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Shane Barker

2011 engineering

Trailer Design Brief

Design brief Function- what is the function/purpose of the trailer? My client will be using this trailer for farm uses, such as moving chemicals, livestock, small farm equipment and to move rubbish from his home and farm. Materials- wheat materials will be used and why? I will use 3mm black sheet for its durability and that it is easy to work with. Shape and size- how long will the trailer be? My client has requested that the trailer be 10ft long where I would have made it 8ft long Safety- what safety aspects can be done with this trailer? Making sure there are no sharp edges or ungrounded welds so that people will not cut themselves on the tub. Time- when does this need to be finished by? My component has to be finished in a maximum of 15 hours and the whole trailer has to be completed by July 1. Cost- what will the total cost and charge of the trailer be? We are not charging for labour so whatever the cost of the material is, that will be how much we will charge. We estimate that the cost will be $1750 Aesthetics and appearance- what colour and design will be used for the trailer? The design of the trailer will be very similar to the pictures shown here. It will be sprayed a dark silver colour with red flames on the sheet tub. Production- how will the sheet tub be made? Since the folder isn’t 10ft wide I have to cut the sheet in half to do two 5ft long bits then once they are done weld them up at the end. Production quality- what level of quality will the trailer be made to? My client has asked that the trailer be very strong and reliable and also look like he paid professionals to do it. Storage- How can it be made easier to store? Since we are making it out of blue steel it will rust easier than gal so it shouldn’t be left outside in the weather so much. Finishes- what finishes will be put on the trailer? Once all the components are put together we will spray the whole trailer dark silver with red flames on the tub.

Outline of situation My client Russell Christie is a farmer and is in need of a large trailer for farm work and jobs to be done around the house. When moving chemicals from place to place it is dangerous to put them in the back of his ute where is dogs go so he needs something to transport the chemicals in. Also when moving small farm machinery such as motor bike it would be easier to put the bike in the trailer rather than having to drive it to wear it has to go. Client profile Who he is: The client of this trailer is Russell Christie. Russell is a farmer/teacher who lives in Birchip, as a farmer Russell needs a trailer to move things from one place to another that can’t go in his Ute. Where he lives: Russell lives in the Mallee so he has weather conditions that go from cold of 2 degrees to 50 degrees and heavy rain with 100 klm winds. The client will not be able to store the trailer undercover all the time so it must be weather resistant. What he will use the trailer for: Russell will be using the trailer for shifting chemicals, rubbish and small farm equipment. The sheet tub will have to be flat so that things don’t slide around when the trailer isn’t moving and bars along the side so that he can tie things down easily. Constraints The client has set some constraints that we will follow for his trailer

The trailer must be 10ft by 5ft

Must be light but still strong

The product must be finished by the end of the year Considerations

Spray painting the trailer silver, black or pink

Spraying on red and orange flames on the sheet tub

Later adding a stock crate

Research Practice folding: I did a trial folding a scrape piece of sheet steal to make sure I could fold the sheet to make the tub later. Material I’m using: I will be using 3mm sheet steal folded into shape to make the tub, I will do this by making half the tub at a time then welding it all up Possible trailer options: I uses the trailer that Mr Wheelan brought in as something to copy from and improve for our trailer.


This picture shows the side part of the trailer that I would use because it looks good and bends over Brenten’s base frame

I will bend and weld my tub just like in this picture because it will hold well and looks good

Evaluation report Function: the original function of the tub was to be able to hold the weight of small farm equipment, chemical drums and trash, this is still the function and has been built properly to do this. Materials: there was no change to the original materials that I chose to use because they it was the proper material to use. Shape and size: the only change to the shape and size was that I had to make the tub 20 mm higher so it would fit better. Time: when designing this we expected to be finished by July 1 but we have not been able to do that and it will be finished by the end of the year. Aesthetics and appearance- the only real change in aesthetics and appearance I made to the tub was that I didn’t spray red flames on it like I hoped to.

The final product done and all that is needed is brakes and finishes. With the folding and welding done right my tub fitted in perfectly and looks very good with the rest of the trailer.

Risk assessment Mig welder: Hazards Precautions

Heated materials and sparks created by welding can burn operators

Workers must wear protective clothing while welding and leather gloves when handling material being welded

Flash created by mig welders is hazardous to workers eyes

Workers must always wear a protective welding helmet and never start welding without it in place. Never use a welding helmet with a cracked or broken filter plate or cover lens.

Welded mettles can create toxic fumes Workers should not weld metals considered hazardous or which have hazardous coatings. General ventilation may be adequate for welding of short duration and intermittent. Ventilation must remove fumes and dispersed them to outside atmosphere. Removal at the source (local exhaust extraction) is the most effective method.

Angle grinder: Hazards Precautions

Grinder’s main hazard is particles thrown off the wheel into eyes.

Workers should wear safety goggles or a facemask to avoid getting grit and dust in eyes while using a grinder.

Work can slip, causing loss of control of grinder.

Work should be secured with clamps or a vice before grinding.

Loose clothing, hair and other items can become caught in a grinder.

Workers should secure loose items, clothing and hair.

Portable grinders can cause serious injuries if the grinding wheel (or attachments) contacts skin.

They can cut through clothing. Workers must take care not to get exposed skin near the operating grinding wheel. Never use a grinder in an awkward position where it can contact the body (for example, do not use it between the legs while sitting on the floor).

Portable grinders pose a noise hazard that can increase depending on materials being ground. A worn or out of round disc produces more noise than a good disc.

Workers must wear ear protection while using a portable grinder. Maintain an arm’s length between grinder and ear. Dampen the material being ground or cut by clamping work as close as possible to the work area. If using the grinder in a grinding bay, line surfaces with acoustic absorption materials to reduce reflected sound. Mobile screens around the work area will reduce sound transmission.

A worn or out of round disc is unsafe. Discard worn discs. A sound, undamaged wheel will have a clear metallic tone or ring when tapped gently with a light non-metallic instrument.

The disc can shatter at high speed. Use correct disc for the material. Do not use undue pressure when using the grinder. Keep grinding disc at a 15 to 30 degree angle to work so that it is working on its edge. Never bump grinder on to the job, or let the disc hit any other object while grinding. Teachers should check that flange and locking nut are correct for the type of disc being used.

Too much pressure will cause the grinder to dig in and kick back.

Hold the grinder against work with minimum pressure.

Portable grinders can create sparks. Workers should wear skin protecting clothing and sturdy shoes. Ensure that no students are in the area where sparks will fall. Use mobile screens to contain sparks in one area. Grinders should not be used on containers that have held flammable materials or near substances that can be ignited with a sparks.

Spray gun and air compressor:

Paint fumes and paint particles are an inhalation hazard. Spray painting causes drops of paint to be dispersed across a wide area.

Spray painting must be done in a properly constructed and ventilated spray booth. Paint should be sprayed away from workers and work placed beneath the ventilation system. Turntables can make this easier. Test spray guns by directing spray toward fan ventilation system and not booth walls. Keep exhaust system running for at least five minutes after spraying is completed. Clean equipment in spray booth with ventilation system running. Place clean-up materials in steel bins with close-fitting lids. Remove waste each day and dispose of in safe manner.

Paints and coating materials can emit toxic fumes.

Workers should use only non-toxic paints and coating materials. Avoid combining materials that may spontaneously ignite (bleaching compounds with organic finishing materials). Workers must wear respiratory devices in accordance with AS/NZS 1716:1994, Respiratory protective devices when using epoxy resin or polyurethane. Avoid lead-based paints. Clean equipment between uses.

Fumes from paints, solvents and coating materials are flammable.

No naked flames or sources of ignition (electric heater, pilot lights, and static electricity) should be near spray paint or spray booths. Fire extinguishers should be close by and suitable for materials being used. Do not use synthetic fabrics as polishing cloths as they cause static electricity. Avoid using combinations of substances that may combust spontaneously together. Dangerous combinations are lacquers containing nitrocellulose with varnishes, oil-based stains, air-drying enamels and primers. All deposits of material should be removed and exhaust ducts cleaned before spraying with the second substance.

Paint fumes and mist can enter eyes. Workers must wear safety glasses or goggles when spray painting.

Some paints, solvents and coating materials are a skin absorption hazard. Exposed skin can be coated by airborne paint particles.

Workers must protect their skin from contact with paint and other substances by wearing overalls and head coverings. Barrier cream on hands and face will ensure spray can be easily cleaned off. Disposable or rubber gloves can be worn. Protective clothing should be stored away from spray area.

Paint on hands can be ingested. Food can be contaminated by airborne paint particles.

Workers must wash faces and hands after working in spray the booth. Food and drink must not be stored near spray booth.

Serious injury or death can occur if compressed air is directed at the body, causing air bubbles to enter the blood-stream.

Compressed air should only be used for the intended purposes. It should not be used to clean machinery or benches, personal cooling or to blow dust from hair or clothing. It must never be directed at any part of the operator’s or the body of anyone else.

Airborne dust and particles can be an eye hazard.

Workers must wear eye protection when using compressed air.

Whipping of air hoses can injure operators. Air hoses should have pistol-type nozzles and be securely held to prevent whipping.

Compressed air can propel material at high speeds.

Warn workers not to misuse the supply of compressed air. Explain that only responsible workers will be allowed to use this equipment.