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St. Lucia Youth Business Trust


Try me!

Michelle SerieuxFilmmaker Extraordinaire

From Humble Beginnings to Stardom

Are you Linkedin?

Superman HD


A Rising Star in St. Lucian


Do You Know the Facts About Your Allergy?

Wins Praise from Young Entrepreneurs






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You can get up to $50,000 invested in your business with the Youth Enterprise Equity Fund. Fiscal Incentives, Training and Support

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Caribbean . UK . Canada . USA

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2013 St. Lucia Business Awards Winner for Idea of The Year

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Greetings and Happy New Year! Welcome to Dazzle Magazine’s third issue. Hope your new year has been prosperous thus far and whatever your endeavours are, we wish you all the best.

This year has started off on a good note as Dazzle Magazine won the 2013 St. lucia Business Award for Idea of The Year. It has truly been an honour and a pleasure to receive such a prestigious award and being recognized at the Saint Lucia Business awards. Dazzle Magazine would like to thank you the readers, fans, advertisers, contributors and supporters who made this possible.

As Dazzle Magazine grows, we will continue to improve and maintain the publication’s professional standard to satisfy our readers appetite.

In issue 3, Dazzle Magazine continues to uplift, inspire and educate. We speak to Ms. Michelle Serieux as she shares how hard work and determination pays off, Mr. Kwency ‘Superman HD’ Griffith and how he was ‘Born to Mash Up’, where he gets his inspiration and the 2013 St. Lucia Business Awards nominee Ms. Latoya Mitchel who is self motivated and poised to succeed.

This issue also reflects on Saint Lucia’s 34th anniversary of Independence and the achievements which have been accomplished thus far, the 123 Digital team’s experience at the 2013 St. Lucia Business Awards, using LinkedIn as an online tool that can assist in marketing one’s professionalability and for those who are considering furthering your education, there is an article that will definitely spark your interest.

With this said, I would like to wish everyone a pleasant read and I hope Dazzle Magazine continues to captivate and inspire you. Happy Independence!

Please feel free to “Like” or leave feedback on our Facebook page (

Rankin MorganPublisher/Managing Editor

Award Winning Dazzle Magazine is a freshbi-monthly publication, which provides much needed exposure for young professionals, entrepreneurs and established businesses. The key demographic that the magazine intends to target ranges between the ages of 21-50 years, middle to upper class working professionals. Value for money is a key concept embraced by this publication; therefore, the magazine aims to provide advertising clients with a powerful marketing medium that provides a worthwhile reach and island wide penetration at an affordable price.

Since the publication is relatively new, the novelty of being associated with this magazine will present many opportunities for advertising clients. Advertising within Dazzle Magazine will definitely increase brand awareness and subtly influence readers to make purchases towards clients’ products or services.

To advertise in Dazzle Magazine, contact our sales agent via telephone (758) 460 4126 or email [email protected] for more information and terms and conditions.

Welcome to Dazzle Magazine

From the Publisher

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table of contents

contact usFor more information visit us or call us at 758.460.4126

PublisherRankin Morgan

EditorTony Williams

Sales & MarketingAlana Williams

ContributorsMindy Luquiana ChicotBynta ErnestChristy RecaiiGareth Jules

Graphic Design123 Digital Limited

PhotographyAldrin HenryCameron Browne

AccountantsBDM Consulting

Features16. Michelle Serieux – Filmmaker Extraordinaire 23. Piton Independence River Lime24. Latoya Mitchell: a Rising Star in St Lucian Business 32. Superman HD - From Humble Beginnings to Stardom

The 41109. St Lucia Youth Business Trust Wins Praise from Young Entrepreneurs 40. St Lucia in the Global Spotlight – Thanks to Our Nobel Laureates!

Mastering Marketing10. Are you linkedin?

Professional Progress12. Improving Your Customer Service Can Mean Big Profits!14. How to improve your Career Prospects in a Tough Economy35. New Winners and Nominees emerge in this Year’s Business Awards

Fashion & Beauty28. 7 Miracle Foods for Beautiful Skin29. How to Get a Clearer, Smoother Face

Health & Fitness09. Do You Know the Facts About Your Allergy?

Out & About37. 2013 St. Luica Business Awards

Eating In43. Fry Bakes

Gadgets & Gizmos44. Samsung Galaxy Camera

Instagram46. Young Entrepreneurs Inspire All

On the CoverMichelle Serieux

St. Lucia Youth Business Trust


Try me!

Michelle SerieuxFilmmaker Extraordinaire

From Humble Beginnings to Stardom

Are you Linkedin?

Superman HD


A Rising Star in St. Lucian


Do You Know the Facts About Your Allergy?

Wins Praise from Young Entrepreneurs









Page 7: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3

table of contents

contact usFor more information visit us or call us at 758.460.4126

PublisherRankin Morgan

EditorTony Williams

Sales & MarketingAlana Williams

ContributorsMindy Luquiana ChicotBynta ErnestChristy RecaiiGareth Jules

Graphic Design123 Digital Limited

PhotographyAldrin HenryCameron Browne

AccountantsBDM Consulting

Features16. Michelle Serieux – Filmmaker Extraordinaire 23. Piton Independence River Lime24. Latoya Mitchell: a Rising Star in St Lucian Business 32. Superman HD - From Humble Beginnings to Stardom

The 41109. St Lucia Youth Business Trust Wins Praise from Young Entrepreneurs 40. St Lucia in the Global Spotlight – Thanks to Our Nobel Laureates!

Mastering Marketing10. Are you linkedin?

Professional Progress12. Improving Your Customer Service Can Mean Big Profits!14. How to improve your Career Prospects in a Tough Economy35. New Winners and Nominees emerge in this Year’s Business Awards

Fashion & Beauty28. 7 Miracle Foods for Beautiful Skin29. How to Get a Clearer, Smoother Face

Health & Fitness09. Do You Know the Facts About Your Allergy?

Out & About37. 2013 St. Luica Business Awards

Eating In43. Fry Bakes

Gadgets & Gizmos44. Samsung Galaxy Camera

Instagram46. Young Entrepreneurs Inspire All

On the CoverMichelle Serieux

St. Lucia Youth Business Trust


Try me!

Michelle SerieuxFilmmaker Extraordinaire

From Humble Beginnings to Stardom

Are you Linkedin?

Superman HD


A Rising Star in St. Lucian


Do You Know the Facts About Your Allergy?

Wins Praise from Young Entrepreneurs









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The St. Lucia Youth Business Trust (SLYBT) celebrated its first anniversary on Thursday (November 15th 2012), at the Auberge Seraphine Hotel. Launched in November 2011, the Trust has provided young entrepreneurs with business plan assistance, training, mentorship support, networking opportunities while building partnerships with several organizations and institutions locally and regionally, including non-traditional allies like the Bordelaise Correctional Facility.

At the commemorative ceremony to celebrate its first anniversary of operations, two of the Trust’s beneficiaries, Mrs. Malica St. Rose and Mr. Rankin Morgan, both provided testimonials regarding the assistance they had received from the SLYBT. Mrs. St. Rose lauded SLYBT’s efforts, pointing specifically to the assignment of mentors who were able to guide and help her formulate a business plan which, she said, is helping to create future financial security and stability for her business, KD’s Frootz.

Mr. Rankin Morgan noted, “I am a product of the Saint Lucia Youth Business Trust” and testified that the Trust had lived up to his expectations, especially in providing mentorship support, which he described as the SLYBT’s “distinguishing characteristic and ingredient.” Mr. Morgan has since published the first

issue of his magazine, “Dazzle Magazine” geared towards showcasing young St. Lucian entrepreneurs and professionals who are creating opportunities for themselves and others. He encouraged young entrepreneurs to “take advantage of the SLYBT programs” and urged the wider businesses community, especially members of the Chamber of Commerce, to “support the SLYBT in its quest to improve the environment for local young entrepreneurs.”

Minister of Tourism, Heritage and the Creative Industries, Lorne Theophilus delivered the feature address. He outlined his Ministry’s plan for the Creative Industries sector and the opportunities available for budding entrepreneurs.

The SLYBT’s first anniversary celebration coincided with the observance of Global Entrepreneurship Week which was hosted by the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture for the second year. The Trust felt that the occasion was an opportune and fitting time to celebrate entrepreneurship in St. Lucia.

The goal of the St. Lucia Youth Business Trust is to provide youths with avenues for self-development.

For more information about the Trust, visit its website at If you need further information, you can contact the SLYBT’s office at (758) 452-3165.

St Lucia Youth Business Trust Wins Praise from Young Entrepreneurs


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Many of us may have received LinkedIn invitations from close friends and family urging us to join the social media network,

but are unaware of the website’s capabilities. We probably perceive of it as just another of those online fads. Well it’s not.

Launched in May 2003, LinkedIn currently ranks third in the world’s most popular social network sites. It is the most popular website where professionals can build their business network. Unlike the other social media websites which don’t have much depth, or may be all over the place, LinkedIn targets a specific demographic (professionals). When it comes to business, LinkedIn is the most important social media website to connect businesspeople and professionals.

Each professional profile is broken down into various categories such as Experience, Skills & Expertise, Education, Additional Info and Honours & Awards. Once accurate information has been entered in the respective fields, your profile can become the perfect marketing tool to showcase your professional ability.

are you Linkedin ?

Employers and job seekers can take advantage of LinkedIn’s network to scout for new employees. You can also create job postings on the website. Many LinkedIn users have found job opportunities through the social media giant.

Here are ten reasons why you should use LinkedIn:1. You can use it as your online CV2. It can help you build strong professional relationships and networks3. Users can upload a profile picture so employers can match the face to the skills set4. Employers can use the site to post jobs available at their company or institution5. Linkedin is accessible on all online platforms, including smartphones6. Business owners can use it to create awareness of their business and enhance their image7. It can help drive traffic to your website8. LinkedIn is an ideal tool for interaction and asking questions, and to gain insights. It can also be used for research. 9. You can use the site to market your business or institution10. It’s a great way to strengthen business-to- business (B2B) relationships.

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Michelle SerieuxRead about Michelle on page 16

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improving your customer service can mean big profits

While the notion that “the customer is always right” does not always ring true, the phrase amounts to a public realisation of

the importance of the customer. This importance is not always acknowledged in the business environment, and often we hear of or experienceinstances of deplorable customer service.

Remembering that the customer is the lifeblood of any business establishment is the key to success. Service-industry workers must continuously seek ways to improve on their relationship with their customers as the sustenance and viability of their workplace depends on it.

Businesses, and by extension their employees, should never underestimate the purchasing power of a customer. A customer has the ability to cripple business operations by simply buying elsewhere. As long as customers become enlightened and are acutely aware of the power they possess, this could be a potential threat to businesses that fail tosatisfy them. Businesses should therefore conduct their affairs with this in mind and try to genuinely attend to their customers’ needs.

In dealing with customers, do not let personal judgments dictate the quality of customer service you provide. It is only natural to make judgments based on appearances. However, when these judgments

are influenced by personal biases, and if they are likely to impact others negatively, then they should be re-evaluated. People’s race, sex, sexual orientation or sense of style should not entitle them to receive special treatment nor preclude them from receiving the best service available.

Finally, never forget that you too are a customer. The roles of service provider and service receiver are easily and often reversed. Putting oneself in the service receiver’s shoes when occupying the role of a service provider will enable one to become more sympathetic and empathetic towards the needs and plights of a customer. This supports the old adage “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

The preceding are just a few tips which, if practiced, can help to improve your customers’ overall service experience.

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In St. Lucia, it’s the norm for everyone to obtain a secondary education, gain their CXCs and then enter the working world. It is also customary after writing

CXC exams for one to attend the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. SALCC is seen as the foundation for advancing one’s education. It’s the stepping stone for an individual to truly “further their education” which in layman’s terms means obtaining a Bachelor’s degree, then a Masters, and even going all the way to a PhD. However, some individualsmay only settle for a certificate or a diploma, depending on their financial capabilities. But why is it so important in today’s society to further your education? Let us explore some of the reasons.

In an increasingly globalised and competitive world, it is important to further one’s education to gain a good understanding of the complex world we live in, and to appreciate varied cultures and ideas. It is also important to raise the standards of your skills in your chosen field, or in a variety of fields, particularly if you want to make yourself competitive in the global labour market and handle the overwhelming technological innovations in today’s world.

Education is also an investment in oneself and in your career, as well as other aspects of life. By investing in education, you will improve your self esteem

because of your hard work and the levels expertise that your field of study will require. You will also reap the benefits of a higher and more stable source of in-come, and easier access to personal wealth, including property and financial assets. In addition, you willbe able to contribute to society via taxes, more comfortably.

“Furthering your education” does not guarantee that you’ll be “qualified” for a particular job. Some people who have gotten their degrees sometimes are unable to use the knowledge they have gained in their day-to-day jobs. This is why so many employers require that prospective employees have experience as well as degrees. You might find it quite interesting that someone who just left university with a degree, for example in Human Resource Management, but

how to improve your career prospects in a tough economy

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has no experience gets turned down for a job offer in favour of someone with the same degree and five years’ experience. This is how the world of today works. Not only is experience key, furthering your education is just as important.

Furthering your education can also be beneficial for those entrepreneurs out there in strengthening your business. You may have a brilliant idea that can generate lots of money for you. However, what some of us don’t realise is that having an idea and selling it does not necessarily mean that you’ll be able to generate money all the time. On the other hand, one can take management courses, for example to learn the components of keeping the business alive, what to do, and what not to do in certain industries and also learn about the theory of supply and demand. By furthering their education in their field, entrepreneurs can gain a wealth of knowledge that will enable them to be well-rounded businesspeople and they will safeguard themselves when the tides get rough. Ignorance is no excuse.

If you are thinking to yourself, “I can’t afford to obtain a degree”, then you might just want to think of the number of flexible options available to us St. Lucians. There are a few universities and colleges at our fingertips. They offer a range of programs such as business management, banking and finance, hospitality courses, teacher education, accounting, graphic design, photography, web development, Information Technology and many vocational subjects, to name a few. They also offer flexiblepayment plans and options such as either learning in a classroom or strictly online.

The odds are in your favor. You have the option to select the school and program you’re interested in or

what pertains to your particular area of work. This allows you to work and go to school at the same time so that you can continue to gain experience and education. There are also a number of medical universities located on island. All of these schools are accredited and certified so there is no need to worry about that. Most employers seek people with degrees from accredited and recognised universities so that they can be sure that your qualifications are of an acceptable standard.

Many of the educational institution offer a range of certificate and degree programs in collaboration with world-renowned accredited universities and they are affordable to the average St. Lucian. Some of these programs include cake decorating, mechanics, business, electrical installation, ASYCUDA World for those in the shipping industry, as well as Master’s degree programs.

To those of you who want to further your educationoverseas, that’s okay as well! In most cases the headache of a student loan is a reality that one must face. But it should not be thought of as a headache, rather as the pathway to a brighter future. Most of our banks offer student loans at low interest ratesthat suit those who qualify. Though student loans require collateral and you may not have the finance to support such commitments, once again, part time schooling might be your option. It will be much cheaper, for example, to further your educationin management right here in St. Lucia part time rather than studying overseas.

In conclusion, furthering your education is an investment in your future. The certificate or degree that you will obtain, along with your experience, will make you more marketable and enhance your opportunities to gain employment.

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Michelle SerieuxF i lmmaker Ex t raord ina i re


Hard work and sheer determination surely pays off. For Michelle Serieux, seizing every opportunity handed to her has contributed

greatly to her success. She was never afraid to try anything, even though it was new to her and

sometimes strange. Michelle Bevlyn Lana Serieux is a 31-year-old accomplished filmmaker who

hails from our beautiful and scenic island St. Lucia. She was born at Victoria Hospital

in Castries and raised in the Upper Goodlands community of Morne

Fortune, Castries. During her childhood she spent most of her vacation in Mon Repos. Michelle believes in continually enhancing her knowledge and skills, so she has spent a lot of time in school. She first attended St Michael’s Pre School in Castries, then the Morne Du Don Government Combined School, followed by St Joseph’s Convent. From there she went on to Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, followed by one year of prep school at the University of Cienfuegos in Cuba, and then three years

at the University of the West Indies and Edna Manley College

in Jamaica where she did a BA in Media and Communications with

minors in Cultural Studies and Drama. Subsequently she got an MA in Film and

Cinema at Columbia University, New York and after that a Professional Producing Certificate at New York University’s School Of Continuing and Professional Studies.

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Michelle SerieuxF i lmmaker Ex t raord ina i re


Dazzle Magazine had the privilege of chatting with Michelle and learning more about her eventful journey.

Dazzle: Was this your original career path, if not what was?Michelle: My original career path was to be a forestry engineer. Between St. Joseph’s Convent and A-Level I studied a mix of languages and sciences, so upon leaving school I accepted a scholarship to study Natural Sciences in Cuba. Ever the pragmatist, I decided to go to Cuba where I could have “the best of both worlds” and do Sciences while living in a Spanish speaking country.

Dazzle: What was your first job?Michelle: My first ‘job’ was as a lifeguard at Summer Swim Camp that my oldest sister Elizabeth Serieux and her friend Abigail Williams coordinated every summer to teach St Lucian children how to swim. I did a couple lifeguard courses and so my first little pre-teenage ‘job’ was that. A few summers after, I was a Junior Counsellor at Camp Ciceron. During my time at A-Level I interned at Customs and Excise during the summer period, so that was my entry into the world of big people work, the “9-5.”

Dazzle: What do you love about your job?Michelle: I love the spontaneity of my work. Every day there is something different and interesting to tackle. The other great thing is that I work for myself, and that’s a source of pride for me because I don’t know many people who would finish grad school and consciously decide to set off on that mission, especially with a student’s loan to pay back. Dazzle: What’s the name of your company and when/where was it established?Michelle: My legal company in Jamaica is called Serieux Cinema but it operates under the trademark New Caribbean Cinema which I share with my Jamaican business partner and fellow filmmaker Storm Saulter. The other founding members of New Caribbean Cinema are Joel Burke and Nile Saulter. We all have specialized skills and together we make up a team that has been working pretty well and I am very happy to be a part of that.

Dazzle: What is the nature of your business?Michelle: We are a video production company; we do commercial work as well as our own creative filmmaking projects. So far as a team, we have had a pretty cool range of clients. Jointly we’ve done

work for Red Bull Media House, Sandals/ATL, Martha Stewart Weddings, Red Stripe/Diaegeo, Gatorade and a list of other companies locally and internationally who respect the quality and high standard of our work and our creativity.

Dazzle: What’s your highest achievement thus far?Michelle: I am really proud of the fact that my niece, Jordan Serieux considers me her role model. She is so smart and funny and full of talent herself. She sings, dances, plays a violin, drums and is teaching herself the guitar at 12 years old. Derek Walcott always used to say to me that ‘writing should be the writer’s 9-5, if you’re a writer, WRITE, make that your job,’ and I want to live that life. I was also a semi-finalist in a Sundance screen by Writers’ Workshop.

Dazzle: What kind of films do you like to produce – music videos/movies/documentaries?Michelle: I am a filmmaker, which means that story-telling is what I love. I love independent cinema, so quirky character-driven narratives are my favorite in terms of movies but the documentary form I find really interesting as well. In the Caribbean we have a perception that documentaries are boring, but I have found that filmmakers who have mastered the art of creative documentary filmmaking have an opportunity to not just tell stories but help bring people’s attention to important issues by virtue of telling the story of that issue in an interesting way. That’s really hard to do but also very exciting. I love documentaries that are able to achieve that balance because if the story is well told, I as the viewer will then log on to the project website and tune in to the larger issues and then, through my participation, contribute to changing the world. I don’t know that the other forms have that power and for me, as someone who is socially conscious, I want to be able to make my own impact in that way as well.

Dazzle: What’s your favourite production thus far?Michelle: My favourite production at this point is Ring Di Alarm really because of the way in which that project was conceived and executed. It is a feature film composed of seven short stories by six different directors (myself included) but the special thing about it is that it is completely self-funded by NCC and definitely what I would call ‘coup-de-main’ cinema. We did it true indie style, each one help one, and the camaraderie and collaboration that it took is truly inspiring. When we tell people about our process, how it took us close to three years to finish because we

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would work on a commercial then use that money to fund the film so it was a start-and-stop process, and how the crews worked for free and everyone gave us their sweat, talent and time simply because they believed in what we were doing and because they too needed the opportunity to showcase their own capabilities, audiences everywhere are inspired by that. It is testimony to our philosophy of start where you stand, that by embracing limitations and lack of resources, we are still able to create and press ahead.

Dazzle: Name one famous actor/artiste you have produced for?Michelle: I have just come off a shoot for Shaggy’s new music video Mi Love Jamaica, which was exec produced by RedBull Media House. I have produced and directed a number of short form documentaries for Red Bull over the past three years and so they came to me to direct and produce a behind the scenes story about the project for their media house, which is based in Europe. I have also had the opportunity to collaborate with the Obie Award-winning actor Roger Guenver Smith who is known for his work in films such as the Huey P Newton Story, American Gangster, and a host of Spike Lee films. He is also in Better Mus’ Come as well as my own short film Missed which is part of Ring Di Alarm.

Dazzle: Which one of your productions was the most difficult to execute and why?Michelle: I produced a series of adverts for Diageo/Red Stripe beer which involved a seven-foot mascotcalled RED the bear. The concept was devised by an agency in Jamaica and was a four-part series where the storyline was a very Mission Impossible-style angle. This involved having the seven-foot bear rappelling down from a warehouse to steal cases of Red Stripe beer and also having the said bear

abducted by aliens from outer space who needed Red Stripe beer to make their party come alive. It was a very ambitious project and we had a great production crew in Jamaica, as well as a computer graphics/animation team out of Los Angeles to do the alien spaceship abduction sequences. It was a very long pre-production process and required extreme attention to detail and safety, hiring a military consultant to get the spy team sequences looking authentic. We also had to teach the actor in the beer suit how to safely rappel from the ceiling while wearing this heavy gear and also create a crime scene that was realistic and also funny. It was definitely challenging but we did the job successfully and were subsequently re-hired for other work which included the production of Red Stripe’s groundbreaking Jamaican 50th Independence Anniversary campaign which was screened all around the world to celebrate Jamaica’s Independence Jubilee because the final product was so inspiring.

Dazzle: What other opportunities has your career created for you? Michelle: My career is going pretty well and the opportunities that have come are simply the result

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of hard work and preparation. I love learning and am always taking courses to increase my knowledge and so the opportunities come if you are preparedto receive them. I really want to be a prolific filmmaker so my long-term goal is to be able to write, direct and produce stories that are meaningful; produce a body of work that can be looked at in years to come as true reflections of Caribbean culture and its diverse complexity. The really great opportunities for me are meeting other like-minded creatives from

fun factsFirst thing you do when you wake up?Say thank you, then look at whatever is posted on my vision board or scrawled on my wall. I have a bad habit of writing on walls, like a true crazy person but when I open my eyes and my current goal is the first thing I see, it helps keep my mission in focus.

Breadfruit or green figs? Green figs

Favourite colour? Red

Juicy Fruit or Bubblicious? Bubblicious

Who’s your hero? Castro, because he dared oppose super powers, but I don’t like the fact that he jails writers and people who oppose his views, not cool. Aside from that, my mother. She was a definite pioneer and would carry us all over St Lucia with her while helping set up co-operative societies across St Lucia. She was finally recognised for this inspiring work a couple years ago when she received St Lucia’s National Award for her service.

How many siblings do you have? Four

Your nickname? Pixie

the Caribbean who are as dedicated to their vocations.It is inspiring to me whenever I meet people whose attitude to life is one of freethinking independence because that takes a lot of balls, especially in the post-colonial conservative Caribbean that we come from.

Dazzle: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?Michelle: In the next 5 years I will be making films, but will have a wider platform via which to showcase them. It’s all in the works right now, lots to look forward to.

Dazzle: Where do you get your inspiration?Michelle: I am inspired by people, brave rebellious people, and by the beauty of the Caribbean. I am really inspired by the resourcefulness and resilience of Caribbean people and it helps me keep going. Derek Walcott is also an inspiration because he dared to be the best and succeeded.

Dazzle: How do you overcome writers block?Michelle: By taking a break, meditating and then getting right back to writing. You cannot force inspiration. It needs the right environment to presentitself but once it’s there, attack the page.

Michelle’s achievements speak for themselves. We would like to congratulate her for discovering her passion and not being afraid to follow it. The arts are the least recognised profession in the Caribbean and it takes a bold and strong individual to venture into it and make a career out of it. Michelle is undoubtedly an inspiration to us all and we hope that she continues advancing in her career.

Dazzle would like to urge Saint Lucians to support their own and lend any form of encouragement possible. We look forward to working with Michelle in the near future as we bestow upon her the title “MS UNSTOPPABLE.”.

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Latoya Mitchel

Read about Latoya on page 24

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coming soon: Piton Independence River Lime!

Have you ever been to a river lime, a real river lime, a Piton river lime? Piton Beer is preparing to host its highly anticipated and first Piton

river lime for the year. St. Lucians have been waiting anxiously and the wait will be over soon. On February 22nd, 2013, Piton will be treating St.Lucia to an Independence River Lime in celebration of the island’s 34th year of Independence.

The venue will be in a colourful village on the West coast, Canaries, Moon River to be precise. The locationis ideal to entertain the mass crowd that Piton events draw.

The event will highlight everything St.Lucian, with entertainment by a popular solo group, homegrown

artistes like Mongstar, Ambi, Soca Psycho, J Budz and more. Live band music, popular DJs and local food by the river bank!

The event will be a memorable one as Piton seeks to deliver a holiday lime like no other! With Piton beers on special throughout, and lots of prizes andgiveaways, Piton lovers will be in for a major treat. Kick-off time is 2:00 p.m.

Remember “Enjoy Piton responsibly”.

* Photos used in this article were taken at the last Piton River Lime in Piaye.

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Latoya MitchellA Rising Star in St Lucian Business


Motivation comes in many forms. For each individual there is at least one thing that can drive them to push forward and go after their dreams. In whatever form one’s motivation may come, one thing is for sure, once the journey has started there is no giving up halfway.

Latoya Mitchell, founder of the company Out-source St. Lucia Inc. has been pressing on, as she wants to leave behind a legacy for her children.

The young and nascent entrepreneur has used her inspiration to form a company centered on meeting the needs of local companies. Dazzle Magazine introduces you to Latoya, whom, despite her quiet and modest demeanor, is very zealous and fervent about what she does.

Outsource St. Lucia was created in 2009 and caters to companies who need to outsource business services such as accounting, marketing and courier services. The company is located in Marisule, Gros-Islet and is comprised of five employees. Latoya explains that the company was born out of her personal experiences. She had started a business some years earlier called ‘Timeline Courier Services’ which focused on running errands for both business and residential customers. After much thought was given to creating something more viable, she put together a business plan and Outsource St. Lucia became a reality. The company is managed and owned solely by Latoya, which means that there is never a restful moment; every second is “go, go, go!”

Human resource is a key element to the success of the business, and as Latoya indicated, her employees are the backbone of her organisation. There are minimal challenges, she explained, none of which affect the progress or efficiency of Outsource St. Lucia. The company is very flexible and as a result also employs

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Latoya MitchellA Rising Star in St Lucian Business


part-time staff, as well as partners with several other companies or business professionals, to meet the needs of their clientele and to ensure the smooth running of Outsource St. Lucia.

Latoya describes her typical day as “budgeting any accounting book, once you start, you are pretty much on your feet 24/7.” As a mother and young professional, it can be extremely difficult managing her time to meet the needs of her family and the companies she serves. Nevertheless, it is clear that Latoya enjoys what she does, as she continues to give it her all day-in, day-out.

The top three services Outsource St. Lucia provides are debt collection, courier services and sales. Three of Outsource’s more prominent clients

include Moore (St. Lucia) Inc., LIME and Nature’s Discount.

Outsource St. Lucia Inc. and Latoya Mitchell

were nominated for ‘Prime Minister Award For Innova-tion’ and ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year’ at the

What do you do in your spare time?Spend time with my kids, write poetry.


Favourite St. Lucian Beach?Pigeon Island

Ice-Cream Flavour: Vanilla

fun facts

2013 St. Lucia Business Awards hosted by the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce. Latoya is proud to cite these nominations as one of her greatest accomplishments thus far but, notably, she marks being able to put together a successful and functional team as the epitome of her career. This, Latoya believes, is what drives Outsource St. Lucia and she will continue to strive for excellence in her team in order to maintain good customer-service standards and proficiency.

Faith is often a great propellant for any entrepreneur, and La Toya believes that everything happens for a reason and in its own time, and it’s a great motto to follow. “Everything happens at the right time! Circumstances and situations happened at the right time and it brought forth good fruit and so I would not change anything right now,” she added. Her mentor is Ms. Marcellin Chitolie whom Latoya believes is a profound leadership guide and a perfect inspiration for young people who need extra support.

Latoya believes that before anyone embarks on the journey of an entrepreneur, they should sit down and have a heart-to-heart with themselves. She further concludes that one should cover all bases, financially, emotionally and education wise. She hopes that within the next five years Outsource would have grown into a much larger entity with more staff, and will be operating with more and bigger companies in Saint Lucia and the wider Caribbean.

Dazzle Magazine would like to congratulate Latoya and Outsource St. Lucia Inc. on their nominations at the 2013 St. Lucia Business Awards. We know that for the company, this is just a sign of more good things to come and we can only extend best wishes of prosperity and success. To Latoya specifically, we say keep your dreams alive and stay motivated, nothing happens by chance. You have to will it into existence and always give your best!

Page 26: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3

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Page 27: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3

Read about Superman on page 32

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What you eat shows on your skin. Health experts tell us that what we consume is important for beautiful skin, even more so than the creams and lotions many use for a sparkly look. Here are some delicious treats you can try. The right amounts could give you smooth, clear skin.

AlmondsAlmonds can eliminate toxins, making your skin smooth, soft and clear. It’s a cancer fighter, controls cholesterol levels and is great for digestion.

ApricotApricot, when eaten, is really good for wrinkles. Our bodies turn the vitamin A found in the fruit into retinol, a compound that helps produce new skin cells.

Green TeaGreen Tea is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from free radicals - naturally occurring par-ticles in the body associated with accelerated ageing, and an increasing cause of major diseases. The antioxi-dants can also restore bounce to your skin.

OrangesOranges are fantastic for dark circles and bags under your eyes. The vitamin C found in oranges helps in reducing them and it strengthens collagen in the skin’s supportive structure by lifting the sunken areas which cause darkness or shadows.

Sunflower OilSunflower oil contains a fatty acid called Linoleic which is good for hydrating skin by creating a soft outer layer of cells. Go ahead! Bake or sauté with it for a silky smooth complexion.

ChocolateChocolate contains flavonols, which are believed to make skin supple and protects it against the sun’s damaging UV rays and wrinkles. Not too much of it though!

WaterWater is great for the skin, although you may not need as many as eight glasses a day as many people suggest. Just keep hydrated as much as you can, de-pending on your environment. If you are not so big on drinking loads of water, fruits and veggies contain lots of it and can help make up for what your body may be missing. An apple alone provides you with about 1/2 a cup. Wow!

7 miracle foods for beautiful skin

Page 29: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3


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Page 31: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3

Distributed in St Lucia by

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Page 32: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3


From Humble Beginnings to Stardom Dazzle Magazine would like to share with you the journey of Kwency McKeever Kumalo Griffith, more commonly known as Pringles aka Superman HD. This outspoken, charismatic and jovial radio announcer/MC/artiste who has warmed his way into the hearts of many, is indisputably a hard and diligent worker. Pringles can only attribute his success to a desire to excel, to his courage and unwavering perseverance; initially a young boy who was not ‘born with a golden spoon’ but who paved his way to the top by simply never giving up and always searching for better. Dazzle shares with you the story of his evolution.

Dazzle: Where were you born?Superman HD: I was born in Marchand, raised in the Bagatelle community. I lived there for most of my life, until I was about 25 years-old.

Dazzle: How did the name Superman HD come about?Superman HD: Superman is a personal thing. I have been going through a lot of issues, health and other-wise-related. However, every time I am meant to be down, I keep getting back up. There are lots of things I am not meant to be doing but despite my limitations, nothing is holding me down. So in my mind I must be Superman.

Dazzle: What is your kryptonite?Superman HD: My kryptonite would have to be my children.

Dazzle: How did you get the nickname Pringles?Superman HD: The name ‘Pringles’ is a kixx-off. It started back in school. Someone jokingly asked: “Why all the ladies after you so?” and I replied I am like a tin of Pringles, once you pop you can’t stop.

Dazzle: What would you say is your profession?Superman HD: I am a radio announcer, which is my day job. That is my Monday to Saturday, 6:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M job. The artiste/MC thing is just something I enjoy doing. I love radio.

Dazzle: What was your original career plan?Superman HD: Growing up I wanted to be a lawyer. I wanted to be the best criminal justice lawyer in the world but I couldn’t afford it. We were very poor; I am not one of those born with a golden spoon. I have had to work for every single thing I have had. I have been working since the age of ten, during the summer at Dilly’s and Lera’s Supermarket, also carrying bags for

people. I know what it is like to get down on my knees and pray, say thank you God for the day and the cup of water I am about to drink because that is all I had.

Dazzle: When did you get the opportunity to become a radio announcer?Superman HD: I started off MC-ing from school. I have worked in a lot of industries and worn many hats over time. However, I was really fed-up of the hotel industry, working nightshifts and so I resigned. One day I got a call from a friend of mine, Mindy Jordan. She explained that there was an opening for sales at The Wave radio station. I really wanted to do that on-air thing. I figured if I can MC and if I could reach people, I would be good at the radio thing. So I started off as a salesman at The Wave and every now and then though, I popped into the studio with Mike Rogers. The people started liking me. An opportunity came up at the station and the person really responsible for fighting and getting me on air was Pilgrim Louisy. With his assistance I was able to learn production and how to mix and master tracks. Though I had the experience as a DJ he helped to push for me to do what I am doing right now.

Dazzle: What was your first song?Superman HD: Mad Again. I had this phrase on the radio; mad again. Q-pid approached me and said ‘Pringles, you have that phrase mad again, let’s make a song with that.’ We did freestyle at one of the shows at the Cultural Centre and the crowd really liked it. So that song was recorded and it jumpstarted my singing career.

Dazzle: How do you overcome stage fright?Superman HD: I get nervous every time before I go onstage. I have a lil’ ritual where I find a quiet corner, jump up a few times and pray. I feed off the audience all the time.

Dazzle: What makes you different as an artiste?Superman HD: I am never prepared. My performances are not scripted. I make do with whatever I have and feed off the people’s energy.

Dazzle: ‘Return to Bacchanal’ was different. Tell us about it?Superman HD: ‘Return of Bacchanal’, I sat at home and figured I have a song that I am really fond of and I wanted it to say something. I wanted it to relate to every part of the world. I wanted the song to fly, meaning I wanted it to leave St. Lucia. I called Boo

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From Humble Beginnings to Stardom

Hinkson and asked him to come play a guitar on a song. I had been trying to write that song for three months but once Boo started playing, I wrote that entire song that night. I called the guys from the police band and told them I want that dragging brass to create that effect. I saw the entire performance when writing that song.

Dazzle: How did the duo Superman HD and Mr Killer come about?Superman HD: Kurty is responsible for that; he is my main producer right now. He introduced me to Killer and our vibe just meshed. I always say it was a match made in heaven.

Dazzle: Where do you get your inspiration from?Superman HD: The people; I always want to see how far my people will go, I want to see people enjoying themselves.

Dazzle: How do you come up with the concepts for your songs?Superman HD: In the air, inspiration is all around. Anything, things people would say and do and things I would see.

Dazzle: How many years have you been competing?Superman HD: Four years.

Dazzle: What happened during your Groovy Monarch 2012 performance and how did this motivate you to capture the Power Soca Monarch title?Superman HD: Our every intention was to make a mark in the Power and Groovy Soca Monarch competitions. The only explanation I got was ‘I am sorry, we just got our lines crossed.’ Nothing was really ready for Power Soca. I did not get what I wanted. The band learnt the song the night of the show but I was determined to compete, so I told my team let’s do it, we will win. The fire from Thursday pushed me on.

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Dazzle: How did it feel winning the Power Soca Monarch title?Superman HD: It was this sense of feeling that, yes I did it! It was a personal achievement.

Dazzle: Apart from singing, what else do you do?Superman HD: I have a few small businesses on the side. My dream is not to sing, it is not to be on radio. I really want to be called Dr. Griffith. My dream is to be a psychologist, so I am pursuing my first degree in psychology with ABE. I want to go on to get my Ph.D in psychology. I probably won’t get paid here for that field but I want to be able to give back. I can visit the prisons and provide assistance there. I want to be able to give back and so, as part of their Big Brother Programme at the Boy’s Training Centre, we recently adopted a boy.

Dazzle: What is your highest career achievement?Superman HD: Doing what is in my heart, so I would say what I am doing now.

Dazzle: What advice would you give upcoming artistes?Superman HD: It is a business. Do not make it a game. Yes, you may love it but it is an expensive love, so do not go out there just because you want the next package yourself as you would like to see something on the shelf you would like to buy. Be a professional. If you are in it for the money and you expect to get money now, leave it alone now! The more you work, the greater your chances and the better you get. You will reap the benefits later. You have to be ready and willing to give back because unless you give back you will not make it. Sometimes the best thing is to get a good recommendation when you work for free rather than someone say ‘yeah, he is good but expensive.

fun factsWhat instrument do you play? My mouth. None.

What’s your favourite colour? Black, white, orange.

Jerry Springer or Maury? Maury

Backs and green figs or souse? Souse.

If you had to be a movie star who would you be? Denzel Washington or Jason Statham

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The Business Awards hosted by the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce took place on January 26, 2013 at the luxurious Sandals Grande

St. Lucian Spa and Beach Resort. The event, which is in its sixth year, culminates the annual week of activities to celebrate Nobel Laureates’ Week. The aim of the awards is to showcase entrepreneurial excellence and innovation in the business sector. This year the awards committee acknowledged an increase in submissions, particularly from new companies on island.

The event commenced with a welcome reception, followed by the red carpet event. Which was coupled with a cocktail. There were a myriad of business houses represented at the awards. The red carpet event was very lively and festive as nominees were given the opportunity to introduce themselves and their businesses. It was lights, camera, and action everywhere as participants, nominees and guests alike anxiously awaited the commencement of the awards presentation.

123 Digital, publisher of Dazzle Magazine captured the Idea of the Year Award and our very own Rankin Morgan was nominated for the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. We were very excited to be part of the event and even more honored to have been nominated. The nominees and winners for the 2013 Business Awards are:

Prime Ministers Award for Innovation• Regional Communication Ltd - WINNER• Outsource St Lucia Inc• Baron Foods Ltd

Idea of the Year Award• 123 Digital - WINNER• Baron Foods Ltd• Regional Communication Ltd

Award for Service Excellence• First Citizens Investment Services - WINNER• 1st National Bank St Lucia Limited• Admac Ltd

Entrepreneur of the Year Award• The Cell - WINNER• Baron Foods Ltd• True Value

Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award• Blueprint Construction Ltd- WINNER• 123 Digital• Outsource St Lucia Inc

Business of the Year Award• Karib Cable -WINNER• 1st National Bank St Lucia Limited• Baron Foods Ltd• The Cell• Viking Traders Ltd

Exporter of the Year Award• Bank Of St Lucia Int. Ltd -WINNER• Accela Marketing Ltd• First Citizens Investment Services

new winners and nominees emerge

in this Year’s business awards

Page 36: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3


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Rohan Enterprises Tel: 758.453.1139 Cell: 758.486.3444

Award for Excellence in Human Resource Development• Sandals Resorts Int. - WINNER• 1st National Bank St Lucia Limited• SOL EC Ltd

Award for Marketing Excellence• Bay Gardens Resorts - WINNER• LIME (Cable & Wireless) • Windward and Leeward Brewery Ltd

Award for Corporate Leadership• Karib Cable – Joya Martin - WINNER• Harris Paints (St. Lucia) Limited• True Value

Award for Corporate Social Responsibility• 1st National Bank - WINNER• CIBC First Caribbean International Bank• International American University- College of Medicine

Green Award• Cartridge World St Lucia Ltd- WINNER• Windward and Leeward Brewery Ltd

Lifetime Achievement Award - LAURIE BARNARD

Dazzle Magazine would like to thank everyone who has made this journey possible. Special thanks to our team Rankin Morgan, Irvine Springer, Alana Williams, Aldrin Henry, Mindy-Luquiana Chicot and Christy Recaii. A heartfelt thank you to our readers, advertisers, the Saint Lucia Youth Business Trust and the Chamber of Commerce for recognizing 123 Digital-Dazzle Magazine as the Idea of the Year. Congratulations to all nominees and winners, your commitment, hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed and we here at Dazzle wish you all the best and hope that you all continue to strive for excellence.

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Saint Lucia Chamber Of Commerce Business Awards

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An allergy is an exaggerated immune-system response to external substances (allergens) and is usually manifested by tissue inflammation

and organ dysfunction. Most people who suffer from allergies are genetically predisposed to the condition.

Allergic reactions to foods are categorized as immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated (a common type of allergic response) non-IgE-mediated, mixed-IgE-and non-IgE mediated or cell mediated, based on the part of the immune system involved.

The severity of an allergic reaction depends on one’s level of exposure to allergens and the individual’s immunologic responsiveness mediated by Immunoglobulin E (IgE). In IgE-mediated allergies the allergic person’s immune system secretes an IgE antibody that is able to recognize a portion of the specific food allergen. The IgE antibody, once it is released, binds to a receptor in the body’s mast cells (a type of blood cell) and to basophils, a type of white blood cells found in the bloodstream. By so doing, the IgE antibody sensitises them to the food allergen. Degranulation - a cellular process that releases antimicrobial cytotoxic molecules from secretory vesicles called granules found in some cells - triggers a cascade of reactions in the human body locally and/or systemically.

The body’s reaction after exposure to an allergen may be manifested in as little as seconds to minutes.

Common allergens include:• Food (milk, eggs, seafood, nuts, beans, gelatin) • Pollen • Insect venom (hornets, paper wasps, honey bees, centipedes, fire ants) • Pet and other animal dander• Dust • Mold • Drugs (penicillin, anesthetics, thiamine, folic acid)• Latex rubber products (gloves, condoms

Diagnostics A patient’s thorough history of exposure to the specific allergen is essential in identifying specific allergic triggers. In the event of not knowing the allergen, the following can be performed:

Skin Testing• Epicutaneous or Cutaneous, direct contact testing with specific allergens to elicit a localized reaction. • In vitro tests of IgE antibody for specific allergens.

ManagementAvoidance Therapy: If possible avoid any exposure to the allergen.

Drug Therapy• Antihistamines (chlorpheniramine, loratadine) Claritin, Histal, Piriton, Benadryl • Sympathemometics (pseudoephedrine, phenylphrine) Sudafed, Mucinex, Tylenol Sinus• Glucocorticoids (fluticasone, beclomethasone, prednisone, mometasone, budesonide) Flovent, Beconase, Elocon, Pulmicort, Becotide Inhaler

ImmunotherapyThis involves long-term repeated injections of the allergen to desensitise the individual to its allergic effects.

Anaphylaxis This is the most severe, life-threatening form of allergic reaction. It may be caused by drugs, food, insect venom, latex exposure or any other allergen.

Anaphylaxis is characterised by:• Hypotension (decreased blood pressure)• Bronchospasm (difficulty breathing)• Gastrointestinal and uterine muscle contraction• Urticaria (skin rash usually consisting of raised, itchy bumps and commonly referred to as hives)• Angioedema (localized deep tissue swelling)

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Signs and Symptoms include:• The sensation of a ‘lump’ in the throat• Hoarseness • Tightness in the chest• Wheezing• Flushing • Wheals (irritated, raised sections of the skin, also called welts)• Angioedema (the rapid swelling of the deep layers of the skin) • Hypotension• Abdominal Pain/ Cramping

This life-threatening condition is generally rapid in its progression and fatal if not treated immediately.

Treatment of AnaphylaxisMany people who suffer from allergic disorders would be familiar with the medication Epipen used to treat those with severe allergic reactions. It’s a medical device used to deliver a measured dose of epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) by means of a direct intramuscular injection. In such cases, basic life support must be maintained and usually, in hospitals, other drugs are administered.

Note: Always seek advice from a medical doctor if you suffer from any of the symptoms or signs mentioned above.

Allergen Symptoms & Signs Affected Organ Disease

Inhaled a. Stuffy nose

b. Runny Nose

c. Nasal

congestion d. Cough

e. Wheeze

Nose (nasal

mucous membrane)


Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic Asthma

Ingested Nausea

Vomiting Abdominal

pain Cramping




Allergic Gastroenteropathy

Direct ContactEyes

Itchy eyes

Watery eyes

Swollen eyelids





Allergic Conjunctivitis

Skin Rash



Peeling skin Wheals Edema localized



Atopic Dermatitis

Urticaria Angioedema





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Page 40: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3

As Saint Lucians reflect on the 34th anniversary of Fair Helen’s independence, one cannot help but note the achievements which have been

accomplished thus far.

Since 1979 Saint Lucia has surged ahead and has made many economic gains because of the industriousness of its people, and this has translated into prosperity and recognition for the nation.

Not that any single achievement should be viewed as better than the others, since each must be judged on its own merit. However, the successes of Sir Arthur Lewis and Hon. Derek Walcott are something for which Saint Lucians should be particularly proud. Receiving the Nobel Prize was not only the crowning achievement of their careers, it could also be considered as a feather in the nation’s cap.

Before I delve into why we should regard these men with such awe and admiration, let’s first take a look at Nobel Laureates from a broad perspective. Depending on your source, the number of countries in the world ranges from 192 - 194. Out of these, there are only 71 countries whose citizens have been awarded the

Noble Prize. What is astounding is that per capita, Saint Lucia ranks first in countries with Nobel Laureates. Narrowing our perspective to the Caribbean - half of the region’s Nobel Laureates are of Saint Lucian origin.While the consideration of rankings may be a way to instill national pride, in our meritocratic world, one has to remember, however, that rankings are temporal in nature, bound to be surpassed by some other factor. On the other hand, by taking a closer look at the accomplishments of Sir Arthur Lewis and Hon. Derek Walcott, that would be a far better way to judge the impact of their Nobel Laureateships, since the quality of their work and their professional and personal experiences are self evident, and of the highest standard.

Derek Walcott can be classified as a writer who is

proud of his Caribbean and, most importantly, Saint Lucian roots. His works vividly capture Saint Lucia and the Caribbean’s Creole and colonial heritage. This is reflected in works like Ti Jean and His Brothers and In a Green Night: Poems. He masterfully fuses elementsof the classics like the Iliad in his critically acclaimed

St Lucia in the Global Spotlight – Thanks to Our Nobel Laureates!

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work Omeros. Omeros, which has been performed internationally, provides an authentic reflection of the Saint Lucian experience in a way that a foreign audience can relate to. Following the wave of positive reviews of Omeros, Walcott was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1992. Despite his extensive travels Walcott never strays far from home in his writings.

Sir Arthur Lewis’ contribution to the field of developmental economics has been praised by many. His work has been critically reviewed by many scholarly publications, as well as top-rated universities such as Yale, Harvard and Oxford. Lewis was deemed a pioneer in the field as he helped fill in the gaps and provided theoretical extensions to classical developmental economics.

Sir Arthur’s intellect and knowledge in the field of economics and development were put to the test in the numerous reputable positions that he held, and in each case he distinguished himself. These positions included Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies, Chancellor of the University of Guyana, the first Economic Advisor to the President of Ghana, Managing Director of the UN Special Fund and President of the Caribbean Development Bank. He was also the recipient of numerous honorary degrees from UWI, Boston College, Columbia University, Lagos University, Manchester University and Toronto University, to name a few..

Walcott and Lewis’ achievements have definitely placed Saint Lucia in a very prestigious league. They have turned the scholarly world’s eyes unto the region and specifically Saint Lucia, underscoring the fact that the island is much more than sun, sea and sand and possesses an abundance of intellect and talent. In terms of global accolades and recognition, Sir Arthur Lewis’ feat was the first globally acknowledged achievement by a Saint Lucian in the newly independent Saint Lucia. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1979, the same year Saint Lucia gained independence from Britain. Derek Walcott’s ability to capture the second Nobel Prize for the nation definitely proves that lightning can strike twice in the same place.

So every 22nd February we as Saint Lucians should take time out to reflect on our nation’s achievements and always pay homage to those who have paved the way for us to move forward.

Happy Independence Day Saint Lucia!

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2lbs flour (4 cups flour)

1tbsp baking powder/ instant yeast*

1tsp salt

1tbsp shortening/margarine

Water (to consistency you prefer)

Oil to fry

Mix the flour, salt, baking powder or yeast together in a large bowl.

Rub in shortening/margarine

Add sufficient water to the flour mixture to make smooth dough

Knead dough lightly until smooth.

Cover with a damp cloth and leave dough to relax for ½ hour

After dough has rested, divide and shape into 12 balls

Roll each ball of dough on a lightly floured surface

Fry in hot oil until brown on both sides

Put on paper towels to absorb excess oil

Serve with your (cocoa tea, salt fish, ackra, cheese, or your

favourite side dish)

*prepare yeast as directed on packaging





Page 43: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3


2lbs flour (4 cups flour)

1tbsp baking powder/ instant yeast*

1tsp salt

1tbsp shortening/margarine

Water (to consistency you prefer)

Oil to fry

Mix the flour, salt, baking powder or yeast together in a large bowl.

Rub in shortening/margarine

Add sufficient water to the flour mixture to make smooth dough

Knead dough lightly until smooth.

Cover with a damp cloth and leave dough to relax for ½ hour

After dough has rested, divide and shape into 12 balls

Roll each ball of dough on a lightly floured surface

Fry in hot oil until brown on both sides

Put on paper towels to absorb excess oil

Serve with your (cocoa tea, salt fish, ackra, cheese, or your

favourite side dish)

*prepare yeast as directed on packaging





Page 44: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3


The Samsung GALAXY camera is a compact camera that allows you to access all your favorite Android apps while shooting stunning photos with profes-sional shooting modes, editing features and a variety of apps.

With the Smart PRO MODE feature everyone can now shoot like a pro! You can instantly photograph high-speed scenes with the Action Freeze mode or capture perfect light trails at night on a busy intersection. This camera also has a Slow Motion Video option that al-lows you to capture memorable moments at an amaz-ing 120 frames per second and play them back slowly in crystal-clear video. The 121.2mm (4.77”) HD Super Clear Touch Display allows you to review and edit your photos on a big screen right away. You don’t have to wait until you get home to properly review and edit your photos, with 65 powerful editing features to choose from. The new White Magic Technology allows you to double the brightness of your photos without worrying about battery consumption.

The GALAXY Camera does more than take great pic-tures; it has a voice recognition feature that allows

you to speak to the camera. You can tell it to zoom in or out, set the timer, and snap the photo when you’re ready. Even when you’re in the gallery you can tell it to rotate, delete, and share your photos.

The GALAXY Camera’s Smart Content Manager intel-ligently creates folders for you, tagging faces, and even making suggestions to Smart delete pictures that didn’t come out quite the way you wanted. You can also choose how to view your content with a dynamic range of viewing modes. Straight from the camera, you can connect, upload, share, and even post to your favourite social media sites. You no longer need to worry about possibly losing your photos. The GALAXY Camera’s convenient Auto Cloud Back-up feature au-tomatically saves your precious family photos in the cloud the instant you snap them.

Overall, the Samsung GALAXY Camera delivers good image quality and offers benefits that a traditional digital camera cannot provide. It brings together an Android Jellybean operating system, seamless photo-sharing, WiFi, 3G connectivity and a large HD display, all in one great device!

Page 45: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3

Technical Specifications

• Lens: 23 mm wide angle lens, aperture F2.8 / F5.9, 21X long Zoom • Display: 4.8” HD (1280 x 720) Super Clear LCD • Sensor: 16 MP BSI CMOS (unknown size) • Flash: Number 5 Xenon Flash • Wireless Connectivity: Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth 4.0 • Connectors: HDMI out, micro USB • OS: Android 4.1 Jelly Bean • Processor (SoC): 1.4 Ghz Quad-Core Exynos 4412 • RAM: 1 GB • Internal Storage: 8GB (actual formatted capacity is less) • MicroSD: up to 64 GB (card sold separately) • Max image size (still): 4608 X 3456 • Video recording: MP4 – max 1920×1080 @ 30 fps • Size and weight: 2.79 (H) x 5.07 (W) x .75 (D) inches, 10.76 oz • Battery: 1650 mAh – up to 4.5 hours in-use

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Page 48: Dazzle Magazine Issue 3

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