Page 1: Dean Greenwood's Note CNHS Newsletterposter. Poster presentation titles are listed below: Vincent Clanzy (Poster title: Iron Abundance Derivations of G108-48, a Dwarf Star in the G21-22

CNHS NewsletterSpring 2020

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Dean Greenwood's Note


It’s hard to believe we are entering 2020 and the spring semesterat UT is about to begin. As this newsletter showcases, the CNHSfaculty and students have been exceptionally busy with not onlyclasses, but also with their research and community outreachactivities. As The University of Tampa, we have a specialobligation to connect with the Tampa Bay community, and I takegreat pride in the many ways our faculty and students engage. Inaddition, the generosity of our community partners is critical for usto provide the transformative educational experience we desire forour students. I thank all of our partners for the impact they have inconnecting and working with our students. These partners rangefrom hospitals and clinical organizations, who place our nursingand physician assistant medicine students, to the vast number oforganizations who provide intensive internship opportunities forour students. I am grateful for your excellent work that is soimportant for the future success of our CNHS students.

CNHS Motto : Connect – Transform – Succeed


Dean's Listening Lunch

Paul Greenwood invites CNHS faculty to join him for lunch at Panache on Thursday, February 13th from11:30 to 1:30. This lunch provides for an open discussion forum. First come, first served; contact Janaby email to sign up!

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CNHS Interactive Screen

This past year, the College of Natural and Health Sciences was awarded a Senior Class Gift. Thefunds were used to purchase an interactive screen that currently resides on the wall in the CassBuilding next to the stairwell. The screen (above) provides an interactive map of UT, CNHS facultyinformation, link to the CNHS website with degree lists, student engagement opportunities, and currentCNHS events. Stop by and browse the screen if you are in the area! Thank you to the Class of 2019!

Faculty Presentations, Publications and Scholarship

Professor Johnna Yealy (Department Chair ofthe Physician Assistant Medicine Program) is thelead researcher on the newly launched PAadmissions exam. The Physician AssistantCollege Admission Test (PA-CAT®) is aspecialized test that is designed to measureapplicant knowledge and application in keyprerequisite science subjects typically requiredfor PA school. The PA-CAT measures generalacademic ability and scientific knowledgenecessary for success in the demandingPhysician Assistant curriculum. The PA-CAT hasbeen developed specifically for use by PAeducators and admissions experts as part of aholistic admissions process. This 240 questionexam was field tested with over 1700 examineesat 36 PA programs.

Additionally, Professor Yealy was recentlypromoted to rank of Major in the US ArmyReserves, attended the 411th Army combathospital validation event at Ft. Gordon Georgia.Over a period of 3 days, the hospital saw over300 simulated patients and completed 3 masscasualty events. During the training, Dr. Yealysuccessfully “resuscitated” Brigadier GeneralBeth Salisbury during the simulated event andwas highlighted on the General’s public socialmedia account.

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Professor Elizabeth Sassatelli (Nursing)presented at the American Association of Justiceannual meeting in Atlanta. Her presentationentitled, Mastering the Medicine focused onnurses who are most often the last line ofdefense in preventing harm to patients frommedication errors. Additionally, she had apodium presentation entitled, IntravenousDilaudid on the Medical Surgical Unit: A Cause toPause for Nursing.

Professor Bridgette Froeschke (Biology) andrecent Biology graduate, Madison Dowdy,recently published an article in ARCNEWSentitled, A model of popular fishing locationsaims to reduce pressure on certain species.

Professor June Llerena (Nursing) presented aposter entitled,The Lived Experience of VeteranMedics Entering Baccalaureate NursingEducation at the 10th Annual Doctoral StudentResearch Conference in Washington, DC. Thisconference was sponsored by theWashington Regional Nursing ResearchConsortium. The theme of the conference wasfostering collaborative research in pursuit ofnursing excellence.

Professors Bridgette Froeschke (Biology),Michelle Osovitz (Biology), and Tracy Zontek(Public Health) received a 2 year Tampa BayEstuary Program and Restore America’sEstuaries grant to examine the use ofStaphylococcus aureus as an indicator of humanpollution. They will evaluate levels ofStaphylococcus aureus and Methicillin-ResistantStaphylococcus aureus during high and low peakrecreational usage. The outcome will be a riskassessment on human health in Tampa Bay.

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Faculty and Student Engagement

Professor Claudia Aguado Loi (Health Sciencesand Human Performance) and Eta SigmaGamma, Health Education Honorary StudentsElizabeth Khoury, Claudia Jimenez, and RachelMastrangelo (alumna) presented at the nationalAmerican Public Health Association (APHA)conference. Their poster entitled, Sex and TheYbor City: Sexual Cultural, Perceptions, andBehaviors, was awarded the APHA – PublicHealth Education and Health Promotion SectionStudent Award. The award was accepted byRachael Mastrangelo, in recognition of excellentstudent research in public health education andhealth promotion. This was a great honor and ahighlight at the conference.

The UT Chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma was alsorecently awarded the Chapter of ExcellenceAward; the highest award a chapter can receivefrom the national office. This award is provided toa chapter that achieves excellence in each of theESG categories, which include advocacy,research, service, and teaching. Congratulations!

Professors Mark McRae and Rebecca Waggett

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(Biology) attended the American FisheriesSociety & The Wildlife Society Joint Conference inReno, NV. They were accompanied by two currentUT students and one recent graduate whopresented on their UT research projects.

Heather Johnson (Biology Alumna) presented aposter entitled,, Seasonal Trends of Zooplanktonin Sweetings Pond on the Island of Eleuthera,Bahamas.This research is co-authored by ProfessorsMasonjones, Froeschke, and Waggett.This work was completed under a UT Office ofUndergraduate Research and Inquiry grantawarded last year to Professor RebeccaWaggett.

Jessica Elson (Biology major) presented aposter entitled, Cliques aren’t just for Humans:Spatial Distribution of a Geographically isolatedBahamian population of the lined seahorse,Hippocampus erectus. The research iscoauthored by Professors Froeschke, Rose andMasonjones (Biology).

Ryan Tharp (Biology major) gave an oralpresentation entitled, Stomach content analysisof Cichlasoma urophthalams (Mayan cichlid) inthe Tampa Bay watershed coauthored withProfessor Mark McRae.

This information can also be viewed on theinteractive touch screen located in the CassBuilding.

Professor Simon Schuler's (Physics) physicsmajors attended the National Society for BlackPhysicists conference this past November inProvidence, RI. Vincent Clanzy and MilaniHernandez, won prizes for best posters! Vincentwon the prize for best undergraduate poster inastronomy, and Milani won best graduate poster(even though he is an undergraduate) inenvironmental physics. All three students wereelated to have attended the meeting.Milani Hernandez (Environmental Physics award)and Vincent Clanzy (Beth Brown Memorial Awardin Astrophysics), holding their awards for bestposter.

Poster presentation titles are listed below:

Vincent Clanzy (Poster title: Iron AbundanceDerivations of G108-48, a Dwarf Star in the G21-22 Halo Moving Group) Mohammed Mourabit (Poster title: Iron Analysisof the Sub-Giant HIP 36878 Member of the HaloMoving Group G21-22)

Milani Hernandez (Poster title: Modeling WaveDissipation on Coral Reefs)

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Each fall, Professor Bridgette Froeschke(Biology) holds a research symposiumshowcasing her ENS 235 (GeographicInformation Systems) student research posters.This semester was no different. Students studieda variety of topics including distribution of fires inCalifornia, cause of MRSA in the US, impacts ofeducation on birth rates, relationship ofenvironmental parameters on a variety of fishesin the Gulf of Mexico and the Bahamas, and somuch more.

Professor Borgeas (Health Sciences and

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Human Performance) shares how her studentseducate each other in her Anatomy lab. Studentmentors work with students in small & largegroups & activities and her students do "student-to-student" teaching (under guided supervision).

Do you use APA? The 7th edition is now available! You can review some of the changes from previouseditions here.

Community Involvement

Professors MIchele Wolf and Julie Umberger(Nursing) along with nursing students (SarahRegino, Samantha Reed, Allison Craig, ElizabethAdams, and Olivia Brown) attended a remotearea medical clinic that was able to triage 1039patients with medical, dental, and visionconcerns. Together they provided $432,922 incare to under-served members of the Tampa Baycommunity."We may not be able to change the world, but wecan certainly make a difference in making it betterfor all--and they did just that", said ProfessorWolf.

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Through the collective coordination by SarahCuccinello, Matt Wilson, Simon Schuler,Jeanette Gore, and Robin White, advancedplacement and International Baccalaureatestudents from Hillsborough County high schoolsspent a day at UT on Sat Dec 7th participating inthe AP Science Day. Faculty and student mentorsfrom Nursing, Biology, Chemistry, and Physicsengaged the students and their teachers in avariety of activities and experiments throughoutthe day, as seen in the photos. Thank you to allthe faculty who participated in this day of learningand community engagement!

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The Mercury transit event hosted by the Physicsand Astronomy faculty on Nov 11 was a hugesuccess! They had two of their 8" Celestronreflecting telescopes set up for students, staff,faculty and UT friends to view the transit, whichlasted 5.5 hours. Over 100 folks took advantageof the opportunity to see this rare celestial event!

Program News

Congratulations to the Athletic Training Program who recently were awarded continuing accreditationfrom the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education!

Faculty Connecting Outside the Classroom

Professors Jennifer Wortham, Rob Haugheyand Melissa Morris (Health Sciences andHuman Performance) recently completed a drytriathlon at Orange Theory Fitness Center.Melissa Morris took it one step further andcompleted her first half marathon!

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Alumni News

Elaine Thornton, 2012 Graduate of the PublicHealth Program, recently graduated fromSherman School of Chiropractic and successfullypassed her national board exam.Elaine is pictured front row second from left.Congratulations Elaine!

Important Dates

UT Master CalendarUT Academic CalendarJanuary 17 - MS in Exercise and Nutrition Science Virtual Information Session 20 - Martin Luther King Holiday - no classJanuary 21 - Spring semester classes beginJanuary 27 - Last day to drop/add classesFebruary 5 - Masters in Nursing Virtual Information Session 6 - Doctorate in Nursing Practice Virtual Information Session 10 - Physician Assistant Program Virtual Information Session 16 - Admissions Open HouseFebruary 24 - Physician Assistant Facility Tour 9-13 - Spring BreakMarch 16 - Last day to resolve Incomplete gradesMarch 30 - Last day for students to withdraw from 14 week sessionApril 6 - Registration begins for the fall semesterMay 4 - Last day of spring classesMay 9 - Spring CommencementMay 11 - Classes begin for May term

Please send future news items to [email protected]
