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Here’s Why…Why Deeo?

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Why Deeo?Contents02 - Why Deeo?04 - The Problems Today05 - The Deeo Difference07 - How we work08 - the HUB10 - The Team11 – Connected12 - Safe & Sound13 - Everyone Wins!14 - Contact Us

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Why Deeo?

After years of success with the traditional 'analogue' bricks and mortar design & engineering consultancy, our founding team realised - with the advances in technology and the need for the RIGHT team, no mater where they are - this way of working was no longer ‘fit for purpose’.

We created Deeo to enable forward-thinking clients the ability to embrace the latest innovations in design engineering consultancy services, freeing them from a myriad of inefficiencies inherent in the old way of working.

Deeo created Europe’s first Virtual Design Office from where all of our team work. At the heart of our virtual design office is a game-changing innovation – we like to call 'the HUB'. Housed in a secure & resilient ex-Government facility, the HUB is a suite of high specification hardware located in a Tier 4 Datacentre environment, accessed remotely by our team, letting them collaborate seamlessly using cutting-edge tools on highly complex engineering projects.

Our service is rooted firmly in traditional values - we believe strongly in delivering value to our customers in long-term relationships. & our confidence in Deeo's digital way of working is grounded in extensive industry experience, with long-lasting client relationships developed over two decades of handling complex projects in transport, defence, civil engineering & beyond.

Why Deeo?

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Why Deeo?The Problems TodaySo here’s the common problem. You have mounting design or engineering work to complete but your team’s already too busy! You don’t want to get more office space, buy more computers & software as this will take too long & the costs would be crazy.

You also know that even if you did have space & more machines, finding a local Mr or Mrs Right to add to your team to complete your project, is even more time consuming & in some cases, impossible! So what can you do? Introducing Deeo…

Deeo is the next generation in contract design & engineering support services to a wide range of industry sectors. A UK & possibly European first, Deeo brings together the best designers & engineers from across the UK & the latest technology advances in virtualised working, allowing Deeo to provide the best design & engineering support to our clients as & when they need it.

This highly secure, infinitely scalable & cost effective Design Partner solution is exclusive to Deeo. In this proposal document we wish to highlight

o The Deeo differenceo The services we can provide to your businesso The sectors we support & the experience we have in themo How we propose we can support your business

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Why Deeo?The Deeo DifferenceDeeo’s founder created Deeo to overcome many of the challenges design & engineering departments, across multiple sectors, face today.

After being first a designer, project engineer & then managing & owner of a successful traditional contract design office over the last 20+ years, he saw all of the challenges & experienced a lot first hand. Challenges to multiple engineering sectors, such as

Software advancesThe advent of CAD in a 2D form - through to advanced 3D solutions. Which software/s to pick!?

Hardware advancesFrom server based workstations to CAD on PC. PC advances to powerful workstations to handle the advances in the CAD software capability – an ever increasing burden.

ManpowerThe dwindling of good draftsmen, designers & engineers. Their cost increase & skills gap, leaving many industries struggling to fulfil their requirements.

OverheadsThe drastic cost increase of office space, business rates & all other facility costs that companies endure & pass on to their customers!

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Why Deeo?

OffshoringThe rise, fall & limitations of low cost CAD bureau services in low paid/unlicensed Asian based countries using un licenced software that western companies are liable for!

DATA securityFrom A1 printed drawings to megabits of CAD data, the security of clients Intellectual Property is infinitely more involved

Cost of livingDesigner’s & engineers reluctance to travel great distances to work as fuel & transport costs rise disproportionately to wages.

These are just some of the many challenges the engineering industry faces day-to-day & is why Deeo was created.

Why is Deeo different?

From the ground up Deeo’s whole business is based on embracing the latest technology, licenced engineering software & the UK’s best designers & engineers to deliver the most scalable, flexible, secure & cost effective way an engineering company can add to their team as & when they need too. Allowing Deeo to truly be their Design Partner when they need us.

So how do we do this?

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Why Deeo?How We WorkDeeo is a unique & innovative Design & Engineering Consultancy that operate in the cloud for many forward thinking clients in multiple industry sectors. Bringing the best in design & engineering expertise to clients through a collective their team handpicked & bought together specifically for each clients need.

Unlike the old traditional Design Office, Deeo are not constrained by location or a ‘local’ employee model that dictates both expensive overhead costs & a limited number of ‘minds’ available to work on client projects. Instead, the most skilled & appropriate designers & engineers Deeo have, across the UK & globally, are bought together to work within the Deeo’s unique virtual design office. No matter where they are, they all produce great things!

This ground breaking model of working, created & compiled not only brings unrivalled expertise & flexibility to the Deeo’s designers & engineers, but also carries a large number of advantages for clients. From an inclusive & virtual working environment where clients can log in at any time to their own workstation to work alongside/see how we are progressing, to the immense talent pool that is available to either bolster or add to their own in-house capabilities, Deeo can deliver even the most complex & demanding of projects seamlessly. See how – Click Here

Here are the four key elements Deeo uniquely bring together to deliver such an experienced team working with the latest hardware/software, all connected to work together from one safe & secure point.

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Why Deeo?the HUBAt the heart of Deeo is the HUB.

Based in the UK in a Tier 4 datacentre, the HUB is a suite of Deeo owned technology that houses secure servers & a private backed up data storage. From these servers, at present, we have the capability to deploy – in minutes - up to 40 high specifications “Virtual” workstations for our designers & engineers to use.

Our team members connect from their location to their powerful workstation in the HUB, via a secure encrypted password protected connection. Once logged in, they complete their work together with other Deeo team members in a controlled & secure way.

All of the data the designers/engineers create or modify stays in the HUB. No data is transferred to their local machines. This means multiple members of our team can work on one master dataset – safe in the knowledge they are working on the latest development. A single source of truth!

Wherever, Wheneverthe HUB frees up our designers, engineers & specialists at all levels to work anywhere, anytime, while our processes ensure that we have the cohesion, consistency & control to bring you the best results.

Here’s how we are all connected >

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Why Deeo?the HUB

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Why Deeo?the TEAMTo deliver projects on time & on budget, you don’t just need high specification hardware & software in the most scalable office environment possible – you need a Team! The 'best of the best'. But we all know that there is a shortage of designers & engineers in not only the UK but Europe too.

We Have the SolutionDeeo have overcome this problem, bringing design & engineering services into the Digital Age with the creation of the HUB, allowing the brightest minds from across the UK & Europe to collaborate seamlessly.Because our team can choose to live anywhere & work flexibly, we attract the very best people & because location is no longer an obstacle to employment, it gives our clients immediate access to the best & brightest individuals in your industry & time zone!

Driving ProductivityWith less time wasted, easier communication & the tools & environment for better productivity, our team members are able to spend more time focusing on their work & less time engaged in unproductive activities.The technology we've used to achieve this may be complex but the idea is simple: Deeo provide the ultimate Design Partner Experience. You get the best team & most advanced tools you need, wherever you are, whenever you need them.

You Know BestOur working mode may be digital, but we believe in face-to-face contact with our clients from the outset, One TEAM – different locations.

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Why Deeo?ConnectedDeeo are physically located in the centre of the UK, but it's more accurate to say that we are anywhere & everywhere, with a team of experts in multiple locations & a 'virtual design office' where it all comes together.

Unified VisionThe fact that all our work takes place in a single virtual location - the HUB - radically affects productivity. Only one master design is developed so there is no duplication of work or competing iterations.

But doesn't the virtual nature of working this way mean that team members are disconnected from one another & unable to communicate properly? The answer is a resounding 'no'. Working in this way vastly improves communication.

Speak EasyDesign is a collaborative process - but we don't have to be in the same real-world location to communicate. In the HUB, everyone is connected all the time & able to communicate via video & voice calls, instant messaging or email - users can even hand over control of their screen to other team members for collaboration.

And because everything takes place within the HUB, all communications are recordable & measurable, allowing project leaders to identify bottlenecks & inefficiencies easily.

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Why Deeo?Safe & SoundOur physical office & the HUB are located in a £10+ million ex Government facility.

Based in the heart of the UK, this tier 4 aligned data centre has security & resilience at its core & can be off-GRID for 28 days!

Throughout the design process - from concept > delivery > hosting your end product data – both Deeo’s team & your team can access your data from anywhere in the world – all from one secure place, the HUB.

We take your security very seriously – no more memory sticks & valuable intellectual property being passed around!

Can your current design partner offer this level of care, accessibility & security of your precious designs?

Seeing is believingTo see for yourself how secure our office & the HUB datacentre is, click on the following LINK & watch our guided tour.

Does your existing Design partner, or even your business take the value of your designs & engineering data this seriously?

Let Deeo help you ensure your designs are accessible by the people you want to have access & safely away from those that you don’t.

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Why Deeo?Everyone Wins!

Our BenefitsTeam BenefitsYour BenefitsYou & Your Team benefits from• !increase capability without

increase in staff• Stop random contractor

gamble• No additional office space cost• No additional software cost• No additional workstation /

infrastructure investment• No more furniture!• Deeo as their design partner -

there when you need, gone when you don't

Our Team benefits from• Their location is not important• No more commute• Reduce their costs• Keep them focused• Better work – life balance• Health wellbeing• Increased loyalty ensuring • Be part of a TEAM where only

the Best will do

Deeo benefits from• Unique Offering• Cost Effective• Agile• Follow The Sun• Scalable• Secure• Carbon Neutral• Support Anyone – Anywhere• Able to attract the best to want

to work for us, not go looking for them

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Why Deeo?Contact UsNow you know how Deeo has innovated the way Contract Design & Engineering services are completed – saving you time & money. It would be great to have a chat to see how we can assist you & your team.

Contact us at:

Deeo Design & EngineeringMidlands Technology Centre,Wolverhampton Business Park,Broadlands, Wolverhampton,West Midlands, United KingdomWV10 6TB

T: +44 (0)1902 907525E: [email protected]:

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