Page 1: December 2011/January 2012


Sydney diviSion Key SponSorS


The Last Word …I can’t believe this is my last column! I’ve had such a wonderful time this year and I would like to thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity. Thank you for taking part, and teaching me. This year has shown me just how broad engineering is, and what truly great work engineers do. The best part has been meeting the people that make this profession the great profession that it is.

A recent example is the opportunity I had to visit Dubbo in the State’s west. Stewart McLeod, the Chair of the Dubbo Group, kindly took me around Dubbo, not only showing me the innovative engineering that Dubbo engineers are conducting in sites such as the Apex Oval, but also a tour of the Dubbo Zoo, which is taking part in the conservation of Tasmanian Devils (an infectious cancer is quite rapidly diminishing numbers). I also attended the Dubbo Group’s end of year dinner with a presentation from a regional company that is investing in new technologies in regional areas. I would like to thank Stewart, Jill Kilby, and the Dubbo Group for making my visit truly memorable. As next year is the Year of the Regional Engineering Team, I hope that many of our members take the time to visit the regional areas.

The Division recently held the November Fellows Luncheon at State Parliament house, through our host, Engineer and Member for Port Stephens, Craig Baumann. Through Craig’s assistance, Sydney Division was able to have the Hon. Brad Hazzard (Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW) speak at the Luncheon. Brad Hazzard spoke about the initiative that Infrastructure New South Wales has taken in pushing for innovative solutions for

the infrastructure of this state. This has been great for bringing engineering to the forefront as issues in transport, energy are engineering issues. It is up to us, the profession, to ensure that we are a part of the engagement and decision making process by both sides of State and Federal politics.

Altogether, Sydney Division has had a very successful year this year. Collectively with all groups, we held over 26 events for the Year of Humanitarian Engineering. A special thank you goes to Jon Lee for coordinating everyone’s efforts. We have also opened up discussions about the value for membership and Chartered Status – which is a review that is being conducted by National Office. The year would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of all of the volunteers that make it happen. Thank you to all groups and the Division Committee.

And finally, I wish all of you and your families the happiest of festive seasons. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Steve Finlay and his team at Sydney Division for helping me throughout the year. And I would also like to congratulate the new committee going forward – I know that the new President, Brendyn Williams, will no doubt move Sydney Division to bigger and better heights.

Maryam Khajeh, Signing off.

Maryam Khajeh, MIEAustSydney Division President

DATE: 2 April VENUE: Sydney Masonic Centre



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Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood nSW 2067(po Box 1389, Chatswood 2057)phone 02 9410 5600 fax 02 9410 [email protected] views expressed in Engineers Sydney are not necessarily those of engineers Australia Sydney division.Sydney Division

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Key Division StaffExecutive Director – Steve Finlay

Executive Operations Manager – Richard HannaEvents Manager – Aimee Najdovski

Industry Relationship Manager – Elana HuthnanceEvents Coordinator – Jessica Marshall

Communications and IT Coordinator – Nimali HerathMembership Officer – Julia Bresolin

Membership Officer – Danielle TuazonAccount Manager – Rimma Kolodizner

Chartered Assessors – Roland De Broglio, Amal Hanna Neil Wyles and Guy Beaubois

National Stage 1 Assessor – Guy Beaubois and Maurice AllenNational Manager Careers – Jenny O’Donovan

Your Division Committee for 2011President – Maryam Khajeh

Deputy President – Brendyn WilliamsVice Deputy President – John Nichols

Immediate Past President – Ian AcklandNational Councillors – Bruce Howard, Marlene Kanga

and Alex BaitchNational Congress – Kevin Dixon, David Edwards

and Michael Myers

Elected Members:Alex Baitch, Kevin Dixon, Phillip Cleary, Rosemary Crowhurst,

Don Hector and Ted Tooher

Appointed Members:Young Engineers Australia,Sydney Division – Terri Lin

Women in Engineering – Julie MikhailRegional Group Representatives – Jon Thompson

and Marlene Van der SterrenCollege and CELM Representative – Debashis Raha

Unit Representative – Jon LeeSocieties Representative – Patrick McMullan

Chair Education Sub Committee – Norm Himsley

Produced byEngineers Australia Sydney Division

Editor – Steve Finlay

Designed by Engineers Media

Deputy President’s CornerMy view is that all engineers are management consultants. That is, every engineer has a client (whether internal or external to the organisation) and has a role to play in both responding to a client’s ‘wants’, but also in facilitating clarification of the client’s ‘needs’.

In a similar way, I see that the role of Engineers Australia is to both understand and respond to the ‘wants’ of the membership, but more importantly to lead the profession towards preparing for the future ‘needs’ of the community at large.

The engineering profession has a lot to offer this country, but the ideas and efforts of individual engineers need to be coordinated and focused if we are going to realise our true potential – this is the intent of Engineers Australia as a professional body, but it is up to each of us to help make that a reality. I’ve been challenged by the thought that a ‘tree is known by its fruit’. The quality and substance of the ‘fruit’ of our profession is dependent on the structure, governance, leadership, management and communication which supports it.

Sydney Division has just formed its new Division Committee for 2012, including ‘elected’ and ‘appointed’ members as well as representatives from Council, Congress and various Colleges. But while good cross-sectional representation from the membership is critical, so too is the need for Division Committee to act as a coordinated team serving the interests of the Division as a whole.

I would like to extend my thanks to all those who have been active participants in the activities of Engineers Australia throughout 2011, whether as office bearers, volunteers, staff, or simply by supporting the initiatives of others by attending various events. I’m hopeful that your involvement in 2012 will be even more rewarding.

Brendyn Williams BE(Civil)(Hons) MIEAust FIPWEADeputy President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Sydney Division’s Annual holiday closer

Engineers Australia, Sydney Division will close at 12 noon on Friday, 23 December and reopen on Tuesday, 3 January 2012.

The management and sta� of Sydney Division would like to take this opportunity to thank the numerous volunteers who have given so much of their time to assist with various programs throughout the year and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

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Women in Engineering Eminent Speakers BreakfastHumanitarians – Engineers – Women Going PlacesOn 13th October 2011 Women in Engineering Sydney Division held their highlight event of the year, the Eminent Speakers breakfast. Proudly sponsored by Abigroup, the event was once again held at the Four Seasons Hotel and was attended by more than 200 people. Three speakers addressed the theme of Humanitarians – Engineers – Women Going Places.

To start off, Ms Emily Mudge, Project Engineer with Bovis Lendlease, whose humanitarian engineering experience took her to Sri Lanka, spoke of her work as a housing advisor for the United Nations. Her work assisted in the reconstruction of post tsunami Sri Lanka, where she found one of the greatest challenges being the application of commercial practices in the humanitarian environment. Ms Mudge found that the most important investment was in the people as the rewards and outcomes were invaluable.

To add a touch of difference to the speaker line up, Dr Naomi McClure-Griffiths, CEO CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science, presented what she referred to as the ethereal humanitarian perspective, providing a lively presentation about how her role increases our knowledge about the greater world we live in. Specialising in the use of radio telescopes to understand the galaxy, Ms McClure-Griffiths, an astronomer, has had the opportunity to travel extensively for the purpose of using the various radio telescopes scattered around the world, and says one of the greatest aspects of her job is in taking astronomy to the people. Ms McClure-Griffiths also highlighted the importance of a close working relationship between engineers and astronomers to develop the radio telescopes and other equipment astronomers need to undertake their work.

Having fluked her way in to engineering, the third speaker, Captain Clare O’Neill, a civil engineer with the Army, has never looked back on her original ambition of becoming a doctor. Captain O’Neill has been deployed twice to Afghanistan as part of the Reconstruction Task Force. The only female

on the team, she assisted in the rebuilding of a hospital and spoke of the unique opportunity she had to assist the predominantly female nursing community, to address requirements of the female wards that had previously been neglected. One such example was the provision of a ‘baby pack’ that included essential medical needs for safe child birth that would encourage women to attend the hospital for the delivery of their child as opposed to the more common and unsafe practice of home births.

Ms Elena Potenza, Abigroup representative, thanked the speakers and adequately summed up their presentations to state that humanitarian engineering is all about the people. The inspiring morning also included a stand set up by Red-R and Engineers Without Borders, giving breakfast attendees the opportunity to see what these two great organisations contribute to the humanitarian cause.

Julie Mikhail,Chair WIE Sydney.

l-r: Gillian Pak, Capt. Clare O’Neill, Emily Mudge, Dr Naomi McClure-Griffiths, Julie Mikhail and Maryam Khajeh.

Congratulations to Marlene Kanga – National Deputy President 2012Sydney Division is delighted over the election, at Congress in Canberra on 23 November 2011, of Marlene Kanga as National Deputy President, and therefore National President elect in 2013. Marlene will be the first National President from Sydney Division since Martin Thomas in 1991.

Dr Marlene Kanga is a Chartered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of Engineers Australia. She is a Chemical Engineer with a specialisation in risk engineering. Marlene has been a member of the Council of Engineers Australia since 2007. As a Councillor, she has been responsible for oversight of marketing and communication, engineering practice and professional development and finance.

Marlene is a Director of Business Technology Pty. Ltd which provides risk engineering consulting services to the oil and gas, petrochemical and process industries. She is also a Director of iOmniscient Pty. Ltd. which has developed patented software technology for automated camera based surveillance systems. The technology is based on Australian research, has won multiple awards internationally and has been installed in large airports, transportation and public infrastructure in Australia, Asia and Europe.

Marlene was Chair of the National Committee for Women in Engineering at Engineers Australia during 2008-2009. Her strategic initiatives, has resulted in membership growth among women engineers being the fastest

growing segment in Engineers Australia.Marlene has represented Australian engineers

in various international forums including the World Engineers Conventions from 2007 - 2010. She is a member of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) Committee for Women in Engineering and the Committee for Disaster Risk Management.

Marlene is committed to ensuring that Engineers Australia remains relevant to the profession and delivers value to its members. Members want more technical information and high quality opportunities for professional development. Young engineers now comprise the majority of engineers and these products and services will use the latest technology and be structured to appeal to the new generation of engineering professionals. Marlene is committed to the current priorities for the organisation, which are to encourage more members

to become Chartered professionals and to achieve National Registration covered by uniform legislation. It is also important to engage with government, the media and the broader community to discuss the important contributions engineers make to modern life and the issues for which engineers deliver solutions such as climate change, water management and sustainability.

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Discover Engineering DayThe most recent Discover Engineering Day was held at Epping Boys High School on 17 November 2011. The day saw an attendance of over 150 students from surrounding schools including Mosman High School, Cheltenham Girls High School, Tempe High School and St Ives.

A new format was trialled and went off without a hitch. To start off with the students were introduced to the world of engineering with a presentation by our Careers Manager Jenny O’Donovan. Throughout the day the students then saw presentations from both our Student Engineer and Professional Engineer, Mathew Saxby and Sofia Sapojnikova.

When the students were not captivated by our presentations they were given the opportunity to rotate around to a range of different activities that helped them learn more about engineering as a future career path. Activities

on the day included a University hub with ambassadors from University of Sydney, UWS, UNSW and UTS, a search and rescue robot from the University of Technology Sydney, a presentation from the Defence Force on what it is like to be involved with the Australian Defence force in an engineering capacity and lastly the students got to try their hand at some engineering of their own by competing in a paper plane competition. The engineers of the winning plane came from Shoalhaven High School. The highlight for most of the students on the day was our engineers from BOC who had some fun with liquid nitrogen and turned a banana into a hammer.

After all their hard work students were treated to morning tea and lunch provided by Epping Boys High School hospitality students. A big thank you to Epping Boys High School for allowing us to use their school venue.

We now look forward to future Discover Engineering Days.If you would like any information on the Discover Engineering Day

programs run by Engineers Australia, Sydney Division please contact Jessica Marshall at [email protected]

Young EngineersOver the last number of years YEAS has gone from strength to strength, continually growing and expanding it’s reach among young engineering professionals and students in the Sydney region.

In October of this year the 2012 committee of Young Engineers Australia Sydney was elected. It is the new committees hope that we continue the excellent work of YEAS and follow the example of those who have led before us.

The 2012 committee is busily preparing for next year and have a number of things planned for our members.

We’ll be kicking off the year with our annual social sundowner event, offering a relaxed way for you engineers to network and get to know each other.

2012 will again see our stand out event the Young Engineers Leadership Reception which continues to offer promising young leaders the opportunity to meet and be inspired by some of the great leaders in our profession. And our other landmark event the Young Engineers Gala dinner will be held towards the end of the year and will be a fantastic chance to celebrate our achievements for the year as well as the achievements of some amazing young engineers.

On top of all this we hope to continue our focus on developing the communication and soft skills of young engineers, skills far to often lacking in new entrants to the work force. As well a broadening our appeal to and engagement with engineering students at the various universities across Sydney.

As it is the beginning of the year and a new committee now is the perfect time for any young engineer to get involved. My involvement with YEAS up to this point has been nothing but a positive experience and has opened many doors and created many opportunities for me. So if you’d like to get involved please get in touch with us ([email protected]). We will be holding our annual planning day in January which will set the plan and strategy for 2012, so anyone interested in getting involved or just finding out more should come along.

Finally I would like to thank the 2011 committee for their efforts these past 12 months. What they have achieved is a true testament to their commitment to YEAS and our profession in general. In particular without the leadership of people like John Van Rooyen, Tim Daniels, Sam Green, Derek Cheung, Sanshi Liu, Jon Lee, and of course our amazing chair James Bencke none of the incredible things that YEAS has been doing these last 12 months would ever have come to pass. So thank you all!

Patrick JamesYEAS Chairperson

If you are interested in getting involved or learning more about YEAS please email our secretary Tiffany Chan at [email protected]. For upcoming YEAS events please visit our website at or join our Facebook group: Young Engineers Australia Sydney

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Professional Development Program and Chartered StatusIt has been a busy year for the Professional Development Program at the Sydney Division.

We have welcomed many new partners such as Ausgrid, Downer EDI Rail, QANTAS Engineering and Rail Corp and renewed our partnership with others such as Arup and Abigroup. These organisations join over 170 existing PDP partners for the Sydney Division.

Almost 1500 Sydney engineers are currently on PDP partner programs and 2011 has seen over 100 engineers attain chartered status through these programs.

Looking to 2012, there are a lot of exciting improvements that will be introduced to both the Competency Standards and the Chartered processes, for both PDP and other Chartered candidates.

Competency StandardsA national process of reviewing the Australian Engineering Competency Standards Stage 2 has commenced as part of an ongoing commitment for regular revision and improvement. The 2012 competencies will harmonise with international engineering competencies from the International Engineering Alliance.

The 2012 revision will be more user-friendly to assist participants to identify and provide the required evidence of their competence while maintaining Chartered standards. They also aim to described in such as way as to be inclusive of all areas of engineering practice.

The draft competencies are now on the web and open for comment. Further information can be found at

eCharteredIn parallel with the review of competency standards, we are developing eChartered, a new online system for Chartering Engineers, Technologists and Associates (Officers) to be launched in mid-2012. This has culminated

from extensive feedback provided about the current system.eChartered will introduce a number of improvements, particularly for our

Professional Development Programs, including:• An improved assessment process, conducted mostly online;• Integration with other Engineers Australia systems, e.g. Membership

data and marketing information;• Detailed Guidelines for areas of practice assisting applicants to

select their experience in the most appropriate way to demonstrate competency;

• The ability to write about work experience that demonstrates an individual Element of Competency;

• Independent assessment by two Assessors;• Online verification and document lodgement;• Online training materials; and• Benchmarking and progress indicators.The new system will continue to utilise the professional interview component as an integral part of the assessment process. It should also be emphasised that the new system will require the same level of engineering experience for attainment and maintains the same integrity and rigor of the current system.

Participants of the current system will be invited to transition to the new system mid-year. Extensive mapping of both systems is currently occurring to ensure no one is disadvantaged in transition and past progress and achievement is recognised.

There will be a series of information sessions about eChartered early in 2012.

If you have any queries about either the 2012 Competency Standards review or the introduction of eChartered, contact Elana Huthnance, Industry Relationship Manager Sydney, by email on [email protected].

Technical workshop on Pro Bono EngineeringThe morning of Friday the 4th of November saw interested engineers gather at the Harricks Auditorium at Engineers Australia – Sydney Division’s Chatswood office to discuss and contribute to research carried out for Engineers Australia into pro bono engineering. Pro bono engineering involves engineering organisations providing engineering activities at no (or a significantly reduced) fee, for community partners.

National President of Engineers Australia Merv Lindsay FIEAust CPEng provided an introduction to the Year of Humanitarian Engineering and reflected on his experiences participating in pro bono engineering activities. Sunny Oliver-Bennetts, EWB, provided a background into the research and Sarah Purcell provided a comparison to pro bono legal activity and outlined the current findings.

The audience was asked to provide insight into grouped themes of ‘pro bono engineering within a corporate social responsibility framework’, ‘initiating pro bono activities,’ ‘project management,’ ‘partnership management’ and ‘benefits and risks.’ Interesting discussions ensued, with terms such as ‘enlightened client relationship management’ being coined to emphasise the partnership model required when working with community organisations.

The group then discussed their vision for pro bono engineering and the pathways that will take us there, with many noting the need for supporting infrastructure to assist engineering organisations, whether small or large, to structure, participate and celebrate pro bono engineering.

Many stayed on to continue the discussion after the session came to an end, furthering the atmosphere of interest and enthusiasm that bodes well for

pro bono engineering and the potential of the engineering profession to give back to society.

A big thank you to the EA-Sydney Division team for their assistance in hosting the event.

For more information, contact Sarah Purcell ([email protected]) and look out for the finalised report to be released on the third day of the Humanitarian Engineering Conference in Melbourne.

Sarah Purcell (BLaws/BEng) EWB

Presenters: Sarah Purcell and Sunny Oliver Bennetts with the attendees of workshop.

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Fellows’ Luncheon – November 2011The November Fellows’ Luncheon at Parliament House was hosted by Craig Baumann MP.

We welcomed 34 new Fellows and 4 Honorary Fellow into Engineers Australia Sydney Division. The New Fellows welcomed at the Luncheon were:

Trevor AshtonMark BabisterAssoc/Prof James BallAshoka ChelaniParis ConstantineShane DiasProf Hugh Durrant-WhyteDenis FaberDr Therese FlapperGregory FoxRoss GolottaMark HoffmanRodney HowardPeter HuntAndrew HydenChristopher JenkinsBrett Jones

Steven KempDr Stuart McGillAlexandra MeldrumRichard MerrettDr Soussan ModjtahediDr Bala MuhunthanIan NorrieZahra NowparvarPhillip RidleyDr Christopher RobertsGeoffrey SizerDeborah SmeeGodfrey SmithClifford StephensonFrances Van ReykJanina VeriGeorge Vorobieff

Honorary FellowsProf Alex BaitchHugh Ralston

John GrillE/Prof Elizabeth Taylor AO

We also welcomed a Canberra Division Fellow Dr Peter Bates at the luncheon

The guest speaker was The Hon. Brad Hazzard, Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, Minister Assisting the Premier on Infrastructure NSW and Leader of the House in the O’Farrell Government.

The Minister captivated the audience with his presentation on the current developments within NSW Planning and Infrastructure. The Minister spoke of the major changes that have been made within the short timeframe of being elected as Minister. These changes look at the long term progress and advancements, not the short term, for NSW Infrastructure and Planning. The Minister also answered some challenging questions from the attending Fellows.

The Luncheon was closed by John Nichols, Sydney Division Vice Deputy President, who delivered the Vote of Thanks.

The next Fellows’ Luncheon will take place on Friday 9 March 2012.

New Honorary Fellows E/Prof Elizabeth Taylor AO, Hugh Ralston and Prof Alex Baitch with Maryam Khajeh, John Nichols and Steve Finlay.

New Fellows with Maryam Khajeh, John Nichols and Steve Finlay.

The Hon. Brad Hazzard MP.

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Illawarra/Sutherland region newsThe ISRG Committee organised a site visit to the Australian Institute for Innovative Materials (AIIM) Facility at the University of Wollongong’s Innovation Campus on Wednesday 12 October. AIIM Facility houses the University of Wollongong’s flagship research groups – the Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials and the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute.

New materials will require the development of new production processes and devices.

Final touches are being put on a $43.8 million expansion of the facility that will add a processing and devices facility to help transform their research into commercial reality. This will be the first facility of its type for multi-functional materials in Australia.

There are more than 200 researchers and students at the AIIM Facility examining areas.

The visit was attended by 22 members and guests.

On Tuesday 18 October the Young Engineers Australia – Illawarra (YEA-I) presented a very interesting seminar on: Conducting Polymer Medical Bionics Research, Guest Speaker was Dr Simon Moulton, Senior QEII Research Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science at the University of Wollongong’s Innovation Campus.

The presentation highlighted the work being undertaken at the UOW ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science in biomedical bionics using ICPs.

Energy transfer from conventional metal electrodes to biological systems can assist in areas such as nerve regeneration, wound healing, and bone regrowth through electrical stimulation of cellular behaviour. ICPs support the growth of mammalian cells, and can be utilised to deliver electrical stimuli to control the adhesion, proliferation and function of cells on the ICP surface.

In the Bionics program, new nano-structured electromaterials and composites are being explored to facilitate the control of growth and behaviour of mammalian cells and the tissues and organs that they compose. These

electrodes not only provide the delivery of trophic, inhibitory/or chemotactic factors but also the transfer of energy to the cells. These effects are achieved by modifying the chemistry of new Organic electromaterials, which in turn promote controllable variations to electrode surface chemical and mechanical properties. This technology is being used to promote specific control of the cell/tissue systems-interface and integration into the body for targeted applications such as new generation cochlear implants, spinal cord, nerve and muscle repair.

The YEA-I Committee organised a fun afternoon of Lawn Bowls – the Douglas Partners YEA-I & ISRG Lawn Bowls Challenge which was held on Thursday 17 November at the Fairy Meadow Bowling Club.

The event was sponsored by Douglas Partners and the Overall Winning Team was the DP Young Guns – team members were: Bethany Seville, Reilly Goodspeed, Kenton Horsley and Beaudee Noel-Gough.

The University of Wollongong Faculty of Engineering held their final judging of the 42nd Creative Design Competition. The ISRG Committee sponsor and judged the Best Oral Presentation. Judges this year were: Chris Hadenham and Peter Nasta.

The Competition was based on a Engineer

Without Borders (EWB) Challenge – this year it was focused on design projects for sustainable development in Devikulam, a village in South India.

The winners of the Best Oral Presentation were: Peter Anstice, Andrew Steward, Andrew Vild and Christopher Wodzinksi on their design of a water filtration unit.

The ISRG & YEA-I Committees held their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 23 November at the University of Wollongong UniCentre Function Rooms. Guest Speaker for the evening was Professor Gerard Sutton, Vice Chancellor, University of Wollongong.

Professor Sutton spoke on the transformation of the University. Back in 1951 a University presence was established in Wollongong as an Engineering College of the University of New South Wales to support the BHP Steelworks.

Sixty years later the University of Wollongong is ranked in the top 2% of Universities in the world by the international ranking agencies.

The ISRG/YEA-I AGM was sponsored by: Stolway Holdings, KFW, Spruson & Ferguson, University of Wollongong Faculty of Engineering, Hatch, Douglas Partners, GHD, Cardno, Coffey, Soto Engineers & Project Managers.

Elaine BaileyRegional Co-ordinator

David Pollum (YEA-I 2011 Chair) and Simon Moulton.

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Most events are held at EA Harricks Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood with refreshments provided prior to the session. As events are subject to change or cancel at short notice, please check our website for up-to-date information.

PLEASE NOTE: To view video streams and to download slides of selected Technical Presentations please visit Online CPD at our website:




Mon 6 Australian Society for Defence Engineering

Navy Engineering Post the Rizzo ReviewAuditorium17:30 to 19:30Contact: Doug RoserEmail: [email protected]: Free

Thurs 9 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE

RAMS – RailwaysAuditorium17:30 to 19:30Contact: Allan SangsterEmail: [email protected]: Free

Fri 10 Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Chartered WorkshopBoard Room9:30 to 12:00Contact: Julia BresolinEmail: [email protected]: Free

Sat 11 Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Chartered WorkshopBoard Room9:30 to 12:00Contact: Julia BresolinEmail: [email protected]: Free

Wed 15 Society of Fire Safety

Design Fire Modelling InputsAuditorium15:30 to 18:00Contact: Micael LundqvistEmail: [email protected]: $20 for EA & SFS members, $30 non members

Thurs 16 Mechanical Branch

Thermal Diffusion GalvanisingAuditorium18:00 to 20:00Contact: Andrew LoweEmail: [email protected]: Free

Mon 20 Maritime Panel

Safety of People & Vehicles Due to Wave OvertoppingAuditorium17:30 to 19:30Contact: Heli LahteelaEmail: [email protected]: Free

Thurs 23 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE

Geospatial Applications on Emergency ManagementAuditorium17:30 to 19:30Contact: Allan SangsterEmail: [email protected]: Free

Tues 28 Civil and Structural Engineering Panel

Infrastructure ProjectZenith Theatre, Railway & McIntosh Sts, Chatswood17:30 for 18:00 toContact: Richard HitchEmail: [email protected]: Free


Thurs 1 Centre for Eng. Leadership and Management

Mentoring Program 2012Auditorium17:30 to 19:30Contact: Jon LeeEmail: [email protected]: Free

UNSW Faculty of Engineering 2011 Highlights

Faculty of EngineeringNever Stand Still

2011 has seen Australia’s largest engineering faculty strengthen its market leadership with groundbreaking developments in the areas of engineering research, teaching and learning, with highlights in the areas of:Energy Research• Near completion of the Tyree Energy Technologies Building (TETB), Australia’s

leading energy research environmentSustainable Mining • Launch of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Mining Practices Research• Opening of the Laboratory for Imaging of the Mining Environment (LIME)Transport Innovation• Launch of the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI)• Appointment of the Evans & Peck Chair for Integrated Transport InnovationNonomedicine• Launch of the Australian Centre for NanoMedicine (ACN)Supporting engineering innovation through industry collaboration, dialogue and debate, the Faculty of Engineering at UNSW is perfectly positioned to lead the nation’s future engineering advancements through 2012 and strain