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A Monthly Newsletter of Blessed Savior Lutheran Church – DECEMBER 2016

The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

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“ The people walking in darkness have seen a great light” Isaiah 9:2

My Dear Friends: Just like a regular calendar year, the new Church Year has begun. The first semester is the part of the year we learn about what God has done for us. In the second half we learn what the Lord enables us to do for His kingdom and others. The church year is set up that way to show us that we are what we are by the grace of God. It is he who made us and endowed us with all kinds of gifts to serve one another in love. In families with children, sibling rivalry is a common thing. We say that a little bit of that is good, but we do not like to see it escalating into fighting. Our heavenly Father loves it when we serve and help and love one another too. Had Jesus not been born, then we all would have “to fend for ourselves”. But Jesus did come. He took our problems upon Himself. Now we can care for the person in need next to us. Advent is a time for preparation. We prepare our hearts for Jesus’ second coming, when He shall return as a Judge. Then we will all join Him in heaven, at His invitation, there to live in eternal blessedness and happiness. While Advent is not a season of celebration in itself, it is very hard to conceal the underlying anxiety in the hearts of believers just waiting to explode in songs of joy at the birth of the Savior. May the Lord grant us inward peace and joy as we prepare for the time of Christ – this Christmas and the eternal one, too! A blessed Advent to you all! Pastor Martinho Q. Sander

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It’s an ADVENTure!

In addition to your nightly Advent devotions,

here are some things to do as a family to make it an ADVENTure! 1. Make an Advent calendar. Read Matthew 3:1-3 2. Make an Advent wreath. Read Isaiah 40:1-11 3. Set up a nativity scene in your home. Read Luke 2:15-16 4. Decorate the Christmas tree. Share stories about the special ornaments. Read the story of the Christmas Tree 5. Go Christmas light looking and count all the different manger scenes that you see. Read John 8:12 6. Make salt dough ornaments. Read Matthew 5:13-16 7. Make a winter feast for the birds that are outside. Read Matthew 6:25-26 8. Read a Christmas book about the birth of Jesus. Read Luke 1:26-38 9. Go out to dinner and pay for the check of a random family. Read Micah 6:8 10. Have the kids make Christmas cards for family members, or for random members at church. Read Mark 16:15 11. Make paper snowflakes to hang in the windows. Read Isaiah 1:18 12. Make Christmas cookies and leave them on your neighbor’s doorsteps. Include a Bible verse or Christian message about Christmas. Read Isaiah 43:1 13. Have a family slumber party! Make popcorn, watch movies, and camp out on the living room floor. Read Joshua 24:15 14. Go through the church directory and pick 5 people to pray for. Read Philippians 1:3-4 15. Go to the store and have each child pick out a toy that can be donated to Toys for Tots. Read Matthew 25:35-40 16. Go Christmas caroling. Read Psalm 95:1-2 17. Make a birthday cake for Jesus. Read Luke 2:6-7 18. Take a family picture and make a frame to place it in. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 19. Print out the story of the Candy Cane, attach it some candy canes, and then hand them out to the people you come in contact with during the day (teacher, cashier, etc.). Read Matthew 1:21-23 20. Write a note to the mailman, and leave him or her a small treat. Read Ephesians 2:10 21. Watch A Charlie Brown Christmas. Read 1 Corinthians 2:9 22. Make some hot cocoa and take it to the Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell Ringers. Read Philippians 2:1-4 23. Read the entire Christmas story from Luke by candlelight. Read Luke 2:1-20 24. Make a list of all the blessings that God has given to your family since last Christmas. Read/Sing Hymn 805 25. Make a Gingerbread Nativity scene. Read John 1:14

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CHRISTMAS BY CANDLELIGHT DINNER –Join us for this special celebration of

our dear Savior’s birth on Tuesday, December 6th at 5:30 pm with dinner at 6:00 pm.

Tickets are available for $15 between services by the Women’s Ministries Bulletin

Board. Enjoy Christian Fellowship with other women, a scrumptious dinner catered by

Bunzel's, and dessert prepared by your Table Hostess. Main program: Rochelle

Pennington presents the hidden history behind Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.

Calling all men! You are needed and wanted as Servers for the Christmas by

Candlelight Dinner. See the WM Bulletin Board for Sign-Up Sheet and letter detailing

what you would do that evening. As a Server you will enjoy Christian fellowship with

other men and women from our congregation and also be treated to dinner catered by

Bunzel’s and dessert provided by women of our congregation during the event program.

This evening will not be possible without you.

Mark your calendars for the annual CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE Sunday, December


, after each church service. As you plan your holiday baking, please keep the Bake

Sale in mind, donating some of your delicious treats, which will benefit various

mission projects. Drop off goodies labeled “Bake Sale” in the church kitchen the week

before or on Saturday morning, December 10th

. We would also love to have you join

other sisters in Christ for fun and fellowship as we package goodies for the sale on

Saturday morning December 10th

, from 9:00 am to 12-noon.

Women’s Ministries (LWML) Advent Meal Volunteers on Wednesday, December 14th

Please sign up on the church bulletin board volunteer sheet to donate soup or

dessert and/or to help with setup, serving, and clean up for the Advent meals on the

14th. Thank you very much in advance for your participation in this special

celebration of our dear Savior’s birth.

QUILTERS The quilting ladies have been delayed in getting started because of the new carpet installation, but we are in full gear

again. The home sewers have delivered many quilt tops and the Wednesday ladies are working to put them together. Thank you to all the hard workers who sew at home. Quilting is the process of sewing two or more layers of fabric together to make a thicker padded material, usually to create a quilt or quilted garment. Typically, quilting is done with three layers: the top fabric or quilt top, batting or insulating material and backing material, but many different styles are adopted. We will not meet on November 30, December 7, or December 14, but plan to be back in full swing after the holidays.

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Christmas cards and other Christmas items

are now available in the Blessing Shoppe. To

see all the items the Blessing Shoppe has to

offer, stop by during the Bake Sale after both

services on December 11th. Income from the

Blessing Shoppe helps to provide funds for

our mission grants.


The former mitten tree will be up in the narthex

through December 31st. All types of warm clothing

are needed: gently used boots or sturdy shoes,

coats, jackets, heavy socks, sweaters, warm under-

garments and blankets are needed, as well as

mittens, scarves, hats and gloves. Infant to adult

sizes are needed. As you bring out your winter

clothing, if you find any of these items you no longer

use, remember they are needed by others.


This basket is always available for those who

like to do crafts. The winter months are a

great time to keep busy inside. Stop by and

pick out an item or two!


Do some knitting or crocheting with this yarn for

mission designations. Several suggestions are

available, as well as directions. The yarn table is in

the fellowship hall.

Winter Getaway 2017 sponsored by the Young Women of the South Wisconsin District Lutheran Women’s Missionary

League. Friday, January 27th and Saturday, January 28

th. Wintergreen Resort & Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells.

This is an event that will lift your spirit and strengthen your faith while you join other sisters in Christ in fellowship and in

directly and positively impacting others with Christ’s love and message of salvation.

A few short speakers focusing on serving others with gladness along with multiple

servant events are planned such as:

Create Plastic Sleep Mats for the Homeless

Make Eyeglass Cases for MOST

String Witness Bracelets for MOST

Build-A-Bear for Homeless Shelter

Angel Hugs and Children’s Hospital

Assemble Hygiene Kits for the women and children at Safe Harbor Homeless

Shelter in Reedsburg, WI.

Mark Bibles for Prison Ministries

Tie Blankets for Homeless Shelter

Registration deadline is January 6, 2017. More information and registration forms can be

found on the Women’s Ministries Bulletin Board and at

If you have questions about any aspect of this powerfully uplifting and enriching event

please talk with our in-house LWML Representative, Janet Steinhaus.

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Midweek Advent Services (Lunch at 11:30AM, Dinner at 5:30PM)

Wednesday, November 30 – 11:00AM & 6:30PM

Wednesday, December 7 – 11:00AM & 6:30PM

Wednesday, December 14 – 11:00AM &6:30PM

Christmas Eve Saturday, December 24 –

4:00PM, 6:00PM & 10:00PM

Christmas Day Sunday, December 25 – 10:00AM

New Year’s Eve Saturday, December 31 – 7:00PM

New Year’s Day Sunday, January 1 – 10:00AM

College Care Packages

As our 13 college students near the end of their semester, we sent them a “just add water” package with noodles, hot chocolate, washcloth, oatmeal and a water bottle. We also included a devotion book. The package was appreciated as always! Here are a few thank you notes from the students:

As a church, we do our best to correspond with the college students monthly. If you would like to send notes to them as a family or ministry group, please contact Jaime for the addresses. Are you a parent with a child in college that did not receive a package? Please send us their address so they can receive care packages!

Thank you for the care package it was very helpful this past week!--Bryan Marx

Thanks for the care package! I’ll enjoy the Ramen --Abby Hetcher

Just got the package! Thank you so much! It made my day! –Elyse Hoeg

A big thank you for this surprise gift! How did you know I needed a water

bottle and chicken ramen?? My mind is blown! –Samantha Schmitz

Thank you so much for the care package! –Sarah Schulz

Oh my goodness! Thank you for the care package! I love all of the things you included! oatmeal, hot

cocoa, and the cup! And thank you for the prayer book and devotions! I feel so loved. After this week, I

needed this more than I realized – Emily Sander

Thank you for the care package!—Nick Rydlewicz Thank you for the wonderful care package! After all of this time, I still get incredibly excited when I receive anything in the mail. Without a meal plan this year, I eat much more ramen than I ever expected to, so my stockpile of it is even bigger now! I look forward to getting home soon, but before I leave this weekend, I am giving an on- campus tour to a Lutheran High School! See you soon and Happy Thanksgiving! Abby Kunz Another blessing this morning from Blessed Savior in a "just add water" care package. Thank you so much!! –Sara Rydlewicz

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The end of the year will mark the one year inception of our Hope for the Homeless and Destitute

Endowment Fund. We have awarded two grants. The first grant was given to St. Peter Immanuel Lutheran

Church Food Pantry. The second grant was given to The Milwaukee Homeless and Veteran Services, Inc.

St. Peter Immanuel Lutheran Church is located on Milwaukee’s northwest side and their food pantry serves

low income and homeless individuals. In addition to the grant through a two week congregation food drive,

we provided them with eight hundred food items.

The Milwaukee Homeless Veteran Services, Inc. is a faith based organization in Milwaukee staffed by

volunteers that provide so many of the quality of life services for the homeless, at-risk low income vets and

their families. The organization focus is on the veteran population, however, they also provide these same

services for anybody in need, mainly the homeless and low income families.

As we look to next year, it is with your prayers, support, and generosity, that the Homeless Destitute Fund

will continue to grow, allowing us to extend our grant support to those in need. God bless you.

Gift-giving Solutions

Trying to find gifts for certain people — or letting others know what you want — can be quite challenging.

After all, most of us don’t need anything.

Realizing that the best gifts aren’t material items offers a new perspective on giving and receiving. Consider

these insights from author Charles Swindoll:

“Some gifts you can give this Christmas are beyond monetary value: Mend a quarrel, dismiss suspicion, tell

someone ‘I love you.’ Give something away — anonymously. Forgive someone who has treated you wrong.

Turn away wrath with a soft answer. Visit someone in a nursing home. Apologize if you were wrong. Be

especially kind to someone with whom you work. Give as God gave to you in Christ, without obligation, or

announcement, or reservation, or hypocrisy.”

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We were able to mail out 7 packages to the USO at Bagram airfield

in Afghanistan. Supplies are getting lower, and more are needed.

Another list, which is more intensive, will be available soon at the

military box in the fellowship hall. Stop and pick up either one of the

lists to help bring a little bit of home to our troops. It is especially

hard to be away from friends and family during the holiday season.

Please read the following thank you note:

“Blessed Savior Lutheran Church, Hello from Afghanistan!

We just received your awesome package of dental care.

It’s the little things that really matter

to the service men & women.

Thank you for your support.

Best Regards, C. W., USO”

Due to a retirement, our biggest source of canceled first class

stamps has dried up! If you work at a company that would be willing

to give you their envelopes – we only need the last quarter of the

envelope with stamp – it would be wonderful. With the Christmas

season approaching don’t forget to save your stamps too.

A box of coupons weighing 14 pounds 4 ounces was mailed out in November to an air base in England.

Thank you to all who have been donating these coupons to help our service personnel.

We have some very wonderful knitters and crocheters who have been making helmet liners for our

soldiers. We can’t thank you enough for providing these items!

Would you like to brighten a soldier’s day? Christmas is a family gathering time, but there are many

military personnel who will be spending the holidays away from family and friends. Cards and letters mean

so much to them. Contact Cheryl Taves to get the names and addresses of those who are on our military

contact list, or place cards and letters in the military container on the mission table to be sent to the USO

in Afghanistan to be given to any soldier.


Where’s your security?

When A Charlie Brown Christmas debuted in 1965, religious references were unheard of on

television. Yet the show’s climax features the Christmas story verbatim. As Linus begins

reciting Luke 2, he’s clutching his ever-present blue blanket. Yet, as Pastor Jason Soroski

points out, Linus drops it right as he utters the words “fear not” (Luke 2:10).

Soroski believes the timing is intentional and that “Peanuts” creator Charles M. Schulz sends a simple, brilliant message. “The birth of Jesus separates us from our fears,” Soroski writes. It “frees us from the habits we are unable (or unwilling) to break ourselves. The birth of Jesus allows us to simply drop the false security we have been grasping so tightly, and learn to trust and cling to him instead.”

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Preschool News

November ended with our traditional 4K Thanksgiving celebration. Children were able to participate in various

centers working and playing like children may have done at the first Thanksgiving. We tried writing with “quill pens”,

making butter, stringing necklaces, and making sand pictures. The children also were able to try their hand at hunting

turkeys with a bow and arrow and going on a turkey hunt! Each child shared something they were thankful for.

We had our first Family Chapel in November. Parents, grandparents and caregivers were invited to join the

children for Chapel time. They were able to experience firsthand the kinds of things their children learn about each week

as we enter church for our special Jesus time.

As we enter the Advent season, the preschool and child care classes will center

around the story of the first Christmas, the story of Jesus’ birth. Through songs, finger

plays, and activities, the children will learn and be able to share with others the

wondrous story of the birth of Jesus.

3K children are working on making a book showing what Christmas is all

about….baking cookies, decorating trees, ringing bells, lighting candles, hanging

wreaths, but most importantly Christmas is Jesus’ birthday.

The 4K children talked about their five senses and relate those senses to things

we find at Christmas time. Each page talks about one of the senses—This is how

Christmas smells; this is how Christmas tastes, etc….The book ends with “This is what

Christmas means…” and we make a picture of the stable and Jesus laying in the manger.

It is so rewarding to watch the children’s faces as they learn about God’s love and the

gift of His son, Jesus.

Children in our preschool and Pre3 program will be singing a few songs during the December 14 Advent service in

the evening. We hope to see many of you there as the children share the news about Jesus’ birth. The early childhood

center staff will be serving up the evening meal that night also. We will be serving a variety of soups along with the

children’s favorite—hotdogs!

Feature Teacher

Meet Janet Hamann. Janet joined the staff of Blessed Savior Lutheran Early Childhood Center at the beginning of

last school year. Janet serves as an assistant teacher in the 4K classroom three mornings a week and in the 3K classroom

two mornings a week. Janet also helps out in the child care room in the early morning hours and during lunch time.

Janet was baptized, confirmed and married here at Blessed Savior! She and her husband, Rich, have three

daughters, ages 22, 18 and 12. Two of those daughters attended Blessed Savior Preschool many years ago!

When asked what she enjoys doing when she is not working, Janet said she enjoys gardening. She also enjoys all

the activities her children are involved in, as her greatest joy comes from her family!

The staff of the early childhood center would like to extend to all of you our wishes for a joyous Christmas!

~~Sue Murack, Ann Dagenhardt, Shannon McNiel,

Ashley Utecht, Amy Glisczinski, and Janet Hamann

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Benjamin Ma

2 3



Lance &



33 years










Garrett Hoeg








6 7



Elliot Wrycha


Bruce Heimer

Judith Hels








Kathy Herbst



Kristine &



38 years









Carol &



51 years


Gerald Craig

13 14

Derek Burow

Casey Butzlaff

Alex McLeod

James Reigles


Chad Larkin


Dennis Kutz



Noah Schulz




Herbert &



66 years










Lucas Gnirk

Richard Krause

Christine Usher


Violet &



59 years


Julia Chirillo

23 24


























Nancy Bernier

Sean Malone



Richard &



51 years

Linda &



41 years







Lauren Kunz








John &



28 years




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Bible Class Schedule

Sunday 9:15AM - Adult Bible Study Led by Pastor Sander

in Fellowship Hall

9:15AM - Adult Bible Study Led by Jaime Greene

in Oswald Hall Mere Christianity

Thursday 9:30AM - Morning Bible Study

Led by Pastor Sander in Fellowship Hall

Old Testament

Tuesday 6:30AM - Adult Bible Study Led by Pastor Sander

in Fellowship Hall Ezekiel

9:15AM - Ladies' Bible Study Led by Jaime Greene, DCE,

in Fellowship Hall “It’s Good to be Queen” (Queen of Sheba)

6:30PM - Home Bible Study In Gerry Burkee’s home

2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month, call (262) 785-1109

Saturday 8:00AM - Men’s Ministry Fellowship

2nd Saturday of the month in Fellowship Hall

9:00AM - Bible Study

1st Saturday of the month

Led by Debbie Volden at Gerry Burkee’s home

Wednesday 7:00PM - Adult Bible Study Led by Duane Graf

in Oswald Hall Romans

YTD Offerings as of 10/31/2016

General Offerings : $453,466.02

General Expenses : $(462,423.43)


Other Offerings: $70,114.95

Other Expenses: $(161,622.75)


Total Offerings Less Expenses


Note: This negative balance reflects a special one-time

payment in the amount of $89,638.16 to reduce our



November 6: 291

November 13: 302

November 20: 258

November 27: 283 (avg.)

Average Sunday

November Attendance: 283

Total Membership at End of November: 657

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Martinho Q. Sander, Pastor

[email protected]

262-786-6465 ext. 11

Jaime Greene, DCE

[email protected]

262-786-6465 ext. 21

Kim Woller

Music Director

[email protected]

Kathy Wrycha

Business Administrator

[email protected]

262-786-6465 ext. 13

Lori Rydlewicz

Church Secretary

[email protected]

262-786-6465 ext. 10

Susan Murack

Preschool Director

[email protected]

262-786-6465 ext. 14

Bill Winzentsen

Mike Malone

Church Custodians


*Chairman Bruce Diener

*Vice Chairman Rick Krause

*Secretary Melanie Heimer

*Treasurer Jill Gutenberger


Altar Guild Janet Steinhaus

*Board of Early Childhood Education Richard Hamann

*Board of Elders Bob Kunz

*Board of Evangelism & Missions Karen Naumann

*Board of Parish Education Kristy Czarnecki

*Board of Stewardship Pat Hurlbut

*Board of Trustees Wayne Boulton

Extended Ministry Endowment Committee Jonathon Hoogland

Greeter Coordinator Kevin Ganey

Lay Reader Coordinator Carla Herried

Nursery Roll Coordinator Carla Herried

Personnel Committee Rick Krause

Sunday School Superintendent Joy Ward

Women’s Ministries Debbie Volden

* Church Council Member

Blessed Savior Lutheran Church

15250 W. Cleveland Avenue

New Berlin, WI 53151

262-786-6465 Fax: 262-786-6799

Email: [email protected]

The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod

Worship Services

Sunday Mornings

8:00AM & 10:30AM

Thursday Evenings


Holy Communion

1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at 8:00AM

2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays at 10:30AM

1st, 3rd & 5th Thursdays at 7:00PM
