware ; bi


; koboz'

; panganga ; tuoi,to/foroa .

Leap, v. Pe/fe ; tape/fa

Learn,v. A lia.

Least,a . [ti rawa ; no/n



rawa .

Leave, v. W izakarere .

Leave off,v. W hakamutu .

Left,to b e

,v. Mabue ; wai/lo .

Left - handed,a . JlIaui.

L eg, 3 . W aewae ; tata/tau.

Legend, 3 . Ii’

auw/zau .

Leisure,8 . A teatanga .

Lend, v. Tu/m.

Length, 3 . Boanga .

Lengthen , v. W fialtaroa ; pa tete.

Leprosy, s. Tuw/zenua ;

Less,a . [ti Mo ; Izolzz




pu .

Lessen ,v. Harafiara ;

Lest, conj. Hei.

L et down , v. Tu/m: wild/fallow .

L et go, v. Tu/m.

Letter, 3 . Pukapu/ca .

Level, a . Tz'

ka tonu.

Level, v. Tahoro .

Liar,s. Tangala teka .

Liberal, a . A tawizaz’

; o/za ; ata



Lick, v.

L id,3 . Taupo/tz


; papa/ti.

L ie,5 . Hori/wrz

; parau ; tee/ta .

L ie,v. Ta/toto ; pae ; kai/re (m) ,


lfa (E a ) , [mu/ti noi

rare (E . tae/a'

(E . a ) ;tawfteta (E a ) ; tele (E . a ) , wfiakai/ta .

L ie across,v. Bakap z


; ta

L ie broadside,v. Pae ; Itoronae.

L ie about,v. Talcotonoa .

L ie in a heap, v. Tl'


; pe/u'

tazzew/za (R ) ; tangz'


L ie flat,v. Toropap a .

L ie separate, v. Tau/{e

L ie still, v. H’


L ie in wait, v. W izanga .

Life,3 . 0m; oranga .

Lifetime, s. D ranga .

Lift up ,v. Hapal


; wkakaara ;


lfei/fe ; rz'


(W .) (E . (L ) .Ligamen t, 3 . Hana.

Light, in weight, a . Mama .

Light, s. A 0 ,marama .

Tarama ; rama .

Light, to be, v. A 0 ,marama .

Light , v. Toro/zero/te ; turama ;wica/ramarama .

Light, as a bird, v. Tau.

Lighten , v. W iza/camama .

Lightning, 3 . U t'

ra .

Like, v. A fiuare/ta ; manaa/cz’

; mana/co waz



Like this,adv. Penez



Like that, adv. Pena, pera .

Like mann er,in

,adv. W az



Like,to be

,v. Rite ; akukakuka



a (E a ) .Liked

,to be

,v. Paa


a .

Liken,v. W iza/farz



Liken ess,s. A fiaa ; re


tenga ; ka

baa .

Likewise, adv. 11 0 /ti; wai/toki.

Lime, s. Hota .

Limp, v. Totz’



Line,or string, 3 . A do ; nape.

Lin e,or row,

8 . Hapa .

Linen,s. Rz



Linger, v. W iza/iaroa .

Lintel, s. H'

arape .

Lion,s. Baz

ona .

L ip, s. N gatu .

Listen,v. W hakarongo .

Listless,a . N goz

ltore ; z'


kore ;


kauere ; ko

nge/ze ; anewa toup z’


Litter,s. A rno , kauizoa .

Little,a . N obz



; iti; palm.

See Small.Little W hile ago, adv. Ina/mam,

nana/mara .

Live, v. Ora ,

Page 255: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

234 Man w -Mist .Man


,5 . Kara ; koro/ze/re ; ko

roua (E . a ) ; lea/fora (E . [ill

raua ; p urakau (R) .

Man, young, 3 .

Manage, v . W fiakarz'

te .

Mange, s . W az’



Manifest, a . Marama ; kited .

Mankind,s . Tangata .

Mann er,s. Bz


tenga ; Ia ; te’

kanga .

Manure,s .

Many, a . Tz’


; malza ; tokoma/zahia .

Mark,v. To/mtolm.

Mark,s . To/zu ; wa l

laba (E . a ) .Mark of a perserve or sacred spot,3 . Balzac


Mark on the skin at the birth3 . Ira .

Marrow,s . Hz


na w/zeua .

Marriage, 3 . Tangobanga (E .

marenatanga .

Married woman , s . Mara/mi.Marry, v . diarelza .

Marshy, a . Tap okop oko ; rep o .


v . Mz'lzaro . See W on


Mashed,a . Hupenup ena ; kofiari;

p enup enu ; tararo .

Mast,s. Rewa ; rakau .

Mast of a can oe, s . Tz'

rala .

Master,3 . Hangatz

ra .

Mast for the floor,3 . Takap au ;

tap au ; wbararz'


; koalia (E a ) ;tz


eaga (E .

Me, p ron . A lma .

for me,Malta ; moku ; maha/m;

mo/z o/w.

by me . Mafia , naku .

of me . N olm.

Mealy, a . Mafia/nga ; mangaro ,molmnga/mnga motu/zanga .

Mean,(1 . Ta tua ; ware .

Measure,s . Tami; mebua .

Measure with ex tended arms,



Izanga ; wfianganga ; wharile;

whatau ; ta laz'


Meat,3 . Hz


ko .

Meddle,s. Italmraiza ; tangotango.

See Pull about .

Mediator,s. Takawaenga .

Medicine,3 . Bongoa .

Meditate,v . W iza/taaro .

Meek,a . Malia/d.

Meet,v. Ta la/fz


; taka/failed(Ew/ta/fataa

Meet in fron t,v . Haakotz

Mellow,a . N gawarz

; ngo/zengo/ze ;taromanoa .

Melt,v . Bewa .

Membran e which covers the vis


.s. l z'



Memory, 8 . Malaara .

Mend,v . Hanga .

Men tion,v . Korero .

Men tioned before,a . Taua ; aua .

Merciful, a . Tolm.

Merry, a . Harz’

; Itoa .

Mesh,s . Hana/mua ; mata ; ta

Message, 3 . [Tl/p a ; korero .

Messenger , 8 . Il’

arere ; kai/fai

wa z'

a ; p urafiorua

Meteor,s. H



ri; mata/co/arz.

Middle,8 . W aengarzuz

; waenga

p a ; waengara/n'

; waeflga ; p o

lfap u ; turotowaenga (W .- E . a ) ;

taruawaenga .

Midnight, s . W aenganuzpo .

Mild,a . Malta/d.

Mildew,s. Hekalzeka .

Mile, 3 . Macro .

Milk,3 . W a z

a .

Mill,3 . Mira .

Mind, 3 . N gakau ; Itinengaro .

Min e, p ron . Taku ; toku ; taka/m;tol wlm; ”aka ; nolm.

Miracle,s . Mere/tam.

Miscarriage , s. Materoto ; take ,


Mischievous, a . N ana ; rad/take

ra/mralm(E a ) .Misery, s. Mate ; p ouri.Misgive, v. Manukanu/ca ; awa

ngawanga ; lforapa (W ) .Mislead, v . W ild/talus.

Miss, v. Heme ; belie ; puhemo .

Mist, a . lib/m; an (E pa

kaha .

Page 256: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Misty, a . Jae/”m mafia/egoW ) .Mistake

,3 . He ; poauau ; p o/Lebe ;

polwwa ; p okaku ; para/iambic

Mistake in speech,3 . Pakewa .

Mix,v . Pokep oke : nana ; iti/taka

nana ; papa ; razm; konatzma lu

(E . a ) ; nalu (E a ) : wéakaranu ;whakakamnni (E . a ) .Moan ,

v. Jurcrc ; ngangtaw .

Moat, s . A waken } aim/sari: awa

Mock, v. Tawai; fauna ; whakaIaa ; pa lat

(Ng u)Model, 3 . Puke/age (5 1 a ) : lauira .

Moderate,v. Maaaki.

Moderate , to be, v. Hikan’


Moist, to be, v. Malta ; Imuku(E a ) ; baamaka bau

taka (E kopaloiloi; karmiwai ; (of ; windwafiiMoisten, v . H

lmkamakuku .

Moisture, s. dinky ; Mafia ; Amu

Month,at. Marama .

Monumen t, 3 . Take .

Moon,3 . Man ama .

Moonlight, 3 . Jamie ;Mamarama .

Moor,x. [fora/w .

More , a . Tcla/n'

atu , avi am;ral n


atu .

Morning,5 . A la .

Morning star, 5 . Tamera .

Morrow, on the,

adv . .Jp opo ;aw

nakc .

Morsel, s. W adi.

Mod ified, to be ,17. lfikofiunga .

Mosquito , s. IVaeroa .

Moss on trees, 5 . Ifo/mko/w ; pa

papa .

Meet, a . To wa/u'



Moth, s. Hulm; ananao ; pure/1arclm; pure/kua (EMother

,s. Mama aval u


nc ; waned ;kaka (E .

wlmvrcre .


Mother- ih - law,s . Hn awm


; bu

narere (E a ) ; lmnarci (E . a ) .Motion,3 . Ii



nga ; korikori/zga ;lieu/teunga .

Motive, 3 . Take , putake .

Move about,

v. lieu/ecu ; korikori; taka .

Move swiftly, v. Omakz'

. See Glide .

Move towards , 0 . Jim, kom‘


ric/re , nuku : (moi, palzefi‘

c ; wiza

kanekeneke .

Move up and down ,0 . Piupz

u .

Move the lips, v. Ia'


Mouldy, to be ,v. He/falzeka ; para .




oropuke ; pukepuke .

Mount, 0 . like .

Moun tainous,a . Man/zga .

Mourn, v. Tang?) d ue ; taua .

Mourning, s. Tana ; tangi.Mouth

,3 . .ilangm


; walla ; mawhcra

Mouth, sides of, s . Pake'

wn/m(E . (l ) .Mouth of a river, 5 . N guwawa ;kua/mpun/mwale/111 11 ; kongutu.

Much, 0 . Ma‘

; ra/u'


Mud, 3 . Peru ; p aruparu

11 11 .

Multiply, v. ”waka/mi; nm’


Multitude, s . did /60 : l u'


a ; mane ;tini ; fwd .

Murder,3 . h

o/mru ; whakapz’

ko .

Murder, v . Ifolmru .

Murmur, v. Il'

ow/zetewlzclc ; kn

l wmu/mma . See Grumble.

Muscle, 3 . Hum; purew/ca ; ku

lae ; ngupara .

Muscle, freshwater, s . Hakal u'


Mushroom,3 . Ilm‘


Musket,8 . Pa .

Must. Me , before the verb, as

Me haere ; Y ou must go .

Mutter , l '. Hameme ; hamuma ;Immu ne ; lmwa la .

Muzzle,s . [Fa/1a ; ngatu.

Muzzle, v.

My, p ron . Taku ; lo/m; aka ; o/m.

Page 257: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

236 N ailm N ow.

N .

N ail,8 . TM; w/zao . N iece

,s . Iramatu ; lap at


raN aked

,a . firm; ta/zaaga N ight, 3 . P0 ; [tango

taka/tore . N imble,a . Holcoro ; [fa/tama . See

N ame,3 . Ingod . Quick.

N ame,v. Hua ; tap a . N ine

,a . Iwa .

N amely, adv. A ra . N in eteen,a . Te/fau ma z


wa .

N ap, s . Hungabanga . N in ety, a . Iwa teleau leo/coc’


N arrow,a . W kaz



N ation,s . Iwz


; [tap u , p a . N ip, v . Iffla’


; Ira/m; p altz'



N ative,a . Maori; tupu . N ipple, s. U .

N atural,a . Maori. N it

,s . Iii/2a .

N avel,s . Pita . N o

,adv. [fa/tore ; kaaap e .

N ay, adv. fi abore . See N ot. N od,v. Tangou ; manaaa .

N eap tide, s . Taz’




lti. N od through drowsiness, v. Ta

N ear,a . Ta la ; tuta la ; tatata ; new/ia .

p a lata pine ; p up utu .

N ecessary, a . Ii’

a tako lo {e tz'


nga .

N eck,3 .

N eck, back of,3 . Tata ; p oro


(E . Ct) ; maua (E . a ) .N eedle, s . N gira .

N eglect, s. lV/za/raaro kore .

N eglect, v . W iza/farere .

N eighb our, s. 11 0 0 tata .

N either,adv. [fa/lore . See N ot.

N ephew,s. Iramutu ;

N est,s . Ow/zaaga ; kowbaaga .

N et, v. Ta .

N et, 3 . [fl/p enga kakutz'

; p u

1mm ; Iauwbatu ;

small handn et. Tata ; tawz'


ro/ze (R ) ; Itorz'

; toere ; toemz’

N ettle,s. Ongaonga .

N ever, adv. [i’

afiore rawa ; lcz'


rawa .

N ew,a . flea .

N ewn ess, s. Ii'


malalaaga ; lz ounga .

N ews, 5 . Korero .

N ex t,a . Ta ta . See N ear.

N ibble,v. Barango la ; tangi.

N ice,a . Belfa .

N ick,8 . Hamamataaga ; ngatala ;

ngaw/zatanga .

N oise, s. Turz'


; mam’


a (E .

aganga ; age ; ngaagere ; nga

nguru ; p orearea (E .

N oise, to make, v . Ti/zoz'

fioi; wizakarengoa ; bap arangz

(E . a ) ;Izoz


lzoi (W ) ; nani (E . a ) ; taritarz

; mam’


a ; aganga .

N oise of steam in boiling, s .

aubu .

N onsense,s . Haagare/ta ; hanga

rau ; tz'


fianga ; mare/ca .

Hu ;

N oose,

3 . Bare , tawfiz’


. See

Snare .

N or,adv. Kahore . See N ot.

N orth, 5 . N ola .

N orth- east wind, 3 . Paw/za/iarua .

N orth- west wind, 5 . Hauatz’

u ; ao


u ; Mara/ii; tupatz'

u .

N ose,3 . Ma .

N ostril,s . Pongap onga .

N ot,adv . [fa/core ; aua ; e/zara ;

kore , e/zake ; lzazmga ; kore ; lzorz’

kaua ; kauaka ; kaaap e

(E . a ) ; kei; Iiz'

ano ; Iii/mi; te .

N otch,v . Teno ; tokarz

; w itaka


N othing, 3 . Kahore Iraa lie mea .

N otwithstanding, conj. A lla/tou .

N ovice, s . [kap a/fa .

N ow,adv. A z



; iza


Page 259: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

238 Ornamen t—Path.

Ornamen t for the n eck,3 . Hei;




Ornamental,a . W hakap azpai.

Orphan ,s . Pam



Other, p ron . Tera ; tata/21



Otherwise, adv. Penez'


Oven ,s . Haage

; umu ; Izap z'

; /1 0p z'

(R ) ; [tam/2a ; Ito/ma Ifoaao

(W ) ; Ievp a (R ) ; [tori tap z'


okeo/re (E . Ct) ; taralcu ; top z'

p z'


Over, p rep . Hi range. z'


Overcome, to be, v. Mate ; taea .

Overdon e, a . Harota .

Overflow,v. Harc


; pulica ; torena

p areaa .

Overgrown , a . Hararaa ; mafia .

Overhang, v. Taawlzarewlzare.

Overhanging, a . Peru .

Overload, v. IV/zakawfiz’

a (E .a


aa (E .

Pack up, v. Ta/faz'

; Ito/u“


Packet, 3 . Taka z'


Pad,s . lI/ lzakap ara ; p arelaa .

Pad,v. Malata ; wiza/cap ara .

Paddle,s . Hoe ; l u


raa (W .

Page , s. W izaraagi.

Pain,3 . Mamae .

Pain,to be in

,v. Mamae .

Pair,3 . Top a ; p araa (E . a ) .

Palatable , a . lie/fa .

Palate,s . N gao ; p z



arero .

Pale,a . Ma ; kotea .

Paling ,s . W /laaa (E a ) ; Ica

wawa ; wawa .

Palm of the hand,3 . Para .

Pan t,v . Map a ; tare ; p a/ca ; lcz'aa ;

lza tare (W ) ; waakaaeaea wha

kaaotalzota .

Pap, s . U .

Papa, s . Papa ; mama .

Paper, 3 . Pakapa/fa .

Papillee on the skin,

3 . Tara ;aaaaaa .


‘ v. Team.

Pare,v. Ti/tore .

Overlook,v . Tirotz


ro .

Overtaken,a . Boltolzaaga ; rolto


aa .

Overthrow,v. p oro


; tap op oro .

Ought, v . Me ; Ira talfoto te te'

lfaago .

Our, pron . To tatou ; ta tatou ,

to matou ; ta matou .

Ourselves, p ron . Tatoa ; matou .

Out, adv . W alzo .

Outermost,a . W a/zo rawa .

Outside, the, s .


alco .

Outward, adv. Hi wa/zo .

Owl, s . h’

oaltoa ; raru .

Own ,a . A le ; as

,talru alto , my

own .

Own er, 3 . Tarzgata nona le mea .

OX,3 . U lrika .

Oyster, s. Tz'

o ; agairi/zz'


Paren t,3 . Malaa .

Parrot,s . [fa/ta ; kakarz


(E . C.

p owaaz'

tere .

Part,5 . ”f a/ti; eta/u

; e/u'

na .

Partly, adv. Ii‘

o feta/n“



Partn er,8 . Hoa ; Ina/tau (W ) .

Party, 3 . Ope ; p ahz’

. See Com


Pass by, v . Pa/zare ; aorz'

(E a ) ;ta/fa ; pokomo paaz


lfa (E . 0 .

talzap a (E .

Pass n ear,v . W am

; mz’


; leo



l u’

Pass over, (omit), v. Hap e .

to be passed over. Hapa ;ngere .

Pass over, (cross), v . l z'



Pass through, v. Pata .

Passage, 3 . A ra ; lmara/u’


Past,to be, v. Ma/zue ; pafiare ;

p afiemo ; fiorz’


Pat,v. Paltip altz


; p op o .

Patch,5 . Papal


; tap i'


; lape'




Patch, v . Papa/ti; Iap z'


Path,3 . A ra ; Izaara/zz


; Izaanm'


Page 260: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Patient—Place .

Patient, a . Manama/mi.

Patte rn ,s . Tam

ra rilenga ; p a

kenga .

Pause, v. Ol u'


Pay, v. W izakaea ; a tu .

Paymen t, 3 . U ta .

Peace , to make, v. 11 0 /1 0 a 1°


Peaceful , a . Rangatira ; rangimame ; man e .

Peacemaker ,5 . ma ao/roa ro

ngo ; lal‘

awaanga .

Pebble,s . Hiram; sonata .

Peck, v . Timo .

Pedigree, s . Talm; kawai; ka

Pee l,3 . b

iri: lu'

ako ; tangm’

; Ia

pe/m: pe/m

Peel,v. Tr


aore ; leol 'eaore ; paa

p ae ; panganangaaa .

Peeled, to be , r . Manure ; ata/N'

lmre : [flu/m wkaka lako .

Peep ,v. Tl



ro ; ma lakilal'r'


Peg,s . I’aupau ; tia h


raa .

Pelt, r . Spa .

Penetrate, v.-lw°

ara .

Peo ple , 5 . Hauga ; laaga la .

Perce ive , r . File .

Y ou may perceive ; m u koe ; or

maofl koe .

Perch, x. Taaaga .

Perfect, 0 . Tc’

l‘a ; rile Iona .

Perform,a . Mani.

Perhaps, adv. Pea .

Permanen t, a . Ta tum rapa ; la

ketake : pamaa : lamaa ; wlmi.

Permit,v. Taku .

Perpendicular, a .

Perplexity, x.

pokeka : pana/m;

pairelle .

Persecute , v.

Persevere, r .

Ta Iona .


Tone .

Perso n ,3 . Iforo ; lanae W . E . C.) g

la/zal‘e (E .

arzr k ar 14ll mar ar " Pl

Perspiration , s. Hanawa ; Iota ;

(okakawa .

Persuade,v. lV lzakawai. See Be

Pig, s . Pea/(a ; kalmkalm.

Pigeon ,a . [fl/kap a ; kereru ; l



Pigsty, s . Pa tal'a ; roi/ti.

Pile up, v. l‘w '

anga . See Heap .

Pillow,s . L


ranga .

Pilot, x. Ii’m


urangi.Pimple , s . Iluahaa ;

Pimples, to be covered with, v.

Papa la ; para .

Pin , x. Pine .

Pin cers, s . {fa/cu .


Pit, s . Ilaa ; pokorua ; l‘oro langi; kapi/1a lforaa

Pit of the stomach, s . [f a/1a o(e a le .

Pitch,s. [F l/re .

Pity,s .

. Pity, v. .1 ro/za .

.v. lif t/bi.. I ou /zaka laatea .lPlace of departed spirits, 3 . Pa ;

f eluga .

Place, v . Panga ; wai/co ; iti/taka

Ila/1 0 ; vlrna/ratal‘ olo ; w/zal’a ta ;zv/u


a .

Place before , v. Tapae .

Person employed in anything, 3 . §P lace one upon another,v. l1 7/a

kapapa lvlcakap z'



Perverse , a . Tam.

Pervert, v.

Pest, s. N anakia ; autaz‘

a (E . a ) ;Iaitakae .

Pestilence, 3 . Ma le arr/ta .

Pet, s . Puhi.

Phlegm,s . Mare .

Physic, s . Bongoa .

Pick,v. HMO/tika .

Pick out, v. kope ;


l'aro ; l n'



ri ; kowae .

Piece , 5 .

Piece r . HORO/IOIM; tulzono/zono .

Pierce ,v. ll


ero .

Pierced through, a . Ngangeaga

Page 261: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

240 Plain—Pretty .

Plain,s . Mania ; raorao ; p arae ;

talcora ; p ap a lalzz'

; reoreo

Plait,v . Baranga ; wnz




Plan,3 . Tatai; liltanga .

Plank,s . Pap a .

Plan t,v. W nalrato ; lfo ; tz



; po

kap olta ; Iroirz'

(E . a ) ; p zrorz

(E . a ) ; 0 720 (E . O.)Plan ting time, s . Hoanga .

Play ,v . Talfaro ; wnalcanene ;

ltap a .

Plaything, s . Palarz'


; mea ta

karo .

Pleasan t,a . A lmareka ; a laalma ;

p arota ; reka .

Pleased,to be

,v. Paz


; almarelra ;mafia (E . a ) .Plentiful , a . Mafia ; tini. See

A bun dance .

Plen ty . Mafia ; tz’nz’ . See A bun

dance .

Pliable, a . N golzengolze (E . a ) ;ngorenoa ; ngorengore .

Pluck,v. W nawlza/fz


; lcownal u’


lia lo ; aura ; kopep e .

Plug, s. Para .

Plug, v . Para ; mono .

Plunder,v. Mara ; murei; lzone ;

ngaa ; p anaa ; roromz’

; talta/zz'


lakaka .

Pocket,s. Patea .

Poin t,

s . Heol’eonga ; ltoznga ,

Poin t,on the

,adv. ”fnano .

Poin t out,v. W nal’aata .

Poin ted,a . E co/coo , p op o .

Pole,3 . Toke .

Pole on which a weight is car

ried,s . Taateka (E . a ) .

Polish,v . W nakal’anap a .

Pollen,s . Para .

Pond,s . Hop aa ; lfop z


na ; lzarotoroto (E . a ) .

Pool,3 . Hop aa ; kapina .

Poor,a . Rawa - lfore .

Porch,s . W izalfamanaa . See Ve


Pork,3 . Pea/fa .

Porpoise, s. Tap oapoa leopalzopa ;wat


ana ; ap o/folme .

Porter,5 . Ifaz

amo ; lta l'

p ilfaa .

Portion,s . W al d.

Position,3 . Taranga ; takotora

nga .

Possess, v . W izaz'

; wlzz'



Possess power or influen ce, v. Manamana .

Possible, a . Taea ; alice'


Post,s. Poa ; iarap oa .


,of houses

,3 . Poa

toliomanawa .

Pother,s . Pongere .


3 . Kap ana ; p ararelra ;



; az'


; taiawa .

Pound,v . Paoz


Pour,v. tanoro (E (l ) ;



Pout,v. Tap era .

Powder, v. W nakane/za .

Power, 3 . Mann ; leana ; mara .

Praise,v . l altapaz


; moemz’



Pray, v. Inoz’


Prayer, 5 . Inoz’


Preach, v . Hauwlzau .

Precious,a . U ta nac

; malal u'

ap o .

Precipice, 3 . Part'


Precise, a . Pa ; tino .

Pregnan t, to be, v . Hap a ; alzaa ;

to .

Premature, a .

Preparation , s . Ta/fanga .

Prepare ,v. Talia ; talfata ; ta


Presen t, 3 . Halfarz'


Presen t in return , 3 .

wlzalca (E . a ) .Presen t time, up to, adv. Monoa

noa nez’

; maro/ti noa nez’


Presen t, v. Tap ae .

Presen tly, adv. A lfaenez'

; taz’

lcoa ;

takaro ; kia lolfa .

Preserve, v. Ila/mi; rongea ; tolza .

Press,v. Pel a


; ta lamt’


Press to do anything, v . Talze ;

Ira/sari (E a ) ; alil'

al a'


Pressure, 3 . Penanga ; laminga .

Pretty , a . A lan/ma .

Page 263: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

242 Quack—Reckon .

Quack,v. Helm.

Quadruped, v . Harare/w.


v. W z'


; leungoz’






Quan tity ,3 . Mafia ; nui.

Quarrel,s . p okanga ;


nga .


v. W izaw/mz'

; tatou ;

ngangare ; Ira/tare} kai/firi; p a


; totofce ; wfia/tane/zelzelze ;whakanene; wiza/cam


fio (E .a );weld/ti

Queen,8 . Hui/21



Quen ch,v. Tinet



Question,v. U z

; pata z'

; p altz'



Quick,to be

,v. A we ; hohoro ;

Ira/fama ; lalalma ; Izz'

l u'



raz/tau ; ngaban ; ngawari; p elte

p e/re ; tatanga ; toitoi; tuba l/a ;


Race (watercourse), 3 . MacroRadius of the arm

,3 . A p e



Rafter,s . lie/re ; neke

Rag, s. Par/cam Ira/faint .

Rage, 3 . Rz'


; are’


ta ; nanau

(E . a ) ; wiza/cananau (E . a ) .Rail of a fence

,s . Tongotongo ;

[ma/ma Ira/50 .

Rain,3 . Ha ; awlm(E . a ) .

Rainbow,3 . A m



wa ; Ira/mkura ; ouenu/m(E . a ) .

Raise, v. Hapaz’

; wild/mam ; pai


lfe ; rid/ti (WC—E .

Raise by a lever, v. Hua .

Raised,to be

,v . W hakazkez

lte ;




; mafiua .

Bake,3 . Balsam/m.

Rank,3 . Banga lz

ratanga .

Ransom,s. U tu .

Rap, v. W /zz'

u ; lfuru ; pap o/ff.

Rash,a . Hz


lfaka .

whakamaroro wizawlzai(E . a ) ;iti/U N .

Quicken , v. IV fia/fafioaoro waa


; wiza/fa

banaua .

Quickly, adv. Iaamata ina

ageto .

Quicksand,s . Pow/zarawhara .

Quiet,a . Marie ; ranga tz

ra ; ra



e ; alma maz’

marie ; wahanga ; hanga ; ma/zaki; wile ;rarata .

Quiet, v. [V ila/tamarie ; w/ta/fa

rarata .

Quietly, adv. Marie ; mae’ka (11 a ).Quill

,s . Hatae


Quite,adv. A la ; rawa ; tona ;

tou (E a ) ; lz'

ao ; flange/wage ;te ; [vita (E . a ) ; aoa ata .

Rat,s . E c

ore ; maungarua ; inamo/n


; rz'



Rather,adv. E ngarz


; eran g i.

Rattle,v. Tatangi.

Rave ,v. Haarangz

; p oraagz'


hawata .

Ravel, v. W az'



Raw,a . Mata

,toroa/fa ; Icaz


ma la ;p a toto ; wlzakarae toaganga .

raw,as inside of the mouth.

Homaoa .

Ray, s . Hi/z z'

; to/fo .

Razor,3 . Hen ; rama (W ) .

Reach,v. Tup ono ; tae .

Reach to the bottom,v. Ta ta .

Reach,to be out of, v . A weawe.

Read,v. Herero pa/tap u/ca .

Ready, to be, v. Ta/fatu .

R eap, v. lib/{oti.

Rear,v . W


lza/catapa .

R eason,3 . Take ; p uta/re .

R eceive, v. Tango .

Reckon,v. Tatau .

Page 264: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Recollect,v. rua/Lara .

Recollection ,s . .lIa/lara .

Recovered from sickness, to be

v. Ora .

Recovered (got back) , a . Biro

mat .

Red, a . H'

Aero ; lmra ; makuralmra ; paka p a/mka ; ngaagaaa


akw '

a (E . a ) ; 10

Red ochre,s . li


okowai; Ierella ;

11 0 e takoa .

Redeem,v. ll ako .

Redeemer,s . h

ai Ito/lo .

Reed,3 . [taka/w.

Reel, 3 . Haacke . See Stagger.

Refresh,v. H’lmlra/l oufiou .

Refreshing, a . HauAaa ; lava/tou.

See Cool.Refuge, s . lhnanga ; piriuga .

Re fuse , v. I’aopao ; whakanaa aa ;uifiakapom

a . See Re ject.Regiment, 5 . Hapu koia .

Regret, v. .llaaaumpa : a ta/cite .

Reign ,v. Ii




Reject , v. Il'

kakar crc ; weaka

kino : wkakaalzu (E . a ) ; wbaka

lwe ; wkakaparalmko .

Rej oice , v . Harc'

; koa : wicaka

maa amaaa .

Relation, s. W Ma auaga ; lmanga .

Relation by marriage ,5 . N ari

reperepe pakaw/za (E .

lapakam/ta (E .


v H'

lnakakorokoro ; lu

Re lease , v. Taku kia lmere .

Relic,3 . (Ma .

Re lief, 5 . IV/za/magawarilaaga .

Re ligion, 3 . li'

arakia .

Relish,v. Heka ; as, fi


a reka Ma an taka kai; I relishmy food.

Re luctan t,a . H


Aakal‘uma ; e koree pai.

Rely, v. (Micki; wizakawfifrz’na/n’Remain

,v. Toe .

Remain (stay in a place), v. [Va/lo .

Remainder,s . Hau ; ko/za ; locaga .


Remains of food,

s. Maanga ;Ioeaga .

Remark,3 . Ii

up u ; korero .

Remedy, s . Rongoa .

Remember, v. Malzara .

Remind, v.

Remnan t of an army or tribe, 3 .

More/m; loenga .

Remorse, s. Poarz’


Remove, v. Haere ; liekc ; w/zatz.

Ren t, to be , v . Mata ; pakara ;palm/m.

Repeat, v. paparua ;

Repen t, v . Ripe/zeta .

Re place , v. Ilf'


Reply, v. W kakalzoki kapa .

Report, to make, v. Papa .

Reproach, v. Tawaz’

; fauna .

Reprove, v. Riri.Reptile, s . N garara .

Re quest , v. (Ii; inoz'


Resemble , v. Jana/ma ; ariaria

(e a ) .Resemblance , s . A lma ; [rain/a ;ritenga .

Reserve ,v. ll


ai/io ; toku ; ro

ngoa .

Residence ,x. Ii


aiaga ; whara ;


Resin ,3 . Ii



a ; ware .

Resin ous wood, s . Ii'

ap ara .

Resist, v. ll’lzaa 'bai; riri.

Resolute , a . .Ilaro ; uaaa .

Respect, s . [fa/1a ; wltakaaro .

Respect, v . whakaaro


Respire , v . Ta 1c manawa .

Rest, v. Okioki.

Rest upon ,v. Talao ; tau.


place, s . Taumala ; ol d

oti/lg” .

Restless, a . Okeolre ; taburi/mrz'


okaoao .

Restore, v. IV/mka/zoki.Restrain, v. l’upm

'i; pc/u'

; kore

p rim.

Retire, v. Ila/ti

Page 265: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

244 Return—Rustic.R eturn

,v . [Io/ti; wizalcaao/a



R eveal, v.




R evenge ,v. N ga/tz


rap a ata .

R evenge, 3 . U ta ; rap anga ata .

Reverence,s. Hopofiop o .

R evile, v . Taaaa ; tawat’

; pata z'


R eward,s . U ta .

Rib,s . Bara ; tai/tz



Rich,(1 . Momona ; w/zaz' taoaga .

Riddle,s. Ii


. See Sieve .

Ridge, 3 . kawe/fa ; lzz'

wi (E . a ) ;lfalzz



(E . a ) ; tuatua (E a ) ,tau ; tau/calm(E .

Ridgepole, s . Ta/za (E a ) ; la

kahu .

Ridicule,s. Tauaa ; tawal


Right, a . Tz'

ka toti/m(E . a ) .Rigidity of the hair

,s . Paid/1 1





Righteous, a . Tika .

Right hand,

3 . Mama ; [fatau

(E . a ) .Rim

,s . N guta .

Rind,s . Hz


alco ; la'


; tanga z'


Ring, 3 . Hap a ; porowlzz’

ta ; mo

Ringworm,s . Mama ; patz'to .

Ripe, a . Maoa ; p e .

Ripple, s . Hare .

Rise up, v . A ra ; maraaga ; matz

lca ; wlzakatz'

lca ; tata ; maca ;p uea ; w/zakataz

raagaraaga .

River, 3 . A wa .

R oad,3 . A ra ; lzaara/ze

; lzuaaui.

R oar,v. Bara ; tangi.

R oast,v. Tuna ; rangirangz

; p a

ralzunuauaa (R ) p araagzmuRob, v. Tallae ; wfiaaa/to ; ka z

a ;


a .

R ock,5 . Howfiata ; kamaka ; lo/fa ;

teko .

R od,3 . W /tz


u .

R oe of a fish, 3 . Ha/farz'


R oll,v. Hurz



; [sep ia/via .

R oll along, v . Pz’rorz'


R oof,s . Tauna t



Roof of the mouth, 5 . Pi/a'


ngao .

R oof,v . Tap atu ; a lo .

R oom,3 . Takz


wa ; wa ; wal n'


R oot,3 . Pata/ce ; take ; pake

aka ;

p aia/ta (E a ) ; werl’


R oots,fibrous. A lma/fa .

R oot,v. Ii


eta .

R oot up, v . Ha/zuti; mm.

R ope, s . W iza/ta/zelfe ; taura ; ra



; lea/1a ; lmtz'


(R .

R opy, to b e, v . Tata/fi.

R otten,

a . Pz'

raa ; Ito/w; Icaru

p op o ; maaumaauR otten wood, s . Pa/fora/foru .

R ough, a . Ongaonga ; taratara .

R ough, as the sea ,a . N gara

agara .

R ound,(1 . Porota/ra ; p otakata/fa .

R ound about,

ad .

aura/{i takaawbe (E a ) ;tac



R ow,3 . Hap a ; rarangz


Row,v . Hoe .

Rub,v. Mz'rz' ; makamaka ; Irani


; akuz'



s . Oiaola ; kap arangz’


Rudder,s . Urwzgz


; uraaga .

Rule,3 . Tz


kaaga ; {oti/fa .

Rumbling n oise,3 . Hararu ; agn

agaru ; kolfo (E .w/za/fara

ranga .

Run,v. Here ; oma ;

turere ; kare/ze (E ) .Run away, v . Tabulz



(E .

Run off to a point, v . Hoz'



Run over, v. Har z'

; le a/tea ; to

rena ; p ure/2a .

Run through, v. Hamama .

Runn er,3 . Hawe ; kawa z

(E a ) ;tawei (W ) .

Rupture, s . W izatarama .


v . A mp ; baa/fl ; raaga ;


Rush,a plan t, 3 . fl



Rust,s . fl


lfara ; p ararz’

l a'


Rustle,v . N g


aae/ce .

Page 267: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences


Scorch,v. Bangz



Scour,v. Horoz


Scrap ,s . Toeaga ; tap allaaga ;

motubanga .

Scrape, v. Balmralcu ; wlzarowlzaro ;tal utalzz tz


warz ; wani'

wamwaruwaru ; p altelfe .

Scrape out,v. Op e .

Scrape along the surface, v .

rakuku .

Scrape flax,



ri (E


Haro Ila/taka

Scratch, v . N at a; rakuraku .

Scream,v. Tange



Screen,3 . 11 0 /ca ; lma p a

lzolra rz'

aaga .

Screen,v. A ral

; pa ; tuba/tamarumaru ; wlzaltarara ; rz

; rol u’

Scribe, s .

Scrofula, s .


Scrub, v.

Sculk, v. Pz'



Sea, 3 . Moana ; tai.Sea- beach, s . Talia/ta ; talmtaz


Sea- breeze, s . Marital ; wlzalta

rua (E . a ) .Sea coast, 3 . Tatal u




p u .

Sea urchin ,s .

Seal, 3 .


Search for, v.


Season , s. ”a ; p a .

Seat,3 . N olzoaaga .

Seat in a boat,3 .

Seaweed, s . E lma .

Second, a . Baa ; tuarua .

Secret, a . N garo ; palm; toro

paku .

Secretly, ad. Palm.

Secretion from the n ose, 3 .

kea (E . a ) .Sedimen t, 3 .

See, v . Ii‘


te .

Seed, s . Purapara ; huri; lea/farmleop ard .



Ial u'

tul u'


Pultu ; palm/ii; ma

Horai; ulmz'



E lna



nga .

Rap u ; ltalca . See

Taumanu .

Hupe ;



Seek,v. Rap u ; kimi; rap a ; balm;

lzalza aalzalza ; lzaraa .

Seemeth,it, v . N gz

a ; tz'

aga .

Seer,s . Mata/cite .

Seine,s. H


apeaga .

Seize,v. Hopu ; kap a .

Select,v . See Pick


Sell,v. 11 0 /to .

Send,v. Toao ; agare ; unga .

Sense,3 . W izalcaaro .

Sen tence, 3 . Hapu .

Separate , v. W elzewelze ; mamow ;

mawelze ; lfowaeSeparated , to be

,v . Mom/lake

Separate con tending parties, v.

W awao .

Separate, to be, v .


September, 3 . Hep etema .

Sermon,s . Haawlzau .

Serpen t . s . N alfal u'

; nelce .

Servan t, s. Ponanga ; roll t'

; tu

mau (E . 0 .

Serve, v. W'

lzakarato .

Served, to be, v. Bate ; ta .

Served, not, a . Hapa ; agere .

Service, s. Main“.Set, v. Toeae ; toreagz

; toremz‘


Set on fire,

v. Tatum/ta ; tutu .

Settle,v. Ta tu ; lielie ; taunga .

Seven ,a . l z


ta .

Seven teen ,a . Telfaa ma wl u


ta .

Seven ty, a W lzz'

la teltau ; llalto

wl u'


Sever ,v . Momota ;



; wawae .

Severed, a . Mata ; tokarz’ .Sew,

v . Ta l’



Shade , v. W halzararu ; wlzaka~

maramaru .

Shaded ,a .

paruramaramaru .

Shadow,3 .

rua .


rare ;

Tatal u’

; taki


Tamara ; taumaru ;p arura

A ta ; atarangz’

; wai

N gaaeae ; oioi; rareagarae (E . a ) ; agaterz


Page 268: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Shake—Side. 247

wlzakakeulfe u; zvbakalmri Shiver,v. W irz


; Ialzamvz'


; ta

l'ori; urbakaagarae : wlzalfaaga rizva lailac'

; tariwetaat au .

ueue ; whakaoz’

oi. aShoal,s . Hora/ta ; pakup aku ; p a

Shake ofi‘

,v . Ilf lzal 'aagalzoro . pal


v ; lalzana (E .

Shake in the wind, v. Hopel‘

ope ; Shoal of fish, 5 . Hara ; ranga .

tareparep a . Shoot,

s . Tap a ; kotete ; agao ;Shake, as a garment, v. It

’ap e pariri poz


o .

rape Shoot,middle

,s . Horilo .

Shake, as the ground, v . .Vga Shoot (as plants) , v. Tupu ; toa ;ere ; agap e . lroe


ata lrolmra ; korop ana ;Shake

,as a line by fish, v. To Irorz


ro ; wlzalt‘

angao ; wlmkam’

lzmngi. m


llo .

Shake up , as liquid, v. ll'

lialra Shoot weakly, v. Ha loiloz’


Shoot with a gun ,&c.

,v. I’

Shallow ,a . Pal‘apal

a ; papaka : p al n'


karaka ; la/maa (E . (l ) . Shore,3 . U ta .

Sham,a . Hangareka : kangarau ; Shorn of branches, a . llamul wmu .


aga . See D eceitful. Short, a . Po lo ; (ah/pa .

Sham, s . Haagaraa ; l n'

anga ; raa Short time,s . Tukel'au .

reka : maminga . Shorten , v. Il’lzalrap olo .

Shame,s. ll


lza l'ama ; agarmga Shove ,U MM” .



i: ta lc

};ove ,v.


o a ; If a 0 .


352j: Shoulder,s. Pakilu


wl (E . a ) : pokow/u


wl u'


wi (E . a ) .Sh k,

c all p


”, his?"



anenaeShoulder blade, s . Papaalmalma .

Shoad, v. aaranga ; p arare ; leaagaagalm pz'


ala .

mama .

0 l: k k

She pron . Ia .

Shower, 3 ' U 0 ; FNMA" ; (”U/N I

Sh l’ l, l: I'

;Shrimp, 3 . Poh





I bib/231i;

pa lere Shrivelled, a . Memeage ; agmgio ;Shed s. Il

’ltaraa .

whetu/magi ; lroagio ;

Sheep, 5 , Ilipi.koa/1a (E . a ) ; puta/retold .

Sheet, 3 . ”iii. Shrub,s . Rattan .

Sheet of a sail, r.

aloko lo ; walla .Shut

.v Uab


; kopam'

; impi

Shell, 5 . Pap a ,koia .

Shut, to be, v. Hull.

Shell,v. h

owaa .Shy, a . Mata .

Shellfish,3 , Pal m; lco la .


a . Ma le ; turoro ; raalh'


She ltered, a . .llaramara ; rara .

See Shaded. Sick person , s. Tamra ; ngongo ;Shepherd, 5 . Hepara .



Shield, 5 . ("W IN /0 Sickle, s . Taranai/u'


Shine, v. Ila/rapa ; tia/m; Sickness, s . Rezv/zarawlza ; mate ;[it]: ura lid/land kanapa

("W W W /d Side,3 . li


aokao ; (aha ; moka ;Shingle (for roofing) , s . Tocloe . Iapa (E . a ) ; wlzailaa wlza

Ship ,3 . li


aipukc . nga ; Ialza/fl'


Page 269: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

248 Side—Smack.

Side,on one

,ad. Tim/la ; maua

tara .

Sieve, s. Talarz’

; in’


Sift,v. Tatarz



Sigh, v. Milli; mapu ; ngzmguru ;ta/{uale

Sight, out of, a . N garo kenumz’



; take (R ) .Sign , s. Tolzu.

Signal, 3 . To/zu.

Silen t,to be, fl


arangata (E . a ) ;flOltO paku ; walzangu.

Silen tly, adv. Ha ; paku .


Silt,s . Para/riwai.

Sin ,8 . Hara .

Since, conj. Ina .

Since , prep . N o , no murz'


; z

muri z'


Sin ew,s. Uaua.

Sing, v. ll/az'

ata ; tanlapa ; umere

Sing, as water in boiling, v. [Ii/1 1°

Singe, s . Hana/umu .

Single, a . Tapata/n’


Single person , s. Marokau .

Single w oman ,s. Talia/{au.

Singly, ad.

Sink,v. Toto/m.

Sink into the ground, Pow/ca

rambara (E . a ) .Sinker

,s. Maize ,


lzea .

Sinn er, s. Tangata lzara .

Sister,of a brother, 3 . Tad/zine .

of a younger sister. Tao/{amtof an elder sister. Te z

na .

Sister in law,3 . A uwabz

ne ; tao

Irate .

Sit, v. N obo .

Sit around,v. Popo .

Site,5 . Paenga ; papanga .

Six,a . 0 720 .

Six teen ,a . Te/fau ma 0 720 .

Six ty, a . 0 720 tekau ,

’ fiokoono

Size,s. Rabi, nui.

Skeleton,s. Hoz




Skid,s. N eke ; range .

Skilful,a . To/nmga ; malau ; mo


o ; matanga .

Skim,v. Ifo/fo ; tz



Skin,3 . Hialfa , Icz




Skin, W hite , s. Hz



tea .

Skin,inn er


Skull,s. A agadaga ; poangaanga .

Sky, 3 . Rangz'

; kl’


Slab,s. Papa .

Slack,a . Hora/taro .

Slacken ,v. ta?


Slan t,v. Hl


aga .

Slap, v. pahz’

a .

Slate, s. Papa .

Slave , 5 . Here/zere ; pononga ; taure/fare/fa taarere/ca , rapatamaa (E O.

[taro/taro ,

ora ; para/tau ; p arau .

Slavery, s. Parau ; herebere .

Sleep, v. Moe ; kai/camSleep wakefully ,

v. Moetz’toro ;moetorop u/m.

Sleepy, to be, v. Hz'

amoc ; momoe ;fiz

namoe ; parangz’

a .

Slime,s . W are .

Sling, s. li'

opere ; [tata/1a ; pare .

Slink away, v. N im'



Slip, v. Hangoro ; lm/m; kabalsokaraka , karanga ; tap e/7a .

Slip along, v . Mama , poke/ca ,

paimfiu ; panelia ; [cone/re.

Slip down ,v. Pal m/la ; umu/fa .

Slip in , v. Tap olca .

Slippery, a . Mama ;p alzeao parcago ; pan/m

(E . a ) .Slit

,v. Horz


; [forep arep a

Slothful,a . Mangere ; rora ; pa

[ff/tore .

Slow,to be

,v. W ild/farm ; a/cuto ;

p ororz’

(E a ) ; pu/zoz'

; taparuru

(m) ; le'

raba (E . Ct) .Slown ess, s. Pororz



Sludge, s. Para .

Slug, 3 . N gata .

Sluggish, a . N goz‘

lfore ; mangere ;iwi/tore ; watt/taroa.

Smack the lips, v. Hotamulama ;tametame .

Page 271: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

250 Spark—Stairs.

Spark, s . Hora/fora .

Speak, v. Ii'


; korero ; mea ; p un/ff;w/zalcatn ; [fora/ti; Iczn


lm(E . a ) .Speak of past even ts

,v. [fau

w/zau ; whakap apa .

Speak frequen tly, v. b’

upukup u ;

Speak loudly, v . Parare .

Speak through the n ose,v. W iza

nga .

Speak indistinctly, v. Hamamn .

Speak ill of, v. Hanz'


Speak at departure, v. Parapara

Speak in a low voice, v.

Speak treacherously. v . Muna .

Spear , 3 . Mafia ; laa ; Ito/tin“


lzaa la (E . a ) ; kau/fan (R ) ; ti

mata (E . a ) .Spear, v . W ewera .

Speech, s . Hi; korero ; rea ; taki;kauwlzau ; tata/m;villa/tata .

Speed, 3 . Hanaro .

Spen t, to be, v. Pan ; llama ; mabz

li; pare/co ; moh’

; ongaonga ;p are/fa ; pata .

Spider , s. Pungawerewere ; pu

werewere .

Spider, ven omous, s . Ii'

a tipa .

Spilled, a . N aringi'


Spin , v . Mframz'ra .

Spine, s . Iwz'

taararo .

Spirit, 3 . W ae'

rua .

Spit, v. Tuwfia ; p aw/1a .

Spittle, s . Haare (E .Izaware ;

Splash, v . Patz'

; p ahutu/mtu .

Splice, v. Hana ; lzaumz’


Splin ter, s. Maramara .

Split, v . a . W awa/zt'

; tata ; ti

torc ; tac'


(E . a ) ; [fareparepanakuna/iu taetoe ;

tiara .

Split, v. n . A ltamira ; liaara ; lio~

kotata ; matata ; matitore ; agaratu ; ngawba ; p almita;lz


warawara .

Split off,v. licita .

Spoil, v. W hakakc’

no ; taka/tarot


Sponge, s . Pangarnngaru ; ltapu

p utaz'

; lzautai (E . a ) .Spongy, a . [tapu/ca ; kapntoz




Spon sor, 3 . MatuaatuaSpoon , 3 . [fa/fa ; tia/ta .

Spotted, . a . fi arate’


wlza ; Ica



wba katz’


nga ; purepure .

Spouse, 3 . Malian .

Spout, s. Harare .

Sprain ed, a . Talia/ti; tanae ; ta


; tan z'


Sprawl, v. Takaw/wtawlzela .

Spread, v. W harf/ti; Izara/zara ;wlzewlzera ; Izarap a (E . a ) ; ran

rolza towita .

Spread abroad, v. Marara ; ta

rewa ; tz'

rara ; tnrara .

Spread, as fire,v . Tara ; tara .

Spring, v. Pi/zz'

; tup u ; tipu ; rea

(E . a ) .Spring up in the mind, v. Take

Spring, 3 . Pena .

Spring tides, s . Tat’




Sprinkle, v. Ta ;

Sprinkling, a . W kalcae/tee/te .

Sprit, s. Tito/fa ; ta/fato/tata ; Ica

talfata .

Sprout, v. Pint; tap u .

Spy, 3 . Tz'


; tutez’

; tutaz’

Squall, s. Pokalfa ; rap u .

Square, a . Tapaw/za .

Squeak, v. [fatakato ngawz'

; tt’



Squeeze, v. Bamz’

; roramz’

; ta

tau ; wild/fate .

Squint, v. Hake ; karap a ; tz’

wlza .

Stab,v. 0 1m; wera .

Stack,s. W na/cap u .

Staff, 3 . Tokatalfa ; tampon .

Stage, 3 . Paparabz’

; rara .

Stage for food, 3 . W hata ; Immanga ; pataka ; timanga .

Stagger, v. Hz'


; tapepa ; tata

tata turorz’


; [mite/cc.

Stain ed,a . Poke ; pe .

Stairs, s. A rawfiala .

Page 272: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Stake—Strengthen .

Stake, s. Poap oa ; tia ; h’

raa (W ) .Stalk

,s . fi akau ; lo ; tat/nuke :

mam ,ta la (E . C.)

Stanch,v. Um.

Stand,v. Tu .

Star,3 . W fieta .


v. Hinano w/tele ; titira

makutu .

Start,v. onorare ; Izaltt



li; lama ; (we re .

Starting, s . a/mrere ; pore .

Startle, v. Il'

ltakaalta ; Imi; la

Starve , v. W hakah’



State ,v. Harem; w/takataki.

Statue,s. W nakapakoka .

Stature, s . Haanga .

Stay, s . Hokai; tie/m.

Steady ,v . Il


Steal, v. Tafiae ; wanna/ca (16; a ) ;wilenaka ; lcaia (1_ a ) ; koia

Steal upon any one,v. Il


hangi; waakapapa .

Stealthily, to go , v.

w/mkapapa .

Steam,3 . [fora/m; karamalm; ka

ra te/tannins ; mama/m mamnaa ;lokakawa ; wéan akc .

Steep, to be ,v. Ponpan :

Steer,v. Urnngi; ac ; rana .

Stem, 3 . Tata ; h'

nana .

Stench, 3 . W m ; baunga kakaraStep, 3 . ll l


Ste rn ,s. Iz‘ei; pare/vale : In

naka .

Stew,3 . Han/wa .

Steward, s . Tonungarna ; were"


Stick,5 .

Stick, v. a . Oka ; were .

Stick into the ground, v. Tia ,

p aupaa ; liatz'

a ; (Malta .

Stick , v. n . Piri'


Stick fast,v. Tamami; lupu ; man

Sticky, to be, v. Tataki.Stiff

,a . Mara ; palm/te .

Stile,a . Iforonac ; wba/ta lnngange



Still, a . Marie.

Still water, a. Parala


Sting, v. Hakati; were .

Stingy ,to be

,v. A tuapo ; {Im

puka ; kaipana ; kaifiakere (E . a ) ;manawapOpore pitakite ; tow/w;

make .

Stink, v. Pira ; kaunga .

Stir,v. ia



Stir up, v. aki



Stitch, v. Tm’



Stomach, s . Palm.

Stomach of a shark, s .

Stone, 3 . h'

amaka ; ko/mla toka.

taka ; nganga .

Stool,3 . Tara .

St0 0 p, v. h'


ka ; pilra ; Iva/m;lapapa ; kapa/1a ; tupanpau .

Stop up, v. e’

: pa . See Blockup.

Store, 3 . Toa .

Stork,x. .llaiulru ; kalaka .

Storm,5 . .llarangai; pakaka .

Stouthearted,a . Manama/mi.

Straggle, v. Jlarara ; zvawam ;

wlzakau'awa . See W ander.

Straight, 41 . Tika ; tori/m; mahora .

Straighten , v. Il'


ka ; palmka lalfka .

Strain ,v . Riaka

Strained,as the eyes, a . Mata

laua waz'

a .

S trange, a . Tan ; ke .

Strange tribe, s . Tam’


S trange land, 3 . Tauw/zenu a.

Stranger ,s. Tau/tau ; laure l/ia ;

pate/la ; pulcre ; kona/w; manana .

Strangle, v. N anali.

Straps by which a load is carriedon the back, s . kawe .

Straw,s . Tata witi.

Stray, v. Marara ; w/zakawawa .

Stream,3 . A u ; ia ; rama .

Street,3 . A ra ; lmaram'

; lava/mi.Strength, 3 . [iana ; ngai; aria ;Iraiwi (E . a ) ; ngo/ze ; ralanga .

Strengthen , v. H'

llakaka/ta ; w/w

kamarara .

Page 273: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

252 Strenuous—Swarm.

Strenuous,a . Uaaa .

Stretch out, v . Tare ; whatoro ;wiza tz

ne lz’

na; wil d/rangez'


rere wlcatai(E . (I ) ; whakamaro .

Stretched,to be

,v. Mara ; rena .

Stride,v . Hz




Strike,v . Pam;

p e/mp e/m whakarake ; z'


(R ) ; p at/re tanitabz'

(W ) .Strike with the fist, v . Kara ,

meta .

Strike out, as in swimming, v.



String, s . A lla ; nap e ; tau .

String of anything, 3 . Tantau .

Strings of a mat, s . Haifa/taka .

Strip off,v . Here/core ; Ila/m; but ;

olfaa/fa tz'

lzere ; p z'


maid/lore .

Strive, v. IV/takaaaaa ; villa/ra

taetae ; o/re ; Iatanga ; tauwhai

nga ; te/ze .

Stroke, 3 . ”Vintage ; p atanga .

Strong, a . Hana ; marera ; ngafienga/ta ; pakaba ; marofic



Struck, to be, v . Ta ; wizara ; pa .

Struggle, v. Oke .


a . [fa/re ;


; tata .

Stumble,v . Hz



; turarz’



Stump, s . Tama ; katama .

Stun ted,a . Haratete ; moz


a p u

p ntatz’


Stupid, a . Rare ; waz’


; Iraare .

Stupid person ,s . Maize ; kaare .

Stupify, v .

Subdued,to be

,v. W az


lraaere ;waz

lfarefialza .

Subject to, to be, v . E kengz'

a .

Subside ,v. lit/"in tanga

ngae ; belie


a . Tz’


lzanga ; Izz'

anga ;


nga .

Subtract,v . Tango .

Succour, v. A la/zine .

Such, pron . Pera ; p ena .

Suck, v. Marni; mate (E a ) ; ngote

Sucker,s. Tara/ii (E O.)

Suddenly, ad . W fiakarere .

Suffer,v. Mamae ; ngaw/n


Sufficien t,a . Banea ; nanea ; ra

a/ra ; mua/ca (E . a ) .Suffocate

,v. N enate


Suitable,to be

,v . Tau .

Sulky, to be, v . Poke/re ; wfca/ratamarabz


; wlzakataanaz’

; tart.

Sulphur, s. H/lcanart/fi; lrup apa

pap a .

Summer,3 . Baume lt




3 . [fee/reanga ; tez'




; toitoi.Sun

,s . Ra ; mamara ; kamaru .

Sunbeam,s . Hz



; toka .

Sunday, 3 . Ba tap u.

Sunrise,s . W /zz


tinga a te ra ;

patanga a te ra .

Superior, a . Tina p at; p ac’

rawa .

Superior, higher, a . 0 ranga .

Supple , a . N gerengere ; ngorenoa ; nga/zenge/ze (E . a ) .

Support, 3 . Talramanga ; ae/za ;

Support, v. W /za/rau ; p up uri.

Suppose, v . W hakaare ; kt ; mea .

Suppurated, to be , v . Pe ; tai

man/Ira .

Surf,5 . Haifa taz

; taz'


Surface, 5 . Hana .

Surname,s . Ingoe .

Surprise, express , v. Hate/fete ;ngelengele (E . a ) .

Surprise, v. li’

amata ; lzopu .

Surrender,v. Tll/tu .

Surround,v. Mat; elm.

Survivors , s . Mamoltanga ; mereira .

Suspect, v . Tap ate .

Suspen d, v. W ka/rawerewere ; w/za



Suspicious, to be, v . Owlzz'




ra ; nanae ; atea ; tnpata .

Swallow,v . Hare ; tana/ta .

Swallowed up , to be, v. W /zaka



Swamp, 5 . Ha ; maata ; mateagnati; era ; rep a ; kerep a .

Swarm, (as bees), v. fie/re .

Page 275: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

254 .Thereby—To .

no ; lioz'

na ; raz’

na ; raka ; rara ;rerei wil d/taka

Thereby, ad. Ma reira ,nez


rezra ;

[to reira .

Therefore,conj. Hoc

a ; mo reira .

These, p ron . E nei; anez



They, p ron . Baton ; ratou (E . a ) .They two, p ron . Rana .

Thick,a . Matotorn ; nmlatengi,

p ap ara ; toto/ta .

Thief,3 . Talzae ; wizana/to ; lfaz



(E . Q ) ; koia tone (R ) ;w/zena/fo .

Thieve, v. Ta/zae ; wizanako .

Thigh, s . Huwba ; [mm/ta (E .

Thin,a . Tup nnz


; lmuaz'

tn ; tokaroa ; tuoz

; Izauarea ; Izz'

roki; bo

nia ; ngongo ; p alm/£0 .

Thin,to be

,as a b oard

,v . Ra

bird/1 1°

; angz'


Thine, p ron . Tan ; [ahau (E a ) ;

nau ; nou .


v. Men ,ma/tnra ; lzua ;

w/zakaaro ; l a'



Third,a . Tuatara ; torn .

Thirst, s . Matewaz'; In'az'nn ; whet’nu

Thirteen,a . Te/fau ma torn .

Thirty, a . Torn tekau ; lzolcotoru

Thither,ad . li



reira .

This, p ron . Tenei.

Thistle,s . Pororua ; paw/1a .

Those, p ron . A na ; ara ; ena ;

era ; and .

Thou , pron . Hoe .

Thought, 3 . Mallard ; who/maro ;ki ngaro/m.

Thousand, a . Mano .

Thrash,v . ”f l an.

Thread,3 . Miro .

Thread worm,s . Iroz

ro .

Threatening, a . W izakaweli; w/za

kawe/1 2°


Three,0 . Torn ; tengi; ma tengi

(a ) .Threshold

,s . Paewai.

Thrice,ad . Tuatara .

Thrill,v. Ilzz


ilzi; wana

wana .

Throat,s. [fora/fore ; l al n



Throb,v. Hope/rapa ; taporepore ;

panapana .

Throne,s. Torona .

Throw,v. Make ; panga ; alcz



epa ; boa ; lcolfz'

ri; pana ; p z'

u ;

p orowl u'

n ; tz'


Throw down ,v. l akatalta ; wlla

lfalzoro rulie.

Thrust,v. Tara/fl ; puma/fa .

Thrust in,

v. [fa/tomo ; tz'


(E .

Thumb,s. Horomatua .

Thump, v. Ii‘

uru ; mole .

Thunder, 3 . W hatz'


; wnaz'


(E . a ) .Thursday, 5 . Tot




Thus,ad . Penez



Thy, pron . Tau ; tou ; an ; on .

Tickle, v. W fiakakoelfoe.

Tide ,3 . Tel l ; korz


ril u'

(R ) ;ngaelle

Tie,v. Here ; leotz


(E a ) ; lionwere (E . Ct) ; nz


lfo ; pana ; taut;wnawlzan white/ti

runa : ruru ,taroz


; roz’


l wlcon ; putiltz’


Tie in bundles, v. Pupu.

Tie up raupo, v. N atl.

Tie reeds,v. Tautarz


Tie,in a bun ch

,v. Tautau .

Tiger, 3 . Tailin.

Tight, a . Man ; Iii/ii.Tighten , v . W naltaltz



; wlzalca

man ; tolzap uru .

Till, prep . Taea noatz


a .

Tilt,v. l altalz


tnlca ; Izonga

Timber, 3 . Helena .

Time,s. W a .

Timid,a . W el d; me ta/m.

Tinder,s . W lea/falter.

Tingle, v. Tt'


; tioro ; paorooro .

Tip, 3 . Matamala ; ltoz'nga ; keelfeonga .

Tired,a . N genge ; mania l


; 11 0 /Id .

See W eary.

To, p rep . Ki; Ito .

Page 276: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

Toast—Turn . 55

Toast,v. Tuna . Tremble , v. Ii



ri; llangoz'

ngoi;To - day , ad . A lia/lei; inaianez


; lmoioi.nonaianei. Trial

,s. ll ’lzakama lauranga .

Toe, s. illatz'

mati. Tribe, 8 . Hope ; iwi; ika ; pori;Together, ad . Talu


; tapum'

. pu .

Toil,s. Mama/ii; wlzokavaua . Trickle, v. lzel‘e ; lcoreto ;

Token of regard, s. Ma z’wal ; mai tom(E . 0 .

Trinity, s . Tol'

otorn .

Tomb,s. Urnpa ; rua Inpapal


u. Troop , s . .llatua ; ika.

To -morrow,ad. A popo ; ake/ago


A‘engo (R ).Tongue , .s



Too,ad. N ni a tu .

Tooth, s . N iko ; ref.

Toothache , s. N iliotunga .

Top, 8 . Pom/fa .

Top, the , s. Hunga .

Topknot, s. Hoke ; ngoi:ngoungou .

Torch, s. Home ; rollerolce .

Torment, v. ll’

nakamamae .

Torn,to be ,

v. Tarcrarem.

Toss,v. A b


ri; pin : make .

d revo .

Totter, v. N go acua ; oioi; nga.

rue (E .

Touch,v. Pa ; wlzakapa .

Tough,11 . Conn ; maro .

Tow ,v. Tolo kahuna.

Towards, prep . Ifo ; l'


; tolmkn .

Tower, 3 . Taumal'



Town,3 . Hm

nga ; (none.

Toy, s. Il’

lmkapalaritari.Track , 3 . A ra . See Road .

Track,v. Tnkilaki.

Trade,v. Hoke .

Tradition, s . Tnl‘ungaMo ; ulna

karcrenga Mo .

Trample upon,v. Take/1 1



Transient, 0 . Tuna.

Muslate, v. ll'

lmkamaori.Trap, s . li


ore .

Travel, v. Haere .

Travel through bushes, v. Mel/w.

Traveller,s . Tnngala llaerv.

Treacherous, a .

Tread, v. Talia/Ii.

Treasure,3 . Taonga .

Tree,5 . llukau . Turn towards, v.

Trouble, to have, v. Mali ; ram.

Troublesome, a . Taitalzae ; ovlaia

(E . a ) ; wlmnolre (E . a ) .Trough, 8 . Hawaii; oko .

True , a . Palm.

Trumpet, s. Telere .

Trunk of a tree, 3 . Tinana ; Iakeen

T o .

Truly, ad. h'oia ; Icon ; z


na ; abva

alzeina anakm’


Truth, 3 . l’ono ; panongaTry, v. H

éal'ama lau ; (one.

Tuesday, at. Turei.

Tuft s. Purel‘


reki; pnreparc ;


Tumble, v. Hinge ; taka .

Tumour, x. l'al'n .

Tumult, s . .Vganga ; ngangare .

Tune, 3 . RangeTurkey, 3 . Pr




Turn ,s . N oni; pike ; kona/te.

Turn ,v. Talmri; wairorc


; lznm'


Irv/l ure ; papara.

Turn about, U . lin

liu ; nei/lei; pal/sore (E . la

taa ; rara (E .

Turn adrift, v . H’nakalere.

Turn aside, v . ”ipu pix/tika

(R . penu ; lol n’

pa ; wlml‘a/n



Turn away from,v.

nil n'


Turn back,v. llf




Turn inside out, v. Ilnril'oaro .

Turn one way, v. A rota/u’


Turn round, v. 11 . are/u?rol u


; lfoumnumu ; pe ta l/aka ; 1al‘amz



[I’ll aka/1 1


"II 'U are/mi.

Page 277: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

256 Turn—Uvula.

Turn upside down , v. Hnrfpo/fz‘

. Twin , 3 . Mallanga .

Turnip , s . Helm; born/corn ; lfo Twin e, s. 4 11 0 .

ran (IV—E a ) ; nan z’

. Twinkle,v. Holamutamn .

Tusk,s. Hei; m


llo . Twirl, v. Harz'



Twelve, a . Telmu ma rua . Twist, v. Mz'romz'ro ; learnre .

Twen ty, a . Run tekau ; lzokorua . Twitch,v. Talfz




Twice, ad. Tuarna . Two, (1 . E va ; rl'

e (R ) ; rz’

enga (RH)Twilight, a . Be


ko . Two, by, ad. Takz'

rua ; p nrua .

U .

U dder,s. U . U nripe, a . Ioz


o .

U gly, a . A lma lfz'

no . U n season ed,as timber

,a . Toronl'a .

U lcerated, a . h’

omaoa ; l a'

lfonn Un settled,

a. Tarewa ; lea/miranga . ngi; lz



; laurewa (E . O) ;Umbilical chord, s. Tangaengae ; le



(E a ) ; tz'



p z'

to ; alto (E a ) . tengi luarangaranga

Umbrella, s . Marara . wlzakaroz’



U n cle,3 . Maine lre/l'e . Unsteady, to be, v. Tile/fa ; tau

U ncooked ,a . Ma la ; l 'aima la ;

toroulfa (E . a ) , tonganga ; wneo ;w/zakarae (E Ct) .

U ncover, v. Harv.

U ncover by scrapingaway the earth,v. Hei/te .

U nder, p rep . Rare .

U n derdon e ,a . li


anewlza .

U ncooked.

U ndern eath, prep . 1 raro lcez


rare i; Mraro z’.Understand, v. Maren ; malzz’o.

U nderstanding, a . Matau ; moln '



U ndon e,a . Matara ; palzeno .

Unfruitful,to be

,v. Tam/tau ;

/wa lcore .

Unintelligible, a . N garo .

Unite,v . W kaltalmtal n



Unity , s . li'

otal n'

langa .

U njust,a . He.

Unless,conj. Ii



te lfore .

U npaid, a . Tarewa .

U nperceived, ad. Torapana ; p aku.

Unpleasan t to the taste, a . Hawa .

Unravel, v. W ewela ; wlzal'amaZara .

Unrighteous, a .


Hard ; Iii/20 ; 128 .

(also ; pnz'

fiore lce (E . CC) .U n successful in fishing, 0 .

llore ; pulzore .

U n tie,v. H’


U n tied,to be

,v. Mawele ; ma

weto ; karelo ; malteno (R ) ; mal‘

owlza ; malara (E .

U n til, prep . Taea noatz



U nto, p rep . Ifz



U n touched,a . Tt



ta ; toz'

tu ; ura


U n twisted, to be, v. Matara (E . a ) .U p, ad. Hi runga .

U p, to be, v. Maea ; morunga ;p nea .

U p to, p rep . To .

U pon , prep . Hi ranga ltc'


U pper part, 3 . Upolfo ; range .

U ppermost, the, a . To runga rawa.

U pright, (1 . Ta tona .

U pset, to be , v. Talzurz’


U pward, ad. A lec ; w/zaltarnnga .


U rge ,v. A lfie/ti (E a ) ; tene ;

who/falcoro ; tolte .

U rine,s. flfimz


U s, pron . Ta lon ; matou.

U s two, pron . Tana ; maua .

Uvula,s. Tolzetolze mz



Page 279: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

258 W arp- W hole.

W arp , s . l enn .

W ash,v. Horo z



W aste,v. zllanman .

W asted,a . Menman .

W asted away, to be,

v . Hoeo ;Ito/1 1


; kol u'


lto ; ngongo ; l wnz'


W atch,v . Me taere ; lufwa .

W ater,3 . W e i; Iconn ; ka leo (R ) ;

mote ngongz'

W ater,as the mouth

,v . Mowei

W ater,v . IV lzalfemeltnlfn .

W ater,as the eyes, v . Torzwne ;

lowewe l n’


atercourse, 3 . Macro .

W aterfall,3 . Here ; lane/te .

W atertight, to be, v . diern ; pilzz'


W ave, 8 . N ge rn .


ave, small, 5 . Pap alaW ave

,v . Piep l

u ; rnln .

W ay, 3 . A re ; lzne rel n'

; lenenni.

W e, p ron . Ta lon ; me lon ; ln lan

(n o ) ; ma len (E .


e two, p ron . Tana ; mane .

W eak,to be

,v. N goz

lmre ; iwikore : enewe

W eaken,v .

W ealth,s . Taonga .

W eapon ,5 . Pe ln ; rz



nge ;

rakau .

W earisome,n . W hale /zone .

W eary, to be, v. 11 0 /1a ; ngenge ;merolu


rol n'

; rore ; manz’


; ro

wlien ramlze ; ween ;

waiten .

W eather,3 . Rnngz



W eave, v . [If /lain ; nap e

W ed,v. Merene .

W edding, 5 . Merene lange ; ta

ngonanga .

W edge. Maliani; me laora ; are

(E . a ) .W edn esday, s . W enerez



W eeds,s . Olaola ; tern .

W eek,3 . ”f f/ii.

W eep, v. Tengz'


W eigh down,v. W /zakn laz

me lze . W hither, ed. [to lzen ; lfz'

lzee .

W eight, 5 . Tm'

me lm; tannin/mi W hizz,v. Mep n .


mene ; lemi. W ho, pron . lV ac



W ell, a . Ora . W hole,a . Halon.

W ell,3 . Pol e wai.

W est wind, 3 . Hananrn ; lien


; ltepeltap e (E .

W et,a . Maltn ; rari; me ltengo .

W hale,s. Tonera ; p alm/{e (E . a ) ;

tolzorann (R ) ; paraoa .

W halebone, s . Pereoa .

W hat, p ron . A lia .

W hat, in t. A re ; lea .

W heat,3 . W ill.

W heel,3 . Porownl


la .

W hen,ed . A nn ; inn ; no ; i.

W hen,in terrogative, ed . A llen ;


nnlzee ; ”G il li/26 0 ; lez'


(E . a ) .W hen ce

,a ll. N olzea ; z


lzea .

W here, ed . [lo/lee ; kei/zen ; ten

(R ) ; leltea (R ) .W hereas

,conj. N oteman .

W hereat,ed . N orez


ra ; moreir'

a .

W hereby, ed. Mareira .

W herefore,conj. Ifo l


a ; moreira .

VVhereupon ,ad . N a ; norez

re ; i

reira .

W herewithal, ad. Ma te e lm.

W hether, conj. A bel’oa ; ranei;raz

na (E .

W hich, pron . Telzea ; elcen .

W hile,ed . Ii



; lfee'


W hin e,v . Uene .

W hip , v. W /zin .

W hip, 3 . Ta ; wlzz'

n .

W hipping- top , s . He z

lzolalte .

W hirl, v. Tewbzrz ; Inwbz’

nwl u’

n ;



; l'


n lconmnnmn ;rip orzpo .

W hirlpool, s. Rz'


po lfororz'

po .

W hirlwind, s. A whz’


o .

W hisk,v .

W hisper , v. Ifowlcelewlzete ; leo

ltnmnnnmn .

W histle,v . Horowlze


li; w/n'

o .

W hite,0 . Mn .

W hite clay, s . U lfni; nlfn (E . O.

Page 280: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

W hose - W reng.

W hose, pron . N a wai; no wai.

W hy, ed . He e lm; en te e lm.

W icked, e . In‘


no ; lzera .

W ide,e . W eenni ; wlzere l u


W idow ,s. Ponarn : lake/lore .

W idower, s. Ponern ; tekalzorc.

W idth, s. lF/mnm’

; where/ii.

W ife, s. W alu'

ne ; noa .

W ild,a . Make .

W ilderness, s. Kore/ca .

W ill,3 . Hie/tie ; pal.

W ind, s. lien ; mnri; kolzengi

[tangi Irolengz'


; mal engi

W ind ahead, 5 . ”autumn .

W ind, v. Pol‘e z'

; laka lel'm



W ind about,v. h

ol’eke ; kopiko



W inding,a . laiaw/u


o .

W indow ,5 . Me lapiéi; kolopinz' ;

me le e/lo .

W ing, s . l'nriren ; pe lmn ; pakanke u ; paineu (E . C.)

W ing of an army, s. h’

ane e .

W ink,v. It


emokame .

W innow,v. Howl u

uwl u’

u .

W inter, 3 . Ho loke ; lmiate (E . a ) :

W ipe, v. JIM/m,nknz

; mw ‘

u .

W isdom,s . .llalew enge ; monie

W ise,e . Me le e ; mania ; male

nga .

W ish, v. lliekin ; emene ; minan u

ne . See Desire .

W itch,3 . H’

alcinc meknla .

W itchcraft,s . Meku ln ; wneiwnm'


(E . C ) ; leurarve .

W ith, prep . Kei; me ;

W ither,v. die-mange ; polio ; ngi




o ; ngongone ; paropero .

W ithhold,v. Mcko ; ter’p ene .

W ithin, prep . [lei rote i; iroto i.

W ithin a little , ad. Mekori; mekore .

W ithou t,ad. lif e/m.

W itness, s. Ii'

ei wltalrepono .

W oman,3 . W allinc.


W oman,old

,s. Hum: rural a' ;


; ruwa/u'

nc ; lad ; lla

A‘ui (E . a ) ; Aupeke

W omb,s . h

’op u.

W onder, v. Me'lmro ; int/1a ; mz'

l n'

(E . a ) ; makaro mononumere .

W onderful,v. H


Imkami/wro .

W oo,v. A rno/w ; w/mt


W ood, s. N galzere ; lawbao ; ne

llelleée wcku (RM)W ood (timber) , s. Bakau .

W ood, isolated, s . Mom rakauIram


(W ) .W ood , half burn t , s. Mounga ;motumotu mowotu (E .

ngotzmgotu (W .) ngoungouW ood coal

,3 . lfapoaz



W oof, s. A lto .

W o ol,s. ”urn/ewe .

W ord,s. Ii


upu ; korero .

W ork,x. flange , ma/n



W orld, 5 . .4 0 .

W orm,s . Toke , no/re (E .

ngwm (R ) .W orn out, a . l’elapeta ; ongcongc ;


“'orse,a . N ui atu te kino .

W orship, v. [fora/rid .

W orthy, a . Pm’


W ound,s . Tunga .

W rap up, v. Takat'


W rath,3 . MN ; are

larila .

W reath,s. Pare ,


W recked,a . Paco , pakaru.

W rench, 0 . Tango .

W rest, as words, v.

W restle, v. W /la/mtacme ; mmokc .

W riggle, v. Ii'

ori/rori; lilakataka ;

keukeu (E . a ) ; lauta/ca ; (arcti


W ring, v. lV/zalrawm .

W rinkle,s. [fora/fora

W rinkled, to be, v. HelmW rite


W rithe,v. Ii


apekapela ; o/rcoke.

W rong, a . He .

Page 281: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

260 Y am—Z igzag.

Y am,8 .

Yawn ,v . [fa/13 rd .

Y e, p ron . Ifoulou .

Y e tw o, p ron . li


orua .

Y ea,ad. A c ; koia .

Year,s . Tau .

Yellow,(1 . Pungapunga .

Yelp, v. Tau .

Y es,ad. A e ; z


na koia ; mmYesterday , ad. [nana/ii; nona



Yesternight, ad. Inapo ; nonap o .

Y et,conj. A na .

Yield,v. N gae/cz


; ngaerz'

; oru ;

taoru .

Z .

Z eal, s. Toke ; uaua . | Z igzag, a . Hop z'

ltop z'

lto .


Yield,let go, v. Tu/m.

Yonder,ad. N a ; Iii Ito .

Y ou, p ron . Kenton .

Y ou two, pron . Horua .

Young, (1 . Hana ; p unua .

Young of birds, 8 . Hukari; p z’


Younger relative ,s. Murz’nga ;


na ; taz’

na (E . a ) .

Youngest child, s. W izakaotz'

nga ;




Your, p ron . Ta koutou , to [con

ta korua ; to korua .

Youth,3 .

(a ) .

Page 283: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences
Page 284: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences



W here do you come from? N o hea koe ?

W hen did you come ? N onahea koe i haere mai ai?

W hat are you come for He aha koe i haere mai ai?

A re you married? He wahin e tau ?

Have you any children? He tamariki an


Is this your child ? N an te nei tamaiti?

Have you been baptized? Ka oti koe te irim?

“’ho is your Missionary " K 0 wai to Milianere ?

Do you know how to read? gE matau ana ranei koe ki te ko

rero pukapuka ?

Do y ou understand how to write ? E matau ana koo ki te tuhituhi?

Have you never bee n to schoo l ? Kahore ano koe i tae ki te kura ?’

1 , 5Kahore o tamariki e haere ki te

l kura ?

Send them, Man e tono ki reira.

Is there no school in your village? Kahore he kura i to kainga


E matau ana koe ki te tui ka

kahu ?

Mend this ho le , Tuia te kore nei.

Do not your children go to schoo

Do you kn ow how to sew ?

W hat a dirty child you are,

If you desire to come here , youmust be dressed in clean clo

thes,I allow no person to come insidethe house clothed in a blanket


you must sit outside,W ash your clothes,

Katahi te tamaiti paru ko koe.

Ka hishis koe hi to haere maiki konei, kia kakahuria he kakahu ma .

E kore e tukua e en te tangata kakahu i te paraikete ki roto kite where, me n oho koe kiwaho .

Horoia o kakahu.

Page 285: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

264 A SE L E CTION on

Here is some soap,It is better to buy soap and n ot


Throw away your pipe,It is a bad habit,I am ashamed to see a woman



Have you a Testamen t ? He K awenata tau ?

R ead with me, Tana ka korero pukapuka.

{Ki te he taku korero pukapuka

mau e ki mai.W hat is the meaning of that word ? He aha te tikanga o ten a kupu ?

I do n ot understand what you say, Kahore an e matau ki to korero .

Repeat it again , W hakahuatia mai an o .

Kia ata korero—hohoro tonu tok orero .

Kia hikohiko ta taua korero,mau

tetebi rarangi maku tetebi.Do you understand the meaning E matau ana ranei koe ki te ti

Y ou will tell me if I read wrong,

Speak slowly—you speak too fast,

L et us read verse by verse,

of this? kanga o tenei.W hen do you go back to your K o ahea koe hoki ai ki to kai



Come and see me again before Hoki mai ano kia kite i ahau

you go, keiwha haere koe .

Come often, Kia hon o te hoki mai.Y ou must teach me, Man ahau e ako .

E mea ana au kia ako i te reoI want to learn maorl , maori.

IV .

Do you wan t to work? E pai ana koe ki te mahi?

Do you kn ow how to fence?Et




ana koe kl te hanga

lepa .

Fence this piece of ground, Taiepatia tenei wahi.L et it be firm

,lest the cattle

Kia ke'

k kabreak it,


1 pa arua e nga 11 .

Y ou must n ot be idle, K ei mangere koe .

Y ou must work from sunrise to Me mahi koe n o te putanga o tesunset


,a po n oa .

Y ou must bring your own food, Maurie mai he kai man .

I shall pay you when your workis done


Y ou must dig up all this, K eria katoatia ten ei wahi.Do n ot leave the roots of the fern K ei W aiho nga roi ki raro ki tein the ground, whenua.

Ka utua koe ina mutu to mahi.

Ten ei he hopi.E ngari me hoko he hopikaua hetupeka .

Maka atu to paipa .


ritenga kin o .

Katahi taku mea whakama ko tewahin e kia kai paipa.

Page 287: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

266 A su mmer: or

Strike the ten t,Take it to the back of the housePack up the bun dles


Mind that n othing is left,L et us travel quickly,R oast the potatoes, the oven takestoo long a time


Is n ot the food cooked yet ?

VI .

A re you sick? . E mate ana koe ?

W hat 1 8 the matter withyou ? He aha to mate ?

W here is your pain ? . K ei hea to maemae ?

How long have you been ill ? K a pehea te roa o to mate ?

Have you had any medicin e? Kahore an o koe i kai rongoa


D id the medicine do any good ? I pai ran ei te rongoa?

Put out your tongue, Kia whatero to arero .

Is your throat sore ? E mamae ana to korokoro ?

Have you n ot a cough? K ahore he mare ?

Is your chest sore when you cough ? K a mamae to uma ina mare koe .

Do you perspiremuchin the night ?’Ka puta te kakawa 1 to km 1

ts 11 0?

Do you feel pain when I press Ka pehia e au te wahi nei ka

this part ? mamae koe ?Have you been sick? I ruaki koe ?

Hg‘w long has that tumour been

gN onahea te puku n a?orming?

W hat food have you eaten ? He aha te kai i kainga e koe ?

Take this medicin e in the morn Kainga te rongoa n ei i te ata, i

ing and in the evening, te ahiahi.

Kain a i te ata, i te tin o awaTake 1t morn 1ng, n oon , and n 1ght,gtea?i te ahiahi.

Take some of this when the cough Ka tob e te mare ka kainga te

is bad, tahi wahi o ten ei.Rub this oin tmen t on the part Pania te wahi n a ki te hinu n ei

every night, i tenei po i tenei po .

Rub some of this on the eyelids Pania tetebi wahi o ten ei ki ngaevery night,—let it be a very kan ohi i tenei po i tenei po,little, kia iti n oa.

W ash your eyes several timesa- day Kia taki mahanga horoinga o nga

with cold water—with warm kan ohi i te ra tahi ki te waiwater, matao—ki te wai werawera.

Do n ot walk about till you are Kaua koe e haereere, kia matutubetter, ra ano to mate.

Do not lie con tinually in the house, Kaua e takoto tonu i roto i tebut when the sun shin es come where , otiia ka whiti te ra kia

outside and walk ab out, pu ta mai ki waho haereere ai.

Do n ot smoke,

A ua e kai tupeka.

Turakina te ten eti.Taria atu ki tua o te wharc.

Takaia nga pikau .

K ei mahue etahi o nga mea .

Kia hohoro ta tatou haere .

Tunua nga kapana, he roa rawate umu .

Kahore ano i maoa n oa te kai?

Page 288: Dictionary Ofthe New Zealand Language to Which Is Added a Selection of Colloquial Sentences

COL L OQUIA L sameness.

Is he better?Is the pain less ?

D id you take all the medicine ?

D id the medicine pain you?

Do you cough less ?

Can you sleep at night ?

Come early to me—I cann ot waitat home all day,

Is your child sick?

Y ou must wash it all over in warmwater every day,

If it be washed it will be soon well,Does it suck still ?

Do not feed it with the badfood

Bring it to me again to morrow,




‘ l


Ka ata haere tona mate ?

Ka iti haere te mamas ?

Kua pau katoa te rongoa?

I mamee koe i te rongos ?

Ka iti haere to mare ?

K a moe koe i te po?

Hoki mai koe ki a an i te ata,

skore an e noho tonu i te wherei te roa o te re.

E mate ana to tamaiti?

Me boroi tona tinan a katoa ki tewai were i tenei ra i teneira .

Mehemea ko. horoia meake ora .

E kai tonu ana i te u?

Kaua e whangainga ki te kaikino .

W hakahokia mai e koe ki ahau

apopo .

Hei konei ra.