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  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report










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  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report



  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report



    A practical knowledge in a students life is very important. It helps a student to know the real life situation and

    problem of life. Same is the case with the corporate world.

    Theoretical knowledge is very much needed but practical knowledge is equally or even more important. This

    practical knowledge is given to a student in a form of training and sometimes theoretical knowledge too is being

    imparted as information or knowledge sharing.

    Training helps a student to interact with the experienced people of the corporate world and hence learn more from

    them. The student learns how to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice.

    Being a student of JVIMS, JAMNAGAR it was a very valuable and memorable experience at UMIYAJI BRASS

    PART, JAMNAGAR learnt the management subjects. I practical, I came across to various day to day activities ofFinance department in the organization. This wonderful experience has given me a new light to what I had


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    I undersigned, DEVEN SHETHIYA, a student of MBA 2nd semester declare that I have prepared this project

    report on Organizational Study of UMIYAJI BRASS PART&Research on training & Development In

    Jamnagar under supervision of Mr.Valamjibhai (Umiyaji Brass Part) and Viswas Sir of JVIMS.

    I also declare that this project report has been produced by me only and not copied from anywhere else.


    Student's Name: DEVEN SHETHIYA

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    During the industrial training at UMIYAJI BRASS PART and while preparing this report many known and

    unknown factors have directly and indirectly helped me a lot.

    I am extremely thankful to the Dy.Director Dr. AJAY SHAH and Professor of our MBA Department BISWAS

    SIR and Co-faculty members for granting me the permission for Industrial Training. I express my deep sense of

    gratitude to him for guiding me to make this project report. I am especially thankful to Mr. Valamji Bhai for

    guiding me during the training at UMIYAJI BRASS PART and gave me all the necessary information.

    I am most thankful to my parents who have sent me to JVIMS Jamnagar for studying MBA and with whose

    blessing I am able to complete my training and project report successfully.



    Yours faithfully,



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    I have taken training at UMIYAJ BRASS PARTS. As per my view it is working efficiently. It is speedily

    going to take first place among the private players. I have done organizational study and each department

    of the Company is working very efficiently.

    UMIYAJ BRASS PARTS is having financial background from the Nationalized bank. The bank provides

    total financial support. Every financial transaction is carried out by the effective way so the company

    does not face any problem related with the finance.

    UMIYAJ BRASS PARTS needs that Business Development executives who are willing to work for a

    long period, because it happens in many cases that in the first year a business development executive is

    able to procure business from his family, friends, relatives etc., but in next year he is unable to get

    business from outside of his group and it results in termination of his job.

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    Sr no. Particulars Page no.

    1 Executive Summary 02

    2 Introduction of commodity market 03

    3 Numbers of commodity 13

    4 Terms 165 Organizational study 216 Company detail 36

    7 Competitors detail 408 Research 48

    a) Research Objective 48

    b) Research Methodology1) Research Design

    2) Unit of Analysis

    3) Sampling Design

    4) Data Collection Methods

    5) Data Analysis


    c) Data Analysis and Findings 55d) Hypothesis Testing 70

    e) Suggestions and Findings 77f) Limitations 79

    g) Conclusion 809 Appendixes:

    1. Questionnaire

    2. List of tables

    3. List of graph


    10 Bibliography 90

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    Nadeem Malik

    University of Baluchistan Quetta, Pakistan

    (Received 10 December 2009; accepted 12 February 2010)

    There were times when employees were considered to be another addition to enhance the

    production of services or goods. However, a lot has changed now. Motivating employees is a

    necessary step that every business owner should take to succeed. This is because motivation

    encourages better performance and productivity on the part of employees. And when this happens, the company

    has nothing to enjoy but benefits and profit. Hence, it is natural for owners, managers, and team leaders to look for

    ways to improve the morale of their workers. This study examined the ranked importance of motivational factorsof employees at the University of Balochistan. It is the descriptive survey addressed eight motivating factors in the

    context of employee motivation theory. Findings suggest that living in safe area and good pay are key to higher

    employee motivation. Carefully designed reward systems that include job enlargement, job enrichment

    promotions, monetary, and non-monetary compensation should be considered.

    Rank of importance Motivation factor

    1) Living in a safe area

    2) Good Salary

    3) Promotion and growth in the org

    4) Interesting work

    5) Conducive working condition

    6) Sympathetic help with personal problems

    7) Appreciation of work done

    8) Personal loyalty to employees

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    Darren James Elding

    The University of Birmingham

    This research reviewed the history of motivation and performance modelling, with particular regards to the

    performance of employees in a work environment. The evolution of

    motivational theories was discussed before the motivational models arising from these theories

    were examined and critiqued.

    The wide range of, often conflicting, studies and theories in this area has led to a situation

    where no single model has been able to capture all the complexities of the internal and external influences on

    human motivation and performance. Models have broadly fallen into one of two categories: cognitive, focusing on

    the individuals thought processes and socialcognitive, focusing on the influences from social and contextual


    Needs based and process based motivational theories, which will provide the foundation of any model of

    motivation, were reviewed in Chapter Three. Chapter Four then introduced the

    two existing models of motivation models that are the main focus of this study, Hackman and

    Oldhams Job Characteristics model and Porter and Lawlers Expectancy model. Each model

    was reviewed and critiqued before being amended and expanded to more fully explain thesocial and cognitive motivational processes and satisfy the criticisms identified.

    Although there are no obvious areas of overlap between the largely social-cognitive Job

    Characteristics model and the largely cognitive Expectancy model, Chapter Five explains that

    by changing the terms used to describe the variables in each model the similarities between

    them may be identified. Identifying the areas of overlap allows the two models to be integrated into one. This new

    model of motivation expands upon the original models in that it combines both the social-cognitive and cognitive

    approaches and also incorporates more of the motivational theories discussed in Chapter Three than either of the

    two original models. The new model of motivation was tested via a data survey in four organisations. In each case

    the level of correlation between the levels of the recorded variables, such as satisfaction and motivation, and those

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    predicted by the model were generally high. The results of the data survey and the performance of the model were

    discussed in Chapter Six.

    One of the main aims of this thesis was to produce a model of motivation that was of practical use to the

    management of an organisation. Such a model should go beyond the existing

    theoretical models and allow those responsible for motivating a workforce to experiment withalternative job design strategies and evaluate their likely effects upon motivation and performance. Chapter Seven

    describes the spreadsheet-based model that was built in this study.

    Ali Dahmal Al-Aamri

    Open University of Malaysia

    Business all over the world today is very challenging. Internal and external operating environment factors

    continue to challenge corporate performance and revenue growth. To stay profitable in the highly challenging and

    competitive global market economy, all the factor of production - men, machine and materials should be wisely

    managed. Among the factors of production the human resource constitutes the biggest challenge because unlike

    other inputs employee management calls for skillful handling of thoughts, feelings and emotions to secure highest


    Employee motivation delivers long-term benefits in the form of high productivity. A motivated employeeis a valuable asset which delivers immense value to the organization in maintaining and strengthening its business

    and revenue growth. The attached project paper studies employee motivating in private organization. This is

    accomplished through the six main chapters of this project study which includes: Introduction, Research

    Methodology, Literature Review, Data collection and Analysis, and Summery and Conclusion. The

    survey/questionnaire research method was used as the basis for the research design and results of this survey is

    analyzed and discussed.

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    Rajeswari Devadass

    University Tenaga Nasional

    The purpose of this is to present findings of an integrative literature review related to

    employees motivational practices in organizations.


    A broad search of computerized databases focusing on articles published in English during 19992010 was

    completed. Extensive screening sought to determine current literature themes and empirical research evidence

    completed in employees focused specifically on motivation in organization.


    40 articles are included in this integrative literature review. The literature focuses on how job

    characteristics, employee characteristic, management practices and broader environmental factors influence

    employees motivation. Research that links employees motivation is both based on qualitative and quantitative



    This literature reveals widespread support of motivation concepts in organizations. Theoretical and

    editorial literature confirms motivation concepts are central to employees. Job characteristics, managemen

    practices, employee characteristics and broader environmental factors are the key variables influence employees

    motivation in organization.

    Ron FossSenior Partner of EQ

    I believe that ability is mind to hand while motivation is mind to heart. Think of it this way Performance equals

    Ability (Mind to Hand) times Motivation (Mind to Heart) .

    Managers often remedy performance issues with more skills training when from my experience more often than

    not the underlying performance issue is the thinking and motivation of the employee. This generally means the wrong

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    solution for the wrong problem incurring more overhead cost, lost opportunity cost and often a further slippage in the

    motivation of the employee.

    Different levels of the employees ability will mean a different coaching style on behalf of the manager in

    order for the task to be completed at the required level of performance. Lower ability will mean more manager

    involvement and a specific teaching style will be necessary. As ability increases so too does the ownership of the

    task by the employee increase, as he or she will begin to determine what is required in order to complete it. A

    sharing style becomes the most commonly used style by managers during this next phase. As the employees

    ability level optimizes the role of the manager shifts more to a transferring style. Involvement of the manager is far

    less and ownership for the task is now primarily that of the employee.

    Typically the same holds true for levels of motivation (M) with respect to the same task although the

    characteristics and processes for engaging it are more emotional than behavioral. It is here that the passion for

    managing employees comes to the forefront.

    Managing an employee with low motivation will require a nurturing manager, one that will engage in the

    values and principles of the employee more so than technical abilities for that task. I believe that emotional factorshave to engage the employees values in order to stimulate the whole employee. As the employees motivation

    improves you follow through with encouragement reinforcing the positive and helping them see that there is light

    at the end of the tunnel. At the highest level of motivation you simply recognize their capability supporting them

    to the highest possible level of success.

    An employee with high ability and motivation with respect to a specific task is more apt to have higher

    levels of success with the role of the manager being that of a provider of information or in a position to just

    delegate and reward with little need for intense interaction.

    As a managers proficiency increases with the use of this model, his or her competency at identifying the issues of

    ability and motivation will also increase. This will provide the manager with an advantage as he or she mentors

    and coaches his or her employees for greater results. For the longest time I have used this model intuitively but

    from time to time I have been known to reference a wallet size cheat sheet that I have carried with me for at least

    twenty years. A real testimonial to the Gilmore model!

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    David C. McCellands

    Employees who have clear objectives, the required competencies, and a supportive working environment still

    require a level of desire, willingness and positive thinking to complete tasks in order to optimize performance. This state

    of willingness could be restated as motivation, the mental game or the internal forces that affect the outcomes, intensity

    and perseverance of an employees voluntary behavior.

    Managers need to evaluate each employees motivation, skills and the thinking supporting them due to shifting

    corporate goals and competitive threats. Given that there is a broad range of individualistic practices within the employee

    population, it is likely that each employee is motivated in different ways and a good manager or leader, according to myexperience, has the responsibility to identify those differences and leverage the individual potential from each and every


    In David C. McCellands theory of learned needs he suggests that achievement, affiliation and power are

    the important sources of motivation. As he suggests, however, high achievers are self-motivated to high levels of

    achievement while low achievers require direction and reinforcement from others. He goes on to say that

    employees can learn to become more achievement oriented but recognizes that there are different types of

    employees bringing a balance to our social framework.

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    Company Overview



    I am taking training under the UMIYAJI BRASS PARTS. The staff properly in all ways guided me and they were

    ready to help me in each case.

    Umiyaji Brass Parts. is the one of the most leading company in brass part at Jamnagar, Gujarat. It is private

    limited company, established in 1988.

    Umiyaji Brass Parts. is an ISO 9001:2000 registered company. It is a manufacturer and exporter of copper

    alloy extrusions, brass rod, section, profile brass extruded section, extruded profile, buyer and importer of brass

    scrap, copper scrap, brass scrap honey, copper scrap birch and zinc ingots.


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    As we know that every company will be having a history concerned to it. History shows us the companys past

    performance, which can be financial performance of the unit in the past and the development in the past and the

    present situation in the market.

    Brass extrusions are in a great demand today in the manufacturer of various items like shafts, lock bodies, gears,

    pinions, automat parts, screws, nuts etc.

    The concept of manufacturing Brass Extrusions was first introduce in Jamnagar in the year 1982 by fast acceptance

    of Brass Extrusions for component manufacturing, a more advanced & sophisticated extrusion plant was

    established in the name of M/s. Umiyaji Brass Parts. in the year 1988.

    Over the years, Umiyaji has emerged as one of the leading manufacturer of Semis/Extrusions and Ingots and

    Copper Alloys. With a firm determination to be better among semis manufacturers, through total dedication to the

    work and strict adherence to fair business ethics, Umiyaji achieved impressive growth.

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    Name of the unit : Umiyaji Brass Parts.

    Establish year : 1988

    Owner of unit : Mr. valmaji bahi

    Registered office : 3, Shiley industrial estate,

    S.V. Road,

    Goregaon (W),

    Mumbai-400 062.

    Ph. 022 28751713,

    Fax: +91-22-28743477

    Administrative office : 21/13 G.I.D.C.

    shanker tekri

    Size of the organization : Medium scale industry

    Form of the Organization : Private Limited Company

    Auditors : M/s. M.P. Sarda &

    Associates (C.A.)

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    Solicitors : Mr. Narendra. V. Vyas

    Bankers : State Bank of Saurashtra

    Off day : Saturday

    Accounting year : 1st April to 31st March.

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    Training & Development Intro

    Meaning of training and training process


    Training is the process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs

    more effectively.

    It is to be noted that for new employees, the training is given to make them aware of what skills

    they will use or they will have to inculcate to do the required job

    For the existing employees, the training is given to sharpen their old skills and put new

    developments on it to do the current jobs more effectively

    Training process

    Need Analysis:

    It means identifying the specific job performance skills needed, asses the current skills of the trainees &

    deriving the objectives of the training based on the deficiencies of the trainees

    Instructional Design:

    Deciding on, compiling the training program content, including workbooks, exercises and activities

    Validation Step:

    The next is to identify that whether the training type and objectives selected is proper or not. This can be

    done by delivering the training program to a small audience and finding out whether it is proper or not.

    Implement step:

    At this step the training program is actually implemented in the designed form to the targeted audience

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    Evaluation step:

    This step is where the management assesses the success or failure of the training program.

    Training process

    Validation Step:

    The next is to identify that whether the training type and objectives selected is proper or not. This can be

    done by delivering the training program to a small audience and finding out whether it is proper or not.

    Implement step:

    At this step the training program is actually implemented in the designed form to the targeted audience

    Evaluation step:

    This step is where the management assesses the success or failure of the training program.

    Analyzing training needs

    Analyzing training needs depends on whether the organization wants to train the new or current


    Analyzing needs of the new employees is to determine what the job entails and to break it down

    into subtasks, each of which is to be taught to them

    Analyzing current employees training needs is more complex, since it has to be decided whether

    training is the solution of downward trend in performance.

    Task Analysis

    Task Analysis is basically done to identify the training needs of new hires in the organization.

    This is done by dividing the job in to tasks and subtasks and then finding out the skills and

    knowledge required to perform the tasks and then giving training to improve each of those tasks.

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    Basically for complex jobs, a task chart is prepared with skills required to perform the tasks and

    quality required too.

    Job of a Customer Care Executive of an general insurance company

    Performance Analysis

    As task analysis is a method to find out the training needs of the new employees, performance

    analysis is a method to find out the training needs of current employees

    It is basically finding out the deficiencies and lack of skills or knowledge of the existing


    Performance analysis

    Performance analysis can be done by several methods which are as follows:

    Performance Appraisals

    Job related performance data gathering

    Observations by supervisors or other specialists

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    Training Methods

    OJT (On the job training):

    OJT means training a person to learn a job while working on it.

    This is the most common technique that most of the organization uses

    There are basically two types of OJT


    Job rotation

    OJT (On the job training):


    Here, an experienced worker or the supervisor trains the employee while the employee is posted in the real

    job position of how to do the job

    Job Rotation

    Here the employee moves from job to job at planned intervals to get the feel of different jobs in the same

    department and eventually cooling into a job which is best done by him.

    Advantages of OJT

    It is inexpensive method of training

    The trainees learn while doing the actual work so work stoppage during training does not happen

    Requirement of specialized sites and facilities of training like class rooms etc, is not

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    Disadvantages of OJT:

    The supervisors or trained employees do not take keen interest in training the employee due to lack of


    The trainees tend to learn less because there is no formal environment of training on the job.


    Apprenticeship method is again an OJT method.

    The only difference between OJT and Apprenticeship method is that here the trainees are not the employees

    of the organization and they do not take salaries

    They take stipend for the work that they do

    Job Instruction Training

    Listing each jobs basic tasks , along with key points, in order to provide step by step training for employees

    For listing the key points, the task analysis chart is to be used.

    Training Methods


    oIt is the most conventional and orthodox method of imparting training

    oWhen the training objectives are to impart subject and factual knowledge to the trainees then this method

    is widely used.

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    oIt is quick and simple way to present to large group of trainees

    oTraining Methods

    oSimulated Training

    oIt is a method in which trainees learn n the actual or simulated equipment they will use on the job, but are

    actually trained off the job

    oIt is necessary when it is too costly or dangerous to train employees on the job with actual and real

    equipments or machines.

    oRead by yourself

    oProgrammed learning training method

    oElectronic performance support systems (EPSS)

    oComputer Based Training

    oInternet Based Training

    Management Development

    Management development is any attempt to improve managerial performance by imparting

    knowledge, changing attitudes or increasing skills.

    Management development can be classified in 3 different dimensions

    On the job management development training

    Off the job management development training

    Managing change activities

    On the job Managerial training

    Training Methods

    Off the job training method

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    Case Study Method

    Management Games

    Outside Seminars

    Role playing

    Behavior Modeling

    University Related Programs

    Training Methods

    Behavior Modeling

    It is a technique in which trainees are first shown good management technique in a film and are asked to

    play roles in a simulated similar situation.

    It is a technique in which trainees are first shown good management technique in a film and are asked to

    play roles in a simulated similar situation.

    Corporate University

    Bigger organizations have concluded that a significant component of their management developmentstrategy should include a company academy or college in which all managers at certain levels are required

    to complete a specific curriculum

    Many organizations have established their universities catering to specific management courses. E.g. Nirma

    has its own university offering PGDM courses

    It is an expensive way to conduct management development activity

    These universities give first preference to the employees, also to cover the costs of establishing theuniversities, these courses are also open for general public

    Executive Coaches

    He is an outside consultant who questions the executives associates in order to identify the executives

    strengths and weaknesses, and then counsels the executive.

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    The origin of Brass and Bell Metal Industry can be attributed to the Mughal Period. It is said that Mughal

    SubedarRustam Khan brought with his army one blacksmith who initiated the brass and bell metal work.

    The british government encouraged this craft through organizing exhibitions in London & Melbourne. This

    popularized the brass art ware in India & Abroad. In the year 1890 with the initiation of British

    Government, a big exhibition of Brass Metal Products were organized at Webley. This also resulted in

    increasing the populatrity of Brass Metal Products.

    Brass Industry in India

    In India the brass metal industry are located mainly in the states of Gujarat, Haryana, Orissa, Assam and

    Uttar Pradesh. But there is the difference in the products manufactured in this states. The products

    manufactured in Haryana, Assam, Orissa & Uttar Pradesh are mostly Brass Metal Handicrafts where as in

    Gujarat it is mostly brass-machined components. From the point of view of usage pattern, the products

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    manufactured in Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Assam & Haryana are consumer products and mostly used as gift or

    decorative items whereas the products manufactured in Gujarat can be classified in industrial product and

    consumed by industries as a part/component of their final product. The brass products in Gujarat require a

    lot of machining activities like turning, milling, grinding, drawing, boring, threading etc.


    The manufacturing process of brass parts is comprised of three main operations. Casting, Machining and

    Plating. Following chart depicts the process.

    The brass scrap is melted at 1600 0C in the foundry. The same is poured in a mould to get the final casting.

    The casted material, mostly brass rod/ wire is then goes through various machining operations like drawing,

    cutting, milling, drilling, threading, burnishing, etc. The machining process is job-specific and varies from

    one product to another. The machined component, parts is then sent to plating shop for electroplating.

    Some of the plating operations done in Jamnagar are: nickel plating, zinc plating, copper plating, cadmium

    plating, silver plating, cobalt plating, gold plating, etc. The plating is done as per the requirements of the

    customers and application of the parts in the final product. For example, to get superior conductivity

    electrical parts are generally copper or silver-plated.

    The various operating process are described in the following Flow charts.


    Melting Section Moulding Section

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    Coke Fired Oil Fired Electric induction Green Sand Permanent

    Pit furnance pit furnanceFurnanceMouldingMoulding

    With molasses Without molasses

    Blinder Blinder

    Vertical Inclined


    Casting Casting

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    Drawing / Shaving

    Turning / Casting





    Copper Cadmium Silver Cobalt Gold Zinc Nickel


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    Markets MarketsStrong presence in the domestic market Loosing ground in the international market

    Ancillary arrangement with large industries Lack of information on customer

    preferences in the international marketDeveloping trust and relationship in the long


    Middlemen/ traders enjoying most of the

    profits in the value chain

    Technology Technology

    Availability of customized machines Traditional method of production

    Machines are available at low prices Low level of technological development

    Demonstration effect Manufacturing defects and high rejection

    rate------------------------------------------------------ Problems with quality and productivity

    Inputs availability Inputs availability

    Raw material and other inputs available in

    sufficient quantity.

    Most of the raw materials are imported

    ----------------------------------------------------- High custom duties on raw material

    Innovation capability Innovation capabilities

    Ability to develop duplicate & customized


    Hardly any changes brought in design,

    technology, process and marketingFlexible operating practices ----------------------------------------------------

    Skills Skills

    Vast pool of skilled laborers Non-existence of technical training institute

    On-the-job learning possible No skill upgradation training for the


    Business Environment

    Stable business environment till 1998

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    Markets Markets

    Globalization can usher tremendous

    market potential for the competitive firms

    Competition is going to increase

    Tariff and non-tariff barriers are depleting Overseas importers suddenly change their

    sourcing countryQuality & productivity is the rule of the


    Imports increasing in the coming years

    Enterprises can join hands together for

    international marketing & brand building


    Technology Technology

    Advent of latest technology through


    Low level of technological development

    can cause a major threat unless it is

    changed/modernizedIncreasing technological awareness

    among entrepreneurs

    Technology is an ever changing process

    Tremendous enthusiasm on the part of the

    industry actors


    Brighter prospects of establishing

    Common Facility Centre


    Possibility of establishing R&D

    institutions or laboratory


    Inputs Availability Inputs Availability

    Competition is going to make availability

    of inputs cheaper and sufficient

    Difficulty in encountering competition

    unless raw material imports are made

    cheaper-------------------------------------------------- Quality of raw material

    Innovation Capability Innovation CapabilityExposure visits, participating in

    exhibitions making the entrepreneurs and

    technicians more innovative

    Demonstration effect

    Innovation is required in every facets of

    business operations

    Skills Skills

    Increased awareness is likely to improve Skill base of the workers needs upgradation

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    the skill base of the workers to adopt latest technology

    Business Environment

    -------------------------------------------------- The changing business environment is

    always a problem for the less enterprising


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    The following would provide an analysis of business operations for the Brass Industry.


    The raw material requirement of brass industry is met mainly from the following sources

    Old brass, copper and bronze utensils

    Imported brass scrap and honey

    Brass scrap from ship breaking yard

    Change In Product Line

    In old days, there was a practice of using brass, copper & bronze utensils in the households. But with

    changes in consumer taste and preferences, people are using mainly stainless steel utensils, which are easy

    to clean and maintain. Thus, the old brass and bronze utensils are bought from all over India and used by the

    foundry owners at Jamnagar.

    Imported Raw Material

    The fact remains that 90% of the raw material requirement of this Brass Parts cluster is met through

    imports. The countries from which it is imported are USA, Singapore, Gulf and European countries. The

    imported raw material is available mainly in three forms i.e. Honey scrap, Dross of brass & Pale in the form

    of strips.

    The quality of brass scrap and honey varies widely and its composition is not uniform. Any part,

    component, equipment or machine that has copper/ brass as its base material is imported. Most of the times,

    this scrap is made of two to three different metals and the job of the worker is generally to separate other

    metals (like aluminium, iron) from the copper and brass. It is a tedious process but still in practice in

    Jamnagar. Moreover the separating process can never be 100% accurate and a lot of impurities and other

    metals reach the foundry for melting. As a result the quality of casting is affected.

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    Is It Brass?

    Technically speaking brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and the ratio of these products is 60: 40. For

    getting the right products and good quality, it is important that this composition is maintained. However,

    due to the heterogeneous nature of the scrap (honey) and different alloying of the base metal, it becomes

    almost impossible to maintain this ratio. As a result, the quality of the final product varies, defects are

    produced and the rejection rate increases.

    The best method of getting the right quality and right alloying is using copper and zinc ingot. But because of

    high prices of ingot, scrap is used as the basic raw material. They mainly use the `dross of brass which is

    technically known as slag and is actually the impurities produced during casting. In technologically

    developed countries this is never used. In Jamnagar even the brass particles collected (separated by

    vibrating separator) from the dust is also used for casting Even though the percentage of brass in this dross

    is very minimal. Pales are generally of good quality and are used for producing quality castings. It is

    estimated that about 280-300 mts. of brass scrap is recycled in a day.


    There are 10 to 15 types of machines used in the brass parts manufacturing cluster at Jamnagar. Some of these

    machines are wire drawing machine, slotting & drilling machine, turning machine, threading machine, wire

    straightening machine, grinding machine, milling machine, etc. Depending on the precise nature of products to be

    manufactured and the processes it has to go through, the requirement of machines varies. Though there is no

    generic manufacturing process but most of the products have to go through the following machining operations.

    After Casting

    Drawing / Shaving

    Turning / Casting


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    Customized Machines

    Jamnagar is known for its customized machines. There are some very good technicians/ mechanics who can

    copy any machine whether imported or of reputed companies. An imported machine that costs upto few

    crores can be copied and manufactured at a price of a few lacs. The designs are customized to fulfill the

    requirements of a particular job. This is one of the greatest strength of Jamnagar Brass Parts cluster. This

    gives flexibility in operating practices. Majority of the entrepreneurs are using these customized machines.

    Technological Obsolesce

    The process of manufacturing has mostly remained traditional. The process of melting machining, polishing

    and plating did not change much for the last 50 years. There is no temperature recording and temperature

    controlling devices in the foundry, no automatic machines, pressure die-casting machine, and barreling and

    electro-polishing plant. As a result, the industry is facing problems like coring and segregation, pinholes and

    blowholes, shrinkages, dimensional distortions, etc. As a result, rejection rate is higher.

    Little Consideration Tolerances

    Some of the parts manufactured in Jamnagar require very precision tolerances. This precision ability is

    obtained by manual filing and other operations. Because of not having the right technology, the rejection

    rate is very high. However, a pressure die-casting machine can help in getting precision parts and

    components at a much faster speed. This will eliminate the manual filling operation. Moreover, there are

    very few micro-meters to check the micron value of the products. There are entrepreneurs whose exports

    were turned down because of inability to maintain the precision ability of products.


    Sub Contracting

    There are about 10,000 brass parts manufacturers in the cluster. This was possible because of flexible

    (specialization) operating system. Whatever be the volume of orders, the entrepreneurs in this cluster are

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    capable of handling it with ease due to the sub contracting arrangement, which is widely prevalent in the


    Products Are Omnipresent

    The products are marketed within India and abroad. There are enterprises that have ancillary arrangement

    with the parent units and have been supplying components for a long period of time.

    Products Marketed Internationally

    The products are marketed abroad too. Jamnagar is well known for automobile, cycle tube valve, building

    hardware and sanitary fittings. The products are exported in countries like UK, USA, Canada, Middle East,

    Europe, Africa, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and Bangladesh. Though there

    are some enterprises, which are supplying brass parts directly to the customers in the importing countries,

    but most of the exports are through agents/ traders.

    Niche Markets Are Depleting

    In earlier days Jamnagar had a niche market in Arab and African countries. The entrepreneurs had fixed

    clientele in these countries. However, after globalisation these countries have started procuring form

    countries like China, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan etc. The only factors for survival and growth in this

    competition are quality and price as product differentiation is gradually disappearing.

    In the present scenario the entrepreneurs can join hand together, form consortium and grab large export

    orders. There can a brand building initiative where all the Jamnagar products are projected under one brand



    A majority of the enterprises are family owned. The owner and other family members are the manager,

    operator, marketer, technician, negotiator etc. There are hardly any qualified people recruited from outside.

    As a result no fresh ideas come up and the process of manufacturing remains traditional.

    The level of awareness of the entrepreneurs especially in technical and marketing areas is

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    not as high as it should be. Low level of education and inability to communicate in English has remained a

    major problem for them. There are entrepreneurs who are looking for certain machine, (e.g., pressure die

    casting machine) for the last 15 years but could not source it even though they are widely used in developed

    countries and even in India, Hindustan Machine Tools is manufacturing these.


    Finance has never been a problem for the entrepreneurs at Jamnagar. Sometime excessive credit given to the

    customers creates a temporary shortage in working capital. Otherwise finance is easily available with local

    banks (lead bank being State Bank of Saurashtra). However stringent competition, compelling the

    manufacturers to supply at less remunerative price, sometimes may create shortage in working capital.

    The machining units are well organised in financial planning. Their financial controls and accounting

    systems are up-to-date and hence they are able to provide right information and financial statements for the

    satisfaction of term lending institutions and banks. However the entrepreneurs hardly approach bank for

    term lending of their new machines but the export-oriented units are effectively utilising the export credit


    For establishing a foundry one hardly needs any term loan because no machines are required and only

    crucible and furnace are necessary. However, due to high cost of brass and high turnover, the working

    capital requirement is high, which is either managed from internal sources or loan is taken from the bank.

    The money required for establishing a plating shop is also not high and the same is managed internally.


    Skilled workers are locally available to run the machines. Whenever a technician/ worker is required a

    notice is displayed in the main gate of the factory. Due to easy availability of labour some of the jobs which

    otherwise could have been done by machines are also performed manually.

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    However, there is hardly any engineer employed in these enterprises and the production process remains

    traditional. This is one of the lacunas of the Jamnagar Brass Parts cluster. One of the main reasons of the

    technological backwardness of this cluster is nonexistence of experienced engineers. There are no

    experienced HRD, marketing personnel and the business remained family oriented. Hiring experienced

    people in the above field necessitates higher pay.

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    The above figure depicts the Industry Structure Analysis of the Brass Parts Industry in Jamnagar. This

    industry structure analysis determines firm level profitability, competition, SME viability and prospect of


    The entry barrier in the above cluster is low because anyone can enter the industry with a minimum

    investment of Rs. 30,000-50,000/-and inputs are available plenty. There is no proprietary skills/ technologyand there is hardly any product differentiation and brand identification. But for some enterprises, customer

    loyalty is very high. There are enterprises, which are supplying their parts, components to the large

    industries and fixed clientele abroad for the last 20-25 years. Another positive factor is the economies of

    scale. These two factors (customers loyalty and economies of scale) pose some impediment for new firms

    entering into business. Adoption of latest technology (which is a costlier affair) can certainly provide

    impetus for the growth of the large firms. Moreover, enough emphasis should be given on brand building.

    Technology and brand can serve as entry barriers.

    The rivalry amongst firms is moderate as it is limited in the exporting market front. Rivalry among firms

    can be made healthy by encouraging non-price competition and product differentiation. Rivalry is

    moderated by the fact that the exit barrier is also very low.

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    The bargaining power of the suppliers in the cluster is low and there are a large number of suppliers

    available in the market. There is hardly any switching cost from one supplier to another and no input

    differentiation. There is hardly any evidence of suppliers forward integrating. The bargaining power of the

    suppliers can further be reduced by forming hard networks for common bulk purchase.

    So far bargaining power of the customers is concerned, it was found to be on the higher side. There is hardly

    any product differentiation and the customers can switch from one supplier to another. The switching cost is

    also very low. Moreover, customers are quality and price sensitive. However, for some enterprises there is

    strong customer-supplier relationship and the level of trust and loyalty is very high. Some customers of the

    large industries do not want switch over to new supplier on the fear of getting bad quality and not in-time

    delivery. The bargaining power of the customers can be reduced by forming consortium, promoting brand

    building and encouraging product differentiation.

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    o Build enough flexibility to encourage and accommodate innovative thoughts.

    Recruitment & Selection


    Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to the

    point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Recruitment has been regarded as

    the most important function of the personnel department because unless the right type of people are hired, even the

    best plans and controls of organization would not do much good.

    The recruiting procedureof UMIYAJI consists of three segments:

    Sources of Recruitment:

    For any organization there are various sources available. Mainly two sources are available for the

    recruitment for UMIYAJI:

    1 ) Internal Sources.

    2 ) External Sources.

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    1) Internal Source:

    In UMIYAJI the internal recruitment is done by the reference of internal members of the

    organization. With the help of internal advertisement, within the company, company gets enough reference for

    the recruitment.

    2) External Source:

    In UMIYAJI the external sources for the recruitment are as follows:

    Segments Recruitment of Workers

    Recruitment of Executives & Managerial Staff

    Recruitment of Technical & Personnel

    1.) New entrance for the labor force i.e. young, mostly inexperience,

    Potential employees, college students.

    2.) The unemployed with wide range of skills and abilities.

    3.) Experienced persons such as mechanics, accountants and


    Selection consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a

    post. In UMIYAJI recruitment & selection procedure for blue collar force is as per laws. For the recruitment of the

    labor in the company it is essential that he should acquire the certificate of ITI examination. Workers are selected

    by the concern supervisor and the assistant personnel management. Physical fitness for the workers are considered

    at the time of selection.

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    Recruitment and Selection procedure for white collar force refers to the selection of officers and

    managers. They are selected by departmental head..

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    Performance Appraisal

    Performance is not a matter of chance.

    It is not a thing to be waited for.

    It is a thing to be achieved

    Performance Appraisal is the step where the management fields out how effective it has been at

    hiring and placing employees he performs. In UMIYAJI the Performance Appraisal is a unit for managerial level

    which is done on yearly basis. This is done normally in the month of February & March. The Performance

    Appraisal committee is consisting of department head and the Senior Management head personnel. The annual &

    increments are decided on the basis of individual performance during the year.

    The appraisal is being carried out on following points:







    Co-operation with others.

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    Time Keeping System

    Time Keeping System is very important aspect. Through Time Keeping System company can run

    smoothly and successfully with boosting profits every year. UMIYAJI has different Time Keeping System.

    The main functions of this department are as under:


    Wages & Salary

    Leave Records.


    Bonus Payments

    PF & Employee Safety Insurance (ESI) Scheme

    In case of workers they have three shifts. They are provided with the attendance card is issued to them

    which they have to carry while reporting on the job and submit to the respective dept. Respective heads dept

    make the present of all the workmen and deliver to the time office, for making attendance register.

    The timing for shifts is as follows:

    1.) 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

    2.) 2.30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

    With a lunch break of one half an hour.


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    Wages & Salary

    The wage is remuneration paid for the service of labor. In production wages usually refers to the

    contribution to production, while salary normally refers to the clerical administration & professional employees. A

    person who gets the wages is called Blue Collar Work.

    On the other hand salary normally refers to the monthly rates paid to clerical administration &

    professional employees or White Collar Work. In UMIYAJI time office dept. decides the wages of workers

    There is attendance system and after totaling the attendance of workers they pay the workers on the 10th date of

    the month. If the worker needs money earlier i.e. advance than it will be given on 25th of the month.

    Benefits & Welfare

    Benefits provided by UMIYAJI are as follows:

    o Employees at various levels are provided with tea with different intervals of time.

    o Water and Sanitary facility for all.

    o Canteen facilities for workers in the campus of the unit. It contains tea, coffee, breakfast etc. at reasonable


    o Medical facility includes ambulance, doctors for workers and employees for monthly checkup.

    o Telephone facility is also provided to employees and above staff.

    o All employees are connected through Local Area Network (LAN) and internet for Senior Executives.

    o PF facilities for all the workers and employees.

    o Vehicle facility for managerial with driver for official purpose today

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    Environment Policy

    Shree UMIYAJI accepts responsibility for the harmful effects its operations have on both the local and

    global environment and is committed to reducing them.

    SMI will measure its impact on the environment and set targets for ongoing improvement.

    SMI will comply with all relevant environmental legislation and will implement a training program for its

    staff to raise awareness of environmental issues and enlist their support in improving the Companys performance

    Health and Safety Policy

    Shree UMIYAJI Metal craft Pvt. Ltd. will ensure each employee is given information, instruction and

    training to enable the safe performance of all work activities.

    It is our duty to ensure that all processes and systems of work are designed to take into account health and

    safety of our employees and are properly supervised at all times.

    Should any of our activities endanger the health and safety of our employees, such activities will be

    monitored and where necessary, arrangement for health surveillance will be made.

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    In these days, the whole world is known as the world of competition. The competition gives the price and quality

    benefit to the customers. In every place of market one product is sale by the two or more companies.

    Umiyaji brass part Pvt. Ltd. has several competitors in his field their competitors are





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    "The products manufactured by the promoters are Door Locks, Handle Locks, Latches Keys and related

    parts. The promoters in this market since last 20 years. The Promoters are selling the products to Indias biggeslock manufacturing company GODREJ The Godrej is manufacturing/selling the locks under its brand name


    The Godrej is having the largest market share in locks under its brand in India. The promoters are selling

    its products directly to the company Godrej Since last 20 years and the promoters sales almost 75 % of its

    products to Godrej directly since last 15 years the unit can be termed as an ancillary unit of the Godrej. Even at

    present the same selling pattern is continued. The marketing is not a problem for promoters. The unit has not to

    worry for marketing of the products. The promoters manufacture products as per the design and requirement of theCompany Godrej. The company Gogrej after research in market and customers taste makes the designs of the

    locks and orders to the promoters and the promoters as per the design manufactures the products. Thus the

    promoters products are made to order products The company has a very good business relation with the company

    GODREJ since last20 years and the company has awarded the promoters with certificate of excellence The

    company has always met the target of Godrej and this is the plus point of the promoters The promoters have also

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    planned for the future, if the business with Godrej decreases in "future. The promoters have started

    manufacturing the premium grade products for export market and the company has exported its products.

    The Promoters have negotiated with one of the party who is in export business and the promoters wil

    also enter in to new export market in future. The sales figures of the promoters show increasing trends since las

    four years. The increase trend is very attractive. The Demand and supply is increasing tremendously since last

    three years. Considering the development taking place in our economy and worldwide the demand is definitely

    going to increase in rapid manner. The living standard of the public is increasingly and the demand for new

    products and premium products increasing and the prompters have decided to manufacture luxury and

    premium and export quality product which will help the promoters to increase their market share.

    "The promoters are manufacturing as per design and demand of the customers, there is very little room

    for competition. There are some manufacturers in Jamnagar who are also engaged in lock manufacturing, but

    they are not competitors for the promoters. Since last "20 years the promoters Quality of the products is so good

    that they have not to face any competition. The Jamnagar is the place where brass parts manufacturing is so large

    that 75 % to 80%of the brass parts requirement of our country is met by Jamnagar only. This will give the idea

    about the brass parts business of Jamnagar. The promoters have the monopoly with GODREJ in respect of quality

    and price which can be seen from the promoters long 20 years association with GODREJ.

    The promoters have good Price bargaining Power. The Value Addition/ Contribution is constant it is

    almost 65 % on Material Cost which "is quite fair. The promoter have a price policy with the GODREJ, as soon as

    the price of the "Raw materials increases the selling price is also linked with the increase in raw material price

    This shows that the promoters have the good price bargaing power. The promoters are also thinking o

    manufacturing owned design products for direct sales to direct customers in market. At present the promoters have

    limitation of space and finance. The promoters started expansion three years back but that expansion is not

    sufficient today and that is the reason why the promoters have planned for expansion.

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    It can be understood as the study of research methods.

    Research Technique

    Research technique can be understood as a specific means, approach or tooland- its-use, whereby data is

    gathered and analysed, and inferences are drawn.

    Research Method

    Research method can be explained as the manner in which a particular project is undertaken. It comprises one

    or more research techniques.

    Meaning of Research

    Research is composed of two syllables: a prefix Re and a verb Search. Re means again, a new, over again.

    Search means to examine closely and carefully, to test and try, to probe. It can also be understood as the

    systematic way of asking questions.

    Research is, thus, an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. It is thepursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and experiment.

    Definition of research

    Research is a careful inquiry or examination to discover new information or relationships and to expand and

    to verify existing knowledge.-Francis Rummel

    Rational for the study

    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze the factors which motivate employees, under

    consideration of individual characteristics.

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    The secondary purpose of this research is to clarify whether a difference in motivation to work between

    manager exists or not and to discover if diverse factors motivate the two or if they have shared

    understandings and common factors.

    To be able to present a clear picture about what motivates the employees at the work place and how these

    factors lead to the satisfaction of the employees.

    Definitions of Motivation:

    o According to Chael J. Jucius

    Motivation is the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course of

    action, to push the right button to get desired action

    o According to one of the universally accepted definitions of motivation:

    It is an internal state of being, or an internal condition that activates ones behaviour,

    giving it direction. Motivation has also been defined as a desire or need which directs

    and energizes behaviour that is oriented towards a goal.

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    Research and experimental development is creative work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of

    knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to

    devise new applications

    Thisresearch has been conducted to find out the TRAINING & DEVELOPOMENT IN UMIYAJI


    The Jamnagar Brass part industries in known as Asias biggest Brass part industries, so we try to find out

    through that how skill is added to the workmen through our training & development research.

    Motivation of research:

    Our prime motive behind the research was to know the TRAINING & DEVELOPOMENT IN UMIYAJI

    BRASSPART INDUSTRIES (Jamnagar. In simple term to know how much workmen are skill regarding

    their works.

    Statement of problem

    To know the training & development need for the brass part company & to know the training that are given

    to the workers.

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    Research Objectives:

    There must be an objective behind any research. Without objective there is no meaning of research.

    The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures

    The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered yet. As

    each research has some or the other objectives the following are the objectives of this research:

    The primary objective is to find the about Jamnagar Brass part Industries.

    To find the awareness training & development requirement to the brass part industries.

    To find the training & development level in brass part industries.

    To know the training & development requirement for the industries.

    Scope of the study:

    The study was limited to Jamnagar city only.

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    Research design:

    For any researcher the research methodology is the most important criteria to decide before the actual

    research process starts. There are many methods for conducting the research some of them are as under:

    The design of a research is a plan or a model that helps researcher to conduct a formal investigation and

    survey. It is an application of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needs for getting a

    desire out come. It decides the sources of data and methods for gathering data. A good design insures that

    the information obtained is relevant to the research question and that it was collected by objectives. Since,

    research design is simply the frame work or plan for a study. It is a blue print that of a house devised by an

    architect. My approach to research is descriptive and quite specific.

    Out of various research methods the research method, which was most suitable to my research, was

    Exploratory Research because it provides me all the opportunities to cover the all the aspect that I require to

    conduct the research and get an appropriate out come.

    The Sampling Design taken here is Non-Probability Convenience based Sampling. As due to time constraint

    we have selected this sampling method and it is also difficult to considered population.

    Data Collection:

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    The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design/plan

    chalked out. While designing about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the researcher

    should keep in mind two types of data.

    There are 2 sources of data i.e.

    1) Primary Data:

    The data, which are collected for the first time, directly from the respondents to the base of knowledge &

    belief of the research, are called primary data.

    The normal procedure is to interview some people individually or in a group to get a sense of how people

    feel about the topic.

    So far as this research is concerned, primary data is the main source of information. The data collected isthrough questionnaire & information provided by the respondent.

    2) Secondary Data:

    When data are collected & compiled in a published nature, it is called secondary data. So far as this research

    is concerned Internet and the Company brochures and pamphlets have been referred to.

    Sampling Process:

    It is true that its very difficult to do the research with the whole universe. As we know that it is not feasible

    to go for population survey because of the numerous customers and their scattered location. So for this

    purpose sample size has to be determined well in advance and selection of sample also must be scientific so

    that it represents the whole universe.

    So far as this research is concerned, due to time constraint the sample size taken is of 60 respondents of

    Jamnagar city.

    Mode of data collection:

    Personal visit & filling up of the questionnaire, with observation.

    Table 1

    Sample Universe Jamnagar cityType of Sampling Exploratory studySample size 30 respondents

    Research Instrument A structured formatted


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    Taking in to consideration that the research instrument selected by me was the questionnaire because it

    gives more flexibility in terms of collection of the data and one has a chance to meet the responder

    personally and have an idea of getting an important unknown data that can be collected through their


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    Limitations of the Project

    The limitations of this study are as follows:

    Personal Bias:

    Some respondents may have had personal bias due to which they may not have given the correct

    information and due to which the right conclusion may not have been derived at.


    The area was limited only to Jamnagar city. The result may have varied, if it was conducted somewhere


    Sample Size:

    The Sample size taken is only 60 due to time constraint; which may not result in very accurate results.

    Time Limit:

    The time limit taken for conducting the research was very less which could also be one of the limitations of

    the study.

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    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am doing a research work on Employees Training & Development. I would request you to kindly spare

    some time to fill up this questionnaire.

    Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    Name --------------------------------------------------



    Section I

    Q 1. Please mention your age



    Above 30

    AGE IN PERCENTAGE (%)20-25 4526-30 3530+ 20

  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report


    Interpretion: as we can see in chart that 45% of the resondents are 20-25 age group & 35% are of 26-30 age group.

    Q 2. Sex:




    FEMALE 25

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    Interpretation : as we can see in the chart that around 75% of the investors are male & rest of 25% were female.

    Q 3. Has your company organizes a training and development programme?




  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report


    Interpretation : as we can see in chart that 75% of respondent feel that training is essential part of the jon where as

    25 % feel that it not as much important.

    Q 4. If your organisation identifies the training needs for the employees?




  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report


    Interpretation : as we can see in chart that when we asked about training need of the respondents 75% were give

    their consent % 25% refuese for the same.

    Q 5. On an average, how much time did it used to take for training and development


    One Month

    Two Month

    Three Month



  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report


    Interpretation : as the chart is showing that 40% of worker says that they got the training in every two months

    whereas 30% says in one month its given

    Q 6. How much training programs has been made in the past one year?





    THREE + 24

  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report


    Intepretation : to know the training proramme frequences we asked this questions. We found that 43% of the

    respondets says one trainng programmes organised.

    Q 7. Do you have any training programs in the coming financial year?




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    Q 8. Do your top management take feed back?




    Interpretation : The above chart show that 66% people says no when they were asked for feedback by their top

    management & whereas 34 % says yes for the same.

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    Q 9. What do you think the training programs will be run in future?




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    Q 10. Do employee development programs raise unrealistic expectations about promotions?



    Cant say


    Yes 35No 35

    Cant say 30

  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report


    Interpretation : as we can see in chart that 35% no regarding promotions advantege by traing 35 % say no for thesame.

    Q 12. Do you feel trust in your supervisors?


    Responce Answer Yes 85NO 15

  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report


    Interpretation : 85% respondent says that they trust in their supervisior. 15% says no whe n they asked the same.

    Q 13. Do the practice's supervisors use positive attitude with employees?



    Responce Answer

    Yes 80NO 20

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    Interpretation : 80% the resondent says that their supervision has positive attitude & 20% says for same.

    14. What type of traing do you provide to the workers? (Supervisor)






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    In view of the limited time available for the study, only the Training andDevelopment process could be studied.

    The sample size is too small to reflect the opinion of the whole organization.

    The answers given by the respondents have to be believed and have to be taken

    for granted as truly reflecting their perception.

  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report



    1. Making performance work effectively: - Philip Tom: McGraw Hill Book Company:

    England: 1983.

    2. Principles and procedures in evaluating performance: John C. Flanagan: volume


    3. Public Personal Administration: S L Goel: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.: New


    4. Training &Development : A Better way: Robert Hayden: Volume 52.

    5. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques: Kothari C. R.: Willey Easter: New


    6. P. Jyothi, P., Venkatesh, D.N., Human Resource Management

    7. Kothari, C. R., Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, New Age International


    8. Aswathappa, K., Human Resource Personal Management

  • 7/31/2019 Deven Report


    Websites Search :

    This is synopsis ofEmployees Training & Development Project Report. If

    you need full project mail us to : [email protected] or Call me


    1.Research Analysis

    Tabular representation of data


    Statistical tests2.Findings & Suggestions



    Annexure - Questionnaire

    Annexure Any other document


