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Page 1: Defing roles answers

Approaches Workbook

Defining Roles - Teacher Answers

Page 2: Defing roles answers

1) Why is it important that teams define roles for their players?Various reasons including:• Team members become clear on how they can

contribute to the team and the importance of their contribution• Reduces likelihood of confusion and players

trying to carry out the same role as others.• Players can focus and specialize within a position• Allows teams to make best use of the strengths

that players have and can hide weaknesses.

Page 3: Defing roles answers

2) In what ways will defining roles help to develop the dynamic of a team?

• All team members are clear what is expected of them during a performance. This ensures that each player knows exactly what to do in order to contribute effectively to the team.

• Prevents confusion during a performance where teammates are getting in each others way through trying to carry out the same function for the team. This ensure that players are best able to work to gather to achieve success

• During the team meeting communication skills and relationships can be developed as players discuss their feeling about each others strengths and weaknesses. Highlighting player strengths in particular can develop positive relationships

Page 4: Defing roles answers

3) Why is it important that everybody is aware of each players role?

• Ensures that everybody in the team knows what each player should be doing to contribute to the team. This may prevent arguments if another player feels that a player should be contributing in a way other than what they have been told to do.

• As everyone knows each others role then appropriate feedback can be given to each player during the performance in order to let them know what they are doing well and what they need to do better in order to fully fulfill their role.

Page 5: Defing roles answers

4) How does defining roles help players/teams prepare more effectively for a performance?

• In training players can spend more time developing the skills that are most relevant to the position they play in. This will ensure that the skills needed most to carry out the role successfully are most developed.

• Players can focus on learning particular tactics associated with their chosen role. By developing this knowledge and become an expert in how to perform their role well they will become very good at carrying out their function within the team.

• As an athlete knows exactly what is expected of them they can mentally prepare to carry out the role that they have been given.

Page 6: Defing roles answers

5) What might happen if a player is given too much information regarding how to carry out their role?

• Too much information may result in confusion that could result in aspects of a role not being carried out. This could negatively impact on the teams attack or defence.

• Being too specific or precise with a players role may make the performer feel like they are not able to adapt to the different situations that occur during a game

• Being too specific or precise with a players role may make the performer feel like they are not able to adapt to the different situations that occur during a game.

Page 7: Defing roles answers

6) In what ways might defining roles have a negative impact on team dynamic?

• Some players may feel restricted due to the role they have been given. This may lead to frustration.

• Player in the team may not agree and be happy with the role they are given within the team. Arguments and jealousy might be caused if players are not given the role they want, particularly if the player if they feel they are a stronger than the player given that role.

• During the team meeting highlighting player weaknesses might result in the player loosing confidence and not being valued

Page 8: Defing roles answers

7) Defining roles within a team does not necessarily guarantee improved performance. Why?

• By simply defining a role it does not mean that the player is capable of carrying it out effectively. Using this approach to develop performance does not, by itself, result in any actual improvement of a players ability.

• The roles given to players need to suit their skills and attributes. If they don’t this role may not be carried out effectively which may result in the team not performing well.

• Player may be given roles not because they have the qualities required but because there is no one else for the role
