
    Davey WaveyCertified Personal Trainer, AFPA


    PAGE 1Size Matters: Building Your Home Gym

    2012 Davey Wavey, Inc. All rights reserved.

    If youre someone who leads a very busy

    lifestyle or someone who doesnt have the

    budget to afford a pricey gym membership,

    you might want to consider building a home


    Its a common misconception that a large,

    commercial gym is required to see great re-

    sults. The truth is, you can have a fantastic

    workout right from home.

    Moreover, home gyms provide a few impor-

    tant advantages.

    First, you save a great deal of time not having

    to commute. If your gym is 15 minutes away,

    thats 30 minutes of round-trip traveling time

    added to your workout.

    Additionally, your home gym is open 24 hours

    a day. Whether its sneaking in a workout be-

    fore work or getting in some late night exer-

    cise, your home is always open.

    For those individuals with children, a home

    gym reduces the need for childcarewhich

    can be very pricey. You can let the kids play

    nearby, or have a workout during naptime.

    Lets look at a few important tips for building

    successful home gyms.

    An Changeable Set Of Dumbbells

    For strength training workouts, a good set of

    changeable dumbbells is greatand it can

    really complement any bodyweight exercises

    (like push-ups, pull-ups that you perform).

    With dumbbells, the number of different exer-

    cises that you can perform is limitlessand

    by moving to heavier and heavier amounts of

    resistance, you ensure enhanced results.

    Rather than buying dozens of dumbbells at

    varying weights, save yourself money and

    space by buying one set of changeable

    dumbbells. With changeable dumbbells, you

    can adjust the weight accordingly for each ex-

    ercise. Its really an ingenious solution and a

    must-have for home gyms.

    A Squat Rack

    If budget and space allow, consider buying a

    squat rack complete with a barbell, weight

    plates and an adjustable bench.

    Squat racks, also sometimes called power

    cages, open your workout to a number of

    powerful exercises including squats, incline

    press, bench press, shoulder press, deadlifts,

    rows, lunges, etc. Its perfect for a great total

    body workout.

    An Exercise Ball

    I love inflatable exercise balls. While theyre

    not a mandatory piece of equipment, theyre

    great for a number of exercisesand can re-

    ally help work your core.

    You can use the exercise ball with dumbbell-

    based exercises, or use it to reduce your sta-

    bility. Because the ball constantly shifts and

    rolls, you need to engage your core to keep

    everything balanced.

    Theyre also quite inexpensive, making them

    one of the more cost-effective pieces of

    equipment. Just be sure to select a size that

    works well for you.

  • PAGE 2Size Matters: Building Your Home Gym

    2012 Davey Wavey, Inc. All rights reserved.

    A Skipping Rope

    Home cardio equipment tends to be very ex-

    pensive. If its in your budget to buy a tread-

    mill, great. If not, a simple skipping rope is a

    fantastic alternative. It costs next to nothing

    and will give you an amazing cardiovascular


    Of course, avoid jumping on overly hard sur-

    faces like cement. You may need to put some

    padding on your floor to avoid joint pain or in-

    jury. Skipping on mats, grass or carpet while

    wearing running shoes is advised.

    A Mirror

    Last but not least, find a large, full-body mir-

    ror for your home gym. Though often over-

    looked, it can really make a big difference.

    By monitoring your exercises in a mirror,

    youll be able to notice and correct any errors

    in your form. Poor form can lead to dimin-

    ished results and injury, so its really impor-

    tant to install a mirror in your home gym.

    Moreover, youll be able to see your progress

    as muscles become bigger and more notice-

    able than before. This can be great motiva-


    Of course, your home gym is your home

    gymso feel free to modify or add to this list

    accordingly. For example, you may prefer re-

    sistance bands to dumbbells. Thats fine. Do

    what works for you!

    And keep in mind that many home gym items

    can be found online (on Craigslist, eBay, etc.)

    at significantly lower prices than in retail

    stores. Used gym equipment is much

    cheaper and usually just as goodso theres

    no need to break the bank.

    Enjoy creating your home gym! It can be a

    fun projectand its a great thing to do for
