Page 1: Dear Parents and arers, FROM THE PRINIPAL SCHOOL DIARY …

Term 3 Week 1 Thursday 23rd July 2020

Dear Parents and Carers, FROM THE PRINCIPAL

Thank you for your continued support,

Kelly Campbell



Thursday 30th July

Year 5/6 Netball Carnival

Friday 24th July - 8.45am

Community Prayer

Wednesday 5th August

School Board Meeting

Week 4

Catholic Schools Week

Wednesday 28th August

Photo Day

Week 7

Parent Teacher Conversations


Eldon St Gates open 8:20am

Front Office 8:30am - 3:45 pm

Supervision 8:30am - 3:20 pm

Classes 8:45am - 3:00 pm


Full Day Sessions 8:45am - 2:45pm


Morning Session 8:45am - 11:45am

Afternoon Session 12:15pm - 3:15pm


Tuesday 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Friday 8:30am - 10:00am


Phone 1300 105 343

Morning Session 6:30am - 8:30am

Afternoon Session 3:00pm - 6:15pm


Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service call anytime)

Email: [email protected]

SMS: 0407 682 137

Croydon Park Catholic Parish

Parish Priest: Fr. Charles Lukati

Ph: 8346 0944

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains.

We recognise and respect their cultural heritage,

beliefs and relationship with the land.

We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people living today.

Approved by Kaurna Elder Uncle Lewis O ’Brien 2004

Dear Parents and Carers, FROM THE PRINCIPAL

Welcome back to Term 3! I’d like to especially welcome our new Foundation students who started

on Tuesday with Ms Leonardi and Ms Boylan. They have settled in so well and look so grown up in

their uniforms. Their new classroom (at the rear of the library) was finished with hours to spare

and is a lovely, light filled space for learning.

Our community also welcomed some new students to our Preschool on Tuesday. They have also

settled in so well and made friends with other children already!

Building Works

You will have noticed that a lot of building work occurred over the school holiday period. A lot of

trenching was done in the yard and through the Preschool to allow for the new fire infrastructure.

Only on Friday the yard was filled with big piles of dirt, so the builders worked very hard to get it

ready for us to play on again this week. The Year 5/6 students have moved into their newly

refurbished rooms and their balconies are almost complete. A lot steelwork and structural work

has been completed for the atrium and front of the school. The new student toilets are also nearly

complete. Thank you to everyone for your ongoing patience with the works and the mess and

inconvenience – it will be worth it when it is finished!

COVID-19 Precautions

We are still adhering to guidelines for social distancing for adults in our school community. These

procedures are there to protect the health and safety of all the school community. Please

remember the following:

No parents are permitted upstairs

Please do not crowd around the classrooms. This is especially important for the Reception

rooms, as these get very congested. Please say your goodbyes in the open space and let your

child go into the classroom on their own. They are incredibly independent and the teachers

are there to help them.

If you are coming into the school yard to drop off or pick up your child, please use the

Tungara St gate (open at 2.50pm). This will ease congestion at the narrow Eldon St gate.

Please wait on the basketball court (at a safe 1.5m distance from other adults).

We want to continue the great communication we have with parents, so your child’s teacher will

be in the school yard in the morning or afternoon across the week to say ‘hello’. If you would like

to speak with your child’s teacher, please just send an email, contact them on SeeSaw or contact

the office.

Our latest advice from health authorities and Catholic Education Office includes the following

requirements that must be adhered to by all visitors, contractors, parents/carers:

In attending our site, you warrant that:

1. You are currently well and not suffering from any flu like or cold symptoms (coughing, runny

nose, sneezing, high temperature, sore throat etc).

2. You have not entered the State of South Australia from interstate or overseas without strictly

adhering to any relevant quarantine or self-isolation requirements.

3. You have not knowingly been in close contact with a known COVID-19 case in the past 14 days.

Page 2: Dear Parents and arers, FROM THE PRINIPAL SCHOOL DIARY …

We wish the following

students who celebrate a

birthday in July a very happy

and blessed birthday:

Welcome back for Term 3!

It is so exciting to be back and to see so many changes.

We welcome our Foundation students as they move into the next stage of their learning jour-

ney at St Margaret Mary’s. We also welcome Ms Michelle Leonardi as the teacher of the

Foundation class.

We also have a large number of children beginning in Preschool. It is wonderful to see their

faces and to share in the excitement of such a big moment in their lives. We warmly welcome

our new pre-schoolers and their families to the St Margaret Mary’s community.

We also welcome back Sofia to Year 3 and her sister Selena in Reception. It is so great to have

you back with us again!


During 2018 we introduced our new uniform. We have been very pleased

with how well it has been received. We love to see everyone wearing it

proudly. When we introduced this uniform we gave families 3 years to

make the change to the new uniform. That means that 2020 is the last year

of the older style uniform, including the tunic, dress and grey pants.

All students will be required to wear the new uniform from 2021.

Just a reminder that mainly white shoes are preferred to be worn with the uniform.

The uniform shop is open on Tuesday afternoons (2.30-3.30) and Friday mornings (8.30-10).

New stock in the smaller sizes has now arrived.

Keep warm!

Alicia Boylan

Deputy Principal


Term 3, 2020


Wk 1




Wk 2




Wk 3




Anton 5/6LO

Kayleen 1KB

Mubarak 5/6GG

Evanna 1VE

Cloud PRE1

Katie 1VE

Aluet 1KB

Hieu 2AL

Faith 2AL

Alex FLB

Wade PRE1

Dillen 2AF

Amie 2AF

Emily 5/6LO

Sophie 3/4MM

Wynter 3/4KD

Nhi 2AF

Levi FLB

James 5/6LC

Janice 2AL

Rudra 5/6LC

Menelik RWB

Axel 1VE

If you have any questions about the above information regarding entry to the school grounds, please

contact the school.

Thank you for helping us to protect the health and safety of our school community.

Policy documents

St Margaret Mary’s School and Preschool are guided by some very important documents, policies and

procedures around child safety. The care, wellbeing and protection of our children is the most im-

portant task we have as Educators and Parents/Carers. The documents below outline some of the

information that guide the specific procedures in our school. Please come and speak to me if you have

any concerns about child safety in our community.

Policy for the Care, Wellbeing and Protection of Children and Young People 2011

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

Cybersafety: Keeping Children Safe in a Connected World

Thank you for your continuing support,

Kelly Campbell

Page 3: Dear Parents and arers, FROM THE PRINIPAL SCHOOL DIARY …

David Hillard APRIM (Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission)

Welcome new students to St Margaret Mary’s


Mr Hillard is on leave

Please note that Mr Hillard will be on leave for a while, with Ms

Armiento, Ms Braidwood and Ms Centofanti taking on the

APRIM role during that time.

Community Prayer

Ms Centofanti will be coordinating Community Prayer outside

on Fridays at 8.45am (weather permitting!)

Sacramental Programme

Ms Armiento will be coordinating the Sacramental Programme

this year. Further information will be distributed shortly.

Aussies of the Month

Congratulations to our three Aus-

sies of the Month so far this year;

Savannah, Natalie and Rebecca.

These students have been able to

show the school values in the class-

room and wider school community and are fantastic role models

for other students. We thank you for your example and look for-

ward to seeing other students following in your footsteps to be-

come Aussies of the Month themselves.

Soup for Moore Street

Thank you so much for once again supporting your children to

make soup for Moore Street shelter in Term 2. The school was

able to provide the shelter with over 100 litres of vegetable

soup , what a mammoth effort! This soup will be used to feed

people who live on the streets as well as families who are strug-

gling to feed themselves at the moment. Although we cannot

see the difference this has made, we can trust that it has helped

a lot of people who will never actually be able to thank us in

person, but who are extremely grateful all the same. A big thank

you also to Ms Lang who delivered the soup to Moore Street in

her own time.

School Masses in Term 3

At this stage class Masses will be held as follows;

Tuesday 25th August– Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes.

Wednesday 9th September– Year 5/6

Friday 25th September– Year 3/4

We will confirm these dates and the actual time of the celebra-

tions closer to each of the dates.

Page 4: Dear Parents and arers, FROM THE PRINIPAL SCHOOL DIARY …

Welcome to St Margaret Mary’s School and Preschool!
