Page 1: David Letterman: Contributes to the Coalition’s Organic · David Letterman: Contributes to the Coalition’s Organic Checks

Checks and Balances Archive Entries

David Letterman: Contributes to the Coalition’s

Organic Checks and Balances


Make NO Mistake: Dogville’s Going Down

One of the mechanisms that guarantees success in the achievement of all stated objectives is the fact the coalition is so large and global that if any one constituent of the partnership falls to dysfunctionality or impropriety it will be addressed. David et al. proved that’s the case in early December 2010 after a year had passed since the first articulation of concerns and nothing substantive was done to contain China and fix Canada.

Einstein’s definition of ‘insanity’ is doing the same thing over and over and

expecting different results. The diplomacy archive is evidentiarily

demonstrative of how after years and years of aggressive condemnation and

pressure from an ever-increasing community of democracy, rule of law,

human rights and free market advocates the coalition leadership continues

to think talk will produce something other than the current standoff.

It will be recalled that three partners stood up in the diplomatic back-

channel in late 2009* to nudge the leadership into doing something other

than what’s transpired since the release of ‘Dogville’ and ‘The Manchurian

Candidate’ – two initiatives that should have delivered something positive

and quantifiable in the spring and summer of 2004. Instead it led to

arrogant belligerence and eventually pushing the stealth cognition

technology R&D envelop further and further.

* The Coalition’s Internal Checks & Balances Mechanism: An Organic Accountability System Ensuring Objective Attainment and Protecting Canada’s Interests and The 2009 Kennedy

Center Honors Geo-Politicized to Advance Coalition Interests and Objectives; and How Coalition Partners High Profiled Canada’s Paradigm of Governance

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The geo-focus of the Letterman Top Ten List on December 6th was to turn it

into a platform to articulate these concerns: items #8, #5 and #3. And he

wore a loud lexiconically significant tie – prison certainty, Presidential

quantum and justice to accentuate the communiqués.

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[prison certainty, justice, Presidential quantum]

Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor Is The WikiLeaks Guy

10. Name on mailbox reads "WikiLeaks Guy"

9. Spends most of his free time burying stuff in the yard

8. He insists you speak directly into his necktie

7. More than once you've caught him crawling in your ventilation ducts

6. He told you about Jeter's new contract at Thanksgiving

5. He insists you speak directly into his necktie -- that joke

was already in the Top Ten. We really need someone

checking these things

4. On recycling day, he puts out cans, bottles, and classified documents

3. His idea of small talk is "Good morning" and "Want the

coordinates of our secret military base in the Strait of


2. Any time you talk to him, all he says is, "I know. I know. I

know... "

1. Gets drunk and takes a "WikiLeak" on your porch -- Hi-yooo !

Number Two contains a coalition identifier and thus expresses the sentiment

that all partners are aware of these abdications. The question now is how

are they going to be addressed, which is stated unequivocally in Number

Five with “We really need someone checking these things”.

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The matter didn’t end there. The following evening, Tuesday, he looked as if

he was going to take the initiative or seek the counsel and assistance of

other partners to fill the concrete undertaking void created by what is likely

an American administration that feels hog-tied, cuffed, shackled and gagged

by the country’s two largest trading partners, China and Canada, having

ganged up on the U.S. in an attempt to be the hegemonic superpower of the

21st century and thereby proliferate Satanic and totalitarian political and

corporate cultures.

The setting was introducing Hollywood superstar actor and coalition partner

Johnny Depp just before a commercial break. The topic was describing how

the leading lady in the film he’s now promoting, long-time partner Angelina

Jolie, asked him to attend to her pet.

The contract was he had to take care of her dog. [audience laughter]. Yes. So when we come back … then Johnny will tell you all about takin’ care of the dog. Okay? [points angrily X2]

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Dave’s not just a bit miffed. He’s livid – not holding back any of his

emotions when pointing, almost violently, through the camera at everyone

in the East-West Corridor of Diplomacy who has a public interest duty to

protect America’s national and economic security interests and those of its


Not documented in the archive but now relevant enough to do so is the fact

that during the late summer and early autumn of 2010 almost nightly for

weeks Dave spent almost obnoxious amounts of time between his comedic

monologue and guest interview describing the new family pet – a puppy he

labelled as “satanic”. This continued eight months of condemnation for what

lies at Canada’s core - a bizarre fascination with the occult.

Letterman bitten by “Satanic” dog

August 26, 2010 Read article

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View video

Tuesday night, Late Show host David Letterman showed guest Drew Barrymore a variety of scabs and scars purportedly inflicted on Letterman by his pet dog, Sully. Letterman joked that the dog is a “half yellow lab, half-Satan” mix.

Johnny, who’s been a partner since late May 2007, tag-teamed the Chinada

malfeasant with Dave by pre-arranging to describe the dog he was

humorously asked to baby-sit as follows (using a Taylor Identifier as the red


Dave: [This is] an English bull terrier something?

Johnny: An enormous muscle. Dave: How much does that beast weigh? Johnny: I’d venture to say somewhere in the neighborhood of 175


Dave: Oh my God!!!

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Page 10: David Letterman: Contributes to the Coalition’s Organic · David Letterman: Contributes to the Coalition’s Organic Checks

The Coalition’s Internal Checks & Balances Mechanism: An Organic

Accountability System Ensuring Objective Attainment

And Protecting Canada’s Interests

The coalition’s grown to become a publicly non-transparent global institution. Its announced membership comprises some three dozen

governments, over a hundred fifty large and multi-national corporations and around a thousand of the most high profile, successful and wealthy. They’ve individually assessed American intel and the Fiefdom treatise and agreed to join the community of democracy, rule of law and human rights advocates to contain China’s imperialistic ambitions and fix Canada’s systemic dysfuctionalities that led to it becoming a forward base of global hegemony operations.

Like any society whose citizens seek a democratic union in which policy and decision makers are held accountable, the partnership naturally evolved a checks and balances system, which is triggered when reasonable expectations are not fulfilled.

Fiefdom treatise recipients who may fear the coalition will impose its will on

Canada to its detriment, or employ tactics viz. covert regime change that

offend modern sensibilities, or effect justice that violates highly refined

Commonwealth jurisprudence can have a substantive measure of confidence

it won’t because as it grew in size it evolved an effective mechanism to

prevent abuse and ensure the plan move forward within the boundaries of

law and morality. It’s akin to constitutional checks and balances in modern

democracies that provide for accountability in these circumstances.

There are now two recent instances of that mechanism operating. With

diplomacy having been conclusively observed to fail in the spring of 2007

and there is nothing in the archive that indicates Chinada High Command

behavior’s going to change to accommodate the dictates of domestic and

international law – and in fact a wealth of evidence it’s pursuing its nefarious

agendas in Canada and worldwide with no regard to coalition trepidation – a

reasonable expectation arose within the partnership that the next phase

would be triggered within a reasonable period of time. With no visible signs

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of that, some coalition partners began getting concerned and used the East-

West Corridor to voice their concerns. They came at relatively the same

time, mid-December 2009, which is tip-of-the-iceberg indicative of a wider

anxiety that as the Chinada threat morphs there appears to be an

indecisiveness within the coalition leadership, comprising world leaders,

military commanders, foreign ministers and their colleagues, to head on

challenge the global hegemony seeking imperialists.

On December 11th the concern was raised as documented in ‘Law & Order’:

Describing the Coalition as the “Rights Alliance” and Threatening Lethal

Consequences for Being Serial and Unapologetic Human Rights Abusers. And

two days later it was again: President Obama and Oprah Winfrey Geo-

Politicize the White House Christmas Television Special.

In the former, the worry is scripted-in while Jack McCoy’s standing in an

elevator and scolding his two A.D.A.s; thus drawing attention to what’s

documented in The 'Elevator Incident' - Field Testing Stealth Cognition

Technologies After Fifteen Years of Covert Militarized Human


If you can argue Gantz is the killer one minute and Webb the next so can they. They can point at each other and create reasonable doubt. […] I have to attend a panel on violent crime. It would be nice if we were solving it instead of just talking about it.

And as Oprah’s interviewing President Obama, she employs the lexicon red

flagging her question; which asks him to accelerate the coalition’s defensive


During the sit-down interview with both members of the First Family includes Oprah geo-politicizing a question, employing an Alicia Maneuver to red flag it:

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Is there a pressure to give a good gift when you’re the president or can you get away with less than you have to do?.

This is another example of the organic checks and balances within the global

coalition, which like in modern democracies ensures that when something’s not as it should, steps are taken to shine the spotlight of transparency on it

so it can be rectified.

The U.S. leader was swift to respond to this growing angst. Two days after

the Christmas special aired, and when signaled being in the diplomatic

corridor, he used an NBC Maneuver to acknowledge the worries of the media

icon and others in the private sector constituent of the global community.

[6:53: NBC M.] We welcome the scrutiny from the press.
