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According to Dan O'Donnell (2004) the term child protection means protection from violence, abuse and exploitation. Abuse and exploitation of child protection means intended for the respect, protection and promotion of the right of every child to be the victim of an adverse situation (harm) itself. The right to protection complements other rights such as ensuring children receive what they need to survive, grow and develop.

The same definition is expressed by the Save the Children Alliance (2007) that child protection is a step-by-step and the development of structures to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence can affect children's lives sebagaiman has been set in the CRC and human rights legal instruments that others, as well as the national laws of a country.

Children in big Indonesian dictionary is defined as offspring, children also implies as a young man. In addition, the child is essentially a period that was to one particular development and has the potential to become an adult.

A. Child Protection System in Indonesia

Effective child protection system that protects children from all forms of violence , abuse , exploitation and neglect . In a fundamental level , causing problems such as violence , abuse , exploitation and neglect of children are interrelated . To find the roots of these problems and to identify a range of actions that must be done to protect children needed system -based approach and not issue-based approach that is narrow and focused only on certain groups of children .

Legal and policy framework in Indonesia needs to be strengthened to prevent and respond to violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect of children. The legal framework and the current policy is conducive to promoting children's rights, but there are still some gaps ,. The legal framework must appoint a government agency with the duties, powers and responsibilities clearly to the handling and the provision of child protection services. Indonesia also faces the challenge of ensuring alignment peratura area (regulations) child protection policy in nearly 500 districts, each with the authority to set its own rules. Therefore, the final step is carried out by the central government to develop regulation guidelines that refers to a system-based approach to the protection of children is a positive step. In the law number 23 of 2002 on the protection of children has been mentioned arrangement of the rights of children are 67 chapters starting from chapter 4 to chapter 71. From a number of articles of the dominant governing the rights and legal protection of children. In Law No. 1 of 1974 is quiet marriage of article 42 to article 54 explained that parents are obliged to maintain and educate their children who have not attained the age of 18 years with good until the child is married or can stand alone. This requirement continues even though marriages between the child's parents broke up because the sight of

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divorce or death. Law on child protection, not intended to determine who had grown up, and who is still a child, the law, a woman who has been married although not yet 18 years old, for example: was 16 years old, has legally qualified status adult.

Effective Child Protection System Components Requiring existence of Mutually Related Namely :

1. The social welfare services

2. Legal framework / regulations and laws

3. Changes in attitude and behavior

Comparison of Basic Principles of Child Protection Law Negara Malaysia , in malaysia children are protected under the deed , namely :

1. Children who require maintenance and protection

2. Children who need protection and recovery

3. Trade and runaway children

4. Children who commit a crime mistake

5. Children who are not escorted

Comparison of Basic Principles In Child Protection Act In Indonesia , formulated in Article 2 of Law No. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children

1. Non-discrimination

2. The best interests of the child

3. The right to life , survival and development

4. Respect for the child's opinion

In article 4 of Law No. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children's rights set four categories , namely :

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1. The right to life

2. The right to grow flowers

3. The right to participate in the fair .

4. The right to protection from violence and discrimination .

Every child has the right to protection from :

1. Abuse in political activities

2. Involvement in armed conflict

3. Involvement in social unrest

4. Involvement in the event of abusive

5. Involvement in the war

6. Sexual crimes .