Download pdf - DECEMBER 2016 The Echo



2122 University Avenue Grand Forks, North Dakota 58203

When I was a child and teenager, Christmas Eve was special to me. Every year we would pack the car with gifts, and drive to south Minneapolis to celebrate the holiday with Aldy and Donna, David and Sally, my grandpa’s brother, his wife, and their children. Grandpa and grandma would be there too, as well as assorted other dear relatives. The children would play games, we would enjoy punch and hors devours, eat a delicious dinner and Christmas cookies, and of course, we would open those gifts that had been such a distraction all evening long.

It was awesome, yet my favorite part of the evening was still ahead of me. I loved the car ride home to Anoka. It would be midnight or later, dark, and I would press my whole face against the window and gaze with wonder at the stars. Part of the fascination of the ride home was that we still had our family Christmas ahead of us. The Christmas stockings, the gift from Santa, as well as whatever gifts mom and dad had lovingly purchased and wrapped for us. However, what I really want to tell you about is what was stirring in my heart.

From a young age I have had what I will call an intuitive relationship with the Lord. I honestly felt and still feel today, that the God of the universe is as close to me as my breath. That’s pretty close! When we talk about Jesus living in our hearts, I have to tell you that it is my experience of God. I believe that God is always with me, before me, behind me, alongside of me, above me, and in me. I am not special, because I believe the same is true for each one of you. Of course, not everyone speaks about God this way, but the Lord has required it of me.

At any rate, as I looked out at the darkness and the stars, I thought about the birth of Jesus and its importance to me and the world. I was not wise enough yet theologically to express exactly how it was important, but now I understand what I was seeing. I was seeing the stars of the night lighting up the darkness of the world around me. While this is first a physical reality, the moon and the stars really do bring light to a dark night, I now understand this is also the spiritual reality of the Christmas story and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When Jesus was born, he was the one true light born into a truly dark world. Now I am not one to bash the world, because world is also a beautiful place. I love visiting Pike’s Peak in Colorado, I love seeing a huge hippopotamus floating effortlessly in water, and I love bringing a little joy to orphan children in Ecuador. Yet the truth is that there is a lot of darkness in the world too. The murders in Chicago this year, the people I know struggling with cancer, a 24 year old young lady struggling with life and dying, the many personal and social sins which surround us.

Into this very messy, very dark world, Jesus was born. While the birth of a baby is wonderful, it is not necessarily a transforming event, except that through the birth of Jesus, God is with us, God has become flesh, and the Light of the World has come to enlighten the darkness. To me this means everything. It means that what I have experienced my whole life, that God is as close to me as my breath, that Jesus lives in my heart, is true. It means that whatever sort of darkness you or I face in our lives, the Light of the World has come to overcome it.

How did we get here from all those rides home to Anoka at midnight on Christmas Eve? Well, that’s where I come in to the picture. As I looked out at those stars of the night, I remember asking God to help me find my place in this world. I imagined a wife, children, Christmases with family, a career to serve people and God, and here I am. God is good. Yet I also imagined a God who would make wrongs right, heal even the worst diseases, and bring peace to a warring world and hurting human hearts. To this end, Jesus Christ was born.

Have a blessed celebration of His birth! You are in my prayers,


Advent and Christmas

The seasons of Advent and Christmas are times where Christian worship reflects on the Lord’s coming into the world. Here are such opportunities this December:

Advent Worship – A World Hungry for Jesus Advent worship begins after Thanksgiving on both Sundays and Wednesdays. Our theme this year is, “A World Hungry for Jesus”. The weekly themes are:

� Waiting Hungrily for Jesus (November 27 and November 30)

� You Look Like Your Brother (December 4 and December 7)

� Healing for a Hurting World (December 11 and December 14)

� God in Unexpected Places (December 18)

Please join us for worship as we consider the Lord’s coming into the world, and in particular wonder how we may be ready for it.

Advent Candles Sundays and Wednesdays will include the lighting of Advent candles as part of worship. The names of the candles and their meanings are as follows:

� Prophecy candle: We wait for Jesus with hope

� Bethlehem candle: We prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming.

� Shepherd’s candle: We experience joy at the coming of Jesus.

� Angel’s candle: We learn Jesus comes to love us.

Then on Christmas Eve we light the Christ candle to announce that indeed the Lord has come into the world through the birth of Jesus.

Decorate the Church Please join us as we decorate the church for Advent and Christmas on Friday, December 2, at 9:30 a.m. We will be setting up several Christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, and of course, our three nativity sets. We also need a crew to set up the nativity scene on our front lawn. There is something to do for all ages, so if you have the morning free, please come to help us.

Christmas Brunch

You are invited to the WELCA Christmas Brunch at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 3. After a delicious brunch, we will enjoy a presentation by Ken Dawes and music by The Messengers. The morning will conclude with a Christmas carol sing-a-long. Our Christmas Brunch is a special holiday tradition for ULC, and a great way to start your December on the right foot!

Candy Canes Candy cane Sunday and Wednesday have become a staple at ULC. We will enjoy the legend of the candy cane, as well as enjoy the sweet, sugary taste of this tasty holiday candy at worship on Sunday, December 11, and Wednes-day, December 14. Both the younger and older children of God look forward to this annual children’s time. Advent Devotions – Adults, Families and Children Please look on the table in the narthex for Advent devotions for all ages: One of the devotions is written by four bishops with their reflections on our weekly Advent read-ings. This is an ecumenical document for the ELCA, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Episco-pal Church United States, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The other two devotions are more family and kid friendly. One is meant to be used at the lighting of Advent candles around the kitchen table. The other is meant to be used daily in December – a window is opened each day revealing a new message. We hope these resources will enhance your observance of the Advent season.

Christmas Eve Services – Born for us Today Christmas Eve candlelight worship will be 5:00 and 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 24. We gather with the theme, “Born for us Today”. Both services include Christmas carols, Christmas Gospel, sermon, special music, Holy Communion, and the popular candlelight conclusion. The 5:00 p.m. service also includes a special children’s time, as well as gift for children. More Christmas Worship and Happy New Year too After the busyness of Christmas, come to worship on Sundays, December 25 and January 1, to continue to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus. These will be Christmas carol services with the carols serving as the liturgy for the day. After those Christmas gifts are opened, the real gift of Christmas, Jesus, will emerge. Oh come let us adore him! Please note January 1 is New Year’s Day too. Sure you may be tired from your New Year’s Eve celebration, but what a wonderful, worshipful way to start the New Year!

Poinsettia Garden Once again, we will enjoy a beautiful Poinsettia Garden for our Christmas Eve services. We will be ordering about 50 poinsettias, and if you would like to make a contribution to help us pay for the garden, then please fill out the form enclosed with this newsletter. Our cost of a poinsettia is $10, and you may bring it home with you after the 10:00 pm worship service.

The Messengers: What a Friend We Have in Jesus ULC men’s quartet, The Messengers, recently recorded their second CD which are now ready for you. If you would like a copy, we suggest a contribution of $15 to ULC. We think the recording is pretty good, and believe they will make excellent Christmas gifts! Bad Weather Announcements In case of bad weather, tune into WDAZ TV (Channel 8) or KNOX Radio (1310 AM) for any changes to our schedule. Or, for the most current information, you can also join our group at and we will send you a message. It’s not always easy to make these decisions, so please be patient with us. If you are wondering what we are thinking, go ahead and call the church office. However, most importantly, never venture out if it feels unsafe for you.

More Advent and Christmas

This is the time of year Christians often participate in acts of service for the less fortunate. Here are a few opportunities for you:

Food Pantry Donations

This Advent season, we will help fill the shelves of the Salvation Army Food Pantry. We encourage you to bring the following items to church to feed local hungry people:

• Nov 30 and Dec 4: Canned fruits and vegetables

• December 7 and 11: Any sort of boxed or canned meals

• December 14 and 18: Canned soups and stews

• December 25: Boxed cereals for kids and adults

Ring the Bells for the Salvation Army

Once again we will ring bells for the Salvation Army to help them raise money for their disaster relief funds. Here are the dates and places we are ringing:

• December 8: Inside the main door at Scheel’s (9:45 a.m. to 7:45 p.m.)

• December 15: Inside the main door at Scheel’s (9:45 a.m. to 7:45 p.m.)

• December 22: Inside the main door at Scheel’s (9:45 a.m. to 7:45 p.m.)

The sign up sheets are available in the church narthex. Register for as many hours and as many days as you would like to participate.

Adopt-A-Family for Christmas

Visit the Giving Tree in our church narthex and choose a gift or two to help a family who is in need this holiday season. In our 25th year with this program we are serving 8 families. We are purchasing gifts for adults and children. You can pick out a gift to purchase or you can give cash and someone will purchase a gift for you. Here are a few other pieces of information:

� Please purchase a new item for the gift and wrap it.

� Attach the ornament you took from the Giving Tree to the wrapped gift.

� All gifts should be returned to ULC by December 16.

� Place the gifts under or near the Giving Tree.

� We are collecting money to purchase a $50 Hugo’s gift card for each family. When we are finished with this great cause, we will have purchased over 100 gifts for needy families in our community! Way to go ULC!

Noisy Offering This Month

Noisy offering in Advent will go to ELCA World Hunger. Our church, the ELCA, is very active in helping and feeding adults and children in our world, serving 58 countries and 46 US states. Money donated to ELCA World Hunger will even return to Grand Forks, as through our donations we will help stock our local food pantry shelves at the Salvation Army. We thank you for all your generous gifts to our noisy offering.

Roast Pork Dinner for World Hunger

We will together enjoy a pork roast dinner on Sunday, December 11, at 11:00 am (after worship). Everyone is invited to share in this delicious meal, and at the same time raise money for ELCA World Hunger. We will receive a free will offering, and $1,500 of what we raise will be matched by the ULC Mission Endowment fund. Our goal this December is just that, to raise a total of $3,000 for the ministry of ELCA World Hunger.

Singing Opportunity for Men

Brian Strom is organizing a men’s singing group for December. They will sing for worship on Wednesday, December 14 and Sunday, December 18. The practice dates are as follows:

• Sunday, December 4, 11:10-11:45

• Wednesday, December 7, 7:00-7:25

• Sunday, December 11, 11:10-11:45

Of course, we will sing seasonal music! If you have any questions, you may call Brian at 218-791-6582.

Peder Eide – Christmas Time

Well-known Christian (and Lutheran) singer and songwriter, Peder Eide, is coming to Grand Forks on Sunday, December 11, at 4:00 pm. He is playing at Calvary Lutheran Church at 1405 South 9th Street in Grand Forks. The cost is $10 per person or $20 per family. Invite a friend to celebrate the season.

Christmas in the Park

The Lions Club of Grand Forks is once again sponsoring Christmas in the Park. Many local churches, businesses, organizations, and health care facilities are working on projects to light up the holiday season. Any profits from this event will be used to benefit local charities and help needy families. If you would like to enjoy these lights and contribute to needy families, please come to Christmas in the Park at Lincoln Park from November 25-December 31, 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm. Cars cost $6, Limos $10, and buses $20.

New Member Events

We have rescheduled our new member events to December. If you would like to become a member of ULC or you know someone who would, please speak with Pastor Tom. The dates are Sunday, December 11, and Wednesday, December 14. The Sunday event includes a roast pork meal after worship, which is also a fundraiser for ELCA Global Hunger. New members are invited to a ULC orientation meeting on Thursday, December 8, at 7:00 pm, in the lounge. Welcome to ULC!

End of Year Stewardship News

Are you ready for some AWESOME NEWS?

We have a new furnace and air conditioner! You may remember in August that the air conditioner in the offices and lounge died a natural death. Soon after we had announced this, Les and Patty Howard approached us with the good news they wanted to install both a new air conditioner and furnace for our offices. They gener-ously contributed these to ULC in loving memory of Les’ parents, Art and Joyce Howard. Wow! Thank you, Les and Patty! Are you ready for a DECEMBER CHALLENGE?

We hope to make some serious gains on the general fund shortfall this December. With God’s help and our generosity, we can do this! If you are able, please keep up your regular giving levels, your High 5 offerings, and so on. And, if you have anything extra you are able to give this month, small or large, we will truly benefit from your generosity as a congregation. Thank you for all your gifts! Here is a summary of the current General Fund challenge:

At the end of October, the shortfall was still unfortunately $35,200. While we have our work cut out for us, we have overcome such challenges before!

Live Simply Live Simply is the title of our stewardship program that we will debut in January 2017. Yes, we will start the year on the right foot, talking about how we offer our time, talent, and resources to the Lord. Here are the weekly themes:

January 15: Live Simply: Follow Jesus January 22: Live Simply: Face the Truth January 29: Live Simply: Act Together February 5: Live Simply: Share Enough

This program will include talk about our need for Jesus, our need for each other, as well as our need to give. Lay people will be speaking too; electronic giving will be discussed; and we will conclude with making commitments to

our shared ministry in 2017.

Thank You for Your Contributions

Thank you so much for supporting me (Pastor Tom) in the Chosen Marathon in New Braunfels, Texas. You generously sent me there with $2,200. All that money will go to support adoption at the For His Children orphanages in Quito and Latacunga, Ecuador. As a group, the FHC team has raised over $15,000 already, and we are still hoping to make it to our goal, which was $20,000. The race and weather were beautiful, and I ran my best time in 2016.

Adult Education Here are a number of learning opportunities for you in the month of December:


The Foundations of the Earth: Global Ecological Change and the Book of Job

Greg Vandeberg will be leading a class, starting on December 4th in the lounge at 8:45 a.m. The class is based in part on the book by ecologist H.H. Shugart of the same name “Foundations of the Earth: Global Ecological Change and the Book of Job”. The class will concentrate on three main themes: 1) why bad things happen to good people; 2) God’s questions to Job about the formation of the Cosmos and Earth; and 3) humans impacts on the Earth. Be there for this exciting discussion!


Advent Waiting: What wants to be born in you?

The Bible study for ULC women and friends in the month of December is an Advent devo-tion. Sonia C. Solomonson, an award-winning, freelance editor and certified life coach, shares a devotion around the theme of Advent Waiting: What wants to be born in you? We hope you will join us to spiritually prepare yourself for Christmas and the coming of the Lord Jesus. We work so hard to get our homes ready for Christmas. Here is a time to get your heart ready too. This study will be on Friday, December 9, at 10:00 am. And it is very likely that there will be a few Christmas cookies too!


Some Thoughts on the Real Christmas Story

Are there some parts of the Christmas story that we take for granted and maybe were not exactly the way we think? For example, in the Christmas story a stable is never mentioned; there was no innkeeper and maybe no inn either; Joseph very likely had a ton of relatives in the city of Bethlehem who would have visited the baby Jesus too; and why wouldn’t the baby Jesus cry? Please join us for this fun look at the Christmas story that makes us think even more deeply about the Word becoming flesh in Jesus. Please join us Saturday, December 17 at 8:30 for breakfast pizza, prayer, conversation, and the study.


The Story of Advent is a Story of Hunger

This year on Thursday mornings in December, we will study some Advent readings we typically encounter at worship in the Advent season. Here are the weeks and themes:

December 1: A People of Promise (Matthew 24) December 8: Bearing Fruit (Matthew 3) December 15: Healing of the Whole World (Matthew 11) December 22: God in Unexpected Places (Matthew 1)

Please join us on Thursday mornings in December for this unique perspective on the season of Advent. What are you hungry for this December?

The University Lutheran Christmas program will be

December 18th at 6:30 p.m.

This program is for all students

(WWJ and Sunday School) preschool-6th grade.

Please invite guests!

Christmas program practice will be on Saturday, December 17th at 10:00 a.m., practice will be over at approximately noon. This practice is for all children in church school. Preschoolers-Kindergarten students may be picked up at 11:00, or they can stay until Noon, if they have siblings practicing until then. It is VERY important that your child attend practice. This may be the ONLY opportunity we have to practice with both Sunday and Wednesday stu-dents before the program. Students in 5th and 6th grade may need to stay a few extra minutes to practice speaking parts.

Educa�on Update December 2016

WWJ resumes on Jan. 4th

and Sunday school on Jan. 8th


Have a fun and safe Christmas break!!!



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Please place this form

in the offering tray,

or bring it to the church office.


s due by December 18



“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on

earth peace among those whom he favors!”

Luke 2: 14

Middle School Christmas Party:

Sunday, December 11th from 3-5pm. Youth in grades 6-8 will meet in the youth room for fellowship, fun games, and food. We will also be playing a fun gift exchange game. Please bring a wrapped $10-$15 Christmas gift that could be given to a guy or girl for this game. Friends are welcome to come. Hope to see you there.

High School Christmas Party:

Sunday, December 11th from 5-7pm. Youth in grades 9-12 will meet in the youth room for fellowship, fun games, and food. We will also be playing a fun gift exchange game. Please bring a wrapped $10-$15 Christmas gift that could be given to a guy or girl for this game. Friends are welcome to come. Hope to see you there.

On Thursday, December 15th middle school and high school youth will be ringing bells for the Salvation Army. Middle & high school youth

will ring from 4:45-6:45pm. Please come help ring.

We will be ringing inside the mall at Scheel's. Hot chocolate and cookies will be provided. If you have questions about this please let Heather know.


ULC Youth will be having a Christmas Bake Sale on Sunday, December 18th before and after church and at the Christmas program.

All proceeds will benefit the youth program. If you enjoy baking we would be grateful for any items you would like to donate.

Christmas Program Practice and Party: K-6th Grade

Saturday, December 17th from 12:00pm-3:30pm youth in grades K-6 will meet at church for a Christmas Party. The afternoon will include lunch (chicken nuggets, chips, fruit and Christmas cookies), fun games, a craft and Christmas bible study, holiday treats, and the movie, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. Please come and bring your friends.

• Christmas Program practice: Kindergarten: 10am to 11am

*There will be an activity for Kindergarten youth from 11-12.

1st-6th grade: 10am-12pm

• Lunch and Christmas Party: 12pm-3:30pm

If you don’t want to eat the lunch provided feel free to pack a bag lunch.

ULC Mission Endowment

Just a friendly reminder that the Mission Endowment committee met in October and approved two grant requests:

We purchased for the church an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). The good news is that it has just arrived! We are now in the process of making sure we know how to use it, and then installing it in the narthex near the sanctuary. And hopefully, our hearts will beat well, and we will never have to use it!

We also agreed to give $1,500 to ELCA World Hunger, and have challenged you to match those dollars through your Advent noisy offerings and the roast pork dinner on December 11. When all is said and done, we hope we will have raised $3,000 for ELCA World Hunger.

The ULC Mission Endowment members are Les Howard (chair), Dave Masterson (treasurer), Clarice Urness (secretary), Betty Bloomquist, Teresa Kuhens, Dave Larsen, and Pastor Tom.

The Stephen Ministers are available to ULC members and friends to actively serve you on a personal basis with visits of concern, care, and/or just simply to share. If you are in need of someone to talk with, please reach out. Or if you know of someone you want us to reach out to, we will. Contact Bonnie Peterson, Program Coordinator or Pastor Tom with your requests. And know that with God’s guidance the Stephen Ministry Program is here to help you through the difficult moments and the happy moments of your lives.

I command you be strong and courageous!

Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you

wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Foster Grandparent Program

The Red River Valley Foster Grandparent Program is looking for individuals age 55 and over to assist children in our community. Foster grandparents:

• Read to a child and have a child read to them.

• Assist child with basic academic skills, such as reading, writing, spelling, and math.

• Do crafts, interact with children, and be a role model.

• Soothe a hurt child, and give and receive unconditional love and support.

Foster Grandparents receive a small tax-free stipend of $2.65 per hour, as well as many other benefits. For more information call Karen Hillman or Pam Thoreson at the Foster Grandparent Program office at 795-3112.

ULC Women of the ELCA

December 2016 - News and Events

General Aid Meeting

Sunday, December 18 at 11:30 will be our General Aid meeting to vote on benevolences and also board members for 2017. Prayerfully consider supporting WELCA by being willing to join the board team. You need not be afraid that you don’t know how-there are many who will help in whatever capacity you consider. We need a president, a Church Council rep-resentative, and kitchen supply person. Please talk to any of the current board members if you are in-terested. Every woman in the congregation is a member of WELCA and we need you!

WELCA Tenth Triennial Gathering - Summer 2017 (July 13-16) Save the date! Next summer, the Triennial Gathering for WELCA is being held in Minneapolis, MN (probably the closest it will ever be to us!) We would love to get a large group together to go to the gathering. If you think you would be interested, I am putting together a list of people who have an interest in attend-ing. We need to start thinking about travel options. Please give me a call by December 15th in the office (775-4745) if you are considering attending. May you be filled with Christmas joy, Seanne Voracek, WELCA President

WOMEN OF THE ELCA Purpose Statement

As a community of women

created in the image of God,

called to discipleship in Jesus Christ,

and empowered by the Holy Spirit,

We commit ourselves to

grow in faith, affirm our gifts,

support one another in our callings,

engage in ministry and action,

and promote healing and wholeness

in the Church, the society, and the world.

WELCA Bible Study

Friday, December 9,

10:00 a.m. in the lounge.

Led by Pastor Tom.

Naomi/Rachel Circle

11:00am Friday, December 9

at the home of Inez Drake

Ruth Circle

6:30pm Tuesday, Dec. 20

at the church

Mary/Martha Circle


Wednesday, December 21

at the home of Bev Lunde

Christmas Brunch

Saturday, December 3, 2016 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.

Program: Ken Dawes Musical Guests: The Messengers

Invite your spouse, neighbors or guests to join you for this festive morning of fellowship, food, laughter, and music!

Please bring a non-perishable food item

for the Salvation Army Food Cupboard.

This is a great way to start off the holiday season!

Please join us!

The University Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA invite you to the annual

UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2122 UNIVERSITY AVENUE GRAND FORKS ND 58203-3399 «Mailing Label» «Address 1 (current as of today)» «Address 2 (current as of today)» «City State (current as of today)» «Zip code (current as of today)»






Ministers: Every Member of the Congregation

Missionary: Susan Smith

Pastor: Thomas W. Colenso

Education Coordinator: Jen Hanson

Youth Minister: Heather Kallestad

Administrative Assistant: Seanne Voracek

Organists: Lauri Shimpa and Jane Traub

Custodians: Harold and Cindy Stoller

Stephen Ministry Leaders:

Bonnie Peterson, Wayde Anderson

Evelyn Clark, Jane Traub


2122 University Avenue

Grand Forks ND 58203

Phone: 701-775-4745

Email: [email protected]

Advent Worship “A World Hungry for Jesus”

Please join us for worship as we consider the Lord’s coming into the world,

and in particular wonder how we may be ready for it.

December 4 and December 7

‘You Look Like Your Brother” December 11 and December 14

“Healing for a Hurting World “ December 18

“God in Unexpected Places”

Christmas Eve -December 24 Candlelight Worship

5:00pm and 10:00pm

Christmas Day - December 25 Worship 10:00am

New Year’s Day -January 1

Worship 10:00am Please join us for worship.