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  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


    Recap of 4Recap of 4 thth dayday



  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


    Lis t of Group IV Member sLis t of Group IV Member s

    Md.Md. HarunHarun--Or Or--RashidRashid

    SelimSelim UddinUddin Ahmed AhmedKeshobKeshob ChandroChandro RoyRoyMohammadMohammad RabiulRabiul Awal Awal

  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


    Re s ource Per s on sRe s ource Per s on s

    Md. Mazharul IslamMd. Mazharul Islam ATM Tanzimul Islam ATM Tanzimul IslamDr. B R BanikDr. B R BanikDr. AmiruzzamanDr. Amiruzzaman

    AKM Salah Uddin AKM Salah Uddin

  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


    T op i c s D is cu ss edT op i c s D is cu ss ed

    1.Fish Culture1.Fish CultureFish Stocking ManagementFish Stocking ManagementPost stockingPost stockingHarvesting and marketingHarvesting and marketingProblems in fish cultureProblems in fish culture

    2. Goal and objectives of CSISA2. Goal and objectives of CSISA3. Partnership between SHOUHARDO II & CSISA3. Partnership between SHOUHARDO II & CSISA4.Major potato Varieties and their production4.Major potato Varieties and their production

    technologies.technologies.5. Maize varieties and quality seeds5. Maize varieties and quality seeds6. Production technologies of maize6. Production technologies of maize

  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


    Fish cul t ureFish cul t ure (C ont in ued)(C ont in ued)

    All species as well as all size should be All species as well as all size should beincluded during sampling.included during sampling.

    Fingerlings should be stocked in pond inFingerlings should be stocked in pond incounting method.counting method.Oxygen deficiency, phytoplankton and zooOxygen deficiency, phytoplankton and zooplankton glum,turbidity,Argulosis are the major plankton glum,turbidity,Argulosis are the major problems in fish cultureproblems in fish cultureFish disease treatment means water bodyFish disease treatment means water bodytreatment.treatment.

  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


    Potato Product i on T echnolog i e sPotato Product i on T echnolog i e s

    Potato is the third major crop after rice and wheat inPotato is the third major crop after rice and wheat inBangladesh.Bangladesh.Bangladesh is 3Bangladesh is 3 rdrd in Asia and 14in Asia and 14 thth position in the worldposition in the worldin potato potato production.Major cultivated varieties are Diamant, Cardinal,Granola, Asterix, Patrones etc.Patrones and Multa are early variety.Diamant and cardinal are the most popular varieties inDiamant and cardinal are the most popular varieties in

    BDBDPlant disease free seed tubers within 15 November Plant disease free seed tubers within 15 November

  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


    Potato Product i on T echnolog i e sPotato Product i on T echnolog i e s

    (Continued)Whole tuber should be planted for seed potatoLarge tuber can be cut into pieces. Each cut tuber should contain at least two eyes .

    Earthing up should be done when the plants are 15 to22 cm in height.Haulm pulling is essential for seed potato production.

    After harvest,curing is essential for long timepreservation.Treat with 3 % boric acid before storage

  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap


    Maize is high yielding crop.Maize is high yielding crop.Grow year round except January.Grow year round except January.High land is essential for maize cultivationHigh land is essential for maize cultivationHighly cross pollinated cropHighly cross pollinated cropBaby corn can be collected from all typesBaby corn can be collected from all typesMaize is highly Potash loving cropMaize is highly Potash loving cropWhen mature, black spot found on grain baseWhen mature, black spot found on grain base

    BARI MaizeBARI Maize- -5 is rich in essential amino acid like5 is rich in essential amino acid like- -lysine and tryptophenlysine and tryptophen

    Ma iz e Product i on T echnolog i e sMa iz e Product i on T echnolog i e s

  • 8/4/2019 Day 4- Recap
