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B r a z i l H o u s e

N Y C C u l t u r a l C e n t e r

T r a s t e v e r e M a s t e r P l a n

P e d e s t r i a n B r i d g e

Campos dos Jordaos, Brazi lRes identialRene GonzalezFal l 2011

Manhattan, New YorkCommercialSarah CaplesFal l 2011

Rome, I talyMaster PlanJaime CorreaFal l 2010

Vico Equense, I talyMaster PlanJaime CorreaFal l 2010

A r t i s t S t u d i o sEast Barre, VermontArt ist Studios & ResidenceJoachim PerezSpr ing 2012


4 2C a v a n e l a s R e s i d e n c eRio de Janeiro, Brazi lCase StudyAlan ShulmanSpr ing 2011

C o n t e n t s

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A r t i s t s S t u d i oDesign IX • Spring 2012E a s t B a r r e • Ve r m o n t

University of Miami School of Architecture

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The site is a granite quarry located in Vermont, the idea for the program is to create a community around the quarry using the natural

properties of the site to enhance the abilities & talents of the artists. Spreading out the program around the site enables to fi ll up the aban-

don quarry, and with it, bring back the interaction between people to the natural world. The cantilevered structures that greet the con-

tour of the southern edge of the quarry is an attempt to provide minimal destruction to the landscape and allow most studios to receive

the soft sunlight coming from the north. Each studio is designed with skylights that stretch the ability to experience the different weather

conditions of the site through the curved form that allows different elements to glide down the roof and reduce heavy loads on the roof.

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Entry/Educational Pavilion

Artist’s Residences

Artist’s Studios

Circulat ionRespect to contourSun study

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Sun F i l t rat ion Prevai l ing Winds Weather Exper ience

E d u c a t i o n a l P a v i l i o nThe educational pavilion is meeting the gentle slope of the stone which serves as a ramp down to its entrance. Inhabitants are able to experi-ence different settings the weather brings through the skylights that ad-dress the circular roof and let different elements slide off of it. The lower level is delivered with an opening to the west elevation that allows for the prevailing winds to ventilate the space during the summer time.

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1. Educational Pavilion & quarry overlook

2. Cafe

3. Bookstore

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Educational Pavi l ion Memorial entrance dropping stone down the wel l - memory

Right at the entrance of the educational pavilion one can perceive the memorial, which serves as a well, metaphorically implying the distinction between heaven and earth commem-orating those who died for the sake of industry in the quarry.

M e m o r i a l

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Right at the entrance of the educational pavilion one can perceive the memorial, which serves as a well, metaphorical-ly implying the distinction be-tween heaven and earth com-memorating those who died for the sake of industry in the quarry.

M e m o r i a l

RiRiRRiRighghghghg t tt attat ttheheheeee eeeennntn raraaaannncncncee e e e ofof tttheheheheheededededucucccatatatioionananannaall papaaavvivivilililiononononon oonenenenee ccccaaanaanpepercrcceieieie vevveve tttthehee mmmmmemeemememmoroooriaiaal,ll, wwwhihihhichchchseseservrvrvesese aaaas s s s aa wewwewewewew llllll , , mmememem tataaphphphpphpphororicicicalalall---lylylyy iiiimpmppppplylylylyyyl iinining g g g thththththe e dididdidiststststtininiii ctctctctctioiooiooioioonnnnnnnn bebeebb ---twtwwtweeeeeeeen n nn heheheh avavavavenenenenen aaaaandnddndnnd eeeeeararrarararaarththhht cccomomomomoomo --mememeememomommm raraaratititt ngnggggng ttttthohohohh seseseeese wwwwwwhoho ddddddieieieieii ddddd fofoooor r r r thththe e ee sasasaas keke oof f ininnnnnndudududududdduststssttryrryryryy iinnnn ththththththheeeee quququququq arararara ryryryryry...

M eM eM eeM eM eeM e mmmm oommm rrrrr i aaaaa llaa

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L i t e r a t u r e S t u d i oThe literature studio is isolated from the rest of the community to avoid interruption of loud noises. It is elevated 5 feet off the ground allowing 360 views to the landscape, telling the story of the place. Its walls are not parallel to each other and at the same time follow a ratio formula (1 x 1.4 x 1.9) of H x W x L which minimize sound refl ection in the rooms.

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P e r f o r m i n g A r t s S t u d i oThe Performing Arts studio is implying movement in its form where at different weather conditions one can visually perceive the gesture of movement through the different natural elements that are falling on top on the roof. The bridge spanning across from the literature studio is going through the performing arts studio leading down to the residences, landscape, and visual studios.

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1. Caretaker residence

2. Kitchen

3. Visiting artist’s residence

4. Visual Arts Studio

5. Landscape Arts Studio









The landscape and visual studios are enjoying the most interesting views of the quarry where the Landscape Art-ist is provided with a lower level of open air space to be able to interact with nature as the creation of the art work is made and the Visual Artist is provided with a upper level to capture different views of the site.

Landscape &Visual Artists Studioe enjoying the The landscape and visual studios are

the Landscapinteresting views of the quarry where open air spaist is provided with a lower level of

the creation obe able to interact with nature as rtist is providedart work is made and the Visual Ar

views of thea upper level to capture different

tudioLandscape &Visual Artists St

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A house located on diffi cult topography not far from the city of Sao Paulo. The structure cantilevers off an existing hill and encapsu-lates the views of the lake and the valley. The house orientation produces a sequence of spatial moments by manipulating the east-ern and western sunlight. A system of louvers coats the kitchen and stairway and creates a linear shadow on the fl oor - device which reveals a sense of movement and time; the living room and the bedrooms are wrapped with dimmer light for a relaxed atmosphere.

B r a z i l H o u s eDesign IX • Fall 2011C a m p o s d o s J o r d a o s • B r a z i l

University of Miami School of Architecture

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Sun study Sun diagram - s i te sect ion

Ground Level

Entry Level

Inter ior L ight Study

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East E levation

North E levation

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North Section

Louvre system adaptable to dif ferent t imes of the year

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East Sect ion - K itchen & Made’s quarter

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West Section - Bedrooms, L iv ing area & Terrace

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Audubon Terrace is a historic landmark situated on 156th Street & Broadway in Upper Manhattan. The project is the result of the demolition of the current school and the client’s desire to build a Hispanic Cultural Center. The terrace is accessed through a court-yard without a direct connection to the existing building - due to a slight topography change on the site. The new Cultural Cent-er provides a green courtyard which addresses the existing one on the same fl oor; the circulation space is designed around a new tree. Solar panels provide 20% of the total building energy. Natural ventilation completes the repertoire of environmen-tal devices; a massive screen, slanted toward the street, catches the wind forces coming from the ocean on the NE of the site.

N Y C C u l t u r a l C e n t e rDesign IX • Fall 2011N Y C • 1 5 5 t h & B r o a d w a y

University of Miami School of Architecture

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Natural vent i lat ion Circulat ion diagram Solar panel system

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Ground LevelGGrGrG oGGGroGGGGrGGrouGroGroGGGrGGrGG ooGrGroGroGGGG ooooo LLL L LLdd Lnd evel

1. Entry Lobby

2. Children’s Lobby

3. Coat Room

4. Storage

5. Phone Booths

6. Multimedia Room

7. Library 1



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Section A

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T r a s t e v e r e M a s t e r p l a nDesign VII • Fall 2010T r a s t e v e r e , R o m e • I t a l y

University of Miami School of Architecture

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A collaborative master plan executed with members of University of Miami Rome Program. The mini-charrette project site was located be-tween two bridges on the Trastevere side: Pointe Sisto & Ponte Palatino/Ponte Rotto. The project focuses on the production of ephemeral summer structures along the embankments of the Tevere River. The master plan includes the reconnection of the two river sides by means of new bridges, restaurant pavilions, coffee shops, elevators, stairway, and market hallsl spread along the river. The ephemeral structures may be removed during the winter time while the permanent infrastructure remains as an art piece in the public spaces of the city.

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The elevator provides a vertical move-ment solution to the existing pedestrian traf-fi c on roads leading to the Coliseum. A metal sheet covers the fl oodwall and articulates the linear halls with a 20 – 30 foot high mod-ule; this device allows for natural sunlight.

Ve r t i c a l C i r c u l a t i o n

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The coffee shops are a series of cantilevered structure that can be easily taken apart when the water level rises in the embankments. The metal sheets that attach to the trusses and es-sentially act as the walls of the coffee shops are articulated with series of linear openings allow-ing natural sunlight to penetrate in the struc-ture and act as visual elements defi ning the space inside through the different light/shadows.

C o f e e S h o p s


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P e d e s t r i a n B r i d g eDesign VII • Fall 2010

V i c o E q u e n s e , N a p o l i • I t a l y

University of Miami School of Architecture

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This project is one amongst many collaborative master plans executed, with members of the Castellamare Stab-bie Archaeological Group, at the University of Maryland in Italy. The design charette focuses on a small coastal town called Vico Equense. The project’s intention was the exploitation of the historic landscape for as a means for cultural and agro-cultural entertainment. The proposed bridge was one of approximately 15 interventions along an old Greco-Roman road. It connects an old Roman suburb with a previous Greek polis at the top of a mountain.

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The rhythm steel rods imitate, in an almost mi-metic form, the geometries of the surround-ing mountains, cloud infested skies, and trees surrounding the site. The river streams under the bridge only during the summer time; during the winter, it gets completely dry. The railing was inspired by the “Aus-tin Texas Bridge” designed by Miro Rivera.

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By: Oscar Niemeyer

C a v a n e l a s R e s i d e n c e S t u d yDesign VII • Fall 2010R i o d e J a n e i r o • B r a z i l

University of Miami School of Architecture

A case study of a house originally designed by Oscar Niemeyer, in Brazil, with collaborative landscapes by Roberto Burle Marx; the roof overhangs beyond the exterior walls; it creates shady terraces over the carport and along its longer axis. Niemey-er used curtain walls to provide an undisruptive view to the valley, mountains, and beyond. Two free-standing stonewalls act as a divider between the private and public space. The divider wall extends to the garden and links the interior and the exteri-or landscape -designed by Roberto Burle Marx. The garden sets the house in frame between its organic and rectilinear shape; one could say that it blurs the lines between cubist European modern architecture (artifi ce/fake) and modernism in Brazil (nature).

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East E levation

West E levation

South Elevation

North E levation

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3600 Mystic Pointe drive Aventura FL, 33180•Phone: (954) 444 3953•email: [email protected]

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D A N I E L B A R A S H I3600 Mystic Point Drive Apt. 518

Aventura FL 33180Phone: (954) 444 3953

email: [email protected]

O B J E C T I V E Develop experience through different types of employment opportunities to obtain a fulltime position in the building and construction industry.

E D U C AT I O NUniversity of Miami Bachelor of Architecture GPA: 3.38

Palm Beach Community College Associate of Arts Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society GPA: 3.79

L.B Development & EngineeringAssistant Project Manager Design Department

• AutoCAD drafting• Preparation of plans for construction• Site inspection • Coordination between design and construction department

Bluestar Auto MoversSales Associate

• Handling logistics of vehicle transporting across the country• Preparation of price through map trace


DigitalProficienciesAutoCAD,Revit,Sketch-up,Photoshop,Illustrator,In-design,MicrosoftOffice,Excel,Final Cut Pro, iWeb, Photography& Drawing skills



Boca Raton Florida May 2008 - February 2009

Ft. Lauderdale Florida June 2007 - January 2008

Boca Raton Florida May 2009

Coral Gables Florida May 2012