Page 1: Day One Hundred and Ten...Day One Hundred and Ten It seems fitting on the penultimate day of daily downloads that we return to lockdown life and see what a few children have been getting

Day One Hundred and Ten It seems fitting on the penultimate day of daily downloads that we return to lockdown life and see what a few children have been getting up to. Millie’s mum has kept me posted over the past few weeks and once again we see Millie has been busy – everything from keeping fit to learning some science. I applaud you Millie and mum for keeping everything going but most of all Millie your smile always seems to appear at just the right time for me.

You seem to have done a lot of cooking Millie over the past few months – perhaps the UK’s next Mary Berry? You’ve got a nice clean work space too.

Next some craft –

I can remember

making pompoms

when I was a kid.

I don’t remember

having to change

my clothes in the

process though.

Some academic stuff –

learning about the water

cycle. Incidentally,

beautiful presentation

Millie. I love these pictures Millie made using natural materials; petals and leaves.

Finally, Millie branched out into the dangerous world of building renovation.

Mum, I can’t hold this ceiling

up much longer

Page 2: Day One Hundred and Ten...Day One Hundred and Ten It seems fitting on the penultimate day of daily downloads that we return to lockdown life and see what a few children have been getting

Great work Samuel. I love the way you hexagoned yourself into a corner. There is a lot of maths in nature Samuel.

In school, we are approaching the final full week and I continue to see some lovely work going on. Nature is perhaps the biggest source of inspiration for art and Year 6 has been looking at feathers and trees. The tree art was inspired by Vincent Van Goch with the use of oil pastels.

Hello Mr Wildman

Samuel Warren here. I have been working on some of the podcasts that my teachers have sent me, and

today’s was a great one! All about bees and a hexagon maths investigation. I was really interested in this

one - as you might guess. So here are some photos of what I was doing.

From Samuel Warren 3MW

Page 3: Day One Hundred and Ten...Day One Hundred and Ten It seems fitting on the penultimate day of daily downloads that we return to lockdown life and see what a few children have been getting

Chalk pastels and silhouettes have been used to create scenes inspired by the industrial revolution.

The team in this week have picked up their work on chocolate. It has been a real pleasure to see the variety of activities being undertaken and all underpinned by strong planning.

I’m sure Miss

said to colour

my nose and

polo shirt.

Page 4: Day One Hundred and Ten...Day One Hundred and Ten It seems fitting on the penultimate day of daily downloads that we return to lockdown life and see what a few children have been getting

Zac working on the cover of the new novel Twenty Six Shades of Brown. Unfortunately, I cannot share the blurb as the novel is, how shall we say, rather, erm…saucy – brown sauce to be precise. The recipe sheet is rather clever – you will notice the child has had to think about verbs to fill in the blanks. Top marks teacher for this one. The quality of some of the finished outcomes has been impressive with some lovely high quality work.

Page 5: Day One Hundred and Ten...Day One Hundred and Ten It seems fitting on the penultimate day of daily downloads that we return to lockdown life and see what a few children have been getting

Thank you to parents, children and staff for the almost steady stream of news coming in over the past few months. It has been a genuine delight to see what the children have been up to and I have been amazed at the sheer variety of activities undertaken. The learning for life curriculum is alive and kicking. I think our challenge in school is going to be how we capture some of the positive things we have learned. Maximising the outdoors is one and I think many of us have seen that we can do much more than perhaps we thought outside the classroom. Many of the wonderful things I have seen in school have been brought to life by learning support staff who have had opportunities to share their skills. We have seen several lights appearing from under several bushels; all of which has led to an enriched curricular diet for the children. I will attempt to fire out one more WicormediA before the term is out, so do send in your news of what you are up to. My updates might be coming to an end but I know life goes on. I have thoroughly enjoyed documenting life under lockdown and sharing your thoughts, news, pictures and humour. If I am honest, I have been very surprised at what has been sent in. I hadn’t expected it. I know not everyone has communicated and I am sure there will be some out there who think my updates are a waste of time and internet space. I’ve gone way past the point of caring because I know that the overwhelming response of our school community is to pull together and support the school and each other. I hope in our way we have been able to support you too. It’s not been an easy journey and we are not out of the woods yet. September is going to be a tough one. I sense a lessening of tolerance and an impatience creeping in to the national mood and this will infect our community too. I don’t know how we will solve the return to school – yet – but I hope that you will all show the same level of trust, patience and respect you have throughout lockdown. We need to start from the need to keep everyone in our school safe and healthy and on an even keel and work from there and sometimes such a starting point means we have to make decisions we would not normally make. My view is that there is no point in taking a cautious approach based on the best science available if we then just throw that all to the wind because we don’t want to annoy anyone. Life just doesn’t work like that. However, if we can continue to work together as we have over the past 109 days then we will, without doubt, come through this and I think we will all be much stronger as a result. Take care and be safe. “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” Abraham Lincoln

The Wicor Man (spot on Abe)
