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Data collection presentation

EDU 4003

Research Methods and Reflective Practice

Khadija Abdulla Rashed



Garnel Desravins








Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………10


Appendix …………………………………………………………………………………………………13-30



This study examined the effect of learning style activates in students improvement

especially in English in writing skills. Students were tested in two ways in traditional learning

and in modern learning by using different learning style. I predicted applying learning style

method will improve students in their writing. However, traditional learning style doesn’t help

and encourage students to improve in their writing. This because teachers doesn’t consider for

students achievement they just design whatever they like. According to (Gardner, 2000) each

student has their own intelligent to learn. Moreover, as (Harmmar, 2001) mention, teacher has to

be helpful by concern for the students.


Many different ways help students to develop in their study. Such as, to connect what

students like and what they interest on it in the curriculum what they study. This way will help

them learn in easy and in an effect way. To some extent, teacher can provide variety ways to

improve students learning. However, to what extend learning style help students to improve and

became more achiever? Can students increase their ability in writing skills?


One theory prompted research on how learning style affect the achievement of the

students. Several researches said, students learn when they feel interest in the task they want to

do it. So, the idea is teachers have to consider for student’s interest this because students will

learn (Coffield& Moseley &Ecclestone, 2004). The other investigation, of learning style in

generally, there are different type of students in the classroom. First style is visual, who prefer to

see something for example, learn by see photos, flashcards and watching videos. The second is

kinetic style, these students like to be more creative and move in the classroom. Such as, learn by

design poster, group work and learning center. The third style is auditory; students prefer hearing

sound like audio and videos (Stewart & Felicetti, 1992) .

Another study found that using multi of activates will let students be quite and have

attention in class (Brophy, 1983). So, it means if students don’t interest they will make

misbehavior in the classroom and from what teacher can use students will be quit (Harmer,

2001). From being quite students are learning in safe and encourage environment. The idea is,

teachers are managing by provide different tasks in the class (Harmer, 2001). However,

according to inquiry based learning, using 5E model in classroom help teachers to manage the

classroom time for each period and each task. Moreover, it makes sure the tasks are offer teacher

can give it to students in interest way to let students they want to learn. Since that time, research

are focused mainly on how learning style affect in learning.



What is Action Research?

There are a lot of definition f action research in many different books and websites. As

(Curtis, 1992) mention, action research is procedure decorate to deal and try to solve problem

that you face it. It means, to consider for future in my teaching practice and how to solve

problems in the real life in teaching such as in difficulties of students need.


Participants include grade 8 students form Um Dardaa School. They are girls. My

research focuses on 26 students especially for 3 students, to check if using learning style affects

them in learning. These students are struggling in writing they need more concentration and


Data collection consideration:

I believe before applying any type of data tool there is something researchers has to consider

about it. It is ethical issues. For example for student’s teacher they have to take permission for

school authority first of all. Then researcher has to explain what they going to do and give

permission letter to principal. After that, meet the participants and teacher and informed for what

I will do for the data I will use it. Last make sure the data is anonymous no one can see it

because it will privacy and I will not share it with my friends (Cohen, L., Manion, L., &



Procedure (Data tool collection)

I had use different data tool to recognize each students their learning style and try my

hard to provide for them as much as I can. Moreover, as I’m going to be a teacher I had to

consider for my students prefer and how they like to learn. According to (Merrill, 2000) he

mention students are not aware for their own learning style. So, if teacher use something students

don’t like then, students will net be able to learn. Consequently, teaching style help teachers to

be aware for student’s strengths and weaknesses in learning. The source I had used to collect my

data was calculated as percentage. The first data tool was questionnaire; it had different general

questions from it I will notify the students learning style. Next, I had use it was checklist the first

one is for having description for the different learning style and the other one is for let students

understand those salves. Then, I made quiz to ensure students learning style and try to apply in

the classroom. The last thing is artifact by making different activities and task for students that

related their learning style to see if they are improvement or not.


There are many theories that said about learning style method. Some theory mention

about students-centered (Jones,2007). This mean student is learning independent by themselves

and became curious by asking more questions (Intro to Inquiry Learning. n.d.). Teachers can use

5 Es model this about making lesson plan include (engage, explore, explain, extend and evaluate)

this plan teacher can follow it to include different learning style in each plan. This plan will help

teacher to recognize what kind of activity she/he will supplies in her/his class. To make sure they

involve learning style during learning (Intro to Inquiry Learning. n.d.). In addition, other theory

related about learning style according to differentiate in learning it help teachers assess all

students especially for the low achiever so , provide learning style help students to improve in

their skills and help teacher to reach the information in way students prefer it (Tomlinson,1999).


Extra theory related to learning style is classroom environment this means teacher have to

focus on the setting of the class because there is display and windows and empty place teacher

have to consider about this and try to make rich environment this by design the class by putting

poster or students work. That related to the visual students because they like to see form seeing

thing learning in front of them they will learn by keep it in their mind. Other thing to connect is

this will help to reduce misbehavior in the class and students will be more quit by have a good

classroom environment (Mahony & Hextall, 2000).


The data that I acquire it were getting some problems; some of it was when I made check

list data to acquire student s learning style. Who I made for her was absent and other girl was

copy her friend so, I did checklist again after I make sure the students are attend the class and

make sure each students choice their own answer. By read each question and give examples for

hard words I try to give synonym and if they don’t understand I translate in Arabic. The other

problem was it takes too much time to calculate and find the result because some data have many




What kind of learning style

students prefer?

Different kinds of task are usually used in the classroom particularly by using for students

when they have to be in the classroom. From figure 1 it shows the large percentage is for visual

style when I did survey. It is 46 percent, kinesthetic learning is 31 percent and the Auditory is 23

percent. This mean most of students prefer visualize things like pictures.

See figure 2 &3 the result I acquire form two different checklist for learning style was

approximately similar result that most students prefer visual learning then they like kinesthetic

by moving and making something the last one is author by hearing. Even if, i had face problem

students are copy their friend answer for the first checklist and then for the next checklist I

changed students seating because I thought they are not seat next to their best friend and they

will imitated her. Put, I found the same result as well.

Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 1


The last data I had do it to check each students

learning style this to ensure the low level of students what

they like to try my hard to improve them and make them like

to learn in way they prefer it. This data tool is quiz for different learning style it shows me

exactly what students like. As you see in figure 4 also, I had same result that most students prefer

visual learning the percentage is 50 percent, for kinesthetic is 38 percentage the last style is

auditory is 12 percent.


The purpose of this study was to identify students learning style. From what the students

learning style I was connecting it in writing task to let students improve.

Some students were improving and other say in the same. This because, students have to

keep what teacher gives them in their mind like paragraph. Students were relying on this way

that is why they feel they don’t have freedom to write in their own words. I had let students to be

free to write what they like in same topic then I market i and giving feedback for each students to

be aware in which area they need to develop themselves.

Figure 4



In conclusion, the results of this study provide that learning style is effects way to help

students to improve in their learning many students develop in their writing skills this because by

use learning style. Like visual by support writing with photos this let students understand what

they going to write about and this most important key to let students to understand the concept.

On the other hand, if there is just question without any images the students may not understand

what the writing about. Many students were interest when I applying tasks with different

learning style. If the teachers follow this research they may help students to improve in many

skills not just for writing skills.



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