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DevOps & AgilityBuild the Culture, Get the Tools, Win

the Day

Dav id Wa lke r

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Amazon push code to production

every 11.6 seconds

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DevOps – Agile end to endIndividuals and interactions over processes

and toolsWorking software over comprehensive

documentationCustomer collaboration over contract

negotiationResponding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items onthe right, we value the items on the left more.

The Agile Manifesto

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DevOps - It Starts with Agileunknown




'simple' projects




'complex' projects

Requirements known, technology unknown

Requirements unknown, technology known

Based on Ralph Stacey's Process Complexity model

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Agile is not Agility

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Agile is not

(necessarily) Agility

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So you want to be a DevOps outfit…

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DevOps - Its not this…

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DevOps - Its not this…

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DevOps is This..

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What Devsdo is


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Revenuex million

So What is DevOps? (1)

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Revenuex million

So What is DevOps? (2)

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Revenuex million

So What is DevOps? (3)

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Revenuex million

So What is DevOps? (4)

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So What is DevOps (5)

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DevOps is a new kind of role

Extend existing skills to work in a more Agile way

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From the Dev’s PerspectiveContinual DeliveryContinuous IntegrationFirst DeploymentMonitoredTested

Developers that that can maintain infrastructure

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From the Ops PerspectiveVirtualisationCloud basedHigh availabilityTestableMaintainableReproducible

Ops staff that can Code

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DevOps Organisations Work Together

One Team – One Goal

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DevOps – We’re all in this together!

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Move fromComplicated


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Startups – Green fields ahoy!

Have a

great idea

Develop it

Deploy it

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Enterprise – Complexity due to ScaleHave a

great idea

Debate it

Get Signed off to


Scope out requireme


Develop it

Test it

Fix it

Schedule the release

Raise required


Get paperwork signed off

Test it as part o the release

Fix it

Deploy as part of a release

Fix it

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What stops us?“It’s too complicated”

“I’ll break it”

“What’s with all this code?”

“What is GitHub?”

“That’s not my responsibility”

Reasons given to me

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DevOpsDevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service

lifecycle. From design through the development process to production support

It “Finishes What Agile Started” - by making the whole workflow agile

It involves an entire organisational cultural change in all team members from apprentices all the the way

through to leadership.

How QA define DevOps

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DevOpsDevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service

lifecycle. From design through the development process to production support

It “Finishes What Agile Started” - by making the whole workflow agile

It involves an entire organisational cultural change in all team members from apprentices all the the way

through to leadership.

How QA define DevOps

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Keep CALMS and do DevOpsC – CultureA – AutomationL – LeanM – MeasurementS – Sharing

DevOps – The C.A.L.M.S Approach

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C – DevOps occurs through Culture

‘’Its amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who

gets the credit’’

President Harry S Truman

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One Does not Simply Digitally Transform…

It's not the tools that you have faith in - tools are just tools.

They work, or they don't work. It's people you have faith in or not.

Steve Jobs

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Where are your Leaders in


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‘The way we do things around here’

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Changing company culture

is challenging

Source: Altimeter Group

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The importance of culture

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” Peter Drucker

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The importance of leading by example

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Trust your Knowledge


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Help the n00bz

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The agile world demands multi faceted teams•No-one working in development can choose not to be involved end to end

We need Rounded Tech Professionals

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The type of Skills Required are Different

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So You Want To Be a RockStar?

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• Lasting Knowledge Transfer

• Transformational presence

• Help to close the tech deficit

• Improve Cross functionality

• Deliver Agility

Same goes for Contractors

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Deep Knowledge MattersSo does Collaboration

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Be a Choir

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Or at least a gang…

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A - Automation

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• Automation• Orchestration• Configuration• Testing• Logging and Monitoring• Continuous Integration• Continuous Delivery

We use Tools for Reasons

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L – LEAN – works with Agile1. Eliminate Waste

2. Build Quality In

3. Create Knowledge

4. Defer Commitment

5. Deliver Fast

6. Respect People

7. Optimise The Whole

Mary & Tom Poppendieck

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Visualise what you do

A measurement system helps make the software product more


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Kanban board example

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Manage the Flow

When we emphasise flow, we focus on queues rather than


Taicho Ohno

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Limit Work in Progress

If you focus on driving Utilisation up,

Things will slow down

Mary & Tom Poppenbeck

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The aim of Kanban is to make troubles come to the surface and to link them to a Kaizen Activity

Talichi Ohno

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Reclaim Failure

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Fail Fast and Often

I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that

won’t work

Thomas Edison

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M - Monitoring

"Don't it always seem to go,That you don't know what you've

got'Til it's gone"

Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi

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Improve Collaboratively

If egoless programming is used, everyone in the group will have the opportunity to examine the

work of everyone else at the same time

Gerald Weinberg

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Encourage Openness

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S – Sharing

“Knowledge is experience, everything else is information.” Albert Einstein

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Implement Feedback Loops

Ignoring feedback merely means that the system will eventually

experience a massive unpleasant surprise rather than a small

unpleasant surprise

John Gall

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Evolve Experimentally

It is important that instead of processes being adopted it is


Jutta Eckstein

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Schrodinger’s Code

Code that has been written, but not tested,

is in a state of neither working nor failing until it is observed


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Test Based DevOpsSpecificati


Test (BDD) Code

Build & Test

Exploratory Testing

Integration Test

Deploy & Test

Monitor (Test)

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The minimum an organisation evolving into DevOps practice should use is:

A testing framework focussed on behaviourAn automated testing harnessA strategy that focuses engineers on testingApplications designed from the bottom up to be testableConfiguration management solutions that allow rapid creation of any environmentInfrastructure that can be rapidly deployedMethods that can deploy products whenever they are readyDashboards displaying the status of the build

The Next Gen DevOps Lifecycle

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Upgrade your digital and working culture like you would hardwareBring Agile out of Dev – Make Agility your aimBe Lean – Lean can lead to greater AgilityDevOps uses lots of tools – but tools without good practices suckBe the Unicorn

Next Steps

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Questions??LinkedIn- David Walker QA

