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DevOps Tools Evolution

Today's Menu● AppsFlyer in numbers● Rnd structure in AppsFlyer● Our DevOps philosophy● Motivation for creating DevOps tools● Setting requirements and project assignment● Example for tools we built internally● Live demo and the developer angle

AppsFlyer in numbers● ~ 4.9 billions events per day● ~ 120 services● Elastic hundreds to 1K instances ● Dozens of deployments per day● 25 people in development● 1 team

One team philosophy

That's me

Motivations● Actual operational needs

● Extend existing tools

● Learn new technologies

● Familiarize the production environment for new Rnd members

● Blur the line between Dev and Ops

● Improve the bonding inside the team

Considerations● Needs, why do we need this project?

● Usability – How do I see myself using the project?

● The target audience.

● The developer's background (Front, Mobile, etc)

● Will the developer be better familiar with production environment?

● How are we going to maintain the project?

● What are the time constraints?

● Can we roll it out in stages?

● Can we release it outside?

Today's Examples● Sniffer: Mapping tool

(Artyom Shein)● Sensu Reports:

Aggregated reports of Sensu

(Avner Schwartz) ● Bouncer: Authentication

and Authorization

(Reshef Mann)

Live Demo

And... Rock n Roll
