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The Death Bed Drill

"Waking The Warrior NOWBefore It's Too Late!"

© Colin G Smith 2011

American Indian Skull by YoTuT (

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Begin NOW Because There Is Only NOW... RIGHT NOW!!!

Life seems to fly by doesn't it! And Time seems to speed up as we get older...

The fact is of course we could die at any moment! We have no clue when death will strike.One of the things that is common to all spiritual traditions is what is known as 'Death Awareness.'Most Spiritual traditions have some kind of 'Death Awareness' training. Many have images ofskeletons or skulls that act as reminders. Apparently some monks used to sleep in coffins! Andmany a Yogi has meditated in grave yards.

Traditional Meditations have you imagining yourself looking at your gravestone or seeing yourloved ones looking at you as you sit in your death bed. Indeed there are many ways to increase your'death awareness.'

The Death Bed Drill is a very profound kind of 'Death Meditation' because it has the added impactof utilising your Personal Timeline. The fact that you are witnessing your entire 'Personal History'unconsciously and consciously all at once impacts your neurology more. I will be explainingTimelines shortly as you read on...

Most people, most of the time are walking around as if they have the old Oasis Song playing intheir heads, "Gonna live f-o-r-e-v-e-r!"

Of course this is far from the truth of reality. So doing meditations and exercises to increase your'death awareness' actually puts you more in touch with reality. If you've never experienced thesekinds of perspectives before, don't worry because as you will discover with, "The Death Bed Drill,"it can actually be a very profound and liberating experience!

Carlos Castaneda wrote several books about a Yaqui Shaman, Don Juan Matus, who demonstratedhow to live a more courageous, 'spiritual warrior' way of living. He actually suggested imagininghaving 'death as your advisor' on your left shoulder. Here is an extract with Castaneda's, Don Juan:

"How can anyone feel so important when we know that death is stalking us? The thing to do whenyou are impatient is turn to your left and ask advice from your death. An immense amount ofpettiness is dropped if your death makes a gesture to you, or if you catch a glimpse of it, or if youjust have the feeling that your companion is there watching you."

"Death is a wise adviser that we have… One… has to ask death’s advice and drop the cursedpettiness that belongs to men that live their lives as if death will never tap them! If you do not thinkof your death, all your life will be just personal chaos!"

"The warrior knows his death is stalking him and won’t give him time to cling to anything… Andthus with an awareness of his death,… and with the power of his decisions a warrior sets his life ina strategic manner… and what he chooses is always strategically the best; and so he performseverything he has to with gusto and lusty efficiency! Life for a warrior is an exercise in strategy.Without the awareness of death everything is ordinary, trivial. It is only because death is stalking usthat the world is an unfathomable mystery."

As you will soon find out, getting some 'Death Awareness' will literally put 'your whole life intoperspective' in a very useful and empowering way!


If you think about it all your life experience, all your memories have to be stored in some kind ofdatabase in your mind some where. It has been discovered that your mind stores your memories ona 'Personal Timeline.'

Your memories are arranged in space on a mental continuum or Timeline. That is how your mindcan differentiate from experiences from the distant past, the present and the future.

Discover Your Personal Timeline

1. Think about a time you brushed your teeth 10 years ago. Point to where the memory of that islocated in space.

2. Now imagine brushing your teeth 5 years ago. Point to where the memory is located.

3. Think about brushing your teeth in the present moment. Where is that experience located?

4. Now imagine brushing your teeth 5 years from now. Point to the memory.

5. And finally 10 years from now. Where is the memory located in space?

6. Well done. Now as you think about all those memories, notice how they all connect up in acontinuum or Timeline.

7. So looking at it now where is your birth? And where is your future and likely end of this life?

Many people have the past to their left, the present in front and the future going off to the right.Some have the past going off behind them, the present inside them and the future going off in frontof themselves. You may notice unique characteristics of your own unique Personal Timeline.

Timeline Trickery

There are some really cool things you can do with your Timeline. For instance if you stretch it outin front of you with the past on the left and the future going off to the right you can see your entirePersonal History in front of you. Or at least get a sense of it. We'll call this being disassociated fromthe Timeline.

Now if you bring the Timeline into you so the past is behind you, the present inside you and thefuture going off in front, we'll call that associating into the Timeline.OK. Put your Timeline back to where is was originally.

So of course you could associate into your Timeline at any point, from the earliest memories, upinto the future near the end of this life.

You can float way up above your Timeline, looking down on it as if you are a Giant Eagle soaringup high on the thermals.

The Death Bed Drill

1. Enter a Trance

2. What age do you think you are likely to be when you die?

Imagine you are on your death bed with only an hour to live: What can you see, what can you hearand how does it feel?

3. Stretch out your Personal Timeline out in front of you, observe your entire life going back fromyour 90's, 80's, 70's etc. back to your birth.

4. Empowering Questions:

This initial 'Death Bed Drill' will help you get in touch with what is really meaningful for YOU inlife. It helps get in touch with your 'deep values' or core states of being.

Here are several questions you can ask yourself when you are viewing your life on the Timeline.

I suggest you ask one question per round.

The exercise goes more smoothly if you have the question in mind before you trance out withviewing the Timeline!

“How could I have lived a more meaningful life?”

“How could I have lived a more joyful life?”

“What would I like to have done differently?”

“What do you wish you had achieved?”

“If a miracle had happened how would that life have been different?”

“What could I have done to live an extra-ordinary life?!”

“How could I have lived with more passion and enthusiasm?”

“What do you wish you had done more of?”

“How could I have been more content and peaceful?”

“Who could I have forgiven more easily?”

You could focus on certain aspects of life: Work, Relationships, Spiritual, Health, Leisure...

5. Great! Come back to the Present and allow these new understandings and insights to integratewithin. What steps can you do right now to change your life with these new perspectives?

How to Rapidly Re-Program Your Unconscious Mind

Re-Programming the Timeline is a really powerful way of changing your mind because it is ofcourse your actual 'unconscious personal history database' and you don't just change one experienceat a time. It actually gives you the power to re-structure an entire database or gestalt of memory. Soby using the Timeline Techniques layed out in this Special Report they enable you to make changesthat generalise very rapidly into your life, across contexts!

Let me put this another way: Applying these techniques will actually change your personality -Rapidly! Your personality and perception of the Universe can be changed for the better!

At this point in world history you could say, "The Shit Is Hitting The Fan!"

On the one hand things seem to be getting more and more fucked up; It's almost as if there is somekind of satanic cult performing black magic rituals on us! Giving rise to EGO based FEAR andIGNORANCE delusions: Victim mentality, apathy, depression and despair etc.

On the other hand we could perceive our current reality as an unprecedented opportunity forpersonal growth and even spiritual awakening!

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“Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember: A kite rises against the wind rather than with it.”

“Healer - Heal Thyself”

~ ~ ~

So what this all means, when we are experiencing emotions stemming from FEAR and ignorance, isin actuality, an opportunity to heal ourselves and grow more LOVING...

'Timeline Change Techniques' are one of the fastest methods discovered for making profoundpersonal change. Let's make the most of this amazing opportunity we have RIGHT NOW toempower ourselves and make a difference!

Re-Programming Your Personal History Database (Decisions)

This particular technique is to be used when the insights you've gained from 'The Death Bed Drill'make you wish you had had more choice in decision making.

1. Fully return to the present. Float way up above your Timeline. Staying way up above floatbackwards in time, looking down on your 'personal history,' and become aware of the firstexperience you can remember when having this new insight / choice would have been really useful?

2. Float backwards 30 minutes before this initial experience and then float down and associate intothe Timeline at this '30 minutes before' position. So you can get a sense of your Timeline going offin front of you.

3. Looking up the Timeline, notice how the original choice / decisions you made at this point inyour personal history effected the rest of your life in the future.

4. Now bring to mind the new insight and choices you gained from the 'empowering questions' inThe Death Bed Drill and zoom forward through your Timeline changing that original decision pointand everything connected to it. Zoom right up the Timeline really fast to the Present. It can be as ifyou are zooming through a Time Tunnel. There you go... Whooosh! Great!

Empowering Resource States

The technique coming up next is the one to use when The Death Bed Drill made you feel you wantto experience more of a particular resource state such as humour, courage, love etc.

You may have remembered examples from your personal history when you did the Death Bed Drilland asked questions such as, "What do I wish I had done more of?" or "I would liked to have been amore XYZ kind of person"

Or you can simply pick a resource state that makes you feel empowered.

Think about it and allow yourself to re-access that state of mind.

Other Ways of Accessing Resource States

Another way of accessing a resource state is to simply imagine it: eg) What would it feel like to bemore courageous?

Or What art work inspires you? Look at some inspiring art work or imagine your favourite picturesin your minds eye and allow those good feelings to arise.

Or What metaphors inspire you with Positive minds? eg) "It's like I was in the heavens," "I felt likeI was floating on air"

Or Experiment with Shamanic Shape-shifting: eg) What would it be like if you saw life through theeyes of a 10 foot tall Puma?

Re-Programming Your Unconscious Mind With Empowering Resource States (More of...)

1. Fully return to the present. Float way up above your Timeline. Staying way up above floatbackwards in time, looking down on your 'personal history,' and become aware of the firstexperience you can remember when having this Resource State would have been reallyempowering.

2. Float backwards 30 minutes before this initial experience and then float down and associate intothe Timeline at this '30 minutes before' position.

3. Looking up the Timeline, notice how the original choice / decisions you made at this point inyour personal history effected the rest of your life in the future.

4. Now bring to mind the Empowering Resource State and zoom forward through your Timelinechanging that original 'first experience and everything connected to it. Zoom right up the Timelinereally fast to the Present. Great!

The Future

If you have done some of the 'changing the database' Timeline work already you will have probablynoticed how it alters your perception of the future as well. Which is great of course and we can alsouse Timeline Change Work to directly program our unconscious and the future(s).Think about your future. The rest of your life.

If it's not somewhere in front of you, allow it to spread off in front of you somewhere so you can seeit all. Go ahead and extend it. Actually extend your perception of longevity!

Brighten & Broadening Your Future

1. As you observe your future Timeline begin to brighten it up. Now broaden it, wider and wider -Widening your possibilities!

2. Get it so it is glowing! And now begin adding in random surprises here and there with sparklingdiamonds and shining gold. What other shiny symbols do you want to add in now?

3. What states do you want to experience more of? Love? Get a sense of the feeling. Symbolise itand then start spreading them into your future...

4. Indulge yourself looking on as you crank up the brightness even more and, if you wish, begin torepeat the 'WOW Mantra': "WOW! WOW! WOW!"

Integrating 'The Timeline Technologies' Into Daily Life

Ideally it would be best for our sanity if we did some kind of 'Death Awareness' Yoga everydaybecause, let's be honest, these times are messed up! We need to get our acts together and fast to beable to deal with the shit that is thrown at us everyday.

I suggest you give it your best shot to do The Death Bed Drill everyday for one week. Do it as anexperiment in life and you may be pleasantly surprised at what a difference it can make...

At least mark on your calendar to do it once a week.

By increasing our Death Awareness and then using the amazing 'technology' of Personal TimelineChange Work we can re-program our petty weak-assed BS and transform ourselves into SpiritualWarriors! Well it's worth a go, surely?!

Let us remember the wise words of Don Juan:

"The warrior knows his death is stalking him and won’t give him time to cling to anything… Andthus with an awareness of his death,… and with the power of his decisions a warrior sets his life ina strategic manner… and what he chooses is always strategically the best; and so he performseverything he has to with gusto and lusty efficiency! Life for a warrior is an exercise in strategy.Without the awareness of death everything is ordinary, trivial. It is only because death is stalking usthat the world is an unfathomable mystery."


This eBook is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professionalcounselling, therapy or medical treatment. Nothing in this eBook is intended to diagnose or treatany pathology or diseased condition of the mind or body. The author will not be held responsible forany results of reading or applying the information.

About the Author:

Colin G Smith

A Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) interested inShamanism, Meditation, Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and

anything that works effectively. Colin has written articles about personalchange and several eBooks & Special Reports including:

“The NLP ToolBox”

“The Half Second Rule”

“The Backward Planning System”

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