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Daily Life: Divorce

Most people believe that the biggest grounds for divorce are either infidelity or arguments over money. However, a new report from British law firm Gateley suggests otherwise. According to its analysis of 350 divorce cases, seven out of ten divorces occur because of disputes over who does what household chores. Twenty percent of divorces are due to unfaithfulness. Gateley says gone are the days when the wife did all the cooking and cleaning. Dual income marriages now mean split responsibilities for vacuuming, doing the dishes and tidying. Gateley advised couples to discuss who does what before walking down the aisle. A spokeswoman said that, "going into a marriage blind could be a recipe for disaster".

Conversely, a study in Norway suggests that couples who share household chores are more likely to split up. Thomas Hansen, co-author of the report 'Equality in the Home,' said the divorce rate among couples who shared housework equally was 50 percent higher than for those where women did all the work. Mr Hansen said that in Norway women did most of the housework in 70 percent of marriages, and were "largely happy" to do so.

Relatedly, because of the poor economy recently, many families are now "too poor to split up". The U.K. charity Relate said that in many middle-income families, couples stay together because they can't afford to divorce. Relate says this results in a "toxic" home environment.

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Daily Life: Divorce


What are some common reasons why people get divorced?

Let’s think about household chores... with your group, write down the chores that most people do in their houses.

Talk with your group...

Which chores do you like to do? Why?

Which chores do you dislike? Why?

If you get married someday, what household chores do you want your husband/wife to do?

Do you expect that you will share housework equally, or not? (and do you WANT to share?)


離婚する理由 ___________________________________







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Daily Life: Divorce

Reading 20 Questions

(1) What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

(2) What do most people usually think are the biggest reasons for divorce?

(3) Whose reasearch is discussed in this paragraph?

(4) What makes them experts on this topic?

(5) In what country was this research done?

(6) What new results did they find about divorce?

(7) What advice does the law firm give to couples?

(8) Going into a marriage blind doesn’t mean 目が見えない。。。what does it really mean?

(9) The second paragraph starts with the world “conversely”. Thinking about this word...would you guess that the

second paragraph would have a similar opinion to the first... or would you guess that the opinion will be completely


(10) What is the main idea of the 2nd paragraph?

(11) Where was this study done?

(12) In the majority of the homes in Norway, what percent of the housework is done by women?

(13) Women do most/all of the housework in what percent of marriages in Norway?

(14) According to this study, how do women in Norway feel about this situation?

(15) What surprising reason is given in paragraph 3 for couples not getting a divorce?

(16) The people talked about in paragraph 3 are from what country?

(17) Why do people in the UK have so little money?

(18) Who is the “expert” making the statements in paragraph 3?

(19) Which social group is saying that they are “too poor to divorce”?

(20) Does Relate think that it is good for couples to stay together if they want a divorce?

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Daily Life: Divorce

After Reading

Now that you have read this article, if you get married someday, what will you do (regarding housework)?

What do you think might be some reasons why the results were so different between UK and Norway? (just your guess at possible reasons)

What do you think are big reasons why people get divorced in Japan?

How much does it cost to get a divorce in Japan?

What other expensed might there be to get divorced (besides the divorce itself)?

After Reading

Make a pie graph showing the reasons why people divorce in the UK.

Make a bar graph showing who does housework in Norway.

Interview your classmates. Find out who does the housework in their families. OR Who they expect to do the housework when/if they get married. Graph the results.

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Daily Life: Divorce


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Daily Life: Divorce

household chores

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Daily Life: Divorce

Grammar: Day 1

(1) 私は毎日皿洗いをしています。___________________________________________________

(2) この洗濯機は高かった。___________________________________________________

(3) この洗濯機は高かったですか。___________________________________________________

(4) あなたは毎日片付けをします。___________________________________________________

(5) あなたは毎日片付けをしていますか。___________________________________________________

(6) 料理をしますか。___________________________________________________

(7) 料理をしないのですか。___________________________________________________

(8) 洗剤はどこですか。___________________________________________________

(9) あなたのフィアンセの名前は何ですか。___________________________________________________

(10) 忙しいですね。(付加疑問文)___________________________________________________

(11) 疲れたですね。(付加疑問文)___________________________________________________

(12) 怒ってますね。(付加疑問文)___________________________________________________

(13) ごゆっくり。___________________________________________________

(14) なんてわくわくするんだろう!(how) ___________________________________________________

(15) なんてすばらしい!(how) ___________________________________________________

(16) なんて便利なんでしょう!(how) ___________________________________________________

(17) びっくりした! (what) ___________________________________________________

(18) 二人が幸せでありますように (may) ___________________________________________________

(19) 新年もいい年でありますように (may) ___________________________________________________

(20) あなたの一日が良い日でありますように (may) ___________________________________________________