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© Commonwealth of Australia 2007

ISSN 1441-9335

This work is copyright. Apart from any use

as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 ,

no part may be reproduced by any process

 without prior written permission from the

Commonwealth, available from the Australian

Government Department of the Environment

and Water Resources.

This set of annual reports comprises two


1. The annual report of the Department of the

Environment and Water Resources prepared

in accordance with the Public Service Act 

1999 (this volume)

2. Annual legislation reports about Acts the

department administers.


Please address any requests and enquiries

(including feedback on this annual report and

enquiries about reproduction or rights) to:

 Assistant Secretary 

Portfolio Policy and Advice Branch

Department of the Environment and Water 


GPO Box 787

Canberra ACT 2601

Electronic copies

Electronic copies of this annual report areavailable at 


Photo credits

Cover images (back to front):

Close up of Wee Jasper grevillea – JD Briggs

Mulga scrub killed by cattle, Mount Ebenezer,

NT – Allan Fox 

The Twelve Apostles – John Baker 

 Wilsons Promontory – John Baker 

Bilby, endangered species

Tree fern, south west Tasmania – Mark Mohell

Hume Dam – TJ Ierino

Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge – 

 Australian Scenics

Seven Mile Beach – Merran Williams

Emperor penguins – Australian Antarctic


Chapter page images:

Images used throughout are copyright

Department of the Environment and Water 

Resources and associated photographers unlessotherwise noted. See pages; iv, 18, 124, 125, 154,

220, 237, 302 and 390.

Page 1: Flying white tern – Robert Thorn

Page 19: Crepuscular rays at Pyengana – 

Margaret Brown

Page 46: Craven Peak Reserve – Nick Rains

Page 47: Tobacco crop under irrigation – 

Trevor Ierino

Page 90: Whiskey Bay at Wilsons Promontory –  John Baker 

Page 91: The Coorong at Pelican Point – 

 John Baker 

Page 155: Surfers Paradise on a sunny day – 

Overseas Information Branch, DFAT

Page 194: Antarctic ice fissures – Hosung Chung,

 Australian Antarctic Division

Page 195: Antarctic icescape – Jim Drajesic,

 Australian Antarctic Division

Page 221: Mangrove roots in Arnhem Land – 

Overseas Information Branch, DFAT

Page 237: Green turtle on Raine Island – 

 Arthur Mostead

Page 303: Tasmanian devils – Dave Watts

Page 380: Waterfall and Nothofagus in Tasmanian

 Wilderness – Steve Johnson

Page 381: Bushfire smoke at Lake Hume – Trevor Ierino

Page 391: Sand texture – Trevor Preston

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Department o the

Environment and Water ResourcesVolume 1


How to contact the department 

Main office: John Gorton Building,

King Edward Terrace, Parkes ACT 2600

Post: GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: 02 6274 1111

Fax: 02 6274 1666


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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07ii

The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP

Minister for the Environment and Water Resources

Parliament House


Dear Minister 

I present the annual reports of the Department of the Environment and Water 

Resources for the financial year ended 30 June 2007. This set of reports is in two


The first volume contains the annual report of the department. The report was

prepared in accordance with the requirements set out in section 63 of the Public

 Service Act 1999. Subsection 63(1) of the Public Service Act 1999 requires you to

lay a copy of this annual report before each House of the Parliament on or before

31 October 2007.

The second volume contains the legislation annual reports. It details the operation

of the seven Acts the department administers that we do not report on separately 

to Parliament. This volume must be tabled in each House of the Parliament within

15 sitting days after the day on which you receive it.

In accordance with the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines, I am satisfied

that the department has prepared fraud risk assessments and fraud control plans,

and has in place appropriate fraud prevention, detection, investigation, reporting

and data collection procedures and processes that meet the specific needs of the

department and comply with those guidelines.

 Yours sincerely 

David Borthwick 


5 October 2007

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Letter of transmittal .............................................................................................................................................. ii

Executive summary .............................................................................................................................................. 1

Secretary’s review .................................................................................................................................................. 2

Summary of main results .................................................................................................................................. 8

Organisation overview ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Outcomes and outputs..................................................................................................................................... 16

Financial summary ............................................................................................................................................... 17

Outcome 1—Environment

Climate change ...................................................................................................................................................... 19

Land and inland waters .................................................................................................................................... 47

Coasts and oceans................................................................................................................................................ 91

Natural, Indigenous and historic heritage ........................................................................................ 125

Human settlements ......................................................................................................................................... 155

Outcome 2—Antarctica ............................................................................................................................... 195

Cross-cutting activities ................................................................................................................................. 221

Managing the department ........................................................................................................................ 237

Corporate governance ................................................................................................................................... 238

Stakeholder relations...................................................................................................................................... 248

External scrutiny ................................................................................................................................................ 252

Environmental sustainability ..................................................................................................................... 258

Human resources .............................................................................................................................................. 266

Finances ................................................................................................................................................................... 285

Financial statements ...................................................................................................................................... 303

Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................... 381

Indexes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 391

Compliance index ............................................................................................................................................. 392

 Alphabetical index ............................................................................................................................................. 398

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Executive summary


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Secretary’s review

I am pleased to present the 2006–07 annual report

of the Department of the Environment and Water 

Resources. This year has been an exciting and

challenging one for the department, with a number 

of major new initiatives announced, expanded

responsibilities, and significant structural changes to

the portfolio.

This year the department implemented major 

initiatives to deal with Australia’s environmental,

climate change, water and heritage challenges.

 We are developing catchment-wide approaches to water resource management

and establishing a stronger, more coherent framework for climate change

mitigation and adaptation. We are rolling out bioregional plans for the whole of 

the Commonwealth marine area, and implementing major amendments to the

 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to strengthen

and streamline environmental impact assessment. All of these measures mark a

move towards a more complete, landscape-scale approach to protection of the

environment and heritage and to sustainable natural resource management.

Increasingly, the department’s remit is to develop a cohesive and strategic set

of policies and programmes that deliver environmental, social and economic

outcomes. To this end, we place a high priority on working with other government

agencies and with industry and community stakeholders. We invest in scientific

and economic research to ensure that our policies and programmes are

underpinned by the best available information, and we endeavour to find the most

efficient and cost-effective approaches to addressing the issues under our charge.

I invite you to read on and learn more about the department’s achievements in

2006–07 and our challenges for the future.

New national water responsibilities

The continuing drought in 2006–07 over large areas of Australia put water security 

firmly on the national policy agenda. In January 2007 the portfolio took carriage

of national water resource policy, including the Prime Minister’s National Plan for 

 Water Security. The National Water Commission moved into the portfolio from the

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. A number of the government’s

other water programmes and statutory functions were also transferred into the

department, and the department’s name was changed to reflect its expanded


 David Borthwick

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 A key priority over the next 10 years is to implement the $10 billion National Plan

for Water Security. This includes major reforms to the management of the

Murray–Darling Basin to ensure its long-term health, while sustaining a viableagricultural industry and thriving rural communities. The department has been

 working since January 2007 to develop the key elements of the plan, including

negotiating with state governments and other stakeholders and putting in place

the necessary implementing legislation (which was passed by parliament on

17 August 2007 and received Royal Assent on 3 September 2007).

For the first time, the new legislation will enable the Australian Government

to develop a whole of Murray–Darling Basin plan, covering assessments of 

the interaction between surface, groundwater and land-use practices that

significantly impact on water availability. An important objective will be to increaseenvironmental flows in many catchments. At the same time, we will be investing

heavily in improving the efficiency of irrigation systems to put agriculture on a

more sustainable long-term footing.

To help us deliver our new water functions a number of changes were made to the

department’s structure. Two new divisions, the Water Resources Division and the

 Water Assets and Natural Resources Division, were created, and the department’s

land, coastal and marine biodiversity activities were consolidated into one division,

the Marine and Biodiversity Division.

New approaches to climate change

Public and business interest in international and domestic responses to climate

change captured more attention in the media than ever before.

Climate change issues are central to the department’s responsibilities but, because

the effects are so pervasive, many other agencies also have a large role to play.

The Prime Minister’s announcement that Australia will establish an emissions

trading system by 2012 is a major step forward in implementing an overarching

national framework to tackle climate change. The development of an emissionstrading system is a major undertaking. It will bring about major long-term

structural changes in the Australian economy and careful planning is required.

Close cooperation between governments and industry will be needed. However,

developing a world-leading emissions trading system is in Australia’s long-term

national interest, not least because it will be important to reduce emissions at

minimum cost to the community and the economy.

International cooperation is crucial to addressing the issue of climate change.

 A senior executive in the department is co-chairing the United Nations’ two-year 

dialogue on long-term cooperative action on climate change. This year, talksincreasingly focused on an effective global response after the Kyoto Protocol

targets expire in 2012.

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Closer to home, the department continued to play a leading role in project

development and implementation in the Asia–Pacific Partnership on Clean

Development and Climate and through a range of other bilateral and plurilateralpartnerships. The department also played a central role in developing and

implementing the Global Initiative on Forests and Climate to support and

encourage practical action to help save the world’s forests and reduce

deforestation, presently the second largest source of global greenhouse gas


In another key step in addressing climate change, the Council of Australian

Governments adopted a new National Climate Change Adaptation Framework and

the Australian Government committed $126 million to implement the framework

and to establish the Australian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation. The new centre will commission science to increase our knowledge about the impacts

of climate change and adaptation response options, and will work closely with

relevant bodies to develop and implement practical adaptation response strategies.

Biodiversity and heritage protection

 Australia is an ancient country with unique biodiversity and heritage, yet there

are many threats. The list of threatened species and of extinctions is a long one

over a short period. Arresting the decline in biodiversity requires the long-term

application of well targeted policies at a landscape scale.

In this context, the department continued to support the government’s efforts to

establish new marine protected areas in Commonwealth waters to protect vital

marine habitats and species. In June 2007 the South-east Commonwealth Marine

Reserve Network was proclaimed following a successful consultation process with

industry and other stakeholders. The network protects 226,000 square kilometres

of the marine environment in 13 separate reserves off Australia’s south-east coast.

This is a forerunner to developing networks covering the five major marine regions

around the continent. This will involve putting in place bioregional plans for entire

geographic marine regions, taking into account the biodiversity, economic, socialand heritage values of the region. The plans will ensure that a region’s ecological

assets are protected without compromising the viability of sustainable marine


The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 has gained

 wide acceptance and achieved real results in protecting the environment during

its seven years of operation. Nevertheless, the government and the department

recognised that the legislation could be improved. Amendments to the Act, which

 were passed by parliament in December 2006, were aimed at strengthening

environment and heritage protection, while streamlining administration andcutting red tape. Action can now be taken on emerging environmental issues on a

regional basis, rather than case by case.

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The department’s objective is to protect and foster an understanding of our 

nation’s heritage, as that tells us about ‘the Australian story’. This requires

balanced assessments that build public confidence in the integrity of whatare often difficult judgements that the government has to make. Sometimes

this involves weighing the interests of nationally important industries against

environment and heritage objectives. Striking the right balance was integral to

the government’s decision to include Western Australia’s Dampier Archipelago

in the National Heritage List on 3 July 2007. After three years of assessment

and consultation with industry, it is very pleasing that the renowned rock art

of the archipelago, including the Burrup Peninsula, is now protected for future


The inscription of the Sydney Opera House on the UNESCO World Heritage List in June 2007 recognised the Opera House’s outstanding and visionary architecture.

It now stands alongside such universally treasured places as the Taj Mahal, the

ancient pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China.

Two of the Australian Government’s flagship environmental initiatives—the

National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality and phase 2 of the Natural

Heritage Trust—have already helped to protect over eight million hectares of 

 wetlands, have treated over 600,000 hectares of land to reduce salinity and erosion,

and have involved some 800,000 volunteers in on-ground conservation work.

These programmes have laid strong foundations for an additional $2 billion phaseof the Natural Heritage Trust (phase 3), continuing this programme for a further 

five years from July 2008.

Through programmes such as these—increasingly undertaken at a landscape

scale—the department is pursuing national environmental and heritage objectives

in a sustainable development context.

State o the Environment report

The department recognises the importance of getting the best, most up-to-date

information to support decision-making and policy development. The State of the Environment report, a five-yearly statutory obligation under the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, is a major source of 

independent information on the state of the Australian environment.

The third national State of the Environment report was published in

December 2006. The report identified many improvements made over the last

five to 10 years. For example, air quality is better than 10 years ago, land clearing

has decreased in many parts of the country, and there is greater protection for the

marine environment and Commonwealth-owned heritage assets. However, the

report also shows there is still work to be done to stop the decline in biodiversity,respond to the impacts of increasing populations on the coastline, adapt to climate

change and manage water resources more effectively.

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The State of the Environment report also highlighted the need for better quality 

baseline information to assess changes to the environment over time to equip us

to measure progress identify priorities for action; make better investment choices;and implement sustainable solutions. The department is taking steps to improve

 Australia’s environmental information base. We are supporting research to compile

environmental baseline data and develop cost-effective and robust environmental

monitoring methods. For example, the department signed contracts this year with

seven multi-institutional research hubs under the Commonwealth Environment

Research Facilities programme. The hubs will significantly improve the information

base in such areas as taxonomy, and terrestrial and marine biodiversity.

Antarctic research and logistics

The department continues to advance Australia’s Antarctic interests including

by supporting and undertaking research to understand the role of Antarctica in

the global climate system, protecting the Antarctic environment and maintaining

 Australia’s influence within the Antarctic Treaty System. As part of this work,

the Australian Antarctic Division is playing a key role in International Polar Year 

activities, being held over 24 months from March 2007 to March 2009. Australia

is leading eight major international scientific projects, co-leading three, and

participating in 46 other projects.

The new Wilkins Runway near Casey station in Antarctica will greatly improve

access for scientists to conduct research on the continent. The runway was

completed during the Antarctic summer, sometimes in freezing temperatures of 

around minus 40°C. Regular flights will begin next summer following a successful

trial flight in February 2007. The flight between Hobart and Antarctica will take just

under five hours, compared with more than a week by ship.

Workorce planning

The department moves into 2007–08 with a challenging agenda, with extraresponsibilities and major new programmes.

To deliver on the new responsibilities as well as our ongoing work, we will need

to ensure we have capable staff and the right tools and systems in place to deliver 

on the government’s objectives. We are increasing our emphasis on workforce

planning to ensure we build an appropriate skills mix to meet our needs now 

and in the future. In the coming year, we are aiming to recruit 70 high calibre

graduates, compared with 32 in 2006–07.

Developing capable leaders is a high priority for the department. A new leadershipdevelopment strategy began in 2007 with a series of dialogues to discuss our 

expectations of leaders and leadership behaviour.

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It is important to have regular health checks to see how we are doing as an

organisation, so this year we conducted the second broad-based staff survey.

The results showed the department is in pretty good shape, and has madeconsiderable improvements across the board compared to the last survey in 2004,

particularly in relation to our information technology systems. We will continue to

use staff comments and concerns from the survey to improve as an organisation.

The department places a high priority on good project management and this year 

 we developed a new project management framework with tools and templates

on the intranet to assist in all stages from planning through to implementation,

monitoring, evaluation and reporting. New project management software is being

trialled to support the project management framework.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the department’s staff for their hard

 work and professionalism over the past year. The department has an enthusiastic

and high quality workforce that is well placed to deliver the government’s

environmental, heritage, climate change and water resource management


David Borthwick 

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Progress toward outcome 1: protecting the environment

Climate change

nt played an important role in the Prime Minister’s task group on

emissions trading; the secretary of the department was a member of the groupand the department is leading development of a new national greenhouse and

energy reporting system, one of the key building blocks for emissions trading.

long-term cooperative action on climate change. A senior departmental officer is

co-chairing United Nations talks on global climate change action beyond 2012.

Global Initiative on Forests and Climate which aims to reduce deforestation and

encourage sustainable management of forests.

 Asia–Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate. Bilateral climatechange partnerships were also advanced with China and other partners.

 Australia’s emissions projections were tracking slightly above the 108 per cent Kyoto

target. The government is considering further measures to help meet the target.

$2.5 billion worth of investment from the corporate sector, were selected

to receive $410 million of government funding under the $500 million Low 

Emissions Technology Demonstration Fund.

participation of 220 local governments covering 82 per cent of Australia’spopulation in the Cities for Climate Protection™ Australia programme which

has just celebrated its 10th anniversary.

Land and inland waters

cquired 588,141 hectares, bringing

the total to 7,533,288 hectares. Three more Indigenous Protected Areas were

declared covering 4,501,870 hectares, and bringing the total area to over 

18.5 million hectares.

a success for bringing significant bioregions into the National Reserve System

and providing significant social benefits to Indigenous Australians.

Summary o main results

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e Australian Government approved 10 conservation covenanting

programmes for the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and

entered into 322 perpetual covenants with landholders protecting 92,707

hectares of private land.


17 properties with high conservation value. The properties are in four states

and cover 98,408 hectares.

Plan for Water Security.

projects. These projects will save around 10,369 megalitres of water each year 

and treat water from a catchment area of 1.5 million hectares.

Standards Scheme, bringing the number of registered products to 7,759 since

the scheme began in July 2005. The scheme enables consumers to choose themost water efficient appliances and reduces water wastage.

limestone karst on private land. The Tasmanian Forest Tourism initiative

invested $3 million to improve forest-based tourism including in the Tarkine

region. The Tasmanian Forest Conservation Fund commenced its first tender 

round and attracted 236 landowner expressions of interest.

Coasts and oceans

he South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network was proclaimed on28 June 2007. The network covers an area of over 226,000 square kilometres

of marine environment off the coast of Tasmania, Victoria, eastern South

 Australia and far south New South Wales, and makes a major contribution to the

protection of the marine environment in Australian waters.

28 May 2007 to protect the critically endangered grey nurse shark. The reserve

covers an area of 300 hectares located off the coast of northern New South

 Wales near Laurieton.

Daintree catchments in the Douglas Shire, Queensland, and the DerwentEstuary, Tasmania. The plans will improve water quality and protect it from

land-based pollution.

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Commonwealth- and state-managed fisheries under the Environment Protection

 and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, resulting in the fishing industry taking a

range of measures to improve their environmental sustainability.

$134.63 million had been approved

under the various elements of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park structural

adjustment package. These include 122 grants for fishing licence buy-outs and

810 grants to help affected businesses to restructure.


ra House was officially inscribed on the World

Heritage List. The Opera House has captured the imagination of people all over 

the world and is an instantly recognisable icon of Sydney and Australia.

 Western Australia, was included in the National Heritage List. Conservationagreements were negotiated with two companies to protect and conserve the

rock engravings and stone arrangements in or adjacent to their operations in

the archipelago.

places in the list to 59 at 30 June 2007, including five national parks and

15 World Heritage listed places.

Heritage List which contained 340 places at 30 June 2007.

Human settlements

 national environmental significance

have been protected under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 through the referral, assessment and approval process,

 with 276 of these matters protected in 2006–07.

dioxide, lead, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, in Australian cities have

declined as a result of collaborative efforts between governments and industry 

to tackle air pollution at its source.

substances, with total imports of only 163 tonnes of these substances, a decrease

of over 80 per cent since 1999, when imports peaked at over 800 tonnes.

Summary o main results

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chemicals, including a new national implementation plan to manage the

 world’s most dangerous persistent organic pollutants, a new voluntary 

international agreement to ensure the safe management of chemicals

 worldwide by 2020, new national principles for better management of 

chemicals in the environment and an action plan for implementing thenational principles.

 Alligator Rivers Region remains protected from the impacts of uranium mining.

 Fuel Quality

 Standards Act 2000 more than doubled compared to 2005–06.

the installation of more than 950 waste oil collection units, with more than

40 extra units funded in 2006–07.

Progress toward outcome 2: advancing Australia’s Antarctic interests

establishment of an intercontinental air link between Australia and

 Antarctica is progressing well, with flights scheduled to commence in the

2007–08 summer. A five-year lease for an Airbus A319 aircraft was signed and

the long range aircraft arrived in Australia on 20 February 2007. The blue-

ice runway foundation has been graded. Demonstration flights have been

conducted to test processes and procedures and confirm the suitability of the

runway’s navigation aids and support systems.

activities. The International Polar Year will be held over 24 months from

March 2007 to March 2009. Australia will lead eight scientific projects, co-lead

three, and participate in 46 other international projects.

2006 and is the first major national research centre focused on understanding,

protecting and conserving whales, dolphins, seals and dugongs in the

 Australian region. The centre is based in the Australian Antarctic Division and

has an extensive network of science partners throughout Australia.

393 publications including 154 peer-reviewed papers. A recent review of publications output from the world’s Antarctic programmes shows that

 Australia’s output ranks third, after the United States and the United Kingdom.

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Cross-cutting activities

$47.3 million were signed with seven multi-institutional

environmental research hubs or networks to conduct research and foster 

professional partnerships between Australian researchers, end users and policy 

makers. Research areas include environmental economics, taxonomy, marinebiodiversity, and land and water management.

parliament in December 2006.

Managing the department

 water reform agenda following the Prime Minister’s announcement of a

National Plan for Water Security. The department’s name was changed to reflect

the new responsibilities.

portfolio budget statements, and increased the number of outcomes from two

to three, and the number of outputs from seven to nine, to reflect its expanded

responsibilities for the Australian Government’s water reform agenda.

comprehensive Australian Workplace Agreements were developed for executive

level staff. Both came into effect in August 2006. New two-year Australian

 Workplace Agreements for senior executive service employees came into effect

in July 2007.

recorded an improvement in employee satisfaction since the last survey in


Summary o main results

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Roles and unctions o the department

The department addresses matters of national environmental significance, water 

resource management and Australia’s Antarctic interests by:

protection, conservation and use of the environment, water resources and


 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

resource and heritage programmes including the $10 billion National Plan for 

 Water Security, $3 billion Natural Heritage Trust, and $3.4 billion package of 

measures to respond to climate change

forums to protect and conserve the environment, improve the sustainable

management and efficient use of water resources, and implement an effective

response to climate change.


In its work the department looks for whole-of-government solutions that are

efficient, equitable and feasible based on:

dimensions of the issues being addressed, underpinned by high quality science

and information

resource and heritage policies and programmes to deliver outcomes consistent

 with the government’s economic and social objectives

effectively target problems

partners and the community.

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    E   n   v    i   r   o   n   m   e   n   t   a   n    d    W   a   t   e   r    R   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s   p   o   r   t       o    l    i   o

    T    h   e    H   o   n    M   a    l   c   o    l   m    T   u   r   n    b   u    l    l    M    P  –    M    i   n    i   s   t   e   r       o   r   t    h   e    E   n   v    i   r   o   n   m   e   n   t   a   n    d    W   a   t   e   r    R   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s

    T    h   e    H   o   n    J   o    h   n    C   o    b    b    M

    P  –    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    M    i   n    i   s   t   e   r

   D  e  p  a  r   t  m  e  n   t  o   f   t   h  e   E  n  v   i  r  o  n  m  e  n   t  a  n   d   W  a   t  e  r   R  e  s  o  u  r  c  e  s

    D   a   v    i    d    B   o   r   t    h   w    i   c    k  –    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

    H   o   w   a   r    d

    B   a   m   s   e   y

    D   e   p   u   t   y

    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   A  u  s   t  r  a   l   i  a  n   A  n   t  a  r  c   t   i  c

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o


    T   o   n   y    P   r

   e   s   s

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   I  n   d  u  s   t  r  y ,

   C  o  m  m  u  n   i   t   i  e  s

  a  n   d   E  n

  e  r  g  y   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n   1 

    B   a   r   r   y    S   t   e   r    l   a   n    d

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

    G   e   r   r   y    M

   o   r   v   e    l    l

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y    A    /   g

   I  n   t  e  r  n  a

   t   i  o  n  a   l ,   L  a  n   d  a  n   d

   A  n  a   l  y  s

   i  s   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n   1 

    I   a   n    C   a   r   r   u   t    h   e   r   s

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

    1    T    h   e   s   e    d

    i   v    i   s    i   o   n   s   m   a    k   e   u   p   t    h   e

    A   u   s   t   r   a    l    i   a

   n    G   r   e   e   n    h   o   u   s   e    O    f   c   e

    J   a   m   e   s    H   o   r   n   e

    D   e   p   u   t   y    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y    A    /   g

   W  a   t  e  r   A  s  s  e   t  s  a  n   d

   N  a   t  u  r  a   l   R  e  s  o  u  r  c  e  s

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    T   o   n   y    S    l   a   t   y   e   r

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   W  a   t  e  r   R  e  s  o  u  r  c  e  s

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    M   a    l   c   o    l   m    F   o   r    b   e   s

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

    A   n   t    h   e   a    T    i   n   n   e   y

    D   e   p   u   t   y    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   C  o  r  p  o  r  a   t  e   S   t  r  a   t  e  g   i  e  s

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    D   a   v    i    d    A   n    d   e   r   s   o   n

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   P  o   l   i  c  y   C  o  o  r   d   i  n  a   t   i  o  n

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    M   a   r    k    T   u   c    k   e   r

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   E  n  v   i  r  o  n  m  e  n   t   Q  u  a   l   i   t  y

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    M   a   r   y    H   a   r   w   o   o    d

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   H  e  r   i   t  a  g  e   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    P   e   t   e   r    B   u   r   n   e   t   t

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   S  u  p  e  r  v   i  s   i  n  g   S  c   i  e  n   t   i  s   t

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    A    l   a   n    H   u   g    h   e   s

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y    /

    S   u   p   e   r   v    i   s    i   n   g    S   c    i   e   n   t    i   s   t

    G   e   r   a   r    d    E   a   r    l   y

    D   e   p   u   t   y    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y    A    /   g

   M  a  r   i  n  e  a  n   d   B   i  o   d   i  v  e  r  s   i   t  y

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    D   o   n   n   a    P   e   t   r   a   c    h   e   n    k   o

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   N  a   t  u  r  a   l   R  e  s  o  u  r  c  e

   M  a  n  a  g  e  m  e  n   t

   P  r  o  g  r  a  m  m  e  s   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    K   e    l    l   y    P   e   a   r   c   e

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y    A    /   g

   P  a  r   k  s   A  u  s   t  r  a   l   i  a   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    P   e   t   e   r    C   o   c    h   r   a   n   e

    D    i   r   e   c   t   o   r   o        N   a   t    i   o   n   a    l    P   a   r    k   s

    B   r   u   c   e    L   e   a   v   e   r

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

   A  p  p  r  o  v  a   l  s  a  n   d   W   i   l   d   l   i   f  e

   D   i  v   i  s   i  o  n

    A    l   e   x    R   a   n    k    i   n

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y    A    /   g

   E  x  e  c  u   t   i  v  e   P  o   l   i  c  y   A   d  v   i  s  o  r

    D    i   a   n   a    W

   r    i   g    h   t

    F    i   r   s   t    A   s   s    i   s   t   a   n   t    S   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y

    P   o   r    t       o    l    i   o   a   g   e   n   c    i   e

   s   a   n    d

   a   u    t    h   o   r    i    t    i   e   s

   D   i  r  e  c   t  o  r  o   f   N  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   P  a  r   k  s

    P   e   t   e   r    C   o   c    h   r   a   n   e

    D    i   r   e   c   t   o   r   o        N   a   t    i   o   n   a    l    P   a   r    k   s

   G  r  e  a   t   B  a  r  r   i  e  r   R  e  e   f

   M  a  r   i  n  e   P  a  r   k   A  u   t   h  o  r   i   t  y

    T    h   e    H   o   n    V    i   r   g    i   n    i   a

    C    h   a    d   w    i   c    k

    C    h   a    i   r   m   a   n

   S  y   d  n  e  y   H  a  r   b  o  u  r

   F  e   d  e  r  a   t   i  o  n   T  r  u  s   t

    G   e   o        B   a    i    l   e   y

    E   x   e   c   u   t    i   v   e    D    i   r   e   c   t   o   r

   O   f   fi  c  e  o   f   t   h  e

   R  e  n  e  w  a   b   l  e   E  n  e  r  g  y

   R  e  g  u   l  a   t  o  r

    D   a   v    i    d    R   o   s   s    i   t   e   r

    R   e   n   e   w   a    b    l   e    E   n   e   r   g   y

    R   e   g   u    l   a   t   o   r

   N  a   t   i  o  n  a   l   W  a   t  e  r

   C  o  m  m   i  s  s   i  o  n

    K   e   n    M   a   t   t    h   e   w   s

    C    h    i   e        E   x   e   c   u   t    i   v   e    O    f

   c   e   r

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–0716

E x e c  u t  i   v e s  umm ar 


Outcomes and outputs

The department’s outcomes and outputs structure as set out in the 2006–07Portfolio Budget Statements is as follows:

Outcomes Outputs Sub-outputs

Outcome 1

 The environment, especially

those aspects that are matters

o national environmental

signifcance, is protected and


1.1: Response to climate


1.1.1 International engagement

1.1.2 Emissions management

1.1.3 Understanding climate change

1.2: Conservation o the land

and inland waters

1.2.1 Land and water strategies

1.2.2 Land and water investments

1.2.3 Terrestrial parks and reserves

1.2.4 Tropical wetlands research

1.3: Conservation o the

coasts and oceans

1.3.1 Coastal strategies

1.3.2 Coastal investments

1.3.3 Marine conservation

1.4: Conservation o natural, Indigenous and historic heritage

1.5: Response to the impacts

o human settlements

1.5.1 Environmental assessments

1.5.2 Pollution prevention strategies

1.5.3 Supervision o uranium mines

1.5.4 Wildlie protection

Outcome 2

Australia’s interests in

Antarctica are advanced

2.1: Antarctic policy

2.2: Antarctic science

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Changes since the 2006–07 Budget

The department changed its outcomes and outputs structure during the year after amendments to the Administrative Arrangements Order on 30 January 2007. The

department took responsibility for the Prime Minister’s National Plan for Water 

Security, and incorporated new functions for water management transferred from

the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Department of the

Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The department developed a new outcome (outcome 3) and two new outputs in

consultation with the minister and the Department of Finance and Administration

to encompass the new water functions. The new outcomes and outputs structure

 was published in the 2007–08 Portfolio Budget Statements and the department willreport against it in 2008.

Financial summary

In 2006–07 the department administered a total expense budget of $1.035 billion.

The department performed well against this budget with minor variances in the

departmental accounts due to the removal of obsolete assets, and variances in

the administered accounts due to moving the budgets of some programmes to


The department’s appropriations increased in the 2007–08 Budget to deliver the

 Australian Government’s ongoing environment programmes and new initiatives.

Budget 2006–07* Budget 2007–08**

Budget $ million Actual $ million Variation $ million Budget $ million

Departmental 415.268 421.101 (5.833) 570.217

Administered 619.301 594.280 25.021 965.746

Total 1,034.569 1,015.381 19.188 1,535.963

Outcome 1 906.303 886.311 19.992 1138.304

Outcome 2 128.266 129.070 (0.804) 130.689

Outcome 3*** 0.00 0.00 0.00 266.970

* Ater additional estimates

** Beore additional estimates

*** The new water resources outcome

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Outcome 1—Environment Climate change


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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–0720

 C l   i   m a t   e c h  an

  g e

 O u t   c  om e1 —E nvi   r  onm en t  

Climate change

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources, through its

 Australian Greenhouse Office, leads the development and implementation of the

government’s major climate change strategies. The Australian Greenhouse Office

comprises the Industry, Communities and Energy Division and the International,

Land and Analysis Division.

The department works closely with other departments, including the Department

of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Department of Industry, Tourism and

Resources, to progress this work.

Main responsibilities or this output

International, Land and Analysis


Industry, Communities and

Energy Division


International engagement

climate change

Emissions management

greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency 


Climate change science

the capacity of regions, industries and communities to adapt to climate change

emissions target

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    C    l    i   m   a   t   e   c    h   a   n   g   e

    O   u   t   c   o   m   e    1  —    E   n   v    i   r   o

   n   m   e   n   tResults 2006–07

d an important role in the Prime Minister’s task

group on emissions trading; the secretary of the department was a

member of the group and the department is leading development of a

new national greenhouse and energy reporting system, one of the key 

building blocks for emissions trading.

negotiations for long-term cooperative action on climate change.

 A senior departmental officer is co-chairing United Nations talks on

global climate change action beyond 2012.

new Global Initiative on Forests and Climate which aims to reduce

deforestation and encourage sustainable management of forests.

under the Asia–Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate.

Bilateral climate change partnerships also advanced with China and

other partners.

of Australian Government’s adoption of the National Climate Change

 Adaptation Framework. The department will implement the new 

 Australian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation.

cutting-edge research to improve understanding of climate change.

showed Australia’s emissions projections were tracking slightly above

the 108 per cent Kyoto target. The government is considering further 

measures to help meet the target.

that $2.5 billion worth of investment from the corporate sector, were

selected to receive $410 million of government funding under the

$500 million Low Emissions Technology Demonstration Fund.

Solar Cities under this $75 million programme.

extensions to rebates for solar panels in both urban and rural areas.

covering 82 per cent of Australia’s population are now participating

in the Cities for Climate Protection Australia programme which has

celebrated its 10th anniversary.

 were announced.

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 O u t   c  om e1 —E nvi   r  onm en t  

Australia’s climate change strategy

The Australian Government has a comprehensive strategy to respond to thechallenge of climate change in which it has already invested more than $3 billion.

The strategy’s major objectives are to:

change that is environmentally effective, economically efficient and includes all

major emitters

emissions technologies, such as renewable energy technologies and clean coal;

and investing in local and regional actions

its potential impacts, and assist industries and communities to adapt to the

unavoidable impacts.

In 2006–07 the Prime Minister announced emissions trading as a major new 

component of the government’s climate change strategy. Emissions trading will

complement and build on past and present measures to tackle climate change

including the 2004 energy white paper, the 2004–05 Climate Change Strategy, and

the Measures for a Better Environment and Safeguarding the Future packages.

Recent developments in the international arena increased the impetus to develop

a more effective long-term global agreement that extends beyond 2012 when theinitial Kyoto Protocol targets expire. The need to take more effective global action

is being driven by advances in scientific understanding and increasing public

interest in the issue. A senior departmental officer is co-chairing United Nations

talks on global climate change action beyond 2012.

Emissions trading

Emissions trading will be the primary mechanism for achieving Australia’s

long-term goals for greenhouse emissions reduction. Australia will adopt a

domestic emissions trading system by 2012. The system will have a strongeconomic foundation and will take into account global developments in

responding to climate change while preserving the international competitiveness

of Australia’s export industries that are emissions intensive. Through emissions

trading, the market will help Australia develop and implement cost effective

technologies for cutting greenhouse emissions.

The department played a key role in the development of the government’s

emissions trading strategy. The secretary, Mr David Borthwick, was a member of 

the Prime Minister’s Emissions Trading Task Group, which provided detailed advice

on the nature and design of a workable global system in which Australia would beable to participate. Departmental officers also provided technical advice to the task

group, including staff being seconded to the task group secretariat.

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   n   m   e   n   tInternational engagement on climate change

During 2006–07 Australia continued to pursue international action on climate

change by engaging with other countries through multilateral and bilateral forums.

The outcomes of these forums are discussed below.

United Nations climate change negotiations

 Australia is a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change, the primary multilateral forum for addressing climate change.

The convention lays the basis for global action to protect the climate system for 

present and future generations. The department played a major role as part of the Australian delegation to the twice-yearly meetings of the convention, and

throughout 2006–07 the department’s representatives co-chaired several key 


The head of the Australian Greenhouse Office, Mr Howard Bamsey, is currently 

co-chairing the convention’s two-year Dialogue on Long-term Cooperative Action

to Address Climate Change. This dialogue is addressing issues such as developing

technology to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to the unavoidable

impacts of climate change, and linking sustainable development and climate

change. These themes are also central to the work of the Asia–Pacific Partnershipon Clean Development and Climate, and the Group of Eight Plus (G8+) Dialogue

on climate change, clean energy and sustainable development. Australia is also

actively engaged in these forums.

In March 2007 Australia hosted a United Nations Framework Convention

on Climate Change workshop on reducing emissions from deforestation in

developing countries, and played a central role in driving progress on this

important issue.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an international panel of 

scientists and researchers that is acknowledged by governments around the world,

including the Australian Government, for its authoritative advice on climate change

science. It was established by the World Meteorological Organization and the

United Nations Environment Programme in 1988. The main function of the panel

is to prepare comprehensive assessments of scientific and technical information

related to climate change. Its assessments and reports are based on published and

peer-reviewed scientific and technical literature.

In the first half of 2007 the Intergovernmental Panel published the first three

 volumes of its Fourth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2007. These volumes

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deal with the physical science basis of climate change; impacts, adaptation and

 vulnerability to climate change; and mitigation of climate change. The final

 volume of the report, known as the Synthesis Report, consolidates key findingsfrom the other reports into an integrated form suitable for decision-makers from

government, business and industry. It will be released in November 2007.

The Fourth Assessment Report finds that warming of the climate system is

unequivocal, and confirms and strengthens the major conclusions detailed in the

Third Assessment Report, Climate Change 2001, on the impacts of climate change

for Australia and the world.

The department is the Australian Government’s contact point with the

Intergovernmental Panel and played a key role in facilitating the government’s

review of the draft volumes of the Fourth Assessment Report. The department

 was the lead Australian Government agency at the Intergovernmental Panel

meetings that approved the report, and negotiated the content of the summary 

for policy makers for each volume. The department is currently leading the

 Australian Government review of the draft Synthesis Report and the first draft of an

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Technical Paper on Climate Change

and Water, which will be released in April 2008.

Asia–Pacifc Partnership on Clean Development and ClimateIn 2005 Australia was a key player in the establishment of the Asia–Pacific

Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, a regional initiative with the

United States, China, Japan, India and the Republic of Korea. The purpose of the

partnership is to develop, deploy and transfer technologies to address climate

change (see website at The partnership accounts

for almost half of the world’s population, gross domestic product, energy use and

greenhouse gas emissions.

 At the inaugural ministerial meeting of the partnership in January 2006 the

Prime Minister announced an Australian Government commitment of $100 million

over five years to support practical projects; at least 25 per cent of the funding is

earmarked for renewable energy.

The partnership’s eight taskforces (on cleaner fossil energy, renewable energy and

distributed generation, power generation and transmission, aluminium, buildings

and appliances, cement, coal mining, and steel) have developed action plans which

 were released by the Prime Minister in November 2006. At the same time the Prime

Minister announced the first $60 million of Australian Government funding for 

42 of the initial cooperative projects. Since then, the government has announcedits support for an additional 21 projects, which fully commits project funding

under the $100 million initiative.

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   n   m   e   n   t Australia co-chairs the Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation Taskforce

 with the Republic of Korea. This taskforce has been particularly successful

in generating very strong industry engagement and support, including from Australia’s renewable energy industry.

The department also has a lead role in the Buildings and Appliances Taskforce and

the Australian Government has approved funding of $6.2 million for seven projects

under this taskforce.

Ministers from all partner countries will meet again in the latter half of 2007 to

review progress under the Asia–Pacific Partnership.

G8+ Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy and SustainableDevelopment

The aim of the G8+ dialogue is to address the strategic challenge of transforming

existing energy systems to create a more secure and sustainable future. Members

representing more than 20 major greenhouse gas emitting countries have agreed

to work together on clean energy technologies. Other commitments include

devising a new model for cooperation between developed and developing

countries, and sharing experiences on adapting to the impacts of climate change.

 Australia has participated in this important dialogue since its launch in 2005.

Global Initiative on Forests and Climate

On 29 March 2007 the Australian Government announced its $200 million Global

Initiative on Forests and Climate to support and encourage practical action

to help save the world’s forests and reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

Deforestation is responsible for about 20 per cent of global greenhouse gas

emissions. Reducing deforestation, planting new forests and encouraging

sustainable forest management practices can quickly reduce global emissions.

For example, halving the rate of deforestation would reduce annual globalgreenhouse gas emissions by around three billion tonnes.

The initiative will provide financial incentives to reduce deforestation, encourage

sustainable forest use and reforestation, support effective law enforcement,

build technical capacity, and develop and deploy the technology needed to help

developing countries monitor and produce robust assessments of their forest


The Minister for the Environment and Water Resources visited Indonesia and

the United States in April 2007 and both countries agreed to work with Australiaon this initiative. Officers from the department, AusAID and the Department of 

 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry held discussions in Papua New Guinea and

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Indonesia in May about potential projects. Follow-up discussions to develop

projects in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and other regional countries are

planned. Other countries including Brazil, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and New Zealand have welcomed the initiative. Australia hosted a major, high-level

meeting in Sydney in July 2007 that brought together countries and organisations

committed to reducing global deforestation.

Bilateral partnerships

 Australia continued to work with its bilateral climate change partners—China,

the United States, New Zealand, Japan, the European Union—and more recently 

 with South Africa. More than 60 cooperative projects responding to global climatechange are now under way through these partnerships. The partnerships also

provide a positive framework for high-level engagement on policy issues.

China: Further practical actions to address climate change were agreed under 

the Australia–China Climate Change Partnership. In October 2006 ministers from

the two countries agreed on a statement of intent establishing the priority areas

for future project activity, and on 11 new joint projects in the areas of renewable

energy, energy efficiency, coal mine methane, and climate change science.

The then Minister for the Environment and Heritage used this opportunity to lead

a major renewable energy and energy efficiency business mission to China with theinvolvement of over 36 Australian and more than 150 Chinese companies.

Early in 2007 the Australian Government announced the establishment of an

 Australia–China joint coordination group on clean coal technology which will

complement work being undertaken through the bilateral partnership and the

 Asia–Pacific Partnership.

United States: Five new bilateral climate change projects were agreed with the

United States in November 2006, bringing to 43 the total number of projects

agreed under the Australia–United States Climate Action Partnership. The projects

come under six themes: emissions measurement and accounting, climate change

science, stationary energy technology, engagement with business to create

economically efficient climate change solutions, forestry and agriculture, and

collaboration with developing countries to build their capacity to deal with climate


New Zealand: Australia continued to work closely with New Zealand under the

 Australia–New Zealand Climate Change Partnership to improve climate change

science and monitoring, and assist Pacific Island countries to address the regional

challenges posed by climate change. In March 2007 Australia and New Zealandco-hosted a United Nations workshop to discuss policy approaches to reducing

emissions from deforestation in developing countries. Australia and New Zealand

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   n   m   e   n   tcontinued their support for the Fiji Equipment Energy and Efficiency Programme

to help Fiji implement a national energy efficiency standards and labelling scheme.

 Japan: The Japan–Australia Practical Collaboration on Climate Change continued

to support useful exchanges of information and expertise between the two

countries, for example through the Asia–Pacific Seminar on Climate Change,

an annual network of climate change policy makers from the region, which is

primarily sponsored by Japan.

European Union: In 2005 the department signed a memorandum of 

understanding on end use energy efficiency programmes with the European

Commission’s Joint Research Centre. This agreement continues to promote energy 

efficiency in Australia and the European Union through technical exchangesincluding developing methodologies to assess the impact of energy efficiency 

policies on buildings, mapping the potential to reduce the power consumption

of electronic appliances when on standby, and benchmarking the performance of 

residential air conditioners.

South Africa: In May 2006 Australia announced a new bilateral climate change

partnership with South Africa. The partnership focuses on climate change

impacts and adaptation in the agriculture sector; climate change and biodiversity;

greenhouse gas emissions reporting and monitoring; and exchanging experiences

and lessons learned on climate change policies and measures, with particular emphasis on clean coal technologies and regulatory and institutional frameworks.

In August 2006 South Africa hosted a delegation of Australian government,

industry and research organisation representatives under the partnership.

Three new bilateral projects are now being developed and implemented.

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Greenhouse gas emissions management

The Australian Government has implemented a range of policies and programmes

to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. The programme’s aims are

to build partnerships with industry to improve energy efficiency, develop low 

emissions technologies, and invest in local and regional actions to reduce


Some policies and programmes are focused on ensuring that Australia is meeting

its commitment to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions to the levels

agreed during the 1997 Kyoto negotiations (108 per cent of the level of 

1990 emissions by 2008–2012). Others are designed to support the development

of new technologies that will be required to make much larger cuts in Australia’semissions in the longer term.

Renewable and low emissions energy

The $75 million Solar Cities programme is demonstrating the costs and benefits

of solar power, energy efficiency, cost-reflective pricing and smart metering

technologies on a large scale. Successful Solar Cities sites announced during

2006–07 were Adelaide, Townsville, Blacktown and Alice Springs.

The Australian Government’s $500 million Low Emissions Technology Demonstration Fund is operating from 2005–2020 to support the demonstration

of new low emission technologies with long-term greenhouse abatement potential.

The fund, which is managed jointly by the department and the Department of 

Industry, Tourism and Resources, will leverage more than $2.5 billion worth of 

investment from the corporate sector. Six projects were announced in 2006–07.

Three projects, totalling $1.5 billion including $225 million in government funding,

 will be undertaken in Victoria. The government will contribute:

$75 million for the construction of the world’s largest solar concentrator in the

Mildura region. This renewable energy power station will focus concentrated

sunlight onto high-efficiency photovoltaic cells to generate electricity 

$50 million for the Hazelwood 2030 project to retrofit brown coal drying

technology and incorporate a pilot carbon dioxide capture and underground

storage facility 

$100 million to build a 400 megawatt integrated drying gasification combined-

cycle power generation plant in the Latrobe Valley.

Two projects, totalling $643 million including $125 million in government funding,

 will be undertaken in Queensland. The government will contribute:

$75 million for a project to extract and burn methane from coal and inject and

store the carbon dioxide emissions underground

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   n   m   e   n   t $50 million for a world-first oxy-fuel demonstration project to retrofit the

Callide power plant. This $188 million project involves burning coal in an

oxygen-rich environment to produce electricity. The resulting carbon dioxideexhaust gases will be captured and stored underground.

 A third project in Western Australia is receiving $60 million in funding.

The project will demonstrate liquefying of carbon dioxide from liquefied

natural gas processing, piping it to the injection site, injecting it 2.5 kilometres

underground into a geological structure and monitoring the stored carbon

dioxide to ensure its safety.

The Low Emissions Technology and Abatement programme will reduce

greenhouse gas emissions over the longer term by supporting cost effective

abatement projects and the uptake of small scale, low emission technologies in

business, industry and local communities. The programme has three components

(geosequestration, strategic abatement and renewable energy), and is providing:

$9 million to the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas

Technologies for the Otway Basin geological storage pilot project. The project

is monitoring the movement of carbon dioxide that has been geologically 

stored. The first stage of the project is under way with a new injection well

drilled to a depth of 2,249 metres. The injection of carbon dioxide is expected

to take place in the second half of 2007.

$3.5 million for 15 renewable energy projects. This component is also funding

development of a national wind code for the location of wind farms. The code

 will provide consistency, certainty and transparency in public consultation and

approval processes.

$1.75 million in grants to local communities for 22 strategic abatement projects

following assessment of 170 expressions of interest for grants.

The Wind Energy Forecasting Capability initiative will help increase the

 value of wind energy in electricity markets by more accurately predicting wind

energy generation. An agreement was signed with the National Electricity Market

Management Company to implement software and systems. Under an international

tender process, a system provider was secured to implement the wind energy 

forecasting system. Research to support system development is ongoing.

The department participates in selecting projects for funding under the

Renewable Energy Development Initiative. The initiative is administered

by AusIndustry and supports innovative renewable energy technologies

through grants for research and development, proof of concept and early stage

commercialisation. The initiative provides $100 million to industry from

2004–2011. So far over $51.9 million has been approved for 24 projects.

The Advanced Electricity Storage Technologies programme is funding five

projects worth more than $17.6 million to develop and demonstrate advanced

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   n   m   e   n   tThe Australian Government committed to a mandatory renewable energy target of 

9,500 gigawatt hours by 2010 in the energy white paper Securing Australia’s Energy 

Future. In 2006 the government made a number of legislative and regulatory amendments to the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 to enhance market

transparency and improve business certainty, provide increased opportunities for 

solar and bioenergy technologies, and improve the operational effectiveness and

efficiency of the legislation. The amendments were passed by parliament in June

2006 and came into effect on 11 September 2006.

Action on energy eciency

The department continued to support implementation of the National

Framework for Energy Efficiency. The framework delivers national energy 

efficiency information and programmes. It focuses on increasing the energy 

efficiency of residential and commercial buildings, appliances and equipment, and

energy use in the industrial and commercial sectors. It also covers training and

accreditation and increasing consumer awareness.

The department chairs and supports two committees under the framework.

The Building Energy Efficiency Committee is responsible for mandatory disclosure

of building energy performance data and developing energy performance

standards for inclusion in the Building Code of Australia. In 2006–07 thecommittee completed a residential mandatory disclosure scoping study and issues

paper, and launched the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme website


The National Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Committee implements

the national Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Labelling programme.

In 2006–07 the committee finalised strategies to reduce to a maximum of one watt

the standby power used by appliances and to phase out incandescent light bulbs. It

also increased its focus on enforcement with suppliers being held accountable for 

misleading statements on energy efficiency where they cause a cost to consumers.

Building industry partnerships

Greenhouse Challenge Plus helps industry integrate greenhouse issues into

business decision-making, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate the

uptake of energy efficiency measures. Greenhouse Challenge Plus has

720 business members Australia-wide, covering key industry sectors including

agriculture, electricity supply, oil and gas, aluminium, cement, mining and

manufacturing. These industries account for almost 50 per cent of Australia’sindustrial greenhouse gas emissions. Although member companies participate

in the programme voluntarily, since July 2006 companies receiving more than

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$3 million per year of business fuel tax credits are required to join the programme

to continue receiving these credits.

Greenhouse Challenge Plus has built the capacity of Australian business to

understand and address climate change and to report their greenhouse gas

emission levels more consistently. While the number of members has fluctuated

over the life of the programme, the coverage of emissions has increased. In

2006–07 this increase accounted for coverage of an additional 26 million tonnes of 

carbon dioxide equivalent per annum, or approximately 4 per cent of Australia’s

emissions. The total coverage of the programme is now more than 40 per cent of 

 Australia’s total emissions.

Greenhouse Friendly™ is part of Greenhouse Challenge Plus. Its focus is to

develop a credible, rigorous and independently verified voluntary greenhouse

gas abatement offset and carbon neutral certification scheme. Increasing public

awareness about climate change and growing business interest in the voluntary 

offset market in Australia have resulted in a significant increase in interest in

Greenhouse Friendly™.

Greenhouse Friendly™ currently manages 17 carbon neutral certifications, with

a further 26 prospective carbon neutral certifications in the pipeline. In 2006–07,

Greenhouse Friendly™ abatement projects grew from 13 to 23 individually 

approved projects. The programme is currently servicing 29 prospectiveabatement providers seeking approval under the programme. Current total

abatement for the programme is now close to four million tonnes of carbon

dioxide equivalent, with nearly two million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent

approved in 2006–07.

This year Greenhouse Friendly™ approved a variety of new abatement projects

and certified a number of greenhouse neutral services, products and organisations

including Virgin Airlines, Channel 7’s Sunrise, Mystique Printers and Renewtek IT


Examples of Greenhouse Friendly™ approved abatement projects include:

offered financial inducement to landowners in Queensland for not clearing

remnant natural vegetation from land over which they have a valid tree-clearing

permit. Participating landowners vest carbon rights in The Carbon Pool Pty Ltd.

to reduce household electricity consumption and associated greenhouse gas

emissions by facilitating the replacement of incandescent lights with more

efficient compact fluorescent lights.

The Greenhouse Gas Abatement Programme provides funding for large-

scale projects that use low emissions technologies and practices including

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   n   m   e   n   tenergy efficiency, travel demand management, alternative fuels, coalmine

gas technologies and fuel conversion. Twelve projects are on track to deliver 

emissions reductions from 2008–2012. The most recent emissions projectionsshow that the programme will deliver a reduction of 4.74 million tonnes of 

greenhouse gas emissions in 2010.

The department is working with major transport fleet operators to assess the

environmental and economic case for using compressed natural gas, liquefied

natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas in heavy vehicle fleet operations under 

the Alternative Fuels Conversion Programme. This programme has shown

that alternative fuels make economic and environmental sense for some transport

tasks. The department will continue to work with transport operators, engine

manufacturers and fuel producers to explore practical options to improve theefficiency of transport fuel usage.

Greenhouse and energy reporting

The department continued to deliver on the Australian Government’s 2004

energy white paper commitment to streamline greenhouse and energy reporting

by business. Streamlined reporting will reduce the burden placed on businesses

participating in greenhouse and energy programmes, and improve the quality of 

the data reported.The department continued to work with the states and territories to develop

a nationally consistent and streamlined framework for greenhouse and energy 

reporting by business. In April 2007 the Council of Australian Governments agreed

to establish a national greenhouse gas emissions and energy reporting system, one

of the key building blocks for establishing an emissions trading scheme.

Local and regional action

The Australian Government helps local governments to reduce their greenhouse

gas emissions through the Local Greenhouse Action programme. The

programme includes Cities for Climate Protection™ Australia, which provides

assistance, information and incentives for local governments and communities to

understand and reduce the potential impacts of climate change.

In 2006–07 the department paid $400,000 in grants to support local council

activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Activities included education

initiatives for schools, businesses and the community; energy audits; energy 

efficient products; and community greenhouse neutral and renewable energy 

plans. Since the programme commenced in 1997 local councils have invested$144 million, including $79 million for corporate measures and $65 million for 

community measures, to reduce greenhouse emissions by about 8.8 million tonnes.

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 As of 30 June 2007 there were 220 local governments participating in the scheme,

representing more than 82 per cent of the Australian population. The latest results

for 2005–06 show that local councils reduced their greenhouse emissions by almost 2.9 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, a 43 per cent improvement

over 2004–05. The results for 2006–07 will be available in November 2007.

Results or Cities or Climate Protection™ Australia 2001–02 to 2006–07

Year Emissions reduction (million tonnes

carbon dioxide equivalent)

Number o participating councils

2001–02 Not available 170

2002–03 0.767 189

2003–04 1.0 203

2004–05 1.5 216

2005–06 2.9 218

2006–07 Available November 2007 220

Greenhouse Action to Enhance Sustainability in Regional Australia is a

$25 million programme funded to 2009. The programme works with partners to

trial new and improved agricultural and land management techniques, supportforest sink activities, and integrate greenhouse gas management with regional

resource management. Partnerships with rural research and development

corporations are increasing investment and ensuring practical outcomes that can

be adopted by industry.

In 2006–07 more than $7 million was invested in new projects, adding to the

$44 million previously invested by government and industry. The projects explored

 ways to reduce methane emissions from livestock, studied emissions from

agricultural soils, and supported workshops for forest growers. The workshops

showed forest growers how to achieve carbon sequestration from forest sinkprojects, and trained them to use the National Carbon Accounting Toolbox.

In April 2007 the Council of Australian Governments agreed to develop emissions

intensity benchmarking for agriculture. Industry views are contributing to

development of a framework for continuous improvement in both emissions

management and productivity.

The government announced a new measure in the 2007 Budget providing tax 

deductions for investors who want to establish forests dedicated to removing

carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This initiative is designed to stimulateinvestment in this emerging type of greenhouse emissions abatement.

 Work underpinning the initiative was carried out by the department and Treasury.

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   n   m   e   n   tNew householder and business initiatives

Phase-out o inecient light bulbs

The Australian Government, working with the states and territories, will gradually 

phase out all inefficient incandescent light bulbs and is aiming for full enforcement

of new lighting standards and legislation by 2009–2010.

The transition to more efficient lights, such as compact fluorescent light bulbs,

 which use just 20 to 25 per cent of the power of a comparable incandescent bulb

and last four to 10 times longer, should reduce Australia’s annual greenhouse

gas emissions by four million tonnes from 2012. The reduction in emissions will

increase as the phase-out progresses and the annual average reduction between

2008 and 2012 is estimated at around 800,000 tonnes. Household lighting costscould also be reduced by up to 66 per cent.

Small Business and Household Climate Change Action

The Australian Government will help households and small businesses become

more energy efficient through the Small Business and Household Climate Change

 Action programme announced in March 2007. Under the programme, Australians

 will be provided with information about climate change, how to become more

energy efficient, and how to calculate their greenhouse gas emissions. Households

 will also be given the opportunity to become ‘carbon neutral’ through theGreenhouse Friendly™ initiative.

Greenhouse riendly rerigerants

The Australian Government is investing up to $2 million under the Greenhouse

Gas Abatement programme to increase the uptake of greenhouse friendly 

refrigerants. The minister launched a pilot programme in February 2007 through

 which the Natural Refrigerants Transition Board Ltd is trialling natural refrigerant

technologies in five supermarkets across Australia. The project has the potential

to be rolled out to an estimated 150 supermarkets across Australia and to cutgreenhouse gas emissions by more than 380,000 tonnes between 2008 and 2012.

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The Hawkesbury Forest Experiment

The department is providing $1.2 million to help fund the Hawkesbury 

Forest Experiment being conducted at the Richmond campus of the

University of Western Sydney. The experiment is using whole tree chambers

to obtain information on how increased levels of atmospheric carbon

dioxide will affect the growth of eucalyptus trees and the amount of water 

they use. This project will provide new information about the impacts of 

climate change on rates of carbon sequestration.

The sealed chambers create a mini ecosystem. Some of the chambers have

carbon dioxide at the current level in the atmosphere, and others have

double that amount. The carbon dioxide levels and temperature can be

changed. Some of the trees will be well watered and others will be subjected

to drought conditions. The experiment will show how trees cope under 

different conditions.

This information will help scientists make predictions about how Australia’s

eucalypt forests and woodlands will respond to rising carbon dioxide levels

over the next 50 years and what effect this will have on water availability 

in catchments. For example, rising carbon dioxide may increase forest

productivity by accelerating the growth of the canopies and stems of trees.

Denser canopies may reduce the amount of rainfall reaching the soil, and

this in turn may reduce water flow into streams, rivers and groundwater 

storage, resulting in less water available for industry and people.

The information will also help scientists work out the carbon storage

potential of forests and woodlands. For example, increased stem

productivity may lead to greater carbon storage in forests, thereby 

decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, an importantfactor for determining carbon credits.

Tree chambers cover growing eucalyptus saplings. Photo: Sally Tsoutas, University of Western Sydney

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   n   m   e   n   tUnderstanding climate change

The Australian Government’s response to climate change depends on having highquality scientific knowledge about the contributing influences and mechanisms.

The government’s response also depends on the capacity to accurately measure

greenhouse gas emissions at a national and sectoral level, and the ability to identify 

and respond to emerging issues.

Australian Climate Change Science Programme

The Australian Climate Change Science Programme is supporting research into

the nature, causes, timing and implications of climate change for Australia. The

programme helps to maintain Australia’s world-class climate modelling capacity,

and is one of the main reasons Australia is recognised internationally for the quality 

of its climate change science.

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the

Bureau of Meteorology and a number of Australian universities are collaborating

to develop the Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator with

support from the Australian Climate Change Science Programme. This simulator 

is a major step forward in climate modelling that will allow Australia to keep pace

 with emerging world’s best practice as the scope, sophistication and power of 

climate modelling continues to grow.

National Climate Change Adaptation Programme

Some degree of climate change is inevitable due to the level of greenhouse gases

already in the atmosphere. The National Climate Change Adaptation Programme is

helping Australians manage the consequences of climate change.

In April 2007 the Prime Minister announced an intention to commit up to

$26 million to establish and manage the Australian Centre for Climate Change

 Adaptation, and $100 million programme funding for the centre over five years.The new centre will commission scientific work to develop practical responses to

climate change. The work will assist planning bodies, farmers, businesses and local

governments to understand the impacts of climate change and develop responses.

The centre will work closely with the states and relevant bodies to ensure the

National Climate Change Adaptation Framework, endorsed by the Council of 

 Australian Governments in April 2007, is adopted. The department played a

leadership role in developing the framework.

Other work under the programme in 2006–07 included:

$2 million partnership between the department and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to develop a climate change action plan for the reef,

 which will be completed in 2007

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National Carbon Accounting System

 Australia’s ability to account for greenhouse gas emissions from the nation’sland systems is provided through the world-leading National Carbon Accounting

System, which uses computer-based land systems modelling and observations to

provide a national map of emissions at a sub-hectare scale.

This year many of the fundamental datasets, such as climate and remotely 

sensed vegetation cover change, were updated to current time. Research and

development activities, largely jointly conducted with state and territory agencies,

the CSIRO, universities and private sector interests, also helped to improve the

system and expand its capability.

The National Carbon Accounting Toolbox released in March 2005 enableslandholders to examine the history of their properties through a time-series

archive of remotely sensed images, and to model the greenhouse gas implications

of agricultural and forestry activities. The toolbox is being widely adopted, and

training and support has become a major activity. Widespread use of the toolbox is

producing more consistent, robust data to underpin policy and market decisions.

Australia’s 2006 greenhouse gas emissions projections (1990–2020)











1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

with emissions reduction measures business as usual Kyoto Protocol target

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   n   m   e   n   tResults or perormance indicators

Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

International engagement—inuencing international climate change policy

Extent o inuence in key international,

regional and bilateral climate change

processes on issues or which the

department has lead responsibility

Played a key role in developing 8 industry–government task orce

action plans under the Asia–Pacic Partnership on Clean Development

and Climate

Announced 63 projects including developing renewable energy

technologies, clean ossil uels, and increased energy efciency worth

$100 million

Hosted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

workshop on reducing emissions rom deorestation in developing

countries and provided 13 submissions to inuence broader

international climate change policy

Oversaw the review o the drat volumes o the Fourth Assessment

Report, Climate Change 2007

Was the lead Australian Government agency at the Intergovernmental

Panel on Climate Change and was instrumental in negotiating the

Summary or Policy Makers or each volume. Currently leading the

Australian Government review o the drat Synthesis Report and the

rst drat o an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change technical

paper on climate change and water

Implemented the Global Initiative on Forests and Climate announced

in March 2007 with $200 million project unding

Played a key role in several other international orums on post-2012

action on climate change and continued to develop and deliver both

bilateral and plurilateral climate change partnerships

Number o initiatives delivered

through key international, regional and

bilateral processes

Delivered almost 50 new initiatives, including 27 under the Asia–

Pacic Partnership on Clean Development and Climate;

17 new cooperative climate change projects under Australia’s bilateral

partnerships with the United States, China, Japan, the European

Union, New Zealand and South Arica; and the new Global Initiative on

Forests and Climate

Eectiveness in reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Percentage o total emissions inAustralia by sector (i) stationary energy

(ii) transport (iii) ugitive emissions (iv)

industrial processes (v) agriculture (vi)

land use change and orestry and (vii)


2005 (latest available gures, published May 2007): (i) stationaryenergy 49.9% (ii) transport 14.4% (iii) ugitive emissions 5.6% (iv)

industrial processes 5.3% (v) agriculture 15.7% (vi) land use change

and orestry 6% (vii) waste 3%

Actual and projected greenhouse

emissions in Australia (megatonnes o 

carbon dioxide equivalents) rom 1990

base compared with business as usual

Australia’s net greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors totalled

559.1 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent in 2005 under the

accounting provisions applying to Australia’s 108% emissions target.

 This is a 2.2% increase over 1990 levels

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions are currently projected to reach

109% o 1990 levels or 603 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalents

over the period 2008–2012

In the absence o greenhouse measures, emissions would have

reached 125% o 1990 levels by 2010

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Emissions management

Eectiveness o support or

greenhouse response within sectors

Emissions management measures continued to receive a high level

o support rom sectors. Greenhouse Challenge Plus has 720 business

members Australia-wide representing electricity supply, oil and gas,

aluminium, cement, mining and manuacturing sectors. The coverage

o emissions reported accounts or approximately 26 million tonnes

o carbon dioxide equivalent per year, or around 4% o Australia’s

emissions. The key industry sectors covered by the programme

account or almost 50% o Australia’s industrial emissions

 The most recent projections show the Greenhouse Gas Abatement

Programme will deliver a reduction o 4.74 million tonnes o carbon

dioxide equivalent by 2010

Greenhouse Friendly TM achieved nearly 2 million tonnes o carbon

dioxide equivalent abatement

Cities or Climate Protection TM Australia’s membership has grown

to 220 local councils, representing more than 82% o Australia’s


Reported abatement activity including

emissions reductions and energy


Reported in Tracking to the Kyoto Target 2006, released on

20 December 2006

 The combined eect o greenhouse gas abatement measures is

expected to cut annual emissions by 87 million tonnes o carbon

dioxide equivalent by 2010

Extent o engagement o key


 There is a high level o engagement with all major sectors and key

stakeholders in greenhouse gas emissions management strategies.

(Reer to examples provided or ‘eectiveness o support or

greenhouse response within sectors’)

Extent o support or long-term low

emission technology uptake

Six signicant long-term low emissions technology projects,

announced in 2006–07, are being supported under the $500 million

Low Emissions Technology Demonstration Fund with corporate

investment o more than $2.5 billion. State and territory governments

will be providing $130 million to support these projects

Estimated cost (government unds) o 

greenhouse abatement ($ per tonne)

Based on 2006 projections o abatement rom 2008–2012, and actual

and projected Australian Government unding or programmes,

the cost o abatement to the Australian Government in this periodaverages $5.60 per tonne

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Emissions management (continued)

Reporting systems are appropriately


 The National Greenhouse Gas Inventory was reviewed independently

or the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

and, in addition to complying with requirements, was recognised or

its completeness, high quality inventory and emissions estimation


Under Greenhouse Challenge Plus, 720 business members report

annually and publicly about their progress towards reducing

greenhouse gas emissions. While the number o members has

uctuated over the lie o the programme, the coverage o emissions

increased by approximately 4% o Australia’s emissions in 2006–07

 The International Council or Local Environmental Initiatives reportsannually to the department on the progress o the Cities or Climate

Protection Australia programme, including greenhouse gas abatement

achieved by local governments and communities

Reporting systems or the Renewable Remote Power Generation

programme were established under partnership agreements between

the Australian Government and participating states and territories

Risks to programme delivery identied

and managed

Comprehensive risk management plans are in place or each


Investment dollars (or contributory

unding) leveraged by projects and

programmes rom other parties

Under the Low Emissions Technology Demonstration Fund alone,

the Australian Government’s investment o $410 million is leveraging

corporate investment o $2.5 billion

Understanding climate change

Investment dollars (or in-kind

contribution) leveraged rom other parties

or climate change science priorities

Over $7.3 million leveraged rom other parties in 2006–07

Extent to which climate change policy

is integrated in national policies and

programmes and inter-jurisdictional


 The Council o Australian Governments (COAG) implemented the Plan

or Collaborative Action on Climate Change to coordinate national

climate change policy

In April 2007 COAG agreed to develop and implement a national

mandatory greenhouse and energy reporting scheme to commence

in 2008

 The Australian Centre or Climate Change Adaptation will work closely

with the states and relevant bodies to implement the National Climate

Change Adaptation Framework. COAG endorsed the ramework in

April 2007

 The Australian Climate Change Science Programme supports

collaboration with CSIRO, the Bureau o Meteorology and Australian

universities in developing the Australian Community Climate and

Earth System Simulator

Climate change is included in the Environment Protection and

Heritage Council’s Strategic Plan 2006–2008

 The Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council is responding

to climate change through 11 priority projects

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Understanding climate change (continued)

 Trends in community responses to key

policy issues

Developmental research was undertaken during the year. Results have

yet to be nalised

Climate change publications that meet

targeted stakeholder needs

 The department prepared more than 30 publications (reports,

guidelines etc) to meet the needs o industry, government and

non-government stakeholders and the public, and received a strong

positive response rom stakeholders

Newsletters, act sheets and similar material were published, providing

up-to-date inormation about climate change activities to stakeholder


Comprehensiveness and timeliness o monitoring and public reporting on

the implementation o programmes

Milestones in programme development and implementation wereannounced publicly and in a timely ashion

Development o consistent

measurement o abatement across


An ongoing programme o continuous improvement is in place to

project greenhouse gas emissions, measure abatement across sectors

and programmes, and estimate overall abatement

Number o reports and submissions

made in accordance with national and

international commitments and level

o user interest

 The National Greenhouse Account reports, methodology papers and

related products were published. There were 23 publications in total

Updated projections in the sub-sectors o stationary energy, industrial

processes, transport, ugitive emissions, waste, agriculture and

land use change were published. An update o Australia’s projected

emissions, Tracking to the Kyoto Target 2006, showed Australia is closeto meeting its Kyoto target

Output 1.1—Response to climate change

Policy advisor role: The minister

is satised with the timeliness and

accuracy o bries and drat ministerial

correspondence provided by the


Minister was satised with timeliness and quality o bries. The

department has experienced challenges in responding to the

unprecedented volume o correspondence now being received, but

procedural adjustments and new systems have improved timeliness

Provider role 1: Percentage o 

payments that are consistent with

the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Price See resources table below

1 Applies only to the administration o grants programmes unded entirely rom departmental unding or this output. Any

grants programmes within this output that are wholly or partially unded through administered appropriations are separately


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   n   m   e   n   tResources

Elements o pricing Budget prices


Actual expenses


Departmental outputs

Sub-output 1.1.1: International engagement

Sub-output 1.1.2: Emissions management

Sub-output 1.1.3: Understanding climate change







Total Output 1.1 62,005 62,810

Administered items

Inuencing international climate change policy

Solar Cities

Advanced Electricity Storage Technologies

Action on Energy Efciency

Local Greenhouse Action

Low Emissions Technology and Abatement

Greenhouse Gas Abatement Programme

Alternative Fuels Conversion Programme

Renewable Energy Commercialisation Programme

Renewable Energy Equity Fund

Photovoltaic Rebate Programme

Renewable Remote Power Generation Programme

Greenhouse Action to Enhance Sustainability in Regional Australia

Climate Change Science Programme





























Total (Administered) 69,102 68,704

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Outcome 1—Environment Land and inland waters


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Land and inland waters

The department develops and implements Australian Government initiatives to

protect and conserve Australia’s terrestrial environments, biodiversity and inland

 waters. During the year, the department also became the lead department for 

 water resource issues across the Australian Government.

Main responsibilities or this output

abatement plans



Marine and Biodiversity 



 Water Resources Division

 Water Assets and Natural

Resources Division

Salinity and Water Quality 

Natural Resource

Management Programmes



Parks Australia Division


Supervising Scientist


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Land strategies

their biodiversity, is ecologically sustainable and that impacts on terrestrial

biodiversity and ecosystem services, including habitat loss, invasive species and

climate change, are addressed

and ecosystem services

of market incentives

Water strategies

to achieve the more sustainable management of water resources, and to

increase the efficiency with which water resources are used

international significance

Land and water investments

Terrestrial parks and reserves

and representative system of protected areas

understanding of biodiversity 

Tropical wetlands research


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Results 2006–07

bringing the total to over 7,533,288 hectares. Three more Indigenous

Protected Areas were declared covering 4,501,870 hectares, and bringing

the total area to over 18.5 million hectares.

hailed it a success for bringing significant bioregions into the National

Reserve System and providing significant social benefits to Indigenous


programmes for the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 

and entered into 322 perpetual covenants with landholders protecting

92,707 hectares of private land.

acquired 17 properties with high conservation value. The properties are

in four states and cover 98,408 hectares.

National Plan for Water Security.

treatment projects. These projects will save around 8,000 megalitresof water each year and treat water from a catchment area of 

1,505,254 hectares. Community groups are contributing 2,981,285

 volunteer hours and $16,951,981 in leveraged funding.

Standards Scheme, bringing the number of registered products to 7,759

since the scheme began in July 2005. The scheme enables consumers to

choose the most water efficient appliances and reduces water wastage.

forest and limestone karst on private land. The Tasmanian Forest

Tourism initiative invested $3 million to improve forest-based tourism

including in the Tarkine region. The Tasmanian Forest Conservation

Fund commenced its first tender round and attracted 236 landowner 

expressions of interest.

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Land strategies

The department works with other Australian Government agencies, state andterritory governments, representative and research bodies, and internationally 

to implement a range of strategies to ensure the long-term protection and

ecologically sustainable management of Australia’s terrestrial environments.

National Biodiversity Strategy

The 1996 National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia’s Biological Diversity 

(National Biodiversity Strategy)1 provides the framework for Australia’s biodiversity 

policies. The strategy covered the 10 years to 2005 and fulfils Australia’s obligation

as a party to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to have a

national biodiversity strategy in place.

In 2006–07 the department initiated a review of National Biodiversity Strategy and

policies following the 8th conference of the parties to the convention, which was

held in Brazil in March 2006. The review will draw on biodiversity conservation

 work undertaken by all levels of government during the last five years.

The department is providing the secretariat to the review. In 2006–07 consultations

occurred with Indigenous stakeholders and with peak industry and environment

groups. The review is ongoing and its outcomes are expected to be considered by the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council in November 2008.

International biodiversity activities

The department is responsible for Australia’s implementation of the United

Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, to which Australia is a party.

The department reviewed and revised Australia’s Clearing House Mechanism for 

the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. Australia’s Clearing House

Mechanism gives the public and parties to the convention easy access to a range

of technical and scientific information on Australia’s activities and capabilitiesin biodiversity conservation. The mechanism supports technical and scientific

exchange between convention parties.

The Clearing House Mechanism is available at 


The department is also responsible for Australia’s response to the United Nations

Convention to Combat Desertification, which provides a framework for Australia’s

technical assistance to developing countries combating the environmental, social

and economic consequences of land degradation and desertification. As part of 

1 The National Biodiversity Strategy addresses terrestrial, aquatic and marine biodiversity.

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 Australia’s support for the 2006 International Year of Deserts and Desertification,

the department produced a series of publications, created a new website on

desert knowledge and sponsored the 2006 Desert Knowledge symposium entitledGlobal Desert Opportunities. The symposium, which was held in Alice Springs,

drew participants from around the world to explore innovative approaches to

sustainable livelihoods and resources management in desert environments.

Pests, weeds and diseases

Pests, weeds and diseases threaten Australia’s terrestrial environments and their 

biodiversity, and the department is working in a number of ways to reduce these


Threat abatement plans

Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,

the department develops and supports the implementation of threat abatement

plans. These plans set out the actions needed to reduce the impacts of listed key 

threatening processes, such as pests and diseases, on affected native species or 

ecological communities. Threat abatement plans are reviewed every five years.

To date there are nine threat abatement plans operating for the terrestrial key 

threatening processes listed under the Act. Five of these plans are currently under 

revision following a review. A threat abatement plan is also being developed

to protect Australian native species from predation by exotic rodents on small

offshore islands.

Status o terrestrial threat abatement plans at 30 June 2007

Title Approved Comment

Competition and land degradation by eral goats 1999 Under revision

Competition and land degradation by eral rabbits 1999 Under revision

Predation by the European red ox 1999 Under revision

Predation by eral cats 1999 Under revision

Dieback caused by the root-rot ungus Phytophthora cinnamomi  2001 Under revision

Beak and eather disease aecting endangered psittacine species 2005 Current

Predation, habitat degradation, competition and disease transmission by

eral pigs

2005 Current

Inection o amphibians with chytrid ungus resulting in chytridiomycosis 2006 Current

Reduction in impacts o tramp ants on biodiversity in Australia and its territories 2006 Current

Predation o Australian native species by exotic rodents on small oshore


Under development

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The department collaborates with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and

Forestry and other stakeholders including the states and territories, and private

landholders to develop and implement threat abatement plans and projects.

Invasive species threat abatement activities

In 2006–07 the department invested $2.8 million from the Natural Heritage Trust

to reduce threats from terrestrial invasive species to native species and ecological

communities. Projects focused on research and development of new control

measures for invasive species (e.g. Phytophthora species and feral cats); identifying

the impacts of invasive species (e.g. the effects of translocated native fish and

ornamental fish in the wild); and researching wildlife diseases (e.g. emerging

amphibian diseases associated with chytridiomycosis).

The department continued to work with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Forestry to enhance Australia’s biosecurity system for primary production

and the environment. Progress was made in drafting an intergovernmental

agreement to give effect to this work. The Natural Resources and Primary 

Industries ministerial councils agreed to share the costs of responding to nationally 

significant incursions of invasive species.

The department helped draft the Australian Pest Animal Strategy. The Natural

Resources and Primary Industries ministerial councils endorsed the strategy in April 2007. The strategy will be a key component of the Australian biosecurity 

system by preventing the introduction of feral animals and controlling established


Weed management

The department jointly manages the Defeating the Weed Menace Programme

 with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. The programme

identifies Australia’s most threatening weeds and implements measures for their 


In 2006–07, $4.6 million was invested in research and development projects,

 with an extra $3.8 million allocated for targeted on-ground weed control, to be

completed by June 2008.

Specific national projects funded to meet national weed policy objectives include:

The department is responsible for implementing the Community and Industry 

Engagement Plan, the major communications component of the programme.

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$1,650,000 for the Daintree Conservation Initiative to acquire two high

conservation value properties, employ a community conservation officer,

implement a weed management strategy and feral pig control programmein partnership with Douglas Shire Council in Queensland, and undertake a

national media campaign to promote rainforest conservation

$203,500 for the Cassowary Conservation Project to acquire property 

containing essential cassowary habitat, operate a cassowary hospital at Garner’s

Beach, and undertake various threat abatement activities. The project also

contributed to cassowary DNA research undertaken by CSIRO.

The Australian Government has now approved the investment of $12.7 million in

2007–08, including $5.2 million to acquire 736,674 hectares of private land, and

up to $7.5 million for targeted stewardship investments in Queensland, Western Australia, the Northern Territory, New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia.

Conservation covenants

Eligible landholders can access Natural Heritage Trust funding or Australian

Government taxation incentives in return for entering into formal conservation

agreements such as covenants.

Landowners entering into conservation covenants, either individually or with

eligible organisations under a conservation covenanting programme, can claim

income tax concessions subject to their incurring a loss of more than $5,000 in themarket value of their properties as a result of entering into the covenant.

There are currently 10 conservation covenanting programmes approved by the

 Australian Government for the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 .

In 2006–07 these covenanting programmes entered into 322 perpetual covenants

 with landholders protecting 92,707 hectares of private land.

Revolving unds

Revolving funds are another conservation mechanism to establish conservation

covenants. The funds are used to purchase land with high conservation valueand to attach a conservation covenant to the title of the land to provide for 

conservation management in perpetuity. The properties are then resold to buyers

 who have indicated their interest in maintaining biodiversity values. The proceeds

from the sale of properties are used to buy more properties and to sell them with a

conservation covenant in place.

The Australian Government has provided funding under the Bush for Wildlife

initiative to five not-for-profit organisations to operate revolving funds. These are

the Trust for Nature in Victoria, the National Trust of Australia in Western Australia,

the Nature Foundation South Australia, the Queensland Trust for Nature and theNature Conservation Trust of New South Wales. In 2006–07 the revolving funds

acquired 17 properties with a total area of 98,408 hectares.

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Environmental Stewardship Programme

In the 2007 Budget the Australian Government announced funding for the

establishment of a new Environmental Stewardship Programme. This programme

 will commence in 2007–08 with a budget of $50 million in its first four years.

The programme will provide market-based incentives for private land managers

to engage in the long-term protection and rehabilitation of matters of national

environmental significance as listed under the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

These matters include nationally endangered or vulnerable species and ecological

communities, natural values associated with world heritage and national heritage

listed places, and migratory species and wetlands for which Australia has

international responsibilities.

Land managers will be selected by market-based mechanisms for participation in the

programme, and will be invited to enter into contracts of up to 15 years duration.

Native vegetation management

The National Framework for the Management and Monitoring of Australia’s

Native Vegetation is an agreement made in 2001 between federal, state and

territory governments for a coordinated national approach to native vegetation

management. Under the agreement, governments agreed to reverse the long-termdecline in the extent and quality of Australia’s native vegetation.

In 2005 the federal, state and territory governments began reviewing and revising

the national framework. The revised framework will identify national policy 

priorities and directions for the management of native vegetation. The department

provides the secretariat to the review.

In 2006–07 consultations were held with jurisdictions on the revised framework,

and development continued of best practice mechanisms for management, data

collection, monitoring and evaluation. A revised framework is expected to be

completed in 2008.

Native vegetation inormation

The department continued work to improve the National Vegetation Information

System, comprising maps of Australia’s major vegetation types. The system

provides information to assist land managers, scientists and other decision-

makers involved in native vegetation management. The work is shared with the

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

In 2006–07 the department published Australia’s Native Vegetation: A Summary 

of Australia’s Major Vegetation Groups. The report includes vegetation maps andgraphs detailing the impacts on native vegetation since European settlement in

 Australia. The maps and graphs substantially improve the quality of information

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available to natural resource managers, researchers and educators on the

distribution of native vegetation communities.

The report is available on the department’s website at

Native vegetation assessment

The department continued to work with stakeholders to develop nationally agreed

indicators for monitoring and evaluating native vegetation. Work completed includes

baseline and change information on vegetation cover for the National Vegetation

Information System, interim national indicators for native vegetation condition,

and pilot studies to test the indicators in the Northern Territory and New South

 Wales. Work is continuing through the Executive Steering Committee for Australian Vegetation Information to finalise these indicators for reporting purposes.

Rangelands conservation

The Australian Collaborative Rangelands Information System (ACRIS) is a national

reporting system that brings together information about natural resources and

biodiversity in rangelands and how rangelands are changing over time. The

department chairs the ACRIS Management Committee, through which governments

and researchers are working together to improve the reporting system.

The committee continued to work with the National Land and Water Resources

 Audit on a report about changes in rangelands. The report will cover a number of 

themes with indicators for biodiversity, landscape and ecosystem change; climate

 variability; and sustainable management. The information will help property and

natural resource managers and regional decision-makers to make management

decisions based on the best understanding of changes in environmental condition.

The report is expected to be published in late 2007.

In 2006–07 the department released a new series of best practice reports for 

land managers and industry about how to manage biodiversity in rangelands.

Issues covered include total grazing pressure, fire management, financial andenvironmental impacts of pastoral management decisions, and industry specific

guidelines for sustainability, biodiversity monitoring, and water and weed


Copies of the reports can be obtained from the department. All reports can be

downloaded from the departmental website at

Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement

The Australian and Tasmanian governments are investing $250 million over 

six years (2004–2010) through the Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement to

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enhance the protection of Tasmania’s forest environment and to promote growth

in the Tasmanian forest industry. In 2007 Tasmania released its revised permanent

forest estate policy under which native forest clearing and conversion to other landuses will cease on public land by 2010 and on private land by 2015. These phase-

outs may be achieved earlier through voluntary action, as announced in June 2007

by Forestry Tasmania and by Gunns Limited. Under the agreement, Tasmania

has also developed new statutory measures to prevent the clearing of rare and

threatened non-forest vegetation communities.

In 2006–07 the department began implementing the environmental aspects of 

the Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement including the Forest Conservation

Fund, Mole Creek Karst Forest Programme, Tasmanian Forest Tourism Initiative,

Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Programme, and River Catchment Water Quality Initiative.

Forest Conservation Fund

The Forest Conservation Fund aims to protect up to 45,600 hectares of forested

private land in reserves. The fund will target up to 25,000 hectares of old growth

forest and forest communities that are under-represented in reserves.

The first round seeking voluntary agreements with landowners to protect forest

on private land closed on 7 May 2007. The department received 236 requests from

landowners for site assessments. Applications are currently being assessed.The Forest Conservation Fund includes $3.6 million to reserve up to 2,400 hectares

of forest in the Mole Creek area—an area of spectacular ‘karst’ or limestone cave

country. The department received registrations of interest from 30 landholders

 who want to conserve karst landscapes on their property. Negotiations with

interested landowners are currently taking place.

Tasmanian Forest Tourism Initiative

The Australian Government is providing funds to support the development of 

environmentally sensitive tourism and recreation in Tasmania’s forests, including$1 million for the Tarkine Bushwalk Programme and $2 million for the Tasmanian

Forest Tourism Development Programme to improve visitor facilities in the new 

reserves created under the Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement. The two

programmes are administered as the Tasmanian Forest Tourism Initiative.

In 2006–07 the department conducted a funding round seeking suitable proposals

for environmentally sensitive tourism infrastructure in Tasmania. Twenty-three

proposals were received. Successful proposals will be announced in 2007–08.

Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Programme

The Australian Government is providing $2 million over two years (2005–2007) to

accelerate research into a cure for the Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease.

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The impact of the facial tumour disease prompted the Tasmanian devil’s listing

in July 2006 as a vulnerable species under the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. First detected in Tasmania in the mid-1990s,the disease is a fatal cancer that has killed some 50 per cent of Tasmania’s wild

population of devils. The disease has been confirmed at 60 different locations

across 59 per cent of the Tasmanian mainland.

Tasmanian devil acial tumour disease

The Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Disease Programme has made

significant progress in determining the disease’s cause and mode of 

transmission as well as establishing insurance populations on mainland Australia, with 47 devils placed in four breeding facilities. Disease

suppression trials are under way on the Forestier Peninsula in Tasmania

and genetic investigations, immune response and transmission trials are

seeking further insights into what makes the devils susceptible to this

cancer. Toxicological investigations are also under way to assess the level

of chemicals within the devils’ tissue. Mapping and monitoring of disease

 within populations are improving understanding of the disease’s progress

across Tasmania.

The Devil Disease Project Team recently captured 31 wild Tasmaniandevils from the west coast in preparation for establishing a population on

an offshore island, subject to Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 consideration. The Australian Government

committed a further $1 million to continue efforts in 2007–08 to protect

the species in the wild and to work towards finding a cure.

River Catchment Water Quality Initiative

The River Catchment Water Quality Initiative is a joint funding agreement betweenthe Australian and Tasmanian governments. The initiative will provide $1 million

over two years (2006–2008) to audit and monitor the impact of forestry and

agricultural chemicals on water quality in Tasmania’s river catchments. The water 

quality information will enable land managers to make informed decisions about

how, when and where particular chemicals can be safely used in Tasmania.

The initiative includes four projects: modification of the Commonwealth

Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s Pesticide Impact Rating Index 

risk assessment tool, a pesticide usage survey, analysis of historic water quality 

monitoring data, and pesticide behaviour research trials. The first version of the Pesticide Impact Rating Index modified for Tasmanian conditions has been

completed. Refinement of the index is continuing.

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Water strategies

The department is leading the Australian Government’s national policies and

programmes to achieve the more sustainable management of Australia’s water 

resources. This follows the government’s administrative order of 30 January 2007

creating the Department of the Environment and Water Resources. The new 

department consolidated the water resource management functions across

the government from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Department of the

Environment and Heritage.

National Plan or Water Security

In January 2007 the Prime Minister announced a National Plan for Water Security 

to ensure rural water use is placed on a sustainable footing over the next decade.

The plan is a $10 billion package designed to improve water management across

the nation with a special focus on the Murray–Darling Basin, where the bulk of 

 Australian agricultural water use and production takes place.

The department supported the government in key meetings with the states and

territories that set the framework for negotiations to implement the plan. This

included summit meetings involving the Prime Minister, the premiers of New 

South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia and the Chief Minister of 

the Australian Capital Territory on 8 February 2007 and 23 February 2007, and a

series of subsequent meetings at minister and officials level, and with stakeholder 


Drawing on outcomes from these meetings, the department developed draft

legislation to give effect to key features of the plan.

Contingency planning or the southern Murray–Darling Basin

In response to the continuing widespread drought affecting most of southern

 Australia, the Prime Minister convened a summit of relevant state premiers on7 November 2006 to consider immediate actions to address water supplies in the

southern Murray–Darling Basin. The summit initiated contingency planning to

secure urban and town water supplies.

Since that time an intergovernmental senior officials group, chaired by the

department, provided progress reports to ministers in April and June 2007.

 A number of recommendations were made to ensure critical water supplies in

the southern part of the basin. These included temporary changes to state water 

sharing arrangements under the Murray–Darling Basin Agreement and water 

saving measures, such as the temporary disconnection of artificially inundated wetlands and changing river operations. These measures, implemented through

the Murray–Darling Basin Commission, secured critical water supplies for 2007–08.

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National Water Initiative

In June 2004 the Council of Australian Governments agreed the National Water Initiative, Australia’s blueprint to reform water management across the country.

The initiative sets out actions to be implemented over the next 10 years and

includes commitments to:

having important conservation value to ensure the systems are protected and

 water levels are maintained

outcomes will be given at least the same degree of security as water allocated to

other users

encouraging recycling and innovation in water supply sourcing, treatment,

storage and discharge.

The department chairs and provides the secretariat for the intergovernmental

officials committees, which oversee the implementation of the National Water 

Initiative. These committees report to the Natural Resource Management

Ministerial Council. Activities progressed during 2006–07 include water trading,

 water metering and accounting, and water information.

Under the National Plan for Water Security, these reforms will be accelerated

by new funding to be administered by the department. In addition, legislationdeveloped by the department will provide the basis for a range of new institutional

and regulatory controls to further support water reforms.

National Water Quality Management Strategy

This year the department led work on the National Water Initiative’s key urban

 water reforms, including the National Water Quality Management Strategy. This

strategy sets out national guidelines on various aspects of urban water use.

In November 2006 the Environment Protection and Heritage Council and the

Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council jointly released the NationalGuidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks. The

guidelines are an authoritative reference for the supply, use and regulation of 

recycled water and grey water schemes for non-drinking uses. The guidelines will

help project planners to better match water quality to intended uses in the safest

and most cost effective manner, and are expected to encourage increased water 

recycling over the longer term.

In July 2007 the Environment Protection and Heritage Council released a draft of 

the second phase of the National Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health

and Environmental Risks—‘Recycled Water for Drinking’. These guidelines are

subject to endorsement by the National Health and Medical Research Council. Additional guidelines on stormwater recycling and aquifer recharge are due to be

released at the end of 2007.

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The department worked through the Natural Resource Management Ministerial

Council to release the National Guidelines for Residential Customers’ Water 

 Accounts, which are voluntary guidelines for water providers on how to informcustomers, as part of their water bills, on their water use relative to equivalent



The department worked closely with the National Water Commission and other 

 Australian Government agencies to implement the National Water Initiative

groundwater actions, including work on groundwater measurement and surface

and groundwater connectivity. In 2006–07 the minister wrote to his state and

territory counterparts proposing the development of national standards on

groundwater mapping and assessment to better ensure a comprehensive picture

of Australia’s groundwater resources. So far, there have been positive, in-principle

responses to the minister’s proposal from Western Australia, South Australia,

Queensland and Tasmania. A paper has been prepared in the interim outlining

proposed work plans to progress the proposal.

Murray–Darling Basin Commission

The Murray–Darling Basin covers one-seventh of the Australian continent and

generates about 40 per cent of the national income derived from agriculture andgrazing. The department worked through the Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial

Council and the Murray–Darling Basin Commission to promote the sustainable

management of the basin’s natural resources, healthy river systems, viable rural

communities and profitable, competitive and sustainable industries.

The department contributed $10.9 million to the operation and works of the

Murray–Darling Basin Commission to boost capital works in the basin. This was in

addition to $500 million provided by the Australian Government in June 2006 that

has allowed the commission to:

2005–2010 business plan, including items previously deferred because of 

budget shortfalls

Measures Programme to optimise environmental outcomes from recovered water 

The Living Murray Initiative

 Water storage and regulation in the Murray–Darling Basin have affected thenatural flow cycles of its rivers and groundwater. The Australian Government

has committed $200 million over five years (2004–2009) to The Living Murray 

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Initiative ‘first step’ agreement which aims to recover up to an annual average

of 500 gigalitres of water by June 2009 for six icon sites in the Murray–Darling

Basin: Barmah–Millewa Forest, Gunbower–Koondrook Pericoota Forests, HattahLakes, Chowilla Floodplain (including Lindsay–Wallpolla), the Murray Mouth

Coorong and Lower Lakes, and the River Murray Channel. Five of these sites

include Ramsar-listed wetlands. The department chairs the Murray–Darling Basin

Committee responsible for advising on environmental watering priorities across

these sites.

The department also made progress on The Living Murray water recovery 

measures including:

$12.678 million to the Goulburn–Murray Water Recovery Packageas part of the Australian Government’s $37.2 million investment in the package.

The package will recover 145 gigalitres of water 

$5.57 million for the purchase of water under the South Australian

project Securing Government Held Water for Environmental Use. The project

 will recover 13 gigalitres of water 

$10.286 million for the purchase of water under the

Murray–Darling Basin Commission’s pilot market purchase project.

The project will aim to purchase up to 20 gigalitres of water through

brokers from willing sellers at market prices

production for The Living Murray icon sites, and assessing a package of 

preferred tenders that will potentially recover 450 megalitres of water for an

investment of up to $765,000.

Joint Government Enterprise—Water or Rivers

The Joint Government Enterprise (trading as Water for Rivers) is a public company 

established by the Australian, Victorian and New South Wales governments

to recover water through efficiency savings for environmental releases in the

River Murray and the Snowy River. The company was incorporated in 2003 in

accordance with the 2002 Snowy Waters Inquiry Outcomes Implementation Deed,

and comprises a board of independent directors. The Australian Government’s

interests in the enterprise are administered by the department.

In 2006–07, 14.2 gigalitres of water were recovered for environmental flows in

the River Murray and 37.2 gigalitres were recovered for environmental flows in

the Snowy River. Since the enterprise was established in 2003, the volume of 

 water transferred to the environmental entitlement is 64.7 gigalitres. The water recovered for the River Murray will be used consistent with the objectives of The

Living Murray Initiative.

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Great Artesian Basin

The Great Artesian Basin is one of the largest artesian groundwater basins in the world. It underlies approximately one-fifth of Australia and extends beneath arid

and semi-arid regions of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the

Northern Territory. Traditionally, artesian water from the basin that came to the

surface under natural pressure was allowed to flow uncontrolled into open drains

and creeks for distribution to stock. These uncontrolled flows are wasteful—up

to 95 per cent of water can be lost through evaporation and seepage—and they 

threaten the health of important groundwater-dependent ecosystems. The wasted

 water is causing land and water salinisation, spread of pest plants and animals, and

reduced pressure in some naturally occurring artesian springs.

The Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative aims to repair uncontrolled

artesian bores and replace open earthen bore drains in the Great Artesian Basin

 with piped water reticulation systems. The initiative is being delivered through

state agencies. The department makes its contributions, on behalf of the Australian

Government, jointly with other key stakeholders, state governments and pastoral

bore owners.

The Australian Government provided $10.2 million to relevant states under 

phase 2 of the initiative to cap and pipe uncontrolled bores to aid pressure

recovery. Some of these rehabilitation works fell behind schedule in 2006–07because of problems in obtaining drillers and materials due to the mining boom

and international demand, and a reduction in landholders’ financial capacity due

to the drought.

The department participates in the Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee,

an advisory committee providing advice on the sustainable management of the

basin as a whole. In 2006–07 the committee focused on developing a companion

document to the Great Artesian Basin Strategic Management Plan to set out areas

for particular focus for the next five years.

 A mid-term review of phase 2 of the Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative

commenced in June 2007. The review’s terms of reference include analysing the

extent to which stakeholder awareness and support for the sustainable use of 

the basin, promoted under phase 2, have translated to improved management

practices. To inform the review the department commissioned the Bureau of Rural

Sciences to undertake a pilot project to assess whether landscape condition had

improved as a result of capping and piping.

Under the National Plan for Water Security, phase 3 of the initiative was

announced, requiring the establishment of proper entitlements, pricing regimes, water use metering and reporting for all Great Artesian Basin bores. Phase 3 will be

administered by the department.

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Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement

In 2006–07 the department supported a review of the agreement, which isassessing the results of the agreement’s first five years. The recommendations

from the review will be considered by the Lake Eyre Basin Ministerial Forum later 

in 2007.

The department also supported the Lake Eyre Basin Rivers Assessment Project

 which will be completed by the end of 2007. The project is examining the

condition of the Lake Eyre catchment and potential impacts of future water 

development activities.

Water Resources Assessment and Research Grants

The Water Resources Assessment and Research Grants programme provides

grants for research into the sustainable use and management of water resources,

particularly for sustainable irrigation. The department measures the performance

of this programme by the number of publications produced, and by the usefulness

of the research in policy advice and development.

The department sponsored the Australian Water Association Ozwater 2007

conference which attracted over 400 abstracts and over 1,200 participants. The

department presented papers at the conference on the processes and benefits of 

recycling water. The department also funded an Australian Bureau of Agriculture

and Resource Economics report entitled Water Scarcity in Australia—An Economic

 Assessment of Commercialisation Options. This report will be used to inform

 water reform policy decision-making.

 With support from this grants programme, the Bureau of Rural Sciences developed

promotional material for the Connected Water website and toolbox, which aim to

progress a coordinated approach to managing surface and groundwater resources

in Australia. The toolbox was promoted at the Rivercare Facilitators workshop,

Getting to Know Groundwater training course, and the Groundwater for Decision

Makers workshop, reaching approximately 120 facilitators, catchment managers and representatives of water authorities.

The department is providing support to the Northern Australia Irrigation Futures

Project to investigate the potential for expanding irrigation in northern Australia.

The project will gather information about northern Australia’s river catchments

and existing irrigation. The information will be made available to decision-makers

to ensure that any new irrigation development is sustainable and managed in the

context of the entire catchment. The role and expected outputs of the project

 were discussed at the 2006 Australian National Committee on Irrigation and

Drainage conference, attended by more than 300 participants. The project wasalso presented to the Riversymposium attended by approximately 1,000 water and

environmental experts.

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Water eciency labelling

On 18 February 2005 the parliament passed the Water Efficiency Labelling and  Standards Act 2005, which establishes the national Water Efficiency Labelling and

Standards (WELS) Scheme. The scheme came into operation on 1 July 2005 on a

 voluntary basis and became compulsory on 1 July 2006.

The scheme encourages industry to produce water efficient appliances in order to

conserve national water supplies particularly in urban areas. The scheme requires

six products (WELS products) to be rated and labelled for their water efficiency.

These are showers, tap equipment, dishwashers, washing machines, lavatory 

equipment and urinal equipment. Registration of flow controllers is optional.

 All new WELS products manufactured in Australia or imported must now be

registered and labelled before they can be sold. Consumers will be able to save

 water by selecting appliances based on their water efficiency rating.

The department administers the Act and manages all aspects of the scheme

including product registrations, monitoring and compliance. In 2006–07,

4161 products were registered, bringing the total number registered to 7,759

since the scheme began in July 2005.

In March 2005, Environment Protection and Heritage Council ministers signed

an agreement with state and territory governments outlining their roles and

responsibilities for the implementation of WELS. Since then, each state and

territory government has submitted legislation to its parliament to form part of the

scheme, in order to ensure that the scheme applies consistently within Australia.

This process was completed in April 2007 when legislation was passed by Western

 Australia and the Northern Territory.

More information on the operation of the Water Efficiency Labelling and 

 Standards Act 2005 is in the second volume of this set of annual reports.

Wetlands o national and international importance

The department promotes the conservation, repair and wise use of wetlandsacross Australia and internationally. The department is responsible for 

implementation of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance

especially as Waterfowl Habitat (the Ramsar Convention) and for coordinating

 Australia’s whole-of-government responses in collaboration with state

governments, Ramsar site managers and other relevant stakeholders. The Ramsar 

Convention’s broad aims are to halt the worldwide loss of wetlands and to

conserve, through wise use and management, those that remain. The department

also administers the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 

1999 provisions for Ramsar-listed wetlands.

 Australia has 64 wetlands of international importance listed under the Ramsar 

Convention covering more than 7.3 million hectares. All Ramsar sites in

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Commonwealth areas are required to have management plans. To date, 55 of the

64 listed Australian Ramsar wetlands have management plans or draft plans.

The department continued to provide advice and assistance to implement the

Ramsar Convention, and initiated two major projects to help Australia meet its

responsibilities under the convention and the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. One project was a snapshot review of the

current status and management of Ramsar-listed wetlands, to help identify longer 

term management priorities. The other project was the development of the

 Australian National Guidelines for Ramsar Wetlands–Implementing the Ramsar 

Convention in Australia. These guidelines will provide a framework for Ramsar 

implementation in Australia, including the processes for Ramsar site listings,

describing their ecological character and management planning.

The first module of these national guidelines, Mapping Specifications for Australian

Ramsar Wetlands, was completed in October 2006. The module provides guidance

on how to adequately map and describe the boundaries of Ramsar wetlands. This

 will help implement responsibilities under the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The second module, the National Framework and Guidance for Describing the

Ecological Character of Australia’s Ramsar Wetlands, is due for completion at the

end of 2007. The module will provide a national standard method for describing

the ecological character of Ramsar wetlands, and the baseline condition of 

 wetlands at the time of listing, to enable assessment of change and determine

monitoring needs.

International activities

The department supported and participated in multilateral and bilateral forums

related to water including:

United States.

The department worked with the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources on a

 water entitlement and trading project under the China–Australia memorandum

of understanding on water management. In 2006–07 the project established a

framework for managing water entitlements in China.

The department also engaged with the Ramsar Convention and its secretariat.

 Australia was represented at the convention’s standing committee meetingin Geneva in February 2007, and participated in processes for selecting the

convention’s new secretary-general.

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Land and water investments

The department invests in conserving Australia’s land and inland water resourcesthrough the Natural Heritage Trust and the Community Water Grants Programme.

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources receives the annual

appropriation for the Natural Heritage Trust. The department has a cross-portfolio

arrangement with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry for 

the administration of the Natural Heritage Trust and the National Action Plan

for Salinity and Water Quality. The arrangement enables both departments

to deliver the Natural Heritage Trust through a joint Australian Government

Natural Resource Management Team. A board made up of the Minister for the

Environment and Water Resources and the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and

Forestry administers the Natural Heritage Trust. The two departments also jointly 

administer the Community Water Grants Programme.

Administration o the Natural Heritage Trust

The $3 billion Natural Heritage Trust was established by the Australian Government in

1997 to invest in activities that help to restore and conserve Australia’s environment and

natural resources. Activities are undertaken at regional, national, and local scales.

 Actions at the regional scale are the largest component of Natural Heritage Trust

investment. Communities in 56 regions across Australia develop regional plans and

investment strategies that identify priorities for funding under both the Natural

Heritage Trust and the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality. Federal,

state and territory governments are working together to fund these plans. As

at 30 June 2007 Australian Government ministers had accredited 55 integrated

natural resource management regional plans, approved a regional strategic

directions plan, and had agreed to investment strategies for the 56 regions

covering the entire continent as the basis for government investment.

 Actions at the national scale are the second largest component of Natural Heritage

Trust investment. This component supports projects that will have a national

outcome, as opposed to a regional or local outcome, including projects carried out

by industry and non-government organisations, and state and territory governments.

 Actions at the local scale are the third component of Natural Heritage Trust

investment. Community groups can address local environmental problems

through grants of up to $50,000 under the Australian Government Envirofund.

Since Envirofund was launched in 2002 it has funded nearly 7,000 local projects at

a cost of more than $110 million.

In 2006–07 the Department of the Environment and Water Resources provided

$7.3 million to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry under 

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a purchaser-provider arrangement to fund administration costs incurred in

implementing the Natural Heritage Trust.

Detailed results of Natural Heritage Trust investment are provided in the annual

reports of the Natural Heritage Trust and the annual regional programme reports

available at

Bushcare, Landcare, Rivercare and Coastcare

Natural Heritage Trust investments are also categorised according to

environmental outcome with four main themes:

degradation and promoting sustainable agriculture.

restoring habitat for native flora and fauna.

 water quality and environmental flows in river systems and wetlands.

coastal catchments, ecosystems and the marine environment.

Funding for these programmes in 2006–07 was: Bushcare ( $123 million;

39 per cent), Landcare ( $82 million; 26 per cent), Rivercare ( $48 million;

16 per cent) and Coastcare ( $53 million; 19 per cent).

More information on Coastcare is in the chapter on coasts and oceans.

Reviews o the Natural Heritage Trust

Two evaluations of the Natural Heritage Trust were completed in 2006–07.

They addressed the effectiveness of regional investment in protecting coastal

and marine environments and the impact of the national facilitator network on

regional outcomes. This brings the number of independent evaluations of the

Natural Heritage Trust to 10. The evaluations all supported the continuation of the national, regional and local level delivery of the Natural Heritage Trust. In

particular, the regional component jointly delivered with the National Action

Plan for Salinity and Water Quality was found to have promoted a strategic and

integrated approach to natural resource management across Australia.

The recommendations from these evaluations are informing the Australian

Government’s development of the next phase of the Natural Heritage Trust, which

commences on 1 July 2008. Current arrangements under the National Action

Plan for Salinity and Water Quality and the Natural Heritage Trust will lapse in

 June 2008.

In the next phase, the Natural Heritage Trust will be combined with the National

 Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality under one programme.

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New ramework or natural resource management programmes

In late 2006 the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council endorsed for public release a Framework for Future Natural Resource Management Programmes

as the basis for the further development of programme arrangements by the

 Australian Government and the states and territories. The Australian Government

and state and territory governments are negotiating bilateral agreements to govern

the new Natural Heritage Trust programme.

In 2007 the Australian Government announced a total of almost $2 billion

funding over five years from 2008–09 to replace the current funding

arrangements for the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality and the

Natural Heritage Trust.The objectives of the Natural Heritage Trust—biodiversity conservation,

sustainable use of natural resources, community capacity building and institutional

change—were retained in the new framework.

Support or the National Action Plan or Salinity and Water Quality

The Australian Government has committed $700 million over eight years

(2000–2008) to implement the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality,

building on related work under the Natural Heritage Trust.

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is responsible for 

administering the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality. The

Department of the Environment and Water Resources provides administrative

support to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry under a purchaser-

provider arrangement associated with a joint Australian Government Natural

Resource Management Team, which also manages the Natural Heritage Trust.

In 2006–07 the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry provided

$0.87 million to the Department of the Environment and Water Resources.

Through the joint team the two departments are helping people in 56 regions

across Australia to develop integrated natural resource management plans for both

the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality and the Natural Heritage

Trust. The plans include priorities for controlling salinity and protecting water 

quality. Under the National Action Plan 36 natural resource management regions

have been identified for investment.

Detailed results of National Action Plan investment are in the annual report of the

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry at

Projects that have been funded by the Natural Heritage Trust and the National

 Action Plan are listed at

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Community Water Grants

Community Water Grants are part of the Australian Government’s $2 billion Australian Government Water Fund. Community Water Grants fund practical,

on-ground projects to save water. Along with Envirofund, they form part of the

department’s work to help the community address local environmental issues.

Community groups, schools, local governments, catchment management

authorities, environmental groups and non-government organisations as well as

individuals and businesses are eligible for grants of up to $50,000 each. Larger 

grants between $100,000 and $250,000 are available subject to strict eligibility 

criteria including a contribution of matching cash funding. To be successful,

applicants must be able to demonstrate very high public benefit.

In 2006–07, a total of $73.3 million was paid for 1,759 projects. This comprised

272 round one projects totalling $9.6 million and 1,487 round two projects

totalling $63.7 million.

 As a result of round two projects, communities across Australia will save a total

of 10,369 megalitres of water each year and improve the health of water from

a combined catchment area of 1.5 million hectares. Volunteers will contribute

565,000 hours to ensure the success of their projects. Communities have raised

$57.7 million in cash and in-kind contributions for their projects.

The department is at the forefront of automated programme management with

Community Water Grants. Applications are assessed and ranked in a database

against the programme’s merit criteria, which include level of community 

engagement, value for money and amount of water saved. Any projects with a

potential risk to human health or the environment are independently reviewed by 

experts. Advances in electronic processing have allowed round two to be assessed

in three months compared to five months taken to assess round one.

For more information on Community Water Grants see

Miscellaneous programmesScouts 100 Year Anniversary Rainwater Tank Grant

On 4 May 2007 the Prime Minister announced that the government was to provide

$17.7 million to Scouts Australia to install rainwater tanks at scout facilities.

The grant commemorates 100 years of scouting world wide. Australia, one of the

first countries to adopt scouting, will mark its centenary in 2008.

The funding will assist the Scouts across Australia to generate significant water 

savings. There is sufficient funding to cover all suitable scout halls in the nation.

 Any remaining funds will be used at scout camps.

Scout state branches will handle subcontracting and arrange for installation,

 which is expected to start in October 2007.

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 A Scouts Australia webpage explains how the water tank grant is to be

implemented (see

Strengthening Tasmania—Tamar River pylons

During 2006–07 the department managed a $750,000 programme to install pylons

at the edge of the North Esk River, a tributary of the Tamar River near Launceston,

Tasmania. The project will replace 100-year-old rotting timber pylons with new 

ones and rebuild and stabilise an unsafe levee. The work will help improve river 

health, boost flood protection and increase recreational opportunities on the

North Esk River. The work is expected to be completed by 30 June 2008.

Blackburn Lake Sanctuary

The Australian Government provided $1.8 million for the purchase of land adjacent

to the Blackburn Lake Sanctuary, Melbourne, to protect and extend the Blackburn

Lake Sanctuary area. Blackburn Lake Sanctuary consists of a lake and surrounding

remnant bushland in the suburb of Blackburn, located approximately 17 kilometres

east of the centre of Melbourne. The sanctuary has significant local environmental

and recreational values. The funding is conditional on matching funding from both

the Victorian Government and the City of Whitehorse, and the Victorian Government

publicly releasing the valuation of the site. At 30 June 2007 a tripartite agreement was

 with the Victorian Premier’s Department awaiting approval.

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Terrestrial parks and reserves

The Director of National Parks is a corporation established under the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Director is responsible,

amongst other things, for the administration, management and control of 

Commonwealth reserves and for the protection, conservation and management

of biodiversity and heritage in those reserves. The Director is supported by staff of 

the Department of the Environment and Water Resources.

Protected area management

Commonwealth reserves for which the Director of National Parks is responsibleinclude remote national parks, marine parks and botanical gardens. Kakadu,

Uluru–Kata Tjuta and Booderee national parks are jointly managed with their 

Indigenous traditional owners.

In 2006–07 the Australian Government also provided $7.3 million over four years

to rehabilitate old uranium mines and related sites and to securely contain mine

 wastes in what is now the Gunlom Aboriginal Land Trust area in the south of 

Kakadu National Park. These sites include Guratba or Coronation Hill, one of 

northern Australia’s most sacred Aboriginal sites. Mine shafts, pits, old tracks and

some hazardous material were left in this area as the result of uranium miningbetween 1956 and 1964. Limited rehabilitation of these areas has been undertaken

in the past.

Detailed information about management outcomes for 2006–07 appears in the

annual report of the Director of National Parks (see 


National Reserve System Programme

In partnership with major philanthropic organisations, government, the privatesector and community groups, the Natural Heritage Trust’s National Reserve

System Programme supports the purchasing and covenanting of properties to add

to the National Reserve System.

In 2006–07 the programme contributed nearly $5.4 million to help buy or covenant

10 properties covering 588,141 hectares. It also supported two private land covenanting

projects in Tasmania and Queensland with a contribution of $524,545. To date the

National Reserve System Programme has assisted the acquisition of 277 properties

comprising over 7,533,288 hectares. Projects supported this year include:


(see case study)

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at Scottsdale, New South Wales. This protected area includes

important parts of the Murrumbidgee River and helps build the corridor of 

protected areas linking habitats from Mount Kosciuszko to the coast. Habitatson the property include remnant temperate grasslands, grassy woodlands, box 

gum woodlands and environments containing swamps, bogs and springs.

Until now only one of these four critical ecological communities was sufficiently 

protected in the region. The Australian Government through the Natural

Heritage Trust contributed $407,000 to the project. Bush Heritage Australia

made a commitment for $1.17 million

Tasmania. Tasmania’s highly successful voluntary Protected Areas on Private

Land project commenced in 2000 and to date has added approximately 

4,390 hectares to the National Reserve System.

 A key finding of a recent independent evaluation of the programme was that

the National Reserve System Programme makes an important and cost effective

contribution to the conservation of biodiversity in Australia (The National Reserve

System Programme—2006 Evaluation by Brian Gilligan).

The World Wildlife Fund–Australia’s report Building Nature’s Safety Net–A Review 

of Australia’s Terrestrial Protected Area System, 1991–2004 released in 2006

noted the substantial expansion of the National Reserve System occurring over 

the review period and commended the programme’s ability to build effective

partnerships between government, the private sector and individual donors.

The Australian Government invested $644,727 implementing Directions for the

National Reserve System–A Partnership Approach. The approach, agreed by the

Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council in 2005, is a commitment from

all Australian governments to develop and manage the National Reserve System.

Three projects drawing on national and international expertise were begun to:

and to lay the groundwork for modifying its development and management to

better conserve biodiversity. This project is jointly funded by the department

and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

for protected area management. This is an Australian Research Council linkage

project between the New South Wales, Victorian and Australian governments,

the University of Queensland and the Director of National Parks

economic benefits protected areas provide in remote and rural communities.

 Australia’s National Reserve System now protects over 88 million hectares in nearly 

9,000 protected areas. This is over 11 per cent of Australia’s land area.

For more information refer to the annual reports of the Director of National Parks


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Wongalara Sanctuary

In November 2006 the Australian Wildlife

Conservancy purchased the Wongalara

property with the assistance of the

National Reserve System Programme.

The Wongalara Sanctuary is the 270th 

property purchased with the support of 

the programme.

 Wongalara lies within the Gulf Fall and

Uplands bioregion, about 120 kilometres

south-east of Kakadu National Park. It

covers over 191,000 hectares and features

threatened and poorly protected wetlands,

sandstone communities and patches of 

monsoon rainforest. Rugged escarpments

rising above tall rainforest patches and

tropical woodlands are dissected by a

network of tropical streams. The Wilton

River gives rise to rich riverside vegetation

and provides habitat for a variety of fish,turtles and the freshwater crocodile.

 Wongalara also provides habitat for 

nationally threatened species such as the

red goshawk, Gouldian finch, the crested

shrike-tit and the northern quoll, as well

as species endemic to the Arnhem region

such as the hooded parrot and the Kakadu


Prior to its protection within the NationalReserve System, Wongalara’s natural

 values were threatened by cattle grazing,

by building new roads and fences, and

by clearing woodlands and adding new 

 watering points.

The National Reserve System Programme provided a grant of $2.1 million

towards the purchase and establishment of the new protected area.

The Australian Wildlife Conservancy contributed $1.93 million to the

acquisition of Wongalara and is making a significant commitment to

managing the land in perpetuity.

Gouldian finch. Photo: Steve Murphy, Australian Wildlife Conservancy

 Northern quoll. Photo: Bruce Thomson,

 Australian Wildlife Conservancy

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Indigenous Protected Areas Programme

Indigenous protected areas are non-statutory protected areas that form part of the National Reserve System. The Indigenous Protected Areas Programme helps

Indigenous landowners establish and manage Indigenous Protected Areas on their 

lands through contractual arrangements with the Australian Government. The

programme also promotes the integration of Indigenous ecological and cultural

knowledge into the management of these areas.

In 2006–07 the Natural Heritage Trust provided $3.119 million for the programme.

Three Indigenous Protected Areas were declared covering 4,501,870 hectares.

These were:

 Arnhem Land, Northern Territory 

region 350 kilometres north of Perth, Western Australia

the northern Tanami Desert at Lajamanu community, 900 kilometres south of 

Darwin, Northern Territory.

These declarations bring the total number of Indigenous Protected Areas to 23,

covering 18.5 million hectares.

 An independent evaluation of the Indigenous Protected Areas Programme released

in November 2006 hailed the success of the programme in bringing Indigenous-

owned lands of significant high conservation value into the National Reserve

System. The evaluation identified the programme’s cost effectiveness and broader 

social benefits and made recommendations for growing and strengthening the


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Wilson’s Creek. Photo: Central Land Council 

 Male crimson finch. Photo: Central Land Council 

Wulaign people. Photo:Central Land Council 

Northern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area

The Northern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area was declared in April 2007.

The area covers 40,000 square kilometres of the Tanami Desert. It is managed

by the Lajamanu community, and is located 900 kilometres south of Darwin.

The area encompasses a

dramatic array of landscapes

including alluvial sandplains,

broad paleodrainage channels,

sandstone outcrops, laterite

plateaus, escarpments and blacksoil plains. The land supports

many threatened plant species,

and vulnerable fauna including

the greater bilby, the great

desert skink and the endangered

Gouldian finch. During the

monsoonal rains the arid

zone wetlands teem with life,

supporting wallabies and emus

and providing breeding habitats

for migratory waterbirds and


Managing the area provides

employment and training

opportunities for local

communities. For instance, the

 Wulaign Rangers, set up by the

Central Land Council and the

 Wulaign Outstation Resource

Centre, use traditional and

contemporary methods to manage

the land.

The rangers monitor and control

 weeds and feral animals, use

controlled burning to reduce the

impact of wildfire on ecologically 

and culturally important areas, and erect fencing to protect habitats and

areas of cultural significance and prevent property damage.

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Indigenous protected areas (IPA) promote Indigenous welare

The IPA is helping create good jobs, like rangers to take care of country. It 

is giving young people opportunities day by day. Young people really enjoy

working on the IPA, and old people enjoy going out with them. Women

really enjoy taking children out for stories.

Billy Bunter, Gurindji man

The independent review of the Indigenous Protected Areas Programme by 

the former Director-General of the New South Wales National Parks and

 Wildlife Service, Mr Brian Gilligan, found that:

participation and development benefits from involvement with the


early school engagement

activities make a positive contribution to the reduction of substance


 work contributes to more functional families by restoring relationshipsand reinforcing family and community structures

from their Indigenous Protected Area activities.

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Genetic resources management

In October 2002 the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council endorsedan intergovernmental agreement—the Nationally Consistent Approach for Access

to and the Utilisation of Australia’s Native Genetic and Biochemical Resources—to

establish a common approach to genetic resource management in Australia.

The department, under an agreement with Biotechnology Australia, is administering

$2 million over the period 2004–2008 to assist states and territories to develop

nationally consistent legal frameworks for accessing and using genetic resources.

The Northern Territory introduced consistent legislation which came into force in

February 2007. The Australian, Queensland and Northern Territory governments

now have legislation in place to implement the intergovernmental agreement.

Australian Biological Resources Study

The Australian Biological Resources Study funds research and training in the fields

of taxonomy and biogeography. The programme aims to describe and document

 Australia’s plants, animals and other organisms, and where they occur, so as to

build the knowledge needed for the conservation and sustainable use of Australia’s


 Administrative funds expenditure under the programme in 2006–07 was$1.875 million. Funding supported taxonomic research and publications. This work

contributes to the Flora of Australia Online, Species Bank and the Australian Faunal

Directory ( which hold data on 75,000

species, and a range of other specialist publications.

Taxonomic research investigated and described organisms that might poison

cattle, parasites that infect coral reef fish and a mayfly family which is an important

indicator of water quality. Other projects relate to identification of native thrips to

assist the recognition of newly introduced, potential pest species for quarantine

purposes, and research on spider mites that will also strengthen Australia’s ability to detect new exotic species by better identifying native species.

 Work continued on the development of the Australian Biodiversity Information

Facility data portal with funding from the Natural Heritage Trust. The portal

 will provide access to biodiversity data held and maintained by individuals and

institutions throughout Australia. The Australian Biodiversity Information Facility 

 website has been updated and is at

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 Australian Biological Resources Study publications.

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Tropical wetlands researchThe department’s Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist

carries out research on the management of tropical rivers and their extensive

associated wetlands in northern Australia, with a focus on sustainability. It is a

partner in the National Centre for Tropical Wetland Research, and a member of the

newly established Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge research consortium.

Ecological inventory and risk assessment o tropical rivers

 Australia’s northern river systems are poorly understood but are often cited as

offering development potential, chiefly for agriculture, horticulture and mining.

The department is investing in Australia’s Tropical Rivers Programme to increaseknowledge about the environmental characteristics of these tropical river systems.

In 2006–07 the department invested $30,000 from the Natural Heritage Trust to

fund the completion of the Tropical Rivers Inventory and Assessment Project,

 which was administered by Land and Water Australia’s Tropical Rivers Programme.

The three-year $1.05 million project examined 51 catchments across northern

 Australia, from Broome in the west of the continent to the top of the western tip of 

Cape York, covering some 1,192,000 square kilometres. The study assessed three

catchments in more detail—the Fitzroy River in Western Australia, the Daly River in

the Northern Territory, and the Flinders River in Queensland—representing eachstate or territory within the study region.

The aims of the project were to compile an information base for assessing the

ecological status of the tropical rivers, and to develop and apply an assessment

framework to predict the ecological risks of major pressures on the rivers.

Two projects (inventory and mapping, and risk assessment of pressures) were

completed in 2006–07. The projects will inform and support holistic approaches

for management of tropical rivers and wetlands in the region. All reports and

relevant project information are available at

rivers/.The outputs and outcomes of the Tropical Rivers Inventory and Assessment Project

 will be formally integrated into the research programme of the recently established

Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge research hub, which is partly funded under 

the Australian Government’s Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities


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Results or perormance indicators

Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Key threats to terrestrial biodiversity

Number o threat abatement plans (i) being

prepared or revised and (ii) in operation

(i) 5 plans being revised and 1 being developed

(ii) 9 plans in operation

O those listed key threatening processes

on the land that require a threat abatement

plan, the percentage that have threat

abatement plans in operation


Native vegetation (including orests)

Percentage change in native vegetation

cover, using the National Carbon

Accounting System

Estimated to be less than 1%. The National Carbon Accounting

System shows there has been a general reduction in annual

deorestation since the 1980s and early 1990s. The most recent

snap-shot is or 2004. Deorestation or that year is estimated to

be around 400,000 hectares across Australia

Protecting Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots (administered item)

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Number o interventions to protect

identied hotspots

(See below)

Number o projects unded (See below). The Australian Government has also approved

investment o $5.2 million or private land acquisitions and up to

$7.5 million to deliver 9 stewardship investments in 2007–08

Protecting Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots (Daintree Conservation Initiative) 1 

Extent to which recovery o the cassowary

and protection o Daintree lowlands is


As at June 2007, 143 hectares (on 14 properties) had been

acquired under the Daintree Conservation Initiative; 4 areas were

secured or cassowary recovery and management and 59 hectares

o cassowary habitat were acquired and proposed or a nature


Number o cassowary conservation

activities unded

1 property supporting cassowary habitat was acquired or

$280,000; $215,000 was spent or community stewardship

programmes including $75,000 or a eral pig trapping

programme and $140,000 or a cassowary recovery acility

Number o rainorest conservation

activities unded

$3,822,000 was spent to acquire 14 high conservation value

properties. $410,000 was spent on community stewardship

programmes; $150,000 or project ofcers and community liaison;

$85,000 or the Daintree eral pig trapping programme; $125,000

or weed action and $120,000 or a national media campaign

1 This is an administered item under output 1.4 in the 2006–07 Portolio Budget Statements.

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

A sustainable uture or Tasmania (administered item)

Proportion o Forest Conservation Fund

reservation target met

 The programme is yet to ormally reserve any areas o private

orest. Round 1 o the programme commenced to secure ormal

reservation o targeted private orests

Improved access to orest areas or tourists Not applicable

Level o landholder involvement in

voluntary orest reservation programme

236 requests or Forest Conservation Fund site assessments were

received rom landholders or round 1

30 expressions o interest were received rom landholders or the

Mole Creek Karst Forest Programme. 66 hectares o orested land

in the Mole Creek area has been approved or purchase

Area o private land reserved under the

Forest Conservation Fund

 The programme is yet to ormally reserve any areas o private


Protected wetlands

Area o Ramsar-listed wetlands Australia has 64 wetlands o international importance listed under

the Ramsar Convention covering more than 7.3 million hectares

Percentage o Ramsar-listed wetlands with

management plans in operation

86% or 55 o the 64 listed Australian Ramsar wetlands have

management plans or drat plans in place

Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative (administered item) 1

Extent o stakeholder engagement in the

Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiativethat results in improved management o 

groundwater resources in the basin

A mid-term-review o the initiative has commenced to assess

the extent to which stakeholder awareness and support orthe sustainable use o the basin has translated into improved

management practices. The review is due later in 2007

 The department commissioned the Bureau o Rural Sciences to

assess whether landscape condition has improved as a result

o capping and piping works based on remote sensing and

vegetation condition tools. The results are due later in 2007

Progress towards target pressure recovery

in priority areas in the Great Artesian Basin

and the Carnarvon Artesian Basin

 The department provided $10.2 million to the participating states

or capping and piping uncontrolled bores which will aid pressure

recovery. Some rehabilitation work was delayed due to a lack o 

available drillers and materials, and to the continuing eect o the

drought on landholders’ nancial capacity

The Living Murray Initiative (administered item) 1

 The extent to which the Australian

Government’s policy outcomes and

priorities in addressing the over-allocation

o water in the Murray–Darling Basin are

reected in the implementation o The

Living Murray Initiative

34.8 gigalitres o water entitlements were recovered under The

Living Murray Environmental Watering Plan; 23 gigalitres were

made available or watering icon sites, resulting in signicant

environmental benets

1 Perormance indicators are rom the Department o Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2006–07 Portolio Budget Statements.

 The programmes became the responsibility o the Department o the Environment and Water Resources in January 2007.

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Joint Government Enterprise—Murray Environmental Flows (administered item) 1

Contribution o Joint Government

Enterprise (trading as Water or Rivers)

activities and investments to the Australian

Government’s environmental ow priorities

or the River Murray

 The Joint Government Enterprise recovered 14.2 gigalitres o 

water or River Murray environmental ows and 37.2 gigalitres or

the Snowy River. The cumulative volume o water transerred to

the environmental entitlement was 64.7 gigalitres

Murray–Darling Basin Commission (administered item) 1

Contribution o commission activities

and investments to the sustainable and

equitable use o natural resources in the

Murray–Darling Basin, including the shared

water resources o the River Murray

 The department participated in the Murray–Darling Basin

Commission and supported the minister’s involvement in the

Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial Council on the sustainable

management o the basin’s natural resources or healthy river

systems, viable rural communities and protable, competitive and

sustainable industries

Provision o efcient and eective services

to the Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial

Council and delivery o council decisions

within agreed timerames

 The department contributed to the efcient and eective

delivery o Murray–Darling Basin Commission business through

supporting participation o the portolio and the minister in

commission and council meetings

Murray–Darling Basin Commission—Boosting Capital Works (administered item) 1

 The extent to which additional unding

contributions rom the Australian

Government accelerate and achieve agreed

objectives and activities consistent with

Scenario 2 o the Murray–Darling Basin

Commission Strategic Plan 2005–2010

 The department contributed $10.9 million to the Murray–Darling

Basin Commission to boost capital works in the basin. This was in

addition to $500 million provided by the Australian Government

in May 2006 that has allowed the Murray-Darling Basin

Commission to:

programme or the 2005–2010 business plan, including items

previously deerred because o budget shortalls

environmental outcomes


Murray–Darling Basin Commission—Contribution to salinity mitigation (administered item) 1

 The contribution o Murray–Darling Basin

Commission activities and investments to

removing salt and meeting river salinity

targets, including agreed targets at

Morgan, South Australia

 The department contributed $3.6 million or basin salinity

management, in addition to the Australian Government’s extra

$500 million injection into the Murray–Darling Basin Commission

in 2005–06. This is expected to reduce salinity at Morgan by 70

electrical conductivity units by 2010

1 Perormance indicators are rom the Department o Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2006–07 Portolio Budget Statements.

 The programmes became the responsibility o the Department o the Environment and Water Resources in January 2007.

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Water Resources Assessment and Research—grants (administered item) 1

Extent to which water resources

assessment and research grants promote

the sustainable use and management o 

water resources; in particular the uptake o 

recycled water and sustainable irrigation


 The programme supported:

which attracted over 400 abstracts and over 1,200 attendees

report entitled Water Scarcity in Australia—An Economic 

 Assessment of Commercialisation Options

Promotion o the toolbox at workshops reached approximately

120 acilitators, catchment managers and representatives o 

water authorities

improve decision-making or existing irrigation in northern

Australia, and ensure any new irrigation is sustainable. Over

1,300 stakeholders have been inormed o the project at


Tasmanian Water Inrastructure (administered item) 1

Australian Government unding towards

the construction o dams on the Meander

and Macquarie rivers is provided upon

demonstrable achievement o perormance

milestones by the Tasmanian Government

$2.1 million was provided to the Tasmanian Government,

under the $3.2 million Australian and Tasmanian governments’

agreement or the construction o a dam on the Meander River

Australian Government’s Community Water Grants Programme (administered item)

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Number o projects unded 1,759

1 Perormance indicators are rom the Department o Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2006–07 Portolio Budget Statements.

 The programmes became the responsibility o the Department o the Environment and Water Resources in January 2007.

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Administration o the Natural Heritage Trust 1 (purchased output)

All investments approved by ministers in

2006–07 are delivered through appropriate

nancial agreements and provided with

unding in accordance with Natural

Heritage Trust accountability and acquittal

procedures, to meet the trust’s objectives

Investments approved in 2006–07 were delivered through

appropriate nancial agreements in accordance with Natural

Heritage Trust accountability and acquittal procedures

Monitoring and evaluation arrangements

are in place or each level o the Natural

Heritage Trust and reports show progress

against targets

Monitoring and evaluation arrangements are in place or all

Natural Heritage Trust levels and reporting requirements show

progress against targets

 The number o investment strategies that

are prepared, evaluated and or which

unding is agreed and specied in nancial



 The number o individuals/community

groups supported through Australian

Government Enviround grants


Investment strategies address nationally

agreed natural resource management

priorities and issues

All investment strategies meet these requirements

Bushcare, Landcare, Rivercare, Coastcare1

(administered item—Natural Heritage Trust)

Percentage o natural resource management

regions that have an accredited natural

resource management plan


Percentage o natural resource

management regions that have an

approved investment strategy


Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Number o projects unded. 2,645

Blackburn Lake Sanctuary, Melbourne (administered item)

Funding is provided on budget once

arrangements are nalised between

governments, supported by a sound

management plan to protect the identied

conservation value

 The $1.8 million or purchase o land adjacent to the Blackburn

Lake Sanctuary was a special budget appropriation in 2006–07

and is not part o the Natural Heritage Trust. It has now been

reappropriated to 2007–08 due to delays with nalising the

tripartite agreement between the Australian Government,

Victorian Government and the Whitehorse City Council

Strengthening Tasmania—Tamar River pylons (administered item)

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding(Target: 100%).


1 Detailed perormance results are in annual reports on the operation o the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997.

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Administration o the National Action Plan or Salinity and Water Quality (service provided by the Departmento Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) 1

 The number o investment strategies that

are prepared, evaluated and or which

unding is agreed and specied in nancial



Investment strategies address nationally

agreed natural resource management

priorities and issues

All investment strategies address nationally agreed natural

resource management priorities and identied issues

All investments approved by ministers in

2006–07 are delivered through appropriate

nancial agreements and provided with

unding, in accordance with National

Action Plan accountability and acquittal

procedures, to meet the National Action

Plan objectives.

Investments approved in 2006–07 were delivered though

appropriate nancial agreements in accordance with National

Action Plan accountability and acquittal procedures

Monitoring and evaluation arrangements

are in place or each level o the National

Action Plan and reports show progress

against targets.

Monitoring and evaluation arrangements are in place or all

National Action Plan levels and reporting requirements show

progress against targets

Australian national parks and other terrestrial protected areas 2

Area o land protected and managed

through the National Reserve System

Programme, including area o declared

Indigenous Protected Areas

588,141 hectares were added to the National Reserve System,

bringing the total to 7.5 million hectares

4,501,870 hectares were added to Indigenous Protected Areas,

bringing the total to 18.5 million hectares

Percentage o protected areas (other than

Indigenous Protected Areas) that have

84%. This percentage is or properties acquired up to the end

o 2004–05. The gure does not include inormation or the last

2 nancial years, because under the National Reserve System

Programme unding agreement, a proponent may take up to 2

Australian Biological Resources Study Participatory Grants Programme (administered item)

Number o taxa revised or newly described

under the programme.


Number o peer reviewed taxonomic

inormation products produced or unded

by the programme.


Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%).


Number o projects unded 58 taxonomic research projects

1 Detailed perormance results are in annual reports on the operation o the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997 .

2 Detailed perormance results or Commonwealth reserves are in the annual report o the Director o National Parks.

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Output 1.2—Conservation o the land and inland waters

Policy advisor role: The minister

is satised with the timeliness and

accuracy o bries and drat ministerial

correspondence provided by the


Minister was satised with timeliness and quality o bries. The

department has experienced challenges in responding to the

unprecedented volume o correspondence now being received,

but procedural adjustments and new systems have improved


Provider role 1: Percentage o payments

that are consistent with the terms and

conditions o unding (Target: 100%)


Regulator role 2: Percentage o statutory

timerames triggered that are met (Target:>90%)

A report on the compliance with statutory timerames triggered

under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is provided in the second volume o this set o annual


Price See resources table below

1 Applies only to the administration o grants programmes unded entirely rom Departmental unding or this output. Any

grants programmes within this output that are wholly or partially unded through Administered appropriations are separately


2 Includes explicit reporting timerames triggered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

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Elements o pricing Budget prices


Actual expenses


Departmental outputs

Sub-output: 1.2.1 Land and water strategies

Sub-output: 1.2.2 Land and water investments

Sub-output: 1.2.3 Terrestrial parks and reserves

Sub-output: 1.2.4 Tropical wetlands research

Water resources











Total Output 1.2 91,248 90,290

Administered items

Australian Biological Resources Study

Protecting Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots

Natural Heritage Trust (Landcare, Bushcare and Rivercare Programmes)

Australian Government’s Community Water Grants

Scout Hall Water Saving Inrastructure Programme

Strengthening Tasmania – Tamar River Pylons

Murray–Darling Basin Commission (MDBC)

MDBC Contribution to Salinity Mitigation

Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative, Department o Agriculture

Fisheries and Forestry section 32 transer

Living Murray Initiative

Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative

Water Resources Assessment and Research Grants

























Total (Administered) 361,195 355,593

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Outcome 1—Environment Coasts and oceans


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Coasts and oceans

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources develops and

implements Australian Government initiatives to protect and conserve Australia’s

coasts and oceans and to ensure their management is ecologically sustainable.

Main responsibilities or this output


Beach and Sisters Beach

 Water Resources Division

and Water Assets and Natural

Resources Division

Natural Resource Management

Programmes Division



Marine and Biodiversity 



Coastal strategies

Great Barrier Reef and other coastal catchments

Great Barrier Reef 

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Coastal investments

Marine conservation

Results 2006–07

proclaimed on 28 June 2007. The network covers an area of over 

226,000 square kilometres of marine environment off the coast of 

Tasmania, Victoria, eastern South Australia and far south New South

 Wales, and makes a major contribution to the protection of the marine

environment in Australian waters.

28 May 2007 to protect the critically endangered grey nurse shark. The

reserve covers an area of 300 hectares located off the coast of northern

New South Wales near Laurieton.

and Daintree catchments in the Douglas Shire, Queensland, and the

Derwent Estuary, Tasmania. The plans will improve water quality and

protect it from land-based pollution.

of 122 Commonwealth- and state-managed fisheries under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,

resulting in the fishing industry taking a range of measures to improve

their environmental sustainability.

$134.63 million had been

approved under the various elements of the Great Barrier Reef Marine

Park structural adjustment package. These include 122 grants for 

fishing licence buy-outs and 810 grants to help affected businesses to


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Coastal strategies

The department is working with state agencies, regional bodies and local

authorities to address nationally important coastal issues.

Integrated coastal zone management

The Framework for a National Cooperative Approach to Integrated Coastal Zone

Management is a national agreement between Australian, state and territory 

governments on how to deal with coastal problems in an integrated way.

The 10-year agreement aims to protect the coastal environment and to safeguard

coastal industries and communities by focusing on five coastal issues requiringnational collaboration. These are land- and marine-based sources of pollution

(including acid sulfate soils), managing climate change, introduced pest plants and

animals, planning for population change and capacity building.

 An implementation plan for the framework was jointly developed by all coastal

jurisdictions and agreed in May 2006. The plan sets objectives and actions required

to address key coastal issues identified in the framework. The plan is available at

Planning or population change

Development pressure associated with rapid population growth is a major issue

confronting sustainable management of the coastal zone. Intensified use of, and

demand for, coastal resources pose a threat to sensitive coastal environments and

have profound social implications. Key to managing the environmental, social

and economic impacts of population change in coastal areas is to obtain data on

people moving into and out of coastal areas including numbers, characteristics and

reasons for the move.

In January 2007 the department, in collaboration with the Victorian Government,

 worked with demographers and planners from federal, state and local government

agencies, non-government organisations and research organisations to identify 

specific information relating to population change and demographic trends

required for planning.

Climate change

The coastal zone of Australia has been recognised as highly vulnerable to the impacts

of climate change in the government’s report Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability,

and most recently within the Council of Australian Governments’ National Climate

Change Adaptation Framework. This vulnerability is primarily due to the concentration

of Australia’s population on the coastal fringe. The potential impacts include coastalinundation from sea level rise and storm surge in low lying areas, flooding from more

intense rainfall events, and damage to coastal assets from storm events.

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To identify areas of high priority for management, the department is conducting

a coastal vulnerability assessment to support decision-makers in managing

for the potential impacts of climate change. This project was endorsed by theNatural Resource Management Ministerial Council in November 2006, and is to be

substantially progressed by June 2008 under the National Climate Change Adaptation

Framework. Following the initial assessment, a more targeted assessment will be

undertaken to provide detailed information and tools for decision-makers.

Acid sulate soils

 Acid sulfate soils occur naturally along large areas of Australia’s coastline where the

majority of Australians live. Left undisturbed these soils are harmless, but when

excavated or drained for development the sulfides in the soil react with oxygen in

the air and form sulfuric acid. This acid can kill plants and animals, contaminate

drinking water and food such as oysters, and cause considerable damage to

buildings, infrastructure and estuarine ecosystems.

In 2006–07 the department, with Natural Heritage Trust funding, commissioned

detailed acid sulfate soil maps of hotspots within five priority areas across the

country. These were Far North Queensland and Mackay–Whitsunday natural

resource management regions adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef, the Gippsland

coast from Corner Inlet to Lake Tyers in Victoria, the Northern Territory coastal

zone from Bynoe Harbour to Cape Hotham, and the Perth Metropolitan and Peel

Region on the Swan coastal plain in Western Australia. The maps will assist policy and planning recommendations.

The department continued to work with some of Australia’s top soil scientists to

raise awareness of acid sulfate soils through the development of a National Atlas of 

 Acid Sulfate Soils, and a national information service that includes the publication

of a quarterly newsletter (  ASSAY  ) and a national website.

The national atlas contains a map and database showing the distribution of acid

sulfate soils in Australia. The atlas is an important tool for land managers who need

to identify areas where development is best avoided or areas that will need special

management if disturbed. The atlas is available online at

Coastal water quality and wetlands protection

The Framework for Marine and Estuarine Water Quality Protection aims to protect

marine and estuarine water from the effects of pollution from the land. The two

main sources of this pollution are agriculture and urban development, which result

in nutrients and sediment being washed into the sea.

The framework covers the sources of coastal pollution through the Coastal

Catchments Initiative and Reef Water Quality Protection Plan.

The department manages these programmes, which fund state agencies, regional

bodies and local authorities to help them tackle water quality issues including

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through the preparation of water quality improvement plans. These plans are

prepared in accordance with the framework’s requirements.

Coastal Catchments Initiative

The Coastal Catchments Initiative aims to protect and improve water quality 

in coastal hotspots where water quality is threatened by land-based pollution,

including urban and agricultural sources (see map). It does this by preparing

 water quality improvement plans for coastal hotpots and funding interim projects

needed to prepare the plans. The first two water quality improvement plans

completed under the initiative were finalised in 2006–07. These were for the

Mossman and Daintree catchments in the Douglas Shire, Queensland, and the

Derwent Estuary, Tasmania.The current status of all water quality improvement plans and the amount spent

on plans and interim projects in 2006–07 are shown in the table below.

 A priority for the Australian Government is to protect the Great Barrier Reef 

and Queensland’s coastal wetlands from pollution in runoff water entering the

Great Barrier Reef lagoon. In 2006–07 the department initiated water quality 

improvement plans and related interim projects in two Great Barrier Reef 

catchments—the Fitzroy and Barron River catchments—and in three other 

hotspots—Botany Bay, Gippsland and Adelaide coastal waters.

In 2006–07, the Australian Government provided $7.164 million from the Natural

Heritage Trust for this work, with $3.873 million of this for the Great Barrier Reef 


Coastal Catchments Initiative—hotspots

1. Swan–Canning estuary

2. Peel Inlet and Harvey estuary

3. Vasse–Wonnerup and Geographe Bay4. Port Adelaide waterways

5. Adelaide coastal waters

6. Port Phillip Bay and Western Port

7. Derwent estuary

8. Gippsland Lakes and Corner Inlet

9. Botany Bay

10. Myall and Wallis lakes

11. Moreton Bay

12. Burnett River Basin

13. Fitzroy River Basin

14. Mackay–Whitsunday catchments

15. Burdekin River Basin

16. Ross and Black river basins

17. Tully River Basin

18. Barron River Basin

19. Mossman–Daintree catchments20. Darwin Harbour




















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Current status o water quality improvement plans

Hotspot Progress Expectedcompletion

$ spent2006–07

Mossman and Daintree catchments, Great Barrier Ree Completed April 2007 100,000

Derwent estuary, Tasmania Completed April 2007 27,273

Peel Inlet and Harvey estuary, Western Australia Public consultation

drat in preparation

Mid 2007 90,000

Port Adelaide waterways (Barker Inlet and Port River) Public consultation

drat in preparation

Mid 2007 31,818

Adelaide’s coastal waters Initiated Late 2008 300,000

Moreton Bay, Queensland Planning under way Late 2007 285,000

Port Phillip Bay and Western Port, Victoria Planning under way Mid 2008 705,434

Gippsland Lakes and Corner Inlet Water quality planning

projects initiated

Mid 2008 330,000

Myall and Wallis lakes, New South Wales Planning under way Mid 2008 455,636

Botany Bay Water quality planning

projects initiated

Mid 2008 220,000

Swan–Canning estuary, Western Australia Initiated Mid 2009 1,343,100

Vasse–Wonnerup Estuary and Geographe Bay, Western


Initiated Mid 2009 108,000

Darwin Harbour Initiated Mid 2009 0

Great Barrier Ree coastal catchments (including Tully,

basins and Mackay–Whitsunday catchments)

Planning under way,

various stages

Late 2007 to

mid 2009


Ree Water Quality Protection Plan

The Reef Water Quality Protection Plan aims to halt and reverse the decline in the

quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef by 2013. The department shares

responsibility for implementing the plan with other government agencies and the


The department funds activities under the plan partly from the Natural Heritage

Trust and partly from the Queensland Wetlands Programme (see Queensland

 Wetlands Programme in this chapter). Water quality improvement plans prepared

under the Great Barrier Reef component of the Coastal Catchments Initiative are

the primary mechanism for delivering the plan’s objectives.

Major projects supporting the plan during 2006–07 included:

$630,000 for acid sulfate soil mapping and management planning in the Far North

Queensland and Mackay–Whitsunday natural resource management regions

$600,000 to systematically implement nutrient and sediment source controls

on enterprise scale demonstration farms in the wet and dry tropics

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$80,000 to undertake a gap analysis and review of water quality modelling for 

the Great Barrier Reef.

 Water quality improvement planning involves addressing scientific, social and

economic uncertainties. This includes understanding scientific error associated

 with systems modelling and ecosystem response, the effectiveness of on-ground

interventions to achieve water quality targets, and the likelihood of a suitable level

of uptake of those interventions to achieve the plan’s targets. Scientific uncertainty 

is addressed by incorporating a ‘margin of safety’ into pollutant load targets

and load allocations. This is combined with socio-economic uncertainties in a

‘reasonable assurance statement’, which demonstrates that the plan will achieve its


To provide guidance to planning agencies, the department has initiated a project

to prepare protocols for addressing ‘margin of safety’ and ‘reasonable assurance’,

 which is to be completed mid-2008. The department also supported the creation

of a partnership between the Australian and Queensland governments and the

regional natural resource management bodies adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef,

and worked with these partners on research and extension programmes aimed at

managing nutrient and sediment pollution from agriculture.

Queensland Wetlands Programme

The Queensland Wetlands Programme is a joint initiative of the Australian and

Queensland governments to support measures that will result in long-term

benefits to the sustainable use, management, conservation and protection of 

Queensland wetlands. The programme is funded through two sub-programmes:

This year the Natural Heritage Trust Wetlands Programme supported a number of 

projects, including:


 A map of wetlands from the Wet Tropics to Wide Bay was released in

December 2006. The work continues and will be completed for the whole of 

Queensland by the end of 2007

the website is well under way and will be completed later in 2007

including critical wetland support guidelines, wetland definition guidelines, aframework for wetland inventory, and a scoping study for monitoring the extent

and condition of wetlands.

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The Great Barrier Reef Coastal Wetlands Protection Programme protects and

restores wetlands in the Great Barrier Reef catchment area. These wetlands protect

 water quality in the Great Barrier Reef and have significant value as wildlife habitat. A number of projects were completed and others begun. These included:

Great Barrier Reef catchment (completed)


and protection works (begun)


National Programme o Action or the Protection o the Marine

Environment rom Land-based Activities

The Australian Government, as a party to the United Nations Convention on

the Law of the Sea, has a responsibility to protect its marine environment from

land-based activities. In this context Australia is a strong supporter of the United

Nations’ non-binding Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the

Marine Environment from Land-based Activities. The global programme of action

is designed to be a source of conceptual and practical guidance for national andregional authorities to devise and implement sustained action to prevent, reduce,

control and eliminate marine degradation from land-based activities. It translates

the global programme of action to the national level.

The then Minister for the Environment and Heritage launched Australia’s National

Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-

based Activities to international delegates at the 2nd Intergovernmental Review of 

the Global Programme of Action in Beijing in October 2006.

The national programme of action builds on the National Cooperative Approach to

Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the Framework for Marine and Estuarine Water Quality Protection (see section on integrated coastal zone management in

this chapter). It sets out the specific activities to address land-based sources of 

pollution; and emphasises the connections between catchments, river systems,

coastal estuaries and the marine environment, and the importance of these

ecosystems to Australian society.

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Coastal investments

 Australian Government investments in coastal conservation activities aredelivered by a joint arrangement between the department and the Department of 

 Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.


Coastcare is the Natural Heritage Trust’s programme for protecting coastal

catchments, ecosystems and the marine environment. Total expenditure under 

Coastcare in 2006–07 was $53 million. Since 1997 more than 60,000 Coastcare

 volunteers have been active in monitoring and rehabilitating the health of about

1.3 million hectares of coastal land.

Details of Coastcare investments are reported in the annual reports of the Natural

Heritage Trust and the annual regional programme reports available at

Sewerage schemes or Boat Harbour Beach and Sisters Beach

Through the Australian Government’s $0.2 million sewerage schemes for Boat

Harbour Beach and Sisters Beach, the department is supporting the Waratah– 

 Wynyard Council in Tasmania to develop reticulated sewerage systems with

 wastewater treatment plants to improve the water quality. Improved urban

planning and wastewater treatment compliance measures, including construction

of sewerage and wastewater treatment infrastructure and stormwater management

improvements, have been undertaken in both areas. Work funded under this

programme will secure long-term water quality benefits for the communities of 

Boat Harbour Beach and Sisters Beach.

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Marine conservation

Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Australia has rightsand responsibilities over one of the world’s largest marine jurisdictions—more

than 14 million square kilometres of ocean.

The Australian Government uses the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 to protect and manage threatened, migratory and marine

species, to assess fisheries, to establish marine protected areas and to develop

marine bioregional plans for Australian waters. Threatened species are listed under 

the Act.

The department also works with other countries through international treaties,

agreements and conventions to protect and conserve the marine environment

beyond the national jurisdiction.

Marine bioregional planning

Under section 176 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999, the Australian Government is preparing marine bioregional plans and

establishing networks of marine protected areas in Commonwealth waters as

part of the Commonwealth’s contribution to the National Representative System

of Marine Protected Areas. Commonwealth waters are waters generally betweenthree and 200 nautical miles from the coast (Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone).

The department has been allocated $37.75 million over four years (2006–2010) to

develop these marine bioregional plans.

The department is working with state governments, research institutes and others

to develop marine bioregional plans for five major marine regions around the

continent: the South-west, South-east, East, North-west and North.

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South-west Marine Bioregional Plan

The South-west Marine Region is the first Australian marine region to undergo

planning under the recently strengthened Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The South-west Marine Bioregional Plan will

cover Commonwealth waters from the eastern end of Kangaroo Island, South

 Australia, to the waters offshore from Shark Bay in Western Australia.

 As at 30 June 2007 the regional profile for the South-west Marine Region was

 well advanced. The department invested $184,950 to gather information on the

region’s current and predicted future use patterns, key ecological features, and

conservation values. The profile will provide the information required to develop

the South-west Marine Bioregional Plan, expected to be completed around


The department signed a memorandum of understanding with the Western

 Australian Government to facilitate marine bioregional planning in the south-west.

The South-west Regional Profile and its approach to the marine bioregional

planning process will be used as a blueprint for regional profiles and bioregional

plans in all the other marine regions.

South-east Marine Bioregional Plan

The South-east Marine Region covers more than 1.6 million square kilometres of  water off Victoria, Tasmania (including Macquarie Island), southern New South

 Wales up to the town of Bermagui, and eastern South Australia from the South

 Australian–Victorian border to Victor Harbor.

The plan for the South-east Marine Region was completed in 2004 under the

previous non-statutory regional marine planning process. A new South-east Marine

Bioregional Plan is expected to be developed towards the end of the four-year 

planning process to bring the approach in the South-east under the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. A key component of the

previous planning process was the development of a network of marine protectedareas within the region (see South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network

in this chapter).

East Marine Bioregional Plan

The East Marine Region covers more than 2.4 million square kilometres of water 

off the east coast of Queensland and New South Wales (including Lord Howe

Island and Norfolk Island), from the town of Bermagui to the tip of Cape York.

The region includes waters between three nautical miles from the coastline to

the edge of Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone, but does not include the GreatBarrier Reef Marine Park, which is managed separately by the Great Barrier Reef 

Marine Park Authority.

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The department began developing the regional profile for the East Marine

Region in 2006–07 by commissioning several reports from leading providers of 

scientific and socio-economic information, investing $170,000 to obtain data andexpert services. The regional profile will include up-to-date information on both

biodiversity and economic uses of the region and will be underpinned by extensive

data on oceanography and geomorphology. The profile will help to identify the

conservation priorities for the region.

North-west Marine Bioregional Plan

The North-west Marine Bioregional Plan will cover Commonwealth waters from

Kalbarri in Western Australia to the Northern Territory–Western Australian border.

The department concluded a memorandum of understanding in 2006–07 with

three Western Australian Government agencies to facilitate a cooperative approach

to marine planning in the north-west.

The department invested $154,000 to gather information on the ecology, key 

species and habitats of the region, and on its socio-economic characteristics,

potential future developments and how people are currently using its resources.

The information is being used to develop a regional profile describing the region’s

conservation values, social and economic characteristics, and the process by which

marine protected areas will be identified in the north-west.

The department entered into a financial agreement with the University of Western

 Australia through which the Western Australian Marine Science Institution is

undertaking an inventory of marine and coastal research for the North-west region.

 Western Australian Government agencies and private sector companies are co-investing

in the inventory and research; tertiary education institutions are also involved.

North Marine Bioregional Plan

Marine planning for the waters between the Goulburn Islands and Torres Strait

has been under way since 2002. In June 2006 the boundaries of the North Marine

Region were extended westward to approximate a seawards extension of the

border between the Northern Territory and Western Australia.During 2006–07 the department focused on consolidating the information base

for the North Marine Region and on filling in the information gaps created by 

the western extension of the boundary. A number of consultancies to collect and

collate data on the environmental, social and economic values of the region were

finalised, and a workshop was held to bring together scientists with particular 

expertise in the species and ecosystems of the region to characterise the marine


 With consolidation of the available information base for the extended region and a

report structure agreed, work commenced on drafting the regional profile for theNorth Marine Bioregional Plan. The regional profile is expected to be completed in

late 2007.

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Marine protected areas

The department, on behalf of the Director of National Parks, manages an estate of marine protected areas that are Commonwealth reserves under the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

During 2006–07, $4,628,548 from the national component of the Natural

Heritage Trust supported the declaration of new marine protected areas and the

management of the existing marine protected area network. This figure does not

include funding for Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve which is

managed by the Australian Antarctic Division.

The management budget covered key functions such as research and monitoring,

structural adjustment, and compliance and enforcement. Some managementfunctions for existing marine protected areas were delivered by state agencies

under service level agreements with the department. Detailed results are set out

in the annual report of the Director of National Parks at 


Current marine protected areas

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park(managed by GBRMPA)

Coringa–Herald NationalNature Reserve

Lihou ReefNational NatureReserve

 Ashmore ReefNational NatureReserve

Mermaid Reef MarineNational Nature Reserve


Cartier IslandMarine Reserve

Solitary IslandsMarine Reserve(CommonwealthWaters)

Lord Howe IslandMarine Park(Commonwealth Waters)

Ningaloo Marine Park(CommonwealthWaters)

Great Australian BightMarine Park(CommonwealthWaters)

Cod GroundsCommonwealthMarine Reserve

South-eastCommonwealthMarine ReserveNetwork

Macquarie IslandMarine Park

Heard Island andMcDonald IslandsMarine Reserve

Exclusive EconomicZone limit

Elizabeth andMiddleton ReefsMarine NationalNature Reserve

© COPYRIGHT Commonwealth of Australia

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Proclamation o the South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network 

 Australia’s South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network was proclaimed on

28 June 2007 and came into effect in September 2007. The network covers 226,458

square kilometres and comprises 13 marine protected areas stretching from the

far south coast of New South Wales, around Tasmania and Victoria and west to

Kangaroo Island off South Australia. It is the first temperate deep sea network of 

marine reserves in the world.

The network will protect typical examples of the marine environment of the

South-east Marine Region. Some reserves contain examples of striking features

of the region, such as submerged mountains and canyons, whilst others include

typical examples of the sea floor, such as muddy bottoms and vast undulating

plains. The network ensures that examples of all the habitats and the life they 

support in the South-east Marine Region are represented in the marine protected

area network.

The department invited public comment on the establishment of the South-east

Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network in late 2006 and received

127 submissions. There was general support for the network from commercial and

recreational fishers and the mining industry, with a more critical response from

scientists and the conservation sector. Support was expressed for the department’s

consultative approach. Subsequent consultation with the commercial fishing

industry and petroleum industry led to agreement on interim managementarrangements for the network.

The interim management arrangements commence when the network comes

into effect on 3 September 2007. They will ensure that the important values of 

the reserves are protected until the statutory management plan for the network is

developed in 2007–08.

The department published a user’s guide for commercial fisheries and material to

inform the general public of the network’s values and compliance requirements.

The department negotiated with state and Australian Government agencies to

obtain compliance services in the new reserves. Compliance management systems

are being improved through the development of a new marine incident database.

Cod Grounds Commonwealth Marine Reserve

The Cod Grounds Commonwealth Marine Reserve was declared on 28 May 2007

to protect the critically endangered grey nurse shark. The Cod Grounds reserve

covers an area of 300 hectares located off the coast of northern New South Wales

near Laurieton.

The decline in the grey nurse shark population has been attributed to itslow reproduction rate as well as fishing-related mortality. The department’s

Threatened Species Recovery Plan for the Grey Nurse Shark recommended the

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Cod Grounds be declared

a sanctuary zone because

it provides critical habitatfor the shark to feed and

reproduce. All commercial

and recreational fishing

is now prohibited in the


The department has

made arrangements

 with the New South

 Wales Department of Primary Industries to

carry out compliance and

enforcement activities

 within the reserve.

 A structural adjustment process for affected commercial fishing businesses is being

implemented under the Australian Government’s Marine Protected Areas and

Displaced Fishing Policy.

Migratory and threatened marine species protection

The department is working to prevent threatened species in the marine

environment from becoming extinct and to recover their populations. This

 work is guided by recovery plans made under the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 which set out the actions needed to maximise

the chances of long-term survival of threatened species in the wild.

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 also

provides protection for migratory species. These include species listed in

the appendices to the Bonn Convention (Convention on the Conservation

of Migratory Species of Wild Animals) under which Australia is a range state,the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of 

the Peoples’ Republic of China for the Protection of Migratory Birds and their 

Environment (CAMBA) and the Agreement between the Government of Japan

and the Government of Australia for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Birds

in Danger of Extinction and their Environment (JAMBA) (see international marine

conservation in this chapter).

Recovery plans or listed threatened marine species

Under amendments to the Environment Protection and BiodiversityConservation Act 1999 the minister must decide whether to have a recovery 

plan for a species within 90 days of it becoming listed as a threatened species.

Grey nurse shark. Photo: David Harasti

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For already listed marine species, recovery plans are in place for:

The recovery plans for the great white shark and grey nurse shark are due for 

review in 2007. A recovery plan is under development for the Australian sea-lion.

 A multiple species recovery plan is under development for freshwater sawfish

(  Pristis microdon ), speartooth shark ( Glyphis sp. A) and northern river shark

( Glyphis sp. C).

Marine debris

‘Injury and fatality to vertebrate marine life caused by ingestion of, or 

entanglement in, harmful marine debris’ was listed as a key threatening process

under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 in

 August 2003. Harmful marine debris impacts on a range of marine life, including

protected species of birds, sharks, turtles and marine mammals. More than 20

listed threatened marine species are known to be affected.

In order to address these threats, the department is preparing a threat abatement

plan for marine debris. To date, background papers have been prepared and

reviewed. National agreement will be sought on the plan, which is expected to be

finalised in 2008.

The department is coordinating several projects related to marine debris that

 will be used to inform policy development. The department worked with the

Dhimurru Aboriginal Land Corporation on joint projects to quantify the impact

of debris on turtle survival. Wind patterns and ocean currents across northern

 Australia are being investigated to determine the movement of debris in Australian

 waters and onto the coast. Nationally consistent protocols for collecting data on

marine debris are being developed, drawing on international experience.

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Ghost net project wins a Banksia Award

Ghost nets are fishing nets that have either been lost or discarded at sea.

For decades, these nets have killed thousands of turtles, dolphins, dugongs

and other marine life.

The Australian Government contributed about $2 million, through the

Natural Heritage Trust, for the Carpentaria Ghost Net Programme. This

programme won the marine category of the Banksia Awards in July 2007.

The programme is helping Indigenous communities all around the Gulf 

of Carpentaria work together to rid the coastline of ghost nets and other 

marine debris.Indigenous communities in Queensland and the Northern Territory have

so far cleaned up tonnes of fishing nets that have accumulated on the

coastline. The removal of the nets from the coastline will ensure that they 

do not wash back into the water and pose a further risk to marine life.

New migratory species listings

Following the inclusion of the basking shark on the appendices to the Convention

on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, the species has been

included in the list of migratory species under the Environment Protection

 and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The roseate tern will be included in

the migratory species list in 2007, once the treaty making process to amend the

annexes to the Japan–Australia Migratory Birds Agreement (JAMBA) and China– 

 Australia Migratory Birds Agreement (CAMBA) is completed.

Migratory shorebird conservation

The first wildlife conservation plan made under the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the Wildlife Conservation Plan for Migratory Shorebirds, is ensuring greater protection and conservation of migratory birds.

In 2006–07 the Australian Government provided $494,000 from the Natural

Heritage Trust to implement the plan, and to promote international cooperation

to conserve migratory waterbirds through the Partnership for the Conservation of 

Migratory Waterbirds and the Sustainable Use of their Habitats in the East Asian– 

 Australasian Flyway. The flyway encompasses 22 countries; 10 of these have so far 

joined the partnership.

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Whale and dolphin protection

The department is responsible for carrying out the Australian Government’s whale protection policies, including through international forums such as the

International Whaling Commission.

The Australian Government has made whale and dolphin conservation and

protection a priority. The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999 established the Australian Whale Sanctuary in Commonwealth waters

(see case study). The Act also regulates how people should behave around whales

and dolphins.

The department hosted the 5th

National Disentanglement Workshop in Hobart in April 2007 in conjunction with the Tasmanian Department for Primary Industries

and Water. The workshop promoted the use of best practice methods for 

disentangling whales from fishing gear and shark nets, and the importance of 

having highly trained personnel around the country to respond to entanglement

incidents. The workshop trained Australian and state government employees

to disentangle whales safely from fishing gear and marine debris. International

experts and observers from the Pacific region also participated.

In order to keep track of entangled whales that cannot be disentangled

immediately, all states now have satellite telemetry buoys which can be attached

to entanglement gear. The department supplied most of the buoys. The Australian

disentanglement network is gaining a worldwide reputation for its better practice

training methods and successful, safe disentanglement procedures. The network

is now being invited to extend its methods to Pacific countries, South Africa and

some European countries.

The department funded a number of research projects relating to the conservation

and management of three threatened whale species, the blue, southern right and

humpback whale. Recent data from research funded through the Natural HeritageTrust indicates that populations of two out of the five threatened species of large

 whales found near Australia’s coastline are increasing. While still much lower than

pre-whaling numbers, the Australian populations of southern right whales and

humpback whales on the east coast continue to increase at around 7 per cent and

10.5 per cent a year respectively. Comparable figures for the west coast are not

available; however it is assumed that the recovery rate is similar. Currently there

are around 2,400 southern right whales and 33,000 humpback whales. Blue whale

studies are continuing, but there are still insufficient data to estimate population

size or indicate whether recovery is occurring. There are no current estimates for the abundance of the other three threatened species of large whales: the blue, fin

and sei whales.

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The new Australian Centre for Applied Marine Mammal Science in the

department’s Australian Antarctic Division began a number of research projects

 worth over $400,000 to improve knowledge of the distribution, abundance andhabitat requirements of whales and dolphins. This information will assist in

conserving these species.

To mark the United Nations’ 2007 International Year of the Dolphin the

department launched a website ( 

cetaceans/dolphin-year-2007) and developed a teachers’ toolkit to help teachers

to organise dolphin related activities for school children. The toolkit prompts

discussion about the threats facing dolphins and highlights positive steps teachers

can take with their students to help protect these creatures.

The then Minister for the Environment and Heritage launched the Save Our 

 Whales public education campaign in 2006 which includes an educational

interactive website for children, information materials about whales, current

research projects, whale-watching guidelines and whale rescue information


For more information on Australia’s efforts in the International Whaling

Commission see the section on international marine conservation in this chapter.

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The Australian Whale Sanctuary

 Australian waters are home to

a large number of unique and

magnificent marine mammals,

including 45 species of whales,

dolphins and porpoises. Some

of these species are permanent

residents in Australian waters,

 whilst others are occasional visitors,

migrating from their summer 

feeding grounds in the Antarctic tothe warmer waters of the Australian

coast during the winter.

 Australians have long recognised the importance of whales, dolphins and

porpoises to our unique marine ecosystems, and believe that it is essential

to ensure the survival of these mammals. The Australian Government has

made whale, dolphin and porpoise conservation a priority.

The Australian Whale Sanctuary 

protects whales, dolphins and

porpoises in the Commonwealthmarine area beyond Australia’s coastal

 waters. It includes all of Australia’s

Exclusive Economic Zone which

generally extends to 200 nautical miles

(approximately 370 kilometres) from

the coast, but extends further in some

areas to cover offshore territorial

 waters and islands.

 All coastal states and territories

provide similar protection for whales.State and territory governments are

responsible for protecting whales

and dolphins in waters within

three nautical miles of the coastline.

 Activities in the Australian Whale

Sanctuary that may impact on

 whales, dolphins and porpoises

may require a permit. Permits may only be issued after consideration of all

the impacts of the activity have been taken into account. Permits cannot beissued to kill a whale, dolphin or porpoise or to take one for live display.

 Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus).

 Photo: Ian Anderson

 Humpback whale (Megaptera

novaeangliae).  Photo: Dave Paton


© COPYRIGHTCommonwealth of Australia

Heard Islandand McDonaldIslands

 Australian Whale Sanctuary

ExclusiveEconomic Zonelimit




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Sustainable fsheries assessments

The department is responsible for assessing the environmental performance of fisheries under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 

1999. All fisheries whose products are exported, and all Commonwealth-managed

fisheries, must be assessed.

The Guidelines for the Ecologically Sustainable Management of Fisheries outline

how the department assesses each fishery. Following the department’s assessment,

the minister may approve the continued export of the product if he is satisfied

 with the operation of the fishery.

The department completed assessments of two Commonwealth-managed fisheries

and 13 state-managed fisheries in 2006–07. All fisheries assessed received exportapproval. See the second volume of this set of annual reports for a full list of the

assessed fisheries.

Since 2000, when the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999 came into force, the minister has declared 122 fisheries as either exempt

from the export provisions of the Act for five years, or as approved wildlife trade

operations for periods of up to three years.

Fisheries assessed (2000–present)









2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07


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Since 2000 the Australian Government has used the assessment process to drive

improvements in fisheries management by identifying what extra environmental

protection measures need to be put in place. As a result, fishery managementagencies have agreed on a range of measures to improve their environmental

performance and sustainability.

Marine pest management ramework 

The Australian Government is working with state and territory governments to

establish a national system for the prevention and management of marine pest

incursions. The national system has three major components: preventing new 

populations of marine pests establishing in Australia; a coordinated emergency 

response to new incursions and translocations; and the ongoing control andmanagement of existing populations of marine pests. The department contributes

to all aspects of the national system, but takes a coordinating role in the ongoing

control and management of existing populations.

The Australian Government committed $6 million over four years (2004–2008)

from the national component of the Natural Heritage Trust for research and

development and other activities necessary to implement the national system.

Project expenditure during 2006–07 was $254,000. Projects funded by the

department include:

introduced marine species

  Musculista Senhousia ), European fan worm (  Sabella

 spallanzanii ) and European clam ( Varicorbula gibba ) through genetic testing

to assist the Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation nations to address the risk of 

invasive marine species

undertaken in Australia since 1996 to provide additional data and information

for pest management.

International marine conservation

The seas and seabed beyond the national jurisdiction of individual countries—the

‘high seas’—contain significant biodiversity, much of it new to science, diverse,

unique and fragile. The department works with other countries to promote marine

biodiversity conservation, including on the high seas.

International activities or listed threatened and migratory species

The department continued to build regional and international conservationpartnerships to ensure that Australia’s domestic protection measures for listed

threatened and migratory species are complemented internationally.

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The department is Australia’s focal point for the Convention on the Conservation

of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, an intergovernmental convention of 92

countries to which Australia is a signatory. The department also supports the Australian Government’s obligations under the Japan–Australia Migratory Birds

 Agreement (JAMBA) and the China–Australia Migratory Birds Agreement (CAMBA).

 An update to the names used to describe the birds in the annex to both

agreements was agreed with Japan and China. The roseate tern was included in

the annexes to both agreements following banding research which demonstrated

migration between Swain Reef in Queensland and Japan and China. The Australian

painted snipe was removed from the annex to CAMBA following research which

showed that this species does not migrate to China.

The department finalised a bilateral migratory bird agreement with the Republic of 

Korea. The agreement was signed by the Australian and Korean foreign ministers

in December 2006 and is currently in the final stages of treaty making. It will enter 

into force in 2007.

The department led the finalisation and launch in November 2006 of the

Partnership for the Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and the Sustainable Use

of their Habitats in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway. The partnership will provide

a framework for international cooperation to conserve migratory waterbirds and

their habitat across their range. Australia has been invited to chair the partnership

for the first two years.

United Nations

In December 2006 Australia co-sponsored a strong resolution adopted at the

61st United Nations General Assembly which contains measures to strengthen

management of fishing practices on the high seas. Specifically, the resolution

requires regional fisheries management organisations to develop and implement

interim measures by the end of 2007 to regulate bottom trawling, to ensure these

activities do not adversely affect vulnerable marine ecosystems. If interim measures

are not adopted by 31 December 2007, the regional fisheries managementorganisations must take measures to ensure bottom fishing activities cease.


The department is continuing to work closely with Pacific Island countries and

territories to advance a number of whale and dolphin conservation initiatives

in the region. Australia was actively involved in the development of the 2006

Memorandum of Understanding for the Conservation of Cetaceans and their 

Habitats in the Pacific Islands Region under the auspices of the Convention on the

Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. The department is working with the secretariat of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme

(SPREP) on developing the 2007–2012 SPREP Whale and Dolphin Action Plan.

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In March 2007 Australia hosted a workshop in Samoa on whale and fishery 

interactions in the Pacific and the complexity of the ocean food web.

The workshop highlighted the negligible impact large whales have on fishstocks as their diet consists mainly of krill.

The department was involved in the development of the 2007–2012 SPREP

marine turtle and dugong action plans, and provided funding to implement

priority actions for capacity building in Pacific Island countries. In 2007–08 several

Pacific Islanders will join Australian researchers and Indigenous Australians to

share knowledge about turtle and dugong management, and about research and

monitoring activities.

 Australia is assisting regional marine conservation and management through

the Arafura and Timor Seas Expert Forum. The forum is one of Australia’s major 

partnership initiatives arising from the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on

Sustainable Development. It facilitates cooperative research and better information

sharing between governments, scientific bodies and non-government interests

in Australia, Indonesia and Timor-Leste. Its aim is to improve the sustainable

management of living marine resources in the Arafura and Timor seas region.

In 2006 forum partners developed a bid for funding to support Indonesia

and Timor-Leste to participate in the Arafura and Timor Seas Expert Forum to

2014. The bid was submitted to the Global Environment Facility Council for 

consideration in June 2007. The department is also progressing regional marineconservation and collective actions on high priority issues including marine debris

through the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia.

 Australia is helping to improve the management and sustainability of the oceans

and marine resources within the Asia–Pacific region through the Asia–Pacific

Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. In 2006–07 Australia promoted and

supported activities covering marine debris, the potential of marine protected

areas to alleviate poverty, marine invasive species and illegal fishing.

The department hosted the 20th annual meeting of the APEC Marine Resources

Conservation Working Group in April 2007 and joint meetings of the conservation andfisheries working groups. The department will use 2007–08 to promote ecosystem-

based management and marine protected areas, and to increase understanding of the

economic consequences of marine debris in the Asia–Pacific region.

International Whaling Commission

The Australian Government continued its strong opposition to ‘scientific’ and

commercial whaling and presented strong arguments at this year’s International

 Whaling Commission meeting to put a stop to whaling. At the 59 th meeting held in

May 2007, the simple majority was regained by pro-conservation countries, and theban on commercial whaling remained in place. Several resolutions were passed by 

the majority of countries condemning ‘scientific’ whaling in Antarctica, reaffirming

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the primacy of the commission on cetacean matters and recognising the value of 

non-lethal uses of whale resources.

The government is working closely with other pro-conservation countries to

ensure they stay firm in their opposition to any form of commercial and ‘scientific’

 whaling, and to bring greater focus to the economic benefits of non-consumptive

use of whales. The government will call for the adoption of non-lethal techniques

in researching the status of whales and their habitats.

Great Barrier Ree Marine Park structural adjustment package

On 1 July 2004 rezoning in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park increased the area of 

‘no fishing’ zones in the park from 4.5 per cent to 33.3 per cent. The governmenthas since been providing assistance to businesses and individuals affected by the

rezoning through a structural adjustment package. The package has an approved

budget of $170.773 million, including $84.033 million in 2006–07, but the final

amount of assistance provided is yet to be determined.

 As of 30 June 2007, 1700 grants totalling $134.63 million had been approved

under the various elements of the package. The largest elements of the package

comprise 122 grants for licence buy-outs totalling nearly $33 million, 314 grants for 

Full Business Restructuring Assistance totalling $86.44 million and 496 grants for 

Simplified Business Restructuring Assistance amounting to$11.31 million.

Marine science

Scientific research is an important component of the Australian Government’s

marine conservation strategy. The department works in partnership with

other government agencies and scientists to increase understanding of marine

ecosystems and biodiversity.

Marine surveys

In 2006–07 the department co-sponsored surveys of seabed biodiversity in

two of the Commonwealth marine reserves that make up the new South-east

Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network (i.e. Huon and Tasman Fracture)

and funded analyses of information from a previous survey of the Zeehan

Commonwealth Marine Reserve. The department contributed about

$1.1 million or 48 per cent of the cost of the surveys. The surveys are providing

the first baseline inventories of biodiversity and habitat in the reserves and

helping to better define the reserves’ conservation values. The work will also

help achieve the objectives articulated in the management plan for the former 

Tasmanian Seamounts Marine Reserve (now incorporated into the larger HuonCommonwealth Marine Reserve), and will inform the management plan for the

entire South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network.

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 A cluster of seamount pinnacles in the Huon marine protected area. The image on

the left shows information prior to the survey and the image on the right shows the

 high resolution map of the same area produced from the survey.  Photo: CSIRO Marine and 

 Atmospheric Research.

This image taken from a submerged camera

 shows a seamount biodiversity hotspot—a rich

 garden of corals, sponges and sea stars on

 stony coral substratum.  Photo: CSIRO Marine and 

 Atmospheric Research

South-east marine survey

The department, in collaboration with CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric

Research, conducted surveys of the Huon and Tasman Fracture

Commonwealth marine reserves in the South-east Commonwealth Marine

Reserve Network. The surveys were undertaken from the national facility 

 vessel RV  Southern Surveyor in waters between 100 and 1,800 metres deep.

Scientists conducted acoustic

swath mapping to obtain

high quality maps of the

seabed and took images of 

benthic fauna using state-

of-the-art video and still

photographic techniques.

These techniques are

being developed to

provide a quantitativeand non-destructive way 

of monitoring sensitive

environments such as those

that exist on seamounts.

Scientists collected several

hundred marine species

for biodiversity inventories. These species will be identified by specialist

museum taxonomists. It is expected that many of the species will be new 

to science. Information from this project will inform the management of 

protected areas in the South-east Marine Region.

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Results or perormance indicators

Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Estuaries and coastal waters

Number o water quality improvement

plans and associated interim projects

completed or under development

2 plans were completed and 4 initiated

Number o Australian Government

obligations under the Great Barrier Ree 

Water Quality Protection Plan either

completed or in progress

1 action or which the department has direct responsibility has

been completed and 9 actions are in progress

Development o sewerage schemes or Boat Harbour Beach and Sisters Beach, Tasmania (Administered item)

Extent to which the project will achieve

government objectives

Highproject objectives have been and will continue to be met

through the construction o a wastewater treatment plant at

Shelter Point and new sewerage inrastructure at Boat Harbour

Beach to improve coastal water quality. Sewerage inrastructure

and a wastewater treatment plant have been completed or the

Sisters Beach and Lake Llewellyn communities

Number o milestones achieved compared

with those specied in the contract

Boat Harbour Beachall contract milestones completed

Sisters Beachall contract milestones completed

 The Sisters Beach Waterways Improvement Strategy–Stormwater

Management Improvement Programme contract was due to

be completed in April 2007. While most o the work has beencompleted, there are still a ew elements to be nalised

Natural Heritage Trust (Coastcare)

(See indicators or the Natural Heritage

 Trust in land and inland waters chapter)

Results are reported in land and inland waters

Recovery o threatened marine wildlie

Number o recovery plans (i) being

prepared and (ii) in operation

(i) 2 recovery plans are being prepared–1 or the Australian

sea-lion and a multiple species plan or Pristis microdon,

Glyphis sp. A and Glyphis sp. C

(ii) 7 plans are in operation covering 25 species

Percentage o listed threatened marine

species and ecological communities with

recovery plans in operation

86% (25 o 29) o species have recovery plans in operation

Key threats to marine biodiversity

Number o threat abatement plans

(i) being prepared or revised and

(ii) in operation

(i) 1 threat abatement plan is being prepared or marine debris

(ii) 1 plan is in operation or incidental bycatch o seabirds during

oceanic longline shing

O those listed key threatening processes

in the oceans that require a threat

abatement plan, the percentage that have

threat abatement plans in operation


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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results


Percentage o environmental

recommendations implemented under

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity 

Conservation Act 1999 assessments o 

sheries management

Over 1,000 recommendations or improvement in sheries

management across Australia have been made. The majority

are ongoing and require adaptive management. The progress

and adequacy o implementation is considered within the

reassessment process

Marine protected areas 1

Area o Commonwealth reserves and

Department o the Environment and Water

Resources or the Director o National Parks

27,245,678 hectares (including Heard Island and McDonald

Islands Marine Reserve)

Percentage o protected areas managed by

the Department o the Environment and

Water Resources or the Director o National

Parks with management plans in operation

86% (12 o 14) marine protected areas have management plans in

operation (inclusive o Heard and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve)

Interim management arrangements are in place or the newly

declared Cod Grounds Commonwealth Marine Reserve until

the management plan is put into eect. Mermaid Ree National

Nature Reserve is currently being managed in a way consistent

with Australian management principles or IUCN (World

Conservation Union) category 1A until the 2nd management plan

comes into eect (expected in late 2007)

Marine bioregional plans 2

Number o marine bioregional plans and

proles (i) being prepared or revised and (ii)

in operation

(i) 4 marine bioregional plans are being developed: the South-

west, North-west, North and East marine regions

(ii) None

International whaling 3

 The degree to which Australia’s policy

interests are advanced, including through

the International Whaling Commission

Pro-conservation countries regained a simple majority at the

59th International Whaling Commission meeting to continue the

ban on commercial whaling

A proposal or small-species coastal whaling was deeated

Resolutions were passed reafrming the primacy o the

commission on cetaceans, condemning ‘scientic’ whaling, and

recognising the value o non-lethal use o whales

Moves by pro-whaling countries to review the listing o whalespecies on the Appendices to CITES, which could have led to the

opening o trade in some species o large whales, were deeated

at the CITES meeting in June 2007

CITES acknowledged the primacy o the International Whaling

Commission in the management o all whales and conrmed the

ban on trade will remain whilst the moratorium is in place

A memoranda o understanding on the Conservation o Cetaceans

and their Habitats in the Pacic Islands Region came into eect in

September 2006 and has 11 signatories including Australia

1 Detailed perormance results or Commonwealth reserves are in the annual report o the Director o National Parks.

2 This perormance indicator is rom the 2007–08 Portolio Budget Statements.

3 This perormance indicator appears under outcome 2 in the 2006–07 Portolio Budget Statements, but responsibility is now

with outcome 1.

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Output 1.3—Conservation o the coasts and oceans

Policy advisor role: The minister is satised

with the timeliness and accuracy o bries

and drat ministerial correspondence

provided by the department

Minister was satised with timeliness and quality o bries. The

department has experienced challenges in responding to the

unprecedented volume o correspondence now being received,

but procedural adjustments and new systems have improved


Provider role 1: Percentage o payments

that are consistent with the terms and

conditions o unding (Target: 100%)


Regulator role 2: Percentage o statutory

timerames triggered that are met (Target:


A report on the compliance with statutory timerames triggered

under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999 is provided in the second volume o this set o annual


Price Reer to the resources table below

1 Applies only to the administration o grants programmes unded entirely rom departmental unding or this output.

Any grants programmes within this output that are wholly or partially unded through administered appropriations are

separately reported.

2 Includes explicit reporting timerames triggered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

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Elements o pricing Budget prices


Actual expenses


Departmental outputs

Sub-output: 1.3.1 Coastal strategies

Sub-output: 1.3.2 Coastal investment

Sub-output: 1.3.3 Marine conservation







Total Output 1.3 30,990 31,382

Administered items

Great Barrier ReeRepresentative Areas Programme Structural

Adjustment Package

Natural Heritage Trust (Coastcare Programme)

Development o sewerage schemes or Boat Harbour Beach and

Sisters Beach, Tasmania











Total (Administered) 134,910 118,633

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The Department of the Environment and Water Resources identifies, protectsand conserves Australia’s natural and cultural heritage, including Indigenous and

historic heritage.

Main responsibilities or this output

on the World Heritage List, National Heritage

List, and Commonwealth Heritage List

of heritage places with Indigenous, natural

or historic values under the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999

under the Convention for the Protection of 

the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972,

 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage

 Protection Act 1984, Protection of Movable

Cultural Heritage Act 1986 and Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 

Heritage Division


Natural, Indigenous and historic heritage

historic heritage places that are of national and world significance

or leased

 Asia–Pacific region

protecting shipwrecks and associated relics


to the export of heritage objects

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Results 2006–07

Heritage List. The Opera House has captured the imagination of people

all over the world and is an instantly recognisable icon of Sydney and


 Western Australia was assessed for the national heritage values of its

rock engravings and stone arrangements. On 3 July 2007, Dampier 

 Archipelago was included in the National Heritage List. Conservation

agreements were negotiated with two companies to protect and

conserve national heritage values in or adjacent to their operations.

The listing will ensure protection of Indigenous heritage without

compromising the viability of nationally important industries.

of places in the list to 59, including five national parks and 15 World

Heritage listed places.

Heritage List bringing the total to 340 places.

Programme to identify, conserve and promote Indigenous heritage.  Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 and the Australian Heritage Council Act 

 2003 came into effect on 19 February 2007. The amendments include

provisions to improve the nomination and assessment processes for 

listing national heritage and Commonwealth heritage places. They 

establish the List of Overseas Places of Historic Significance to Australia,

and allow places in the World Heritage List to be added to the National

Heritage List without assessment.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait 

 Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 in 2006. The amendments clarify 

the status of declarations made under the Act and when they can be

used as legislative instruments, repeal provisions in the Act preventing

 Victoria from passing its own legislation to protect Indigenous heritage,

and enable the export of objects where a certificate has been issued

under the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986.

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World, national and Commonwealth heritage

 Australia’s world, national and Commonwealth heritage places may be of natural,Indigenous or historic significance or any combination of these. Heritage places

are important to Australia’s sense of national identity and shared values. Protecting

them benefits future generations as well as the present community.

The Australian Government’s main legislation for protecting heritage places is the

 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The Act protects the heritage values of places that are included in the following lists:

the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and NaturalHeritage (usually referred to as the World Heritage Convention)


are owned or leased by the Australian Government.

In late 2006, the Australian Parliament passed the Environment and Heritage

 Legislation Amendment Act (No.1) 2006  which included significant amendments

to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and the

 Australia Council Act 2003. The amendments:

the National Heritage List and Commonwealth Heritage List. The minister will

call for public nominations once every year, and may establish a theme for 

nominations to the national list. The minister, after advice from the Australian

Heritage Council, will finalise a list of priorities for assessment, which will be

publicly announced. The council will assess the places on the priority list

emergency listing. These processes are available where the minister is satisfied

that there is a likely and imminent threat of a significant adverse impact upon

the heritage values of a place

 will enable symbolic recognition of overseas places. The National Heritage List

 will no longer be open to places outside Australian jurisdiction

their world heritage values without assessment through the standard processes

five years. The transition period will allow the Australian Government, states

and territories to complete the task of transferring places to state, territory andlocal heritage registers. The register will be maintained after this period as a

non-statutory archive.

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The department manages the processes set up by the Act, provides heritage

listing advice to the government, and advises property managers on their heritage

management plans and strategies. The department supports the AustralianHeritage Council in its assessment, advice and public information and awareness

activities. The department’s heritage activities are largely funded through the

Distinctively Australian Programme ( $52.1 million from 2003–2007) and the

National Heritage Investment Initiative ( $10.5 million from 2005–2009).

World heritage listings

 Australia has 17 world heritage properties inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Nominations are made by national governments and assessed for inclusion on thelist by the World Heritage Committee.

On 28 June 2007 the Sydney Opera House was officially inscribed on the World

Heritage List as a masterpiece of human creative genius. The Opera House

is an extraordinary building in a stunning harbour setting. Since its opening,

it has captured the imagination of people all over the world and become an

internationally recognised icon of both Sydney and Australia as a whole.

Extensive work was undertaken on a new World Heritage nomination covering

 Australian Convict Sites. The department, with state and territory officials, has

overseen preparation of the nomination, revision of management plans and

community consultation. The nomination is scheduled to be submitted in late 2007.

Australian World Heritage Tentative List

The Australian Government has responsibility under the Operational Guidelines

for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2005) to prepare

an Australian World Heritage Tentative List. A tentative list is an inventory of 

properties on its territory which a party considers suitable for inscription on the

 World Heritage List. At its 2 June 2007 meeting the Environment Protection and

Heritage Council agreed to support preparation of a new Australian World Heritage

Tentative List for consideration over the next 10 years. This was in light of thematic

reports by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the

 World Conservation Union (IUCN) identifying gaps in the World Heritage List, and

considering the tentative lists of other parties. The department will work with all

states and territories to discuss possible nominations and themes for the list in the

latter part of 2007.

 A National Heritage Protocol agreed by the Environment Protection and Heritage

Council in April 2004 states that, as a general principle, future nominations for the World Heritage List, and by extension submissions to Australia’s tentative list, will

be drawn from the National Heritage List.

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World Heritage 25th anniversary communications strategy

October 2006 marked the 25th anniversary of the inscription of the first three

 Australian sites in the World Heritage List in 1981. The sites were the Willandra

Lakes Region, the Great Barrier Reef, and Kakadu National Park. In 1982, they were

joined by the Tasmanian Wilderness and Lord Howe Island.

The department developed a comprehensive strategy to promote the 25th 

anniversary year, from October 2006 to October 2007. The strategy is designed to:

(Articles 4 and 5) to present and transmit world heritage values to present and

future generations

heritage properties, policies and strategies


conservation and preservation of Australia’s world heritage properties.

The strategy includes a 25th anniversary calendar, a book on current Australian

 world heritage sites, newspaper supplements, a travelling photographic exhibition,

a postcard series, and anniversary plaques for the 17 sites. The travellingphotographic exhibition has already been seen by over 200,000 people as of 

30 June 2007 and has been booked up until January 2008. A calendar, postcards

and a brochure were produced and distributed.

National and Commonwealth heritage listings

Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,

the minister is responsible for including places in the national or Commonwealth

heritage lists. In 2006–07 the minister received 58 public nominations for the

National Heritage List. The minister added 28 places to the list, including 15 world

heritage places (see map), and added one place to the Commonwealth

Heritage List.

 After the third full year of operation of the national and Commonwealth heritage

provisions of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 

1999, Australia had 59 national heritage places (including places from each state

and territory) and 340 places in the Commonwealth list.

Unless operating under the emergency provisions, before listing a place the

minister must first consider an assessment of its heritage values by the AustralianHeritage Council, an independent body appointed to provide the government with

advice on a range of heritage matters.

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The council also maintains the Register of the National Estate. The minister must

take the register into account when making decisions under the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Amendments passed in 2006provided that no additional places be included in the register and introduced a

five-year transition period after which the register will no longer have a statutory 

basis. It will, however, be available as an information source.

Location o national heritage places listed in 2006–07


















4, 6,11

  2, 3, 9

1. Glasshouse Mountains National Landscape

2. Rippon Lea House and Gardens

3. Flemington Racecourse

4. Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Lion Island

and Spectacle Island Nature Reserves

5. Warrumbungle National Park

6. Royal National Park and Garawarra

State Conservation Area

7. Grampians National Park (Gariwerd)

8. Stirling Range National Park

9. Yee Fiora Fossil Site

10. Ediaoara Fossil Site – Nilpena

11. Sydney Harbour Bridge

12. Echuca Wharf

13. Lord Howe Island Group

14. Gondwana Rainforests

15. Willandra Lakes Region16. The Greater Blue Mountains Area

17. Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Narracoorte)

18. Great Barrier Reef

19. Fraser Island

20. Wet Tropics of Queensland

21. Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh)

22. Purnululu National Park

23. Shark Bay

24. Macquarie Island

25. Tasmanian Wilderness

26. Kakadu National Park

27. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

28. Heard and McDonald Islands

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Emergency listings

The minister can decide to emergency list a place that may have national or 

Commonwealth heritage values that are under threat. Emergency listing is a

temporary measure as the Australian Heritage Council must follow up emergency 

listing with a detailed assessment.

 Amendments to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 

1999 passed in 2006 streamline the process and make it clear that the minister 

must believe that the threat is both likely and imminent in deciding to emergency 

list a place.

In 2006–07 the minister received requests to emergency list six places in the

National Heritage List. Of these, the minister rejected two because he was

not satisfied that national heritage values existed or were under threat, or heconsidered that other considerations outweighed minimal risk to heritage values.

The minister later included one of these places, Dampier Archipelago, in the

National Heritage List (on 3 July 2007). The applicants did not proceed with the

other four requests.

Details of the reasons for the minister’s decisions are available from the heritage

notices website at

World heritage management

The Australian Government provided $8 million in 2006–07 from the Natural

Heritage Trust to assist the states to manage world heritage properties to ensure

their protection and promotion is consistent with undertakings under the World

Heritage Convention. Activities funded include agreed on-ground priority projects

and strategic management support projects including community consultation and


On 23 November 2006, the Environment Protection and Heritage Council resolved

to implement a more strategic and cooperative national approach to world

heritage management and to reinvigorate the council’s existing role as the nationalforum for world heritage issues. At its April 2007 meeting the Council of Australian

Governments (COAG) agreed to abolish nine of the 10 property- or jurisdiction-

specific world heritage area ministerial councils. The department will consult with

 world heritage area advisory committees and will develop, under the council’s

leadership, more streamlined reporting, management planning and funding

arrangements for Australia’s world heritage areas.

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In 2006–07 the minister approved a priority list for the development of 

management plans for national heritage places. Funding or part-funding for 

the development of management plans consistent with the national heritagemanagement principles of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 was provided for five places on this priority list and

one place to its priority listing. Management plans are also in preparation for 

three historic national listed places wholly in Commonwealth ownership. The

department provided comments on two management plans for national listed

places and several management plans for places in the Commonwealth Heritage

List. The department also provided input to several management plans being

prepared for the serial nomination of convict sites to the World Heritage List.

The Act also requires each Australian Government agency that owns or controls aplace with acknowledged or potential Commonwealth heritage values to prepare a

 written heritage strategy for managing the place to protect and conserve its values.

Twelve Australian Government agencies have completed their heritage strategies

and the department expects a further 14 to complete them during 2007–08.

The department has reminded all other Australian Government agencies of 

their obligations. Agencies with completed strategies have started to undertake

identification and assessment programmes and to prepare management plans.

Productivity Commission inquiryOn 6 April 2005 the minister and the Treasurer announced a Productivity 

Commission inquiry into the policy framework and incentives for the conservation

of Australia’s historic heritage places. The Productivity Commission tabled the final

report of its inquiry in the parliament in July 2006.

The report makes 14 recommendations to improve state, territory, local and

(to a lesser extent) Australian Government heritage frameworks by making both

costs and benefits explicit, and by improving the clarity and accountability of the

heritage listing system, particularly at the local government level. The report’s key 

recommendation is that private owners should be able to appeal heritage listing of their properties on the basis of unreasonable cost.

The report represents the most comprehensive review of the three-tiered heritage

framework ever undertaken in Australia. The report demonstrates the great

significance of built heritage and the fact that it is clearly valued as a critical part of 

 Australia’s social capital.

In preparing the Australian Government’s response, the department consulted

 with other departments with a policy interest in the response, and those that

are managers of heritage listed properties. State and territory heritage agencies

 were also consulted in the early planning stages of the response, in order to worktowards a government response that is consistent with the state and territory 


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The Australian Government response to the report was tabled in the House of 

Representatives on 22 May 2007 and in the Senate on 12 June 2007.

The response refers some issues requiring a nationally coordinated approach tothe Environment Protection and Heritage Council for further discussion.

Cooperative National Heritage Agenda

In May 2006, the Environment Protection and Heritage Council agreed to develop

an integrated national heritage policy agenda for natural, Indigenous and historic

heritage. The department’s Heritage Division has responsibility under the

Environment Protection and Heritage Council’s Cooperative National Heritage

 Agenda for two priority projects, one to develop consistent national heritage

assessment criteria and thresholds, and the other to develop a comprehensive

national heritage inventory and information portal.

Under the first priority project a publication is being developed with the states and

territories to explain the Australian three-tier system of heritage listing, including

assessment criteria and thresholds. It is expected that this project will conclude with a

presentation to the Environment Protection and Heritage Council later in 2007.

For the latter project the department commissioned a scoping study to upgrade the

 web-based database—the Australian Heritage Places Inventory. The upgrade will

simplify and improve the database so users can readily access information onlinefrom statutory heritage inventories across Australia. The scoping study will be

assessed by the Environment Protection and Heritage Council.

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force issued under the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986. 

Part IIA of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 

1984 established a scheme for the preservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage

in Victoria, the only state to have its Aboriginal cultural heritage protected by 

Commonwealth legislation. In 2006 Victoria passed its new Aboriginal heritage laws

and the Victorian and Australian governments agreed to coordinate the transfer of 

responsibilities to Victoria. Part IIA was repealed by proclamation on 28 May 2007,

and in Victoria the new state legislation was proclaimed on the same day, without

any gap in the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage in Victoria.

Section 12 of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 enables

a person who wants to import an Australian protected object for a temporary 

purpose to apply to the minister for a certificate authorising the object’s

subsequent export. The provisions allow Australian museums and other cultural

institutions to obtain objects under contractual and other loan arrangements for 

temporary exhibition in Australia. Prior to the amendments, a declaration made under 

the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 was able to

override section 12 of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986.

The changes improve access for Australians to overseas-owned Australian cultural

materials and also protect the overseas lending institutions’ right to have their 

 Australian protected objects returned to them.

Reorms to Commonwealth legislation to protect Indigenous heritage

In late 2006 the minister initiated a consultative process for comprehensive reform

of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 . These

reforms will establish a national framework providing for the best contemporary 

standards of protection while maintaining the states’ and territories’ primary 

responsibility for the protection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage.

In 2006–07 the department formed a taskforce to progress these reforms and to

undertake comprehensive public consultations, targeting Indigenous people, industry 

and governments affected by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage protection

laws. A discussion paper outlining options for the reforms is planned to be releasedfor public consultation in 2007–08, with new legislation introduced in 2008–09.

Indigenous Heritage Programme

The department administers the Australian Government’s Indigenous Heritage

Programme. The programme supports the identification, conservation, and

promotion (where appropriate) of the Indigenous heritage values of places

important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The programme also helps identify places likely to have outstanding Indigenousheritage value to Australia; that is, places of national heritage significance suitable

for inclusion in the National Heritage List.

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The department received 122 applications seeking a total of approximately 

$11 million in funding for the $3.7 million available in 2006–07. The minister 

approved funding for more than 60 projects, including identification of Indigenousheritage, conservation of Indigenous heritage sites, heritage planning, construction

of places for keeping Indigenous heritage items and sharing Australian Indigenous

heritage. These diverse projects have been initiated by local communities across

the country, and display Australia’s commitment to identifying and sharing the

nation’s rich Indigenous heritage.

Projects funded through the Indigenous Heritage Programme in 2006–07 include:

$100,000 to connect Koori people with traditional heritage places through

identifying and recording Indigenous heritage places and values in Victoria

$90,000 for high resolution, three dimensional laser scanning of Aboriginalengraving and painting sites along the north-west and west coasts of Tasmania

$98,850 to develop the Ngarrindjeri environment and heritage management

strategy to implement research, planning and interpretation of cultural heritage

on Ngarrindjeri Ruwe (lands and islands) in South Australia

$90,596 for a cultural mapping project to record and film significant Aboriginal

cultural sites in the Yindjibarnde traditional country, Western Australia

$80,150 for the Wilsons River Experience Walk, which will research and link

Indigenous history and cultural sites along the banks of the Wilsons River,

New South Wales

$98,800 for cultural mapping and management planning for rock art sites on Jawoyn lands in the Northern Territory 

$87,500 to facilitate teaching traditional Badtjala knowledge and culture for 

future generations at Maryborough in Queensland.

Indigenous heritage projects are also supported under the Indigenous Heritage

Programme through shared responsibility agreements with Indigenous

communities. These are agreements for the provision of services to Indigenous

communities under the Australian Government’s whole-of-government

arrangements for Indigenous affairs, and involve both government and community 

contributions to achieve improved outcomes.

Contributions from the Indigenous Heritage Programme to shared responsibility 

agreements in 2006–07 included:

$37,000 for heritage interpretation and tourism at the Wave Hill Walk Off sites at

Kalkaringi in the Northern Territory 

$45,000 for heritage management and interpretation of the Combarngo Humpy 

and an interpretive shelter on the Balonne Riverscape in Surat, Queensland

$160,000 for the restoration of the historic church at Raukkan (Port McLeay),

South Australia

$40,000 for survey and protection of a significant early mission site on Bruny 

Island, Tasmania $25,000 for natural and cultural resource management by MaMu traditional

owners in the Innisfail region, Queensland.

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Asia–Pacifc Focal Point or World Heritage

The Asia–Pacific Focal Point is a regional network for world heritage managersestablished to assist countries in the Asia–Pacific region to adopt and implement

the World Heritage Convention. Through the network, world heritage managers

share information and experience, respond to specific requests, promote best

practice in heritage management and identify and secure funding for world

heritage activities.

The department provides the secretariat for the Asia–Pacific Focal Point. In

2006–07 the department improved the network’s  website by upgrading the format,

adding a secure page for lodgement of documents, and updating and adding new 

information, photos, and links (see

The department also supports activities and projects in the Asia–Pacific region through

the network. In 2006–07 the department supported the following four projects:

included the second stage of the development of a digitised database to

strengthen the Roi Mata Domain world heritage nomination

position paper for the World Heritage Committee and to build capacity within

the Pacific to develop world heritage nominations. The workshop was attended

by delegates from across the South Pacific

associated mapping projects as part of the world heritage nomination of the

Kuk Early Agricultural Site

scientist from China to further develop their professional capability.

Regional Natural Heritage Programme

The four-year $10 million Regional Natural Heritage Programme began in

February 2004. The programme provides grants to non-government organisationsand other relevant agencies to protect outstanding biodiversity in hotspot areas of 

South-East Asia and the Pacific.

There were 78 applications for the fourth and final round of the programme in

2006–07. The minister approved seven ongoing and 14 new projects. Combined

grant funding was $2.9 million. The programme concluded on 30 June 2007.

Projects funded include:

$202,950 to the Conservation International Foundation to conserve key 

biodiversity areas and threatened lowland rainforest species in the Sierra Madre

Mountain Range, Luzon Island, Philippines $250,000 to the Nature Conservancy of Indonesia to protect the heart of the

Coral Triangle and to strengthen marine protected areas in eastern Indonesia

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Australia’s maritime heritage

 Australia’s coastal and maritime heritage was the 2006 theme selected by the

minister to mark the 400th anniversary of the first documented European contact

 with Australia. This was in 1606 when Willem Janszoon and his crew on the Dutch

ship Duyfken mapped 350 kilometres of Australia’s coastline on the west side of 

Cape York.

To commemorate the anniversary, the Australian Government sponsored part of 

the voyage of the 1606–2006 Duyfken replica built in Fremantle in 1999. During

the voyage of the Duyfken from May 2006 to January 2007 the replica stopped

in 25 ports and was visited by over 80,000 people. The voyage provided a rare

opportunity for Australians to experience life as it would have been on a late 16th 

century vessel and to learn more about Australia’s important maritime heritage.

Historic shipwrecks

The department administers the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 and the Historic

Shipwrecks Programme. In 2006–07 the department provided $426,000 to the

states, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island as delegates under the Act, and

also to the Australasian Institute of Maritime Archaeology to administer the Act,

and for projects to protect, preserve and monitor historic shipwrecks. Projectsincluded:

 Phaeton, Sultana and Koning Willem II, which were lost off the coast of Robe,

South Australia, in 1857

 Sydney Cove


site management, research, and outreach purposes, and to assist private and

commercial parties to meet their obligations under the Historic Shipwrecks

 Act 1976.

In 2006–07 the minister declared two important shipwrecks from the Second

 World War, the SS Iron Knight and an M24 Japanese midget submarine, as historic

shipwrecks with protective zones around the two sites. The SS Iron Knight was

discovered by a team of specialist divers south of Montague Island in southern

New South Wales’ coastal waters, and declared a historic shipwreck in August 2006.

The SS Iron Knight , an Australian cargo steamer, was en route from Whyalla toNewcastle with a load of iron ore when it was torpedoed and sunk by a Japanese

submarine in the early hours of 8 February 1943.

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The Japanese midget submarine M24 was discovered off the coast of Sydney 

by a group of amateur divers; a protected zone around it was declared in

December 2006. The M24 Japanese midget submarine was involved in the attackon Sydney on the evening of 31 May 1942. It penetrated a boom defence at

10:40 pm and after searching for the main target—the heavy cruiser USS 

Chicago —launched two torpedos. One exploded against the seawall, sinking the

depot ship HMAS Kuttabul and killing 19 Royal Australian Navy and two Royal Navy 

sailors. It was last reported leaving the harbour at 1:58 am on 1 June 1942 and was

not seen again until its discovery in late 2006. The department is working with

the Royal Australian Navy, New South Wales Heritage Office, the Embassy of Japan

and other stakeholders to ensure that the wreck is managed to conserve it for 

future generations. The department has provided $54,000 to the New South Wales

Government to assist in the purchase of a sonar buoy for ongoing monitoring of 

the M24.

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Cultural heritage

Protection o movable cultural heritage

The department administers the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 

1986 . The Act aims to protect Australia’s cultural heritage from being significantly 

diminished by the export of heritage objects and to protect the cultural heritage

of other countries by preventing the illegal import of significant objects. The Act

supports collecting institutions such as museums through the National Cultural

Heritage Account.

This year the National Cultural Heritage Account supported a number of 

organisations including:

Devereaux, Australia’s first professional maker of stringed, bowed instruments

and the Australian Jockey Club’s 1950 gold Sydney Cup

an Museum for the

purchase of a rare 19th century Wokali

bark shield from the Adelaide Plains

two c.1890 drawings by Tommy McRae

of a c.1900 roll top desk with strong

associations with the whaling and

communications operations on Norfolk


In December 2006 an illegally imported

 Asmat skull recovered under the Act was

returned to the Indonesian Government.

The Asmat people in Papua preserved the

skulls of their ancestors and kept them insacred areas. The skull was painted with

ochre, and decorated with a braided head

band of feathers, a large ornament similar 

to ‘boar’s tusks’ and other ornamentation

including seeds and beads.

In June 2007 sixteen incised decorated

skulls also recovered under the Act were

returned to the Government of Malaysia.

These skulls were identified as Dyak skulls,decorated with traditional designs of the

Iban people. The patterns were carved

 Asmat skull.  Photo: Mark Mohell 

 Decorated Malaysian skull.

 Photo: Mark Mohell 

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into the skulls, and covered with a resin. The skulls were handed down from one

generation to the next and were regarded as having sacred and spiritual qualities.

Detailed results on the operation of the Act in 2006–07 are in the second volume

of this set of annual reports. The report lists objects acquired with assistance from

the National Cultural Heritage Account, objects assessed, and heritage objects

from other countries that were returned to their countries of origin.

Cultural heritage projects

The department provides funding to third parties to conserve Australia’s

significant cultural heritage objects and places. This funding is used to restore and

conserve historic heritage places, purchase historic and heritage objects, and raiseawareness and appreciation of Australia’s cultural heritage.

National Heritage Investment Initiative

The initiative is providing $10.5 million over four years (2005–2009) for grants to

help restore and conserve Australia’s most important historic heritage places.

To be eligible for funding, places must be in the National Heritage List or on a state

or territory government statutory heritage register. Priority is given to places in the

National Heritage List.

In 2006–07 the department received 363 expressions of interest for the second round

of funding. Eighteen expressions of interest were short-listed for detailed assessment.

From these, the minister approved 12 grants worth a total of $2.7 million. These

included six places in the National Heritage List. Four of the approved projects are:

$298,028 for restoration of the award winning Zig Zag Railway at Lithgow 

$20,000 to prepare a conservation management plan for the Lennox Bridge and

Mitchell’s Pass sites in New South Wales

$454,445 for restoration work on a prison building at the national heritage

listed Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasmania

$500,000 for structural stabilisation works to the national heritage listed Echuca


Point Nepean Community Trust grant

The Point Nepean Defence Sites and Quarantine Station Area at the entrance

to Port Phillip Bay in Victoria were entered in the National Heritage List on

16 June 2006. The Point Nepean Community Trust manages the Quarantine Station

on behalf of the Commonwealth.

In June 2006 the Australian Government provided $27 million to the Point NepeanCommunity Trust to conserve heritage assets at the Quarantine Station, undertake

infrastructure and building works, and provide for public access and interpretation

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 works. The trust is also working with the Victorian Government to develop a

management plan to protect the heritage values of all of Point Nepean.

Special Purpose Grants or Cathedrals and Churches

Special purpose grant funding of $7.5 million was provided to St Patrick’s

Cathedral (Bunbury, Western Australia), St Mary’s Cathedral (Perth, Western

 Australia) and Saints Peter and Paul’s Old Cathedral (Goulburn, New South Wales).

St Patrick’s Cathedral received $5 million to help rebuild the cathedral and parish

centre which were extensively damaged by a tornado in 2005. St Mary’s Cathedral

received $1 million to assist with a major restoration and extension project,

supplementing a $3 million grant for this purpose approved in 2005–06. Saints

Peter and Paul’s Old Cathedral received $1.5 million to help restore and conserve

elements of this important greenstone cathedral.

National Trust Partnership Programme

This programme supports activities of the National Trust to increase public

awareness, understanding and appreciation of Australia’s cultural heritage,

to enhance and promote its conservation. The department paid $848,000 to

 Australia’s nine National Trusts in 2006–07. Payments supported:

Commission’s report on the policy framework and incentives for the

conservation of Australia’s historic heritage places

new programme, Our heritage @ risk

nal Trust movement to support emerging trusts in Asia

ugh publication of the National Trust magazine

heritage areas.

Sharing Australia’s StoriesThis programme supports activities that showcase Australia’s distinctive national

character and identity, especially those which show how local stories have

contributed to the great events and themes that have shaped the nation.

The minister allocated funding in the final two years (2005–2007) of the programme,

primarily to support telling stories around Australia’s coastal and maritime heritage.

 A key example is the previously described voyage of the Duyfken replica.

Gits to the Nation

This element of the Sharing Australia’s Stories programme provides one-off fundingfor promoting national heritage stories and places newly added to the National

Heritage List. Gifts this year included $60,000 for a schools’ essay competition on

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Captain Cook, $34,000 for a competition to design a monument to Captain Cook at

Kurnell Peninsula, and $30,000 for interpretation and signage at Glenrowan.

Other projects include:

$5,000 to Ku-ring-gai National Park, the Royal National Park and Garawarra State

Conservation Area in New South Wales for web-based virtual tours

$40,000 to upgrade visitor information and road signs at Stirling Range National

Park in Western Australia

$47,500 to update displays in the Warrumbungle National Park visitor centre in

New South Wales

$10,000 for interpretive displays in the new Grampians National Park visitor 

centre at Gariwerd in Victoria

$20,000 for a management plan for the Ediacara fossil site in South Australia,

 which is a joint project between the Australian Government and the property 


Gifts were made to two Tasmanian places which form part of the proposed Australian

Convict Sites World Heritage nomination: $20,000 to the Woolmers Foundation to

update an existing management plan for the Woolmers Estate and $15,000 to

Mr and Mrs Richard Archer to prepare an oral history of Brickendon Estate.

Commemoration o Historic Events and Famous Persons

The programme funds projects that commemorate people, events and places of 

national historic significance such as erecting monuments, plaques and statues;exhibitions; surveys of historic sites; and curatorial work. In 2006–07 the minister 

approved funding totalling $20,000 for three projects:

$5,000 to the Maitland City Council for a memorial to Francis Greenway,

colonial architect

$2,030 to the Blue Mountains City Council to upgrade the grave of 

Sir Henry Parkes, the Father of Federation

$12,970 to the John McDouall Stuart Society Inc to maintain and restore graves

of the members of John McDouall Stuart’s party who made the first recorded

north-to-south crossing of the Australian continent.

Eugene von Guérard painting

The government provided $0.8 million to help the Geelong Art Gallery buy the

Eugene von Guérard painting View of Geelong because of the painting’s significant

cultural heritage value. This amount is in addition to $0.2 million provided from

the National Cultural Heritage Account in 2005–06 to support this acquisition.

Return o Qantas Boeing 707

The government provided $1 million to Qantas Foundation Memorial Limited

to help restore, and return to Australia, Qantas Airways’ first Boeing 707 aircraft

for permanent display and public appreciation at the Qantas Founders Outback

Museum in Longreach, Queensland.

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On 16 December 2006 the Boeing 707 landed at Sydney international airport,

successfully completing the major leg of its historic flight from London to

Longreach. It landed at Longreach on 10 June 2007, where it will remain for permanent public display.

Tree o Knowledge

In 2006 the national heritage listed Tree of Knowledge at Barcaldine, Queensland,

 was poisoned and subsequently died. An investigation conducted in conjunction

 with the Queensland Police was unable to identify the perpetrator. The

department commissioned a heritage impact assessment to explore the range of 

options available for the preservation and interpretation of the tree, and to assist

 with referral of the proposal for approval under the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Copies of the report were provided to theBarcaldine Shire Council, the Queensland Heritage Council and the Queensland

Government for their consideration.

Kurnell monument competition

The Kurnell Peninsula Headland was included in the National Heritage List

on 28 February 2005. In April 2006 the then Minister for the Environment

and Heritage announced a design competition for a monument at Kurnell to

commemorate the landing of Captain James Cook in April 1770. The construction

budget for the monument is $1 million and the prize for the winner is $10,000.

The design competition closed in February 2007 with 40 design submissions.

The minister also announced a Captain Cook essay competition for school

students. The winners of the 2006 Captain Cook Essay competition were

announced on 30 March 2007 ( 

publications/essay.html); the 2007 competition closed on 22 June and the winners

 will be announced later in 2007.

Strengthening Tasmania—Low Head Historic Precinct

The department paid $50,000 to refurbish a building dating from the 1860s in the

Low Head Historic Precinct near Launceston, Tasmania.

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Results or perormance indicators

Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Protected heritage areas

Number o nominations or heritage listing

assessed and decisions taken on listing

National Heritage List: 97 assessments have been provided to the

minister by the Australian Heritage Council (21 in 2006–07)

 The minister made 59 decisions to include places in the National

Heritage List (28 in 2006–07); 33 decisions not to include places

(7 in 2006–07); 2 decisions to emergency list (none in 2006–07);

and 29 decisions not to list (1 in 2006–07)

Commonwealth Heritage List: 23 assessments have been provided

to the minister by the Australian Heritage Council (1 in 2006–07)

 The minister made 340 decisions to include places in the

Commonwealth Heritage List (1 in 2006–07); 15 decisions not to

include places (6 in 2006–07); no decisions to emergency list; and

6 decisions not to list (none in 2006–07)

List o Overseas Places o Historic Signicance to Australia:

5 assessments have been provided to the minister by the

Australian Heritage Council

 Total numbers o (i) world heritage

areas (ii) national heritage places (iii)

Commonwealth heritage places and (iv)

declarations or protection o Indigenous


(i) 17

(ii) 59

(iii) 340

(iv) 0

Progress in the development o 

management plans or (i) world heritage

areas (ii) national heritage places and (iii)

Commonwealth heritage places

(i) Management plan reviews are under way or the Tasmanian

Wilderness and the Wet Tropics o Queensland world heritage

areas; the Strategic Plan or Greater Blue Mountains World

Heritage Area is close to completion

A management plan or the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton

Gardens World Heritage area is in preparation

(ii) Funding was provided or 4 places included in the National

Heritage List to assist with the development o a management

plan. The places are Richmond Bridge (Tas), the Batavia 

Shipwreck Site and Survivor Camps Area 1629 – Houtman

Abrolhos (WA); Recherche Bay Northeast Peninsula (Tas); BaiamesNgunnhu (Brewarrina Aboriginal Fishtraps) (unded under the

Indigenous Heritage Programme); the Hermannsburg Historic

Precinct management plan; and the Budj Bim National Heritage


Comments were provided on drat management plans or 8

national heritage listed places and one place nominated to the

National Heritage List

(iii) Comments were provided on drat management plans or

26 Commonwealth heritage listed places. None o these were

submitted or advice rom the minister and Australian Heritage


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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Protected heritage areas (continued...)

Progress in the development o heritage

strategies by Commonwealth agencies

3 heritage strategies (National Library o Australia, Ofce o the

Ofcial Secretary to the Governor-General and Parks Australia)

were completed and satised the Commonwealth heritage

management principles. The Australian Heritage Council provided

advice on 2 urther heritage strategies (Australian National

University and Australian Customs Service)

 The department commented on 4 heritage strategies (Australian

Broadcasting Commission, Australian Film Commission,

Department o Parliamentary Services and National Gallery o 


Discussions were held with 3 Australian Government agencies

Australia and Ofce o Australian War Graves) on the preparation

o their heritage strategies

National Heritage Investment Initiative

Extent to which conservation o places o 

outstanding heritage value to the nation

is improved, particularly places on the

National Heritage List

Round 1 grants ($3.6 million approved in 2005–06) restored and

conserved the heritage values o 18 heritage places, 3 o which

are on the National Heritage List: Newman College and the Royal

Exhibition Building in Melbourne, and Fremantle Prison in Western


Grants totalling $2.7 million were approved under round 2 to

restore and conserve a urther 12 places, 6 o which are on the

National Heritage List: Hermannsburg Historic Precinct, Northern

 Territory; Port Arthur, Tasmania; Royal Exhibition Building, Rippon

Lea and Echuca Whar, Victoria; and North Head Quarantine

Station, New South Wales

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Number o projects unded 14

Indigenous Heritage Programme

Extent to which support or Indigenous

people increases the awareness and

improves management o Indigenous

heritage nationally

More than 60 projects were unded under the Indigenous

Heritage Programme to support Indigenous people in identiying,

conserving and promoting their heritage, including the Mungo

Festival ‘Hands across the desert and welcome ceremony’ to

celebrate the 25th anniversary o World Heritage in Australia,

and the 2nd National Indigenous Land and Sea Management

Conerence to be held at Cardwell Queensland in October 2007

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Number o projects unded 62 projects were unded under the programme through the

competitive grants process, and as part o shared responsibility


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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

National Cultural Heritage Account

Extent to which the preservation o 

heritage objects is increased by assisting

their acquisition by Australian collecting


 The account paid $484,870 to assist Australian collecting

institutions to acquire 8 heritage objects. These include

sketchbooks by Arthur Streeton or the Australian War Memorial, a

1930 biplane or the Powerhouse Museum, and two 19th century

drawings by Tommy McRae or Museum Victoria

Number o objects acquired 8

Strengthening Tasmania – Low Head Precinct Project

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Commemoration o Historic Events and Famous Persons

Extent to which the commemoration o 

people, events and places o national

historical signicance is improved

 The minister approved unding or a memorial to Francis

Greenway, colonial architect; to upgrade the grave o Sir Henry

Parkes, and to restore graves o the members o John McDouall

Stuart’s party who made the rst recorded north-to-south

crossing o the Australian continent

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Number o projects unded 3

Churches and cathedrals

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Number o projects unded 7 existing projects approved in 2003–04 and 2005–06 continued.

Projects were unded or: St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne; Church

o St Mary Star o the Sea, Melbourne; St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth;

St George’s Cathedral, Perth; St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane; Basilica

o St Patrick, Fremantle; and St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Bunbury; Saints Peter and Paul’s Old Cathedral, Goulburn

Extent to which heritage values are

restored and conserved

New works had not commenced as at 30 June 2007

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


Number o projects unded 2. Advance payments were made consistent with the unding


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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Return o Qantas 707 jet

Restoration and return to Australia o the

rst Qantas 707 or display and public


 The aircrat was restored and returned to Longreach, Queensland,

or permanent public display

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


All required payments made Yes

Eugene von Guérard painting

Assist in the purchase o Eugene vonGuérard painting View o Geelong or public

display in the Geelong Art Gallery

$0.8 million contribution was paid. The painting was purchasedand is on display

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)


All required payments made Yes

Output 1.4—Conservation o natural, Indigenous and historic heritage

Policy advisor role: The Minister is satised

with the timeliness and accuracy o bries

and drat ministerial correspondenceprovided by the department

Minister was satised with timeliness and quality o bries. The

department has experienced challenges in responding to the

unprecedented volume o correspondence now being received,but procedural adjustments and new systems have improved


Provider role 1: Percentage o payments

that are consistent with the terms and

conditions o unding (Target: 100%)

100%. All payments have been made in accordance with the

unding agreements

Regulator role 2: Percentage o statutory

timerames triggered that are met

(Target: >90%)

A report on the compliance with statutory timerames triggered

under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999 is provided in the second volume o this set o annual


Price Reer to the resources table below

1 Applies only to the administration o grants programmes unded entirely rom departmental unding or this output.

Any grants programmes within this output that are wholly or partially unded through administered appropriations are

separately reported.

2 Applies to areas that administer legislation, or example reporting timerames triggered under the Environment Protection and 

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

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Elements o pricing Budget prices


Actual expenses


Departmental outputs

Conservation o natural, Indigenous and historic heritage

Total Output 1.4 23,452 24,004

Administered items

Regional Natural Heritage Programme

Indigenous Heritage Programme

National Cultural Heritage Account

Protecting Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots (Daintree Conservation


Strengthening Tasmania – Low Head Precinct

National Heritage Investment Initiative

Churches and cathedrals

Point Nepean Community Trust

Duyfken voyage

Return o Qantas Boeing 707 Jet

National Trusts Partnership Programme

Eugene von Guérard painting

Write-down o assets, corporate and historic hotels





























Total (Administered) 27,028 27,568

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Outcome 1—Environment Human settlements


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Human settlements

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources works with all levels

of government, and with the community and industry to minimise the impact

of human settlements and industrial processes on Australia’s environment and


Main responsibilities or this output

  Policy Coordination Division

and Heritage Council and the National

Environment Protection Council



Environment Quality Division

 Alligator Rivers RegionSupervising Scientist Division



recovery, threatened species protection,

 wildlife industries regulation)

 Approvals and Wildlife Division

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Results 2006–07

significance have been protected under the Environment Protection

 and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 through the referral,

assessment and approval process, with 276 of these matters protected in


dioxide, lead, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, in Australian cities

have declined as a result of collaborative efforts between governments

and industry to tackle air pollution at its source.

depleting substances, with total imports of only 163 tonnes of these

substances, a decrease of over 80 per cent since 1999, when imports

peaked at over 800 tonnes.

chemicals, including a new national implementation plan to manage the

 world’s most dangerous persistent organic pollutants, a new voluntary 

international agreement to ensure the safe management of chemicals

 worldwide by 2020, new national principles for better management of 

chemicals in the environment and an action plan for implementing thenational principles.

of the Alligator Rivers Region remains protected from the impacts of 

uranium mining.


 Quality Standards Act 2000 more than doubled compared to 2005–06.

funded the installation of more than 950 waste oil collection units, with

more than 40 extra units funded in 2006–07.

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Pollution prevention strategies

Developing and implementing strategies to prevent pollution are important parts of 

the department’s activities. The department’s pollution prevention strategies focus on

reducing pollution at the source, and promoting the collection, reuse and recycling of 

 waste materials. The successful delivery of these strategies relies on cooperation with

the state and territory governments and with industry. Ministerial councils are the key 

forums for making decisions on priorities and management actions.

Environment Protection and Heritage Council

The Environment Protection and Heritage Council is made up of environmentand heritage ministers from Australia’s federal, state and territory governments.

 A focus of the council is to achieve urban sustainability through national

approaches to air quality, waste management, chemical management, and water 

quality and efficiency.

In 2006–07 the council:

 National Guidelines

 for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks. The

guidelines are an authoritative reference for the supply, use and regulation

of recycled water schemes (for more information see National Water Quality Management Strategy in the chapter on land and inland waters)

Management of Chemicals. The council also agreed to an action plan on

chemicals in the environment (for more information see the section on the

national risk management framework in this chapter).

The Environment Protection and Heritage Council’s functions extend beyond

the urban environment to encompass national and world heritage protection and

management. Other achievements of the council can be found in the relevant

sections of this report.

National Environment Protection Council

The National Environment Protection Council is a statutory body with law-making

powers established under the National Environment Protection Council Act 1994 

and corresponding legislation in the states and territories.

The council’s functions are to make National Environment Protection Measures

and to assess and report on their implementation and effectiveness. National

Environment Protection Measures set out agreed national objectives for protectingor managing particular aspects of the environment; to date seven measures have

been made with a number currently under review.

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Information on National Environment Protection Measures is available on the

council’s website at

 An independent review of the National Environment Protection Council Act 

1994 by John Ramsay Consulting Pty Ltd was tabled in the Australian Parliament

on 30 June 2007. The review report made a number of recommendations

about streamlining and improving processes, promoting greater uniformity and

accountability in National Environment Protection Measure implementation, and

increasing the Act’s responsiveness to current environmental needs. The National

Environment Protection Council will respond to the review late in 2007.

In June 2007 the council varied the National Pollutant Inventory National

Environment Protection Measure and agreed to prepare a variation of the

 Assessment of Site Contamination National Environment Protection Measure.The Ambient Air Quality and Diesel Vehicle Emissions measures are under review.

 A new Product Stewardship National Environment Protection Measure is being

developed to deal with waste tyres.

Each jurisdiction contributes funding to support the operations of the National

Environment Protection Council Service Corporation which provides secretariat,

project management and administrative services to the Environment Protection

and Heritage Council and the National Environment Protection Council. The

department paid $472,436 in 2006–07; half of the Australian Government’s annual


Detailed outcomes are reported in the annual report on the operation of the

 National Environment Protection Council Act 1994 at

National Pollutant Inventory

The department hosts the National Pollutant Inventory, which is a free publicly 

available database of chemical emissions information. People use it to find out the

types and amounts of chemical substances being emitted into the air, land and

 water from industrial processes and other activities. The 90 substances included inthe inventory have been identified as important because of their possible health

and environmental effects. The database is at

The National Environment Protection (National Pollutant Inventory) Measure is

the statutory basis for the inventory. The measure requires industry to report on

emissions if they exceed certain levels and the department to publish the results

each year in the National Pollutant Inventory. One of the aims of the inventory 

is to encourage government, industry and the community to improve their 

environmental performance by reducing emissions.

The Australian Government provided funding of $4 million over three years(2005–2008) for the National Pollutant Inventory. Funding was extended by 

$5.2 million in 2005 for the period 2005–2009.

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Annual results

The 2006 National Pollutant Inventory results were published in January 2007.

This was the eighth annual data release. Since reporting started in 1999, the

number of facilities reporting each year has trebled.

In any one year, the data present a mixed picture with some emissions up

and others down compared with the previous year. For example, in 2005–06

emissions of 39 substances increased over the previous year while emissions

of 47 substances decreased. Real changes in reported emissions data usually 

result from changes in the way a facility is operated. For example, the Mitsubishi

Motors Australia Ltd plant in Tonsley Park, South Australia, has shown significant

reductions in emissions of volatile organic compounds since it installed a reductive

thermal oxidiser. This pollution control device was installed in response to a

South Australian Environment Protection Authority environmental improvement

programme to control volatile organic compound emissions.

 A case study of the improvements made at the Mitsubishi plant is at

National Pollutant Inventory review

The National Environment Protection Council commenced the statutory processto make a variation to the National Environment Protection (National Pollutant

Inventory) Measure in July 2005. The council considered ways to improve the

Facilities reporting to the National Pollutant Inventory










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inventory’s effectiveness both as a source of information and as a driver of cleaner 

production. The National Environment Protection Measure variation subsequently 

 went before the council on 2 June 2007. Ministers agreed to a variation, includingto reporting transfers of substances in waste, and to minor changes to the current

substance list and thresholds, and to publication requirements.

Air quality

 Australians consistently rank air pollution as an environmental concern, although

 Australia’s air quality is generally good. Actions taken by Australian governments

to improve air quality have already delivered billions of dollars in avoided health

costs.The department works with other agencies, governments and industry to

reduce emissions of air pollutants. The department’s work focuses on tackling

the major sources of air pollution, including motor vehicles, woodheaters and

industry, as well as specific pollutants that pose threats to human health and the


 As a result of these collaborative efforts, the levels of key air pollutants in Australian

cities, including nitrogen dioxide, lead, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide are

generally lower now than they were 10 to 15 years ago.

Particles and ground-level ozone are still a concern in some cities. In larger cities,

ozone levels exceed the national standard several times a year and particle levels

continue to exceed the national standard in some areas. Smoke from woodheaters

is a common cause of elevated particle levels, particularly during winter. Work to

address these concerns will continue.

Reducing vehicle emissions

Motor vehicles are the largest contributor to urban air pollution in Australia and

have a major influence on the incidence of smog and haze. Three strategies arebeing implemented to reduce vehicle emissions— making sure that vehicles meet

effective emission standards when they first enter the market; ensuring that they 

continue to meet these emission standards while they are in use; and providing

them with the cleanest, economically viable fuels on which to operate.

The Australian Government has an ongoing programme of introducing new vehicle

emission standards to ensure that the environmental benefits of evolving emission

control and fuel efficiency technologies are realised in Australia. New vehicle

emission standards are established as Australian Design Rules under the Motor 

Vehicle Standards Act 1989 which is administered by the Department of Transportand Regional Services. The quality of fuel supplied in Australia, however, has been

a key constraint to the introduction of tighter vehicle emissions standards.

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Fuel quality

National fuel quality standards have been implemented under the Fuel Quality

 Standards Act 2000 which is administered by the department. Fuel quality 

standards have been introduced for petrol, diesel, biodiesel and autogas sold

in Australia. The fuel standards pave the way for advanced emissions control

technology required to meet tighter emissions standards, reduce the level of 

harmful pollutants in fuel, and ensure the efficient operation of engines.

 A major review of the Act was undertaken in 2005–06. The review concluded that

the overall policy objectives of the Act are being met and should not be altered,

but recommended strengthening the monitoring, compliance and enforcement

programme, and simplifying administration of the Act, in particular the currentsystem for processing applications for variations to fuel standards. During the year 

amendments to the Act were progressed to implement recommendations from

the review.

 Another study identified the potential environmental and commercial impacts

of companies being granted approvals to vary fuel standards and how these

impacts could be offset. The study recommended that the range of conditions

that the minister can apply to an approval be broadened to allow him to require

companies to fund measures such as air quality monitoring programmes. The

study also recommended that the circumstances under which an application can

be made be limited to avoid companies applying to vary standards in order to gain

a commercial advantage. The department is considering amendments to the Act in

light of the issues raised in this study.

Monitoring compliance and enorcement o uel standards

The department monitors fuel at outlets including terminals, depots and service

stations to ensure it complies with the standards. The department is spending

$6.3 million over four years from 2006–07 to increase fuel quality complianceinspections. These inspections will help to ensure fuel quality standards are being

met, thereby increasing consumer confidence and preventing poor quality fuel

having negative impacts on vehicle operability and on air quality.

In 2006–07 the department took 2,321 fuel samples, an increase of more than

100 per cent from the previous year’s 1,069 samples. Of these 97 per cent tested

compliant with fuel standards. Incidents of non-compliance were dealt with

either through administrative action (warnings and education), civil action or 

prosecution, depending on the seriousness of non-compliance.

 A full report on the operation of the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 is in the

second volume of this set of annual reports.

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 Work continued to implement recommendations from the Prime Minister’s

Biofuels Taskforce report, with projects on the impacts of ethanol and other 

biofuels on human health, the environment, and the operation of motor 

 vehicles. Progress in 2006–07 included:

market operate on E5 (5 per cent ethanol and 95 per cent petrol) and

E10 (10 per cent ethanol and 90 per cent petrol). The report is available

on the department’s website. The study found that about 60 per cent of 

petrol vehicles are suitable for use with E10. All new Australian cars and

most new imported models are compatible with E5 or E10. However,the study established that it would not be appropriate for E5 to be sold


blend fuels to be completed in 2007–08. The study will assess the

comparative impact of low ethanol blend fuel on tailpipe particulate and

evaporative emissions under Australian conditions.

already exist under the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 for 100 per cent

biodiesel and for petroleum diesel, but not for blends of the two.

In-service emissions

In addition to cleaning up fuels supplied to the current vehicle fleet, work has

continued on major projects relating to motor vehicle emissions.

The department continued to support in-service emissions testing for diesel

 vehicles through funding agreements with the states and territories. Diesel vehicles

are tested for compliance with the exhaust emissions standards in the National

Environment Protection (Diesel Vehicle Emissions) Measure.The Australian Government’s energy white paper Securing Australia’s Energy 

Future announced the introduction from 1 July 2006 of tax credits for users of 

heavy diesel vehicles who can demonstrate that their vehicle is not a high polluter.

One of the five permissible criteria for eligibility is to pass the in-service emission

standards referred to in the National Environment Protection (Diesel Vehicle

Emissions) Measure.

In 2004 the department initiated the second National In-Service Emissions Study 

to provide up-to-date data for the petrol vehicle fleet. The preliminary phase

included developing an Australian composite urban emissions drive cycle for lightduty petrol vehicles. This enables the vehicles tested in laboratories to better 

simulate city driving conditions.

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The main phase of the study commenced in June 2007 and will consist of 

comprehensive emission testing of hundreds of vehicles. The study will

considerably improve knowledge of the petrol vehicle contribution to urban air pollution, lead to more accurate estimations of aggregate emissions and enable

modelling of management strategies under different conditions, particularly 

traffic congestion. It will also improve understanding of transport emissions’

environmental and health impacts.

This information will inform policy development and national initiatives such as

the review of the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure.

Review o air quality and diesel National Environment Protection Measures

In 1998 the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure setacceptable levels for the six common air pollutants: particles, ground-level ozone,

carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

The National Environment Protection Council commenced the substantive phase

of a review of the Ambient Air Quality Measure in 2006–07. The review is due to be

completed in 2008, and resulting changes to the measure will ensure that Australia

has the most up-to-date and effective policy framework and air quality standards

to protect human health from exposure to air pollution. As part of the review a

discussion paper was prepared on issues relating to air quality policy, monitoring

and reporting. It was released for public consultation in June 2007.

The review of the National Environment Protection (Diesel Vehicle Emissions)

Measure was completed in April 2007. The review process included public

consultation and identified a number of ways in which the measure could be

updated to reflect advances in technology. The council agreed to vary the measure

and to prepare a variation proposal.

Pollution rom non-road engines

Emissions from non-road engines can be a significant source of air pollution in

some urban air-sheds. Examples of non-road engines include lawnmowers and

leaf blowers, recreational boats, generators and pumps. Non-road engines are

a significant source of pollution because they do not have the same advanced

emission controls found on modern road vehicles. In 2006 the department

commissioned a national inventory and benchmarking of the environmental

performance of garden equipment and marine outboards (the two major non-road

contributors). The department used recent data sourced from state and territory 

jurisdictions to create a national inventory of small engine emissions.

Managing woodsmoke pollution

In 2005–06 the department developed a certification procedure to improve woodheater compliance with pollutant emission standards. During 2006–07 work

continued with other jurisdictions and industry to implement the procedure.

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This included ongoing compliance checks of woodheaters against Australian

Standards and increasing public access to woodheater performance information

including via an industry-maintained website of all certified woodheaters.

The current standards for woodheaters, which include a maximum particulate

emission limit, have been a useful tool for driving improvements in woodheater 

design and hence reducing overall emissions. In 2006–07 the department

commissioned a major study on the way people operate woodheaters in their 

homes. The study will inform development of a revised test method to strengthen

the standards as a means of reducing woodsmoke emissions. The study will take

place during the 2007 winter. It will collect data on the operation of woodheaters

across four Australian states and from New Zealand.

Domestic woodheater emissions can be greatly reduced by improved operation.The department has updated its Hot Tips for Woodheaters brochure, showing

simple ways to reduce woodsmoke pollution. The brochures will be provided to

local and state governments for distribution to householders.

 While marked improvements have been made, Launceston in Tasmania continues

to experience poor air quality during winter. In response to this problem, the

department provided grants to four industrial facilities under the Launceston Clean

 Air Industry Programme

to assist them to make

technological changes toreduce pollutant emissions.

This three-year, $1 million

programme will build on a

previous grants programme

that helped 2,242 householders

in Launceston to replace

 woodheaters with less-polluting

alternatives. Together these

initiatives will help to continue

the current downward trend inannual exceedences of particle

pollution levels in the

Tamar Valley.

Clean Air Research Programme

In April 2006 the department provided $1.4 million for 13 research projects under 

the Clean Air Research Programme. These air quality research projects will finish in

 June 2008 and cover issues such as ground-level ozone formation, public exposure

to air pollutants and the estimated health benefits of improved air quality. Theearly findings of these research projects are already informing policy to address the

risks associated with air pollution and develop effective strategies for its reduction.

Woodsmoke from a residential chimney in Tasmania,

resulting from the poor operation of a woodheater.

 Photo: J Todd 

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Australian Child Health and Air Pollution Study

The Australian Child Health and Air Pollution Study began early in 2007. The study 

 was commissioned by the Environment Protection and Heritage Council with

the aim of providing information to policy makers on air quality and air pollution

management. Half of the council funding for the study was provided by the

 Australian Government.

The study will investigate the relationship between air quality and respiratory 

health by testing 3,200 students from 60 primary schools across Australia. This is

the first nationwide study of child health in relation to air quality to be conducted

in Australia, and aims to improve understanding of the effects of air pollution on

breathing problems, asthma and allergies in Australian children.

Formaldehyde study

 After consulting with key stakeholders to identify priority pollutants for action and

research, and to identify strategies to improve air quality in non-industrial indoor 

settings, the department is funding a formaldehyde study that will be completed

in late 2007. This national study is measuring levels of formaldehyde in a range

of indoor environments, including mobile homes, caravans and demountable

buildings where formaldehyde-containing materials are used extensively,

to determine if this pollutant poses a risk to people’s health and requires

management action.

Air quality data

To improve access to air quality data the department has established a national air 

quality database. These data will inform future decisions on standard setting and

management strategies, and allow better assessment of the status and trends in air 


Ozone layer protection

Some chemicals used in the community and by industry for applications such

as refrigeration, air conditioning, foam production, aerosols and fire protection

deplete the earth’s stratospheric ozone layer. Ozone depletion is a major global

environmental problem that if left unchecked would allow higher doses of ultra

 violet band B (UVB) radiation to penetrate the earth’s atmosphere. This would

greatly increase the incidence of skin cancer and eye cataracts, as well as affecting

plants, animals and aquatic life.

The international community’s response to ozone depletion is set out in the

 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer 1985 and the MontrealProtocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 1987—both of which have

been ratified by Australia. Under the protocol, all member countries have agreed

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to phase out their use of ozone depleting substances and replace them with less

harmful alternatives.

 As a result of these efforts, in which Australia has played a leading international

role over many years, scientists predict a full recovery of the ozone layer in

the mid-latitudes by around 2050, and over the Antarctic in the period 2060 to

2075. This predicted recovery depends on full and ongoing compliance with the

internationally agreed phase-out targets for the use of ozone depleting substances.

 Australia ensures that it meets phase-out obligations through the Ozone Protection

 and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989. Under the Act, the

department controls the manufacture, import and export of all ozone depleting

substances and their synthetic greenhouse gas replacements, as well as regulating

their end uses to minimise emissions of these harmful gases. The department also

 works with industry and the community to develop and implement programmes

to assist the phase-out of ozone depleting substances and to minimise emissions of 

these substances and their synthetic greenhouse gas replacements.

Operational achievements

 Australia has exceeded its obligations to phase out the use of ozone depleting

substances. Production of ozone depleting substances has ceased in Australia and

local consumption is now limited to relatively small quantities that are imported.

Total imports in 2006–07 were 163 ODP (ozone depleting potential) tonnes, adecrease of over 80 per cent since 1999, when imports peaked at over 

800 ODP tonnes.

Australia’s perormance against Montreal Protocol obligations









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The department received five licence applications to import, export or 

manufacture ozone depleting substances in 2006–07. All applications were

assessed within the statutory timeframe. The department also granted eightapplications for an exemption under section 40 of the Ozone Protection and 

 Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989. Exemptions are allowed where

they are essential for medical, veterinary, defence, industrial safety or public safety 

purposes, and where no practical alternatives are available. There were also 203

applications for licences to import refrigeration and air conditioning equipment

containing an ozone depleting or synthetic greenhouse gas refrigerant. All

applications were assessed within the statutory timeframe and were granted.

In accordance with the requirements of the Montreal Protocol, the use of methyl

bromide is prohibited unless exempted for a critical use. In 2006–07 Australia’stotal use was reduced to 55 metric tonnes, used only for approved purposes such

as fumigation for quarantine purposes

The department also manages Australia’s National Halon Bank. The facility 

recovers and stores halon (a very potent ozone depleting gas) that is essential

for fire fighting in some limited aviation and maritime uses. It also collects and

destroys surplus halon. In 2006–07 the department oversaw the collection of 

13,534 kilograms of halon from Australia and facilitated the safe disposal of 

850 kilograms of halon from the Republic of Fiji and 1,700 kilograms from New 

Zealand. In addition, a total of 9,300 kilograms of mixed waste refrigerants wereimported for disposal from New Zealand and 100 kilograms of CFC 12

(a chlorofluorocarbon) were disposed of on behalf of foreign ships.

Detailed performance results on the operation of the Ozone Protection and 

 Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 are in the second volume of this

set of annual reports.

Product stewardship schemes

The department works closely with industry and with state, territory and localgovernments to reduce waste through product stewardship initiatives. The

department is working with the states and territories to investigate the scope

for implementing stewardship programmes for tyres, televisions, mobile phones

and computers. Stewardship programmes are already operating for newsprint,

packaging and waste oil.

Product Stewardship or Oil Programme

 About 520 million litres of lubricating oil is sold each year in Australia and about

280 to 300 million litres of used oil is generated. If disposed of incorrectly, thisoil can cause serious damage to the environment. It can contaminate the soil,

groundwater, streams, rivers, lakes and drinking water.

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The Product Stewardship for Oil Programme aims to reduce this damage through

encouraging used oil recycling by providing benefit payments to used oil recyclers.

The department has policy responsibility for this programme, while the AustralianTaxation Office administers the levy and benefit elements of the programme.

 A total of $31.9 million in product stewardship benefits was paid to recyclers for 

recycling used oil in 2006–07, an increase of $14.7 million from 2005–06. The

 volume of oil for which benefits were paid in 2006–07 was 219.5 million litres.

Industry estimates that about 150–165 million litres of used oil was being recycled

before the programme’s implementation on 1 January 2001. Since then, used oil

recycling has increased by about 40 per cent.

 As a complement to the stewardship levy–benefit arrangements, the Australian

Government has also provided $34.5 million in transitional assistance funding from

 July 2000 until June 2007 to underpin the long-term viability of the oil recycling

industry. In 2006–07 this included 24 grants worth a total of $0.91 million which

 were approved to fund various activities including waste oil collection units.

One grant, worth about $0.16 million, will provide waste oil collection units in

communities in the Barkley Tablelands and a bulk storage facility in Alice Springs,

in the Northern Territory.

Since it began, the Product Stewardship for Oil Programme has funded installation

of more than 950 waste oil collection units, with 40 units funded in 2006–07.

Detailed performance results on the operation of the Product Stewardship (Oil)

 Act 2000 are in the second volume of this set of annual reports.

National Packaging Covenant

The National Packaging Covenant is a voluntary industry arrangement to reduce

the environmental impacts of packaging.

Established in 1999, and revised in 2005, the National Packaging Covenant commits

signatory companies and governments to performance targets including:


The National Packaging Covenant Council, with membership from industry and

governments, has overall responsibility for the covenant. The department is

represented on the council and in 2006–07 contributed $186,309 from the Natural

Heritage Trust towards administration and to assist in the development and

implementation of a communication strategy for the covenant.

The 2005–06 annual report of the National Packaging Covenant estimated that thenational packaging recycling rate had increased from a baseline of 50.5 per cent at

the end of 2003 to around 56 per cent by the end of June 2006.

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The department developed a covenant action plan on behalf of the Australian

Government, which outlines how it intends to undertake covenant commitments

and report against specific key performance indicators, including the amount of packaging recycled annually.

The department is also developing a simple methodology which will assist all

 Australian Government departments to report consistent data.

The National Packaging Covenant is underpinned by the National Environment

Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Measure. Under this measure, governments

agree to require brand owners who are not covenant signatories to take back and

recycle a percentage of their packaging products.

Plastic bags

Millions of plastic bags enter the environment as litter each year. These bags are

unsightly and have the potential to accumulate in the environment, and harm

aquatic and terrestrial animals.

 Australia’s environment ministers have agreed to a package of measures to reduce

the impact of plastic bags on the environment. These included negotiating a

 voluntary industry code of practice with retailers in which major supermarkets

agreed to halve their use of plastic bags by the end of 2005, researching degradable

plastics, and providing support for education and community campaigns. As a

result of these measures, plastic bag usage in Australia fell by 34 per cent betweenDecember 2002 and 2005.

In June 2007 Australia’s environment ministers reiterated their intention to

phase out plastic bags by December 2008. Ways to achieve the phase-out will be

considered by the Environment Protection and Heritage Council, along with a final

regulation impact statement, in 2007–08.

In 2006–07 the department allocated $30,000 from the Natural Heritage Trust

to support voluntary action to reduce use of plastic bags, including through the

 Western Australian Bag Smart campaign and the Small Business Awareness initiatives.

Hazardous substances regulation and management

The department is involved in a range of initiatives to minimise the environmental

and health impacts of hazardous substances. Internationally, the department

represents Australia’s interests in the development of agreements designed

to control hazardous chemicals. The department is the lead Australian agency 

on the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, the Rotterdam

Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous

Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, the Basel Convention on theControl of the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal,

and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.

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 Within Australia, the department works through the Environment Protection and

Heritage Council to develop nationally applicable guidelines and standards for 

hazardous chemicals in consultation with the states and territories, industry andcommunity groups.

Hazardous waste

The department administers the Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and 

 Imports) Act 1989 which implements Australia’s obligations under the Convention

on the Control of the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their 

Disposal (the Basel Convention).

The Act regulates the import, export and transit of hazardous wastes, including the

environmentally sound management of the waste to protect both the environmentand human health.

In 2006–07, 48 permit applications were processed (31 exports, 16 imports and

one transit). Twenty-one permits were granted, two applications were refused and

one was withdrawn; 25 applications were still to be determined as at 30 June 2007.

 Australia continued to play a strong role internationally, and in November 2006

 was selected as a member of the Compliance Committee of the Basel Convention.

The department also worked closely with the Basel Convention secretariat

and the Basel Convention Regional Centre for South-East Asia to promote the

environmentally sound management of wastes in the Asia–Pacific region.

During the year the department began assessing nine applications from Orica

 Australia to export up to 18,400 tonnes of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) waste and

contaminated materials from its Botany Bay site in Sydney. The waste is from one

of the largest remaining concentrated HCB stockpiles in the world, and needs to

be exported for safe disposal overseas as no suitable processing facilities currently 

exist in Australia.

More information on the operation of the Hazardous Waste (Regulation of 

 Exports and Imports) Act 1989 is available in the second volume of this set of 

annual reports.

Persistent organic pollutants

Persistent organic pollutants are chemicals that remain intact in the environment

for long periods, become widely distributed geographically, accumulate in the fatty 

tissue of living organisms and are toxic to humans and wildlife.

 Australia has obligations under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic

Pollutants, which it ratified in 2004, to restrict, reduce or eliminate the release of 

the 12 chemicals listed as persistent organic pollutants.

In 2006–07 the department finalised a national implementation plan that sets

out how Australia will meet its obligations under the convention to reduce

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and eliminate persistent organic pollutants. It reflects the work already 

undertaken through the National Strategy for the Management of Scheduled

 Waste, an agreement of more than 10 years standing between the AustralianGovernment, the states and territories for the safe management and disposal of 

a number of persistent organic pollutants, including polychlorinated biphenyls,

hexachlorobenzene and organochlorine pesticides.

 Australia will withdraw its exemption of mirex (a persistent organic pollutant)

under Article 4 of the Stockholm Convention by the end of 2007. As a result of this

 withdrawal, Australia will have no remaining exemptions under the convention.

In 2006 Australia participated in an assessment of proposals to include 10 new 

chemicals on the Stockholm Convention and in an expert group which finalised

guidelines for reducing emissions of persistent organic pollutants including


The department released reports of three studies investigating the levels of 

brominated flame retardants in the Australian population, in indoor air, and in

aquatic sediments. The findings contributed to decisions by the National Industrial

Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme to ban import or manufacture of 

two of these chemicals.

The department also led the Australian delegation to the 3rd conference of the

parties to the convention in May 2007. The parties adopted guidelines for reducingemissions of persistent organic pollutants, agreed to continue development of 

a non-compliance mechanism for the convention, and agreed to a process to

evaluate the effectiveness of the convention.

Inormed consent to import hazardous chemicals

In February 2004 the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent

Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade

came into force. Australia became a party to the convention on 18 August 2004.

The department led the delegation to the 3rd meeting of the conference of theparties in October 2006. The conference made decisions on operational issues

necessary for the functioning of the convention. The department also participated

in the 3rd meeting of the convention’s Chemical Review Committee in March 2007.

The committee has agreed to forward guidance documents on two chemicals,

tributyltin and endosulfan, to the next conference of the parties in 2008 for the

conference to consider whether to add these chemicals to the convention.

Heavy metals

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) continued its work onassessing the impact of heavy metals on the environment and human health,

 with priority given to mercury, lead and cadmium.

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In 2006 the department participated in work to assess the potential for lead and

cadmium to be transported globally by atmospheric and aquatic means and the

impact on the environment and human health.

In 2001 UNEP prepared a global mercury assessment, which concluded mercury 

 was a chemical of global concern that posed significant risks to human health and

the environment. In February 2007 the department provided $50,000 towards

the UNEP Mercury Programme to review the most appropriate measures for 

addressing mercury releases and to support continuation of partnership initiatives.

The department also began two studies to review current regulatory and voluntary 

measures related to mercury and to determine mercury sources, transportation

and fate in Australia.

The department also provided financial support to the Australian LEAD Group,a not-for-profit community group which administers the Global Lead Advice and

Support Service, a free telephone and internet service that provides information

and referrals for lead poisoning and lead contamination prevention.

Strategic international approach to chemicals

In 2002 the World Summit on Sustainable Development urged international

organisations to cooperate in improving international chemicals management.

In response, UNEP began developing the Strategic Approach to International

Chemical Management (SAICM). The purpose of the strategic approach is toensure that internationally chemicals are used and produced in ways that mitigate

significant adverse impacts on human health and the environment by the year 

2020. The department contributed $90,000 to SAICM for projects to improve

chemicals management in developing countries.

National risk management ramework 

The department continued to work with community groups, Australian

Government departments, industry and states and territories to develop the

National Framework for Chemicals Environmental Management (NChEM).

The framework aims to provide a nationally consistent approach to regulating andmanaging the environmental impacts of chemicals, including ensuring consistent

implementation of chemical assessment decisions. The framework also aims to

identify gaps in environmental chemicals management.

In June 2007 the Environment Protection and Heritage Council agreed to the

Ministerial Agreement on Principles for Better Environmental Management of 

Chemicals and to an action plan on chemicals in the environment.

The principles for better environmental management of chemicals include:

 when undertaking environmental risk assessments of chemicals

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sound and effective outcomes for the environment, industry and the public

 without unnecessary red tape.

The action plan identifies areas for immediate action on improving chemical

management processes, and identifies actions requiring further detailed

development and costing. Proposals will be submitted to the Productivity 

Commission for examination of broader chemical management reform.

National approach to industrial residues

 While there are benefits from the reuse and recycling of industrial residues, there

is also potential for harm to human health and the environment if these materials

are used inappropriately.

The department has been developing a national approach to increase environment

protection by providing nationally consistent criteria and information that

environment agencies can use to assess proposals for the reuse of industrial

residues. In November 2006, the Environment Protection and Heritage Council

adopted the approach: Guidance for Assessing the Beneficial Reuse of Industrial

Residues to Land Management Applications – A National Approach.

National Chemical Monitoring Programme

 Work continued on implementing the National Chemical Monitoring Programme

 which is developing a database for reporting and monitoring industrial and

household chemical use, disposal and environmental fate. As part of this work,

a review of chemical monitoring is under way. Another study is determining the

cost of developing an environmental sample bank in Australia, to store samples for 

future analysis as new chemicals of concern are identified.

Biotechnology risk assessments

The Gene Technology Regulator, in the Department of Health and Ageing,regulates genetically modified organisms under the Gene Technology Act 

 2000. The Act requires that the regulator seek advice from the Minister for the

Environment and Water Resources on each intentional release of a genetically 

modified organism into the environment. With the assistance of the department,

the minister provided advice to the regulator on 14 occasions in 2006–07 to

ensure that environmental impacts were adequately assessed and managed by the

regulator for each licence granted.

In 2006–07 the department also performed three risk assessments of genetically 

modified organisms and other biological agents for the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to ensure there were no unintended adverse

environmental effects as a result of these releases.

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To assist its work, the department helped to fund research projects and

 workshops, primarily through Biotechnology Australia, on the commercial release

of genetically modified crops and other organisms in Australia.

During the year, the department participated in the reviews of the Gene

Technology Act 2000 and its Regulations, ensuring that the level of environmental

protection afforded by the regulatory system has been fully considered in the

review processes. The Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2007 was passed in

parliament on 20 June 2007 and the majority of the amendments commenced on

1 July 2007.

Biotechnology research and trade in biotechnology products are also issues

relevant to the work of a number of international forums in which the department

participates. Outcomes include improved international regulatory guidance

documents for member countries and appropriate consideration of Australia’s

national interests.

Chemical risk assessments

The department provides other Australian Government regulators with advice

on the environmental impacts of new and existing industrial, agricultural and

 veterinary chemicals.

Agricultural and veterinary chemicals

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority regulates agricultural

and veterinary chemicals. One test for registering a new chemical product is

 whether the product is likely to harm the environment when used according to

its instructions. The authority seeks the department’s advice with this test on a

fee for service basis. In 2006–07 the department received $1.1 million in return for 

carrying out 102 environmental risk assessments for new uses of agricultural and

 veterinary chemicals.

 As part of the authority’s ongoing review of existing chemicals, the departmentprepared environmental risk assessments for chemicals including 1080,

fenamiphos, methiocarb and the environmentally acceptable disposal of dips used

for stock treatments.

Industrial chemicals

The National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme regulates

industrial chemicals. The department assesses the potential environmental impact

of new industrial chemicals and reviews the environmental impact of priority 

existing chemicals on behalf of the scheme. Advice is provided by the departmenton a fee for service basis. In 2006–07 the department received $690,000 in return

for carrying out 220 environmental risk assessments for new industrial chemicals

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and the priority review programme. Chemicals reviewed by the department

included triclosan, sodium cyanide and several brominated flame retardants.

The number of new chemicals assessed is slightly lower than last year but is stillconsistent with a long-term trend of increasing numbers of industrial chemical

assessments being undertaken by the department.

Nanotechnology is a relatively new technology that has the potential to provide

human health and environmental benefits in a range of products.

The department participated in a whole-of-government process to develop

a National Nanotechnology Strategy, which includes measures to encourage

the uptake of the technology in Australia while ensuring that any health or 

environmental risks are appropriately addressed in regulatory arrangements.

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Supervision o uranium mining

The Supervising Scientist is a statutory office under the Environment Protection(Alligator Rivers Region) Act 1978 and the occupant of the office is the head of the

Supervising Scientist Division within the department. The Supervising Scientist

Division supervises uranium mining in the Alligator Rivers Region, which includes

Kakadu National Park. The department works closely with the Department of 

Industry, Tourism and Resources and the Northern Territory Department of 

Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines in fulfilling this role.

The department has specific roles and responsibilities under the Act to protect

the environment of the Alligator Rivers Region from the potential impacts of 

uranium mining. The roles and responsibilities include environmental monitoring,supervision, and research into the impact of uranium mining.

The Alligator Rivers Region, some 220 kilometres east of Darwin, contains a

number of former, current and potential uranium mines, including:

traditional Aboriginal owners and the mining company, Koongarra Pty Ltd.

None of these sites are part of Kakadu National Park. A number of smaller uranium

deposits were mined during the 1950s and 1960s in what is now the southern

portion of Kakadu National Park.

The Supervising Scientist Division continued to conduct research, monitoring,

supervision and audit activities during 2006–07. The division carried out a second

 year’s trials of continuous water quality monitoring in Magela Creek adjacent to

the Ranger mine including second stage testing of an in situ biological monitoring

methodology during the 2006–07 wet season. The success of this trial provides

further support for replacing the current resource-intensive creekside monitoring

programme in subsequent years with this streamlined procedure.

 Work to date indicates that the environment of the Alligator Rivers Region remains

protected from the impacts of uranium mining.

Detailed performance results are provided in the Supervising Scientist’s annual

report on the operation of the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region)

 Act 1978 at

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Environmental assessment

The department manages referral, assessment and approval processes under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The

department also manages assessment and approval processes under other federal

laws, particularly the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 and the 

 Sea Installations Act 1987.

Environmental assessments and approvals

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 establishes

procedures for determining which actions require approval under the Act, and therelated environmental assessment and approval processes. Approvals are required

for actions that are likely to have a significant impact on matters of national

environmental significance protected under Part 3 of the Act; and for Australian

Government actions and actions involving Commonwealth land that are likely to

have a significant impact on the environment.

Since the commencement of the Act in July 2000 more than 1,586 matters of 

national environmental significance have been protected through the referral,

assessment and approval process, with 276 matters protected in 2006–07. The

matters of national environmental significance protected include world heritage

properties, wetlands of international importance, threatened species and ecologicalcommunities, migratory species, and the Commonwealth marine environment.

Timeframes for all decision-making in the referral, assessment and approval

process are fully specified in the Act. In 2006–07, 83 per cent of decisions were

made within statutory timeframes. While this figure is comparable to previous

 years (85 per cent in 2005–06 and 90 per cent in 2004–05), timelines for decision-

making have been a challenge for the department.

In February 2007 a range of amendments to the Act came into force and the

 Australian Government provided $70.6 million in new funding over four years

 which will improve the administration of the environmental assessment andapprovals process under the Act.

More details on the amendments and on the operation of the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 are in the second volume of 

this set of annual reports.

Sea dumping and sea installations regulation

The Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 was enacted to fulfil

 Australia’s international responsibilities under the 1996 Protocol to the LondonConvention on Sea Dumping, which Australia ratified in 2000. The Act regulates

the deliberate loading and dumping of wastes and other matter at sea.

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In 2006–07, 14 sea dumping permits were issued (13 by the department

and one by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority). This reflected the

ongoing need to dispose of dredged material at sea due to expansion of portsaround Australia, particularly as a result of the resources boom. Reviews by the

department of applications to dispose of dredged material offshore involve

detailed environmental impact assessments in accordance with the National Ocean

Disposal Guidelines for Dredged Material.

There were ongoing enquiries regarding permits under the Environment 

 Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 to place artificial reefs and to dispose of 

unwanted vessels at sea.

The Sea Installations Act 1987 regulates construction and operation of human-

made devices, equipment and other installations in the marine environment

including tourism pontoons and fish aggregation devices. The Act ensures that sea

installations are operated safely, are environmentally sound and are operated in a

manner that is consistent with the protection of the environment.

Most sea installations in Australia are within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This

 year 14 permits or permit exemptions for sea installations under the Act were issued

(10 by the department and four by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority).

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Wildlie protection

The department administers the wildlife protection provisions of the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Act is the Australian

Government’s main tool for protecting wildlife and conserving biodiversity.

The Act also regulates wildlife trade to protect Australia’s native wildlife from


Threatened species and ecological communities protection

Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 

actions require approval if they are likely to have a significant impact on wildlifeand ecological communities that are listed as nationally threatened. Activities that

may affect listed threatened species or communities in Commonwealth areas may 

require permits. In 2006–07 the department issued four permits under Part 13 of 

the Act for listed threatened species.

Details of these and other activities relating to the protection and conservation

of threatened species are included in the report on the operation of the

 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 in the second

 volume of this set of annual reports.

Threatened species recovery

Under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the

department is working to prevent nationally threatened species from becoming

extinct and to recover their populations. The department develops threatened

species recovery plans when the minister’s Threatened Species Scientific

Committee has determined that there is a need to have a plan in force. In 2006–07

the department invested over $1.9 million from the national component of the

Natural Heritage Trust in developing and implementing plans to recover terrestrial

threatened species.

In 2006–07 the minister approved 66 recovery plans covering 106 species under 

the Act. This brings the total number of recovery plans in force to 308, covering

395 species and 15 ecological communities. A further 289 plans are in preparation

covering 400 species and 14 ecological communities.

The total number of species and ecological communities covered by plans in

place or in preparation is 814, or 51 per cent of listed species and ecological


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Threatened species recovery plans implemented 2003–04 to 2006–07

Year Plans brought into orce Total plans in place1

2006–07 66 308

2005–06 31 264

2004–05 67 216

2003–04 23 126

1 Total includes revised recovery plans, and is adjusted or revoked plans where the species or community is no longer listed.

Changes to listing and recovery requirements

 Amendments to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 which came into force in February 2007 established a new process for listing

threatened species and ecological communities. The new process is designed to

improve the effectiveness of listing by focusing on species and communities in

greatest need of protection.

The amendments also provide greater flexibility in responding to changing

conservation needs for threatened species and ecological communities.

Importantly the amendments changed the focus from recovery plans to recovery 

action. The minister is now required to ensure there is approved conservation

advice at all times for each listed species and community. The approvedconservation advice will contain information on key threats to the species or 

community and actions needed to aid its recovery. The minister may determine

that, in addition to conservation advice, a recovery plan is required.

Threatened Species Network 

The department supports the Threatened Species Network, a community-based

programme of the Natural Heritage Trust and World Wildlife Fund for Nature

 Australia. The network includes a team who support projects that enable all

 Australians to be involved in hands-on conservation. The network’s projectsare funded through the Natural Heritage Trust’s Threatened Species Network

Community Grants Programme.

The network’s activities in 2006–07 benefited over 237 species and ecological

communities listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999. Work included 32 new projects funded under the grants

programme. The network also provided advice on threatened species to over 

125 advisory panels, recovery teams, assessment panels, and survey and research


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 Forty-spotted pardalote.  Photo: D Watts

Threatened species recovery—orty-spotted pardalote

The forty-spotted pardalote

(  Pardalotus quadragintus )

occurs in Tasmania and

is restricted to four main

populations on offshore islands

and peninsulas along the east

coast of Tasmania. Populations

have been recorded from the

south-east at Tinderbox and on

Maria Island and Bruny Island,

and also on Flinders Island in

Bass Strait.

The species inhabits lowland dry sclerophyll forests and woodlands and is

listed as endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999. A national recovery plan for the forty-spotted

pardalote was adopted on 10 November 2006.

Population estimates are below 4,000 individuals. Numbers have remained

relatively stable since recovery actions commenced in 1991. The recovery 

effort has strong community support not only for protection of this species

but also for the conservation of dry sclerophyll forests in Tasmania generally.

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Glossy black-cockatoo. Photo: Graham Chapman

Threatened species recovery—glossy black-cockatoo

The South Australian subspecies of the glossy black-cockatoo

( Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus ) is listed as endangered under 

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The third national recovery plan for this species has been in force since

October 2005.

The long-term

objectives of the

recovery plan are

to ensure that a viable breeding

population survives

in South Australia

and that the status

can be changed

from endangered to

 vulnerable within

25 years. It is

expected that this

objective can be metby expanding the current distribution to include the species’ former range

on the Fleurieu Peninsula.

Management actions taken to assist with the recovery of the glossy black-

cockatoo include population monitoring and analysis, habitat protection

and expansion, protecting nest sites, and community involvement.

These actions have resulted in an increase in the population size to

320 individuals at October 2006, which is the highest number counted to

date. At the current rate of increase, an average of 3 per cent since 1995,

the recovery plan is likely to achieve its objectives by 2015.

Australian Wildlie Hospital

The Australian Government provided $2.5 million toward the construction of new 

 veterinary facilities at the Australian Wildlife Hospital in 2005–06. Construction is

due to be completed in 2008.

The hospital is the largest specialist native wildlife hospital in Australia, and

services an area in excess of 100,000 square kilometres stretching from northernNew South Wales through to Maryborough and west to Toowoomba. The hospital

also provides a valuable information service to veterinarians and wildlife carer 

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groups around Australia, and conducts research into wildlife disease and health

management. The facility is used by universities to give veterinary students and

 wildlife trainees practical work experience and course work. The hospital works incollaboration with volunteer wildlife rescue organisations and concerned individuals.

Wildlie industry regulation

The department protects animal and plant species and ecosystems by regulating

the import and export of certain wildlife and wildlife products under Part 13A of 

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The export

of Australian native species is regulated to protect them from overexploitation.

Protection of Australia’s native ecosystems from the threat of alien invasive speciesis achieved by regulating imports of live specimens.

Part 13A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 

is designed to meet Australia’s obligations under the Convention on International

Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Parties to the

convention protect endangered species from overexploitation that may result from

international trade by regulating imports and exports through a permit system.

CITES activities

The department represents the Oceania region on the CITES standingcommittee. The department led the Australian delegation to the 14th meeting of 

the conference of the parties to CITES, held in The Hague, Netherlands, from

The new facility at the Australian Wildlife Hospital will be able to treat up to 10,000 wildlife

 patients each year, almost twice the current capacity. Photo: Australian Wildlife Hospital 

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3–15 June 2007. Outcomes achieved included improved protection for cetaceans

and sharks, and increased attention to illegal trade in wildlife as ingredients in

traditional medicines. Australia also strongly supported successful moves toprotect sawfish, conclude guidelines on compliance with the convention, and

frame a strategic vision to guide future activities.

 As part of its regional representative and advocacy role, Australia led a number of 

CITES initiatives. These include:

period, funded by Australia, to focus initially on the Asia–Pacific region. The

position will increase international capacity to effectively address deforestation,

illegal logging and unsustainable trade in timber species

of CITES in Palau. This project has to date engaged a legislative consultant to

review national legislation and draft new implementing legislation. An official

of the CITES Management Authority of Australia travelled to Palau to conduct

presentations, participate in workshops and hold discussions with officials of 

the Government of Palau, with the aim of establishing effective governance

arrangements in line with CITES objectives. This collaboration is at the request

of the CITES Management Authority of Palau

to assist the CITES Management Authority of Vanuatu. This project is at the

invitation of Vanuatu.

These cooperative efforts to improve environmental governance have fostered

strong bilateral relationships and will contribute to biodiversity conservation in the

Oceania region.

Coalition Against Wildlie Tracking

To complement its CITES activities, Australia recently joined the Coalition Against

 Wildlife Trafficking, along with a number of national governments and several

non-government organisations. The department will act as the focal point for the

coalition in Australia. The coalition’s goals are to:

information sharing and strengthening regional cooperative networks

the impacts of illegal wildlife trade on biodiversity and the environment, its

links to organised crime, and the availability of sustainable alternatives

support at the highest political levels for actions to combat the illegal trade in


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Wildlie industries and trade

The department uses its regulatory powers to encourage management practices

that are humane and not detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild.

In supporting responsible wildlife-based industries, one new wildlife trade

management plan was approved in 2006–07. The department also issued

2,805 permits to export or import, including 496 ‘multiple-consignment’ permits.

Multiple-consignment permits were introduced in response to feedback from

industry participants and have since been widely adopted. These permits enable

the holder to either import or export a number of shipments over a set period of 

time for certain species, while managed programmes ensure overexploitation does

not occur. They streamline the administrative process and reduce the complianceburden for the department’s clients.

In respect to compliance, a total 7,533 seizures were made under Part 13A of 

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and six 

successful prosecutions were undertaken. In one case, an individual convicted of 

attempting to smuggle 23 exotic bird eggs into Australia from Bangkok, Thailand

 was sentenced to two years in prison and issued with a $10,000 fine. These harsh

penalties reflect the seriousness with which Australian courts view wildlife crime.

In combating illegal trade, the department works closely with partner agencies,sharing intelligence and resources. The department works with state and territory 

 wildlife authorities, the Australian Customs Service, the Australian Federal Police,

overseas CITES management authorities, Interpol, and some non-government

organisations such as TRAFFIC—the joint wildlife trade monitoring programme of 

the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and the World Conservation Union (IUCN).

The department is finalising Guidelines for Cooperative Conservation Programmes

for CITES I animals in collaboration with the Australasian Regional Association

for Zoological Parks and Aquaria. Appendix I includes species threatened with

extinction. Trade in specimens of these species is tightly controlled and is

permitted only for non-commercial purposes such as conservation breeding,

research and education. A number of programmes that are operated with the

intention of conserving a species threatened by international trade were approved

in 2006–07. One such programme enabled the export of a female captive-born

orang-utan for rehabilitation and release into the wild under the Sumatran Orang-

utan Conservation Project at Bukit Tigapuluh National Park in Indonesia.

Further details of activities relating to wildlife protection and wildlife industry 

regulation are in the annual report on the operation of the Environment  Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 in the second volume of this

set of annual reports.

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 Kerry Smith, Assistant Secretary of the Wildlife Branch, speaking at the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association’s

 annual conference in Brisbane,18–20 May 2007.

Wildlie industry regulation—building partnerships with industry

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild

Fauna and Flora (CITES) regulates trade in all forms of wildlife listed in the

 Appendices to CITES, whether whole, processed or wild collected, farmed,

artificially propagated or captive bred. The export and import of specimens

listed on CITES is regulated via export and import permits.

The department assists industry to

comply with international wildlife trade

laws by attending trade fairs and industry 

conventions. At these events, business

people can ask questions and providefeedback on compliance issues, while

the department works to raise awareness

and understanding of trade regulation

and its purpose.

Ingredients in traditional medicine

 Wildlife (both animal and plant) products have been used in traditional

medicines for many centuries. As the demand for these medicines hasincreased, particularly with the globalisation of trade, a number of wildlife

species have become endangered and many are now threatened with

extinction. The department is committed to stamping out the use of 

endangered and threatened species in traditional medicines.

The department is working cooperatively with traditional medicines users

and practitioners to raise awareness about wildlife conservation and

 wildlife trade.

The department has entered into

an agreement with the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

 Association to raise awareness

among its members of wildlife trade

issues. The agreement aims to give

traditional medicine practitioners the

opportunity to express their interest

in protecting endangered species

through a certification scheme and

by using substitutes and alternatives

to endangered wildlife in traditionalmedicine.

 Information booth.

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Results or perormance indicators

Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Commonwealth contribution to the National Environment Protection Council Service Corporation

(administered item)

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%)

100%. $472,436 was provided to support the operations o the

National Environment Protection Council Service Corporation

Air pollution

 Trends in the concentration o key air

pollutants in ambient air in major urban


Overall, air quality is good with most pollutants declining.

approach the standard in large cities with some exceedences inSydney

Since the removal o lead rom petrol, airborne lead levels are

now so low that regular ambient monitoring has ceased except

where smelting and industrial acilities are close to residential


National Environment Protection Measures

or air quality are implemented and

reviewed to provide world best-practice in

the protection o community health

 The review o the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air

Quality) Measure is progressing

 The review o the National Environment Protection (Diesel Vehicle

Emissions) Measure was completed in April 2007

Australian Fuel Quality Standards are

implemented, and urther harmonised

with international standards

No new standards came into orce

Biouels Task Force (administered item)

Fuel sampling numbers increased by 100%

rom 2005–06

Fuel samples more than doubled rom 1,069 in 2005–06 to 2,321

in 2006–07. Samples covered petrol, diesel, biodiesel and autogas

rom approximately 750 sites around Australia and

145 compliance incident reports were received

Vehicle testing programme (E5 and E10)

and health study completed by 2007

Vehicle testing (E5 and E10) report was released in March 2007

Health impacts study has commenced and is expected to be

completed early in 2008

Ozone depleting substances

Mass o imports compared to Montreal

Protocol limits

during 2006 against the total permissible import under the

Montreal Protocol o 404 ODP tonnes

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Account (administered item)

 The Australian Government’s obligations

under the Ozone Protection and Synthetic 

Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 are

met, including eective administration o 

the Act, management o the Halon Bank 

depleting substances and minimise

and synthetic greenhouse gas

Australia has done better than its obligations to phase out the use

substances has ceased in Australia and local consumption is now

limited to relatively small quantities that are imported

 The department oversaw the collection o 13,534 kg o halon

rom Australia and acilitated the sae disposal o almost 12,000 kg

o halon and mixed waste rerigerants rom outside Australia

Licence and enorcement actions are

undertaken within statutory timerames


Supplies o essential use halon are provided

within the requested timerame

100% supplied within agreed timerames

Percentage o acility inspections meets

local ordinance requirements

90%. One case exceeding total suspended particulates and boron

content o waste water was identied. A second sample was

taken and was within the acceptable parameters

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding


Number o licence applications 208. 5 licences to import hydrochlorouorocarbons and

203 precharged equipment licences to import rerigeration and

airconditioning equipment

Number o alleged breaches 6,373. Alleged breaches are generally notied through the

Australian Customs Service and relate to suspicious individual

imports. All alleged breaches were investigated and resolved

directly, or by Customs, through determining that the import

was permitted, or issuing o an appropriate licence or voluntary

surrender o the goods

Number o requests or halon supply 12

Number o acility inspections 5

Number o projects unded None

Launceston’s air quality (administered item)

Reduction in particle emissions rom

industry acilities unded under the

Launceston Clean Air Industry Programme

 The programme is still in its implementation phase and no

emission outcomes are available

Packaging waste

Australian Government action plan is

developed and implemented by 2007

An action plan was approved by the minister and is being


Agreement is reached by the end o 2006

to manage the impacts o plastic bags over

uture years

A consultation regulation impact statement was released in

January 2007 canvassing options to reduce the environmental

impact o plastic bags. The Environment Protection and Heritage

Council will consider how to proceed, pending completion o a

nal regulation impact statement, beore the end o 2007

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Waste oil

Number o waste oil collection units under

the Product Stewardship or Oil Programme

In total 950 units have been installed; 40 extra units were

unded in 2006–07

Area serviced by collection units Collection units have been installed in all states and territories.

Urban and rural areas are well serviced and grants or used oil

collection units extend to remote and Indigenous communities

Hazardous substances and new organisms

Number o environmental risk assessments

o (i) industrial chemicals and (ii) agricultural

pesticides and veterinary medicines completed

(i) 220 assessments or new industrial chemicals (ii) 102

assessments or new uses o agricultural and veterinary


Number o genetically modied organismrelease proposals or which environmental

risk advice was prepared

 The department provided advice or 14 proposals to releasegenetically modied organisms and perormed 3 risk 

assessments o genetically modied organisms

Uranium mining

Median (i) and annual maximum (ii) uranium

concentrations measured downstream o the

Ranger mine reported as percentages o the

allowable limit (6 micrograms per litre)

(i) 0.7%

(ii) 2.5%

Number o times limit exceeded None

Environmental assessments

Number o actions aecting matters

protected by Part 3 o the Environment 

Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 

1999 whose adverse environmental impacts

have been addressed

276 matters protected under Part 3 o the Act were protected

through the reerral, assessment and approval process. This is an

increase o 6 matters rom 2005–06

Wildlie protection

Number o recovery plans (i) being prepared

and (ii) in operation

(i) 414

(ii) 308

Percentage o listed threatened species and

ecological communities with recovery plans

in operation

25% o listed threatened terrestrial species and ecological

communities have a recovery plan in operation

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Output 1.4—Response to the impact o human settlements

Policy advisor role: The minister

is satised with the timeliness and

accuracy o bries and drat ministerial

correspondence provided by the


Minister was satised with timeliness and quality o bries. The

department has experienced challenges in responding to the

unprecedented volume o correspondence now being received,

but procedural adjustments and new systems have improved


Provider role 1: Percentage o payments

that are consistent with the terms and

conditions o unding (Target: 100%)


Regulator role 2: Percentage o statutory

timerames triggered that are met (Target:>90%)

Reports on the compliance with statutory timerames triggered

under relevant Acts are provided in the second volume o this seto annual reports

Price Reer to the resources table below

1 Only applies to the administration o grants programmes unded entirely rom departmental unding or this output. Any grants

programmes within this output that are wholly or partially unded through administered appropriations are separately reported.

2 Applies to areas that administer legislation, or example reporting timerames triggered under the Environment Protection and 

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

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Elements o pricing Budget prices


Actual expenses


Departmental outputs

Sub-output: 1.5.1 Environmental assessments

Sub-output: 1.5.2 Pollution prevention strategies

Sub-output: 1.5.3 Supervision o uranium mines

Sub-output: 1.5.4 Wildlie protection









Total Output 1.5 83,607 84,845

Administered items

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities 1

Bio Fuels – MCE Additional and Australian Government Task Force

National Environment Protection Council

Water Efciency Labelling Scheme 2

Improving Launceston’s air quality













Total (Administered) 22,766 22,483

1 Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities is reported in cross-cutting activities.

2 Water Efciency Labelling Scheme is reported in land and inland waters.

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Outcome 2Antarctica


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The Department of the Environment and Water Resources is advancing Australia’s

interests in Antarctica by carrying out Antarctic and Southern Ocean programmes,

participating in international forums, and conducting scientific research.

Main responsibilities or this outcome

environment protection

Territory of Heard Island and McDonald

Islands administration

 Australian Antarctic Division


Antarctic policy

enhance international protection for Antarctica as a zone of peace and science

Heard Island and McDonald Islands including its marine living resources and


Antarctic science

Southern Ocean ecosystems, and support other research of practical value

undertake research

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Results 2006–07

 Antarctica is progressing well, with flights scheduled to commence in the

2007–08 summer. A five-year lease for an Airbus A319 aircraft was signed

and the long-range aircraft arrived in Australia on 20 February 2007. The

blue-ice runway foundation has been graded. Demonstration flights

have been conducted to test processes and procedures and confirm the

suitability of the runway’s navigation aids and support systems.

Polar Year activities. The International Polar Year will be held over 

24 months from March 2007 to March 2009. Australia will lead eight

scientific projects, co-lead three, and participate in 46 other international


established in 2006 and is the first major national research centre

focused on understanding, protecting and conserving whales, dolphins,

seals and dugongs in the Australian region. The centre is based in the

 Australian Antarctic Division and has an extensive network of science

partners throughout Australia.

Romania and India to finalise the formal management plan for the

Larsemann Hills, an important Antarctic coastal ice-free area.

the 70-plus management plans for Antarctic protected areas was

endorsed by the Committee for Environmental Protection, established

by the Antarctic Treaty.

turbines was well received by the 2007 meeting of the Committee for 

Environmental Protection as a significant achievement and a model of 

energy management in Antarctica.

393 publications including 154 peer-reviewed papers. A recent review of 

publications output from the world’s Antarctic programmes shows that

 Australia’s output ranks third, after the United States and the United


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Antarctic policy

The department’s Australian Antarctic Division advances Australia’s policy interests

in Antarctica by supporting and participating in the Antarctic Treaty System.

This includes taking an active and influential role in forums of the Antarctic

Treaty Consultative Meeting, the Committee for Environmental Protection, and

the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources

(conservation, fishing and ecosystem management). The division also takes

an active role in the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

(seabird conservation).

The division administers the Australian Antarctic Territory, which covers

42 per cent of the Antarctic continent, as well as the Territory of Heard Island and

McDonald Islands 4,000 kilometres south-west of Perth. It also leads or participates

in a range of cross-portfolio forums related to Antarctica.

Antarctic Treaty System

The Australian Government considers that supporting and participating in the

 Antarctic Treaty System is the best way to advance Australia’s Antarctic policy 

interests. The Antarctic Treaty System has grown into a wide-ranging regime for 

managing Antarctica, with a particular emphasis on environmental protection.It also provides for scientific and logistic cooperation. Since 1961, 46 countries

have become parties to the treaty.

During the year the Australian Antarctic Division continued to play a leading role in

representing Australia’s interests at Antarctic Treaty meetings. The most significant

annual forums are the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the annual meeting of 

the Committee for Environmental Protection and meetings under the Convention

on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. The Committee for 

Environmental Protection is responsible for developing the regulatory framework

established by the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.

Improvements to tourism management

 While Antarctic tourism is a relatively small component of the tourism industry 

 worldwide, the number and diversity of operations is increasing and the number of 

 visitors continues to grow, particularly in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Australian

companies are active in the Antarctic tourism industry, and many Australians visit

 Antarctica as tourists. The Australian Government is alert to the possibility of 

environmental impacts from this activity.

 Australia was successful in obtaining agreement to improvements to tourism

management at the 2007 Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. The meeting

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agreed that all parties to the treaty should discourage any tourism activities

 which may substantially contribute to the long-term degradation of the Antarctic

environment. Australia has for some years worked hard to build support for this position among the treaty parties, and the agreement will help safeguard

 Antarctica from inappropriate tourism development.

Building on rules that have been used by the tourism industry, the operation

guidelines were agreed including that landing tourists from very large vessels

(those carrying more than 500 passengers) should be discouraged in the interests

of safety and environmental protection. Other guidelines adopted for avoiding

environmental impacts were that only one tourist vessel should visit a landing site

at a time; only 100 tourists should be allowed onshore at a landing site at a time;

and there should be at least one guide for every 20 tourists ashore.

 Australia has been a strong advocate for the use of site-specific guidelines for 

 Antarctic landing sites visited by ship-based tourists. The parties built on work in

previous years by adding guidelines for two more sites. This means that the

15 most popular sites are now covered by specific management arrangements.

 Work to develop guidelines for other sites will continue.

Protecting the Antarctic environment

The 1991 Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid

Protocol) requires Australia and other signatories to minimise the environmental

impacts of activities in Antarctica. The Australian Antarctic Division implements

 Australia’s obligations under the protocol and administers environmental

legislation in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic.

 Australia participated in multilateral work to develop the Committee for 

Environmental Protection’s first prioritised five-year work plan, adopted in

May 2007. The plan covers Australia’s policy interests and priorities including

preventing the introduction of non-native species, responding to the

environmental effects of climate change and global pollution on the Antarctic

environment, and establishing a representative system of Antarctic marine

protected areas.

Over several years, Australia led work with Antarctic Treaty partners China, Russia,

Romania and India to develop a management plan for the Larsemann Hills, one of 

East Antarctica’s most significant coastal ice-free areas or ‘oases’. The plan aims to

protect the environment by establishing a formal framework for close collaboration

and cooperation in science, operations and environmental protection. It wasapproved by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and is expected to come

into force in August 2007.

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The Committee for Environmental Protection also endorsed Australia’s proposal

to streamline procedures for reviewing and revising the growing number of 

management plans for Antarctic protected and managed areas. There are over 70 such management plans in place and at least 10 new or revised plans to

consider annually, so the new process will allow the committee to direct further 

effort and time to addressing the most important challenges facing the Antarctic


Environment protection laws

The Australian Government minimises the environmental impacts of Antarctic

operations, including cumulative impacts, by assessing possible impacts under 

the Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 and the Environment  Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 gives effect to Australia’s

obligations under the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.

In 2006–07 the Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 was amended

to better implement Australia’s international obligations under the Convention

on the Conservation of Antarctic Seals to protect Antarctic seals and conserve the

 Antarctic environment. The changes came into effect on 11 June 2007. Provisions

concerning the protection of Antarctic seals were transferred from the Antarctic

Seals Conservation Regulations 1986 to the Act, thereby enabling appropriate

penalties to be imposed for offences relating to seals. Offences in relation to the

disturbance of Antarctic flora and fauna were also updated.

New offences were created relating to unlawfully gathering and collecting rocks

and meteorites with a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment and

120 penalty units. This amendment was introduced to give effect to Resolution 3

adopted by the 2001 Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. Resolution 3

encouraged parties to the Madrid Protocol to take legal or administrative steps

necessary to preserve Antarctic meteorites so that they are collected and curated

according to accepted scientific standards, and are made available for scientific


Recognising that one of the key features of the Madrid Protocol is the prohibition

on mining in the Antarctic, the maximum penalty imposable on an individual for 

engaging in a mining activity in Antarctica is now 16 years imprisonment plus a

pecuniary penalty of 1,000 penalty units.

Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve

The Australian Antarctic Division manages the reserve on behalf of the Director of National Parks. Management results for 2006–07 are reported in the annual report of 

the Director of National Parks (see

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Environmental management system

The Australian Antarctic Division continued to operate a certified environmental

management system in accordance with the international ISO 14001 standard.

The system ensures that management measures to protect the environment are

implemented for those aspects of the organisation’s activities most likely to have

more than a negligible impact on the environment. Australia is a major proponent

of the systematic approach to environmental management through the Committee

for Environmental Protection.

Renewable energy at Mawson

The Australian Antarctic Division has installed two wind turbines at Mawson

station. In suitable wind conditions the turbines contribute approximately 90 per cent of the station’s energy needs, so that fuel use in 2006–07 was

approximately 34 per cent less than 2002 levels. Over the 2006–07 summer,

a trial hydrogen generation and storage system using excess power from the

 wind turbines was installed. The hydrogen was used in a fuel cell to power the

hydroponics facility at Mawson and in cooking facilities to demonstrate the viability 

of hydrogen as a future energy source and storage system at the stations.

 Australia submitted a paper on the construction and operation of the Mawson

 wind turbines to the 2007 Committee for Environmental Protection meeting.

This wind-power initiative was well received as a significant achievement and amodel example of energy management in Antarctica.

Wind turbines at Mawson station.  Photo: Gary Dowse

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Clean-up operations

Environmental monitoring of the clean-up of the old tip site near Casey station

continued, with sampling of the marine environment to determine whether the

removal of pollutants has resulted in improved environmental conditions and the

recovery of local marine communities.

Old fuel spill sites at Casey station and Macquarie Island are also being managed

using a range of novel techniques. The deployment of a permeable reactive

barrier at Casey station is likely to be the first use of this technology in a cold

region environment. Its effectiveness under freeze and thaw conditions is being

monitored with a view to wider use in the Antarctic and other freezing sites, such

as alpine areas (see also the section on remediation research and the case study oncleaning up contaminated sites in this chapter).

In February 2007 the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service declined to issue

the Australian Antarctic Division a permit to bring back to Australia waste excavated

from an old (pre 1980) tip site at Thala Valley near Casey Station. Accordingly 

 Australia is unable at this time to fully meet its obligations under Annexe III of the

Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.

 Australia submitted two papers to the 2007 Committee for Environmental

Protection meeting reporting on the Australian Antarctic Division’s past and

planned clean-up research. Other treaty parties expressed interest in collaborating

 with Australia in continuing assessment and remediation research.

Antarctic heritage

Mawson’s Huts historic site

 Australia’s most significant Antarctic heritage site, Cape Denison, contains the

national heritage listed Mawson’s huts, which rank alongside those of Scott and

Shackleton as icons of the ‘heroic era’ of Antarctic exploration. The Australian

 Antarctic Division manages the Mawson’s Huts historic site.

In October–December 2006 the Mawson’s Huts Foundation completed significant

conservation work on Mawson’s living quarters, the main historic hut. This

involved ‘overcladding’ its timber roof, worn thin by a century of blizzard-driven

ice crystals, and fixing a layer of new timber boards on top of the original roof 

 which is now protected from the elements. The Australian Antarctic Division

provided logistical support for the expedition and oversaw development of the

conservation works plan.

In May 2007 the Australian Government provided a grant of $1.34 million over four 

 years to the Mawson’s Huts Foundation to continue its conservation work. The

 Australian Antarctic Division will continue to work closely with the foundation to

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manage this important work and raise awareness of the site. A draft management plan was released for public comment in July 2007, in accordance with the requirements of 

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Heritage buildings on Antarctic stations

The Australian Antarctic Division is also responsible for other places of cultural

heritage significance in the Australian Antarctic Territory, including on its

operational stations. To meet new Commonwealth heritage obligations, the

division used several years’ worth of field work commissioned from heritage

professionals to develop a comprehensive register of the features, valuesand histories of Australia’s Antarctic heritage places. This work, completed

in June 2007, is the first step towards developing new management plans for 

 Australia’s Antarctic heritage.

 Roof of Mawson’s main hut in snowdrifts.  Photo: Angus McDonald 

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Conserving heritage buildings

During the 2006–07 summer the Australian Antarctic Division commenced

conservation works on Mawson station’s Biscoe Hut (otherwise known as

the ‘Old Chippies Workshop’), one of the earliest buildings associated with

 Australia’s modern Antarctic programme. The timber hut forms part of the

Commonwealth Heritage listed old station complex which was established

in 1954.

Planning for the hut’s conservation was accelerated after the hut sustained

fire damage in 2003. Works finally commenced in earnest in 2006–07

following the development of a work plan, approvals under the AntarcticTreaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 and Environment Protection

 and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, and the 2005–06 pre-positioning

of materials during the short summer period when ships can access the


The summer team spent 1,089 person hours on site, commencing a

detailed, staged photographic record; removing damaged rafters, walls

and fittings; and completing major structural repairs.

 Inside Biscoe Hut at Mawson station.  Photo: Mike Staples

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Protecting the Southern Ocean

Commission or the Conservation o Antarctic Marine Living Resources

The 24-member international Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic

Marine Living Resources is responsible for the conservation of Antarctic marine

living resources and fisheries management in the Southern Ocean. Australia is a

founding member of the commission, with the director of the Australian Antarctic

Division leading Australian delegations to the commission, which meets annually 

in Hobart.

In addition to illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, which continues to

be a problem in the area, the reinvigoration of the krill fishery also presents achallenge for the commission. Recent developments, such as the introduction of 

super trawlers and the continuous fishing system (new technology which involves

pumping krill constantly from the trawl), have highlighted the potential for the

krill fishery to negatively impact on the Southern Ocean ecosystem if it is not

managed in a precautionary and sustainable manner. Australia is playing a lead role

in seeking to ensure that improved conservation measures for the krill fishery are


Combating illegal, unregulated and unreported fshing

In recent years, highly organised illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing for 

Patagonian toothfish in the Southern Ocean has heavily depleted several fish

species, and has brought some seabird populations to the brink of extinction.

The Australian Antarctic Division therefore continues to play a key role in

actions aimed at combating illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, and is

 working with other government departments in developing and implementing

the Australian Government’s position. As part of this work, the division provides

support to the government’s armed fisheries patrols in the Southern Ocean.

 Australia’s actions and collaborations with members of the Commission for theConservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources have seen a reduction in

the level of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in the Southern Ocean,

particularly within Australia’s sub-Antarctic Exclusive Economic Zone. However, the

threat from illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing continues on the adjacent

high seas, seriously threatening Australia’s Southern Ocean conservation goals.

Albatrosses and petrels

The Australian Antarctic Division leads Australia’s participation in the Agreement

on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels. Under the agreement, Australia andother parties support activities to conserve albatrosses and petrels. This includes

encouraging regional fisheries organisations responsible for the management

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of high seas fisheries, especially longline fisheries, to develop and implement

measures to reduce or prevent seabird bycatch.

In July 2006, a revised Australian threat abatement plan for the incidental catch

(or bycatch) of seabirds during oceanic longline fishing operations (prepared in

accordance with the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999 ) was approved by the minister. The plan, developed by the Australian

 Antarctic Division in consultation with other government agencies, fishing and

conservation interests, replaces the first plan approved in 2001. The new plan

recognises the substantial progress made in Australian fisheries since 2001 in

reducing seabird bycatch, and requires government agencies to take a range of 

actions to further decrease bycatch in domestic and international fisheries.

These include applying mitigation measures and seabird bycatch limits to Australian fisheries, and promoting mitigation measures at international forums.

The potential for fishers to dramatically reduce seabird bycatch in longline

fisheries was resoundingly demonstrated at the October 2006 meeting of the

Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Seabird

bycatch in fisheries managed by the commission was estimated at a total of only 

two seabirds, with no albatrosses killed; a reduction of many thousands from

the levels killed less than a decade ago. This result reflects many years of effort

by the Australian Antarctic Division and others in systematically improving the

commission’s mitigation and compliance measures.The challenge is now to get other regional fisheries organisations, especially 

those managing high seas longline fisheries, to follow the commission’s lead in

developing, evaluating and refining seabird mitigation measures.

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Antarctic science

 A core component of advancing Australia’s Antarctic interests is to carry out and

support scientific research in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Support for 

 Antarctic research also reinforces Australia’s influence in the Antarctic Treaty 


The Australian Antarctic Division undertakes and supports research, including

providing logistical support for researchers, and provides data on physical,

biological and human sciences to Australian and international institutions. The

division maintains three permanent stations in Antarctica and one at Macquarie

Island. Each summer the division deploys around 200 people to these stations and

to field camps. The expeditions are supplied by chartered ships and aircraft.

Australia’s Antarctic science programme

 Australia’s Antarctic science programme plays a significant role in advancing

understanding of the global climate system, the Antarctic environment and

Southern Ocean ecosystems, adaptation by plants and animals to global change,

meteorology, the geological history of the Australian continent, and the impact of 

human activities in Antarctica.

In 2006–07 the Antarctic science programme supported 118 projects, which led to

393 publications including 154 peer-reviewed papers. Since 1999 the programme

has produced 1,340 peer reviewed publications.

Antarctica’s inuence on climate

 Antarctica influences global climate because of its low temperatures, circumpolar 

ocean and immense size. Antarctica’s vast ice sheets and annual sea ice cover affect

the heat balance of the globe, circulation in the oceans and atmosphere, and how 

much carbon dioxide the oceans absorb.

Climate change is beginning to cause large-scale changes to ice cover in some parts

of the Antarctic. Several ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula have collapsed

rapidly, including the Larsen B Ice Shelf in 2002. In other regions the grounded

ice is discharging more rapidly into the ocean, and it is estimated that melt of the

 Antarctic ice sheets is currently adding 0.2 millimetres per year to global sea level

rise. These changes could also affect major ocean currents and food webs.

One of the four priorities in the Antarctic Science Strategy 2004–05 to 2008–09 is

adding to knowledge of Antarctica’s influence on climate. The Australian Antarctic

Division works closely with the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CooperativeResearch Centre and the Australian Greenhouse Office to carry out this research.

The division also works with the CSIRO Wealth from Oceans Flagship programme.

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Southern Ocean research—Sub-Antarctic Zone Sensitivity to Climate

Change (SAZ-SENSE)

The Australian Antarctic Division’s chartered research ship Aurora Australis

carried out a five-week research voyage in sub-Antarctic waters in January 

and February 2007. The purpose of the voyage was to study the Southern

Ocean marine ecosystems, their influence on carbon dioxide exchange with

the atmosphere and the deep ocean, and their sensitivity to past and future

global change including climate warming, ocean stratification, and ocean

acidification from human carbon dioxide emissions.

The work particularly looked at the effects on plankton communitiesof adding iron from natural sources to the Southern Ocean, and adding

carbon dioxide from human sources.

The sub-Antarctic zone is globally important in the uptake of carbon dioxide

due to its enormous area and significant productivity.

The research was carried out by a large multinational team from the

 Australian Antarctic Division, the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems

Cooperative Research Centre, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research,

and universities in Australia, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, United

States, Netherlands and New Zealand.

Data analyses are still under way, but scientists are confident that the very 

successful sampling regime used will allow the processes underpinning

global changes to be defined and measured.

Law Dome ice core project

Law Dome, inland from Casey station, has been a focal point for Australian

glaciological research since the 1960s. Its ice sheet preserves a unique recordof the climate, and ice cores drilled on Law Dome provide a climate record

stretching back 90,000 years, with very high resolution over the last few thousand

 years. A study using the recent record from these and other ice cores has shown

that the amount of snowfall over Antarctica varies greatly from year to year and

place to place, but there has been no significant trend over the last 50 years.

Temperatures over the same period show some indication of warming, but this

is masked by patterns of variability that occur on 10-year time scales. Ongoing

analysis of the Law Dome ice cores is continuing at the Antarctic Climate and

Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre focusing particularly on the relationshipbetween rainfall in southern Australia and the record of snowfall in the Law Dome

ice cores.

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Amery Ice Shel 

The Amery Ice Shelf is a 60,000 square kilometre floating ice mass between Davis

and Mawson stations. Ice draining from a region of inland Antarctica one and a half 

times the size of the Murray–Darling Basin passes through the Amery.

 A study of the interaction between the ice shelf and the underlying ocean cavity 

has been undertaken over several years by Australian researchers and has involved

drilling four holes more than 500 metres deep through the shelf and deploying

instruments into the underlying ocean. Results from the study have shown that

more than half of the ice passing through the Amery is lost as melt from the

base of the ice shelf, and that the circulation under the ice shelf is driven by a

combination of processes in the open ocean north of the shelf, and by freshening

of the water due to this ice melt. There are some areas where ice refreezes back

onto the ice shelf, but much of this refrozen ice is porous and inherently less stable

than the original ice from the interior. Video imagery taken through the boreholes

has also revealed a surprisingly rich diversity of marine life beneath the ice shelf,

both in the water column and on the sea floor, more than 100 kilometres from the

open ocean.

 Work is also being conducted on large rifts that are developing near the Amery 

Ice Shelf front, which will lead to a giant new iceberg breaking off. Detailed

observations show that the expansion of the rifts occurs faster in summer than

in winter and that it occurs in short, sharp bursts followed by periods of relative

quiet. It is expected that the new iceberg will calve within the next few years. This

 work is a collaboration between American and Australian scientists.

International Polar Year

The International Polar Year will be held over 24 months from March 2007 to

March 2009. It will mark the 50th anniversary of the International Geophysical Year,

 which lasted 18 months from July 1957 to December 1958, and stimulated the

development of the Antarctic Treaty. Australia will lead eight scientific projects,

co-lead three, and participate in 46 other international projects during theInternational Polar Year. Notably, the Australian Antarctic Division is coordinating

the Census of Antarctic Marine Life in 2007–08. Interest in this project is high, with

almost 20 ships scheduled to participate in field work which will develop a robust

baseline of knowledge of the marine biodiversity around Antarctica. The Australian

 Antarctic Division and the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research

Centre will also conduct a winter sea ice voyage in August 2007 to examine

climate–ecosystem links.

Australian Centre or Applied Marine Mammal Science

The centre was established in 2006 and is the first major national research centre

focused on understanding, protecting and conserving the whales, dolphins, seals

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and dugongs in Australia’s region. The centre will build upon Australia’s existing

research efforts and, through its coordination role, will provide an integrated,

strategic, cross-jurisdictional approach to support marine mammal conservation,management and policy priorities.

The centre is based in Hobart at the Australian Antarctic Division and has an

extensive network of science partners throughout Australia. A stakeholder advisory 

committee and a scientific committee work with the centre staff to review priority 

research needs and select competitive bids for commissioned research.

The centre was established with initial funding from the Australian Government’s

$100 million Commonwealth Environment Research Facility programme and

existing staff and resources from the Australian Antarctic Division’s marine

mammal research group. Along with further funding from other government

marine mammal research funds, universities and industry groups, the centre is

establishing a substantial fund from which commissioned, prioritised research

is being supported. In 2006–07, the Commonwealth Environment Research

Facility programme funded 15 new research projects on the management and

conservation of marine mammals.

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Monitoring Adélie penguins

 Australia has been monitoring Adélie penguins at Béchervaise Island near 

Mawson station since 1990 as part of an international programme studying

the effects of krill abundance on penguins, and collecting baseline data in

the event that krill fishing returns to the region.

 Adélie penguins are large

consumers of krill and are therefore

useful indicators of the effects of 

changes in krill abundance brought

about by harvesting. Results,

submitted to the Commission

for the Conservation of Antarctic

Marine Living Resources annually,

have shown that the penguins’

breeding success is affected by krill

availability and sea ice conditions.

 An automated recording system registers the

birds as they enter and leave the colony. Many 

of the birds can be individually identified by 

microchips implanted under the skin. Theseare detected via an antenna near the colony.

Two infra-red beams, which are cut sequentially 

by the birds as they pass by, record the

time of passing and direction of travel. This

information tells scientists about the length of 

time the birds have been foraging at sea.

The Australian Antarctic Division recently 

developed an automated camera, powered

by solar panels, to monitor aspects of Adéliechick survival and breeding chronology. During

the winter months when there is no sun the

cameras ‘sleep’ and ‘awaken’ as the summer 

returns to record a series of photographs throughout the breeding season.

In 2006–07 six cameras were installed at new island sites in the Mawson

region to broaden the study area and provide a more comprehensive

picture of penguin activity. The extra monitoring from the cameras will give

a substantial boost to understanding of the penguins’ needs, which will help

ensure that the human harvest of krill does not adversely affect any element

of the Southern Ocean Antarctic marine ecosystem.

 An Adélie penguin crossing the automatic

recording system. Photo: Judy Clarke

 Automated solar powered 

camera to monitor Adélie

 penguins. Photo: Kym Newber 

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Ozone research

 A study of the meteorological conditions in the Antarctic stratosphere using data

for the period 1995–2005 has revealed a relationship between winter temperatures

and the eventual size of the spring ozone hole. This relationship was used to

accurately forecast key parameters for the 2006 ozone hole one month before its

development began, and three months before it reached maximum size.

In particular, the forecast accurately predicted that the ozone hole would reach

record-breaking proportions. This work is part of a collaborative programme of 

 Antarctic ozone research between the Australian Antarctic Division and the Bureau

of Meteorology.

Remediation research Australian Antarctic Division scientists are using toxicological experiments to study 

the sensitivity of Antarctic marine invertebrates, seabed communities and soil

processes so that environmental standards specific to the Antarctic environment

can be developed. These standards will assist Australia to prioritise the clean-up of 

sites of past activity and will allow sites to be classified based on rigorous scientific

data, according to the risk they pose to the environment.

 Australian Antarctic Division scientists are leading a partnership of industry and

scientists from Australia and overseas to develop remediation technologies for 

contaminated sites in cold regions. Permeable reactive barriers for use in freezeand thaw conditions are being developed collaboratively with BP Exploration in

 Alaska, the University of Melbourne, and Macquarie University.

Other collaborative projects include developing and applying methods for 

quantitative monitoring of fuel spills, and technologies for removing heavy-metal

contaminants from run-off associated with abandoned waste disposal sites.

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Cleaning up contaminated sites

 Australian Antarctic Division research

at sites contaminated with old fuel

spills has demonstrated the role of 

oxygen in decontamination.

The amount of oxygen in the soil is

important in stimulating microbial

activity that can break down the

hydrocarbons in the fuel and

eventually decontaminate the soil.

Practical application of this research

at Macquarie Island has shown that

injecting air into contaminated soil

significantly increases the rate of 


 Second trial injecting air 

into soil contaminated 

with fuel at Macquarie Island using micro-ports.

This form of injection was

 successful in aerating the

 soil profile.

 Photo: John Rayner 

 First trial injecting air into soil 

contaminated with fuel at Macquarie

 Island. Photo: John Rayner 

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Antarctic science grants

The Australian Antarctic Division supports the Australian Antarctic Science Grants

Programme. Applications for 2006–07 grants were sought nationally in May 2006,

prompting 142 research proposals. Following independent assessment,

49 proposals were awarded grants with a total value of almost $750,000.

Antarctic air link 

 A contract to provide the intercontinental air service between Hobart and

 Antarctica was signed by the Australian Antarctic Division and Skytraders Pty Ltd

in December 2006. A five-year lease for an Airbus A319 aircraft was signed and the

long-range aircraft arrived in Australia on 20 February 2007.Demonstration flights have been conducted to test processes and procedures and

to confirm the suitability of the runway’s navigation aids and support systems.

Construction of the Wilkins Runway in Antarctica is progressing well. The runway 

foundation has been graded, enabling wheeled aircraft to use the runway.

 A compressed snow pavement will be applied progressively each summer. After 

initial certification flights, passenger flights are planned to commence in the

2007–08 summer, with the frequency of flights increasing over future seasons.

International logistic cooperation

During 2006–07 the Australian Antarctic Division was closely involved in several

activities with other countries, including provision of:

 Antarctic programmes as part of a multinational International Polar Year project

station, as well as a practical demonstration of Australian logistics and stationoperations

incident on the resupply vessel L’Astrolabe; however, in the end, the division’s

assistance was not needed.

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International management meetings

Concurrent meetings of the international Council of Managers of National AntarcticProgrammes and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research were hosted by 

the Australian Antarctic Division in Hobart from 26–30 July 2006. These bodies

include representatives from countries with a national presence in Antarctica and

promote better management through sharing operational experience, data and


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Results or perormance indicators

Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Antarctic Treaty System

 The degree to which Australia’s policy

interests are advanced through

international orums, particularly (i) the

Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings

(ii) the Commission or the Conservation

o Antarctic Marine Living Resources and

(iii) the Committee or Environmental


Australia participated in annual and out-o-session meetings o 

the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the Commission or

the Conservation o Antarctic Marine Living Resources, and the

Committee or Environmental Protection

(i) At the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Australia was

successul in obtaining agreement to improvements to tourism


(ii) Through the Commission or the Conservation o Antarctic

Marine Living Resources Australia was instrumental in the

adoption o several conservation measures, including prohibiting

the use o gill-nets in waters managed by the commission, and

in highlighting the need or more consistent management o the

krill sheries

(iii) Australia led work to develop a management plan or the

Larsemann Hills. The plan was endorsed by the Committee

or Environmental Protection. The committee also endorsed

Australia’s proposal to streamline procedures or reviewing and

revising the growing number o management plans or protected

and managed areas in Antarctica. Australia helped develop the

committee’s rst prioritised 5-year work plan. Australia submitted

a well-received paper on Mawson wind turbines, a model exampleo best practice energy management in Antarctica

Illegal, unregulated and unreported fshing

 The extent o Australia’s inuence within

the Commission or the Conservation

o Antarctic Marine Living Resources on

measures to combat illegal, unreported and

unregulated shing or toothsh

Australia continued to play a lead role within the Commission

or the Conservation o Antarctic Marine Living Resources

in developing measures to combat illegal, unreported and

unregulated shing o toothsh. At the commission’s October

2006 meeting Australia played a lead role in obtaining agreement

to review the system o inspection, in adopting a cooperative

enhancement programme or non-parties implicated in illegal,

unreported and unregulated shing and in adopting port access

restriction measures

International seabird conservation

 The extent o Australia’s inuence in

changing shery practices, including

reduction in the number o albatrosses

caught by shing gear

Australia’s inuence in changing international shery practices is

considerable in the Commission or the Conservation o Antarctic

Marine Living Resources

Seabird mortality in longline sheries managed by the

in the 2005–06 season. This reects systematic improvements

in the commission’s seabird bycatch mitigation measures and

compliance regime, many o which were initiated by Australia

Despite Australia’s eorts, the perormance o many other

regional sheries management organisations in reducing seabirdbycatch remains generally poor

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Protecting the Antarctic environment

 Trend in the number o plants,

invertebrates and diseases introduced

to Antarctica and the Heard Island and

McDonald Islands Territory

No new introduced plants, invertebrates or diseases were


Eradication o the ungus gnat inestation at Casey station in

August 2006 appears to have been successul. Monitoring or the

gnat will continue

 The extent o the expansion o the invasive alien grass species

Poa annua on Heard Island is unknown as Australian Antarctic

Division sta did not visit the island during the year

Number o environmental incidents

unresolved ater 6 months

began in October 2004 almost 300 environmental reports have

been logged by expeditioners and head ofce sta. As at

30 June 2007, 64 environmental reports remain current. Most

o these are suggestions or improvement and are awaiting

resources to implement

 There are 13 unresolved environmental incidents older than 6

months. Some o these remain open or ongoing monitoring

purposes while some await sample test results or guidance

rom other areas o the department. For example, removal o 

old grafti on rocks in Antarctica relies on the development o 

a biodegradable removal agent. Another example is analysis

o long-term bioremediation treatment o hydrocarbon

contaminated soil samples. Another incident cannot be closed

until major inrastructure is replaced with more modernequipment

Number and extent o oil spills and

remediation action taken

Fuel leaking rom a double-skinned tank was contained by the

outer skin with only a very minor amount escaping to some

already uel-contaminated soil at Casey station

Approximately 200 litres leaked rom heavy equipment on a hard

stand at Casey and the site is being considered or remediation.

A urther 3.5 litres o engine oil spilled rom a vibrating roller; the

aected soil has been removed and packed into drums or return

to Australia

Number o environmental impact

assessments (i) completed by thedepartment (ii) submitted by third

parties and assessed by the department

(iii) audited under Australia’s Antarctic

Environmental Management System as a

percentage o total completed

(i) 50 (23 science, 16 non-science, 11 tourism or non-government),

and 19 variations were authorised. 25 authorisations remainedcurrent rom previous years

(ii) 11 tourism or non-government

(iii) 8.5% (6 o the 73 active authorisations)

Note: All near-station activities are subject to routine scrutiny by

 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 inspectors and

most authorisations are subject to other reporting requirements

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Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Support or Antarctic science

Successul completion o the elements o 

the Antarctic Science Strategy 2004–05 to


118 projects rom 27 institutions were undertaken to address

4 priority areas. 55 projects addressed the ice, ocean,

atmosphere, climate priority area, 35 addressed the Southern

Ocean ecosystems, 36 addressed adaptations to environmental

change and 24 projects addressed impacts o human activity in

Antarctica. Many projects addressed more than 1 priority area

Number o peer-reviewed scientic papers

produced by scientists participating in the

Antarctic science programme


Number o scientists active in Antarctic andSouthern Ocean science

131 (including 57 marine scientists)

Australia–Antarctic Airlink 

 Test ights are undertaken in 2006–07

First operational ights commence in 2007–08

An intercontinental aircrat was leased and delivered;

demonstration ights were conducted; runway construction and

maintenance continues

Output 2.1 and 2.1 Antarctic Policy and Antarctic science

 The minister is satised with the timeliness

and accuracy o bries and drat ministerial

correspondence provided by the


Minister was satised with timeliness and quality o bries. The

department has experienced challenges in responding to the

unprecedented volume o correspondence now being received, but

procedural adjustments and new systems have improved timeliness

Percentage o payments that are consistent

with the terms and conditions o unding

(Target: 100%) 1


Percentage o participants in the Australian

Antarctic Programme whose participation is

consistent with the terms and conditions o 

logistic support (Target: 100%) 1


Price See resources table below

1 Applies to provision o grants programmes unded entirely rom the appropriations or the output.

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Elements o pricing Budget prices


Actual expenses


Departmental outputs

Output 2.1: Antarctic policy

Output 2.2: Antarctic science





Total Outcome 2 123,966 127,770

Administered items

Mawson’s Hut Foundation

Decisions taken but not yet announced





Total 4,300 1,300

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Cross-cutting activities


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 C r  o s  s - c  u t   t  i   n  g a c  t  i   vi    t  i    e s 

Cross-cutting activities

The department provides other services that contribute to all of the outputs under 

outcome 1 and outcome 2.

Main responsibilities or this work 


Policy Coordination Division

Corporate Strategies Division


and sustainable development issues

international meetings and events

and to monitor progress on environmental protection

climate change, water resources and heritage programmes and policies

current and emerging challenges facing Australia’s environmental assets

programme development

and enhance the natural environment and Australia’s heritage

environmental values

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International policy advice

The department represents Australia’s interests on environment, water resources,

heritage and sustainable development issues in the region, and in broader 

international forums. This work includes formulating policy and providing advice

to the minister and officials attending international meetings and events.

In addition to active involvement in the range of issue-specific international forums

detailed in earlier chapters of this report, this year the department contributed

to policy decisions at meetings of the Commission on Sustainable Development,

the United Nations Environment Programme, and the Organisation for Economic

Co-operation and Development. The department also engaged in bilateral forums

 with selected countries in the Asia–Pacific region.

Commission on Sustainable Development

The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development is a multilateral

forum that meets annually to promote dialogue on issues relating to sustainable

development and to build partnerships between governments and stakeholders.

In May 2003 at its 11th session, the commission agreed a work programme up to

2016–17. The work programme addresses issues related to specific themes over 

two-year cycles. In the most recent cycle, 2005–06 and 2006–07, the themes were

energy for sustainable development, industrial development, air pollution and the

atmosphere, and climate change.

The 15th session of the commission was held in May 2007. The department

provided case studies for the session which shared Australia’s experience in

implementing best practice initiatives covering the 2005–06 and 2006–07 themes.

The meeting concluded without an agreed outcome, after the negotiated

document was not supported by a few countries. In the absence of an agreed

negotiated outcome, the chair of the commission prepared a summary of the

meeting. The chair’s summary is at

Summaries of the Australian case studies are at

United Nations Environment Programme

The United Nations Environment Programme’s role is to provide leadership and

promote partnerships for environmental protection.

The programme’s 25th governing council meeting was held in February 2007.

The major themes were globalisation and the environment, and international

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environmental governance within the framework of United Nations reform

measures. The department represented Australia’s interests and the final decisions

of the meeting reflected Australian objectives.

Sixteen draft decisions were adopted on issues such as the role of developing

countries’ cooperation in the implementation of the Bali Strategic Plan,

environmental management and protection in Africa, chemicals management,

 waste management, international environmental governance, the world

environmental situation, environmental education, small-island developing states

and gender equality. The 2008–2009 budget and programme of work, and the

2007–2012 water policy and strategy, were also adopted.

Organisation or Economic Co-operation and Development

The department represented Australia’s interests at meetings of the Organisation

for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Environment Policy 

Committee, which were held in October 2006 and March 2007. An officer of 

the department currently chairs this committee. The committee continued

to direct studies on the OECD environmental outlook report, which includes

scenario modelling to 2030. The report is scheduled to be finalised in late 2007.

The committee also considered a draft report on the costs of inaction on key 

environmental challenges, which will continue to be developed. Aside from

its work on the committee, the department participated in meetings of OECDenvironmental working groups and an expert group on climate change.

OECD Environmental Perormance Review o Australia

The department prepared Australia’s contribution to the second OECD

Environmental Performance Review of Australia. The review charts environmental

progress since the first OECD review of Australia, published in 1998.

Its major themes are environmental management, sustainable development and

international cooperation.

In 2006–07 the department hosted a mission of OECD review members to meet

 with Australian Government departments, state, territory and local governments,

Indigenous representatives and representatives from industry and research

organisations. The department also coordinated field visits to key sites across the


The department prepared Australia’s response to the first draft of the review, in

consultation with other Australian Government departments and agencies, and all

state and territory governments. An Australian delegation, led by the secretary, also

participated in a major peer review of the Environmental Performance Review of 

 Australia by international experts from other OECD member countries. The finalreview will be published in late 2007.

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Bilateral activities

The department works bilaterally on environment, water, heritage and sustainabledevelopment issues with government agencies in other countries, especially in the

 Asia–Pacific region.

Indonesia: The department collaborated with Indonesia on environment, climate

change and heritage issues. A successful meeting of the Joint Working Group on

the Environment held in April 2007 identified areas for increasing cooperation,

including sustainability education, hazardous waste, environmental management

of mining activities, climate change, air quality issues and water resource


New Zealand: The department held bilateral environment policy discussions withNew Zealand in November and December 2006 covering climate change, chemicals

management, biodiversity issues, sustainable forest management and engagement

 with Pacific Island countries.

Pacific Islands: Engagement with the South Pacific Regional Environment

Programme continued through Australia’s involvement in the 17th annual

meeting of officials in September 2006. Chemicals management, climate change,

biodiversity, marine resource management and phasing out ozone depleting

substances were discussed.

The department continued to assist Pacific Island countries in meeting their 

obligations and building capacity to implement environment treaties.

The department also provided specific advice and assistance on environmental

governance, climate monitoring and prediction, chemicals and waste management,

 wetlands and biodiversity conservation, and the conservation of marine and

migratory species.

In October 2006 a departmental officer commenced a two-year posting to the

South Pacific Regional Environment Programme. The officer will work with the

programme’s executive to develop and implement a performance assessment


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Environmental economics advice

The Environmental Economics Unit provides economic analysis and advice todivisions and work groups in the department to help them develop policies,

programmes and advice that take into account environmental, economic and

social considerations.

The unit assisted in preparing the government’s response to the Productivity 

Commission inquiries into heritage and waste management. The unit also

contributed to management of the $10 million National Market Based Instruments

Pilot Programme under the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality.

Ten of the 11 pilot projects approved under round 1 of the programme are now 

complete. A further nine pilot projects have been selected for funding under round 2.

The unit also provided advice to the Environmental Stewardship Initiative, the

OECD Environmental Performance Review and the Marine and Tropical Science

Research Facility. It provided advice on the use of market-based instruments in

programme development for the Tasmanian Forests Conservation Fund, advice for 

projects associated with the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan, and consulted on

economic aspects of the National Plan for Water Security.

The establishment in May 2007 of the Environmental Economics research hub

under the Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities programme will allow 

the unit to access broad environmental economics research to support policy 

and programme development. The hub will focus on four themes: establishing

markets, climate change impacts, analytical enhancement, and environmental

 valuation. (See the section on environmental research in this chapter.)

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Environmental inormation

The department collects information and data to inform policy advice and tomonitor progress on environment protection.

2006 State o the Environment report

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 requires

that an independent report on the state of the Australian environment is provided

to the federal environment minister every five years.

The third State of the Environment report was tabled in parliament in

December 2006. The report assessed the Australian environment under eightthemes: atmosphere, coasts and oceans, inland waters, biodiversity, human

settlements, natural and cultural heritage, land, and the Australian Antarctic

Territory. The report found mixed results, with big improvements in the condition

of some aspects of the environment over the past five to 10 years, and significant

declines in others.

 Australia’s urban air quality has improved and there has been a reduction in ozone

depleting substances in the atmosphere. These improvements have come about

because of legislation such as the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse

Gas Management Act 1989 and the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 and throughefforts by governments and industry to reduce air emissions of major pollutants.

(More information on air quality and ozone can be found in the chapter on human

settlements and in the second volume of this set of annual reports.)

Biodiversity continues to be in decline in many parts of Australia despite the

 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and Australian

Government investments to protect biodiversity through the Natural Heritage

Trust, the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, the National Reserve

System and other programmes. The decline in biodiversity reflects habitat loss

through past actions and is likely to continue for some time before remedial action

can halt or reverse the decline.

Much of Australia’s ocean appears to be in good condition, particularly the

offshore waters. The coasts, estuaries and some nearshore waters adjacent to

urban areas are degraded, and nationally, a number of Australia’s fish stocks are

at alarmingly low levels. The impacts on Australia’s coastline have intensified due

to increasing population and urbanisation. Per capita consumption of energy 

has increased and Australia’s per capita greenhouse gas emissions remain high

by global standards, but growth in net emissions has reduced over the last five

 years. Australia’s cities, lands, biodiversity and irrigation-based industries are

 vulnerable to climate variability.

The full report is available at

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Environmental Resources Inormation Network 

The department’s Environmental Resources Information Network develops new information products and improves existing products to support the department’s

core functions, and develops products for other government agencies for public


This year the department embarked on a major exercise with the Department

of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to develop a spatial information system to

assist the Australian Government to set priorities for natural resource management


The department upgraded its marine data and information holdings to underpin

the negotiations on developing marine protected areas in Australian waters. It

also increased its inland waters related data holdings and analysis capability to

strengthen its capacity in water management issues.

Further improvements were made to the Species Profile and Threats database, the

National Vegetation Information System, and the spatial analysis tools that help in

assessing Community Water Grant applications.

The department is continuing to improve its spatial information delivery products

and puts considerable effort into keeping its web geographic information system

infrastructure and web mapping applications up to best practice standard.The department has increased its use of audiovisual products to support

information delivery, and this trend is expected to continue. The audiovisual unit

has reorganised its work practices to cope with digital as opposed to analogue

photographs and video.

 My Environment was launched this year by the department as a web-based tool

to enable people to generate a personal environment and heritage report for 

their home, school or property by entering their address details. My Environment 

allows people to search the department’s national environmental databases

to find information specific to their needs. My Environment is at

Online inormation

The department’s websites provide public access to substantial holdings of 

information. Throughout 2006–07 the department restructured, redesigned,

and rewrote its websites to improve public access to online information. These

upgrades cumulated in the launch by the minister of three completely redeveloped

 websites: the natural resource management website (, the NaturalHeritage Trust website ( and the National Action Plan for Salinity 

and Water Quality website (

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In 2006–07 there were over 13 million visits to the department’s websites.

The most popular websites were the department’s main website

( with over eight million visits and the AustralianGreenhouse Office website ( with over two million visits.

Visits to the department’s websites (2006–07)

Department's main website 64%

 Australian Greenhouse Office website 17%

National Pollutant Inventory website 4%

Natural Heritage Trust website 3%

Other departmental websites 12%

Results are based on 'unique user sessions'. 'Other departmental websites' include Australian Alps National Parks,

 Australian Government Environment Portal, Australian Heritage Council, Australian Heritage Directory, CommunityWater Grants, Lake Eyre Basin Ministerial Forum, National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality, National Centre

for Tropical Wetland Research, Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme, Natural Resource Management,

Sustainability in Government, Travel Smart Australia, Used Oil Recycling, Water Rating, Waterwatch.

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Public aairs

The department aims to communicate clearly, consistently and effectively with the Australian public, other agencies and governments, industry, community groups

and non-government organisations. Community awareness of, and engagement

 with, the government’s environment, climate change, water resources and heritage

programmes and policies is central to their success.

Priorities for communications in 2006–07 were to:

behavioural change across the community to cut greenhouse gas emissions and

adapt to the inevitable changes associated with global warming

$10 billion National Plan for Water Security 

 Water Grants

cultural heritage

 Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and their ramifications.

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Environmental research

The department supports environmental research and data collection to informthe Australian Government’s environment, climate change, water resources and

heritage policy.

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities

This is a $100 million, five-year programme to address critical gaps in knowledge

and understanding of the pressures facing Australia’s unique environment.

It was launched in 2005.

Research hubs

In 2006–07, seven contracts totalling $47.3 million for collaborative, multi-

institutional research hubs or networks were signed. The research hubs are

designed to foster professional partnerships between researchers, end users

and policy makers. The hubs are:

 Applied Environmental Decision Analysis: (University of Queensland,

$7.6 million) to improve Australia’s environmental planning, decision-making

and policy approaches

Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge: (Land and Water Australia, $8.8 million)to improve management information for northern Australia’s catchments

Landscape Logic—Linking Land and Water Management to Resource

Condition Targets: (University of Tasmania, $8.8 million) to develop tools to

improve the sustainability of natural resource management practices

 Australian Centre for Applied Marine Mammal Science: (Australian

 Antarctic Division, $2.5 million) to address critical gaps in understanding about

the conservation of Australia’s 40 species of whales and dolphins, as well as

dugongs and 10 seal species

(University of Tasmania, $6.6 million) to improve knowledge and management

of marine diversity and develop tools to predict changes to biodiversity at both

regional and national levels

Taxonomy for the 21st Century: (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial

Research Organisation, $6 million) to close the knowledge gaps in key Australian

taxonomic groups which are important for environmental management

Environmental Economics: (Australian National University, $7 million)

to bring together leading economic and social scientists to look at new and

improved ways of valuing environmental assets, and determining the benefits

and costs of different actions. The hub will work with other research hubsto coordinate environmental economics research being undertaken by the

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities programme generally.

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Fellowships and Signifcant Projects

Early in 2007 the department sought applications for funding under the

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities Fellowships and Significant Projects

component and received 31 applications for fellowships and 233 applications for 

significant projects. The department and the Scientific Reference Group are assessing

these applications and will make a decision on the successful applicants in 2007–08.

In 2006–07 one fellowship was approved—for an autonomous (acoustic)

biodiversity monitoring system hosted by the University of Queensland. This

project will develop a new bio-acoustic monitoring system to record and categorise

a broad range of sounds including birds, bats, insects and other acoustically active

animals. It will develop software that will allow users to identify and label sounds

easily and efficiently.

Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility

For five years from July 2005, $40 million has been allocated for the Marine and

Tropical Sciences Research Facility to address research into environmental challenges

facing north Queensland, particularly the Great Barrier Reef and its catchments,

including tropical rainforests, the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and Torres Strait.

Scientific outputs are starting to flow from the facility’s $7.6 million 2006–07 annual

research plan. There are 50 research projects under five research themes: status

of ecosystems, risks and threats to ecosystems, halting and reversing decline of 

 water quality, sustainable use and management, and enhancing delivery. Researchinstitutions participating in the facility are James Cook University, the CSIRO,

the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the University of Queensland, Griffith

University, Central Queensland University, the Queensland Department of Primary 

Industries and Fisheries, Torres Strait Regional Authority and Yorke Island Council.

 A conference was held in April 2007 to allow researchers and stakeholders to

discuss research progress and information needs and to foster communication and

cross-disciplinery cooperation.

Results or perormance indicators

Perormance indicator 2006–07 results

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities (administered item) 1

Extent to which projects successully contribute to

urthering Australia’s understanding o critical areas o 

environmental research

Research outputs will be delivered primarily in later

years. The rst o a series o departmental seminars by

hub researchers was held on 14 March 2007

Percentage o projects delivered to a satisactory

standard in accordance with the terms and conditions

o the project contract (Target: 100%)

100%. All progress reports due during 2006–07 were

received and indicated satisactory progress

Number o projects unded Contracts to establish all 7 research hubs approved or

unding have been signed

1 Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities is an administered item under output 1.5; resources are reported in the

chapter on human settlements.

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Support or environment and heritage organisations

The department helps community-based environment and heritage organisationsto conserve and enhance the natural environment and Australia’s heritage by 

providing assistance to join the Register of Environmental Organisations and

through grants to meet their administrative costs.

Taxation concessions

The Register of Environmental Organisations is a list of approved environmental

organisations to which donations of money or property for the conservation of 

the natural environment are tax deductible. In 2006–07 the department assisted

142 organisations interested in applying to join the register. The minister and the

 Assistant Treasurer approved the entry of 41 organisations on the register, and

five organisations were removed at their own request. At 30 June 2007 the register 

contained 393 organisations, compared to 357 at 30 June 2006.

Statistics for 2005–06, which are the most recent available, show that the public

donated more than $106 million to environmental tax deductible organisations

to protect and enhance the natural environment. In 2004–05 the public donated

$69 million.

Grants to Voluntary Environment and Heritage Organisations

This programme assists community-based environment and heritage groups to

meet their administrative costs. In this year’s funding round 143 organisations

received a total of $363,316. Six of these organisations were offered multi-year 

grants for up to three years. In addition 48 organisations that were awarded

multi-year funding in previous years received $451,600 in 2006–07.

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Indigenous policy and engagement

The department implements Indigenous specific and mainstream programmes tosupport Indigenous engagement in land and sea management. These programmes

align to the Australian Government’s Blueprint for Action in Indigenous

 Affairs. The department spent approximately $12.1 million in 2006–07 on these

programmes. The department focused its efforts on contracting Indigenous

groups to provide environment and heritage services to the department and on

streamlining contractual and reporting demands on communities.

Northern Territory Healthy Country, Healthy People Schedule

In September 2006 the Prime Minister and the Northern Territory Chief Minister 

signed the Northern Territory Healthy Country, Healthy People Schedule.

The schedule supports Indigenous engagement in the sustainable management

of land and seas in the Northern Territory.

The schedule sets out how to improve coordination and cooperation between

the governments so that communities can engage in the sustainable management

of land and sea. In the first year of the schedule, the department has taken

a lead role in streamlining contracts with communities that draw together 

funding across agencies and years. Indigenous communities have valued the

reduced administrative burden and the increased access to funding to achieveenvironmental outcomes on their land and seas. The contracts include multi-year,

multi-programme single funding agreements and the opportunity to establish

partnerships with other government organisations (such as with the Department

of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, the Indigenous Land

Corporation, and the Aboriginal Benefit Account) to invest together.

Working on Country

The department manages the Australian Government’s new $47.6 million over four 

 years national Working on Country programme. This programme is providing job

opportunities for Indigenous people to do environmental work across Australia.

The programme aims to provide employment for up to 100 Indigenous people

nationally in 2007–08, increasing to about 200 people in its fourth year (2010–11).

The Working on Country programme is providing funds for wages and equipment

to implement environment management plans including in Indigenous Protected

 Areas, such as the desert environment in the Ngaanyatjarra Indigenous Protected

 Area, and the land and coastline in the Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area,

managed by the Yirralka ranger group.

The department works with Indigenous Coordination Centres to develop Shared

Responsibility Agreements and Regional Partnership Agreements with environment

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outcomes. The department has committed funding to eight Shared Responsibility 

 Agreements to promote, protect and preserve Indigenous environment and

heritage values. For example, in 2006–07 funding has been provided for thedevelopment of a visitor information/arts/interpretation centre in the old power 

station at Kalkaringi in the Northern Territory and for an interpretive walking trail

for school children and tourists.

Sustainability education

The department promotes and supports education for sustainable development.

The department began developing a new National Action Plan for Education for Sustainable Development in December 2006. The plan aims to contribute to

the achievement of a more sustainable Australia through community education

and learning. The plan is being developed in the context of the government’s

strategy for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

It will identify a range of actions for which the Australian Government will

take responsibility, and will provide national leadership in encouraging actions

by others. A discussion paper was released in April 2007 and was followed by 

extensive community consultation. The plan is scheduled to be completed in

 August 2007.

The new plan will supersede the existing National Action Plan for Environmental

Education, released in July 2000. The existing plan has made significant

improvements in the ability of Australia’s education systems to contribute to

sustainable development.

 A range of initiatives including the establishment of the National Environmental

Education Council, National Environmental Education Network and Australian

Research Institute in Education for Sustainability have strengthened the role

of education in promoting sustainable development nationally. The Australian

Sustainable Schools Initiative, and the measurable educational, social and

environmental improvements it continues to deliver, demonstrate the practicalimpact of the first plan. The first ever National Environmental Education Statement

for Australian Schools, released in 2005, also shows the impact the plan has had

 within Australia’s education system.

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Managing the department


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Managing the department

Corporate governance

The department is committed to sound governance and has established a

comprehensive range of mechanisms and documentation to ensure effective and

efficient delivery of the government’s policies and programmes, and to control and

safeguard the organisation’s business systems and assets.

Senior executive and responsibilities

The secretary, Mr David Borthwick, is the chief executive officer of the department.

He is assisted in the management of the organisation by an executive team of four 

deputy secretaries and 14 division heads. The names and responsibilities of the

division heads are shown in the organisation chart in the executive summary.

Senior executive team

Mr David Borthwick is the secretary of the department.

He was appointed in February 2004. Mr Borthwick

previously worked in the senior executive service in

the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, the

Department of Health and Ageing, and Treasury. In these

positions, Mr Borthwick was responsible for a broad

range of policy areas including health, national and

international economics, corporate law and finance.

In 1991 Mr Borthwick was appointed to serve as

 Australia’s ambassador to the Organization for Economic

Co-operation and Development in Paris. Mr Borthwick

has a background in economics.

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Mr Howard Bamsey is the deputy secretary responsible

for the Australian Antarctic Division; and for the

Industry, Communities and Energy Division and theInternational, Land and Analysis Division, which make up

the Australian Greenhouse Office. Mr Bamsey has been

 with the department since 1997. He was appointed the

chief executive of the Australian Greenhouse Office in

 April 2003. Mr Bamsey has had a distinguished international

career in leading Australian delegations on international

environment issues, including climate change. Mr Bamsey 

has been the Australian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United

Nations at Geneva, and Ambassador for the Environment.

Ms Anthea Tinney is deputy secretary responsible for the

Corporate Strategies Division, the Policy Coordination

Division, the Environment Quality Division, the Heritage

Division and the Supervising Scientist Division. Ms Tinney 

has been a deputy secretary in the department since 1997.

Ms Tinney previously had a distinguished record of service

in senior management positions and in a diversity of roles

in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.She was awarded the Public Service Medal in 1995 in

recognition of her services to the Australian Government

Cabinet system.

Mr Gerard Early is acting deputy secretary responsible for 

the Marine and Biodiversity Division, Natural Resource

Management Programmes Division, Parks Australia

Division, and the Approvals and Wildlife Division. He took

up the position in May 2007. Mr Early was previously headof the Approvals and Wildlife Division. He played a key role

in amending the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999, and improving its efficiency and

effectiveness. Mr Early was awarded a Public Service

Medal in the Queen’s Birthday 2007 Honours List for his

outstanding public service in the protection and conservation of Australia’s natural

environment and cultural heritage.

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Dr James Horne is acting deputy secretary responsible for 

the Water Assets and Natural Resources Division and the

 Water Resources Division. He transferred into the positionof deputy secretary in January 2007 from the Office of 

 Water Resources in the Department of the Prime Minister 

and Cabinet. Dr Horne joined the Department of the Prime

Minister and Cabinet in August 2000 as first assistant secretary 

of the Industry, Infrastructure and Environment Division. He

had responsibility for advising the Prime Minister on a broad

range of microeconomic policy issues related to industry,

communications, energy, transport, agriculture, the environment, trade practices

and the Council of Australian Governments. Dr Horne was involved in drafting the

National Water Initiative. He has a PhD in political science.

New appointments and retirements

During 2006–07 the department made the following new appointments to the

executive team:

responsible for the Water Assets and Natural Resources Division and the Water 

Resources Division pending the permanent filling of the position.

Marine and Biodiversity Division, Natural Resource Management ProgrammesDivision, Parks Australia Division and the Approvals and Wildlife Division

pending permanent filling of the position.

Resource Management Programmes Division pending permanent filling of the

position. Ms Alex Rankin was appointed acting first assistant secretary of the

 Approvals and Wildlife Division pending permanent filling of the position.


Mr Tas Sakellaris, Mr Simon Smalley and Mr Hilton Taylor were appointed to

assistant secretary positions in the department.

Dr Connal O’Connell (deputy secretary) left the department in May 2007 to take

up the position of secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and

Forestry after nearly 10 years of service with the department.

Executive committees

The Executive Roundtable is the key senior management forum. It meets weekly 

to monitor performance and review significant issues across the department and

portfolio. Members are the secretary (chair), deputy secretaries and heads of all

divisions of the department and portfolio agencies. Outcomes are made availableto all employees via the department’s intranet and through regular meetings held

 within each division and agency.

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The department has eight committees that direct specific aspects of the

department’s internal affairs. Each committee reports its decisions and

recommendations to the Executive Roundtable after major meetings.The committees’ work in 2006–07 is summarised in the following table.

Roles and achievements o the Executive Roundtable committees 2006–07

Committee Roles and achievements

Audit Committee Role: Oversees the internal and external audit programme, risk management, raud

prevention, nancial processes, legislation and compliance. The committee has no decision-

making authority regarding the operations o the department. It has an independent

review role and is directly accountable to the secretary

Achievements: Completed the 2006–07 internal audit plan and approved the 2007–08internal audit work plan based on the 2006–2009 strategic audit programme

Reviewed the department’s raud control plan or 2007–2009, which sets out actions to

prevent and manage the risk o raud against the department, and incorporated the new

water unctions

Reviewed the perormance o the internal audit unction and conducted an assessment

o the committee’s perormance in accordance with better practice. A number o 

improvements were implemented

Budget, Finance

and Strategy


Role: Considers strategic budget and signicant nancial matters, and guides corporate

governance and strategic policy activities

Achievements: Managed the 2007–08 budget process and set the initial budget strategy

or 2008–09 and 2009–10, established a committee to integrate new water unctions intothe portolio, implemented internal nancial policies and procedures to enhance nancial

management, and continued to track signicant projects to identiy and monitor risks

Implemented a capital inrastructure plan and related budgetary process, and oversaw

implementation o new procurement guidelines and nancial management systems and

processes, including a MySAP upgrade




Role: Sets the department’s policy and direction or legislative compliance, endorses

operational policies and practices, sets perormance measures and reviews perormance on

compliance and governance

Achievements: Reviewed the provision o investigative services in the department and

endorsed a centralised delivery model or these services. Reviewed the department’s

compliance and enorcement activities against the department’s compliance and

enorcement strategy




Role: Supports improved inormation and knowledge management in the portolio,

including implementation o new inormation and communications technology

Achievements: Endorsed an overarching inormation management ramework that

articulates the department’s inormation management vision, goals and strategies and

highlights the relevant legislative obligations. Initiated a scoping study or an electronic

document and records management system

Provided strategic oversight o the inormation and communications technology strategic

plan or 2006–2008. The plan provides a ramework or improving these services across

the portolio to ensure that systems are secure, dependable, meet business needs and

regulatory requirements, and improve workplace productivity

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Roles and achievements of the Executive Roundtable committees 2006–07 (continued)

Committee Roles and achievements




Role: Provides strategic oversight or workorce issues such as recruitment, perormance

management, learning and development, occupational health and saety

Achievements: Developed a new leadership development programme, a project

management ramework, and a workorce plan or Canberra-based employees. Reviewed

the graduate programme, and doubled the intake o graduates in 2007. Progressed a

new strategy or Indigenous career development in the department and revised the

department’s work level standards

Marine and




Role: Coordinates domestic and international marine and coastal policies and programmes

across the portolio

Achievements: Coordinated cross-portolio input and promoted communication on

marine and coastal issues including the marine bioregional planning process, the Senate

inquiry into Australia’s national parks, the Great Barrier Ree Marine Park review, the Threat

Abatement Plan on Harmul Marine Debris; illegal, unreported and unregulated shing, and

outcomes rom the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission o UNESCO (the United

Contributed to the Natural Resource Management Marine and Coastal Committee strategic

directions workshop held in July 2006


Policy Leadership


Role: Coordinates Indigenous issues across the portolio and sets the portolio’s strategic

ocus on Indigenous matters

Achievements: Streamlined contracts or provision o the Healthy Country, Healthy

People Schedule under the Overarching Agreement on Indigenous Aairs between the

Commonwealth o Australia and the Northern Territory o Australia

Provided high level coordination, advice and decisions on a range o matters including

shared responsibility, regional partnership and bilateral agreements; the Indigenous

coordination centres; sea country planning and traditional use o marine resources

agreements; research into the contribution that land, sea and environmental activities make

to Indigenous health and other outcomes; and the Working on Country programme

Hosted a delegation rom the Aboriginal Rainorest Council to discuss the Wet Tropics

Regional Agreement or the Wet Tropics o Queensland World Heritage Area, and

opportunities or working together

Championed a successul NAIDOC week in the department



Role: Oversees and provides strategic direction to the department’s international work, and

sets priorities or its international activities

Achievements: Reviewed the portolio’s international work plan and prepared a new plan

o international engagement taking into account changes to the Australian Government’s

priorities. Updated the portolio’s inventory o international activities, reported by division

on achievements against identied priorities and on lessons learned rom the previous year’s

activities, and analysed emerging issues at the international and domestic levels

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Corporate and operational planning

The department’s 2006–07 annual strategic plan provides the framework for workplans for each division, branch, section and individual. The strategic plan is made

available to all employees on the department’s intranet.

The annual strategic plan complements the department’s three-year corporate

plan for 2005–2008. The corporate plan provides a high level view of the

department’s role as part of the Australian Government and how the department

contributes to the goals of the portfolio as a whole. The eight Executive

Roundtable committees and their subcommittees develop additional strategic and

operational plans for specific aspects of the department’s work.

Reports and reviews

The department’s annual report publishes performance information against

measures contained in the portfolio budget statements. It complies with the

 Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and the Requirements for 

Departmental Annual Reports approved by the Joint Committee of Public Accounts

and Audit. A compliance index identifies the location in this report of 

the information specified in the requirements.

The department also monitors its performance internally against key performance

indicators in its operational plans. Divisions, committees and portfolio agencies

report their performance quarterly to the Executive Roundtable.

Uhrig Review

In 2004 the department began assessing the governance arrangements of statutory 

authorities and office holders in the then Environment and Heritage portfolio

against the recommendations of the 2003 Review of the Corporate Governance of 

Statutory Authorities and Office Holders Report (the Uhrig Report).

The department has submitted assessments for all agencies within the portfolio

to the Minister for Finance and Administration. The governance arrangements for 

the following entities were found to be generally consistent with the Uhrig Report:

the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Bureau of Meteorology, Great Barrier Reef 

Marine Park Authority and National Environment Protection Council.

Statements of expectation and intent are required for each agency and are subject

to periodic review. Statements of expectation convey the Australian Government’s

expectation of the statutory authority, and statements of intent convey the

statutory authority’s response to the government’s expectation. Statements are

being finalised and will be made publicly available once approved.

The National Water Commission, which joined the portfolio in early 2007, was

established after the Uhrig Review. This body was therefore not required to

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undertake a review as its establishment incorporated the Uhrig governance

principles. Statements of expectation and intent for the commission are currently 

being prepared.

 A review of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 was undertaken in

2005–06, with its recommendations accepted by the Australian Government in

October 2006. The review’s recommendations are directed at establishing clear,

accountable and transparent governance arrangements for the Great Barrier 

Reef Marine Park Authority, enhancing consultation mechanisms and delivering

legislation capable of providing long-term protection for the Great Barrier Reef.

The department is currently progressing implementation of review outcomes in

conjunction with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. The Great Barrier 

 Reef Marine Park Amendment Act 2007 puts in place key changes related togovernance, accountability and transparency from 1 July 2007. A further Bill related

to regulatory arrangements is being developed, and other non-statutory changes are

expected to be implemented in 2007–08. Statements of expectation and intent have

now been introduced in relation to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

 An independent review of the National Environment Protection Council Act 

1994 (and the corresponding legislation in other jurisdictions) commenced in

 June 2006 and, in the context of the Uhrig Report, also considered the governance

framework for the National Environment Protection Council Service Corporation.

 At its meeting on 2 June 2007, the National Environment Protection Council agreed

in principle to the statement of expectation. The statement of intent is beingfinalised by the service corporation in consultation with the National Environment

Protection Council Audit Committee.

Audit, risk and raud control

The department retained the services of its internal audit service providers,

Protiviti Pty Ltd, during 2006–07. Protiviti continued to provide independent

internal audit, risk management, fraud control and investigation services and

advice to the Audit Committee.

Audit Committee

The department’s Audit Committee provides independent assurance and assistance

to the secretary on the integrity of the department’s financial management

processes, its risk, fraud control and legislative compliance framework, and its

external accountability responsibilities. The Audit Committee tracks progress and

monitors implementation of audit findings and recommendations.

The Audit Committee has five members, as set out in the table below. The

membership of the committee was formally appointed on 1 September 2005 with

one independent member, Mr Rod Shogren, appointed in October 2006 to replaceMr Greg Wood whose term expired in August 2006. Seven meetings were held in


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Audit Committee membership and meeting attendance 2006–07

Member Role Meetings attended (o 7 held)

Howard Bamsey Chair 6

Rod Allen Member 7

David Anderson Member 7

Rod Shogren Independent member 5

Jenny Morison Independent member 7

Observers at the Audit Committee meetings are the chief finance officer, the chair 

of the Risk Panel, the director of the Governance Unit and representatives of the

 Australian National Audit Office and the internal audit provider.

The Audit Committee’s major activities in 2006–07 are reported in the table on the

roles and achievements of the Executive Roundtable committees. In 2007–08 the

 Audit Committee will continue to monitor the implementation of the department’s

audit programme and follow-up audit findings and recommendations.

Risk management

Risk management is integral to the department’s planning and review systems.

 A senior management subcommittee, the Risk Panel, monitors key risks and

supervises the development of departmental risk management policies and

procedures, including procedures for fraud prevention and business continuity 

management. The panel’s chair reports to the departmental executive and the

 Audit Committee. The risk management service provider and the director of the

Governance Unit are observers at Risk Panel meetings.

Risk Panel membership and meetings attended 2006–07

Member Role Meetings attended (o 5 held)

Mark Tucker Chair 5

Gerard Early Member 3*

David Anderson Member 5

Malcolm Forbes Member 2*

Rod Allen Member 3

Ian Carruthers Member 4

* These members each sent a proxy to one meeting in addition to the attendance shown.

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The Risk Panel completed a review of the department’s risk management

framework. The Governance Unit began implementing the review’s

recommendations, and made the following progress:


advise employees and to coordinate risk management activities across the


practices and responsibilities was completed. The stocktake showed that

divisions are proactive in risk management processes, but a more consistent

approach to reporting is needed.

of the latest Australian–New Zealand risk management standard (AS/NZS

4360:2004) and the findings of the stocktake. Improvements were made to

the department’s risk planning and review systems including strengthening

the links between the risk assessments, business plans and risk reporting,

and integrating risk management for the department as a whole into the

department’s annual business plan. The new procedures will be ready for use

in the first quarter of 2007–08.

Following completion of a trial by the Budget, Finance and Strategy Committee,

the Governance Unit began coordinating regular quarterly reports to thedepartmental executive on the progress of key departmental activities. The reports

focus on emerging risks.

The Risk Panel and the Audit Committee co-supervised a fraud risk assessment

covering all of the department’s major functions, and development of the

department’s next fraud control plan.

The department’s insurable risks are identified annually as part of Comcover’s

insurance renewal process. Both actual and potential insurance claims are reported

to Comcover. The department is covered by Comcare for risks associated with

injury to employees. The department maintains an occupational health and safety unit, which helps to reduce claims. Comcare conducts inspections to help the

department measure its performance. Success in managing business risks led to

the department receiving a 6.3 per cent discount off its Comcover premium with

the completion of Comcover’s annual Risk Management Benchmarking Survey in

 April 2007. While the department scored well against all categories, it did not rate

 well against monitoring and review. This aspect will therefore be a particular focus

of efforts in the next year.

Fraud control

The department’s anti-fraud programme is supervised by both the Audit

Committee and the Risk Panel.

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The department updated its fraud control plan based on a risk assessment in

accordance with the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines. The fraud control

plan sets out actions planned for the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2009 to reducethe risk of fraud against the department. The Risk Panel and Audit Committee

oversaw the process for preparing the fraud control plan. The secretary endorsed

the department’s fraud control plan in June 2007.

Business continuity plan

The department has a business continuity plan for the period 1 January 2006

to 31 December 2007 endorsed by the secretary. The business continuity plan

describes the arrangements that the department will use to ensure the continuity 

of its key services after a major, unexpected and disruptive incident (such as a fire).It describes the management structure, staff roles and responsibilities, and actions

that are to be implemented after a major incident.

Certifcate o Compliance

Beginning in 2006–07, chief executives of Australian Government departments and

agencies are required to provide a completed Certificate of Compliance to their 

portfolio minister and a copy to the Minister for Finance and Administration by 

15 October each year.

The certificate focuses on agencies’ compliance during the previous financial year 

 with the following:

 Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and its Regulations and

the Financial Management and Accountability Orders 2005

 Financial Management and Accountability (Finance Minister to Chief 

 Executives) Delegation 2002 (as amended)

The certificate integrates these requirements, allowing chief executives to certify 

compliance with the financial legislation and associated policies in a single


The department conducted a trial in 2006 with the assistance and advice of 

the Audit Committee and internal audit provider. The secretary will provide

the first completed Certificate of Compliance for 2006–07 for the Department

of the Environment and Water Resources to the relevant ministers before

15 October 2007.

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Stakeholder relations

The department strives to provide a high standard of service to its clients. These

include ministers; other Australian Government departments and agencies; state,

territory and local government bodies; non-government organisations; industry;

and members of the wider community.

The department values the views of its clients and stakeholders, and acknowledges

and values the rights of stakeholders to scrutinise its actions.

Ethical standards

The department’s employees maintain the ethical standards required of the Australian Public Service. Employees must comply with the Australian Public

Service Values and Code of Conduct. Detailed guidance is available to employees

 via the department’s intranet. The guidance includes a code of conduct specific

to the department and procedures for handling suspected breaches. Individual

performance agreements also require a personal commitment to the Australian

Public Service Values and Code of Conduct.

The department maintains a network of workplace contact officers to raise

awareness about acceptable behaviour in the workplace and to assist employees

 with complaints. When new employees join the department they attend anorientation programme that introduces them to the specific requirements of 

the Australian Public Service Values and Code of Conduct, including the need to

disclose any potential conflicts of interest. The programme illustrates commonly 

encountered ethical issues. Participants in the graduate programme also attend an

ethics course.

Guidelines available on the department’s intranet warn staff against the

inappropriate use of information technology. The department’s whistleblower 

policy also ensures that allegations are treated seriously and investigated promptly 

and independently.

Ministerial and parliamentary services

The department advises and supports the minister and the assistant minister through

briefings, correspondence, website maintenance and office support services.

New electronic workow system

This year the department introduced a new electronic ministerial workflow system

called Slipstream to improve the management of ministerial correspondence.The system allows managers to assign work electronically and to track the progress

of individual items. Work is moved from person to person using electronic

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 workflow, saving considerably on the use of paper. Staff can receive email

notification of new work, generate drafts from built-in templates that draw on

pre-entered details (e.g. name and address details), and can access and add to alibrary of standard paragraphs, which significantly improves efficiency. The system

 will automate and streamline management reporting to a much greater degree

than previously possible, improve document control, and improve the quality of 

the material being produced.

 A staged rollout of the system commenced on 2 April 2007 and was completed

for most Canberra-based elements of the portfolio by 30 June 2007. Rollout to the

entire portfolio will be completed by December 2007.

Workow statistics

The department provides a fortnightly report to the executive and to the

minister’s staff on workflows relating to briefings, correspondence, parliamentary 

questions, Cabinet and parliamentary business and legal, legislation and freedom

of information matters. These reports assist the department’s executive team to

develop performance improvement strategies.

In 2006–07, 15,831 items of correspondence were received by the minister and

assistant minister and registered on the department’s database. The department

prepared over 3,000 briefing submissions for the minister and assistant minister.

The department aims to ensure a minimum of five working days between when a

submission arrives in the minister’s office and when a decision is required.

The following table shows the growth in ministerial correspondence over the past

five years. The quantity has almost doubled over the past two years.

Ministerial correspondence 2002–03 to 2006–07

Year Correspondence received

2002–03 8,553

2003–04 8,559

2004–05 8,507

2005–06 10,844

2006–07 15,831

The department’s Parliamentary Services Section monitors the timeliness and

accuracy of ministerial briefs and draft replies to correspondence, and uses

rejection rates as a measure of accuracy and as an indicator of the minister’ssatisfaction. The new electronic workflow system will improve monitoring and

reporting of performance in this area.

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Services to the community

The department’s Community Information Unit receives requests for informationfrom the community and feedback on the department’s services. The unit also

manages the department’s publications shopfront.

In 2006–07 the Community Information Unit responded to 48,618 enquiries from

the Australian community; 46.7 per cent related to grants and 53.3 per cent were

seeking general information about the department and its programmes. The unit

distributed 264,083 publications in response to requests.

Community Inormation Unit 2004–05 to 2006–07

Type o service 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07

Enquiries 31,959 38,927 48,618

Publications distributed 222,954 253,759 264,083

Shopront visitors Not available 11,747 9,959

Service charter

The department has a service charter for 2005–2008. The charter sets out thestandards of service clients can expect from the department, clients’ rights and

responsibilities, and how to find out more about the department. The charter is

available at or in hard

copy by contacting the Community Information Unit toll free on 1800 803 772.

Clients can provide feedback to the department on its performance by emailing

the Client Service Officer who is an impartial contact point to accept feedback

and coordinate the department’s response to members of the public who raise

concerns about service standards.

The Client Service Officer can be contacted at:

Client Service Officer 

Department of the Environment and Water Resources

GPO Box 787

Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: 02 6274 1323

Fax: 02 6274 1322

Email: [email protected]

The department received 254 enquiries through its Client Service Officer in2006–07. The majority of these were requests for information and assistance,

 which were forwarded to the appropriate work area for action.

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Complaints about service

The department did not receive any complaints about service through its Client

Service Officer in 2006–07. While several complaints were received about wildlife

trade and seizures, these complaints were not related to service and were

directed to the appropriate area for resolution. The department also received four 

complaints through its Community Information Unit and these were directed to

the appropriate area for resolution.

Access and equity

The department contributes to the Australian Government’s access and equity 

annual report on whole-of-government progress in implementing the AustralianGovernment’s Charter of Public Service in a Culturally Diverse Society.

The main groups of people with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds with

 whom the department deals are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples,

often in remote parts of Australia.

The department has a long history of working in partnership with Indigenous

 Australians in caring for the land and sea. Portfolio responsibilities include

management of the Indigenous Heritage Programme, Working on Country,

Indigenous Protected Areas Programme, the government’s main natural resource

management programmes, and national parks. This work presents opportunitiesfor government and Indigenous communities to work together to deliver 

conservation and heritage outcomes, from weed and fire management to the

conservation of protected animals.

The department promotes recruitment and development of Indigenous

employees especially for positions that deal with Indigenous clients. In 2006–07

the department created a new Indigenous Development Coordinator position

to support and promote the recruitment, career development, and retention of 

Indigenous staff in the department. The department also promotes awareness

of Indigenous issues through the annual celebration of NAIDOC week. For moreinformation see the section on human resources in this chapter.

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External scrutiny

Courts and tribunals

On 19 December 2006 Justice Marshall of the Federal Court delivered judgment

in Brown v Forestry Tasmania. Senator Brown applied for, and was granted, an

injunction under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999 restraining Forestry Tasmania from undertaking commercial forestry 

operations in the Wielangta State Forest.

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 prohibits

actions that have, will have, or are likely to have a significant impact on listed

threatened species, unless the actions are taken with the approval of the minister (following referral and assessment under the Act) or unless some other provision

of the Act permits the taking of the action. Certain forestry operations that are

undertaken in accordance with a regional forest agreement as defined in the

 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 are permitted under the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The applicant claimed that Forestry Tasmania’s forestry operations in the Wielangta

State Forest had had, would have or were likely to have a significant impact on

three listed threatened species, the wedge-tailed eagle, the swift parrot and the

broad toothed stag beetle. Senator Brown also claimed that the forestry operations were not undertaken in accordance with the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement

because the agreement did not satisfy the requirements of the Regional Forest 

 Agreements Act 2002 or alternatively, because certain obligations under the

Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement had not been met by Tasmania.

 Justice Marshall found that Forestry Tasmania’s actions had had and were likely 

to have a significant impact on the three listed threatened species. Justice

Marshall also found that the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement satisfied the

requirements in the Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002 for regional forest

agreements. However, he found that Tasmania had not complied with clause 68 of 

the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement which concerns protection of priority 

species through the comprehensive, adequate and representative reserve system

and management prescriptions. (The three listed threatened species in the case

are priority species.)

The Commonwealth intervened in the case to make submissions to support

the validity of the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement, and in relation to the

interpretation of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 

1999. The State of Tasmania also intervened in the case.

Forestry Tasmania has appealed against the decision to the full court of the Federal

Court. The appeal is listed for hearing in August 2007.

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Auditor-General reports

The Auditor-General tabled two reports in 2006–07 which scrutinised the activitiesof the department.

Audit Report No. 23 2006–07 Perormance Audit o the Application o the

Outcomes and Outputs Framework 

The objective of this audit was to assess how agencies apply the Australian

Government outcomes and outputs framework and whether agencies have

robust performance measures in place as a part of this framework. The audit

consisted of an initial survey of 44 agencies subject to the Financial Management 

 and Accountability Act 1997 , followed by detailed audit testing in three of the

agencies, including the department. The Australian National Audit Office made five

general recommendations to agencies and one to the Department of Finance and

 Administration. The department agrees with five of the recommendations.

The department reviewed its performance indicators for the 2007–08 Portfolio

Budget Statements, and has prepared written guidance for employees on how to

develop best practice performance indicators.

Audit Report No. 31 2006–07 Perormance Audit o the Conservation and

Protection o National Threatened Species and Ecological Communities 

The objective of this audit was to assess how the department administers

the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and its

effectiveness in protecting and conserving threatened species and threatened

ecological communities in Australia.

The Australian National Audit Office identified three issues constraining progress

and limiting the achievement of the objectives of the Act, namely:


1,000 individual species and hundreds of ecological communities

The department agrees with the recommendations made by the Australian

National Audit Office and considers they provide useful guidance on pursuing

the highest priority actions to assist in meeting the objectives of the Act. The

department notes however that, even under the provisions of the Act as amended

in 2006, its ability to fully implement all the recommendations will depend in part

on the willingness of state and territory agencies to collaborate on actions.

Following the release of the audit the department received additional funding of 

$70.6 million over four years in the 2007–08 Budget to achieve the objectives of the Act. This additional funding will assist in the better protection of threatened

species and ecological communities.

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The audit identified a number of administrative shortcomings and some key areas

of non-compliance with the Act (prior to December 2006). The Act was amended

in December 2006 and the matters identified as non-compliant are no longer legalrequirements of the Act (see parliamentary committees).

Parliamentary committees

In 2006–07 the Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology 

and the Arts Standing Committee tabled two reports relevant to the department’s


Inquiry into the Provisions o the Environment and Heritage Legislation

Amendment Bill (No. 1), report tabled on 21 November 2006

The inquiry scrutinised the provisions of the Environment and Heritage Legislation

 Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2006 which amends the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Bill aimed to make improvements

in four distinct areas: streamlining administration of the Act for efficiency and

effectiveness, thereby cutting ‘red tape’ in government; being more strategic

and flexible in directing Australian Government action on the environment;

strengthening compliance with, and enforcement of, the Act; and implementing a

range of minor amendments needed to overcome some technical deficiencies in

the Act.

The committee made three recommendations:

 Australian Capital Territory that are located on designated Commonwealth land

to ensure their protection and heritage status is not compromised with the

repeal of the Register of the National Estate

light of the above issue

department’s administration of the Act.

 All recommendations were resolved, and the amendments were passed by 

parliament on 7 December 2006, with the bulk of the amendments commencing

on 19 February 2007. The Australian Government provided additional funding in

the 2007 Budget to administer the Act.

Inquiry into Australia’s National Parks, Conservation Reserves and Marine

Protected Areas, report tabled on 12 April 2007

The inquiry considered the funding and resources available to meet the objectivesof Australia’s national parks, other conservation reserves and marine protected

areas, with particular reference to:

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reserves and marine protected areas

objectives and their management requirements

other conservation reserves and marine protected areas

management of national parks, other conservation reserves and marine

protected areas, with particular reference to long-term plans

national parks, other conservation reserves and marine protected areas.

The committee made 18 recommendations covering a range of matters includingthe need for increased funding for management of conservation estates, for earlier 

public consultation when establishing new reserves, for more effective planning

processes, and for making parks more resilient to climate change. A response to

the report is in preparation.

Commonwealth Ombudsman

There were no formal reports from the Commonwealth Ombudsman during the year.

The Ombudsman investigated a complaint in relation to a tender process for a café

in the department and provided advice to the department regarding the need for 

improved internal processes, particularly in dealing with potential conflict of interest

situations. In response to the advice the department reviewed its procurement

guidelines as part of an update of the Chief Executive Instructions.

Freedom o inormation

This section is presented in accordance with the requirements of section 8 of the

 Freedom of Information Act 1982. The Act gives the Australian community the

right to access information held by the Australian Government. The only limits areexemptions needed to protect essential public interests and privacy.

Applications received

The department received 33 applications pursuant to the Act during 2006–07.

There were no requests for review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Inormation about the department

Under section 8 of the Act the department has to make available information about

its functions, organisation, operations and powers that affect members of thepublic. Relevant information is contained throughout this annual report

(the executive summary presents an overview) and on the department’s website.

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Inormation about categories o documents

Under section 8 of the Act the department has to report details of certain

categories of documents it maintains. The department holds a large range of 

documents in the following categories:

General policy—administrative files, consultants’ reports, memoranda of 

understanding, agreements, permits, licences, submissions, guidelines for 

programmes, grant documents, manuals, financial records, staffing records,

instructions of the secretary, legal documents, and tender evaluations

Specific—Australian Antarctic Division records, committee records, and court

documents and records

Parliamentary—briefing documents, Cabinet documents, ministerial submissions,policy advice, ministerial correspondence, explanatory memoranda to Acts,

Ordinances and Regulations.

Some documents may have been transferred into archival custody or destroyed in

accordance with the Archives Act 1983.

Arrangements or outside participation

Under section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 the department has to

report details of arrangements whereby members of the public can participate in

certain kinds of decision-making.

The department consults members of the public and bodies outside the Australian

Government’s administration when developing policy and programmes, and

administering legislation and schemes. In addition to general public consultation,

 which may be a requirement of particular legislation, the department and the

minister receive advice from scientific and expert committees and other bodies.

 A list is available at

Generally, people can participate by making oral or written representations to

the minister or the department, or by putting submissions to the various working

groups chaired by the department.

Formal arrangements under the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 

1981, Sea Installations Act 1987, Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999, and the environmental impact assessment provisions of 

the Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 provide for proposals to

be examined publicly and for comments to be received.

Formal arrangements under the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands

 Environment Protection and Management Ordinance 1987 provide for public

consultation during the development of management plans.

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Formal arrangements under the Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers Region)

 Act 1978 provide for public consultation on scientific research programmes and

matters relating to the effects on the environment in the Alligator Rivers Region of uranium mining operations.

Procedures or gaining access to inormation

Freedom of information matters within the department are handled by the Legal

Section in the Policy Coordination Division. Contact details for the freedom of 

information officer are:

Phone: (02) 6274 2721

Fax: (02) 6274 1587

Email: [email protected]

 Written requests for access to documents should be addressed to:

The Freedom of Information Coordinator 

Legal Section

Department of the Environment and Water Resources

GPO Box 787

Canberra ACT 2601

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Environmental sustainability

This section is presented in accordance with the requirements of section 516A of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Section 516A requires government departments to report on:

development (subsection 6a)

(subsection 6b)

taken to minimise the impacts (subsections 6c, d and e).

How the department applies the principles

The principles of ecologically sustainable development1 are central to the

department’s environment and natural heritage protection activities, all of which

aim to conserve biodiversity and ecological integrity, and to maintain the health,

diversity and productivity of the environment for the benefit of future generations.

The department administers the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 and the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997 ,

both of which explicitly recognise these principles.

Examples of how the department applies the principles of ecologically sustainable

development are summarised in the table below. More details on specific

programmes are contained in other chapters of this annual report.

Contribution o outcomes

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources is the lead Australian

Government agency for developing and implementing national policy,

programmes and legislation to protect and conserve the natural environment.

One of the key functions of the department is to promote and support ecologically sustainable development.

The department’s outcomes contribute to ecologically sustainable development as


Outcome 1: Protecting and conserving the environment helps to maintain the

ecological processes on which life depends.

Outcome 2: Australia’s Antarctic interests include a strong focus on protecting

the Antarctic environment, as well as managing the sustainable use of Antarctic

marine resources.

1 The principles of ecologically sustainable development are set out in sections 3A and (in the case of the precautionary 

principle) 391 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

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How the department applies the principles o ecologically sustainable development

Principles Activities

Integration principle: decision-

making processes should eectively

integrate both long-term and short-

term economic, environmental, social

and equitable considerations

Integrated natural resource management: The department develops

and invests in natural resource management plans and other strategies

to maintain ecosystems, including the regional component o the

Natural Heritage Trust and bioregional marine plans. These plans

integrate long-term and short-term economic, environmental, social

and equitable considerations

Integrated reporting: The department publishes its own sustainability

report and State o the Environment report

Precautionary principle: i there

are threats o serious or irreversible

environmental damage, lack o ullscientic certainty should not be

used as a reason or postponing

measures to prevent environmental


Environmental impact assessments: The department applies the

precautionary principle to prevent serious environmental damage

when assessing the possible environmental impacts o proposedactions, oten in the absence o ull scientic certainty, most notably

through the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 

1999, and through chemical and gene technology assessment schemes

National response to climate change: The department develops

Australia’s national and international response to the threat o climate

change in the absence o ull scientic certainty, and manages or

uncertainty, including preparing Australia or unavoidable climate

change impacts

Intergenerational principle: the

present generation should ensure that

the health, diversity and productivity

o the environment is maintained orenhanced or the benet o uture


Pollution prevention: The department applies laws and National

Environment Protection Measures to prevent environmentally harmul

substances entering the environment. Laws include the Environment 

Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981, the Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989, and the Ozone Protection and Synthetic 

Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989

Whole-o-government policy development: The department seeks

to ensure that environmental protection is appropriately considered in

the development o other Australian Government policies, including

major energy and water reorms

Community capacity building: The department administers the

Australian Government’s major natural resource management

programmes that have an environmental ocus, including the Natural

Heritage Trust. These programmes increase the capacity o Australians

to conserve ecosystems or uture generations

Biodiversity principle: the

conservation o biological diversity

and ecological integrity should be

a undamental consideration in


Biodiversity conservation: The department applies laws or the

conservation o biodiversity to protect wildlie and places with

environmental values, including the Environment Protection and 

Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, and through the Natural Heritage

 Trust, marine protected areas, terrestrial parks and reserves

Valuation principle: improved

valuation, pricing and incentive

mechanisms should be promoted

Conservation incentives: The department promotes incentives or

protecting wildlie and habitats on private land through covenants. It

supports shing industry adjustment processes to reduce pressures on

the marine environment

Waste reduction incentives: The department provides incentives or

more efcient use o resources, including markets or waste products

such as used lubricating oils, water efciency labelling, and productstewardship programmes to reduce plastic bag consumption and to

recycle used oil

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Environmental impacts o operations

The department is a strong advocate of environmental accountability andsustainability. Through the Sustainability in Government programme, the

department supports Australian Government departments and agencies to

improve environmental management, energy efficiency, public reporting and

sustainable purchasing.

The department helps agencies to develop and implement ISO 14001

environmental management systems and to integrate environmental

considerations into public procurement decisions. In 2006–07 the department


maintenance staff on how to reduce water consumption and increase water 

reuse in offices and public buildings. The guide contains national benchmarks

for best practice water consumption. The rating scales are consistent with

the National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) and the

 Australian Building Greenhouse Rating scheme. Water savings of 30–40 per cent

are often achievable in buildings that comply with best practice

hospitals. The benchmarks are based on national data from 129 hospitals.

The benchmarks will be released as part of the NABERS Hospitals Tool

Offices and Public Buildings. This guide has been popular with agencies and

the property industry as a useful introduction to how green building design can

deliver better environmental outcomes

This guide provides information to owners, managers and tenants on how to

improve the environmental performance of existing buildings through better 

facilities management

for Australian Government office buildings. These schedules create mutualcontractual obligations between building owners and Australian Government

tenants to achieve the agreed energy targets over the term of the lease. The

schedules also have the flexibility to include other sustainability measures such

as water conservation and waste reduction initiatives.

Environmental perormance

The department reports in detail on its environmental, social and economic

performance in a sustainability report, using performance indicators provided by 

the Global Reporting Initiative (see The departmentproduced its third sustainability report this year. The report is available on the

department’s website.

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The following tables summarise the environmental performance of the

department’s four major operational areas in 2006–07:

Farrell Place in Canberra and the Fyshwick warehouse


 John Gorton Building, Edmund Barton Building and Fyshwick warehouse

Indicator Perormance 2006–07

General Consumption o tenant light and power dropped slightly to around 5,250 megajoules

per person per year. Consumption is well within the revised Australian Government energy

use target o 7,500 megajoules per person per year




 The department’s environmental management system, which covers Canberra-based

operations, was re-certied in May 2006 to the upgraded international environmental

management system standard ISO 14001:2004



 The Department o Finance and Administration is undertaking an Australian Building

Greenhouse Rating (ABGR) o the John Gorton Building (which it owns) to determine its

ABGR rating out o 5

 The department renewed its energy contract or the supply o 100% green energy to the

John Gorton Building and will continue to source green energy or its signicant tenancies,including 5 Farrell Place in Civic

 Transport Two new Toyota Prius hybrid uel efcient vehicles were included in the pool eet so

that the 10-vehicle eet now includes 8 hybrid vehicles. The remaining 2 special purpose

vehicles are or use by the warehouse at Fyshwick and the Australian National Botanic


 The department’s reporting methodology or vehicle use is being reviewed, in consultation

with Lease Plan, to improve the accuracy and increase the requency o reporting

Greenhouse gas


 The department continues to work towards minimising its greenhouse gas emissions.

Due to an increase in gas consumption at the John Gorton Building, total greenhouse gas

emissions have increased slightly to around 630 kg per person per year

Water The Department o Finance and Administration successully trialled microbial urine

treatment cubes in urinals in the John Gorton Building. It is estimated that i the

department adopts microbial treatment cubes in its urinals it will reduce the amount o 

water needed to ush urinals by 90%

 The John Gorton Building has had ow restricting plumbing installed to ensure water ow

throughout the building does not exceed 9 litres per minute. A ollow-up water audit is

scheduled or 2007 to determine water savings. The new Farrell Place building has water

saving eatures, such as waterless urinals

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 John Gorton Building, Edmund Barton Building and Fyshwick warehouse (continued)

Indicator Perormance 2006–07

Waste (including


An internal waste audit, undertaken in October 2006, conrms that around 70% o all waste

is being recycled, with potential or urther improvement

Problems were encountered in the perormance o the recycled waste contractor, and

their services were terminated. One consequence o this is a lack o reliable data or paper,

cardboard and co-mingled waste or 2006-07. Paper purchase data suggest that paper

consumption remains steady

Waste being collected through the organics recycling stream has increased by around

50% suggesting a reduction in waste going to landll

 The Environmental Coordination Team will continue to use and develop all available

recycling services such as mobile phone, compact disk and polystyrene recycling



 The department has renewed its contract or the supply o 100% accredited green power

to the John Gorton Building, and will continue to source green power where possible or

other sites. Currently the department uses 60% recycled content print paper in its printers

and photocopiers. Opportunities to use 100% recycled paper are being explored. The

department is committed to urther integrating environmental principles into procurement


Other The department is preparing or signicant changes in building occupancy, and will

develop environmental management systems or key Canberra-based ofces including the

new Farrell Place building

 The department maintains its status as a Greenhouse Challenge Plus member. The

possibility o broadening the scope o the agreement to include other departmental sites

around Australia is being explored

 The Environmental Coordination Team will participate in the Government Agencies

Environment Network to acilitate better environmental perormance across Australian

Government departments through collaboration. The team is contacted requently by

other departments and business organisations seeking inormation and guidance on issues

related to environmental management systems

Membership o the department’s own environmental network the Environmentally

Conscious Ofcer Network (ECONet) continues to strengthen. The ECONet is a valuable

resource, raising sta awareness, identiying areas or improvement and acilitating

environmental management system implementation

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Australian Antarctic Division

Indicator Perormance 2006–07

General The division complied with all applicable environmental laws and agreements, and required

compliance with them by participants in activities supported by the division, by other

Australian visitors to the Antarctic, and by contractors and suppliers

 The division implemented measures to prevent or minimise pollution, waste and other

human impacts in all environments in which it operates




 The external auditor conducted a surveillance audit in 2006 o the division’s environmental

management system to meet the requirements o the Australian/New Zealand Standard

AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004. The system has operated since 2002 and the current certication

period will expire in September 2008. Due to changes to the 2006–07 shipping schedule,

the external onsite audit o Casey station was deerred until the 2007–08 season. Station sel 

assessments o projects were commenced this season



 The Kingston, Tasmania ofces consumed 3.937 million kilowatt hours o electricity.

Macquarie cargo acility consumed an additional 98,920 kilowatt hours

 Transport Vehicular uel consumption was 190,673 litres, an increase o 18,000 litres. The increase is

attributable to vehicle usage at Casey or construction o the inter-continental runway and

construction and maintenance activities at Casey station. Casey used 155,648 litres o uel;

Davis, Mawson and Macquarie Island together used 35,025 litres

Greenhouse gas


 The division’s greenhouse gas emissions were 15,810 tonnes, a 20% reduction rom 2005–06

due to reduced shipping activity

Water The Kingston ofce consumed 7,390 kilolitres o water

 The our stations used 5,764,988 litres o water

Waste (including


 The division reused or recycled 17% o waste, landlled 48% and treated and disposed o 

35% o all waste

 The warehouse ordered 16,600 reams o A4 and A3 paper on behal o the Kingston ofce

and stations



 The division’s purchasing accords with departmental guidelines

Other Fuel usage or power and heating at the stations was 1,675,945 litres, a slight improvement

rom 2005–06. The wind turbines at Mawson provided a 25% uel saving

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Parks Australia Division

Indicator Perormance 2006–07

General Management plans or individual protected areas include environmental management

goals and prescriptions




 The Australian National Botanic Gardens, which consumes 50% o Parks Australia’s total

purchased electricity and the bulk o purchased water, is continuing to investigate and

implement more efcient options or energy and water use



Electricity use was down by nearly 2.5% across the division

8% o contracted electricity purchased by the Australian National Botanic Gardens is green

power under a bulk government agency purchasing arrangement

  Transport A trial o 5% biodiesel commenced in Booderee National Park. Regular reports will be madeon the environmental perormance and mechanical implications o the uel

Greenhouse gas


Greenhouse gas emissions were down by 7.2% rom 2005–06. The reduction is mainly due

to being able to allocate uel use more precisely between dierent government agencies.

 The other actor is that new vehicles and air-conditioning units are more efcient

Water Booderee National Park’s water usage was down 23%. Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park 

(including the Mutitjulu community) consumed 78,442 kilolitres and the Australian National

Botanic Gardens consumed 187,894 kilolitres (up 13%) due to extra watering required

during the drought

A water management strategy or the Australian National Botanic Gardens has been

prepared and is being progressively implemented, including a project to commence in

2007–08 to design non-potable reticulation inrastructure and a way o separating non-potable water rom potable water onsite to allow or non-potable water irrigation

Waste (including


At the Australian National Botanic Gardens, where statistics are available, 77,952 litres o 

co-mingled waste and 129,360 litres o cardboard were recycled

Available data suggest sta used about 6 reams o paper per person per year, down rom

8 reams in 2005–06



 The division increased awareness and application o Parks Australia’s environmental

purchasing guidelines in the Director o National Parks Chie Executive Instructions

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Supervising Scientist Division

Indictor Perormance 2006–07

General The division’s Darwin-based premises were audited in accordance with the requirements o 

Darwin International Airport, the owner o the building. An independent energy and water

use audit was also conducted by the owner




 The division reviewed its environmental management system documentation in line with

the department’s environmental management system and Darwin International Airport’s




Darwin ofce electricity usage was down by 4%, although sta increased by 13%

Jabiru Ofce electricity usage was up by 4.4%. However, the backup generator was used

less and no extra uel was purchased

  Transport Fuel usage was up by 12% and distance travelled by vehicles up by 22%. The increases are

due in part to 2 extra vehicles being included in this year’s gures

Greenhouse gas


Greenhouse gas emissions were down by 4 tonnes. The lower emissions were achieved

despite including small aircrat and extra vehicles in the reporting data

Water Water usage at the Darwin ofce was down 34% rom 1,403 to 920 kilolitres

Water usage at the Jabiru ofce was 3,130 kilolitres. A large aquaculture area (part o the

eriss research and monitoring programme) contributes signicantly to the Jabiru Field

Station water use

Kakadu Native Plants, a local Indigenous-owned business operating out o the Jabiru site,

also uses a signicant amount o water to culture and maintain plant supplies

Waste (including


Greenhouse emissions produced rom waste were down by 11%. The amount o landll

waste decreased. Plastic, glass, paper and cardboard recycling increased

 To reduce landll, sta sort waste, including toner cartridges, glass, paper and plastic

products, into recycle bins. Organic waste is recycled through the worm arm that provides

live eed or breeding populations o sh (purple spotted gudgeon) used or research


Paper usage in the Darwin ofce was up by 26%, but usage per person only increased by

2%. The overall increase is partly due to the inclusion o extra sta rom Parks Australia

North in the data

 The division purchased 28% less virgin paper and 37% more partly recycled paper


It is the division’s practice, where possible, to purchase ‘green’ stationery and toiletryproducts rather than standard products

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Human resources

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources manages its peopleto ensure the achievement of corporate goals and to meet its changing business


Results 2006–07

came into effect in August 2006.

executive level employees which came into effect in August 2006.

executive service employees which come into effect in July 2007.

identifies strategies to address challenges and mitigate risks to its

Canberra-based workforce.

including a user guide and electronic templates for each project

management stage. These are accessible to all employees on the

department’s intranet.

improvement in employee satisfaction across a range of areas in the

organisation since the last survey in 2004.

standards written in 2000. The new standards reflect changes to the

roles and responsibilities of employees from 2000 to 2007.

and promote the recruitment, career development, and retention of 

Indigenous employees in the department. The department held its first

conference for Indigenous employees in April 2007 to discuss these


130 directors to share their experience and understanding of their role

in the department.

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    H   u   m   a   n   r   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s

Workorce Management Committee

The Workforce Management Committee plays a key role in reviewing peoplemanagement policies and programmes across the department and ensuring that

all people management activity is closely aligned to the department’s business

goals. The committee is chaired by a deputy secretary and includes all division

heads. The committee’s achievements in 2006–07 are summarised in the section

on corporate governance.

Workorce planning

In February 2007 the department completed the first of its two-year workforce

plans focusing on the department’s Canberra-based workforce. The workforceplan identifies the key challenges facing the department’s workforce over the

next two years (2007–2009) and proposes strategies to address the challenges and

mitigate future risks. The workforce plan will underpin the department’s initiatives

relating to recruitment, retention and capability development in coming years.

Development of workforce plans for Parks Australia Division and the Australian

 Antarctic Division has begun.

The department revised its work level standards to replace the previous

 version developed in 2000. The new standards reflect changes to the roles and

responsibilities of the department’s employees from 2000 to 2007. The standardsapply to all employees from APS 1–2 to executive level classifications and include

legal officers, research scientists and public affairs officers.

Makeup o workorce

The department has a diverse workforce carrying out a range of responsibilities

across Australia and in Australia’s external territories.

The department’s workforce statistics are presented in the tables on the following

pages. All statistics are as at 30 June 2007.

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Key to job classifcation symbols in the tables on workorce statistics

Secretary Secretary of the department

PEO Principal Executive Officer. Refers to Director of National Parks,

a statutory office holder.

SES 1–3 Senior Executive Service bands 1–3. Includes Chief of Division,

 Australian Antarctic Division.

EL 1–2 Executive Level bands 1–2. Includes equivalent Australian

 Antarctic Division bands 7–8.

  APS 1–6 Australian Public Service levels 1–6. Includes equivalent Australian

 Antarctic Division levels 1–6. Includes graduate programme recruits.

RS 1–3 Research Scientist (equivalent to APS 6 or EL 1), Senior Research

Scientist (equivalent to EL 2) and Principal Research Scientist

(equivalent to EL 2).

  AMP 1–2 Antarctic Medical Practitioner levels 1–2 (Expeditioner).

  AE 1–3 Antarctic Expeditioner bands 1–3.

LO 1–3 Legal Officer (equivalent to APS 3–6), Senior Legal Officer 

(equivalent to EL 1) and Principal Legal Officer (equivalent to EL 2).

PAO 1–4 Public Affairs Officer 1–2 (equivalent to APS 3–6), Public AffairsOfficer 3 (equivalent to EL 1) and Senior Public Affairs Officer 

(equivalent to EL 2).

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    H   u   m   a   n   r   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s

    J   o    b   c    l   a   s   s    i    f   c   a   t    i   o   n ,   g   e   n    d   e   r   a   n    d    l   o   c   a   t    i   o   n

    L   o   c   a    t    i   o


    G   e   n    d   e   r

    C    l   a   s   s    i    f   c   a    t    i   o   n

    T   o    t   a    l

    S   e   c   r   e    t   a   r   y


    E    O

    S    E    S    1  –    3

    E    L    1  –    2


    P    S    1  –    6

    R    S    1  –    4

    A    M    P    1  –    2

    A    E    1  –    3

    L    O    1  –    3

    P    A    O    1  –    4

    A   u   s   t   r   a    l    i   a   n    C   a   p    i   t   a    l

    T   e   r   r    i   t   o   r   y

    F   e   m   a    l   e

    1    4

    2    9    9

    5    9    7


    2    9

    9    4    2

    M   a    l   e



    3    4

    3    0    3

    2    8    9




    6    4    2

    N   e   w    S   o

   u   t    h    W   a    l   e   s

    F   e   m   a    l   e




    M   a    l   e



    N   o   r   t    h   e   r   n    T   e   r   r    i   t   o   r   y

    F   e   m   a    l   e


    1    1

    8    7


    1    0    1

    M   a    l   e


    1    3

    9    2


    1    1    4

    Q   u   e   e   n   s

    l   a   n    d

    F   e   m   a    l   e




    M   a    l   e



    S   o   u   t    h    A

   u   s   t   r   a    l    i   a

    F   e   m   a    l   e



    M   a    l   e



    T   a   s   m   a   n

    i   a

    F   e   m   a    l   e


    2    3

    1    0    0




    1    3    2

    M   a    l   e


    4    0

    1    2    2

    3    9



    2    0    9

    V    i   c   t   o   r    i   a

    F   e   m   a    l   e



    M   a    l   e




    W   e   s   t   e   r   n

    A   u   s   t   r   a    l    i   a

    F   e   m   a    l   e




    M   a    l   e




    J   e   r   v    i   s    B

   a   y

    F   e   m   a    l   e


    2    0

    2    3

    M   a    l   e


    2    3

    2    6

    N   o   r       o    l    k

    I   s    l   a   n    d

    F   e   m   a    l   e


    M   a    l   e



    I   n    d    i   a   n    O

   c   e   a   n

    F   e   m   a    l   e

    1    1

    1    1

    M   a    l   e


    1    8

    1    9

    A   n   t   a   r   c   t

    i   c   a

    F   e   m   a    l   e




    M   a    l   e


    4    5

    5    0

    T   o    t   a    l



    5    7

    7    1    7

    1 ,    3

    7    0

    5    8


    4    7


    3    6

    2 ,    3

    0    4

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    F   u    l    l  -   t    i   m

   e   e   m   p    l   o   y   e   e   s   u   n    d   e   r   t    h   e    P   u    b    l    i   c    S   e   r   v    i   c   e    A   c    t    1    9    9    9

    N   o   n  -   o   n   g   o    i   n   g

    O   n   g   o    i   n   g

    T   o    t   a    l    b   y   g   e   n    d   e   r

    T   o

    t   a    l

    D    i   v    i   s    i   o   n

    F   e   m   a    l   e

    M   a    l   e

    S   u    b  -    t   o    t   a    l

    F   e   m   a    l   e

    M   a    l   e

    S   u    b  -    t   o    t   a    l

    F   e   m   a    l   e

    M   a    l   e

    P   a   r    k   s    A   u   s   t   r   a    l    i   a    D    i   v    i   s    i   o   n

    3    9

    3    2

    7    1

    5    7

    1    2    2

    1    7    9

    9    6

    1    5    4

    2    5    0

    D   e   p   a   r   t   m   e   n   t  –   a    l    l   o   t    h   e   r    d    i   v    i   s    i   o   n   s

    1    0    0

    1    3    1

    2    3    1


    6    3

    7    0    4

    1 ,    4    6    7

    8    6    3

    8    3    5

    1 ,    6    9    8

    T   o    t   a    l

    1    3    9

    1    6    3

    3    0    2


    3    0

    8    2    6

    1 ,    6

    4    6

    9    5    9

    9    8    9

    1 ,    9

    4    8

    P   a   r   t  -   t    i   m

   e   e   m   p    l   o   y   e   e   s   u   n    d   e   r   t    h   e    P   u    b    l    i   c

    S   e   r   v    i   c   e    A   c    t    1    9    9    9

    N   o   n  -   o   n   g   o    i   n   g

    O   n   g   o    i   n   g

    T   o    t   a    l    b   y   g   e   n    d   e   r

    T   o

    t   a    l

    D    i   v    i   s    i   o   n

    F   e   m   a    l   e

    M   a    l   e

    S   u    b  -    t   o    t   a    l

    F   e   m   a    l   e

    M   a    l   e

    S   u    b  -    t   o    t   a    l

    F   e   m   a    l   e

    M   a    l   e

    P   a   r    k   s    A   u   s   t   r   a    l    i   a    D    i   v    i   s    i   o   n

    4    9

    2    5

    7    4

    2    1


    2    5

    7    0

    2    9

    9    9

    D   e   p   a   r   t   m   e   n   t  –   a    l    l   o   t    h   e   r    d    i   v    i   s    i   o   n   s

    3    8

    1    9

    5    7

    1    5    7

    4    1

    1    9    8

    1    9    5

    6    0

    2    5    5

    T   o    t   a    l

    8    7

    4    4

    1    3    1


    7    8

    4    5

    2    2    3

    2    6    5

    8    9

    3    5    4

    N   o   t   e   :   t    h   e   s

   t   a   t    i   s   t    i   c   s    d   o   n   o   t    i   n   c    l   u    d   e   t    h   e   s   e   c   r   e   t   a   r   y   o   r   t    h   e   p   r    i   n   c    i   p   a    l   e   x   e   c   u   t    i   v   e   o    f   c   e   r .

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    H   u   m   a   n   r   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s

Employee retention and turnover rates

Ongoing employees’ retention rate was 89.75 per cent (compared to 89.2 per centin 2005–06). The overall separation rate (including promotions and transfers to

other Australian Public Service agencies) was 23.2 per cent. This figure includes

the department’s above average percentage of non-ongoing employees primarily 

required to meet operational and seasonal employment needs in the Australian

 Antarctic Division and some of the national parks. Excluding these employees, the

separation rate for ongoing departmental employees was 10.42 per cent, slightly 

below the 2005–06 separation rate of 10.9 per cent.

Employment agreements

The department has four standard types of employment agreements in place:

Senior Executive Service Australian Workplace Agreements, Executive Level

 Australian Workplace Agreements, Australian Antarctic Division Expeditioner 

 Australian Workplace Agreements and a department-wide collective agreement.

 All senior executive service employees have Australian Workplace Agreements

and all ongoing executive level employees (and equivalent classifications) are

offered Australian Workplace Agreements. Other employees are offered Australian

 Workplace Agreements on a case-by-case basis.

The majority of employees are employed under the department’s collective

agreement. The current collective agreement commenced in August 2006 and

operates for three years compared with two years for previous agreements. The

current collective agreement covers all employees not on Australian Workplace

 Agreements wherever they work.

The current collective agreement delivered a competitive salary increase of 

11.5 per cent over the life of the agreement and created a new common pay scale

across divisions. The nominal expiry date of the agreement is August 2009.

In July 2006 all ongoing executive level employees were offered Australian

 Workplace Agreements of three years compared with two years for previous

agreements. The new agreements include provisions to promote flexibility in

remuneration and employment arrangements; attract, reward and retain high

quality executive level employees; and address remuneration imbalances.

These agreements have a nominal expiry date of 30 June 2009.

In May 2007 all senior executive service employees were offered Australian

 Workplace Agreements. The new agreements feature a mandatory vehicle cash-out and revision of salary bands to address remuneration imbalances. These

agreements have a nominal expiry date of June 2009.

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Number o employees under each type o employment agreement

Type o agreement


TotalSES non-SES

Australian Workplace Agreements 57 669 726

Collective agreement (department) 1,578 1,578

Total 57 2,247 2,304


on temporary transer to another agency who would otherwise be covered by an Australian Workplace Agreement.

Perormance pay or employees up to executive level 2


pay statistic


APS 1–6 Executive Level 1 Executive Level 2

2005–06 2006–07 2005–06 2006–07 2005–06 2006–07

Number o 


payments 18 19 252 295 161 171


perormance pay $2,659 $3,177 $4,112 $4,583 $5,732 $6,206

Range o 

perormance pay













Total paid $47,854 $60,358 $1,036,289 $1,352,134 $922,807 $1,061,274


made in 2006–07 are or the 2005–06 appraisal cycle.

Perormance pay or senior executive service employees

Perormance pay statistic


SES bands 2 and 3 SES band 1

2005–06 2006–07 2005–06 2006–07

Number o perormance


12 14 26 33

Average perormance pay $12,533 $8,436 $8,682 $5,497

Range o perormance pay $7,476–$23,678 $4,233–$18,729 $2,591–$15,728 $876–$11,752

Total paid $150,402 $117,970 $225,743 $181,429


made in 2006–07 are or the 2005–06 appraisal cycle.

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    H   u   m   a   n   r   e   s   o   u   r   c   e   s

Base salaries

Classifcation Collectiveagreement



Australian Public Service Level 1–2 $33,829–$42,708

Australian Public Service Level 3 $44,137–$48,227 $44,137–$48,227

Australian Public Service Level 4 $49,677–$52,702 $49,677–$52,702

Australian Public Service Level 5 $54,284–$57,586 $54,284–$57,586

Australian Public Service Level 6 $59,316–$67,110 $59,316–$67,110

Executive Level 1 $72,950–$80,921 $72,950–$85,482

Executive Level 2 $87,395–$98,364 $87,395–$111,935

Public Aairs Ofcer 1 $49,677–$57,586

Public Aairs Ofcer 2 $62,928–$69,326

Public Aairs Ofcer 3 $76,489–$95,499 $76,489–$95,499

Senior Public Aairs Ofcer 1–2 $98,364–$104,358 $98,364–$107,358

Legal Ofcer $45,461–$67,110

Senior Legal Ofcer $72,950–$90,017 $72,950–$90,017

Principal Legal Ofcer $95,499–$101,319 $95,499–$104,319

Research Scientist $59,316–$80,291 $59,316–$80,291

Senior Research Scientist $84,328–$104,358 $84,328–$107,358

Principal Research Scientist $107,489–$117,456 $107,489–$120,456

Senior Principal Research Scientist $124,503–$136,049 $124,503–$139,049

Antarctic Medical Practitioner Level 1 (Head Ofce) $98,364–$110,714 $98,364–$110,714

Antarctic Medical Practitioner Level 2 (Head Ofce) $114,035–$124,503 $114,035–$127,503

Expeditioner Band 1 $46,650–$62,466

Expeditioner Band 2 $57,415–$77,486

Expeditioner Band 3 $79,744–$91,441

Antarctic Medical Practitioner Level 1 (Expeditioner) $112,705–$126,261 $112,705–$126,261

Chie o Division 1 $119,400–$137,500

Senior Executive Service 1 $119,400–$137,500

Senior Executive Service 2 $144,000–$169,900

Senior Executive Service 3 $178,300–$216,500


the collective agreement or an Australian Workplace Agreement.

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Perormance management

The department’s current performance management scheme has been in placesince July 2005. All employees engaged for three months or more are required to

participate in the scheme. Salary increases set out in the collective agreement are

dependent on a 95 per cent participation rate in the scheme.

This year the department revised its training for employees on how to write an

individual performance agreement, how to develop performance expectations,

how to give and receive feedback and how to manage underperformance.

The Australian Antarctic Division’s Expeditioner Performance Scheme—based on

the department’s Antarctic Service Code of Personal Behaviour—provides the

basis for managing performance of employees working and living in Antarctica.

Learning and development

The department remains committed to maintaining its Investors in People (IiP)

recognition certification and to continuing to improve its approach to learning

and development for employees. The department achieved upgraded recognition

to the revised International IiP Standard. The revised standard has more stringent

requirements with respect to business planning and evaluation practices.

Individual learning: As part of the department’s performance and development

scheme, individual employees must complete learning plans with their supervisor,

 which clearly identify learning needs and solutions related to the work they are

required to do under their performance agreement. Procedures are in place to

ensure the agreed learning solutions are passed on to the support units within

each division, and are taken into account in developing divisional learning and

development programmes. Where a broader need is identified, the People

Management Branch coordinates departmental learning and development


Graduate programme: The graduate programme is an important element of the

department’s workforce planning strategy. The department recruits high quality 

graduates from a variety of academic disciplines, including from specific disciplines

 where a need has been identified. The programme enables the department to

increase the diversity and depth of talent in its workforce.

The graduate programme provides participants with professional development

including training courses, work rotations, and mentoring. Existing departmental

employees have the opportunity to participate in the programme. The department

also offers a number of positions to graduates recruited through the Australian

Public Service Commission’s Indigenous Graduate Programme.

In 2006, 16 graduates completed the programme and have been placed within

the department. In 2007 the department significantly expanded the graduate

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programme, recruiting 32 graduates to meet future needs for highly skilled

employees. These graduates have diverse academic backgrounds including

commerce, economics and law, as well as science and environmental disciplines.The department intends to again increase the number of graduates recruited in


Online learning: The department continued to use online learning to educate

employees about concepts, business processes and computer applications. Online

learning programmes offered include occupational health and safety, security 

awareness, and an orientation programme for new employees. A number of 

programmes are used as assessment and compliance tools to help employees

remember information they need to carry out a particular business function, for 

example, ensuring purchasing cardholders know their responsibilities.

Seminar programmes: The department continued to hold an executive seminar 

series and a human resources seminar series throughout the year. These seminars

are open to all employees. They enable senior managers of the department

to share their knowledge and experience and help employees to build their 

supervisory and people management skills.

In 2006–07 the department continued the Insights seminar series, which highlights

significant work being undertaken across the department. The series includes a

programme on environmental economics for non-economists. The environmental

economics programme is tailored to the needs of the department and targetsemployees at executive level 1 and above. More than 100 employees participated

in three courses held this year. The programme is well regarded by management

and participants and will continue to be offered.

The International, Land and Analysis Division and the Industry, Communities and

Energy Division also continued to run a very well-attended Greenhouse Frontiers

programme. This seminar series includes presentations by visiting national and

international experts on topical issues related to climate change, and by staff on

the progress of major initiatives that are being developed and implemented.

In 2007 the secretary of the department commenced a new series of seminars

called Broadly Speaking in which he addresses employees on key issues.

Leadership development: The department began a new leadership

development strategy in 2007 based on the Australian Public Service Commission’s

Integrated Leadership System. The programme is for all employees with

supervisory responsibilities and will improve their leadership skills. The

programme offers a range of activities including staff dialogues with senior 

executives, self-awareness tools and exercises, workshops, work experiences and


Development for Indigenous employees: The department created the new 

position of Indigenous Development Coordinator in the People Management

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Branch. The coordinator 

commenced in July 2006

to support and promoterecruitment, career 

development, and retention

of Indigenous employees.

The department held a

two-day conference for 

Indigenous employees

in Darwin in April 2007.

The conference provided

an opportunity for thedepartment’s Indigenous

employees to discuss

employment and career 

development issues. Thirty-five Indigenous employees from Canberra, Hobart,

Melbourne, Port Hedland and from Booderee, Uluru–Kata Tjuta and Kakadu

national parks attended the conference.

Executive conferences: The department held a conference for section directors

in late 2006 allowing them to network, share their experience and clarify their role

and its importance in delivering departmental outcomes. Workshops and training were also provided.

The department also held a conference in September 2006 for portfolio senior 

executive service employees to discuss key challenges and emerging issues.

Rewards and recognition

The department participated in formal Australian Public Service-wide recognition

programmes as well as celebrating department-wide employee excellence by 

recognising outstanding team and individual performance.Eighteen Australia Day Achievement Awards were presented to individuals and

teams within the portfolio at the department’s 2007 Australia Day award ceremony.

Three of the department’s employees also received Australia Day Achievement

 Awards from the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. These awards

 were for their contribution to the Low Emission Technology Demonstration Fund.

In August 2006, the minister presented 15 awards in recognition of outstanding

team and individual achievements in the portfolio.

Outstanding work was also recognised at a divisional level with individuals and

teams being rewarded with certificates for their contribution to the work and

outcomes of the division.

 Participants at the Indigenous employees conference in


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Public Service Medal or Gerard Early

Mr Gerard Early, acting deputy secretary was awarded

a Public Service Medal in the Queen’s Birthday 2007

Honours List for outstanding public service in the

protection and conservation of Australia’s natural

environment and cultural heritage.

The award acknowledges Mr Early’s key leadership

role in improving the effectiveness and efficiency 

of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999, through amendments passed

by parliament in December 2006. His analysis of the improvements that could

be made to the Act and subsequent oversight of the legislative amendments

through the relevant government approval processes were exemplary.

Mr Early worked successfully with other departments, key industry sectors

and public interest groups to deliver a more robust and streamlined

environment protection regime that recognises the impact of timeliness and

cost on business.

Australian Antarctic Medal or Sharon Labudda

The Australian Antarctic Medal,

established in 1987, is an award

in the Meritorious Service

 Awards category of the Australian

Honours System. The Australian

 Antarctic Medal replaced the

(British) Imperial Polar Medal and

its variations which date back to

1857 for service in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Ms Sharon Labudda was awarded

the 2007 Australian Antarctic Medal

for her exceptional contribution

to air operations in Antarctica.

Ms Labudda was the first Aircraft Ground Support Officer employed by 

the Australian Antarctic Division when fixed-wing aircraft operations were

introduced within Antarctica during the 2003–04 season. Since that time,

Ms Labudda has worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth and safe operation of 

air services between Australia’s Antarctic stations and field locations.

 Ms Sharon Labudda, an Aircraft Ground 

 Support Officer with Australia’s Antarctic

 programme, has been awarded this year’s

 Antarctic Medal. P hoto: Glenn Jacobson

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Work–lie balance

The department remains committed to the work–life balance of its employees.The department’s collective agreement offers a range of leave provisions which

assist employees to meet commitments outside work.

 A childcare facility is planned for inclusion in the new office to be built to house

the department. The new office will be ready for occupation in 2011. In the

meantime, the department is reviewing options identified in a feasibility study to

further assist in this area.

The department involves its employees in decision-making processes through

informal and formal mechanisms such as workshops, surveys, the department’s

Consultative Committee and related divisional consultative committees.

Employee survey

The department held its second online employee survey in 2006–07 in which over 

72 per cent of employees participated. The survey measured levels of employee

satisfaction with the department across a range of areas including information

technology infrastructure and support, performance and workload management,

employee recruitment practices, management and leadership, and learning and


There were improvements in employee satisfaction over the 2004 employee

survey on 76 per cent of questions. The survey provided individual reports to each

division and branch. This information is being used by divisions and branches

to develop and tailor their improvement plans and to address specific concerns

raised by employees in particular work groups.

Recruitment and orientation

This year the department put in place a new online recruitment product whichstreamlines the way applicants apply for positions in the department and how 

applications are processed. The online recruitment gateway is located on the

department’s website.

Occupational health and saety

The department’s occupational health and safety policy aims to provide and

maintain a safe and healthy workplace in line with the requirements of the

Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991. The department works to achieve highstandards of occupational health and safety in all its work locations and operations

by providing a safe system of work to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses.

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The department’s occupational health and safety committees meet regularly to

address strategic and site specific issues.

 A health and safety network operates throughout the department. On

appointment, all health and safety representatives undergo Comcare-approved


Reports under section 68 o the Act

Section 68 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991 relates to the

requirement for employees to report to Comcare accidents or incidents that cause

death or serious personal injury or incapacity, or that are otherwise dangerous.

This year 16 accidents or incidents were reported to Comcare: four from Canberra workplaces; eight from Parks Australia remote workplaces; and four from the

 Australian Antarctic Division.


One external investigation by Comcare relating to a vehicle rollover incident was

conducted. No directions were issued under section 45 of the Occupational 

 Health and Safety Act 1991. Two notices were issued by Comcare under section

47 of the Act relating to the vehicle incident.

 An investigation regarding a water contamination incident that occurred in

2005–06 was concluded in 2006–07 and the department responded to the

satisfaction of Comcare.

One internal investigation into hydrogen sulfide exposures was conducted.

Agreements with employees

The department has an occupational health and safety policy and agreement which

covers all aspects of its work other than its Antarctic operations. The Australian

 Antarctic Division has a separate agreement in light of the specialised occupationalhealth and safety challenges faced by expeditioners and others working in the


The department is now developing health and safety management arrangements

in compliance with the legislative requirements of the amended Occupational 

 Health and Safety Act 1991, enacted in March 2007.

Compensation and rehabilitation

Under the rehabilitation policy and guidelines, the department continued toprovide support for injured and ill employees and provided an early-return-to-

 work programme.

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The following table summarises compensation and rehabilitation activities.

Measure Results 2006–07

Number o claims lodged with


62 claims, including 14 rom the Australian Antarctic Division

Early-return-to-work plans in place or

injured sta 

14 plans, including 2 rom the Australian Antarctic Division

Response to workers compensation


All new claims were responded to, with 6 being reerred to an approved

rehabilitation provider or the management o an early-return-to-work 

plan. O these 6 claims, 5 o the employees returned to work 

Routine support or employees

The following measures are routine support that the department provides for its


Measure Results 2006–07

Orientation sessions to inorm

new and ongoing employees o 

occupational health and saety

legislation, responsibilities and


228 employees rom the department attended orientation sessions,

and all new employees o the Australian Antarctic Division attended

orientation sessions

Supervisors and managers in the Australian Antarctic Division attended

general training, incident analysis and asbestos awareness training

All employees in the department (except the Australian Antarctic

Division) are required to complete an online occupational health and

saety training programme called SAFETRAC. Special ace-to-ace

SAFETRAC training was presented by a consultant to employees with

limited literacy or computer skills

 Training or rst aid ofcers, health and

saety representatives and workplace

contact ofcers

60 rst aid ofcers and 10 park rangers were trained in rst aid;

16 health and saety representatives received appropriate training;

12 Workplace Contact Ofcers were trained. All wintering Antarctic

expeditioners attended rst aid training

One new Australian Antarctic Division health and saety representative

undertook training. All other health and saety representatives and rst

aid ofcers held existing qualications

Ergonomic and work station

assessments by in-house and external

occupational therapists

363 work station assessments were conducted or the department

and 32 in-house work station assessments were conducted or the

Australian Antarctic Division

Reimbursement o the costs o being

screened or skin cancer and hearing

loss, or eld-based employees

All Antarctic expeditioners have hearing tests as part o their

recruitment medical

Employees Assistance Programme,

which is also available to the amilies

o employees

218 new appointments were made with Davidson Trahaire Corpsych,

the department’s provider and 29 people used OSA Group, the

Australian Antarctic Division’s provider

 Testing o electrical equipment in theCanberra ofces

1,807 items were tested

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Other measures

Other measures the department undertook during the year to ensure the health,

safety and welfare of employees and contractors are as follows:

called SAFETYINFO which is a one-stop shop containing policies, procedures

and forms

employees working in the Parks Australia Division

and safety and emergency procedures for non-ongoing employees

management system, due for launch in August 2007

(available through video conferencing to remote areas) on such topics as

changes to legislation and health related issues

procedures and their implementation across all areas of the department.

The consultant is due to report by 19 November 2007.

The Australian Antarctic Division:

through the use of division-wide and branch action plans. Plans are regularly 

reviewed and assessed against key performance indicators


are working to, and monitoring, agreed action plans

lunchtime yoga and tai chi.

Commonwealth Disability Strategy

The Commonwealth Disability Strategy is a framework for Australian Government

departments to help them improve access for people with disabilities to

government programmes, services and facilities. The strategy includes a

performance reporting framework built around the five key roles of government:

policy adviser, regulator, purchaser, provider and employer. Departments mustreport on their performance in implementing the strategy in their annual reports.

The department’s performance is summarised in the following table.

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Department’s perormance in implementing the Commonwealth Disability Strategy

Perormance indicator Results 2006–07

Policy adviser

New or revised policy/programme

proposals assess the impact on the

lives o people with disabilities prior

to decision

 The department’s disability action plan 2004–2006 is being revised

to ensure that the department continues to meet the perormance

reporting requirements established by the Commonwealth Disability


 The plan applies to all employees, contractors, and clients o the


People with disabilities are included

in consultation about new or revised

policy/ programme proposals

 The current disability action plan provides a checklist or developing

reports, policies and procedures on consultation with people with


Public announcements o new

or proposed policy/programme

initiatives are available in accessible

ormats or people with disabilities

 The Community Inormation Unit provides access to inormation on

the department’s activities

 The department maintains extensive websites where documents are

available in PDF and html ormat. The department’s website meets

the Australian Government online standards that relate to access or

people with disabilities (

html). The website has been developed to display adequately on all

commonly used browsers and to work eectively with accessibility

hardware and/or sotware

 The department makes online resources accessible to people with

technical constraints, such as old browsers and low speed internet


For technical reasons and to meet some legal requirements, the

department’s website has a limited number o documents that cannot

be provided in the preerred HTML ormat. In such cases, contact

details have been provided or their supply in alternative ormats

Regulator role

Publicly available inormation on

regulations and quasi-regulations

is available in accessible ormats or

people with disabilities

Publicly available regulatorycompliance reporting is available in

accessible ormats or people with


Legislation is accessible via the internet


Legislative instruments are accessible via the internet


Additional act sheets are available on request rom the CommunityInormation Unit

Administrative instruments are available in the Australian Government

 The department responds to specic requests by ax, email or post

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Department’s performance in implementing the Commonwealth Disability Strategy (continued)

Perormance indicator Results 2006–07

Purchaser role

Processes or purchasing goods and

services with a direct impact on the

lives o people with disabilities are

developed in consultation with people

with disabilities

 The department’s procurement policies are consistent with the

requirements o the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 

Purchasing specications and contract

requirements or the purchase o 

goods and/or services are consistent

with the requirements o the Disability 

Discrimination Act 1992

 The department’s procurement guidelines complement the

Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, January 2005, and are

consistent with the requirements o the Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Long and short orm contracts make reerence to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The department’s request or tender template

does not make reerence to the Act

Publicly available inormation on

agreed purchase specications is

provided in accessible ormats or

people with disabilities

 The department’s procurements valued at $80,000 or more are

advertised and are available or download on AusTender, which meets

the Australian Government online standards that relate to access or

people with disabilities

Complaints/grievance mechanisms,

including access to external

mechanisms, are available to address

issues and concerns about purchasers’


 The department has a complaints and grievance mechanism in place

in accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines

Provider role

Mechanisms are in place or quality

improvement and assurance

Inormation on parks and reserves is available in accessible ormats

on the department’s website (

commonwealth) and in hard copy rom park management

Wheel-chair access is provided in some parks or people with a

disability. However, physical access to the terrestrial reserves varies

according to the nature o the terrain

Service charters have been developed

that speciy the roles o the provider

and consumer and adequately reect

the needs o people with disabilities

 The department’s service charter commits the department to be

respectul and sensitive to the needs o all clients

Complaints/grievance mechanisms,

including access to external

mechanisms, are available to address

concerns raised about perormance

A client service ofcer is available to accept eedback and coordinate

the department’s response to members o the public who raise

concerns about service standards. There were no disability related

complaints in 2006–07

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Department’s performance in implementing the Commonwealth Disability Strategy (continued)

Perormance indicator Results 2006–07

Employer role

Recruitment inormation or

potential job applicants is available in

accessible ormats on request

Applicants are requested to advise whether they require accessible

ormats when preparing their application. Applicants are also asked to

advise whether they require special arrangements or them during the

recruitment process

Agency recruiters and managers

apply the principle o reasonable


 The department’s recruitment and selection policy requires recruiters

and managers to apply this principle

 Training and development

programmes consider the needs o employees with disabilities

All managers are responsible or ensuring that the training and

development needs o their employees are appropriately met

 Training and development

programmes include inormation on

disability issues as they relate to the

content o the programmes

For in-house training, all internal and external providers must ensure

that disability issues are addressed in the delivery o their programmes

Managers are responsible or monitoring whether inormation

on disability issues is provided when reerring sta to individual

programmes provided on the private market

Complaints or grievance mechanisms,

including access to external

mechanisms, are in place to address

issues and concerns raised by sta 

 The collective agreement 2006–2009 sets out complete procedures or

complaints and grievances. These procedures apply to all employees

and situations

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Financial perormance

The department continues to perform strongly against its budget. Departmental

and administered expenses were $1,015.380 million. This is slightly lower than

expected (by $19.188 million or 1.85 per cent).

Outcome 1 recorded a $1.183 million deficit, which was slightly unfavourable

to the budget, primarily due to asset write-offs. Outcome 2 recorded a

$22.441 million deficit primarily due to end of year adjustments to the make good

provisions, asset write-offs and continuing increased operating costs such as fuel

and shipping.The Natural Heritage Trust expended 100 per cent of its $312.5 million budget.

Other administered programmes were generally in line with budget expectations.

Two properties at Point Nepean Victoria and North Head in Sydney were

transferred to the department during the year which saw a $127.543 million

 variance to the revenue budget.

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Summary o fnancial results

Department o the Environment andWater Resources














Departmental Outcome 1 Revenue















Departmental Outcome 2 Revenue















Total departmental Revenue










Administered expenses, specifc payments to the states and territories and special accounts

Administered expenses

Outcome 1











Administered expenses

Outcome 2











Section 32 water transers

rom PM&C and DAFF 2











Administered specic payments

to the states and territories and

special accounts











Total administered Revenues










1 PSAES = Portolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements

2 Transers rom the Department o the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Department o Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

under section 32 o the Financial Management Act 1997 

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    F    i   n   a   n   c   e   c   s

The two comparison tables below explain the main features of the department’s

funding in 2006–07. The department’s funding is listed in more detail in the

summary resource tables on the following pages.

Comparison o departmental unding with budget and previous year

Funding class Revenues Expenses


Outcome 1

Revenues increased rom 2005–06 by

$14.773 million due to:

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and

the Department o the Prime Minister

and Cabinet ($2.114 million)

($9.241 million)

($2.626 million)

Actuals increased rom 2005–06 by

$12.216 million. This was due to additional

programme running costs associated with

the initiatives described under revenues

Expenses are unavourable to budget by

$2.029 million primarily due to one-o 

obsolete asset write-os


Outcome 2

Revenues increased rom 2005–06 by

$6.706 million primarily due to an increase

in baseline appropriation and revenue

receipts or additional cost recovered

programmes and insurance recoveries

Revenues are avourable to budget by

$3.459 million primarily due to additional

cost recoveries and insurance recoveries

that were not budgeted

Expenses increased rom 2005–06

by $3.664 million due to additional

depreciation and amortisation and

continuing cost pressures due to increases

in logistics and uel costs

Expenses are unavourable to budget by

$3.804 million price due to increases in

logistics and uel costs

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Comparison o administered unding with budget and previous year

Funding class Revenues Expenses


Outcome 1

Amounts are greater than 2005–06 by

$123.476 million primarily due to assets

recognised or the rst time, i.e. the

properties o Point Nepean in Victoria

and North Head in Sydney

Actual expenses are greater than 2005–06

by $84.148 million primarily due to the

ollowing measures:

Package ($33.287 million)

($22.360 million)

Facilities ($13.128 million)

programme ($4.786 million)

($4.403 million)

($1.834 million)

 These increases are oset by lower

spending than in 2005–06 in the ollowing



($3.400 million)

($2.100 million)

($1.135 million)

 The avourable variance to budget by

$16.390 million is primarily due to the

Representative Areas Programme – Structural

Adjustment Package ($16.268 million)

assessments taking longer than expected


Outcome 2

Not applicable Expenses are greater than 2005–06 by

$0.980 million due to the new measure to

restore Mawson’s Huts in Antarctica

 The avourable variance to budget by

$3.000 million is primarily due to the Royal

Society o Victoria youth expedition to

Antarctica being delayed


Specifc payment

to the states and

special accounts

Not applicable Expenses are greater than 2005–06 by

$5.392 million due to transer o state and

territories monies rom the Department o 

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry beingoset by a decrease in the Renewable

Remote Power Generation Programme

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Summary resource tables

Key to column headings in the ollowing tables

2006 Actuals Actual revenues and expenses for 2005–06 as at

30 June 2006

2007 PSAES Budget The department’s revised budget shown in the 2006–07

Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements plus adjustments

through the Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates


2007 Actuals Actual revenues and expenses for 2006–07 as at

30 June 2007

2007 Variance The difference between the revised budget and the actual

results for 2006–07, i.e. 2007 Actuals minus 2007 Budget

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Outcome 1 – Administered 2007










Outcome 1 – Administered revenues

Environment Management Change

Grants reunded and liability write-os

Water Efciency Labelling Scheme

Wildlie Protection Fees

Recognition o Point Nepean and North Head Assets























Outcome 1 – Total administered revenues 12,002 141,794 129,792

Outcome 1 – Administered expenses

Great Barrier Ree Structural Adjustment Package

Australian Government’s Community Water Grants

Greenhouse Gas Abatement Programme

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities

Climate Change Science Programme

Low Emissions Technology and Abatement

Scout Hall Water Saving Inrastructure Programme

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Bunbury

Biouels – Ministerial Council on Energy Additional and

Australian Government Task Force

Greenhouse action to enhance sustainability in regional Australia

Point Nepean Community Trust

Indigenous Heritage Programme

National Heritage Investment Initiative

Inuencing international climate change policy

Regional Natural Heritage Programme

Solar Cities

Alternative Fuels Conversion Programme

Australian Biological Resources Study

Protecting Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots (Daintree)

Sts Peter and Paul’s Old Cathedral, Goulburn

St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth

Renewable Energy Equity Fund

Renewable Energy Commercialisation Programme

Return o Qantas 707 Jet

National Trusts Partnership Programme

Action on energy efciency

Eugene von Guérard Painting

Advanced Electricity Storage Technologies

National Environment Protection Council

Improving Launceston’s Air Quality

Local greenhouse action

Renewable Remote Power Generation Programme

Photovoltaic Rebate Programme

Church o St Mary’s Star o the Sea, Melbourne

Duyfken Voyage

Write-down o assets, corporate and historic hotels

Protecting Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots
















































































































Outcome 1 – Total administered expenses (255,210) (238,820) 16,390

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Outcome 2 – Administered 2007







Outcome 2 – Administered expenses

Decisions taken but not yet announced

Mawson’s Huts Foundation







Outcome 2 – Total administered expenses (4,300) (1,300) 3,000

Section 32 water transers rom PM&C and DAFF 1 – Administered expenses

Murray–Darling Basin Commission (MDBC)

MDBC contribution to salinity mitigationGreat Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative, DAFF section 32 transer 2

Water Resources Assessment and Research Grants










Section 32 water transers – PM&C &DAFF 1 

– Total administered expenses







Outcome 1 – Administered specifc payments to the states and territories

Living Murray Initiative

Renewable Remote Power Generation Programme

Photovoltaic Rebate Programme

Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative

Strengthening Tasmania – Tamar River Pylons

Development o Sewerage Schemes or Boat Harbour & Sisters Beach

Strengthening Tasmania – Low Head Precinct






















Outcome 1 – Total administered specifc payments to the

states and territories







Outcome 1 – Administered special accounts

Natural Heritage Trust

Natural Cultural Heritage Account

Water Efciency Labelling Scheme













Outcome 1 – Total administered special accounts (314,800) (314,816) (16)

Outcome 1 – Total administered specifc payments to the

states and territories, and special accounts







1 Transers rom the Department o the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Department o Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

under section 32 o the Financial Management Act 1997 

2 Transer rom the Department o Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry under section 32 o the Financial Management Act 1997 

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Financial position


The written down value of assets administered directly by the department in

2006–07 amounted to $487.010 million. This was a decrease from the previous year 

of $6.216 million.

Increases in cash and receivables of $11.984 million are offset by a decrease in

the value of the department’s fixed assets by $18.697 million. The fixed asset

movement is due to the write-downs, depreciation and amortisation charge of 

$38.136 million and the make good adjustments of $0.752 million, offset by new 

capital purchases of $20.191 million.


Liabilities administered directly by the department in 2006–07 amounted to

$261.429 million. This was an increase from the previous year of $4.356 million.

The increase was due to a decrease in grant and supplier payables, and employee


Total equity

The department ended the year with total equity of $225.581 million, a decrease of 

$10.572 million from the equity of $236.153 million in 2005–06.

Measurement 2005–06 ($ million) 2006−07 ($ million)

Assets 493.226 487.010

Liabilities 257.073 261.429

 Total equity 236.153 225.581

Assets managementThe department’s assets are located throughout Australia. The largest material

component of assets is attached to the Australian Antarctic Division. Assets

continue to age, perpetually putting pressure on funding streams for their upkeep

and replacement. The replacement of assets is of particular concern due to the

large unfunded component estimated at $140 million.

The Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards that

came into effect in 2005–06 oblige the department to remove and restore assets to

the amount of approximately $156 million.

 A capital infrastructure plan developed in 2006–07 outlines the requirements of 

capital replacement and maintenance over the next 10 years.

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Purchasing and procurement

The department’s procurement activities in 2006–07 were conducted in

accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines. Under the

guidelines, the core principle underpinning procurement is value for money.

Procurement ramework 

The department has adopted a devolved procurement framework which

places responsibility for procurement with the appropriate financial delegate.

To support these delegates the department has established Chief Executive

Instructions for procurement and also provides awareness training; maintains

relevant documentation; provides central advice on risk management, probity and

specification writing; and maintains standard tender and contract templates.

The department’s procurement guidance documents set the following

benchmarks and their corresponding procurement methods:

Benchmark Procurement method

Up to $1,999 Quotes are not required (but may be advisable i it is believed there is a possible material

disparity between suppliers)

$2,000–$9,999 Obtain at least three competitive verbal quotes

$10,000–$79,999 Obtain at least three competitive written quotes. However, depending on the value,

complexity and risk o the proposed project, consideration should be given to open or select


$80,000 or more Open tender, subject to the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, unless specically


Compliance with these benchmarks is monitored by the department’s central

procurement cell in the Financial Management Branch.

 A Procurement Review Board oversees procurement activities with a value of 

$80,000 or more and ensures compliance with the mandatory requirements of the

Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines.

Perormance against core purchasing policies

In 2006–07 the department complied with the mandatory procurement

procedures as outlined in the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines. Relevant

policy and legislative obligations, such as the policy on small and medium

enterprises and the 30 day payment policy, were met.

The department advertises tender opportunities through the AusTender website.The department’s annual procurement plan for 2007–08 was published on

 AusTender in June 2007.

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The department met all reporting requirements as follows:

 with a value of $10,000 or more

Contracts for the financial year and the calendar year. All contracts over 

$100,000 are listed at

projects requiring Regulation 10 authorisation.

Consultancy servicesThe department procures consultancy services in accordance with the established

procurement framework and in accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement

Guidelines. The selection and engagement of consultants is determined by the

principle of value for money.

Expenditure on consultancies

During 2006–07, 288 new consultancy contracts were entered into involving

total actual expenditure of $9.061 million. In addition 144 ongoing consultancy 

contracts were active, involving total actual expenditure of $4.866 million.

The list of consultancy contracts let in 2006–07 to the value of $10,000 or more is


Exempt contracts

During 2006–07 there were no standing offers or contracts in excess of $10,000

(inclusive of GST) exempted by the chief executive from being published in the

Purchasing and Disposal Gazette under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

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Advertising and market research

This table of expenditure in 2006–07 is presented in accordance with therequirements of section 311A of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.

Market research

Agency Purpose Expenditure $

Ispos Communication or Forest Community Fund 75,000

Open Mind Research Group Communication o amendments to the Environment 

Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


Open Mind Research Group Concept testing or international wildlie trade video 9,200

Colmar Brunton SocialResearch

 Testing awareness o environmental protection in themarine environment


Mayko trading as Bienalto National Pollutant Inventory web survey 13,420

 TNS Social Research Concept testing or Deeating the Weeds Menace 63,000

Blue Moon Testing community perceptions and awareness o climate



Winton Sustainable Research


Market testing energy efciency labels or ridges and air



Total 472,564


Agency Purpose Expenditure $

Universal McCann Community Water Grants 1,381,896

Duyfken voyage 2,750

Subtotal 1,384,646

Enviround 1,061,380

Non-campaign 2,448,521

Subtotal 3,509,901

Total 4,894,547

Direct mail

Agency Purpose Expenditure $

Cox Inall Community Water Grants 82,022

Complete Mail and Warehousing Community Water Grants 10,675

Australia Post Community Water Grants 126,180

Total 218,877

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Discretionary grant programmes

The department administers a range of discretionary grant programmes.Discretionary grants are payments made to particular applicants, either 

organisations or individuals, at the discretion of the portfolio minister or the

paying agency. Conditions may or may not be imposed in return for the grant.

Discretionary grants may be single ad hoc payments, or grants renewed under 

continuing programmes.

Programmes for which grants were approved in 2006–07 are listed below. A list of 

grant recipients is available on request from the department.

Climate change

 Action on Energy Efficiency: Assists industry, business, the community 

and governments to increase the uptake of cost effective energy efficiency 

opportunities that will reduce greenhouse emissions, reduce energy demand, and

improve Australia’s competitiveness.

 Alternative Fuels Conversion Programme: Assists fleet operators and

manufacturers of heavy commercial vehicles and buses to convert from diesel

and petrol motors to gaseous fuels, including natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas

(LPG) and hydrogen.

 Australian Greenhouse Science Programme: Aims to better understandclimate systems and the factors which influence them, the role of human activity in

bringing about changes to climate, and how climate changes may affect natural and

managed environments.

Greenhouse Action to Enhance Sustainability in Regional Australia: 

 Addresses challenges and knowledge gaps about climate change in regional

 Australia (agriculture, forestry and natural resource management sectors).

Greenhouse Gas Abatement Programme: Provides funding for mainly 

large-scale projects that use low emissions technologies and practices to deliver 

emissions reductions particularly in the period 2008–2012.

Influencing International Climate Change Policy: Provides specialist advice

on international climate change arrangements and on building the capacity of 

key developing countries to take effective climate change action through bilateral


Local Greenhouse Action: Assists local government, communities and individual

households to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in the areas of 

energy use, transport and waste.

Low Emissions Technology and Abatement: Supports cost effectivegreenhouse gas emissions abatement opportunities and the uptake of small-scale

low emission technologies in business, industry and local communities.

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National Climate Change Adaptation Programme: Provides national

leadership and coordination of assessment of climate change impacts, and

enables risks to be managed and opportunities to be captured through effectiveadaptation.

Solar Cities: Provides funding to demonstrate the costs and benefits of 

integrating solar power, smart electricity technologies, energy efficiency and

pricing mechanisms in urban settings.

 Wind Energy Forecasting Capability Initiative: Supports a wind energy 

forecasting system to assist electricity network management and increase the value

of wind energy in the electricity market.

Land and inland waters

 Australian Biological Resources Study Participatory Programme: Supports

the documentation of Australia’s biological diversity and facilitates training to

increase the national taxonomic effort.


 A component of the Australian Government Water Fund which supports

communities, organisations, local governments, schools, businesses and natural

resource management regional bodies to develop on-ground water savings and

 water quality improvement projects.

Bushcare: Invests in activities that protect and restore Australia’s native

 vegetation. Part of the Natural Heritage Trust.

Envirofund: Provides grants to communities for on-ground activities targeting

local government problems, including improving water quality, protecting native

 vegetation, and combating salinity and coastal erosion. Part of the Natural Heritage


Florabank2: Provides funding to Greening Australia to help redevelop the

Florabank website and provide the native seed industry with training and supportin their collection, storage and supply of native seeds.

Indigenous Protected Areas Programme: Supports Indigenous landowners to

establish and manage Indigenous Protected Areas.

Industry Implementation of the Voluntary Code of Practice for Firewood

Merchants: Supports the Firewood Association of Australia to build its

membership and assist firewood merchants to comply with the Voluntary Code of 

Practice for Firewood Merchants to supply firewood from ecologically sustainable

sources. Part of the Natural Heritage Trust.

Landcare: Invests in activities that contribute to reversing land degradation and

promoting sustainable agriculture. Part of the Natural Heritage Trust.

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Natural Heritage Trust—National Competitive Component: Provides grants

for innovative national projects that will most effectively improve regional natural

resource management delivery.

National Reserve System Programme: Assists with the establishment and

maintenance of a comprehensive, adequate and representative system of terrestrial

protected areas in Australia. Part of the Natural Heritage Trust.

National Wetlands Programme: Contributes to the ecologically sustainable

management of Australia’s inland waters through funding projects that will help to

restore and protect the ecological health of wetlands.

Rivercare: Invests in activities that contribute to improved water quality and

environmental condition in Australia’s river systems and wetlands. Part of theNatural Heritage Trust.

 Water Resources Assessment and Research Grants: Provides grants for 

research on the sustainable use and management of water resources, particularly 

for sustainable irrigation.

 Weed Warriors: Supports communities to manage weeds. Links school students

 with a network of regional stakeholders and community groups through

participation in practical hands-on experience in biological weed control. Part of 

the Natural Heritage Trust.

Coasts and oceans

Coastal Catchments Initiative: Supports the development and implementation

of water quality improvement plans in coastal catchments to maintain ecologically 

sustainable pollutant loads consistent with agreed environmental values for coastal


Coastal Catchments Initiative—Reef Component: Supports the development

and implementation of water quality improvement plans in catchments adjacent to

the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. Part of the Natural Heritage Trust.

Coasts and Clean Seas—Oceans Protection: Provides financial assistance for 

specific domestic and international activities that contribute to the prevention and

clean-up of pollution from shipping.

Facilitation of Community Involvement in Marine Issues and Decision-

making: Enhances community involvement in marine issues and decision-making

by raising community awareness, building the capacity of stakeholder groups and

facilitating communication. Part of the Natural Heritage Trust.

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Structural Adjustment Package— 

Community Assistance Component: Assists communities affected by fishingindustry restructuring by assisting in the development of new avenues of 

investment and employment.

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Introduced Marine Pests Programme: Supports actions that lead to the

control and local eradication of introduced marine pests. Part of the Natural

Heritage Trust.

Marine Debris: Supports projects to manage, prevent and mitigate the impacts of 

harmful marine debris on vertebrate marine life.

Marine Protected Areas: Facilitates the establishment of the National

Representative System of Marine Protected Areas and the management of existing

reserves. Part of the Natural Heritage Trust.

Migratory Waterbirds Conservation Project: Provides funding for high

priority activities in Australia and in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway to conserve

 waterbirds listed under the migratory species provisions of the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Natural, Indigenous and historic heritage

Commemorating Historic Events and Famous Persons: Provides funding to

projects for the maintenance of graves of former Australian prime ministers and

governors-general buried in Australia and projects commemorating people, events

and places of national historic significance.

Grants to Historic Churches and Cathedrals: Ad hoc grants to assist with the

conservation and restoration of historic churches and cathedrals.

Historic Shipwrecks Programme: Assists federal, state and territory 

government agencies and the Institute of Marine Archaeology to protect and

preserve historic shipwrecks and associated relics and to educate the public about

this cultural resource.

Indigenous Heritage Programme: Supports projects that identify, conserve and

promote the Indigenous heritage values of places. The programme may also help

identify places likely to have outstanding Indigenous heritage value to Australia

suitable for inclusion on the National Heritage List.

National Heritage Investment Initiative: Provides assistance to restore and

conserve Australia’s most important historic heritage places. Priority is given to

places included in the National Heritage List.

Regional Natural Heritage Programme: Provides grants to non-government

organisations and other relevant agencies to protect outstanding biodiversity in

hotspot areas of South-East Asia and the Pacific.

Supports creative projects that contribute to an

understanding of the great events and themes that have shaped Australia.

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Human settlements

 Assessments and Legislation Programme: Protects matters of national

environmental significance through the assessment regime of the Environment 

 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and promotes and facilitates

community awareness and understanding of the Act.

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities: Supports world class,

public good research on the significant environmental challenges facing Australia.

Diesel National Environment Protection Measure: Supports the

development and implementation of in-service emissions testing capabilities for 

diesel and petrol vehicles.

Environment Protection and Ad Hoc Grants Programme: Protects the

environment of Australia through national leadership and cooperation.

Launceston Clean Air Industry Programme: Makes co-contributions towards

the reduction of industrial wood smoke by improvements to, or replacement of,

existing plant and equipment.

Sustainable Cities—Urban Environment Initiatives: Provides funding

for a range of urban environment and public information initiatives to address

 water quality, improved air quality and renewable energy, chemicals and waste


Used Oil Recycling—Transitional Assistance: Provides grants for strategic

initiatives to increase used oil recycling and ensure a sustainable oil recycling

industry. Part of the Product Stewardship for Oil Programme.

Cross-cutting activities

Environmental Education Grants Programme: Supports strategic

environmental education activities that are national in focus or that have the

potential to act as a catalyst for national change.

Eureka Environmental Journalism Award: Encourages excellence in

environmental journalism.

Grants to Voluntary Environment and Heritage Organisations: Provides

administrative funds to help community-based environment and heritage

organisations to involve the community in the conservation and protection of 

 Australia’s natural environment and cultural heritage.


 Australian Antarctic Science Grants Programme: Provides grants for high

quality scientific research relevant to the government’s Antarctic programme.

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Financial statements


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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07



for the period ended 30 June 2007

2007 2006

Notes $'000 $'000



A3tnemnr evoGmor f euneveR  343,887 329,358

B3secivr esf ognir edner dnasdoogf oelaS 49,391 42,976

C3tser etnI 1 -D3eunever r ehtO 2,902 2,291

Total revenue 396,181 374,625


E3stessaf oelaS 230 138F3snwod-etir wtessasuoiver  pf oslasr eveR  11 25G3sniagr ehtO 1,055 1,210

Total gains 1,296 1,373

774,793emocnIlatoT 375,998


A4stif ene beeyol pmE 154,502 138,812

B4sr eil p puS 149,364 155,920

C4stnar G 24,299 24,728

C4gnidnuf r ef snar T 42,966 41,962

D4noitasitr omadnanoitaicer  peD 34,567 25,822

E4stsocecnaniF 11,160 9,986

F4stessaf otnemr ia pmidnanwod-etir W 4,064 7,659G4sesne pxer ehtO 179 332

421,101 405,221

)426,32(ticif eD (29,223)

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Total Expenses

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as at 30 June 2007

2007 2006

Notes $'000 $'000


Financial Assets

A5stnelaviuqehsacdnahsaC 8,560 5,144

B5sel baviecer r ehtodnaedar T 75,229 66,605

C5stessalaicnanif r ehtO 410 466

Total Financial Assets 84,199 72,215

Non-Financial Assets

D/A6sgnidliu bdnadnaL 259,450 271,653

D/B6tnem piuqednatnal p,er utcur tsar f nI 121,410 130,517

D/C6sel bignatnI 13,796 11,183

E6seir otnevnI 7,386 7,360

F6stessalaicnanif -nonr ehtO 769 298

Total Non-Financial Assets 402,811 421,011

010,784stessAlatoT 493,226



A7sr eil p puS 2,349 1,292

B7stnar G 1,779 842

C7sel baya pr ehtO 17,906 15,426

430,22selbayaPlatoT 17,560

Interest Bearing Liabilities

A8snaoL 1,081 2,102

180,1seitilibaiLgniraeBtseretnIlatoT 2,102


A9snoisivor  peeyol pmE 43,019 39,418

B9snoisivor  pr ehtO 195,295 197,993

Total Provisions 238,314 237,411

924,162seitilibaiLlatoT 257,073

185,522stessAteN 236,153


Contributed equity 39,102 37,169

Reserves 248,022 236,903

Accumulated deficit (61,543) (37,919)

185,522ytiuqElatoT 236,153

453,29stessatnerruC 79,873

656,493stessatnerruc-noN 413,353

003,26seitilibailtnerruC 53,854

921,991seitilibailtnerruc-noN 203,219

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

    D    E    P    A    R    T

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for the period ended 30 June 2007

2007 2006

Notes $'000 $'000


Cash receivedAppropriations 337,504 331,440

Goods and services 51,149 47,441

Interest 1 -

 Net GST received 11,908 12,520Other cash received 3,688 2,850

Total cash received  404,250 394,251

Cash used

Employees 151,173 137,406

Suppliers 164,342 171,467

Grants 23,362 28,915

Transfer funding 42,966 41,962

Borrowing costs 225 260Other cash paid for operating activities 179 332

Total cash used  382,247 380,342

Net cash received from operating activities 11 22,003 13,909


Cash received

Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 3E 1,119 312

Total cash received  1,119 312

Cash used

D6tnem piuqednatnal p,ytr e por  pf oesahcr uP 13,541 13,090D6sel bignatnif oesahcr uP 6,650 3,708

Total cash used  20,191 16,798

Net cash used by investing )270,91(seitivitca (16,486)


Cash received

Appropriations - contributed equity 1,506 4,805

Total cash received  1,506 4,805

Cash used

Repayment of borrowings 1,021 963

Total cash used  1,021 963

Net cash received from financing 584seitivitca 3,842

 Net increase in cash held  3,416 1,265Cash at the beginning of the reporting period 5,144 3,879

Cash at the end of the reporting period 11 8,560 5,144

The above statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07



as at 30 June 2007

2007 2006

$'000 $'000


Capital commitments1

Land and buildings 200 76

Infrastructure, plant and equipment 213 1,184

Intangibles 2,317 279

Total capital commitments 2,730 1,539

Other commitments

Operating leases2

199,188 135,702

Project commitments3

5,594 16,837

Other commitments


26,713 28,691Total other commitments 231,495 181,230

Commitments receivable

GST recoverable on commitments (20,738) (17,417)

Total commitments receivable (20,738) (17,417)

784,312epytybstnemtimmocteN 165,352


Capital commitments

One year or less 2,730 1,539Total capital commitments 2,730 1,539

Operating lease commitments

One year or less 43,622 35,922

From one to five years 128,957 69,861

Over five years 26,609 29,919

Total o perating lease commitments 199,188 135,702

Project commitments

One year or less 5,423 13,814

From one to five years 171 3,023

Total project commitments 5,594 16,837

Other commitments

One year or less 23,343 21,282

From one to five years 3,370 7,409

Total other commitments 26,713 28,691

Commitments receivable

One year or less (6,278) (6,914)

From one to five years (12,041) (7,652)

Over five years (2,419) (2,851)

(20,738) (17,417)


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F i   n an c i    al    s  t   a t   em en t   s 

(1) Capital commitments relate to contractual payments for new assets and assets under 


(2) Operating leases are effectively non-cancellable and include:

 Nature of lease

Leases for office accommodation

Leases for transportation to and within the

Antarctic Territory

Leases for support facilities for Antarctic


Lease of computer equipment

(3) Project commitments relate to grant amounts payable under agreements in respect of 

which the grantee has yet to complete the milestone required under the agreement.

(4) Other commitments relate to contracts for goods and services in respect of which the

contracted party has yet to provide the goods and services required under the contract.

 Note: All commitments are GST inclusive where relevant.

The above schedule should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

* The lessor provides all computer equipment and

software designated as necessary in the supply contract

for five years plus for two further two year periods at

the Department's option.

The Department is currently within the first two year 

extention of the lease.

* The equipment has on average a useful life of three


General description of leasing arrangements

* Lease payments are subject to increases in

accordance with terms as negotiated under the lease.* The Department's leases for office accommodation

each have options for renewal. Future options not yet

exercised are not included as commitments.

* Lease payments are subject to increases in

accordance with terms as negotiated under the lease.

* The transportation leases generally have options for 

renewal. Future options not yet exercised are not

included as commitments.

* Lease payments are subject to increases in

accordance with terms as negotiated under the lease.

* The facility leases each have options for renewal.

Future options not yet exercised are not included as


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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07



for the period ended 30 June 2007

2007 2006

Notes $'000 $'000

Income administered on behalf of Government

 for the period ended 30 June 2007 


Taxation revenue

A71sexatr ehtO 1,394 1,270

Non-taxation revenue

Sale of goods and rendering of services 17B 2,550 4,666

C71tser etnI 283 108

D71snoitu bir tnocyr tsudnI 7,500 7,500

E71stnemya per tnar G 1,994 3,761

Assets recognised for the first time 17F 127,543 1,411

G71eunever r ehtO 453 2,237

323,041eunevernoitaxat-nonlatoT 19,683


H71sniagr ehtO 77 73

Total gains administered on behalf of Government 77 73

Total income administered on behalf of Government 141,794 21,026

Expenses administered on behalf of Government

 for the period ended 30 June 2007 

A81stnar G 528,591 441,784

B81sr eil p puS 63,618 56,342

Write-down and impairment of assets 18C 755 2,978

D81noitaicer  peD 1,316 -

Total expenses administered on behalf of Government 594,280 501,104

The above schedule should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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for the period ended 30 June 2007

2007 2006

Notes $'000 $'000

Assets administered on behalf of Government

as at 30 June 2007 

Financial assets

A91stnelaviuqehsacdnahsaC 24 115

B91sel bavieceR  17,545 14,356

C91stnemtsevnI 792,026 277,597

D91stessalaicnanif r ehtO 310 38

Total financial assets 809,905 292,106

Non-financial assets

E91sgnidliu bdnadnaL 73,719 4,750

Infrastructure, plant and equipment 19F 1,271 1,271

G91r ehtO 35,833 27,129

Total non-financial assets 110,823 33,150

Total assets administered on behalf of Government 920,728 325,256

Liabilities administered on behalf of Government

as at 30 June 2007 


A02sr eil p puS 2,048 111

B02stnar G 11,427 17,666Other payables 20C 2,168 2,324

Total payables 15,643 20,101

Total liabilities administered on behalf of the Government 15,643 20,101

Net assets administered on behalf of Government 21 905,085 305,155

204,35stessatnerruC 41,638

623,768stessatnerruc-noN 283,618

346,51seitilibailtnerruC 20,101

The above schedule should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07



for the period ended 30 June 2007

2007 2006

Notes $'000 $'000

Administered Cash Flows for the year ended 30 June 2007 


Cash Received

Sale of goods and rendering of services 2,031 4,761

Interest 3 108

 Net GST received 37,794 23,208Other  11,609 15,273

Total Cash Received  51,437 43,350

Cash Used

Suppliers 93,654 90,278

Grant Payments 543,634 500,670

Total Cash Used  637,288 590,948

Net Cash used by Operating )158,585(seitivitcA (547,598)


Cash Received

Repayment of advances and loans 11 1,065

Total Cash Received  11 1,065

Cash Used

Advances and loans made 882 2,665

Total Cash Used  882 2,665

Net Cash used by Investing )178(seitivitcA (1,600)

)227,685(dleHhsaCniesaerceDteN (549,198)

Cash at beginning of reporting period 115 435

Cash from Official Public Account for 

12snoitair  por  p pA- 351,824 256,07912stnuoccAlaice pS- 285,369 334,555

637,193 590,634

Cash to the Official Public Account

12snoitair  por  p pA- (46,704) (33,872)12stnuoccAlaice pS- (3,858) (7,884)

(50,562) (41,756)

Cash at End of Reporting Period  19A 24 115

The above schedule should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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as at 30 June 2007

2007 2006

$'000 $'000


Other commitments

Project commitments1

371,488 226,693

Other commitments2

10,931 59,426

Total other commitments 382,419 286,119

Commitments receivable

GST recoverable on commitments (17,909) (11,673)

Total commitments receivable (17,909) (11,673)

Net commitments by typ 015,463e 274,446


Other commitments

One year or less 293,768 177,329

From one to five years 87,133 108,790More than five years 1,518 -

Total other commitments by maturity 382,419 286,119

Commitments receivable

One year or less (12,624) (8,228)

From one to five years (5,147) (3,355)

More than five years (138) (90)

Net commitments by maturity (17,909) (11,673)

 NB: Commitments are GST inclusive where relevant.

1. Project commitments relate to grant amounts payable under agreements in respect of which

the grantee has yet to complete the milestone required under the agreement.

2. Other commitments relate to contracts for goods and services in respect of which the

contracted party has yet to provide the goods and services required under the contract.

The above schedule should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07



Note Description

 Note 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Note 2 Events Occurring after Reporting Date

 Note 3 Operating Revenues

 Note 4 Operating Expenses

 Note 5 Financial Assets

 Note 6 Non-financial Assets

 Note 7 Payables

 Note 8 Interest Bearing Liabilities

 Note 9 Provisions

 Note 10 Restructuring

 Note 11 Cash Flow Reconciliation

 Note 12 Contingent Liabilities and Assets Note 13 Executive Remuneration

 Note 14 Remuneration of Auditors

 Note 15 Average Staffing Levels

 Note 16 Financial Instruments

 Note 17 Revenues Administered on Behalf of Government

 Note 18 Expenses Administered on Behalf of Government

 Note 19 Assets Administered on Behalf of Government

 Note 20 Liabilities Administered on Behalf of Government

 Note 21 Administered Reconciliation Table

 Note 22 Administered Contingent Liabilities and Assets

 Note 23 Administered Investments

 Note 24 Administered Restructuring

 Note 25 Administered Financial Instruments

 Note 26 Appropriations

 Note 27 Specific Payment Disclosures

 Note 28 Reporting of Outcomes

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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

1.1 Role of The Department of the Environment and Water Resources

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources (the Department) is an AustralianPublic Service organisation.

1.1 Role of the Department The role of the Department of the Environment and Water Resources is to focus on matters of national environmental significance by:

• Advising the Australian Government on its policies for protecting the environment and

water resources;

• Administering environment and heritage laws, including the Environment Protection and

Biodiversity Conservation Act 2000;

• Managing the Australian Government's main environment and heritage programmes

including the $3 billion Natural Heritage Trust;

• Implementing an effective response to climate change; and

• Representing the Australian Government in international environmental agreements

related to the environment and Antarctica.

The Department is structured to meet two outcomes:

Outcome 1

The environment, especially those aspects that are matters of national environmentalsignificance, is protected and conserved.

Outcome 2

Australia's interests in Antarctica are advanced.

Department activities contributing toward these outcomes are classified as either departmentalor administered. Departmental activities involve the use of assets, liabilities, revenues andexpenses controlled or incurred by the Department in its own right. Administered activitiesinvolve the management or oversight by the Department, on behalf of the Government, of items controlled or incurred by the Government.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

The following provides a representation of the individual outputs under each of the twooutcomes.

Outcome 1

1.1 Response to Climate Change

1.2 Conservation of the land and inland waters

1.3 Conservation of the coasts and oceans

1.4 Conservation of natural, indigenous and historic heritage

1.5 Response to the impact of human settlements

Outcome 2

2.1 Antarctic Policy

2.2 Antarctic Science

The continued existence of the Department in its present form and with its present programs isdependent on Government policy and on continuing appropriations by Parliament for theDepartment’s administration and programs.

1.2 Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements

The financial statements are required by section 49 of Schedule 1 of the  Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and are a general purpose financial report.

The statements have been prepared in accordance with:

• Finance Minister’s Orders (or FMO’s) for reporting periods ending on or after 1July 2006; and

• Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations issued by the AustralianAccounting Standards Board (AASB) that apply for the reporting period.

The financial report has been prepared on an accrual basis and is in accordance with historicalcost convention, except for certain assets and liabilities, which as noted, are at fair value or amortised cost. Except where stated, no allowance is made for the effect of changing priceson the results or the financial position.

The financial report is presented in Australian dollars and values are rounded to the nearest

thousand dollars unless disclosure of the full amount is specifically required.

Unless alternative treatment is specifically required by an accounting standard, assets andliabilities are recognised in the Balance Sheet when and only when it is probable that futureeconomic benefits will flow and the amounts of the assets or liabilities can be reliablymeasured. However, assets and liabilities arising under agreements equally proportionatelyunperformed are not recognised unless required by an Accounting Standard. Liabilities andassets that are unrecognised are reported in the Schedule of Commitments; ContingentLiabilities and Assets are noted at Note 12.

Unless alternative treatment is specifically required by an accounting standard, revenues andexpenses are recognised in the Income Statement when and only when the flow or consumption or loss of economic benefits has occurred and can be reliably measured.

Administered revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and cash flows reported in theSchedule of Administered Items and related notes are accounted for on the same basis andusing the same policies as for Department items, except where otherwise stated at Note 1.28.

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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

1.3 Significant Accounting Judgements and Estimates

In the process of applying the accounting policies listed in this note, the Department has made

the following judgements that have the most significant impact on the amounts recorded inthe financial statements:

• The fair value of land and buildings has been taken to be the market value of similar properties as determined by an independent valuer. In some instances, buildings are purpose built and may in fact realise more or less in the market;

• In the case of buildings held for specialised purposes, such as buildings locatedin the Antarctic, and where there is no readily available market price, the value isthe ‘depreciated replacement cost’ in accordance with AASB 116 Property Plantand Equipment; and

• The estimated values for make good provisions and related assets have beenarrived at on a reasonableness basis.

 No other accounting assumptions or estimates have been identified that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the nextaccounting period.

1.4 Statement of Compliance

Australian Accounting Standards require a statement of compliance with InternationalFinancial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to be made where the financial report complies withthese standards. Some Australian equivalents to IFRS and other Australian AccountingStandards contain specific requirements specific to not for profit entities that are inconsistentwith IFRS requirements. The Department is a not for profit entity and has applied theserequirements, so while this financial report complies with Australian Accounting Standards

including Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (AEIFRS) itcannot make this statement.

 No accounting standard has been adopted earlier than the effective date in the current period.

The following amendments or interpretations have become effective but have had no financial impactor do not apply to the operations of the Department.


• 2004-3 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB’s 1, 101, 124]

• 2005-1 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 139]

• 2005-3 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 119]

• 2005-4 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB’s 1, 132, 139, 1023, 1038]

• 2005-5 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB’s 1, 139]

• 2005-6 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 3]

• 2005-9 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB’s 4, 132, 139, 1023]

• 2006-1 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 121]

• 2006-3 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 1045]

• 2006-4 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 134]

• 2007-2 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB’s 1, 117, 118, 120, 121,

127, 131, 139]

• New amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 1048]

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements


• UIG 4 Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease

• UIG 5 Rights to Interests arising from Decommissioning, Restoration and EnvironmentalRehabilitation Funds

• UIG 6 Liabilities arising from Participating in a Specific Market – Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment

• UIG 7 Applying the Restatement Approach under AASB 129 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies

• UIG 8 Scope of AASB 2 Share based payments

• UIG 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives

• UIG 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment

UIG 4 and UIG 9 might have impacts in future periods, subject to existing contracts being renegotiated.

The following amendments to standards or interpretations have been issued by the AustralianAccounting Standards Board but are effective for future reporting periods. It is estimated that theimpact of adopting these pronouncements when effective will have no material financial impact onfuture reporting periods.


• 2005-10 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB’s 1, 4, 101, 114, 117, 132,133, 139, 1023, 1038]

• 2007-1 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 2]

• 2007-2 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 1]

• 2007-3 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB’s 5, 6, 102, 107, 119, 127,

134, 136, 1023, 1038]

• 2007-4 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB’s 1-7, 102, 107, 108, 110,112, 114, 116-121, 127-134, 136-139, 141, 1023, 1038]

• New amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASB 7, 8, 1049]


• UIG 4 Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease

• UIG 11 AASB 2 – Group and Treasury Share Transactions

• UIG 12 Service Concession Arrangements

• UIG 129 Service Concession Arrangements: Disclosures

AASB 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures is effective for reporting periods beginning on or after 1January 2007 and amends the disclosure requirements for financial instruments. These changes haveno financial impact but will effect the disclosure presented in future financial reports.

1.5 Principles of Consolidation (Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Account)

Subsection 43(1) of the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997 requires financialstatements to be prepared for the Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Account (NHT).Reporting by the NHT reflects the NHT as a separate reporting entity, with all transactions

 between the NHT and parties outside the NHT being reported.

Reporting of the NHT as part of the Department's administered disclosure in these financialstatements takes account of the treatment of administered items as a whole and theadministered presentation rules as prescribed in the Finance Ministers Orders. The financialstatements of the NHT are consolidated into the Department's administered financial

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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

statements. Where accounting policies and disclosure requirements differ between the NHTand the Department adjustments are made on consolidation to bring any dissimilar accounting

 policies and disclosures into alignment.

1.6 Revenue

 Revenues from Government 

Amounts appropriated for Departmental outputs appropriations for the year (adjusted for anyformal additions and reductions) are recognised as revenue, except for certain amounts thatrelate to activities that are reciprocal in nature, in which case revenue is recognised only whenit has been earned.

Appropriations receivable are recognised at their nominal amounts.

Other Revenue

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when:

• The risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer;• The seller retains no managerial involvement nor effective control over the goods;• The revenue and transaction costs incurred can be reliably measured; and• It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to

the entity.

Revenue from rendering of services is recognised by reference to the stage of completion of contracts at the reporting date. The revenue is recognised when:

• The amount of revenue, stage of completion and transaction costs incurred can be

reliably measured; and• The probable economic benefits with the transaction will flow to the entity.

The stage of completion of contracts at the reporting date is determined by reference to the proportion of costs incurred to date over the estimated total costs of the transaction.

Receivables for goods and services, which have 30 day terms, are recognised at the nominalamounts due less any provision for bad and doubtful debts. Collectability of debts isreviewed at balance date. Provisions are made when collection of the debt is no longer 


Interest revenue is recognised using the effective interest method as set out in AASB 139,“Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”.

1.7 Gains

 Resources Received Free of Charge

Services received free of charge are recognised as gains when and only when a fair value can  be reliably determined and the services would have been purchased if they had not beendonated. Use of those resources is recognised as an expense.

Contributions of assets at no cost of acquisition or for nominal consideration are recognised asgains at their fair value when the asset qualifies for recognition, unless received from another government Department as a consequence of a restructuring of administrative arrangements(Refer to Note 1.8).

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

Other Gains

Gains from disposal of non-current assets are recognised when control of the asset has passed

to the buyer.

1.8 Transactions with the Government as Owner

 Equity injections

Amounts appropriated which are designated as ‘equity injections’ for a year (less any formalreductions) are recognised directly in Contributed Equity in that year.

 Restructuring of Administrative Arrangements

 Net assets received from or relinquished to another Commonwealth Department or authority

under a restructuring of administrative arrangements are adjusted at their book value directlyagainst Contributed Equity.

Other distributions to owners

The FMOs require that distributions to owners be debited to Contributed Equity unless in thenature of a dividend. There was no distribution to owners during 2006-07 (2005-06 nil).

1.9 Employee Benefits

As required by the FMOs, the Department has early adopted AASB 119 Employee Benefits asissued in December 2004.

Liabilities for services rendered by employees are recognised at the reporting date to theextent that they have not been settled.

Liabilities for ‘short-term employee benefits’ (as defined in AASB 119) and termination benefits due within twelve months of balance date are measured at their nominal amounts.

The nominal amount is calculated with regard to the rates expected to be paid on settlement of the liability.

All other employee benefit liabilities are measured as the present value of the estimated futurecash outflows to be made in respect of services provided by employees up to the reportingdate.


The liability for employee benefits includes provision for annual leave and long serviceleave. No provision has been made for sick leave as all sick leave is non-vesting and theaverage sick leave taken in future years by employees of the Department is estimated to beless than the annual entitlement for sick leave.

The leave liabilities are calculated on the basis of employees’ remuneration, including theDepartment’s employer superannuation contribution rates to the extent that the leave is likelyto be taken during service rather than paid out on termination.

The liability for long service leave has been determined by reference to the work of an actuaryas at 30 June 2007. The estimate of the present value of the liability takes into accountattrition rates and pay increases through promotion and inflation.

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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

Separation and Redundancy

Provision is made for separation and redundancy payments in circumstances where the

Department has invited an excess employee to accept voluntary redundancy, the employee hasaccepted the offer, and a reliable estimate of the amount of the payments can be determined.


Staff of the Department are members of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS),the Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS) or the PSS accumulation plan (PSSap).

The CSS and PSS are defined benefit schemes for the Commonwealth. The PSSap is adefined contribution scheme.

The liability for defined benefits is recognised in the financial statements of the AustralianGovernment and is settled by the Australian Government in due course.

The Department makes employer contributions to the Australian Government at ratesdetermined by an actuary to be sufficient to meet the cost to the Government of thesuperannuation entitlements of the Department’s employees.

From 1 July 2005, new employees are eligible to join the PSSap scheme.

The liability for superannuation recognised as at 30 June represents outstanding contributionsfor the final fortnight of the year and the superannuation expected to be paid on the leave


1.10 Leases

A distinction is made between finance leases and operating leases. Finance leases effectivelytransfer from the lessor to the lessee substantially all the risks and rewards incidental toownership of leased non-current assets. An operating lease is a lease that is not a financelease. In operating leases, the lessor effectively retains substantially all such risks and


Where a non-current asset is acquired by means of a finance lease, the asset is capitalised ateither the fair value of the lease property or, if lower, the present value of minimum lease payments at the inception of the contract and a liability recognised at the same time and for the same amount.

The discount rate used is the interest rate implicit in the lease. Leased assets are amortisedover the period of the lease. Lease payments are allocated between the principal componentand the interest expense.

Operating lease payments are expensed on a straight line basis which is representative of the pattern of benefits derived from the leased assets.

1.11 Grants

The Department administers a number of diverse grant schemes.

Grant liabilities are recognised to the extent that (i) the services required to be performed bythe grantee have been performed or (ii) the grant eligibility criteria have been satisfied, but payments due have not been made. A commitment is recorded when the Department entersinto an agreement to make grants but services have not been performed or criteria satisfied.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

1.12 Borrowing Costs

All borrowing costs are expensed as incurred.

1.13 Cash

Cash means notes and coins held and any deposits held at call with a bank or financialinstitution. Cash is recognised at its nominal amount.

1.14 Financial Risk Management

The Department’s activities expose it to normal commercial financial risk. As a result of thenature of the Department’s business and internal and Australian Government policies dealingwith the management of financial risk, the Department’s exposure to market, credit, liquidityand cash flow and fair value interest rate risk is considered to be low.

1.15 Derecognition of Financial Assets and Liabilities

Financial assets are derecognised when the contractual rights to the cash flows from thefinancial assets expire or the asset is transferred to another entity. In the case of a transfer toanother entity, it is necessary that the risks and rewards of ownership are also transferred.

Financial liabilities are derecognised when the obligation under the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires.

For the comparative year, financial assets were derecognised when the contractual right toreceive cash no longer existed. Financial liabilities were derecognised when the contractualobligation to pay cash no longer existed.

1.16 Impairment of Financial Assets

Financial assets are assessed for impairment at each balance date.

 Financial Assets held at Cost 

If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on an unquoted equityinstrument that is not carried at fair value because it cannot be reliably measured, or aderivative asset that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an unquoted equityinstrument, the amount of the impairment loss is the difference between the carrying amountof the asset and the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the currentmarket rate for similar assets.

 Available for Sale Financial Assets

If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on an available for sale financial assethas been incurred, the amount of the difference between its cost, less principal repaymentsand amortisation, and its current fair value, less any impairment loss previously recognised in

 profit and loss, is transferred from equity to the profit and loss.

1.17 Interest Bearing Loans and Borrowings

Government loans are carried at the balance yet to be repaid. Interest is expensed as itaccrues.

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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

1.18 Trade Creditors

Trade creditors and accruals are recognised at their nominal amounts, being the amounts at

which the liabilities will be settled. Liabilities are recognised to the extent that the goods or services have been received (and irrespective of having been invoiced).

1.19 Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Contingent Liabilities and Assets are not recognised in the Balance Sheet but are discussed inthe relevant schedules and notes. They may arise from uncertainty as to the existence of aliability or asset, or represent an existing liability or asset in respect of which settlement is not

 probable or the amount cannot be reliably measured. Remote contingencies are part of thisdisclosure. Where settlement becomes probable, a liability or asset is recognised. A liabilityor asset is recognised when its existence is confirmed by a future event, settlement becomes

 probable (virtually certain for assets) or reliable measurement becomes possible.

1.20 Acquisition of Assets

Assets are recorded at cost on acquisition except as stated below. The cost of acquisitionincludes the fair value of assets transferred in exchange and liabilities undertaken. Financialassets are initially measured at their fair value plus transaction costs where appropriate.

Assets acquired at no cost, or for nominal consideration, are initially recognised as assets andrevenues at their fair value at the date of acquisition, unless acquired as a consequence of restructuring of administrative arrangements. In the latter case, assets are initially recognisedas contributions by owners at the amounts at which they were recognised in the transferor Department’s accounts immediately prior to the restructuring.

1.21 Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E)

 Asset Recognition Threshold 

Purchases of property, plant and equipment are recognised initially at cost in the BalanceSheet, except for purchases costing less than the following asset thresholds which areexpensed in the year of acquisition (other than where they form part of a group of similar items which are significant in total).

Buildings $10,000

Leasehold improvements $50,000

Plant and equipment $5,000

The initial cost of an asset includes an estimate of the cost of dismantling and removing theitem and restoring the site on which it is located. This is particularly relevant to ‘make good’  provisions in property leases taken up by the Department and restitution obligations in theAntarctic where there exists an international obligation to clean-up abandoned work sites,

  buildings and infrastructure. These costs are included in the value of the Department’sleasehold improvements and Antarctic assets with a corresponding provision for the ‘makegood’ taken up.


Land, buildings, plant and equipment are carried at fair value, being revalued with sufficientfrequency such that the carrying amount of each asset is not materially different, at reportingdate, from its fair value. Valuations undertaken in each year are as at 30 June.

Fair values for each class of asset are determined as shown below:

Land Market selling price

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

Buildings Market selling price or, in the case of specialisedassets, depreciated replacement cost

Leasehold improvements Depreciated replacement cost

Plant and equipment Market selling price or, in the case of specialisedassets, depreciated replacement cost

Following initial recognition at cost, valuations are conducted with sufficient frequency toensure that the carrying amounts of assets do not materially differ from the assets’ fair valuesas at the reporting date. The regularity of independent valuations depends upon the volatilityof movements in market values for the relevant assets.

Revaluation adjustments are made on a class basis. Any revaluation increment is credited toequity under the heading of asset revaluation reserve except to the extent that it reverses a

  previous revaluation decrement of the same asset class that was previously recognisedthrough profit and loss. Revaluation decrements for a class of assets are recognised directlythrough profit and loss except to the extent that they reverse a previous revaluation increment

for that class.

Any accumulated depreciation as at the revaluation date is eliminated against the grosscarrying amount of the asset and the asset restated to the revalued amount.

All valuations are conducted by an independent qualified valuer.


Depreciable property plant and equipment assets are written-off to their estimated residualvalues over their estimated useful lives to the Department of the Environment and Water Resources using, in all cases, the straight-line method of depreciation. Leaseholdimprovements are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the lesser of the estimated usefullife of the improvements or the unexpired period of the lease.

Depreciation rates (useful lives), residual values and methods are reviewed at each reportingdate and necessary adjustments are recognised in the current, or current and future reporting

 periods, as appropriate.

Depreciation rates applying to each class of depreciable asset are based on the followinguseful lives:

2007 2006

Buildings on freehold land 3 to 50 years 3 to 50 years

Leasehold improvements Lease Term Lease term

Plant and equipment 2 to 50 years 2 to 50 years

Heritage and cultural assets are assessed as having an infinite useful life and are notdepreciated. The aggregate amount of depreciation allocated for each class of asset during thereporting period is disclosed in Note 4D.


All assets were assessed for impairment at 30 June 2007. Where indications of impairmentexist, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated and an impairment adjustment made if theasset’s recoverable amount is less than its carrying amount.

The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its valuein use. Value in use is the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived fromthe asset. Where the future economic benefit of an asset is not primarily dependent on theasset’s ability to generate future cash flows, and the asset would be replaced if the Department

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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

of the Environment and Water Resources were deprived of the asset, its value in use is takento be its depreciated replacement cost.

 No indicators of impairment were found for assets at fair value.

1.22 Intangibles

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources’ intangibles comprise internallydeveloped software for internal use. These assets are carried at cost.

Software is amortised on a straight-line basis over its anticipated useful life. The useful life of the Department’s software is 3 to 17 years (2005-06 3 to 17 years).

All software assets were assessed for indications of impairment as at 30 June 2007.

1.23 Inventories

Inventories held for sale are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

Inventories held for distribution are measured at the lower of cost and current replacementcost.

Costs incurred in bringing each item of inventory to its present location and condition areassigned as follows:

• raw materials and stores – purchase cost on a first-in-first-out basis;• fuel –weighted average cost; and• finished goods and work in progress – cost of direct materials and labour plus

attributable costs that are capable of being allocated on a reasonable basis.

Inventories acquired at no cost or nominal considerations are measured at current replacementcost at the date of acquisition.

1.24 National Halon Bank 

The Commonwealth operates the National Halon Bank which maintains sufficient stock of halon to meet Australia's essential use needs to 2030 and also collects, decants, recycles anddestroys surplus halon. The stock of halon (an asset) and the future costs to destroy surplushalon (a liability) are not recognised as they can not be reliably measured and/or valued.

1.25 Make Good Provisions

 Provision for Antarctic Base Restitution

Australia is required by the Madrid Protocol to remove all accumulated waste from theAntarctic Territories. A process of gradual removal is in effect. The provision for AntarcticBase restitution is for the estimated future costs of this obligation and is derived from anexpert valuation which provides a “best estimate” in accordance with AASB 137.

 Provision for Make Good - Antarctic Regions

This provision represents the estimated future costs of making good Australian AntarcticTerritories upon which premises occupied by the Australian Antarctic Division are located.

The obligation to make good arises from the requirements of the Madrid Protocol. Theestimated future costs represent the cost of decommissioning, dismantling, and expatriation toAustralia of all building and associated materials and the cost of site rehabilitation. Buildingsand buildings support infrastructure are decommissioned and replaced on an ongoing basis,

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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

infrequently, and the majority of costs will be incurred during any major Antarctic Baserebuilding program. The provision is derived from an expert valuation and a costing modelwhich provides a “best estimate” in accordance with AASB 137.

 Provision for Make Good - Other Localities

This provision represents the estimated costs of making good leasehold premises occupied bythe Department at the John Gorton Building, Barton ACT and at the office of the SupervisingScientist Division in Darwin, NT. The provision is derived from an expert valuation which

 provides a “best estimate” in accordance with AASB 137.

1.26 Taxation

The Department is exempt from all forms of taxation except fringe benefits tax (FBT) and thegoods and services tax (GST).

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of GST:

• except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the AustralianTaxation Office; and

• except for receivables and payables.

1.27 Comparatives

Comparative figures have been adjusted to confirm to changes in presentation in these financialstatements, (applicable to the Balance Sheet, and Departmental Notes 4, 6, 8, 9).

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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

1.28 Reporting of Administered Activities

Administered revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities and cash flows are disclosed in theSchedule of Administered Items and related Notes.

Except where otherwise stated below, administered items are accounted for on the same basisand using the same policies as for Department items, including the application of AustralianAccounting Standards.

 Administered Cash Transfers to and from Official Public Account 

Revenue collected by the Department for use by the Government rather than the Departmentis Administered Revenue. Collections are transferred to the Official Public Account (OPA)maintained by the Department of Finance and Administration. Conversely, cash is drawnfrom the OPA to make payments under Parliamentary appropriation on behalf of Government. These transfers to and from the OPA are adjustments to the administered cashheld by the Department on behalf of the Government and reported as such in theAdministered Cash Flows in the Schedule of Administered Items and in the AdministeredReconciliation Table in Note 21. Thus the Schedule of Administered Items largely reflectsthe Government’s transactions, through the Department, with parties outside the Government.


All administered revenues are revenues relating to the course of ordinary activities performed by the Department on behalf of the Australian Government.

Revenue is recognised at its nominal amount due less any provision for bad or doubtful debts.Collectability of debts is reviewed at balance date. Provisions are made when collection of thedebt is judged to be less rather than more likely.

 Loans and Receivables

Where loans and receivables are not subject to concessional treatment, they are carried atamortised cost using the effective interest method. Gains and losses due to impairment,derecognition and amortisation are recognised through profit and loss. Loans and receivablessubject to concessional treatment are carried at cost.

 Administered Investments

Administered investments in controlled entities are not consolidated because their consolidation is relevant only at the Whole of Government level.

Administered investments other than those held for sale are measured at their fair value as at30 April 2007. Fair value is also reviewed for material changes as at 30 June. No materialchanges were noted. Fair value has been taken to be the net assets of the entities as at balancedate. For the comparative period administered investments were measured on the net assetmethod, adjusted for any subsequent capital injections or withdrawals and for any impairmentlosses.Administered investments were assessed for impairment at 30 June 2007. No indicators of impairment were noted.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements

 Land and Buildings

The Department from time to time holds various assets to account for Government decisionsto transfer certain Land and Buildings. During 2006-07 three properties have been accountedfor including;

o Macquarie Lightstation (NSW)o Point Nepean (NSW)o Northhead (NSW)

 Northhead was vested to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust on 3rd January 2007.

Point Nepean (a heritage asset) is being restored by the Point Nepean Community Trust,where it is expected that the Land and Buildings will be gifted to the Victorian Government

 by 2008-09.

Macquarie Lightstation is expected to be vested to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust inearly 2007-08.

As the assets are heritage assets they are not depreciated as there is no foreseeable limit to the period over which they will be held and used by the Australian Government.

Grants and Subsidies

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources administers a number of grant andsubsidy schemes on behalf of the Government.

Grant and subsidy liabilities are recognised to the extent that (i) the services required to be performed by the grantee have been performed or (ii) the grant eligibility criteria have beensatisfied, but payments due have not been made. A commitment is recorded when theGovernment enters into an agreement to make these grants but services have not been

 performed or criteria satisfied.

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2 Events Occurring after Reporting Date

There are no known events occurring after balance date that could impact on the financial


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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 3: Income

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 3A: Revenue from Government


Departmental outputs 343,887 329,358

Total revenue from Government  343,887 329,358

Note 3B: Sale of goods and rendering of services

Provision of goods - related entities 3 -

Provision of goods - external entities 94 104

Total sales of goods 97 104

Rendering of services - related entities 36,906 34,646Rendering of services - external entities 12,388 8,226

Total rendering of services 49,294 42,872

Total sales of goods and rendering of services 49,391 42,976

Note 3C: Interest

-1stiso peD

Total Interest  1 -

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2007 2006

$'000 $'000

 Note 3D: Other revenue

Repayments of prior years expenditure 761 327Grants received 1,142 415

Insurance recoveries 594 1,173

Miscellaneous revenue 405 376

Total other revenues 2,902 2,291

 Note 3E: Sale of assets

Land and buildings

Proceeds from disposal - 150

Carrying value of assets disposed - (152)

 Net gain from disposal of land and buildings - (2)

Infrastructure, plant and equipment

Proceeds from disposal 904 22

Carrying value of assets disposed (889) (22)

 Net gain from disposal of Infrastructure, plant and equipmen 15 -

 Non listed assets (Below threshold)

Proceeds from disposal 215 140

 Net gain from disposal of non listed assets 215 140

Total proceeds from disposals 1,119 312Total value of assets disposed (889) (174)

Total gains from disposal of assets 230 138

 Note 3F: Reversals of previous asset write downs

Financial assets:

Doubtful debts received - receivables 11 25

Total reversals of previous asset write downs 11 25

 Note 3G: Other gains

Write-down of provisions and payables 306 519Resources received free of charge - government 749 691

Total other gains 1,055 1,210

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 4: Expenses

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 4A: Employee benefits

Wages and salaries 111,846 99,892

Superannuation 20,019 18,401

Leave and other entitlements 12,494 11,155

Separation and redundancies 588 828

Other employee expenses 9,555 8,536

Total employee benefits 154,502 138,812

Note 4B: Suppliers

Provision of goods - related entities 323 287

Provision of goods - external entities 16,663 18,705

Rendering of services - related entities 13,432 23,343

Rendering of services - external entities 84,594 81,194

Operating lease rentals:

Minimum lease payments 32,275 30,041

Workers compensation premiums 2,077 2,350

Total suppliers expense 149,364 155,920

Note 4C: Grants and transfer funding

Public sector:

Other sectors in the Commonwealth 1,406 1,159

State and Territory Governments 8,904 9,369Local Governments 1,594 1,852

Private sector:

Non-profit institutions 7,667 8,920

Universities 1,357 1,096

Individuals 184 134

Profit-making entities 1,977 923

Overseas 1,210 1,275

Total grants 24,299 24,728

Payment to the Director of National Parks 42,966 41,962

Total transfer funding  42,966 41,962

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2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 4D: Depreciation and amortisation


Infrastructure, plant and equipment 13,851 12,362

Buildings 18,099 11,629

Total depreciation 31,950 23,991


Intangibles :

Internally Developed Software 2,038 1,304

Purchased Software 579 527

Total amortisation 2,617 1,831

765,43noitasitromadnanoitaicerpedlatoT 25,822

Note 4E: Finance costs

Loans 76 108

Unwinding of discount - make good provisions 11,084 9,878

Total finance costs 11,160 9,986

Note 4F: Write down and impairment of assets

Financial assets

Bad and doubtful debts expense 495 179

Non-financial assetsIntangibles - asset write-downs 1,420 668

Land and buildings - asset write-downs 842 1,984

Infrastructure, plant and equipment - asset write-downs 1,307 4,828

Total write-down and impairment of assets 4,064 7,659

Note 4G: Other expenses

Miscellaneous expenses 179 332

Total other expenses 179 332

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note:5 Financial Assets

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 5A: Cash and cash equivalents

Deposits 8,202 4,677Cash on hand 358 467Total cash and cash equivalents 8,560 5,144

Note 5B: Trade and other receivables

Goods and services 4,140 2,046

Appropriation receivable 68,285 61,539

GST receivable from the Australian Taxation Office 2,789 3,030

Other receivables 280 136

Total trade and other receivables (gross) 75,494 66,751

Less Allowance for doubtful debtsGoods and services (265) (146)

Total trade and other receivables (net) 75,229 66,605

Receivables (gross) are aged as follows:

 Not overdue 75,072 66,398

Overdue by:

Less than 30 days 94 139

30 to 60 days 6 56

60 to 90 days 37 2

More than 90 days 285 156

Total receivables (gross) 75,494 66,751

The provision for doubtful debts is aged as follows:

Overdue by:

More than 90 days (265) (146)

Total provision for doubtful debts (265) (146)

All receivables are with entities external to the Department. Credit terms are generally net 30

days (2006: 30 days). No interest rate applies and payments are generally one-off.

Appropriations receivable undrawn are appropriations controlled by the Department but held in

the Official Public Account under the Government's just-in-time drawdown arrangements.

Note 5C: Other financial assets

Accrued Revenue - Goods and services 410 466

Total other financial assets 410 466

All other financial assets are current assets.

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Note 6: Non-Financial Assets

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 6A: Land and buildings

Freehold land (at fair value) 240 240

Buildings on freehold land

- fair value 252,924 252,387

- accumulated depreciation (18,333) (3,669)

- work in progress 8,868 5,534

Total buildings on land at valuation 243,459 254,252

Leasehold improvements

- fair value 17,288 17,080

- accumulated amortisation (3,483) (99)

- work in progress 1,946 180Total leasehold improvements 15,751 17,161


All revaluations are independent and are conducted in accordance with the revaluation

 policy stated at Note 1. All revaluations have been conducted by an independent valuer,

the Australian Valuation Office.

 No indicators of impairment were found for land and buildings.

 No revaluation increments for land (2006: $25,000) or buildings on freehold land (2006:

$60,962,000) were credited to the asset revaluation reserve by class and included in the equity

section of the balance sheet; no decrements were expensed (2006: Nil).

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 6B: Infrastructure, plant and equipment

Infrastructure, plant and equipment

- fair value 133,321 131,464

- accumulated depreciation (15,416) (2,396)

- work in progesss 3,505 1,449

Total Infrastructure, plant and equipment (non-current) 121,410 130,517

All revaluations are independent and are conducted in accordance with the revaluation

 policy stated at Note 1. All revaluations have been conducted by an independent valuer,

the Australian Valuation Office.

 No indicators of impairment were found for infrastructure, plant and equipment.

Note 6C: Intangibles

Computer software at cost:

Purchased - in use 4,311 4,362

Accumulated depreciation (3,016) (2,582)

Purchased - in progress 3,475 412

Internally developed - in use 13,951 13,996

Accumulated depreciation (7,512) (8,321)

Internally developed - in progress 2,587 3,316

Total computer software 13,796 11,183

- Patents, brand names and licences 623 623Accumulated amortisation patents (623) (623)

Total patents, brand names and licences - -

697,31)tnerruc-non(stessaelbignatnilatoT 11,183

 No indicators of impairment were found for intangible assets

 No revaluation increments for infrastructure, plant and equipment (2006: $21,143,000) were

credited to the asset revaluation reserve by class and included in the equity section of the balance

sheet; no decrements were expensed (2006: Nil).

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TABLE A: Reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of property plant and equipment (2006-2007)

Land Buildings Total

Land and





$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000As at 1 July 2006

433,804319,231124,572181,572042eulavk oo bssor G

)461,6()693,2()867,3()867,3(-noitasitr oma/noitaicer  peddetalumuccA

Net book value 1 July 2006 240 271,413 271,653 130,517 402,170


145,31499,6745,6745,6-esahcr u py b

67221462462-stnemtsu jdadoogek am

Revaluations through equity - - - - -

Reclassifications - - - - -

)059,13()158,31()990,81()990,81(-esne pxenoitasitr oma/noitaicer  peD

Write downs recognised in the operating result - (842) (842) (1,307) (2,149)

Other movements - - - - -


)931()66()37()37(stnemtsu jdadoogek am

)988()988(---r ehto

Net book value 30 June 2007 240 259,210 259,450 121,410 380,860

290,814628,631662,182620,182042eulavk oo bssor G

)232,73()614,51()618,12()618,12(-noitasitr oma/noitaicer  peddetalumuccA

240 259,210 259,450 121,410 380,860

TABLE A: Reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of property plant and equipment (2005-2006)

Land Buildings Total

Land and





$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

As at 1 July 2005

566,043271,911394,122462,122922eulavk oo bssor G

)107,2()668()538,1()538,1(-noitasitr oma/noitaicer  peddetalumuccA

Net book value 1 July 2005 229 219,429 219,658 118,306 337,964


090,31000,8090,5090,5-esahcr u py b

Revaluations through equity 25 60,962 60,987 21,143 82,130

Reclassifications - 417 417 (454) (37)

)199,32()926,11()263,21()263,21(-esne pxenoitasitr oma/noitaicer  peD

Write downs recognised in the operating result - (1,984) (1,984) (4,828) (6,812)

Other movements - - - - -


)471()12()351()931()41(slaso psidr ehtO

Net book value 30 June 2006 240 271,413 271,653 130,517 402,170

433,804319,231124,572181,572042eulavk oo bssor G

)461,6()693,2()867,3()867,3(-noitasitr oma/noitaicer  peddetalumuccA

240 271,413 271,653 130,517 402,170

Note 6D: Analysis of Property, Plant, and Equipment

Net book value as of 30 June 2006 represented by:

Net book value as of 30 June 2007 represented by:

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

TABLE B: Reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of intangibles (2006-2007)











$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

As at 1 July 2006

907,22326477,4213,71eulavk oo bssor G

)625,11()326()285,2()123,8(noitasitr oma/noitaicer  peddetalumuccA

Net book value 1 July 2006 8,991 2,192 - 11,183


056,6-471,3674,3esahcr u py b

----ytiuqehguor htsnoitaulaveR 

--33)33(snoitacif issalceR 

)716,2(-)975()830,2(esne pxenoitasitr oma/noitaicer  peD

)024,1(-)05()073,1(tluser gnitar e poehtnidesingocer snwodetir W

----stnemevomr ehtO

----:slaso psiD

----slaso psidr ehtO

Net book value 30 June 2007 9,026 4,770 - 13,796

749,42326687,7835,61eulavk oo bssor G

)151,11()326()610,3()215,7(noitasitr oma/noitaicer  peddetalumuccA

9,026 4,770 - 13,796

TABLE B: Reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of intangibles (2005-2006)









$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

As at 1 July 2005

342,02326634,4481,51eulavk oo bssor G

)603,01()326()561,2()815,7(noitasitr oma/noitaicer  peddetalumuccA

Net book value 1 July 2005 7,666 2,271 - 9,937


807,3-805002,3esahcr u py b

73-73-snoitacif issalceR 

)138,1(-)725()403,1(esne pxenoitasitr oma/noitaicer  peD

)866(-)79()175(tluser gnitar e poehtnidesingocer snwodetir W


----slaso psidr ehtO

Net book value 8,991 2,192 - 11,183

907,22326477,4213,71eulavk oo bssor G

)625,11()326()285,2()123,8(noitasitr oma/noitaicer  peddetalumuccA

8,991 2,192 - 11,183

Note 6D: Analysis of Intangibles

Net book value as of 30 June 2006 represented by:

Net book value as of 30 June 2007 represented by:

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2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 6E Inventories

Finished goods 229 170

Total inventories held for sale 229 170

Work in progress - 46

Finished goods 7,157 7,144

Total inventories held for distribution 7,157 7,190

683,7seirotnevnilatoT 7,360

All inventories are current assets.

Note 6F: Other non-financial assets

Prepayments 769 298

Total other non-financial assets 769 298

All other non-financial assets are current assets.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 7: Payables

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 7A: Suppliers

Trade creditors 2,349 1,292Total supplier payables 2,349 1,292

All supplier payables are current liabilities.

Settlement is usually made net 30 days.

Note 7B: Grants

Private sector:

Other sectors in the Commonwealth Payable 288 -

State and Territory governments Payable 656 499Local governments Payable 110 34

Public sector:

Non-profit institutions Payable 443 299

Profit making entities Payable 272 10

Universities Payable 10 -

Total grant payables 1,779 842

All grants payables are current liabilities.

Settlement is made according to the terms and conditions of each grant, this is usually

within 30 days of meeting the grant eligibility criteria.

Note 7C Other payables

Unearned revenue 3,838 3,096

Interest payable 63 108

Accrued expenses 13,444 11,517

Miscellaneous 166 207

Lease incentive 395 498

Total other payables 17,906 15,426

All other payables are current liabilities.

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Note 8: Interest Bearing Liabilities

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 8A: Loans

Loans from Government 1,081 2,102Total Loans 1,081 2,102

Maturity schedule for loans:


- Within one year  1,081 1,021

- In one to five years - 1,081

Total loans 1,081 2,102

The loan was issued in 1998-1999 and is repayable in annual instalments ending in 2007-2008.

The interest rate is subject to review each year based on the 10 year bond rate as at 30 June. The

current interest rate is 6.26%, (2005-06 5.79%).

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 9: Provisions

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 9A: Employee provisions

Salaries and wages 1,140 745Leave 35,805 32,596

Superannuation Provision 5,934 6,077Separation and redundancies Provision 140 -

Total employee provisions 43,019 39,418

Employee provisions are represented by:

Current employee provisions 38,546 35,029 Non-current employee provisions 4,473 4,389

Total employee provisions 43,019 39,418

Note 9B: Other provisions

Provision for Antarctic base restitution 42,181 42,519

Provision for make good - Antarctic regions 150,861 153,490

Provision for make good - other localities 2,253 1,984

Total other provisions 195,295 197,993

Other provisions are represented by:

Current 639 639

 Non-current 194,656 197,354

Total other provisions 195,295 197,993

The classification of current includes amounts for which there is not an unconditional right of deferral

of one year, hence in the case of employee provisions the above classification does not equal the

amount expected to be settled within one year of reporting date. Employee provisions expected to be

settled in 12 months from the reporting date is $20.144M (2006:$15.578M), and in excess of 12

months $22.875M (2006:$23.840M)

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Note 9B: Other provisions (cont)

Provision for 

Antarctic base


Provision for 

make good -



Provision for 

make good -

other localities


Provision Movement Table

$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

Carrying amount 1 July 2006 42,519 153,490 1,984 197,993

Additional Provisions Made - 82 194 276

Amounts used (676) - - (676)

Amounts reversed - (139) - (139)

Revaluation (11,063) (56) (11,119)

Revaluation to expense (2,124) - - (2,124)

Unwinding of discount 2,462 8,491 131 11,084

Closing balance 30 June 2007 42,181 150,861 2,253 195,295

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 10: Departmental Restructuring

Current year (2006-2007)

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Total assets recognised 3,339 -

Total liabilities recognised (3,339) -

- -

Net increase in net assets during the year - -

Water FunctionRevenues

Recognised by the Department of the Environment and Water Resources 2,636 -

Recognised by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 937 -

Recognised by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2,566 -

6,139 -


Recognised by the Department of the Environment and Water Resources 2,592 -

Recognised by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 937 -

Recognised by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2,583 -

6,112 -

Previous year (2005-2006)

As a result of a restructuring of administered arrangements, the Department assumed the responsibilty for the

Water functions on 30th January 2007 from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

In respect of functions assumed, the net book values of assets and liabilities transferred to the Department for no

consideration and recognised at the date of transfer were:

There were no changes to the structure of the Department in 2005-06 as a result of any administrative

arrangements orders (AAO's) announced by government.

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Note 11: Cash Flow Reconciliation

2007 2006$'000 $'000

Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents per Balance Sheet to Cash Flows Statement

Report cash and cash equivalents as per:

Cash Flow statement 8,560 5,144Balance Sheet 8,560 5,144

Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash from operating activities

Operating loss (23,624) (29,223)

Depreciation / amortisation 34,567 25,822

 Net gains on disposal of non-current assets (230) (138)

Write down of current assets - -

Write down of non-current assets 3,569 7,480

Adjustments made directly to balance sheet* 11,409 (10,494)

Increase in net assets from restructuring - -

Other revenues and expenses not involving cash - -(Increase) / decrease in receivables (8,624) 24,881

(Increase) / decrease in inventories (26) 3,364

(Increase) / decrease in accrued revenue 56 444

(Increase) / decrease in other financial assets - -

(Increase) / decrease in other non-financial assets (471) 1,449

Increase / (decrease) in employee provisions 3,601 2,970

Increase / (decrease) in other provisions (2,698) (71)

Increase / (decrease) in suppliers liabilities 1,057 (6,287)

Increase / (decrease) in grant liabilities 937 (4,187)

Increase / (decrease) in other payables 2,480 (2,101)

 Net cash from operating activities 22,003 13,909

*refer to the Statement of Changes in Equity

Adjustments for errors (262) 2,019

Adjustments for changes in accounting policies - (3,731)Revaluation increment - make good provisions 11,119 16,682

*refer Asset movement tables

Acquisitions (276) -

Disposals 139 -

Other  689 (25,464)

Total adjustments made directly to equity 11,409 (10,494)

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 12: Contingent Liabilities and Assets

Quantifiable contingencies

Contingent Asset

Losses arising from events insured by Australian Antarctic Division and subject

to insurance claims which are still pending as at 30 June 2007.

2007 : $5.862M

(2006: $7.909M)

There are no other quantifiable contingencies in either the current or the

immediately preceding reporting period.

(2006: Nil).

Unquantifiable contingencies

2007 : Nil

(2006: Nil)

Remote contingencies

The department has entered into an arrangement with CIT Aerospace to

guarentee Skytraders financial performance of the A319 Airlink lease. Theliability under the guarentee is capped at US$500 million; however this amount is

then matched by the insurance obligations under the lease. The net effect is A$0.

2007: Nil

(2006: Nil)

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Note 13: Executive Remuneration

The number of executives who received or were due to receive total remuneration of $130,000 or 


2007 2006

Number  Number 

$130,000 to $144,999 1 3$145,000 to $159,999 - 4

$160,000 to $174,999 4 11

$175,000 to $189,999 15 4

$190,000 to $204,999 9 10

$205,000 to $219,999 7 5

$220,000 to $234,999 5 3

$235,000 to $249,999 2 1

$250,000 to $264,999 2 3

$265,000 to $279,999 2 2

$280,000 to $294,999 - 1

$295,000 to $309,999 1 -

$310,000 to $324,999 - 2

$325,000 to $339,999 2 -

$340,000 to $354,999 - -$370,000 to $384,999 - 1

$400,000 to $414,999 - 1

$445,000 to $459,999 1 -

51 51

The aggregate amount of total remuneration of executive

shown above.* 10,944,276$ 10,558,909$

The aggregate amount of separation and redundancy/termination

 benefit payments during the year to executives shown above. -$ 398,711$

* The executive remuneration total includes; salary, superannuation, motor 

vehicles, bonuses and other entitlements

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 14: Remuneration of Auditors

2007 2006

$ $

Financial statement audit services are provided free of charge to the

Department. The fair value of audit services provided was: 459,000 440,000

 No other services were provided by the Auditor General.

Note 15: Average Staffing Levels

2007 2006

Number  Number 

The average staffing levels for the Department during the year were: 1,848 1,558

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 16C: Credit Risk Exposures

The Department's maximum exposures to credit risk at reporting date in relation to each class of 

recognised financial assets is the carrying amount of those assets as indicated in the Balance


The Department has no significant exposures to any concentrations of credit risk.

All figures for credit risk referred to do not take into account the value of any collateral or other 


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Note 17: Income Administered on Behalf of Government

2007 2006

$'000 $'000


Note 17A: Other taxes

Other taxes, fees and fines 1,394 1,270

Total Other taxes 1,394 1,270

Note 17B: Sale of goods and rendering of services

Sale of goods - external entities 174 760

Rendering of services - external entities 552 417

Other fees from regulatory services - external 1,824 3,489

Total goods and services 2,550 4,666

Note 17C: Interest

Loans - State and Territory governments 283 4

Other  - 104

Total interest  283 108

Note 17D: Industry contributions

Industry contributions 7,500 7,500

Total industry contributions 7,500 7,500

Note 17E: Grant repayments

Grant repayments 1,994 3,761

Total grant repayments 1,994 3,761

Note 17F: Assets recognised for the first time

Assets recognised for the first time 127,543 1,411

Total assets recognised for the first time 127,543 1,411

Note 17G: OtherOther sources of non-taxation revenues 453 2,237

Total other  453 2,237


Note 17H Other Gains

Audit services received free of charge for the NHT 77 73

Total other gains 77 73

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 18: Expenses Administered on Behalf of Government

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 18A: Grants

Public sector:

Other sectors in the Commonwealth 44,225 40,347

State and Territory governments 303,565 270,966Local governments 15,921 14,920

Private Sector:

 Non-profit institutions 99,638 62,806

Profit making entities 40,776 28,484

Individuals 9,201 15,167

Universities 10,231 4,330

Overseas 5,034 4,764

Total grants 528,591 441,784

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2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 18A: Grants (continued)

The nature of the grants is as follows:

 Natural Heritage Trust - Bushcare 99,984 92,157

 Natural Heritage Trust - Landcare 72,019 82,174

Water Fund Program 67,712 45,830

Representative Areas Program - Structural Adjustment Package 65,886 32,617

 Natural Heritage Trust - Coastcare 47,411 46,887

 Natural Heritage Trust - Rivercare 37,967 39,550

Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program 18,633 13,708

Renewable Remote Power Generation Program 13,837 28,738

Climate Change Strategy Programs 11,899 8,092

Living Murray Initiative 10,478 -

Marine and Tropical Science Research Facility 8,517 2,595

Cathedral Restoration Projects 8,000 10,500

Commonwealth Environment Research Facility 7,426 -

Low Emissions 6,736 1,950

Photovoltaic Rebate Program 6,242 4,622Scout Hall Water Saving Infrastructure 5,885 -

Great Artesian Basin Sustainability 5,466 -

Indigenous Heritage Program 3,724 3,261

 National Heritage Investment Initiative 3,450 2,200

Regional Natural Heritage Program 3,005 4,260

Solar Cities 3,000 550

Point Nepean Community Trust 2,944 -

Alternative Fuels Conversion Program 2,354 223

Murray Darling Basin Salinity Mitigation 2,017 -

Australian Biological Resources Study Participatory Program 1,813 1,859

Daintree Conservation Initiative 1,685 2,650

Renewable Energy Commericalisation Program 1,519 1,658

Mawsons Hut Restoration 1,300 320

Restoration of Qantas 707 1,000 -

Renewable Energy Equity Fund 948 2,138

Grants-in-Aid – National Trust 858 842

Von Guerard painting 800 -

Strengthening Tasmania Programs 800 1,150

Murray Darling Basin Commission 600 -

Advanced Electricity Storage 500 -

 National Cultural Heritage Account 475 -

 National Environmental Protection Council 429 429

Launceston Air Quality 402 200

Local Greenhouse Action Program 400 404

Voyage of the Duyfken 245 -Boat Harbour and Sisters Beach Sewerage Scheme 190 108

Water Resources Assessment and Research 35 -

Tasmanian Forests - 5,500

Australian Wildlife Hospital - 2,500

Protecting Australia's Biodiversity Hotspots - 1,600

 National Cultural Heritage Program - 479

Environmental Rating Scheme - 33

Total Grants 528,591 441,784

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 18: Expenses Administered on Behalf of Government (continued)

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Note 18B: Suppliers

Provision of goods - external entities 1,610 884

Provision of goods - related entities 59 -Rendering of services - related entities 12,161 36,198

Rendering of services - external entities 49,788 19,260

Total suppliers 63,618 56,342

Note 18C: Write-down and impairment of assets

Financial assets - receivables - loans to Commonwealth entities 721 2,840

Financial assets - receivables - other  34 138

Total write-down and impairment of assets 755 2,978

Note 18D: Depreciation

Depreciation - buildings 1,316 -

Total depreciation 1,316 -

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Note 19: Assets Administered on Behalf of Government

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Financial Assets

Note 19A: Cash and cash equivalents

Special accounts - 9

Other  24 106

Total cash and cash equivalents 24 115

The balance of the administered cash account is non-interest bearing.

Note 19B: Receivables

Loans to State and Territory governments 7,867 24

Loans to Commonwealth Entity 8,311 7,429

Provision for doubtful debts (6,431) (5,710)

Total Loans to Commonweatlh Entity (net) 1,880 1,719

Goods and services - -

Goods and Services Tax 7,228 12,438

Other receivables 713 319

Provision for doubtful debts (143) (144)

570 175

545,71)ten(selbaviecerlatoT 14,356

Receivables (gross) are aged as follows:

 Not overdue 23,541 19,964

Overdue by:

Less than 30 days 101 24

30 to 60 days 4 -

60 to 90 days 76 26

More than 90 days 397 196

Total receivables (g 911,42)ssor 20,210

The loan represents the funding payments to IIF Investments Pty

Ltd (IIPL) less repayments under the Renewable Energy Equity

Fund (REEF) Program. The loan agreement was negotiated

 between the IIPL and the Industry Research and Development

Board (IRD) on behalf of the Commonwealth under the REEF

Program. The Annual Report of IIPL provides further informationon the investments under the REEF Program.

All receivables are with entities external to the Department. Credit

terms are generally 30 days (2006: 30 days).

The Captains Flat loan was made under financial assistance

legislation. Interest rates are fixed and range from 9.0% to


The QLD and NSW Sewerage Loans were made under the

Sewerage Agreement Acts. Interest rates are fixed and range from8.5% to 9.05%.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 19: Assets Administered on Behalf of Government (continued)

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

The provision for doubtful debts is aged as follows:

 Not overdue (6,431) (5,710)

Overdue by:

More than 90 days (143) (144)

(6,574) (5,854)

Note 19C: Investments

Commonwealth authorities, (Refer Note 23)

- Director of National Parks 148,960 145,675

- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 18,374 17,004

- Sydney Harbour Federation Trust 178,740 114,918

- Murray-Darling Basin Commission 445,952 -

Total Investments 792,026 277,597

Note 19D: Other financial assets

Goods and services - 36

Interest on loans 310 2013stessalaicnanif rehtolatoT 38

Non-financial assets

Note 19E: Land and Buildings

Land 12,454 -Buildings 22,649 -Accumualted Depreciation-Buildings-Not On Register  (1,316) -Heritage Buildings 39,932 4,750

Total land and buildin gs 73,719 4,750

Note 19F: Infrastructure, Plant and Equipment

Heritage plant and equipment - fair value 1,271 1,271

Total infrastructure, plant and equiptment  1,271 1,271

Note 19G: Other Non-financial Assets


Prepaid Grant - Point Nepean Trust 24,056 27,000

Prepaid Grant - Scout Hall Water Program 11,768 -

Other Prepayments 9 129

Total other non-financial assets 35,833 27,129

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TABLE A: Reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of Heritage assets (2006-2007)

Land Buildings Heritage



Plant and



$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

As at 1 July 2006

120,6172,1057,4--eulavk oo bssor G

Net book value 1 July 2006 - - 4,750 1,271 6,021


874,721-822,54946,22106,95r ef snar ty b


)613,1(--)613,1(-noitaicer  peD

--)987,2(-987,2snoitacif issalceR 


)138,16(-)032,9(-)106,25(r ef snar ty b

Net book value 30 June 2007 12,454 21,333 39,932 1,271 74,990

Gross book value 12,454 22,649 39,932 1,271 76,306

Accumulated depreciation - (1,316) - - (1,316)

12,454 21,333 39,932 1,271 74,990

TABLE A: Reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of Heritage assets (2005-2006)

Land Buildings Heritage



Plant andEquipment


$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

As at 1 July 2005

120,6172,1057,4--eulavk oo bssor G

Net book value 1 July 2005 - - 4,750 1,271 6,021


Other disposals - - - - -

Net book value 30 June 2006 - - 4,750 1,271 6,021

120,6172,1057,4--eulavk oo bssor G

- - 4,750 1,271 6,021

Note 19H: Analysis of Heritage assets

Net book value as of 30 June 2007 represented by:

Net book value as of 30 June 2006 represented by:

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 20: Liabilities Administered on Behalf of Government

2007 2006

$'000 $'000


Note 20A: SuppliersTrade creditors 2,048 111

Total Suppliers 2,048 111

Note 20B: Grant Payables

Public sector:

State and Territory governments 8,413 11,850

Local governments 204 19

Commonwealth entities 672 657

Private sector:

 Non-profit institutions 919 2,485

Profit making entities 1,102 2,561

Individuals 70 -

Universities 47 94

Total grant payables 11,427 17,666

Note 20C: Other payables

Goods and Services Tax - 668

Accrued expenses 2,168 1,315

Miscellaneous - 341

Total other payables 2,168 2,324

All liabilities are expected to be settled within 12 months of balance date.

All grants are to entities that are not part of the Department.

Settlement is made in accordance with terms and conditions for 

each grant. This is usually within 30 days of performance or 


All creditors are entities that are not part of the Australian

Government. Settlement is usually made within 30 days

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Note 21: Administered Reconciliation Table

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

305,155 93,559

- 114,778

Plus: Administered revenues 141,794 21,026

Less: Administered expenses (594,280) (501,104)

Administered transfers to / from Government:

Appropriation transfers from OPA:

Annual appropriations administered expenses 351,824 256,079

Annual appropriations special accounts 285,369 334,555

Transfers to OPA including GST (50,562) (41,756)

Administered Investments - gain 73,901 28,018

Administered Asset Revaluation 4,638 -

Administered Restructure 448,410 -

Administered Assets Transferred - Northhead (61,831) -

Adjustments for errors 667 -

905,085 305,155

Note 22: Administered Contingent Liabilities and Assets

Quantifiable administered contingencies

There are no quantifiable contingencies in either the current or the immediately preceding

reporting periods, therefore there is no Schedule for such items.

Unquantifiable administered contingencies

 Nil for 2007 and 2006.

 Remote administered contingencies

 Nil for 2007 and 2006.

Opening administered assets less administered liabilities as at 

1 July 2006 

Closing administered assets less administered liabilities as at 

30 June 2007 

Opening Balance fair value adjustment - administered 


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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

Note 23: Administered Investments

The principal activities of each of the Department's administered investments are as follows:

* Director of National Parks

* Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

* Sydney Harbour Federation Trust 

* Murray-Darling Basin Commission

Investment 30 June 2006 Transfer 30 June 2007

582,3069,841-576,541sk r aPlanoita Nf or otcer iD

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 17,004 - 18,374 1,370

228,36047,871-819,411tsur Tnoitar edeFr uo br aHyendyS

424,5259,544825,044-noissimmoCnisaBgnilr aD-yar r uMMovement in carrying amount of investment 2006-200 277,597 440,528 792,026 73,901

Valuation at Change


Assists the Minister and the Department in the conservation and appreciation of Australia's biological

diversity and associated cultural heritage, through leadership and cooperation in the management of theCommonwealth's protected areas.

Works in partnership with Commonwealth and Queensland government agencies to undertake a wide

range of functions to ensure that the conservation and world heritage values of the Great Barrier Reef are

 preserved for future generations.

Is responsible for planning, managing, conserving, enhancing and making publicly accessible certain

lands on or near the foreshores of Sydney Harbour.

The Commission is the executive arm of the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council and is responsible

for advising the Ministerial Council on matters related to the use of the water, land and other 

environmental resources of the Murray-Darling Basin.

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24 Administered Restructuring

In respect of the functions assumed, the following assets and liabilities were transferred to the Department.

2007 2006

$'000 $'000

Total assets recognised 448,410 -Total liabilities recognised - -

448,410 -

 Net increase in net assets during the year  448,410 -

Previous year (2005-2006)

As a result of a restructuring of administered arrangements, the Department assumed the responsibility for the Natural

Resource Management Sewerage Agreements and the 20% share of the net assets of the Murray-Darling Basin

Commission on the 30th January 2007 from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

There were no changes to the structure of the Department in 2005-06 as a result of any administrative arrangements orders

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

   N  o   t  e   2   5  :   A   d  m   i  n   i  s   t  e  r  e   d   F   i  n  a  n

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   F   i  n  a  n  c   i  a   l   I  n  s   t  r  u  m  e  n   t

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   h  s  a   C









   2   4

   1   1   5

   2   4

   1   1   5

  n   /  a

  n   /  a

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   1   9   B









   7 ,   9   4   1

   1   2 ,   7   5   7

   7 ,   9   4   1

   1   2 ,   7   5   7

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   L  o  a  n  s   t  o   S   t  a   t  e  a  n   d   T  e  r  r   i   t  o  r  y

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   1   0

   4 ,   5   6   6

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   2 ,   5   7   9




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   7 ,   4   2   9

   8 ,   3   1   1

   7 ,   4   2   9

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   1   0

   4 ,   5   6   6

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   2   0 ,   3   0   1

   2   4 ,   1   4   3

   2   0 ,   3   2   5

   T  o   t  a   l   A  s  s  e   t  s

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   2 ,   0   4   8

   1   1   1

   2 ,   0   4   8

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   C  o  m  m  o  n  w  e  a   l   t   h  g  o  v  e  r  n  m  e  n   t   )

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   1   2 ,   8   0   3

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   N  o   t  e   2   5   B  :   F  a   i  r   V  a   l  u  e  s  o   f   F   i  n  a

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   )   t  e  n   (  s  e  c   i  v  r  e  s   d  n  a   d  o  o  g  r  o   f  s  e   l   b  a  v   i  e  c  e   R

   8   9   7 ,   7

   8   9   7 ,   7

   1   2 ,   7   5   7

   7   5   7 ,   2   1


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   A   0   2

  s  r  o   t   i   d  e  r  c  e   d  a  r   T

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   1   1   1

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   1   2 ,   8   0   3

   3   0   8 ,   2   1


   1   7 ,   1   2   0

   0   2   1 ,   7   1


   G  r  a  n   t   P  a  y  a   b   l  e  s   (  n  o  n   C  o  m  m  o  n  w  e  a   l   t   h  g  o  v  e  r  n  m  e  n   t   )

    F   l  o  a   t   i  n  g   I  n   t  e  r  e  s   t   R  a   t  e

    N  o  n  -   I  n   t  e  r  e  s   t   B  e  a  r   i  n  g

   T  o   t  a   l

    W  e   i  g   h   t  e   d   A  v  e  r  a  g  e   E   f   f  e  c   t   i  v  e

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   >   5  y  e  a  r  s

   1   t  o   5  y  e  a  r  s

   1  y  e  a  r  o  r   l  e  s  s

   F   i  x  e   d   I  n   t  e  r  e  s   t   R  a   t  e   M  a   t  u  r   i  n  g   I  n

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Note 25C: Credit Risk Exposures

The Department has no significant exposures to any concentrations of credit risk.

All figures for credit risk referred to do not take into account the value of any collateral or other security.

The Department's maximum exposures to credit risk at reporting date in relation to each class of recognised financial assets and

liabilities is the carrying amount of those assets and liabilities as indicated in the Schedule of Administered Items which details assets

and liabilities administered on behalf of Government.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

26.3 Acquittal of Authority to Draw Cash from the Consolidated Revenue Fund - Special

Appropriations (Unlimited Amount)

Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997

Sub-section 6(2)




$ Purpose: Amount equal to the fixed-income percentage of the uninvested

amount standing to the credit of the Account as at the end of the

financial year 

Cash payments made during the year 

 Nil payments were processed during the year - $23,100,260 was

transferred to the Account via the self executing provisions of 

the legislation (2005-2006: $22,445,253)

 Budget Estimate 24,061,000  22,130,000 

26.4 Acquittal of Authority to Draw Cash from the Consolidated Revenue Fund - Special

Appropriations (Refund Provisions)

Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997

Section 28





 Purpose: For refunds of application fees received under the Environment

Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and monies

incorrectly forwarded to the Official Public Account

Cash payments made during the year  18,550  51,973 

Appropriations credited to Special Accounts 0  0 Refunds received (net) (FMA s 30) 0  0 

Total charged to special appropriation 18,550  51,973 

 Budget Estimate (FMA s28) 0  0 



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26.5 Acquittal of Authority to Draw Cash from the Consolidated Revenue Fund - SpecialAppropriations (Limited Amount)

Departmental - Outcome 1

Legislation: Appropriation (Supplementary Measures) Act (No. 2) 1999

Section: Section 3

Purpose: • Developing a product stewardship system for the reuse and recycling of waste oil

• Supporting the development and implementation of in-service emissions testing capabilities

for diesel and petrol vehicles, where the diesel emissions testing is in connection with the

making and/or implementation of a Diesel National Environment Protection Measure.

Balance of this appropriation at 30 June 2007 is nil (2005-06: nil)

Administered - Outcome 1

Legislation: Appropriation (Supplementary Measures) Act (No. 2) 1999

Section: Section 3

Purpose: • Supporting conversions to CNG or LPG for commercial vehicles that have a GVM equal to

or greater than 3.5 tonnes, buses that have a GVM equal to or greater than 3.5 tonnes, trains

and ferries

• Supporting the utilisation of photovoltaic systems on residential buildings and community-

use buildings

• Supporting the development and commercialisation of renewable energy

• Supporting the use of renewable energy for remote power generation

• Greenhouse gas abatement program

Balance of this appropriation at 30 June 2007 is nil (2005-06: nil)

Legislation: Captains Flat (Abatement of Pollution) Agreement Act 1975

Section: Section 4

Purpose: • Amounts payable to the Government of New South Wales in accordance with an agreement

made under section 3, by way of financial assistance

Balance of this appropriation at 30 June 2007 is nil (2005-06: nil)

Legislation: Sewerage Agreements Act 1973

Section: Section 8

Purpose: • Provide funding to clear backlog of sewerage works in principal Australian cities

Balance of this appropriation at 30 June 2007 is nil (2005-06: nil)

Legislation: Sewerage Agreements Act 1974Section: Section 10

Purpose: • Provide funding to clear backlog of sewerage works in principal Australian cities.

Balance of this appropriation at 30 June 2007 is nil (2005-06: nil)

The Department of the Environment and Water Resources has responsibility for the following special

appropriation legislation. There were zero transactions and budgets during the reporting year and

comparative year.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

26.6 Special Accounts

a) Special accounts comprise part of the Department's administered reporting entity.

7002tnuoccAailartsuAf otsurTegatireHlarutaN 2006

$)deretsinimdA( $

 Legal Authority - Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997, Section 4 Appropriation - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, Section 21

 Purpose - The purposes of the Reserve are as follows:

(a) the National Vegetation Initiative;

(b) the Murray-Darling 2001 Project;

(c) the National Land and Water Resources Audit;

(d) the National Reserve System;

(e) the Coasts and Clean Seas Initiative;

(f) environmental protection (as defined by section 15 of the Act);

(g) supporting sustainable agriculture (as defined by section 16);

(h) natural resources management (as defined by section 17 of the Act);

(i) a purpose incidental or ancillary to any of the above purposes;

(j) the making of grants of financial assistance for any of the above purposes; and

(k) an accounting transfer purpose (as defined by section 18 of the Act).

This account earns interest at the rate of interest earned by the Commonwealth as at the end of the

financial year on deposits held with the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Balance carried from previous period 401,743,660 408,095,512

Adjustment to balance carried from previous year  0 (495,637)

 Natural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997  credits:

. Sub-section 6(2) 23,100,260 22,445,253

. Sub-section 23(1) 292,500,000 302,116,000

Receipts from other sources 1,500,890 3,196,121

GST credits (FMAA s30A) 15,615,473 15,169,691Total Credits 332,716,624 342,927,065

482,064,437stnemyaprof elbaliavA 750,526,940

Payments made - Suppliers 59,524,400 58,437,995

Payments made - Grants 271,002,709 290,345,285

Total Debits 330,527,109 348,783,280

471,339,304*doireptxenotdeirracecnalaB 066,347,104

 Represented by:

Cash transferred to the Official Public Account 403,933,174 401,734,860

Cash held by the entity 0 8,800

471,339,304doireptxenehtotdeirracecnalablatoT 401,743,660

* In accordance with the legal authority for the Account, separate financial statements are prepared

for the Account. The balance for the Account is reported in those financial statements as

appropriations receivable undrawn plus cash as this amount represents

appropriations that are controlled by the Department but held in the Official Public Account

under the Government's just-in-time drawdown arrangements.

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07372

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26.6 Special Accounts (continued)

7002tnuoccAGGSdnanoitcetorPenozO 2006(Administered) $ $

 Legal Authority - Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989,

Section 65B

 Appropriation - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, Section 21

 Purpose - The following are the purposes of the Account:

(a) paying or reimbursing the Commonwealth's costs associated with the administration

of the Act and the regulations;

(b) paying or reimbursing the Commonwealth's costs associated with furthering the

following programs (including providing information about those programs):

(i) ODS phase-out programs; and

(ii) emission minimisation programs for ODSs and SGGs;

(c) paying or reimbursing the Commonwealth's costs associated with the management of 

the National Halon Bank; and

(d) refunding any amounts credited to the Account in error.

This account is non-interest bearing.

Balance carried from previous period 14,716,959 10,655,786

Adjustment to balance carried from previous year  0 926,979

Taxation - Levies 1,400,424 2,275,374

Sale of goods and services 1,279,982 3,638,406Receipts from other sources 222,078 106,420

GST credits (FMAA s30A) 9,206 147,991

Total Credits 2,911,689 6,168,191

846,826,71stnemyaprof elbaliavA 17,750,956

Payments made - Suppliers 101,263 1,591,956

Payments made - Grants 0 36,480

Payments made - Other  148,844 1,405,561

Total Debits 250,107 3,033,997

145,873,71doireptxenotdeirracecnalaB 14,716,959

 Represented by:

Cash transferred to the Official Public Account 17,378,541 14,716,657

Cash held by the entity 0 302

145,873,71doireptxenehtotdeirracecnalablatoT 14,716,959

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

26.6 Special Accounts (continued)

7002tnuoccAegatireHlarutluClanoitaN 2006

$)deretsinimdA( $

 Legal Authority - Protection of Moveable Cultural Heritage Act 1986, Section 25

 Appropriation - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, Section 21

 Purpose - Amounts standing to the credit of the National Cultural Heritage Account may beexpended for the purpose of facilitating the acquisition of Australian protected objects

for display or safe-keeping.

This account is non-interest bearing.

Balance carried from previous period 500,000  318,000 

Appropriations Act (No. 1) 0  661,100 

GST credits (FMAA s30A) 28,595  31,800 

Total Credits 28,595  692,900 

595,825stnemyaprof elbaliavA 1,010,900 

Payments made - Grants 314,546 510,900

Balance carried to the next p 940,412doire 500,000

 Represented by:

Cash transferred to the Official Public Account 214,049  500,000 Total balance carried to the next p 940,412doire 500,000

7002tnuoccASLEW 2006

$)deretsinimdA( $

 Legal Authority - Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005, Section 64

 Appropriation - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, Section 21

 Purpose - The purpose of the Account is to make payments:

(a) to further the objects of the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005

(as set out in section 3 of the Act); and

(b) otherwise in connection with the performance of the Regulator's functions under the

Act, the regulations or a corresponding State-Territory law.

This account is non-interest bearing.

Balance carried from previous period 1,027,181  0 

Services - Rendering of services to external entities 1,083,066  1,214,255 

GST credits (FMAA s30A) 45,878  18,053 

Total Credits 1,128,944  1,232,308 

521,651,2stnemyaprof elbaliavA 1,232,308 

Payments made - Suppliers 521,939  205,127 

Payments made - Other  56,975  0 

Total Debits 578,914 205,127

Balance carried to the next p 112,775,1doire 1,027,181

 Represented by:

Cash transferred to the Official Public Account 1,577,211  1,027,181 

Total balance carried to the next p 112,775,1doire 1,027,181

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07374

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26.6 Special Accounts (continued)

Australian Antarctic Heritage Conservation Special Account


 Legal Authority - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, Section 20

 Purpose - The following are the purposes of the Account:

(a) the conservation of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic heritage, including the conservation

of the Mawson's Huts Historic Site; and

(b) activities that are incidental to that conservation.

There were no transactions of this account during 2006-2007 (2005-2006: Nil).

The balance of this account at 30 June 2007 is Nil (2005-2006: Nil).

Sea Installations Account


 Legal Authority - Sea Installations Act 1987, Section 38

 Appropriation - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, Section 21

 Purpose - There must be transferred to the Reserve from the Consolidated Revenue Fund amounts

equal to money paid as a security under section 37 by way of a cash deposit.

There were no transactions of this account during 2006-2007 (2005-2006: Nil).

The balance of this account at 30 June 2007 is Nil (2005-2006: Nil).

 b) Special public moneys are trust account in nature and do not comprise part of the Department's

reporting entity.

7002tnuoccAsyenoMtsurTrehtO 2006

(Special Public Money $) $

 Legal Authority - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 , Section 20

 Purpose - For the expenditure of moneys temporarily held on trust or otherwise for the benefit

of a person other than the Commonwealth

This account is non-interest bearing.

Balance carried from previous period 262,072 123,113

Adjustment to balance carried from previous year  (7) (478)

Other Receipts 204,192 341,386

752,664stnemyaprof elbaliavA 464,021

Payments made - Other  185,305 201,949

Balance carried to the next period 280,951 262,072

 Represented by:

Cash transferred to the Official Public Account 280,951 262,072

Total balance carried to the next period 280,951 262,072

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

26.6 Special Accounts (continued)

2007 2006

(Special Public Money) $ $

 Legal Authority - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 , Section 20

 Purpose - For the expenditure in connection with services performed on behalf of other 

Governments and bodies that are not Agencies under the  Financial Management and 

Accountability Act 1997.

This account is non-interest bearing.

Balance carried from previous period 3,213,376 3,333,684

Adjustment to balance carried from previous year  1 1,326

Restructure - transfer from DAFF 469,533 0

Sale of goods and services 695,729 260,250

Other Receipts 8,102 30

GST credits (FMAA s30A) 52,604 31,727

Total Credits 1,225,968 292,007

543,934,4stnemyaprof elbaliavA 3,627,017Payments made - Suppliers 447,920 296,740

Payments made - Grants 285,439 116,901

Total Debits 733,359 413,641

689,507,3doireptxenehtotdeirracecnalaB 3,213,376

 Represented by:

Cash transferred to the Official Public Account 3,705,986 3,213,376

689,507,3doireptxenehtotdeirracecnalaBlatoT 3,213,376

2007 2006

(Special Public Money) $ $

 Legal Authority - Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 , Section 20 Purpose - for expenditure to support environmental research and special activities approved by

the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council or a

Committee appointed by the Council for that purpose.

This account is non-interest bearing.

The account was formally abolished on 16 May 2006

Balance carried from previous period 0 12,429

Other Receipts 0 0

GST credits (FMAA s30A) 0 0

0stnemyaprof elbaliavA 12,429

Payments made 0 12,429

0doireptxenehtotdeirracecnalaB 0

 Represented by:

Cash transferred to the Official Public Account 0 0

0doireptxenehtotdeirracecnalaBlatoT 0

Australian and New Zealand Environment and

Conservation Council Fund Trust Account

Environment - Services for other Governments and Non-

agency Bodies Account

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Note 27: Specific Payment Disclosures

 Act of Grace

 No Act of Grace expenses were incurred during the reporting period.

(2006: No Act of Grace payments incurred)


 No waivers of amounts owing to the Commonwealth were made pursuant to

subsection 34(1) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.

(2006: No waivers)


 No ex-gratia payments were made during the reporting period.

(2006: No ex-gratia payments)

 Defective Administration Scheme

 No payments were made under the Defective Administration Scheme. (2006: No

 payment was made under the Defective Administration Scheme)

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Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

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   1   4 ,   6   0   4

   1   2 ,   8   1   6

   1   1 ,   6   4   8

   3   8 ,   5   7   1

   2   6 ,   9   4   0

   1 ,   6   6   7


   1   2   0 ,   1   7   4

   1   0   6 ,   4   3   7

   S  u  p  p   l   i  e  r  s

   2   8 ,   0   2   2

   3   2 ,   7

   9   8

   1   8 ,   0   3   6

   2   1 ,   7   2   3

   1   1 ,   4   5   6

   1   3 ,   9   1   9

   9 ,   3   5   5

   8 ,   4   6   3

   3   0 ,   6   9   2

   2   4 ,   8   5   1

   9   2   5


   9   8 ,   4   8   6

   1   0   1 ,   7   5   4

   G  r  a  n   t  s  a  n

   d   T  r  a  n  s   f  e  r   F  u  n   d   i  n  g

   7 ,   2   7   4

   7 ,   3

   2   4

   4   3 ,   9   8   9

   4   4 ,   8   5   7

   1 ,   9   5   5

   1 ,   3   0   9

   9   8   6

   1 ,   8   3   1

   1   1 ,   7   9   2

   1   0 ,   6   4   8



   6   5 ,   9   9   6

   6   5 ,   9   6   9

   D  e  p  r  e  c   i  a   t   i  o  n  a  n   d   A  m  o  r   t   i  s  a   t   i  o  n

   1 ,   4   3   0

   1 ,   2

   3   9

   7   4   4

   1 ,   0   4   3

   5   7   1

   4   9   6

   7   7   6

   7   0   3

   2 ,   9   5   8

   1 ,   7   9   9



   6 ,   4   7   9

   5 ,   2   8   0

   O   t   h  e  r   E  x  p  e  n  s  e  s

   1 ,   0   3   0


   8   8

   1   7   1

   4   5   5

   9   2

   1   8   4

   7   1

   1   8   5

   8   3   2

   3   6   3



   2 ,   1   9   6

   1 ,   6   7   5

   T  o   t  a   l   d  e  p  a  r   t  m  e  n   t  a   l  e  x  p  e  n  s  e


   6   2 ,   8   1   0

   6   4 ,   0

   2   9

   8   7 ,   6   9   8

   9   9 ,   1   4   3

   3   1 ,   3   8   2

   3   0 ,   5   1   2

   2   4 ,   0   0   4

   2   2 ,   8   3   0

   8   4 ,   8   4   5

   6   4 ,   6   0   1

   2 ,   5   9   2


   2   9   3 ,   3   3   1

   2   8   1 ,   1   1   5

   F  u  n   d  e   d   b  y  :

   R  e  v  e  n  u  e  s   f  r  o  m   G  o  v  e  r  n  m  e  n   t

   5   9 ,   0   0   5

   6   1 ,   8

   3   6

   7   1 ,   2   0   4

   7   8 ,   8   8   0

   2   4 ,   5   9   8

   2   2 ,   6   9   4

   2   1 ,   9   0   1

   2   2 ,   0   3   9

   6   6 ,   1   3   5

   4   9 ,   3   4   6

   1 ,   4   9   4


   2   4   4 ,   3   3   7

   2   3   4 ,   7   9   5

   S  a   l  e  o   f  g  o  o   d  s  a  n   d  s  e  r  v   i  c  e  s

   2 ,   5   4   6

   2 ,   9

   5   0

   1   6 ,   5   0   5

   1   7 ,   6   4   3

   7 ,   1   7   2

   6 ,   7   3   8

   1 ,   3   9   7

   1 ,   1   0   0

   1   6 ,   5   2   1

   1   2 ,   2   1   7

   6   2   0


   4   4 ,   7   6   1

   4   0 ,   6   4   8

   I  n   t  e  r  e  s   t















   O   t   h  e  r  r  e  v

  e  n  u  e  s

   6   6   4


   8   6

   5   1   6

   4   2   4

   1   1   7

   9   8

   2   5   9

   2   5   9

   1 ,   4   9   3

   9   6   5



   3 ,   0   4   9

   1 ,   9   3   2

   T  o   t  a   l   d  e  p  a  r   t  m  e  n   t  a   l  r  e  v  e  n  u  e  s

   6   2 ,   2   1   5

   6   4 ,   9

   7   2

   8   8 ,   2   2   5

   9   6 ,   9   4   7

   3   1 ,   8   8   7

   2   9 ,   5   3   0

   2   3 ,   5   5   7

   2   3 ,   3   9   8

   8   4 ,   1   5   0

   6   2 ,   5   2   8

   2 ,   1   1   4


   2   9   2 ,   1   4   8

   2   7   7 ,   3   7   5

   2   0   0   7

   2   0

   0   6

   2   0   0   7

   2   0   0   6

   2   0   0   7

   2   0   0   6

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   D  e  p  a  r   t  m

  e  n   t  a   l   E  x  p  e  n  s  e  s

   E  m  p   l  o  y  e  e  s

   1   2 ,   3   5   8

   1   1 ,   6

   5   5

   2   1 ,   9   7   0

   2   0 ,   7   2   0

   3   4 ,   3   2   8

   3   2 ,   3   7   5

   S  u  p  p   l   i  e  r  s

   1   8 ,   3   1   6

   1   9 ,   4

   9   9

   3   2 ,   5   6   2

   3   4 ,   6   6   7

   5   0 ,   8   7   8

   5   4 ,   1   6   6

   G  r  a  n   t  s  a  n

   d   T  r  a  n  s   f  e  r   F  u  n   d   i  n  g

   4   5   6


   5   9

   8   1   3

   4   6   2

   1 ,   2   6   9

   7   2   1

   D  e  p  r  e  c   i  a   t   i  o  n  a  n   d   A  m  o  r   t   i  s  a   t   i  n

   1   0 ,   1   1   1

   7 ,   3

   9   5

   1   7 ,   9   7   7

   1   3 ,   1   4   7

   2   8 ,   0   8   8

   2   0 ,   5   4   2

   O   t   h  e  r   E  x  p  e  n  s  e  s

   4 ,   7   5   4

   5 ,   8

   6   8

   8 ,   4   5   3

   1   0 ,   4   3   4

   1   3 ,   2   0   7

   1   6 ,   3   0   2

   T  o   t  a   l   d  e  p  a  r   t  m  e  n   t  a   l  e  x  p  e  n  s  e


   4   5 ,   9   9   5

   4   4 ,   6

   7   6

   8   1 ,   7   7   5

   7   9 ,   4   3   0

   1   2   7 ,   7   7   0

   1   2   4 ,   1   0   6

   F  u  n   d  e   d   b  y  :

   R  e  v  e  n  u  e  s   f  r  o  m   G  o  v  e  r  n  m  e  n   t

   3   5 ,   8   3   8

   3   4 ,   0

   4   2

   6   3 ,   7   1   2

   6   0 ,   5   2   1

   9   9 ,   5   5   0

   9   4 ,   5   6   3

   S  a   l  e  o   f  g  o  o   d  s  a  n   d  s  e  r  v   i  c  e  s

   1 ,   6   6   6


   3   8

   2 ,   9   6   4

   1 ,   4   9   0

   4 ,   6   3   0

   2 ,   3   2   8

   I  n   t  e  r  e  s   t







   O   t   h  e  r  r  e  v

  e  n  u  e  s

   4   1   3


   2   3

   7   3   6

   1 ,   1   0   9

   1 ,   1   4   9

   1 ,   7   3   2

   T  o   t  a   l   d  e  p  a  r   t  m  e  n   t  a   l  r  e  v  e  n  u  e  s

   3   7 ,   9   1   7

   3   5 ,   5

   0   3

   6   7 ,   4   1   2

   6   3 ,   1   2   0

   1   0   5 ,   3   2   9

   9   8 ,   6   2   3

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e   T  o   t  a   l

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e   T

  o   t  a   l

   O  u   t  p  u   t   1 .   3

   O  u   t  p  u   t   1 .   4

   O  u   t  p  u   t   1 .   5

   O  u   t  p  u   t   W  a   t  e  r

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e   1

   O  u   t  p  u   t   1 .   1

   O  u   t  p  u   t   1 .   2

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e   2

   O  u   t  p  u   t   2 .   1

   O  u   t  p  u   t   2 .   2

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    F    i   n   a   n   c    i   a    l   s   t   a   t   e   m   e   n   t   s

Department o the Environment and Water Resources Annual Report 2006–07

   N  o   t  e   2   8   C  :   M  a   j  o  r   C   l  a  s  s  e  s  o   f   A   d  m   i  n   i  s   t  e  r  e   d

   R  e  v  e  n  u  e  s  a  n   d   E  x  p  e  n  s  e  s   b  y   O  u   t  c  o  m  e

   2   0   0   7

   2   0   0   6

   2   0   0   7

   2   0   0   6

   2   0   0   7

   2   0   0   6

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   $   '   0   0   0

   A   d  m   i  n

   i  s   t  e  r  e   d   R  e  v  e  n  u  e  s

   A  u   d   i   t  s  e  r  v   i  c  e  s  r  e  c  e   i  v  e   d   f  r  e  e  o   f  c   h  a  r  g  e   f  o  r   t   h  e   N   H   T


   7   7

   7   3



   7   7

   7   3

   I  n   t  e  r  e  s   t

   2   8   3

   1   0   8



   2   8   3

   1   0   8

   S  a   l  e  s  o

   f  g  o  o   d  s  a  n   d  s  e  r  v   i  c  e  s

   3 ,   9   4   4

   5 ,   9   3   5



   3 ,   9   4   4

   5 ,   9   3   5

   I  n   d  u  s   t  r

  y  c  o  n   t  r   i   b  u   t   i  o  n  s

   7 ,   5   0   0

   7 ,   5   0   0



   7 ,   5   0   0

   7 ,   5   0   0

   A  s  s  e   t  s

  r  e  c  o  g  n   i  s  e   d   f  o  r   t   h  e   f   i  r  s   t   t   i  m  e

   1   2   7 ,   5   4   3




   1   2   7 ,   5   4   3


   O   t   h  e  r  r  e  v  e  n  u  e

   2 ,   4   4   7

   7 ,   4   1   0



   2 ,   4   4   7

   7 ,   4   1   0

   T  o   t  a   l  a

   d  m   i  n   i  s   t  e  r  e   d  r  e  v  e  n  u  e  s

   1   4   1 ,   7   9   4

   2   1 ,   0   2   6



   1   4   1 ,   7   9   4

   2   1 ,   0   2   6

   A   d  m   i  n

   i  s   t  e  r  e   d   E  x  p  e  n  s  e  s

   G  r  a  n   t  s

   5   2   7 ,   2   9   1


   4   1 ,   4   6   4

   1 ,   3   0   0

   3   2   0

   5   2   8 ,   5   9   1

   4   4   1 ,   7   8   4

   S  u  p  p   l   i  e  r  s

   6   3 ,   6   1   8

   5   6 ,   3   4   2



   6   3 ,   6   1   8

   5   6 ,   3   4   2

   W  r   i   t  e  -   d  o  w  n  o   f  a  s  s  e   t  s

   7   5   5

   2 ,   9   7   8



   7   5   5

   2 ,   9   7   8

   D  e  p  r  e  c

   i  a   t   i  o  n


   1 ,   3   1   6





   1 ,   3   1   6


    0   8   9 ,   2   9   5

  s  e  s  n  e  p  x  e   d  e  r  e   t  s   i  n   i  m   d  a   l  a   t  o   T


   0   0 ,   7   8   4

   1 ,   3   0   0

   3   2   0

   5   9   4 ,   2   8   0

   5   0   1 ,   1   0   4

   O  u   t  c  o  m

  e   1  a  n   d   2  a  r  e   d  e  s  c  r   i   b  e   d   i  n   N  o   t  e   1 .   1

 .   N  e   t  c  o  s   t  s  s   h  o  w  n   i  n  c   l  u   d  e   i  n   t  r  a  -  g  o  v  e  r  n  m  e  n   t  c  o  s   t  s   t   h  a   t  a  r  e  e   l   i  m   i  n  a   t  e   d   i  n

  c  a   l  c  u   l  a

   t   i  n  g   t   h  e  a  c   t  u  a   l   B  u   d  g  e   t   O  u   t  c  o  m  e .

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e   1

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e   2

   T  o   t  a   l

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 G l    o s  s  ar   y


 Administered items are expenses, revenues, assets or liabilities managed

by agencies on behalf of the Commonwealth. Administered expenses include

grants, subsidies and benefits, and may fund the delivery of third party outputs.

For example the department administers appropriations for the Australian

Government’s Natural Heritage Trust to provide grants. This annual report refers

to appropriations for administered items as ‘administered appropriations’

(see also departmental items ).

 Additional estimates is a process where the parliament may appropriate more

funds to portfolios if the amounts appropriated at Budget time are insufficient.There can also be supplementary additional estimates.

 Appropriations are authorisations by the parliament to spend monies from

the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Two appropriation Bills are introduced into

parliament in May and comprise the Budget. Further Bills are introduced later in

the financial year as part of the additional estimates.

Biodiversity in essence means the variety of life. The term ‘biodiversity’ is a

contraction of, and synonymous with, ‘biological diversity’. Biological diversity 

is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity to mean ‘the

 variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial,

marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which

they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of 

ecosystems’ (a similar definition appears in the glossary to the Ramsar Convention

on wetlands). This term was first defined around 1980 to include two related

concepts, genetic diversity (the amount of genetic variability within species) and

ecological diversity (the number of species in a community of organisms).

In terms of the diversity between species, estimates of the total number of species

range from three to 100 million. The contracted form ‘biodiversity’ was coined

around 1986.

Bioregion in essence means a geographic area characterised by a combination of 

physical and biological characteristics, for example, terrain, climate and ecological

communities. The glossary of terms related to the Convention on Biological

Diversity provides the following definition: ‘a territory defined by a combination of 

biological, social, and geographic criteria, rather than geopolitical considerations;

generally, a system of related, interconnected ecosystems’. The term ‘bioregion’

is a contraction of biogeographic region and is usually synonymous with that

term. The glossary to the Ramsar Convention on wetlands provides the followingdefinition of ‘biogeographic region’ in relation to wetland management: ‘a

scientifically rigorous determination of regions as established using biological and

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physical parameters such as climate, soil type, vegetation cover, etc’. Bioregions

are a useful way to analyse patterns of biodiversity. The definition of a particular 

bioregion depends on the scale at which its characteristic features are measured.

Carbon dioxide equivalent is a term used by scientists to express the warming

potential of various gases in carbon dioxide equivalent. For example over the

next 100 years, compared with one kilogram of carbon dioxide released into the

atmosphere today, one kilogram of methane will result in about 21 times more

 warming. Similarly, over the next 100 years, compared with one kilogram of carbon

dioxide released into the atmosphere today, one kilogram of chlorofluorocarbon-

12 will result in 8,500 times more warming.

Carbon sink is a natural or human activity or mechanism that removes carbondioxide from the atmosphere, such as the absorption of carbon dioxide by growing

trees (see also forest sink and geosequestration ).

Climate change in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change usage refers

to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or human

activity. This differs from the Framework Convention on Climate Change, where

climate change refers to a change of climate that is attributed directly or indirectly 

to human activity, that alters the composition of the global atmosphere, and that is

in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.

The Commonwealth Heritage List under the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 comprises places which are owned or 

controlled by the Australian Government, and that have natural, Indigenous

and/or historic heritage values. These include places connected to defence,

communications, customs and other government activities that also reflect

 Australia’s development as a nation.

Conservation covenants are a voluntarily entered, but permanently legally 

binding, restriction on the way in which landowners are able to use their land.

For example, grazing may be prohibited on a covenanted area and additional weedcontrol may be expected. The restriction is in the form of a conservation covenant

that is attached to the land title. Compliance with the conservation covenant is

generally via a regular inspection by the body which is a party to the conservation

covenant (usually a government department or statutory authority in Australia).

Corporate governance is the process by which agencies are directed,

controlled and held to account. It is generally understood to encompass authority,

accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control.

Departmental items are assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses that arecontrolled by agencies in providing their outputs. Departmental items would

generally include computers, plant and equipment assets used by agencies in

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providing goods and services, and most employee expenses, supplier costs

and other administrative expenses incurred. This annual report refers to

appropriations for departmental items as ‘departmental appropriations’(see also administered items ).

Discretionary grants are payments made to particular applicants, either 

organisations or individuals, at the discretion of the portfolio minister or the

paying agency. The definition of discretionary grants does not include service

agreements, which are treated as contracts rather than grants; intra-Australian

Government agency funding; payments to states and other government agencies

(specific purpose payments) and inter-government transfers; payments to overseas

aid organisations; government income support programmes; emergency payment

programmes; grants under commercial industry development programmes

(including to increase research and development, and assist exporters); grant

programmes specifically for educational institutions and medical research

institutions; grants approved by Australian Government bodies outside the general

government sector; or payments of a specific sum of money or a fixed percentage

of shared funding to an organisation or individual that are made according to

a Cabinet decision, a letter from the Prime Minister, or a determination of a

ministerial council.

Distributed generation systems are small, modular, decentralised,grid-connected energy systems located in or near the place where energy is used.

Distributed generation permits consumers who are generating heat or electricity 

for their own needs to send surplus electrical power back into the power grid.

Ecologically sustainable is used to describe activities that meet present needs

 without compromising the ability to meet future needs because of damage to

the environment. For example, the National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable

Development defines ecologically sustainable development as ‘using, conserving

and enhancing the community’s resources so that ecological processes, on which

life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future,

can be increased’. The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

 Act 1999 defines ecologically sustainable use of natural resources as ‘use of 

the natural resources within their capacity to sustain natural processes while

maintaining the life-support systems of nature and ensuring that the benefit of the

use to the present generation does not diminish the potential to meet the needs

and aspirations of future generations’.

Ecological communities are any naturally occurring group of species inhabiting

a common environment, interacting with each other especially through foodrelationships and relatively independent of other groups. Ecological communities

may vary in size, and larger ones may contain smaller ones. In the Environment 

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 Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 they are defined as

assemblages of native species that inhabit particular areas in nature.

Environmental flow is water provided for the environment to sustain, and

 where necessary, restore ecological processes and biodiversity of water dependent


The Environment Protection and Heritage Council comprises environment

and planning ministers from Australia’s federal, state and territory governments,

and from the governments of New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, and a

representative of the Australian Local Government Association. The council

incorporates the National Environment Protection Council. The Environment

Protection and Heritage Council’s responsibilities cover environment protectionand natural, historic and Indigenous heritage.

Emissions trading is a mechanism for achieving emissions reductions in a whole

economy (either national, regional or global) for the lowest cost. Participants in

carbon trading schemes may buy and sell contractual commitments or certificates

that represent specified amounts of carbon-related emissions that are allowed to

be emitted; and may include reductions in emissions (new technology, energy 

efficiency, renewable energy); and offsets against emissions, such as carbon

sequestration (capture of carbon in biomass or storage in geological structures).

Expense is the total value of all of the resources consumed in producing goods

and services.

Financial results are the results shown in the financial statements of an agency.

 A forest sink is a forest that stores more carbon than it releases. Forests absorb or 

take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow, and store carbon in the

trees and soil. Some carbon is returned to the atmosphere, for example through

loss of leaves and branches.

Geosequestration, a contraction of ‘geological sequestration’, involves storinggases such as carbon dioxide underground in deep saline aquifers, depleted oil

and gas reservoirs, coal seams or natural underground pore spaces. Scientists are

investigating whether it is feasible to store carbon dioxide in this way instead of 

emitting it to the atmosphere, where it would add to the greenhouse effect.

One gigalitre is equal to 1,000 megalitres and one megalitre is equal to

one million litres.

Greenhouse gases are heat-trapping gases that are a natural part of the

atmosphere. They maintain higher temperatures at the earth’s surface than wouldotherwise be possible. This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect. Water 

 vapour is the most abundant greenhouse gas. Its concentration is highly variable

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and human activities have little direct impact on its amount in the atmosphere.

Humans have most impact on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Various

artificial chemicals such as halocarbons also make a small contribution to climatechange (see also synthetic greenhouse gases ). The earth’s climate is warming.

Scientists agree that some of this warming is due to human activities—particularly 

burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and land clearing—that are

enhancing the natural greenhouse effectively increasing the level of greenhouse

gases in the atmosphere.

Integrated natural resource management is a way to ensure that uses

of natural resources are ecologically sustainable. It is integrated because it

attempts to manage all the activities that could affect natural resources, taking

natural processes into account as well. It combines managing uses of natural

resources with conservation. To do this it cuts across artificial distinctions such as

government agency responsibilities, government or property boundaries, industry 

sectors and scientific disciplines. In defining management areas it gives priority to

natural over human boundaries, for example using river catchments or bioregions

as the primary basis for planning and management.

Matters of national environmental significance are aspects of the work of 

protecting the environment (including heritage places) for which the Australian

Government is responsible or in which it has an interest. The current list of 30 matters was identified in the 1997 Heads of Agreement on Commonwealth

and State Roles and Responsibilities for the Environment signed by the Council

of Australian Governments. The agreement allows for other matters to be

added in the future. The referral, assessment and approval requirements of the

 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 help to protect

seven of the 30 matters. The Australian Government’s interests in the other 

matters are met through other legislation, cooperative approaches with the states

and territories, and the delivery of programmes and funding.

One megalitre is equal to one million litres.

The Murray–Darling Basin Commission is the executive arm of the Murray– 

Darling Basin Ministerial Council. The Department of the Environment and Water 

Resources administers Australian Government funding to support the work of the


The Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial Council comprises government

ministers responsible for land, water and environmental resources from New 

South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and the Australian Government.

The council is the primary body responsible for providing the policy and directionneeded to implement the Murray–Darling Basin Initiative, a partnership between

governments and the community to give effect to the 1992 Murray–Darling Basin

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 Agreement. The council oversees management of the basin under the Murray– 

Darling Basin Agreement between the Australian, Victorian, New South Wales,

South Australian, Queensland and Australian Capital Territory governments. Theagreement sets out how to share the basin’s water resources.

The National Environment Protection Council comprises the environment

ministers of each state, territory and the Australian Government. The council has

law-making powers under the National Environment Protection Council Act 

1994 and works cooperatively to develop these laws, which are called National

Environment Protection Measures. The council is part of the Environment

Protection and Heritage Council.

National Environment Protection Measures outline agreed national objectivesfor protecting or managing particular aspects of the environment. These measures

have the force of law under the National Environment Protection Measures

(Implementation) Act 1998 and similar legislation in the states and territories.

Measures made to date cover a range of issues including standards for air quality,

movements of controlled waste, and used packaging.

The National Heritage List under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999 comprises places or groups of places which have

outstanding heritage value to the nation—whether natural, Indigenous or historic

or a combination of these. Places on the National Heritage List are protected to the

full extent of Australian Government powers.

The Natural Heritage Trust was set up by the Australian Government in 1997

to help restore and conserve Australia’s environment and natural resources. Since

then, thousands of community groups have received funding for environmental

and natural resource management projects.

The Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council comprises ministers

of the Australian Government and the state and territory governments. The

council is responsible for collective national decisions about the conservationand sustainable use of Australia’s natural resources. The council has subsumed

part of the work of the former Australian and New Zealand Environment and

Conservation Council and other former ministerial councils dealing with primary 

industry matters.

Outcomes are the results, impacts or consequences of actions by the Australian

Government on the Australian community. They are listed in agencies’ portfolio

budget statements and portfolio additional estimates statements.

Outputs are the goods and services produced by agencies on behalf of the Australian Government for external organisations or individuals. Outputs also

include goods and services produced for other areas of government external to an

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agency. In practice, most of the department’s outputs are expressed in broad terms

linked to major environmental themes.

Ozone depleting substances are substances that deplete the earth’s

protective ozone layer. They are widely used in refrigerators, air conditioners,

fire extinguishers, in dry cleaning, as solvents for cleaning, electronic

equipment and as agricultural fumigants. Ozone depleting substances include

chlorofluorocarbons, halon, hydrochlorofluorocarbons and methyl bromide.

Countries have agreed to phase out ozone depleting substances through the

Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Some industries

that use ozone depleting substances are replacing those substances with synthetic

greenhouse gases.

Persistent organic pollutants are hazardous and environmentally persistent

substances which can be transported between countries by the earth’s oceans

and atmosphere. The substances bioaccumulate and have been traced in the fatty 

tissues of humans and other animals. Persistent organic pollutants include dieldrin,

polychlorinated byphenyls, DDT, dioxins and furans. Countries have agreed to

control the manufacture and trade of persistent organic pollutants through the

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.

Photovoltaic is technology that converts light into electricity. Photo means ‘light’

and voltaic means ‘electric’. It is often referred to as ‘PV’ for short, but more

commonly is referred to as ‘solar electric’.

Procurement encompasses the whole process of acquiring property and

services. It begins when the department has identified a need and decided on

its procurement requirement. Procurement continues through the processes of 

developing a business case, including risk assessment, identifying and evaluating

alternative solutions, approaching the market, assessing tenders or quotes,

contract award, delivery of and payment for the property and services and, where

relevant, the ongoing management of a contract and consideration of optionsrelated to the contract. Procurement also extends to the ultimate disposal of 

property at the end of its useful life.

Product stewardship means recognising that manufacturers, importers

and other people who benefit from making and selling a product share some

responsibility for the environmental impacts of that product.

Purchaser-provider arrangements are arrangements under which the outputs

of one agency are purchased by another agency to contribute to outcomes.

Purchaser-provider arrangements can occur between Australian Governmentagencies or between Australian Government agencies and state or territory 

government or private sector bodies.

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Revenue is the total value of resources earned or received to cover the

production of goods and services.

Special appropriations are monies appropriated by the parliament in an Act

separate to an annual Appropriation Act, where the payment is for a specified

amount. For example, the department receives special appropriations under laws

that require industry to pay a levy on the import of ozone depleting substances.

Special appropriations are not subject to annual budget control by the parliament,

unlike the annual appropriations.

Synthetic greenhouse gases are greenhouse gases that are either used in

industrial applications or emitted as a by-product of industrial activity. They include

hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. Some industriesthat use ozone depleting substances are replacing those substances with synthetic

greenhouse gases.

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Compliance index

This index is provided as an aid to navigation for readers familiar with theRequirements for Annual Reports authorised by the Australian parliament’s Joint

Committee of Public Accounts and Audit. The requirements, which apply to

departments and executive agencies under subsections 63(2) and 70(2) of the

 Public Service Act 1999, are published on the website of the Department of the

Prime Minister and Cabinet at The index 

shows how this annual report complies with the requirements.

Ref Description Requirement Page

 A.4 Letter of transmittal Mandatory ii

 A.5 Table of contents Mandatory iii

 A.5 Index Mandatory 391

 A.5 Glossary Mandatory 381

 A.5 Contact officer(s) Mandatory Cover  

 A.5 Internet home page address and

internet address for report

Mandatory Cover  

9.1 Review by departmental secretary Mandatory 2

9.2 Summary of significant issues and


Suggested 2, 8

9.2 Overview of department’s performance

and financial results

Suggested 2, 8, 17,


9.2 Outlook for following year Suggested 2–7

9.3 Significant issues and developments—






10 Overview description of department Mandatory 13

10.1 Role and functions Mandatory 14

10.1 Organisational structure Mandatory 15

10.1 Outcome and output structure Mandatory 16

1 Reers to the location o the item in the Requirements or Annual Reports. For example, ‘9.1’ reers to subsection 9(1) o the

requirements, and ‘A.4’ reers to the our th item in Attachment A o the requirements.


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Ref Description Requirement Page

10.2 Where outcome and output structuresdiffer from portfolio budget statement

format, details of variation and reasons

for change

Mandatory 17

10.3 Portfolio structure Portfolio




11.1 Review of performance during

the year in relation to outputs and

contribution to outcomes

Mandatory 19–219

11.1 Actual performance in relation to

performance targets set out in portfolio

budget statement and portfolio

additional estimates statement

Mandatory 41, 82,

120, 148,

189, 216,


11.1 Performance of purchaser–provider 


If applicable,





105, 121

11.1 Where performance targets differ from

the portfolio budget statement and

portfolio additional estimates statement,

details of both former and new targets,

and reasons for the change

Mandatory 83–87,


11.1 Narrative discussion and analysis

of performance

Mandatory 19–219

11.1 Trend information Suggested 19–219

11.1 Factors, events or trends influencing

departmental performance

Suggested 19–219

11.1 Significant changes in nature of 

principal functions or services

Suggested 2, 17, 60

11.1 Performance against service

charter customer service standards,

complaints data, and the department’s

response to complaints

If applicable,



11.1 Social justice and equity impacts Suggested 251, 281

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Ref Description Requirement Page

11.2 Discussion and analysis of thedepartment’s financial performance

Mandatory 285–301

11.2 Discussion of any significant changes

from the prior year or from budget

Suggested 285–301

11.3 Summary resource tables by outcomes Mandatory 289–292

11.4 Developments since the end of the

financial year that have affected or may 

significantly affect the department’s

operations or financial results in future

If applicable,




12.1 Statement of the main corporate

governance practices in place

Mandatory 238

12.1 Names of the senior executive

and their responsibilities

Suggested 15, 238

12.1 Senior management committees

and their roles

Suggested 240

12.1 Corporate and operational

planning and associated performancereporting and review 

Suggested 243

12.1 Approach adopted to identifying

areas of significant financial or 

operational risk and arrangements

in place to manage risks

Suggested 245

12.1 Agency heads are required to

certify that their agency complies

 with the Commonwealth Fraud

Control Guidelines

Mandatory ii

12.1 Policy and practices on the

establishment and maintenance of 

appropriate ethical standards

Suggested 248

12.1 How nature and amount of 

remuneration for senior executive

service officers is determined

Suggested 271

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Ref Description Requirement Page

12.2 Significant developments inexternal scrutiny 

Mandatory 252

12.2 Judicial decisions and decisions

of administrative tribunals

Mandatory 252

12.2 Reports by the Auditor-General,

a parliamentary committee or the

Commonwealth Ombudsman

Mandatory 253–255

12.3 Assessment of effectiveness in managing

and developing human resources toachieve departmental objectives

Mandatory 266

12.3 Workforce planning, staff turnover 

and retention

Suggested 267

12.3 Impact and features of certified

agreements and Australian

 Workplace Agreements

Suggested 271

12.3 Training and development undertaken

and its impact

Suggested 274

12.3 Occupational health and

safety performance

Suggested 278

12.3 Productivity gains Suggested Not


12.3 Statistics on staffing Mandatory 272

12.3 Certified agreements and Australian

 workplace agreements

Mandatory 272

12.3 Performance pay Mandatory 272

12.4 Assessment of effectiveness of 

assets management

If applicable,



12.5 Assessment of purchasing against

core policies and principles

Mandatory 294

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Ref Description Requirement Page

12.6 The annual report must include asummary statement detailing the number 

of new consultancy services contracts

let during the year; the total actual

expenditure on all new consultancy 

contracts let during the year (inclusive

of GST); the number of ongoing

consultancy contracts that were active in

the reporting year; and the total actual

expenditure in the reporting year on the

ongoing consultancy contracts

(inclusive of GST)

(Additional information as in Attachment

D of the Requirements for Annual 

 Reports to be available on the internet

or published as an appendix to the

report. Information must be presented in

accordance with the proforma as set out

in Attachment D.)

Mandatory 295

12.7 Absence of provisions in competitive

tendering and contracting (CTC)

contracts allowing access by the


Mandatory Not


12.8 Contracts exempt from AusTender Mandatory 295

12.9 Report on performance in implementing

the Commonwealth Disability Strategy 

Mandatory 281

13 Financial statements Mandatory 303–379

14.1 Occupational health and safety 

(section 74 of the Occupational 

 Health and Safety (Commonwealth

 Employment) Act 1991 )

Mandatory 278

14.1 Freedom of information (subsection 8(1)

of the Freedom of Information Act 1982)

Mandatory 255

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Ref Description Requirement Page

14.1 Advertising and market research(section 311A of the Commonwealth

 Electoral Act 1918  )

Mandatory 296

14.1 Ecologically sustainable development

and environmental performance (section

516A of the Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 )

Mandatory 258

14.2 Discretionary grants Mandatory 297

14.3 Correction of material errors inprevious annual report

If applicable,mandatory 


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Alphabetical index

 A  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage

 Protection Act 1984 , 136–7

 Aboriginal Australians, see Indigenous Australians

 Aboriginal Rainforest Council, 242

access and equity, 251, 281–4

access to genetic resources, 79

accidents and incidents reported to Comcare, 279

accommodation, see office accommodation

acid sulfate soils, 95, 97

 ACRIS, 57

 Action on Energy Efficiency, 45 Adelaide, 28, 97

 Adélie penguins, 211

administered items, 17, 286, 288, 291–2

climate change, 45

coasts and oceans, 123

heritage, 153

human settlements, 193

land and inland waters, 89

 Administrative Arrangements Order 

amendments, 17

 Advanced Electricity Storage Technologies

programme, 29–30, 45advertising expenses, 296

 Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses

and Petrels, 205–6

agricultural and veterinary chemicals, 175, 176, 191

Tasmania, 59

agriculture, 26, 27

genetically modified crops, 176

greenhouse gas emissions, 34, 39, 41

invasive species abatement, 53

land clearing, 32

rangelands conservation, 57

tropical, 97water use, 60, 63, 65

air quality, 162–7, 189

Launceston, 166, 190, 193

National Environment Protection Measures,


 Airbus A319, 11, 197, 214

aircraft, see aviation

albatrosses, 205–6, 216

 Alice Springs, 28, 52, 170

Junction Waterhole, 136

 Alligator Rivers Region, uranium mining in, 178,


 Alternative Fuels Conversion Programme, 33, 45

aluminium, 24

 Ambient Air Quality National EnvironmentProtection Measure, 165

 Amery Ice Shelf, 209

amphibians, 52

animals, feral, 52–3, 55, 82, 133

   see also biodiversity conservation

annual reports, 13, 243

contributions to, 251

 Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative

Research Centre, 207, 208, 209

 Antarctic policy, 196, 198–206, 216–17, 290

 Antarctic science, 196, 197, 207–15, 218, 290

 Antarctic Science Strategy 2004–05 to 2008–09,

207, 218

 Antarctic Seals Conservation Regulations 1986, 200

 Antarctic Service Code of Personal Behaviour, 274

 Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, 196–7,


 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 

1980, 200

 Antarctic Treaty System, 198–200, 216

 Antarctica (Outcome 2), 17, 196–219, 231, 285–92

discretionary grants programme, 301

ozone layer, 168‘scientific whaling’ in, 116

   see also Australian Antarctic Division

ants, tramp, 52

 APEC and APEC nations, 114, 116

appliances, 31, 66

 Applied Environmental Decision Analysis

research hub, 235

 Approvals and Wildlife Division, 156, 239, 240

aquatic species, 105–19, 231

Antarctica and Southern Ocean, 198–206, 208,


whales and dolphins, 110–12, 115–17, 121, 231   see also fish and fisheries

aquifers, see groundwater 

 Arafura and Timor Seas Expert Forum, 116

 Archer, Mr and Mrs Richard, 146

area of protected land, 73–4

Indigenous Protected Areas Programme, 76

marine, 106, 121

private land covenanting programmes, 55

wetlands, 63

 Arnhem Land, 75, 76

artesian water, see groundwater 

artificial reefs, 180

artworks, 143, 146, 151, 152

Indigenous, 138

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 ASEAN region, 140

 Asian mussel, 114

 Asian national trusts, 145

 Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation and APEC

nations, 114, 116

 Asia–Pacific Focal Point for World Heritage

Managers, 139

 Asia–Pacific Partnership on Clean Development

and Climate, 24–5

 Asia–Pacific Seminar on Climate Change, 27

 Asmat skull, 143

 Assessment of Site Contamination National

Environment Protection Measure, 160

assets and assets management, 293–5

assistant secretaries, 240 Association of Southeast Asian Nations region, 140

 L’Astrolabe, 214

audiovisual unit, 228

 Audit Committee, 241, 244–5, 246, 247

audits, 244, 253–4

Australian Antarctic Division environmental

management system, 263

Supervising Scientist Division energy and

 water use, 265

 Aurora Australis, 208

 AusAID, 25–6

 AusIndustry, 29 AusTender, 294–5

 Australasian Institute of Maritime Archaeology, 141

 Australasian Regional Association for Zoological

Parks and Aquaria, 187

Australia–Antarctica air link, 214, 218, 277

 Australia–China Climate Change Partnership, 26

 Australia Council Act 2003, 128

 Australia Day achievement awards, 276

 Australia–New Zealand Climate Change

Partnership, 26–7

 Australia–United States Climate Action

Partnership, 26 Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

 Association, 188

 Australian Antarctic Division, 111, 196–219, 231,

239, 293

environmental performance, 263

Expeditioner Performance Scheme, 274

non-ongoing employees, 271

occupational health and safety, 279, 280, 281

staff award, 277

workforce planning, 267

   see also Antarctica

 Australian Antarctic Medal, 277

 Australian Antarctic Science Grants programme,

214, 301

 Australian Biodiversity Information Facility data

portal, 79

 Australian Biological Resources Study, 79, 87, 89

 Australian Broadcasting Commission, 149

 Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource

Economics, 65

 Australian Capital Territory, 131, 254,269, 387

 Australian Centre for Applied Marine Mammal

Science, 111, 209–10, 231

 Australian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation, 37

 Australian Child Health and Air Pollution Study, 167

 Australian Climate Change Science Programme, 37

 Australian Collaborative Rangelands Information

System, 57

 Australian Community Climate and Earth SystemSimulator, 37

 Australian Convict Sites, 129, 146

 Australian Customs Service, 149, 187, 190

 Australian Design Rules, 162

 Australian Equivalents to International Financial

Reporting Standards, 293

 Australian Federal Police, 187

 Australian Film Commission, 149

 Australian Fuel Quality Standards, 163

 Australian Government Envirofund, 68, 71, 86,

296, 298

 Australian Government Natural ResourceManagement Team, 68, 70

 Australian Government Water Fund, 71, 298

 Australian Government Community Water Grants

Programme, 68, 71, 85, 89, 228

 Australian Greenhouse Office, 20, 23, 207, 240

website visitors, 229

 Australian Heritage Council, 128, 130–1, 149

 Australian Heritage Places Inventory, 135

 Australian Institute of Marine Science, 119, 232

 Australian Jockeys Club, 143

 Australian LEAD Group, 174

 Australian National Audit Office, 245, 253–4 Australian National Botanic Gardens, 261, 264

 Australian National Committee on Irrigation and

Drainage conference, 65

 Australian National Guidelines for Ramsar 

 Wetlands, 67

 Australian National University, 149, 231

 Australian Pest Animal Strategy, 53

 Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines

 Authority, 175, 176

 Australian Public Service Values and Code of 

Conduct, 248

 Australian Research Council linkage project, 74

 Australian sea-lion, 108

 Australian War Memorial, 151

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 Australian Water Association, 65

 Australian Weeds Strategy, 54

 Australian Whale Sanctuary, 110, 112

 Australian Wildlife Conservancy, 75

 Australian Wildlife Hospital, 184–5

 Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs), 271–3

 Australian World Heritage Tentative List, 129

 Australian Youth Ambassador for Development

programme, 186

 Australia’s Native Vegetation report, 56–7

aviation, 146–7, 151, 152, 153

Antarctic air link, 214, 218, 277

awards and recognition, 109, 276–7

BBadtjala knowledge and culture, 138

Baiames Ngunnhu, 148

Balonne Riverscape, 138

Banksia Awards, 109

Barcaldine, 147

bark shield, 137

Barkley Tablelands, 170

Basel Convention, 172

basking shark, 109

 Batavia Shipwreck Site and Survivor Camps

 Area, 148

beak and feather disease, 52Belgium, 208

bilateral activities, 26–7, 115, 139–40, 225

bio-acoustic monitoring system, 232

biochemical resources, 79

biodiversity conservation, 27, 51–9, 69, 70

Antarctica and Southern Ocean, 198–206,

209–11, 216–17

aquatic species, 106–19, 200, 205–6, 209–11, 216

departmental responsibility for, 48

financial resources, 89

Regional Natural Heritage Programme grants,139–40, 150

research hubs, 231

wildlife protection sub-output, 157, 181–8, 193

   see also protected areas

biodiversity conservation monitoring system, 232

biodiversity hotspots, 54–5, 82, 89, 153

in Asia–Pacific region, 139–40

biofuels, 30, 163, 164, 189, 193

Booderee pilot, 264

Biofuels Taskforce report, 164, 189

Biological Resources Study, 79, 87, 89

bioregional plans, 101–4

biosecurity system, 53

Biotechnology Australia, 176

biotechnology risk assessment, 175–6

biplane, 151

bird eggs, 187

Birdlife International, 140

birds, 52, 183–4

Adélie penguins, 211

cassowaries, 55, 82

migratory, 109, 115, 205–6, 216

Biscoe Hut, 204

Blackburn Lake Sanctuary, 72

Blacktown, 28

Blue Mountains City Council, 146

Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, 148

blue whales, 110

Boat Harbour Beach, 100, 120, 123

Boeing 707 aircraft, 146–7, 152, 153

Bonn (Migratory Species) Convention, 115

Booderee National Park, 264, 276

bores, 64

Botany Bay, 97, 172

BP Exploration, 212

Brewarrina Aboriginal Fishtraps, 148

Brickendon Estate, 146

briefing submissions, 249

Broadly Speaking seminar series, 275

brominated flame retardants, 173brown coal, 28

 Brown v Forestry Tasmania, 252

Bruny Island, 138, 183

budget, see finances

Budget, Finance and Strategy Committee, 241, 246

Budget 2007 measures, 30, 34, 56

Budj Bim National Heritage Landscapes, 148

Building Code of Australia, 31

Building Energy Efficiency Committee, 31

Buildings and Appliances Taskforce, 24, 25

buildings and building design, 31, 260

Bunbury, 145, 151

Bureau of Meteorology, 13, 28, 119, 212

governance arrangements, 243

Bureau of Rural Sciences, 65

Burrup Peninsula, 136

Bush for Wildlife initiative, 55

Bush Heritage Australia, 74

Bushcare, 69

Bushcare, Landcare, Rivercare, Coastcare, 69,

86, 89

business continuity plan, 247

business greenhouse gas emissions, 31–3

Business Restructuring Assistance, 117

bycatch, 206, 216

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Ccadmium, 173–5

Callide power plant, 29cameras, 211

Cape Denison site, 202

capital infrastructure plan, 293

carbon accounting, 34, 40

carbon neutral certifications, 32, 35

The Carbon Pool Pty Ltd, 32

carbon sequestration/storage, 28–9, 34, 36

Carpentaria Ghost Net Programme, 109

cars, see motor vehicles

Casey station, 202, 217, 263, 264

cassowaries, 55, 82

cathedrals, 145, 151, 153

cats, feral, 52, 53

cement, 24

Census of Antarctic Marine Life, 209

Central Queensland University, 232

Certificate of Compliance, 247

certified agreements, 271–3

cetaceans, see whales and whaling

CFC 12, 169

Charter of Public Service in a Culturally Diverse

Society, 251

chemicals, 159, 172–5

emissions, 160–2

risk assessments, 175, 176–7, 191

chief executive officer, see secretary 

chief finance officer, 245

Child Health and Air Pollution Study, 167

childcare facility for staff, 278

China, 24, 26, 139

Antarctica, 199, 214

water entitlements, 67

China–Australia Migratory Birds Agreement

(CAMBA), 109, 115

Chinese gold diggers, 141Chinese medicines, 188

churches and cathedrals, 138, 145, 151, 153

chytrid fungus, 52

CITES, 121, 185–8

Cities for Climate Protection™ Australia, 33–4, 43

city air pollution, 162, 164–5, 189

city water reform, 61–2

clams, 114

classification of staff, 267–9, 271–3

Clean Air Research Programme, 166

clean coal/energy technologies, 22, 24–5, 26, 27

Clearing House Mechanism for the United Nations

Convention on Biological Diversity, 51

Client Service Officer, 250–1

climate change, 20–45, 290

Antarctic impacts, 207–9, 218

coastal zone impacts, 94–5

discretionary grants programmes, 297–8

impacts on National Reserve System project,

38, 74

climate change science, 20, 37–40, 44, 45

Climate Change Science Programme, 45

COAG, see Council of Australian Governments

coal mining and coal technology, 22, 24, 26, 27

brown coal drying, 28

methane, 26, 28

Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking, 186

coastal and maritime heritage, 141–2, 145

Coastal Catchments Initiative, 96–7coastal investments, 93, 100, 120, 123

coastal strategies, 92, 94–9, 120, 123

coastal zone, climate change impacts on, 38

Coastcare, 86, 100, 123

coasts and oceans, 92–123, 290

discretionary grants programmes, 299–300

dumping and installations in, 179–80

sea levels, 207

Southern Ocean, 205–6, 208, 218

   see also wetlands

cockatoos, 184

Cockburn Sound, 136coconut crab, 140

Cod Grounds Commonwealth Marine Reserve,


Code of Conduct, 248

code of practice for management of plastic bags, 171

collective agreement, 271, 272

Combarngo Humpy, 138

Comcare, 279

claims lodged with, 280

Comcover, 246

Commemoration of Historic Events and Famous

Persons programme, 146, 151commercial building energy efficiency, 31

commercialisation of renewable energy 

technologies, 30

Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic

Marine Living Resources, 205, 206, 211, 216

Committee for Environmental Protection, 198,

199, 200, 201, 202

Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 

1997 , statutory authorities under, 13

Commonwealth Disability Strategy, 281–4

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities,

81, 193, 210, 226, 231–2

Australian Centre for Applied Marine Mammal

Science, 111, 209–10, 231

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Commonwealth Heritage List, 127, 128, 130, 134, 148

heritage management, 133, 134, 148;

 Antarctica, 202–4

Commonwealth Ombudsman, 255

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation, see CSIRO

Community and Industry Engagement Plan, 53

Community Information Unit, 250, 251

Community Water Grants, 68, 71, 85, 89, 228

compensation and rehabilitation of staff, 279–80

competitions, 145–6, 147

complaints, 251

Compliance Executive Committee, 241

compliance with fuel standards, monitoring of,

163, 189

compliance with ozone layer protection

requirements, 190

compliance with wildlife trade requirements, 187

compressed natural gas, 33

Connected Water website and toolbox, 65

conservation covenants, 55, 73

conservation incentives, 54–6

Conservation International Foundation, 139

conservation of coasts and oceans output, 92–123,

290, 299–300

conservation of land and inland waters output,

48–89, 290, 298–9

conservation of natural, Indigenous and historic

heritage output, 126–47, 290, 300

consultancy services, 295

contaminated sites, remediation of, 160

Antarctica, 202, 212–13, 217

uranium mines, 73, 178

contaminated water incident, 279

contracts, see purchasing and procurement

Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer,


Convention on Biological Diversity, 51

Convention on International Trade in Endangered

Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 121,


Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, 172–3

Convention on Sea Dumping, 179

Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic

Seals, 200

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory 

Species of Wild Animals, 109, 115

Convention on the Control of the Transboundary 

Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their 

Disposal, 172

Convention on the Law of the Sea, 99, 101

Convention on the Prior Informed Consent

Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and

Pesticides in International Trade, 173

Convention on Wetlands of International

Importance (Ramsar Convention), 63, 66–7

Convention to Combat Desertification, 51–2

convict sites, 129, 146

Cook, Captain James, 146, 147

Cooperative National Heritage Agenda, 135

Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas

Technologies, 29

Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia, 116

coral reefs, see Great Barrier Reef 

Coronation Hill, 73

corporate governance, 238–47

corporate planning, 243

Corporate Strategies Division, 222, 240

Council of Australian Governments, 33, 34, 37, 132

National Water Initiative, 61–2

Council of Managers of National Antarctic

Programmes, 215

councils, see local government

court decisions, 252

crabs, 140

cross-cutting activities, 222–35, 301

CSIRO, 37, 74, 207, 232

cassowary research, 55

Pesticide Impact Rating Index risk assessment

tool, 59

Taxonomy for the 21st Century research hub, 231

transfer of Marine Portal to, 119

CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, 118,

119, 208

cultural diversity, 251

cultural heritage, 143–7

curriculum material, 99, 111, 235

DDaintree catchment, 97

Daintree Conservation Initiative, 55, 82, 153

Daly River, 81

Dampier Archipelago, 127, 132

Darwin Harbour, 97

Davidson Trahaire Corpsych, 280

Defeating the Weed Menace Programme, 53

deforestation, 23, 25–6, 186

demographic trends, 94

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,

25–6, 53, 56, 100, 228, 240

functions transferred from, 17

purchaser-provider arrangements, 68–9, 70

Department of Finance and Administration, 17,

261, 295

Department of Health and Ageing, 175

Department of Immigration and Citizenship, 149

Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources,

28, 178, 276

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Department of Parliamentary Services, 149

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 17

Department of the Treasury, 34

Department of Transport and Regional Services,


deputy secretaries, 238–40, 267, 277

Derwent estuary, 97

Desert Knowledge symposium, 52

deserts, 51–2

developing countries, 23, 25–6

   see also Pacific Island countries

Development of Sewerage Schemes for Boat

Harbour and Sisters Beach, Tasmania, 100, 120,


Devereaux, John, 143

Devil Disease Project Team, 59

Dhimurru Aboriginal Land Corporation, 108

Dialogue on Long-term Cooperative Action to

 Address Climate Change, 23

diesel fuel, 30, 163, 164, 264

National Environment Protection Measure, 165

direct mail expenses, 296

Directions for the National Reserve System–A 

Partnership Approach, 74

Director of National Parks, 13, 73–4, 105

   see also Parks Australia Division

Disability Strategy, 281–4

discretionary grants programmes, 297–301

diseases, animal, 52

Australian Wildlife Hospital, 184–5

Tasmanian devils, 58–9

disentanglement of whales and dolphins, 110

Distinctively Australian Programme, 129

diversity, 251, 281–4

documents held, 256

dolphins, 111, 112, 115, 231

double bass, 143

Douglas Shire Council, 55

dredged material, offshore disposal of, 180

dugongs, 116

 Duyfken replica, 141, 145, 150, 153

Dyak skulls, 143–4

EE5 and E10 fuel studies, 164, 189

Early, Gerard, 277

early-return-to-work plans, 280

East Asian–Australasian Flyway, 109, 115

East Marine Bioregional Plan, 103–4

East Timor (Timor-Leste), 116

Easy Being Green, 32

Echuca Wharf, 144

ecological communities, threat recovery plans

for, 181

ecological sustainability, department, 258–65

Ecologically Sustainable Development Design

Guide for Offices and Public Buildings, 260

Ecologically Sustainable Operations Guide, 260

ECONet, 262

economic analysis, 226

ecosystems, see biodiversity conservation

Ediacara fossil site, 146

Edmund Barton Building, 261–2

education, environmental, 99, 111, 235

efficiency labelling, 31, 66

eggs, exotic bird, 187

electrical equipment and appliances, 31

conductivity units, 84

light bulbs, 31, 32, 35

testing in Canberra offices, 280

electricity consumption, department, 261–5

electricity generation/generators, 24, 28, 29–31,

39, 43, 45

Mawson station, 201, 263

elephants, 140

Embassy of Japan, 142

emergency heritage listings, 132, 148

emergency Indigenous heritage protection

applications, 136

emissions, 160–2

motor vehicles, 162–5, 189

   see also greenhouse gas emissions

emissions management sub-output, 20, 28–36,

41–3, 45

emissions trading, 22

Employee Assistance Programme, 280

employees, see staff 

employment agreements, 271–3

endangered species, see threatened and

 vulnerable species

energy use and efficiency, 31, 45

Australian Government office buildings, 260

department, 261, 263, 264, 265

international engagement, 24–5, 26, 27

at Mawson station, 201, 211, 263

energy white paper, 22, 31, 33, 164

engines, non-road, 165

enquiries by parliamentary committees, 254–5

enquiries from community, 250

enquiries through Client Service Officer, 250

Envirofund, 68, 71, 86, 296, 298

environment (Outcome 1), 17, 20–193, 285–92,


Antarctic, 199–219

 Environment and Heritage Amendment Act 

(No. 1) 2006 , 128

Environment and Heritage Amendment Bill

(No. 1) 2006, 254

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environment and water resources portfolio, 13

 Environment Protection (Alligator Rivers

 Region) Act 1978, 178

 Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Conservation Act 1999, 252, 253–4

corporations established under, 73

environmental assessment and approvals

provisions, 179

heritage provisions, 128

migratory species listings, 109

permits under Part 13 for threatened species,


report on environmental sustainability, 258–65

statutory officers under, 178

threatened species listing process, 182

vulnerable species listing, 59

Environment Protection and Heritage Council,

131, 135, 159, 160, 172

Australian Child Health and Air Pollution

Study, 167

chemicals, 174–5

National Guidelines for Water Recycling, 61

National Heritage Protocol, 129

plastic bag phase-out, 171

WELS Scheme agreement, 66

 Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 

1981, 179–80

Environment Quality Division, 156, 240

Environment Research Facilities, see 

Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities

environmental assessment, 179–80, 191, 193

Antarctica, 217

biotechnology, 175–6

chemicals, 176–7, 191

fishery sustainability, 113–14

objectives, 157

Environmental Coordination Team, 262

Environmental Economics research hub, 226, 231

Environmental Economics Unit, 226

environmental education, 99, 111, 235

environmental flows, 63, 69

environmental information, 227–9

environmental management systems, 260

Australian Antarctic Division, 263

Australian National Botanic Gardens, 264

department, 261

Supervising Scientist Division, 265

environmental organisations, support for, 233

Environmental Performance Review of Australia,

224, 226

environmental research, see research and


Environmental Research Institute of the

Supervising Scientist, 81

Environmental Resources Information Network, 228

Environmental Stewardship Programme, 56, 226

environmental sustainability, department, 258–65

Environmentally Conscious Officer Network, 262

equity, 251, 281–4

equity (financial), 293

essay competition, 145–6, 147

estuarine waters, 95–9

   see also wetlands

ethanol blend fuels, 164, 189

ethical standards, 248

Eugene von Guérard painting, 146, 152

Europe, 110

European clam, 114

European fan worm, 114

European red fox, 52

European Union, 27

executive committees, 240–2

executive conferences, 276

executive level (EL) staff, 269, 271, 272–3

learning and development, 275

Executive Roundtable, 240–2

executive seminar series, 275

Executive Steering Committee for Vegetation

Information, 57

exempt contracts, 295

Expeditioner Performance Scheme, 274


hazardous waste permits, 172

movable cultural object permits, 150

sustainable fisheries assessments, 113–14

wildlife, 185

external scrutiny, 252–7

Ffacilities management, see office accommodation

famous persons, commemoration of, 146

fan worms, 114

Far North Queensland natural resource

management region, 97

farming, see agriculture

Farrell Place building, 261

Federal Court decision, 252

fee for service activities, 176–7

Fellowships and Significant Projects funding, 232

female staff, 269–70

feral animals, 52–3, 55, 82, 133

Fiji, 27, 169

finances, 17, 285–379

Budget, Finance and Strategy Committee, 241

cost of greenhouse abatement, 42

fee for service revenue, 176

insurance premiums, 246

salaries and remuneration, 271–4

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 Financial Management and Accountability Act 

1997 , 243, 247

prescribed agencies under, 13

 Financial Management and Accountability

(Finance Minister to Chief Executives)

 Delegation 2002, 247

financial performance, 285–8

financial position, 293

financial statements, 304–79

Firewood Association of Australia, 54

first aid officers, 280

first assistant secretaries, 240

fish and fisheries, 115, 116

Cod Grounds Commonwealth Marine

Reserve, 106–7Great Barrier Reef Marine Park structural

adjustment package, 117

invasive species, 53

nets and gear, 109, 110; longline operations,

206, 216

Southern Ocean, 205–6, 216

sustainability assessments, 113–14

Fitzroy River, 81

flame retardants, brominated, 173

Flinders Island, 183

Flinders River, 81

fluorescent lights, 32, 35foreign capacity building and assistance, 67,

139–40, 186, 225

foreign historic places, 128, 148

Forest Conservation Fund, 58, 226

Forestry Tasmania, 58, 252

forests and forestry, 26, 34

in developing countries, 23, 25–6, 186

firewood collection, 54

Hawkesbury Experiment, 36

Tasmania, 57–8, 226, 252

   see also rainforests

formaldehyde, 167forty-spotted pardalote, 183

fossil sites, 146

Fourth Assessment Report, Climate Change

2007, 23–4

foxes, 52

Framework Convention on Climate Change, see 

United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change

Framework for a National Cooperative Approach

to Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 94

Framework for Future Natural Resource

Management Programmes, 70

Framework for Marine and Estuarine Water 

Quality Protection, 95–6, 99

France, 208, 214

fraud control, 246–7

freedom of information, 255–7

Fremantle Prison, 149

freshwater sawfish, 108

fuel, see petroleum and petroleum products

 Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000, 163

fuel tax credits, 32

fugitive emissions sector, greenhouse gas

emissions by, 39, 41

full-time employees, 270

functions, see roles and functions

fungus gnat infestation, Casey station, 217

Fusion6 solar home heat system, 30

Fyshwick warehouse, 261–2

GG8+ Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy 

and Sustainable Development, 25

Garawarra State Conservation Area, 146

garden equipment, 165

Garner’s Beach, 55

gas fuel, 33, 163

Geelong Art Gallery, 146, 152

gender of staff, 269–70

Gene Technology Act 2000, 175, 176

Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2007, 176Gene Technology Regulator, 175

gene technology risk assessments, 175–6

genetic resource management, 79

Geographe Bay, 97

Geoscience Australia, 119

geosequestration, 28–9

Germany, 214

ghost nets, 109

Gifts to the Nation, 145–6

gill-nets, 216

Gilligan, Brian, 78

Gippsland coast, 95, 97glaciological research, 208–9

Global Environment Facility Council, 116

Global Initiative on Forests and Climate, 25–6

Global Lead Advice and Support Service, 174

Global Programme of Action for the Protection

of the Marine Environment for Land-based

 Activities, 99

global warming, see climate change

glossy black-cockatoo, 184

goats, feral, 52

Goulburn, 145, 151

Goulburn–Murray Water Recovery Package, 63

governance, 238–47

Governance Unit, 245, 246

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I  n d  ex e s 

Government Agencies Environment Network, 262

Government Envirofund, 68, 71, 86, 296, 298

graduate programme, 242, 274–5

Grampians National Park, 146

Grants to Voluntary Environment and Heritage

Organisations, 233

grass species, alien, 217

Great Artesian Basin, 64, 89

Great Barrier Reef, 130, 180, 232

climate change action plan, 37

structural adjustment package, 117, 123

water quality, 96, 97–8, 120, 226

Great Barrier Reef Coastal Wetlands Protection

Programme, 99

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975, 244

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment Act 

 2007 , 244

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 13, 37, 180

governance arrangements, 243, 244

Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan,

97–8, 120

great white shark, 108

Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, 148

Green Lease Schedules, 260

green power, 262

Greenhouse Action to Enhance Sustainability inRegional Australia, 34, 45

Greenhouse Challenge Plus, 31–2, 43, 262

Greenhouse Friendly™, 32, 35, 42

Greenhouse Frontiers programme, 275

Greenhouse Gas Abatement Programme, 32–3,

35, 45

greenhouse gas emissions management, 20,

28–36, 38–40

department, 261, 263, 264, 265

emissions trading, 22

financial resources, 45

international engagement, 23, 24–7

performance indicators, 41–3

Greenway, Francis, 146

grey nurse shark, 106–7, 108

grey water, 61

Griffith University, 232

groundwater, 62, 64, 65, 89

aquifer recharge guidelines, 61

Group of 8 Plus Dialogue on Climate Change,

Clean Energy and Sustainable Development, 25

Guidance for Assessing the Beneficial Reuse

of Industrial Residues to Land Management

 Applications, 175

Guidelines for Cooperative Conservation

Programmes for CITES I animals, 187

Guidelines for the Ecologically Sustainable

Management of Fisheries, 113Gulf of Carpentaria, 109

Gunlom Aboriginal Land Trust area, 73

Gunns Limited, 58

Guratba, 73

Hhalon, 169, 190

Harvey estuary, 97

Hawkesbury Forest Experiment, 36

hazardous substances, 171–5

   see also chemicals

 Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and 

 Imports) Act 1989, 172

Hazelwood 2030 project, 28

HCB waste, 172

health and safety, 278–81

health and safety representatives, 280

Heard Island, 217

heavy metals, 173–4

heavy vehicle fleet operations, 33

heritage, 126–47, 290, 300

Antarctic, 202–4

Heritage Division, 126, 135, 240

heritage objects, movable, 143–4, 150, 151

heritage organisations, support for, 233

Hermannsburg Historic Precinct, 148, 149

hexachlorobenzene waste, 172

High Court of Australia, 149

historic shipwrecks, 141–2

HMAS Kuttabul, 142

HMAS Sydney II Search, 150

Hobart, air link to Antarctica from, 214, 218, 277

hospital water use benchmarks, 260

Hot Tips for Woodheaters brochure, 166

house energy rating, 31

households, 32, 35

water accounts, 62

   see also electrical equipment and appliances

human resources, see staff 

human settlements, 156–93, 290, 301

humpback whales, 110

Huon Commonwealth Marine Reserve, 117, 118

hybrid vehicles, 261

hydrochlorofluorocarbons, 169, 190

hydroelectricity, 30hydrogen sulfide exposure investigation, 279

hydrogen technology, 201

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Iice, 207, 208–9

IiP recognition certification, 274illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, 205

illegal trade in wildlife, 186, 187


hazardous chemicals, 173

hazardous waste permits, 172

movable cultural heritage, 143–4

ozone depleting substances, 169, 189, 190

in-service emissions, 164–5

incandescent light bulbs, 31, 32, 35

incidental catch (bycatch), 206, 216

incidents and accidents reported to Comcare, 279

income tax, see taxation

India, 24, 199

indicators for native vegetation condition, 57

Indigenous Australians, 251, 265

benefits of Indigenous Protected Areas, 78

fishing net clean-up, 109

staff, 275–6

Indigenous Development Coordinator, 275–6

Indigenous Graduate Programme, 274

Indigenous heritage, 135, 136–8, 149, 153

Baiames Ngunnhu (Brewarrina Aboriginal

Fishtraps), 148

Gunlom Aboriginal Land Trust area sites, 73

  Wokali bark shield, 143

Indigenous Heritage Programme, 137–8, 149

Indigenous Policy Leadership Group, 242

Indigenous Protected Areas Programme, 76–8, 87

individual learning plans, 274

Indonesia, 25–6, 67, 116, 187, 225

illegally imported Asmat skull from, 143

Regional Natural Heritage Programme grants,

139, 140

indoor air quality, 167, 173

industrial chemicals, see chemicalsindustrial processes sector, greenhouse gas

emissions by, 31, 39, 41

industrial residues, 175

Industry, Communities and Energy Division, 20,

240, 275

industry greenhouse gas emissions, 31–3

Influencing International Climate Change Policy, 45

information technology 

Community Water Grants processing, 71

ministerial workflow system, 248–9

online learning, 275, 281

   see also internet

injuries and incidents reported to Comcare, 279

inland water, see rivers and river catchments

Innisfail, 138

inquiries by parliamentary committees, 254–5

inquiries from community, 250

inquiries through Client Service Officer, 250

insects, 52

Insights seminar series, 275

insurance, 246

integrated coastal zone management, 94–5

intergovernmental agreement on biosecurity 

system, 53

intergovernmental agreement on genetic

resources management, 79

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 23–4

internal audit, 241

provider, 244, 245, 247international capacity building and assistance, 67,

139–40, 186, 225

international conventions and agreements

Antarctica, 198–200, 205–6

hazardous substances, 171–3

heritage, 129

marine conservation, 99, 101, 109, 114–16, 121

ozone layer protection, 167–8, 169, 189

sea dumping, 179

wetlands, 63, 67

wildlife protection and biodiversity 

conservation, 51, 121, 185–8, 200, 205–6

   see also United Nations Framework

Convention on Climate Change

International Council for Local Environmental

Initiatives, 43

international engagement, 223–5

Antarctica, 198–200, 205, 208, 214–15, 216

coastal strategies, 99

hazardous substances, 172–4

land strategies, 51–2

marine conservation, 109–11, 114–17, 121

water strategies, 67wildlife protection, 184–5, 186

world heritage, 139–40

international engagement on climate change,

23–7, 39, 40

financial resources, 45

objectives, 20

performance indicators, 41

International, Land and Analysis Division, 20,

239, 275

International Polar Year, 209, 214

international policy advice, 223–5

International Steering Committee, 242

International Whaling Commission, 116–17, 121

International Year of Deserts and Desertification, 52

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International Year of the Dolphin, 111

internet, 228–9, 282

Australian Biodiversity Information Facility 

data portal, 79

Australian Heritage Places Inventory, 135

Connected Water website, 65

desert knowledge website, 52

dolphin website, 111

ministerial workflow system, 249

Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme

 website, 31

Oceans Portal, 119

shipwreck trails, 141

WetlandInfo website, 97

invasive species, see pestsInvestors in People recognition certification, 274

 Iron Knight, 141

irrigation and agricultural water, 60, 63, 65

Israel, 67

 J Jabiluka, 178

 Jabiru office, 265

 James Cook University, 232

 Janszoon, Willem, 141

 Japan, 24, 27, 67, 214

 Japan–Australia Migratory Birds Agreement(JAMBA), 109, 115

 Japan–Australia Practical Collaboration on

Climate Change, 27

 Japanese midget submarine wreck, 141, 142

 Jawoyn lands, 138

jet aircraft, 146–7, 152, 153

 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable

Development, 116, 174

 John Gorton Building, 261–2

 John McDouall Stuart Society, 146

 John Ramsay Consulting Pty Ltd, 160

 Joint Government Enterprise, 63judicial decisions, 252

 Junction Waterhole, 136

K Kakadu National Park, 130, 178, 276

Gunlom Aboriginal Land Trust area, 73

Kakadu Native Plants, 265

Kalkaringi, 138

karst, 58

Knowledge Management Committee, 241

 Koning Willem II , 141

Koongarra, 178

Korea, 24, 25, 115

Korea Polar Research Institute, 214

krill, 205, 211

Ku-ring-gai National Park, 146

Kuk Early Agricultural Site, 139

Kurnell monument competition, 146, 147

 Kuttabul, 142

Kyoto Protocol target, 38, 39–40

Llabelling for efficiency, 31, 66

Labudda, Sharon, 277

Lajamanu community, 77

Lake Eyre Basin, 65

land, 51–9, 68–70, 82–3

greenhouse action projects, 32, 34

greenhouse gas emissions for use and use

change, 39, 41

objectives, 49

soils, 34, 95, 97

land and inland waters output, 48–89, 290, 298–9

Land and Water Australia, 81, 231

land and water investments sub-output, 49,

68–72, 86–7, 89

land and water strategies sub-output, 49, 51–67,

82–5, 89

land-based activities, protection of marine

environment from, 95–100

land clearing, 32land degradation and desertification, 51–2, 68

land strategies, 49, 51–9, 82–3

Landcare, 69

Landscape Logic research hub, 231

Larsemann Hills, 199

 L’Astrolabe, 214

Latrobe Valley, 28

Launceston, 166, 190, 193

Law Dome ice core project, 208

Law of the Sea, 99, 101

Laynhapuy Indigenous Protected Area, 76

lead, 173–5leadership development, 242, 275

learning and development, see staff learning and


legal cases, 252

legislation, 243, 247

Antarctic environment protection, 200

   Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 review, 163

gene technology, 175; review, 176

genetic resources management, 79

  Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 

review, 244

hazardous waste, 172

heritage, 128

Indigenous heritage, 136–7

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mandatory renewable energy target, 31

   National Environment Protection Council 

 Act 1994 review, 160, 244

ozone layer protection, 168, 169

sea dumping provisions, 179–80

vehicle emission standards arrangements, 162

water efficiency labelling, 66

   see also  Environment Protection and 

 Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

 Legislative Instruments Act 2003, 136

Lennox Bridge, 144

liabilities administered, 293

light bulbs, 31, 32, 35

Lighten Your Load Australia project, 32

limestone caves, 58linguistic diversity, 251

liquefied petroleum (auto) gas, 33, 163

List of Overseas Places of Historic Significance to

 Australia, 128, 148

Lithgow Zig Zag Railway, 144

livestock, 34

Living Murray Initiative, 62–3, 83, 89

local community grants, 29

local government, 33–4, 146, 147

Douglas Shire, 55

Waratah–Wynyard, 100

Whitehorse City, 72Local Greenhouse Action programme, 33–4, 45

location of staff, 269

London Convention on Sea Dumping, 179

longline fishing operations, 206, 216

Longreach, 146–7, 152

Low Emissions Technology and Abatement

programme, 29, 45, 276

Low Emissions Technology Demonstration Fund,


Low Head precinct, 147, 151, 153

LPG (autogas), 33, 163

lubricating oil, 169–70, 191

MM24 Japanese midget submarine wreck, 141, 142

Mackay–Whitsunday natural resource

management area/catchment, 97

Macquarie cargo facility, 263

Macquarie Island, 133, 202, 207, 213

Macquarie University, 212

McRae, Tommy, 143

Madrid Protocol, 199, 200

Magela Creek, 178

Maintaining Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots

Programme, 54–5, 82, 89

Maitland City Council, 146

Malaysia, 143–4

male staff, 269–70

MaMu traditional owners, 138

management of department, 238–301

management plans

Antarctica, 199–200, 202–3

Commonwealth heritage places, 133, 134,


marine protected areas, 106, 117, 121

national heritage places, 134, 146, 148

Ramsar-listed wetlands, 67

wildlife trade, 187

world heritage properties, 148

Mandatory Renewable Energy Target, 30–1

mapping and spatial information, 228acid sulfate soils, 95

cultural, 138

groundwater, 62

tropical rivers, 81

vegetation types, 56–7

wetlands, 67, 97

Maria Island, 183

Marine and Biodiversity Division, 48, 92, 240

Marine and Coastal Coordination Committee, 242

Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility,

226, 232

marine bioregional plans, 101–4marine conservation, 93, 101–19, 120–1, 123

research hubs, 231

Southern Ocean, 205–6, 208, 218

marine debris, 108, 110, 116

marine energy, 30

marine mammal science, 111, 209–10, 231

marine outboards, 165

marine pest management, 114

marine protected areas, 101, 105–7, 117–18, 121

Environmental Resources Information

Network data, 228

parliamentary inquiry, 254–5Marine Protected Areas and Displaced Fishing

Policy, 107

marine science, 117–19, 231

maritime heritage, 141–2, 145

market research expenses, 296

Marool Camp, 136

Maryborough, 138

Mawson station, 201, 204, 211

Mawson’s Huts Foundation, 202, 219

Meander River dam, 85

Melbourne University, 30, 212

memoranda of understanding, 103

international, 27, 67, 115

men staff, 269–70

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mercury, 173, 174

meteorites, 200

meteorology, see climate change

methane, 26, 28, 34

methyl bromide, 169

midget submarine wreck, 141, 142

migratory species, 109, 115, 205–6, 216

   see also fish and fisheries

Mildura, 28

Minding the Store project, 32

Minimum Energy Performance Standards and

Labelling programme, 31

mining, 200

   see also coal mining; uranium mining

minister, 13, 99, 111, 228Certificate of Compliance to, 247

heritage management plans, 134

heritage nominations, 128, 130–2, 148

historic shipwreck declarations, 141–2

Indigenous Heritage Programme funding

approvals, 138

Indigenous heritage protection applications, 136

moveable cultural heritage decisions, 150

overseas visits, 25, 26

recovery plan approvals, 181

Regional Natural Heritage Programme

application approvals, 139

satisfaction, 218

threat abatement plans, 206

   see also policy advisor role

Ministerial Agreement on Principles for Better 

Environmental Management of Chemicals, 174–5

ministerial and parliamentary services, 248–9

ministerial correspondence, 249

ministerial councils, 62, 132

   see also Council of Australian Governments;

Environment Protection and Heritage

Council; Natural Resource ManagementMinisterial Council

mirex, 173

Mitchell’s Pass, 144

Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, 161

models and modelling

climate change, 37, 40

Great Barrier Reef water quality, 98

Mole Creek area, 50

Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete

the Ozone Layer 1987, 167–8, 169, 189

Moreton Bay, 97Mossman catchment, 97

 Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989, 162

motor vehicles, 162–5, 189

departmental fleets, 279; environmental

performance, 261, 263, 264, 265

heavy vehicle fleet operations, 33

lubricating oil, 169–70, 191

manufacturing, 161

waste tyres, 160

movable cultural heritage, 137, 143–4, 150, 151

multiple-consignment permits, 187

Murray–Darling Basin, 60, 62–3, 83–4, 89

Murray–Darling Basin Agreement, 60

Murray–Darling Basin Commission, 60, 84, 89

pilot market purchase project, 63

Murray–Darling Basin Committee, 63

Murray–Darling Basin Ministerial Council, 62

Murrumbidgee River, 74

Museum of Tropical Queensland, 141

Museum Victoria, 143

musical instruments, 143

 My Environment, 228

Myall Lake, 97

NNabarlek, 178

NABERS Hospitals Tool, 260

NAIDOC week, 242, 251

nanotechnology, 177

National Action Plan for Education for Sustainable Development, 235

National Action Plan for Environmental

Education, 235

National Action Plan for Salinity and Water 

Quality, 68, 69, 70, 87

National Market Based Instruments Pilot

Programme, 226

 website, 228

national air quality database, 167

National Appliances and Equipment Energy 

Efficiency Committee, 31

National Atlas of Acid Sulfate Soils, 95National Biodiversity Strategy, 51–2

National Carbon Accounting System, 40, 82

National Carbon Accounting Toolbox, 34, 40

National Centre for Tropical Wetland Research, 81

National Chemical Monitoring Programme, 175

National Climate Change Adaptation Programme,

37–8, 95

National Cooperative Approach to Integrated

Coastal Zone Management, 94–5, 99

National Cultural Heritage Account, 143, 146,

151, 153

National Disentanglement Workshop, 110National Electricity Market Management

Company, 29

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National Environment Protection Council,

159–60, 165, 193

governance arrangements, 243

National Pollutant Inventory review, 161–2

 National Environment Protection Council Act 

1994 , 159, 160, 244

National Environment Protection Council Service

Corporation, 160, 244

National Environment Protection Measures,

159–62, 165, 171

National Environmental Education Statement for 

Schools, 235

National Framework and Guidance for 

Describing the Ecological Character of 

 Australia’s Ramsar Wetlands, 67National Framework for Chemicals

Environmental Management, 174

National Framework for Energy Efficiency, 31

National Framework for the Management and

Monitoring of Australia’s Native Vegetation, 56

National Gallery of Australia, 149

National Greenhouse Accounts, 38–9, 44

National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 38–9

National Guidelines for Residential Customers’

 Water Accounts, 62

National Guidelines for Water Recycling, 61

National Halon Bank, 169, 190National Heritage Investment Initiative, 129, 144,

149, 153

National Heritage List, 127, 128, 130–2, 133–5

cultural heritage projects, 144–6, 147, 149

National Heritage Protocol, 129

National In-service Emissions Study, 164–5

National Industrial Chemicals Notification and

 Assessment Scheme, 173, 176–7

National Inventory by Economic Sector 2005, 38

National Inventory Report 2005, 38, 39

National Land and Water Resources Audit, 57

National Library of Australia, 149National Market Based Instruments Pilot

Programme, 226

National Nanotechnology Strategy, 177

National Ocean Disposal Guidelines for Dredged

Material, 180

National Packaging Covenant, 170–1, 190

national parks and reserves, see protected areas

National Plan for Water Security, 60, 61, 64, 226

National Pollutant Inventory, 160–2, 229

National Programme of Action for the Protection

of the Marine Environment from Land-based

 Activities, 99

National Representative System of Marine

Protected Areas, 101

National Reserve System, 73–8, 87

National Strategy for the Conservation of 

 Australia’s Biological Diversity, 51–2

National Strategy for the Management of 

Scheduled Waste, 173

National Trust of Australia (Western Australia), 55

National Trust Partnership Programme, 145, 150,


National Vegetation Information System, 56, 57

National Water Commission, 13, 62

governance arrangements, 243–4

National Water Initiative, 61–2

National Water Quality Management Strategy,


National Weeds Strategy, 54Nationally Consistent Approach for Access to and

the Utilisation of Australia’s Native Genetic and

Biochemical Resources, 79

Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme

 website, 31

native vegetation, 56–7

clearing, 32

estimated change in cover, 82

terrestrial parks and reserves, 73–9

threat abatement plans, 52

   see also forests and forestry 

native wildlife, see biodiversity conservation

natural, Indigenous and historic heritage output,

126–47, 290, 300

natural gas fuel, 33, 163

Natural Heritage Trust, 68–70, 79, 86, 89

acid sulfate soils funding, 95

budget expenditure, 285

coastal water quality funding, 96, 97

Coastcare Programme, 86, 100, 123

conservation covenants, 55

Firewood Association of Australian funding, 54

Indigenous Protected Areas Programmefunding, 76

marine conservation funding, 105, 109, 110, 114

pest management funding, 53, 114

product stewardship funding, 170, 171

Scottsdale contribution, 74

threatened species funding and programmes,

181, 182

tropical rivers research funding, 81

website, 228, 229

Wetlands Programme, 98

world heritage management funding, 132

Natural Refrigerants Transition Board Ltd, 35

Natural Resource Management Marine and

Coastal Committee, 242

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I  n d  ex e s 

Natural Resource Management Ministerial

Council, 51, 95

Australian Weeds Strategy approval, 54

Framework for Future Natural Resource

Management Programmes, 70

genetic resources management agreement, 79

invasive species agreement, 53

National Water Initiative, 61, 62

Natural Resource Management Programmes

Division, 48, 92, 239, 240

natural resource management regions, 95

natural resource management website, 228

Nature Conservancy of Indonesia, 139

Nature Conservation Trust of New South Wales, 55

Nature Foundation South Australia, 55

Netherlands, 208

New South Wales, 55, 57, 146

Blacktown, 28

Botany Bay HCB waste, 172

cathedrals, 145, 151

coastal water quality improvement plans, 97

historic shipwrecks, 141–2

Indigenous heritage, 138

national heritage places, 131, 144, 146, 147, 149

protected areas, 74

Sydney water supply study, 38water, 60, 63

world heritage areas, 148; listing, 129

New South Wales Department of Primary 

Industries, 107

New South Wales Heritage Office, 142

New Zealand, 139, 166, 208

bilateral environment policy discussions, 225

climate change partnership, 26–7

ozone depleting substances from, 169

Newman College, 149

Ngarrindjeri Ruwe, 138

Ninghan Indigenous Protected Area, 76

non-English speaking backgrounds, people from,


non-ongoing employees, 267, 270, 281

non-road engines, pollution from, 165

Norfolk Island, 141

Norfolk Island Museum, 138

North Esk River, 72

North Head Quarantine Station, 149, 285

North Marine Bioregional Plan, 104

North-west Marine Bioregional Plan, 104

Northern Australia Irrigation Futures Project, 65

northern river shark, 108

Northern Tanami Indigenous Protected Area, 77

Northern Territory, 55, 57

acid sulfate soils mapping, 95

Alice Springs, 28, 52, 136, 170

Daly River, 81

Darwin Harbour, 97

genetic resources management legislation, 79

Indigenous communities, 109

Indigenous heritage, 136, 138

Indigenous Protected Areas, 76, 77

national heritage places, 148, 149

national heritage places listings, 131

uranium mining, 73, 178, 191

water efficiency labelling, 63

Wongalara Sanctuary, 75

Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines, 178

not-for-profit organisations, 55

Ooccupational health and safety, 278–81

occupational health and safety policy and

agreement, 279

Ocean Biogeographic Information System

(OBIS), 119

Oceanlinx, 30

oceans, see coasts and oceans

Oceans Portal, 119office accommodation, 260

department, 261–5, 278

Office of Australian War Graves, 149

Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-

General, 149

Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator, 13, 30

oil recycling, 169–70, 191

oil spills, Antarctica, 202, 217

‘Old Chippies Workshop’, 204

Ombudsman, 255

ongoing employees, 267, 270

online employee survey, 278online information, see internet

online learning, 275, 281

Opera House, 129

operating result, 285–92

operational planning, 243

oral histories, 146

organg-utan, 187

organisation and structure, 13–17

Natural Heritage Trust, 69

organisation chart, 15

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD), 67, 224, 226

Orica Australia, 172

Origin Energy, 30

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OSA Group, 280

Otway Basin geological storage pilot project, 29

Our heritage @ risk, 145

outboard motors, 165

outcomes and outputs, 16–235, 285–92

contribution to ecologically sustainable

development, 258–9

outside participation, arrangements for, 256–7

overseas capacity building and assistance, 67,

139–40, 186, 225

overseas historic places, 128, 148

oxy-fuel demonstration project, 29

oxygen, 213

ozone, 189

ozone hole, 212ozone layer protection, 167–9, 189–90, 193

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas

 Account, 193

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse

Gas Management Act 1989, 168

exemptions under section 40, 169

Ozwater 2007 conference, 65

PPacific Island countries, 26–7, 110, 115–16, 139,

186, 225

packaging waste, 170–1, 190paintings, see artworks

Palau, 186

paper use, 262, 263, 264, 265

Papua New Guinea, 25–6, 139

Parkes, Sir Henry, 146

parks and reserves, see protected areas

Parks Australia Division, 48, 149, 239, 240

environmental performance, 264

occupational health and safety, 279, 280, 281

staff, 270; workforce planning, 267

parliamentary and ministerial services, 248–9

parliamentary committees, 254–5Parliamentary Secretary, 13

Parliamentary Services Section, 249

part-time employees, 270

particle levels in air, 161

Partnership for the Conservation of Migratory 

 Waterbirds and the Sustainable Use of their 

Habitats in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway,

109, 115

pastoral industry, 57

pay and remuneration, 271–4

Peel Inlet, 97

peer reviewed publications, 207

penguins, 211

people management, see staff 

People Management Branch, 274

Indigenous Development Coordinator, 275–6

People’s Republic of China, see China

performance audits, 253–4

performance indicators, 253

Antarctica outcome, 216–18

climate change output, 41–4

coasts and oceans output, 120–2

Commonwealth Disability Strategy, 282–4

Commonwealth Environment Research

Facilities programme, 232

departmental environmental performance,


heritage output, 148–52

human settlements output, 189–92

land and inland waters output, 82–8performance management, 274–6

performance pay, 272

persistent organic pollutants, 172–3

personnel, see staff 

Perth, 145

Perth Airport, 136

Perth Metropolitan and Peel Region, 95

pesticides, see agricultural and veterinary 


pests, 52–4, 79, 82

Antarctica, 217

Macquarie Island, 133marine, 114

petrels, 205–6

petroleum and petroleum products, 162–5, 166

Alternative Fuels Conversion Programme, 33, 45

department vehicle fleet usage, 261, 263, 264,


fuel spills, Antarctica, 202, 217

waste oil, 169–70, 191

 Phaeton, 141

Philippines, 139

photographic exhibition, 130

photovoltaic cells, 28

Photovoltaic Rebate Programme, 30, 45

 Phytophthora cinnamomi, 52, 53

pigs, feral, 52, 55, 82

plankton, 208

plants, see native vegetation

plastic bags, 171, 190

 Poa annua, 217

Point Nepean, 285

Point Nepean Community Trust grant, 144–5, 153

policy advisor role, 282

climate change, 44

coasts and oceans, 122

heritage, 152

human settlements, 192

land and inland waters, 88

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I  n d  ex e s 

Policy Coordination Division, 156, 222, 240

pollution prevention strategies, 157, 159–77,

189–91, 193

Antarctica, 198–9, 201–2

population change, coastal zone planning for, 94

Port Adelaide waterways, 97

Port Arthur Historic Site, 144, 149

Port McLeay, 138

Port Phillip Bay, 97

portfolio, 13

Portfolio Budget Statements 2007–08, 17

   see also performance indicators

Powerhouse Museum, 143, 151

Prediction and Management of Australia’s Marine

Biodiversity research hub, 231prescribed agencies, 13

primary production, see agriculture; fish and

fisheries; forests and forestry 

Prime Minister, 24, 37, 60, 71

Prime Minister’s Biofuels Taskforce report, 164, 189

Prime Minister’s Emissions Trading Task Group, 22

Prime Minister’s National Plan for Water Security, 17

Principles for Better Environmental Management

of Chemicals, 159

private landholders, 54–6, 58, 73–4

procurement, see purchasing and procurement

Procurement Review Board, 294product stewardship, 169–71, 190–1

 waste tyres, 160

Product Stewardship for Oil Programme, 169–70,


Productivity Commission, 134–5, 145, 175, 225

protected areas, 48, 73–9, 87, 89

marine, 101, 105–7, 117–18, 121;

Environmental Resources Information

Network data, 228

objectives, 49

park ranger training, 280

parliamentary inquiry, 254–5Ramsar-listed wetlands, 63, 66–7

Protecting Australia’s Biodiversity Hotspots, 54–5,

82, 89

protection of movable cultural heritage, 143–4,

150, 151

 Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 

1986 , 137

provider role, 283

climate change, 44

coasts and oceans, 122

heritage, 152

human settlements, 192

land and inland waters, 88

Proviti Pty Ltd, 244

psittacine species, 52

public affairs, 230

public buildings, 260

   see also office accommodation

 Public Service Act 1999 staff, 270

Public Service Medal, 277

publications, 227–9, 282

air quality, 165, 166, 197

Antarctic science programme, 207

climate change and emissions, 38–9, 40, 44

coastal strategies, 95, 99

distributed in response to requests, 250

heritage, 130, 145

land strategies, 52, 56–7

marine conservation, 111National Pollutant Inventory 2006 results, 161

persistent organic pollutants reports, 173

sustainability education discussion paper, 235

Sustainability in Government programme, 260

water strategies, 61–2, 65

purchasing and procurement, 241, 283, 294–6

environmental performance, 262, 263, 264,


Green Lease Schedules, 260

purchaser-provider arrangements, 68–9, 70

QQantas Foundation Memorial Limited, 146

Qantas Founders Outback Museum, 146–7, 153

quarantine stations, 144–5, 149, 153

Queen Victoria Markets, 30

Queen’s Birthday honours, 277

Queensland, 115

acid sulfate soil mapping, 97

biodiversity hotspots, 55, 81

coastal water quality improvement plans, 96, 97

Flinders River, 81

Indigenous communities, 109

Indigenous heritage, 138land clearing, 32

Low Emissions Technology Demonstration

Fund projects, 28–9

national heritage places, 131

Qantas Founders Outback Museum,

Longreach, 146–7, 152, 153

Townsville, 28

Tree of Knowledge, Barcaldine, 147

waste oil collection units, 170

water, 60, 62

World Heritage properties, 148, 232, 242

   see also Great Barrier Reef 

Queensland Department of Primary Industries

and Fisheries, 232

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Queensland Heritage Council, 147

Queensland Trust for Nature, 55

Queensland Wetlands Programme, 97, 98–9

R rabbits, 52, 133

railway, Lithgow, 144

rainforests, 55, 82, 232

Wet Tropics of Queensland, 148, 232, 242

rainwater tank grants, 71–2

Ramsar-listed wetlands, 63, 66–7

rangelands conservation, 57

Ranger uranium mine, 178

Raukkan, 138

Recherche Bay Northeast Peninsula, 148

recovery plans, 106–8, 120, 181–4

recruitment, 240, 284

graduate programme, 242, 274–5

orientation programmes, 248, 278, 280, 281

recycling, 169–71

department, 262, 263, 264, 265

water, 61

red fox, 52

Reef Water Quality Protection Plan, 97–8, 120, 226

reefs, see Great Barrier Reef 

reefs, artificial, 180

refrigerants, 35, 169, 190regional Australia, 34, 45

   see also remote Australia

 Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002, 252

regional marine planning, 101–4

Regional Natural Heritage Programme, 139–40,

150, 153

Register of Environmental Organisations, 233

Register of the National Estate, 128

regulation impact statement on plastic bags, 190

regulator role, 282

coasts and oceans, 122

human settlements, 192land and inland waters, 88

rehabilitation and compensation of staff, 279–80

rehabilitation of uranium mine sites, 73, 178

rehabilitation of wetlands, 99

remediation of Antarctic sites, 202, 212–13, 217

remote Australia, electricity generation in, 30,

43, 45

remuneration of staff, 271–4

renewable energy, 26, 28–31, 45

Mawson station, 201, 211, 263

Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation

Taskforce, 24, 25

Renewable Energy Commercialisation

Programme, 30, 45

Renewable Energy Development Initiative, 29

 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000, 31

Renewable Energy Equity Fund, 30, 45

Renewable Remote Power Generation

Programme, 30, 43, 45

reporting arrangements for greenhouse and

energy, 33, 38, 43

Representative Areas Programme Structural

 Adjustment Package, 117, 123

Republic of Korea, 24, 25, 115, 214

research and development, 226, 231–2

access to genetic resources management, 79

air quality, 161, 163, 164–5, 166–7, 189

Antarctic science, 196, 197, 207–15, 218, 219

biodiversity conservation, 55biotechnology, 176

climate change, 37–40, 44, 45

marine science, 117–19

native vegetation indicators, 57

Tasmanian devil facial tumour, 59

taxonomic, 79, 87, 231

threat abatement, 53

tropical wetlands, 48, 49, 81, 89

water resources, 65

weed management, 53

whales, 110, 116–17

research facilities, see Commonwealth

Environment Research Facilities

research hubs, 231

residential building energy performance, 31

residues, industrial, 175

resources, see finances; staff 

response to climate change output, 20–45, 290,


response to the impacts of human settlements

output, 156–93, 290, 301

retention of staff, 271

return of Qantas 707 jet, 146–7, 152, 153return-to-work plans, 280

revenue, see finances

Review of the Corporate Governance of Statutory 

 Authorities and Office Holders, 243–4

revolving funds, 55

rewards and recognition, 276–7

Richmond Bridge, 148

Rippon Lea, 149

risk assessments, environmental, 175–7, 191

risk management, 245–6

climate change programmes, 43

Risk Panel, 245–6

River Catchment Water Quality Initiative, 59

Rivercare, 65, 69

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rivers and river catchments, 60, 68

estuarine waters, 95–9

Lake Eyre, 65

Murray–Darling Basin, 60, 62–3, 83–4

Tasmania, 59; Tamar River pylons, 72, 86

tropical, 81, 235

rock art sites, 138

rock collecting, Antarctica, 200

rodents, exotic, 52, 133

Roi Mata Domain world heritage nomination, 139

roles and functions, 14, 17

Antarctica, 196

climate change, 20

coasts and oceans, 92

cross-cutting activities, 222executive committees, 241–2

heritage, 126

human settlements, 155

land and inland waters, 48

senior executives, 238–40

roll top desk, 138

Romania, 199

root-rot fungus, 52

roseate tern, 109, 115

Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed

Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous

Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade,173

Royal Australian Navy, 119, 142

Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens

 World Heritage area, 148, 149

Royal National Park, 146

rural and remote Australia, 34, 45

electricity generation, 30, 43, 45

Russia, 199, 214

SSAFETRAC training, 280

safety, 278–81SAFETYINFO, 281

SAICM, 174

salaries and remuneration, 271–4

salinity, 70, 84, 89

Samoa, 116

Save Our Whales public education campaign, 111

sawfish, 108, 186

school environmental and sustainability 

education, 99, 111, 235

school essay competition, 145–6, 147

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 215

Scientific Reference Group, 232

‘scientific’ whaling, 116–17

Scottsdale, 74

Scouts 100 Year Anniversary Rainwater Tank

Grant, 71–2, 89

sea dumping and sea installations, 179–80

sea levels, 207

sea lions, 108

seabirds, 109, 115, 205–6, 216

bycatch, 120

seals, 200

seas, see coasts and oceans

secretary, 22, 238, 240

Broadly Speaking seminar series, 275

Certificate of Compliance, 247

review by, 2–7

section directors conference, 276

sector, greenhouse gas emissions by, 39, 41Securing Australia’s Energy Future white paper,

22, 31, 33, 164

seizures of wildlife, 187

seminar programmes for staff, 275, 281

Senate Environment, Communications,

Information Technology and the Arts

Committee, 254–5

Senate Order on Government Agency contracts, 295

senior executive service (SES) staff, 269, 271–3, 276

senior executives and responsibilities, 238–40

separations from department, 240, 271

sequestration of carbon, 28–9, 34, 36service charter, 250–1

services to community, 249–50

707 jet, 146–7, 152, 153

sewerage schemes, 100, 120, 123

sex of staff, 269–70

Sharing Australia’s Stories, 145–6

sharks, 106–7, 108, 109

shipping, 141–2, 145

Antarctic research, 208, 209, 214

Antarctic tourism, 199

CFC 12 disposals, 169

historic shipwrecks, 141–2outboard motors, 165

shorebirds, migratory, 109, 115

SILVER solar cells, 30

Sisters Beach, 100, 120, 123

skin cancer screening, 280

skulls, 143

Skytraders Pty Ltd, 214

Slipstream, 248–9

Small Business and Household Climate Change

 Action, 35

Small Business Awareness initiatives, 171

smoke from woodheaters, 162, 165–6

smuggling of wildlife, 186, 187

Snowy River, 63

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    I   n

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social justice and equity, 251, 281–4

soils, 34, 95, 97

Solar Cities programme, 28, 45

solar energy, 28, 30, 45, 211

Solar Systems, 30

solid fuel heaters, 162, 165–6

sonor buoy, 142

South Africa, 27, 110

South Australia, 28, 55, 184

coastal water quality improvement plans, 97

Gifts to the Nation programme, 146

historic shipwrecks, 141

Indigenous heritage, 138

national heritage places, 131, 146

volatile organic compound emissionimprovement programme, 161

water, 60, 62, 63

South Australian Environment Protection

 Authority, 161

South Australian Museum, 143

South-East Commonwealth Marine Reserve

Network, 106, 117–18

South-east Marine Bioregional Plan, 103

South Korea, 24, 25, 115, 214

South Pacific region, 26–7, 110, 115–16, 139, 225

South Pacific Regional Environment Programme

(SREP), 115, 116, 225

South-west Marine Bioregional Plan, 103

Southern Ocean, 205–6, 208, 218

southern right whales, 110

spatial information, see mapping and spatial


speartooth shark, 108

SS Iron Knight, 141

staff, 242, 266–84

ethical standards, 248

senior executives, 238–40

South Pacific Regional EnvironmentProgramme outposting, 225

   see also recruitment

staff learning and development, 274–6

occupational health and safety, 280, 281

orientation programmes, 248, 278, 280, 281

staff survey, 278

staff turnover and retention rates, 240, 271

stakeholder relations, 248–51

State and Territory Greenhouse Gas Inventories

2005, 38

State of the Environment Report, 5–6, 227

statements of expectation and intent, 243–4

stationary energy sector, greenhouse gas

emissions by, 39, 41

statutory authorities, 13, 243–4

statutory officers, 178

steel, 24

Stirling Range National Park, 146

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic

Pollutants, 172–3

storm water recycling, 61

Strategic Approach to International Chemicals

Management, 174

strategic plan, 243

Streeton, Arthur, 151

Strengthening Tasmania – Low Head Precinct,

147, 151, 153

Strengthening Tasmania –Tamar River Pylons,

72, 86stringed musical instrument, 143

structural adjustment packages, 107

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, 117, 123

structure, see organisation and structure

Stuart, John McDouall, 146

Sub-Antarctic Zone Sensitivity to Climate Change,


submarines, 141–2, 142

submissions made, 249

to UN Framework Convention on Climate

Change, 38, 39

sulfate soils, 95, 97

 Sultana, 141

Sumatra, 140, 187

supermarkets, 171

refrigerants, 35

Supervising Scientist Division, 48, 79, 178, 240

environmental performance, 265

supervision of uranium mining, 178, 191, 193

support for environment and heritage

organisations, 233

Surat, 138

sustainability education, 235Sustainability in Government programme, 260

sustainable firewood use, 54

sustainable fisheries assessments, 113–14

 A sustainable future for Tasmania, 83

Swain Reef, 115

Swan–Canning estuary, 97

Sydney, 142

water supply, 38

Sydney Cove, 141

Sydney Cup, 143

Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, 13, 243

Sydney II, 150

Sydney Opera House, 129

Synthesis Report, 24

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TT3Energy, 30

Tamar River Pylons, 72, 86Tarkine Bushwalk Programme, 58

Tasman Fracture Commonwealth Marine

Reserve, 118

Tasmania, 55, 183

air link to Antarctica from, 214, 218, 277

Commonwealth heritage places, 127

Derwent estuary, 97

forestry, 57–8, 226; Federal Court case, 252

Indigenous heritage, 138

Launceston air quality, 166, 190, 193

Low Head precinct, 147, 151, 153

Macquarie Island management, 133national heritage places, 131, 144, 148, 149

protected areas, 74

sewerage schemes, 100, 120, 123

Tamar River, 72, 86

water, 59, 62; Meander River Dam, 85

World Heritage areas, 148; nomination, 146

Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement, 57–9,


Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and

 Water, 110

Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour Programme, 58–9

Tasmanian Forest Conservation Fund, 58, 226Tasmanian Forest Tourism Initiative, 58

Tasmanian Mole Creek Programme, 50

Tasmanian Seamounts Marine Reserve, 117, 127

Tasmanian Water Infrastructure, 85

Tasmanian Wilderness, 148


concessions, 233

conservation covenanting programme

concessions, 55

deductions for forest investors, 34

fuel credits, 32

taxonomic research, 79, 87Taxonomy for the 21st Century research hub, 231

temperature, see climate change

tenders, see purchasing and procurement

terrestrial parks and reserves sub-output, 73–80,

87, 89

objectives, 49

terrestrial wildlife, see biodiversity conservation

threat abatement planning and activities, 52–4, 82

marine species, 106–9, 206

threatened and vulnerable species, 106–12,

114–17, 120, 181–4

Asia–Pacific region, 139–40

Auditor-General’s report, 253–4

court decision, 252

Environmental Resources Information

Network data, 228

Southern Ocean, 205–6

Tasmanian devil, 59

whales and dolphins, 110, 115–17

Threatened Species Network, 182

Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 54, 181

threatening processes, 108

Timor-Leste, 116

Tinderbox, 183

Torres Strait Islanders, see Indigenous Australians

Torres Strait Regional Authority, 232

total equity, 293


Antarctica, 198–9, 214

Tasmania, 58

Townsville, 28

toxicology, 212

Toyota Prius hybrids, 261

Tracking to the Kyoto target 2006, 39

trade, see exports; imports

trade in wildlife, 185–8

whales, 121

traditional medicines, 188

trafficking in wildlife, 186

tramp ants, 52

transport, 39, 41

   see also aviation; motor vehicles

Treasury, 34

Tree of Knowledge, 147

tropical farming, 97

Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge research

consortium, 81, 231

Tropical Rivers Inventory and Assessment Project,


tropical wetlands research, 48, 49, 81, 89

Trust for Nature, 55

turtles, 108, 116

tyres, waste, 160

UUhrig review, 243–4

Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park, 276

underground water, see groundwater 

understanding climate change/climate change

science (sub-output 1.1.3), 20, 37–40, 44, 45

United Kingdom, 208

United Nations, 115

climate change negotiations, 23

workshop on deforestation, 26

United Nations Commission on Sustainable

Development, 223

United Nations Convention on Biological

Diversity, 51

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United Nations Convention on the Law of the

Sea, 99, 101

United Nations Convention to Combat

Desertification, 51–2

United Nations Decade of Education for 

Sustainable Development, 235

United Nations Environment Programme, 23,

173–4, 223–4

United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change, 23

Australia’s official submission to, 38, 39

Kyoto Protocol target, 38, 39–40

United Nations Global Programme of Action for 

the Protection of the Marine Environment for 

Land-based Activities, 99

United States, 67, 214climate change projects with, 24, 25, 26, 208

University of Melbourne, 30, 212

University of Queensland, 74, 231, 232

University of Tasmania, 231

University of Western Australia, 104

University of Western Sydney, 36

uranium mining, 157, 178, 191, 193

Gunlom Aboriginal Land Trust area, 73

urban air pollution, 162, 164–5, 189

urban water reform, 61–2

urinals, 261

used products, see waste

 V  Values, Public Service, 248

 Vanuatu, 139, 140, 186

 Vasse–Wonnerup estuary, 97

 vegetation, see native vegetation

 vehicles, see motor vehicles

 veterinary and agricultural chemicals, 59, 175,

176, 191

 Victoria, 94

 vulnerable species, see threatened and

 vulnerable species

 W  Wallis Lake, 97

 Wantok Environment Centre, 140

 Waratah–Wynyard Council, 100

 Warrumbungle National Park, 146

 waste, 262, 263, 264, 265

Antarctic clean-up operations, 202, 212–13

greenhouse gas emissions from, 39, 41

halon, 169

hazardous, 172

product stewardship, 160, 169–71

sea dumping, 179–80

sewerage schemes, 100, 120, 123

uranium mining, Gunlom Aboriginal Land

Trust area, 73

 water, 59–72, 89

climate change risks, 38

departmental consumption, 261, 263, 264, 265

departmental contamination incident, 279

objectives, 49

performance indicators, 83–5

Sustainability in Government programme

initiatives, 260

   see also coasts and oceans; rivers and river catchments

 Water Assets and Natural Resources Division, 48,

92, 239, 240

 Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Scheme,

66, 193

 Water for Rivers, 63

 water investments, 49

 water quality, 69, 70

coastal and estuarine, 95–100, 120

Magela Creek, 178
