
DApps all around

The state of decentralized development

Aron van


DApps = decentralized applications

Like any app, but:No central server

No central control

Backed by blockchains

Backed by other decentralized technologies (IPFS, peer to peer protocols, ...)

My background

Background: 15 years "traditional" IT, mainly medical and financial

Now: building blockchain businesses

My background

Outlier Venturesblockchain incubator and seed
blockchain production studio and center of excellence

Aron van AmmersSeasoned information technologist and manager. 10 years in building and consulting on SaaS solutions for healthcare and finance. Now a recognized blockchain technology expert with applied experience from early 2014.

Jamie BurkeRan digital divisions for WPP looking after strategic planning and partnerships for many of JWTs brands and went on to found 9010 Group a multi-million pound digital innovation & change consultancy. Has since then setup a number of dot com start-ups.

that DApps are built on

From decentralized currency to decentralized apps

From decentralized currency to decentralized apps

that you can use (or see) today


Problem solved:accurate prediction of any event


Ujo Music

Problem solved:

rewarding artists for music

Ujo Music


Problem solved:

fair and ethical saving and lending



Problem solved:

virtual world with true ownership


Problem solved:

renting and selling physical objects

Common challenges
and how to overcome them

Giving users access

Not this:

Giving users access

But this:

Giving users access

Somewhere in the future, maybe never:Have users install a node or web browser

Have users install a custom browser plugin


Make it accessible with a normal web browser for simple usage (Augur, Ujo Music), download for power users

Make it visible with a normal web browser

Mobile app fully interacting (a lot to be done there!)

Stable token of value

Stable token of value

Use oracles for exchange rate USD/ETH (Ujo)

Stick with the blockchain token (Augur,

Use a centralized (but transparent) alternative for now (MoneyCircles)

Use a Bitcoin bridge (but Bitcoin is not very stable either)

Wait for decentralized alternatives to stabilize, for example Maker DAO.

Competing with centralized solutions

Competing with centralized solutions

Warm and fuzzy won't work for large-scale adoptionA better world!

Be free!

Stand up against big evil corporations!

Focus on the unique advantages for users that decentralization has over centralized solutions for the usersGenuinely new possibilities

Empowerment and autonomy


Keep in touch


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