Page 1: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Developing a Multi-Methodology Operating

Theatre Scheduling Support System

Marion PennWith: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper

IMA 29th March 2010

Page 2: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Outline• Introduction to topic and literature

• Soft OR - Understanding the problem

• Hard OR - Master Timetable

– Set Up

– Formulation

– Results to date

– Future Work

Page 3: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Background Hospitals face the challenges of;

• Demanding Targets– Shorter waits for operations– Reduced cancellations

• Financial Constraints

• Resource Constraints

Page 4: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Theatre Scheduling

My Objective

• To develop a methodology that can be used in hospitals to produce efficient theatre schedules.

Page 5: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Literature • Over 100 papers

• Methods – LP, Simulation, Queuing …

• Whole system … narrow aspects

• Factors – Theatre Time– Staff– Beds

Page 6: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Gaps in the Literature

• Key Factors not brought together

• Lack of Implementation

• Addressing Stochastic Elements

Page 7: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Cognitive mapping

• Visual

• Brings together ideas

• Enables joint understanding

• Explores links

• Causal relationships

Page 8: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Meet Targets

Reduce Cancellations

Reduce waiting lists/


Do more work

Reduce clinical cancellations

Reduce patient cancellations

Reduce number of appt


Reduce no. of operation not


Reduce no. of unfit for surgery

Reduce no. of Pre-op guidance

not followed

Reduce no of DNA

Include more in pre-assessments

More opportunity for patients to

understand what is involved /

consent at pre-assessent

Introduce contacting

patients 48 hours before op

Reduce occurrence of missing notes/

admin error

More beds available

Bring more patients in early

to make sure they get beds

Reduce use of beds by medical




Improve predictability of medical case


Understand seasonal variationsIncrease

understanding of variability of



Ability to predict bed

usageImproved ability predict to LOS

Use a diary system, booking

only if bed, theatre time, equipment all


Ability to plan to smooth demand

for beds

Ability to book patients further in


Ability to include bed usage in


Have Matron to oversee bookings/


Reduce over booking/overruns

Increase capacity

Reduce demand for


Increasing proportion of out

patients need surgery


More filtered by physio

More well being activities in the


Reduce Outpatient numbers

Raise GP awareness of when to refer and fitness

for surgery

Raise GP awareness of capacity and

surgeons specialisations so refer appropriately

Introduce regular GP newsletter/

booklet of surgeon info/website

Increase face to face contacts with GPs e.g.

quarterly meetings cycling through specs

Advertise via practice managers

Increase proportion of sessions that start on time

Have notes ready Have necessary

facilities open, before surgery

due to start

Get ordered list to wards


Run 3 session days

Whole hospital work later on specific days

Increased staff flexibility

More theatre staff (out side divisions


Use capacity when surgeons

on leave etc

Increase matching of bookings to available time

Purchase more equipment so not a limiting factor

Book in front of target i.e. shorter


Book at decision to


Cognitive Map Showing My Understanding of IssuesSurrounding Theatre Management

June, 2007

Reduce number of self heal/die

on list

More theatres, surgeons and anaesthetists

Where appropriate have two juniors running

surgeries with seniors moving between them.

Designate sessions of all major/minor


Allow patients to opt in to receive info. By email

Assign beds in advance and treat as though patient


More all day lists


Increase time available for

infection control

Computerise notes

Constraints on system e.g. theatre type


Follow up if DNA pre-


Optimise Theatre



Page 9: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Hard OR – From Literature

• Strategic– Planning work load– Dividing theatre time

• Longer term tactical planning– Developing a Master Theatre Timetable

• Day to day scheduling of electives– Booking into slots– Live changes to the schedule

Page 10: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Master Timetable

• What– Assigns slots of theatre time to surgeons– Cyclic

• How– Linear / Goal Programming– Heuristics– Simulation– Column Generation

Page 11: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010


• Theatre types and availability

• Numbers of theatre slots required

• Surgeon (and other staff) availability

• Surgeon preferences

• Expected bed usage (by ward)

• Equipment availability

• Bed availability and usage

Page 12: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Variables•Xi,t,d,s Assigns surgeons to slots.

•Yi,t,d,s If a slot has been assigned to a surgeon with a low preference score for it.

•Ui,t,d,s If surgeon in same theatre for consecutive slots.

•Vi,t,d,s If surgeon in different theatres for consec. slots.

•Wi,t,d,s If slot repeated weekly.

• Expected beds required each day. •Z Min difference between beds required and beds

available.X, Y, U, V and W are all binary variables.Index i represents an individual surgeon, t a theatre, d a dayin the cycle and s a daily theatre slot.


Page 13: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Significant Parameters

• Gh,t Types of theatres 1 if t is of type h, 0 otherwise

• Rh,t Number of slots of type h required by surgeon i

• Bi,t,j,w Expected number of patients in beds in ward k, j days after surgeon i

has a slot in theatre t• Dd,w Number of beds available on day d

in ward k

Page 14: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

‘Straightforward’ Constraints

• Only use available slots

• Surgeons can only be in one place

• Surgeons availability

• Limit on surgeons no. slots per day

• Equipment constraint

Page 15: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Demand Constraints

Cover demand by theatre type

Meet each surgeon’s overall demand exactly

Surgeons don’t use any theatre more than

their total demand for its type(s)

ih, iht ds

sdtith RXG ,,


i h


sdti RX ,,,


ti, ds


thih XGR,


Page 16: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Bed Constraints

• Assigns

• Assigns Z

• Based on Gallivan & Utley’s formulation

d kdtsi


y wkydwCtisdti BX ,

,, 1 0),(,,,,,

d kkdkd ZD ,,

Gallivan S. and Utley M. (2005) ‘Modelling admissions booking of elective in-patients into a treatment centre’, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 16, p. 305-315

Page 17: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Other Constraints

• Assign values to;– U– V– W– Y

• Based on the values in X

Page 18: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Objectives• Find a feasible timetable

• Smooth Bed usage

• Max surgeon pref. score

• Min low pref. scores

• Max all day slots

• Repeat slots weekly

• Avoid consecutive slots in

different theatres




sdtisdti XP,,,














Page 19: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010


• Weekly / Monthly Schedule– Slots for Surgeons

• Expected Bed Usage

• Ratings against objectives

Page 20: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Early Results

Indicator Original Timetable

LP Timetable

Max beds used 90 83

No. Surgeons changing theatres

0 0

No. of all day slots 30 55

Repeat weekly 166 178

Page 21: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Bed SmoothingComparing current and suggested timetables bed usage.









Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14

Day of Cycle







Max. number of beds availableBeds required by current timetableMax. beds required by current timetableBeds required by suggested timetableMax. beds required by suggested timetable

Page 22: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Future Work

• Further Develop Master Timetable

• Day to day scheduling tool

• Warning systems

Page 23: Developing a Multi- Methodology Operating Theatre Scheduling Support System Marion Penn With: Prof. Chris Potts and Prof. Paul Harper IMA 29 th March 2010

Questions/ Comments